Local Plan Part 1
RESTORMEL BOROUGH COUNCIL Local Plan 2001 – 2011 (Reprint incorporating Secretary of State’s Saved Policies Changes) Written Statement INDEX OF POLICIES BY TOPIC GENERAL POLCIES Subject Policy Numbers Plan Strategy Policies 1, 2 Development Envelopes 3 Comprehensive Development 4 Development and Design Principles 6 Development and Community Benefits 7 ENERGY Subject Policy Numbers Energy Demands and Buildings 8 Energy Demands and Transport 9 Energy Supply 10 ENVIRONMENT AND CONSERVATION Subject Policy Numbers General Policies Protecting the Borough’s Heritage 11, 12 Landscaping Landscaping SA2, SA37, N1, R60, R78, R93 Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and the Heritage Coast 13 Areas of Great Landscape Value 14 Building Conservation Building Conservation SA3, N2, R9, R17, R28, R71, R90, R101A, R117 Conservation Areas 31 Areas of Local Architectural and Historic Value 32, R42, R103, R119 Listed Buildings 33 Conversion and Change of the Use of Buildings 34, SA3 Development and Town Cramming 35 Nature Conservation Nature Conservation SA5, SA44, SA52, R2, R11, R13, R18, R22, R27, R33, R38, R44, R59, R72, R79, R91, R92, R102, R105, R118, R121 Special Area of Conservation (SACs) 14A Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) 15 Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs) 16, N4 Conservation Corridors 17 Protecting the Wider Countryside 18 Species Protection 19 New Habitats 20 Trees 21 Community Woodlands 22 Local Nature Reserve SA53, N5, R106 Earth Science Sites 23, SA6, N6, R19, R80, R122 Archaeology Areas of Great Historic Value
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