Maurice Sendak | 40 pages | 26 May 2007 | HarperCollins Publishers Inc | 9780064431859 | English | New York, NY, United States Outside Over There by

Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Outside Over There by Maurice Sendak. With Papa off to sea and Mama despondent, Ida must go outside over there to rescue her baby sister from goblins who steal her to be a goblin's bride. Get A Copy. Paperback , 40 pages. Published February 28th by HarperCollins first published More Details Original Title. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Outside Over There , please sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of Outside Over There. Aug 22, karen rated it it was amazing Shelves: mark-harmon , kiddiwinx. View all 24 comments. May 21, Hilary rated it it was ok Recommends it for: Not children. Shelves: children-without-adults , male-author-or-illustrator , fairy-tales-and-folk-tales. This is such a scary book, it could be seen as a fairytale perhaps for adults to read and the illustrations are so skillfully drawn. But as a children's book it's just too disturbing. I can remember picking this up in the children's area of the library, I must have been under 5 yrs and I found it really scary. I'm so glad I couldn't This is such a scary book, it could be seen as a fairytale perhaps for adults to read and the illustrations are so skillfully drawn. I'm so glad I couldn't read because I would have found out that this little girl baby is being stolen for a bride for the goblins and not getting married when she grows up which would be bad enough but getting married as a baby. The text also mentions the honeymoon which I think is really disturbing considering we are talking about a baby. Not a book for children. Outside Over There must refer to where children ask their parents to put this book after having it for a bedtime story. Read on openlibrary. View all 29 comments. Apr 01, Manybooks rated it did not like it Shelves: fairy-tales-fantasy , folklore-kunstmarchen , childrens-literature , picture-books , book-reviews. And while I at first did think that I would be granting a high two star rating to Outside Over There , sorry, but in particular the featured narrative, the way that young Ida is textually described and presented by the author just does so much and personally chafe and ache that I can and will only consider one star but please also do note that I have absolutely no issue with Outside Over There being in print, that while I personally have not at all enjoyed the book, I also do not think that Outside Over There is inappropriate and needs to be censored or restricted. Now I do recognise that my ultra-negative reaction is more than likely entirely personal and emotional, but be that as it may, I stand by the fact that Outside Over There really and majorly bothers me deep down inside and that frankly, I am also glad not to have encountered Outside Over There as a young child. Now as to the accompanying illustrations for Outside Over There , while I do admit that they are adept and evocatively rendered, personally, and although I usually and generally love love love Maurice Sendak's artwork, I have not really found the pictorial images of especially Ida all that aesthetically pleasing her feet look huge, and her face, well, it makes her appear like a haggard old woman, not a young girl, and in fact, strangely, the depressed mother actually has a much more youthful countenance than Ida. And while I certainly have no issues with the fact that the goblin babies are depicted as being naked, I do find it a trifle unsettling how in one's proverbial face and at such close visual range this is always being depicted. I mean Outside Over There really has nothing even remotely to do with nakedness, with nudity per se, but yet, there are at least six large illustrative spreads of cavorting naked goblin babies and very close to the edge of the page at that and as such much more visually and even physically closer for that matter than little Mickey in and with him, there actually is a bona fide reason for him being in the buff, as he is dreaming and in his dream, he is naked, but in Outside Over There , the illustrated nakedness of the goblin babies, while it definitely has not really bothered me all that much as nudity is something entirely natural, definitely does feel gratuitous and unnecessary. View all 20 comments. Feb 25, Calista rated it really liked it Shelves: award-caldecott , genre-fantasy , genre-mystery , women , z-maurice- sendak , genre-horror-gothic , art-lovely , award-various , bage-children , award-national-book. I really like this book. It was the inspiration for the movie 'the Labyrinth'. This is a book of art. Each page is so beautiful. It is stunning. The problem with the stunning art is the story. It is a scary story. My niece is still scared to go to sleep by herself. I can't let her read this story of people climbing in a window and stealing away a child. She is rescued, but this would be too much for her. I know the child is unharmed and the girl saves the day and all, but it was disturbing for I really like this book. I know the child is unharmed and the girl saves the day and all, but it was disturbing for me in ways. This is a horror story for children. But the art is out of this world beautiful and safe. It's a mix of horror and beauty. So strange. I actually liked the story knowing the kidnappers were goblins, but I won't read this to the kids. It is intense. Maybe I'm overprotective, but I don't want the parents-my brother- to kill me once their children will no longer sleep alone. I wouldn't be allowed to read more books to them. Wow, such a powerful story. View 2 comments. Shelves: caldecott , banned-books , most-loved-by-me , favorite-kids-books , young-children-s-books. It is absolutely beautiful. Recently I gave them each their own copy for their Hope less Chests, so that they can read it to their own children. My children are all in therapy and take strong psychiatric medicines due to their fear of being exchanged by goblins for an ice changling and being carried away. I am positive that the reading of this book in their formative years had nothing whatsoever to do with that, however. By the way, I am drugged and in therapy too. Keeps the drooling at bay. Oct 09, Marie rated it it was amazing Shelves: children-s , goblins , changeling. I was not, however, acquainted with this book until this summer. Aside from winning numerous awards and inspiring LaValles The Changeling , this is the book that inspired the movie Labrynth. This book is dark, mysterious, magical. The father is away at sea. The mother is depressed, aloof.. Ida, the older sister, is the one who must watch over her baby sister, but turns away while playing her horn, neglectful. With her back turned, faceless goblins enter through the window stealing away the baby and leaving an ice version of a baby in its place. Ida scoops up the changeling that the goblins left behind which then melts in her arms. Ida is eventually successful in recovering her sister by putting the goblins into a dancing frenzy with her tune. Was she jealous of the baby and that is why she wished her away? The artwork in this book is not of the cartoonish quality found in In the Night Kitchen. The art is reminiscent of 19th century German paintings. Do all the characters of the dream reflect the thoughts and feelings of the dreamer? I read this to my daughter who had just turned 5. She was mesmerized and when we finished she turned back to the page where the goblins are stealing the baby and asked me to read it again. I highly recommend this book for everyone! Maurice Sendak has also said he does not write for children, but simply writes. He has escaped this notion that we need to protect our children from the experience of loss and strangeness in life. View all 6 comments. Shelves: ghost-stories , 4-star , buy-it-you-fool. Much as I hate interpretations of artists based on their books, I've got to say - Sendak has got some serious problems with women. They fall in and out of their clothes and wander about with arrogant nakedness, they create Much as I hate interpretations of artists based on their books, I've got to say - Sendak has got some serious problems with women. They fall in and out of their clothes and wander about with arrogant nakedness, they create violent, mythical worlds, they abandon their parents and are forgiven and return to dinner waiting for them, still hot. Basically the theme of his many other books, as well. Here, we have Ida. Poor Ida is a good girl. She takes care of her baby sister while Papa is at sea and Mama sits under the arbor, in a catatonic state. And one day, while she is winding her horn to soothe the baby, the goblins come in and replace Sister with a baby made of ice. Dear baby, says Ida, I love you so. But the baby - oh, horror - melts in her arms and shatters on the floor. Ida puts on her cloak and takes her horn and goes to find her sister, hidden among goblins in a goblin wedding. Typical children's book. But underneath it all, there is a current of real viciousness. The prose is clumsy, always seeming ready to rhyme, never succeeding - the one or two couplets are even more awkward than the rest. The illustrations are violent and disturbing. Here is Ida in a passion, eyes wide, on her tip-toes and her fist up in rage; here is Ida tumbling backwards out her window, through the mass of sunflowers grown by the tune of her wonder-horn, falling 'outside over there'. Here is Ida, wide- eyed and with a docile face, limbs akimbo, raincoat trailing, crawling among goblins. Here is wicked Ida, playing a captivating tune on her horn, making goblins dance fast and faster until they cannot breathe, until they beg for mercy, until the 'frenzied jig, a hornpipe that makes sailors wild' has churned the goblins into a rush of water passing by. Here is Ida, smiling at her murders. Sendak never describes his boys like this. They are wild, they are free. When they step out of bounds, an adventure begins. But Ida makes "a serious mistake". What mistake? Leaving through the window backwards? Going to find her sister? Ida is "foolish, never looking". Ida is careless. She "never watched" the goblins come. She did not notice the changeling until the water pooled on the floor and dripped water on her feet. Ida must be taught by her father's song coming on from off the sea where to search for the baby. Ida is "sly", Ida is "terrible", Ida is a girl and allowed only to "watch the baby and her Mama I can't remember reading this as a child - which doesn't mean that I didn't - only that I don't remember. But I didn't read it. I would have remembered. Shelves: childrens , fiction , readbooks-male-author-or-illust , picture-books , zz-2star , z , orphaned-and-quasi-orphaned-kids , reviewed. Oh, no no no no. Not for me. Well, I feel as though there is something the matter with me but I didnt much like this story. I think I need to read this to some children and see their responses. I confess the only reason I gave Where the Wild Things Are four stars is because over the years, as an adolescent and as an adult, Ive read it to many children, and their enthusiasm has been contagious. If Id read it in a void Id have also given it two stars only. I think Id have appreciated the Oh, no no no no. This story was way too creepy for me. After all, I certainly enjoy many dark books, much darker than this one. Feel free to share with me what I may be missing about it. View all 40 comments. Feb 09, Manny rated it liked it Shelves: science-fiction , well-i-think-its- funny , children , why-not-call-it-poetry. Pretty much your average feminist magical realist changeling recovery picture book for children story. I'm told there's hundreds of them. Aug 08, Malbadeen rated it did not like it Shelves: picture-books , creepybooks. Sendak, Please seek therapy elsewhere and stop scaring the hell out of me! View 1 comment. Jul 14, Skylar Burris rated it really liked it Shelves: childrens. I read this to my young daughter without previewing first, and regretted it shortly into it. Before bed she expressed deep concern that the goblins would take her stuffed Pooh bear away. Her baby brother, however, she was not concerned about for some reason. The next day she spent an hour pretending to rescue her "babies" from the goblins. The I read this to my young daughter without previewing first, and regretted it shortly into it. The story is beautifully illustrated and uniquely told, and the truth is that kids do like to be scared for some strange reason She quite liked it. I don't think I want to encourage her to dwell on goblins, however, so back to the library this one has gone I'm not generally one to believe in kid gloves when it comes to children's literature It has the flavor of a Grimm's fairy tale. On the other hand, I often think back on the books that fascinated me as a child, and their creepiness and grimness, and I think perhaps we lose something in not allowing children to contemplate and confront their deepest fears May 01, Mir rated it it was amazing Shelves: picture , mythology , favorite. This deceptively simple mythopoetic tale of a sister rescuing a baby from the goblins is powerful and disturbing in the manner of dreams. This was the closest I could get to what he looked like to me. Outside Over There follows Ida, a young girl bearing the brunt of responsibility for caring for her baby sister while her father is away at sea and her mother immobile from melancholy. While music, or rather the act of Ida playing on her wonder horn and neglecting to attend to her sister, helps to cause the kidnapping of the baby by the goblins, music is the tool or action which redeems Ida. Mozart became the godhead. Mozart, by way of this inscription, receives his due acknowledgement as muse. The book is a release of something that has long pressured my internal self. If for only once in my life, I have touched the place where I wanted to go, and when Ida goes home, I go home too. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Outside Over There - Maurice Sendak - Google Books

Check nearby libraries Library. Share this book Facebook. Last edited by ImportBot. July 31, History. An edition of Outside over there Written in English — 40 pages. Zai na yao yuan de di fang , Ge lin wen hua shi ye you xian gong si. Outside over there. Outside over there , Puffin. Outside over there , Bodley Head. When Papa was away at sea, Ida played her wonder horn to rock the baby still - but never watched. Passwords must include at least 8 characters. Please try your entry again. Community matters. Stay up to date on breaking news, trends, reviews, and more. Get access to reviews of books, ebooks, and more. Free Access Account. Log In. Invalid email or password. Try again. Forgot password? LOG IN. Don't have a Horn Book Account? Register Now. Subscriber Services. Outside Over There by Maurice Sendak; illus. Get Print. Get Digital. Get Both! Horn Book. Be the first reader to comment. Comment Policy: Be respectful, and do not attack the author, people mentioned in the article, or other commenters. Take on the idea, not the messenger. In Victor Lavalle 's book, The Changeling , the main character recites passages from Outside Over There in an effort to understand his son's disappearance. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Children's literature portal Visual arts portal. Psychoanalytic Study of the Child. Outside Over There. New York: Harper Collins. National Book Foundation. Retrieved Maurice Sendak. Atomics for the Millions by Dr. father brother. WILL VARLEY - OUTSIDE OVER THERE LYRICS

Song Lyrics. Review: RIFF-it. RIFF-it good. Add Comment. As for My Soul 2. Dark Days Away 3. From Halcyon 4. Is Anyone Out There? Outside Over There 6. Seize the Night 7. Send My Love to the System 8. Talking Cat Blues 9. The Endlessness and the Space Between Customers who bought this item also bought. Stock Image. Outside over There Sendak, Maurice. New Quantity available: 5. Seller Rating:. Seller Image. Published by HarperCollins New Paperback Quantity available: Outside, over There Paperback Maurice Sendak. Book Depository hard to find London, United Kingdom. Outside Over There Sendak, Maurice. Published by Harper Collins New Paperback Quantity available: 1. New Quantity available: 1. New Softcover Quantity available: 1. There are more copies of this book View all search results for this book. Outside Over There draws more specifically from the Lindbergh case. A child is stolen from its crib through a window, accessed by a ladder, and one of the illustrations of the lost baby is a deliberate portrait of the infant Charles Lindbergh Jr. The theme of a protective sister is drawn from Sendak's own childhood, in which his older sister was his primary caregiver and devoted playmate. Jim Henson's film Labyrinth was at least partially inspired by the book. The closing credits of the film state " Jim Henson acknowledges his debt to the works of Maurice Sendak". It is used to help the main character, a young Japanese student named Yoko, interpret a dream. English singer- songwriter Will Varley sings a song of the same title inspired by the book on his album Postcards From Ursa Minor. In Victor Lavalle 's book, The Changeling , the main character recites passages from Outside Over There in an effort to understand his son's disappearance. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Children's literature portal Visual arts portal. Psychoanalytic Study of the Child.

Outside Over There (Caldecott Collection) - AbeBooks - Sendak, Maurice:

Zai na yao yuan de di fang , Ge lin wen hua shi ye you xian gong si. Outside over there. Outside over there , Puffin. Outside over there , Bodley Head. Download for print-disabled. When Papa was away at sea, Ida played her wonder horn to rock the baby still - but never watched. Classifications Library of Congress PZ7. S47 Ou Dewey [E]. First Sentence "When Papa was away at sea, Ida played her wonder horn to rock the baby still - but never watched. Classifications Library of Congress. Ordich, MLS. Loading Related Books. October 8, Edited by ImportBot. July 31, Edited by Clean Up Bot. However, because she exits the window backwards she enters Outside Over There where she cannot find the goblins or her sister. She then hears her father's voice telling her to turn around into the rain. She does so and interrupts the goblins, now in the form of babies, in the midst of a wedding. To find her sister among the crying babies, Ida plays a captivating tune on her horn until the goblins dance in a frenzy and fall into a stream. Ida then picks up her sister and heads home to her mother who has received a letter from her father where he promises to come home one day and asks Ida to watch over her sister. In the documentary Tell Them Anything You Want: A Portrait of Maurice Sendak , Sendak describes his awareness in around age 4 of the sensational Lindbergh baby kidnapping case, including a newspaper photograph of the child's remains. That experience showed him the mortality and peril of children, which the adult Sendak has expressed in many books. Outside Over There draws more specifically from the Lindbergh case. A child is stolen from its crib through a window, accessed by a ladder, and one of the illustrations of the lost baby is a deliberate portrait of the infant Charles Lindbergh Jr. The theme of a protective sister is drawn from Sendak's own childhood, in which his older sister was his primary caregiver and devoted playmate. Jim Henson's film Labyrinth was at least partially inspired by the book. The closing credits of the film state " Jim Henson acknowledges his debt to the works of Maurice Sendak". It is used to help the main character, a young Japanese student named Yoko, interpret a dream. English singer-songwriter Will Varley sings a song of the same title inspired by the book on his album Postcards From Ursa Minor. In Victor Lavalle 's book, The Changeling , the main character recites passages from Outside Over There in an effort to understand his son's disappearance. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Children's literature portal Visual arts portal. https://static.s123-cdn-static.com/uploads/4645633/normal_601f8b5355f8c.pdf https://static.s123-cdn-static.com/uploads/4638960/normal_601f3511ad0d5.pdf https://uploads.strikinglycdn.com/files/2447dcb0-ae9f-48e9-8bdb-ae1f96caf705/softwarereflexionen-ideen-und-konzepte-fur-die-praxis-922.pdf https://static.s123-cdn-static.com/uploads/4639006/normal_601ebf9ac9cea.pdf https://static.s123-cdn-static.com/uploads/4643891/normal_6020afa0b5428.pdf https://static.s123-cdn-static.com/uploads/4643091/normal_6020071f827a1.pdf https://static.s123-cdn-static.com/uploads/4636896/normal_6020d20f4ae64.pdf https://files8.webydo.com/9591203/UploadedFiles/7F5A29ED-E248-5237-88A1-623B2450378E.pdf