Valuation & Corporate Finance Advisors Munich, Germany 14 November 2016 Forum 6 | „Unternehmensbewertung in der Nullzins-Ära“ 14. Deutscher Corporate Discussion Materials M&A-Kongress Content Concerning the content of this document please contact: Development Interest Yields Daniel Kittlauss Parameters in valuation formula Managing Director, Frankfurt Valuation Advisory Services Market Cap versus Earnings expectation +49 (0)170 786 3531 Implied cost of capital and implied market risk premia
[email protected] Countries with over- under valuation in stock market Andreas Stoecklin Managing Director, Munich Development of Corporate debt market Corporate Finance +49 (89) 388 884 120 So where is the next invest bubble in 2017?
[email protected] Klaus Pflum Senior Advisor Corporate Finance +49 (89) 388 884 110
[email protected] Duff&Phelps 2November14,2016 1987, 1997, 2007: The Next “Lehman”… Coming in 2017?“ Investors snapped up shares The NASDAQ Composite, home to of South Sea Company more most of the dot-com companies, 1720 soard from under 500 to over 5000 than eight-fold over 6- South Sea Company 2017 ? months period before it in 15 months. Hundreds of these A British joint-stock company and companies achieved multi-billion Sovereign Bonds bubble collapsed, in expectation of a public-private partnership Global central bankers are busy keeping the repeat of the success of the dollar valuation as soon as they created to consolidate and went public financial system liquid with helicopter East India