Bokchi To, 0 Klahoma Before the Federal Communications Commission " *,, .,.Li'ii"
Re: Pet-i~ionfor Rule Making Bokchi to, 0 klahoma Before the Federal Communications Commission " *,, .,.Li'iI".. Washington, D.C. 20554 :.' k.,jh)j{,<-~d".... L r". I ; To: ,john Karousos, Assistant Chief ,iar:iio Division ijf the PI d Ia R Lire a u PETITION FOR RULE MAKING ~ur.;uarit to 47 C.F.K. 1.401, Charles Crawford re;;pe~:i~iullypetitions the FCC to institute a Rule Makinq pr:ic?:cdin(j to amend the FM Table of Allotments to add C'h~nnrL241~A at HOkChitO, Oklahoma. UlSCUSSION Petitioner respectfully submits that the public t wc>l:ld be served by allocating Channel 241A to o, L3klahoma as that community's first local FM . Bokchito is dn incorporated community with a ion of 600 people. Bokchito has its own mayor, Wi;~bii"r:Burns, its cwn sc;hools, volunteer fire department, partment, post office and a number of local Bokchito i:; a community that is certainly (~floczl FM service. The proposed channel 241A ids addiLional diversity and an outlet for local scl~f-ixpre:jsion t 3 Rokchito residents and therefore is in tnii p~ibliciriteresr. Tn order for Channel 241A to be allotted at Bokchito, Okiahonl;i, :.he vacant allotment for Channel 241A at Clayton, ma w:ll need to be replaced with Channel 263A and I? KXXY Channel 241C at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma must be riic-ldssified to a C0. (See, Att.achment A, Request to ~ ted to Clayton, Oklahoma, statior. KATT Channel ;C3(~';it (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma must be reclassified to a (:('#. Lee, Attachment B, Request to Reclassify statement) ~ poseti ti changes are as follows: Bokct1 ito, OK Cit3ytan, OK 241A 2 63A (?klai:om;i City, OK KXXY 241C 241CO Ok.l;~.,li<>~aCity, OK KATT 263C 263CO ,At~t,irhedhereto is d channel study confirming that ~Cl;ciri~ii:t 24 i.A can be allocated to Bokchito, Oklahoma, iil~rit wit~h the FCC's FM separation rules provided the (changes ,ire made at Clayton and Oklahoma City.
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