Bulletin of Geography. Socio–economic Series / No. 38 (2017): 73–92 BULLETIN OF GEOGRAPHY. SOCIO–ECONOMIC SERIES DE journal homepages: http://www.bulletinofgeography.umk.pl/ http://wydawnictwoumk.pl/czasopisma/index.php/BGSS/index http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/bog ISSN 1732–4254 quarterly G Accommodation services for competitive tourism in Sub-Saharan Africa: Historical evidence from Malawi Alice Magombo1, CDF, Christian M. Rogerson2, CFMR, Jayne M. Rogerson3, CMR 1Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Culture, Lilongwe, Malawi, phone: +265 775 499, e-mail:
[email protected]; 2Univer- sity of Johannesburg, School of Tourism & Hospitality, Kerzner Administration Building, Bunting Road Campus, Bunting Road, Auckland Park, 2006, Johannesburg, South Africa; phone: +270 115 591 167, e-mail:
[email protected] (corresponding author); 3University of Johannesburg, Department of Geography, Environmental Management and Energy Studies, D3 Lab Office 331, King- sway Campus, Kingsway, Auckland Park, 2006, Johannesburg, South Africa; phone +270 115 592 439, e-mail:
[email protected] How to cite: Magombo, A., Rogerson, C.M. and Rogerson, J.M., 2017: Accommodation services for competitive tourism in Sub-Saharan Af- rica: Historical evidence from Malawi. In: Biegańska, J. and Szymańska, D. editors, Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series, No. 38, Toruń: Nicolaus Copernicus University, pp. 73–92. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/bog-2017-0035 Abstract. The accommodation services sector is a vital underpinning of the com- Article details: petitiveness of destinations in especially emerging tourism regions of the glob- Received: 20 September 2016 al economy. Within the environment of Africa building the competitiveness of Revised: 31 January 2017 Accepted: 21 July 2017 countries as tourism destinations is inseparable from the challenge of establish- ing a network of different forms of accommodation at competitive prices and in- ternationally acceptable quality standards.