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Contact Name: Wlr WVD Licence Application Agglomeration details ,Leading Local Authority Roscommon County Council CO-Applicants Agglomeration Frenchpark and Environs Population Equivalent 705 Level of Treatment Preliminary, Primary and Secondary Treatment Treatment plant address Roosky Wastewater Treatment Plant, Cloonshanville Townland, Frenchpark, County Roscommon Grid Ref (12 digits, 6E, 6N) 173496 / 291 144 (Verifed using GPS) EPA Reference No: Q Contact details contact Name: Wlr. Kieran Madden Contact Address: Water Services Department, Courthouse, Roscommon Town, County Roscommon Contact Number: 0906637185 Contact Fax: 0906637108 Contact Email: [email protected] For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. WWD L-icence Application - Frenchpark and Environs - Page: I EPA Export 26-07-2013:14:07:18 WWD Licence Application Annex I Table D.l(i)(a): EMISSIONS TO SURFACE/GROUND WATERS (Primary Discharge Point) Discharge Point Code: SW-1 Local Authority Ref No: Source of Emission: Open discharge Location: Carricknabraher River Grid Ref (12 digits, 6E, 6N) 174446 / 290575 (Verifed using GPS) Name of Receiving waters: Carricknabraher River Water Body: River Water Body River Basin District Shannon IRBD Designation of Receiving Waters: none Flow Rate in Receiving Waters: 999999 m3.sec1Dry Weather Flow 999999lm3.sec-'95% Weather Flow commentary on zero flow or other Emission Details: NormaVday 141 m3 Maximum/day 999999 m3 Maximum 999999 m3 Period of emission 60 min/hr 24 hr/day 365 day/yr rate/hour (avg) Dry Weather Flow 999999 m3/sec For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. WWD Licence Application. - Frenchpark and Environs - Page: 2 EPA Export 26-07-2013:14:07:18 WWD Licence Application Annex I Table D.l(i)(b): EMISSIONS TO SURFACE/GROUND WATERS - Characteristics of The Emission (Primary Discharge Point) Discharge Point Code: SW-1 \ For Orthophosphate: this monitoring should be undertaken on a sample filtered on 0.45pm filter paper For Phenols: USEPA Method 604, AWWA Standard Method 6240,,orequivalent. For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. WWD Licence Application - Frenchpark and Environs - Page: 3 EPA Export 26-07-2013:14:07:18 WWD Licence Application Annex I Table D.l(i)(c): DANGEROUS SUBSTANCE EMISSIONS TO SURFACE/GROUND WATERS - Characteristics of The Emission (Primalry Discharge Point) Discharge Point Code: SW-1 e 0.05 0.007 = 1.45 0.204 I Barium ,Grab = 17 2.4 For Orthophosphate: this monitoring should be undertaken on a sample filtered on 0.45pm filter paper For Phenols: USEPA Method 604, AWAStandard Method 6240, or equivalent. For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. WWD Licence Application - Frenchpark and Environs - Page: 4 EPA Export 26-07-2013:14:07:18 WWD Licence Application.. Annex I le-' li TABLE E.l(i): WASTE WATER FREQUENCY AND QUANTITY OF DISCHARGE - Primary and Secondary Discharge Points I sw-1 I365 151465 For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. WWD Licence Application - Frenchpark and Environs - Page: 5 EPA Export 26-07-2013:14:07:18 WWD Licence Application Annex I TABLE E.l(ii): WASTE WATER FREQUENCY AND QUANTITY OF DISCHARGE - Storm Water Overflows cation Code for Dlscharge Frequency of dischaige Quantity of Waste Water Complies with Definition of Stom (daydannum) Discharged (mVannum) Water Overflow For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. WWD Licence Application - Frenchpark and Environs - Page: 6 EPA Export 26-07-2013:14:07:18 WDLicence Application Annex I TABLE F.l (i)(a): SURFACE/GROUND WATER MONITORING Primary Discharge Point / 290296 (Verifed using GPS) Sampling QuantitatlonLimit of IplaWsmethod / I Imethod I I I I 10/03/09 I 30/03/09 I06/04/09 I27/04/09 I I I I 1Nitrite (as N) I I = 0.001 ;= 0.002 I = 0.004 ]Grab lo.001 1 Kone I I Nitrate (as N) // 1 = 0.373 I = 0.385 = 0.199 1 Grab 10.006 1 Kone I Total Phosphorous (as P) I=0.037 = 0.041 ' = 0.054 Ganimede I i Grab , = 0.006 = 0.013 = 0 018 I Grab '0.002 I Subhate (so4) I = 3.07 = 6.34 I = 7.33 Grab ' 0.11 Kone I 1 For inspection purposes only. 1 1 Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. Additional Comments: I WWD Licence Application - Frenchpark and Environs - Page: 7 EPA Export 26-07-2013:14:07:18 WWD Licence Application Annex I For Orthophosphate:this monitoring should be undertakenon a sample filtered on 0.45pm filter paper For Phenols: USEPA Method 604, AWWA Standard Method 6240, or equivalent. Additional Comments: For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. WWD L-icence Application - Frenchpark and Environs - Page: 8 EPA Export 26-07-2013:14:07:18 WWD Licence Application Annex I TABLE F.l(i)(b): SURFACE/GROUND WATER MONITORING (Dangerous Substances) Primary Discharge Point / 290296 (Verifed using GPS) I Parameter I I 10/03/09 \30/03/09 I06/04/09 I 27/04/09 I I I I For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. Additional Comments: I l WWD Licence Application - Frenchpark and Environs - Page: 9 EPA Export 26-07-2013:14:07:18 WWD Licence Application Annex I Sampling Limit of Analysis method QuanWon method I technique 30/04/09 11 /05/09 Additional Comments: For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. WWD Licence Application - Frenchpark and Environs - Page: 10 EPA Export 26-07-2013:14:07:19 m WWD Licence Application Annex I I@ TABLE F.l (i)(a): SURFACElGROUND WATER MONITORING Primary Discharge Point ~ / 290339 (Verifed using GPS) For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. For Orthophosphate: this monitoring should be undertaken on a sample filtered on 0.45pm filter paper For Phenols: USEPA Method 604,AWWA Standard Method 6240,or equivalent. Additional Comments: , WWD Licence Application - Frenchpark and Environs - Page: 11 EPA Export 26-07-2013:14:07:19 /II WWD Licence Application Annex I I! I! ~ 1,11 I ~ ~ I For Orthophosphate: this monitoring should be undertaken on a sample filtered on 0.45pm filter paper For Phenols: USEPA Method 604, AWWA Standard Method 6240, or equivalent. Additional Comments: t For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. WWD Licence Application - Frenchpark and Environs - Page: 12 EPA Export 26-07-2013:14:07:19 WWD Licence Application Annex I TABLE F.l(i)(b): SURFACE/GROUND WATER MONITORING (Dangerous Substances) Primary Discharge Point / 290339 (Verifed using GPS) I Paremeter I I 10/03/09 I 30/03/09 I 06/04/09 I27/04/09 I I I For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. Additional Comments: WWD Licence Application - Frenchpark and Environs - Page: 13 EPA Export 26-07-2013:14:07:19 WWD Licence Application Annex I Parameter I I I technique Atrazine 0.01 Dichloromethane 10 Simazine 0.01 Toluene <I Tributyltin 0.01 Xylenes <I Arsenic = 0.6 Chromium = 16 Copper = 6.1 Cyanide = 10 30 ' Flouride I I< 0.1 Grab I IC Lead I I= 0.9 Grab 10.3 1 ICP-MS Nickel =4 Grab '0.5 ] ICP-MS Zinc =9 Grab 1 ICP-MS Boron 0.01 Grab ~ 0 02 ICP-MS Cadmium 0.02 Grab 0.1 ICP-MS Mercury 0.05 I Grab 0.02 ICP-MS Selenium Grab 0.2 ICP-MS Barium Grab 1 ICP-MS Additional Comments: For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. WWD Licence Application - Frenchpark and Environs - Page: 14 EPA Export 26-07-2013:14:07:19 WWD Licence Application.. Annex I1 Q Annex 2 Check List For Regulation 16 Compliance Regulation 16 of the waste water discharge (Authorisation) Regulations 2007 (SI. No. 684 of 2007) sets out the information which must, in all cases, accompany a discharge licence application. In order to ensure that the application fully complies with the legal requirements of regulation 16 of the 2007 Regulations, all applicants should complete tht?following. In each case, refer to the attachment number(s), of your application which contains(s) the information requested in the appropiate sub-article. ,the receiving water body and all associated hydro identify monitoring and sampling points and indicE monitoring of discharges and, if Regulation 17 doc likely environmental consequences of any such di (i) describe the existing or proposed measures, including emergency procedures, to prevent unintended waste water discharges and to minimise the impact on the environment of any such discharges, (j) give particulars of the nearest downstream drinking water abstraction point or points to the discharge point or points, (k) give details, and an assessment of the effects, of For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. the emissions are, or are to be made, and of proposed measures to prevent or eliminate or, where that is not practicable, to limit any pollution caused in such standards contained in any applicable Council Dir'ectives of Regulations, (m) give details of any work necessary to meet relevant effluent discharge standards and B6, 610, E4 , Yes a timeframe and schedule for such work. l (n) Any other information as may be stipulated by the Agency. Not applicable Yes R ulationj63) Attachment Number Checked by Applicant W%Wt pmju(hce to Regulation 16 (1) and (2), an application for a licence shall be accompanld by - (a) copy of the notice of intention to make an application given pursuant to Regulation 88 Yes (b) where appropriate, a copy of the notice given to a under Regulation 13, (c) Such other particulars, drawings, maps, reports and supporting documentation as are necessary to identify and describe, as appropriate - (c) (i) the point or points, including storm water overflows, from which a discharge or 83,84, D2 1 (d) [such fee as is appropriate having regard to the provisions of Regulations 38 and 39.
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