VOL I, Issue 10, August 27, 2014 Bye-bye, Winston Brooks PAGE 12 Riding ‘La Bestia’ to America PAGE 9 Less Solitary Confinement in New Mexico Prisons? Spent Fuel at WIPP? PAGE 5 PAGE 13 Joe Monahan: How APD Got into this Mess PAGE 7 PAGE 2 • August 27, 2014 • ABQ FREE PRESS NEWS ABQ Free Press Pulp News COMPILED BY ABQ FREE PRESS STAFF VOL I, Issue 10, August 27, 2014 www.freeabq.com Sex on the move Fair. The company trademarked www.abqarts.com Aunt Jemima in 1937. Her descen- Six Swiss tourists on Ibiza, a Spanish dants allege that the company, now Editor:
[email protected] island in the Mediterranean, were owned by Pepsico, also stole dozens stopped by police while in a moving of Harrington’s original recipes. Associate Editor, Arts:
[email protected] IN THIS ISSUE van, having an orgy. The three couples The company said the suit is without were fined 200 Euros, not for their sex merit. Advertising:
[email protected] party but for failure to wear seatbelts,
[email protected] police said. Secret style On Twitter: @freeabq NEWS Swearing OK Every organization has a stylebook, or guide to writing. So does the CIA, Editor ABQ Free Press Pulp News ............................................................................................................Page 2 It’s apparently OK for a Jacksonville, which has a 185-page guide to how Dan Vukelich New N.M. prisons to cut back on solitary confinement .................................................................... Page 5 Fla., teacher to use the F-word and to spell, punctuate and capitalize (505) 345-4080. Ext. 800 Immigration: Riding “La Bestia” .....................................................................................................