See more storm Check out out the Billie damage Senior Softball players on page 6A page 8A ADVANCE-MONTICELLONIAN 75¢ WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 2020 SERVING DREW COUNTY SINCE 1870 Storm ravages south; Monticello not spared BY MELISSA ORRELL house shook. I came home, saw the will slow workers’ progress under
[email protected] tree on the house and called Travis normal conditions, but the health and Chapman.” safety of both Entergy Arkansas em- Severe weather with straight-line At 11 p.m. Sunday night, Chapman ployees and customers can be put in winds and tornadoes tore across the and his crew was already at work re- jeopardy with close contact,” Entergy southern United States Sunday, April moving the tree from the home. stated in a press release asking cus- 12, leaving over one million people According to Ellis, he also suffered tomers to maintain their distance, ush- without electricity, over 128,000 in damage earlier this when severe storms ering in a new age where customers Arkansas. Drew County suffered along damaged University of Arkansas Mon- are unable to show their appreciation with the rest of the states with the ticello campus and Bowser Road. by making sure workers have plenty of storms knocking power out and leav- “Four trees then,” said Ellis, joking- water and food to eat while they work. ing over 5,770 customers still affected ly asking if anyone would like to buy According to Entergy, Monticello as of 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 14. a house. and Wilmar’s damage include “26 bro- As residents left their houses Mon- The University of Arkansas Monti- ken poles, 47 spans of downed wire day, April 13, debris and power-lines cello campus was hit once again also and over 30 additional pieces of dam- littered the streets and gas was a hot with trees littering the campus, the aged equipment.