SERMON BY BISHOP BRENT. ^ TTTTTTTTTTTTYi 4> MARRIEiD THIS AFTERr^JOON. SHIRTS BLANKETS comer Stone of Episcopal Chapel to ' * Be Placed Tuesday Next. . CURTAINS COLLARS 4 -[ The Rt. Rev. Charles "]Favors" and Henry Brent, Original % < | to CUFFS . r LINGERIE piscopal missionary bishop the PhU- } ' V I pi nee. who »as twice electen of the \ arine Band will al>o participate The stone will be laid in the crypt of * f W.CTIf!fIM ! ie cathedral, and directly beneath tha Mj&Jjjuly) iffl JyM] ii iyyiiiiiiiiiiiiiyu/D ^ de HA>iD laneel. -. SALES N LAUNDRY. ^ ^ 110-1\ Conn. r You will find it eas^ to your for an Formerly Ave.) w perfect plans I. C. A. Alumnae. ma ^ \i .%*4?:: -' l.ast the a.umnae of Jl interesting and original Halloween Fete after you've iikhkm../ ^h^^e^kxkb^mhhqb Moml*;. evening ie Immaculate Xeadetnv held our Favors Conception gone through collection of unique ie n <4* big Has moved to Its mew Buifldimg, lirst business meeting of tiie your ~5* and Games, ie academv hall. Kth md t»» s'.ree'n Tj »rthwent The me« ting was called to or- k More new and clevt?r ideas are in ev idence than r by the reti.' 'ng jcefiilenl. M -s l»oret".» wine a < ' 'he ever before. The stork ha< been assembled from far X 1730 L Street. ^bBMBk-v nfflMyffw 1 £S£HS^J eOtlimnss. upon rejs»rt illi ;i * i car ending was read h> the recur hi and near a eve for Near Rulusctaer'si l! £ HTetarv. M.S.- Marie H. Melting T with keen the original.the witty. ** easurer. Miss Mlna Mm r. the;- submitted r-tp the beautiful. statement of the tlnancial on.I;; <>n o' J i ie association, which latter was ' »m-.l The prices are scale*[1 up from a "few cents," and il i be very satisfactory, and Increased Facilities, | were later discussed for arrangeicntsthe v« there's an abundant of that jgj|p ous » supply everything happens social functions t be given b.v the "s* to to ^ 1 umnae .'urine tiie coining veat appeal you. Efficient SService, Miss Agnes McKcnna. chairman of the i bpj^yJm militating committee, prop.>sed as wfa for the coming \«ar the followingoffi*rs ALL HansS Work. . i w ho were unanimously elected; < * \ 2 R. P. Andrews Stationery Co., ||p President. Mrs. K Brown; ica esident. Mrs. Thomas Tabler; ir.-iiMir rs. Mary Columbus; recording sec 913 F Street Northwest. $ # Miss Mart Kellher; oorre.»j>nrdiiigreiry. 4* ^35» ^ i me/| s^teretary. Miss tlrace l.jneli -f-f*~f i -f *7 *f X *f" T^ DIED j ~ My Paterat Sucttsom l.A XI 'l"< »l!l On Sinilev. ti.-t..;. J. li'lO ii> tiie I'liiliitpiue l-lmt « 21 2It 10 «t S:ir» i \TII A KINr.. I.«lnv**d .* If" »»f | jTfininli .1. flmmir.n. mrral villi tali" pliu'o from li*'i I>iI n>kl(Jiiii» Toothache ill" Tlii «:ri1 '.-lit fit* oat. I Intrad*;. immune I 9:2M k. Mini fmtn IkMTf > st DnwMc 4 i 'liari-li. vrlMTi> Ifiuii inim of r. qifl"ti! will * < I"' said fur tho rr.o*,. «f Iter >oitl it » TOcddfi and won't cause you any plain so. 1 i>t\lti»l. i in Ttn>*day. 2.*. I»ln. at whatever in doing fix 1:I2ii a.m.. 11K\2S K.. Iirloiml iiiisl.ait.l | Mini' M. I'oiirny. Mini fattior of 12"* I'liirl. \ teeth so will K. miill Jnliii >i. a"'»i :« . iinil AUMii M. Mil for Fal1 BrldeSo your they stay .Kail. '! ilicral hi* Nr.- s from rosldoni 1230 11th t his Mini! !2>>la t arc o in a which tuart tK«-s mnl frii'tnls an- rpipwlfully inrltml t.» useful displayed n every side profusion | attend 3' atti-nd. Int'-rini'Tit In Mount lillvft rMnirinrt to teeth at unce. i ~noo^, .3 is when it is remembered that EVERY- your a ir _ S remarkable $5 1 HMfOvEwiNCiPHOTO ilfKSnV «>n I SET ivM»r f J Monday. 'Jl. It*l tti I: TIU\< "r ottered is desirable. 5oY(ft Photo o'l'lm'k p.m.. iifti'r a liriif illin'ss. I|\T1IR Examination Free jlj A. I»lt 'KSt V Hi" Is'luti'd iln nirliti" i|( :: If vou contemplate purchasing a gift an. inspection of Qoid Crowns and will be at liumr Friday after- l( anil tin' Int.- i 'artir |i|i'k*ni air I ».a | rliug Licenses. trr of Sm all Soon.* r. I2i>*a L2r*.** u and llinr ~>ns of November. Marriage . ' | after the tirst will ad^ whether ami Allii- H the following prove antageous, you expend | Marriage licenses liave heen i>sucd to I'. |i!'knn rrjTj utii'1-al from lirr Jmi«* t< sldi-nnr *2 p ' «»r little : Baidgework [rs. > Halloek Drake Day of Portland, much IN the following': t north** «ii at H THEWORLDOFSOCIETY onl. Tlinr*iliiv. lotn-r lustre27. Me and Mrs. Isabel Isaacson of New Frank R. I 'riderwood and Kva 11. 2 n'rlm-L p.m. IMalins ami fii.nda n ()rJ cans are the guests of Mrs. Eakin Ken-I H"d. dsby at ".114 K street, and will be at nedy. Ddecorated China, $ »*°»no tomorrow. Henry C. * 1 rant and Sarah Jackson. " I'MI'HKFTIS. |>iir»r«*«l into iwawfni roar .Imported | $4, MISS TAFT IS EXPECTED BACK at $3, <>f|i»hor | 2-"». W10. hi* r,'*iil«*mii 1"7T'lFaday.I. Hal

Notes. i stroor northeast on Thnradnv . ik » .Art Pottery Ovrr Orand T'nion c"o. BostoTi, who have been on a visit with William H. Jotics of Mdie, \;t., and tols-r 27 | and Mrs. 11 at I -t 0 2'o'oIim-V, p.m. RHatiron and frlond* urn I Amos ad ley. n Katie K. (j. Overhall of l/eesburg, Va. t» attend. Itilortm-nt at prncpo.In*itodt and Ha rvard street, left this city today.fori John Rartvr and Vnna Bell, Hill nmotery. .LamDsA Electroliers, | im mm w easy nun Mis.s Helen Taft is expected home to- ^'r ie Bluff. N. where they will spend and sfM cral months in their ijeorgo Deierhol Rose .Morono, both lillUIWK tin Qrutm ,t and Most day, after a series of visits in cottage. full. So. idin_ n Largest Thoroughly paying of Richmond. Va. Of. a.m., .IIISFPHIM: MATTMKAYS, *1 ifs .Gas Portab] V ofl* V n »* n till /.t li nln Ann r-1i i les, ii vi i\ a imi ui ii'i r*>l 11 I'U X I l*M" « A. f: in |ria<"r*-"? A. of H. A|»ttho**s Equipped Parlors Washington. yIrs. Charles Cramer anil nor (Jeorge K. Hanson and Agnes an-! qfl[ dent and Mrs. Tafi daugh-1 sell. unrrnl on Friday. October '> from Uti> rant Br Marie returned to the ter . May by Appointments Mrs. IJllie M. Gleason. and her Iwoj il' in-o. 1H21 till strnoi north** >-st. at 1 p m#. .Brass Nove I White House. ' o'clock at' AIr. and Mrs. .1. ifillis Massey an-j Ralph W. Crane of Stamford. Conn., ATTEICS* Co09 t: THI LA I >ELPH IA OFFICE: S. E. St. Rev. no'unee flie marriage of their daughter.! and Margaret K. of tliis p iv. f'v Tttewdav. iiotn|.ei 25. MM®, Margaret's t'hurch, the rector. Sharp city.' 1 ( rf* El.l.X I PATTEKSnN. w i f. of .1. hn \Y ( hina, Glass, Silver, Etc. Cor. Eighth and Market Streets. Dr. Herbert Scott rtrude Grier, and Mr. Frank J Kusk, Kugene Davis and Kva M. Young. £ Pottery. Porcelain, Smith, officiating. at the manse of the Central H. Jackson and Susie R. Smith. p«tiTnin. j Palms and large white Presby-; Joseph j. tun-rat Saturday. »><-tnber 2d. at p.m frms M chrysanthemums tor ian Church at Wilmington, John it. Riidisill and Stella Fallen, both of ( ^Iflllll^^^r will adorn the Del..; |v.-1 John It. Wrluhf ompiin . 1 1215 F St. and 1214=18 G St. altar and enaneel, and | Fe bruary 2:?, 1910, by the Rev. Josiah of Kagle Rock, Va. street nort hnoRi. (RiehnKuid |.af»rs nleaaa 81 a border of white chrysanthemums tied t naw ford. Frank R. Fennell and Flsic M I'ow lt>r. eoJIV. I CAUTION in at of j James F. and it. t'arr. J bunches the head every third Kelly May % on «» - II.I.IAVS. -(.«t» « j ^laron von tlie I .con S. I I man of Sa and Snd-lTly. 2'"-. I'1". When coming to mv oflict: nlways now will outline tiie middle aisle Hengclmuller. ambas-j lishnrv, ,\ld., liis n-fiil.-itcf, Ml I* street itorlhnsat. Sfl Vlor of Austria-Hungary, will arrive J .illy C. Hawkins <>t this cit\. i I he sure on are in the The who will lie escorted HAKl.FS I.K WII.T.r \MS. > right place. bride, by jn New York today, and will make his James A. < happelear and Kthel R Racy. \ oti«-v of f*jn*THI lereafh i her father, is to wear a ilress of ' Remember the name fPr and lovely adquarters at the St. Regis, where! . Wyeth), a 1 the number <427-429 7th streep. ivory satin, with yoke and front panel |10 will he joined Friday by tiie of rose point lace. The large diamond ot1( von Hengelmuller. who is comingBar?ss Births In Memoriam. pendant to be worn is a gift from the Reported. on from I,eno\. They wish to see the' The births have been * KTHI'R. In Rad but lovinp rent-nihrttti.-e nt bridegroom. Her prayer lw>ok is bound avjiation meet. following reported ur dear brother. QBOBljP ^'IXFtRMI in a to w <». A- A -Jj. A- jcL AL A A. A". ivory and has gold cross, in which I the heaitit oflice in the Jast ho b ft u* one year nc lodav litTIM'lt. AAAk in openwork appears the bride's initials. hours: 2S. 1AA I Kl, mho rdesty, ^aj<.en the lasigi house on Beacon 1 Hiuseppo an.I f our beloved hrotlier, e a ] be Mr. Harlan Moore and Mr. Clayton ss < girl. 8 and to malo it § Olga M. 1-entz and Mr. Fred. >. j I.I IZ who di-d nit:, years ago |.»day..10SKl'll Hug, popular-priced Old of , and Dr. William ntz. sister and brother of the bride., David H. and Emily V. Xirkle. bo\ I letolier 2d. I'.MIl. Slaughter Hardest y and Mr. Sidney wil 1 attend the couple. Jasper A. and Hortha Smith, boy. ISY HIS SISTKKS AMI BRMTHEUS. II Taliaferro of Washington. and Sarah Maze. girl. j we Sheet Harry have del:ermined to sacrifice Nj rug No reception will follow, owing to the: yliss Corderev Prank W. and Mary I.. Norton, girl. ^I'llITEMi IKK In Mill hut lovitxr rertvemh-an-a g j Billy Hawkins and Mr. ..f our fa 1 her. J.XMKS II WillTKM iIlF.. the Ill-health of bride's mother. The I,eion T'luiau of Salisbury, Md.. will he Harry R. and Rernodotte <\ Huhn, I>oy. who <11 nine rfiirs acn today. <». t "*i»-r M. 3 TWO COFBIB§ FOR 5c couple will leave for a honeymoon trii» i ma rried this evening at the family Ralph and Mary E. Dines. boy. IJo'l. Hnil «'iir profit. m tonight Moore's dei 22U8 y (street, by Rev. Dr. S.resilie.If. Davis, girl, WIIITKMOKE. ag.. Rosar>. Bit tie Fairy Waltz. ^ Kentucky home in their travels. Grierne of Calvary Baptist Church. Miss tjoorgo W. and Ida R. Smith, girl. ih*t-d«er 26. 1W5. today. Flower Song. Calvary. Enlily Rider will be the maid of Robort and Sallio Winkoy. girl. And some day again we'll meet The Wool Velvet come seam- 2 p honor, our Ifffw.irk here is I Rugs Fairy Wedding Waltz. Woodland Kc.lioes. Viscomtesse Benoist d'Azy, wife of anne North .V.v g | Frolic of the Frogs. Melody in "F." trude Campbell, and Mr. A. B. Duvall. Benjamin F. Hock, «>!» .tears, tJovcrn- IK'ii 14tli at. ^ Gen. Grant's Grand No definite arrangements have been Flev. Dawson will tne oo2l!-30t.oSu 3i Edelweiss Glide. March. Joseph perform mem for the Insane. ! . made for the wedding, btit it will occur ma Hospital Dost Chord. Chopin's Funeral March. triage service tonight at the wedding ,y; S"i*e. Regular price. Special price. Ave Maria. Heather Bells. some time during the latter part of of Miss Eva Elvira Kennedy and Mr. Dennis E. Conroy, years, Providence J. 1". CLEMENTS, Sjl jjg Ijfe the winter. i i; >41-43 WISCONSIN AVE N. W Hieorirefnwni. 3 Cavallerla Husticana. (intermezzo). Home. Sweet Home (vocal and Fr; ink Russell I'nderwood, which will Hospital. Washington. D. C. $ in. Hardwick \\ ilton tatre at s ot Telephone ff«t K04. 27x54 $5-5° $4-5o § ^ Falling Waters. in-jcstrumental.)f place o'clock at the home Erederhk M. Stewart, j:; y ears, «>17 _ -gjj Poet and Peasant. Dying Poet. Miss Mary Koretta Moran, daughter of thf bride's parents. Mr. and .Mrs. An-j Virginia avenue southeast. in. Hardwick \\ ilton $8.00 You and 1 Were Young, Auvil Chorus. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Moran, and Mr. Clar- dr<>w Kennedy, 1V»1N Kith street. Miss A. 2U F. BircsFs Sorts, g 36x^3 $6.00 §j When it Margaret Rodler, years, yyi.j | iosepift Parlor for Fun-rtl*. Believe If All Those ence A. Young of W. He leu D. a * r\-y * VI ct V W gle. (song). ilagj Me, Endearirigvl Charleston, Va.. I Kennedy, young niece of' \\ ashington circle. 2 Q^4 -v' SI. A W . Phon* West m. at t» II 6x0 ft. Hardwick Wilton $32.50 $29.50 Fifth Nocturne. Young Charms (vocal>. were married yesterday o'clock at the bride, will be her only attendant, and ("atlterine Rrosnan, he' years, «510 7th . |j ^ Mendelssohn's Wedding March. Bridal 'Chorus. jp the residence of the bride's aunt, Mrs. wil I wear a pretty white frock fashioned street southwest. F. Hardwick Wilton 31 Kama. Dream of Paradise. F. J. McDonald, by the Rev. A. J. Carey fro in her mother's wedding dress. Mary Johnson, ikl years, Sibley George Zurihorst, jjz. of the 4 CNEltAL l'Altl.ORS. 301 EAST CAPITOL ST. 8.3x10.6 S50.50 $40.50 of the Church Holy Name. ers out-of-town relatives of the coupleSevtl Hospital. Totophono Lincoln 372. j Also a big assortment of easy te;aching pieces at the same vo ft. Hardwick WiIton price. White chrysanthemums adorned the lia arrived for the ceremony, at which John R. Murray, 74 years, 1441 Penn- . 0x12 $52.50 $45-oo I 1>( )o fc'~ parlor, and there was music by an or- milly a small company is expected. A sylvania avetiue southeast. chestra. The hrlde wore white messaline re< will follow before the W. R. SPEAR£ eption couple Arthur Van Riswick, til years, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND KMHALMKR. 10.6x12 ft. Hardwick Wilton $70.00 $59.50 h satin, embroidered in chrysanthemums sta rt on their honeymoon jaunt. Hospital. Homeopathic g H 3 Gems From the Churcl Edition off Teachers' and trimmed with Irish lace. She wore a Ann Fenelon, .1 months, fhildren's $4® F Street N.W. jp S t. of the Wool Velvet, Jrn tc 8! . tulle veil and orange blossoms, and car- Stephen's Chapter Daughters Hospital. WASHINGTON. D. a S 6.9x8.6 I Studies at i an white °f the will hold its *j Works and IreatSy Reduced Prices p ried armful of chrysanthemums. King anniversary Dornthv I.. Kowles. 11 montiis .Y_*1 Ttli r'hones Main Wool Velvet. Pub. Our h Her only jewel was a diamond and pearl nip etiug Friday evening, October liS. at street southwest. Jff?; g 8.3x10.6 Special $13*75 ^ if price. price. 5^ brooch, t lit* gift of the bridegroom. * Pennsylvania ft. Velvet. jl Beethoven $1.50 $0.50 £ for niece, and her dio cose are cordially invited to he present. 9XT2 Wool Special, $16.50 and $20.00 ,iuvm» 73 her gown was of pale Robert Hawkins, 40 years, 1"J1 M street ^ J V nopill -a3 messaline. Site carried Joseph Qawjer's Sons, Chopin Waltzes r.o .it I*r yellow yellow Koine who southwest. I" I' NI It A I. I >! KF,('TORS. ^ chrysanthemums. ^ diss Tisdel. accompanied Jane .">1 years, 4114 3d street FiiilaMishiNl Chopin Album l.oo aT *1'" r brother-in-law and sister. M. and Daniels, IvVi. There were four bridesmaids. Miss Celia 1730-oU I Vtrna* Ivanio »t.'. nw Bach's Inventions and Symphonies... .(Ml ,;»(i jy. ! lie. do Wollunt. from Paris to St. southeast. Concone, Fifty Eessons for Medium V< olco5U .is ®f Borger, Miss Mary Hirsli, Miss Bessie .Samuel Boiling, 54 years, Garfield Chapol. Telephone Main 10.14. Sisson and Miss Irene Roc. a. wore tersburg. last summer, has returned <« 1 K t f Method for Beginner 50 .20 They ___ _ -jj Czerny, Practical I? , re to join her mother. Mrs. W. P. Hospital.__ School of Velocity, complete. « » .25 lk pretty dresses of %\hite mousselme trim- Kmily Howard, 05 years, Columbia Czerny. , and Miss who came ^0 in four rts. each med with pink chiffon and carried -del, Tisdel, back WM. 81. SARDO & Czerny, School of Velocity, pa 10^ 25 pink ini their In the fail, Hospital. com 1 chrysanthemums. The gifts of tne bride European tup early John .So 20 PNEKAL DIRECTORS AND KMRAI.MITRN ^ Czerny, Art of Finger Dexterity, plete 25 .50 ». Tisdel and her went Williams, years, Dingm&n B, in si x to her bridesmaids were silver daughters * IV. FT «t no Modern «-haiH»l. PV>n« Lincoln 584.; 11 eaeli northwest. parts, .;{«» 1I. Czerny, Art of Finger Dexterity, .15 buckles, a road last June and the summer plaee *<\ Words... which they wore on their spent Amelia 52 A, Mendelssohn, Song Without 1«»0 .55 ha slippers. j Vichv, France, and a short time in Hopkins, years. 015 Girard Sonatas 2.01» 7!» Z Mr. David Young, a brother of the street northwest. " ij=KaNjC GE8ER'S~SONS7 'y Mozart's a,1a Miss Kdiue Tisdol made visits to Founded 1861 F St., Cor. Itth I From Sources tin r? bridegroom, was the best man, and the l ris. Emma Bradford, 10 1113 SEVENTH ST. N.W. ^ Selected Melodies Many j in Russia and also years, Georgetown |j Sonatinen Album 75 .55 ushers were Mr. Lewis Wehrle of ° ter points in University Hospital. m Hanoi Tolonbono call North 52a. Kohler's I >r .1 v».. ' lai with friends and greatly enjoyed I ^r f'linrlpstnri ll*>rbcrt- Hn .. . - »-» Finid Album of Piano t'ompositif l.oo l, / cvis, -«J l Johnson, 5 1014 ;ui Schubert's f»\ r in a part of the world Dorothy1 months, 52d ""j ^ Vocal Album ( editiont. 2.00 .75 Magruder McDonald and .Mr. Bernard experiences street. I Schubert's transposed complete e5 ; ,Jl' ite new to her. f rnos. M.~HindleT Progressive Studies, ops. 05, 00 and 07, each in Dlrkman. A reception followed, after . UNDERTAKER. 5TH AND H N.W. ^j| Doeschborn; * i. de Wollant. who retired front the three parts, each part 50 IS which Mr. and Mrs. Young left Wash-! after Phono M. S37. 1 -ijj pi for a domatie service his post as "OUtwi of the Streabbog. Twelve Melodious Etudes. 7.5 .55 yi ington wedding trip north. After j . to Mexico, now C. L. WILLIAMS DEAD. .T. WILLIAM LKK. Punenl Dlncnr Bettor Sort." December 1 will he employs his leisureminer In oonnoctlon » Scales ami Chords .10 k* they at lionie at literary work, which, in fact, lie has acid Embalnier. LKory Comma- WEDDING GIFT! ^5 Etudes l.OO .25 Charleston. dlout chapol rod modern crematorium. Modeat Heller's j \ done. The couple have a ate. n.w. call nan for tl1le 1'iano 1. Yarnum Ho- Judson. wife of \V. I. SCNST. decorations a Burgmuller, j,lrs. Maj. V. Apoplexy. and domestic white rhina for Album l.OO .35 ti tel have returned from a INFRAI. DIRECTORS AND RMRALMERS. iji Chaminade Piano just delightful por Engineer Commissioner, has returned Charles Lee Williams, for more than ?2o«. HTIt fc'T V tv TcV»nhone North 2*1. h< uaehoUl Xise: rhlna olora, otla, brushes, Sb Little Preludes and Fugues Oo .17 L. down through southern Judt. Eighteen trip Maryland, for the winter. and . etc. for KtTtiiL 3 Bach's : to Washington Maj. forty-three years a clerk in the Treas- rttt"* Koraan gold. Agent E OPTICAL Newest School of Velocity. In four books, each 50 .17 Mr. Bennett's old home. made the s. are at the CO., Beren's They Mr Judson Brighton. Mrs. ury Department, died of China Kiln*. Fourth Floor.Music Department. r trip in their touring car. jU( J son si>ent but little of last year here, suddenly FUNERAL ^ this at . www^ as her son Clay was from morning his home. 111apoplexyP Dcaicna. Funeral De»lgaa. 13th St. N.W. 2 Stores: ... recuperating DESIGNSFnr-ral S. fever, and most of street northwest. 608 the Mr. S. Culbertson and wife of 123<» tyithoid the winter Quality always highest. Prices invariably street have gone wa s in the south. of23 ?nt. 14 the lowest. Kim llth to Ohio to remain spent Mr. Williams was born in Connecticut, C. Shaffer examined. Oculists' until after the Etetore ner marriage Mr?. Jtidson was Geo. fTHB CARE OF THE November election. but as an infant moved to the District ftortl »»ry reasonable In filled. Established nearly s quarterprescription*of a HAIR Mi ss Alice Oarneal Clay of b<>autifuI rteai*na prloa. it of InterM to enrr woman. If of from which he was Phono 341* Main 14th and I ata a w. centurr. Jj31-b0t JiooMor Dr. and Miss toi Ky. In her girlliood she often Columbia, ap- ! _J Oiaj lUMehed, it qm bo rearmed to Ha Gallaudet returned last Lexingi, pointed to his first position in the Treas- Piano nagarml color, or uo»d« auy shad* dealrod. week front Europe and will be at Kendall vi-s ited Washington, at the homes of MONUMENTS. HEISTER & CO. Repairing Green for the coming Winter and spring- at<: Beck and Hen. J. t_\ Breckinridge.Sen»r ury Department. MILBURN, a plane maker. So years- . The Hair j son ITp to the time of his death Mr. Wil- By . practical with New tbo Imperial Regenerator Dr. Gallaudet comes hack in excellent Mr Clay Judson, of Maj. and Mrs. formerly foreman Stelnway*experience; i» acknowledged STANDARD health. Ju< 3son. is now at Harvard. liams was a clerk in the office of the .fiARTISTIC MEMORIALS York: late of E. P. Droop's, head repairer for 4 HAIR COLORING °f the age. It is ; auditor for the Treasury. He was ap- Wise yaara. We make old pianos as good as new! easily applied, makes the hair soft MONUMENTS. MAUSOLEUMS. STATUARY. Choke to the Mrs. S. A ^Ir. and Mrs. Henry W. have pointed Treasury Department in ARCHITECTS I The merchant who seek* Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge; moderate and glossy, is absolutely harmless, Henry diet* and daugli'er Jo Howling j Dasixoa Furnished. something a ued invitations to the 1NU7. i'ntil the reorganization of the de- I Pianos examined free. Tuning of hanna are at Atlantic » iss marriage of In prices. Sample liair colored free. Citv. Delivery Wagon constructiondifferentwill Try us. in 1MC» he was a clerk iti one O. C. ohoos- wagons built by Young. .T. Ueimers. specialty. confidential. Correspondence the ir daughter. Mary Druseilla. and Mr. partment M. J. WASHINGTON, WASHINGTON PIANO REPAIR OO.. Imperial Cheat. HI*.CO..14-W. «».,N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Darling have1 Arthur J. May at St. Anthony's Church, of the controllers' otiloe*. FALVEY, IX_ Vrxn eerr ,:«rrisge 4»14-46i> Pa. are. 1 ® (K>1 Sold and by M. C. WHKL VN, returned to Washington and are at their! Brijokland, Wednesday. November wth, at funeral arrangement* have* not been nataath Straata a.w. Repository, Phone M. 27. Phone Coi. 176 Y. Office. hamont St. applied * apartment in ttie Mrs. I 11 a.m. completed. < irtt-iaoLiw j .. . ot.-26-UM Cl-Mtli 1105 F at. , where , T

« ^