SERMON BY BISHOP BRENT. ^ TTTTTTTTTTTTYi 4> MARRIEiD THIS AFTERr^JOON. SHIRTS BLANKETS comer Stone of Episcopal Chapel to ' * Be Placed Tuesday Next. CURTAINS COLLARS 4 -[ The Rt. Rev. Charles "]Favors" and Henry Brent, Original % < | to CUFFS . r LINGERIE piscopal missionary bishop the PhU- } ' V I pi nee. who »as twice electe<l aucceaaor the the late Bishop Sattcrlee as Bishop of 2 "Stouts" to Intensify $ I 'ashlngton. ami declined, will preach *» ie sermon at the laying of the corner one of the Bethlehem Chapel of the * olv Nativity next Tuesday afternoon i Fumi am Interest 11 The services will begin at .1 o'clock, TJ i VnBpiB^j^^l^^^^aE Ksi^B.1 11 yii itli Bishop Harding presiding and f « in the stone. Canons De Vrles and Bra-larg ^ o nahl are in charge of the arrangements. I.itt'.c Henry Y. tsatterlee, grandson of in the isliop batterlee, » 11) be present and as- j ± Bnnoimcement. st in the ceremonies of tin- A II U day. | rgo vested choir ami a se ti<>n of the \ arine Band will al>o participate The stone will be laid in the crypt of * f W.CTIf!fIM ! ie cathedral, and directly beneath tha Mj&Jjjuly) iffl JyM] ii iyyiiiiiiiiiiiiiyu/D ^ de HA>iD laneel. -. SALES N LAUNDRY. ^ ^ 110-1\ Conn. r You will find it eas^ to your for an Formerly Ave.) w perfect plans I. C. A. Alumnae. ma ^ \i .%*4?:: -' l.ast the a.umnae of Jl interesting and original Halloween Fete after you've iikhkm../ ^h^^e^kxkb^mhhqb Moml*;. evening ie Immaculate Xeadetnv held our Favors Conception gone through collection of unique ie n <4* big Has moved to Its mew Buifldimg, lirst business meeting of tiie your ~5* and Games, ie academv hall. Kth md t»» s'.ree'n Tj »rthwent The me« ting was called to or- k More new and clevt?r ideas are in ev idence than r by the reti.' 'ng jcefiilenl. M -s l»oret".» wine a < ' 'he ever before. The stork ha< been assembled from far X 1730 L Street. ^bBMBk-v nfflMyffw 1 £S£HS^J eOtlimnss. upon rejs»rt illi ;i * i car ending was read h> the recur hi and near a eve for Near Rulusctaer'si l! £ HTetarv. M.S.- Marie H. Melting T with keen the original.the witty. ** easurer. Miss Mlna Mm r. the;- submitted r-tp the beautiful. statement of the tlnancial on.I;; <>n o' J i ie association, which latter was ' »m-.l The prices are scale*[1 up from a "few cents," and il i be very satisfactory, and Increased Facilities, | were later discussed for arrangeicntsthe v« there's an abundant of that jgj|p ous » supply everything happens social functions t be given b.v the "s* to to ^ 1 umnae .'urine tiie coining veat appeal you. Efficient SService, Miss Agnes McKcnna. chairman of the i bpj^yJm militating committee, prop.>sed as wfa for the coming \«ar the followingoffi*rs ALL HansS Work. i w ho were unanimously elected; < * \ 2 R. P. Andrews Stationery Co., ||p President. Mrs. K Brown; ica esident. Mrs. Thomas Tabler; ir.-iiMir rs. Mary Columbus; recording sec 913 F Street Northwest. $ # Miss Mart Kellher; oorre.»j>nrdiiigreiry. 4* ^35» ^ i me/| s^teretary. Miss tlrace l.jneli -f-f*~f i -f *7 *f X *f" T^ DIED j ~ My Paterat Sucttsom l.A XI 'l"< »l!l On Sinilev. ti.-t..;. J. li'lO ii> tiie I'liiliitpiue l-lmt<i-. .1 \ MKs ' 111.AM* ;:;:;;;:::;;:; t: 11 :: i t: t i i: t i i mi:i n. i..v...i «. ... « .... i . ..... i mh t;: t::»: i --i 1111:::: 11 -.. n; i iin Teeth ^ Atrn-^ I'll;" i- u^"il n n't Ol'LIX & MARTIN CO. I'll Stop That y Itlandford ? Clinton. Aid. 12HS.V \\. |l'palt<v| tti.1 I ( It .> « 21 2It 10 «t S:ir» u.ni.. i \TII A KINr.. I.«lnv**d .* If" »»f | jTfininli .1. flmmir.n. mrral villi tali" pliu'o from li*'i I>iI n>kl(Jiiii» Toothache ill" Tlii «:ri1 '.-lit fit* oat. I Intrad*;. immune I 9:2M k. Mini fmtn IkMTf > st DnwMc 4 i 'liari-li. vrlMTi> Ifiuii inim of r. qifl"ti! will * < I"' said fur tho rr.o*,. «f Iter >oitl it » TOcddfi and won't cause you any plain oVI.sk so. 1 i>t\lti»l. i in Ttn>*day. it.r.il..- 2.*. I»ln. at whatever in doing fix 1:I2ii a.m.. 11K\2S K.. Iirloiml iiiisl.ait.l | Mini' M. I'oiirny. Mini fattior of 12"* I'liirl. \ teeth so will K. miill Jnliii >i. a"'»i :« . iinil AUMii M. Mil for Fal1 BrldeSo your they stay .Kail. '! ilicral hi* Nr.- s from rosldoni 1230 11th <tr** "fixed" and Mrtiillioasl. oil Friday. Orintifr 2h at ! » rn.: « | permanently \ F.RY department 01f this store ofifers its quota of » ihi'iii-n to Si. I1. if » iViiiroh. 2.1 iniii | WUKOT-3U. HIMW z/lizabe-'th.Antoihe.ttel. strri'lM. ayrp h moI, inn t ipiloin id*"* «l' Th ornate i In1 H ^Adding tiift^. ings rich, beautiful, and f Don't delay, butcomfortably. JOHNSC offotvd fur tho <>t his Mini! !2>>la t arc o in a which tuart tK«-s mnl frii'tnls an- rpipwlfully inrltml t.» useful displayed n every side profusion | attend 3' atti-nd. Int'-rini'Tit In Mount lillvft rMnirinrt to teeth at unce. i ~noo^, .3 is when it is remembered that EVERY- your a ir _ S remarkable $5 1 HMfOvEwiNCiPHOTO ilfKSnV «>n I SET ivM»r f J Monday. 'Jl. It*l tti I: TIU\< "r ottered is desirable. 5oY(ft Photo o'l'lm'k p.m.. iifti'r a liriif illin'ss. I|\T1IR Examination Free jlj A. I»lt 'KSt V Hi" Is'luti'd iln nirliti" i|( :: If vou contemplate purchasing a gift an. inspection of Qoid Crowns and will be at liumr Friday after- l(ii.in-l anil tin' Int.- i 'artir |i|i'k*ni air I ».a | rliug Licenses. trr of Sm all Soon.* r. I2i>*a L2r*.** u and llinr ~>ns of November. Marriage . ' | after the tirst will ad^ whether ami Allii- H the following prove antageous, you expend | Marriage licenses liave heen i>sucd to I'. |i!'knn rrjTj utii'1-al from lirr Jmi«* t< sldi-nnr *2 p ' «»r little : Baidgework [rs. > Halloek Drake Day of Portland, much IN the following': t north** «ii at H THEWORLDOFSOCIETY onl. Tlinr*iliiv. lotn-r lustre27. Me and Mrs. Isabel Isaacson of New Frank R. I 'riderwood and Kva 11. 2 n'rlm-L p.m. IMalins ami fii.nda n ()rJ cans are the guests of Mrs. Eakin Ken-I H"d. dsby at ".114 K street, and will be at nedy. Ddecorated China, $ »*°»no tomorrow. Henry C. * 1 rant and Sarah Jackson. " I'MI'HKFTIS. |>iir»r«*«l into iwawfni roar .Imported | $4, MISS TAFT IS EXPECTED BACK at $3, <>f|i»hor | 2-"». W10. hi* r,'*iil«*mii 1"7T'lFaday.I. Hal <i. <*rockett and f»ertrude V. Untz siri'i'i nnrthvii-«t. \\ II,1.1AM, tlii t**in*Mil hi" Cm(i5«r.«-o /Trn^A *Ir. and Mrs. A. J. Cuminiskey. hand of .Rich Cut (jlass, I una FROM NEW YORK TODAY. Wilbur K. Rodahtish of Harrisburg. l'a., Mary HnmphriM'*. 1 hjivfuui* p by their daughter, Mrs. accomliedGeorge utioral s aiTviii Kridav. «lotntmr 2*. «l 1 oVIook. w. TVwis. and Master William and Ku;i« I. Price of litis <Hy. nl DR. WYETH a grandson. tho Si-iMinl K.iprl*t iliariti. .1.1 afp'ol !. .Gold-deconited Silver, Platinum Leiwis-. left Suiulav to visit friends :trtd f'leinenl M. Woodard and Lottie M || and I airoi't* northwoat I'rmnda t**oon | Glass, I itlves in Philadelphia and Salem, N. .1 Shcrzcr. nrr mspm'tfullt mviti-d to aitond. 2 8 "TBe miiWSSI IFW" The Moore-Stuart and the v fAIH and Porcelain Wedding ril!°y ill go to Atlantic City for a fe v <" tl-i William Slieffer and latin Chamber- h NABK T tn»nia*. ii<"tnhar IPlii «t s before 22" .LSterling Siltverware, fj returning home. Hn. 12:Mn p.m.. JflHA AA hoi."ml liuahand af | 427-429 7th St. N'.W. Duvall-Fry Engagement. I'mdorira Kuala*. apo.| fort* tiro *.ar« r. and Mrs. .1. Warren Aehorn of John Heorge and Rav Slern. F unoriil from hi* laro maidrnliUS hra»n*r Notes. i stroor northeast on Thnradnv . ik » .Art Pottery Ovrr Orand T'nion c"o. BostoTi, who have been on a visit with William H. Jotics of Mdie, \;t., and tols-r 27 | and Mrs. 11 at I -t 0 2'o'oIim-V, p.m. RHatiron and frlond* urn I Amos ad ley. n Katie K. (j. Overhall of l/eesburg, Va. t» attend. Itilortm-nt at prncpo.In*itodt and Ha rvard street, left this city today.fori John Rartvr and Vnna Bell, Hill nmotery. .LamDsA Electroliers, | im mm w easy nun Mis.s Helen Taft is expected home to- ^'r ie Bluff. N. where they will spend and sfM cral months in their ijeorgo Deierhol Rose .Morono, both lillUIWK tin Qrutm ,t and Most day, after a series of visits in cottage. full. So. idin_ n Largest Thoroughly paying of Richmond. Va. Of. a.m., .IIISFPHIM: MATTMKAYS, *1 ifs .Gas Portab] V ofl* V n »* n till /.t li nln Ann r-1i i les, ii vi i\ a imi ui ii'i r*>l 11 I'U X I l*M" « A.
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