GrzeGorz iwAnicki, AnnA DłużewskA, MelAnie sMith kAy QUAESTIONES GEOGRAPHICAE 35(3) • 2016 ASSESSING THE LEVEL OF POPULARITY OF EUROPEAN STAG TOURISM DESTINATIONS GRZEGORZ IWANICKI1, AnnA DłużewskA1, MelAnie sMith kAy2 1Department of Regional Geography and Tourism, Maria Curie Sklodowska University, Lublin, Poland 2School of Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality, Budapest Metropolitan University, Budapest, Hungary Manuscript received: April 23, 2016 Revised version: June 24, 2016 iwAnicki G., DłużewskA A., sMith kAy M., 2016. Assessing the level of popularity of European stag tourism destinations. Quaestiones Geographicae 35(3), Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Poznań, pp. 15–29, 9 figs, 3 tables. AbstrAct: The primary objective of this article is to determine the degree of popularity of stag tourism destinations in Europe. Research was based on the search engine method, involving an analysis of the highest positioned offers of travel agencies in the most commonly used search engines in Europe (Google, Bing, Yahoo). The analysis divided the studied cities into four categories in terms of popularity. Conducting the said analysis is strongly justified, because academic publications have so far not provided studies which have determined the degree of popularity of stag desti- nations on a continental scale. keyworDs: stag tourism, stag destinations, stag regions, search engine, city break Corresponding author: Anna Dłużewska (e-mail:
[email protected]) Introduction The objective of a stag weekend is a pre-wed- ding male party. In Europe it is known as a stag The development of urban tourism (includ- party, in Australia as buck’s night, and in North ing stag party tourism) in Europe accompanied America as bachelor party.