[Lincoln.] Coleby
[LINCOLN.] COLEBY.. 70 :Pos'r OFFtCE lV'onb Cockerington. .Jaques John, tailor J ackson Charles, farmer Scrivenor Rev. Arthur, M.A. Part!Oilage Kirkby Richard, farmer Kerman Hannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper CO)[M.ERCIA.L. Smith Samuel, shoemaker lUaltby Joseph, farmer, .Bramble house Ayscough Edward, shopkeeper 8mith Thomas, farmer, the Hall Michael William, farmer, the Hall :Bagley William, farmer Stains James, shopkeeper Paddison John, blacksmith :Bourn Charles, farmer Stubbs Charles, farmer Payne John, farmer Bourn Jame!l, farmer, Redleas Taylor Mary (Miss), farmer Phillips Thomas, wheelwright Brumpton William, shoemaker Wells David, tanner Richanlson William, farmer, th~ tfaft Cocking Thom88, master -of the Dio- South Cock.erington. Smith John, farmer cesan school · Holland Rev. George Thomas, Vicarage Smith Thomas, farmer Dennis William, farmer Richardson W illiam, esq. the Hall Smith William Dunham, farmer Dixon William, farmer COMMERCIAL. Storr John, shopkeeper Hallg-arth William, blacksmith Appleby Samuel, blacbmith Winn Joseph, carrier Hand Peter, farmer Coupland Charles, shoemaker · Wright John, parish clerk I:laylett Elizabeth (Mrs.), beer retailer Foster Francis, farmer & landowner Letters through Loutb, which is the Hodgson~ J obn, farmer Fox William, farmer nearest money order ~ffice PLACES oP WoR8Hil' :- Primitwe Methodist Chapel, South Cockerington, mi- St. Mary'B Church, North Cockerington, Rev. Arthur nisters various Scrivenor, M.A, incumbent W esleyan Chapel, North Cockeriogton, ministers variuus St. Leonard'B Chvrch, South Cockeringtou, Rev. George W esleyan Method-ist Chapel, South Cockerington, mi Thomas Holland, vicar nisters various 1 Free M ethodtst Chapel, Nth. Cockerin gton, minstrs. '\'arious Diocesan School, North Cockerington (for the parishes of FreeMetlwdistChapel, Sth.Cockerington, minstrs. various North & South Cockerington & Alvingbam), Thomas Primitive Methodut Chapel, North Cockerington, mi- Cocking, master nisters various CARRIER TO LOUTB...-Joseph Winn, every wed.
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