“TO JESUS THROUGH MARY” Lessons and Messages to the World from Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary to Ruth Ann Wade of Bloomington, Indiana

Compiled by Mary’s Children, P. O. Box 27, Washington, IN 47501 - May 2017

Message of March 29, 1994, one. More is to come. You know from Our Lord Jesus this in your heart but do not wish to admit to this. This is fine. One Ruth Ann: Lord, please send day at a time is how I would have me your peace. you live your life. Do not look

Jesus: Be not afraid little one, back and do not look My peace I give to you. You ahead. Know God is in control have been upset by something even though you are told much that was given to you by more is to come in doing the will someone. of God, you must be patient and wait for God's plan to unfold. Ruth Ann: Yes, Lord. You are not to know the Jesus: Remember, child, that future. That is not part of your man sometimes means well, and gift. You are not to receive yet can interfere in that which he messages of doom and gloom for should not. this is not your gift. You cannot Ruth Ann: Yes, Lord. change the plans that God has set

Jesus: Put all in proper in motion. You can lessen the prospective, child. Did you not pain and suffering through prayer, get good news yesterday concern- but you cannot change the ing someone you had prayed for future. That is where your gift who was very ill? The Statue at comes in, little one, in stepping Mother of the Redeemer Farm out in faith and sharing all God Ruth Ann: Yes, Lord, I did. has done in your life, you are Jesus: Then would it not follow sacrifice for their souls. Any pain, drawing others back to their that you would be attacked in a any persecution suffered for My faith. You are pulling many from mighty way as a result? The evil sake reaps tremendous rewards, the clutches of the evil one. You one is angry, little one. You child, so carry your burdens and be are a ray of light in a world full of continue to do My will and draw brave. Trust in Me. Your burdens darkness. You are light, love, and others closer and closer to Me will never be too heavy, for I will peace in a world that knows very and My Mother. You are always be with you as you follow little of these things. You are a continually witnessing to those My road to Calvary. reflection of Me, little one. This around you by standing up and Not many understand the cross you is what I expect of all My speaking out for Me and My must bear. If they did, they would children. Mother. You have stepped out in do more. More to help and less to When I have said you must look faith, little one. You will continue upset or hinder the process that has for Jesus in all My children, I to be attacked. The more you do been set in motion. As time goes mean you must look for the good for Me, the more difficult the on much will be revealed to you in that person. I am in each one cross, the heavier it will be to that will help you understand better of My children. In some it is bear. You are sensitive and have your part in God's great plan for the easier to see than in others. But I your feelings hurt easily. This is salvation of many souls. I have exist in all of My children in understandable. This too, can be spoken of this to you before, little some degree. The evil one wishes offered up for others as a great

 2 MAY 2017 “TO JESUS THROUGH MARY” to take away all of the good and put here for man's pleasure can also overwhelmed sometimes and totally leave the world in darkness. He be prayer. Now go in My peace. It afraid that You have chosen the continues to wreak havoc in a has been restored, has it not? wrong person. You say You know world that prefers evil over Ruth Ann: Yes Lord. Thank You my heart, and I know that is true, good. You, child, continue to stand for Your divine patience and but why do I have to experience firm and do all that is asked of you, comfort. such pain? And I don't mean even though at times, all seems so physical, I mean spiritually. futile. Do not let the evil one Message of March 31, 1994, Jesus: You are dying of self, little discourage or bring you down, little one. After the time of great pain one. The miracles will continue, from Our Lord Jesus and anguish, are you not given and they will continue to Ruth Ann: Lord, I am ready to many graces and blessings as grow. Your faith is deserving of listen. It has been a very interesting confirmations that what you are such miracles. week so far. doing is Christ centered?

As an apostle of Mine, you are Jesus: Little one, you are Ruth Ann: You know this is true, expected to go forth and perform right. Soon you will learn to keep Lord. But why do You do this for many miracles. Those of the body, your peace no matter what comes me when I have such periods of mind, and soul. Draw My children your way. Trust Me, little doubt and irritation at having been back to Me. Those that would one. Know that no matter what chosen to do these things for You otherwise be lost to darkness others say or do to cause disruption, and Your Mother. I would have forever, bring them to Me. Do confusion, and irritation, God's plan given up on me a long time whatever is asked of you, little one, will not be destroyed. So do not ago. And yet, You and Your and I will tend to the doubters and concern yourself when something Mother continue to be patient with those who would do you happens over which you have no me. harm. Come to Me all you who are control. Your Jesus and His Jesus: That is where you are heavy laden and I will give you Mother are with you. rest. wrong, little one. You would not Man cannot control God. He can have given up on me, as you Ruth Ann: Lord, I feel the need cause God to use other channels say. You have had times when for rest from everything right now, and means to accomplish His end your children have been difficult, even prayer, Lord. result, but he cannot stop what God and even disobedient, but did you Jesus: I understand your has set in motion. Your life is such give up on them? as that, child. You have said 'yes' feelings, child, but you are in need Ruth Ann: No, Lord. I think the to Me and My Mother. You have of Me. Your daily prayers more problems they caused, the chosen to do the will of God. His sometimes need to be put aside, and more I loved them, because I knew work will not be destroyed or you need only quiet time to rest in they were hurting themselves more stopped. So continue on in prayer, Me. Read My word in the New than we were being hurt. Testament. Take a walk with Me in little one. You have been given an the quiet of the day. Remove the anointing to help you persevere in Jesus: You have your own pressure of your routine and rest in all you do. Know that God is with answer, little one. You struggle Me today. you, or this could not have been and suffer much, and you need not done. You will know them by their struggle at all. I love you. I will Ruth Ann: Thank You, Lord. I fruits, little one. What more is tend to your needs. You need only needed to hear that. I get so caught needed. All you have done thus far be patient. How can I not be patient up in all I need to do, or feel I need is the will of God. That you will with you, when no matter what, you to do. continue to do, will also be His continue to struggle on each time, Jesus: There are all kinds of will. with an even greater resolve to do prayer, little one. Enjoy a quiet the will of the Father. Remember, Ruth Ann: Lord, I become so walk and all the things that God has God knows your heart. That is

“TO JESUS THROUGH MARY” MAY 2017 3  truly what matters. Of course the Ruth Ann: Thank You Lord, and peace. evil one will continue to come up that is my intent. I love You so against you, and you will continue much. Message of April 20, 1994, to struggle. But you are Jesus: I love you, little one. from Our Lady strengthened and purified during Ruth Ann: Mother, will You each one of these attacks for you do Message of April 12, 1994, not give up. You then emerge with speak with me? from Our Lord Jesus an even greater peace than you had Our Lady: Child, I am here for before. Ruth Ann: I thank You Lord, for you.

Ruth Ann: Yes Lord, this is continually reassuring me in my Ruth Ann: My peace was truly certainly true. For example, right times of weakness. disturbed yesterday, and the more I now I feel so full of love for You Jesus: Little one, you have been tried to stay calm, the more I was and Your Mother, it truly is asked to witness to the greatness attacked and disturbed. amazing. and goodness that God has worked Our Lady: Child, do not hesitate Jesus: Trust in Me, child. I will in your life. You have been called to ask for prayer when it becomes always be here for you. Do not to evangelize, and you have been too difficult for you to pray. hesitate to bring all fears, doubts, doing so. Obedience is the key, Ruth Ann: I don't want to and concerns to Me. I will reassure little one. You have listened and burden others, Mother. you and hold you in My arms as a shared the word of God to those parent would do for a child who is around you. You will continue to Our Lady: It is good to humble in need of being consoled. do so through the words spoken to yourself before those who have had Ruth Ann: It is easy for me now you from Me and My the desire to pray for you placed to say, "Okay, Lord." But at the Mother. Because of your obed- upon their hearts. time of confusion and anger, that is ience, you will continue to Ruth Ann: Yes, Mother, I will not easy to do. experience these miracles. You try to remember that. At the time will also experience the attacks of Jesus: You still have growing to my peace is being destroyed, asking the evil one. Where there is good, do, child. You will learn that these for prayer is the farthest thing from there will be the evil one, attacks you receive are only my mind. constantly showing his ugly head temporary because the evil one through all forms of persecution. Mother, You do know there are cannot stop God's plans. Place all Be not afraid. Good always those who are saying unkind things in My hands and the hands of My triumphs over evil, and I never send to those who come here to Mother. Know that Our love will more than any of My children are pray. There are things being yelled sustain you through any and all able to bear. You become dis- out by those who have no clue as to things. This is true for all My couraged and hurt, but know I am what's going on here? children. Share these words so My always here for you. You are doing Our Lady: Child, that is where children know that We are always the will of the Father. Know that, you are wrong. It is because they there for them, no matter what their child. do know what is going on that they concerns may be. No matter how say hateful things to My little great or small, if it is a concern, Now I know you must go. I am ones. The evil one is angry, and he then We wish to tend to this need. with you, as is the love and grace you need for this day. I commend uses those who allow him to control Ruth Ann: It will be shared, you for your obedience and love. I their feelings of irritation, disgust, Lord. and even hatred. This is directed bless you for your concerns for My Jesus: You have things you must children. Go in My peace. toward those who take time to do. I will not keep you. Go in My worship God, or gather in great Ruth Ann: Thank You Lord, for love, little one. Bask in it all day. numbers to give honor to the Your kind words, and Your love Mother of Jesus.


Child, the letters you receive filled Our Lady: All do and will protective mantle around you and with anger and hatred, the words understand the importance of your those you love. I thank you for that will be thrown at you, are all having said 'yes'. mission. They know that someone part of the persecution. It will must take a stand for the values that Ruth Ann: Thank You for Your continue. As your ministry grows, were once the central focus for all encouraging words, Mother. you will be attacked. As time goes in this country. God will supply Our Lady: Child, others too, will on, you will realize that those them with graces necessary to be things are unimportant, and are find peace in these words. sustained. Stay focused, little only distractions to draw you away child. Continue to listen and be Message of May 6, 1994, from the focus of your obedient to the word of God. You ministry. God has said, "Minister have just finished a weekend of from Our Lord Jesus to My people." He did not add that prayer and witnessing. The attacks Ruth Ann: Lord, is there it would be an easy task. It will are very strong because the evil one anything You wish to share with not, and can never be easy. You is angry. Many souls have been me today? have been chosen to tend to the touched, child. Of that you can be needs of God's little ones who are sure. Otherwise, you would be left Jesus: Little one, you have been searching for their way back to the alone. There would be no in great turmoil. light, love, and peace in a world attacks. The devil does not bother Ruth Ann: Yes, Lord. I was told filled with darkness, hatred, and with those he already has. He there would be many 'peaks and turmoil. Anger and envy are attacks those who go against all that valleys', but the valleys seem to get commonplace in your world he stands for. He continually deeper and come more frequently. today. It is seldom one can find lashes out in anger at those who try peace anywhere. Jesus: You will be given a brief to do the will of God. In this special place, there is respite soon. He has a great disgust and hatred peace. I am here, My Son is for you, child, but do not focus on Ruth Ann: Lord, can You share here. God has left His mark upon this. Focus on the love of My with me the reason for so much you and this land. Know that turmoil? Son. Focus on the goodness of God where there is good, there will also and all that He is allowing to Jesus: I can, little one. be those who wish to destroy this happen through you and the Remember, turmoil does not come good. The evil one uses those sacrifices of your family. God from Me. I am a God of light, love, around him willing to be loves you. I love you. We are and peace. So if it does not come maneuvered and manipulated to do pleased with all that you are from Me, where is it coming from? his bidding. Be not afraid. Know, doing. Do not be disturbed by the My little child, where there is Ruth Ann: The evil one, Lord. negative things around you that persecution, that good things are happen to disturb your peace. Jesus: Yes, child, the evil one happening. 'You will know them Concentrate on the good things that realizes that your ministry is by their fruits'. Remember those are happening to those who come growing. He sees you touching the words. You are producing good here to pray. Concentrate on the minds and hearts of many in your fruits through doing the will of graces, blessings, and miracles sharing, and he is angry. He lashes God. This is not, and will never be, being poured out upon those God out at you in any way he can. He an easy task. When you take up the allows you to touch, not just in a brings doubt, fear, anger, despair, cross and follow My Son, you must physical way, but spiritually, and anxiety into your life. He expect the pain and suffering that through the messages and your makes it more and more difficult goes with it. for you to witness, pray, and be at giving of self to His children. Ruth Ann: I'm concerned for my peace with all you are doing. Many Now, child, go in the peace of My would like your gift. They have no family, and especially my little Son, Jesus. I have placed My grandchildren. idea the cross that accompanies

“TO JESUS THROUGH MARY” MAY 2017 5  such a gift. You must always stay prayer. Message of October 9, 1994, focused on your Jesus. Know that Know, too, child, that as the work God is with you, and My Mother from Our Lady that God has for you continues to has great plans in store for you. If grow, so, too, will the attacks from Ruth Ann: Mother, about the you could only remember, little the evil one. It is all part of the messages. one, when you are experiencing great cross that will become heavier Our Lady: Little one, I have such pain, stay focused on Me. and heavier for you as time said, eventually they will come to You have heard My Mother say marches on. Those who say 'yes' to an end. Those you have been over and over, 'My Immaculate the will of God can expect great sharing with your brothers and Heart will triumph', but there is to spiritual warfare. The evil, the sisters will cease. The be much pain and suffering before darkness of the world is a great conversations I have with you will this is to come about. She says, force. Those who are of Me can continue. I will be with you as long 'pray, pray, pray'. Many still refuse see it, feel it, and experience as you have need of Me. Do not be to take Her messages seriously. The it. You know in your spirit the afraid that you will be left more your life comes under attack, force of this evil. You also know orphaned. God has much for you to the more you can be sure you are that good will triumph over evil. do. He will not leave you to your touching the minds, hearts, and Be not afraid. Do all that My meager resources. Do you not souls of many people. Otherwise Mother and I continually tell you to realize the magnitude of what is you would not be tormented. You do. Mass and Communion is of still to come? You have not would be left alone to go about great help to you. Confession is of accepted so many truths told to your life in peace. great importance. Pray, fast, and you, little one.

Ruth Ann: Lord, You are do penance. Be obedient to all that Ruth Ann: Mother, only because stronger than Satan. is being asked of you. Much prayer so many of these things sound so Jesus: Yes child, this is true. and support is there for you. Thank much like a movie or a story. I’m God every day for all He has done Ruth Ann: Then why do You not anyone, or anything, special. for you, and others through I’m certainly not deserving of any allow him to be so mean to those you. Be attentive to Me and My who are trying so hard to do Your of the things that have happened to Mother. Stay focused on Me and me, from my healings, to the will? you will be able to do all that is visions, and You and Jesus Jesus: Little one, you have My asked of you. We are always here speaking to me. Now I’m being Mother and Me at your disposal. It for you. Trust in this love We have told that Jesus is going to come to is up to you to stay focused. for you and all those whose lives me, and ask me to carry His cross. Sometimes through sheer physical you touch. My children are in need That means only one thing to me, exhaustion, you forget who is in of My words. Continue to share Mother. You know what that is control. You cannot allow the evil these words with others. It because You too, can read my one to get even a tiny foot- strengthens them, little one. It heart. hold. Once he has that, he draws them closer and closer to Me continues to wear you down until it and My Mother. In this time of Our Lady: Yes little one, and becomes difficult to concentrate or darkness, there is a great need for a you are correct in what you assume. listen to what I am saying to light. Let your heart and soul be You know not how, when, or what you. The minute the doubts and this beacon to guide others closer it is exactly that your Jesus wishes fears begin, know he is at and closer to Me. you to do though, child, so you work. You are experiencing a must be patient and trust. You have a busy day ahead of you, difficult time in your prayer life at Ruth Ann: Mother, I am trying. little one. Spend this day in the this time, but soon you will be peace of your Jesus. Our Lady: Child, I know. The given a brief respite so you will be Ruth Ann: Thank You, Lord. graces continue to be poured out able to go about in peace and

 6 MAY 2017 “TO JESUS THROUGH MARY” upon you. The holy angels continue disturb and take you away from all peace, little children. I am with to surround you and your dear that is good and holy. Focus on you. You must pray. ones. My Son. Accept this cross, and

Ruth Ann: The evil one know that you are not to carry it Message of Nov. 27, 1994, continues to attack too, Mother. alone. The evil one is persistent, from Our Lord Jesus

and will do all he can to bring Our Lady: He will attack, but he unrest, hatred, and confusion into Jesus: The evil one will continue will not be allowed to harm you. your world. This does not have to to come up against you, and tell Ruth Ann: My family? remain. you how foolish you are for doing

Our Lady: They too, will be Give all to God. Place those these things for Me, but know in attacked, but their faith is strong. things, over which you have no your heart that you are doing the You have given them a firm control, at the foot of the will of God. Many who do the will foundation. I know you are tired. Cross. Give your hurts and of God, are considered foolish in a Rest and be at peace with all that burdens to One Who loves world that has turned away from has been said to you. God loves you. God's Son has carried the Me and My desires. Continue to you, and in His tender mercy has ultimate burden. You too, are stand steadfast in your faith, and chosen you, a lowly child, to help asked to follow in His footsteps, trust in your God. There is much in the salvation of His children. Be but you are not to carry these more for you to do. As a chosen at peace with this, and know that burdens alone. Just as God's Son one, I know you will do it God works in mysterious ways His had Simon to help with the cross well. There are so few who wish to wonders to perform. He carried, you too, will be be of help to Me and My Mother. Know that all you do will Ruth Ann: Thank You, Mother, provided with help in the carrying of your cross. be blessed one hundredfold. The for speaking with me today. struggles will continue for you, Our Lady: Go in My Son’s I am your Mother, here to help you, little one, but the reward for these peace. as you walk this difficult struggles will be great. It's like the path. You cannot see the big pot of gold at the end of the picture, little children. Good will rainbow. Only your pot of gold Message of Nov. 9, 1994, triumph over evil. Those who will be Heaven, and all the glory from Our Lady harm the least of My chosen ones, that awaits you there. will have much for which to Ruth Ann: Mother, You are answer. It is not for you to wish Ruth Ann: We can handle our right. The times are very difficult harm to those who hurt earthly struggles, Lord, as long as right now, and our peace is being You hang in there with us. you. Vengeance is Mine, sayeth disturbed. Please be with us. the Lord'. Be at peace, and bask in Jesus: Little one, I am always Our Lady: Child, I am the warmth and love of My Son here for you, and so is My Mother. here. You need not feel Jesus. He is Light, Love, and Ruth Ann: Lord, Your Mother abandoned. God is a God of love, Peace. Much prayer is needed, but said Her messages to share, soon but He is also a God of know in your heart, God will tend will cease. Can You tell me why? justice. You must not concern to all things in His way and in His yourself with the 'whys'. But know time. Do not allow the evil one to Jesus: Little one, My Mother has that even those things that happen destroy the peace in your heart, so said and done all those things in your world, caused by evil, can necessary for the salvation of your needed to get things going here at be used for the good of those who souls. the farm. She has done as She was told to do. She too, does the will of love and trust in Him. I wish for I give you My Motherly blessing. you to have peace, but in your God, and it has been His will that Know I am praying with you She draw all His children to His world, it is difficult to find through these troubled times. Seek peace. Turmoil continues to Son and His word. She has