Rocks of Augusta, Rockingham Highland, and Bath Counties, Virginia
COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF MINERAL RESOURCES FIELD TRIP TO THE IGNEOUS ROCKS OF AUGUSTA, ROCKINGHAM HIGHLAND, AND BATH COUNTIES, VIRGINIA ROBERT W. JOHNSON, JR. CHARLES MILTON, AND JOHN M. DENNISON INFORMATION CIRCUI.AR I 6 VIRGINIA DIVISION OF MINERAL RESOURCES Jomes L. Colver Commissioner of Minerol Resources ond Stote Geologist CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 't971 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF MINERAL RESOURCES FIELD TRIP TO THE IGNEOUS ROCKS OF AUGUSTA, ROCKINGHAM, HIGHLAND, AND BATH COUNTIES, VIRGINIA ROBERT W. JOHNSON, JR. CHARLES MILTON, AND JOHN M. DENNISON INFORMATION CIRCULA,R I 6 VIRGINIA DIVISION OF MINERAL RESOURCES Jomes L. Colver Commissioner of Minerol Resources ond Stoie Geologisl CHARLOTTESVILLE, VI RGINIA 1971 CoMMoNWEALTH or VIncrr.rr.l DnrAnt1vrsNr or Puncnesss AND Suppl,y RTCHMoND !97L Portions of this publication may be quoted if credit is given to the Virginia Division of Mineral Resources. It is recomrnended that reference to this repor."t be made in the following form: Johnson, R, W., Jr., Milton, Charles, and Dennison, J. M., 1971, Field trip to the igneous rocks of Augusta, Rockingham, I{ighland, and Bath counties, Virginia: Virginia Division of Mineral Resources Information Circ. 16, 68 p. DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Richmond, Virginia MARVIN M. SumnnLAND, Director Culnlps A. CnnrsropHERsEN, DeputA Director A. S. RlcnAL, JR., E*ecutiae Assi,stant BOARD Wrllrlu H. KrNc, Burkeville, Chuirman Wrr,r,rAu H. Sraxn,q.cEN, Alexandria, Vi,ce Chairman D. HnNny ALMoND, Richmond Ml.ron T. BENToN, Suffolk Josnps C. Canrnn, Jn., Richmond Aoor,r' U.
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