
(51) International Patent Classification: EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, H01M 8/06 (2016.01) F02M 25/00 (2006.01) MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK, SM, TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, Cl, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, (21) International Application Number: KM, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG). PCT/IN20 18/000041 (22) International Filing Date: Declarations under Rule 4.17: 02 August 2018 (02.08.2018) — as to applicant's entitlement to apply for and be granted a patent (Rule 4.17(H)) (25) Filing Language: English — of inventorship (Rule 4.17(iv)) (26) Publication Language: English Published: (30) Priority Data: — with international search report (Art. 21(3)) 20181 1021480 08 June 2018 (08.06.2018) IN (72) Inventor; and (71) Applicant: SEXENA, Saurabh Mohan [IN/IN]; 405, Dilkash Appartment, River Bank Colony, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226003 (IN). (81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every kind of national protection available) : AE, AG, AL, AM, AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DJ, DK, DM, DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IR, IS, JO, JP, KE, KG, KH, KN, KP, KR, KW,KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LU, LY,MA, MD, ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU, RW, SA, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW. (84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every kind of regional protection available) : ARIPO (BW, GH, GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, ST, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, TJ, TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK,


Fig 5 : AH Ceil with plates

(57) Abstract: This invention relates to a method of producing HHO gas using a fuel-saving device having advanced hydrogen on demand system (AHODS) to improve the fuel economy of vehicles. This invention aims to reduce the polluting exhaust gases by less use of fossil fuel in the vehicles. An advanced apparatus and a method for dissociating normal or recycled water into its components using the methods of and vibronics is disclosed. The invention operates at low voltage and current. The production of gas as a fuel is regulated and is controlled during production, which is then provided to the air manifold of the vehicle engine to reduce fossil fuel consumption. Fuel Saving Device and Method of reduction of fuel.

This invention relates to a kit having electronic components, hardware and software to improve the fuel economy of vehicles. This invention aims to reduce the polluting exhaust gases by less usage of fossil fuel in the vehicles. An advanced apparatus and method for breaking normal water into its components by method of electrolysis and vibronics having advanced hydrogen on demand system kit is disclosed. The invention operates at low voltage and current. The production of the gas as fuel is regulated and is controlled during production, which is then used along with the air intake manifold of the vehicle engine to reduce fossil fuel consumption.

Background of the invention

Across the world the Climate Change is a major problem. It is not a secret that transports vehicles and mobility contributes to a huge portion of the green house effect. Daily the exhaust of the present transport system is a threat to human lives, which creates pollution related diseases across the globe today. Reduction in use of oil/fossil fuel would reduce the problem of green house. Alternate fuels would help save the current and next generations.

We are at the cusp of a revolution to change the way we interact with our world. We have polluted the world by the excessive use of oil and oil based products. One of the largest contributors to global warming is hydrocarbon fuel and we urgently need an alternative. Energy from sun, wind and tides are available but will not be sufficient quickly enough for our dependence on oil to be cut drastically. We have the technology and we need to implement.

The electric vehicles have inherent challenges of charging and range of the distance covered. The cost of battery has been always making it uneconomical. It requires huge infrastructure to compete and promote the usage. Also, the present ways to make electricity is also as polluting as the usage of fossil fuel medium. The only difference being one is centralized to a location as a power plant and the other being used in moving machines as combustion engines to produce the green house gases. The production of electricity from wind and sun is also in a nascent stage having its own limitation and implementation challenges. The present invention i.e. the Advanced Hydrogen On Demand System (AHODS) will act as a disruptive way to convert the millions of cars and automobiles across the globe to reduce the consumption of fossil fuel and will provide better environment for the future. The effect is humungous and phenomenal which could remove the air pollution in many cities of the world.

Brief Description of the accompanying drawings:

Figure 1 represents the global pollution index of the cities by 20 18. Figure 2 represents the block diagram of the vehicle with various components of AHODS including its placement. Figure 3 represents the block diagram showing the application of AHODS on various transport vehicles. Fig ure 4 represents the block diagram of the AHODS kit Figure 5 represents the constructional features of the AHODS kit showing the plates and the cells. Figure 6 represents the EFIE Circuit. Figure 7 represents the OBD Bluetooth Connector Figure 8 represents the Flash Back arrestor. Figure 9 represents the Wiring Harness. Figure 0 represents the Car display and control circuit. Figure 11 represents the representative phone application. Fig ure 12 represents the equation for calculating the current and voltage requirements for pulse generator

Detailed description of the preferred embodiments with reference to the accompanying drawings.

The development of AHODS technology since many years being in Automotive industry. The initial attempts & effort consisted of sifting through the huge amount of information available on the internet to try and separate the kernels of genuine information from the number of tall claims which are so prevalent about anything on the internet. Thereafter, more specific studies were conducted with the object of deciding on a basic design for eventual fabrication and testing. Over a period of time, with a clearer understanding of the tasks involved, the technology was divided into the following different sections, which were then pursued concurrently: ♦ Basic concept and design • Building Prototypes Trials and testing « Freeze the eoneept • Continuous improvements

The Kit as per BOM is applicable to all the 1C engines either stationary eg. the DGs and moving ones on vehicles for mobility . Vehicle includes all the passenger and commercial vehciles including train engines including boats and small ships. Application can also be on the water ways on boats , speed boats , cruise ships and carrier ships. Also a major application is for the DG engines industry.

A successful AHOD kit consists of the following parts. It has been explained in a block diagram showing the regular vehicle components and parts along with the additional parts which needs to be added for augmentation of hydrogen into l/c engine. 1. AHOD Generator: a. AHOD Cell Pack: An efficient electrolyzer, w hi c h generates sufficient HHO gas at the lowest possible current drawn from the car’s (or generator’s) alternator. The construction is strong and rugged enough to withstand the work environment, yet easily accessible and serviceable. This has steel plate / mesh configurations of SS31 6L as shown in Figure 5. The configuration of number of plates depends on the volume of gas required for a particular capacity (cc) of engine and fuel type (/Petrol or Diesel). There could be a pipe configurations and others as well depending on the gas volume requirement and size requirements.

b. A DC Pulse Circuit: This is a vibronic circuit generating resonance a nd is used to break water into hydrogen and oxygen as HHO gas. The basis of the current, fre q ue nc y , voltage combination is as per the equation shown in Fig. 12. This circuit in combination with the the A HOD Gene rator(a) is a uniq ue and novel. The circuit is a combination of Resistors .Gapaeitors, Transistors, 1C & MOSFETS etc. This enables pulses to AHOD generator enhancing the electrolysis at lower currents. When the water is electrolyzed along with hydrogen and oxygen even He3 is produced. c. Electrolyte: The best suited electrolyte has been found to be KOH with additives. This enhances the volume of gas production. d . Solenoid Valve (SV): A solenoid va e is provided to cut off and control the gas circuit. e. Pressure Release Value (PRV): The pressure release valve is a

safety valve to open in case of malfunction or high gas pressure due to any reasons. It open up to release HHO gas into the atmosphere which finally converts to Hydrogen and Oxygen. This is installed1on the gas circuit. f. Flash Back Arrestor. This is installed in the gas circuit. It has a

> safety function to stop any back flash/spark from Engine Manifold or any malfunction in rare case to the AHOD Generator. g. Standard Fittings, connectors and piping are required for the same. h . An optional scrubbing system to ensure the complete removal of the electrolyte (in case used) from the gas before it enters the intake manifold of the engine. 2 . Electronic Fuel Enhancer Circuit: A suitable electronic system to work in conjunction with the car’s computer (the ECU) to ensure that the ECM does not override the new combustion environment created by changing the fuel from hydrocarbon alone to hydrocarbon + HHO. A suitable constant current pulse width modulator (CCPWM) ensures that the gas production remains exactly at the level set for the particular engine on- which the kit is installed. Fig.6 3. Bluetooth EOBD: This is an interface between the vehicle diagnostic data and the mobile phone application. EOBD collects the relevant data from the Engine ECU and sensors and then the data is send to a synchronized smart mobile phone. This data is further used by the phone application for analysis, display and reports. Fig. 7 4. Mobile Application: A Phone Application working on android and iOS for the display and monitoring along with vehicle data acquisition, display, analysis

and reports. Fig. 11 5. In-car LED Display and Control: Suitable display system which shows the driver or generator operator that the system is working fine. The switch is used to activate or deactivate the AHOD System. This brings flexibility and convenience to the driver to run as normal with Gasoline/Diesel or with AHOD Kit. Fig. 10 6 . A safety system which ensures that HHO is vented outside the car in case of any malfunction. a . There is a solenoid valve to cut off supply of gas as soon as the

vehicle is stopped. It only allows the flow when the gas is in use. b. The pressure safety release valve is put between the manifold and the generator cell. In case of any malfunction or rise in the gas pressure, it diffuses the gas to the atmosphere. c. The flash back arrestor-: In case of any malfunction or back pressure. The flash is arrested in FBA by reducing the pressure and submerging in fire retardant material like asbestos powder / sand etc. 7. There are plumbing connections for flow of gas and water in and out of the generator. 8. A wiring Harness for connection on the vehicle with existing auto electrical and electronics The first electrolyzer consisted of a plastic jar filled with water with some form of tube or plate electrodes, with its obvious drawbacks. This design evolved over many iterations into the present day 'dry-cell’, which is now considered to be the best and most rugged design for automobiles and generators.

The design of the electrolyzer is depicted in Fig. 5 . The plates are made the plates are of SS 316L, with rugged container and the gaskets are silicone rubber. This is mounted under the bonnet at a suitable place. A water bottle/container is also installed and connected to the AHOD Cell . The level of the water container /bottle has to be above the Generator cell.

The EFIE circuit box is located under the bonnet with the wiring harness laid down connected to various sensor inputs. The in-car unit is mounted near the steering wheel at the dashboard for easy access , visually as well as for switching ON/OFF of the AHODS. The Bluetooth OBD-II is plugged in the OBD port of the vehicle, which is generally under the Dashboard.

The complete block diagram representing the complete connection of the AHODS with vehicle components is provided in the Figure 4 . Installation ΑΗΘΡ System;

1. AHOD System: Physical connection and installation of the kit is done based on the vehicle configuration, the space available under the bonnet in the vehicle and the mounting possibilities. The generator is mounted on the brackets to the body. The water bottle and other parts are also mounted on the car body under the bonnet or at a suitable place as per the service manual of the car.

The wiring harness is connected with battery, the generator, the solenoid valve, and the EFIE as well as In-car control circuit boxes with switch ON/OFF. All the water piping, gas piping is routed and laid down properly. The wiring harness and other electronic connections are done properly with no loose connections. The Bluetooth OBD- II is connected to the port on the car. The phone application is installed on the mobile phone of the driver. The detailed installation procedures can be provided in the manual that would cover the details during the mass usage.

2. Vehicle Tuning; The tuning process can be broken down into the following steps. The tuned AHODS system is done as per the engine size, type and vehicle variant depending on the fuel used. The tuning is done with the help of electronic adjustments as in the vehicle ECU uses the following inputs: MAP (Manifold Absolute Pressure), TPS, MAF (Mass Air Flow), ECT (Engine Coolant Temperature), IAT (Intake Air Temperature), and 0 2 (oxygen) sensors, apart from several others. a. Lowering lean-out limits: The lean out limits are reached with the help of adjustment on IAT sensors, CTS, MAP sensor inputs. b. Adjusting Air-Fuel mixture: The ECU seems to always get that there is a rich mixture of Air-Fuel with EFIE using 0 2 sensors etc. c. Adjusting : The key to getting sustained mileage gains revolves around the adjustment of ignition timing. Two modifications carried out effect the timing: i. Increase in AIT temperature causes the ECU to retard the timing. ii. The MAP modification advances the timing.

Technical advantages over the previous versions:

The present invention is a fuel saving device with the following advantages. The invention has an option of using concentrated KOH solution as an electrolyte as an option. The device can be successfully installed in petrol cars with around 40% saving in the fuel and around 80% reduction in effluents. The same is also true for the diesel engines, which requires larger quantity of gas but with a higher current.

In another embodiment, which uses the pulsed resonating Direct current, there is no requirement of electrolyte. The device uses plain tap water in less quantity and is highly efficient and provides large quantities of gas at low current or amperage. This un t ean be used on diesel engines.

Some of the other features that are novel to this device are:

a . Generator with Mesh/perforated design for better surface area for reaction where

as in the previous designs, it had circular tubes and plates. b. There is no need of any additional battery for the generator c. It operates at low current with maximum gas output with existing vehicle 12V battery. d. It also uses a DC Pulse Circuit for generation of vibrations to improve the gas output e . The option to make it chemical free i.e. without KOH is possible with no compromise on gas production f. The device has a robust container design for withstanding the vibration on the

vehicle where as in the previous designs it has a plastic body/ container. g. The present invention has both the options i.e. with and without the electrolyte including resonance options where as the earlier designs were solely based on the electrolytes / chemicals. h. The present invention uses Cut off Valve / Solenoid Valve as a protection valve for safety where as they were not present in the prior art. i. The present invention uses Pressure Relief valves which were not present in the previous designs. j . The present invention uses Flash Back arrestors which were not present in the previous designs. k. The invention provides for a water container, PU pipes for gas circulation and special connectors for gas intake to air manifolds.

Method of operation:

The present invention also provides for a method of operation of the fuel saving device comprising a n Advanced Hydrogen O n Demand System (AHODS) generator having a AHOD cell pack which acts as an electrolyzer generating sufficient HHO gas with the lowest possible current. The said cell pack comprising a number of Stainless Steel Plates / Meshes; a DC pulse circuit produces Hydrogen and oxygen by generating the resonance to break water into hydrogen and oxygen. The gas so produced, is controlled by using a solenoid valve. A pressure release valve is used as a safety valve and is operated in case of high gas pressure or any malfunction. A flash back arrestor is also used to stops any flash/ spark from engine manifold or from AHOD generator itself; connecting pipes which take the gas produced to the engine manifold. Optionally, a scrubbing system is used for complete removal of the electrolyte from gas before entering the engine manifold. The gas so generated through the device is fed into the engine along with the air intake manifold of the vehicle engine to reduce fossil fuel consumption.

Working a l

The kit was first tested on a popular car model with a 1.3 liter petrol engine. During the course of the testing, several electronic system settings were tried which culminated in the final test which showed petrol savings to be approximately 40%, and reduction in emissions to be approximately 80%. Before the tests were carried out, a complete manual was created to give the steps which need to be followed to successfully save fuel and reduce remissions in the internal combustion engine. The complete installation and tuning procedure for petrol & diesel engines have been established.

The present invention seeks to overcome the shortcomings of the prior art by. providing new technologies in areas such as converting water into a usable fuel with a combination of components and sub systems. Specifically, the device utilizes a control unit using electronics to create oscillations in tuned metal surrounded by water to atomize the water into its molecular components before being injected into some other device. The complete system has safety features. In one embodiment of the invention, which is a complete kit, the fuel is injected into the intake manifold of an internal combustion engine. By utilizing this embodiment, the apparatus will be able to generate a continuous power supply without relying on fossil fuels or aqueous electrolyte solutions. /We ai :

1. A fuel saving device comprising an Advanced Hydrogen On Demand System (AHODS) generator having a AHOD cell pack which acts as an electrolyzer generating sufficient HHO gas with the lowest possible current, the said cell pack comprising a number of Stainless Steel Plates / Meshes; a DC pulse circuit generating a resonance to break water into hydrogen and oxygen; a solenoid valve to cut-off and control the gas circuit; a pressure release valve which acts as a safety valve and can operated in case of high gas pressure or any malfunction; a flash back arrestor which stops any flash/ spark from engine manifold or from AHOD generator itself; connecting pipes which take the gas produced to the engine manifold; an optional electrolyte and an .optional scrubbing system for complete removal of the electrolyte from gas before entering the engine manifold; wherein the gas generated through the device is fed into the engine along with the air intake manifold of the vehicle engine to reduce fossil fuel consumption. 2. A fuel saving deviee as claimed in claim 1, wherein the DC Pulse circuit generating the resonance, generates pulses at low currents. 3. A fuel saving device as claimed in any of he preceding claims, wherein the device can optionally use the electrolyte to enhance the generation of the gases. 4. A fuel saving device as claimed in any of the preceding claims, wherein the device can optionally use KOH as an electrolyte and also could even work without any chemicals. 5. A .fuel saving device as claimed in any of the preceding claims where in the device can optionally have a scrubber for complete removal of the electrolyte from gas before entering the engine manifold. 6. A fuel saving device as claimed in any of the preceding claims wherein the combination of all the elements results in maximum fuel saving and efficiency in technical operation 7. A fuel saving device as claimed in any of the preceding claims wherein there is provided ah online interface with the driver through a mobile application to monitor the of the'car. 8. A fuel saving device as claimed in any of the preceding claims wherein the device is a combination of both DC Pulse circuit generating the resonance which is free of chemical as well as can optionally use electrolyte. 9. A method of producing sufficient HHO gas with the lowest possible current, through a fuel saving device comprising an Advanced Hydrogen On Demand System (AHODS) generator as claimed in claim 1, wherein the said generator comprises of a cell pack comprising a number of Stainless Steel Plates / Meshes; a DC pulse circuit generating a resonance to break water into hydrogen and oxygen; a solenoid valve to cut-off and control the gas circuit; a pressure release valve which acts as a safety valve and can operated in case of high gas pressure or any malfunction; a flash back arrestor which stops any flash/ spark from engine manifold or from AHOD generator itself; connecting pipes which take the gas produced to the engine manifold; an optional electrolyte and an optional scrubbing system for complete removal of the electrolyte from gas before entering the engine manifold; wherein the gas generated through the device is fed into the engine along with the air intake manifold of the vehicle engine to reduce fossil fuel consumption. 10. A method of producing sufficient HHO gas with the lowest possible current, through a fuel saving device comprising an Advanced Hydrogen On Demand System (AHODS) generator as claimed in the preceding claim, wherein the device can optionally use the electrolyte (KOH) to enhance the generation of the gases or can even work without the electrolyte.

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