The SPECTRUM Magazine, June, 2002

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The SPECTRUM Magazine, June, 2002 The SPECTRUMSPECTRUM “Achieve the wisdom of knowledge of Truth as this will enable you to wisely follow the Laws of The Creation.” A Non-Profit Educational Corporation Dedicated To Bringing You The Truth VOLUME 3, NUMBER 12 NEWS REVIEW US$5.00 / CAN$7.00 JUNE 2002 Bright Path To Good Health: Full-Spectrum Light The Sun Is Really Your Friend! A Conversation With David Olszewski, E.E., I.E. 5/10/02 RICK MARTIN Light literally affects every single part of the brain and every cell of the body. — John Downing The Power Of Light, p.3 O.D., Ph.D., F.C.S.O., pioneering phototherapy researcher and inventor. The News Desk, p.4 Darkness may reign in a cave for thousands of EUSTACE MULLINS: AMERICA’S PERIL—The Israeli years, but bring in the light, and the darkness “Fifth Column” Operating In The United States, p.22 vanishes as though it had never been. Similarly, no matter what your defects, they are yours no longer SANANDA: Testing And Sorting In These Final Hours, p.27 when you bring in the Light of Goodness. So great is the Light of the soul! — Paramahansa Congressman Dr. Ron Paul: Yogananda, Affirmations For Healing. “Bad Boy” To Good Ol’ Boys, p.55 In a way that perhaps makes sense only deep within the SOLTEC: It’s Always Darkest Before The Dawn, p.58 soul, it seems appropriate in these seemingly dark and troubled times to focus upon the subject of light. What Happened To One Inventor When His Device Delivered Light is often used as a metaphor for Powerful Spiritual Over 100 Miles Per Gallon Of Gas, p.60 Energies we sense are at the heart of the entirety of Creation. Yet light is also recognized as being an absolute CALVIN BURGIN: Does Israel Have A Right To Palestine? practical necessity for life on our planet to exist. Popular Fiction Is NOT Historical Truth, p.66 (See: Bright Path To Good Health, p.30) SIDEBAR: Mystery Of Dead Sea Scroll Unravels, p.72 The “Psychic Internet” Is As Close As Your Thoughts, p.76 AL MARTIN: The Case For Sedition By The Bush Cabal, p.78 William Cooper: Death Of A Conspiracy Salesman NIKOLA TESLA: FREE ENERGY On November 5, 2001, William Cooper was shot to death by AND THE WHITE DOVE sheriff’s deputies in a gunfire exchange. Who was Bill Cooper? Was he a true patriot? A tough survivalist? Or simply a fanatic? Exposes the most important alternative scientific Some knew him as a UFO “expert” (claimed insider information advancements of our time utilizing free energy concepts on government knowledge of extraterrestrials living among us)...a which were uncovered by Tesla and perhaps derived from conspiracy theorist...a former Navy Intelligence operative...and the other-worldly sources. person the President once called “the most dangerous man on About The Author: A former military intelligence American airwaves”. Cooper always said he acted from his operative who has kept his identity a secret cliams to have “conscience” and sought to warn all Americans of the dangers of worked inside underground bunkers in Area 5l where he the New World Order, creeping socialism, and our own brand of actually flew UFOs via telepathy and levitation methods Nazism. Here is the inside story, as told by a fellow patriot and derived from contact with ETs. $16.00 (+S/H) $15.00 (+S/H) government whistle-blower. Commander X has collected together SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-280-2866 for the first time Cooper’s thoughts and finds on such subjects as: The Illuminati • The Kennedy Assassination • MJ-12 and the UFO Cover-Up • Area 51 • The AntiChrist • The INVISIBILITY & LEVITATION : A HOW-TO World Trade Center Disaster • Gun Control • Skull and Bones Society. GUIDE TO PERSONAL PERFORMANCE SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-280-2866 BY COMMANDER X Methods utilized by occultists, military, and martial artists to perfect the art of levitation and invisibility. Throughout history DEATH IN THE AIR: only a “super” few have learned to accomplish such seemingly impossible tasks. Were the blocks of the pyramids levitated into GLOBALISM, TERRORISM & TOXIC WARFARE place? This is the only how-to book on a very strange topic. SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING This book explains how and why: $15.00 (+S/H) • We have evolved from the nuclear age OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-280-2866 into a “Technotronic Era” with “psychotronic warfare” for optimal population control. • Non-lethal warfare is being effectively TIME TRAVEL: A HOW-TO INSIDERS GUIDE used to produce sociopolitical and Visit the past and future with safe and proven methods. We economic outcomes consistent with global have long been taught that time travel is impossible and the work genocide. of science fiction, but during the past several decades secret • The world’s wealthiest policy-makers agencies with the U.S. military have successfully been crossing have recommended, and are working the barriers of space and time. Here is the shattering evidence toward, eliminating half the world’s that we are being visited by “time surfers” from the future, and population. that we too can journey forward and backward in time. • Accepted methods of disease prevention, The Authors: Commander X is formerly of military intelligence, such as pesticide sprayings, can only be having worked on several classified projects. Tim Swartz is Hard Cover: $29.95 (+S/H) scientifically rationalized as costly and $15.00(+S/H) Emmy award-winning journalist. deadly contributions to non-lethal warfare and population reduction. SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-280-2866. • Chemtrail sprayings that obscure blue skies are not normal, but reflect a conspiracy of silence and military attacks on the INTELLIGENCE AGENT’S SHOCKING REPORT health and welfare of people around the world. FLY I N G SAUCERS COME FROM INSIDE EARTH! Striking at the heart of those responsible for the latest forms of • Aliens have established • Entrance ways can be found in bio-terrorism, psychotronic warfare, and ecological genocide, underground bases around the many major cities. the revelations contained in this book offer more than a reality planet. • Some government & military check—they give you and your loved ones a final, last-minute • Ancient tunnel system has officials have taken the side of choice for survival. existed since time of Atlantis. aliens. See next-to-last page for ordering or call toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 The UFO enigma is more complex than generally believed. Though it is commonly thought that UBTERRANEAN ORLDS NSIDE ARTH spaceships are arriving here from other solar systems, S W I E there is now evidence that several groups of ETs have BY TIM BECKLEY $17.50(+S/H) established bases beneath our very feet. Is the Earth hollow? Is our planet honeycombed with caverns SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-280-2866. inhabited by mysterious races? Are there civilizations of super beings living beneath the surface of the Earth? Are the residents of this subsurface world friendly, or do they have our domination TELEPORTATION: A HOW-TO GUIDE: in mind? Here are strange and unexplainable legions of the “Wee ® People”, the Dero, and long-haired Atlantean giants as encounterd FROM STAR TREK TO TESLA by cave explorers and miners trapped far beneath the Earth. • Mysterious Disappearances Solved! $12.50(+S/H) SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-280-2866 • Classified Experiments Inside Area 51 Revealed! • Aliens Leave Behind Technological Clues! THE DULCE WARS: Underground Alien • Master The Science Of Teleportation! According to the author, known as Commander X, Bases & The Battle For Planet Earth on a number of occasions he witnessed the testing of Is an alien “Fifth Column” already active on Earth preparing total highly classified, TOP SECRET, black-project aircraft conquest via implantations and mind control? In the corner of a small engaged in maneuvers over Area 51 in the Nevada town in America’s Southwest something very strange is going on. Did $15.00 (+S/H) desert. This whistle-blower claims he actually sat at U.S. military forces perish recently in hand-to-hand combat with a group of hostile “Greys” who subsequently seized control of one of our top-secret the helm of one of these ships as it bi-located from underground bases? Includes latest on animal mutilations, energy grids, SEE NEXT-TO-LAST one place to another—INSTANTLY! secret societies, lost civilizations, abductions, and missing time. PAGE FOR ORDERING Commander X insists it is possible for readers to OR CALL TOLL-FREE: learn the fundamentals of teleportation and participate SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING Toll-free: 1-877-280-28661-877-280-2866 Outsidein experimentation U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 of their very own. $15.95PAGE 2 (+S/H) OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-280-2866. JUNE 2002 THE POWER OF LIGHT It’s always fun to be able to brag a wherever I can to ask for financial natural pathways to good health, little bit with you, our extended family. help to keep us afloat. But the there has long been a concerted We receive so many warm and miracle is, we’re still here—though it effort put forth by the Medical Mafia encouraging messages from you, would sure ease the nerves if our to suppress public awareness of saying how much you appreciate finances gave us more breathing light’s huge importance in our lives.
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