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March 2005

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thedailyeasternnews.com Eastern Illinois University, Charleston

CITY ELECTIONS Vandals targeting vehicles Inyart Numerous cases holds 'meet reported each semester to and greet' University Police Mayoral candidate

BY MEGAN ) URINEK wants community to CAMPUS REPORTER know what Some students have a lot on their candidates are about plates when they have to worry about grades, school work and their car. BY HILLARY SETTLE Eighteen cases of criminal dam- CITY EDITOR ages to property dealing with cars have been reported this year said John Inyart is doing something Officer Art Mitchell, Eastern's crime different. prevention officer. He is spending $1,200-$1,500 of "There's not rhyme or reason" to his campaign funds to help why these cars are damaged, Mitchell Charleston City Council candidates said. campaign. Common problems are mirrors Thursday evening, Inyart is rent- and antennas knocked off, dents, ing the banquet room at the keyed cars and broken windows. Worthington Inn, 920 W. Lincoln Both car mirrors on Emily Ave., to let candidates "meet and McCrary's 1999 Pontiac Grand Am greet" members of the Charleston were broken in early March. community, something he thinks "My car was the only one dam- will be beneficial to candidates and aged (in the lot), and I'm not sure community members by giving both why," said McCrary, freshman mar- more of an opportunity to express keting major. ideas. She said $400 worth of damages "The forums are great, but it's were made to her car. very difficult through a 90-second "I was real mad. I just had the car answer from a candidate to get a feel for five days, and some drunk idiot for what a person's about," Inyart decided to smash the mirrors," said said. "I feel like this would be a little McCrary. one-on-one small group discussion Mitchell said the safety of cars on for a couple hours so people can get campus depends on where a car is to know the candidates a lirtle bet- parked. ter." "The most criminal damage to T his is something Inyart said he's vehicles occurs in that lot on Ninth thought about since the beginning Street, right on the corner or Ninth of his campaign when he didn't and Roosevelt, and entrance to C ARRIE HOLLIS/THE D'IILY EASTERN NEWS know if he would be running unop- Greek Court," he said. "The reason James Doss, a junior environmental biology major, shows his Honda scooter that was vandalized twice in the past posed. Once he found out he had no more damage is done in that lot than two years while parked on campus. "I don't care, but I think it's funny that someone would knock over a scooter," opponent, he decided to make it a any (other), is because of intoxicated Doss said. council-wide event, one he strongly people walking to Greek Court and encourages Eastern students to Carman Hall." "The safest parking lot to park where," Mitchell said. "It's a safe lot." Mitchell said. attend. He recommended not parking in your vehicle in is the stadium lot, Depending on the damage done "Very seldom is anyone appre- "It's just something different," he the Ninth Street lot because violators because it is well off the beaten track. to the car, violators can be charged said. "I think most of these people, if are not easily found. It's not a path to anywhere from any- with a misdemeanor or a felony, SEE VANDALISM PAGE 7 not all of them, realize the way you get votes is to listen to someone and hear their concerns ... and at least let them know where you stand on an Peer helpers make life easier for incoming freshmen tssue.. " Candidates are impressed with BY YOUNGCHI CHANG applications for peer helpers until Wednesday. Inyart's initiative and his donation of STAFF WRITER "I didn't want someone else Gardner said she wants to recruit a more diverse campaign funds. group of peer helpers; the program is available to "I think that is an example of the Eastern assists incoming students in adjusting going through the same thing as all students. leadership (Inyart) will bring to the to life on campus through the Peer Helper me." Gardner said studies have shown the first city, his capability and qualifica- Program, a student mentoring program. semester on campus will often determine whether tion," said candidate Jeff Lahr. During her freshman year at Eastern, Alicia ALICIA SPATES, PEER HELPER a student will successfully bond to an institution "(Candidates) might be able to go Spates, senior journalism major, had a peer helper and potentially graduate. into more depth with a certain con- but she did not gain a connection with that per- Every year, the program has had approximately '1t is our belief that if we match our new stu- cern or idea that people have." son. 80 new incoming freshmen and transfer students dents up with other successful students on campus Inyart said he has invited all eight "I joined the Peer Helper Program because I and 20 Peer Helpers. during that first key semester, we can start them candidates to attend and has gorten know how hard it was my freshman year," Spates However, last fall it had only six males out of on the right path for their own success," said some good feedback from several. said, who has served as a peer helper for the past the 20 peer helpers. Gardner, who has coordinated the program since "I'm very grateful to (Inyart) for two years. "I didn't want someone else going "We usually have a lot of female helpers," said 2003. providing this opportunity," Lahr through the same thing as me." Zelda Gardner, academic adviser of the Minority To improve the retention and graduation rate said. The program was started in 1985 by the Student Affairs who now sponsors the program. on campus, every fall semester peer helpers are He will be setting up booths for African-American Studies Program in order to "We don't get as many males, so men are especial- matched with three or four incoming freshmen or each candidate in case they wish to help African-American students become success- ly encouraged to apply." ful college students. The Office of Minority Affairs is accepting the SEE PEER PAGE 7 SEE IN YART PAGE 7 FIVE-DAY OUTLOOK TODAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 70 64 61 45 54 53 44 42 34 39 Mostly sunny Isolated T storms Partly cloudy Showers Sunny TuF.soAY, MARcH 29, 2005

CAMPUS BRIEFS ACE WTF? 4 p.m. Film: "A Hard Straight" in Booth Library, Porn star gives Room 3202. A gang member, a hustler and a smalltime dealer have served their sentences, and they are on special showing parole. Now they are about to discover that walking out the prison gates is just the beginning. PEABODY, Mass. (AP) - An adult video store may have violated city 6 p.m. Film "The Tour Baby! Behind the scenes of ordinances when a porn star gave the Tour de France." One hundred percent of the pro- more than her John Hancock to auto- ceeds benefit the Lance Armstrong Foundation. graph-seeking fans, Peabody's police chief says. 7 p.m. "From Tech to E:l=-l..etrons in U:adernhip" T he X-rated actress allegedly in Roberson Auditorium, Lunpkin Hall, Room 2030. stripped and posed for photos after The program is sponsored by the Women's Studies Peabody police detectives entered the Program. Video Warehouse on Route I to investigate a complaint about a store 7 p.m. Di=>very Toys: Play to Learn. Join the promotion. National Student-Speech-Language-H earing Video Warehouse is in a location Association for a evening of"fun'' with Michelle Shafer, zoned for adult entertainment, but educational consultant with Discovery Toys. Come pre- the store isn't licensed fur live nude pared to have fun with high quality developmental toys, performances, said Police Chief Robert Champagne. books, games c\MVuse. BLOTTER

PEOPLE + March 5 Ahern J. Coady, 22 of Charleston, was driving under the influence at 5:38a.m. in Morton Park. Jackson jury to + March 25 Paul J. Wilson, 18 of Newman, was arrested at 2: 13 a.m in Greek Court for aggravated bat- hear the past tery, resisting a peace officer and illegal consumption of alcohol. SANTA MARIA, Cali£ (AP) - In a major setback fur Michael Jackson, a CAMPUS AND UNIVERSITY NEWS judge ruled Monday the jury can hear allegations the pop star molested or had designs on five other boys, including UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS-AUSTIN actor Macaulay Culkin and two young- sters who reached multimillion-dollar Anti-abortion display settlements with the singer. District Attorney Tom Sneddon said sparks protest Jackson's inappropriate activities with these boys included kissing. hugging BY YASHODA SAMPATH and inserting his hands into their pants. CI'.ILYTEXAN He also said there was a pattern of "grooming." or preparing the boys for (U-WIRE) AUSTIN, Texas - Despite speculation molestation, but did not elaborate. about possible violence, the second day of the Justice Jackson, 46, is on trial on charges he For All anti-abortion display was met with peaceful DANIEL WILLIAMS/THE DALY EASTERN NEWS molested one boy - then 13 - at his counter demonstrations Thursday at the University of Phil Sasser, a sophomore communication studies major, serves the ball Monday afternoon on Neverland ranch in 2003. In most Texas. the tennis courts near Cannan Hall. Monday's temperatures reached 61 degrees, and Tuesday criminal cases, evidence ofpast behavior "I think today's a lot more organized and more is forecast to reach 70 degrees. is not admissible against a defendant. motivated," said government sophomore Eliot Stone, a member of the UT chapter of the International Socialist Organization, which organized the protests. ONLINE POLL COUNTING WORD JFA set up 18-foot-tall displays showing photo- DOWN DU JOUR graphs of aborted fetuses and slogans such as "What's What business would you like to see open at the former location of the Hardee's building? it called when the victims have no choice?" finagle: For most of the morning, getting to the displays A) Starbucks. I miss it dearly when I am in Charleston. 1. to obtain or achieve by indirect, involved breaking through a line of more than 30 B) Chipotle Mexican Restaurant. The more mexican food available, the better. usually deceitful protesters. They held signs and yelled chants such as C) A new Jimmy John's. I just can't get enough! methods "Pro-life, the name's a lie, they don't care if women D) App lebee's. Charleston needs more sit down restaurants. Days unti I the 1 2.10 cheat; swindle die," and "Get your penis out of my fetus." One girl city elections. held a sign that read "If Satan raped you, would you VOTE@ THEDAILYEASTERNNEWS.COM abort?"

l!lnoR IN 011& ••••••••••• MAn WIUJAMS SENOl IIEPOl1Dl o o o o o o o o o o .ICEYJN ~Mli'IIR PHONE: 217-581 -2812 FAX: 581 -2923 ...... k sampier®hotmail.com ...... mmwilliams1220®aol.com E·MAIL: mmwilliams1220®aol.com MANAGING EDTot •••• }EN>IIHR CHAaU.o ~ Bli1!Dil •••••••••••••• .DAN WOlKE NIGHT PRODUCTION STAFF: ...... cu jc7®eiu.edu ...... woikeda®hotmail.com NIGHT CHIEF •••••••••••MATT WILLIAMS i'::'lEws EDTOl o ••• ••• ••• oohacN ~HOUTZ .l.\5soaA1E SPanS Bli1!Dil ••••• .DAN ms.cx INSIDE DESIGN •••••••jENNIFER CIIIARIELlO ...... aseid0383®hotmail.com ...... ndw res88®hotmail.com SPOons DESIGN ••••••••••HILlARY SErrLE NEWS .4ssooA1E NEWS Elll1'0l • • • • o)JUA llot&QUE VJRCE ED1!DR •••••••••• Jl(Jouy Oi]IMIOIEN EAS'TERN ...... hhenschen9®hotmail.com NIGHT PHoro ElliTOl ••••••STEPHEN HAAs The Daily Eastern News is produced by the ...... bourque6®hotmail.com HAVE A SUGGESTION? CoPY IDIIDRS ••••••••••J ESSICA YoUNes students of Eastern Illinois University. It is OPINION PAGE Bli1!Dil o .MI~ ~ .l.\5soaA1E ValcE Bli1!Dil o o o)«MQuiN OaloA ...... cu jo®eiu.edu ••••••••••••••••••••BRIAN O'MALUY published daily Monday through Friday, in If you have any suggestions or ideas ...... mjsc hroeder®eiu.edu .4ssooA1E CAMPUS Bli1!Dil o o JIAURA Cmfnnl 0Nu>1C • • • • • . TDIII sy Mw.on ~ Eill1'ot •••••••••• .J.\Ioa. Mcl.AIIei Aslno BUSINESS MANACBl o o o o o o JlS'I'I£ iPaarY PRINTED BY: year. The Daily Eastern News is a member ...... [email protected] ~ BUSINESS MANACBl •• • .MARE ma.t Eastem Illinois University Associated Press, which is entitled to of The FIND A MISTAKE? ~DENT CXNo Eill1'0l ••••••• ~ ~ lllPSCN l':onomAL AD"SIER •••••••••• .j)oE GISONII Charleston, ll 6 1920 exclusive use of all articles appearing in ...... djjg®ei u.edu Let us know if you find a factual ...... elevenelevenam®hotmail.com A TIENTION POSTMASTER: 1'1101!0 ~'ID'IIEN lha.l- ••••••••••••••••••)DHN RYAN this paper. error in so we can provide Elll1'ot • • • • • • • • • • • • H.us Send address changes to The News ...... • . . ...cf)m r1 @eiu.edu ...... stephen®haasphotography .com The Daily Eastem News the correct information to other read- .4ssooA1E 1'1101!0 EDTOl o o o o o ..[OsH IJlauy PREss SUI"ERYYSSl o o o o o o o o o o . TOM ltoeans Buzzard Hall, Eastern Illinois University ...... cuj [email protected] ers. Contact the editor at 581-2812 or Charleston, ll61920 [email protected]. TuF.soAY, MARcH 29, 2005 TH E DA ILY E AS TE RN NE WS PAGE 3 Stitching clues together Quilt exhibit displays paths to freedom



Hidden clues in quilt patterns helped Mrican-American slaves find their way to freedom. Some say the clues are a myth, but an exhibit in Booth Library argues the contrary. "Slavery, Quilts and the Underground Railroad" has wel- comed visitors in the North end lobby since February. The exhibit includes two traditional quilts, sever- al pictures and texts about what clues can be found in the quilt patterns. "Even though it was not written, it MICHELLE ARNOLD/THE D'IILYEASlERN NEINS is true. I met a lady in Illinois that 0 0 ~ll(!l)' LJm Ul ~kl llo ~~ a~ M ®GJ~ar ..OlD) IIOlillenfl ~jjiGHJ!lc{iiYtll : cl:!nfug a p&me~ ~ {/OJj' Wmamm'a l ieJy AW8.'JOOX!JII says that she knows for a fact that the Mcrolllli lfu!l uoo MaO L lnlc .ar. l niiYtW.. ro, llifum. clues are true," said Ollie Mae Ray, a professor in Health Studies who has put together the exhibit. The quilts were traditionally hung Moral, family values important outside on fences or doors and were used as maps that would lead the Students, faculty think the government is there to protect rights Janet Cosby, a professor of sociol- slaves to freedom. Ten different pat- "I ogy and anthropology, gave more of terns were used in the traditional evaluate 2004 and liberties, not to dictate morality because it a positive note about moral issues quilts, and each pattern communi- presidential that effect citizens. cated a different message. differs from person to person." "Teenage pregnancy rates (are) One example,The Chain Link, election issues PAlMER B uss, PHILOSOPHY MAJOR down. Abortion rates (are) down, signaled slaves could get their chains and fathers are becoming more removed from their hands and feet BY DEIRD RE SHEAH AN idential elections. Dagni Bredesen, an English profes- involved in their children's lives," close by. STAFF WRITER "The exit poll got people to talk sor, spoke on behalf ofAshley Tillis, Cosby said. "This kind of story adds depths about the fundamental question: an English instructor who could Cosby also discussed America's and layers to our history," said Eric Taxes, education, economic mat- 'What is religion in politics?"' not make the discussion, about his history of a typical family and what McAdams, a senior political science ters, Iraq, terrorism and moral val- Champlin said. "Religion has opinions on same-sex marriage. its values were and how those values major. "This is definitely something ues were all on the minds of stu- always been a prominent part of "Conservatives are pushing this do and do not differ from some that needs to be explored." dents last night. culture." group (homosexuals) out of eco- family values today. The library staff and Ray have As part of celebrating Women's Champlin discussed how moral nomical justice," Bredesen said on "I thought the discussion of worked together on the exhibit. The History Month, Women Studies values have different definitions for Tillis' behal£ moral and family values was very late Johnetta Jones, director of hosted a panel discussion last night different people. Robin Murray, an associate interesting," said Mallory Fellers, a Minority Affairs, asked Ray to start called "Moral Values and Family Lynne Curry, an associate history English professor, discussed the freshman business management researching about the background of Values in America" in the Greenup professor, discussed the reproduc- moral issue of the destruction of the major. "It made me think about so quilt patterns. Ray has been quilting Room of the Martin Luther King tive rights, based on the history of environment. many different issues in our econo- since childhood, but says she didn't Jr. University Union where all of America. She said abortion used to "Environmental and economic my that I have overlooked." know anything about the the above issues were addressed. be a private domain and a woman's issues affect our daily lives," Murray Another student, Palmer Buss, a Underground Railroad and the role Dell Champlin, an economics choice, but now states and Congress said. "They should be tackled philosophy major, enjoyed the dis- the quilts and their patterns played in professor, began by discussing the go back and forth with laws that first." cussion and thought the issues American history when she started. exit poll's question: "What issue make it legal and illegal. Murray also discussed the dan- brought up were necessary. ''We've had phone calls from the mattered the most in the election?" Eric H ake, an economic profes- gers of toxic elements that "I think the government is there community and from faculty and Champlin said moral values were sor, discussed the two conflicts of Americans are breathing in every to protect rights and liberties, not to staff, and a lot ofstudents are are fas- the most important issue selected moral values: economic conserva- day to problems with the environ- dictate morality because it differs cinated by it. We've had nice reac- from the exit polls of the 2004 pres- tives and religious conservatives. ment. from person to person," Buss said. tions to it," Ray said.


Eastern lllinois University STUSDAY.,~ .,~ .,~ .,~ - . ... - . ... --. . Doughnuts Are On Sale in the j). j)" j)" j)" 75 • UNIVERSITY UNION PANTHER PANTRY $1. M i I I e r L I t e DON'T MISS OUTII R o I I i ng R oc k $5.00 Per Dozen Great Low Prices I I I Amaretto Stone Sour 100 Dozen Krispy Kreme Doughnuts $2.00 c 0 r 0 n a $2.50 Half Dozen EVERY THURSDAY at 7am Call 581-3616 N 45¢ Single Donut 0 c 0 v E R to place your order relaxed atmosphere EDITORIAL BOARD

Opinion page editor, MICHAEL ScHROEDER Editor in chief, MArr WtuiAMS

Managing ed i to~ jENNIFER CHIARIELLO

News editor, AARoN SEIOUTZ

Associate news editor, jULIA BoURQUE

Sports editor, DAN W o lkE

[email protected]


COLUMN EDITORIAL CARTOON BY GIA HYOS The unwritten rules for men to follow

I was the only person in the men's restroom last week when another man walked in and stood at the urinal right next to mine. There were seven empty urinals and four empty stalls, but he decided to stand right next to me. And this wasn't just any urinal; it was the baby one that only people under the age of 10 or the vertically challenged would have any business using. This man

MATT was taller than me.

WILLIAMS This guy was in direct violation of the code. There are no legal laws or rules regarding bathroom SENIOR JOURNALISM urinal usage, but there are many unwritten regula- MAJOR tions that men should learn to abide by in certain situations. Williams is T he Guy Code or Man Code, whichever name EDITORIAL editor in chief you want to call it, is usually understood by all men, for The Daily but in some circumstances, like the one above, men Eastem News. fail to understand their duties as men. T he urinal code is one of the most known codes, but there are several others men should know and Entry age best decided by city live by. Last week, a bill that would have made the acceptable in the towns' bars. This used to be the For anyone who enjoyed the movie "Old School," At issue entry age for bars to be determined solely by the case in Charleston before the City Council decid- Craig Kilborn teaches men that they shouldn't tell on A State bi II that another man who is cheating on his girlfriend. A state as 21, didn't make it out of its committee in would make 21 ed against that age limit and raised it to 21 years the bar entry true friend should try to intervene one time, but if the illinois legislature. of age. age statewide he persists, you never saw or heard anything. Due to the differing situations each city pos- d id not make it While there is no indication that the bar-entry Do any of your friends have an attractive sister? sesses, it seems to be a better idea to have local out of age in Charleston will return to 19, at least the Well, too bad. Any man should committee. know that a friend's sister is off city governments handle bar entry situations decision is still left to the local city council. limits. Moms and ex-girlfriends than to have the state decide for everyone who Our stance So, as of right now, it is the right decision by are also off limits, but cousins are "I don't care what your should be admitted to the bars. Regardless of the state of illinois to keep the power of deciding up for grabs. Two different situations can surround this Charleston's who is accepted into local bars in the hands of girlfriend or the When in a fight, it is against position on the code to kick, knee or hit issue when, for example, suburban cities are com- local government. salesperson at bar entry age, another man in the testicles. If pared to college towns like Charleston. the decision is Nobody should know better about what the Abercrombie & Fitch you can't win a fight the right In the suburbs, where the entire population best left to the city feels considering who should be admitted way, then you probably shouldn't local consists of more families who might have a into the pubs in town than that town's city coun- says, pink shirts are not be fighting in the first place. governments. cool." A man should understand that greater concern to keep younger people out of cil. That is why the state should not intervene in if he doesn't call "seat back," the bars, it makes sense to have 21-years-of-age this sense and take over for the city's government. "fives" or "squatters" (I'm sure be a bench mark for who is admitted to the local taverns. Simply producing the bill to make it an easier effort to there are more names for it) he But in and around college towns it is more common for the arrest those who are underage in the bars doesn't seem to be will lose his seat after leaving it. T his code may come under review if the man leaving bar entry age to be 19-years-old, and that decision is best a good enough reason to compromise each city's decision to his seat is getting a round of beers for the other men made by the town itself, rather than the state. do what it wishes with this issue. in the room. As of right now, towns like Carbondale and Champaign If there are more than two men in a car and the have kept their city ordinances that made 19-year-olds man sitting shotgun doesn't change to another radio The editorial is the majority opinion of station after three seconds of a Britney Spears song, The Daily Eastern News editorial board. he loses shotgun privileges forever. I don't care what your girlfriend or the salesperson at Abercrombie & Fitch says, pink shirts are not YOUR TURN: LETTERS TO THE EDITOR cool. Under no circumstances should a man order a CONSTRUCTION FENCES our growing departments. T he theater have somehow become the fault of Zima or a drink that comes with an umbrella in it. APOSITIVE FOR EASTERN department has moved into the old Doudna even though they existed A simple nod can equal a five-minute conversation IGA grocery store on 18th Street and before the fences even went up. in the code. A high five or a pound lets your buddies Since we have gotten back from we have had to shuttle ourselves (and It is going to be a trying time for know they are appreciated without having to tell break, I am sure most students have classmates without cars) to and from everyone on campus, but placing them your inner feelings, which would make both noticed the large area of campus campus every day; sometimes even blame and complaining won't make you and them uncomfortable. fenced off and have heard people several times in one day. anything better. Yes, there will be a When entering a room with a group of men who complain about it. As a theater major We waited patiently while Gov. Rod small inconvenience over the next few are watching a spotting event, it is fine to ask what the here at Eastern, I would like to say Blagojevich held our money and while years, and the departments of score is but not who is playing. Also, figure skating sorry about the inconvenience. new contractors made bids and now Doudna want it over just as quickly as and gymnastics are not made for viewing purposes. However, I would also like to that construction is finally under way, you do. Remembering a man's birthday is optional, but inform people that it has not been a three years late, we are hearing nothing We just want to stop expecting the buying him a card and having the other guys sign it picnic for us either. For the past three but complaints. Since we have extraordinary and finally see it. is forbidden. years, the theater, music and art returned from spring break, parking T his is just the beginning of the long list of items departments have become the gypsies problems and departments from Blair Rocco RENDA on the code. Men should do their best to fulfill their of the school, finding new homes for Hall being moved between buildings JUNIOR THEATRE MAJOR duties or be shunned by other men for not doing so. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: The Daily Eastem News accepts letters their position and department. Letters whose authors cannot be veri- Shunned men can only be accepted back into the to the editor addressing local, state, national and international issues. fied will not be printed. We reserve the right to edit letters for length. group by doing something manly: Letting out a loud They should be less than 250 words and include the authors' name, Letters can be sent to The Daily Eastern News at 1811 Buzzard burp or doing the longest keg stand would be telephone number and address. Students should indicate their year in Hall, Charleston IL 61920; faxed to 217-581-2923; ore-mailed to acceptable. school and major. Faculty, administration and staff should indicate [email protected]. TuESDAY, MARcH 29, 2005 THE DAILY EASTERN NEWS PAGE 5 Dancin' the night away Ballroom lessons Chris Santerelli, a freshman mass commu- nications major, said he didn't feel awkward take the floor being one of the handful of guys present for the lessons. at Carman Hall "My friends helped me decide to come," Santerelli said. "I came to have fun, and the BY KRISTY MELLENDORF steps were pretty easy." STAFF WRITER Santerelli said he took some dance lessons in high school, but he enjoyed having his Approximately seven couples gathered memory of the steps refreshed. Monday night in Carman Hall Dining "I like that I can tell girls that I can dance," Center to put on their dancing shoes, learn a Santerelli said. "It's also nice that I have these few new steps and relive some high school out of the way before I get married." memories. Santerelli feels confident in his ability to The ballroom dance lessons were organized teach other people how to dance the fox trot, by Kristen Wargo, a junior communications swing and waltz that students were taught major, who contacted Lou Hagenbruck to starting at 8 p.m. Monday. instruct students. Hagenbruck taught dance Hagenbruck emphasized the lessons as an at Wargo's high school in her hometown of opportunity to take a more nontraditional Colfax, Ill. approach to dance on the college scene. MICHELLE ARNOLD/THEDAILYEASlERN NEWS "I hoped that some people would have a "This is a dance that you guys can use with Lw II&JpdliiUib m!l ITIIlMl Sc®OO (~) IJ@•clh [email protected] o11111lo ~~ Mcrold•J n oollig iiD {]{he good time and learn the dance steps," Wargo all that rap music you guys listen to," Clli1lll8ID • • 1 Ctoofl.r. said. Hagenbruck said. Applications for leadership, service scholarship available

BY CRYSTAL REED The scholarship was started between Some of the requirements appli- The scholarship is being awarded scholarship for academia but a STAFF WRITER the years 1977-1978 by members of cants must meet are scholarship, in the fall to one or two students, scholarship for an all-around per- the Panther Lair Alumni and the character, sense of purpose and and a total of $1,874.00 is available son," said Cris Ealy, scholarship Students entering their senior Panther Lair Dining Center to growth, and service to Eastern. to be awarded. administrator. years who show promise of a life of honor his service at Eastern. "The recipient must have shown The 2004-2005 recipients of the Ealy also said the scholarship distinguished service and leadership "This scholarship honors a stu- dedication to something bigger than scholarship were Jennifer Bauer of allows student to show their growth have the opportunity to be nomi- dent who has taken the opportunity himself," Drake said. Freeburg and Matthew Taggart of over the past three years and show nated for the Hobart R Heller to truly get involved in the universi- Preference will be given to stu- Casey. There have been 31 recipi- their leadership to their school. Scholarship. ty through scholarly activity and dents who have lived in residence ents since the start of the scholar- Nomination forms may be H eller was the vice president for service," said Lynerte Drake, acting halls, fraternity houses or sorority ship. obtained in 1211 Old Main or by instruction when he retired in 1968. vice president for Student Affairs. houses, Drake said. "This scholarship is not only a calling 581-3221.

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STATE Obama to introduce Pell grant bill BRIEF THE ASSOCIATED P RESS maximum award is worth about $700 less killing me," she said. "Tuition costs keep than the maximum grant 30 years ago, increasing but the Pell Grant is not." - Freshman U.S. Sen. Obama said. Obama's proposal to increase the maxi- VOLUNTEERS TURN OUT FOR FIRST Barack Obama said Monday the first bill Obama first called for the increase on mum award, if enacted for 2006, would 'CLEAN UP SOUTHERN ILLINOIS' DAY he introduces in Congress will be aimed at the campaign trail, where he said he heard cost about $2 billion next year, said increasing Pell Grant awards that help from families worried they would not be spokesman Robert Gibbs. The senator CARBONDALE (AP) - Southern lllinois is getting a lower-income students afford college. able to send their children to college. said the cost could be covered by eliminat- shine and a polish, in hopes that picking up trash will Arguing that soaring tuition prices have "Everywhere I go, I hear the same story, ing the subsidies paid to banks and private attract tourists and prospective businesses. eroded the need-based award's value, the 'We work hard, we pay our bills, we put lenders who participate in the govern- Boy Scouts, college students and other voltmteers Democrat said he will seek to raise the away savings. But we just don't know if ment's student loan program. launched the Clean Up Southern illinois Campaign with maximum grant to $5,100 a year from the it's going to be enough when that tuition T he Bush administration said his Pell a litter pickup along the Jackson County stretch of U.S. $4,050 level where the grants have been bill comes,"' Obama said. Grant proposal would be paid for by 51. frozen for three years. Obama spoke in the student center at shrinking subsidies the government pays Eighty people working in teams collected about 200 President Bush has also proposed rais- the University of Illinois at Chicago, banks to encourage them to make low- bags of debris, Jackson County Chairman Ray Lenzi ing the Pell Grants, but by a smaller where about 5,550 students qualify for interest student loans, and to the agencies said. amount, a $100 increase over the next five Pell Grants. that insure the loans for the lenders. Bush In Williamson County, Saturday's kickoff was "Free years for a total of $4,5 50. One is Terranique Anderson, 22, a psy- would also phase out Perkins loans, which Dump Day." Waste removal companies placed trash The grants are the government's pri- chology student who receives about provided help to about 673,000 students bins at various locations to collect televisions, radios, old mary college aid for lower-income stu- $1,000 each year. Anderson said an last year. toys and garbage that wouldn't get picked up ifleft at the dents. Currently about 5.3 million under- increase in the maximum award could be Obama said his bill would be consid- foot ofa driveway. graduates take advantage of the aid, which particularly beneficial for juniors and sen- ered by the Senate's Education More than 100 vehicles dumped trash at the four sites, ranges from $400 to $4,050 based on iors, who often exhaust their savings Committee and that its ranking Williamson County Commissioner Brent Gentry said. need and college costs. before earning their degrees. Democrat, Sen. Edward Kennedy of Former Democratic congressman Glenn Poshard chal- Because Pell Grants are not tied to the "I didn't use to have to take out loans, Massachusetts, would like to see the max- lenged a group ofcommunity and environmental leaders price of tuition or inflation, the current but I've started to now. T he loans are imum set higher. last month.


Make your business a "10"

FR'EE81'ES C$!1~ $ r.l.llat ulll.\'1 011iuL lrlLaer. ~lbl.li , ~ prw !l. l~.tn~ lu, 111ar•- llin11 curo!'lllfll DljOiiiU~urn. ol & T1ugu. 1nll ongwo. I WE DE:LIVER! 11 AM-21M 7 DAYS A WEEK U Advertise in the CHARLESTON 1417 4TH STREET 345.10175 call 581 -2816 DEN! ''VOUR MOM WANT$ VOU TO EAT AT JIMMY JO~N'$. !" © for info TuESDAY, MARcH 29, 2005 TH E DA ILY E AS TE RN N EWS PAGE 7 Son of tribal chairman arrested in Red Lake shootings PEER: (ONriNUED FROM PACE 1 RED LAKE, Minn. (AP) -T he teenage Associated Press, speaking on condition of Weise, also a student at the school, took his son of the tribal chairman has been arrested in anonymity. own life. transfer students. AU peer helpers receive training connection with last week's shootings on a T he younger Jourdain was arrested as part Weise, who had a history of depression, in the areas of communication, conflict resolu- Minnesota Indian reservation, a law enforce- of an investigation into a potentially wider first shot to death his grandfather and his tion, tips for college success and campus informa- ment source with knowledge of the investiga- plot, the source said. grandfather's girlfriend, then went to school tion. tion said Monday. A biography of Floyd Jourdain posted on and killed a security guard, a teacher and five "The helpers are a great source ofinformation for Louis Jourdain, son of Floyd Jourdain Jr. his Web site in February 2004 gave Louis' age students. our new students," Gardner said. and a student at Red Lake H igh School, as 15, meaning he would now be 16 or 17. Investigators said last week that Weise The peer helpers are required to contact their stu- where most of the killings took place, was Nine people were killed in last Monday's acted alone in the rampage on the Red Lake dents weekly to discuss any concerns or difficulties arrested Sunday, the source told The attacks before 16-year-old gunman Jeff Band of Chippewa's reservation. the student may have on campus. "Personally, I answered any questions my mentees may have had about campus or anything THE ASSOCIATED PRESS NATIONAL numbers or other sensitive information have else they were curious about," Spates said. "I tried TOP COURT WON'T STEP INTO been breached. my best to be available whenever any of my LAWSUIT AGAINST NEWSPAPER BRIEFS The law is meant to alert people their per- mentees needed me." sonal information could be used by scam To provide the students more opportunities to WASHING1DN - The Supreme Court artists to obtain loans or conduct other busi- socialize with each other, the program also sponsors refused Monday to step into a lawsuit against a had made comments "as bizarre as that ness under an assumed identity. several events such as bowling parties, game nights, newspaper, leaving the media in Pennsylvania then I feel very sad for him and I hope he trips to a local haunted house and an appreciation legally vulnerable when they report defamato- can get the help he needs." SCHIAVO'S PARENTS SAY dinner. ry comments by public figures. DAUGHTER IS WEAKENING "I am proud of the fact that the new students The case could chill news coverage of STOLEN UNIVERSITY LAPTOP who participate in the program have an average political campaigns where charges and coun- EXPOSES ALUMNI DATA PINELlAS PARK, Fla. - Described by (grade point average) of2.57, which is significantly tercharges are commonplace, First her father as weak and emaciated, Terri higher the average GPA for all freshman students," Amendment advocates say. SAN FRANCISCO - A thief stole a lap- Schiavo clung to life Monday, as police Gardner said. The justices' decision not to consider the top computer from the Universiry of guarded her hospice room and demonstra- As a mentor for two years, Susan Keetch, a jun- case was a victory for the former mayor and California at Berkeley that contained person- tors prayed outside for last-minute govern- ior family and consumer sciences major, said the current council president of Parkesburg, al information about nearly 100,000 alumni, ment intervention in the case. peer helper program helps newcomer students to Pa., who sued when the Daily Local News graduate students and past applicants, school Supporters of prolonging the severely know what is going on campus. in West Chester, Pa., reported that a coun- officials said. brain-damaged woman's life also carried "I love hearing how well they are doing at cil member claimed they were homosexu- The university waited until Monday to their protests to the White House, while her Eastern," Keetch said. "I think everyone should get als. The newspaper reported the council- announce the March 11 crime, hoping father repeated his plea that she be kept alive involved in such a wonderful program." man also had issued a statement strongly police would be able to catch the thief and by having a feeding tube reinserted. implying that he considered the two offi- reclaim the computer. When that didn't hap- "She's still communicating, she's still cials to be "queers and child molesters." pen, UC officials publicized the theft to responding. She's emaciated, but she's The newspaper quoted the council comply with a state law requiring consumers responsive," Bob Schindler told reporters INYART: (oNnNUED FROM PACE 1 president as saying that if the councilman be notified whenever their Social Security after a morning visit with his daughter.

set out materials for people to see. "I don't know that it's ever really been done like VANDALISM: being easily available, and all vehicles being Before having it fixed, the blinkers were this," Inyart said. "I think that we'll have a good (oNnNUED FROM PACE 1 condensed (in the lot), it's going to happen," cracked and the whole body was damaged. representation from the eight candidates." he said. "(Officers) will all tell you that there Doss said he was not surprised the scooter Inyart said he is hoping several hundred people hended in a case like that because it's a random are too many cars on campus." was a target. attend. The event will be held from 6:30-9 p.m. act," he said. Last year, there were 58 reported incidents, Doss had his scooter damaged rwice, once Thursday. Car vandalism is a problem that will always but not only cars were damaged. around Homecoming last year and this year '1 hope there's a crowd of people there, and if be prevalent, Mitchell said. '1 don't care, but I think it's funny that some- while parked in front of the University Police there are still people there at 9 p.m., I'd be happy to "As long as you have got citizenship like one would knock over a scooter," said James Department. pay a little extra to let them stay and talk," Inyarr we've got, the age group we've got, alcohol Doss, a junior environmental biology major. "It wasn't a nice thing to do," he said. said.

Happy 21st 8-Da 1305 lincoln Ave Campus to Jimmy Klatter 217-345-6424 Open for Breakfast Community Weekdays Sam llam Weekends Sam 12pm Alcohol Chicken Lunch 3 Piece Dinner Symposium 2 pieces of chicken 3 pieces of chicken March 30 8am-2pm mashed potatoes & Gravy mashed potatoes & Gravy 3rd floor MLK Junior Union coleslaw • biscuit coleslaw • 2 biscuits Every Tuesday For more information or RSVP for from Shoun and lunch contact 11am- Spm Travis Smithat 81-7786 the G-Town Crew ~M ~M ~ M~ M~ M~ M~ M~ M~ M~ M~ M~ ~M ~M ~M ~M ~M ~M ~:M~~:M:--:======::..!:======~ 2 Positions Open lOr University Boa~d! C'c ncert zY•r Positioll1 lllciE BUliiJ pl1nnlng and Coo rdinotor Elect -..... c.certs ~ Impact EIU Q Bringing Lect~res ILeeturers Ca•p• Coordinator

Ga:in vai...W...... _.lrip, ••riuca lhy 111:nn~ rour own ce~~~~mit.tee"' Gat I n~olvad lAiith El U I Earn ,a m,o_nthly stipend

-'p.plica~Kc; m ·i¥-ailablll in thlil Slhldtnl k'tiivilirn 'Cftlar, 3nl fhw of the IlK h. llnlan. AppiiC3tlaM 81'! liRix.f naoct • Tll!!!tf'&y Kardi 2l 'Cil5!1.-5111 Far mtml inla. PAGES THE DAILY EASTERN NEWS TUESDAY, MARCH 29,2005 CLASSIFIEDS

HELP WANTED FOR RENT ~Apartments for 1 or 2 residents CAMPUS CLIPS Brian's Place needs part time OJ. 1&2 BR apts, close to Buzzard, ~Houses for groups of 3 & 4 STUDY ABROAD: There will be a Study Abroad Informational/First No Experience necessary. 21 00 water paid, 345-4489, Wood Step meeting Thursday from 7 8 p.m. in the Oakland Room of the Broadway, Matton 234-4151 Rentals, Jim Wood, Realtor. ~Townhouses, 3 & 4 BR for 2 to 5 persons Martin Luther King Jr. University Union. ______3131 ------~3/31 Brian's Place needs night club 3&4 BR houses, close to EIU, FOR RENT FOR RENT dancers. Apply at 2100 wid, ale, 345-4489, Wood .~-~·~~ ~ Broadway, Mattoon. 234-4151 Rentals, Jim Wood Realtor .Jirn Wood, Realtor 1 BEDROOM HOUSE CLOSE For Lease-Fall 2005, 2 bed- ~ ______3131 1512 A Street. P.O. Box 377 m TO CAMPUS. AVAILABLE room duplex unfurnished Apts. ------~3/31 Charleston, IL 61920 1....1:! t.:::J Stoutin Premium Ice Casey, IL 2BR money savers at $21 0- 217 345-4489 - Fax 345-4472 "'"''"" :::-:.-:=: JUNE 1ST #300 INCLUDES Washer/Dryer, trash included, SUMMER DELIVERY DRIVER: 250/person. CABLE & INTER- TRASH.345-4010 Central air, nice parking area, COL Required or Obtainable. NET INCL. Don't miss it. 345- ______o.o close to Morton Park. 1o month Full or Part Time, Great Summer 4489, Wood Rentals, Jim Wood FOR RENT FOR RENT AVAILABLE JUNE 1 EXTRA lease. 24/7 maintenance. No Income. Incentive Bonuses. Realtor. NICE 2 BEDROOM APART- pets. 217-346-3583. Good Driving Record is a Must. ------~3/31 Apt. for Fall '05 Aug-Dec. at 9th Apartments looking for room- MENT ON THE SQUARE. ______00 Neat Appearance and Good Grad student, faculty. Apts for 1, and Hayes. Call Bryan at 708- mates for next year: Millennium CARPETED, C/A, DISHWASH- BUCHANAN STREET APART- Customer Service Skills near EIU. $300-350. 345-4489, 420-9362. Place, Atrium, Courtyard, and ER. $450/MO. INCLUDES MENTS: 1 bedroom apartment Required. Phone 217-932-4614. Wood Rentals, Jim Wood, ______.4/1 others. Unique Homes 345-5022. WATER AND TRASH. 345- available in June water and ------~1 Realtor. 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT ______4/15 4010. trash included off street parking Get paid to think. Make $75 tak------~3/31 AVAILABLE MAY 15, 2005. Walk to campus. Three bed- ______o.o call 345-1266 ing on-line surveys. www.mon- BRITTANY RIDGE townhouses CLOSE TO DAIRY QUEEN. room apartment. 345-3554. Fall 2005 EXTRA NICE home ______00 eyauthor.com. for 2-5. $188-375. DSL wiring. WATER, TRASH PAID. 10 OR ______5/2 at 1524 2nd Street for 7-1 o For Lease-Fall 2005, 3 bed------~1 345-4489, Wood Rentals, Jim 12 MONTH LEASE. PETS Spacious, Cute, Fully Furnished people: 3 bathrooms, WID room unfurnished apt.- new fur- Bartenders wanted. $300/day Wood, Realtor. WITH DEPOSIT. 348-8305. 4 BR duplex close to campus. hook- up, wireless DSL, cen- nace/central air, new appli- potential. No experience neces------~3/31 ______.4/8 $250/person. Unique Properties tral air, no pets, $300/per- ances including-dishwasher, sary. Training provided. Call 1 person looking for a roomy 2 bedroom apartments, 1 345-5022. son/month. 345-3148 or over range microwave, wash- 800-965-6520 x239. apt? Try this 2BR priced for one from campus, C/A, 10 month or ______4/15 www.pantherpads.com er/dryer, range, and refrigerator ______o.o ------~2 at $380/mo. INTERNET, 12 month lease. Call 345-9636 Fall 2005: 4 bedroom 2 bath with ice maker. New carpet, $8001 wkly guranteed. Stuffing CABLE, WATER INCL. 345- after 5pm. unique house. Good renter's dis- Riley Creek homes, close to ceiling fans, and fresh paint. envelopes. Send a self-addressed 4489, Wood Rentals, Jim ______.4/8 count $900 a month. 234-8774 campus and shopping, avail- DSL wiring. Great location 12th envelope to Scarab Marketing. 28 Wood, Realtor. Duplex on C and D Street in ______4/21 able for the 2005-2006 school and Arthur. 24/7 maintenance. E. Jackson 1Oth floor Suite 938 ------~3/31 Charleston. 2 BR, WID hook- Large 2 bd. Free DSL. Rent year. Water and trash service Call today 217-346-3583 Chicago, Illinois 60604 2 BDR Houses Available. up. $425 per month. 898- now & get a free pearl necklace included. Pets considered with JWheels LLC. ~11 Perfect for Grad students or 4588. or arm band sports radio. $500 additional deposit. Call for ______00 couples. Available for fall ______4/13 per month. Call 235-0405. terms and availability. 549- For Lease-Fall 2005* 2,3,4,5,6 FOR RENT semester. Call 549-3843 for 2 BR apt. with loft used as sec- ______4/22 3741. Leave message. bedroom houses, great loca- more information. ond BR/Iiving area. Recent GREAT LOCATION LARGE ONE ______o.o tions, competitive rates, wash- 3 bedroom, 1 bath house avail- ______4/1 improvements. $500/month. AND TWO BEDROOM APART- SEITSINGER APARTMENTS: er/dryer, central air, DSL wiring able for Fall 2005. Good 4th Just listed - Brand new 3-bed- Includes heat, water, trash. MENTS. TRASH AND WATER 1611 9th Street 1 Block East throughout, 24/7 maintenance, street location. $225/month. room luxury apts. 1/2 block from 897-6266 or 898-9143. PAID. NO PETS. 348-0209. Old Main now leasing for call today: 217-346-3583. 897-6266. 898-9143. campus, old "Arby's House" ______.4/11 ______4/29 Summer and Fall 05- Spring ______00 ______3129 location. In-unit w/d, dishwash- Nice 2 bed room apts and 3 bed For rent: efficiency close to 06'. Completely furnished heat Close to everything. Nice 3 BR Nice 3-4 bedroom house. 2 er, you choose furnishings. 3 room homes. Washers, Dryers, campus. No smoking, no pets. and garbage included. Three house. Across from Old Main. bath, dishwasher, washer/dryer. off-street parking spots per apt. Dishwashers included. No Pets. $325/mo all utilities included. month summer or 9 month full D/W, stove, refrigerator, 10 1/2 $250 each. No pets. Call Dustin Wired for high-speed Internet. Close to Campus 345-9267 Males only. 345-3232 days. lease Call 345-7136. month lease. 348-8406. @ 1-630-302-2676 Call Brian 778-3321. ______4/12 ______.5/2 ______o.o ______00 ______3129 ______4/1 EASTERN ILLINOIS PROPER- 1,2,3 bedroom apartments TIES NOW SHOWING FOR available. Very unique. Trash llftN.etttlork~ FALL 2005 2,3, & 5 BEDROOM and water included. Off street APARTMENTS & HOUSES. parking. Sun deck, AIC, and Crossword Edited by Will Shortz No. 0215 Contact Melissa at 345-621 o, much more. Call 345-6527 and ACROSS 33 Actress Hatcher 67 Some invest- ments, 549-0212. www.eiuprops.com leave message. 1 Sign at an 34 Vessel of 1492 for short ______3130 ______4/1 A.T.M. 35 Ringers 2 bdrm., wash/dryer, 10 or 12 Student Housing Available 5 Smooth 68 Noted Turner 42 Calais concept Aft d mo. lease, water & trash includ- 2005/2006. 2 bd rm apt. 11 Afternoon social 69 en s ed. 348-7698. 500/month. Call for more info 43 Ones wnh war 70 Certain cobras ______3130 {708}359-5582 14 Slender instru- stories ment DOWN ______4/1 3-4 person 3 bedroom duplex 45 Ringers 1 Cape __ apt. 1 bath, newly remodeled AVAILABLE 2005-2006. 1, 2, & 15 Without delay 51 Tater 2 Justice Fortas kitchen and bath. Included: 3 FULLY FURNISHED APART- 16 Columnist alec., water, gas, trash, basic MENTS. DSUBROADBAND Buchwald 52 Butcher's, 3 Shade maker baker's or can- cable, internet, central air. (WIRED/WIRELESS) CAPA- for a siesta 17 Actress Moore dlestick maker's Females preferred. Available BLE. LARGE BEDROOMS 18 Ringers 4 to the Aug. 1. Call 348-9359. AND SOME UTILITIES 53 Western tribe throne member ______3130 INCLUDED. EXCELLENT 20 Freshwater fish 5 Deli meat Spacious 2 bedroom apartment. LOCATIONS ON 9TH STREET with silvery 54 Equips with scales metal plating Close to square. Sun porch, fire- (ACROSS FROM BUZZARD) 6 Kind of clock or number place. $295, utilities included. AND ON LINCOLN STREET. 22 For each 57 Indispensable Available August. 348-1831. CALL 348-0157 FOR INFOR- 7 Additionally 23 Cone producer 59 Ringers ______3130 MATION AND APPOINT- 25 Punch hard 62 Hit the spot 8 Voter's finger For Rent, Girls only; 1 & 3 MENTS. stainer Bedroom Apt. for rent across ______4/8 28 Tiny bit 65 Air hero 9 Scholastic from Buzzard. Call 345-2652. 4 BEDROOM UPSTAIRS 26 Trigonometric 41 Manuscript 56 Ella Fitzgerald 29 Ringers 66 In abundance sports grp. function annotation specialty ______3130 APARTMENT. FALUSPRING 10 Cry of pain Group of 3 females needed for OF 05/06. 1430 1/2 9TH. ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 27 Director Kazan 44 Copenhagen- to-Prague dir. Fall '05. Ex1remely nice house 2 TRASH PAID. OFF STREET 11 Assume 30 Quick drink 58 Largest of seven blocks from Buzzard. 5 bed- PARKING. 11 MONTH LEASE. responsibility for 45 Evergreen room, 3 bath, d.w., 2 sets of SECURITY REQUIRED. NO 12 Raises 31 Old cable TV in its. 46 All excned wid, low utilities. No pets PETS 348-8305. 13 Confused GO Barley brew please. Call 217-549-3566. ______4/8 32 Jokester 47 Favorne ______3131 3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS. 19 Late afternoon 36 Indy 500 locale 48 Rule Attention Students: Nice Cozy 3 FALUSPRING OF 05/06. 1426 on a sundial 61 Craggy promi- nence bedroom house still available 9TH. TRASH PAID. OFF -:;.+::::+:::+:::+=-! 21 Educated 37 Summer N.Y. 49 Showy blooms for 05-06 school year. Close to STREET PARKING. 11 MONTH guess: Abbr. hrs. 50 Encountered campus washer/dryer,stove, LEASE. SECURITY 23 Hale 38 Hula hoops? 63 Utilize fridge,dishwasher. For more REQUIRED. NO PETS. 348- 51 Nasser's suc- -:+.~~ 24 Checked a 39 A Gabor cessor information call 345-5088 8305. license, infor- 64 Double-180 ______3131 ______4/8 mally 40 Habitues 55 Semis maneuver TuESDAY, MARcH 29, 2005 TH E DA ILY E AS TE RN N EWS PAGE9 Up to 2,000 dead after major earthquake hits Indonesia

BANDA ACEH, Indonesia (AP) - A power- edly raging in one town. Monday's wallop, although very powerful, The quake lasted two minutes and briefly cut ful earthquake struck off Indonesia's west coast "It is predicted - and it's still a rough estimate was but a fraction of the earlier quake. In explo- electricity in Banda Aceh. Thousands poured late Monday, killing hundreds of people whose - that the numbers of dead may be between sive power, December's quake was equal to IOO into the streets, where flickering campfires and homes collapsed on them and spreading panic I,OOO and 2,000," Vice President Jusuf Kalla million pounds ofTNT; it caused the seabed to motorbike and car headlights provided the only across the Indian Ocean that another killer told the el-Shinta radio station. He said the esti- spring up as much as 60 feet. lighting. tsunami was on the way. Indonesia's vice presi- mate was based on an assessment of damage to Terrified of a disaster of equal proportions, People grabbed small bags of clothes as they dent predicted up to 2,000 deaths. buildings, not bodies counted. sirens sounded throughout the region as author- fled their tents and homes. Many were crying Fears of a second tsunami catastrophe in just T he other deaths reported in Monday's quake ities issued tsunami alerts for six countries after and jumping into cars and onto motorbikes and over three months eased within hours, as officials happened in Sri Lanka, where two people were the quake struck at II:06 p.m. as many people pedicabs to head for higher ground. Two women in countries at risk reported their coasts clear ofthe reportedly killed during a panicky evacuation were sleeping. wearing prayer shawls and sarongs grabbed a type of earthquake-spawned waves that ravaged a from the coast in a Tamil rebel-held area. Women clutching children ran into the dark- fence to steady themselves. dozen countries in Asia and Africa on Dec. 26. T he U.S. Geological Survey said the quake ened streets ofBandaAceh, crying and chanting "People are still traumatized, still scared, they Almost all the deaths reported after the 8.7- struck about I9 miles under the seabed, some "Allahu Akbar," or "God is Great." Others are running for higher ground," said Feri, a 24- magnitude quake were on Indonesia's Nias I 55 miles south-southeast of Banda Aceh, the grabbed small bags ofclothes and fled their tents year-old aid volunteer who goes by one name. island, a popular surfing spot off Sumatra capital of Aceh province on Sumatra island. It and homes for higher ground. In Sri Lanka, warning sirens blared along the island's west coast and close to the epicenter. struck just II 0 miles southwest of December's Another man rushed instead to the local island nation's east coast and President Police were pulling children's' bodies out of the 9.0-magnitude temblor the world's most power- mosque, saying "Where can I go, you can't out- Chandrika Kumaratunga urged people to evacu- rubble ofcollapsed houses, and a fire was report- ful in 40 years. run a tsunami." ate immediately to higher ground. CLASSIFIEDS

FOR RENT FOR RENT BRITTANY RIDGE FOR RENT ROOMMATES ROOMMATES TOWNHOUSES For Lease-Fall 2005, 4 bed- NEW LUXURY 4 BEDROOM, 2 2 persons @ $375 Available summer-May '06. Female roommate needed Female roommates needed ASAP room unfurnished apt., 2 full BATH LARGE APARTMENTS, 3 persons @ $250 Extra large 1 bedroom apart- ASAP or fall 2005 and spring for fall 05 and spring 06. Close to baths, great location 12th and WID INCLUDED WIRED FOR 4 persons@ $188 ments, furnished, ideal for cou- 2006. Close to campus. a campus. 5 bedrooms, extremely Arthur, DSL wiring, good par1<- HIGH SPEED INTERNET. 5 persons@ $188 ple, cat ok. $350-$360 month, bedrooms. Call Ann or Lisa at nice house. 3 bath, d.w., 2 sets of ing, 24/7 maintenance. Call CLOSE TO CAMPUS 1120 water and trash paid. Located 348-8563 or Liz at 708-408- w/d. Call (217) 549-3566. 3 4 BR, 2 1/2 baths, cent. air, cable today: 217-346-3583. JWheels EDGAR DRIVE. 345-6100. at 741-745 6th St. Call 581- 1585. & net wiring, wid, dishwasher ------~8 LLC ______00 7729 or 345-6127, ______Y30 Roommate needed to share ______00 Large 4 Bedroom Apt. 1/2 block Not just blueprints... Great ______00 Female roommate needed house w/male EIU Students. www.charlestonilapts.com from campus. $235 each trash housing for 17 years AVAILABLE NOW: Nice cozy, Fall 2005/Spring 2006 Village Lease ending 5/31/04. Call 348- LOOK US UP for details on included. 345-6967 2BR Apt., $325/mo., water & Pointe Apartments. 0614, leave message. ______00 these 2005-06 Apts: 2001 S. J· '-"-~*~ i m Woo d , R ea l t o:. • trash included, off-street park- Affordable and furnished! 00 12th Street, 1305 18th Street, 3 bedroom house for fall 2005. 1512 A Street. P.O. Box 377 ing. 345-1266. Call: 581-2438 ______00 955 4th Street, 605 W. Grant, Free parking, furnished, new Charleston, IL 61920 ------~1 ANNOUNCEMENTS 117 W. Polk and 905 A Street. carpet. For information contact 217 345-4489 -Fax 345-4472 201 5TH ST. 2 BEDROOM Female roommates needed Rents from $230 to $475 per Kim at 346-3583. [HG:r HOUSE CARPETED, NICE ASAP for Fall 05&Spring 06. Chicago Job Fairs & Career person. Call to make appoint- ______00 • :::::=~ BATH AND LARGE KITCHEN, Close to campuse 5 bedrooms. Fairs, YOUR Chicago Career ments at 348-77 46. FALL 2005 NEW CONSTRUC- INSULATED WITH NEW WIN- EXTREMELY nice house, 3 Connection! www.chicagojobre- ______00 TION! 3 bedroom, 2 bath unit. FOR RENT DOWS. AIC AND CEILING bath. OW, 2 sets of w/d. Call source.com. 05 - 06. Luxury apartments, Excellent location. W/0, dis- FANS. UNFURNISHED. CALL 217-549-3566. 5/2 townhouses, and student rental posal, dishwasher, and excel- EXTRA NICE UPSTAIRS APT. 345-7522 AFTER 5:30 CALL ______417 houses all excellent locations. lent parking included. ALSO, JUST CAME AVAILABLE. 208 345-9462. LEASE AND Female roommate needed for PERSONALS Prices vary. For more informa- VERY NICE 1 BEDROOM APT. 1/2 6TH ST. CARPETED AIC DEPOSIT REQUIRED. 2 bedroom apt. in Lincolnwood tion call us at 345-0652 or look WITH OFFICE SPACE. SHOWER WASHER AND beginning Aug. 15. 1/2 utilities ATTENTION ALL GRADUATING us up at www.myeiuhome.com EXCELLENT LOCATION. DRYER. 345-7522 AFTER 5:30 FOR SALE & $250/mo. Prefer grad. or SENIORS! If you are interested ______00 $350/MONTH. For more info CALL 345-9462 ASK FOR quiet student. Call (714) 728- in a yearbook of your senior year, www.jwilliamsrentals.com call 345-0652. LARRY. Three 12-inch Earthquake sub- 8946 or e-mail and are not sure how to pick it CHECK US OUT FOR YOUR ______00 ______00 woofers in custom sealed mwollan1 @earthlink.net. up, come to the Student NEXT APARTMENT. Leasing Available for Summer and Fall Park Place Apartments: enclosure. Like new. $200/obo. ------~~15 Publications office, room 1802 now 1 & 2 bedroom units. Good 05-06 school year. 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LEASE AND ______00 DEPOSIT REQUIRED. CALL 2 BEDROOM HOUSE 905 345-7522 AFTER 5:30 CALL ARTHUR. 345-6100. 345-9462. ______00 00 PAGE 10 THE DAILY EASTERN NEWS TUESDAY, MARCH 29,2005 B~g~rt~ enter NBA draft Illini focus on achieving final goal, a national championship SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -Utah center will enter the NBA draft, forgoing his final "My decision is about what is CHfu\1PAIGN, (AP) - lllinois' dramatic where defense is very important." two years of eligibility to possibly become the No. best for my career." comeback from a 15-point deficit to beat While the lllini are making their first Final 1 choice. Arizona was still the talk of the town Monday, Four appearance since 1989, Louisville hasn't U TAH "I have no regrets and full-speed ahead," the?- ANDREW 8 0GUT, CENTER but the lllini themselves were turning their been there since it won the national title in footer from Australia said at a news conference attention to one more goal, winning the 1986. Its motivation to win Saturday will be Monday. can only get better. national championship. equally intense and Weber said he is challeng- Bogut, the leading vote-getter on the AP All- Bogut was a starter on Australia's Olympic "We got a lucky game. Something happened ing his players to recover quickly from the America team, averaged 20.4 points and 12.2 team last summer and averaged 14.8 points and good for us," coach said. "Now exhaustion of the Arizona game and refocus rebounds while leading the Utes to a 29-6 season, 8.8 rebounds. you've got the oppottunity to go to the Final this week. which ended with a loss to Kentucky in the It would have been a much bigger surprise if Four. Let's make the most of it and try to go "Every day when they start practice and regional semifinals of the NCAA tournament. Bogut had elected to return to Utah for another win the thing." when they end practice, they say 'National "My decision is about what is best for my bas- season. Bogut declined to talk about his future If anything. last Saturday's 90-89 overtime Champs,"' Weber said ofhis players. "I told the ketball career," Bogut said. after the 62-52 loss to Kentucky, but his team- thriller may have given the Illini more resolve guys ... 'Is that rhetoric or did you really mean He's already hired an agent. mates had a good idea what was coming. to win in St. Louis this weekend. that?' Bogut considered leaving after last season, when "Bogut is definitely gone, you can see it in his "We've still got to stay focused, stay humble, "Now, we'll see by your reaction this week, he was the Mountain West Conference freshman eyes," Utah forward Bryant Markson said after knowing that anything can happen," said Dee your preparation and then how we approach of the year, but a visit to Australia from new Utah Friday's game. Brown. "You can easily go down there and lose the game on Saturday. We'll see if it really coach Ray Giacoletti convinced Bogut to put off Former Utah coach Rick Majerus, who and our season could be over." means something," he said. the NBA at least another year. resigned midway through last season because of The lllini (36-1) will meet a Louisville team lllini players say it does mean something. Bogut is expected to be a lottery pick in the health concerns, pulled off one of his best recruit- in the national semifinals Saturday that is very They also say reaching the Final Four might NBA draft and possibly the first player chosen ing achievements when he got Bogut to sign with similar to themselves. The Cardinals (33-4) just help them relax a bit. overall with his exceptional ballhandling skills for Utah. Bogut was scheduled to join the Utes mid- revolve around larry O'Bannon, Francisco "It's a little bit of pressure off our backs a center. Bogut led Utah in scoring and - way through the 2002-03 season, but had trouble Garcia and Taquan Dean, just as lllinois because everyone was expecting us to get to the ing and was third on the team in assists with 82. getting cleared by the NCAA. revolves around Brown, and Final Four," said Williams, whose fom 3-point- Bogut recorded double-doubles in all but nine Bogut could have gone pro right away in Luther Head. ers at the end of regulation and overtime games this season and finished with at least 10 Europe or signed with another school because his ''They're good. They play at a very aggressive sparked the comeback against Arizona.. "But points and 10 rebounds 40 times in his Utah commitment to Utah expired during the delay, pace," Weber said of Louisville, which overcame we still want to win the national championship career. And at just 20 years old, NBA scouts - fix- but kept his word and arrived in Salt Lake City in its own 20-point deficit to beat West Virginia 93- and it will be a disappointment ifwe don't win tures at Utah games this season - are convinced he 2003. 85 in ovettime Sanrrday. "It's going to be a game that."


Bulls win six straight games They forced turnovers and made some clutch shots in a tough situation. CHICAGO (AP) - Eddy Curry scored 25 The Bulls (38-31) improved to a season-best ing foul on Brian Cardinal. That gave the Bulls a So maybe the Illini don't need the points and the Chicago Bulls nearly blew an 18- seven games over .500 and are chasing the 15-point lead, one that went back to 18 when experts on their sides. They know how point fourth quarter lead before beating the Wtzards for the foutth playoff spot in the East. Jannero Pargo hit a 3-pointer moments later. good they are and have strived all season Memphis Grizzlies 94-86 Monday night for their Curry made his first five shots to score The Grizzlies then got consecutive 3-pointers long while being doubted. sixth straight victory. Chicago's first 10 points, including eight in a row. from Wells, Earl Watson and Mike Miller during So lllini fans, don't get mad about the Ben Gordon added 17 points for the Bulls, He had three jump hooks, a dunk and then a left- a 12-2 run that cut it to 83-75 with 6:36left. disrespect the experts are showing. while Tyson Chandler had 14 rebounds and handed layin as the Bulls went on a 14-5 run to Wells made two from the line and then a 3- Welcome it, and thank them for it. scored 13 points, including a pair of free throws increase their nine-point halftime lead to 65-47. pointer as Memphis got within five with 4:11 to In their own little way, they are driv- with 12.4 seconds left to put Chicago up six. But he didn't hit another and didn't go. Watson's cut it to 86-82 with 3:45 ing the Illini to the National Bonzi Wells scored 22 of his season-high 30 score again until hitting two free throws with 2:48 left and then Miller sailed in for a layup knocking Championship. points in the second half, including 11 to spark a to give the Bulls a four-point lead. He finished 10- it to 86-84. 21-5 Memphis run in the fourth quarter. for-19 from the field. Chicago took a 51-42 halftime lead with a late Marcus Jackson is a senior communica- The Grizzlies trailed 81-63 but then took off Chandler converted a three-point play early in 9-2 run that included two driving baskets by tions studies major. Ifyou woud like to and twice got within two, the last time on Mike the fourth quatter after officials conferred and Andres Nocioni and Pargo's 3-pointer with 36 contact him, e-mail him at Miller's jumper with 2:31 to go. changed an offensive foul against him to a block- seconds left. mjay21 Ol@aolcom.

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DIGGING IN SOFTBALL MARCUS JACKSON COLUM..NIST POSITION Freshman twins spark wins Illini get BY DAN RENICK ASSOCIATE SPORTS EDITOR no respect With a pair of firsts for sisters Karyn and Robyn Mackie, the freshman twins helped rally Eastern to its first ever win How can this be possible? over Jacksonville State Friday, 5-4. How on Earth do the so-called In her fifrh start of the season, Karyn Mckie licked up her "experts" still doubt the Illinois first collegiate win, throwing a complete game and allowing Fighting Illini? only eight hits and three earned runs. In the bottom of the After arguably the greatest seventh, Robyn Mackie hit a RBI Double to win the game comeback in sports in the last for the Panthers (4-I4 I-2 Ohio Valley Conference). decade against one of the most "I've never done anything like that before," Robyn said. talented and athletic teams in the "When I got to second, I just stood there, and everyone nation in Arizona, there are still started jumping around and celebrating." some analysts and columnists not Trailing by one going into the third, Karyn Mackie hit a even mentioning the Illini when rough patch. predicting their national champi- After letting the first two nmners on base, one by a on. throwing error, Karyn walked two straight, walking one I watched ESPN's ''Around the nmner across home. The Gamecocks (9-I2, 5-3) would Horn" Monday afternoon, and bring in two more runs before the Panthers could get out of when the four panelists were the inning. asked their picks for National "It was frustrating because I was walking batters," Karyn Champion, I heard a Louisville, a Mackie said. "(Catcher) Sandyn (Short) came out and kind Michigan State and two North of calmed me down and helped picked me up" Carolinas. After that Karyn Mackie responded to the Jacksonville Even (Chicago Sun-Times) rally by shutting out the Gamecocks in the next four columnist, Jay Mariotti picked innings, the Panthers motmted a comeback. against the Illini. Trailing 4-3 going into the last inning, junior infielder I just find it hard to believe that Jenny Cervetto had a pinch hit and evenntally came arotmd a team that has lost just once all to score on a single by sophomore infielder Katy Steele. season and been ranked No. I for Robyn Mackie , who had six hits and four RBI' s in the IS weeks can continue to fly series, came to the plate with one out and a chance to put under the radar. the Panthers in position for the win. Now I know Michigan State "I was happy it was (Robyn Mackie hitting) because I has been playing very well as of knew she could at least advance the rurmer," Karyn Mackie late, but how can someone rea- said. sonably pick them to win the Robyn Mackie doubled to lefr center to bring in the win- tide? ning run and seal her sister's first win for the Panthers. The lllini took care of the "The pitcher laid a fattie out for me, and I almost got Spartans pretty handily at the over anxious and swung too early," Robyn Mackie said. '1t Breslin Center in early February. was special because I am a catcher, and we work together a Illinois was doubted from the lot. day it was tabbed as the nation's "She was really happy." No. I team after destroying then The next day Robyn Mackie nearly lifted the Panthers to No. I Wake Forest. another oomeback. After trailing by as many as seven runs, Kansas was supposedly the best Eastern cut the lead to two going into the seventh. With team in the nation, but after a 20- nmners on first and second, Robyn Mackie hit a two-out point loss to Villanova, a three- STEPHEN H AAS/THE D'IILY EASTERN NEINS double to drive in the tying runs. game losing streak down the "It was like deja vu," Robyn Mackie said. "I hit it in stretch and a first-round loss to Fr U • • : • IJ@ wiiD iiD lliOOl Ctlmle. the Panthers couldn't recover for the win. this season. Then, everyone said the Big Ten was down this season, and BASEBALL the lllini had a cakewalk through the regular season. With three teams in the Elite Panthers prowling St. Louis for change Eight, and two of those teams advancing to the Final Four, I After past losses at St. their place," Schmitz said. "We hope to change that would say the Big Ten has backed (today)." ''They've always done really well itself up and shown the nation Louis, Eastern hopes This isn't a conference game, so sometimes a against us at their place. We that it has a talented and compet- team will take a different approach with them. In itive conference. to override precedent some non-oonference games, a coach may play hope to change that (today)." The latest knock against the BY ) OHN H OHENADEL some different guys to try and keep them ready, but )IMMY SCHMITZ, HEAD COACH Illini is that they didn't win SPORTS REPORTER Schmitz said this isn't one of those games. Saturday's game but that Arizona "Every so often, we'll approach a game different- bigger win, beating the 22nd ranked team in the lost the game. The Eastern baseball team will travel to Saint ly," Schmitz said, "but winning breeds winning, nation, Teaxas Christian University, in the third Sure the Wildcats made some Louis today to take on the Billikens at 3 p.m. and we have to keep this thing going." game of a three game series this past weekend. mistakes in the final few minutes Panther head coach Jimmy Schmitz said his team The Panthers are corning off a nice weekend in "Hopefully, that will give our guys a lift," of the game, but a lot of that had can't seem to get a win in St. Louis, but when the Martin, Tenn., taking two of three games from the Billiken head coach Bob Hughes said. "We showed to do with Illinois forcing those Billikens oome to Charleston, it's the other way Skyhawks and would like to stay in the win col- we can do it on Saturday. Now we have to expect mistakes. around. umn. the same output every time we go out there." "They've always done really well against us at But the Billikens are coming off perhaps an even SEE RESPECT PAGE 10 SEE CHANGE PAGE 11