Ward Neighbourhood Policing Team July 2015

Meeting Summary

Chair: PCSO 15741 Newbold

Present Contact

PS 3409 Goodall brian.goodall@.pnn.police.uk PS 18 Plascott [email protected] PC 25597 Scott [email protected] PCSO 15741 Newbold [email protected] PCSO 15928 Maddox [email protected]

Cllr Jacqui Rayment councillor.j.rayment@.gov.uk


PCSO Newbold explained the new beat boundaries which are now in line with council ward boundaries

Sgt Plascott explained the purpose of PACT meetings and gave a brief update about the Northam area of the ward, outlining current Northam priorities as drug activity, public order and neighbour disputes.

Sgt Goodall explained the Operational Change Programme which has taken place in Hampshire and the benefits to NPT.

PCSO Newbold highlighted the previous priorities for Bevois which were: Street drinking on St Matthews Close, drug issues in Northam and burglaries in . Tackled by increased patrols. ASB survey conducted recently which gained 141 responses from across the Bevois ward. The most common concern from the responses was that of drug use and drug dealing.

GS has seen possible dealing taking place outside of the tyre shop on Lodge Road.

LA has seen dealing taking place behind the YMCA in a block of flats with an open entrance and also in the subway near to the YMCA.

HB has seen dealing in the alleyway by Bevois Town Primary School. Also on Bath Street where there are three houses where one is for sale and dealing takes place in the porch way.

Discussion about alcohol­related ASB and PCSO Newbold explained our powers under the DPPO. PC Scott explained there is no curfew for street drinking and noise and explained EHO can be called for noise complaints. RF raised issue with overspills from student parties – PC Scott confirmed we can request they go home. PW asked if we have powers to deal with noise from within properties – PC Scott confirmed we are unlikely to attend as this falls under remit of EHO. Sgt Goodall advised that student noise can be reported to university directly. Cllr JR will confirm hours of the EHO response team to residents. PD expressed gratitude towards closure of Kingsley House on Alma Road.

PCSO Newbold explained next most prevalent concern from ASB survey was public order. Explained mostly confined to areas such as Bedford Place and Bevois Valley rather than residential areas. Can see this from Crime Reports website. Another concern from survey was criminal damage, however occurrences of this are non specific to a location and time and place. Littering was also a concern – this is to be reported to Action line at SCC. Cllr JR confirmed the city is covered by a plan reference littering. Play parks and other open spaces are checked every day for glass and litter of substance. However this is carried out by a limited team. Used syringes/drug paraphernalia can be collected by the council also.

VT pointed out littering around the YMCA and suggested working with the YMCA reference this. PCSO Newbold confirmed we do already work in conjunction with the YMCA and this can be flagged.

Sgt Goodall advised of upcoming littering project which is taking place in Newtown.

SS asked about legal position on begging. Sgt Goodall confirmed it is a criminal offence but generally prosecution is not supported by the courts. We are currently working on a project relating to this with the use of the new PSPO legislation. This is a problem solving approach and will update at next meeting. LA said that London Road is bad for begging.

PW advised that in Winchester the traders keep a charity collection box in the window with a poster discouraging public from giving money direct to beggars. Sgt Goodall advised this could be a possibility but would need backing from all businesses.

PCSO Newbold advised that the CTCG plan the current community priorities which are burglaries, ASB and drug dealing/use.

It was noticed that figures are up from last year for burglaries and ASB. Sgt Goodall said this is down to more efficient crime recording from a recent national overhaul in the way police record crime.

Sgt Goodall advised of potential NPT move to the Fountain Café at SCC. Discussion about cycling offences – residents expressed concerns about cycling on the footpath and also bicycles with no lights and going through red traffic lights. Sgt Goodall confirmed we can give out tickets for cycling offences, including PCSOs. Cllr JR confirmed

SCC currently do not have powers to deal with cycling offences however they may do in the near future. At the moment it is down to the police. Sgt Goodall suggested we could run cycling initiative similar to Speedwatch but would need volunteers. PCSO Newbold advised she can look at this if anyone expresses interest to assist with Speedwatch.

PW raised parking issues when Students are in situ. They park on the white lines. Sgt Goodall confirmed police no longer deal with inconsiderate parking or parking on double yellow lines. Can issue tickets for obstructions. It is the council that deal with this. Cllr JR advised limited service regarding this due to cuts.

JH raised issues associated with Carnage which takes place in the city for students. Sgt Goodall confirmed they employ own security and have use of ICE bus. Cllr JR advised council doesn’t encourage carnage but it is something we have to accept as a two­university city.

PCSO Newbold suggested new local priority to be issues associated with cycling including lights, contravening red lights and cycling on footpath.

Sgt Goodall summarised community priorities.

PCSO Newbold suggested the next meeting to be Thursday 26th November 2015 @ 1930 pm at Bevois Town Primary School. There was also a suggestion of handing out at survey again 1 month prior to the meeting.