SECTION B PRESS & DAKOTAN Friday, May 15, 2015 COMICS 4B RELIGION 5B HOMETOWN 8B TV LISTINGS 9B PHOTO: ANG BYYKKONEN HAVE A PHOTO? Submit it to River City for publication in this RIVER CITY space:
[email protected]. NaturalRC Benefits MNRR Report Highlights Park’s Impact On Economy And Region BY ROB NIELSEN
[email protected] he river that has brought Yankton and the many other com- munities along it life continues to bring in tourist dollars as well. T Recently, the Na- tional Park Service reported that the Missouri National Recreation River (MNRR) led to $5,564,500 be- ing spent in communities near the park in 2014, supporting 88 jobs for a cumulative benefit to the local economy of $6,435,000. The Park Service reported 134,762 visitors to the river park that stretches from Pickstown to Springfield and Gavin’s Point Dam to just north of Sioux City, Iowa. MNRR superintendent Rick Clark told the Press & Dakotan the park is helpful to “gateway commu- nities” that provide access to it. “It’s an indication in many respects that the gateway com- munities — which are within 60 KELLY HERTZ/P&D miles of the park, which in our case Dugan Smith, chief of Interpreta- is a 100-mile linear park — receive tion, Education & Outreach at the Missouri National Recreation River benefits through lodging, through (MNRR), stands next to a water restaurants, gas receipts, souve- trail sign located at the west end nirs, etc.,” Clark said. “It can really of Yankton’s Riverside Park. The help provide and give recognition MNRR is a national park — divided to those communities, considering in two segments, as shown in the they have a National Park Service map at left — that has a considera- area in close proximity to where ble economic impact in the region.