Read us and advertise online - - like Last chance to win R3000 in the matric farewell photo competition The ever so popular Matric Fare- well competition is drawing to a Audit Bureau of Circulations of South Africa close on Sunday, November 20. transparency you can see To get your hands on the prize Accurate. Believable. Consistent money, be sure to enter on our web- site – En- tries are only R50 (VAT included) Audit Bureau of Circulations of South Africa Established 1889 transparency you can see per photograph. You may enter as Accurate. Believable. Consistent many photographs as you like. The winner will walk away with R1 000 hard cash, as well as R1 000 for his/her school. But Committee calls for dismissal wait, there is more! The reader who is able to correctly pre- dict the Top 3 on a printed of “corrupt” principal ballot form (which will be included in the paper to- MAHIKENG MAIL – MAHIKENG: The Portfolio Standing Committee on Education and Sports Development wards the end of the com- in the North West has given the department seven days to implement the resolutions of a disciplinary hearing petition), will also pocket agreement into fraudulent activities involving the principal of Onkgopotse Tiro Comprehensive School near a whopping R1 000!All Mahikeng. contestants will be The principal, Edwin Teach Kgonothi was charged and without sourcing written quotations. in the paper, on our found guilty of fraud totalling close to R1 million. The Kgonothi had agreed with the department to be moved website and on Face- issue was raised by the committee during the department’s from the school with similar benefits to another location book after the clos- annual results presentation in Mahikeng last week. within the department. The transfer was to have come into ing date. Be sure to vote for your Education MEC, Sello Lehari was urged by the effect in June already. favourite and committee to implement a long overdue settlement Chairperson of the Committee, Boitumelo Moiloa don’t forget agreement between the department and Kgonothi. argued that the department had entered into an agreement to predict the The agreement also included that Kgonthi would with Kgonothi and demanded that the agreement be winner! repay the fund trough a mere one-and-a-half month’s implemented. She said her committee demanded that the salary from his monthly package in R2, 044.66 department implement the agreement. instalments over a period of 24 months. This despite However, MEC Lehari said Kgonothi and the the fact that the department had identified the acts of department had agreed to amend certain clauses of SABC takes fraud which the accused had agreed to. the agreement after Kgonothi had appealed arguing The charges included seven cases of fraud during which that the agreement favoured the department and was Kgonothi had submitted false quotations, approving and biased towards him. paying SGB members and teachers fraudulent claims and The MEC said he expected that the agreements would education forward MAHIKENG MAIL – MAHIKENG: The South African procuring services and goods from various companies be implemented sometime this week. Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) will continue on its journey to play a leading role in developing the educational skills of especially young people in the country despite undue criticism levelled against its poised standing in the public domain. This message was delivered at the SABC’s provincial offices in Mahikeng on Tuesday by officials of the public broadcaster during the launch of the WALLIS Training Institution which offers sound technology and film and television learnership programmes. The training institution is situated at the Mmabatho-based broadcast centre and accommodates about 40 learners who have enrolled in the sound technology, film and television learnership programme. The learners come from various locations across the province. Addressing officials from various organisations including the provincial administration represented by the provincial director general, Lydia Sebego, SABC’s provincial general manager, Dan Mongale said in line with its overall responsibilities as a public broadcaster, the SABC played an important role in the development of both the country and its people. He called for improved public partnership with the SABC adding that entities such as the South African Revenue Services (SARS) must help in taking that process forward. Mongale said while students in various institutions of higher learning across the country were advocating for “#feesmustfall”, the Continued on page 3 Learners taking part in the WAL- LIS learnership programmes at the SABC centre in Mahikeng ^ůƵŵďĞƌƚĞĐŚ ^ůĞĞƉ^ĞŶƐĞWĞĂƌů pictured during the launch of the programmes on Tuesday. (Picture by Otsile Tlape.) ŽƵďůĞ ƵďůĞ Ğ^Ğƚ Ğ^Ğƚ

13 Martin Street; ^sZϰϬϬ /,0,7(' ^sZϲϬϬ Galleria Arcade; ĂƐŚ 672&. ĂƐŚ Shop no 1 & 2 5 5 ^ůĞĞƉ^ĞŶƐĞ'ŽůĚ ^ĞĂůLJWŽƐƚƵƌĞƉĞĚŝĐ E-mail: [email protected] ǀŝŐŶŽŶ GPS Co-ordinates: 25” 51’ 49,42 S • 25” 35’ 40,52 E YƵĞĞŶ ĞĞŶ ƐĞ^Ğƚ 18 NOVEMBER 2016  ^Ğƚ ^sZϴϬϬ ^sZϭϬϬϬ Tel: 018 381 1330/ ĂƐŚ 21/< ĂƐŚ 381 2884 5 5 Fax: 018 381 0425 R4-00 VAT INCL PAGE 2 MAHIKENG MAIL 18 NOVEMBER 2016 Spectacular Supermoon observed worldwide Mahikeng Mail-Mahikeng- On Tuesday ,November 14 ,the biggest Supermoon in 68 with a total lunar eclipse. The most recent years was viewed by millions of enthusiasts around the globe. occurrence of this was in September 2015, The so-called supermoon reached the crest turned full after midnight of November 15. while the next time will be in October 2033. of its full phase on November 14 at 13h52 The supermoon, which was the closest and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Along brightest moon of 2016, was the second of the longitudes of Europe and Africa, this three consecutive supermoons for this year. moon could be best seen on the nights of The previous one appeared on October 16 November 14-15. The moon turned precisely and the last one is expected to appear on One of our readers, Leonie Botha, full in most countries in the evening hours of December 14. captured the historic moment of the November 14, but in New Zealand, it only With only 356,511 kilometres away from supermoon on November 14. the center of Earth, the moon had not been this close since January 26, 1948. It will not Calling all Bethel be closer until November 25, 2034 and the High alumni closest supermoon of the century is expected to occur on December 6, 2052. MAHIKENG MAIL – MAHIKENG: A supermoon is the coincidence of a full All Bethel High School Ex-students moon or a new moon with the closest in Bodenstein, from all over the approach the moon makes to the Earth on North West and other provinces its elliptical orbit, resulting in the largest countrywide are invited to a meeting apparent size of the lunar disk as seen from at the school in Bodenstein to be held Earth. Occasionally, a supermoon coincides on November 19 at 09h00. The meeting is to discuss all former students’ reunion, when the school will The power is in your hands be celebrating 100 years of existence in 2017. Further information is available from Ben Kgotle on 079 754 2988 or &DVK$GYDQFH Pontsho Meshe on 073 170 7935. :KLOHZDLWLQJIRU 9 3HQVLRQ3DFNDJH 9 3URYLGHQWIXQG Happy birthday! 9 5HWUHQFKPHQWEHQH¿WV 9 3UR¿WIURP6DOHRI+RXVH 2IÀFHQR_&DUULQJWRQ 6WUHHW_0DÀNHQJ 7HO &HOO

For the first time in the history of the Miss South Africa pageant, license own- /($'(56,162/$5 ers Sun International, in collaboration with Cell C, invite members of the public 32:(5$1'/('/,*+7,1* )LUVW6WUHHW,QGXVWULDO6LWHV0DÀNHQJ to vote for their favourite Semi-Finalist and propel her into the Top 12. They will  then be able to vote for which girl they believe should wear the Miss South Africa +RPH6RODU'& crown. The Top 26 Miss South Africa Semi-Finalists – who are vying for the title /LJKWLQJ.LW$YDLODEOH of Miss South Africa 2017 – were announced earlier this year. They will compete )7)7)7/(' for the prestigious title at the Sun City Superbowl on March 26 in an event which )ORXUHVFHQW)LWWLQJV will be televised live and simulcast on M-Net and Mzansi Magic. The first phase of Carlos Santos Junior Manacas celebrat- th the public voting opened on Tuesday ( November 15, 2016) and runs until Friday, ed his 6 birthday on November 9 with January 13, 2017 at 23:59:59. During phase one, the Semi-Finalist who receives family and friends. His loved ones used the most public votes will automatically become one of the Top 12 Miss South the opportunity to express their love Africa 2017 Finalists. Up for grabs are double tickets to attend the live Miss South and blessings over him. Africa pageant at Sun City for 10 lucky voters. The second round of public voting is scheduled to open in February 2017 when the Top 12 Miss SA 2017 Finalists are REGISTRATION IN PROGRESS 6ROLG)RXQGDWLRQ3ULYDWH 7DLORUHG&XUULFXOXPZLWK announced. 6FKRROLVQRZRSHQ TXDOLÀHGUHJLVWHUHGWHDFKHUV IRU)RXQGDWLRQ3KDVH *$23$/(/:( 7HDFKHU/HDUQHUUDWLR JUDGHV5 UHJLVWUDWLRQ 0$),.(1*/8&(51( 9,372,/(7 IRU-$18$5< %DFNHGE\DDQ :+2/(6$/(56 +,5( 02%,/( (GXFDWLRQDO3V\FKRORJLVW )5,'*( +XUU\/LPLWHGVSDFHV 6SHHFK7KHUDSLVW ZϵϱͬĂůĞ OHIW DQG2FFXSDWLRQDO 62/,')281'$7,21 -DPHV:DWW 35,9$7(6&+22/ &UHVFHQW &/$5('21*2/)9,(: &RQWDFW6WHIDQ/RXUHQV ,QGXVWULDO6LWHV 0D¿NHQJ 0$+,.(1* &RQWDFW 5XVWHQEXUJ 0DÀNHQJ 1RUWKDP  7HO  7HO  `` 5HJ1R¶ 7UDGHLQV:HOFRPH IDVWSULQW#PZHEFR]DPDILNHQJ#IDVWSULQWDQGVLJQVFR]DDGPLQIDVWSULQW#PZHEFR]D   /(6(','(17$/&(175( 7+$3(/27,36 %,%/(75$,1,1* 35(6(176$1 '57(7:$/$ %'6 $9(1,1*:,7+ 0,1,675< '(17,67 &2856(6$9$,/$%/( ,QSDUWQHUVKLSZLWK'U'UXSDG.DUD %'6 5(*,67(512:)25 $'0,66,21 2UWKRGRQWLF7UHDWPHQW 681'$<6&+22/7($&+(5 0217+6 d/<d^d &+5,67,$1<287+/($'(56+,3 'RHV\RXUFKLOGQHHGEUDFHV"  0217+6 KDWhd/<d 35($&+(56&2856( 0217+6 7DNHDGYDQWDJHRI\RXU'HQWDO (9$1*(/,67&2856( 0217+6 ZϭϴϬƉƉ 3$67250,1,67(5¶6&2856(',3/20$ %HQHILWVEHIRUHWKH\H[SLUHDWWKHHQG  <($56 6,;0217+6 /$1*8$*(,6(1*/,6+$1'6(76:$1$ RIWKH\HDU ),//83(9(5<:+(5( &255(6321'(1&(',67$1&(/($51,1* $&&(37('

6WDUWWUHDWPHQWWKLV\HDUDQGDYRLGWKH 5(6,'(17,$/$''5(66 0$*2*2(7$50$+,.(1*)5217 SULFHLQFUHDVHV 23326,7(48$55<5(67$85$17 LESEDI DENTAL CENTRE ERAS PHARMACY 4040 PEACE CRESCENT ROOM 104 HATCHARD PLACE $77(1'$&/$66216$785'$<$7+ UNIT 12 30 NELSON MANDELA DRIVE &2856(6$5(23(1(')25(9(5<%2'< MMABATHO MAHIKENG, 2745 ϮϲEKs͘ϮϬϭϲͬϭϵ͗ϯϬ TEL: 018 384 0749 TEL: 018 381 6340 )25025(,1)250$7,21 DDd,KKEsEd/KEEdZ 3+21( 18 NOVEMBER 2016 MAHIKENG MAIL PAGE 3 Boyfriend held for Lightning strikes Milo girlfriend’s alleged murder

MAHIKENG MAIL – TAUNG: Police in Taung apprehended a 30-year-old suspect on Tuesday for an alleged murder of his 28-year-old girlfriend and their two-year-old daughter. The suspect was arrested after he “As the ANCWL we would like to handed himself to the police and informed express our condolences and we also them about the gruesome incident that pledge our full support to the Sethi A popular restaurant in Mahikeng’s industrial sites was almost completely destroyed last week occurred on Monday at family more that this tragic death takes when a bolt of lightning struck its roof igniting a large ball of fire which swept across the entire Extension 6 in Taung. place on the eve of launching the 16 Days roofing made of thatched grass. The lightning caused extensive damage to the property with According to information, the suspect activism against the abuse of women and losses estimated to run into hundreds of thousands of Rands. An Eskom electricity transformer then took the police to the crime scene children. We hope that the law takes its was also damaged during another lightning incident also in Mahikeng. where upon arrival, they found the course and that the perpetrator languishes victims lying dead inside the house, next in jail so that his incarceration should be Premier consoles Mogotsi family to the toilet. a lesson to those planning to commit such The motive of the incident was still a crime,” Mogakwe concluded. Mahikeng Mail-MMABATHO - North West Premier reacted with unknown by yesterday. The suspect sadness this week as he conveyed his message of condolences to the family of the late appeared in the Taung Magistrate’s Court radio veteran, Aldrine Segale Mogotsi. last week on two counts of murder. “On behalf of the North West Provincial radio career at the legendary Radio Bop in The ANCWL commended the police for Government, we send our heartfelt condo- Mahikeng, before working for other radio quick response on the matter by arresting lences to the Mogotsi family. Segale Mog- stations such as Motsweding FM, Jozi FM, the alleged killer who is now locked in otsi will always remain in our hearts and Kaya FM, and Metro FM, among others. police cells and is expected to appear in the minds. He was one of us, having started his He will be buried tomorrow (Friday) in local magistrate’s court on Tuesday next broadcasting career here in Mahikeng at Ra- Mabopane. week. “We are appealing to our members dio Bop. and members of the community to flock “As a radio person- ality with an impec- < to Taung Magistrate’s Court to register /36 &+2 their dismay and protest at the killing of cable record, Mogo- $ /2 women and children. We are appealing to tsi kept the masses of ,& * the Magistrate not to grant the suspect bail our people informed ,1 ,6 as this would be undermining our struggle on important issues / 7 against the abuse of women and children,” affecting them on a & ANCWL Provincial Secretary, Bridgette daily basis,” Mahu- Mogakwe said. mapelo said. Mahumapelo said DE'DEd͗ Mogotsi clearly un- /͘^ĞdžƵĂůKīĞŶĐĞƐ;ZĂƉĞͿďLJ͗ //͘tŽƌŬZĞůĂƚĞĚWƌŽďůĞŵƐ͗ derstood that radio ^ƚƌĂŶŐĞƌͮ&ĂŵŝůLJŵĞŵďĞƌ hŶĨĂŝƌƚƌĞĂƚŵĞŶƚͮƵůůLJŝŶŐ SABC takes education forward was the medium of ŽůůĞĂŐƵĞͮĂƚĞͮ'ĂŶŐ ŝƐĐƌŝŵŝŶĂƟŽŶͮůĐŽŚŽůŝƐŵ Continued from page1 learners pursuant to their career path and choice for majority ^ĞdžƵĂůŚĂƌĂƐƐŵĞŶƚ SABC had “collapsed the system of fee business production,” he said of the people. ///͘ůůWƐLJĐŚŽůŽŐŝĐĂůWƌŽďůĞŵƐ͗ through various initiatives. In his address, the SABC’s human Mogotsi died ĞƉƌĞƐƐŝŽŶͮZĞůĂƟŽŶƐŚŝƉWƌŽďůĞŵƐͮďƵƐĞŽĨĂŶLJŬŝŶĚ “We are delivering programmes at NQF resources group executive, Mohlolo on Monday at the ^ƵŝĐŝĚĞͮ^ƚƌĞƐƐ Level 5 without charging a single cent from Lephaka announced that the WALLIS Edenvale Hospital, ^Zs/WZKs/ the learners we have roped in from across learnership programme was an initiative Ekurhuleni after a the province through partnership with the between the public broadcaster and the short illness. ;&ŽƌŚŝůĚƌĞŶ͕ĚŽůĞƐĐĞŶƚƐΘĚƵůƚƐͿ Youth Entrepreneur desk in the Premier’s provincial administration under Premier At the time of his DĞĚŝĐĂůŝĚĐĐĞƉƚĞĚ Office. Supra Mahumapelo. death, he was work- ϰϲŶƌ͘DŽůŽƉŽΘEĞůƐŽŶDĂŶĚĞůĂZŽĂĚ “Through these programmes, we are The SABC, he said would make available ing for North West DĂŚŝŬĞŶŐ͕Ϯϳϰϱ also preparing learners to initiate and 250 bursaries this year to cater for students FM in Rustenburg. pursue business on their own through who came from all over the province adding Mogotsi started his ŽŶƚĂĐƚDŽƐĂĚŝǁĂƉƵůĂŽŶϬϭϴͲϯϴϭϭϭϯϮ entrepreneurship programmes that we that the public broadcaster would further are also delivering. We will conduct take in 100 interns to participate in all other contact sessions with respective external fields of study. stakeholders for information sharing with three learners about how to access funding through the small business development agency, NYDA, national trade industry and the Premier’s Youth Entrepreneurship desk”, Mongale said congratulating Premier Supra Mahumapelo for establishing small business chambers of commerce chambers across the country. Moving on the digital process, Mongale said several television and radio studios and the nine edit suits at the Mahikeng corporate SABC provincial general manager, Dan centre would soon be fully digitalised into Mongale addressing guests during the world class technology centres. We will be provincial launch of the WALIS learner- ready to provide technical support for our ship programme this week. DOLGXQWLOUG1RYHPEHU


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683(5 833(56 '($/ *5$)721 ^sͲZϭϮϬϬϬ /LPLWHG ^sͲZϴϬϬϬ ^sͲZϵϬϬϬ (9(5(67 ^sͲZϱϬϬϬ WŽƌƐŚĂ 12: ůĂŶĚ 672&. 12: ZŽdžLJ 12: ZĂĚĐůŝīĞ 12: ϯƉĐĞ>ŽƵŶŐĞ^ƵŝƚĞ ^, 5 ϯƉĐĞ>ŽƵŶŐĞ^ƵŝƚĞ ^, 5 ϯƉĐĞ>ŽƵŶŐĞ^ƵŝƚĞ ^, 5 ϯƉĐĞ>ŽƵŶŐĞ^ƵŝƚĞ ^, 5 PAGE 4 MAHIKENG MAIL 18 NOVEMBER 2016 Response to the DA statement on Youth Entrepreneurship Services(YES) The Office Of the Premier has noted the statement from the DA which is riddled with year. unemployed youth registered during the factual inaccuracies. Below is a response to the DA statement: At the time of writing, 2 more camps will Setsokotsane Outreach Programme and The Office of the Premier entered into a Premier SOR Mahumapelo launched this run concurrently at 2 SAI Military Base in those that register in person. The Office of strategic partnership with the North West magazine in July 2016. Zeerust hosting 200 youth with another one the Premier will continue to mobilise youth Development Corporation (NWDC) to The Provincial Government has also at 4 Artillery Regiment in Potchefstroom to submit their business plans and not be support youth in business and those wanting entered into a partnership with the South from the 9 -13 November 2016. The last dissuaded by ill-informed and misleading to start their own businesses. African National Defence Force (SANDF) camp will be held in December 2016. statements. Neither the Office of the Premier nor the on many fronts and in particular on youth Lastly, no youth is handpicked as the Issued by the Office of the Premier – NWDC has either issued a report on the development. In making this a reality, a Office of the Premier uses a database of Bokone Bophirima Province funding of the youth in the province .Below Service Level Agreement has been signed is a factual account of how youth have been between the two parties wherein the SANDF supported through this partnership: will host 2400 youth from across the Shampooniaza 115 youth businesses were funded based province over 13 different camps hosting on the business plans submitted in response between 140-300 youth per camp. to an advertisement placed in the media in The camps are aimed at creating a platform June 2015. 39 of these are legally registered for unemployed young people to connect journeys to Mahikeng businesses owned by the youth from across with public and private institutions, and be Mahikeng Mail-Mahikeng-Comedian Thapelo “Shampooniaza” Seemise will make his the 4 districts of the province. exposed to developmental opportunities. return to Mahikeng, after a good run during the Bokone Bophirima Comedy Show in 71 of the 115 businesses are individual Usually present at these camps are: September. youth identified from indigent households National & provincial departments, State in the 18 municipalities of the province Owned Entities including the National Youth This time he is on a “One man’s journey”, bantu hour and as master of ceremonies at who were identified to sell the YES Development Agency (NYDA), the 23 which is also the title of his show to be cooperate and government departmental magazine at R10. Each youth was allocated Sector Education and Training Authorities held on November 26 at the Mmabatho events and functions. He has the ability 200 copies of the magazine and all proceeds (SETAs), Small Enterprise Development Convention Center at 19:30. The dance to woo crowds with laughter using his of sale are retained by the youth. This Agency (SEDA), Small Enterprise Finance choreographer, community choir drummer life experiences; also touching on societal had a positive impact on the livelihood Agency (SEFA),National Employment and singer, has vowed to leave the audience challenges which he delivers through his of the households the youth come from. Fund, National Student Financial Aid in stitches. Commonly known as TIPS comedy. This being his first ever one man Government departments, municipalities, Scheme (NSFAS) and Microsoft SA, Google (through Inspiration People Succeed) he tour he has promised only the best. State Owned Entities and the private sector SA, Anglo American, Chamber of Mines, has become a permanent feature on SABC’s are encouraged to advertise in this magazine Shanduka Black Umbrellas and the 4 major Sports at 10 as the only sports comedian in as a way of subsidising the production banks in South Africa. South Africa. costs and the free stock that the youth are So far 9 camps have been conducted His one-man show promises a sold out receiving, in this way more youth could be covering 1800 unemployed youth. A total of affair, with a full on performance of his identified to participate in this programme. 2400 will be covered in the current financial new work. Seemise has performed with the best South African and international comedians like David Kau, Kagiso Ledigsa, Eugene Khoza, Tshepo ‘Spykos ‘Mogale, Joey Rasdien and Nigerian superstar Basketmouth. His career has seen him perform and headline shows across the country and internationally; TIPS Thapelo Seemise’s “One man’s with features in Movies and on the Journey” hits Mahikeng on November television productions like Taxi Ride, 26 at the Mmabatho Convention Center FANTA - So you think you are funny, The and tickets are available at Computicket. Premier is playing for the Comment gallery, not the people I refer to the headline in the Mahikeng Mail of November 4, page 3 stating “SUPRA TO ANC needs strong and INTERVENE IN AILING MUNICIPALITIES”. This is all about our Premier addressing Mahikeng. the media during a “special briefing” to The previous week the Mail & Guardian committed leaders announce his administration’s approach reported that these three local municipalities, to curb problems raised in the provincial some of the poorest in the country, made It is unfortunate that as the ANC continue to grow, most of the organisation’s new Auditor-General’s report. the top three positions on a list of Top 30 members don’t seem to understand the principles that govern the party and its It has become impossible for his spenders on Entertainment. leadership requirements hence the numerous challenges that affect the party and administration to hide its shortcomings and According to the article, Kagisano/Molopo its standing in community circles. failures. Our Premier stands up and makes near the border of Botswana spent over R4 Some of these challenges exacerbated by the organisation ‘s continued denial that announcements that are totally contrary to million on entertainment as per the auditor- there were “no serious” problems in the organisation in the province, do not augur well what is really happening. Talk about playing general’s findings for 2015. for the ANC’s efforts to rebuild the organisation after the local government elections. to the gallery... It is very hard not to get cynical about The ANC’s provincial secretary, Dakota Legoete denied over the weekend that the We have heard this all before. “It is high attempts to actually benefit the people of the organisation in the North West was the biggest loser in support during the August time there are consequences for not using Province. The DA will monitor the working elections. This was in reaction to the ANC ‘s secretary-general, Gwede Mantashe’s taxpayers’ money well.” of this committee very carefully and keep remarks that the ANC in the Bokone Bophirima lost the highest number of support in Then tell us the detail Honourable Premier. on asking the Premier questions. We have the elections due to continued infighting. Let us know who these people are. Charge before called upon a national task team Addressing a two-day Provincial Executive Committee (PEC) and cadres forum in them and bring them to justice. to intervene. If this turns out to be another Mahikeng on Sunday, Mantashe slated what he referred to as “divisive politics” in the We welcome this intervention. In fact, the scam without any tangible outcomes, we will ANC in the region. Democratic Alliance has repeatedly been repeat our call as it has become clear that this While some said that the provincial “visits” by ANC leaders to embark on an asking your administration to intervene. administration cannot do their jobs while the intensive political education campaign to address problems experienced during the Maybe you can tell us then what is AG advised against consultants. August local elections, insiders said the SG came on a special missions to the North happening in Kagisano/Molopo, Moses Jacqueline Theologo, DA Whip, North West after being “summoned’ by various leaders in the region to particularly address Kotane and right here where we live, West Provincial Legislature issues of factionalism which were further driving the party. Addressing the cadres forum, Mantashe said divisions in the organisation had led to a 15 percent drop in support in the recent elections . “We need to understand the IMPORTANT principles that govern the party. Leaders need to go through the eye of the needle where they are subjected to rigorous organisational checks so that they emerge as true leaders Please keep your letters short and to the point. Letters which of the ANC. contain slander, party political propaganda or advertising for People who are going to save the ANC are members in branches”, Mantashe said adding, “as we are going to elective conference, let’s talk principles before any names”. business concerns cannot be accommodated. There has been growing concern in the province that the ANC factional battles were also adversely affecting its relationship with alliance partners with COSATU and Please sign all letters (even where a non de plume is used) and SANCO calling for the ANC leadership to “shape-up or shape-out” . SUPPLY YOUR TELEPHONE NUMBER. Comment by Bobby Saul of 13 Martin Street, Galleria • The Mafikeng Mail does not necessarily agree with the Arcade, Mafikeng. opinion expressed in letters and columns. 18 NOVEMBER 2016 MAHIKENG MAIL PAGE 5 NWest and Free State agree to agree MAHIKENG MAIL – PARYS: Issues of skills development, Human Resource Development policies, post-matric opportunities, bursaries, learnerships and internships were on top of the agenda at a two-day workshop convened by the Offices of the Premiers in the North West and the Free State at the Stonehenge Lodge in Parys, Free State. Described by participants as the first of its kind, the workshop was organized jointly by Ikati- song School of Government in the North West shop was an important learning tool regarding and the Free State Training and Development the challenges we face in the two provinces Institute (FSTDI). Head of Ikatisong School and how best to tackle them. It has helped us to of Government, Professor said think out of the box,” she said. Issues discussed the workshop, which ended on a high note ear- included policies, collaboration in coordinat- lier today, was necessitated by the need to grow ing international scholarships, maximising op- Delegates from the North West and Free State provincial governments taking a skills across all sectors working with other prov- portunities available through the Cuba Medical inces that are doing well in the area of skills de- Training Scholarship Programme, placement, break to pose for a picture after deliberations at the two-day workshop on HRD velopment. He said Premier Supra Mahumapelo training and absorption of new graduates. policies and skills development. (Pictures by Otukile Mosimanegape). had encouraged Ikatisong to benchmark against other provinces that are doing well in the area 670,&+$(/·6 of skills development, such as the Free State 6(&21'$5<6&+22/ ¶$OOKDUGZRUNEULQJVDSURILW· Province.“This workshop came about in re- SYEV sponse to Premier Mahumapelo’s wish that we work closely with the Free State as one of the †‡”‡™ƒƒ‰‡‡– provinces that are doing well in the area of skills 6W0LFKDHO¶V6FKRRO /HDUQLQJ&HQWUH RSHQHGLWVGRRUVLQ development, to learn from each other.“Coming DQGKDVHYROYHGWRPHHWWKHHYHUFKDQJLQJQHHGVRI out of these two days we have adopted, through VWXGHQWV$FDGHPLFDOO\RULHQWHGWKHVFKRRORIIHUVDQLQWHU our commissions, action plans that will be tabled QDWLRQDOO\UHFRJQLVHG FXUULFXOXP ZLWK FODVV QXPEHUV QRW H[FHHGLQJVWXGHQWVDVZHOODVDQH[WHQVLYHH[WUDPXUDO before decision making structures and ultimate- SURJUDPPH 7KH VFKRRO LVFRPPLWWHG WRGHYHORSLQJ ZHOO ly our Executive Council. Based on the decision EDODQFHGLQGLYLGXDOVZLWKVWURQJYDOXHV that will be taken by the Executive Council, we &RQGXFLYHWRWKHOHDUQLQJHQYLURQPHQWLWRIIHUV will be on our way to implement the wishes of $IIRUGDEOH)HHV %XUVDULHVDYDLODEOHRQDSSOLFDWLRQV the Premier and the Executive Council,” Prof  &DULQJTXDOLILHGDQGGHGLFDWHGVWDII Mokgoro said.Professor Mokgoro said the Ikati-  3HDFHIXODQGWUDQTXLOHQYLURQPHQW $GLVFLSOLQHGHVWDEOLVKPHQW song School of Government was also working :LGHYDULHW\RIVSRUW closely with universities and FET colleges in the  3URJUDPPHWDUJHWLQJOLWHUDF\DQGQXPHUDF\OHYHOV province to determine the skills needed based 12:$&&(37,1* on, among others, the needs of the VTSD (Vil- $33/,&$7,216)25*5$'( )RUP  lages, Townships and Small Dorpies) economy. 63$&(6$5( /,0,7(' Senior Manager of Skills Development in the ³&UHDWLQJD&OLPDWHZKHUH6WXGHQWVZDQWWROHDUQ´ Free State, Spa Kabane said the workshop was Head of Ikatisong School of Government in the North West, Professor Job Mok- 670,&+$(/·66&+22/ /($51,1*&(175( goro and Senior Manager of Skills Development in the Free State, Spa Kabane at a cross-pollination of ideas and provided an im- portant direction for both provinces.“This work- &22.(675((7*2/)9,(:0$+,.(1* the end of the two-day workshop last week. 7(/(PDLOVWPLFKDOVFKRRO#JPDLOFRP )$%8/2866800(5)81$700$%$7+23$/06

(;&/86,9(72:,11(56&,5&/(&$5'+2/'(567(506$1'&21',7,216$9$,/$%/($77+(:,11(56&,5&/('(6. 1:*%3 3((502173528'/<683325767+(1$7,21$/5(63216,%/(*$0%/,1*352*5$00( 352%/(0*$0%/,1*&2816(//,1*72//)5((+(/3/,1(3/$<(560867%(<($56252/'(5 :,11(56.12::+(1726723 PAGE 6 MAHIKENG MAIL 18 NOVEMBER 2016 NW hosts annual MEC Mohono agriculture show congratulates National MAHIKENG MAIL- MAHIKENG : The Department of Rural, Environment and Agricultural Development (READ) will next Tuesday until Friday host the 2016 Annual Provincial Agricultural and Investment Show . tourism department The four-day event will serve as a platform for the department to engage with entrepreneurs, farmers, agricultural experts and students on MAHIKENG MAIL – MAHIKENG: North West MEC for Tourism, Desbo Mohono was the first to how to further grow the province’s agricultural sector. This comes after congratulate Minister of the National Department of Tourism, Derek Hanekom, the Director General the great success of the first show in 2015 which enabled the department Victor Tharage, their executive management and their general staff for emerging as winners of the to showcase its multiple expertise from research, veterinary training and National Batho Pele Excellence Awards. many other commodities. National Department won the best functioning and government can deliver as In a statement this week, Departmental spokesperson, Tsholofelo outstanding national Department of the year while the expected and be recognized at the level of such Dintwe said the 5th Administration of Bokone Bophirima had adopted Director General won the best Director General of the magnitude”, she said. Rebranding, Repositioning and Renewal (RRR) as its provincial year by demonstrating exceptional leadership skills She added that this should also be a benchmark policy thrust/vision in responding to the triple challenges of poverty, and expertise. for all public service entities entrusted with the unemployment and inequality as enshrined in the National Development MEC Mohono said that such honours restored the constitutional mandate of administrating the tourism Plan (NDP) Vision 2030 to drive economic transformation. dignity of public service and assured the people of sector nationwide. “We need to use this as a stepping “RRR vision is meticulously anchored on five developmental concretes South Africa that public service administration was stone and set the performance mark of our tourism which include Agriculture, Culture and Tourism strategy (ACT); RHR; under capable and capacitated hands. departments based on what the national department Setsokotsane; Saamtrek - Saamwerk and VTSD. Agriculture as part of “As the North West Tourism fraternity we would has achieved. This is truly remarkable that our ACT has been identified and prioritised by the provincial government to like to congratulate Minister Derek Hanekom and national department scooped these two awards. This be the pinnacle of local socio-economic development. his Director General Victor Tharage not only for shows that tourism is in the right hands in terms public “The 2016 Agricultural and Investment Show activities will include winning these awards but for reassuring our people service administration and now these exhibitions from different agricultural sub- sectors which include livestock, that we still have capable individuals within the public awards act as an affirmation that this sector is well fisheries, environment, crop and horticulture. Other activities include sector spectrum who are at the helm of accountable capacitated”, added Mohono. fashion show, Agricultural Show beauty pageant, golf challenge as well as and responsible governing of functional public sector The National Batho Pele Excellence Awards are livestock auction”, Dintwe said. institutions. This for us at the provincial level is an aimed at awarding public servants who performed She said the show takes place between 08h00-17h00 on a daily basis at achievement because people will be able to trust that excellently. the Kgora Farmers Training Centre in Ramatlabama outside Mahikeng. ANCYL responds Marumola to DA attack Middle School MAHIKENG MAIL – MAHIKENG; In a responding statement to the Democratic Alliance (DA) attack on the ANC Youth League celebrates (ANCYL) last week, the youth league in Ngaka Modiri Molema said they were “grossly upset at the utterances made and the recent media statement that has been uttered by a desperate DA”. forty years The league said the DA had “out of excitement” released a media MAHIKENG MAIL – MAHIKENG: The statement that R10 million had been blown by government on just 39 highly popular Tshidilamolomo Stadium young people. “This statement must be rejected with the contempt it deserves. This will once more be a hive of activity when is nothing else but a cheap political score in a quest to win voters in hundreds of former and current educators the upcoming National election 2019. Joe McGluwa and the DA have and learners will pack the village Mecca to in recent times exposed themselves to the public on how intellectually be part of what promises to be a historic poor and professional liars they are. occasion when the local Marumola Middle “The DA just like most political oppositions in the province have School celebrates its fortieth anniversary intentionally undermined humble people of the North West who next Saturday. voted them into legislature, by turning themselves into anti-progress The school opened its doors of education advocates and always being in the fore-front of malicious gossip and for the first time in 1976 during the same year misinformed political utterances. The youth league in the region is of of the Soweto uprisings and has produced the view that the DA must be exposed for who they are and we want the public to note that this is part of the group that is planning to take off the several renowned public figures while regime through malicious low-cost political submissions. popular personalities like Arnold Gontsana “The ANCYL as the honest and the revolutionary progressive youth and Chippa Mtyali (1984) have offered their wing of the ANC would like to state some progressive facts about teaching skills at the school. Gontsana was Youth Entrepreneur Services(YES) so that we clear the mist and abolish the school’s first principal in 1976 while devious mission by the DA to pollute the progressive strides that has Mtyali took over the principalship in 1984. been made by Premier Supra Mahumapelo through Youth Entrepreneur At the time of going to press, North West Services. Premier, Supra Mahumapelo and transport “The DA should cease from popularising themselves with the ANC- minister, Dipuo Peters who hails from the led government because we view their submissions as being baseless and same village and several other politicians it lacks serious political substance. We encourage McGluwa to always appear factual, because to us as the ANCYL McGluwa is a serious were expected to attend the celebration which attention seeker and suffers from obsessed love of public platform starts at 09h00 on November 26. that compels him to write things that are not existing”, said ANCYL Enquiries can be forwarded to Gontsana Regional Secretary, in the District, Morweng Wessels Mosimanegape. and Mtyali on 073-721-1095 and 0837564426 respectively. 5($/'($/6 63(&,$/61RYHPEHU 6XQÀHOG ,ZLVD 7RS/D\ %ORVVRP 0DT +HOLRV0DUJDULQH2ULJLQDO 'ZKZ/^ 2LO 'LVKZDVKHU PO 6SUHDG PO 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 $*UDGH6WHZLQJ%HHI /DPE &Zh/dΘs' hd,Zz 3DFN 5XVVLDQV DPPRQ KDK RQHOHVV ZϭϮϱ͘ϬϬ 7HQGHULVHG 3RWDWR   NJ    5SNJ 5 SNJ 5 5 5 2QLRQV 6SLQDFK%XQFK ,17(50($7 NJ Kd,Z^W/>^ >/YhKZ 7HO &DUURWV %  &DVWOH/LWHPO IRU  -RXOH6WUHHW0DKLNHQJ NJ 5 75$',1*+2856 XWWHUQXW  IRU IRU 0RQGD\WR6XQGD\ NJ :(5(6(59(7+(5,*+772/,0,748$17,7,(6    :+,/(672&.6/$67 5 5 5 5 18 NOVEMBER 2016 MAHIKENG MAIL PAGE 7 Leadership spousal support programme launched Teboho Letselela MAHIKENG MAIL – MAHIKENG: Kule Mahumapelo, wife of the North West Province’s Premier, Supra Mahumapelo last weekend introduced a new initiative called the Leadership Spousal Support programme for women at the Mmabatho Convention Centre here. The programme described as “a remark- us. As a woman, mother, entrepreneur and able event” mainly dealt with women em- wife, I have experienced all the challeng- powerment and support for men or partners es, joys and blessings that come with those who hold senior positions within govern- varied roles. I have also had the opportu- ment or the society. nity to interact extensively with several “The leadership spousal support pro- women from different backgrounds and gramme is a breakthrough that maintains we have shared our experiences. All these the standard of women through empower- experiences and interactions encouraged ment, resolving of societal issues and giv- me to conceptualise this programme,” said Mrs Kule Mahumapelo (middle) flanked by women representing various organisa- ing women moral high grounds in leader- Mahumapelo. tions who attended the inaugural Leadership Spousal Support Programme. ship positions as spouses. The programme She partnered with traditional leaderships, itself seeks to give advice on spousal re- chieftaincy, churches, business enterprises as lationships and combating the challenges well as NGOs in making her event a success faced by spouses to sustain long lasting and continued on Saturday with an interac- relationships within communities. tive seminar where various speakers dealt “And like the month of August, celebrat- with issues of mental health and wellness, ed as Women’s Month annually, the LSSD Protocol and urticate and personal brand. programme will also be commemorated The Leadership programme also acknowl- every year in November. edged young women who participated in its 0DQJRVWHHQMXLFHE\;DQJRLVQRZDYDLODEOH “We need to determine our own destiny launch and were presented with certificates IRUWKHÀUVWWLPHLQ6RXWK$IULFD and not let our husbands‘ status overwhelm and awards for their contribution. 5HVHDUFKVKRZVWKDWWKH[DQWKRQHVIRXQGLQWKHPDQJRVWHHQ ‡6XSSRUWFDUGLRYDVFXODUKHDOWK‡6XSSRUWFDUWLODJHDQGMRLQW IXQFWLRQ‡3URPRWHDKHDOWK\VHDVRQDOUHVSLUDWRU\V\VWHP Zuma congratulates Trump ‡3URPRWHDKHDOWK\PHWDEROLVP‡6XSSRUWWKHLPPXQHV\VWHP ‡1HXWUDOL]HIUHHUDGLFDOV‡0DLQWDLQV,QWHVWLQDO+HDOWK MAHIKENG MAIL – MAHIKENG: President Jacob Zuma yesterday, on behalf of the Government and the people of 6XEVWDQWLDWHGE\DQZHHNFOLQLFDOVWXG\;$1*2-XLFHGHPRQVWUDWH South Africa, congratulated President-elect Donald Trump for DQDELOLW\WRUHGXFH&53OHYHOVDQLQGLFDWRURIFDUGLRYDVFXODUKHDOW winning the presidential elections held in the United States. ZKLOHDSODFHERJURXSH[SHULHQFHGD6PDOOLQFUHDVHLQ&53OHYHOV President Zuma conveyed his best wishes to the President-elect and looked forward to working with President-elect Trump to )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQZKDWVDSSVPV\RXUQDPH HPDLO build on the strong relations that exists between the two countries. DGGUHVVWRRUYLVLWP\ZHEVLWH He underlined that South Africa further looked forward to KWWSPRUXUDP\PDQJRVWHHQFRPRU working closely with the new Administration in the United States KWWSPRUXUDLDP[DQJRFRP in promoting peace, security and prosperity around the world, 0RUXUD%XVLQHVV(QWHUSULVH 37<  especially on the African continent. ,QGHSHQGHQW'LVWULEXWRUV PAGE 8 MAHIKENG MAIL 18 NOVEMBER 2016 NW education hails first QLTC awards ceremony MAHIKENG MAIL – MAHIKENG: The North West Education and Sport Development About 1 000 people across the province Modiri Molema District obtained the first department has recognized and honoured the good efforts of the stakeholders who go attended the event and some of the senior position and Tlhophane Primary School from an extra mile in contributing to education. The department celebrated the stakeholders management who were among the guests Bojanala District obtained Primary School. at a glittering gala event on Saturday at Sunrise View Primary School near Rustenburg. included Dr Shadrack Mvula (Acting Head “As the department, today we are Celebrating the Quality Learning and played a crucial role- in education of Department), George Marindi (Director recognising good practice done by different Teaching Campaign (QLTC) first launched The department said QLTC aimed to in the MEC Office), Maropene Seshibe stakeholders in all our schools across the in 2008, the department awarded a number mobilise the entire nation to support quality (Bojanala District) and Mojamorago province. We recognise those ladies and of individuals who had participated and education. Dithejane (Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati gentlemen who always share their precious District). time to make sure that our learners acquire In the QLTC Awards schools competed in quality learning and teaching. the three categories namely; Best Organised “Again, these awards will strengthen the File, Partnership and Networking. Are contribution of all different stakeholders in Itshokeng Primary obtained the Overall the education sector and also entice other Achiever in Dr Kenneth Kaunda District, stakeholders to copy the positive contribution Thuto Neo from Dr Ruth Segomotsi made by these esteemed stakeholders Mompati District obtained the first position, towards ensuring quality education”, said .DK

INVITATION FOR TENDERS / PROPOSALS THE RAMOTSHERE MOILOA LOCAL MUNICIPALITY INVITES TENDERS/PROPOSALS FOR Social development hosts “Supply and Delivery of Protective Clothing for Municipal Workers” (BID NO. RMLM.SCM 2016/2017 0037 T) Tenders/Proposals will be evaluated and adjudicated in accordance with the Ramotshere Moiloa Local Municipality Supply Chain Management Policy and the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act No. 5 of 2000, using the 80/20 points system, of which 80 points will be provincial youth camp allocated for price and 20 points will be allocated for BBBEE Level contribution as determined on the BBBEE certifi cate. Validity period for this tender will be 90 days. MAHIKENG MAIL- MAHIKENG: The Department of Social Development is hosting  BBBEE Status Level Number of Points its fifth youth camp at the Potchefstroom military . The five-day youth camp started of Contributor (80/20 system)      yesterday (Wednesday) and ends on Sunday, departmental spokesperson, Petrus Siko      said on Tuesday.           Siko said that the purpose of the camp was young people will be encouraged to be agents           to create a cadre of community activists, value of change in their communities and guard      based leaders and social change facilitators. against alcohol and substance abuse.      He said the aim of the programme was to South African National Defence Force, Non-compliant 0 instil leadership skills in young people in Department of Labour, Department of Specifi cations:4VYLKL[HPSLKZWLJPÄJH[PVUZHYLVUWHNLVMV\Y[LUKLYKVJ\TLU[ the hope that they would use those skills to Agriculture and other state owned entities Duly completed Tenders/Proposals must be attached with: 7YVVM VM JVTWHU` YLNPZ[YH[PVU =HSPK ;H_*SLHYHUJL JLY[PÄJH[L VM [OL JVTWHU`*VTWHU`WYVÄSL3L[[LYMYVT[OLIHURJVUÄYTPUN[OLNVVKZ[HUKPUNVM[OLJVTWHU`HUK]LYPM`PUN[OLJVTWHU`»Z develop themselves and their communities. were expected to render their services during IHURKL[HPSZVYHJHUJLSSLKJOLX\L*LY[PÄLKJVW`JVWPLZVM0KLU[P[`+VJ\TLU[ZVMZOHYLOVSKLYZ7YVVMVM=(;YLNPZ[YH[PVUHUK “We want to encourage and provide these the youth camp. H=HSPK*LY[PÄLK))),,JLY[PÄJH[L*LY[PÄLKJVW`JVWPLZVMYLMLYLUJLZ¸ZPTPSHY^VYRKVUL young minds with the ability to analyse and Centralised Supplier Database registration report must be attached identify their strengths and weaknesses, Enquiries: 4PZZ)*3L[ZOVVH[[LS!  ,_[ to gain confidence in themselves and set CATA hosts Tender documents are obtainable from the cashier’s desk at the municipality for a non-refundable fee of R 300.00. personal goals which will help them make Duly completed tender/proposal documents clearly marked RMLM SCM 2016/2017 0037 T, must be placed in the tender box on the ground fl oor of Ramotshere Moiloa Local Municipality offi ces, Cnr. Coetzee and President Street, Zeerust, not later than 30 November 2016 at 11 H 00. better career choices, fulfil their dreams and Technical Enquiries should be directed to: 4Y4,4HUNVWLH[[LS!  ,_[ assist them to become productive members Dingaka Please note that late, electronic, posted and/or faxed Proposals will not be accepted. Couriered documents must be deposited in the Tender of their communities and the country,” Siko Box by the courier company on or before the closing date and time. No documents will be received by the staff from the courier company. The said. He added that the camp would serve Council is not bound to accept the lowest or any Proposal, and reserves its rights in this regard. as a platform for the youth to guide the Conference UNIFORM FOR 2016 department in its mission to meet the National MAHIKENG MAIL – MAHIKENG: COMMUNITY SERVICE: STREET CLEANING & REFUSE TRUCK ROADS SIGNS & MARKINGS Development Plan social transformation KsZ>>^/^ KKd^^/ Z/EKd^/ KsZ>>^/^ KKd^^/ Z/EKd^/ The Department of Culture Arts and ϯϰyϰ ϰyϰ Dyϯ ϯϰyϮ ϳyϯ ^yϭ targets. ϯϲyϰ ϱyϳ >yϵ ϯϲyϰ ϴyϮ DyϮ Acting MEC for the Department of Social Traditional Affairs (Cata) and the North ϯϴyϴ ϲyϰ y>yϭϰ ϰϰyϮ ϵyϮ >yϮ ϰϬyϲ ϳyϭ yy>yϭϲ ϰϲyϮ ϭϬyϭ y>yϯ Development, Fenny Gaolaolwe opened the West Dingaka Association will jointly rd ϰϮyϮϴ ϴyϮ yyy>yϰ dKd>сϭϬ dKd>сϱ dKd>сϱ camp on Wednesday. host the 33 annual Dingaka Confer- ϰϲyϰ ϵyϴ LEHURUTSHE : ROAD MAINTENANCE ϰϴyϰ ϭϬyϯ “The theme of this year’s camp is 40 years, ence from November 18-20 at Noyjons, ϱϬyϴ ϭϭyϭ KsZ>>^/^ KKd^^/ Z/EKd^/ ϱϮyϰ ϯϴyϴ ϲyϯ y>yϵ youth still moving South Africa forward. Potchefstroom (Tlokwe N12). ϱϲyϮ ϰϬyϲ ϳyϯ This theme is guided by general government Under the theme Boloka Botala (Save dKd>сϳϮ dKd>сϯϲ dKd>сϯϲ ϰϲyϰ ϴyϮ ϭϭyϭ messages throughout the year but also PARKS & CEMETRY the Environment), the conference is a cel- dKd>сϭϴ dKd>сϵ dKd>сϵ encapsulates the dream of 1976,” Gaolaolwe KsZ>>^/^ KKd^^/ Z/EKd^/ ebration attended by African traditional ϯϲyϮ ϳyϯ ^yϭ TECHNICAL SERVICE : STORMWATER said further adding that during the camp ϯϴyϲ ϴyϯ DyϮ KsZ>>^/^ KKd^^/ Z/EKd^/ medical practitioners across Bokone Bo- ϰϬyϮ ϵyϮ >yϮ ϰϬyϮ ϲyϭ >yϭ ϰϮyϮ ϭϬyϭ y>yϯ phirima. It seeks to ϰϰyϮ ϴyϭ yy>yϭ ϰϲyϮ dKd>сϰ dKd>сϮ dKd>сϮ educate communi- ϰϴyϮ dKd>сϭϲ dKd>сϴ dKd>сϴ PUBLIC WORKS (ROAD MAINTENCE) UNIFORM 2016 ties about the impor- PARKS LEHURUTSHE COLOUR : NAVY BLUE WITH REFLECTORS 1RUWK:HVW8QLYHUVLW\ tance of traditional KsZ>>^/^ KKd^^/ Z/EKd^/ KsZ>>^/^ KKd^^/ Z/EKd^/ ϯϴyϴ ϳyϱ DyϮ ϯϰyϮ ϱyϭ >yϰ divination as part of ϰϮyϭϰ ϴyϲ >yϱ ϯϲyϲ ϲyϭ y>yϯ 0DKLNHQJ ϰϲyϰ ϵyϮ y>yϲ ϰϬyϮ ϴyϯ yy>yϳ African indigenous dKd>сϮϲ dKd>сϭϯ dKd>сϭϯ ϰϮyϰ ϵyϭ yyyyϭ knowledge system. ϰϰyϮ ϭϬyϭ TECHNICAL SERVICE: ELECTRICAL UNIT UNIFORM 2016 ϰϲyϰ ϭϭyϮ An additional JEANS SUIT ϰϴyϭϬ ϭϮyϭ^W/> dKd>сϭϱ 38%/,&$8&7,21 KsZ>>^/^ KKd^^/ Z/EKd^/ objective of the ϯϲyϭ ϰyϮ Dyϰ CORPORATE SERVICE : FACILITY MANAGEMENT UNIT ceremony, CATA ϯϴyϭϬ ϱyϭ >yϯ KsZ>>^/^ KKd^^/ Z/EKd^/ $XFWLRQ'DWH# ϰϬyϰ ϲyϮ y>yϵ ϯϮyϮ ϯyϭ ^yϮ spokesperson, Vusi ϰϮyϭϬ ϳyϮ ϯϰyϮ ϰyϯ Dyϭ 9LHZLQJ'DWH ϰϰyϲ ϴyϱ Kama said on Tues- ϯϲyϰ ϱyϯ >yϮ WLOO ϵyϮ ϯϴyϮ ϲyϲ y>yϱ day was to bring all ϭϬyϭ ϰϬyϴ ϳyϭ yy>yϳ 9HQXH7HFKQLFDO6HUYLFHV1:8&DPSXV dKd>сϯϮ dKd>сϭϲ dKd>сϭϲ ϰϮyϮ ϴyϯ traditional leaders SUPERVISORS & FORMAN : JEANS SUITS ϰϰyϰ ϵyϭ KsZ>>^/^ KKd^^/ Z/EKd^/ ϰϲyϰ around the province ϯϴyϰ ϰyϭ Dyϭ ϰϴyϲ together and give ϰϬyϲ ϲyϮ >yϰ dKd>сϯϮ dKd>сϭϳ dKd>сϭϳ 21$8&7,21 ϰϮyϭϬ ϳyϰϭ/^^W/> y>yϵ h^dKdсϲ^/yy> them recognition for ϰϲyϴ ϴyϲ yyy>yϭ SUPPLY CHAIN (STORES) : JEANS ϱϮyϮ ϵyϭ ‡&RPSXWHUV‡&KDLUV‡7DEOHV‡6WHHO the important role ϭϬyϭ^W/> KsZ>>^/^ KKd^^/ Z/EKd^/ dKd>сϯϬ dKd>сϭϱ dKd>сϭϱ ϯϰyϮ ϯyϭ DyϮ they play in the lives ϯϴyϰ ϴyϭ >yϭ NB: 1X7 & 10 SPECIAL BECAUSE OF MEDICAL CONDITION FDELQHWV‡3ULQWHUV‡)ULGJHV‡6WRYHV of communities ϰϴyϮ ϵyϭ yy>yϭ MECHANICAL WORKSHOP & FLEET ϭϭyϭ across the Province. KsZ>>^/^ KKd^^/ Z/EKd^/ dKd>сϴ dKd>сϰ dKd>сϰ ‡7RROV‡6RIDV‡+HDWHUIDQV‡%HGV ϯϴyϮ ϱyϭ >yϭ He said the three- ϰϬyϰ ϲyϭ y>yϴ MUNICIPAL PLANNING : (LED) JEANS ϰϮyϮ ϴyϰ yy>yϮ day conference KsZ>>^/^ KKd^^/ Z/EKd^/ ϰϰyϴ ϵyϮ ‡:DVKLQJPDFKLQHV ϯϰyϮ ϲyϮ >сϰ would focus on ϰϲyϮ ϭϬyϮ ϯϲyϲ ϳyϭ y>сϮ ϰϴyϰ ϭϮyϭ how all stakeholders ϰϮyϮ ϴyϰ yy>сϯ dKd>сϮϮ dKd>сϭϭ dKd>сϭϭ ϰϰyϰ ϵyϭ $1'0$1<0$1<025( could work together TECHNICAL SERVICE WATER & SEWER UNIFORM 2016 ϰϲyϮ ϭϬyϭ ϱϰyϮ in environmental COLOUR : DARK GREEN WITH REFLECTORS 5HJLVWUDWLRQIHH5UHIXQGDEOH dKd>сϭϴ dKd>сϵ dKd>сϵ KsZ>>^/^ KKd^^/ Z/EKd^/ conservation issues ϯϲyϰ ϰyϰ Dyϵ IKAGELENG OFFICE $OOJRRGVZLOOEHVROG³YRHWVWRRWV´ ϯϴyϭϲ ϲyϭϮ >yϮϭ as well as how rely- ϰϬyϮϬ ϳyϵ y>yϭϲ KsZ>>^/^ KKd^^/ Z/EKd^/ DVLVZKHUHLV ing and using herbs ϰϮyϭϮ ϴyϭϮ yy>yϱ ϯϰyϮ ϲyϮ >сϰ ϰϰyϭϲ ϵyϵ yyy>yϭ ϯϲyϲ ϳyϭ y>сϮ correctly could heal ϰϲyϭϬ ϭϬyϯ ϰϮyϮ ϴyϰ yy>сϯ ϰϴyϭϰ ϭϭyϮ ϰϰyϰ ϵyϭ BOITSHENOLO AUCTIONEERS so many ailments ϱϬyϮ ϰϲyϮ ϭϬyϭ ϲϬyϮ ϱϰyϮ and help communi- dKd>сϵϴ dKd>сϰϵ dKd>сϰϵ dKd>сϭϴ dKd>сϵ dKd>сϵ


'$19,//((;7%('5 %,& %$7+56(3$5$7(72,/(7 23(13/$1 /281*(',1,1* 7,/(')/2256.,7&+(1 %,& )5217 9(5$1'$+6,1*/( &$53257%85*/$5 *$7(6 ± Yo ur 5 5,9,(5$ 3$5. 1257+%('5 %,&  0$,1(1 68,7( '5(66,1* $5($23(13/$1 ',1,1* /281*(.,7&+(1 %,&  79 5220 )$0,/<5220 %$7+5 3$7,2 7,/('  '  *$5$*( %85*/$5*$7(663$&,286<$5'±5 to your 5,9,(5$3$5.1257+%('5 &$53(7(' 0$,1(168,7( %$7+5795',1,1*523(13/$1.,7&+(1:,7+6&8/ /(5< 3$175< )8//<),77('&83%2$5'6 287%8,/',1* %('572,/(76+2:(5 +$1'%$6,13$9('322/ '  *$5$*(&$53257±5 /,%(57$6 %('5 0$,1(1 68,7( 72,/(7 +$1' %$6,1 6+2:(581'(5)/225+($7,1*,10$,1%('5%,&%$7+5 newhome! .,7&+(1%,&23(13/$1/281*(795220',1,1*5),5( 3/$&(*8(6772,/(7)52179(5$1'$+287%8,/',1* :,7+5220672,/(7*$5$*( ' &$5325763$&,286 <$5'±5 *2/)9,(: %('5 %,& 0$,1 (168,7( 23(13/$1 ',1 ,1* 6,77,1*5220%$7+5.,7&+(1%,&(17(57$,10(17 $5($%,&75(//,'256*$5$*(*$5'(1$/$506<67(0 ä $8720$7('*$7(±5 ã *2/)9,(: %('5 %,& 0$,1 (168,7( &20021 %$7+5 %$7+72,/(76+2:(523(13/$1/281*(',1,1*:,7+),5( â 3/$&(.,7&+(1 %,& %$&. 9(5$1'$+ )25 (17(57$,10(17 *$5$*( ' &$532576725(5220:,7+6+(/9(62876,'( 72,/(7 )5217 9(5$1'$+ 6(&85,7</,*+76$/$50 6<6 7(0:$7(5)2817$,163$&,286<$5'±5 Fridges to be won at Buco 0$),.(1*&%'²%86,1(660$,1+286(,1&/2)),&(6 %2$5'5220%$7+5.,7&+(163$&(287%8,/',1*,1&/  52206%$7+5 63$&,286<$5'3$/,6$'( )(1&,1* Morapedi Maleme from Makhubung Village recently won a fridge in Buco 6,=(Pð5 0$),.(1*027626(1*7$9(5123(13/$1%$56(3$5$7( Mafikeng’s lucky draw competition. He is pictured here with Store Manager, Hen- 0$/( )(0$/(72,/(76%$&..,7&+(1:,7+%$6,1%$&. 72,/(7)2567$)) %$&.'225)25/2$',1*672&. %$&. nie Viljoen, Jeanette Mosala and Michael Motoko. The competition will be running 5220)2567$)) 6725$*( 5220 2876,'( 9(5$1'$+ ŵĂŝů͗ŵŽŬŽŶĞ͘ƌĞĂů͘ĞƐƚĂƚĞΛŵŽŬŽŶĞŐƌŽƵƉ͘ĐŽ͘njĂ until the end of December wherein which seven more fridges are up for grabs. %,*)(1&('<$5'±,1&/8'(69$/,'/,4825/,&(1&()25 5(67$85$17:22'(17$%/(63/$67,&&+$,56 7$%/(6 &Žƌ^ĂůĞ 6122.(57$%/(3/$60$79¶V)5,'*(6±5 ĞĞƌƵƐƚ 00$%$7+281,7 7/27/,)/$76 '28%/(6725(<)/$7723 ͻ/ŬĂŐĞůĞŶŐͲϯďĞĚƌŽŽŵ͕ůŽƵŶŐĞ͕ĂƚŚƌŽŽŵ͕ĮƩĞĚŬŝƚĐŚĞŶΛ State Capture: The Inter- section )/225:,7+ %('5%,& &$53(7(' %$7+5 678'<$5($ ZϰϵϬϬϬϬ %27720)/225:,7+ %('5(1 68,7( %,&&$53(7(' /ƚƐŽƐĞŶŐŐ *8(6772,/(723(13/$1 .,7&+(1 %,&/281*(',1,1* ͻŽŶĞϭ͗ϰďĞĚƌŽŽŵ͕ϭ͘ϱďĂƚŚƌŽŽŵ͕ůŽƵŶŐĞ͕ĚŝŶŝŶŐ͕ĮƩĞĚ /$81'5<$5($ ' &$53257±5 ŬŝƚĐŚĞŶ͕ĐĂƌƉŽƌƚĞƚĐ͘ΛZϱϱϬϬϬϬ between Capital and Politics 00$%$7+281,7%('50$,1(168,7('5(66,1*$5($ ͻŽŶĞϭ͗ϯďĞĚƌŽŽŵ͕ůŽƵŶŐĞ͕ĚŝŶŝŶŐĂŶĚŬŝƚĐŚĞŶǁŝƚŚĂŶĞdžͲ 795 23(13/$1 /281*(',1,1*5220 ),77(' .,7&+(1 ƚƌĂϮƌŽŽŵΛZϯϱϬϬϬϬ What is the State Capture as opposed to the State of Capture report as produced by the Public Pro- %$7+5:,7+6+2:(56(3$5$7(72,/(75 ͻŽŶĞϮdžƚ͗ϮďĞĚƌŽŽŵ͕ďĂƚŚƌŽŽŵ͕ůŽƵŶŐĞĂŶĚĮƩĞĚŬŝƚĐŚͲ 00$%$7+2 81,7   %('50$,1 (168,7(  %$7+5%,& ĞŶΛZϯϯϬϬϬϬ tector? Joel Hellman defines the State-Capture as the efforts of a number of interest groups to shape &$53(7('678'<522063$&,286.,7&+(1%,&/$81 ͻŽŶĞϮdžƚ͗ϮďĞĚƌŽŽŵ͕ďĂƚŚƌŽŽŵ͕ůŽƵŶŐĞΘŬŝƚĐŚĞŶΛ the rules of the game to their advantage through illicit non-transparent provision of private gains to '5<$5($',1,1* 63$&(795 63$&,286/281*(75(/ ZϮϴϬϬϬϬ /,'256 6/,',1* '2256*8(6772,/(7 6:,00,1*322/ ͻŽŶĞ ϯ͗ Ϯ ďĞĚƌŽŽŵ͕ ůŽƵŶŐĞ͕ ĮƩĞĚ ŬŝƚĐŚĞŶ͘ EĞǁůLJƌĞŶŽͲ public officials. /$3$%5$$,$5($63$&,286<$5'3$9('287%8,/',1* ǀĂƚĞĚΛZϯϯϬϬϬϬ %('572,/(7%25(+2/( ' *$5$*(±5 ͻ^ƚĂŶĚƐϭϱϬϬŵϮΛZϯϰϬϬϬϬ;EĞŐŽƟĂďůĞͿ Flowing from the definition of State Capture, it South Africa invoked in its constitution the safe- 00$%$7+281,7%('5%,&&$53(7('0$,1(168,7( >ŝĐŚƚĞŶďƵƌŐŐ then begs the question: Is South Africa a captured guard of the doctrine of separation of powers (the %$7+5 '5(66,1*$5($&20021 %$7+5 /281*( :,7+ ͻϯďĞĚƌŽŽŵ͕ŵĂŝŶĞŶͲƐƵŝƚĞ͕ĚŝŶŝŶŐ͕ůŽƵŶŐĞ͕ĮƩĞĚŬŝƚĐŚĞŶ͕ ),5(3/$&(',1,1*795220.,7&+(1%,&63$&,2863$6 ƐŝŶŐůĞŐĂƌĂŐĞΘƐƚĂŶĚŽĨϭϱϬϬŵϮΛZϴϱϬϬϬϬ state? This is informed by the fact that South Afri- Legislature, Judiciary and Executive) which ordi- 6$*(62876,'(6725(5220%,*<$5''28%/(*$5$*( ͻϯďĞĚƌŽŽŵ͕ďĂƚŚƌŽŽŵ͕ŽƉĞŶƉůĂŶ͕ĮƩĞĚŬŝƚĐŚĞŶĂŶĚƐŝŶŐůĞ cans, whether in their individual capacities or as narily means that if one of the three spheres of gov- 2876,'(72,/(7$/$506<67(0±5 ŐĂƌĂŐĞΛZϳϲϬϬϬϬ members of some form of organised civil society in- ernment is responsible for the enactment of rules of 00$%$7+281,7%('5 %,& 678'</281*(.,7&+(1 ͻ^ƚĂŶĚƐϰϬϬŵϮZϮϱϬϬϬϬƐĞƌǀŝĐĞĚĂůƌĞĂĚLJ %$7+5 72,/(7 '  &$532573$/,6$'( )(1&,1* 3$9(' stitution, have this proud history of engaging head- law, that body shall not also be charged with their $/$506<67(0±5 ůLJĚLJ ĞǀŝůůĞ on with the issues affecting them and this outstand- execution or with judicial decisions. 00$%$7+281,7%('50$,1(168,7( %,& &20021 ͻϯ ďĞĚƌŽŽŵ͕ Ϯ ďĂƚŚƌŽŽŵ͕ ůŽƵŶŐĞ Θ ĚŝŶŝŶŐ ƌŽŽŵ͕ ƐƚƵĚLJ %$7+5/281*(795',1,1*$5($.,7&+(1%,&9(5$1 ƌŽŽŵ͕ĮƩĞĚŬŝƚĐŚĞŶΛZϱϬϬϬϬϬ ing trademark stems from their history of injustice In our context, can we say other arms of govern- '$+)5217%$&.6,1*/(*$5$*(3$9(')5217± 5 WĂƚƌŝĐŝĂʹϬϳϴϴϱϲϮϰϰϰ and oppression. ment are capture given the recent judgment by the 00$%$7+281,7%('5 %,& 0$,1(168,7(&$53(7 courts on the exercise of ('%$7+5.,7&+(1%,&/281*(',1,1*6/,',1*'225 7,/(' 6  *$5$*( 6  &$53257%85*/$5 *$7(6$/$50 0$02<$3523(57,(6$1'352-(&76 matters of state power? 1R&DUULQJWRQ6WUHHW0DKLNHQJ 6<67(03$9('5 1R7LOODUG6WUHHW0DKLNHQJ The answer is emphatic 00$%$7+2 81,7  %('5 %,&   %$7+5 23(13/$1 32%R[/HNRNR7HO)D[ NO. This means the /281*(',1,1* 7,/(' .,7&+(1 6 &$53257 63$&,286 &HOO(PDLOPDPR\DSUR#\DKRRFRP <$5'±5 3523(57,(6)256$/( other organs of state 00$%$7+281,7%('5 %,& %$7+523(13/$1/281*( 0$0$·6 81,7  :HOOSRVLWLRQHG SURSHUW\FRQVLVWLQJ RID ORXQJH  GLQLQJ exercise its functions .,7&+(1 :,7+029($%/( 81,76 '  &$53257 3$9(' 3$/, NLWFKHQDQGEHGUDOVRVXLWDEOHDV0HGLFDO&HQWUHFORVHWRVFKRRO 6$'()(1&,1*2876,'(6725(5220±5 VKRSVFOLQLFSKDUPDF\WD[LURXWH«:HOOVHFXUH«51HJ without hindrance to 00$%$7+2 81,7  %('5 /281*(%$7+5 .,7&+(1 *2/)9,(:6SDFLRXVIDPLO\KRPH%HGU PDLQHQVXLWH NLWFKHQ the functions of another. %,& %,*<$5'5 ORXQJHGLQLQJEDWK WRLOHWYHUDQGDSOXVJXHVWURRPZLWKVKRZHU 00$%$7+2 81,7  %('5 0$,1 %('5%,& %$7+5 DQGWRLOHWJDUDJHIRUFDUVERUHKROHORYHO\JDUGHQ PRUHFORVH The unbundling of the /281*(.,7&+(1 %,& 6 &$532573$9('%,*<$5'3$/, %5,&.6 WRVFKRROVVKRSVHWF«$VNLQJ3ULFH50LOOLRQ1HJ concept of corruption is 6$'()(1&,1*±5 *2/)9,(:([FHOOHQWEHGUSURSHUW\ZLWKORXQJHNLWFKHQEDWK  00$%$7+281,7%('5 %,& %$7+5.,7&+(1 %,&  WRLOHWDQGELJ\DUGDQGORWVRIH[WUD¶V51HJ important as elucidated 23(13/$1/281*( ' &$53257%85*/$5*$7(63$/, 0$*2*2(9,//$*(%HGUORXQJHGLQLQJNLWFKHQEDWK WRLOHW in the definition of state 6$'()(1&,1*±5 )5((/2&$/'(/,9(5< $VNLQJSULFHUHGXFHG5 capture. The report ap- 00$%$7+281,7%('5 %,& %$7+56(3$5$7(72,  522,*521''RXEOHVWRUH\EHGU PDLQEHGLVDQHQVXLWH  /(7678'< 63$&,286/281*(.,7&+(1 %,&  63$&,286 HDFK EDWKWRLOHWVORXQJHGLQLQJUHFHSWLRQDUHDNLWFKHQGRXEOH pears to be somewhat a <$5'3$9(' ' &$532573$/,6$'()(1&,1*±5 5RRIWLOHGRXEOH5RPDQ5 JDUDJHHQWHUWDLQPHQWDUHDELJ\DUGDQGPRUH«$VNLQJ3ULFH 00$%$7+2 81,7  %('5  %$7+5 .,7&+(1',1,1* political and monetary 50LOOLRQ1HJ 23(13/$1/281*(795220 287%8,/',1* %('5  battle for the corporate %$7+5.,7&+(17,/(' ' &$532573$/,6$'()(1&,1*± 5,9,(5$3$5.*UHDWLQYHVWPHQWORXQJHGLQLQJEHGU PDLQHQ 5 VXLWH EDWKWRLOHWNLWFKHQFDUSRUWVIRUFDUVSOXVH[WUDVHYHQ   and political scope. The 0D[L5SHUEULFNV EHGU ZLWKVKRZHUV WRLOHWV ZKLFKFDQJHQHUDWHH[WUDLQFRPHDQG 9$&$17/$1' ,1 00$%$7+2 81,7  /(23$5' 3$5.  rise of the Global South “Pð5(6,'(17,$/±5 PRUH$VNLQJ3ULFH50LOOLRQ1HJ 9$&$17/$1' ,1 00$%$7+2 81,7  /(23$5' 3$5.  81,7,QYHVWQRZLQWKLV[EHGUÁDWEDWKVH[WUDWRLOHWNLWFKHQ seems to have made its “Pð “Pð2)),&(63$&(5 ORXQJHGLQLQJU H[WUDURRPDQGPRUH$VNLQJSULFH51HJ unavoidable impact on 9$&$17)$50,1 /(,*+/$1'  +(&7$5(6&$// 6WRFNV 5SHUEULFNV 81,7[6HFWLRQDOWLWOHGHHGEHGU PDLQLVDQHQVXLWH   )25025(,1)2±5 EHGVZLWK%,&ORXQJHGLQLQJEDWKVKRZHUWRLOHWUHFHSWLRQDUHD the Global scale which NLWFKHQVFXOOHU\FDUSRUWIRUFDUV50LOOLRQ1HJ 522,*521')$50+(&7$5(6  forced the penetration +286(  %('5 %,&  21( (168,7( %$7+5 6(3$5$7( )5(('(/,9(5< 8QLW(PSW\3ORWIRU6DOHP $VNLQJ3ULFH5 72,/(723(13/$1/281*(',1,1* .,7&+(1(1&/26(' 81,71HZO\UHQRYDWHGEHGUKRXVHZLWKNLWFKHQORXQJHEDWKDQG by the ‘Powerful Na- /$3$%5$$,$5($/$81'5<5220322/6725$*($5($ WRLOHWZHOOIHQFHGDQGORFNDEOHFDUSRUW$VNLQJ3ULFH51HJ tions’ to push what many (/(&75,&)(1&,1* 6  *$5$*( 60$// %87&+(5< &2/' 81,7  )DPLO\7XVFDQ KRPHRI  EHGU PDLQ EHGU HQ VXLWH  52200$&+,1(5<:$7(57$1.6 &RQWDFW0DUFLD ORXQJHGLQLQJJDUDJHNLWFKHQNLGVEDWK WRLOHW$VNLQJ3ULFH believe to be a regime )$506725$*(522060,/.6+('6+((3.5$$/3,* 51HJ change in the Emerging *(5<$&&(6672:$7(5,1$//&$036±5 81,7:HOOSRVLWLRQHGSURSHUW\%HGUNLWFKHQORXQJHGLQLQJ 522,*521'3523(57<²+(&7$5(6+286(%('5  EDWK WRLOHWORFNDEOHFDUSRUWELJ\DUGDQGPRUH51HJ Markets nations and in 0$,1(168,7(/281*(6795.,7&+(16&8//(5<287 particular the BRICS %8,/',1*%('5.,7&+(1/281*(',1,1*5220%$7+5 &$532576+((3.5$$/%25(+2/(5 bloc. Some commenta- 5(17$/² (;(&87,9( 2)),&( 63$&(,1 /(23$5' 3$5. tors argue in counterac- Pð1(:/<5(129$7('23(13/$12)),&(6,1&/ &/26('2)),&(6$1'$ 68%',9,'('2)),&($5($:,7+ tive, some hold the view &/26('2)),&( 63$&( 6(3$5$7( 72,/(76+$1' %$ that the buzzword ‘state- 6,16.,7&+(17,/('3$86(6,77,1*$5($±/LJKWV ZDWHU LQFOXVLYHH[FOXGLQJYDW²5SP )/$76 capture’ is to discredit 5(17$/ 00$%$7+2 81,7  %('5 %$7+5 /281*( the ruling party and its .,7&+(1%$&.522066,'(52206+$//,17+(%$&. <$5'+$//217+(6,'(3$9('3$/,6$'(*$7(±5 leadership for the re- 5(17$/00$%$7+281,7²%86,1(6652206%$7+5 gime change and on the /281*(.,7&+(1',1,1*56,1*/(&$532570$6+:,5( )(1&,1*±5 other hand the real report 5(17$/²&200(5&,$/3523(57<&$1%(86(')25 72/(7 as investigated and re- 5(7$,/252)),&(6“Pð  5(17$/2)),&(63$&(23(13/$172,/(76.,7&+(1 leased by the Office of 7,/('Pð/2&.$%/(3$5.,1*±5SPH[FOXGLQJ ϮĞĚƌŇĂƚƐƚŽƌĞŶƚĨƌŽŵ the Public Protector ‘The 9$7ZDWHU HOHFWULFLW\    State of Capture’ is seen 5(17$/2)),&(63$&(23(13/$172,/(76.,7&+(1 7,/('Pð/2&.$%/(3$5.,1*±5SPH[FOXGLQJ Zϯϳϯϴ͕ŝŵŵĞĚŝĂƚĞ as a tool by the opposi- 9$7ZDWHU HOHFWULFLW\ tion parties with strong 5(17$/2)),&(65(&(37,21.,7&+(1(77(6(3$5$7( &+5,670$663(&,$/ 72,/(76:,7++$1'6,1.$&¶6&$53(76 7,/(6± ties to the Western world 5SPH[FOXGLQJYDW HOHFWULFLW\ ŽĐĐƵƉĂƟŽŶ͕ĞdžĐĞůůĞŶƚ /,&+7(1%85* *8(67+286(±  %('5 &21)(5(1&( advocating for the top- +$//',1,1*+$///281*(.,7&+(138%/,&%$7+5)25 %8<6WRFNEULFNV pling of the Liberation 025(,1)250$7,21&217$&77+(2)),&( ƐĞĐƵƌŝƚLJ͕ǁĞůůͲŵĂŝŶƚĂŝŶĞĚ͘ 5 movement.Tshepiso 5 Mphehlo and Charter t^^/^dt/d,WZͲWWZKs>^͕dZE^&Z^͕ Modise are political KE^͕KEE>>d/KE͘ &DOO tZzKhZKE^dKWWZKWZdz^,KW͘ researchers in the of- %8<0D[LV5 fice of the ANC Chief WHOHSKRQH SURFWRUDYHQXHPDÀNHQJ /XFDVRQ  SRER[ 3ORW/DQGULFN6WUHHW$VODDJWH Whip NWPL. They IDFVLPLOH EXKUPDQVGULIW 0DKLNHQJ =HHUXVW5RDG write in their personal GRFH[PDÀNHQJ  SURS#YWZSURSHUWLHVFR]D )5((/2&$/'(/,9(5<7 &¶6$SSO\ capacities. 18 NOVEMBER 2016 MAHIKENG MAIL PAGE 11 Mafikeng PROPERTIES Tlokwe performance Yo ur to your pleases Committee newhome! MAHIKENG MAIL – MAHIKENG: The North West Provincial Legislature’s Portfolio Committee on Local Government and Human Settlements appreciated the overall performance of the Tlokwe Local Municipality in the 2014/15 audit outcomes but noted with concern that Portfolio Committees had not been established after the August 3 municipal elections. 7HO1R This was during an oversight meeting delegation from the municipality was there were no drivers for internal controls, &RRNH6WU*ROIYLHZZZZKDUFRXUWVFR]D with the Mayor of the NW 405 Local the only member of the MPAC, all other inadequate leadership and there were no plans &KZDKZ/E&KZDd/KEZ'Z/E'd,^Z/Wd/KEK& Municipality formerly known as the Tlokwe members of MPAC have not yet been elected, to address audit outcomes of prior years. d,WZKWZd/^&KZ^>EZEd>^KEddKhZK&&/͊ hŶŝƚϯ&ůĂƚ ʹϯďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐŵĂŝŶďĞĚƌŽŽŵĞŶƐƵŝƚĞ͕ĨƵůůďĂƚŚͲ Local Municipality and Ventersdorp Local therefore the chairperson of MPAC could not The report also stated that goods and ƌŽŽŵ ƵƉƐƚĂŝƌƐ͕ ǁĂůŬŝŶ ĐůŽƐĞƚ͕ ůŽƵŶŐĞ͕ ŐƵĞƐƚƚŽŝůĞƚ͕ ĐůŽƐĞĚ Municipality, Cllr, Khotso Khumalo and his process the reports on his own. It turned out services were procured without inviting LJĂƌĚ͕ůŽĐŬƵƉĂŶĚŐŽ͕ĞdžƚƌĂƚǀƌŽŽŵƵƉƐƚĂŝƌƐĨŽƌZϳϴϬ͘ϬϬϬ͘ϬϬ senior management officials who presented that all other Portfolio Committees had not competitive bids; the municipality could hŶŝƚ ϭϰ ,ŽƵƐĞ ʹ ϯ ďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ͕ ŬŝƚĐŚĞŶ͕ ƐŝƫŶŐͲƌŽŽŵ͕ ďĂƚŚͲ ƌŽŽŵ͕ƚŽŝůĞƚ͕ĚͬĐĂƌƉŽƌƚ͕ƉĂǀĞĚLJĂƌĚĨŽƌZϲϬϬ͘ϬϬϬ͘ϬϬ their 2014/15 annual report. been established as well. not pay its creditors and the intervention did hŶŝƚ ϲ,ŽƵƐĞʹϱ ďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ͕ ŬŝƚĐŚĞŶ͕ ĚŝŶŝŶŐ͕ ůŽƵŶŐĞ͕ds Tlokwe Local Municipality, which had “We are not impressed that this not yield expected results. The Committee ƌŽŽŵ͕ƐƚƵĚLJ͕ĚͬŐĂƌĂŐĞ͕ƉŽŽů͕ďŝŐLJĂƌĚ͘ZϮ͕ϰϵϱ͘ϬϬϬ͘ϬϬ hŶŝƚϲ,ŽƵƐĞ ͲϯďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ͕ůŽƵŶŐĞ͕ĚŝŶŝŶŐ͕ůĂƵŶĚƌLJ͕ƐĐƵůůĞƌLJ͕ received an Unqualified Audit opinion for municipality, with the history of performing recommended that the Acting Municipal ƐǁŝŵŵŝŶŐͲƉŽŽů͕ĚͬŐĂƌĂŐĞ͘ƐĞƉŇĂƚ͘Zϭ͕Ϯϳϱ͘ϬϬϬ͘ϬϬ three consecutive years, has been merged so good has not established Portfolio Manager for NW405 must develop an Audit hŶŝƚϲ,ŽƵƐĞ ͲϯďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ͕ϮůŽƵŶŐĞƐ͕ŬŝƚĐŚĞŶ͕ĚŝŶŝŶŐ͕ƐĞƉĂͲ ƌĂƚĞŇĂƚ͕ƉŽŽů͕ĚͬŐĂƌĂŐĞ;ŝŶĐůďůŝŶĚƐͿ͘ZϮ͕ϯϬϬ͘ϬϬϬ͘ϬϬ with Ventersdorp Local Municipality to form Committees three months after elections. Action Plan and implement it. hŶŝƚ ϭϬ ,ŽƵƐĞ ʹ ϰ ďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ͕ϭĞŶ ƐƵŝƚĞ͕Ϯ ďĂƚŚƌŽŽŵƐ͕ the newly established NW 405. This hampers service delivery,” said Rosho. “She must also investigate irregular Ŭ ŝƚĐŚĞŶ͕ĚŝŶŝŶŐ͕ůŽƵŶŐĞ͕ƐƚƵĚLJƌ͕ĚͬŐĂƌĂŐĞZϳϰϯ͘ϳϱϬ͘ϬϬ ,ŽƵƐĞhŶŝƚϭϰ ʹϯďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ͕ĮƩĞĚŬŝƚĐŚĞŶ͕ƐĞƉĂƌĂƚĞƚŽŝůĞƚ Chairperson of the Committee, Motlalepula Tlokwe Local Municipality Mayor, Cllr. expenditure and send the reports to MPAC ĂŶĚďĂƚŚƌŽŽŵ͕ŽƉĞŶƉůĂŶƐŝƫŶŐĂŶĚůŽƵŶŐĞƌŽŽŵ͕ƉĂůŝƐĂĚĞ Rosho was not impressed to Kgotso Khumalo, said the municipality for processing. All these must be reflected ĨĞŶĐĞĨŽƌ ZϲϬϬ͘ϬϬϬ͘ϬϬ hŶŝƚϭϱ,ŽƵƐĞʹϮďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ͕ĮƩĞĚŬŝƚĐŚĞŶ͕dsƌŽŽŵ͕ƐĞƉĂͲ learn that the oversight report of the 2013/14 accepted the criticism and assured the on the progress report of the new NW 405 ƌĂƚĞďĂƚŚƌŽŽŵ͕ƌĞŶŽǀĂƚĞĚ͘ZϰϱϬ͘ϬϬϬ͘ϬϬ and 2015/16 had not been processed by the committee that they would speed up the municipality in the next meeting. DŵĂďĂƚŚŽWĂůŵƐŇĂƚ;Z'/EͿ;ͿͲKƉĞŶƉůĂŶŬŝƚĐŚĞŶĂŶĚds ƌŽŽŵ͕ϭďĞĚƌŽŽŵ͕ďĂƚŚƌŽŽŵ͕ĐĂƌƉŽƌƚ͘ZϰϱϬ͘ϬϬϬ͘ϬϬ Municipal Public Accounts Committee as establishment of the portfolio committees. “We also want the former Ventersdorp 'ŽůĨsŝĞǁ,ŽƵƐĞͲϰďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ͕ϭĞŶƐƵŝƚĞ͕ƐƚƵĚLJ͕ďĂƚŚƌŽŽŵ͕ the MPAC was supposed to deliberate on the Decrying the lack of service delivery at the Municipal Manager’s suspension ds͕ĚŝŶŝŶŐ͕ŬŝƚĐŚĞŶ͕ƐŝƫŶŐƌŽŽŵ͕ůĂƵŶĚƌLJ͕ƐǁŝŵŵŝŶŐͲƉŽŽů͕Ϯ ŽƵƚƐŝĚĞƌŽŽŵƐ͕ďŝŐLJĂƌĚ͕ŚƵŐĞŐĂƌĂŐĞʹZϭ͕ϲϵϱ͘ϬϬϬ͘ϬϬ R57 million irregular expenditure incurred municipality, Rosho said report, there are issues that have to be 'ŽůĨ sŝĞǁ ,ŽƵƐĞ ʹ D/E ,Kh^ Ͳ ϯ ďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ͕ĮƩĞĚ as well as other investigations. the municipality was in shambles as it had followed up on the matter. The report on ŬŝƚĐŚĞŶ͕ůŽƵŶŐĞ͕ĚŝŶŝŶŐƌŽŽŵ͕ŐƵĞƐƚƌŽŽŵ͕ƚǀƌŽŽŵ͕'ZEEz To the Committee’s dismay, the MPAC been receiving Disclaimer Audit Opinions. the burning of a building as this is an asset &>dͲϭďĞĚƌŽŽŵ͕ůŽƵŶŐĞ͕ĚŝŶŝŶŐ͕ƐǁŝŵŵŝŶŐͲƉŽŽů͕ďĞĂƵƟĨƵů Ő ĂƌĚĞŶĨŽƌZϭ͕ϳϴϬ͘ϬϬϬ͘ϬϬ chairperson who accompanied the According to the Auditor General’s report, of the municipality must reflect on whether 'ŽůĨ sŝĞǁ ,ŽƵƐĞʹϯ ďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ͕ ŬŝƚĐŚĞŶ͕ ĚŝŶŝŶŐ͕ ƐŝƫŶŐ͕ the building was insured, consequence ƐƚƵĚLJ͕ƐǁŝŵŵŝŶŐͲƉŽŽů͕ŐĂƌĂŐĞĨŽƌϰĐĂƌƐĨŽƌZϭ͕ϱϱϱ͘ϬϬϬ͘ϬϬ 'ŽůĨ sŝĞǁ ,ŽƵƐĞ ʹ ϯ ďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ͕ ŬŝƚĐŚĞŶ͕ ůŽƵŶŐĞ͕ĚŝŶŝŶŐ͕ Department protects the vulnerable management on the part of officials ďŽƌĞŚŽůĞ͕ƐƉůĂƐŚƉŽŽů͕ĚͬĐĂƌƉŽƌƚ͕ŇĂƚĨŽƌ Zϭ͕ϰϵϱ͘ϬϬϬ͘ϬϬ responsible if it was not. The Committee is 'ŽůĨsŝĞǁ,ŽƵƐĞ;,h'Ϳ;ͿʹϰďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ͕ƐĞƉĂƌĂƚĞďĂƚŚƌŽŽŵ͕ ŬŝƚĐŚĞŶ͕ŐƌĂŶŶLJŇĂƚ͕&ůĂƚůĞƚ͘ ZϮ͕ϭϵϱ͘ϬϬϬ͘ϬϬ and uplifts the poor -Siko expecting a full report on all issues raised by 'ŽůĨ sŝĞǁ ,ŽƵƐĞͲϯ ďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ͕ĚŝŶŝŶŐ͕ ŬŝƚĐŚĞŶ͕ ƐƚƵĚLJ͕ the 31st March 2017,” said Rosho. ĚͬŐĂƌĂŐĞ͕ĚͬĐĂƌƉŽƌƚ͕ůĂƉĂ͕ďŝŐLJĂƌĚ͘Zϭ͕ϰϵϱ͘ϬϬϬ͘ϬϬ MAHIKENG MAIL – MAHIKENG: The Democratic Alliance has called on North West Acting 'ŽůĨsŝĞǁ,ŽƵƐĞͬͬ ͲϰďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ͕ĮƩĞĚŬŝƚĐŚĞŶ͕ůŽƵŶŐĞ͕ ĚŝŶŝŶŐƌŽŽŵ͕ďŝŐLJĂƌĚ͕ĚͬŐĂƌĂŐĞZϮ͕ϭϵϱ͘ϬϬϬ͘ϬϬ Social Development MEC, Fenny Gaolaolwe, to reflect on her department’s capability to fulfil 'ŽůĨsŝĞǁKĸĐĞƐ ʹŵĞĂƐƵƌŝŶŐϭϴϰϴƐͬŵĞƚƌĞƐƉůƵƐŵŝŶƵƐϭϱ its Constitutional mandate of providing social assistance to the vulnerable, disadvantaged and ŽĸĐĞƐ;ŐŽŽĚŝŶĐŽŵĞͿďŽƌĞŚŽůĞ͘Zϯ͕ϳϬϬ͘ϬϬϬ͘ϬϬ 352&725$9(18(*2/)9,(: 'ŽůĨ sŝĞǁ ,ŽƵƐĞʹϯďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ͕ďĂƚŚͬƌ͕ŬŝƚĐŚĞŶ͕ ĚŝŶŝŶŐ͕ the poor. 0$),.(1* ůŽƵŶŐĞ͕ ;ϮĞdžƚƌĂ<,Kh^^Ϳ͘ Zϭ͕ϴϵϱ͘ϬϬϬ͘ϬϬ ZZZKXL]HPDUNFRP 'ŽůĨ sŝĞǁ ,ŽƵƐĞ Ͳ ϯ ďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ͕ϮďĂƚŚͬƌ͕ůĂƵŶĚƌLJ͕ĚŝŶŝŶŐ͕ In a statement this week the DA said it had emerged that pensioners were continuously exploited 7HO)D[ \RX¶UHKRPH (PDLOORUQD#KXL]HPDUNPKNFR]# D ŬŝƚĐŚĞŶ͕ůŽƵŶŐĞ͕ƐƚŽƌĞͬƌ͕ŽƵƚƐŝĚĞƚŽŝůĞƚ͘Zϭ͕ϰϵϱ͘ϬϬϬ͘ϬϬ by fraudsters and greedy loan sharks who disguise as loan companies and lend them money at ex- 00$%$7+2%5$1&+ 'ŽůĨsŝĞǁ,ŽƵƐĞʹϰĞĚƌŽŽŵƐϭĞŶƐƵŝƚĞ͕ŬŝƚĐŚĞŶ͕ůŽƵŶŐĞ͕ tremely high interest rates. These companies fail to disclose the full terms and conditions of the loans )256$/( ĚŝŶŝŶŐ͕ƉŽŽů͕ĚͬŐĂƌĂŐĞ͘Zϭ͕ϳϵϬ͘ϬϬϬ͘ϬϬ =((5867&+,&.(1 $%$772,5:,7+ )$0,/< +20(21 KD*22':,//  dŽǁŶ ,ŽƵƐĞʹϰ ďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ Ϯ ĞŶͲƐƵŝƚĞƐ͕ Ϯ ĮƩĞĚ ŬŝƚĐŚĞŶƐ͕ to pensioners.“The DA has learned during various forums that many senior citizens are experiencing <($560 ĚŝŶŝŶŐ͕ƐŝƫŶŐ͕dsƌŽŽŵ͕ĚͬŐĂƌĂŐĞĨŽƌZϭ͕ϰϲϱ͘ϬϬϬ͘ϬϬ unauthorised deductions on their pension funds. An elderly pensioner from Maquassi Hills told us air- =((5867 (67$%/,6+(' &5(&+e*22' ,1&20(:(//(67$%/,6+('%($87,)8/ >ĞŽƉĂƌĚWĂƌŬͬ^ƚŽƌƉͬĞLJLJ ,ŽƵƐĞʹϲďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ͕ŬŝƚĐŚĞŶ͕ƐŝƫŶŐ͕ 35(0,6(65(17$/535,&(5&$// ůŽƵŶŐĞĚŝŶŝŶŐ͕ƐƚƵĚLJ͕ϰŐĂƌĂŐĞƐ͘Zϰ͕ϵϵϱ͘ϬϬϬ͘ϬϬ time deductions were made on her pension despite the fact that she does not own a cell phone. *2/)9,(: 0$,1 52$' &251(567$1' ,'($/)25 2)),&(6 >ĞŽƉĂƌĚƉͬ WĂƌŬ ͬ ^ƚŽƌĞLJLJ ,ŽƵƐĞʹ ϵ ĨƵůů ďĂƚŚƌŽŽŵƐ͕ ĮƩĞĚ %('52206 %,& %$7+52206),77('.,7&+(1',1,1*5220/281*()$0,/< ŬŝƚĐŚĞŶ͕ůĂƵŶĚƌLJ͕ϭƌŽŽŵͬŽĸĐĞǁŝƚŚďĂůĐŽŶLJ͕ƌĞĐĞƉƟŽŶĂƌĞĂ͕ “It is within the department’s legislative mandate to put mechanisms in place to prevent unauthor- 52206:,00,1*322/64'28%/(*$5$*(7+$7&$1),7&$566725(52206 ůŽƵŶŐĞ͕ĚŝŶŝŶŐ͕ďŝŐƐŝƫŶŐͲƌŽŽŵ͕ďŽĂƌĚƌŽŽŵ͕ϰŐĂƌĂŐĞƐ͕ds ised deductions on pensions. The department :(//0$,17$,1('*$5'(150 1(* *2/)9,(: %('52206 %,& %$7+5220623(1),77('.,7&+(1',1,1* ƌŽŽŵ͕ƐǁŝŵŵŝŶŐͲƉŽŽů͘ZϭϮ͕ϱϬϬ͘ϬϬϬ͘ϬϬ ʹϳďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐĚŽǁŶ͕ŬŝƚĐŚͲ should also launch an intensive community edu- (11,( 6KRS$1HOVRQ0DQGHOD 5220/281*(678'<322/%('5220&277$*(/281*(%$7+5220&$53257 ͬ^ƚŽƌͬLJĞLJ,ŽƵƐĞŝŶ>ĞŽƉĂƌĚWĂƌŬƉ 'ULYH0D¿NHQJHPDLO 3$5.,1*)25&$56:(//6(&85('3523(57<50 ĞŶ͕ĚŝŶŝŶŐ͕ƐƚƵĚLJ͕ƉŽŽů͕ĚͬŐĂƌĂŐĞĨŽƌZϯ͕ϱϬϬ͘ϬϬϬ͘ϬϬ cation program informing communities of these 0,7+ '$19,//((037<67$1'065 >ĞŽƉĂƌĚWĂƌŬͬ^ƚŽƌƉͬĞLJLJ ,ŽƵƐĞʹϳďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ͕ƐƚƵĚLJ͕ƐǁŝŵͲ MHQSURS#ZRUOGRQOLQHFR]D unscrupulous service providers who are ripping 3523(57,(6FF 81,7%('52206%$7+5220.,7&+(1/281*(:$//$5281'5 ŵŝŶŐͲƉŽŽů͕ϯŐĂƌĂŐĞƐ͘Zϳ͕ϵϬϬ͘ϬϬϬ͘ϬϬ 81,7 6+233,1*&(175(&203/(;(037<67$1'065 >ĞŽƉĂƌĚƉ WĂƌŬ ,ŽƵƐĞʹ ;ďĂƌŐĂŝŶͿϯ ďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ ͕ Ϯ ďĂƚŚƌ͕ elderly citizens off,” Dr Tutu Faleni MPL - DA ‡&200(5&,$/‡+286(6$/(6‡5(17$/6 81,7 %,*&200(5&,$/'28%/(67$1'5 1(* &DOO$JQHVRQ ƐĐƵůůĞƌLJ͕ŽƉĞŶƉůĂŶŬŝƚĐŚĞŶ͕ůŽƵŶŐĞΘƐŝƫŶŐͲƌŽŽŵ͕ĚͬŐĂƌĂŐĞ͕ NW Spokesperson on Social Development said. 81,7%('52206%$7+52206.,7&+(1/281*(',1,1*5220:$// ŝƌƌŝŐĂƟŽŶƐLJƐƚĞŵ͕ďŽƌĞŚŽůĞ͘ZϮ͕Ϭϵϱ͘ϬϬϬ͘ϬϬ 5(17$/.HJRPRGLWVZH)ODWV5%HGUNLWFKHQ EDWKU $5281'5 >ĞŽƉĂƌĚWĂƌŬWůŽƚƉ ʹŵĞĂƐƵƌŝŶŐĂƚϭϬϳϬƐͬŵĞƚĞƌƐ͘ Responding to the statement, the department said 0DILNHQJ)ODW55RRPIODWZLWKNLWFKHQ VKRZHU 81,7 /$5*(&251(567$1')25'(9(/230(170($685,1*065 02176+,:$9$&$17&200(5&,$/67$1'6%<0($685,1*065 ZϳϱϬ͕ϬϬϬ͘ϬϬ it had through its entity SASSA conducted ben- 6$/( 02/232*$0(/2'*($1':('',1*9(18()$17$67,&%86,1(6650 >ĞŽƉĂƌĚWĂƌŬWůŽƚƉ ʹŵĞĂƐƵƌŝŶŐĂƚϭϮϱϬƐͬŵĞƚĞƌƐ͘ eficiary education shows to raise awareness on 0PDEDWKR3DOPV )ODWV5 %HGU ZLWK HQ VXLWH 02*26$1(  %('52206.,7&+(1/281*( ',1,1*5220(/(&75,),(' Zϭ͕ϯϬϬ͘ϬϬϬ͘ϬϬ ʹDĞĂƐƵƌŝŶŐĂƚϭϯϭϭƐͬŵĞƚƌĞƐ͘ ORXQJHNLWFKHQFDUSRUWDQGJDUGHQ )(1&()5((:$7(5.,7&+(16,=(065 >ĞŽƉĂƌĚWĂƌŬWůŽƚƉ misuse of grants including unauthorised deduc- 026+$:$1( %('52206 %,& %$7+52206),77('.,7&+(123(13/$1 Zϴϳϱ͘ϬϬϬ͘ϬϬ tions on grant payments. “In most cases children 8QLWSORW5VTP ',1,1*5220$1'/281*('28%/(*$5$*(:,7+5(027('2256:(//0$,1 >ĞŽƉĂƌĚWĂƌŬWůŽƚƉ ʹDĞĂƐƵƌŝŶŐĂƚϭϮϬϬƐͬŵĞƚƌĞƐ͘ ,PSHULDO5HVHUYH5%LJEXVLQHVVSODFHZLWKDVKRSQHDU 7$,1('*$5'(16(&85(':$//$5281'5 ZϴϬϬ͘ϬϬϬ͘ϬϬ of many households enter into agreements with 0$*2*2(²7/+$%2/2*2 %('5220+286(21/<52206+$9($522) WKHPDLQURDG >ĞŽƉĂƌĚWĂƌŬďƵƐŝŶĞƐƐƉůŽƚƐƉƉʹϮƉůŽƚƐŵĞĂƐƵƌŝŶŐĂƚϮϬϬϬ $1'$//7+(%5,&.6$5(7+(5(5 ƐͬŵĞƚƌĞƐ͘Zϭ͕ϮϬϬ͘ϬϬϬ͘ϬϬ service providers to debit money for airtime and 5(17$/ 81,7 5 %HGVEDWKVORXQJHGLQLQJVWXG\ILWWHG ZŝǀŝĞƌĂWĂƌŬͬ^ƚŽƌͬLJĞLJ,ŽƵƐĞ ͲϲďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ͕ůŽƵŶŐĞ͕ĚŝŶŝŶŐ͕ electricity from their pensions or grants without 522,*5281'&277$*( %('52206 %,& %$7+5220),77('.,7&+(1 NLWFKHQFDUSRUWDQGSDYHG\DUG /281*(&$53257),76&$56:(//6(&85(':$7(5 (/(&75,&,7< ,1&/8',1*  ŬŝƚĐŚĞŶ͕ƐǁŝŵŵŝŶŐͲƉŽŽů͕ĚͬŐĂƌĂŐĞ͘ZϮ͕ϰϵϱ͘ϬϬϬ͘ϬϬ them knowing about the agreements. “More than 8QLW5QHJ%HGVXQILWWHGEDWKORXQJHGLQLQJ 530 ZŝǀŝĞƌĂ WĂƌŬ 'ƵĞƐƚ ,ŽƵƐĞʹ ϭϬ ĞŶƐƵŝƚĞďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ͕ůŽƵŶŐĞ͕ ĚŝŶŝŶŐ;t/d,&hZE/dhZͿ͘ZϮ͕ϮϬϬ͘ϬϬϬ͘ϬϬ XQILWWHGNLWFKHQFDUSRUWDQGVKDQW\ /21(/< 3$5. 63$&,286%('5220&277$*( %,& 23(1 3/$1 ),77(' once the department has condemned with strong- .,7&+(1/281*(81)851,6+('23326,7(+27(/6&+22/530 ZŝǀŝĞƌĂWĂƌŬ,ŽƵƐĞ ʹϯďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ͕ŬŝƚĐŚĞŶ͕ůŽƵŶŐĞ͕ĚŝŶŝŶŐΘ est terms loan sharks who rob the pensioners bor- 8QLW5)DFHEULFNKRXVHFRQVLVWRIILWWHGEHGUEDWKU ƐŝƫŶŐƌŽŽŵ͕ƐǁŝŵŵŝŶŐͲƉŽŽů͕ŇĂƚĨŽƌZϭ͕ϳϴϬ͘ϬϬϬ͘ϬϬ ORXQJHGLQLQJILWWHGNLWFKHQRXWVLGHVKRZHU WRLOHWDQGZDOOIHQFH ĞĂƵƟĨƵůŽƵďůĞ^ƚŽƌĞLJLJŐ,ŽƵƐĞŝŶŝƐĂŶĞŶŐĂŵʹϱďĞĚͲ rowing them a lot of money that pensioners find 5()'$93523(57,(6 37< /7' ƌŽŽŵƐ͕ŚƵŐĞƉůŽƚĐůŽƐĞĚƚŽƚŚĞĚĂŵ͘Zϭ͕ϭϬϬ͘ϬϬϬ͘ϬϬ ,WVRVHQJ =RQH 5 EHGUXQILWWHGEDWKU WRLOHW difficult to pay. Most of the loan sharks keep the 0RORSR5RDG0DKLNHQJ DĂŬŚƵďƵŶŐŐŐ sŝůůĂŐĞ ,ŽƵƐĞ ʹϯ ďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ͕ ŬŝƚĐŚĞŶ͕ ůŽƵŶŐĞ͕ ORXQJHXQILWWHGNLWFKHQ SASSA card with themselves until the debt is 0RVLDQH9LHZKRXVHSDUWO\FRQVWUXFWHGODUJHKRXVH3ULFH5 ĚŝŶŝŶŐ͕ďĂƚŚƌŽŽŵ͕ďŝŐLJĂƌĚΘĚͬŐĂƌĂŐĞĨŽƌZϳϱϬ͘ϬϬϬ͘ϬϬ ,WVRVHQJ =RQH 5 %HGV XQILWWHG ORXQJH XQILWWHG 0RQWVKLRDKRXVH EHGUORXQJHNLWFKHQVHSDUDWHWRLOHWEDWKUGLQLQJU 2XWVLGH DŽƐŚĂǁĂŶĞ,ŽƵƐĞʹϯ ďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ͕ ŬŝƚĐŚĞŶ͕ ĚŝŶŝŶŐ͕ ƐŝƫŶŐ͕ settled. This is a challenge that faces the benefi- NLWFKHQWRLOHWFDUSRUWVDQGVKDQW\ VWRUH JXHVW EHGU EDWKVKRZHUWRLOHWORFNXS JDUDJHODUJH FDUSRUWHQWHUWDLQPHQW ĚͬŐĂƌĂŐĞ͕ƌĞŵŽƚĞĐŽŶƚƌŽůŐĂƚĞƐ͕ŇĂƚ͘ZϵϱϬ͘ϬϬϬ͘ϬϬ ciaries of social grants. 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If grant 0RVKDZDQH9LOODJHJ EHGU PDLQHQVXLWH GLQLQJ ORXQJHRSHQSODQGRXEOH Ŭ ŝƚĐŚĞŶ͕ďĂƚŚƌŽŽŵ͕ďŽƌĞŚŽůĞƐ͕ϭϴŚĞĐƚĂƌĞƐ͘Zϭ͕ϱϬϬ͘ϬϬϬ͘ϬϬ beneficiaries are found 6$1'6721( JDUDJHUHPRWHFRQWUROPRWRULVHGJDWHRXWVLGHIODWVZLWKWRLOHWEDWKFOHULFDO3ULFH :ĂŐĞƌŐ ƐĨŽŶƚĞŝŶĨĂƌŵ ͲϯdžŚŽƵƐĞƐ͕ŚƵŐĞƐƚŽƌĂŐĞĨĂĐŝůŝƚLJ͕ϯďŽƌĞͲ 5 ŚŽůĞƐ͕ϴ͘ϮŚĞĐƚĂƌĞƐĨŽƌKE>zZϭ͕ϭϬϬ͘ϬϬϬ͘ϬϬ to be right SASSA as- $VODDJWHJSSORW NLORVIURP0DILNHQJ5HQWDOSURSHUWLHVDQGSRVVLEOHKRXVLQJ ϮKƩŽƐŚŽŽƉWůŽƚƐǁŝƚŚĂ,ŽƵƐĞƉ ʹϰďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ͕ϭĞŶƐƵŝƚĞ sist them to reverse the GHYHORSPHQW3ULFH5 ǁŝƚŚ ďĂƚŚĂŶĚ ƐŚŽǁĞƌ͕ ŬŝƚĐŚĞŶ͕ ƐĐƵůůĞƌLJ͕ ůĂƵŶĚƌLJ͕ ůŽƵŶŐĞ͕ 6WDQGLQ*ROI9LHZ VTP5 ƐƚƵĚLJƌ͕ƐƚŽƌĞƌ͕ĚŝŶŝŶŐ͕ ŐĞLJƐĞƌ ŽƵƚƐŝĚĞ͕ ďƌĂĂŝĂƌĞĂ͕ϯĐĂŵƉƐ unscrupulous transac- %5,&.6 %XVLQHVV SURSHUW\SS \ LQ LQGXVWULDO VLWH ZDUHKRXVH  “VTP ǁŝƚŚĂĚĂŵĨŽƌZϳϲϱ͘ϬϬϬ͘ϬϬ tions. 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(PDLOJHUKDUG#OLFKFUHWHFR]D 5HÀOZH'DYH PAGE 12 MAHIKENG MAIL 18 NOVEMBER 2016

Kedijele Annah Mokaila Tuelo Taunyane Jer- Pati Ndola Ngwenya Brian of Extension emiah Molefe of Kgomongwe of Morokwa Section, Tefo Glenn Madilola 38 was born on Naauwpoort Vil- of Gannalaa- Kraaipan was born on of Montshioa 1990/02/20 and lage was born on Keolebale Mac- Molale Kaine More- gte was born 1936/04/10 and died Willie Gaekg- Stadt was born on died on 2016/11/10 1946/08/16 and donald Ngakantsi mong of Lotlhakane on 1923/10/10 on 2016/11/09 of wathe Kgabage 1977/05/01 and of natural causes. died on 2016/11/11 of Magogoe Tlhab- Village, Ramookeng and died on natural causes. The of Lomanyaneng died on 2016/11/14 The funeral will of natural causes. ologo was born on Section was born funeral will be held at Village was born of natural causes. 2016/11/09 of be held at home The funeral will 1938/09/14 and on 1977/10/24 and home on 2016/11/19 on 1940/09/22 The funeral will natural causes. on 2016/11/19 at be held at home died on 2016/11/13 died on 2016/11/12 at 07h00. For further and died on be held at home The funeral will 07h00. For further on 2016/11/19 at of natural causes. in a car accident. information contact on 2016/11/20 at be held at home information contact 07h00. For further The funeral will The funeral will 2016/11/10 of Thandi Motshabi 07h00. For fur- on 2016/11/19 at Boitumelo Mokai information contact be held at Stadt 2 be held at home unnatural causes. 0710094309 / ther information 0730548613. Motsamai Molefe Methodist Church on 2016/11/19 at The funeral will 07h00. For further Mompati Motshabi contact Modisa 0837429711 / on 2016/11/19 at 07h00. For further be held at home information con- 0726620901. 0760614082. 0834872063. 07h00. For further information contact on 2016/11/19 at tact 0736050771. information con- Modise 0828602120. 07h00. For further tact 0725854970 / information con- 0823604077. tact 0723011380 / 0731264976.

Thuto Oubaas Maibi of 1348 Motlhabeng (next to cem- Veteran Mpu- Naledi Beauty etery) was born sha Ntsie of 42 Lofedi of 3667 Mosupiemang Con- on 1981/04/18 Ikopoleng Vil- Amanda Street, stance Mosetsana- and died on Dolf Mezingaye lage was born Unit 12 was born gape of 1414 Sewed- Dipapanka David 2016/11/09 after of Setlopo Vil- on 1952/02/10 DR THANDI Tsamai of Phola $%257,21 on 1966/01/09 and ing Village was born a short illness. lage was born and died on died on 2016/11/10 on 1978/12/24 and Village was born The funeral will William Tati Lekena on 1959/08/03 2016/11/14. The FROM R300 of natural causes. died on 2016/11/13 on 1966/12/25 be held at home of Ramatlabama and died on funeral will be  The funeral will of natural causes. and died on on 2016/11/20 at / Miga was born 2016/11/11 of held at home on The funeral will Ma keng, Rustenburg, be held at home 2016/11/09 of 07h00 and a me- on 1942/02/19 natural causes. be held at home 2016/11/19 at Zeerust, Lichtenburg on 2016/11/19 at natural causes. morial service will and died on The funeral will 07h00. For further on 2016/11/19 at The funeral will be held at home 2016/11/10. The 07h00. For further 07h00. For further be held at home information con- 0$0$ information con- be held at home on 2016/11/17 at funeral will be on 2016/11/19 at tact Tebogo Ntsie information contact held at home on 6$5$+ '57 tact Sokwe Leepile Mompoloki Dichaba on 2016/11/19 at 17h00. For fur- 07h00. For further 0795716067. 2016/11/19 at 7KHIDPRXVKHDOHUVLQWRZQ 0737654758. 0718959999. 07h00. For further ther information information con- LQWKHIROORZLQJSUREOHPV information con- contact Tebatso 07h00. For further tact Lindiwe Mzin- information con- ‡0HQDQGZRPHQZLWK )25781(7(//(53523+(7+(/3('0(&/($1 tact 0710199837 / Doba-Doba Maibi gaye 0828641929 / ORZVH[GULYH 0<%$'63(//6$)7(5<($56 0793491073. 0782785080. tact 0604232998. 0847245578. ‡%DGOXFN ,ZDVVXIIHULQJDQGSURSKHW/XOHVKRZHGPHP\HQHPLHVLQZDWHUZH ‡%ULQJEDFNORVWORYHUV DUHQRZDKDSSLO\PDUULHGFRXSOH,KDYHYLVLWHGWUDGLWLRQDOKHDOHUV 6((,1*,6%(/,(9,1* ‡)L[¿QDQFLDOSUREOHPV EHIRUHEXWQRQHFRXOGKHOSPHWKHQ7KHQ,KHDUGDERXWSURSKHW DDEK ‡0DJLFZDOOHW /XOHWKURXJKP\QHLJKERXUDQG,YLVLWHGKLP)RURQO\5KH ƉŽǁĞƌĨƵů,ĞĂůĞƌ͕&ŽƌĞƚĞůůĞƌǁŝƚŚ )5((&2168/7$7,21)5((&2168/7$7,21 WROGPHDERXWP\IXWXUHLQDSRWRIZDWHUVKRZHGPHP\HQHPLHV ϮϯLJĞĂƌƐĞdžƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞĨƌŽŵĂŶnjŝďĂƌ͘ 0\QDPHLV7KDQGHNDD\HDUROGVLQJOHPRQWKHU ‡*HWDMREDQGSURPR ZLWKNLGV,JRWGLYRUFHGIURPP\KXVEDQGPRQWKV DQGWKHQSUD\HGIRUPHDQGJDYHPHKRO\ZDWHUDQGRLOWRZDVK WLRQ ͲDĞŶΘtŽŵĞŶ,ĞĂůƚŚƉƌŽďůĞŵƐ DJRDQGP\OLIHZDVDPHVV,PHW0DPD1HRZKR P\VHOI,QMXVWGD\VP\KXVEDQGFDPHEDFNWRPHDQGDPQRZ ͲWƌŽƉĞƌƚLJ͕:Žď͕&ĂŵŝůLJŝƐƐƵĞƐ KHOSHGPHEULQJP\OLIHEDFNRQWUDFNVRGRQ¶WORRVH ‡&RXUWFDVHV DKDSS\SHUVRQ3URSKHW/XOHDOVRSURWHFWVSDVWRUVWRJHWPRUH Ͳ&ŝŶĂŶĐŝĂů͕^ĂůĂƌLJ͕ƵƐŝŶĞƐƐƐƚ KRSHHYHU\WKLQJLVSRVVLEOH ‡3URWHFWLRQRIKRPHV SRZHULQWKHLUFKXUFKHVEULQJEDFNORVWORYHU¿QDQFLDOSUREOHPV Ͳ>ŽǀĞ͕ŝǀŽƌĐĞ͕DĂƌƌŝĂŐĞ͕WƌĞŐŶĂŶĐLJ DQGEXVLQHVV ERRVW\RXUEXVLQHVVPDJLFVWLFNVJHWORDQVZLQFRXUWFDVHVEODFN 0$0$1(2DOVRKHOSVLQWKHIROORZLQJ VWRQHVWRJLYH\RXPRQH\GLYRUFHSUREOHPPDJLFZDOOHWDQG ͲYƵŝƚůĐŽŚŽů͕ƌƵŐƐ͕^ŵŽŬŝŶŐ )LQDQFLDO3UREOHPV :LQQLQJ/RWWR&DVLQR &$// PDQKRRGHQODUJHPHQWDQGPDOHERRVWHUFUpPH Ͳ>ƵĐŬLJZŝŶŐ͕ŽƵƌƚĐĂƐĞƐ &OHDULQJ'HEWV¶:RUN-REUHODWHGSUREOHPV Ͳ^ƚƌŽŶŐƉƌĂLJĞƌƐͬƵǁĂnj &$//3523+(7/8/( 0DUULDJH3UREOHPV 0DJLF:DOOHW5LQJ  ͲtŝƚĐŚĐƌĂŌZĞŵŽǀĞĚΘƐĞĞŶǁŝƚŚLJŽƵƌŽǁŶĞLJĞƐ :LQQLQJ7HQGHUV /RVW/RYHU 3$6735(6(17)8785(%86,1(66/,)( 0HQ¶V3RZHU&RXUW&DVHV &2$&+,1*)$0,/<0$77(56 (QODUJHPHQWRI)DPLO\0LVXQGHUVWDQGLQJV 3523+(7%$1'$ &$// )LQG0DPD1HRLQ0DKLNHQJ  ŽƐƚůŽǀĞƌƐǁĞůĐŽŵĞ PRUQLQJIRUGD\V‡*HWTXLFNPRQH\XVLQJ.$7272 5(9(5<'$< ‡*(735(*1$17:,7+7:,16 ͲtŝŶďŝŐũŽďƐ͕ 3URSKHW%DQGDFDQDOVRKHOSLQWKHIROORZLQJ 0$*,&:$//(7LI\RXZDQWWREX\DKRXVHRUDFDUEXW ƚĞŶĚĞƌƐ %ULQJEDFNORVWORYHUVDPHGD\HYHQLILWKDVWDNHQ\HDUV VKRUWRIPRQH\.$/81*$ZLOOKHOS\RXSXWPRQH\LQ ‡6$1'$:$1$2,/)2568&&(66 ‡0$1+22'(1/$5*(0(17 ͲZĞŵŽǀĞǁŝƚĐŚĞƐ :LQWHQGHUV \RXUEDQNDFFRXQWZLWKLQPLQXWHV‡8&+,RLOWRFOHDQ GLUW\PRQH\ZKLFKRWKHUVIDLOHG‡5HFRYHUVWROHQSURSHUWLHV ‡81),1,6+('-2%6)$,/('%<27+(5'2&7256 ĂŶĚƚŽŬŽůŽƐŚĞ 0RQH\SRWOXFNRLOIRUDOOJDPEOHUV DQGSURWHFWSURSHUWLHV‡%RRVWLQJEXVLQHVVHVXVLQJ ‡*(70$55,(',1:((.%5,1*%$&./267/29(5 ͲůĞĂŶƐĞLJŽƵƌ 6H[XDOSUREOHPVRIDOONLQGVPDOHDQGIHPDOH 08<,7$12DQGJHWPRUHFXVWRPHUV‡.$&+20(WRZLQ ‡62/9($//5(/$7,216+,3352%/(06 &RXUWFDVHV ƉƌŽƉĞƌƚLJ͘ ORWWHU\FDVLQRDQGDQ\JDPEOLQJZLQWHQGHUVDQGELJ 0$*,&:$//(7)2548,&.021(<62/87,21 )LQG%DPDDW -RESURPRWLRQV FRQWUDFWV‡&RXUWFDVHV‡+HFKDOOHQJHVWRÀQLVKDOOWKH &$//3523+(70$0$*87+,$1''5.,021 XQÀQLVKHGMREVZKLFKRWHUKHUEDOLVWIDLOHG )LQLVKXQILQLVKHGMREVE\RWKHUGRFWRUV  0DILNHQJ7RZQ 3D\DIWHUWKHMRE &$//0$),.(1* 0$),.(1*1257+:(67 ĂůůϬϳϭϬϳϴϵϯϯϮ

5XVWHQEXUJ .OHUNVGRUS $VRRN_$VZHOODV   5HNFRUG  ,WSD\VWRDGYHUWLVH 0DUWLQ6WUHHW *DOOHULD$UFDGH6KRSQR 7HO %REE\6DXO $ULVWD$QQDQGDOH /\QGD+D\PDQ 'ULHVYDQ1LHNHUN 2OLIDQW20HUH 0DEHO7KRPDPD (GLWRU -RXUQDOLVW$GYHUWLVLQJ&RQVXOWDQW 5HFHSWLRQLVW $GYHUWLVLQJ0DQDJHU &LUFXODWLRQ 2IÀFH$VVLVWDQW )D[       (SRVPDLOEDJ#PDÀNHQJPDLOFR]D EREE\#PDÀNHQJPDLOFR]D\# J PDLOEDJ#PDÀNHQJPDLOFR]DJ# J PDLOEDJ#PDÀNHQJPDLOFR]DJ# J GULHV#PDÀNHQJPDLOFR]D#J PDLOEDJ#PDÀNHQJPDLOFR]DJ# J PDLOEDJ#PDÀNHQJPDLOFR]DJ# J 18 NOVEMBER 2016 MAHIKENG MAIL PAGE 13 PAGE 14 MAHIKENG MAIL 18 NOVEMBER 2016 One Foundation battles drugs and substance abuse at schools Mahikeng Mail-Mahikeng- The non-profit organization (NPO), One Foundation last explained to the learners that future leaders, Development, Dept of Correctional Services, week continued the battle against drug and substance abuse among learners by merging business people and people of character are Dept of Education, Khulisa, Mahikeng with other stakeholders in order to address these challenges. needed in society. “We cannot tolerate youth Minster’s Forum, Love Life, Phakamisa (PTY) $%257,216$)( The NPO recently launched a project that entailed visiting schools and learners that misbehave and expect Ltd, Chande Transport and MAAU (PTY) $1'3$,1)5(( and engaging with learners on subjects like drugs, gangsterism everything to be normal,” he said. Ltd. The project was funded by the Dept. of IURP5 and renewal of morals. The Dept. of Correctional Services used an One Foundation Chairperson, Mooketsi Community Safety & Transport Management. &DOO'U7DWRRQ inmate to inform the learners about the dangers and repercussions of Seate, a businessperson and Pastor, expressed For further information contact  ill-behavior, gangsterism and drugs. He urged learners to concentrate his jubilation. “We really need to join forces in Secretary Bonolo Tlaletse at 082 755 7440 )5((ZRPE on their studies and reform their moral conduct. “We as inmates are making a change in Africa.” [email protected] or Project FOHDQLQJ The stakeholders included SAPS, Coordinator Akanyang Mashobane 079 7654 sick and tired of people doing wrong and then CPF, SGB’s, Counselors, Dept of Social 810 [email protected]. 0$0$*5$&( labeling us,” he said. ,1 /(17+ 7+,&.1(66 32:(5 +$5'1(66 Akanyang Mashobane, Project Director,  67521*(5(&7,21 Motivational speaker and also an ex-offender, 6723($5/<(-$&8/$ 683(5 7,21 0$.(025( 1(:,03529(' 5281'6 $//',$%(7,&6$*('25 3(1,6&5($0 +$9(+,*+%/22'35(6  685(&$6(6:(/&20( Local dancers ,167$17)2508/$5  352) 021(<63(//6 nominated for '50$6( *8$5$17(( %ULQJEDFNORVW award ORYHFDQ¶W¿QGD 6KRUWER\VDQG EDE\ZRPHQZKR UDWVWRSXWPRQH\ FDQ¶WJHWPDUULDJH SUHJQDQF\SUREOHPV LQ\RXUDFFRXQW ZLQORWWRSRZHUEDOO 0DJLFULQJDQG FDVLQRDQGKRUVHV ZDOOHWWRJHWPRQH\ VKRUWJLUOVWRSXW PRQH\RQXUDF 6DQGDZDQDRLOWR )LQDQFLDOSUREOHPV PDNHXULFK This is the month to stand against abuse of women and children by reconciling them &DOO with offenders, healing all illness of unemployment, high poverty, corruption, inequality,  &$// nepotism, high rate of crime and high usage of drugs and substance abuse our Province 3D\DIWHUMRELV GRQH is facing, as well as renewal of morals. This was the message that One Foundation spread  Duduetsang Serapelo, Boitshoko Nchoe across the province during their awareness campaign held recently. and Chelsea Davids from the Dance by 3523+(76,0%$ Erin School have recently been nomi- 6$0('$<5(68/76 nated for an SA dance award in the best contemporary group category. Their 'LG \RX UHWLUH DQG \RX¶UH WDNLQJVR audition performance can be viewed ORQJWRJHW\RXUSHQVLRQ" 6HH\RXUHQHPLHVLQWKHPLUURU on the South African Dance Academy 'R\RXZDQWWRZLQDWHQGHU" (SADA) Youtube channel. SMS G3 to )LQDQFLDO3UREOHPV 47252 to vote for them. SMS cost R2. 0DOH )HPDOH3UREOHPV Voting closes on November 22. 0RQH\3RW 6KRUW%R\VWREULQJ0RQH\ 352)-2( 6SHFLDOLVWLQ -RE3URPRWLRQ /RVW/RYHU %DG/XFN &RXUW&DVHV 3UHJQDQW VROXWLRQV 0DQKRRGVROXWLRQV 0DJLFULQJ:DOOHW 3$<$)7(5:25.,6'21( 6WLFN /RWWR&DVLQR*DPEOLQJ *LVYRLOIRUOXFN  3D\DIWHUMRELVGRQH  0$0$0272 One Foundation and all stakeholders 3$<$)7(55(68/76 7KHVWURQJHVWSRZHU involved in fighting drugs and substance )25<285352%/(06 '5/878 abuse in the schools of Bokone /RVWORYHUVDPHGD\UHVXOWV :RPHQVSUREOHPV IXOKHDOHU%ULQJ )LQDQFLDOSUREOHPV $PDQGD 0DUULDJHDQG EDFNORVWORYHRQH Bophirima Province. ƌĞLJŽƵůŽŽŬŝŶŐĨŽƌŵĂƌƌŝĂŐĞ͕ŚĂƉƉŝŶĞƐƐ͕ 0DJLFZDOOHWULQJWRPDNH\RX SUHJQDQF\SUREOHPV GD\SHQLVHQODUJH ULFK ƉƌŽƐƉĞƌŝƚLJ͕ůŽǀĞĂŶĚŐŽŽĚŚĞĂůƚŚ͘ PHQWSUHJQDQF\ %XVLQHVVDWWUDFWLRQSURPRWLRQ 5HODWLRQVKLSSUREOHPV DWZRUN SUREOHPVJHWEDE\ ŵĂŶĚĂǁŝůůŚĞůƉǁŝƚŚ͗ /RVW/RYH WZLQVJHWPDUULHG 0$0$$,6+$ :LQORWWRFDVLQR ͻDĂƌƌŝĂŐĞƉƌŽďůĞŵƐͻWƌŽƚĞĐƟŽŶĂŐĂŝŶƐƚĞŶĞŵŝĞƐ 6WRSGLYRUFHDQG 3HQLVKLSRUEXPHQODUJHPHQW ͻƵƐŝŶĞƐƐƉƌŽďůĞŵƐ TXLFNO\VWRSGLYRUFH  6KRUWER\VWREULQJPRQH\ FKHDWLQJ KLSVEXPVEUHDVW 3$<$)7(55(68/76 /RRNLQJIRUMREVHOOLQJSURSHUWLHV / Ăŵ Ă ĨŽƌƚƵŶĞ ƚĞůůĞƌ ĂŶĚ ǁŝůů ƵƐ Ă ŵĂŐŝĐ )LQDQFLDOSUREOHPV 8QILQLVKHGMREE\RWKHUGRFWRUV HQODUJHPHQW0DJLF ‡0DUULDJH3UREOHPV‡)LQDQFLDO3UREOHPV :LQFRXUWFDVHVWHQGHUV ƌŝŶŐĂŶĚŐŝǀĞLJŽƵĐŚĂƌŵƐƚŽĂƐƐŝƐƚǁŝƚŚLJŽƵƌ *HWPDUULHGTXLFNO\ ULQJPDJLFZDOOHW ‡%DGOXFN &OHDQVLQJ ‡0DQKRRG3UREOHPV 3UHJQDQF\SUREOHPVDQGPDQ\PRUH ƉƌŽďůĞŵƐ͘ DQGSRZHUWRZLQ ‡3UHJQDQF\3UREOHPV‡/RVW/RYHU‡6HHKDdZh͊͊͊ &$// (QHPLHVLQ$0LUURU‡0DJLF:DOOHG 5LQJ‡)L[ &DOORUZKDWVDSS0DPD6X]DQRQ *XDUDQWHHG >EKt͗ϬϳϲϳϯϰϬϭϵϱ  &DOO &$//25:+$76$33 &+,()'$:$ 6DQJDRLO 0DPD7KDQGL &217$&7352)%$:$=, 0$0$6+,%$ 0DNLQJ/LIH,Q6RXWK$IULFD 0DVWHURI+HUEVLVEDFN %ULQJEDFNORVWORYHUVDPH 0DPD=XOD 7+(*5($7(67+($/(5 KDVFRPH +DV1HYHU%HHQ(DV\ GD\5%UHDNLQJRWKHU )LQDQFLDO3UREOHPV 0HQ¶V3RZHU  UHODWLRQVKLSVZLWKLQKUV EDFNZLWK 0DUULDJH3UREOHPV (QODUJHPHQW )ROORZ3URI%DZD]L 0DPD6KLEDWLSV \RX 5.DOLGRWREHORYHGE\ HIIHFWLYH DQ\RQH\RXZDQWDQGGRZKDW :RUNMREUHODWHGSUREOHPV /RVWORYHU 6$1'$:$1$2,/ ZLOOQHYHUEHSRRU7KH\FDQVROYH\RXU VDQJDRLO \RXZDQWDQGJHWPDUULHG &OHDULQJGHEWV &RXUWFDVHV )LQDQFLDOEXVLQHVVZRUN RIÀFHVDPHGD\ TXLFNO\5/RYHSRZGHU ,WKDVQR 2SHQ\RXU/XFN 5&KLGRQ\RUHPRWHWR HIIHFWDWDOOZKHQ 3URWHFWLRQRIKRPHSURSHUW\ :LQQLQJORWWRFDVLQR :HDOWK0RQH\ FRQWURO\RXUORYHUIRUFKHDWLQJ DSSOLHG7RJHWULFK :LQQLQJWHQGHUV )DPLO\PLVXQGHUVWDQGLQJV :LQQLQJELJWHQGHUV DQGORYH\RXDORQH5 LQVWDQWO\\RXDSSO\ 3RZHU )DPH ,QFUHDVLQJ\RXUVDODU\ 1RNXOXQJXEULQJPRQH\LQ VDQJDRLORQ\RXUERG\ &$// )LQLVK6FKRRO *DPEOLQJORWWRFDVLQR \RXUKRXVHIDVWIRUVHYHQ DQGPRQH\ZRQ¶WEHD GD\V50DJLFVWLFNDQG SUREOHPDQ\PRUH)RU 3DVV,QWHUYLHZ 'LGVRPHRQHWDNH\RXU VKRUWER\V50DJLFZDOOHW WKHODGLHVDSSO\VDQJD 5/XZLODQJREULQJPRQH\ ͞/E^dKW^D/>/E' *HW0DUULHG SURSHUW\RUPRQH\" RLOLQ\RXUIDFH\RXU &DOOKLP LQ\RXUDFFRXQWVDPHGD\ PDQZLOODOZD\VEH > %XVLQHVV$WWUDFWLRQ 5HFRYHUORVWPRQH\WR PDJLFPDWULFUHVXOWV5 KLVFRPPDQG6DQJDRLO 0DJLFMLQ[IRULPSURYHGORDQV ZLOOKHDODOOVNLQ zKhZWZK>D^Z^K>s͘ 3HQLV(QODUJHPHQW RWKHUGRFWRUV ZRUNEXVLQHVV55HPRYH GLVHDVHVWKHUHDQGWKHQ XQZDQWHGSHUVRQVDPHGD\ /h^DzZϲϬϴDdKWzK&&>>Dzd^͕'Kd &OHDQLQJRI%DG/XFN ,FDQFOHDQ\RXUGLUW\EODFN ZKHQDSSOLHGQRPDWWHU 5%LQGLQJSURSHUW\ KRZORQJ\RXKDYH ,Kh^͕Z͕Dz^͕ %RG\6KDSLQJ +LSV %XPV PRQH\VDPHGD\QRPDWWHUKRZPXFK KRXVHDQGERG\5+,9 VXIIHUHGIURPLW 3UHJQDQF\3UREOHPV V\PSWRPVVWURNH7%5 $SSO\VDQJDRLORQ\RXU D^s/E'^/Ed,ϯD:KZE<^E 1%$OOWKRVHZLWK ERG\DQGDOOFXUVHVZLOO Kh',d^,Z^/EϯKDWE/^͘ )DYRXUWRJHW5LFK &DOO72'$<IRU$SSRLQWPHQW XQÀQLVKHGMREVSD\DIWHU WXUQLQWREOHVVLQJV &ŝŶĚŵĞDĂĮŬĞŶŐdŽǁŶŽŶůLJZϮϬϬĨŽƌ VXFFHVV LPPHGLDWHO\ )LQG3URI0DPDLQ72:1    ŽŶƐƵůƚĂƟŽŶϬϳϴϱϱϱϲϭϱϭ 18 NOVEMBER 2016 MAHIKENG MAIL PAGE 15 10 17 HUISE TE KOOP VOERTUIE TE KOOP HOUSES FOR SALE VEHICLES FOR SALE

SItUAtED in Golf View. House BAKKIES & SUV’s no deposit: NOTICE IN THE ESTATE OF LATE KAREL WILHELM CORNELUS with Flat. House has 3 big bed- 2010 Mitsubishi Pajero Sport LANDSBERG, IDENTITY NUMBER 4708245018084 OF FARM JU- rooms. Bathroom with bath, 3.2 DiD Auto R6390 p.m.* 2013 RISCA, VALLEIFONTEIN, ROOIGROND. ESTATE NO: 6821/2016. toilet and shower. Additional Hyundai iX35 R4990 p.m.* 2014 CREDITORS AND DEBTORS IN THE ABOVEMENTIONED ES- Toilet. Large Kitchen. Dining Nissan NP 200 1.6 S/Cab R2890 TATE ARE REQUESTED TO SUBMIT THEIR CLAIMS AND TO PAY Room. Lounge. TV Room. En- p.m.* 2015 Nissan NP200 1.5 THEIR DEBTS TO THE UNDERSIGNED WITHIN 30 DAYS FROM trance Hall. Office. Very large DCi R3490 p.m.* 2012 Isuzu KB THE DATE OF PUBLICATION HEREOF, TO WIT 18 DECEMBER sun room overlooking pool. Pan- 250D/Cab R5290 p.m.* 2014 2016. SCHÖLTZ ATTORNEYS, 55 JAMES MOROKA AVENUE, P.O. try. Scullery. Alarm System. Flat Toyota Hilux 2.5 D4D D/Cab BOX 6025, BAILLIEPARK, 2526, TEL: (018) 293-2822, ATTORNEYS has lounge, Dining area, single R6890 p.m.* 2012 Tata Xenon FOR EXECUTRIX. REF: CS / L033 bedroom with en-suite bath and 2.2D S/Cab R2990 p.m.* 2012 �����������������������������������������������������������������������������K1 18/11 toilet. Fully fitted kitchen. Alarm Mazda Drifter 2.6i R4490 p.m.* NOTICE FORM J 193. REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA. NOTICE System. Swimming Pool. Cov- 2010 Nissan NP 300 2.5TDi S/ TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES. All persons having ered Braai Area. Borehole. Plot Cab 4x4 R3990 p.m.* 2013 claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the is walled with electric fence. Toyota Hilux 2.5 D4D 4x4 D/ Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of Electric gate. R1, 800, 000.00 Cab Canopy R5990 p.m.* 2012 publication hereof. *Mandatory Fields. *Notice Language: English. Neg. Contact Vaughan on Toyota Hilux 2.5 D4D 4x4 D/Cab *Province: North West. Province under which this notice will be 0722201591 Canopy R5890 p.m.* www.dan- grouped in the gazette. A. *Estate Number: 32/2014 *Surname: ------WEBSITE 18/11 Jaco: 082 809 1237. GAREJE. *First Names: LERATO EMILY. *Date of Birth: 1975-04- UNIT 15: 3 bedroom house, fit------35150 18/11-25/11 A/C 25 *ID Number: 7504250797085 *Last Address: 1926 MOTHUSI ted kitchen, lounge, combined NO deposit!!!! 2014 Chevy STREET, UNIT 8, MMABATHO. *Date of Death: 2013-12-31 Master’s bath & toilet, carport, paved, Spark R2290 p.m.* 2012 VW Office: MAFIKENG. B. Only applicable if deceased was married in storage & outside rooms. R550 Polo 1.4 R2790 p.m.* 2009 Ford community of property/subject to the accrual system: First Names of 000. Contact Monica 073 274 Fiesta 1.4 R2490 p.m.* 2010 Surviving Spouse: MAATSO MOSES. Surname of Surviving Spouse: 5439. VW Polo Cross 1.6 R3690 p.m.* GAREJE. Date of Birth of Surviving Spouse: 1968-12-06. ID Num------35162 18/11 2011 VW Polo Vivo 1.6 Sedan ber of Surviving Spouse: 6812065889083 C. *Name of Executor or R2990 p.m.* Authorised Agent: CHRISTIAAN JACOBUS MARITZ *Address of 1 2012 Toyota Etios 1.5 R2650 Executor or Authorised Agent: 49 PROCTOR AVENUE, MAFIKENG, Sell your stuff p.m.* 2011 Nissan Tiida 1.6 2745. D. Period allowed for lodgement of claims, if other than 30 PERSOONLIK Win R2590 p.m.* 2012 Tata Indica days: 30 *Advertiser Name: CHRIS MARITZ ATTORNEY. Advertiser R1999pm* * 2015 VW Polo 1.4 Address: PRIVATE BAG X2103, MAFIKENG 2745. Advertiser Email: PERSONAL and you could Trend R3490 p.m.* 2012 Audi A4 [email protected] *Date Submitted: 2016-11-10 *Advertiser R1000 2.0 TDi R5390 p.m.* 2012 Nis- Telephone: 0183813025/57 san Micra R2590 p.m.* 2009 Su- �����������������������������������������������������������������������������K2 18/11 win big! zuki Alto R2190p.m. www.dan- NOTICE FORM J 193. REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA. NOTICE TO DISNLEYLAND Jaco 082 809 1237. CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES. All persons having claims ------35149 18/11-25/11 A/C against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor EARLY LEARNING concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication 17A hereof. *Mandatory Fields. *Notice Language: English. *Province: CENTRE North West. Province under which this notice will be grouped in the Adverteer en VERVOER gazette. A. *Estate Number: 5189/2016 *Surname: MWIMANENWA REGISTRATION *First Names: THANGTHINI MIRRIAM *Date of Birth: 1931-03-01 TRANSPORT *ID Number: 3103010468089 *Last Addres: 2320 POTHI STREET, OPEN! wen! UNIT 8, MMABATHO *Date of Death: 2016-05-06 Master’s Office: 88 Shippard Street, TAU Furniture Removals cc. MAFIKENG. C. *Name of Executor or Authorised Agent: CHRIS- Mahikeng The Mahikeng Mail recently announced a huge step towards technological Proudly BEE nation wide remov- TIAAN JACOBUS MARITZ *Address of Executor or Authorised advancement by introducing a revolutionary “Classifi ed Ads” module which als. Email: [email protected]. Agent: 49 PROCTOR AVENUE, MAFIKENG, 2745. D. Period al- Age Groups: allows both readers and advertisers to place “smalls” advertisements online. Tel/Fax: 053 841 0168. Tel/Fax: lowed for lodgement of claims, if other than 30 days: 30 *Advertiser 018 381 6152. King of furniture Name: CHRIS MARITZ ATTORNEY. Advertiser Address: PRIVATE Development Here’s how it works: Go to the Mahikeng Mail website (www.mafi kengmail. BAG X2103, MAFIKENG 2745. Advertiser Email: estates@chris-, click on “Submit Classifi ed” and choose a category. Type your ad and removals. Phase 3-4 Years �����������������14060 16/1 AC/TC *Date Submitted: 2016-11-10 *Advertiser Telephone: select the number of weeks you want your ad to run, while noting the price, WIETS Furniture Removals cc. 0183813025/57 Pre Grade R 4-5 years select whether you want to place another ad or pay, register on the left of the 46 Years Experience E-Mail �����������������������������������������������������������������������������K3 18/11 NOTICE In the Award of the Commission for Conciliation, Media- page and select your payment option. You will receive a reference number. [email protected] tel/Fax Grade R 5-6 Years 018 632 1050. ‘‘The best way to tion & Arbitration. North West - Klerksdorp. Case no. NWRB1512- And if you are desperate for cash, you may be excited to learn that the move’’. 16 In the matter between Boyboy Michael Masangane PLAINTIFF Tel: 018 381 6195 Mahikeng Mail will be giving away R1 000 each month to a selected person ------14227 16/1 AC/TC And Mmabana Arts Foundation DEFENDANT. NOTICE OF SALE. IN who places a “small” classifi ed advertisement on it’s website (strictly for PURSUANCE OF AN AWARD OF THE COMMISSION FOR CON- 18 CILIATION, MEDIATION & ARBITRATION NORTH WEST KLERKS- 2 private advertisers). DORP DATED THE 7TH OF JUNE 2016 THE FOLLOWING GOODS BETREKKINGS VAKANT Not only can you advertise in your favourite local newspaper online, but TREKKERS&IMPLEMENTE WILL BE SOLD IN EXECUTION AT 10H00 ON WEDNESDAY THE doing so could bring you some cash in hand as you stand a chance to walk 7TH OF DECEMBER 2016 AT THE OFFICES OF THE SHERIFF TRACTORS&IMPLEMENTS MAGISTRATE’S COURT MOLOPO, 24 JAMES WATT CRESCENT, SITUATIONS VACANT away with a R1 000 cash prize! INDUSTRIAL SITES, MAHIKENG TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR ********************************************************************************************* CASH. 1 X TOYOTA YARIS FTP 266 NW, ENGINE NO. IKR0361477, QUALIFIED Diesel Mechanic. Mahikeng Mail se “Classifi ed Ads” bied lesers en adverteerders die FORD front loader. Good condi- VIN NO. JTDJG923405084158. DATED AT MAHIKENG on 14 NO- Well known agricultural com- geleentheid om ‘n “small” advertensie aanlyn te plaas. Nou kan u nie net tion. R65 000 negotiable. Con- VEMBER 2016. CCMA. 47-51 SIDDLE STREET KLERKSDORP pany with its HQ in Mahikeng, u gunsteling plaaslike koerant aanlyn koop en lees nie, maar u kan nou tact 082 743 7835. 2570. TEL: (018) 487-4600 North West is looking for a full ------35169 18/11 �����������������������������������������������������������������������������K4 18/11 time qualified Diesel Mechanic ook ‘n geklassifi seerde advertensie aanlyn plaas. So werk dit: Gaan na NOTICE IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT with at least 3 years’ working Mahikeng Mail se webtuiste (www.mafi, 20 OF MOLOPO HELD AT MMABATHO CASE NO. 1137/15 EZEKIEL experience. Grade 12 with Trade klik op “Submit Classifi ed” en kies ‘n RANKWANE PHETOE T/A OMOGOLO TRADING & PROJECT CC Test Certificates. Extensive kategorie. Tik u advertensie en kies DIERE EXECUTOR CREDITOR and RONALD FABIAN KATZ EXECUTOR knowledge of tractors and ag- DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE EXECUTION PERSUANT to Warrant ricultural implements. Must be die hoeveelheid weke wat dit moet ANIMALS of Execution dated 11 Feb 2016 and notice of attachment dated competent in servicing and fault verskyn (onthou om die prys te kyk), kies 1ST March 2016 the messenger of the court will sell the Defend- finding. Experience in operating of u nog ‘n advertensie wil plaas of betaal, ant’s Property under mentioned goods, belonging to the Defendant forklifts and telehandlers an ad- CATTLE sheep, goats available on the 7TH December 2016, at 24 James Watt Street, Mafikeng at vantage. Valid code 14 license. registreer op die linkerkant van die blad en for good prices. Delivery avail- 10h00 the highest bidder. (1) 1 x 3 Pc Lounge suite, (2) 1 x 3Pc Willing to work overtime. Salary kies u betaalopsie (u sal ‘n verwysingsnommer able. 078 083 0299. Room divider wallant, (3) 1 x Coffee table, (4) 1 x JVC TV, (5) 1 x KIC negotiable. CV’s can be mailed kry). En as u desperaat is vir kontant behoort u bly ------33267 12/8-22/12 Freezer, (6) 1 x Sony home theatre (7) 1 x Defy Microwave & (8) 1 x to: careers@mpomarketing. te wees om te lees dat die Mahikeng Mail nou elke TWO cows for sale. 1 Male & 1 LG Fridge. DATED AT MONTSHIWA ON THIS THE 5th DAY OF OCT with the subject Diesel female. R11000 for both. Con- 2016. (SIGNED) J.M MOKOTO ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF, 693 Mechanic. Applications close 5 maand R1 000 aan ‘n gelukkige aanlyn adverteerder tact 082 058 5559. CNR ROBERT SOBUKWE & MOLAMU STREET MONTSHIWA, December 2016. sal oorhandig (slegs privaat adverteerders). Dit is nou ------35124 11/11-18/11 2737, TEL/FAX 018 384 1315 REF: JM.P53 CIV/15. ------WEBSITE 18/11 nie net moontlik om aanlyn te adverteer nie, maar om LIVE farm chickens R65 per �����������������������������������������������������������������������������K5 18/11 so te maak kan u dalk net R1 000 ryker maak! chicken. Contact Yolanda 072 NOTICE IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF 774 1691. The Goal Shop in Sta- MAFIKENG HELD AT MMABATHO. Case No: 12/2016 In the mat- tion Road. ter between: BOITUMELO APHIRI EXECUTION CREDITOR And ------35165 18/11-9/12 STANLEY MAKHOBA EXECUTION DEBTOR. NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION. BE PLEASED TO TAKE NOTICE: that a Warrant of Mahikeng 23 Execution was granted by the magistrate Molopo on the 12TH day of SEPTEMBER 2016. The under mentioned goods will be sold at SPESIALE DIENSTE 10H00 on the 07TH DECEMBER 2016 by public auction to be held at 24 James Watt Crescent, Industrial site, Mafikeng by the Sheriff SPECIAL SERVICES for the Magistrate Court Molopo to the highest bidder for cash name. 4 5 10 * 1 X LG PLASMA LCD SCREEN. * 1 X TV STAND. * 1 X 2 PCE DO you need your garage back, LOUNGE SUITE * 1 X LARGE MIRROR * 1 X KIC FRIDGE * 1 X GELD&LENINGS HUISE TE HUUR HUISE TE KOOP extra space? Build a steel hut, LOGIK MICROWAVE. Dated at MMABATHO on the 01ST day of NO- carport from only R6 500. (Com- VEMBER 2016 (Sgd) Execution Creditor. MONEY & LOANS HOUSES TO LET HOUSES FOR SALE plete). 083 997 7776. �����������������������������������������������������������������������������K6 18/11 ------28351 24/6-23/12 NOTICE IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF REMOVAL of Honey bees (pest MAHIKENG HELD AT MMABATHO. CASE NO: 494/10 In the mat- STRUGGLING to pay your ac- UNIT 12: 2 Bedroomhouse fully 3 BEDROOM house for sale in control). Contact Quinton 074 ter between: OASIS VENTURES (PTY) LTD T/A SUPREME AUTO counts? Pay all your debts within furnished kitchen for rent. R3 Unit 12. Double garage with sep- 967 7714. PLAINTIFF and SE MOTHIBI DEFENDANT. NOTICE OF SALE IN 18 months. Contact 018 381 800. 018 381 3863/ 076 393 arate bathroom, main bedroom ------35109 11/11-18/11 EXECUTION. BE PLEASED TO TAKE NOTICE that pursuant a judg- 0633 / 082 433 0557. 5471/ 072 549 3963. en suite. Contact 073 427 7438 BOLENG: Alterations, plumb- ment of the above Honourable Court granted and subsequent a War------34819 21/10-23/12 ------35190 18/11 / 073 226 5273. ing, painting, roofing, ceilings, til- rant of Execution, the following goods will be sold on Wednesday WARNING EASY cash. Big loans. Pawn ------35039 4/11-23/12 the 7TH of December 2016 at 24 Watt Crescent, Industrial Sites, ing. Contact Andy 079 559 1141/ your car. W-upp 071 207 9285. 8 DANVILLE: 3 Bedrooms, 2 061 615 8059. MAHIKENG at 10h00. 1. 1 x Ford Telstar GL. Reg no: FRP 154 NW. Hofi egids ALL Phone 083 463 2032. Fully fur- ALGEMEEN TE HUUR bathrooms, lounge, dining-room, ------35108 11/11-25/11 Vin: AFABFME 41 BR 133884 Engine: KL599697 Colour Blue. DAT- Heading Key nished flat at Margate for sale. TV room & fitted kitchen. Con- DO you want to build? Phone ED at MAHIKENG on this the 14TH day of November 2016. (Sgd) 1. PERSOONLIK ADVERTISEMENTS Big bargain at R900 000. 071 GENERAL FOR HIRE tact 082 668 3410. builder 079 980 8324. DC KRUGER ATTORNEYS. Plaintiff’s Attorneys. 29 North Street PERSONAL 207 9285/ 083 652 9449. ------34992 11/11-18/11 ------35172 18/11-25/11 MAFIKENG Ref: DCK/rm/OAS1-0001 1a. IN MEMORIAM ------15345 4/11-9/12 UNIT 14: 2 bedrooms, lounge, SCARLETT Electrical. Mainte- �����������������������������������������������������������������������������K7 18/11 1b. DOODSBERIGTE RELATING TO: MOBILE fridge for hire. Contact kitchen, bath & toilet, carport. nance & repairs. Call Manie @ NOTICE ESTATE NOTICE IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE MOK- • Loans and fi nancing 018 381 3863/ 076 393 5471/ R400 000. Contact 073 274 082 331 9751. GOETSI MICHAEL MOGASHWA, UNMARRIED, IDENTITY NUM- DEATH NOTICES TIPS FOR 072 549 3963. 5439. ------35181 18/11 BER 510718 5161 088 WHO DURING HIS LIFETIME RESIDED 2. BETREKKINGS • Hire purchase problems / ------35191 18/11 ------35163 18/11 AT 5389 UNIT 13, MMABATHO, NORTH WEST PROVINCE, WHO SITUATIONS VACANT Transfer of installments CLASSIFIED DIED ON THE 23 NOVEMBER 2015. ESTATE NO. 7221/2015. NO- 3. BETREKKINGS GEVRA • Business opportunities 8A 14 TICE is hereby given that the First and Final Liquidation and Distribu- SITUATIONS WANTED • Investments ADVERTISE- tion Account in the abovementioned Estate will lie for inspection at 4. GELD EN LENINGS AKKOMMODASIE BESIGHEDE TE KOOP the office of the Master of the North West High Court, Mafikeng for a MONEY & LOANS • The fi lling of envelopes MENTS period of twenty-one (21) days, as from Friday, 18 November 2016. • Work at home ACCOMODATION BUSINESSES FOR SALE ZISIWE ATTORNEYS. Office No. 10, First Floor. Noordhoek Building. 5. HUISE TE HUUR 1. Plan and write out 21 Main Street, Mahikeng Tel: 018 381 1141. Fax: 086 514 5536 Ref: HOUSES TO LET • Earn extra money Mr Zisiwe/M0012/EST 6. WOONSTELLE TE HUUR • Business propositions your advertisement FURNISHED rooms for hire BUSINESS property in Lichten- 2 �����������������������������������������������������������������������������K8 18/11 FLATS TO LET near town and the University: R1 burg, 5800m of multistory build- NOTICE IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA NORTH WEST • Part-time work before you visit the 2 7. PLOTTE EN PLASE TE HUUR 200 / R1 800 / R2 500 (en suite). ing on 8800m plot. Fully rented. HIGH COURT, MAHIKENG. Case number: M443/2016 In the ex PLOTS AND FARMS FOR HIRE PROHIBITED: Mafikeng Mail. Call 083 997 7776. 082 779 3582. parte application of: MONICA DITSHIKANA LORATO PARKINS First Use of the following ------33606 15/7-12/5/2017 ------33285 18/11 Applicant. MAXWELL OLEBILE PARKINS Second Applicant. For the 8. ALGEMEEN TE HUUR ROOMS with bathrooms to rent GENERAL FOR HIRE words in abovementioned 2. Ensure that the appointment of legal guardians of KELETSO NONOFO TSHITAN- in Lonely Park & storage facili- 15 NYE. NOTICE OF MOTION. BE PLEASED TO TAKE NOTICE THAT 8a. AKKOMMODASIE advertisements are correct particulars ties available. Contact Andy 061 ACCOMMODATION an Application will be made on behalf of the above mentioned Ap- prohibited: and contact details 615 8059. ALGEMEEN TE KOOP plicants on 08 DECEMBER 2016 at 10h00 or as soon thereafter as 9. TE HUUR GEVRA *No Credit Checks required ------35034 4/11-18/11 Counsel for the Applicants may be heard for an order in the following WANTED TO HIRE such as name and/ 2-SLAAPKAMER meenthuis te MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE terms: 1.That the Applicants be assigned legal guardianship of the 10. HUISE TE KOOP *Blacklisted clients welcome huur. R4,200 p.m. Kontak 082 minor child, Keletso Nonofo Tshitannye, in terms of Section 24 of HOUSES FOR SALE *Free Credit etc. or address and 947 0761. ------35095 11/11-25/11 USED tyres for sale. 4 x 265 x 70 the Children’s Act, Act No. 38 of 2005; 2.In the alternative to prayer 11. WOONSTELLE TE KOOP MUST contain the telephone and/or A vacant two bedroom cottage x R16C, R500 neg. each. 4 x 215 1 above, that the Applicants be assigned legal contact and care of FLATS FOR SALE with fabulous amenities, quiet x 80 x R15C, R250 each neg. 2 x the minor child, Keletso Nonofo Tshitannye, in terms of Section 23 of following information in cellphone numbers the Children’s Act, Act No. 38 of 2005; 3. An order that the primary 12. ERWE TE KOOP the advertisement: and secure. R3,500 pm. Elec- 245 x 70 x R16, R250 each neg. STANDS FOR SALE are provided. tricity extra, water free. Call 072 Contact 078 747 2947, 082 925 residence of the minor child be awarded to the Applicants and the Telephone number 302 1098. 4982. Applicants be the primary care-givers; 4. An order that specific pa- 13. PLOTTE EN PLASE TE KOOP rental responsibilities and rights regarding the minor child in terms PLOTS AND FARMS FOR SALE Street address 3. The costs of a ------35122 11/11-18/11 ------35159 18/11 SINGLE & self-contained rooms of Section 18(2) and (3) of the Children’s Act, Act No. 38 of 2005 be 14. BESIGHEDE TE KOOP Name of person and/or classified advertise- awarded to the Applicants; 5. No order as to costs, only in the event BUSINESSES FOR SALE for rent, walkable distance to 15A business. ment is R27,00 for town. Behind Roland Estate. that the application remain unopposed; 6. Further and/or alternative 15. ALGEMEEN TE KOOP These are the Range from R1300 - R2200. 071 SHOPS/OFFICES TO LET relief. KINDLY TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the Affidavit of MONI- MISC. SALES the first 15 words, 816 8800 / 071 976 4923. CA DITSHIKANA LORATO PARKINS and annexures thereto will be 15a. SHOPS/OFFICES TO LET requirements and NO ------35170 18/11-25/11 used in support of the Application. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT 16. TE KOOP GEVRA/WANTED exceptions will be made. and R1,10 per word ONE room garden accommo- the Applicants has appointed the address of their Attorney, set out 17. VOERTUIE TE KOOP All advertisements are dation, full security autogate, below as the address where they will accept Notice of Service of all thereafter. + VAT. parking at 86 Shippard Street. 236m2, 130m2, 100m2 at R110/ process in the proceedings. SIGNED at MAFIKENG on this the 1st VEHICLES FOR SALE placed with the approval 2 2 2 4. Bring your adver- R1,950.00 available end of this m and 85m at R82/m ,office day of September 2016. (Sgd) K.P. SEPEESA ATTORNEYS. APPLI- 17a. VERVOER of the National Press suites to let at 69 Carrington CANT’S ATTORNEY. 3 Jacaranda Avenue Riviera Park MAHIKENG TRANSPORT month. 083 626 7327/ 082 306 Union and it is our tisements in on 0263. with covered parking. W&E ex- Cell: 061 998 4137 Fax: 086 471 5971 Email: sepeesaattorneys@ 18. TREKKERS EN IMPLEMENTE ------35179 18/11 cluded. No VAT applicable. 082 Ref: Ms Sepeesa P0004/Civ TRACTORS AND IMPLEMENTS responsibility as an time. Deadline is NEWLY renovated very huge 743 2379. �����������������������������������������������������������������������������K9 18/11 19. WOONWAENS/CARAVANS advertising medium to Tuesday, 17:00. rooms, upmarket full security, ------34696 14/10 AC/TC NOTICE IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF 20. DIERE/ANIMALS autogate, plenty parking, previ- OFFICES to rent at 32 Car- KIMBERLEY HELD AT KIMBERLEY. Case number: 3864/15 In the ensure that these rules rington Street. Contact 074 745 case between: VICKY WILLEM VAN WYK And WILLIE MARITZ. NO- 21. TE RUIL/TO SWOP are strictly adhered to. 5. We do not amend ously used for business & ac- 22. VERLORE/LOST commodation. Two bedrooms, 0265, 078 929 6674. TICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION. PURSUANT to judgment granted or correct your ------35139 11/11-2/12 on 22 June 2015 for payment of costs which are limited to sheriffs 23. SPESIALE DIENSTE However, it still remains full kitchen at 86 Shippard the responsibility of the Street, R6850. 083 626 7327/ fees and issuing of process and whereby goods were removed, the SPECIAL SERVICES grammar. Ensure 082 306 0263. undermentioned goods will be sold on 07 December 2016, at 10:00 24. VAKANSIEOORDE buyer or consumer to that the spelling and ------35182 18/11 am by public auction to be held at the office of the sheriff, H.C. Acker- HOLIDAY RESORTS thoroughly investigate 1 BEDROOM, 1 lounge with man, 24 James Watt Crescent, Industrial Mafikeng for the magis- 25. KENNISGEWINGS/NOTICES the trustworthiness of the grammar are cor- kitchen, toilet. Amount R1600, trate’s court of Molopo to the highest bidder for cash namely: KIC 26. TENDERS refundable R1000 deposit @ Fridge Metalic (Freezer), 6 Pce Lounge Suite, 9 Pce Dining Room 27. TE LAAT VIR KLASSIFIKASIE advertiser with whom they rect. We only place Setumo Park. Call 076 476 4103 Suite, Samsung Plasma/LCD TV. Sheriff of the Court. Mr V.W. Van TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION. are doing business. what you write. or 072 175 3446. Wyk. 7 Melt Marais Street. Thaba Tswane Pretoria 0187 ------35183 18/11 ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� K10 18/11 PAGE 16 MAHIKENG MAIL 18 NOVEMBER 2016 5$7/28/2&$/081,&,3$/,7< 2I¿FHRIWKH0XQLFLSDO0DQDJHU 3RVWDO$GGUHVV 0U*OHQ/HNRPDQ\DQH 3ULYDWH%DJ; NOTICE IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA. GAUTENG DI VISION, PRETORIA. CASE NO: 14080/2007 In the matter between: 7HO 0DGLERJR PUKI REBECCA SARAH KADI PLAINTIFF and MEC FOR HEALTH &HOO  2ND DEFENDANT. NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION. PERSU ANT TO A WRIT OF EXECUTION against property dated the 31st of )D[ August 2016 and a Notice of Attachment dated 23 September 2016 (PDLOJOHQ#UDWORXJRY]D the Deputy Sheriff will sell the undermentioned goods belonging to ZZZUDWORXJRY]D the 2nd Defendant on WEDNESDAY THE 7th DECEMBER 2016 at 24 JAMES WATT CRESCENT, INDUSTRIAL SITE, MAFIKENG at 10H00, to the highest bidder. 1. HYUNDAI H1 BUS GDF 368 NW. 2. TOYOTA HILUX S/C GDF 439 NW. 3. TOYOTA HILUX D/C LEG END 45 GDF 450 NW. 4. TOYOTA QUANTUM GDF 173 NW 5. VW 5DWORX/RFDO0XQLFLSDOLW\VLWXDWHGLQ6HWODJROHLQWKH1RUWK:HVW3URYLQFHLQYLWHVFRPSHWHQWFDQGLGDWHVWRDSSO\IRUWKH POLO VIVO GDF 444 NW. 6. FORD FIGO GDF 384 NW 7. FORD IROORZLQJSRVLWLRQ FIGO GDF 221 NW 8. NISSAN LEVINA GDF 326 NW 9. FORD FO 0$**,(·60,//(11,80 CUS GDF 219 NW 10. NISSAN NP 300 LTV GDF 328 NW 11. NIS SAN ALMERA GDF 295 NW. SIGNED at POTCHEFSTROOM on 6(1,250$1$*(5&25325$7(6(59,&(6 this 14th day of NOVEMBER 2016. (Signed: GJ PIENAAR) ATTOR ),9(<($5),;('7(50&2175$&7 35,9$7(6&+22/ NEYS FOR PLAINTIFF C/O POTGIETER MARAIS. 1019 FRANCIS 3URFWRU$YHQXH*ROIYLHZ0D¿NHQJ BAARD STREET. HATFIELD, PRETORIA. TEL: 012 342 0343 FAX: 5(48,5(0(176 012 342 0372 REF: POTGIETER V637 7(/)$; ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� K11 18/11 ‡ %DFKHORU'HJUHHLQ3XEOLF$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ0DQDJHPHQW6FLHQFHV/DZRUHTXLYDOHQW PPVSULYDWHVFKRRO#KRWPDLOFRPPPVDFF#KRWPDLOFRP KENNISGEWING IN DIE HOë HOF VAN SUID-AFRIKA GAUTENG ‡ &HUWL¿FDWHLQ0XQLFLSDO)LQDQFH0DQDJHPHQWRU&HUWL¿FDWH3URJUDPLQ0XQLFLSDO'HYHORSPHQW &30' LQOLQHZLWK DISTRIK, JOHANNESBURG. SAAKNOMMER; 2012/35273 In die :(+$9(7($&+,1*326,7,216 saak tussen: GO BIG MEDIA t/a SC DESIGN EISER en ZAZISE 0LQLPXPUHJXODWLRQVRQFRPSHWHQF\OHYHORI COMMUNICATIONS CC VERWEERDER. KENNISGEWING VAN ‡ )LYH\HDUVUHOHYDQWH[SHULHQFHDWPLGGOHPDQDJHPHQWOHYHO GEREGTELIKE VERKOPING VAN ROERENDE GOED. TEN UIT 23(1,1*,1-$18$5< VOERLEGGING van ‘n vonnis van die Hoë Hof, JOHANNESBURG, ‡ +DYHSURYHQVXFFHVVIXOLQVWLWXWLRQDOWUDQVIRUPDWLRQZLWKSXEOLFRUSULYDWHVHFWRU )281'$7,213+$6( *UDGH5 sal ondervermelde goedere om 10:00 op 7 DESEMBER 2016 per ‡ 7KHQHHGWRXQGHUJRVHFXULW\YHWWLQJ publieke veiling te BALJU KANTOOR, 24 JAMES WATT CRES 5HTXLUHPHQWV CENT, MAFIKENG deur die BALJU vir die Hoë Hof van MAFIKENG ‡ 7KHQHHGWRXQGHUJRFRPSHWHQF\DVVHVVPHQWWHVW aan die hoogste bieër vir kontant verkoop word, nl. 1 X ADVERTEN 7HDFKLQJTXDOL¿FDWLRQV 6$&(UHJLVWUDWLRQ SIE BORD OP ROETE 503, LICHTENBURG/MAHIKENG WEG. ‡9DOLGGULYHU¶VOLFHQFHDQG12FULPLQDOUHFRUG GETEKEN te KLERKSDORP op die 15DE dag van NOVEMBER 2016. THERON, JORDAAN & SMIT ING. 81 BUFFELDOORNWEG. 3OHDVHHPDLOID[RUGURSRII\RXU&9 JAVA GEBOU. WILKOPPIES, KLERKSDORP. TEL: 018 462 2703 .12:/('*( VERW: JA VAN ASWEGEN / Kyla / 35212 ‡ *RRGNQRZOHGJHDQGXQGHUVWDQGLQJRIUHOHYDQWSROLF\DQGOHJLVODWLRQ ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� K12 18/11 NOTICE REZONING OF ERF 3878 OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MMA ‡ *RRGXQGHUVWDQGLQJRILQVWLWXWLRQDOJRYHUQDQFHV\VWHPVDQGSHUIRUPDQFHPDQDJHPHQW $JHQW1HHGHG BATHO UNIT 12, REGISTRATION DIVISION JO, NORTH-WEST ż *RRGNQRZOHGJHRIFRUSRUDWHVXSSRUWVHUYLFHVLQFOXGLQJ+XPDQFDSLWDOPDQDJHPHQW/HJDOVHUYLFHV)DFLOLWLHV PROVINCE. Notice is hereby given in terms of the Land Use Plan 7RVHOODIIRUGDEOH)XQHUDO3ROLFLHV ning Ordinance, No. 15 of 1985, read in conjunction with the Spa PDQDJHPHQW,QIRUPDWLRQFRPPXQLFDWLRQWHFKQRORJ\DQG&RXQFLOVXSSRUW tial Planning and Land Use Management Act, (Act 16 of 2013), that DURXQG*UHDWHU0D¿NHQJ the under mentioned application has been received and is open to ‡ *RRGNQRZOHGJHRIVXSSO\FKDLQPDQDJHPHQWUHJXODWLRQVDQGWKH3UHIHUHQWLDO3URFXUHPHQW3ROLF\)UDPHZRUN$FW inspection at the office of the Municipal Manager at the Mahikeng  $FW1RRI Municipal Offices, University Drive, Mmabatho. Enquiries may be 5HTXLUHPHQW directed to the Office of the Director: Planning and Development at ‡ *RRGJRYHUQDQFH ‡%DVLF/LWHUDF\ Telephone Number 018 389 0351 / 0469 / 0353, during normal work ing hours. Any objections, with full reasons thereof, may be lodged ‡ /DERXU5HODWLRQV$FWDQGRWKHUODERXUUHODWHGSUHVFULSWV ‡,QWHUSHUVRQDO6NLOOV in writing at the abovementioned offices on or before 9 December ‡ /HJDOEDFNJURXQGDQG+XPDQFDSLWDOPDQDJHPHQWDQG ‡+RQHVWDQG&UHGLELOLW\ 2016, quoting the above relevant legislation, the objector’s name, erf number, phone numbers and address. Any person who cannot ‡ .QRZOHGJHRIFRRUGLQDWLRQDQGRYHUVLJKWRIDOOVSHFLDOLVHGVXSSRUWIXQFWLRQV ‡$ELOLW\WR:RUN,QGHSHQGHQWO\ write may come to the office mentioned above during office hours ‡ %XGJHWDQG¿QDQFHPDQDJHPHQW where he or she will be assisted with transcribing any comment or 6DODU\FRPPLVVLRQLQFHQWLYHV objection and the reasons therefor. Objections received after the ‡ $ELOLW\WREHDQLQQRYDWLYHDQGVWUDWHJLFOHDGHU aforementioned closing date may be considered invalid. Owner: 6HQG&9WRMZDUDBEXULDO#\DKRRFRP North West Provincial Government. Applicant: Planworks Town ‡ *RRGIDFLOLWDWLRQDQGFRPPXQLFDWLRQVNLOOVLQDWOHDVWWZRRIWKHWKUHHRI¿FLDOODQJXDJHV Planners cc. Address: The Property is situated in Dorothy Street, &DOO Unit 12, Mmabatho. Nature of Application: Rezoning in terms of Sec tion 17 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance, No. 15 of 1985, of Erf .(<3(5)250$1&($5($6 3878 of the Township of Mmabatho Unit 12, Registration Division ‡ 3URYLGLQJDQDGYLVRU\UROHWR&RXQFLOUHJDUGLQJDOODVSHFWVIDOOLQJZLWKLQWKHVFRSHRIZRUNDQGFDUU\LQJRXW&RXQFLO JO, North-West Province, from “Institutional” to “Residential 6”, in order to permit “one or two dwelling units.” GHFLVLRQV ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� K13 18/11 ‡ 'HYHORSPHQW LPSOHPHQWDWLRQ DQG PDQDJHPHQW RI VWUDWHJLF JRDOV SROLFLHV SURFHGXUH DQG SODQV IRU 'LUHFWRUDWH DOLJQHGZLWKWKHPXQLFLSDOVWUDWHJLFJRDOV ‡ 3URYLGLQJOHJDODGYLFHQGDGPLQLVWUDWLRQVHUYLFHV 9DFDQW3RVLWLRQ ‡ $GPLQLVWHULQJSURSHUW\HVWDWHV&RPSLOLQJDQGXSGDWLQJGHOHJDWHGSRZHUVDQGSROLF\PDWWHU ‡ 7DNLQJUHVSRQVLELOLW\IRUWKHVHFUHWDULDOVHUYLFHVRIWKHZKROH&RXQFLO &HQWUH0DQDJHU ‡ 8SGDWLQJVWDWXWHVDQG&RXQFLO%\/DZV+XPDQ5HVRXUFH0DQDJHPHQWLQFOXGLQJ3HUVRQQHO3URYLVLRQDQG/DERXU 0D¿NHQJ0DOO 5HODWLRQV2UJDQL]DWLRQDO'HYHORSPHQWDQG2FFXSDWLRQDO+HDOWKDQG6DIHW\ ‡ 2YHUVHHLQJWKHLPSOHPHQWDWLRQRI%&($&ROOHFWLYH$JUHHPHQWVSHU/DERXU5HODWLRQV$FW(PSOR\PHQW(TXLW\3ODQ &RQWDFW3HUVRQ(QJHOD(UDVPXV DQG6NLOOV'HYHORSPHQW3ODQ  ‡ 3URYLGLQJVWUDWHJLF+XPDQ5HVRXUFHVGLUHFWLRQDGYLFHDQGOLDLVRQVHUYLFHVWROLQHIXQFWLRQDULHVDQGPDQDJHPHQW (PDLO&9HHUDVPXV#EUROOFRP ‡ 'HYHORSPHQWRISHUIRUPDQFHFRQWUDFWVRIPDQDJHUVDQGIDFLOLWDWLQJWKHLPSOHPHQWDWLRQWKHUHRI ‡ 2YHUVHHLQJ5HFRUGV0DQDJHPHQWDQG3URPRWLQJVRXQG/DERXU5HODWLRQV &ORVLQJGDWH1RYHPEHU

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# 394 Double 8 6 7 3 1 1 7 3 tragic Clinic Sister 3 2 9 murder 7 4 3 MAHIKENG MAIL – MAHIKENG: - Makeng Processing Plant African National Congress Women’s League in Bokone Bophirima deep shock at the Supreme Poultry,with its Head Ofce in Potchefstroom, is the third largest broiler meat producer in South Africa. 6 8 4 senseless murder of a young mother and her The ideal person will be in possession of a Primary Health Care and daughter allegedly by a boyfriend who is not Occupational Health qualication at tertiary level, as well as a primary even a biological father to the two-year-old health caremedicines dispensing licence. Three years’ Occupational 5 3 2 6 girl. Health Clinic Management experience is an inherent requirement. In this operational role, the successful candidate will be responsible and These tragic murders of the two took place in accountable for the effectivemanagement of the Makeng Abattoir Clinic. Taung near Vryburg in the North West Province. Other responsibilities include the following: 1 4 2 It18 was Novembersaid that the murder took2016 place last •Management of the day-to-day clinic activities • Knowledge of applicable Sunday and the bodies were only discovered the legislation and Occupational Safety and Health Act•Planning, direction following Tuesday. and co-ordination of health risk assessment of the Abattoir •Measuring of risk assessment results•Formulation of objectives for 7 5 “The ANCWL would like to commend the clinic • Establishing general sound working relationships • Liaison the police for quick response on the matter by with authorities and Occupational Health Practitioners • Liaison with the arresting the alleged killer who is now locked in Commissioner for Occupational Injuries and Diseases. 4 3 1 5 9 8 police cells and is expected to appear in the local The remuneration is competitive and the successful candidate will report directly to the Human Resources Manager,Tigane Processing Plant. magistrate court on Tuesday next week. We are appealing to our members and members of the Applications can be directed to: The HR Manager at e-mail: Naam: ...... [email protected] Win R100!!! # 392 community to flock to Taung Magistrate Court Closing date: 25 November 2016. Adres: ...... 6 8 3 1 2 9 to register their dismay and protest at the killing We would welcome applications from designated groups in of women and children. We are appealing to the linewith our Employment Equity Policy. Tel no: ...... 2 8 4 1 Magistrate not to grant the suspect bail as this Notethat onlyshort-listedcandidates will be contacted. would be undermining our struggle against the 9 4 7 abuse of women and children. ID no: ...... “As the ANCWL we would like to express 8 2 5 our condolences and we also pledge our full 4 6 8 support to the Sethi family more that this tragic death takes place on the eve of launching the 16 .DKEͲd/E'DhE//W>DE'Z fast tracking service delivery to better the lives of \RXUQDPHDQGQXPEHUWR ZZZEDVDG]LFR]D EDVDG]LPHGLDDGYHUWLVLQJ Bokone Bophirima citizenry”. PAGE 18 MAHIKENG MAIL 18 NOVEMBER 2016 DA opposes municipal “Look after your kid”, MEC manager’s salary increase Motlhabane urged parents MAHIKENG MAIL –LEHURUTSHE; The Democratic Alliance in Ramotshere Moiloa has called on MAHIKENG MAIL –MAHIKENG: North West MEC for Community Safety and Local Government MEC, Fenny Gaolaolwe, to probe appointment procedures within the municipality and expose any irregular appointment of officials. Transport Management, Dr Mokgantshang “Mpho” Motlhabane has appealed to parents to take good care of their kids, especially during the rainy season. This, the DA said followed after the MEC currently owed Eskom more than R24 million. Motlhabane said the hot weather conditions dangers of letting children to go out to these confirmed in a letter that the Acting Municipal “The DA’s investigation revealed that Thompson Manager, Thompson Phakalane, did not have relevant met with Eskom last week, but the meeting as well as at times tempt children to go to swimming places at all or that when the kids go out for qualifications to hold his position. The DA said the the outcomes from the meeting are kept a secret. pools and quarries where they can find water swimming they must do so under MEC stated in the letter that she did not approve his “This is unconstitutional, seeing that the for swimming which he said needed to be strict parental supervision.” appointment. municipality has already suffered a further R12 million done under strict parental supervision. The MEC has since sent his heartfelt “Phakalane was appointed without following any loss due to lower electricity sales in the previous Motlhabane was reacting to the discovery condolences to the Senyoka family. “This is processes or procedures in December last year. “It is financial year. “Despite the current financial crisis, of the remains of 7-year-old Onkemetse indeed a trying time for the family. May the unacceptable that this already bankrupt municipality Thompson’s office has requested a salary increase for Senyoka of Moshawane Village in Mahikeng good Lord give them strength and comfort,” is further managed into the ground by unqualified himself and his directors. whose body was found a day after he had he concluded. people who are supposed to oversee service delivery, “MEC Gaolaolwe must probe appointment drowned in a quarry nearby. and carefully work with precious public money.” The procedures within the municipality and to expose any “Kids must be taken to designated opposition party said the municipality had already irregular appointment of officials”, said Nicolize van Police divers searching depleted its current budget due to overspending and der Walt, DA NW Communications Manager. swimming areas which are secured and safe. for Onkemetse’s body, At the moment, since we are experiencing lots which was found in of rain, most kids see this as an opportunity for them to go out and play in the water. one of the quarries in “This is very dangerous because some of the nearby area from )256$/( them don’t know how to swim and if there his home village. %HGURRP+RXVHLQ:DWHUNORRI3UHWRULD5 is no parent to supervise them, they will not know what to do in order to survive or save another if an emergency situation arises.” Estate Agent : Riana Mostert Police said that Onkemetse was accompanied by his other six friends who didn’t report his drowning on the same day but only told the teachers the following when they arrived at school. 5 “When a child is not back home in the evening, that should be enough alarm One of the most sought a er and for parents to start worrying about the popular retirement complexes - whereabouts of the children.” Riana Mostert Sole mandate Renaissance- Faerie Glen, Pretoria! The concerned MEC said the department Waterkloof (Pretoria) - older family home on O ering you a spacious 171 sqm unit with two would engage other relevant departments and lovely full stand -2430sqm, tennis court, large bedrooms, a spacious lounge cum dining stakeholders with an intention to educate. He swimming pool. Close to the best Afrikaans and room and of course a farm kitchen plus double further encouraged the communities to be English schools in Pretoria. Four bedrooms, garages aswell. e established complex o ers alert as this was “the only way we could study, dining cum living area, with beautiful community hall with kitchen facilities , and meals avert what happened to Onkemetse. parquet oors , re place, huge stoep, double to order. Tight security to let you live with peace “We will engage with our counterparts to garage and two carports. Serious seller! of mind. Serious seller, priced correctly. educate our communities out there about the 7(/&(// &HOO7HO 5$7/28/2&$/081,&,3$/,7< 2I¿FHRIWKH0XQLFLSDO0DQDJHU 3RVWDO$GGUHVV 0U*OHQ/HNRPDQ\DQH 3ULYDWH%DJ; 7HO 0DGLERJR &HOO  )D[ (PDLOJOHQ#UDWORXJRY]D ZZZUDWORXJRY]D






6*' */(1/(.20$1<$1( 081,&,3$/0$1$*(5 6(7/$$*2/$6(76+$%$6( 18 NOVEMBER 2016 MAHIKENG MAIL PAGE 19 Smit goes golfing for Witrand Hospital CEO Scoops Public Gary Player charity Service Life Time Achiever Award MAHIKENG MAIL – MAHIKENG: World Cup-winning MAHIKENG MAIL – MAHIKENG: The Chief Executive Springbok captain, John Smit will make his debut in the South Officer of Witrand Psychiatric Hospital situated in the African leg of the global Gary Player Invitational series when North West Province within the Dr Kenneth Kaunda he joins a strong field of professional golfers, sports stars, District in Potchefstroom, Naledi Lavinia Mocwaledi- celebrities and business leaders at Sun City later this month. Senyane was awarded the Public Service Life Time Smit joins sporting greats such as fellow Springbok Butch Achievers Award at the National Batho Pele Excellence James, the football duo of former England and Manchester Awards hosted by the Ministry of Public Service on United star, Andy Cole and former Bafana Bafana and Kaizer Friday at the Birchwood Hotel in Ekurhuleni. Chiefs defender Jimmy Tau, 2005 US Open champion Michael With thirty seven years of unbroken selfless service within Campbell, South African Olympic swimming great, Roland the North West Province Department of Health, Mocwaledi- Schoeman, South African Olympic golfer, Paula Reto and Senyane began her career as a registered Nurse at the then European Tour winner, Haydn Porteous in this prestigious George Stegman Hospital in Moruleng and charity tournament to be played at the Lost City Golf Club from continued working in different clinics and facilities November 24-27. between Bojanala, Ngaka Modiri Molema and Dr Kenneth Irish singer and long-time Gary Player Invitational supporter, Kaunda District respectively pioneering improvement Brian McFadden will also be at Sun City to support Player’s mechanisms both at health care facilities and Hospital charity drive for underprivileged children and The Player environment. Foundation’s quest to raise US$100 million for charity. She joined the Kleksdorp-Tshepong hospital Complex as The Gary Player Invitational presented by Coca-Cola is now an Assistant in its 17th year as South Africa’s premier charity event and has Director Nursing services before becoming Deputy helped The Player Foundation raise more than R800 million Director Nursing services in 2005. across the world for various charities. In 2010 she became the first African female in the History The proceeds from the South African tournament will go to of Witrand Hospital to be a Chief Executive Officer, a various selected charity beneficiaries including Wings and position she still holds to date. At the helm of her leadership Wishes and Wildlands. at Witrand Hospital she has been successful in transforming Smit has played in the Gary Player Invitational series in England and professionalizing the Hospital while implementing before, and South African rugby’s most capped captain in history service delivery initiatives making the hospital one of the is looking forward to his debut in the Sun City tournament. best in the Province and the Country. “It’s extremely humbling to see how much money is raised “Life time achievers award is a culmination of the hard for charity through the Gary Player Invitational tournaments. It work that I have invested in the Public Service and honestly is really a privilege to be part of such a worthy cause,” he said. the successes were made possible by the teams that I have “I’m very honoured to be able to join so many other sportsmen led in different successful projects that I have been part of in and leaders in their field in the South African tournament, the broader Health care services, this where we can hopefully raise even more money for the various award came at a time where as a female African leader charities.” you are faced with huge challenges however one focuses Player has welcomed the field as yet another example of how on being a determined leader with a specific focus of sport can change society. professionalizing the Public service and making an impact “Our great leader Nelson Mandela always said sport has the in the lives of the less fortunate whom are our patients. On power to change the world, and it’s through the support of our a lighter note I am humbled by the fact that my contribution leading sportsmen and women that we are able to do our part and efforts were realized while I am still serving in the Witrand hospital CEO and life time achiever and change the lives of thousands of underprivileged children Public sector,” said the happy Mocwaledi- Senyane. award winner, Naledi Mocwaledi-Senyane. through the Gary Player Invitational series,” he said. PAGE 20 MAHIKENG MAIL 18 NOVEMBER 2016

SAB empowers grassroots development

MAHIKENG MAIL – MAHIKENG: The South African Breweries’ commitment to grassroots football development has been elevated to new heights. As sponsors of the country’s largest grassroots football development league in partnership with SAFA, the new edition of the SAB League Skills Camp was launched over the weekend. The SAB League Skills Camp is set to take our communities and beyond,” said Phukubye. place at University of Pretoria’s High Performance More than 15 years since its sponsorship of the Centre in Pretoria and will see coaches, match SAB League in 2000, SAB has been the proud officials and league coordinators across the 52 pioneers of grassroots football development – SAFA Regions attending a week-long course spearheading the largest grassroots development where they will be accredited with qualifications league on the continent that boasts over 30 000 within their respective areas. players participating on a weekly basis across the Under the auspices of highly esteemed FIFA country. and SAFA instructors, a total of 30 Match Officials ”The SAB League plays a significant role chosen from some of the most remote areas in the in SAFA’s mandate of football development country will take part in a SAFA Level 4 Match in pursuit of our vision for 2022. We value the Official Course. wonderful relationship we have developed To ensure the smooth operation of the SAB with our lifetime partners and thank them for League, all 52 SAFA regional secretaries will the great work that they are doing for football also form part of the Skills Camp for an in-depth development”, said SAFA CEO, Dennis Mumble. course of Sports Administration to improve the SAB League Skills Camp Key Dates: operations of the league. November 20 – 25. SAB’s Economic Development Manager, Octavius Phukubye emphasized SAB’s Greater Mahikeng commitment to football development ahead of the groundbreaking initiative. Orlando Pirates meeting ”Our sponsorship of the SAB League has been elevated to new and even more Mahikeng Mail-Mahikeng- The Greater impactful heights. Our approach in recent times Mahikeng Orlando Pirates supporters has been for us to holistically develop players, club invites one and all to a meeting at coaches, match officials and administrators of the 12616 Mocoseng (near Vicky’s tavern) on league. This is to ensure that the difference that we November 20 at 13h00. make in football development goes beyond the 90 For more information contact Gao on minutes of a soccer pitch but reaches further into 0788519453 / Chris on 0765353990.