Read us and advertise online - www.mafikengmail.co.za - like Last chance to win R3000 in the matric farewell photo competition The ever so popular Matric Fare- well competition is drawing to a Audit Bureau of Circulations of South Africa close on Sunday, November 20. transparency you can see To get your hands on the prize Accurate. Believable. Consistent money, be sure to enter on our web- site – www.mafikengmail.co.za. En- tries are only R50 (VAT included) Audit Bureau of Circulations of South Africa Established 1889 transparency you can see per photograph. You may enter as Accurate. Believable. Consistent many photographs as you like. The winner will walk away with R1 000 hard cash, as well as R1 000 for his/her school. But Committee calls for dismissal wait, there is more! The reader who is able to correctly pre- dict the Top 3 on a printed of “corrupt” principal ballot form (which will be included in the paper to- MAHIKENG MAIL – MAHIKENG: The Portfolio Standing Committee on Education and Sports Development wards the end of the com- in the North West has given the department seven days to implement the resolutions of a disciplinary hearing petition), will also pocket agreement into fraudulent activities involving the principal of Onkgopotse Tiro Comprehensive School near a whopping R1 000!All Mahikeng. contestants will be The principal, Edwin Teach Kgonothi was charged and without sourcing written quotations. in the paper, on our found guilty of fraud totalling close to R1 million. The Kgonothi had agreed with the department to be moved website and on Face- issue was raised by the committee during the department’s from the school with similar benefits to another location book after the clos- annual results presentation in Mahikeng last week. within the department. The transfer was to have come into ing date. Be sure to vote for your Education MEC, Sello Lehari was urged by the effect in June already. favourite and committee to implement a long overdue settlement Chairperson of the Committee, Boitumelo Moiloa don’t forget agreement between the department and Kgonothi. argued that the department had entered into an agreement to predict the The agreement also included that Kgonthi would with Kgonothi and demanded that the agreement be winner! repay the fund trough a mere one-and-a-half month’s implemented. She said her committee demanded that the salary from his monthly package in R2, 044.66 department implement the agreement. instalments over a period of 24 months. This despite However, MEC Lehari said Kgonothi and the the fact that the department had identified the acts of department had agreed to amend certain clauses of SABC takes fraud which the accused had agreed to. the agreement after Kgonothi had appealed arguing The charges included seven cases of fraud during which that the agreement favoured the department and was Kgonothi had submitted false quotations, approving and biased towards him. paying SGB members and teachers fraudulent claims and The MEC said he expected that the agreements would education forward MAHIKENG MAIL – MAHIKENG: The South African procuring services and goods from various companies be implemented sometime this week. Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) will continue on its journey to play a leading role in developing the educational skills of especially young people in the country despite undue criticism levelled against its poised standing in the public domain. This message was delivered at the SABC’s provincial offices in Mahikeng on Tuesday by officials of the public broadcaster during the launch of the WALLIS Training Institution which offers sound technology and film and television learnership programmes. The training institution is situated at the Mmabatho-based broadcast centre and accommodates about 40 learners who have enrolled in the sound technology, film and television learnership programme. The learners come from various locations across the province. Addressing officials from various organisations including the provincial administration represented by the provincial director general, Lydia Sebego, SABC’s provincial general manager, Dan Mongale said in line with its overall responsibilities as a public broadcaster, the SABC played an important role in the development of both the country and its people. He called for improved public partnership with the SABC adding that entities such as the South African Revenue Services (SARS) must help in taking that process forward. Mongale said while students in various institutions of higher learning across the country were advocating for “#feesmustfall”, the Continued on page 3 Learners taking part in the WAL- LIS learnership programmes at the SABC centre in Mahikeng ^ůƵŵďĞƌƚĞĐŚ ^ůĞĞƉ^ĞŶƐĞWĞĂƌů pictured during the launch of the programmes on Tuesday. (Picture by Otsile Tlape.) ŽƵďůĞ ƵďůĞ Ğ^Ğƚ Ğ^Ğƚ 13 Martin Street; ^sZϰϬϬ /,0,7(' ^sZϲϬϬ Galleria Arcade; ĂƐŚ 672&. ĂƐŚ Shop no 1 & 2 5 5 ^ůĞĞƉ^ĞŶƐĞ'ŽůĚ ^ĞĂůLJWŽƐƚƵƌĞƉĞĚŝĐ E-mail: [email protected] ǀŝŐŶŽŶ GPS Co-ordinates: 25” 51’ 49,42 S • 25” 35’ 40,52 E YƵĞĞŶ ĞĞŶ ƐĞ^Ğƚ 18 NOVEMBER 2016 ^Ğƚ ^sZϴϬϬ ^sZϭϬϬϬ Tel: 018 381 1330/ ĂƐŚ 21/< ĂƐŚ 381 2884 5 5 Fax: 018 381 0425 R4-00 VAT INCL PAGE 2 MAHIKENG MAIL 18 NOVEMBER 2016 Spectacular Supermoon observed worldwide Mahikeng Mail-Mahikeng- On Tuesday ,November 14 ,the biggest Supermoon in 68 with a total lunar eclipse. The most recent years was viewed by millions of enthusiasts around the globe. occurrence of this was in September 2015, The so-called supermoon reached the crest turned full after midnight of November 15. while the next time will be in October 2033. of its full phase on November 14 at 13h52 The supermoon, which was the closest and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Along brightest moon of 2016, was the second of the longitudes of Europe and Africa, this three consecutive supermoons for this year. moon could be best seen on the nights of The previous one appeared on October 16 November 14-15. The moon turned precisely and the last one is expected to appear on One of our readers, Leonie Botha, full in most countries in the evening hours of December 14. captured the historic moment of the November 14, but in New Zealand, it only With only 356,511 kilometres away from supermoon on November 14. the center of Earth, the moon had not been this close since January 26, 1948. It will not Calling all Bethel be closer until November 25, 2034 and the High alumni closest supermoon of the century is expected to occur on December 6, 2052. MAHIKENG MAIL – MAHIKENG: A supermoon is the coincidence of a full All Bethel High School Ex-students moon or a new moon with the closest in Bodenstein, from all over the approach the moon makes to the Earth on North West and other provinces its elliptical orbit, resulting in the largest countrywide are invited to a meeting apparent size of the lunar disk as seen from at the school in Bodenstein to be held Earth. Occasionally, a supermoon coincides on November 19 at 09h00. The meeting is to discuss all former students’ reunion, when the school will The power is in your hands be celebrating 100 years of existence in 2017. Further information is available from Ben Kgotle on 079 754 2988 or &DVK$GYDQFH Pontsho Meshe on 073 170 7935. :KLOHZDLWLQJIRU 9 3HQVLRQ3DFNDJH 9 3URYLGHQWIXQG Happy birthday! 9 5HWUHQFKPHQWEHQH¿WV 9 3UR¿WIURP6DOHRI+RXVH 2IÀFHQR_&DUULQJWRQ 6WUHHW_0DÀNHQJ 7HO &HOO For the first time in the history of the Miss South Africa pageant, license own- /($'(56,162/$5 ers Sun International, in collaboration with Cell C, invite members of the public 32:(5$1'/('/,*+7,1* )LUVW6WUHHW,QGXVWULDO6LWHV0DÀNHQJ to vote for their favourite Semi-Finalist and propel her into the Top 12. They will then be able to vote for which girl they believe should wear the Miss South Africa +RPH6RODU'& crown. The Top 26 Miss South Africa Semi-Finalists – who are vying for the title /LJKWLQJ.LW$YDLODEOH of Miss South Africa 2017 – were announced earlier this year. They will compete )7)7)7/(' for the prestigious title at the Sun City Superbowl on March 26 in an event which )ORXUHVFHQW)LWWLQJV will be televised live and simulcast on M-Net and Mzansi Magic. The first phase of Carlos Santos Junior Manacas celebrat- th the public voting opened on Tuesday ( November 15, 2016) and runs until Friday, ed his 6 birthday on November 9 with January 13, 2017 at 23:59:59. During phase one, the Semi-Finalist who receives family and friends. His loved ones used the most public votes will automatically become one of the Top 12 Miss South the opportunity to express their love Africa 2017 Finalists. Up for grabs are double tickets to attend the live Miss South and blessings over him. Africa pageant at Sun City for 10 lucky voters. The second round of public voting is scheduled to open in February 2017 when the Top 12 Miss SA 2017 Finalists are REGISTRATION IN PROGRESS 6ROLG)RXQGDWLRQ3ULYDWH 7DLORUHG&XUULFXOXPZLWK announced. 6FKRROLVQRZRSHQ TXDOLÀHGUHJLVWHUHGWHDFKHUV IRU)RXQGDWLRQ3KDVH *$23$/(/:( 7HDFKHU/HDUQHUUDWLR JUDGHV5 UHJLVWUDWLRQ 0$),.(1*/8&(51( 9,372,/(7 IRU-$18$5< %DFNHGE\DDQ :+2/(6$/(56 +,5( 02%,/( (GXFDWLRQDO3V\FKRORJLVW )5,'*( +XUU\/LPLWHGVSDFHV 6SHHFK7KHUDSLVW ZϵϱͬĂůĞ OHIW DQG2FFXSDWLRQDO 62/,')281'$7,21 -DPHV:DWW 35,9$7(6&+22/ &UHVFHQW &/$5('21*2/)9,(: &RQWDFW6WHIDQ/RXUHQV ,QGXVWULDO6LWHV 0D¿NHQJ 0$+,.(1* &RQWDFW 5XVWHQEXUJ 0DÀNHQJ 1RUWKDP 7HO 7HO `` 5HJ1R¶ 7UDGHLQV:HOFRPH IDVWSULQW#PZHEFR]DPDILNHQJ#IDVWSULQWDQGVLJQVFR]DDGPLQIDVWSULQW#PZHEFR]D /(6(','(17$/&(175( 7+$3(/27,36 %,%/(75$,1,1* 35(6(176$1 '57(7:$/$ %'6 $9(1,1*:,7+ 0,1,675<
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