HYPAPANTE. on the Fortieth Day from His Nativity, Jesus, the Christ
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Th ee Bi-MBi-Monthlyonthly MagMagazineazine ofof thethe PrPrayerayer BBookook SSocietyociety MVolume 27, Number ANDATJanuary / FebruaryE 2004 IN THIS ISSUE Where can I fi nd a church that uses the 928 BCP? Page 2 Th e Festival on February 2 Page 3 Th e Name of Anglican Page 5 Th e Anglican Communion, what is it? Page 6 Th e National Church Principle Page 7 On Anglican Unity in the USA Page 8 Anglicans meet in Orlando Page 9 Irreparable Damage to ECUSA? Page Experience as a theological source Page 3 On February 2, the Church celebrates the Woe and Woe Page 4 UNIQUE MEETING — HYPAPANTE. Epiphany 5 & Propers Page 5 On the fortieth day from his Nativity, Jesus, the Christ, Obtaining a Prayer Book is presented in the Temple before his Father and to Page 6 fulfi l the Law of Moses. On the cover: Raphael, Th e Presentation We call the Festival by various names — Hypapante, in the Temple. Candlemas, the Presentation & the Purifi cation. Where can I fi nd a e list parishes using the Concerned Churchmen. Th is directory 928 BCP by state or area, does not tell what prayer book is used. church that their ecclesiastical jurisdic- You may order from the editor, Mrs. Jane uses the Wtion (Episcopal Church or “Continuing Nones, 4800 Dupont Avenue South, Min- Church”), and all of their services, if from neapolis, MN 55409, telephone: (62)824 928 Prayer the 928, or the ones that use the 928 3933. Book? BCP. Th e Reformed Episcopal Church Please let us know of other parishes uses a Prayer Book which includes both that use the 928 BCP. We are glad to the 662 (Church of England) and much know of them, and also that folks are from the 928. reading Mandate. Since we can only list An excellent reference is the Directory each parish once, it might be a good idea of Traditional Anglican and Episcopal to keep the issues of Mandate that have Parishes, published by the Fellowship of this column to use for future reference. Oklahoma Oklahoma City Th e Rt. Rev. Frederick G. Morrison, Rector Church of the Holy Cross Th e Rev. James G. Dwen, Jr., Deacon (Anglican Province of Christ the King) Assistant 0509 North Council Road Th e Rev. John Sauter, Deacon Assistant Please remember to Oklahoma City, OK 7362 405 722 3440 St. Augustine of Canterbury (Indepen- be generous to the Sunday 8:00 am Holy Communion dent) 0:00 am Holy Communion 3333 East 4st Street (Freeman Harris Prayer Book Th e Rev. George E. Miley, Rector Chapel) Tulsa, OK Society in your Good Shepherd Mailing Address: P.O. Box 700443 (Independent) Tulsa, OK 7470-0443 Christian giving 382 North Scott 98 743 487 (Edmond Seventh Day Adventist Sunday 9:30 am Morning Prayer and also to mention Church) 0:00 am Holy Communion Edmond, OK Th e Rt. Rev. Lee Poteet, Priest-in-Charge it in your will. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 32 Th e Rev. Glen Lightfoot, Priest Assistant Edmond, OK 73083 405 340 2425 St. Michael’s Church (Reformed Episcopal Sunday 0:00 am Holy Communion Church) Th e Rev. J. Michael Robertson, Rector 8837 South Garnett Road Broken Arrow, OK 7402 Tulsa Area 98 252 2 Sunday 8:00 am Holy Communion Please write the Rev. Fr. David C. All Saints Pro-Cathedral (Anglican Prov- 0:00 am Holy Communion Kennedy, SSC, at 325 Cardinal Lane, ince of Christ the King) 6:00 pm Evening Prayer Lantana, FL 33462-4205 if you know 4040 East 9st Street Th e Rev. Jack K. Bradberry, Jr., Rector of parishes that use the 928 BCP. Tulsa, OK 7437-329 Th e Rev. Robert Ahrens, Associate Needless to say it will take a long time 98 298 404 Th e Rev. Joshua Grote, Deacon to list them all! Praise God for that!!! Sunday 0:00 am Holy Communion Th e Rev. Robert Bearer, Deacon THE MANDATE January / February 2004 Volume 27 , Number Editor: Th e Rev’d Dr.. Peter Toon • Design/Layout: Boldface Graphics Th e Members of the Board of Directors of the Prayer Book Society: The Rev’d Wayland Coe (Texas); Th e Rev’d Joseph S. Falzone (Pennsylvania); Mr. Michael W. Freeland (Pennsylvania); Dr.. Herb Guerry (Georgia); Th e Rev’d David C Kennedy SSC (Florida); Th e Rev’d Bill Martin (California); Th e Rev’d Jonathan Ostman III, SSC (Rhode Island); Mrs Marilyn Ruzicka (New York); Mrs Miriam K. Stauff (Wisconsin); Th e Rev’d Dr.. Peter Toon (England); Mr. Luther Dan Wallis (California); & Mr. W. Denman Zirkle (Florida). MANDATE is published six times a year by the Prayer Book Society, a non-profi t organization serving the Church. All gifts to the P.B.S. are tax deductible. Recipients of Mandate are encouraged to send a minimum gift of $28.00. Editorial and all other correspondence: P.O. Box 35220, Philadelphia, PA 928. Phone -800-PBS-928. Postmaster: Please send address changes to the above address. ANDATANDAT world-wide web address is http://www.episcopalian.org/pbs928 M PagePage 2 E Hypapante . Candlemas Th e Presentation of Christ in the Temple commonly called Th e Purifi cation of the Blessed Virgin Mary February 2. lmighty and everliving God, we humbly beseech thy Majesty, that, as thy only-begotten Son was this day presented in the temple in the substance of our Afl esh, so we may be presented unto thee with pure and clean hearts, by the same thy Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For the Epistle: Malachi 3.-5 ing to see the Messiah of his people. On seeing Th e Gospel: St Luke 2:22-40. Jesus, he knew that he was looking at the Messiah esus was presented in the Jerusalem Temple at and so taking him in his arms, he praised God and the age of forty days, according to the require- uttered the prayer we now call “Nunc dimittis.” ment of the Law of Moses for a fi rst-born male Th en Simeon turned to bless Mary and Joseph and Jchild. Th ere he was prophesied concerning greeted by both Simeon the messianic vocation and Anna and thus and work of Jesus. Th is there was a meeting small group was then of the fi ve – these two, joined by Anna, a godly Mary, Joseph & Jesus. widow, who also was From the fourth waiting for the advent century, this event has of the Messiah. After been commemorated she had seen Jesus and in the Church by a fes- also recognised him tival which was fi rst as the Messiah, she simply called in Greek, thanked God and spoke Hypapante (the Meet- of the him as the Mes- ing). Later in the Latin siah to many people. West it has been called Th e Epistle read- “Th e Purifi cation of the ing from the prophecy Blessed Virgin Mary” of Malachi speaks of and “Th e Presentation the Messiah coming to of Christ in the Temple.” the Temple of the Lord Th e word, “Candlemas” to purge and to save. is a northern European “Th e Lord whom you name for the festival [Simeon & Anna] seek because there had long shall suddenly come to been a procession with his temple…” lighted candles at the Th e reason why mass on this day. there has been a pro- Th e Gospel reading fuse use of candles in describes the bring- the keeping of this fes- ing of Jesus by Mary and Joseph to the Temple tival over the centuries is simple. It is to proclaim and their off ering of a sacrifi ce as required by the by visible sign the words uttered by Simeon con- Law (Leviticus 2:8; Luke 2:24) after the birth of cerning Jesus, “ a Light to lighten the Gentiles and a fi rst-born son (Exodus 3:2,5) . It continues by the glory of thy people Israel.” presenting Simeon, a devout Jew, who was wait- Th e Collect in Th e Book of Common Prayer ANDAT M Page 3 E (662 & 928) is ancient and comes from the Latin of his Church. through the history of the Western Church into Th e ending of the Collect, by the same thy Son English for the English Prayer Book of the 6th cen- Jesus Christ our Lord, is the only use of “by” in the tury. True to the original intention of the Feast, Collects of the editions of the Prayer Book from the whole emphasis in this prayer is upon Jesus, 549 to 662 in this way. Usually it is “through Jesus who was the center of attention in the Temple on Christ.” Perhaps it was directed against any his fortieth day. It is the commemoration of the idea of addressing intercession to the Blessed fi rst appearance of the Lord of the temple in the Virgin Mary by making it absolutely clear that temple, that temple which he came to love, from Jesus is the sole and only Mediator between where in his boyhood he found it so diffi cult to God and man. tear himself away, and the very temple that he One fi nal comment. As the festival occurs honoured so highly as to cleanse twice during in Epiphany, the season wherein the empha- his ministry (John 2:3-8 & Matthew 2:2-3). sis is upon the manifestation of Christ to the Of course, Mary, his mother, is there in the Gentiles, at his Baptism, and in other ways, it background, for after all she had given birth to fi ts into this theme, being his earliest manifes- the Messiah and, as a faithful Jewess, she had tation inside the house of his heavenly Father.