Resident Birds of the Gomez Farias Region, Tamaulipas, Mexico Freds
Resident Birds of the Gomez Farias Region, Tamaulipas, Mexico FredS. Webster,It. ß.. Middle America'snorthernmost cloud forest,with an avifauna quite unlike thatof southernTexas... The Gomez Farias area of Tamaulipas is a Avifauna is predominantly tropical. Of the unique and fascinating region, and highly ac- speciesthat breed in the cloud forest, lessthan a cessibleto North American birders, being just dozen nest anywhere in the United States. The over 200 miles south-southwest of Brownsville, most commonbreeding bird is the Black-headed Texas, on good highways. Its ornithological Nightingale-thrush.Rufescent Tinamou, Singing features include Middle America's northernmost Quail, Mountain Trogon, Blue-crownedMotmot, cloud forest, with an avifauna quite unlike that three speciesof woodcreepers,Blue Mockingbird found in southern Texas, a succession of and Flame-coloredTanager are someof the other vegetationalzones that, within 20 miles, go from Mexican specieswhich nest here. Larger mam- tropicallowlands -- thorn and deciduousforest -- mals include black bear, coati, tayra, jaguar, to pine forestat 7000 feet. puma and brocketdeer. Rancho del Cielo, which is a convenient center The cloud forest is on the easternslope of the from whichto explorethis area,is a field stationof Sierra de Guatemala, a disjunctsegment of the Texas SouthmostCollege, and is locatedat 3800 Sierra Madre Oriental. The presenceof cloud feet in the Sierra de Guatemala. An equally con- forest at elevations between 3,000 and 4,000 feet venient center nearby is Rancho Cielito, in the (approx.)is owinglargely to the configurationof lowlands, situated on the bank of the Rio Sabinas, the range and the rapid upsurgeof moisture-laden the river in George M.
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