Power of Words on WWII euphemisms.

Williams helps Japan relief efforts.

Spoken word and Asian Americans. 2 JULY 1-14, 2011 LETTERS/COM MENTARY PACIFIC ~ CITIZEN PACIHC 5: CmZEN HOW TO REACH US LETTERS TO THE EDITOR E-mail. pc@padficdtizenag Olline www.padficdtizenag Te (213)620- 1767 Thanks for Reader Enjoys Fax (213) 620-1768 An Open Letter to JACL Mail 250 E. First Street, Suite 301 Honoring Wat Los Angees, CAOO012 The recent departure of PSW Regional Director Craig Ishii and Newspaper STAFF announced departure by National Director Aoyd Mori makes one My late husband was active Executive Edta Card ine Y Aoyag-Stcm wonder why this has comepriorto the national lACLconvention set for in the San 1futeo County JACL this July. Is there something wrong with our organization that dynamic and always enjoyed reading the AsSstant Ed tor visionaries and talented pros are deserting us? Is JACL floundering due Pacific Citizen newspaper. I too Lynda Un to lack of leadership at the top? If declining membership is the issue, enjoy the print. Thank you for Repxt8f then it is time the national board turns things around. your sef'llce. NaleaJ. Ko last year, national JACL proposed a budget that eliminated the PSW Business Manag8f administrative staff position. And once again thePSW regional director Thank you so much for including Ruby Inouye Staci Hisayasu position remains open. Since southern California has the largest JA Wat among the Extr.lOrdinary Redwood City, CA Orculatim population and potential youth membership pool, is it really wise to APAs (Pacific Citizen, 1-hy 6-19, Eva Lau-Ting allow a leadership vacuum to persist? If national has funds to pay for 2011 issue) That's such an honor! Send signed letters with your any regional staff, why isn't there staff located in PSW? If insufficient The 1fuy issue was inspiring. The Pacific Citizen ne w ~p3f name and contact info-mation ~SSN funding is the concern, why not take a page from Ishii's notebook and Actually, each issue is, calling us to 0030-8579) is p.J blisned to: [email protected] S8fTl~mmthly (exCB !=1 mCB in De• develop and implement programs to attract new members? be more active, more courageous, cember and January) by the Japa• If the national JACL boam cannot envision new strategies for in seeking cooperation, respect and nese Am8fican O tiz8f1 s LeagJe, Letters'" increasing membership, bring in peoplewho can. Letthe next generation peace everywhere, all the time. Pacific Citizen, Pacific Citizen 250 E. 1st Street. Suite 301, Los hansform JACL into a 21st century organization that has the vision Thanks for the hard work it takes 250 E. First St. Angees, CA 9)]12 to implement innovative business strategies for the changing times. to be so dedicated to your mission. SJite#301 Peri cdcal postage paid at L. A, CA PCGTMASTER send amress , CA, 90012 manges to Natimal JACL 1765 Patricia Takayama Katie Misaka Sutt8f SI. San Frandoco, CA 94115 San Fernando Valley JACL Ogden, Utah Leiters may be ooitoo for length. JAQ Presid8f1t David Kawamcto Nahmal Directa Floyd Mai PC. EDITCRIAL BOARD NATIONAL DIRECTOR'S REPORT FROM THE MIDWEST Jud th Am o, mairp3fsm: Paul Ni wa, EDC: Kevin Miyazaki, MDC: Beta Hanada, CCDC: vacant, NC• Update on Status of JACL A Program That Inspires IANPDC: Hugh Bur18SO"l, PNVvDC: JEff Itami, IDC: Ondi Harbcttle, By Floyd Mori By Bill Yoshino PSv\oC: Sonya Kuki, Yooth SUBSCRIBE Get a one- year subscriptim ct the While the many JACL volunteers are JACL's Project Community progIam Pacific Citizen newsp3.p3f at appreciated, the organization cannot in has provided a point of www .pacifio::itizen a gor call function without dedicated, hardworking discovery for many of its participants (OOJ ) 956- 6157 staff. The national board is to be com• during the past two years. The progIam ADVERTISE To adv8ftise in the Pacific Citizen, mended for their support in maintaining seeks to empower Japanese American call (000) 956-6157 a e-mail the current staffing level. I know difficult high school students urging them to p::@padficdtiz8f1.ag decisions are ahead, and I trust the board become involved in the community. LEG AL will promote a fair and equitabledistribu• This was the case for Anna Takada No part d this pLt> limtim may be reproilood withcut the express per• tion of funds to continue advocacy and who said: "Soon after the first session, mirnm ct the Pocific Citizen. our focus on youth. There are always im• I found myself questioning why I was Editooals, news am the cpinims ex• portant issues of civil rights which need our attention. experiencing something so amazing so p--esood by cdumri cts ether than the natimal JAQ p--esidoot a naticnal d • People have asked about the reasons for the departure of Ciaig Ishii, late in my adolescent life." recta do rd: ne cessa--ily refi ectJAQ former PSW regional director, and other PSW staff. Personnel matters are Previously, Anna had limited exposure to the JA community, primarily p:jicy Evoots am prcducts oovertised confidential but I can say that it was Craig's personal decision to resign. through the connections of her parents and gIandparents. Prior to her in the Pacific Citizen do net carry the implicit emaoomoot d the JAQ a He was one of our most valued staff participation III Project Community, th s p..iblicatim. We reserve the ri g-,t to members. The tim- I I know ing was unexpected Anna said she knew 'The program no more than two edit crticles. ~ 3]11 but he had indicated previously that his JAs her age. "One seeks to can only imagine," Peri cdcals paid at Los Angeles, tenure would be for a difficult limited time. There she said, "how shocked, refreshed Calif and mailing ctfiCB was certainly no re- quest from myself and delighted I empower felt to discuss LSSUes as his supervisor for him to step down. like identity and community with JACL MEMBERS We were sorry to see him leave. teenagelS with Japanese expenences so decisions Change of The PSW office has moved into of- similar to my American high ow. Address fice space with the are ahead Pacific Citizen as The Project Community mandated by the na- tional council in program IS hekl school students from February to If you've moved, 2010. It is our intent to fill the PSW re- April. The weekly sessIOns address I , please send new gional director posi- tion when possible. ISSUes such as the World War II inforrrntion to: National JACI..'s fi- nancial situation is incarceration where share their National JACL difficult at this time as membership revenues have declined more than an• personal wartime experiences. We also invite coalition partnelS to discuss 1765 Sutter st. ticipated. Thus, several key positions have remained vacant including the issues such as immigration and hate crimes. In the past two years there FranciSCO, CA director of public policy. Shrinking discretionary funds have increased have been sessions on college preparation where college counselors and 94115 Allow 6 weeks for the workload for staff. Regional directors are required to handle national students are invited to advise the participants about transition issues they ~ addre" changes. SEE MORI/PAGE 16 SEE YOSHINO/PAGE 16 To avoid interrup• tions in delivery, Correction please notify your postmaster to A potato croquette recipe from JACL's Top Chef Bernice Kida include periodicals in the June 3-16 Food Issue incorrectly listed the ingredients in your change of as 2 cups green peas. The corrected recipe should list 2 to 3 address (USPS Tablespoons of green peas. Form 3575) PACIFIC~ CITIZEN IN-DEPTH JJ LY 1-1 4, 2011 3 One Year After BP Oil Spill, AA Fishermen Struggle to Recover

PHOTO N"'-EA J KO Last August, Siriporn H111 pointed to her boat that sat idle in her front lawn for months after the Deep Water Horizon explosion and oil spill.

Gulf Coast fishermen and community groups spill are still picking up the pieces. "In my opinion, the Gulf Coast has not fully recovered voice their frustrations one year after the Gulf "People are still hurting," said Grace M. Scire, Gulf since the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. 1-hny affected Coast oil spill. Coast development director of the Boat People SOS. ''The individuals have not returned to their jobs as deckhands, boat fishermen, especially the oystermen, don't know when they captains, oyster shuckers and etcetera," said Tuan Nguyen, will get back to where they were before the oil spill. There deputy director of the 1-hry Queen of Vietnam Community By NaleaJ.Ko are a lot of stressors and a lot of mental health issues, even Development Corporation in Louisiana. "Not all claims have Reporter among the children." been paid either." About $42 million was distributed for behavioral health Those affected by the oil spill also received help On a recent early morning, crabber Siriporn Hall, 60, sets payments in :Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida and Alabama. from organizations like JACL, which in 1fuy held its out with her crew of two on the waters off the shores of Those impacted by the oil spill like Hall say they are more Environmental Justice Youth Summit in New Orleans, La. :Mississippi eager to see what the day's catch will bring. concerned about the future of the fishing industry than the Summit attendees were waist-deep in their work, planting The crew anchors near the Petit Bois Island on a sunny day BP claims process. marsh grass in a wildlife refuge in that state. as large waves lap against Hall's boat. Instead of catching crab, Hall has been fishing for Spanish Boyd 1-1ori, national director of the JACL, has traveled to About this time last year Hall's boat was parked in her and King mackerel ever since about 50 percent of her the area and agrees that there is more recovery work needed front yard of her Alabama home with hundreds of dry crab 500-pound catch of crabs died en route to a buyer in Atlanta. in the Gulf Coast. pods stacked along her property line. She had been out work "We've had a ham time selling our crab," said Hall "The Asian American people of the Gulf Coast have for months and was instead busy tabulating her mounting breaking into a laugh. ''The seafood [company] from Atlanta had minimal relief from the BP oil spill," Mori said. ''The monthly bills. came and got it for a little while and now the thing is my claims process has been jammed up with more requests than Not much has changed for Hall since last year's Gulf crabs [have] died. They died easily and smelled real, real solutions. There is a question of the fairness of the process Coast area oil spill, which halted her crabbing business bad. So they cancelled. Here I am. We cannot sell the crab. of forcing fishermen to choose prematurely to a partially temporarily. She returned to crabbing last October, but Hall So we just came out here and went fishing. " known loss amount." says she has had difficulty selling her catch. Hall says she believes the "corrosive water" in the area "Oh, it's bad. You know we can barely make a living," BPhaspaidoutover$4.8 billion in payments to individuals from the oil spill is responsible for the crabs dying so easily. and businesses for claims as of June 23. That total includes said Hall, a Thai American. "We can hardly find the crab. But the 60-year-old's belief that the winter months this year Nobody wants to buy it. The factory doesn't want to buy it. over $395 million of claims paid by BPto individuals and will bring a better catch of crabs strengthens her resolve. business prior to Aug. 23. The seafood [company] doesn't want to buy it" Although rumors are circulating about the safety of fur her losses, Hall was compensated about $40,000 last The expedition to Petit Bois Island came a day after Hall Gulf Coast seafood, officials with the U.S. Food and Drug year. Her deckhands received additional compensation. says she was denied a claim from the Gulf Coast Claims Administration say it is safe to eat But Hall says the compensation she received also covered Rtcility, or GCCF, which was established last August by "We're very confident that the steps that we have put in equipment purchases and mechanical repairs to her boat BP. It was opened with a $20 billion compensation fund place to assure the safety of seafood have worked," said Don This year Hall says she has been uncompensated by BP. following the Deep Water Horizon explosion and oil spill. Kraemar, acting director of the FDA Center for Food Safety "Nobody gets anything right now. After the new year we The Deep Water Horizon explosion on April 20 happened and Applied Nutrition, in a press release. "We put in an never got a dime," she said. "We don't have any money to as the result of a failure with the well's blowout preventer extensive program of sampling, at that time and since then, put in our pockets or the bank. All we have is enough to pay and "loss of control over the pressure in thewell," accoming and the results have consistently been 100 to 1,000 times our bills." to BP. Eleven people were killed in the accident and more below our levels of concern. 80, we're quite confident that The future of the fishing industry might be unstable in the were injured. the seafood that's in commercial channels is safe." Gulf Coast, but Hall's optimism is brightened by the day's Last June Kenneth Feinberg, who had oveISaW the Sept. BPestablished a $500-mi1lion research initiative to study good weather and the promise of a hefty mackerel catch. 11 victims compensation fund, was named administrator of the potential long-term effects to people's health and the "The wind is blowing and the waves are kind of big. But the BPclaims fund. environment the sunshine is pretty," Hall said shortly after anchoring her A total of 518,095 individuals and businesses have been Community organizations working with those affected by boat "I hope we can find more crab and they don't die easily paid as of June 24, according to the GCCF Some 87,264 the oil spill say Hall's story is not uncommon in the Gulf and that's it. IfBPdoesn't help us, we don't mind it. As long claims have been denied. Coast. OtherAsian American fishermen have sought the help as we can find crab, we can find a buyer.". Community organizations say those affected by the oil of these comm unity organizations to help them recover. 4 J l.lY~ I4,2111 IN-DEPTH PACIFIC ~CITlZEN Moving Beyond Euphemisms: Defining the WWII JA Experience



A moremert tochange ~unent .., ..,nology. m~ \lem a paIl a 1heu pIHtIltlUItho J'HI tIepr a Ctno,,..,.,, ~den\ Roooo-wll d .. onbod 1hem '" incarcerntion camp; Is gainIng pace In the '-lill te '-lin d.pend a> whzd \he chopl= tel~ \ley ohcWd IlomettIJabon """,po' on _n>l CIO"""DD2lliol< Japmese Arnenam comm w\lty. ".-""., _ wiD be dis.,..,.ed Id tho ~rw WII ...iunaabotl1ho .. ltIdoy ~ JACLI»1iDml ~ 1h1r1 will be hold In Lao Anjp!IIe m" lnP>"day symposium OoIif hom July7 \:I 10. O>t. 22 tI d.c"," fP""/ItJU"Jt\ euphomtnD. u:;ed tI dioc= n.. .. __ hMd_o:mJinos """lI'lel.pbe ...... Ihat 1ho J~ Ame".,., _lie .... dlLlDll WW11. 0lbeJ Ihe !Wlb:> .. say noed 10 be ~loWIDlI """"atellt 10 otanao F""'rnmente...... I"""" ... artemmont. =mblycerte[ _ [~""'" p Na">a ...... NeilO:unda. Don HMo. _ Rita TobIraohi. used Ie tallaI"",raUOn If ...,"', Ii,,", """"mbly =tIl![ and ",looo.lion """'P "'_ 'My fatter ..... ~tIy taI<>:n """"y from <>M mOle of I20Jlll poople of /opareoe deooen\d ..,~ WW[[ ~ uoed. !be Imrdb:lok a1", "J.8I""t. p~i~ lhloe ...,"" In ...."'~ .""U ....,\h fOUl yow,g dau.gl>.Io"." Nako,ga.... to be cb.>n,sod 'l<>:>I>ticm marla. II furt),,[ m leo OID.l llese I"bel. oould be explorned ." ..... o n .. y ol:m· Ole ",.lood,"1I mn ..pl!roed willt \be " [10 Am.ricanOltra~on compo fatter ...... tolen a_y," toIJ.:in,s abo" tho forced 'eI\'ow! d IA. foli:>...;"g tho ., mpo tte J• ....:,hcomm IIrity ....,1I ",lm:wIed&e \be Il!rm 3te "')'" Itor fatte ...... rt \0 Mi"",\Ja, Monl>m. -..bile ban bi"ll of"'art Harbor by tho JapmoM m:I tho ';81'1"11 of boroentIaoon =p. i, a ",;:neelll!= fIX \be =po OID.I Ito, mohr and tlne .i... " ...... al PoijolIup and tten Exec..ti"" Drcler 9056 by l'Ieoidert Ftanldin D. Roo ...... l, OOlfuM our poople durins WIXI:I WIll II:· NakaB"_ .aid, Minl~ka , ooc~\e '\::h.Il&in& from .u...... i.m. \0 more ·'n 1m, tte Japaneoe Am., """ Naooml M"",urn led " When tte famUy ..Wli+.M I..., YO"" IaW[ al C!)'>t1Ii Cily lermiuiogy i. vila!, r.ooe"ory on:! "'sently nol0B"" with Ie";",. of \be ",,,jor III To_ , Nakqawa .a}, ,Ito did ",1 ["""'8";':0 Itor fatter ~wo., "."""la!, MaID "m, \WI! imoroerat.ed with her fomily J,,"""h Amer.,an C<~:tati= , \be JACL, S.n, Dar.iel "H...... oor/",eod bo, He mi,tool< hi, oeocn1 dalllh" r '" d"'in& WWII ·'Eu..... mi.m. ""n, ..-.::l to:> often do ore ...... I,..,\ijO and Rep. Norm an Mine"" \0 do""l"" "00,...."'", Ii. 01:1." dau.gl>.w.:' Noka.go.wa .aid. ·"He """ ,urprised tte oem ple\ely t.I,in.d 'lOry on:! oct"Iyoya "'i' lead""@)1o\",.of """,r tho Iormird0SY u:;ed in tho E1li. Islard N"tioral !'Srk <-by ..... wallo',,& 3te ..... olrod a h m ard kepI runrins wt..t ""tU'l!l Y I:e.PP'r.od ," So[\.ice Muoeurn .xhibil on tho Japane.., Amerioan ,.,...tim. a ....y fran him, Paps ...... Iwl thol ru. own dalllh"r "'" N ~."" , 74, """' tho prima!)l "UWI of the Ptwer of inoaroe[ation O%pori.=. " ooared of him, " W",ls ,""lutien thot WIll paooed 80 to 1 at 1.. \ July'. JACL In 11'98 an exhibit called "Amer.,.. •• eo"",ntration The Fb ..... r a WlXdo Hardbool< oUlines odo.ration .!forl< J4ic:nol teo OQ"j""Ibal hold inChicqo. JACLdel •• paooed Campo: R.m... berms \be Japon Com"",,,.. Conm".... and In JA oommunily. edIooatronoi ,",,"nal. ..-ill """'tins """he!·tIai"ns fmmed an ad-h>c oom'"rttoe 10 dol.",,,,,,, I>CNI boot \0 It Wl'd do\omrm.d _ \be .miml.h:ruld aloo ,,,,,Iud.,, 'OOtbhopo Jt 0100 ...... '""tina "'" 10 1he ..ed ill 10 impl=en 1hi. 1HOIuUon. Thoy aIoo 0fRIed. drafl of 1ho hoton<:l!ol up"""lion of \he Il!Jm carcemOlion ""'"po. fp:read 1he oo.ord IObco.tt 1hote lP""mmen' ~hemisms . R>weJ a wad> Handbcd: \:I add_ accume ,"",,'rolOS)' v.,oh offuial. indi_ ...... lIst used at tho tum of 1ho A. " forme. eduo-¥ct ~""" A)'S il is " SJ"'II "tid 10 1ho ,mafoera\>:ln of peopI. of Japwete 0.-", _ibe ooDlD)' III In SpmBhAmori""" and BOOJ Wars ~ Fwthet 1het 1ho ..""" .. ort tI on.nae I"""'nmen' ....promism. ;,. dur"'ll WWD uplan>ti1oe u... best"""" 1he .i'''''i... d~ on tho bondb:lok 4'te twdbcd: II 10 """""" "Thoy"", ."oUl;"''' ~ on. lOrtho _ Reb>aUon AuUonly &"'" ow PO""""",,,. fio.m OUI mom""",. OUI =oh and clBpte .. and lho J ACt. rae .. bellhp .."tr ooraellw'3l0 IMd !IIId u.s. AmIy focilitios in ...tnch 120.col laparet_ OW .<:b:rI",.hrp. and ....,1It OUI """"...... , of i_gnty.~ .... and ~.o \ley """ bel'n 10 I.. pleraenlll'e appr""rwe Am~JlOMIO . .la!JI'lyU.S.citue... . v.e

The Dallas resident is working with Direct Relief International and JACL to ensure victims of Japan's recent tragedy get the help they need.

Christine McFadden Correspondent

Working m the city cf Ishinemaki In the earthquake and tsunami-devastated Mlyagl JXefecture, vel.unt""r Carl Wilhams overhears a Japanese wcman \IXlrking with a cash• for-w'lU1red abc

Recently released video game "Drama in the Delta" puts garners in the shoes of former JA intenIees. Ak::II(O LeFT SOMe OF By Christine Fukushima HeR FAVORITe S TUFF BeHIND BeCAUSE HER Contributor FAMILY WAS 50 BUSY PACk::ING eVeRYTHING UP. "Japanese American Internment Camps: The Game" sounds like a controversy waiting to happen. But "Drama in the Delta, " a proposed video game that recently released a prototype level, tackles the loaded topic in the name of a higher mission: educating and building empathy about this oftentimes overlooked experience in American history. "Drama in the Delta," available for download on pes at hUp:!/dramainthedelta. org, was created by Emily Roxworthy, a professor at the University of California, . A team consisting primarily of UCSD students and led by Amit Chousaria of the San Diego Supercomputer Center worked on the technological aspects of the game. "It sounds like a really bad idea," said Professor Roxworthy, addressing the controversy that a video game about the PH OTO: DR ~ "'~ I Nnt= DELH.O AG JA internment experience might inspire. 'That's part of the reason we decided to make the first level from the perspective of Professcr Emily Roxworthy (left) didnl leam a 14-year-old girl. It's like, what could this about the Japanese American internment girl have done to deseIVe this? Nothing. " experience until calege. The prototype level is set at Jerome, one of the two JA internment camps !....1.:..'...:''''' 11>... She wants to create a multi-level video located in Arkansas. Rohwer is the other. .""11"" ·.s.;.. ... game about Arkansas internment camps In comparison to camps like Manzanar and Tule Lake, much less research has Jerane and Rohwer to educate diverse been done on the Arkansas camps. As a audiences about what they were like result, fewer JAs and Americans in general • (screenshot from the prototype level above). understand their complex history. In the prototype, gamers playas 14-year• old Jane, whose friend asks her to find different items of sentimental value that are scattered throughout Jerome. Each clean? Also, the children seemed a little a lot of people of their lives, the older people u, object that Jane finds, such as a dance card happy, but were they really? I guess I doubt especially," she added. Despite painful memories like these, from the camp's farewell dance, symbolizes whether the game is actually true, " he said. Roxworthy also consulted Takayo Fischer is not opposed to a video game an activity that JAs did to sUIVive and stay June Berk was one of the former internees Fischer, Berk's longtime friend and fellow about the internment experience if it helps emotionally healthy while interned. Jane who Roxworthy consulted for the game. internee at Rohwer. later generations understand the internment searches for the items in a mostly isolated She was 10 when she arrived at Rohwer in Fischer did not know that a character in experience. landscape surrounded by barbed wire. 1943, where she was interned until the camp one of the proposed levels was named after ''I'm really anxious to play the game. I'm Sophomore Justin Salgado saw a demo closed in November 1945. Berk recalled her but it only made her more curious about really anxious to learn what it's all about. of the prototype level at UCSD's Day of performing kabuki to entertain the older the game. Unlike Berk, she would want to It would be terrific if it's educational," she Remembrance in March this past year. internees, an experience that inspired one of play the prototype if she could figure out said. "I wondered if it was going to be the proposed levels of "Drama in the Delta." how to install it on her computer. Progress on "Drama in the Delta" is historically accurate or if it's more of an Proposed storylines for the game involve "I still wonder, how do you make a game contingent on further funding. They've adventure game or more like one of those performances like Berk's in order to show out of being in Rohwer?" she asked. already received grants from the National old-school mystery games that you used to the interactions between interned JAs, Fischer, now an actress, was only nine Endowment for the Humanities and the play when you were a kid," he said. whites and African Americans in the post• when she arrived at camp so she also University of California. After seeing the demo, he thought it Confederate state, Roxworthy explained. remembered having fun participating in Roxworthy stressed that the nonprofit looked like a sandbox game, meaning a Historical records show that recreational kabuki performances with Berk and credits video game is still in its beginning stages, video game where the gamer explores a events and performances provided a space her continuing interest in the arts to her and that the missions in the final multi-level limited environment. He still wondered for interracial encounters. cam p experience. version will be based entirely on historically whether it would be historically accurate Berk said she wouldn't want to play But looking back, she always gets accurate stories. since "the game so far seemed pretty empty." the game; it would bring up too many bad emotional when thinking about what her "It's important that young people know John Concillo, ajunior at UCSD, actually feelings. parents and three older sisters went through that this happened in our history and that it played the prototype level as an extra credit "We were young kids back then so for us during that time. She recalled watching her could happen again. But if they don't care assignment for Roxworthy's class. Although we weren't so much concerned with the lives father break their Japanese records, the only about this history then they're never going Concillo knew that the JA internment being taken away; we weren't concerned prized possession that her family owned, to get that message, " she said. experience happened, he did not know how about going to college. I was happy and my with a baseball to make it seem like a game "So I thought this would be a way to make JAs were treated at the camps. After playing parents never made us feel bad that we were for her. it more engaging and to make it seem more the prototype, he also still had questions. in camp "When I think of that my heart breaks." personally relevant to a very diverse range "Did the internment camp really look that But, "I wasn't as aware of it as a child as I She added, "They didn't go on and on and of people. " . am today about how wrong it was to deprive make it worse for us. They tried to protect PACIFIC ~ CITIZEN NATIONAL/COM M UNITY JULY 1-14, 2011 7 JACL, CJACLC to Host Nikkei Conference The gathering will address 'The will present the most current Japanese OTHER WORKSHOPS INCLUDE: Serving Nikkei Seniors American censlls and demographic State of JapaneseAmerica: 2011.' Presenters: Sophie Horiuchi-Forrester, information. Fubue of JAArt and CulbJre Presenters: Chris Aihara, Tracy Kato• steve f'i3.kajo, Amy Phillips, Frances Though the promise of glitz and glamour Community leaders Karen Narasaki, Kiriyama, Tad f'i3.kamura, Roy Hirabayashi Chikahisa, Tazuko Shibusaoo draws tourists to Hollywood, Calif. every president of the Asian American Justice Preserving and Sharing Center in Washington, D.C., Paul Osaki, Role of JAs in U.S.-Japan Relations day, the famed destination will have a lot theJA Experience more to offer when the Nikkei Conference executive director of the Japanese Cultural Presenters: Consul General Junichi Ihara, Tracey Doi, Kaz ~niwa, Bryan Taked3. Presenters: Akemi Kikumura Yano, Lane comes to town. and Community Center of Northern Hirabayashi, Allyson f'i3.kamoto, Thomas On July 9, the JACL and CJACLC California and Craig Ishii, former PSW Effective Strategies to Raise Funds Fujita-Rony regional director and member ofKizuna, a for Your Nonprofit Organization (California lapaneseAmerican Community Community Preservation & Development Leadership Council) will convene at the new organization involving young Nikkei Presenters: 11m otani, Peter Namkung, Gayle Yamad3. Presenters: Donna Graves, Beth Renaissance Hollywood Hotel and Spa to in the community, will host a panel to Takekawa, Sharon LO\l\le, Usa Hase!}'loo discllss "The State of Japanese America: discuss the changing nature of the JA Developing a New Paradigm of Sustaining and Preserving Japantowns 2011" at the Nikkei Conference. The event community. Leadership Development for the Presenters: Jill Shiraki, Lynn Voorheis, will take place during the national JACL Additional wOlkshops will feature noted JA community Facilitators: Jon Osaki and Craig Ishii Larry Od3., Barbara Takei convention, July 7 to 10. experts such as Vice President of Toyota INFO: At the Opening Plenary Session of the Tracey Doi, who will address various Civil Rights ja cI. org/con vention lIa/nikk eLconference conference, Melany De La Cruz, head of topics that relate to the issues and future Presenters: Floyd Morl, Karen Narasaki, Alex Fukui, George Wu For more information: Alan Nishio at the Asian Pacific Islander Community challenges confronting the JA community. [email protected] Development Data Center at UCLA, • WHY I'M A JACLER Lillian Kimura : A Trailblazing JACLer EDITOR'S NOli: 'Why 11m a JACLerl celebrates members who make president. '1t took a lot of people to help personal experiences in camps, personal and professional expertise, which makes her a a difference in the organization and the community. In addition me" During her tenure as president, Kimura very valuable mentor to youth and adults," to highlighting remarkable JACLers l this piece aims to encourage said she was most proud of passing the said Aileen Yamaguchi, president of the New activism and raise the visibility of the JACL. same-sex marriage resolution. York JACL "Obviously her election as national A Southern California native, Kimura's The JACL, in 1994, was one of the first civil rights groups in the nation to affirm president was a landmark in that a woman life was turned upside down after Japan's its support for marriage equality. The from outside the West Coast base of 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor unleashed organization stated in a resolution that JA population could the voice of the a new wave of anti-Japanese American be marriage equality "was a constitutional organization. Without her continuous sentiment At the height of wartime right that should not be denied because of a involvement, there would be no New York hysteria, Kimura and her family were person's sexual orientation." forced to leave their home and flower chapter," said James Kumpel, a New York "To this day, we are one of the very few JACI..er who has known Kimura since he shop business in Glendale, Calif. for the national organizations that have taken a first applied for a JACLscholarship years austere barracks and barbed wire fences 25 stance on same-sex marriage," said Kimura, ago. of :Manzanar. She was 13 at the time, so the current EDC vice governor and treasurer '1 don't think people realize the shoulders even though her parents did not talk about of the New York JACL. '1 still think JACLis that they stand on," said Kimura. "Kids take As a student at the it, Kimura understood the injustice they still the only game in town." it for granted. They need to give back to the University of Illinois, faced. LILLIAN To get more youth involved in JACL, community. If they don't, who will?". Lillian Kimura After World War II, Kimura earned KIMURA, 82 Kimura wants to bea mentor like the one that Bloomfield, received great advice her master's degree in social work at the changed her life while she was in college. New Jersey from a mentor that University of Chicago and began working NOMINATE AJACLER '1 don't think they are aware of the bias New York set the course for her as a program director at Chicago's Olivet and prejudice that still exists today," said To nominate a JACLer to highlight, send JACLer years of dedicated Community Center before being recruited Kimura, who thinks JACLleaders should tap the nominee's contact information, chapter activism in the JACL. by YWCA in 1973. into the interests of the youth and the Shin• affiliation and a brief explanation of why "Work hard and be From the YWCA, she brought over and Shin-Nisei. he/she is a noteworthy JACLer to: involved," said Abe Hagiwara, a JACI..er strategies to the JACL, including the "She is probably one of our main local and [email protected]. who helped establish the Cleveland chapter. Program for Action, said Kimura. national leaders because of her knowledge, So Kimura, 82, did just that - she With the JACL, she worked as the Junior dedicated over 50 years of activism to the JAG. adviser, the Midwest district's civil organization by serving in various leadership rights chairperson, and governor of the Join the movement. BECOME AJACLER Midwest and Eastern districts on the national positions including national president in . . . D I wonllo renew my JACl membership 1992. She was the first woman to hold this board. D Join JACl D I wonllo give 0 JACl glf' membership JACl membership' _____ position in the JAG.. "I've been to every [JACL] convention "My rationale was that JACL was the since 1970," said Kimura. NAME: ______only game in town to fight for the rights With so many leadership roles under her of Japanese Americans," said Kimura, a belt, the decision to run for JACL national former associate national executive director president came organically, she said. Grayce ADDRESS: of the YWCA in Chicago. '1 wanted to be Uyehara, a Philadelphia JACI..er and one• involved. If! didn't put my two cents in, then time director of the JACL Legislative CITY: ______STATE: _____ 11': _____ shame on me." Education Committee, told Kimura: '1f you For Kimura, the middle child of two sisters have something to say, say it." (she also has a half brother and half sister), In 1992, Kimura ran and won the JACL 'HONE: ______E·MAll: leadership skills have always come naturally. national presidency with Uyehara by her Moil 10: Emoilln!o.lo: 'Tve always been a pushy person," said side as campaign manager. Her campaign Kimura, who identifies as Nisei-han, with slogan was, "Kimura for Kaicho" (Kimura 250 E. 151 II. #301 [email protected] a laugh. 'Tm always trying to get people, for president). Los Angeles, CA. 90012 especially Japanese American women, to "I was kind of proud to do that," said (The P.C. wJI k>rward this request 10 National JAa. speak up." Kimura about being the JACL's first female Member..nip fees will be au.reued ~ NatK>noI JAa) 8 JULY 1-1 4, 2011 VOICES PACIFIC eCITIZEN • VERY the rl ht XQ R ~L~ PL CE truly BY JAMES KUMPEL The JACL Should Pursue What Evacuation-Bred Polls Wrought Change We Can ALL Believe In A SIDEBAR TO any discussion ofwoms of Nisei." provoked by Evacuation is to consider The California Joint Immigration As the oldest Asian American civil to recognize that AAs may have different the political and social environment as Committee was still "the primary force rights organization in the U.S., the JACL priorities than other minorities on such calculated in national polls. behind anti-Japanese movement. " Under is an important representative of the Asian issues as unionism, taxation, welfare, rent "Thou gh lapaneseAmericans were treated VS. 1-kClatchy, "this group took the most American community. That's right. Not just control and wealth redistribution. decently outside of the West Coast, a national reasonable tone, was the best organized, Japanese Americans, but AAs. Since that Certainly, the gener.:t1 needs, cultures, and poll conducted in 1furch, 1942, showed that and the most influential." Publisher of broader subset of Americana is growing experiences ofAAs bear little resemblance to 93% of the American public approved the the Sacramento Bee, McOatchy's name faster than any other racial group, it should African Americans. FDR's unconstitutional removal of Japanese aliens from the Facific appeared on various boarus. be a time of burgeoning membership and mass incarceration of JAs during World Coast. Almost 60% condoned the wholesale Co-authors Girdner and Loftis added an agenda that encompasses the challenges War II is vastly more consequential than incarceIation of Japanese American citizens "because of the threatening nature of some of new immigrants, multi-racial marriages, the isolated incidents and inconveniences who had lived on the West Coast of these expressions of feeling, many under-representation in the media and experienced by Muslim Americans in the "As lateasApril, 1945, apolldemonstrated individuals within and outside the camps board rooms, and the deleterious effect decade since the 9/11 attacks. Similarly, the that 32% of the American people believed expected the worst if the evacuees were of affirmative action on our meritorious naturalization of AAs who play by the rnles at least half of the Japanese American released. The leftist-liberal newspaper, PM, youth in college admissions. Instead, the is dramatically different from the lawless citizens 'would try to do something against feared the possibility of mass murder. " organization is on life support, in the 12th entry of millions into Border States like the if they The L.A. County district year of an otherwise Arizona, New Mexico and had a chance', while only attorney reported recelvlllg inexorable decline III Texas. 19% replied 'practically letters from three organizations membership, suffering 'I have noticed a The fact of the matter is none of them' to the same threatening to kill returning from deteriorating tendency among that AAs have their own question." 'Power of Japanese. finances and an agenda unique experiences that Such appeared in 2003 Southern California ACiD that emphasizes issues that differ mightily from other in Ulrich Strauss's "The Words may attorney, A.L Wirin, defending are, at best, tangential to some JACL minorities. Affinnative Anguish of Surrender: Japanese cases since the start the vast majority of AAs. action has led to higher Japanese roWs of World be a cause to of Evacuation, continually How did this come to leaders to cling admission standarus for War II", based on Hadley tried to point out to the public pass? Certainly, a decade• AAs than for all other Cantril's "Public Opinions reRed. ' that most of the clamor was long effort on redress that to 1960s-era groups, including white 1935-1945", Greenwood comlllg from those with rallied the community Americans. While certain Press, Westport, Conn. commercial interests, such as across generations was key alliances with groups may benefit OUR BEST STAND- the Associated Rumers and to the successful growth of from greater access to BY for facts of West Coast JAs during Farm Bureau Federation, the State Grangeof the organization through other" peoples institutions, this policy World War II, "The Great Betrayal" by small fanners. Other examples: 1988. It demonstrated how certainly does not help Audrie Giruner and Anne Loftis, reports a TheA.F. ofL. urging revocation of Nisei a focused agenda and a of color. '" AA,. Gallup poll at turn of the year 1942-1943 citizenship rights at its 1942 Long Beach common cause that unites Furthermore, glomming in five Western states (Washington, Oregon, convention though the proposal (the Stewart AAs regaruless of onto other groups' California, Nevada, Arizona) "that while bill) died in Congress. While CIO unions party affiliation - can yield tangible results signature issues - such as gay marriage, there was almost unanimous approval of the accepted Japanese membership, including that achieve both justice and enthusiastic Obamacare, or Big labor's October 2010 evacuation and detention of the Japanese Harry Bridges' Longshoremen's Union participation. Upon President Reagan's march on Washington - represents a minority, 53% of those polled would allow which opposed Evacuation, Dan Tobin's signature on the legislation, there was a sad attempt to be " relevant" on issues citizens to return to their homes. Of this International Teamsters drove "a violently joyful celebration. Unfortunately, there that go beyond the scope of the JACL's figure, 29% would include both citizens reactionary campaign against the rights of was not a comparable goal or agenda that mission. Becoming a virtual mouthpiece and aliens, and almost equal number would American Japanese". followed. of the Democratic Party on healthcare, the oppose return of either group." When Filipinos met at their Inter• Two other key factors behind the environment, the budget, and other non• A Los Angeles Times poll at the end Community Convention in Fresno and called membership decline is the utter lack of civil rights issues is certainly unbecoming of 1943, revealed 9,855 readers would for "permanent postwar exile of all Japanese immigration by Japanese into America for of a non-partisan organization dedicated to exclude American Japanese from the from California," P.c. editor larry Tajiri (9- the last 80 years and the barely replacement representing the greater good for all AAs. Coast as against 999 opposing exclusion. 23-44) commented: level birth rates within the JA population. I believe that the JACLcan be an effective "Furthermore, 11,203 readers favored taking "No one will put the full blame for the Moreover, JAs are quite different from and important voice for AA concerns in concentration camps control away from recent 'anti-Jap ' resolution upon Filipino other Asian ethnicities in that the "out• the 21st century. The organization should WRA and returning it to the Anny; 1,139 residents of our Western states. For they marriage" rate is extremely high. As a Hapa develop a life cycle- and value-based would free loyal Japanese in the Midwest, are only following precedents set down of Japanese, German, English, and Irish approach to membership that acknowledges 9,750 would not. It should be noted that the by a long list of California chambers of heritage, I was the exception in the 1970s, the historical context and rehtionships of the Times was asking questions of readers who commerce, city councils, Legion posts, but I am more the rnle in the 21st century. older generation; the family and corporate had been subjected to months of the paper's and other organizations." Members of the I have noticed a tendency among some resources ofthe3 0-, 40-, and 50-somethin gs; propaganda on the subject." convention, on second thought, later tabled JACL leaders to cling to 1960s-era alliances and the energy and technological savvy of Chapter 13: "Breaking Through" in the exclusion proposal. with other "peoplesofcolor".AAs should be the younger generation. If the organization "Great Betrayal" observed "a real change Is it time to recall others from this era? defined by what they are, latherthan by what focuses on the elements that unite AAs, the in opinion" in a national poll in June, "Fbwer of Words" may be a cause to reflect they are not. Given the high degree of "out• JACL will be recognized as trnsted advisers 1944 of college students presumed to be marriage" within the JA community, more and partners .• better informed and more broad-minded • and more of the next generation may also be than average newspapers, which showed Harry K. Honda is the Facific Citizen editor white. 1-klreover, given greater educational James Kumpel is a JACLNew York "that half of them opposed return of alien emeritus. attainment, white collar employment, and chapter board member andformer JACL evacuees, and only 14% opposed the return above average income levels, it is important scholarship winner. PACIFIC is CITIZEN ENTERTAINMENT JULY 1-14, 2011 9 Art as Activism: Asian Pacific Americans and the Spoken Word Scene

Many Asian Pacific American spoken word artists perform in the name of activism rather than applause.

By Christine Fukushima or props. Contributor With his crazy hair and boundless energy, 41-year-old From You tube parodies to death Regie Cabico doesn't seem old threats, former UCLA student enough to be the "grandfather of Alexandra Wallace's video about Asian American shm poetry." But "Asians in the library" inspired a the self-proclaimed title is fittin g. sometimes humorous, oftentimes "I like to say, and I will say, enraged response from the Asian that I am the first Asian American Pacific American community. slammer to win the top prizes But Beau Sia, a prominent APA of the time. I knew how to play spoken word artist known for his the game," Cabico said with his multiple appearances on HBO's infectious smile. Def Poetry Jam, saw her rant as Utilizing his theater skills, an opportunity to address greater Cabico quickly became popular on issues of ignorance and racism in the slam circuit after graduating the U.S. from NYU in 1992. He found After friends and fans repeatedly that he was usually the only APA asked him how he felt about the performing at the famed Nuyorican video, Sia wrote a thoughtful and Fbet's Cafe on New York's Lower poignant spoken word piece in her East Side. persona, implying that Wallace's "They've never had a young, racist comments stemmed from gay Filipino person who's off ignorance instead of hate. book. To this day I don't think "I sawall the people's responses people know what to do with me." The "grandfather" of slam poetry Regie and I heard their pain and their He added, "I push theAsianness, I Cabico (above) is an inspiration to frustration but I felt like their push the queerness." many spoken word artists Vutlo reaction didn't help their cause." Cabico's unique voice and consider him a pioneer of Asian Sia added, "I wanted to try to perspective earned him spots American spoken word. create a way for people to make on the '94 Lolhpalooza Poetry betterchoices when they're feeling Tour, HBO's Def Poetry Jam, and KellyTsai (left) uses spoken word as a an gry or frustrated than to attack 1ITV's "Free Your Mind" Spoken other people." Word Tour. He is also a three-time tool to raise awareness about issues In the past two decades, a winner of the National Poetry affecting Asian Americans. growing number of APA spoken Slam, the annual poetry slam word poets like Sia have used the championship tournament. art form as a tool for activism and "To me spoken word is political community building. theater and it's the best way to get With pieces that sound like a your point across," Cabico said. cross between rap son gs and theater He promotes this idea through the "whatever" category in their President Obama. With an original the White House. monologues, they use rhythm and his organization Sulu D.C., which speeches. sound and subject matter - in Though Cabico jokes that he expression to communicate their provides emerging and established "If we are going to relegate our "Kumulipo," she talks about hatesYOl.Ulgpoets of this new wave message. APA artists with a space to nurture communities to these sloppy pots trying to retain her Hawaiian roots for stealing his gigs, he's happy "There are no symbols for what their artistic growth, build their and essentialize to the colors ofthe with a voice that literally shakes that he now has company in the your face is supposed to look like, community and raise awareness rainbow I would like to mention with emotion - Osorio brings struggle to raise awareness about what your body is supposed to do, of Issues relevant to APA that 'whatever' does not represent something different to the scene. issues in theAPA community. so clearly when you're onstage communities-at-large. me,"Tsaisays in herpopularvideo, But like the older artists that she "I've been waiting for this time. you're utilizing these elements that Chinese Taiwanese American which was featured on YouTube's admires, the young artist still uses I was the only Asian American you just cannot have on paper," spoken word artist Kelly Tsai also homepage the night before the the medium of spoken word to slam poet. The only one," said the Sia explained of the difference believes that spoken word can 2008 presidential election. bring awareness to issues that she grandfather of slam. "I'm really between spoken word and more be used to raise awareness about Jasmine Osorio, currently a find important. glad I'm not alone anymore." • traditional forms of poetry. issues that are often forgotten student at Stanford University, "I was extremely aware of Spoken word artists also or dismissed by the mainstream represents a new wave of APA how important it was that I was sometimes compete in poetry media. spoken word artists. there and what it meant not only slams, which are competitions In her piece "Black White Osorio took her deeply personal to represent my family but to during which they have three Whatever," she addresses the poetic style to the White House represent my people in a way min utes to perform a piece, tendency of political candidates to in 2009, performing "Kumulipo" that we have never been able to," typically without music, costumes ignore APAs, relegating them to for an audience that included Osorio said of her performance at

NISHI HONGWANJI .. OTA IIKKEI OBON ~fORTUA.RY JULY9&1D 707 &$I Ten¥* 5ne1 3:00 pm - 9:00 pm 91 1 VENICE BouLEVARD LOIS AngsI9s. 90012 LOS ANGELES. CAUFORNIA 9001 5 CA TEL(213)749-1449 Ph. 2 13fi26...04.4 I FAX (213)749-0265 815 E. 1ST ST. LOS ANGELES, CA 90012 n _ l"t.flJIII: "IUU It H'I:.

By Pacific Citizen Staff and Associated Press

Competitive Eater Plans to Gobble on July Fourth NEW YCRK-Hot dog eating champ Takeru Kobayashi was ar• rested last FOurth of July when he stormed the stage at Nathan's on Coney Ishnd. This year, the Japanese eatin g pro will compete miles away on a 1-hnhattan rooftop. He has been barred since last year from the actual event because he refuses to sign an exclusive contract, which he says limits his freedom to compete elsewhere. On the Fourth, when the Coney Island eatem start gobbling their hot dogs, Kobayashi plans to stuff his face near the Nathan's event.

Native Hawaiians Increase Numbers by One-Fifth The National Fark Service is awarding 24 grants exploring the lives of mothem and children detained HONOLULU-The popuhtion of Native Hawaiians in Hawaii totaling $2.9 million to preserve and interpret sites at Fbston, Ariz., and production and distribution of a increased by over one-fifth in the last decade, according to new U.S. where Japanese Americans were confined during documentary on the jazz bands that flourished at many Census infonnation. World War II. internment camps. Native lhwaiian families are having more children, and more Hawai• "The internment of Japanese Americans during The grants range from $5,000 to preserve documents ians embraced their race when filling out government Census forms, World War II is an unfortunate part of the story of our and artifacts at Chicago's Japanese American said 1-hlia Kaaihue, chief knowledge officer for the Office of Hawaiian nation's journey, but it is a part that needs to be told," Historical Society, to $291,025 to reconstruct a water Affaim. said &cretary of the Interior Ken Salazar. tower and a guard tower at the Granada Relocation People who identified themselves as Native Hawaiians alone or "These places, where more than 110,000 Japanese Center (Amache) in Colo. in combination with other races increased by 21 percent to a total of Americans were unjustly held, testify to the alarming Congress established the Japanese American 289,970 in the state, Census data show. fragility of our constitutional rights in the face of Confinement Sites Grants Program in 2006 and prejudice and fear," said National Park Service authorized up to $38 million in grants for the life 29th Anniversary of Vincent Chin Sparks Anti-Discrimi• Director Jonathan B. Jarvis. "The National Park of the program to identify, research, evaluate, nation Talks Service is honored to help preserve these sites and interpret, protect, restore, repair and acquire historic WASHINGTON, D.C.-1-1embem of the CongressionalAsian Facific tell their stories, and thus prevent our nation from confinement sites. American Caucus denounced anti-Chinese rhetoric in political advertis• forgettin g a shameful episode in its past." The grants are made as partofa competitive process ing on the 29th anniversary of the death of Vincent Chin. The incarceration of JAs - two-thirds of whom in which $2 of federal money matches every $1 in non• Chin, a Chinese American, was fatally beaten on June 23,1982, by were American citizens - followed Japan's attack on federal funds and "in-kind" contributions. The goals two auto-workem in the wake of increasing anti-Japanese sentiment. Pearl Harbor in 1941. of the grant program are to teach present and future The 29th anniversary of his death shined the spotlight on the grow• This year's awards will provide $2.9 million to generations about the injustice of the confinement and ing trend of anti-Chinese rhetoric in political ads, said membem of the projects in 11 states. These undertakings include inspire a commitment to eq ual justice under the law. CAPAC on June 23. restoration of an internment camp cemetery at Rohwer FOr details about winning projects, go to: http:// "I am deeply disturbed by the xenophobic implications of recent Relocation Center in Arkansas, production of a film www.nps.gov/history/hps/hpg/JACS/index.html. • political ads that use China as a scapegoat to discuss the US. economy," said Rep. David Wu. Oier 250 anti-China ads were aired during the 2010 campaign cycle, Tammy Duckworth Resigns from VA Post accoming to the Washington Post. By Associated Press and P.C. Staff AA Na.v York Population Explodes Past One Million NEW YCRK-The population of Asian Americans in New York for CHIO\GO-Assistant Secretary of Veterans the fimt time has surpassed 1 million, accoming to US. Census data. Affaim Tammy Duckworth has resigned her position. Census data from April show that one in eight New Yorkem areAA, The Chicago Sun-Times reported June 13 that more than populations in San Francisco and Los Angeles, Calif. There Veterans Affaim &cretary Eric Shinseki says was a 32 percent increase in New York's AA popuhtion since 2000. Duckworth submitted her resignation. "We are 13 percent of this city's population!" said community orga• In a statement Shinseki said: "[Duckworth] has nizer Steven Choi in an interview with the New York Times. "We are 1 served the Department of Veterans Affaim with million strong, and we are not going away!" distinction. Her unwavering dedication to veterans and their families has strengthened V!\s ability to Preservationists Fight to Save JA Flower Building Over the 1-'femorial Day weekend she made it clear to EL CERRITO, Calif. -Preservationist groups in Northern Calif. hope perform our mission - providing veterans the health reportem in Hawaii that she would not be running for care and benefits they have earned. to save a historic flower shop building slated fordemolition. a Senate seat in her hometown. Instead, if she were to JA greenhouses once flourished in El Cerrito and Richmond, Calif. "Tammy Duckworth uniquely undemtands the run, she would do so from her current home in Illinois needs of today's veterans and their families, and prior to the outbreak of World War II. where her National Guard unit is located. her commitment to serving veterans and increasing In 2008 the city ofE Cerrito purchased what is believed to be one of The Hoffman Estates veteran was a helicopter pilot the last florist shops in the area. Plans are underway to have developer V!\s outreach has helped the department serve more in Iraq when she lost both her legs and partial use of veterans and serve them well. We will miss her Eden Housing Inc. build senior housing, retail stores and more on the one arm in a rocket-propelled grenade attack in 2004. site. advocacy and leademhip, but wish her the very best in She is married to 1fuj. Bryan Bowlsbey, an Iraq war the yeam to come." &:lme JA community membem along with historians and preserva• veteran and a National Guard officer. tionists hope to have the flower shop incorporated into the new develop• Duckworth lost a close bid for Congress in 2006 to The US. Senate confinned Duckworth's Illinois Republican Pete Roskam. Running for a US. ment. Officials with the design finn FBS&J, Inc. say the shop may not nomination to the Veterans Affaim post in April 2009. be eligible for federal or state historic registem. House seat still remains an option for her. She previously was chief of the Illinois Department of Born in Thailand, Duckworth grew up in Hawaii. A historic consultant has been brought in to conduct further historical Veterans' Affaim .• analysis .• PACIFICO: CITlZEN COMMUNITY/NATIONAL JULY1-14,2011 11 APAs China Alley Listed as Endangered Historic Place in the News By Pucijic Cilken Staff and Associated Pr"",

Hawaii Sen. Daniel Inouye ReceivesJapan's Spring Im• perial Decorations 'Jk Japane"" 8""'~ntawarcr d United StaM Sen. Daniel Inouye with the Grarrl Cor&.tl of the Orrrr of the Paulowria Flowers. the high• est level of m OOnal orders for mn• resic),nts 'Jk Jap,,"","" A"..,rican ""mtor received in 1m the GrarrlCor&.tl of the Order of the Pising Sun for his The once-bustling Chinatown was Railrrn:i tracks were laid tllrrush a s!rep camp. ha:i contributiom to sn-engthen the US• fOlUlded in 1877, located between the a sizeable C~s e population starting in the 182lJs Japan relaOOnship 'Jk Grarrl Cor&.tl of the Orrrr of the Paulownia Chinatowns in San Francisco and Los Chim Alley bee.".., a thrivi'll collllYllllity in the Flowers disti,-.,OOn recognize, the ""mtor', ongoing ""lk b enl:arce Angeles. 1920s ani 1930s. =alled 83-year-old Camille Wing. ~latiom between the t"" coonm,s woo is Ari ~ 's IDJther ani Chira Al" y's ~ sicr rt historian His efforts to initia," an exchange be Wee n the Japanes e Diet ani the By Associated Pr"", andPaciji; CWzen staff US Semte are aim being ~cognized Chim Alley began to facr in the 1950s after the city shut 00wn the gamtting Il:wes ani the reJ<1 Sen. I oouye. the JUsic),nt pro-tempo ~ . is the on y person outsic), HAt--FCPD. Calif.-'Jk s"..,ll is llJJS ty. the ge,-.,ratirn of Chi,-.,,,,, A"..,ricans m:oved on to j 000 Japan to receive the awarrl this spring -...:oo Abgatine essay posted rnli,.., J..,,-,., Vargas ,halMaPliitzerPrize for the POl! l co"'Jage "Alan is the l:im of P'lSOn wlDml oope rue stLrlents will emulate." 22. " oon't want that life anyroo ~ ." of the Virginia ~ch sOOotings saidKillpatric k in a press rej,,,,,, 1+ says be didn't kmw aoout his citizenship stalru '1 n my beart. I 'm an A"..,rican. " Vargas toldABC Sugjyarra fo.."ud the Center fcc Ca=r Alternatives. a oonprofit \!:at until be aw lied fcc a diver's peruit ani a d elk told On Jeu 22. Vargas launcud a carrpaign called belps erooorrically disoovantaged ooults. fur eight years be also served him his green card was a fake Deli,-., A"..,rean b "'" stories of inmigrants to urge rn the toaJrl ci direc\c.-s for Seatu, Public ScOOol Vargas confrorted his grarrlfather. woo Cmsress am the Ohama OOrrinistration to jJffS'-'" 1+ 'polz to ston,nts during their co~ ra rre rt e","nois es on J..,,-,., oc koo w j, ~ be purchased the green card arrl other immigratirn ~fonn. His Irish scOOol prirroipal ani 18 .• fa lz cbc=nts sUP'rinterrrrt I:a", sigred on as board "..,,,-ars .• 12 JULY 1-14, 2011 COMMUNITY PACIFIC ~CITIZEN

KOKUSAI-PACIFICA College APA Leaders Meet in D.C. 2011 TOURS

Aug 16 USA Bus Tour -National Parks & Heart Mt. Dedication $2445-Mesquite-Salt Lake-Jackson -Tetons-YellowstDne - Cody- includes Heart Mt. dinners-Mt. Rushmore-Black Hawk Casino-Arches-Monument Valley-Grand Canyon -laughlin. CLOSING SOON Oct 01 New England $1999-"Foliage Boston-Vermont-Maine" Oct 02 Southern Charm $1999 - Charleston & Beaufort, South NEW Carolina-Savannah & Jekyll Island, Georgia-St. Augustine & Jacksonville, Florida. Oct 10 Hokkaido/Tohoku - $4195 - Sapporo-Sounkyo-Sahoro• Ainu Shiraoi-Lake Toya-Hakodate-Aomori-Lake Towada-Hachiman tai -Mats ushima-Sendai -Tokyo Oct 17 Uranihon "Otherside of Japan" $4095 - Tokyo-Niigata• Japan Sea Cruise-Sada Island-Kanazawa-Amanohashidate Kinosaki -Tottori -Mats ue-Izumo-Osaka Nov 01 Japan Fall Classic - $3995 - Tokyo-Bullet Train-Nara-Kobe Lawrence Yen, Emma Kimata and Brie Hiramine share their personal stories during the Mobilize for Policy train• Okayama-Bitchu Takahashi-Miyajima-Hiroshima-Inland Sea Cruise-Shodo Island-Kyoto ing, a program sponsored by the JACL. Nov 06 New Orleans & Cajun Country- $1849 - New Orleans NEW Baton Rouge-Akabama-Natchez, Mississippi, Lafayette• The next generation of leaders in the Asian Pacific Participants explored D.C. sites that aremt part of Vermillionville & Avery Island, Louisiana. American community met recently to discuss the role the typical tourist tour, such as the Japanese American Nov 09 OkinawalKyushuiShikoku - $4295 - 4-days Okinawa• of APA civil rights organizations in affecting public Memorial to Patriotism. They also received an Nasasaki -Beppu -Ashizuri -Kochi -Takamats u -Osaka. policy. introduction to the art of networking at a joint dinner Nov 20 California Riviera Cruise - 6 Star Crystal Symphony Sponsored by fue JACL. fue 1hird arulUal Collegiate wifu fue JACL D.C. Chapter·s Young Professiomls NEW LA - Santa Barbara - San Francisco - Ensenada, Mex. San Diego - LA. Window $2000 - Balcony $2600 - with Leadership Conference was held in Washington, D.C. group, where they learned about opportunities for $500 Shipboard Credit per person. June 9 to 12. Fowteen APA college students from college students in the area. Nov 30 Christmas in Branson - $1795 - Kansas City-Truman around the country attended skills training and issue• Students utilized fueir leadership skills and NEW Library-4-days in Branson-7 Shows-Sightseeing too. based workshops intended to provide them with the experiences to develop a plan to raise awareness about Mar 5 Reflections ofItaIy-$2899-Rome-Assisi-Perugia-Florence- tools to create positive social change on their own critical APA issues in their own communities. Groups 2012 Chianti-Venice-Murano-Lugano, Switzerland-Lake Como-Milan. campuses . created project plans around immigration reform, .Mar27 Japan Spring Classic ''Cherry Blossoms''$3995-Tok¥:>-Bullet Train The workshops were conducted by prominent environmental justice and educational policy, and 2012 Nara-Kobe-Maiko-Okayama-Bitchu Takahashi-MiyajimaIsland HirClShima-Inland Sea Cruise-Shcdo Island -Ky::m. members and activists in the APA community. J.D. presented their plans to the rest of the participants and Hokoyama. CEO and founder of LEAP (Leadership the conference coordinators. Early bird savings. Call for Brochure. Check our website for details. Education for Asian Pacifics) led a workshop that Kevin Mori, a student at the University of Includes flights, hotels, sightseeing & most meals. Fuel surcharge extra. connected APA cultural values, effective leadership California, Irvine, described the conference as an behaviors and stereotypes. Representatives from the amazing experience. "I gained knowledge and made KOKUSAI TRAVEL, INC. www.kokusaitrave1.net Asian American Justice Center, the Environmental connections that have empowered me to take these PO Box 2086, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 -714/840-0455 [1006444-10] Protection Agency and the National Education issues back to my campus community," he said. Association, among others, also led workshops. This year's program was coordinated by Ford "The different generations of activists brought Program Fellow Christine Munteanu, Norman Y. Polaris Tours together from all over the countly for a shared cause Mineta Fellow Leslie Toy and Daniel K. Inouye made me realize how much hope and potential there is Advocacy and Policy Coordimtor Jean Shiraki. The Presents: for change and iliat we are all agents for iliat change:· conference was sponsored by UPS and Southwest 2011 Tour Schedule said Sue Yee Chen, a student at Bryn Mawr College. Airlines .•

Jul. 17-Jul. 26 Summer Japan: Highlights for the Whole Family Aug. lO-Aug. 17 Great Pacific Northwest: Vancouver, Victoria, Mackenzie Walker Named Mike M. Masaoka Fellow Seattle, Whistler Aug. 30-Sep. 13 Gems of Malaysia By Pacific Citizen Staff Oct. 11-0ct. 20 Legacy of the Incas - Peru, Machu Picchu, Nazca Lines Starting this fall, University of Washington Oct. 11-0ct. 20 Autumn Japan: Majestic Fall Colors graduate Mackenzie Kiyomi Walker will take her Nov. 3-Nov. 13 Islands of Okinawa & Shikoku talents to Washington, D.C. as the 2011 JACL Mike Nov. 29-Dec. 13 Ancient Capitals of Thailand & Laos M. Masaoka Fellow. Dec. 18-Dec. 20 Holiday in Las Vegas: Shows: While there, she will be assisting Congresswoman Cirque du Soleil "Mystere" Judy Chu of California's 32nd district. Chu is chair of Zl!U the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, an Apr. 3-Apr. 12 Spring Japan - "The Beauty of the Cherry Blossoms" assembly that is a key element in advocacy work for Apr. 12-Apr. 24 South Korea: All Major Highlights & Drama Sites the Asian American Pacific Islander community. "I 'm excited to be in D.C. and to work further with We will be happy to send you a brochure! established in 1988 to honor Mike Masaoka (1915- the JACL! Being a member of the JACL has given 1991) for a lifetime of public service to the nation me the opportunity to appreciate the importance of 24 Union Square, SUite. 506 Union City, CA 94587 and the JACL. Masaoka was the JACL's national Toll Free: (80Q) 858-2882 AAPI leadership and visibility at the national level, " secretary, field executive, national legislative director ~ www.tourpolaris.com PolarisTours Email: [email protected] said Walker. of the JACL's Anti-Discrimination Committee and Walker 's long list of accomplishments include an JACL Washington D.C. 's representative. internship for the JACL Bridging Communities• "Mackenzie's achievements and service to the Seattle Program, placing as a finalist in the JACL community thus far have been outstanding, and we :tvfinoru Yasui Oratorical Competition, and board expect that she will be a strong future leader within membership of the JACL Seattle chapter. She also the JACL," said National Director Boyd Mori. attended fue 2011 JACLIOCA Washington, D.C. "The JACL Mike M. Masaoka Fellowship is one Leadership Summit, where she made a presentation to of the flagship programs of the JACL," said National a Capitol Hill staffer to encourage the advancement of President David Kawamoto. "We are happy that an anti-bullying and anti-racial profiling bill. Mackenzie Walker will be able to have this wonderlul The :tvfike M. Masaoka Fellowship Fund was experience in Washington, D.C.". PACIFIC ~ CITIZEN COMMUNITY JULY 1-14 2011 13 SFV JACL Sponsors Musical 'Manzanar' dmeriton HOlidO\{li'ove:l


SOUTH AFRICA HOLIDAY TOUR AUG 3·15 Cape To'Ml, Wine Counlty, Kruger National Pari::, Table Mountain, Johannesburg, Livingston, Victoria Falls·Zambi a MT RUSHMORE-YELLOWSTONE HOLIDAY TOUR (NEWTOUR) AUG 16·25 Rapid City, Badlands National Pari::, Mt Rushmore, Crazy Horse MEmorial, Cody Buffalo Bill Museum, Ydlow&one National Pari::, Grand TetonNational Park, Jackson, Salt Lake City 16T11 PANAMERICAN NIKKEI ASSOCIATION (PANA) CONVENTION AUG31·SEP4 Cancun, Mexico. MeetNikkeis ~m North and South America REFLECTIONS OF ITALY HOLIDAY TOUR SEP 5·1 4 Rome, Assi~, Ptrugia, Florence, Venice, Lugano.SI\lilzerland, Lake Como, Milan, SAN ANTONIO GET-AWAY TOUR SEP 12·16 San Antonio, the hi10ric Alamo Fort, Frederick~urg, Bandera, Cruise on the famous Rive!Vlalk Canal NEW ENGLAND HOLIDAY TOUR (NEWTOUR) OCT7·14 Bo1on, Maine, Neill Hampshire, Vennont, COlUlecticut, Day Trips on 3 Historic Trains, Bo1on City Tour, Casco Bay Cruise in Maine, Pacific Citizen Visit Sugar House & Mystic Seaport, Enjoy Lobster & Seafood DilUler, By Staff were herded into the Santa Anita racetrack and housed Mohegan Sun Resort & Ca ~ no in horse stables as a temporary holding facility while HOKKAIDO HOLIDAY TOUR (REVISED TOUR) OC T9·20 "Manzanar: Story of an American Family" uses Manzanar was under construction. Lake Akan, Shiretoko, Abashiri, Sounkyo, Wakkanai, Sapporo, an unlikely art form to tell the story of the Japanese Dan Taguchi says he co-wrote the musical to increase Otaru, Lake Toya, Hakodate OKINAWA HOLIDAY TOUR NOV 7·16 American internment experience. awareness about the JA incarceration experience. Naha, Ishigaki Island, Taketomi Hand, Yufu Island, OlUlason The musical was performed on June 18 to a sold-out "Very few people outside of lAs know much, if SANTE FE HOLIDAY GET-AWAY TOUR DEC 4..3 crowd of over 300 people at the San Fernando Valley anything, about the internment camps. There is little Santa Fe, Albuquerque, Taos Japanese Am erican Community Center. The eventwas or no information about the JA internment cam ps in sponsored by the San Fernando Valley JACLchapter. American history books," he said. 2012 TOUR SCHEDULE PREVIEW The cast, which consisted of seven of the 14 original SFV JACL member Nancy Gohata says her HOKKAIDO SNOW FESTIVALS TOUR FEBRUARY 5·12 cast members, received a standing ovation. Co-written husband Vas was responsible for bringing the play to INDIA HOLIDAY TOUR FEBRUARY 20·MARCH 5 by Russ McCoy and Dan Taguchi and directed by the Community Center. She recalled seeing the play JAPAN CHERRY BLOSSOM TO UR APRTI., 2·12 GE T·AWAY TOUR APRTI., 18·23 Mke Hagiwara, "Manzanar" is loosely based on the with him in 2002 and 2003. SOU TH AMERICA JAPANESE HERITAGE TOUR MAY internment experiences of Taguchi's mother, Meko, "We both loved it. We have the CD and it's one SCANDINAVIA·RUSSIA HOLIDAY CRUISE MA Y 20·JUN 2 and other family members. of his favorite selections on his iPod," said Nancy CAPE COD & THE ISLANDSHOLIDA Y TOUR JUNE 10·16 GRANDPAREN TS·GRANDCHWREN JAPAN TOUR JUN 24·JUL 3 "Mom is all right with it," said Dan Taguchi, about Gohata. CANADIAN ROCKIES HOLIDAY TOUR JULY28·AUG4 his mom. "She hardly ever goes anyplace, but each "It was an electrifying afternoon," she raved of the ALASKA HOLIDA Y CRUISE· TO UR AUGUST time the show has been performed, she has shown up." June 18 showing .• MT . RUSHMORE· YELLOWSTONE HOLIDA Y TOUR AUG21·30 The storyline follows the Shimada family, JAs who ENCHANTING DANUBE RNER CRUISE SEPTEMBER 18·26 CHINA HOLIDAY TOUR SEP TEMBER JAPAN AUTUMN HOLIDAY TOUR OC TOB ER MUSIC CITIES HOLIDAY TOUR NOVEMBER4·11 JACL PSW to Honor JACL Fremont Donates to Sister City Fukaya SPEC TA CULAR AN TARC TICA HOLIDA Y CRUISE DECEMBER

Community Leaders We can assist you with: Low-cost airfares to Japan, Japan Individual or group travel The JACL Pacific Southwest arrangemetns, Japan Railpass, Hotels, Cars, Cruises, Hawaii District will honor community arrangements, Individual Tour Packages, leaders and organizations at their Organizations,clubs/Family group tours and cruises. 15th Annual Awards Dinner Oct. 29. For information and reservations, please contact Us: The theme of the dinner Ernest & Carol Hida is "Looking to the Future: AMERICAN HOLIDAY TRAVEL Partnerships Across Communities 312 E. 1ST ST., #510, Los Angeles, CA 90012 and Generations." It will be held Tel, (213) 625-2232; FaJG(213) 625-4347 CST #2000326-10 at the Rose Center Theater in Westminster, Calif. [email protected] Honorees include Bill Watanabe, Fremont JACL recently donated $1,000 towards executive director, Little Tokyo Fukaya's efforts to help those devastated by the Service Center; Mary Anne earthquake and tsunami. REVERSE MORTGAGE Foo, executive director, Orange County Asian and Pacific Islander Call for a.fr££ information package Though their Sister City Program was discontinued in 2009, the City of Community Alliance; and Fremont, Calif. still feels a connection with the City ofFukaya in Saitama Madeline Ong-Sakata, executive If you are 62 or older and own your house, Prefecture, Japan. director, Phoenix Asian Chamber a Reverse Mortgage may benefit you! So when the devastating earthquake and tsunami hit Sendai on March of Commerce. • Turn Home Equity into Tax Free Cash 11, JACLFremont chapter's board of directors decided to donate directly The honorees "were chosen • You keep title to your home to relief efforts being undertaken by the City of Fukaya. because they exemplify the spirit • No Monthly Mortgage Payments SECURITY ~ LENDING Fukaya, which is approximately 200 miles southwest of the major of JACL's tradition, which is to • FHA Program Designed for Seniors damage, was largely untouched by the disasters. But cities throughout work with diverse groups and ages "{ pledge to provide excellent customer service Japan were asked to assist their fellow citizens and Fukaya answered the to achieve a shared vision of civil with the highest standard of ethics" call wholeheartedly. rights for all," said Andrew Yick, 25+ Years Experience as a Financial Professional With the assistance of the City of Fremont and the Japanese Consulate development coordinator. in San Francisco, Fremont JACL President Alan Mikuni contacted David C. Miyagawa Chee Proceeds from the dinner will go Certified Public Accountant 1-800-967-3575 Fukaya Mayor Susumu Kojima and the Fremont chapter transferred towards JACL PSW's fundraising CA Dept. 01 Real Estate - Real Estate Broker #013911 06 $1,000 directly to the city. NMLS 10 263222 goal of $50,000, which will help "We wish that citizens of Fremont and people of the JACL Fremont the chapter continue their work in Chapter who supported us this time will continue to prosper, and the community development, youth friendly relations between the City of Fremont and Fukaya will be further leadership development and civil developed, "wrote Mayor Kojima in letters to the City of Fremont and the rights work .• www.pacificcilizen.org JACLFremont chapter. • 14 JULY 1-14, 2011 CALENDAR/COMMUNITY PACIFIC~ CITIZEN

prizes and a lunch buffet. RSVP: Call 213/830-5648 Info: Call Michael Oshita 513/498-7683 or 773/728-7171. FukuharaArt Exhibit '50 Years and Still Clicking' ORANGE,CA Go For Broke Evening of Aloha July 24, 4 to 8 p.m. BEVE RL Y HILLS, CA Fukuhara Inc. SbJdiG"Gailery Nov. 5 1912 N. Batavia St, Sle. F Beverly Hilton Hotel The USC IGM Art Gallery and Fukuhara 9876 Wilshire Blvd. Inc. Studio/Gallery invite you to Richard Cost: $200Jindividual; $17&'Veleran Yutaka Fukuhara 's "50 Years and still Click• Join Go For Broke for its 10th Annual Eve• ing." The exhibit is a creative imagery from ning of Aloha Gala Dinner where the new• the 60s to the present. est Congressional Gold Medal recipients RSVP: Call 7141998-8790 or richard@ will be honored. A special dinner inspired by fukuharafoto.com Chef Roy Yamaguchi of Roy's Restaurants Worldwide and Chef l-tirose Akira of ~ison Akira will be prep1red, Info: www.goforbroke.com Twin Falls, Idaho: Screening of 'Con• science and the ConstibJtion' 'How to Succeed in Baseball' LecbJre TWIN FALLS, 10 LOS ANGELES, CA July1,1 to 2:30 p.m. July23, 11 am. Dbon Festival Dance Workshop place from 7 to 8 p,m, There will also be The College of Southern Idaho Japanese American Fine Arts Theater workshops led by Cheryl Miles, a natori SACRAMENTO, CA. National Museum 315 Falls Ave. expert; Usa Horikawa, Buddhist minister July 5, 5:30 to 7 p,m, Tateuchi Democracy Forum JACL's Twin Falls Imho chapter presents Buddhist Church of Florin assistant; and John Kanemoto, Florin 100 N. Central Ave. "Conscience and the Constitution" as a p1rt 7235 Pritchard Rd, JACL youth rep, The Atsuhiko and Ina Goodwin Tateuchi of the 6th Annual Civil Uberties Sympo• Foundation in partnership with the Jap1- sium. A discussion with producer Frank Abe RSVP: By July 3 to will follow the screening, Sponsors include The Buddhist Church of Florin welcomes nese American National Museum present "How to SUcceed in Baseball." Attendees the Friends of Minidoka, the College of the public to its 57th Annual Gbon [email protected] can hear from former Major League pitcher Southern Imho and the Minidoka Intern• Festival! An oben practice will take or call 9161.!83-1831 Shigetoshi H1Seg31Ml. and Scott Akasaki, a ment National Monument Los Angeles Dodgers traveling secretary, Info: Call208n32-6288 11220 Algonquin Rd. Cost: $80 The 20th Annual JACL Golf Tournament The Chicago JACLchapter invites you to at• HUNTLEY, IL tend its 20th Annual JACL Golf Tournament JACL San Fran Youth Gone Fishin' July21, 9:30 am. Thirty-two golfers can be accommomted for Pinecrest Golf Course the event The fee includes golf cart rental, The perfect fishing weather greeted an• glers of all ages at the San Pablo Dam Reservoir on Jlllle 11 for the Youth Fishing Derby, sponsored by JACL's San Francisco chapter, Though some of the fishing holes were inaccessible, 16 kids competed to catch the biggest fish, SAN .JOSE BETSUIN San Francisco Nisei Fishing Club mem• bers dispensed advice to the yOllllg anglers (L-r): Mika suzuki, ~x Chan and Tyler Kahn and their parents on how to bait and cast practice their fishing techniques, "They helped me with casting the rod, I -. didn't do a very good job at first, but I did after they helped me," said Max Chan, 13. Chan was followed by TylerKalm, 11, and - He caught a trout weighing 2 pounds and Miya Sumki, 10, The threewirmers were re• FESTIVAL 2011 3 Ollllces, winning first place, warded with new fishing rods, •

HRIVE IN THE UlTURE, AMllY ARMTH OF THE APANESE AMERICAN COMMUNI , -• ",, "'-•_ ,,-• -• '-•'"•-• ,---- ,-•,»--- ,»- 'N_-• .»•,"-0_- Ou!&oor (ourtyord Lhory and ieodin;! Alem Emergency (aDS)'$l!!ll ..

""'•HOUIekeepng/loundry Semel PACIFIC is CITIZEN OBITUARIES JJ LY 1-14, 20 11 15 TRIBUTE TRIBUTE Sadao Baishiko John Michihiko Nishizaka April 26, 1922 -June 12, 2011 ~rch 5, 1930- ~y24, 2011

Sarno Baishiki, son bowl in two leagues and John Nishizaka of as a civil engineer in of Toichi and Tsune occasionally bowled over Granarn Hills, califor• the aerospace industry Baishiki, was born 200. He even received a nia, died peacefully on spanned nearly 40 years on April 26, 1922 in Big 4 Split patch. May 24, 2011 atthe until his retirement in Stockton, CA and Preceded in death Rinaldi Convalescent 1996. John IMlS a long entered Nirvana on by his sister Akie and Hospital from conges• time active member of June 12, 2011 in brothers Genko and tive heart failure and the San Fernando Val• Sacramento. A graclJ• Teruo. He is survived by storrnch cancer. His ley JACLand served ate of stockton Hi!jl, his wife Midori, son Rod wife, Harriet, hadjust as chapter president in he received an AA (Katherine), daughter left the same facility 1971. Healsoservedas degree from stockton Yukiye, grandchildren a week earlier, after SFV JACC President in Junior College. During Sei Baishiki, Tei (Mack• spending two months 1980, was active in the WWII, Sarno and his enzie) Baishiki, Jennifer in physical therapy for founding of Nikkei Village farrily were sent to (Cory) Jarvis-Brown, and a fractured hip. They in Arleta, and IMlS part of the Relocation Center great-grandson Da'juan were hospital room• the fund-raising project in Rohwer, AR. He Stone-Jarvis and rrnny mates, so were able for MIS Veterans in Uttle left the Relocation Center in 1944 after nieces & nephews. Memorial Service IMlS to spend the last few Tokyo. marrying Midori Yokoi, and subsequently held on June 26, 2011 at 12:30pm at the months together. John is survived by his wife of 54 years, served in the US Army and was stationed Buddhist Church of Florin, 7235 Pritchard With the Nishizaka family ha ving settled Harriet and children, SUsan, steven, in Germany. He retired from Sylvania/GTE Rd., Florin, CA. In lieu of flowers please in New York years earlier, John IMlS born Scott (Stacey) and grandchildren Ava after 29 V~ years and then again from donate in memory of Sadao Baishiki to in lmabari, Japan during a family visit and ~')6. He is also survived by sisters Varian after 10 years. He was a member your favorite charity or to Bonnie J Ad• there. He was the fourth of eight siblings Itsuko and Miyoko and rrnny in-laws, of the Florin Buddhist Church; the JACL dario Lung Cancer Founrntion, c/o White and grew up in Brooklyn, where his father nieces and nephews. of Sacramento and VFW Post #8985 in Space, Inc., 601 4th Street SUite 215, San owned a skee ball concession in Coney A memorial service will be held on Sacramento. He IMlS interested in sports, Francisco CA 94107. Special thanks to Island. John graduated from Brooklyn Saturday, July9, 2011 , 11:00A.M. at golfilg, gathering abalone, and mostly Dr. MohalTlTled Shaikh who took excep• Polytechnic and married Harriet Ikern in Chatsworth West United Methodist bowling. Even though legally blind for the tional care of Sadao at Mercy General 1957. The young couple, with their first Church, 10824 Topanga canyon Blvd. last 10 years of his life, he continued to Hospital. rnu(jlter, Susan, moved to Sacramento, Chatsworth. Donations in John's memory california in 1958, where their son, may be made to the American Heart As• TRIBUTE steve IMlS born. They later relocated to sociation, JACL, or a charitable organiza• Southern California in 1961, wIlere their tion of your choice. Fred Hashimoto youngest, Scott IMlS born. John's career October 28, 1919 - April 20, 2011 TRIBUTE His father Juichi Hashimoto 1896-1955. worked at Lamar, Rocky Ford, and Gree• His mother Chiyoko (Minato) Hashi• ley, CO. He also attended the University moto 1900-1994. of Wyoming at Laramie (1943). Farmed Walter Naoaki Fuchigami Fred Mitsuru Hashimoto bom in SUisun, in Greeley in 1944. ~rried to Rose December 1, 1923-May31, 2011 CA October 28, 1919. Sakaern in 1943 at Greele~ CO. He has two sons: Calvin Shigeru Hashi• West coast opened up in Jan. 1945 so Born and raised in Francisco as founder and moto of Kealakekua, HI (Oct 15, 1945) Fred went at once to california to retrieve Marysville, calif., he first Director of the Fam• and David Juichi Hashimoto of Merced, the farm wIlich IMlS leased out. The and his family were ily Support Bureau. He CA(~rch 17, 1950). family was able to resume farming shortly incarcerated in the retired in 1986 to travel He attended Cressey Grarrmar School thereafter. Calvin was born on October Amache Japanese and spend priceless time (1925 - 1932) and Uvingston H!jl School 1945 at the Mercy Hospital in Merced. Internment camp, with family. (1933-1937). He enrolled at University Fred moved his family to Chicago Granarn, Colo., in Love for his country of California, Berkley and Davis (1938- (1947-1950) which he worked as a 1942. He entered the IMlS reflected as he 1941). He did not graclJate because of mechanic and later opened a auto repair U.S. Army, serving continued to serve in the Pearl Harbor incident of December shop. There IMlS an offer of managing in the Military Intel• the U.S. Army Reserves 7, 1941 with one more semester to go. a fruit shipping and packing cooperative, ligence Service (MIS) JAG Corps from 1959- Because the aliens (father) could not own the Uvingston Fruit Exchange. Fred ac• in Occupied Japan 1978. He was appointed any land in Califomia, the family farm was cepted the offer and moved the family to (1945-1948). Re• Judge Advocate for the deeded to Fred and he had to protect Uvingston 1950-1955. David was born turning to the U.S., Oregon Reserve Officers the property. There IMlS great hysteria in Chicago in 1950. Fred's father died in he attended the Association, Chief Legal and hostility tOlMlrd anyone of Japanese 1955, so Fred started to farm in 1955 to University of North• Officer and Governmen• ori!jn. 1988 when he retired. ern Colorado, graduating in 1950 and tal Affairs Division Chief, retiring as a Lt. By May 1942 the Hashimoto family was Fred IMlS active in various organiza• marrying Yuki Kosuge. That same year Colonel in 1978. evacuated to Merced Assembly Center tions. He served on the board of the he entered George Washington Univer• Love for his country IMlS surpassed in Merced, CA. By AUgJst 1942 the fam• following: Livingston United Methodist sity Law School and received his Juris only by love and devotion for his family. ily IMlS relocated to Arrnche Assembly Church, Uvingston Farmers Associa• Doctorate in 2 years. After graduating, Yuki, wife of nearly 58 years preceded Center near Granada, Colorado. Regard• tion, Uvingston Uon Club, Allied Grape he worked for the Legal Department, Vets him in death. He is survived by son less of the fancy names, both places Growers, California canners & Growers, Administration in Denver, and in 1954 Michael (Melody); rnughter, Lynn Long• were truly concentration camps with california Freestone Peach Association, moved to Ontario, Ore., to join a law fellow; grandchildren Zachary, Chloe, armed soicMers, guard towers, and barbed and Japanese American Citizens League. tim In 1956 he was appointed Assistant Chanel, Calli and Hannah; and brother, wire fence. Fred could not stand being He moved to Hilrrnr in 1985 and to Las Attorney General, Oregon Department of Robert Fuchigami of Kittredge, Colo. A cooped up so he left "camp" to work on Vegas in 2011. He married Sun R. Fuzie Justice, serving as Chief Counsel from memorial service was held June 18, 2011 the "outside" toward the War Effort. He in 1991. 1956-1975. Within the Oregon state Bar at Epworth United Methodist Church in he served as Chairrrnn of the Legal Aid Portland. TRIBUTE Committee, Chairman of the Civil Rights Remembrances can be made to: COlTlTlittee and was appointed to the NJAMF (National Japanese American Tomiye Katsumoto Miyamoto Oregon/U.S. Civil Rights Advisory Com• Memorial Founrntion, National Veterans April 24, 1931-June 15, 2011 mission. He also served as President Network); mail to Oregon Nikkei Endow• TOMIYE KATSUMOTO MIYAMOTO (SO). Born April 24, 1931, in Union City, CA. of the Portland JACL in 1966. In 1975 ment, 121 NW Second Ave., Portland, Laid to rest June 15, 2011. Husband: Fred J. Miyamoto (July 15, 2010). Interned at he left Oregon to serve as the Special Ore., 97209. Topaz Internment camp. Past JACL president at Eden Township, San Lorenzo, CA. Assistant to the District Attorney of San Representative and member in JACL district and national programs as a volunteer. Survived by sons: Wayne Miyamoto (Uttleton, CO) and Steven Miyamoto (Los Banos, CAl; and Mrs. Tosh Shimoura (Southfield, MI), Dr. Kiyoshi Katsumoto (EI Cerrito, CAl, and Mr. Takeshi Katsumoto (Los Gatos, CAl. To Place a Tribute, Call 800/966.6157 16 JULY 1-14, 2011 COMMENTARY PACIFIC ~ CITIZEN

MORI ship revenues. Thus, I feel we is spent trying to raise funds witb YOSHINO becoming involved in the Asian need to be more aggressive in our tbe availability and amounts being American commrnrity on campus CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 membership program and revise llllcertain. this year, which came about the structure of our memberships A large portion of tbe JA CL bud• because of what she discovered programs that were previously as• will face. This year's program to broaden tbe reach of JACL. It get continues to be for tbe Pacific III attending JACL's Project signed to staff positions which are featured a sushi making session is important for districts and chap• Citizen. Printing and mailing costs Communi1y. vacant. Fellows and interns whose where May Nakano delighted tbe ters to become more involved in are high and tbe Pc. is already Much of the success of this stipends are funded by corporate students with wonderlul stories that trying to get new members as our providing an electronic version. program is due to Christine who sponsors have been valuable assis• supplemented her knowledgeable long time members are aging. It Most newspapers are online and relates so well to young people. She tants. Staff has been exemplary in instruction. is also essential for chapters to many papers have folded because provides an open and welcoming taking on extra work to allow us to In one of the more compelling engage youth members since this of tbe costs of printing and post• atinosphere where tbe participants accept funding tbat is specific to a sessions, Christine Mllllteanu, our group lapses at a very high rate age. The JACL must make some are encouraged to share their program. JACL Ford Program Fellow who witb many seemingly joining only decisions regarding tbe paper. A tboughts witbout There have been questions rllllS this program, to apply for tbe scholarships witb• former pc. editorial board chair being judged. about continuing youth programs led participants believe out developing a commitment to stated tbat tbe pc. needs to go to '/ I believe in PSW These programs have through exerCIses tbe JACL. only electronic but not yet. Witb this program this program been largely funded tbrough vari• about personal We continue to solicit fllllds tbe budgetary problems facing us IS transferable ous grants that have been obtained identity that is transferable from corporate partnerships, fOllll• and declining membership causing to otber MDC tbrough our work at national examme factors dations and government grants. discretionary fllllds to dwindle, so• to other chapters where tbe JACL. As long as grants for tbe tbat define identi1y Moe This has become increasingly lutions must come soon. seSSIOns can be projects are available, tbe pro• as well as forces chapters difficult as funds are tight in this The national JACL convention ... ' conducted usmg grams can continue. If successful tbat can challenge a down economy. Donations from is just arolllld the comer. Thanks local resources. programs are cut, there is a prob• sense of identi1y. members of tbe JACL in our fun• to Gary Mayeda, Sonya Kuki, I've discussed lem witb funding. The regular Anna described one of tbese draising campaigns are down as Karen Yoshitomi, Kerry Kaneichi, this witb Twin Cities JACL JACL revenues will not provide acti vities as her favorite where well. We have developed a presi• tbe PS W district and chapters, board member Matt Farrells who for tbese new programs. A high everyone gathered in a circle and dent's COllllCil of major donors the convention committee, JACL indicates the chapter is poised to priority is to keep programs nlll• statements regarding experiences and I have suggested having at• staff, delegates, sponsors, exhibi• conduct a version of this program. ning, particularly tbose tbat in• pertaining to JAs were read aloud. large national board members who tors, speakers, awardees, guests, The Project Community vol ve our youth because we know If tbe statement applied to tbem, would help witb fundraising. boosters, and to everyone who program in Chicago for 7 to 9 tbat young people are very impor• tbey were asked to take a step It has been necessary to borrow will volllllteer and participate in year-aIds is scheduled for July 26 tant to tbe future of tbe organiza• forward. In describing this, Anna some funds from tbe JACL Na• any way at the convention. We are to 28 and August 2 to 4 from 10 tion. said, "My heart raced when I found tional Endowment Fund. Altbough very grateful for your efforts and a.m. to 12 noon. For information, It is true tbat tbere is a budget myself not alone, but surrounded it is not a requirement to repay that support. call 7731728.7171 or email jae!. shortfall. To help remedy tbe defi• by people tbat knew what it was money, tbe national board voted The JACL faces many challeng• [email protected] .• cit, we have cut spending and in• like being a young Japanese to require a repayment of the es. However, the organization can creased revenues. A major reason American." money with interest. This places flourish witb tbe help of its mem• Bill Yoshino is thR JACL Midwest for this is the decline in member- The bottom line for Anna is tbat a hardship on staff. A lot of time bers .• last year she looked forward to regional director.

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