(Under Article 32 oÍ the Constitution of nnclia)

w.P.(C) No.lefgr_ oF 20te w::: 1$. IPUBLTC TNTEREST r,ìrrc,+uox¡






IA No._of 2,019: Application for Directions and Inter.i;r stay


IANo. o12019:.Application for Permission to äle iengthy list of

clates and sl,nopsis



Date of Proceedings INÐEX \iÐL.I

Pa rticulars of documents Page no. of part to ,¡¿hich it belongs Parti lPartII

1 i Court Fees

2 I Listing proforma

Cover Page of Paper book

: 4 , lndex of record of p roceeo rn9 s

B-NN i l

ANNEXURE:PLA tnre of the Impugned Order C.C

No. 272 clated 05.08,20i9 ANNEXURE-P4 A tnte c0py of the LnPugned Order L.rJ. No, 273 dated 06 08.2019

ANNEXURE-P5 88-142

A true coPY of the Jamn':r I(ashmir Reorganizatiorl A: L' 2019 dated 09.08.2019

A true and correct coPY of tle profile of the PetitÍoners.


A true and correct coPY of the i i Treaty of Lahore dated I l

09.03.1846 I

ANNEX-!JE-E:P& i 762'166 A true and correct coPY of the j

) Treaty of Amritsar dated r 16.03,1846 12 iANNEÀ{JBE-=e9 A true and correct coPY of tre I notificatJon dated 20.04'L927' ANNEXURE-P1O L72-176 A True and correct coPY oi Section 5 and 6 of tre I Government of India Á:t

A true and correct coPY of the

I nstru ment of Accession oi the staie of Jammu and daled 26'I0.L947 rtr ANNEX¡"JRE-P12 I L87-188

I A true and correct coPY of the reply by Lord Mountb¿tier dated 27.70.7947.

A true and correct coPY Delhi Agreement 1952' ANNEXURE.Pl4 A true and correct coPY of the Presidential Order datei L4.05.i954 ANNEXURE-P15 A True and Correct coPY of the Kashmir Accord 7975 dated 13.11.1974


(Pg Nc 206-a25) ,A

'+- The case pertains to (P1ease tick/check the correct box): Central Act (Titlc) : (1) Constitr-rtion of Inclia

Seclion Articles 14, i.9,2I, 32, 356, 367, 368, 37Q

f, Central Rule (Title) N/A : Rr-rle No(s) N/A *r Staie Act ( Title) N/A :- Section N/A ;r staie Rule (Titlfl N/A ,: Rule No(s) r.{/A lì Impugned InLerim Order N/A (Daie) ii Impugned Final N/A (Date) t l"' Order/Decree High Cotrrt (Name) .-l Name s of Judges N/A . Tribunal/Authority (Na-ale) N/A

i. Natule of matter writ Petjtion (Civil)

2.(a) Petitioner/Appellalt |ic. 1 DR. SHAH FAÐSAi.

(b) e-mail ID i ¡;h¿ h ine:sailü.ì ir 11 i;.ri ì io,il ' ic) Mobile phone number ' +91 94190801t 1

3. ia) Responclent No. 1 UNION OF INDIA .THROUGH SBCRETARY.MiNISTRY OF HO¡iIÐ AFFAIRS to.l e-mail ID N/A ril (c) Ìúobile phone number N/A

\lain caregoly classilica:,c:r 08 ib) Sub classif,cation 08 12 (Letter Petrtron & PILs) (Others) 5. i\ ot to be listed belo¡e

6. (a) Simila¡ l)isposed cf N/A Matter with Ci1-ation if Arv anrl Case D etails

(b) Si¡ailal Pending Matter w.P(c) 1013 OF 201e wjt}r Citation if ,Any and Case Manohar Lal Sha¡ma v Details Union of India Crinrínal Matters: fuL (a) Whet-her accnsed/col-L'';ict N/A has surretrdere<1 {h) FIR No. Date .N/A ii) Police Station N/,A (d) Senience Arvard.ed rv/A (e) Sentence Undergone N/A L Land Acquisition Matters: (a) Date of Section 4 NotificaCon N/A (b) Date of Section 6 Notifica'.:on l\r/A ic) Date of Section 17 N/A Notifrcation

Tax Matters: State the tax efÏect l.J/A

10 Special Category (first t Senior Citþen > 65 Yea¡s Petitioner /AppeLlant oni"v; N SC/ST ! Woman/Child ! Disabled N/A ' il Legal Aid Case iJ In custody Vehicie Number (in case oí N/A Motor Accicle nt Cia1m matters)

AOR FOR PETITIONER(S) AAKARSFI KAMRA NE\¡ bLLRT Advocate on Record 11 .o8.)o l1 Code: 2599 Phone:9650659748 rl, jy\oPsrs "/'

fhe Statç of .larnrnn'-l-' and l(aslmi¡ is an integral part of India,

i The Fetitioners he¡ein are citizens of India and a¡e recognrsed as

Pennaneri Residents of the State cf .Tamrnu and I(ashmir. The petitioners

have prellerred this Wnt Petitio¡ i:r the natlre of pLrblic inte¡est litigation , . irlpugning a'se¡tes of actions by :he Respondeuts r¡¿hicir not bnly Lurilaterally

altr:r the reìationship of the unioir u'ith the state of Jarmlu and I{ashmil'

rviïhout paltictpatio n i.nrer ali.a of ¡he instttntions of tlre State of .Iar¡.lnu ',ire

¿n¡i i'*ashmì¡ in srLcir clecision r¡ai

'uut a.iso constitute a ÍÌontal attaci( o1r the values of 'f'ederalislt', 'ciemocr.acv,

anci 'the rlile of law', protectecl and guaranteecl lrncler the provisions ol the

CorrstitLltion oílndi¿, inclucling its Pa¡t III and enforceable under Article 32

of the Constitntion.

Express provisiols of the coåsliiutional text, as also the pri;rciples of

cierloclac-r' anci fecleralrstn rnancla.t: titat the relationship between the Union

loaserJ o I lnclia. and the state of Jarrrn,-r ar¡i l(ashrnir shall be on a l-Lrutnal

i espect for each otirer's institutions a¡td abole all, the consenf ancl consensus

of lÌre people of Jammu and l(ashrnìr The Petitioners approach this llon,ble

court to enfo¡ce tiris constitutìonai .rranclate in respect of State of Jamlnu and I(ashmir by playing f'or q,asirìi g/setting aside the impugned actions that, ur effect, are an ernploymen¡ of a se¡ies of clevices under thç constitution of Inciia to rjefeai its substantive provisions, ancl constitntional vahies.

PÐTITíONÐR.S' R.EASON IìOIì ;rpplìOACHING THIS HON'BLI] r-f)T'Þ-Í' \_-,.r I Tire Petitíoners recognize ¡irai the sitLlatlon prevailìng in the State of

.Ianmu and Kashmil, particuiarll, the I(ashmir valiey, and owing in part to

, the railitancy, required an effecr,ive political , solution. However, the

irnprigneci actions hereìn, tha¡ 'rrnclermine the cherishecl vahres of

'federalisn-r'. 'democracy' ancl ' .ul. nf lau,', cio not ancl c¿unot offer

such a solution. Pçtrtioners seek this Hon'ble Court's inte¡vention in orde¡ to

ensure rneasrlres taken fol the progress of the State of Jamrnu and Kashmir

are courpa.tible with the Constitu¡ior of India, ancl as a rdsLrit, lasting and

ileaningful.îhe Petiiioners upp.o-n this FIon'bie CoLut with a vier.r, not

only to get the irnpugned actions set-aside, but in the hope that this litigation

presellts an opportunìt¡' for a consrrLrctive solution to emerge that envisrons

and guarantee3 justice, peace and picsperity for the peopie of the State bf

Jarnmn and i(ashurir, u'hile respectir:g and protecting the civil and political

lights of all the residents of Jarnrnu and I(ashrnlr * as guaranteed Lrnder the

L orstltutron of -lndla.

The fede¡al polity as provrcled for ard practiced under the ConsþitLrtion of

lnc1ia is sui.-generi.s - for it takes into accormt the special needs and histories

of clifferent States. Accordìngiy, specrál provisions were made ir.r respect of

many States. A¡ticle 370 represents cne such special relationship betweer.r

India ancl the people of tire State oi Jalrrnu and I(ashmir. This I{on'ble

Court has eallier decisrons noted that the framervork provided for under

A¡ticle 370 has nea¡ pen.nar1ellce. Changes to the relationship between India and the State bf Jammn ancl I(asirmìr within the flarnework'of Article 370 thus necessariiv required the coÍrsent cithe people ofthe State, as expresseci b,v a pooniariy elocted governrlent, eitrrer by wa1, of .a recont nten dal ton from Ð Ithe State Constituent Assembl.v or by way Qf Çoncuruence of the

Goverruneni of the Stale.


(a) On December 19, 2018, tire President of I¡c1ia issuecl a proclamation

nncJel Article 356 of the Cons'itution prornulgating Presiclent's lule in

the Slate ol -laurmu ancl i(ashmir. The Prociarnation (helejnafter,

"lrnptgnecl Proclalnation") in:er ali.ø suspendecl the proviso to Artiçle

3 of the Constitution as it appljed in relation to the State of JarnurLr

and I(ashmir. The pro r.'iso to ê¡trcle 3laid clown that alteratjons to the

bounclaries of the State can cniy be done prrsr,rant to a reqrlest fìom or

u'itir the consent of legisianrie rf the State;

(b) With effect fiom .iuly 03, 20\9, the proclanation rssued on

19 12.2018 rvas extendecl íor a ftrñher period of six tnonths (also

heleinaÍÌer inclLrded u'ithin the :xpression "InpLrgnecl Proclamation");

(c) On August 05, 2019 Constrtutron (Applìcation to Jarrmlr ancl

I(aslrmir) Older, 2019 ("C.O. 212") was issued purporteclly under

Alticle 370(1) of the Constit'¡tion seeking to apply al1 pr-ovisions of

the Indian Constitution to the State of Jammu and I(ashmir. Thereafter

'll1e on tlre same date, it was tui¿ ¡rfor. the Pa¡liarnent . oïder, itlter

alio, in clear violation of Anicle 37Q(1) soLrght to amend Article 370

itself b"v addfug Article 367(.i). cieclaring that the pluase "Legrslative

Assenbly of the State" in ¡,riicle 370(3) shall read "Consriruent ' Assernbly of the State " It is pertrnent to note that wirile the order

mentions tirat the concurrence cf the Govel'nlnent of the State has

been taken, no elected _QOveffil'i€ilt exists as the State has been i

. P¡esident's rule since Decenber 2018. Further, the Governo¡ of the

State irad hrurself, as lece1lil\¡ as early August 2019 issued pLrblic

assu¡anÇes to the people of the State of .Iammrt and l(aslmir tirat

Article 354 and Article 370 r.vould not be toucheci ThLrs' his

incompetence to not substitÌlte the elected legislature notwithstanding,

it is unclear if he in fact colc,ntred u'ith the order, r,vhile rral

assurances to the peopie oi ils State, u,hrch are exactly opposite to the


. (r1) Snnultaneously, a Bill ri'a-q moved and passed in Pa¡liament to

leorganize the State of Jamnri and I(ashmir by biftrrcating it into trvo

Union Territories of Jamml ancÌ i(ashmjr, and Lacial

of l,eh and I(argil) extmguislt the State of Jamtnu and l(ashnir. Once

agaûr, there was no consultation as mandatecl by Article 3 of the

Constitution of India as per ri'hich a resolution to reorganise a State

rrLrst oiiginate fron the elecied iegislatr-rre of the State. Flrtilerl¡orè,

the biil t'as moved in the ai:sence of a recotnnendation Íiom the

President rvhich is a tlandator¡" teqnirement uncier Articie 3.

(e) The ver1, next day, a seconci Ccnstitution Older (C.O. 273) rvas issuerl

b¡, the President under A¡ticle 370(3) deilaing tirat Article 370 rvonl

cease to exist. Thrs order siands on the shoulders of the prev.iotts

C'onstihrtion order (C.O. 2i2) dated 05 08 2019 u,hereb1, the

requirernent of consent of the Constituent Asselnbly of the .Ianr¡n and

I(asluril' State was ilie-eall1, ¡eplaced by the Legislative Assernbly of

the State. In airy case, there -"r,as no recominendation f¡om the eiected

Legislative Assembl,v of the State as the State iras been uuder' ç , Presidèit's rule. Instead, iho older rvas plrportedly passecl by a voice

vote in the Parliament.

Iir this n-Lannei', the constitr-Ltl onal relationshrp behveen tLle State ol JaLnnlu

alld l(aslirnil and the Union of fud a was radically alterecl in a rnEtter- of tu,o

days, even as the people of iammu and l(ashrnir u'ere kept in the dark as a

crrfeu, was imposed in the S:ate ef Jammu and l(ashmir ancl all

Qommunication was cr.rt off on iugLrst 4,2019 midnight, in total violation of

.r' I tlreir lights undel Article 1,4,79 anrl21. The most irnportant reqr-rirenent of

the rvill of the people of the State of .Iammu and I(ashmir voicecl tir¡ough

eleoted representatrves in a Legislative Assernbly rvas sougìrt to be

silbstrtLrteri at e'err, step of i|1s r¡.¿1i by different functionaries such as the

Corrernor. ihe President and the Parliarrent. Frrtherrnore, these ehanges

u'ere effected ln absolute and incliscrirninate haste, in the absence of anv

cogent clebate in Parliarnent- reierence to any expefi bodies or. standing

conr¡ittees to er¡aluate tire constiiu:ional irnplicatrons of the bill anci even

the ai:sence of Lok Sabha members of Janmu ancl I(ashrrir. It rs subu-rined

that the actlons of the union Gci¡eLnrnent a¡e r-mçonstitutionai for the

foliou,ing reasons i

I. C.O. 272 and C.O. 273: Bcih inpugnecl constitution oi.cler.s are

uncoirstitLrtional for being passed rr ctisregard ofthe consent of the people of

Jarnmu and I{ashrnir, as expressei'l thiough ther chosen form of gover.nrnent

- a popularly eiected, repLrblican form of gover.nrnent.

a. Absence of concurrenc* .rf tlr. Sfate Governnlent: The state

of .Tammn and Kasir¡rir. iras been nncler the presiclent,s nile C,,

under Afiicle 35ó oitLe Cor.rstitution of india (as appliecl Lurder

the 1954 Order) since .Iune 20i8 and all routine decisions a¡e

taken by the Gor¡el:c r'. r¡'llo is a delegate of tlie President.

Therefore, the r¡,ii1 of tÌre people finds no expression iir the

corìcr-rffence of the gci'ernrnent of tlie State provided by the

Governor', rvho is tre-tel,v- substituting for a popularly elected

govermnent as an efteigency lneasltre under Article 356 of the

Constitutron. \Ã/rthotrt an Article 356 prociamation under

.i¡f operation, such concLrience could have been providecl only

prrrsr.Ìant to such aid ani adviå of the council of ministers of a

govçr nent that is lopularly elected. Absent that, the

concun'ence is invalicl a:ld liable to be set aside. for r¡,ant of due


b. Abuse of powers under Article 356: Article 356 of the

Constitlrtron, even thcr-rgir it conternplates transfer of legislative

ancl execntir¡e porvers ill the State to the Pariiarnent and the

President respectirreÌrr, d.:es not contelnplate the transfer of an1,

coñstltuent porver. The r.attre of constituent power is snch tha't

it is incapable of being iransferled uniess the Constitution of

.Iarnl¡u and l(ashmir prc irided a mechallism under rvhich sLrçh

power could be transfel'reC. TilLts,

i. The Presldent doe.l not u.quir. the constituent polvers of

the Governnen¡ ci the State of Jammu aucl l(ashmir

under Article 370(iXd), to gìve cencurrence to a

moclification of ihe Constitution as appliecl to the State

Hence. such powai to given concnnence caurot be H

e:(ercised b!- :119 Governor either, as hç is r¡e¡elv a

delegate of ille President in the State, turder president's


ii. Lil

' acquire tlìe cotlstitì-lent power of tile. legislative asserrbly

of the State of -i¡n¡¡ and I(ashrrir under Anicle 370(3)

to recommend a presidential notification, (assurning but

not conceding rue valídity of Impugned',Order C.O. 272 i ,tìt reclefinrng ccnstituent assernbll, to mean legislative

asserrblt.) Cclsequentìy, the resolutions passed by both

pa¡liament, houses of the recolnmending the issue of an

Article -i 7O(3; :residential notification, ptupor.teclly in ,,legislative exel cise of por^,ers tilat vest rn the assembil,,,

of the , State of iatlmu and l(asimir ìs invalid and. non est

ili the e)'es of lair .

iii. In any event, the president under Afiicle 356 as applied

í1::: to tire State uncler 1954 O¡der, mnst act to nLn the

Government in tiie State in acco¡dance rvìtir the

provisions of "¡jle Constitution of Jarlmu and l(ashrnìr,,

and tilus cannoi abrogate the Constitution of .Iarnrnu ancl

I(ashmir driring president,s rule.

II. c'o. 272: TIte orde' issred urder A,ticre 370(1Xd) atteìnirts 'npr-rgned to rnodify the text of Atrcle 370(3) as applied to the state of Jamrnu ancl

Kaslriri¡ (via Article 36i(4)) by sti:r-riating that "constrtuent Assenbly"

sirail rnean "Legísiative Assembfi"' il Article 370.This is Lurconstitutional

because ,f I .r â. Ar-iicle ,170(l)(c) rnandaias that Article 370 (and Arricle 1) shall

apply to Janrnu and I(asirnl¡ b¡' virtue of the text itself, and that only

, "othgr" provisions can be modified and applied uncìer Articie ,

3 "0, 1)ld)

b. Anicle 367 of the Corstr:ution of India defines the uraurer of

interpretation of provisions ¡f the Constitlrtion of India, and thus can

be used to Írodif¡, rnereiy the interpretatron of constitl-rtional "'of pror,isions generally, wherl applied to the State Jammu and

L-r¡ I(ashrnir. I{orvever, C.O, 2T2 goes mnch beyond merely rnodifying

rnterpretation, insofar as it seeks to alter the snbsÍanrive nature of tlte

power under Article 370(-1) io recommend a presidential notification.

In effect, C.O.272 vests poqers of¿ certarn kind, only exercisable by

one body, and under AticÌe 370 a\one, in a wholly dffirent body that

lacks the comlletence to exercise such powers,

' c. The creatio' of a nerv s,bs¡anirve power in the Ìlands of the .legislative

assernbly, supersession ofihe 1954 Orde¡ and the ftrll application of

the Indian ConstitLrtton to .lar:rmu ancl I(ashrnir, and the consequent

abrogation of tire ConstitLrtloi: of Jamrnu and Kashmì¡, woLrld onl), be

possible under C.O. 2'i2 1f Atticle 370(1)(d),s power to rnodify ancl

apply provisions was a constituent power. Howeve¡, the president's

power under Art 370(1)(d) ís nct a..constituent power,,but is rnerely a

power to "appiy" provisions witil ',rnodifications and exceptions,.

under Article 370(ixd), and is hence inherently a lirnited power.

IIL C.O. 273: Apresidentìal notificatron such as C.O. 273 ca',be issried

only if rire ploposal for the cessa¡icn of Artìcle 370 entanates frorn the . State's Corlstituent Assembly (or its successor in law, if any), The .latntlLt

a:rc1 Kasirmir Constituent Assembl¡ does not exist at the cunent time ancl

, thus coulcl not have made a recoulr:endation to that effect. Fruthsrmore, nQ

recomrrendation was made b)' any legislative body in çxe¡cise of its

constituent power in Jarnmu anc K-ashmir that A¡ticie 370 sllall cease to

have effect. The state of .Iamrmr ard I(ashmir not iraving validly initiatecl the

process of ablogation of Article -r7Û (which, absent a meÇhanistl to clo so

under the Constitution of Jarimn ani l(ashmir could have been provicled ín

:iii::jr' tile futr-rre by a sr,ritable amendmett .rade to the Çonstitution of .Tatltlu and

I(ashmír by the legislatu¡e of il:e State in the çxerçise of its amending

powers), the Unìon of Inclia conld not have initiated any process of an1,

substantive cirange uncler Article 370i3) either.

I\,'. The Presidential proclamation dt, 19.12.2078 :The ImpLrgned

proclamation is Lurconst.itutional tc lh¿ extent that it suspends the proviso to

Article -1 of the Constitution, r¡'hicir is a nÇcessarl' safeguarcl protecting

feclelalism anci dernocrac¡' u'irtch are basiç featlLt es of the Constitrrtiorr The

I device of President's Rule. rvhicir ir¡' its very nature is ineant to be a

terrÌporary provision until the restcla:ion of the electecl governtnent of the

state, cannot be Llsecl to rrreversibll" irnd pernanentll, o1r.t' tlie character of

the stato. Plesident's Rule represenrs â ienìporaÌ') suspension of the federaì

structure vis-a-vis the centle and the affectecl fecleral unit, I)urir-rg that time,

therefore, the centre's actrons mus¡ be o¡iented torvarcls the evçntual

restoration of the fecieral unit. Federalism, therefore, places an implied

limitation Lrpon the pou,ers of the Piosicient dLuing President's RLrlç, narnely, \.tú(.*

powel the federal .A liinitation upon the President's io ehange the Stattls of

nnit itsell

V. The Jammu and Id¿shmir Recrganisation ¡\ct 2019: The Impugnecl

Act is clearl¡, in violation of Aticle -ì of the ConstitLrti¡:ll, as the charactet of

â state canlot be extinguishecl in its er-rtirety in to ttvo nnion terlitories' Thele

is no precedent in oltr constituticnal historl', after the concept of Union

Ter-ritories int¡odLrced in the Ser.'enth Anendment to tile' ConstitLrtion of

hrCia, in rvhich a State was cornpleiell' extìnguishecl, and recluced only to

union Ter¡itory/Ten.itories, To do sc impinges on the fedcral characte¡ of the constitution because:

a, Article 3 Iil¡its tl-Le extent tc ll,lticil tlie fede¡al nature of the uuion cau

be reduced. While states catt be can'ecl oitt flon existing states,.like

Telangana's çarve or-rt Êoni Alcllta Praclesh, states çannot be entirely

redLrced into LlTs as sougi:i ,;c be done rnder the irnpLrgned Act. Article 2 rn contrast, conf¿t's ¿n almost unlirnited porver on the

Parlian-rent to create new siat:ts, as the creation of ner'v states, brr

' furtirer federating the union, advances federalism. If the rmpugnecl

Co¡stitution orders anci impugned Act are uphelcl, India can be

reduced to a "Unjon of Union Teritories" rnerely by parliarnentaly

l.gistuììonr, rvirich is neither peitnitted blr 1þs text nor tire spirit of the


b. The terms of enh'y of .Tamr:lu ancl I(ashrnir tnto the Indian Union,

recognised ín the 1954 Ordel accord protection to the territorial

rntegrit¡i of Jal¡mu and I(asl:rli¡ by rnalcing the powers of b1,

Parliament, under Arlicle 3 of lndian Constitr-rtion, contingent on tlte 1_

.l consent by the state's le_qislarure. .Thus, tire extçnt of the State of

.Iamnn anci I(ashmìr can oilh, be changeci subject to strict federal aud

, democratrc guarantees - to the extent that Jalrunu ancl l(ashruil" s

legislahrre and Constitueti Assembly earmarked ''empty" seats for

abseni representatives of tl-:e u,ill of the people residing in those

legions of the State not nlder India's control. The break np of .larnrnu

and l(ashmir, is a violation oi this recognition,

\iI. All the Impugnecl acts:All the Irrpugned orciers and acts vitiate the

plinciple oi federalism. u'hich is parr of the basrc stn-tçture of the lndian

Constitutìon. Impugnecl Orders affect a complete and a r¡4rolesale

sr-rpelsessron of the ConstitLrtion ci Jamrnu ancl I{ashrni¡ even to the extent of

.iarnmu and l(ashrnir ceasing ro be -State, as dernonstrated by the passage of

the Jammu and Kasilnir Reorgar:rsa:ion Act, 2019 in Pariiarnenti They are

therelore in clear violation of this rigÌrt to autonorn¡, of the State that rnhere

in its. resrclents' palt Iil rights a;rci ciestmctive of the basic stmctLu'e of the

ConstitLrtion of India as applied tc the State of Jarrmu and l(ashrnil. and are

therefore liable to be held to be voi,:l and tnoperative rurder Article 1 3, by this Hon'ble Court t,

Therefo¡e, tire Petjtìonerls pray to iì:,s Hon'ble Court for settrng asrde the iurpugned actions. and titerebv uphoÌding tliç values of Fedetalisnl, Rule of

Lar,. Democracy and above all. Corslinrtional Morality.

Ifence this Wlit Petition T,ISl'C}F T}ATT',S AND TI,VI"NTS

09 03 1846 The Treatl, of I-rhore rvas executed betr,veelt i Runjeei Stngh of Lahore and tlte B¡itish Governrnent, resilltrng in the transfer of certain te¡¡itories to the Ëast India Cornpany- In particLrlar,

rurder Article 4 oi ¡ire Treaty, " the I'tlaharaja cede^r ' to the Ilo¡tau'c¡bie Con4tany...all hrs .fort.s, lerritori.e.\', rights an.:l inrerests in tlte hi// countries

y¡ arc si!uote¿l :ehtteen fhe Rivers Beas cmd"

Indtts. inclu¿ling rþ. Provinces of Cashmere ancl Hazarah. "

t6 03 1846 Follorving the T:'eaty of Lahore, the British Govel'nnrent execilie,j the Treatlr of Amritsar on

March 16, 1846. Under this Treaty, tenitories cecled to the East India Cor-npany under Article 4 of the rìi, Treaty of Lahord u'e:e transferrecì by the British

Government to Mahara¡a Griiab Singir of Jarnrnu.

30.06.1857 Maharaja Gulab Singlt.ciied ancl was sncçeeded by

his son, Maharaj a Rani:ir Singh.

02 08.1858 Following the passage of ihe Governnent of lndia Act, 1858, teffitorìes in possession or under contrcj ol t.he East India compan\/ were

vested in tire B¡ltish À4cnarch, in whose name Inclia r¡,'as to be gorrerned. \1 I 1885 Mahara.Ja Ranbir -singh died and was succeeded by Mahara¡a Pratap Silgh.

30 08 1889 Tire Interpretatio:r Act of lB89 was passed by the

U.I(, Parliarnenr. Sëciion .1 8(4) of this Act dçfined tlre explession "Bij:ish India" as "all territories and places wiÍhiit Her itlajestSt's dontmions arc

.for the time being govemed b1t Her Alajesty through

the Gr¡t,ern or-Gen ercti of Inclict. ". In adclitlon, the

tem "lndia" was ,jefined under Section 18(5) as "British htclia together ,,-iÍh on.y territories of anlt ' ncttit¡e prtnce ar rh,u/ urde, the suzerainfy o/ I{er t\la1esty exercisecl ritratrgh the (iovernor-Genera\ of

hclia . . ".

.1925 ,.Maharaja Pratap Singh was succeeded by Maharaja Hari Singh, the lasi Ruler of the pr.incely Statç of Jaurmu ancl l{ashr¡ir

2A.04.1927 Tire expression "State Subject,, r¡,as clefined rn thestate Subject Derlnrtion NoJificatiou dated tlle Aprii 20, 1927, r.r'l:ich u,as issned by lr4aharaja Hari

Srngìr. 1'his Notifica¡ion ciassified State Subjects

into four classes and subsequently became the basis fot' the definitlqn cf "pe¡maneut Residents,, of .Iarnmu ancl I(asillir. under the Consti¡-rtion of .lammn and i{asl:ra;r and Artlcle 35A of the Constitution of Indra.

22.04.1934 Maltaraja Hari Srngh enactecl Regulation No. I of ' 'Satrrvat 1991 on A,ptrl 22, 1934. The Regillation . establishe,J a Legisìari e Assernbly for the State of ,pra.¡a .iammu and l(ashmir called the Sabha,, Wrile

ceriain legislative fiurciions were delegated to the o Praja Sabha, the Ruler, Maharaja tlari Singh, ¡etaûred supromaçl' over all .iegislative, executir'ç and judicial mane:s

02 08.1935 The Governrlent of India Act, 1935 u,as passecl by

the U.I( Parüamenr. în. e.t established India as a Federation cornplisilg Govemor,s provinces, Ciliçf . Cornrnissiol er's Plovinces, and the Indian Statcs which had or u,ouicl accede to the Federation of lndia.

Section 6 of the sald Act is worthy of parficular !r'jl , emphasis. Unde¡ thrs provision, the Ruler of an

Indian/Princely State rvas ernpowerecl to execute an

Instmrnent of Access:on cleclaring thaLhe accedes to

the Federation oí iliia subject to the tenns of suclr Instruntìnt. Uncler Sec¡ion 6(2), an Instrlunent of

Accessiou rvas to specify matters witir respect to whicÌr the Fedelar Legislatule woLrlcl havç

competence to legisiaie for a particular State and the Iinitations, if an1,, cn the Federal Legisiature,s

powers to rnake lau.,s cr exercìse executive ar-rthority over slrch State.

Notably, as the State cf Janmu and I(ashmir was

not a part of B¡itish India, provisions of t'he Government of indìa Act, 1935 did not apply to it, runless an Instnl¡e'rjr ci Accessiou was executecl by

ìts Ruler in accordance r,vith Section 6,

ú a919'39 The Jamrlu and l(ashrnir Constitution Act, 1939

was prornuigated. iÄ¡irile Maharaja Hari Singh retained soverergntl' and sllprenac)¡ over all legisÌatìve, executive ar"id.iLrdicial functions, tite Act

enpowered the Praja Sabha to rnake laws for the entire State of .iamn¡Lr and l(ashrlir or any part ? thereof (Section 231 subject to certain conclitions (Section 24). Furtire:, the said Act rzested exeQutive functions r¡,ith Ccrurcil consisting of a Prirre N4inister and other'\iinisiels appointecl by the Ruler. The Act also proviclecl for tÌre High Court (rvhich

hacl been establishec b]' the Ruler in 1928) to be a

court of recold t'ì¡h jLuiscliction to adjudiCate Lrpon inler aln civil suits. and cn'i1, crir-ninal and revenue

, appeals.

-:i:1, 16.0s 1946 The Cabiner Missiol rssued a Staternent regarding !r' its Report. Uncler Paragraphs 15(J) ancl (4) of this

Statement, the Cabiiret Mission Plan envisaged a

Union of Inclia u,l-rçre thç Union rvould have

responsibiltt¡, or¡ei ,Defence, Foleign Affairs, and Cornrnuuicatroos, â.rLd tire States woulcl retain ¡uiisdiction over ail ciher subjects not cedecl to ihe Union.

22 0s 1946 ''The Cabinet Missior: issned a Memorandum titled 'State's ilreatìes alcl Pararlountcy' rvhicir affìrmed that followmg the est¿blishnent of an indepencient govemment llr India, the paranountcy of tire British

N4onarch over Indial States would lapse ar-rd paralîount powçr over their respective territoriçs

vvould leturn ¡o the Steies.

22.41 .1947 The Constituent Assernbiy of India nnanimousll, actopted tire Objectives Resohrtion, rvhicir declared the Assembl¡" s "jrnt a¡¡.d solen¡¡'t resolve to proclaint Ind"ta a.s an [ndependent Sovereign Republic". hnporlant,y, Paragraph (3) of the

Objectives Resolutio:i Ceclalecl that Princely States

, that had joined tire ijlion of Indja "whether ,, l.heit batu¡tic;rie.s or st.x:h others as ma¡;

b¿ delermLnecl. b:¡ :he Consti.tuent AssembÌy ancl

thereafter according ra the law of th.e Constitlttion.

shalL pos.sess and rctai¡t thc sralus r;f azu.onotnous.

L, îogeÍ y,i.iii ¡.esid.uary po\uers, ancl.

all ¡t6¡at¿¡'s and .f :u.¡cÍions ef governnterlt otxd adnt in i.rlratio¡t, sa,,,c and excepî such potuers ahd funcli.on.s as are yested in or assigned b the Union .. ".

25.4L1947 l'he ConstitLrent Asselrìbly of India adopted a r esollrtion lor the esiablishment of the Union Porvers Corllnittee io in,ter oli.ø d¡au, up lists of

matters iircluded in and interconnectecl with the subjects assigned to ti're Union before the frarning of ' the Consrit ution.

05.AJ.1947 The Union Por.r'e¡s Ccminittçe submrttal its Second Report tc the Consritlent Assernbly. Significantly,

the Iìeport notecl at Parag'apìr 3 :

"lt i.s necessary ta i.¡¡d.icate Íh.e positt.on o.f Inclian

States in the schene proposed by us. The States

whtch huve.¡oí.ned thL Consti.tuent. Assembly J'tcn,e

done sa t¡n rhe hasis of the Ì6ú May Statement. Sonte af thent have e::pressed thentselves as willutg Ío cede ttider pot,e r.s to lhe CenÍre than conlent¡tlated in that Sicttenxent. But we consider it

nece,tsclry to potnf rhat the applicati.on to States ,o.LLi in generc;l of ihe Ììed.e,.al List of subJects, in so.far

cts it goes beyond the I5rt1 Malt g¡6¡¡urru,,,t, shoultl be . wiÍh their conse.nî. It fol/ouÅ fronl thi.t thctt in their case, resi.dttar.t rowq.s.,t,ould vest wtlh thent tmless

the.1; ¿r.¡¡.e¿¡1¡ Lo ¡heir ',:e-tt¡ng itl the Cenfte. " , R

18 07 1947 The U i{ Parlianent passed the indran Inclepeudence Act oi'1947 lJnder Section 1(1) of the Act, frotn AugLrsi, 15, 1947, two indepencient Douinions - India and Pakìstan - were to be established. Significartly, Section 7(1Xb) ofthe Act

statecl that fo1ìor'i'rlg ìndependence, thå suzeraint¡' of the British Mcr¡arcir over Indian States would . lapse and retrrn to the Rulers of suoh States Resultantiy, as soveieign States, as many ,vs 562 Princeiy States' had the choice to relnaill indepeudent or accede to either of the two Dominions establishåC by the Act. Lastìy, as a transitional lneasure" Sectior-r 8 prescribed that prousions of tire Government of . India Act, 1935 rvoiiid continue to apply to the Domrnions of India and subject to cerlaìn conditions.

r o,1 l Uncler Section 9 ol tire Indian Independence Act,

794'1 , the Governor-Generai of Inclia issuecl the In

"Act, 1935 applicable tc India until othet provisions r'vere made by the Constituent Assembly. Arnong the appiicable provisicns was Section 6, which dealt with the accession cf Princell, States to Inclia thror-rgh the exec'.riicn of an Instrlunent of

Accessr oil. i 5.08 194i India attained indepeldence and was partitioned into the Domrnions of India and Pakistan. Further, .- as Blitish paramoLrntc\¡ lud lapscd, Prineely States

that had not execilted lirstrì,rments of Accession with S either Dotniliion became inclependent States. These included the States of Jrrnagadh, H),derabad, and

Jamrmr and I{asirmi¡.

26.10.1947 " The Ruler of Jaunr and I(ashr¡rir, Mahara¡a Hari Singh, signecl the Insirutnent of Accession, acceding to India sr-rbject to ùe terms of such Instrutnent. Under A¡ticle 3 oi ihe Instrument, the Domiiion Legislature had auihcnty to tnake laws for the State

of Jamtnu and I(ashinir on the sttbjects of Defence, External Affairs anC Comtnnnication. Article "7 pro'rided that the Instrument did not commit the

Ruler to the acceptâûcq ofany ftiture Constitntion of lndia, whiie Secrion 8 vested sovereignty over subjects not acceded :c India in the Ruler.

21 .10.1947 By a letter dated 27.i0.1947, the Instrurnent Of Accession dated Ocicber 26, 1947 was accepted by Lord MoLrntbatten orì behalf of the Domìnion of I-, 11ìOta.

05.03 1948 The Ruler, lfaharaja Hari Singhl issLred a Proclarnation under which a popular Interirn Government was estaJlished in the State of Jamtnlt

and I(asirmir, pendìr:g the fiarning of a Constitution

for the State. The plociarnation inter alia stafed.

l " ]"'ljt Cot,utcì./ of MÌn:sters shal/ t.alce appropriare

sl.eps, cts soon as resioratì.on of norntal conditions hcnte been contpÌeied, ta convene a nattonal a.ssenúl¡ based ttpor adulî suffrage having due

regord" to the principle lhal the number oJ

representulives fi"ot¡.t eoch vlÍing arect should as far as practicable be propcrtionaîe to the population o/ ' tilal ttr. tt.

20.06 1949 À4ahala¡a Hali Sii,gh issLred a Proclamation delegating ìrts pora,ers and autliority to Yuvraj Karan

Singh, who woulcl iurotion as the RLrler of the State.

,l949 JLrne Following iris appoin:ment as Ruler, Yr"ntaj l(aran

Surgh nominatecl four. represel'ìtatives froln .laurtl Lr

ancl I(ashrnir to the Constituent Assembly of lndia.

May 1948 Before the Constit'¿tlcn of India .u,rr. ittto for.., Sept. 1949 various Princeh, States ente¡çd into Covenants with each other to forrn singie units. For example, tlrr ough a Correnalr (and two Snpplementarl, Covenants), the Prìlcely States of Bhavnagar', Porbandar, JLrnagadii and numerotts othe¡s formed the Unitecl State of åaurashtla. Tiirough a separate Covenant, Gwalior'. Itrdo¡e and eighteen other

Plincel1, States fon¡ec the i-lnjted State of Gr¡,alìor, Inclorç and Mal'¡a (Madh¡,aBiraraQ Sir¡rlar Covenants lead to li:e formation of the Patiala and

East Pur¡ab Sta¡es {.;nion (PEPSU), the United State of Ra¡asthan, and tþe Uurteci State of TravancQre

and Cochln,

Between À4ay 1948 an,C Septernber l949, the States of Saurashtra, \4adl1'a Bharat, PEPSU, Matsya, Ra.jasthan. and fl al Llìcore âud Cochin signed

Revised lnstrnments o1'Accession which ìnter ctlì.rt (1) enlargecl the polvers of the Dominion Legislatru'e, perrltting it to enact larvs on all nlatters in Lists Ì and IiI of the Goverunent of Inclia

Act, 1935 and (2) calcelled all pïevioLrs Insh.Lunents of Accession enteleci lnto by RLrlers of Pnnceli U i. States tliat had eltrereC the Covenants refened to


Notably. lo Rer is.'i lllstrtttnetrt of Accession u as siglred by the Ruier oiJamtnlr and I(ashrnir'

Nov. 1 949 Tll or-rgh theit' respec:ive Rttlels (Ra¡pramulchs), the States of Sattrashtra. PEPSU, Rajasthan, Madhya

" Bharat, Mysore, ar-ld Travancore and Cocliin, atnong

others, issued Proclanations stating:

"That rhe Constìrttriott o.f Intlia shortLy to l:e adopted by tÌte Consirtuent Assentbly of India shaLl

l¡e Íhe Constirtttion .fcr [the State] as for oÍher parts oJ httliu a¡tc! shait be enforced as such k

accordance v¡iÍh îhe rtnor o-f its provi.tions: "

25.11 .1949 FolJowing the proclarrlations above, Yur'raj I(aran

Sin r¡lr içsr red a Proclar;ration for the State of Janmu

ard Kashr¡:r', clecla::r',-* iit¡er aliu:

"That tlte Con,¡,ii.¡ ott of' Indict shortls; to l:e t ctdopted by îhe Cor¡stiiztettÍ As,senthþt of hdia shall in so .fttr os ct¡tpLìccrble rc the Stotc of ,lantniu ancl Kashnti.r, gottent ihc constituttonal relati.onshr.p

between thß Stole ctitd- the contentplaîerÌ Lhion of India .. :"

26 0l .19.50 Lr exercise ol its co:rstituent powers, tlie Constrtuent Assembly cirafted tile Constltution of India, whrch was aclopted on Novenber 26, 1949. The Constitution of India cârne into forcç on Janttary 26, 1950, repealurg inrer tlia the Indjan Independence Act, 1947 ancl ihe Gcr,.elnment of India Act, 1935. Tlie lelationship betrveen the Constttution and the State of Jarn'ru anC Kashmir 11,¿5 gqvemed by Article 370 of the CcrstitLrtion of India,

It is evicler.rt irom bcth the ¡ext of tire Artiole -170

arcì the nego:raiic;rs rhar precedecl rts lorurulation

that Anicle 370 coLrrd not be changed unilaterall¡,

b,v Parliament.

26 A1 19-50 In exe¡cise of porr,ers Lrncler Article 370(1), of the Constitution, aird i-orlowrng consultation witil the Governrnent of .Ialrnru and l(ashurir, the President

issued tire Constituticir (Application to Jarlurn and I(ashrnrr) Order, 1951. Unclcl Paragraph 2 of thìs . Order, rnatte¡s in the First Scliedule to the O¡cler u'ere declarecl to coresponcl to matters cecled to the Union of India tlrrougir the Instnunent of Accessiou and, conseqnontly, lhe power of P¿rliarnent to make

laws fo¡ Jammu anci i{ashmi¡ was limited to such

rnatters. Furthemore, Paragrapb.3 of the Or

Constitution, provisiols specified in the Seconci Scheduie to the Order woulcl apply to the State of

Jammu and l(ashlnn .

1950 'fhe Gove¡ilnent ollnrjia published rts Wilte Paper . cn lndian States, cla,'ii¡.'ing the nature of Article 370 in the foilorving r'i,ord.s:

"221...7'/¡e ef,ëct oJ ih.i: prot¡iston is thaf the State of

Jamntu and Kashmir ccnÍinues to be a part of India It is a unit oi: the j¡t,'lian Union and the Union Parltantent will hat,e jr.rrisdiction to make laws þr

f hi.ç , Sfokt ot1 t11e/.!e rt eiÍher in Íhe UJ t l,tstntmet?Í of Accession ot by loier odditÌons with 'Lhe concurrence o¡ lhà Govemntettt of the 'taken State . Steps ',tttLl be for the pt*pose of : cottt,enìng a Consiilttznl Assentbly which will go . info Íhese mctlÍer\ tn ci.etail and when tt comes ta ct

decÌsion on them, i¡ wi.ll ntake a recontntendatt on tc'¡ lhe President vtho ',t'i.¡! eithe'r abragate Arricle 370 or direct rhat it shoil :tpply with rttodifications . . 'such and exen'tplions as he itta¡, specify- "

01 05 1951 Yuvlai I(aran Singl: issr"recl a Proclamation drrecting the establishment cf an elected Constituent 'Assembly to draft a Constìtution for the State of

.Tatrunn ancl l(ashrnl i.

20.03 .1952 IJnder Article 370(i) cf the Constrtution of India, and following consriite-iron r¡'ith the Government of Jarmnn aud I{ashr:rir" the President issued the Constitution (Applicairon to Jatlurn and Ifushrnir) (Amendment) Order. 1952 (C.O 39), rloclifying Articles 54 and 55 of 'the Constitution insofar as they applied to thë State of Jammu and I(ashrnir.

10 06I952 On .Jnne 10, 1952, tire Basic Principles Cornmittee of Jammu and i(asl:uir Constjtuent Assernbiy sLrbr¡itteci its interin report to the .lanmn and I(ashmir Constltuent Àssetlbll' and recommendecl


"b) ihe iarnt o.f the iìrtttre Canstttutioit of ,/amnnL and Ka.shmir shall bc', toll) det¡tocraric; (b) the tnsÍÍuÍion of hereditary l?ulership shall be

t t ¡,,t'¡1¡ ¡ ¡71.t ¡ ¿, /, a ¡j /¿, rhe tttfitc rr tl¡: ..1:.tJ ,f th. .r:tarc sl¡¿l! :l:u x e lecl tv (.. "

t952 Tiie 'Jeihi Acrée::::rt of I952 was entered irtto

betrn eell the G.r'.nltnent of Inclia ancl the Government of Jan:uru and l(ashrnir. Under this

Agreement, the Government of Inciia .agreed that r.vhile residuary polv;IS of the legislatrtre vested in Parliarnent in respeci of other states, in the case of Jarlllu aud i(ashrlr-, srtch powers vestecl in the

State itself

1511.1952 Lrnder 370(3) of the ConstitLrtion of Indra, tlie Presldent, after a recclnmendatiorl fi'om the Jamt¡lt and l(ashntjl- ColstltuelÌt Assernbly, ísstLed Notification C.O. 44, modifl'rng Afiicle 370 to rnclude an explanation tltat the phrase 'State ' Govemnent' urealt tire Sadar-i-Riyasal actrng in the aicl and aclvice oíiris councrl of mtnisters.

14 05.1954 \Ã/ith the concLrr¡enóe of the Government of Jatnrnu

anci l(ashrnir, ihe Pt esìdent issued the Constitr,rtion (Application to Jantr:;.t and l{ashmir) Older, 1954,

which carne into fo¡ce on Ma1, 14,1954 This Order

superseded the Corts¡:lLrtion (Application to Jalntltt and Kashrnil Orde . ).50 Paragraph 2 of the said Order set out those plovisions of the Colstitution which, in addition to

' Anicles 1 anci 370, wculd be applicable to tlie State

of Jamrnu and I(ashrai¡. . The Constituent Asderrbl!' of .TammLr and l(ashrnlr, in exercise of its corstituellt porvel's, approrred and

adopted tl:Le Constitu¡icn of:.lammu and I(ashmir. v 26.A1 ßi7 The Constitutron bf .Íar¡rnu and I(ashmir, 1957 came into force oll Janr.tary 26, 1951 l3y Ineans of

tils Constrtutio n,.'.'th e people oJ the 5'tate of JamnttL and Kashntu', ha'.'ing solentnly resolt'ed, in the presence of the accession of thÌs State of India

which took place on tite l:r4)enty-sbíth dalt.of çr¡o¡rr,

1947, to.fitrrher clc.f¡;.e tlte extsltng relati.ottship of

lhe State vttrh the (-tnioi't of India cts dn ùxtegral p€lrt - therea/ .. ". Section i of the Constitutìon of Jammu and I(ashrnir proviCei that the legislative power of the State extetclecl to al1 matters Qxcept tirose with . respect to r¡'hicir Pailialnent had porver to urake larvs for the State riuier tirç Constitutron of Inclia as applicable to the Sr-âte of Jammu ancl l(ashmir'. Legislative polvers in ihe Statç were to lie wrth the Legislative Asserrbl,.' and the Legislatrve Council. ,. Significantly, Sec¡iol i47, which dealt r¡'ith amendments to the Constitufion of .Talnmu anci I(ashmir, plovided tlta: no Bill ol atnendlnent seeing to change the prorrisiotls of the Constitution of India as the¡r applied to .îai:rmtL and Kashulir woulcl be introcluced or rno\'ùc in çithàr House of State Legislature.

21 1,2.1964 T1tç Constitutìon iAþplication to .lanmn and Kashrnir) Tirircl Ailei.rdnent Ol'der, I964, rvhich anLended the 195,1 Order, macle Articlc 356 appiicable to the Steie rvith one rnoclification - that the expression 'Ccnstitution' inclucled 'the . Constitution of Jalnnu and I(ashnir', l0 04 19ó5 The ConstitLrtion oi .lanurru and I(ashmir (Sixth Aurendrnr:nt) Act, l9ój rvas passeci. Tluough tirìs

Act, the $xpressjons "i,atlar-i.-lliyasal" and "Prinre Z Ministel'" in ti:q State's Constitittion wgre to

r espectivel.v" bç srbstjtutecl rvrth the expressions

"Governor" ancl "Crrief Minister"'.

13.1r 1914 The l(ashrnir Acoord, 1975 was entered into betu'een the Go.;emrnent of India and the

Gor¡ernment of Jarluru and l(ashmir. U[der Clause . 1 of the Accord. ti:e relationship of the State of Jaru¡u and Iiashnir rvith the Union of India was to continue to be goi'eiued by Article 370 ofthe indian

Constitution Clalse 2 reiterated that residLtary \'-- powers ¡ of legislaticrr rvould rernain with the State.

Mar- .I'r-rl President's Rule :rnde¡ Article 356 of the 1977 ConsiitLrlion of Inoia rvas irnposed f'orihc first time in .lalnnlrr ana l(as.l:::i¡.

r986 Presiclent's Rule r.vas rnposed for the second tlme in the State of ,Ialnmu ald J(ashtnir.

r990 Presìcient's Rule u,as imposed for the tilìr

:-t: the State,

1995 While the Sta¡e corltrnnecl to be under President's

Rule. Prirne \,finister. Slrri P V Narsima Rao offer.ecl rnaximurn autonoprz ¡o the State - "the sk1' j5 flls hnit" - as woulcl be permissible under the tems of

A,rticle 370 of the Cçüstitution of India, and issLted

alÌ assltrance in Parliar¡ent tirat Afiicle 370 woulcl

not be abrogated. lle reiterated tirat Jarnrnn ancl

I(ashmir rvas an inte_ela1 part of India.

22 04 2A0_i The then P¡irre Mir:ister, Shri A.B. Vajpalres ¡¿j5s¿ ilre slogan of lnsctnl)t:it (humanisnt), Janthooriytrt A+1

(democracy) and Ka.shmiriyal (inclusivity culture of ' Kashmir with amity between Hindus and Muslims),

in his speech in the Lok Sabha.

2006 The Peoples Denocratic Party presented a frarnework for sêif-¡ule and an indicative direction

for resolution as fcllorvs:

1 , The Jammu Kashmir issue cannot be "nd resolved by "in!¡astate level initiatives" arid "requires a combination o'f intra-state measures with

inter-state and suple-.late measures". 2. "Self-rulo ... doesn't impair the signifìcance of the line of cont¡cl as territorial divisions but negates its acquired and imputed manifestations of state competition ior power, prestige, or an imagined historicai rcientity. It is a way of "sharing ' sovereignty", without need or commitment to ' political merging." 3. Self ¡ule as a political philosophy is being articulated around the couception of fede¡alism and ,. confederâtion that ello\,\' for sharing of power between two levels o; government, for the sharing of sovereignty in a cocrdinated but not subordinated to one another, each erercising supreme sovereignty in its constitutional plerogatives.

Oct.2010 The Central Governnent appointed a group of interlocutors to conduct dialogue with the people of Kashmir. The group rvas headed by Dileep Paägaonkar, a iormei eciitor of the Times of India;

Ms. Radha Kumar, an author; and M.M. Ansari, a former election cåmnissioner. Bø

2011 The Interlocuto:'.' Report urg'.a rhat a Constitutional Comnittee be established to review all the conslituticna.l changes ani applications of cenrral larus o\ President's orá.rr, rvhile recommending that Article 370 and the title of Part XXI be amended io ieplace the word "Temporary" with the word "Special", akin to the provis.ions f,or other states such as Afücle 371 (Maharashtra and Gujarat), 3714 $-agaland); 37lF (Assam.¡; 37lC (Manipur); 371D'arid E (Andhra Pradesh); 371F (Sikkim); jTlG (lfizoram); 37lH (Arunachal

Pradesh); 371I (Goa)

2012 The Report of ¡he Interlocutors Group \'vas submitted recommen,iing that a political settlement in Jammu and i(ashnir be achieved only through dialogue with all stakeholders, addressing al the

diverse aspirations oí'lhe people of Jammu, Kashmir

and Ladakh. and that Ìhe State's status under Article

370 be reaffìrmed, b1'' reconsidering its erosion over the years. It furthei iecommended that the marginal note in Article 370 oi the Constitution of India be

amended from "tempcrary" to "special" instead'

2014 In the Agenda of ,{lliance between PDP and BJP, it was agreed that the position with respect to Arlicles 370, 35A of the Corstitution of India and other constitutional provisio:is rvill be maintained.

March2}I1 The PDP and BJP Coalition released a Common Minimum Programme (Clt4P) for governing Jammu CL

and Kashmir comprising the following highlights: 1. The princirles of the earlier NDA Govemment undef Prime Minister AB Vajpayee of "Insaniyat, Jamhooriyat, and Kashmiriyat" will be foliowed by the Gcvernment, to facilitâte and help initiafe a sustainec a;rd meaningful dialogue with all stakeholdérs including political groups, 2. The dialogue wili aim to build a broad based consensus for ¡esolution of all outstanding iËsues of

the State. 3. The GovernnLent will examine the need fo¡ de-notifying disturbed areas to enable the Union Government to take a final view on the continuation of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA)

in these areas. 4. The ConstìtuiiÞn's guarantees under Article 370 and other. cons;itutional provisions on special

status rvi1l be maintained. 5, The coali¡ion government will facilitate sustained díalogue rvith all stakeholders, irrespective of their ideologicai vlervs.

' 6. The government r'vill rvork out a one-time settlement for leiugees from Pakistan occupied Kashmir of 1947,19ó5 and 1971 '' 7. The government wiil take measures for sustenance and livelihood of the West Pakistan

refugees. 8.' It *'iii extend all benefits accruing to the peopie living on the Line of Control (LoC) to the people living on the ii:ternational border.

29.03.2017 Member of Parliamelt, Dr. Ratna De Nag, raised a DD

question before the Minister of Law and Justice as to

"Whether the Government proposes to,

a) Amend anri remove Article 370' related to Jammu and Kas¡r::ir in the near futur6;

b) Ifso, the details thereof;

c) Ifnot, the ¡easoit therefor; and

d) Whether this will help in providing equirable justice to the pecple of the State and if so the details thereofl"

The Minister cf Siate for Law and Justice and Electronics ãnd Information Technology, Sh PP

Chaudhary stareC.

'a) At present, thzre is no such proposal under consideration of ihp government.

(b) to (d) Do not anse.'

27.03.2018 Member of Parlia¡nent, Sh. Ashwini Kumar,.raised a starred queslion 449 before the Lok Sabha on: a. Whether the Government is æommitted to scrapping Article 370 of the Constitution which gives special staius io the State of Jammu and

Kashmir; and b. If so, the details including the present statns thereof along with tie procedure laid down for such


The Minister of State in the Ministry of Home Affairs (Shri Hansraj Ganganm Ahir) answered, "There is currqlti/- no such proposal undet F-tr

c ons iderali on of t/: e gov er nment."

20.06.2A18 Section 92 of rhe Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir deals riitlr provisions in caíe of a failure of the constiturional machinery in the State- This provision perraiiled the Govemor to, by proclamation, assume to himseif all powers and functions of the Government of the Statel Such a proclamation tvouid, in terms of Section 92(5), require the concufrence of the President of India '' and, under Section 92(3), would cease to operate six months after it rr'as issued' On June 20, 201 8, the Governor, ivith th; concurrence of the President, is'sued a prociareatlon under Section 92, declaring 'Governot's Ruie' in the State of Jammu and Kashmir.

21.11.2018 The Governor, tnder . Section 53(2) of the Constitution of Jarnmu and Kashmir, dissolved the

Legislative Assembili of the State.

19.I2.2018 The proclamation ci "Governor's Rule" expired. A Proclamation under Afücle 356 promulgating President's Rule in the State of Jammu and Kashmir

. was issued on 19.i.2018.

03.01,2019 The President of Incia issued a proclamation uucler Article 356 of the Constitution of India imposing .. 'P¡esident's Rule' 1n the State of Jammu and Kashmir. A resohi¡icn approving this proclamation was passed in the Lck Sabha on 28.12.2019 and in

the,Rajya Sabha or Aj.01,.2019. r-Ç " ir Mar2019 llirç .lar¡mLt anci i(asirrnir Peoples' \,{çrretncnt, (a

political part)" i egisterecl with the Election

Cotnmissjon of -lndra) was launched inter aLra by I Dr. Shah Faesal (lviro ìs the Petitioner No.I herern) , . to use "democratic r¡ethods and legislative

processos fo¡ l esolr"ition of all clisputes, issnes an

Sikhs, Clrristians and l(ashrniri Pandits.

4 protection of th: special statns of the State as pel the anangemeir: ulder Article 370 of tlic lndian

Constttution. 5. bLrildrng a prcgressive, gender sensitive political ínstitutior: -'vith traclitional r¡alues and moclern sensibiiitiris ic give women equal rights and lepresentatiou in ail spheres, be it constltutional, legislative or aciniinisi¡'ative' 6 adclressrng the regional aspirations of the

people o I .lamurn, Kashlriir, Peel Panchal, Leh- . Kargil, Chenab Vallev and ensr"rre equitable regional development througir rer¡el playing field, açcess to ancl entitlernent of nauonal, state and regional and . local resoÌ-rrces.

26 06 20]19 Slri Frabhat .lha, l¡{eurber of Parharnent in the tt tr) Ra.iya. Sabha, thLo.ugh question No. 497 asked the

State À4inister 1òr Horle Affairs:

"a) Wlrether A¡ticle 370 of the Constiftrtion of India

gn es special staius 1-o .Iammu ancl Kashmir under whìch the Centlai ,Govermnent has to take the approval of the Staie Government to didpose off all the works except tlle Defence Sector, External Affai¡s. Financial Nla:ie¡s and Cotnmunication;

b) If so, the cletaiis thereofl

c) \'\ftether Article 3?0 is a hurdle in tire all ¡oturd ancl suitable ieveloþraer.rt of .lammu and Kashmir

aud also a perpetuai rheat to the Unity and integrit.v

of the Coturtry; and

d) If so, whether the Gove¡nment ts inrtiating to take

''the necessary steps io teminate speciai statr,ts given

to Jarnmn and i(ashi¡ii rur

Sh Reddy replied:

" (a) to ö): At present, Article 370 is contained as a

Íetilparary ',t, respecÍ Lo the Stcrîe oJ'

,lcnntnzL ancl Kash¡t¡tr in Parl ,YXI (Tentporar¡1, T'ransitional and provtsians) of the Indian

Cot'tstitution. It'¡ ternts of Article 370, the provisions o/ ÀrtÌcle I and 57A :;halt apply in relafion to the

State of Jant mu and Kashntir. Ililh regards Ía mcttters rel.crting to ti'te Instrutnenl of Accessi.on,

Prcsi¿{ent of Inclia can issue orders tn consultøti.on wilh rhe ,Staie (io,-emntenl, tuherea.ç for applying other pra rÌsians of the Constilutiott of India. with such excepl.ions: crna nodi/icãlians cts the President malt þy order s:pecif¡- ;he concurrencl îhe Srarc ,0f t1,ll--r \-.t

govern 1ent. is rec¡t.Li;'ed". "

26 06.2019 Smt. Chhal'a Verüra, Ch, Suklram Singh Yadar,. Sh. Vishambar Prasilad NiÈhad, Mçnbers of

Par'liament in the Ra31,a Sabha, asked cßrestion No.

485 frorn the Mrnrsiet of l{orne Affairs as to:

"a) The ,ris11r poini of the governrnent regarding

Articlc 3 7C ancl 3 jA in respect of Jammn and I(ashnir;

b) The policy gover nent is rvorking on to control

the terrorist activities il .Iamrnu and I(aslurir; ancl

, c) Tirr detaiis tlrer.rr)"

Sh. Recldy replied:

" ct) At present, Arltcle 370 is part oJ the e nnsttruttu¡t ), .','(.1 ¡tntJ.'r tle Tctnpor ry 1l'ovisLans w¡lh respe.Í to the State of ,lamnru ctnd Kashntir' ancl Ar:icte 35A is conÍ.ained m the Co¡'tsti.l.tLÍi.on (.þ¡tlicatinn Ío the .Jatnntu and KashmÌr1 Order l95l issued by the President of

Indi a un cler,4.t'/. i cl e 3 7,.

(b) ancl (c) , The Gor;ernn¡ent has adopted a policy of zero talerance' ¡cwards terrorism.

respotlse is grv-en l:t¡ ¡he securil.y force.s to counter terrorist actit)it¡es. n the sfate o/' Jantntu and Kash.nt ir. h order t.o contbat actit¡ilies of terrorists, several steps hctye (en tclcen includirtg strengÍhett ing operat.ional grid,

coorrlinttt,'on ct\tonl\t t?curit) ctgattcie.s. erfecti, c

retaliaÍion of ierror a:ß, sLrengÍhening of ROP to

pralccl canvÒ)).\ ef.c. ' 31

03.07.2019 The President's p¡oclamation \ as, in terns of Alticle 356(4), tc expire on 02.07 2019 Consequentl¡', Presjdent's Rule in Jammtt and I(ashrni¡ rl,as extended for a ftlfiher period of six montirs vvith effect lrom 03.07.2019.

(SLrch extension.r¡'as passed by the Lok Sabha on

28,06 2019 and by the Rajya Sabha on 01.07 2018,)

A3 01 2019 Sh. A¡ay Pratap Silgi:,Member of Parliament in the Ra.1¡ra Sabha, asked question No, 1309 torl the À4inister: of State in ihe Ministrv of Horne Affairs (Sh. G l(ishau RedCr'

"a) \Ã4rether tlle Goleinment is contemplating on

abrogating Alticle 35li of tire Constitr-rtion;

b) If so, r¡4lether two titird vote of rnajority of all the rnembers of the irouse is required for tilis pLrpose;


c) if not b), u,hen a iecisio' will be take' in this

\4r Reddy lepiied:

" (a) to (c) ; At preseni Article .35A is contained i.n the (:onstìtlttÌon (lpolicotion to ,Iantmu anrl Kashnti.r) Orc{er 1954 issued by the President of Indio under ArÍicle J,.7A of rhe ConstitutÌon ol India. "

I0 07 2Ai9 Sh Sar¡av Seth, Merrbel of Parliarnent in the lìa.jya

Sabha, tl'.rough qLrestron No. 1948, asked the Minister of State for iicr¡e AfÌàirs, Sh. G l(ishan Redd1 .:

" a) Vy'hetirel it is iact ihat the Government is going

to repeal Articles 370 and 354, (b) if so reasons

thÇ reasons therefor;

c) \Mrether repeai cf thesç articles in an¡, rv¿¡, viclate ally Uniied Nations Regulation or inter¡ational obirgaiion of the Coru-rtr1,; ancl

d) If so, Hor¡, rviil ths same be mìtigated?"

To r,r,hich tlie Ministei unr,rarad,

"(a) to (d) ; At present , Article 370 is containecl cts

a tentprtrar¡t Dt'o',ìisi.oi1 w' respect to the state oÍ .lammzt and Kctsþn¡|r in Part XXI (Tentporar1,, TransiÍicnal and Sp,:,cial ProvisÌon) of the Indicrn

Consiitzttion. At presenl, ArÍicle 3 5A is contained in rhe ConsriuLtion Å¡ .ulicarion to Jattttttti attd. Kashmir) Order l95t which u,as added through the

Const¡tltÍiot1 Orcler isstrcd by the Presi'dertî of Indìo tn.der Arl.icle 37A JantnnL and Kashmir is an integrctl part of Ii'¡¿iia Matters relating îo lhe

ConstttlLÍi.ot1 af [ncl.i.e are i.nternol and entirely.far the Indian Parliante;'¡t to deal v,ith. No foreign

gove]'nm.ent or orgcmization has anlt JocLLs stqndi in.

íh.e fi1.ctl:ter. "

t0 07,2019 Sh. Prabhat .Tha asl

Affairs Sh G I(ishan R edd,r,,

Will the N4rnister ci Hoine Affairs be pleasçd to


Wh<:ther the crtrzén of Jaurrnu and Kashmi¡ KN has dual cidze¡shi¡ due to Artiçl. ,rO n, ,n. Constitution and t irether Pal

preventjou of terlo ri;t activities; d If so, the efforts being rnacle b¡, the

Govelnrnent .in tiris regard? :irli'

To u,hich the minisiei replied, " (a) to (b): No sir. No citizen of indja i;rcluding tirose belonging to tlìe State of Jaururn alC I(ashmrr' , is eligible for dual citizenship uncler tlre provisions of the indian Constitufion or the Constitution of Jamtnu and I(ashrrir.

(c ) to(d): At p¡eson¡. Article 370 is contained as a temporarrr provisicn, rvith respect to the State of Jammu and l(ashr:r:r' in Part XXi (Tenporary, Transitional ancl special provisions) of thç Incliar Constrtution.

23 07.2019 ..Sh Jai Prakash, tluorgir question No. 4949, askecl the Minister of liorne Affails:

'a) W-hether it is a fäct that tire Government rs colternplating to relr rve Section 370 and 35.A' ol the Co¡stitution relatirg to.Tamrlu and l(ashrnir,

b) If so the tune by' r'r,llcir it is likely to be done, irnd.

c) If not, the reasons tler efor?

To which. the Xlinisler of State of I{oure Affai¡s ts ) answered frorn (a) lc (c) At Present A¡tic1e 37 0 ' contained as a tempc:ary provision with respect to the State of Janunll and l(ashmir in Pan XXI (Temporary'. Trarsitic nal and Special Provisions) of

the Indian Constittltic:r'

At present Article 3 5A is containecl in the Constitution (Application to Janmn and I(ashmir) lg54 was added tluough the Order "vilicf' Constitution Order isstted b,r' the President of India

rmder Article 370

02 08 2019 The Respondent No 2 issued a Security e¿t'i'o'u' advising all Arnarnati Yatris to stop tlieir yatra mid-

way and retum. The said Secr-rrity Advisory stated:

"Keeping tn view the latest ¡ntell¡gence inputs oÍ

terror lhreclts, t'; iri't spectfic targeting o/ the Antarnath Yalra, ani given the prevaÌlmg secLÍÌl'y ValLey, in the interest of , s itua an tn Íhe Kasi¡ntir ' safely and securi4; c'f the tourisrs and Amarnath \'alris, it ts adt'ised r iar the¡t nta)¡ curtail their stalt in the Vallelt ittt¡ncdiotebt aztd talæ necessary

Ineasul'es ta retL'n tt[ soon as possible "

03 08 2019 1'hs Çerrernor of tite State of -Iammlt and l(asllmir gave a Press Siateilr;nt on the lrlght of August 3,

20 19 that he r,vas rlot aware of any proposal to anrend A.r'ticle 37A or Article 35.A and that all security arrangemeni.s and reinforcetnents in the State were being r.ade pursuant to intelligence irÌputs forecasting a major terro¡ incident.

05 08.2019 On August 5, 2Ai9, the President issued the .tìl tr: 'rì r ,i '| ilt Lnpugned Orclei, titled the Constitutioit , (Application to .Ìarlnu and I(ashrnir) Order, 2019

("C.O 272') TLe said Order. issuecl under Article

370(1) witìr the ur-uportecl concurpence ol the Government of tire State of JamrnrL and l(ashnir, insertecl Artlcle 367(4) of the Constitution of Indra. In particular, the newl,v inserted Article 367(a)(c)

stateci that ¡eferences in the Constitution to the Governrnent of the State of Jamlnu and Kashnir

would be construecl as including references to tire Governor of Jarlm¿ and Kashmir. Further, Articie

367(4)(d) amendecl sub clause (3) of Arricle 370 by repiacrrg the expre;sion "Constltuent Assernbly of

tire State. . . " u'ith t1:e "Legtslative Asserrbly of the State."

05.08 2019 The Jainmu and I(as.hrnir Reorganization Act,2019

was passed in the parlianient to provide for the

reorganization of the ekisting state of Jaurmn ancj Kasirmir and for lllatters connected therewith or incrdentai the¡eto. Ti:e Act in essence provides for

the formation of a ler.r,' union territory to be the

rurion teritorv of l-adakh cornprising of I(argil and Leh Dist¡icts as r.i'e]l as the formation of anothe¡ Union Territor'1 to be known as the Union territory of .Iamml¡ and I(ashni¡ cornprìsing of all te¡¡itories

except I(argil and i-eir. Under the Act the¡e shall be a Legrslative Assenbll' for the Unron Territor¡, ef

,ç - __ _ .lalnmLr and I(asi ni¡

06 08.2019 The President rssuec C.O. 273 (impugned herein) in .Llnder exercise of pou,ers Afticle 370(3) of the Constitntron as anenied by C O. 2i2, declared.that Articie 370 wonld ce¿.se to apply with effect f¡om 0ó.08 2019. '. NÑ

0.9 08 2019 Jn exercise of Pcrve¡s turcle¡ Section 2(a) of the

.lammu and l(asl.rnil' Reorganizatior Act 20 19, on receivilg tlre a.iient of the Presiclellt, rilc Respondent tllougir the Ministry of Home Affairs issued a notllicatror SO.2889 (E) for tìre provisions of the Act to corre ilto force rv.e.f 31.10.2019.

\q .08.20tC Hence, this Writ Petìtion -




(Ul'<'DER ARTICLE 32 OF THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA) [Public Interest Litigation]

• BETWEEN 1. Dr. Shah Faesal

2. Javid Ahmad Bhat ..... Petitioner No.!

..... Petitioner No.2 �-Ms. Shora

...... Petitioner No.3 4. Mr. I!yas Laway

5. Mr. Sai fAli Khan .... Petitioner No.4

6. Mr., Rohit Sharma

.... Petitioner No.5

.... P�ND.6

'. .

• 7.Dr. Mohammad Hussain Pacl'der

.... Petitioner No.7


1. Union·ofindia Through its Secretary Ministry of Home Affairs North Block, NewDelhi-110001 ...... Respondent No.!·

2. State of Jammu and Kashmir Through the Chief Secretar; nd R. No. 217, 2 Floor Main Building Civil Secretariat, Jammu-180001 Also at; RD R.No. 307, 3 Floor, Civil Secretariat, • -190001 - .... Respondent No.2






Resi¿entslstat' i. The Petitioners are citizens of India ancl Permanent

who have preferred this Petition sLrbjects of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Public Interest under Article 32 of the Coniii¡ulion in the nature of writ' Litigation praying inter alia frorrl ih:s I-Ion'ble Court for an appropriate Proclamation order or direction declaring Para {c)(ii) of the Presictent's (he¡einafte¡' "lmpugned under A¡ticle 356 ofthe Constitutior dr' 19 12 2018

Pf0clamation,')tobeunconstitutionalandvoid;foranappropriatewrit, ordr. or' direction declarìng ihe Constjttltion Orde¡ bea¡ing GSR' "lmpugnecl O¡der C'O 551(EXC.O. 272) dated 5 Augusi 2C19 (hereinafter' 6 August 272"), Constitution O¡cier bearing GSR 562(E) (C O 2ß) dated

and Kashmj¡ 2019 (hereinafter "lmpugned Ordei C O 273")' and the Jammu

(Reorganization) Act of 2019 (hereirafter "lmpugned Act") which received

vìres the the P¡esident's assent on 09.08 2[]19 on to Lre ancl ultra 2I' provisicns of the constilution of iniìa inclucling its A¡ticles L4' 19 aú

19 12'2018' The Petitioners herein also chalieage the Proclamation issued on Rule in under Articlé 356 of the ConstituÌict promulgating the President's

the operation the state of Jammu and Kashmir ro Ìhe extent that it sltspends

(hereinafter of the proviso to A¡ticle 3 in the 3tate of Jammu and Kashmir

"Impugned Proclamation" ) and lee extension thereof as approved by

Cabinet w.e.f 03 07.2019 (in'ciud:d rvithin the expression "Impugned for P¡ocla¡nation"), inter aÌia on the grornd that it violates Article 14 having no rational nexus with tbe' objectS of the proclamation, for being manifestly arbitrary and for being în violation of the basic feature oi fede¡alism. 4-

2. That personal details of the Petitioners before this Hon'ble Court is as


• ..

• -

7. Dr. 1 - M .


I i

3. That the Petitioners have no personal gain, private motive or oblique

reason in filing the present Petition. The petition is filed for common cause

and the benefits of the society m large.

·,' 4. That the Petitioners state that no civil, criminal or revenue litigation

involving the Petitioners, which has or could have a legal nexus with the

issues involved in thePetition is pending.

5. The actions of the Respondents impugned are annexed herewith and

marked as given hereinbelow . . a. A true copy of the Impugned Proclamation dt. 19.12.2018 is

annexed herewith and- marked as Al'.'NEXURE-P-1 (from

pg f5/ to ��).

b. A true copy of the press release dt. 12.06.2019, extending the

Impugned Proclamation is annexed herewith and marked as

ANNEXURE-P-2 (fromp g 2'4to� ir i.; ,/^ ;1 Ì1 ü :i 6 :ll

iì. c. A true copy ofthe Impugned Order C O' 272 dated 05 08 2019

and marked as ANNEXURE-P-3(from ì is andexed herewith I Ãi, f /-r, l pg èc. to :13). I' d, A true copy of the impugned Order C.O:273 dated 06'08 2019

is annexed herewiih and marked as ANNEXURE'P-4 (from pcl¿to gÈ). .-,. i e. A true copy of the Inpugned Act which received the assent of

and marked as ,. the President on 09.08.2019 is annexed herewith

ANNEXURE-P-5 iÍìom Pe 99 to-J-!-Ð.

6. A brief profile of the petitioners is annexed herewith and marked as

ro ANNEXIJRE-P-6 (From lLt3 .153 :

concemedl government 7 . That the Petitioners stafe, lhat there . is no

authority which could be moved fcr the reließ sought for by the Petitioners

in the present Petition as the oniy effìcacious remedy lies before this

Hon'ble Court under Article 32 cf tl:e Constitution.

8. That the Respondents herein are the Union of India through the

Secreta¡y, MinistLy of home affairs and the State of Jammu and Kashmir

ihrough the Chiei Secretary.


The relevaht provisions applicable for rhe purpose of tlìis P.etition are

Articles 3,356,35'7,368 anð 37A of the Constitution of India, the

Presidential Order, Constitution(Application to Jammu and Kashmir ) Order

1954 which have been enumerateci in the Appendix filed along with the

present Petition.


l0.The factual matrix for the present challenge under Article 32 is as unde¡: T {

betrveen Maharaja ,1 1.On 09.03,1846, the Treaty oi Lairorç was executed

Runjeet Singh of l,ahore and tire British Government, resnlting rn the

tr.anslèr of certain territo¡ies io the East India Cornpany. In particr-rlar,

under A¡ticle 4.of the Treaty, "the Mcrhara¡a cedes ro the F[ottottrable

Contpant,... all his .forts. teri'itories, rÌghts' and Lnterests in the hill

caLLntries whtch are sitLrcÍel, between tþe Rivers Beas and Inùts,

utclu" the Provinces of Cashinere and flazarah. " A true. åld correct

cop1, of the Treaty of l-ahore iated 09.03 1846 is being atÎrexed heler'r'ith

as ANNEXURE-P-7 (Atpne.. i lt-l to lh li

l 2 The Treaty of Ar¡ritsar vvas execLtted on 1 6 03. 1846 Uncler the said

rireat), tire tenitories ceded to rire East India Cornpany rtuder Article 4 of

the Treat-v of l,ahol e rvere tral:.siened bv the Britisli Government to

Mahalaia Gulab Singh oi'Jamlru. A tnre and coreÇt copy of the Treatlt

of Ar¡ritsar clatecl i6.03 I845 is being aunexeci lierervith as

,4NNEXtlRll-P-slAtPases\l^l n lk6). "

13 On 30.06.1857 N4aharaia GLrlab Singh died and was sr-rcceedecl by his

son. Maharaja Ranbir Singh

14 Tite Gor'ç¡nment of India Aci r.vas passecl rn 1858 after r'vhich the

ieritolies forurerll, rn control of tlle East Inclia Cornpanl' u'ere vested in the

Br.rtish Monarch, in whose narne India rvas to be governed, Followrr.rg the

passage of the Govermnent of India Act, 1858, territories fonnerly in

possessròn or mder control of the East India Compan), were vestecl in tire

British Monal ch, in r¡'hose name hdla r¡'as to be governecl i5. in 1885, Mahara¡a Ranbir Singh diecl and r'vas sncceeded by Maharaja

Pratap Singh. ó \_, passed the Ul( 16 On 30 08 1889, the inierpretatiol Act of 1889 r'va's br,

, Pariiarnent. Section 18(a) of tiris Ac: defrned the expression' B¡itish lndia'

the ,as all ten itories ancl places r,viihin hel majesty's dO[rinions rvhrch are for

time being governed b)' her n:rajesi-v iirroLrgh tire Governor General of India

In addìtion the term 'lnclia' rvas cleäned under Sectiør 18(5) as ' Britrsh

India together with any tenitories cf an)' native prince or chief under the

suzerarnty of her [rajesty exercisecl tl:iougll the Governor General of India'

I'7.In 1925.Mahara¡a Pratap Singh *as s.,c"eeded by Maharajá'Hari Singh, the

last iuler of the Princely state of Jamlau and I(ashmir''

lS On 20.04.1927, a òlotification No.44 was issued r,r,he¡ein the term "state

SLrbject" by tire Mahara¡a Flari singl whieh subsequently became the basis

of the definilion of "Permanent Residents" of Jammu and l(ashmir uncler

the .Iammn and I(ashmir Constitutiol, and A. 35 A of the Constitution of

India. A true ancl correct cop], of the notification dated 20 04 1927 is berng

annexed herer.l'ith as

19.On 22.04.1934, the Mahara¡a Haii Singh enacted Regr-rlation No' 1 of

the Sar¡vvat 1 99 .l . The Regulation estab lished a Legislatir,e Assembly for

State of -Iammu and I(ashmir call¿d the 'Praja Sabha' While certain

legisìative funqtions u,ere clelegated tc tÌre Praj a Sabha, the RLrler, Maharaja

Hari Singh, retained supreinacy o'¡er all legislative, executive 4nd judicial

nl aiters.

20 The Govelnment of lnctia Act 1935 on 02 08 i935 was passed b1' the

Par.liarnent of the unìted Kingdorn. Tlie Act established India as federation

corlpr.ising the Governor's Provinces. Chief Colnlnissioner's Provlnces and

the ludian States which had or u'ould accecle to the Federation of Inciia.

' Under sectioil 6 of the Act, the rule¡ of an lndian princely state was ï

eniporvered to execÙte au instrutneni oi Accession declaring that he accedes

to the lederatio¡ of India snbject lo ihe tenns of s¡ch instrnment. Uncier sLrb

clause (2). an instrument of Accessicn was to specify mattels with respect to

which the Fecleral Legislature r.'ould have competence to legislate for a

particular State and tbe limitatiotls, tf any, on Federal Legislatureis

powers to make laws or exercise execntive authority Qver such State.

Interestingl¡,, as the state of .Tarnmu and Kashrnir was not a part of British

india, provisions of the Governtrieni ol lndia Act, 1935 did'not apply to it

nlrless an llstrument of Accesstot] \:',aS executed by its Ruler in accOrdance

wìth sectron 6. A lrue anci ccr¡ect copy of Section 5 and 6 of the

Governtnent of lndia Act 1935 is berng annexed herewith as ¿INNBXURB- ' P-10(Ar Pases ir to l+¿- ). '

prornulgated 21 .On 07.09.1939, tbe JaÛrmu l(ashrrir constitution Act \À'as

Witile Flari Singh l etarne C sovereignty ancl suprernacy ove¡ all

legislative, executive and jLrdicial fÙnctions, the Act empowered the Praja

Sabha to make lau,s for the entire S¡ate of .Tat¡mu and I(ashmrr or any part

thereof (Section 23) sLrbject to ceriaiu conditions (Section 24) Further, the

said Act vestecl executive f,.urcticrs r,vith council cÓnsisting of a Prirne

provicled , Minrstei and other Ministet's appornied by the Rr-rler. Tire Act also

for the High Cor,rrt (whicJr had been establishecl by the Ruler in 1928) to be a

Court of Recorcl wrth.Frisdiction to adjr-ldicate upon inter alia civil surts, anci

criminal anri Revenne APPeals.

22.The report of the cabinet Mission or 16.05.1946 was tabled before the III(

Parlarnent. {-Inder Paragraphs 15(i) and (4) of the Cabinet Mission Plan it

rvas envisaged that tire¡e wiil be a udcn of Inclia wherein the union woulcl

hzive coi-rl|01 ancl responsibility over Defence, Forelgn Affairs ancl 1r'ì ) \_-./ ,conllllunicaiious, and tlle states \Àicuid retain jrÌIlsdiction over all the subjects

' not ceded to fhe Union.

23:The Cabinet Mission issned a \lerrotandttr¡ on 2205.1946 titlçd 'Statc's

' Treaties and Paramonntcl,' ra,hrcl-i alfirmed that follora,ing the establishrnent

' ol an independent government il India, the paramourfc)' of the Britislì

Monarch over Indian 51¿1s3 r,,,orilC lapse and paralnount porver ovet tlteir

respective territories wouid retÙrn lo the States,

24.l'he ConstrtLrent Assernbly of India cn22.01'.1947 Lrnanimously acloptecl the

.-li i.r. Objectives Resohrtion, r.r4rich declaled the Assernbly's "f rm and solqmn

resolve to proclaint India as an Independent SovereLgn

l?epubltc".Irnportantly, Paragraph ('1) of thç Objectives Resolution declarçci

tlrat Princell' States that had.loinerÌ the Union of India "v'hether with the¡r

presen.r. boundaries or wÌîÌt oÍher.ç as nxay be def.ermined b¡t the

Canstltuenl Assentbly ond thereitfter ùccordtng Ío the law a/ the

ConsliÍul.Ìott, shall possess ancl i e'ain rhe statLLs of Qutonontotts unìís,

together with residrLary.po\uers, ont! exerctse all powers and functiorts ttJ

.,ti go\)ernffienl and adnintsÍ, sore and except such powers and.fitt'tcti.ons

ct.y are vested Ìn or assigited to Lhe [.,irtioit... ".

25.On 25.01 1947 the Const:ituent Asså:lbly of lndia adoptecl a r.esolution for

tire estabiislment of the Union Po..veis Collr-nittee to inter a/la drar'v up ltsts

of matters included in and in¡erconlected with the subjects assigned to the

linion before tlre fi'arnurg of Consiihrtion.

26.Ot 05,01 1947, tbe l-inion Porvers Ccmr¡ittee sLrbrlitted its Seconcl Repolt

to the Constituent Assernbiy. Signiiìcantl1', the Report noted at Paragraph 3:

, " lt t: necessary) tô ulci.icate îhe po-titton of lndian States in Íhe schente

propo.sed l;y u.s. l|'he State:^ u,hich heve.joined the Constiluenl A.rsembly have l1 /r'lvc (/.ttc .ço on tte l¡a.çt.r of rltt .' ltr .\ i,,. tåientct¡t Sot¡t¿ of tltet¡t c'iprtsr"''l

lltemselt¡es as to.cecle ttti.der ¡;awers Ía the Centre than canlentplaLcd

jn ihat Slaientent. Bul vte consld-ar i.Í necessaryt ÍO potnt out that lhe

as it application ¡a Stales in general oi ihe Federal List o.f stLbject's, in so -fa r

goes beyoncl' the I6t)'^4Lt\) Statemetri, should be with thei'r Çonsent lt follou's

with thent unle'ss ./roni this Í in Íheir case, residiø/1) powers wottkl vesÍ

thq) c0n.\'ent t0 lhetr vesling rn the C¿nrre "

27.On 18.07.I947. the U.I(. Parliar¡ent passed tire lndian Inclep'endence Act of iti 1947. Uncler Sectron 1(1) of ihe Act, from August, 15, 1947, tu'o

rurdependent Dorninions - Inclia ir c Pai

Significantly, Section 7(1)(b) ofthe Act stated that following inclependence,

the suzeraintl, of the Blitisli Motlar oh over lndian States would iapse and

retrrn to the R¡lers of such states Res¡ltantiy, as sor,ç¡eigtl Stutai ur ,t u,,y

as 562 Pnncçly States hacl the remain independent ol açcede to

' either of the trvo Dormnìons established by the ACt. As a transitional

lreasLlre, Sectiou 8 pr'esclibecl that ;:rovisions of the Governn-rent ol India

Act, 1935 vvould continne to app11. tc lhe Dominions of India ar.rd Pakistau

subject to ce:'tairl collditions.

28.Tlrat Under. Section 9 of the Inclia:r iuclependence Act, 794'.7 , the GovernoL-

Gene¡al of india issued the hrdia (?rovisionai coüstittltion) order, 1947,

93 5 ' rvjlich rlrade certain sections oi :- he Govel nment õf India Act, i

,applicable to lnclia until other pior.ìsions u'ere uraclç by the constitLrent

Assenlblv Anong the appìicable p.rcvisions was Section 6, vr4rich dealt \\'ith

tÌre accession of P|incely States tc lnclia through the gxecutiorl of an

lostrrLrnertt oi Accession. \/- ' | /-)

29.1ßdra attainecl independence od i: 08.1941 ancl was partitioned into the

Dominjons of india and Pal

,:xecutecl with lapsçd, Piincely States that had nc¡ Instrttments of Accession

çitller Dcminion becarne independent States. These inclucled the States of

.hmagadh. Ìiyderabacl, and Jamt¡u alcl I{ashmir,

Maharaja Hari SingJr, -rO On 26 lO 1947 the Ruie| of Jamn:Lt and l(ashtrrjr,

signecl the lttstrLttrlent of Accessicu. acceding t0 India *b¡..,,0 the terms of

'snch lnstrument. Under Article 3 of the Instrutnent, ''the Dominlon

Legislature had authority to rlake larvs for the State of Jammu and I{ashnir'

on ihe sLrbjects of Defeuce, External Affai¡s and Commlurication. A¡ticle 7

provided tilat the Instrulnent did i1oi comrnit the Ruler to the acCeptance of

an1.' ftrtnre Constìttilion of India, u'hile Section 8 r¡ested soveleignty over

subjects not acceclecl to hrdia in ¡he Ruler. A true and çorrect copy of the

Inst¡ulrellt of Accession of the state of .lat¡tnu and I(ashmir dateCl

25 rc i94i is berng auuexed Ìrereu'ith as ANNEXUBE-P;¡1(At

-:1.8y a lettel datecl 27 10.1947,the hsiiument of Accession clated October 26

1947 r¡,as acceptecl by I-orcl Mountbaiten or.r behalf of the Dominion of India. 'o)'Lord A true ancl conect cop,v of the repll Mountbatten dated 27 IO '194'7

is being annexed irerewith as AN\ÐÃUBE"P;

32.On 05.03.1948 Maharaja l-Iari Singìr, isslred a Prociarnation under which a

popular Inteûm Gove¡nlnent w'as establishecl in the State of Jammlr and

I(ashrnrr. pending the iÌarning oi a Constitutlon for tire State, A

proclarlation was issned on 20 0ó.1949 by Mahalaja Hari Singh delegating

his powers arrd.authorit¡' to Yuvraj I(-al'an Singh rvho wonld funçtion as the

l'ule¡ of the state. After becorling the ¡nler, YLrwaj l(aran Srngh no[rûlated 4 rjl)

and Kashmir to the Constituent Assembly of fepresentatives from Jammu


una Kashmir' thus commencing 33. Thereafter, Pakistan Army entere C ¡*tnlu Kashmi¡ War ends and a United . the First Kashmir War. InJan1949,the first effect Nations nogotiated ceasefìre comes into


Singh' who would function as the his poweis and authority to Yu.;raj Karan

Ruler ofthe State. The proclamaiion stated' leave the State a "l;flhereas I høve decided for reasons of health to for Shree Karan Singh 'Ji temporalr period and to entrust to Yuvraj

povlers and in regard to the Bahadz¿r for that period ati my functions hereby direct and declare Government of the State; Nott, thereþre' I

executive oriudiciaL that all po\rers and firnctians, tçhelher legislative' stale ttnd its Government' which are exercisable by me in'relation to the of makinþ bws' of íncluding in particular my right and prerogative and ordinances' of remitting' issuing procldmalions, å'd" . offenders' shall commuting òr reducittg senÍei4ces a1d of pardoning by during the period of my absepce from the State be exercisabLe

Yu,-raj Shree Karan Singh Ji Bah-adtLr'"

Karan Singh .35. in lune 1949,following his alpointment as Ruler' Yuvraj Kashmir to the nominated four representaiives from Jammu and

Constituent AssemblY of India'

the Constituent 36.On 26.ßl.1950, in exercise oi it' ton'titutnt pqwers' was adopted on Assembly draÍÌed the Constitution of India' which force on November 26, 1949 The Coirstitution of India came inio

Act' Ú4ì January 26,1950,repealing inter aliathe Indian Independence 1l t"\' relationsirip betrveen the and thç Gor¡eLntnent of Inclia Act, 1935' lhe I(ashmir was gbverned by ConstitLrtion and the State of 'Taintlu and

frorrr both tlre t;xt of Article 370 of the Colrstitlrtioir oi iiidia. It is evident its folmulation that the A¡ticÌe 370 and the negotiat cns that prececled of India or the futicle 370 could not be changed unilaterally by the Union 370(1) of tlie Parhament. In erercisç of pcwers under Article of Jatnmu Constitution, and following colsrltation rvith the Government (Application to ard l(ashmir, the President issued the Constitution

Uncler Paragraph 2 of this Order' -t, .Jammu and Ifushmir) Orcler, -950 to correspond to rratters in the First Sciledule to ihe Orcler r^'ere deciared

lnatte|scecledtothei-jlrionoilliiatlrroLrglrtltelnstrrtnelrtofAccessioLl laws for Jailmrt and and. consequentl¡r, the pourer oi Parliarnent to tlake

of the i(ashrnir rvas limÌtecl to silch iraiters Fitrthennore- Paragt'aph -î

orderdeclarecitlratinadclitiorricArticleslancl3T0oftheCorrstitLrtion, woulcl apply to provìsions specified in the Second Schedule to the Order

ùe Siaie of Jarnrnu and l(aslmir'.

37,on 0t.05.1951 Yuvraj I(aran sir:gh issuecl a ProciarnatÌon directing the

establishrnent of an elected cgilstitrrent Assernbly to draft a constrtutlon

fo¡tlreStateofJainmuandl(ashri¡.on20.031952un(1elArticle37O(1) '¡iud of the constirLrtion ol inclia, fullowing consnitation r'vilh the president Gove¡nment of .lamrnu ancl Ì(äslllnir. rhe issuecl the

constìtution (Application to Jamilu and I(ashrnir) (Arnendment) orcler', . insofar 1952 (C O 39), modrfj'ìng A¡ticles 54 ancl 55 of tlie Constitution

as they applied to the State cf -Iatlrrn and i(ashllir' \l and 38. On .hrne 10. 1952, the Basic Principles Committçe of Jammu


that; , .latntnu altd i(ashmir Constittterlt 'Àssetnbh' and tecol¡mended

af ,latnntt't and Kashntir shall be " (al the fornt of the future Consrttu.tion whoLly democratic; (b)theinstitutronttfheredi.tary'RuÌerslipshctllbeterminatecl;¿tnd (c) the office of the Head of the ,itate shall be elective "

39.The Delhi Agreernent ol 1952 ú'as rilteled into between the Government of

India and the Governmçnt of Jarnn r and I(ashrnir. Under iúis Agreelnent" 5.'lii:. the Governmerit of Inclia agreed ihat r¡4lile residua¡y power s of the

legislatLrre vested rn Parlialnent in,iespect of othe¡ states, in the casç of

trne and i a]llmn aird l(ashmir, such porvet-s Vestecl tn thÊ State itsell A

cotrect copy of the Delhi Agreetiielt i 9 52 is being aunexed hereu'ith as

40. On 15,11.1952, rnder 370(3) of ¡he constitution of India, the Presideni,

afler a recommendation fi'om the -Iammn and I(ashrnir ConstitLrent

Assembly, issuecl Notitìcation titÌed co 44, modifyrng Articlc 370 to

,:att' ' lnçlude an explanatiou that the phra,se 'State Gover¡trreut' meant tire Sad"ar-

i-lliyasar acting in thç aicl and aclvice ¡f iris councrl of ministers

41.\Ã/itil the concurrence of thç Gcve-mnent of Jat¡mu and Kasirlnir, the

. Presiclent issued the Mother order. the' constitution (Application to .latntnu

anci l(asl.ulir) Orde¡, 1954, *4tich.... into fo¡ce on May 14, 1954. This

Order superseded the ConstitLttion {Application to Jammu and i(ashmir)

Orcler, 1950, Paragt'aph 2 of the said Ordel set out those provisions of the

Constrtution which, in acldition to Arircies i ancl 370, would be applicable to

the state of 'lammLr and l(ashrlir' A ¡inç ancl corîect copJ/ of the constitLrtion \rtv

Order clated 14 05.1954 is being arnexecl herewith as AN4X!84'P;

i4(.{1pages loj} to ? ¡3)

.42.Th:.ough section 2 of the constiir-[ion (Fifth Amendment) Act 1955, a

prcviso rvas added to Article 3 of thç Constitutiàn: "Provided tltat no bLLl for

the lhe ptu,pose shall be LntrocÌuced tn eiiher House of PatLnment except on

where the proposal contained . reco¡nmendaiion of the Presrclent crnc!., Ìn ihe bÌll affecrs the urua, houndr,ries or nanle of any of the states, the bill

I., heen referred. b¡t the Pre,sírÌen¡ lo /.h.e LegislattLre of that state Jor :ì 'ìit expre,ssing its t¡ieuts Lhereon \,ilhi¡t :t.tch period as may be s¡teci/ied in the

Petiocl , rqfetence or ''vithin such period as the Presdenl ntq¡ aÌlot'tt and the

.so ;:pecifiecl oi'ctllotted hcts t:xpìrea "

in r.lJ'\-/llj ? ô¡ 1 ? 1 I I Q56 the Constitueut Assernbll, of Jammu an

exercise of its constituelìt powers, a]¡i,'rcved ancl adopted the Constitntiou of

Jarnuru and l(ashmir.

44.The constit¡tion of Ja¡m¡ ancl I(asirlrilr', 1957 came into force on .lanualy

"the people of the State of ,/antnttt 26, 195 .1 . By means of this Constitttfrcn,

and- Ka.shnti.r, having .solentnb' resoivzd' in the presence of the accessi'on oJ

oJ thi.s Slcrr,:t o/ lndio whic'h lool: ¡tlttce on lhe l\'-enty-sixth day October' (hion 1917, ia./ì.rrîher deJine the exis:tit1F,ïelalionshÌp of the state )!ith the

of India cts an integral part thereoi ". Seçtion 5 of the constitLltion of

Jammu and Kaslrrnir pr.ovidecl . that the legislative power of the state

exteudecl to all rnatters except those rvith respect to u4rích Parliatlent had

po\\'Èr-tO ¡rake lav,s for the State unåe¡ the'Corlstitution of Inciia. Legrslative

por,r'ers .in the State were to lie u,iih the Legislative Assembly alìd thO

LegisìatiVe coLrncrl Íiignifioant.i , Sectiolt 147 , whlcil deait r¡'ith

an]eiidntents io the Constitutioil oi .l¿immlr and I(ashntir, prOvidecl that no

'I lr ì7

of the Constitution of pill or amendment seeing to ehange the provisions would be introduced or moved india as they applied to Jammu anc Kashmir

in either House of State Lêgislature' j,

(Sixth Amendment) Act' 1965 was 45.The Consiitution of Jammu and I(ashmir and "Prime passed. Through this Act, tho expressions "Sadar-i-Ríyasat"

be substituted with Minister" in the State's Constiturion were to respectively

the expressions "Governor" and "Chief Minister"'

1'975 was entered into belrveen the 46.On 13.1 1.1974, The I(ashmi¡ Accord'

Jammu and Kashmir' Under Government of India and the Government of

of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Clause 1 oiìh. e..ord, the relationship

governed by Article 370 ofthe with the LTnion oflndia lvas to cot¡inue to be powers of legislation Indian Constitution. Clause 2 re:úel:ried that residuary copy of the Kashmir would remain with the State' '{ îrue and Correct herewith as ANNEXURE' Accord 1975 dated 13'11 1974 is being unntx'd -l:,, P-l5lAt Faees lCri to 7 C t ) was imposition of President's 47,In March-Ju ly 1977 for the fì¡s¡ time there 356 of the Rule in the State of Jammu ar'd Kashmir under Article after the fall of Sheikh Constitution of India as applied to the State' was impo5ed for the Abdullah's Government. In 193ó' President's Rule

1990' President's Rule second time in the State of Jam¡au and Kashmir' In

Armed Forces Special Powers ' imposed for thq third time in the Staie and the Valley' Act was implemented fo, tht ft'st time in the Kashmir

under Piesident's Rule' Prime 48, In 1995 while State continued to be to the State - "the Minister P V Narsima Rao offerecÌ ma-ximum autonomy tB

under the terms of A¡ticle 370.of is the limit" - as would be pernissible ,,sky an assurance in Parliament that Article ' the Constitution of India, and issu'd that Jqmmu and Kashmir is an 1370 will not be abrogated' He reiterated ll . the end ofPresident's Rule' integral part oflndia and that he desired of Jammu and Kashmir rvas 49. In 1996,the President's Rule ir the State to study the issue of autopomy of the revoked, and a Committee is appollted

Assembly are conducted' state and elections to the State's Legislative Legislative Assembly urging '50. In 2t)00¡ aresolution is passed in the State to the ple lg53 position' that Jammu and l(ashmir's uu,onofnr be restored Vajpalee raises the slogan ol On22'04.2003,the then Prime I'linister A'B and Kashmiriyat Insaniyat (humanism), Jamhooriyat (democracy) Hindus and Muslims)' in (inclusivitl culture of Kashmir'¡ith amity between , his speecii in the Lok Sabha'

presents a framework for self-rule 51,In 2006,The Peoples Democratic Pafty

as lollows: and an indicæive direction for resolution be resolved by L The Jamnttt and Kcshmir issue cannot

" a combination of intra- "intrastate Ìevel initiatltves " and requires neasures" state measures 11rith inrer-state and nLpra'state of the line of 2. "Setf-rule "' doesn't impair the significance and control as territorial q'ivisìons but negates its acquired power' prestige' or imputed manifestations o:{ s|ate competition for

" sharing an imagined historico'l identity lt is a way of political merging " sovereignty ", luithout or commitment to ' .need artîculated around 3. Self rute as a politiccl phitosophy is being that allow the conception of federc'lism. and confederafion for the sharing oJ pot'ver ber¡¡een tvvo levels of go1)ernment' for 11

to sharing of sovereignry' ¡n a coordinated but not st'tbordinated ,] t its ore another, each ,e:;ercising supreme sorereignty in of '. constittttional prerogatites The compyehensive formtLlation I self-rule has three subcoinponents " and l. "A new political sLtperstïuctut'e that integrates the region

enpowers sub-tegions

2. A phased economic in;egration that transcends'borders '


without comprÌsing pblitícal sovereignly of either nation state'" f

52.Inoctober'200s,TheJammuandKashmirNationalConference,apolitical India' parly registered with and recogrised by the Election Commission of

its policy seeking states, in its Vision Document icr Jammu and Kashmir,

Ìn the . "restoration of Atttonomy to the Sidte as comprehensively explained

the Instrumqnt Slate Atttorygmy Report ín the year 2000, in the backdrop of of of Accession the Presiclential order or 1950, and the Delhi Agreemenl

Constilxrcnt 1952, du)y approved by ihe Patiictment of Indìa and the SÍate

people of the State' Assembly" as the edifice of peace and prosperity of the

while being conscious of and add.ress ing "tþe regional and sub regional

aspíratìons'of the people of the State" .

53. In October 2010, the Centrai Government appointed a group of

interlocutors to conduct a dialogue *i,h ,tt. people of Kashmir'. The group

was headed by Dileep fuaguonLur, a former editor of the Times of India;

Ms. Radha Kumar, an author; and M M, Ansari, a former election


54' In 201I, the Interlocutor,s Repori ulged that a Constitutional Committee of be established to review al1 the ccrstitutionai changes and applicatìons )()

that Article 370 laws by President's orders" as rvell as recommended ,,gentral replace the word "Temporary" with and the title of Part XXI be amend¿d to 371 the provisions for other states such as Article fhe word "Special" akin to 1' . 3718 (Assam); 37lC lMaharashtra and Gujarat), 37iA (Nagaland); (Sikkim); 371G (Mizoram); (Manipur); 371D and E (Andhra Pradesh); 37lF

371H (Arunachal Pradesh); 371I (Goa)' that a ,cutors GI :up was submitted recommending

only through poiitical settlement in Jammu ald Kashmir be achieved al the diverse aspiratjons of the dialogue with all stakeholders, adcressing that the State's status under people of Jammu' I{ashmir anc Ladakh' and its erosion over the years lt Afücie 370 be.reaffìrmed, by reccñsidering that tht note in Article 370 of the further recommended ''u'ginul "temporary"'to "special" instead A I Constitution of India be amended iiom in 2012 is being annexed true and coüect copy of the Interlocutors ïeport

herewith as it wa$ agreed that the 56. In the A'genda of Alliance betrveen PDP and BJP' Constitution cf India and position with respect to Articies 370, 354 of the

other constitutionai provisions will be maintained' principles of the earlier NDA 57.In March 2015, it was discussed that the of Jamhooriyat' Govemment under Prime Ministei' AB Vajpayee "Insaniyat, to facilitate and heip and Kashmiriyat" r,vili be followed by the Governrnent'

all stakeholders inciLrding initiate a sustained and meaninliul diaiogue rvith

political grouPs: a broad based consensus for 'i ' The dialogtLe vill o'i¡tt tp buîld resolution of all outstanding issues of the State )L ¿t- '

the need de-notifying 2, The Governntent ''t'iil examine for [Jnion Gover'nnent to take a disturbe¿l arects to enable the of the Armed Forces Special final viet'v on the cott'linuafion :tt these areas' ' i P otvers Act (AFSPA) under Aiticte 37A ancl' other 3. The ConstitutiÔn's gltarantees status will be maintained . constitlLtional prouisic)s on special sustained dialogtLe tvith 2. The coatition go')ernment wilt facilitate views stakeholders' iftespecttue of their ideologicøl ?tl

one-time settlement for 3' The gowrnment wili work out a Kashmir of 1947' 1965 and refugees ftom Pakistan occupied ' 1971. strstenance and 4' The governne:nt '' ¡l nke measures for tivetihood ofthe I(est Pøkistan refugees

5.Itwittextend'allbeneftsaccrldngtothepeoplelivingonthe living on the international Line of Control (Lot; to the people border' budget session 2016-17' one MLA' Mr' 58. During the Legislative Assembly in reiation to peace initiatives and . Usman Abdul Majid raised a cuestion which it was replied that the coalition dialogue in Jammu and I(ashmir' To the approach and initiatives govetnment will seek to suppoÉ ald strengthen and ctea1e areconciliatory environment taken by the Government of Indra to within the sub-continent' It build stakes for all in the peace.ani development would facilitate in initiating a was also answered that the government irrespective of theit meaningfill dialogue amongs: ':111 stakeholders true and correct copy of the budget ídeological views and predilections' A by Mr' Usman Abdul Majid session 2016-17 question No' 97 raised

1l 'regarding as ANNEXURE- the dialogue process is being annexed herewith

i P-rzf¡t rases ? ßÇ to :ìß¿J )' -')/t- .2

Dr' Ratna De Nag raised a 59.An 29.03.20tj , Tìne Member of Parliament . ',| Justice as fo "llhether the question before the Minister cf Law and '

ernment to' ,,7ot: ProPoses to and Kashmir in "a) Amend and remove Arìlcte 370' related 'Iammt'L

the near future;

b) Ifso, the details thereåf:

c) If not, the reason thereþr; and . justice to the people of d) îThether this will help in providíng equitable

the State and if so the details thereoJ? Electronics and . The Ministry of State for Law and Justice and

Information Technology, Sh' PP Chaudhary stated;

considerQtion of the 'a) At present, there is no p'opo)'ot under ,such


(b) ¡o (d) .Do ttot aríse' by Dr' Ratna De Nag A true and .orr.,t topy oi the question raised is being annefed ,and it's Reply By Sh' PP Chaudhry on29'03'2017 )of )t', -5\r to --ìà ì )' here$'ith as ^A'NNEX['RE-P- '8(At Pages Kumar raised a 60.On 27.03.2018 The Member of ?arliament Sh' Ashwini

starred qubstion 449 before the Lok Sabha on; Article 37a of the Whether the Governmenl i: Ccmmirted to scrapping

of Jammu and ConstitLúion which gives special status to the State

Kashmlr(; attd

thereof along t"¡th the If so, the details irtclt'ding ite present status

procedure laid clown.for sttch scrapping?

(Shri Hansraj The Minister of state in tre Ministry of Home Affairs

such proposal under GanganmAhir) ansrvered ' "There is cutently no ^\') l.) <

copy of consi.deration of the goverr-ment'" A true and correct trhe reply is being question No.449 raised by 5h. Ashwini kumar and its 3Kr1 annexed herewith as ANNEXUKE-r- \ of the President, , 61.On June 20, 2018, the Govemor, with the concurrence


an'd Kashmir' Kashmir, declaring 'Governor's Rule' in the State of Jammu


of the State' Jammu and Kashmir, dissolv-ed ihe Legislative Assembly expired on 62. The proclamation issued by the Govemor on 20'06'2018 Proclamation 19.I2.2018. Thus, the President oíIndia issued the Impugned

underArticle356oftheConstituiionoflndiaimposing'President'sRuie'in this ¡roclamation the State of Jammu and l(ashmi¡' A resolution approving

was passed ln the LoK Article 356(4)' to 03.0i.2019. The President's procianation was, in terms of

Jammu and expire on 02.07 '2019. Consequeltlt President's Rule in

ì, Kashmirwasextendedforafurtherperiodofsixmonthswitheffectfrom,. 03'01.2019'SuchextensionwaspassedbytheLokSabhaon2S.06'2019and

by the RajYa Sabha on OI '07 .2019 (a poiitical 63.In March 2019 , The Jammu anci Kashmir Peoples' Movement,


alia by Dr'. Shah Faesai (who is the Petitioner No' 1 herein) to use i ,,democrátic methods ancl legislative processes for resoltttion of all disputes,

issues and problems" with the follorving vision:

l. Peaceful resolzÛion of lhe Kashmir problem as per the

,. witt and aspiratÌoh: of the people of Jammu and Kashr4ir

J10te. : il o \,{ /--- I 2. (/pltftntettL of eÍhnic' LÌngutstic and religious tninortî¡e'\ Ln

reruttt úe Slale ',ttot"lcing lla''''crds the lteøceJiLl artd cligtttfietl

of Kashntitt Pandits lt Íhei( honteland

3. Seeking adequcre 'politrcal tepresetxtation for ttnder-

represented cclttttti'tn ìti es lilce Budhists, Sikhs' Christians

an.d Kashnt i.ri P andiis

4. PYotection of th.e special stcttus of the Støte as per the

. arrcm gen'Ienl ttnder Arttcle 370 ol the Indian'Constitution

, 'ril \¡, 5. Bt' cr ptcgressit'e, gender sensitit¡e palitic(tl

insl:iÍL!Íion )vì.th rracÌii i.c¡1cll valtLes and ntodern sensi.Ìsili.ties to

wonten equal righ.ts an'd representation in all sphere's' ., . be it ian al, /egislative or adntinislrative 6. Addressutg íhe regìonal asptraÍions of the peaple qf

,IantmtL, Kashntir, Peer Panchal' Leh-Kargil' Chenab Valley

ancl ensztre equitabie regional. development throzLgh level

ptayutgfteld, access ta ãnd ent¡tlemetxt of nationaÌ'' stctte and

regi.onal and Iocal rescurces-

On 12.06.20lg, the Cabiqet up,rro,r.d the extension of the I[rpLrgnecl

Pioclamation for a further period of six rnontl.s rvith effeçt froll

03 01 .2019.

65 On2606.2019, Slui Prabhai.Tha, Mernber of Rajya Sabha, through

qLrestion No. 497 in the Raii'a sabha asked thc State Minister for

liorre Affairs,

" a1 Whether Articie 370 c1'' ihe Constr'ttrtionoJ'hdia git'es specicrl

staíus îo ,Ja¡ttnlu and Kashtni.r un der v'hich the Cemtra\

(ìot¡entmenl. ha,t I() ldke ihe opprot'al o.f the' Sitate Governntent ttt )-\

rlispose o.f cttl the u'orks exÇeltl the Defence Sector, Extemal

AlTà ir.t, F ina n c i a I Àl a t ¡ c r s ct ;t ¿l C o nt nt tLn icaI ictt't ;

lfso, the details thereof;

l4thether 'Article 370 is s hztrdle in the all round and su,itoble

developmen.L af Jantntu and" Kashntir and also a. perpettnl threat to

the lJnity and Integritl; af the Country; anrl

If so, whether t!rc Go,-e.rnntenÍ t.s ¡niliating to îakc Íhe ]lecessarv

slep.çr ta lerm inate spec¡cr! status g¡ven to Jamntü and Ka-çhnt ir

mder Artir:le 370'l

Sh Reddy replied, " (q Ío ftl). At present, Artucle 370 is conta¡nçcl

cts a temporaT:y prottisi.on v,,:!h respect to the State of ,Iantnnt and

Kaslmtt¡' in Part XÅ'l(i'eitporar¡', T'runsiÍionctI and !|peclal

provi.sions) af the hciian ()ot¡stilutic¡n . h¡ îernts o/ tlrticlc 370. the

protti.sions of tlrticle I ctnd 370 shall ap¡tly in relation to the SÍate

of Jammu and Kashnul. Wii.h regard's lo matters relating Io the

' hlstrunxent of .Accessi.on, Przsid"ent of India can issue orders irt ,,.:.i.I )c ']o,rerntnetiÍ c:onsztÌtation vtith the Sta \'herects for applying

other proviuons of rhe Con.\iìhttìon o.f Inùa, u/ such excePliotls

onct nlodijiccttions cts the i'¡'esirLent nny b;t order speciJy, the

concurrence of the State gavernment is reqtLired. " A trLre and

conect copy of the quesiion raisecl by Sh. Prabhat Jha on

26.06.2019 is being amrerei herervith as AN,\EXURI-P:Z0G[

Ðases ?g D to )

Srnt. Chhaya Vema, Ch. S'.rl

lÌasirad. Nishad llembers of ,Parljanrent in the Rajya Sabha asl

qr"Lestion No. 485 Jiorn the Minislor of lJorne Affairs as to. -' .g- - r---''r:-:1-'"'" - 2'b

regctrditlS Article i70 c)nd 354 ct) lhe vie\4) point of the' go\tztin'tent

ut respect of ,lantnt'u and Kcishinir" \uorkmg otx to cQntral the terrorist il The PolicY Sovernment it and ctcl.irúies in Jatnru'n antl KashittLr;

c) The details thereoJ? Article 370 is patr of tlte Sh. Red.dlt replier), 'a) At':)reseqt'

yn¡Jgr .ti'tle 'Tenlporary provi'.sic;ns lvith' ConstÌ'tut¡otx of Ind'b Kashnttr' qnd At'ticle 354 ¡'t respecl lo lhe S.late o-f Jaiitr:ttL ancl (Appliccttnn Ío îhe ,JamnllL clnd" conlaitlecl in the Con,s'tilrLi: on the PresÌ'dent of India under Kash.ntir) Order 1954 tss't¿d by

Article 370. a policy af zero (b) anrl (c) , \'he Gotter¡t t":tenÍ has adoptecl response is gtuen b1t the' tolerance Íotyard.; leÛorisn.. Effective

ierrorisl activities in the state of 'Iantnu. secr,u'r¡y forces to caunter ctctivittes of terrorists' several and. Kashntit' ltt orcLer lo ccntbat

strengthening operational gricl' sreps have. been talcen incitLding Tgenctes' effective enhancing coordmalion crilxangsÍ se'ctL|ity of ROP to protect convoys retali.ation oJ terror acts, s*ettgthening

the c|-restion l'aised by Srn Chhaya ¿lc. 'A trlre ancl colrect copl' of


cf Pariiarnent before the Rajya Sabha ó7 Sh A¡ay Pratap Srngh Mernber of Ìt4inister of State in the N4inistIl¿ asked question No 1309 from the I4hether' î|rc Goverttnt¿ttt ts Home Affairs (Sh G iGshan ?-eCcly)' a)

35A o'f the Consr'tfution: ' conlentploting on crbrogcttmgArlic!e


'1I c\ -* L,- t. oJ'tlte t'oie cf ntaiority of atl the ntentbers b) If so,)rrrru, two third"

anci house is requirecl for thi's ptLrpcse

be taken in thìs regard? c) if not by when a decision will

in presenr: ArtiÇle 35A ls contalned Mr Ileddy replied , (a) to (c) : Ai and Kaihmir) Order 1951 the Constltution (Applrcatiott ra Jammu

:tncÌer Article j70 of the Const¡Íut¡or1 issued- by the of hdia .Presidenr the question No 1309 r'aised by r:f Inctia. A true and tot"tï top¡.' of irerervith as 3 C.7 2019 is berng annexecl Sh. Ajay Pratap Srngh clated

No' in Ra¡ya Sabha tlrough question 6p On 10 07 2019' Sh Sar¡a;' Serli Affairs Sh G l(ishan Recidy' 1948 asked the State Minrster oiHome Articles ( ioverttntent is gotltg to repeal " a) I4hether Ìt ts /ttct that the

370 anci 354,

b1 ( so the reasons Ihe reaso¡ts there/Ltr" in ctny u'a1t ttiolate any Llnir'ed c) Llhether repeal of these ctrÍ:cles obligation of the Country; and Natìons Regulation or intertlãlional

be ntittgciied? d) If so, flow','vill the sarne

To rvhich the Mìnister ansr¡'ered"

as a Lenxporary/ "(a) to (d) : At present ' Áit¡cle 370 is contained and Kashntir in Part XXI prottision with respect lo lhe of Jantmt'L , of the lndìan (\-entporary, 'l'ransitional attci Special Provision)

35A cortrained in the ConstiÍt'Ltion Co.nsl¡tLtfi0n. Al present Arricle is Order 1954 u'hich tuas added (Ap¡tliccttittn ta 'Jan¡nttt aitcl Kci:h:tut11

by the President af Inclia under throttgh the Constftuliot't Order ìsvted -)p/.5

integral part af India' Mcltters Article 370 . Jantnu.t and Kashntit is an tnternal and entirely for the relating to the ConstitutLan of Ii:Cia are or In.dian Parli.antettl la deal viíh No forergn Sovernntent

nxatter' " organi.zation ho.s any locus stan'di ìn the

raised by Sh Sanjay A true and correct copy ofthe qr-:estion No 1948 is being annexed herewith as SelLt in Ra.¡ya Sabha dated 10 C7 2019 -Á.\\EXt-RE-P-23lAtPasesiq3t0 l'

Thaton10'07'2OIg,Sir.PrabhatJhaaskedaquestionNo'l97tint1]e Home Affaìrs Sh G Kishan RaJl,a Sabha from the State lv{ìlistel of


to state: Will the Minister of Home AfctÌrs be pleased

has dual cilizenship ct. lllhe,ther l:he citizell tsf '/aiitttnt antl Kashntir Pakistant dze lo Arlicle 37A of îhe CanstttLltion and whether citizenship; Citizens living in Kashntir ai'so get Indian

an)¡ rentedial efJorts m this h. If so, whether Governnteni is making

regard and ifnot, rhe detaiis thereaf;

can pro\te to c. Wether abrogati.on o;t' Anic!e 370 of the Consti'tution

c)ctivities; be an ffictÌve stepfor pre'ennon of'terrorist

the Governntent in this regard? cl. If so, rhe ffins heing ntade by

(a) (b): sir' No citizeh o'f'India l'o which the ntintster replìetl " to No attd Kashntir is inclttding thasc hclongirtg ro rhe StaÍe af 'Iantntu the provistotts oJ' the Indian etigible Jor d:'La I citizenshi¡; i'Lit¿ier

and Kashmù' Cott.sritulion or fhe ConsttlLLiion of 'lan'Lmtt \Ô t-- \

cts o tenxporary (c ) to(d) At present, Anicìe 370 is contctined Part XXI provision v,úh respecl Ia Íhe SiÛÍe of Jamnttt and Kashntir in

(Tentporary, Transit:iottøl attci' special provisìons) of the IndianÍ.utian.

A tme and conect copy ol the question raised by Sh Prabhat Rar on

10.07.2019 is being annexec hereu'ith. as ANNBXLIRE:B:}I(AI

Pages 39Y to-).

4949 asked the TA.That on 23.0'7 .2019 Sh .Iai Prakash tlrough question No .-1,

Ministe¡ of Horie AffaÌ¡s as to, .a).Il,hetheri'l'isafctctthatth'eGoverntn'entiscontemplatinSÍOre]nove

and Kashmir; Sectiott 370 and 35A of the Cons¡itution relattng to Jamntu

b) (s'o the time by which it rs liitel'¡ to be done; attd

' c) If'ttot, the reasons thereþr?

(a) to To which, the Minister of Starc of Honte Affairs answeredfront wiîlt (c) At Present ArlicLe 370 is co:'iained o'o'uu'f,o'o'y provision

(Tentporarl'' respecÍ to the Sîate of JamnttL cnd Kashntir in Pørt XXI

7'ransi.ti.onal and Special Pra'¡'sion's) of the Indnn ConslitutLon Al

})resenl'ArricÌe35At'scoi.llcl¡lcd'jntheConsti'tuti.on(þpLi'cati'ollto the Jat.¡ttntt and Kashmir) Order 1954 tt'hich was added through

370. constiÍtLtion orcler issued hy the President of Indìa under Article

A tru-e and correct cap)ì of îl'te c|uestion sheet raised by the Sh Jar'

Prakash ott 23.A7.2019 is being awtexed herewlll ø¡ ANNEXURE-P-

2s (At Paees ?Q Ç to , ). r-ll )" i.lreResporrdentNo'2oilc2'08.20]g,isstreclaSectrrityAdvisory, lt aclvising all Amarnath yatr is io stop their .vatra nrld-rva¡, ancl rettlrn

(f Íhrectls' sard- "Kee.putg irt ttiev¡ Ihe lctie.'f mtelligence inputs teffor

vti¡h speci/ic [ctrget¡t1g of the AnarnaÍh Yatra, anrl given lhe prevaiLing

ctn'l secLLt'ity si.tuattan t.n lhe Kashn¡ir VaLLey, in îhe inferest oJ'safetl'


curtail their stay ¡.n the Vailey inttnediately and take necessary

111eC|SX¿re,S lo rel.\fft1 cts sÔo|1 as pcss'ible

Press 72 The Governor of the State o1 Jammu and Kashrnir gave a

statement on the nrght of .{qgLrst 3rd.,2oI9 that he was not aware of

any proposal to amend Article i7O or Alticle 354 and that all seçurity

an'angements aucl reiuforcet:llnts ih the State rvere being done

puÍsuant to intelligence ilrpL,:s fårecasting a r'a.ior it'minent terror

incident. A tme copy of the neu's report t1ìat appeared in "Greater

I(aslrrnir', dt. 03 08.2019 ls annexed he¡ewitil and r¡rarked as

A\\EÀUBE:BgilAt PgsS* c ]g!:) parties '73 on 04.Ó8.2019 the Gupkar Deciar-ation rvas adoptecl in an all

meeting, to deliberate upon the prevailing politìcal situatlon triggere

b1' massive deployment of secnrit), forces' adviso¡ies issued,

abandotuneut of lunaruath Yalra rnidway, and forced retnoval of

tourists iìor.n the \¡alley. The ineeting was presiciecl over by Dr' Iìarooq

Abdu11ah, was attendecl by, lfs Meirbooba MLrfti, President JKPDP'

Patron PDP Muzaffar Httssain Beg, Abdul Rehuran Veeri GS PDP'

Sajad Ghani Lone Chairtnan -tl{PC, Imralj Reza Ansari, AbdLrl Ghani

Vakeel, Ta¡ MohiLrclin Vrce Presidnet.IIGCC, M Y Tarigami CPIM,

vrce Pr.esidnet JI(NC Omar Abdullah, MPs of NC, Justice Hassrtaiu J\2\

Niasoodi. Mohamad Akbar Lone' P¡ovincìal Prcsident JI(NC NasiL

MLrzaft'ar Sogami, Shah Faesal, PUF, Aii Mchanirnad Sagar GS JI(NC,

u'as Shah AÑC, LJzatr Ronga PLF. SLLhail Bukhali PDP, ancl rt

trnaniuioush tcsolr ctl. t ltr:.

L That alt Ihe parlies wotLld" be utited, itt lheir resolve Ío

stalzLs he prölect ancl clefend ¡deniit)', alionomy and special special

of the ,IK agairtst all atlctcks cnd otts'latLghts whatsoever'

2. T'hat ntocÌificatiat: or abrogatÌon oftlrt'tctes 35A' 37A' -:/ LmconstÌ.tutrcnoÌ or lrrftn.cation of the st.ate t'¡ouÌd be

an aggression ctgctinst the per-:ple of 'Jantntu Kashntir and Lac{akh'

3. Thctt the Parties i'esolre to seelc audience tvith Íhe

President ancl Prime Ì.{utist er oJ. India and the leaders oJ orher parties to apprLse th"ent of the cLffrent sitxßtiott and oppecrl

to thent to safeguard the Legiiintate interests of the people of state

y,tlh. regard con s/ilLtti.onal gu'aÌ-antees gfuen to the state t'Lnder the

ConsrituLtion of India

Tirat On Auglrst 5,2019, the P.eside't issuecl tlte Iir.rplrgned Order:,

titlecl the ConstrtLttion (Application to .laurrnu ã,d i(ashrnir) Order, 'lhe witil 20 l9("C O 212"). said Orcer, issued Lr¡der Article 370(1)

the pr-uported concurrence of the Gorrernment of the State of Jarnmu

and l(asirurir, insefted Article 367(4) of the constinttion of lndia. In

partiaular, the nevvi,v inserted AiticÌe 367(4)(c) stated that refet'ençes

in tire Constitrition to the Govemmellt of the State of Jatlmn and

i(ashmil u,ottld be collstrl-led as lncluchng refe¡ences to the Go\/eÌ'nol'

of Jamnrri and i(ashnir'. Fltltlet, Ntttcle 367(4)(d) arnenclecl sub ,)a L "Constitnent .l clause (3) of Article -î70 b¡r : eplacing the expression

. " r'vi:ir the "Legislative Assernbly of the , Assembìy of thc State 5late.

The Supplernentary iist of blsirless rn the Rajyasabha dt 05 08 ?019

is annexed herewith and niæked as ANNIXIiR¿-Pj1Aj rysslÌi#eJg

The SrLuplementar¡'list of bnsiness rn the Loksabha c1t 05'08 2019 is

annexed helewith ancl uarked as ANI'iElzuBE-B¿gfAJ

Faeeshooto ).

75.',ibe JammLr ancl I(ashr¡ir Reorgalization Bill 2019 was passed in the

parliarnent on 06.08,2019 to pror,fce lor the reorganization ofthe existing

state of Jammu and I(ashmir and for matters connected therewìth or

incidental tlÌereto. The Act rn essence provides for the fonnation ofa ner¡'

rnron terriiorl' to be the Ltnion teritory of Ladai

to and Leh Dìstricts as u'e1i as the folnation of anOther Union Territory all be known as the union terr-iiory oí.iurnr.., ancl I(ashrnir cornprlsing of


LegisÌatì.ie Assembly for the ijnior Telritory o1'.JatunrL and I(ashrriir.

370(3) 76,'flre presicleni issuecl C O.273 ir.L e:tercise olpowers urder Article

370 of constitution as arrended b-r' c.o. 2'72, declarcd that Artrcle

r¡,ou1d cease to appl¡, r'vith effect ircm 06.08 2019

Tlle Revised list of bLLsiness in the Lol

l'rerervìth aih na¡ked as AXXEXURE-P-29(At Paeel UoL!q-U-a-U)

77.In exercise of Powers uncler Section 2(a) of the Jammtl and I(ashrnir

Reorganizatioil Act 20t9, ol recervinq the assent of the P|esident, the

Respondent through the Muristr,v cf Horne Affàirs issued a notilication ..)

I SO 2889 (E) foL the provisiotts of. the Act to Çome i¡¡e fe¡çq w e,i:

3Ì 10.2019. A ttue and correct copjv ol the notification SO' 2889 (E)

r .clatecl 09.08.2019 issueci by the Respor.rdent No.1 is being annexed

herewith as ANNÐXURE-P-301j\I Pa.seç qÇto l.


78 Tlie leiiefs clairned and ihe cieciarations, di¡ections ancÏ orclers sought

in tire rnstani oetition a¡e on the gror-rnds set out hereinbelow and each of the

gronnds may be tleated as being cutlulative as well as being in the

alternative ancl withóLrt prejr-rcLoe to cue another', The heads of tile grounds

hereuncler are aranged in no particrilar o¡der arld each of theln is equally


r ( 1 l. rHE_IMIUGNE-Iq_ C ONSTILUTI QN ORDE& e!-212-!l

s-Qs.20i9 ANp THE CONSEOUÐNT Ç.O., ?73 DT. 06.08.29,19 A4E



A BECALSE the Lnpugned orc'e¡ c o 272 issued b¡' the Presiclent

qrder Article 370(i) ofthe Constitutior, has been issued statedl¡' pursuant to

the "concun ence" of the Governmett of Janmu anci I(ashrnir, desprte there

berng no poprrÌarly elected gorrerumeni in thç Statç of JPmrnLl and l(ashmir, under the provisions of ihe Constitutior.

B BECAUSE the state of Jatntlil and l(asirmil' has been uncie¡ the

President's nrle uncier Artrcle 35ó of tile ConstitLrtion of India (apphecl under ihe i 954 Olcier) since ^fune 2018, and ali routine decisions of the 54r--\ . I . Gor¡ermneni 0f the State are taiieü by the Governor, r¡'ho himseif is a

delegate of tìre Presiclent lurder tÌle presidential proclarration issued undçr

I Article 356(1)(a) Therefore, concurrence of the governrnent of the State

provided by the Govemor, does noi express the will of the people, as the

. Governor is ruerely sLrbstrtuting iol a popr.rlarly eiected' governûÌent, as an

energerlcy meâsr-rre under Afticle 3 55 of the Constinttion.

C BECATJSE the State of .Ta:li:rLr and I(ashmir has the rigirt to decide

r¡,ho wiil prorride consent on its behalf, as held in a Constitution Bençh

decision of ihis Court tn À4ohd Mtqbool Dantnoo v. State of Jantn'Lu &

Ifushtnir 1972 SCR 2 1014 Since Jammn ancl I(ashrnir had constinrted

thernselves into an elected repubiican gevernrnent under the tenns of the

Constitution of Jarnmu and I(ashrnir- the only autho¡ity rvhose concurrence

would be valid unde¡ Article 370i1j(d) is the conÇrìrrence of an elected


D. BÐCÀUSE once the State ci.iammn and l(ashmil lìas chosen to be

represented b¡, an elected republican forrn of government under its

Constrtution, a¡y Çonstitutloral firucÍionai1, r-urcler the Indian ConstitLrtion

must consult with a broad base of ci'iizens and to deliberate on giving the

conclirence for snch a lnove rs nol ouil' a lequirement of Article 14 ol the

Constitutron, r¡4rerein rt is an obligaricn cf the State to consicler ali relevant

factors before snch concu¡rence, but :ire practice of such ciemocracy, as a

deirberative democracy is a basic fea¡r-rre of the Constitution and operates as

an inlplied limitation to the exercise of such power. Tirerefore, ail exercise of

porver rn the instant case to gire conc-:rrence to a radical change to Articie

370(3) is a violation of basic structur.e cf the Constitution. E. BECAUSE takrng the collcürence of the state of JantlLr and

I(asirmir at the tirne Qf stlch emer'gÞntl¡ in the State and absent a popularly

çlected gor,çrnlnent is irr violatiou citire principles of democracy, ra'hicl-r iS a basic fearure of the Constitutron (see S.R. Bontntaì v, (Jnion oJ'lndiaç1994)3

sccl); fìrther, substituting the ccrc;-rr¡ence of State witir concurrence by

GoveinoL uncer PresidQnt's Rule, lìrereby ignoring thç need for significant poiitical clecistous florving tiorn a ¡opr.r1arll' elected govt, is eclually a viole.tion of ciemocrac,v. It is fLu ther at: airuse of the provisions of Article 35(r of the constitiltion and a fiaud oir the constitÙtion of Indía, not dissiffrilar to abuse of the constltrrtional device cf erectltive legislation uncler ordiuancç rral

Krishna Kwttai Singh v. State af Biilur 2A17p) SC,I 136)

F BÐCAUSE an¡' constitutionaì aLrthoritl' ur.Lcler the Indìan ConstitLrtion must respect the decision of the siaie to be represented by a populatly electecl govemment enabiing cernocratic participation of people. It is peninent io note that it is a basic iea¡ure of the Inclian Constitution- to be governed by palticipatory dernocracv as has been helcl in RC' Poudyal v

Unictn rtf htrlic4 1994 SLrpp I SCC 321 : IttSrarc NCT of Delhi) t' Union of

Court helct: htclia, QA18)S SCC 501, a Co,rstit,,tio,r Bench of this I{on'bie

"ÁJier the evohttion of the basic sttucture dactrine pÔst Kesavan'onda (1971) 225J the [Èesavctnønda Bharati t¡. State cf Keralø, 4 SCC , interpreturion of the constituîion nlust be guided lty those fundantental tenei.s which constitute Íhe fotLndatiari ønd basiC features of the docuntenl' I{here o prottísion of lhc. conslitution is intended to facilitate purticipator)) governunce, the interptetatiott whtch Lhe court places must etthance the (rre latues of dentbgacy ancl o.f repuhlicatform of Oovernntenl which parÍ af tht ba:rc./e,ttttre>. ' 3b GjtsECAUsBaconJointLnder.Standillgoffederalismandcleinocracy

elecieci governlnent reqr.riles the Union t0 rcspect and dsfef to the piularly

concerning the State anci the elected legislatures in srgníficant decisions is in effect H BECAUSE srtch concuneuce p:'oiidecl by the Government of raanifestly arbitraty and irrational alcl unreasonable non-consicleration

14 and rurconstitutional ' relevarLt factois and therefore ìn violaiion of Article faotors is Such manifest arbltrariness ancl irol:-consideration of reler¿ant

state is in a near evtdenced and further aggrarraiecl b)'lhe fact that the entire

on recorrl locl<-down tr:ode since at least C7Q82019, and the evidençe

370 did nQt ¡çach the indicates hou, the proposal for thç orcier lrncler Articie a factual goverlro¡ Lrntil the night of the -3rcl ol August a¡r1 that it is rvith any of impossrbilitl' of the governor having ¿onsuited or helcl dìalogLte or civil society the officers of the state and anlcot:r:nunitl, Ieplesentatives govemmerlt r'r'heu the olganisations. Tal<ìng the collctlriellce of a state freedotlsofthepeopleareparticr-lla:lyrestrainedwitlrSectionl44ofthe It is respectfully code of cruninal Proceclure, is clea¡h, of a coer Çive naturç.

to be subnrifed that this Hon'ble CoÙrt o,ught not to holcl Such cQncurence ploper in the e.r'es of 1aw.

I9lÈ-å,8.1' L E O F I'll-E It G.E)-C \--B. ll'Y-E Rl

IBECAUSEArticle356olt]reConstltution,eventhorrglrrt ln the State to tÌle contetirplates tlal]Sfdl ol legislatir,e alci exectltir¡e powers

Parlialrent ancl the Presiclent respe;ti\eÌy, it cloes nçt conternplate the 3T trlansfer of any constituent po\À¡el-. The power rurder Article 370(1)(d) of the

Govemment of .lammr: and l(ashurir to give concurrence for a modifieci

application of the Constitr"rticn's' provisions, is a constituent power.

Thelefore, the constitnent po\4,er tc give couclttrencg does not uest ruith

eitl:er the Parliament o¡ the Presiäent and therefore cannot be exercisecl b1,

the Governor,. ia,ho is merel¡, a delegate of the President in tirç State uncler

the te¡ms oi the presidential proclamatiçn,

i BBCAUSE even assutling constituent power nray be,h.ansferr.ecl ançl

.un ueit iu tlte President or Parhar¡-ent, as the case tnay be, in terms of an

errergenc\¡ ploclarnation under ,a¡-ticle 356. only those porvers properly

available to the legislative asserrbll, can Lre h-ansfened. In other rvorcis, if

such poll'els are to be circlunscnbed by an¡, 9¡p¡955 or- impliecl iimitations,

then the powers as vested ín the ?resident (or the parliarrent) are also

sub.ject to tire saule exp¡ess and irnplied liuritations.

K BECAUSE since constituent power is not vested in either the

P¡esident o¡ Parliament under Afiici'; 356 of the Çonshtution of India, the

constituent power of the legislative assernbly of thç State of Jammu ancl

I(ashmir carulot vest rn the Padiarnerlt ì-rncf er Article 3 56 (even assurnin g -

rvitlrout aclmitting - the of the impugned o¡der Ç.o.2T2redefining

"Constituent Assernbly" t0 tllean "Legislative Assembly"). Therefore, the

parliarn Iesolution passed by both irouses o-' t l' e' ent, reconmendiug tìre issr-re

of an Alticle 370(3) presidential norification, pruportedly i' exercrse of

por,vers that vest in the "legislative assembly" of the State of .ialnrnu and

I(ashinir is uivaiid and no¡.t ¿sl in the eyes of larv

L, BECAUSE uirder Article 356 as applieci Lurcler thç 1954 presidential

Order, the provtsion Lurder wÌtich Ìrarllarnent has purportedl), assumecl f.¡n \ \-/ rll2) T'I+E iù1IPUGNEÐ CONSTITUTIpN ORDER C.q. Z7L ry: s.0s.20le IS i]Nç8\SrlTgrIQN.ArL FOB. EICPEDINç rHE



a BECAUSE through Article 37!(1)(d) the President'- insteacl of rnerely

rnodifying Articie 367(4) of the Constitution of India as applied to the State

of Jammu anci l(ashrnir - lias:

a) created a wirolly neu, and snbstantive power in the hands of the \:i::i Legislatìve Assen.rbly of the Staie cf Jammu and Kashmir, to recQmtlend

revocatior.r of Aticle 370 under cl'aus: (3), to the President of India,

b) overiclden the entire oonstiiutional form of the State of Janllnu and

I{asllnir by superseding the 1954 Older and applying all the provisions of

the indian ConstitLrtion to the State,

.) b¡, s,¿1, 9f sLrch supersession ald creation of new substatltive po\Ã'ers

uncler Article 3?0(3) above describeci, has sr4terseded the Constitution of the

State of .Iarnmn aird I(ashmir

'lt is sLlbmitted that the Presìdent rs not authorizecl to can 1' orìt tile above

tJri'ee srleepi¡g changes uncier Art 37C¡1)(cl) lor the follor¡'ing reasolls:

i, 'Ihc Presider.Ìl's power ui.icle¡ Art 370(1Xd) is not a "çonstittreut

power" but is rnerel,v a power to "apply" provisions tvitìl

'îro difications and exceptiot:s" uncler Afl icle 370 ( 1 Xcl),

ii, "Constituent pou'er" is the pou,er to create new political fonns,

ald only iuhe¡es iir bodies that are autho¡ized to .frarne the . constitLrtion oi political. fcrrns for a ner¡, State. It is an

extraorclirr ar-y atid r,vicle ¡o¡¡er that is unconstrained by any u\ an1' liigher iar'v. Such ii,rritutlons, as it cloes not cw- its existeuce to any authoritv a "constitrrent potver" has nct beQn conferred upon all constitutional operatillg nlrdet'the Cotlstr¡'.rlion of India; insteacl

towards authorities are dLrty-boLrncl to act ill accot clance witb ancl

alreacly existing sustaining the Coustitutiorl cí india, by Lrpìrolcling without fonns of authodty and the powers confetred upon thern

creating new forms of pov"er and ar-rthorit¡'

By conferringthe substantlve power to revoke Article 370 on the

State l,egislative Assernbil' - a body that was not originally

- President has envisionecl as oolnpetent tc exercise snch pou'er the

Jarnmrt and changecl tire fiinda¡rentai poiiticai forrn of the State of

the I(ashmir. Sirnilariy, supersessionof tire 1954 Order changes

State' ftrnclamental political lbnl ard political essence of tile

TlrePl.esldentlroweverdoesnothavetlrepoweltoclrang'ethe politicalformandessencecftlrestatetlnderArticle3T0(1Xd).

the since rer¡ocatlon of Afiicle 370 would fundamentally alter politrcal formand politicaì' sssencç of the State of Jarnmrt ancl

for such I(ashrnir vis-¿-vis the Unror of Inclia, a recol¡mendation "constittlent power" rer¡ocation can onl¡' be dole b)' rvay of the

Jatntmr ancl nel

The Presidenl's pcwer under Article 370(lXd) carrnot be

polvÇr ttncier considered a oonstitrÌent pcwer, because e\/en the

po\À er Aticle 368 of the Constit.LLtion of hrdia is nQt a Çonstituent

but rlerely au arneuciing ¡¡u'er that is confined by litnitations

as held by which "inhere ancl ar-e inplicrt in the u'o¡d amendment" \lz

Bharati v State oJ'Ketala Justice lí R I(hanna in Kesçt¡anattcla

AIR 1973 SC 1461 370(1Xd) is ir-rterpr'eted as ll the Prcsrdent'S po\\,er und¿r Article uew substantive powers conlèrring a coÍlstitr"lent porvar such that Stale of Jamrnu and rnay be created for ihe legislature of the on the l

constitr"rent powel nor an executive anthorlty' u'hc neither holds Indian Constitution' and amending power in the design of the will of the Statc cannot said to be representìng even the.democratic

of India of Jatnnu and Kasirmir, or oithe Union to the State çf None of the previous Constitution (Application

nnder article 370(1X<1) have Jammu arid l(ashmtr) Qrcle" ì"tt*d

po\4/er or authority' but have created a wholÌ,v nevr', subsrantive Constitution with either onl,v applied provisions of the Indìan permits President's modifications, stlch as An'cle 356, wliclì onl)¡ to elìstÌre intelveution rn the State ci 'Iamlr-tu ancl I(ashmir l(ashlltir ii calrled otlt ltl Govern'tlent oi'the State of 'Tatnllrt alld of tlie State of accordance with provrsions of the Constitr¡tion stlch as ArticÌe 354 on .lanimu and I(ashlnír, oi 3xceptions' ancl their' ''saving of laws rvith respect to permanent residents

applicatior.r of Article rights.-", rvliich is meiel¡' ar exceptron to the of India as applìed to 13 reacl r.vith Article 32 cf Cre Constitr'rtion Arlicle 35(c) on protecting the State of .latlun and l(ashmlr, and

"larvs with respect to ¡reventive cletention made by the from being struck LegislatLue of the State of Jammu and I(ashmir" ' I\45 \ --)

in Part .t clor.vrr for beurg "inconsisleni" r,vith the fundarnental rights

III of the constitution oi L:cia as applied to tlle state of Jautlu

' aitd l(ashrnir R BECAUSE the term "inoclificaiion" oLrght t0 be read as havrng been

crrcurnscribed b), Atrcle 368, which ;s also rnade appllcable to the State ol'

.Iamrnr: and Kashmir vide the 1954 Order. This necçssitates tllat an,v

proposal to change the Constitution oi India and the Çonstittttion of India as

applicable to .Iamrnu and I(asirmi¡ (rLnljke rrodifications tirat are speciaiiy

rnade onll, qua the State of .Tarntnu ard l(ashrnir), Ought to first be effecteci

by way of the procedure under Article 370(3) as a modification thereto. In the instant case, the intent appears to be that the expressioD "Constituent

Asseûrbh," rn Article 370(3) oLrghi tc lnean "Legislative Assembly" both qua tìre rest of India ancl in tiie Stale of Jamrnu and l(ashlnir. such a change can only be effectecl by modifying Article 370 undel Article 370(3). The

Irnpugnecl Or.der c.o. 2'7 2 úteretare is issued without the procedure as provicied for Ùnder the Constitutiot aad is for that reason tlnconstitution al

and r oid ab t.n tt i, s . ' s BECAUSE the power vested r¡'rrh President both under Arlicle 370(1) ancl 370(3) are lilnìted po\rrers. Tl-re interpretation given to the term

,inodjficatioq, impiyin¡¡ no lirnrta¡io;rs thereto,by this cou¡t Puranlctl t,.

I'resìdcnt o/ Inrlia & Ors. ¡961 AIiì i519, Samparh v. Stare oJ

Jctntntu an¿l Kctshntir & Anr. L9'll¡ AIR 1118 and Slate Bank o.f India v'

Sanlosh Gupto.! Anr. (2017) 2 SCC 538 cases is:

a) specrfic to the iacts anrl the aontext of those cases, dicl

not includ.e the modilìcation to the text or rneaning of any

expressions oi' Atlicle 370 its¿lf. f rr t \,\ Y in 1962 i e' I b) basecl on the Purattlal ¡åiio, r¡{ricil was decided

prior to Kesavanattdct Bhctt'''iÌ t' Slare of Kerala'tn rvhich this

, Cour¡ recognised implied limitations on constituent pou'er sucll as

the arnending pou'er tutder Articlç 368 Therefore, thç ratio in


rvill.have to be reacl ar.rcl lrilderstoocl suitabiy rn light of the settled

law following tliirteen - ¡ndge benchdecision in Kesavanantla.

tlrat no pou,er ìs rrnllrnited end all powe¡, inclrrding constitrrenì

atnen$.ing power is subject to limitations'

T BECAUSB tire modifìcations effected vide the Impugrred Orders'

u,ith the first Orcler gupersedir.rg the eristing plovisions of the 1954 Orde¡


radical change in the meaning of A¡-trcle 370(3).by redefining the Ineaning

of 'CcnstitLrent Asseutbly'; and r,vitir lh; second ordel virtually cleclåring the

the Jalnmu ancl I(ashmir constitution a nrJlity, are all clearll, in excess of

powers contemplated under 'rtrodificatrons' in Article 370(1Xd) and 370(3)

ancl are liable to be st¡uck down as unccnstitutional for that reason-



u BECA,USE the Rnle of Lau' is guaranteed and plotectecl inter alia

featr-u'e ' uncler Artìcle 14 0f the constitutron an.c is further helcl to be a basic

,of the constiiution of India. Anl. ererclse of powels cQntral)' to thÇ

provisions of dre consliturion is ail affìont to the RLrlç of Law and rs

amenable to jLrclicial ¡evi,]rv under Anicle 32 of tbe Constitution '\rl \-1 J

V tsECAUSE Aficie 370(3) of ihe Constitr-rtion of India requires the

Constituent Assernbll, of .lamtnu'ani l(ashrnir to recomtlend a presidential

rlotification uncier Article 37013) dee:aring tltat Article 370 shal1 cease to bç

operatrve. In other rvot'ds, the propo-

Assernbll, (or its sr-tccessor in larv. if any, Lurder the Constitution of Jamuru

a'nd l(ashrnir) ¡ i.e., the'constituent i-.orver ir.r the State. In the instant case

horvever, lhe proposal in eflect enauated frorn the President and the

concun'ence given bv the Pa¡liament - both of rvirich are'IJnion entities.

,W BECAUSE, fi-irthermore, the Jamrntt ald I(ashrnir ConstitLrent

Assembiy does not exist at the cnreri time and thus could irot have macle a

recorlmendation to that effect. The proviso r.vas incoqrorated to :ttsttre that

Article 370 could be cÌranged clLrr: rg the existencç of the ÇonstitLrent

Assembì1,. The use of the rvord "temporar1," in the rnarginal note of Article

370 is onl¡, lo;'the pu4rose that r¡,heu Ärticle 370 was introducecl, it coLrld be arnen dedi abrogatecl with the lecommendation of the Constitlrent Assembly of Jammu and I(ashmi¡. Moreover, the fi'arners of the constitution r¡'ould have included a ¡efe¡ence to the State Legislatr-rre if it was intencled that the

State i-egislature Shoulcl be able to'inaka sLtch a recot.nrnendation. It is pertinent to note tl'ìat the tenns State Legislature is usecl severai tillçs in tire

Constitution aird the orllssion to use tllat expression in Article 370(3), even as an incinslon ought to be interpreleci as the intent to give the Constituent

Assernbl¡, the exclusive power to cietelmine the leiationship wrth indìa anci to recornmend the ablogation o¡ niodlfioatiort of Article 370.

X. BECAUSII the Lnpugned Order C.O, 212 doçs not save the

LlpLLgneci Older C.O.273 insofar as i1:e modification of Aticle 367 can'iecl out liir-oLrgh Ç O,212 dt. 05 08 2019 apolies only "rn relation to" the State of Lr t- lw

Jarnmn ancl I(ashrnir., nnder Article 3i0(1xd), and thus only qua Jatlmn and

I(asirmir. The effect of the modificaticn in c.o. 272, o1 Article 370 c10es not

appl¡' qtta India, and particularll' does not extend to New Delhi Therefore'

br. r.irtLle of c.o. 272, rhe lirn jtario| cr rhe Fresident's powers uncler Aiticle

370(3) was retnoved, qua the State o-Jämrlu and I(ashmir but not qua lhe

Union ofIndia. T1.[rs a presidential notification under Article 370(3), issued

fror.n New De1hi, that applies qzta Indra continues to be bouncl by Article

370(3) ancl iequires a Lecorntnendalion by the Constituent" Assembly of

Jarlmu ancl Kashlnlr or a snccess'c¡ in law to snch asseubly, if any

Evidentl1,, no modification to the Constltittion has been duly effected uncler

ArticÌe 370(3) of the Constitution of lndta, which is a specific provision to

do so.

Y BECAUSE elaborate and cietailed protectious were provided for

under .A,rticle 370 of lhe Constitutiol cíIndra, the hnpugned Order C O.212

stripprlg theil throngh a mere Presrclentiâi Olclar is sans all legal reaso¡ing

ancl rnanifestly arbitrarv, unreasonable ancl in.violation of er¡ery knou'n

plinciple of constitutional lar.r'.

PROCLA\4ArrON _pr. _12J22018 lw

03.07.2019) IS UNCO\STITLTIOI \L

Z BECALjSE Para (c)(ii) of the ir:rpngned Prociamation statedly Lrnder

Article 356(1)(c) rs ultrct vlres Afiicie :1i6 r'ead rvith Artlcle 14 insofar as tile

suspensron of the ploviso io Afiícle . r¡'ilich in relation tÓ the State of Jatnnu

, and l(asllnir, plovided an essential federal safegrard fo¡ a tlandator¡r qï

'cor{sentoftlrestatelegrslatrrrebeforetiiçbotlndariesofthestatearealtered, in relation. to the is not an incidental or a consecLlertral provision

ploclamation of President's Ruie device of President's AA. BBCAUSE ir,is respectfully sr-rbrnitted that the . a ternporary provision until the Ruie, by rts very natnre is meant to be state' cannot be lrsed to I restoration of tile elected governmellt ol tire


representsatemporalysttspensionoithefederalstructufÇ,,vis-a-vistlre time, thereforç' the centre's centl.e and tire âffectecl fedel ai unit. D'.lring that

actionsmrtst]reorierrtedtorvat-dsthee.elrtrralrestorationoftlrefecleraluuit. upnn t1'. polvers ol tite Federalisn, tlrerefoie, places an írrl-l]ieci iimitation lrmitation upon the Presiclent's þrcsiclent dunng president's Ruie, namely, a

power to change the status of tlte fèderal LLnit itself '

has tlo rational BB. BÐCAUSE PaLa (c)(ii) oitLre ltrpLrgnecl Proclanation

nexusr¡,iththeob.lectoftireProclamaironietopromulgateaPresident's and the alteration of the iuie because of politicat exigencies ir- the State

r to such exigencl' boundalies of the State is cleall¡' not eiatecl




A¡ticle 3 as appiied under the i954 Order and as such catrnot be extent' the impuguecl appropriated by the lJnion Legislat-rie To that within tlie procla,lnatton ts nltra-r,tr.:s not onl¡r oi Article 356 for not staying


State ancl tire respect for tiìe State,S a,ncl t]re respect for tlre illstitirtiols ci t]:e

of the Constitution constitntion, ihereby clestl'oving the baslc structure qY

L-NCONSTITUTIONAL ottiy t'y DD BECAUSE the passage of the hnpugned Act was enabled' 273 and the assuming tire validity of Irrpugned Orders Ç O 2'12 and C'O

tirat both ar-e Lnpugned Proclamatiol-r, ancl in vie'w of the above submissions

the individually and independentl)/ tlnccnstituti onal and non est in law'

the sar¡e' ImpLrgned Act is utlconstitl'ttional as a direct conseqtlenae of 3 of EE, BBCAUSE tire lnpugneci i\c:. is clearly in violation of Article only ttnder the constitution insofar as the characler of a state can be changecl

undel saici rire procedure prêscribed witilin ArticÌe 3 of the constitution.

of the article. it is impermissible for Parliarlent to extinguish the character

going agaurst tlte state rn ìts entirety ancl create tw.o unioli ter¡itol'ies frorn it

cloctrtne fecleral stnrcture of the constitution ai:c violatlng the basic structr-re

and Taking recours'e to Article 3 in terns of the reconstituting .Tarnrnr"r

can'ing out I(ashr¡i;- is different fi-ot¡ r'r'1: at has been done in tire case of

the states frotn existltlg states, lÌke TeLangana for instance Following provLsions under Article 3 of the constitution in lettel and spi|it is an essential safeguar.d of India's feceral charâcter and tire principle of federalisrn, a basic feature of the constitution, and has clearly not been follor.ved in the present case

FF. BECAUSE the fiame¡s of our Constitution clebated extensively while frarniiig the article on l7,l'Novernber 1948, 18tr'Novetnber 1948 and was füither.discussed on Ì3'l'October i9,19 Mr I(T Shah lloved an atnendtlent whe¡ein he ploposed,

of Article ' "'llhaL Lhe Jòllawing new proviso be ctdded after clatLse(e) \Lq\I utltich increases or dintittishes' '|'}.|'ovic!.etl I.hctt ë\,ery ltroposai fitr legt:lation' name' or bozmdanes' shall ortginote r.he area of an existing state or'allers iis suchform as the rL¿les tegt'stanre of tle srcúe collcertled' or affected' in ¡¡n-ti¡e"ø:proiinru qpproprøte'' " itt thé kgislature concerned consider

which make up this " We are all aware lhat the existing units federation so- ãs ta are noi eqrøl inter se are not logic:ri-, are not happily consftucted thentselves' It tlltnister to tlte developrnent of thl cou'rtry or even to the areas to be intplemqnted tn sonte is nLecessary and ¡t i¡lt soon" perhaps have fornt ntean fhaï their or rhe othir that tltese areas be recotstntcted. That would p,rit op, even their nanze, and their rerritories' ntav be altered' l:";;;;r;r; proper ;;;,r;;t-iárirrlro¡¿ or'dor'riordr' If that becotttes necessdry' then l subntit the no1 b.v he to consilt the peopie ihemselves who are a/fected' f a consultation of^the ) ,Ì¡rect referenr)unt to the peipLq'ai"íected, at least by thentselves of the !e&i.\!ctn,tr;. The pcrrÍrcs priuoiitl' àiþcted" are the people posttian hcts in oìLor'r,hosu I'owtrJaries ar naine is rc be allered' or whose propositton' ct tnere ctny way k¡ be recon.structed- And it is but a sintple Ihøt yot't-shot¿ld in a dentocraÍic lnárcr'of funa.antental princrpie I subntit abave' l ;riii* ioitutt the peopte affected' ctncj not nterely lay it down front yaxt råogrire thar the-article às ft stancls provides that in any s.'¿ch e\)ent of the people in shorid lra,e ei.ther a representaircn -frcnt the representaíi.\)es thecentralpctrli'aruenttoSLSgest.s','Lchanalteration'oraltemati'velythe the peopLe pt'esident shotlld have ruce¡'ìlâ sottte sttch representation f'ont 'ror,rurnud But it wìll be the aci of ihe central author¡ty and not of the Íltis itt peopt, prirrorily fficted to suggeit lhis ')ariaÍton l subntit that principle ìs a vtrong aPProach' ' ',lf govem it i a tlentocratic òonstittLtion, if we desire that the people shotLld a provtsion like ' is àf intportance that tíent.çelve.ç . ' ... Íhen I think it ''trmost this should be i.llsisted LPon.' :e*y q,urti* wltich ielates to the ttlÍeration of the present units' thei.r printartllt rcríin'ries, boundaries or naine, sho't'ld, begm wilh the people at the cente The affected attd. should noí conte front rhe authority or power condtlions' or t'hey ituthori.ty ctt centre abviously is not fctntiLiar with local o(her reasans nr,iy trorn olher outlook, may ha'e ori'ter considerattons' for n.oi accepting or agreeing to such a course ' either to , . The'inÌtíationáf a nt-ovent ent e,t'he i, ta integrãte or to separate, configuration' read¡usl. the bo¡'m.daries or to bring cbot'Lt any new- form of ' urr,.rì ,o,rr,rrurre v)ith the people iher¡tselves

Dr, BR Ambedkar while disagreeing *iti't the amendment in particular' iroweve¡ stated tlÌat:

, consent of Íhe provinces TJ.te Got,ernntent need" noÍ. be Ì:o,.Ln( ic Íhe "of oppraprictte' lo chtutgr: their boundcties; tuhile iii case Indian 'çtates ¡t is f hat theír consent in vie.vì r¡f the .facî thctt savereig't\) r..mains with fhem, sho¡.ld be obtøined.' 5o

of Jarnmu and l(ashmir ancl 'i'his plilcrpie ',r'as cattiecl fe1''varcl io tre State

that: u,as lortiliecl in the 1954 Ordcr'r¡4iich piovided

rncreasing or dintinis.hing "PrrividecL lhal no ISiLl provicl'utg.fòr ,the further name or boundar'¡t ,á ,ri,i, srrte of ,Ianmtt''t o"l KasÌ'ntì'' or altering the "iofthatSnres]lallt¡etlll'rorhlcecli|¡Pctrlianlentwithouttheçonsent'of'the Legislattrre of thar SLarc'''

of anä I(ashmir tvherein This r.vas further fortifiecl in the Constiiution 'Iamrnu

u,as laid clorvn in Seclion 4 that: which on the "\'he rerritory oJ'the SÍaÍe shall conti;rise all the terntorìes sovereignty or szaerainty oJ f,f,n'nrrl ¿oy of 2"g'tt,, 1947' vtet:e ii¡der the the RuIer aJ th? Sta"rc." trl only by a special With the arnendrnent thereto capabla of being effected

'powel' the Legislattre of the State rnajorit¡, in exetcise ol the constitueili by

of .'[antmlt and l(ashrnir,

GGBBCAUSEasexplaineclearlier,theParliamerrtcatrnQlexet'cisethe A¡tic1e 3 of the lunctiols of the state legislatr-rre as requiled under

the case of tire State of Jammn Constitution, ¡'hich is a consiituent lrot'er in arrdl(aslrnir(ir-rviewofArticlç3oftlreConstitrrtionofJammlrancl


appliedundertlrelg54orcleland¿ssttQhneitlrerofthosepror,isiot-ts properly exercisable only bv the contemplate a trallsfer of constittleni pt-'rver

President' legisiature of the State to eitirer tlie Parliarnent or the

HH BECAIISE aithough the Legislative Assernbly in the State is there has been no dissolved, the l,egisiative Conncil siiil subsists and thereof or tlle attempi rvhatsoever to call for or solicil the r¡ieu,s of llellbers

such and utmost trgency viervs o1. snch councii, even íf the nattel is of

is necessarl' to Under Arlicle 3. even as it appliec ¡c ihe rest of India' it (/t .>l

Thjs woulcl i'clLrcle both ,,the Le,c.israture oj ihat state". obtåin trre views of in a bicameral State ancl the I-egrslatrve Counr:il tire L,egisìative Assembì-v ii.rat Para (cXii) of Ilnpugned iL' BECAUSF' even assr'ttntt.rg C O 272 whioh' overrrd

. boLLndarles ancl as to bifurcation of the State J.f BECAUSE a critical t1"ti'ion for rvant of itories is clearly vitiated i thereof as two Union Ten "o,l.r.rsio' consLtlting the ìnsofar as it was done withont procedttral teasonablçnçss of tire residents ill ernbodies trre pop.lar will , legislature of the staie ro4ricl.r

tlreState'Iuriher,itispet.tinenttopcintotltthatalthor'rglrtlreLegislative I-egislatrvt in the State is dissolved' the Assernbl¡' .::rl*t: l:,^:lt to call for a session of l¡een no ârteûrpt rvhatsoever tìlncttolring aud there h¿rs matter' to take its vier'¡s on this tì-re i-egrsiative Couuc il Act of ti tÌre unpr-rgr.rec1 Reorganization KK BECAUSE wrth the passâge

20ig,thepolitlcalaspir.atiorroftltepeopleofLaclaklrin.Tamtrrrrancll(as,hr-rir legislatir¡e l]niou r'e

rellre se1ltati0 n.

LL CACAUSA fhe etïect of tire lnpugned Act, rvitir the state of Jammtr

ani I(ashrnir ceasing to be a state and being split into two Union Tenitories

rs rnanifestly arbitrari' and a dispropoftionate rneastre. liable to be struck

doi¡,n f'or being violative of Article I 4 of the Constitution ínastnr.rcir as the

statèrner.rt of objects and reasons in the Bill clearly don't justily the lneastlle

ol reclucing the State to a union Ter"ritor¡,, particLrlarly in view of the täct

that several constitutional devices ,srich as Aticle 356 exist fo¡ the union

Governrneut to step ût and handle trle emergency catlsecl by the internal

secur-ity situation as statecl in the.siaLement of Objects and ReasOns for the

lmpugned Act and as sLrch rvithoui an1, justification as to the specific to benefits cf passing tite Inpr-rgned Act In this regarcl, it 1]ray be pertinent to

mention here that the Indian Constilution has movecl t'om a culture of

aufl.rority to a cuiture ofjustification ì:r exercise of state powel as held by a

constitntion bench of this Hon'ble Court in Kalpana Mehta v. Union of

lndi r (2OI81l SCC 1

MlVl BECAUSE the Impugnecl Act is clearly in violation of Article 3 ol

the Constjtution. Under the said artrclo, it is irnpermissible for Parljarnent to

extìngulsh ihe character of the stale ur itS entil-ety and create two unioti

teriitories ûnpìnging on the federai character of the constitution arlcl

vìolating its basic Stmcture, TakiDg recourse to Article 3 in terrns oi'

r-econstitÙting Jarnmn ancl I(ashfrir ts diffe¡ent froin what has beçn done in the case of carving oìlt staies frc:l exìsting states, llke Telangana, for- instance. In fact, tlere is; no precedeti¡ in oLtr constitLltional history., alter the corrcept of Union Territories r,r,as ii]rcduced in the seventh amanclment to n. ))

tire Constitu:ion of In

aud reduced only to Union Terrrtcr'1"/Terntolies. This is foi the reason that

the text of Article 3 arrci anv of the, i ror lsious thereuncler clo not perrnit the

sarne. This is in contladistinction to Afiicle 2 whele the porver of the

Parliarnent to create new states is ainost unümited. Thìs specific stl ucture of

Articie 2 and Articie 3 is il consor:anre w.ith fedçralisln being a basic feature

of tlie Constitution: the pou'er to enhance federalisrn and federatiirg the

r-urion fruther under hrticle 2 is broader than the powei'to redr-rce the .iÌi li!: federating nature of the union under.\rticle 3. If the approach and a.ctions of

the Respondent in the instant case is upheld, India can be reduced to a

'i.lnion of Union Terntol'ies" merelr, b¡, parliamentary legislationse rvhich is

neiiirer pennitted by ¡hs text nor the surit of the Constitution. Therefore, the

legislative porver of Parliarnent nnder A¡ticle 3 does not extend to diminrsh a

Staie into a Union 'lerritor v.

¡lN BBCAUSE the terms of entrl' of Janmu and l(ashmir into the Indian

IJnion, recognised in the 1954 Orcler accord protection to the te¡ritorial

inte$iti of .lalnmlr and I(ashrrir b1' making the powers exercisable by

Parlian:ent Lnåer Articie 3 of lncÌral Constitution apphcabÌe, subject to tire

conserlt bir the state's legislature, This protection ensrÌrecl that tile territorial

extent of the State of Jarnrnu and l(asirn.rrr car only be changed subject to

strrct federai and ciemocratic guarantees. This is demonstrated by the .Iammu

and Kaslmrr Constitueut Assemblv anC its Lesislative Assemblv nncler the

iirdian Constitution eanrrarkio* ".rrrrr" ,.ur, lo represent ubr.n, rrr.,nb.r,

fiorr-r those constituencics. The break-up of .lammu and Kashmir, is thLrs a

violation of this recognition, (v I , OO IìECAUSE, assr.rmrng but uot concecling that the pa¡lia'rent r¡,as

exercising tire pov,ers of tire State Legislature uncier Article 3 as per Ar-ticle

, -156(1Xb) oithe constir'tion of hd:a, the Bill rvas passed in violatio' of the 'pro'iso ¡ to Àrticie 3. The proviso tc A¡ticle 3 provides thar'"no biil for the

o/' .... shall be íntrod¡,tced ¡n pgrlrantenr. .ptt'pose ei.ther hotLse of . t¿nless..

the Bill has been referred by the President to the Legislature oJ rl,at sntefor

expressing tts \t rcu/.t rhereon wtthin sttclt periocl øs may be spec'LJiecl i.n the

reJèrence or wt.tltin ntch time.ft,rrthei',:eriod as the presi.dent,ntq¡ aLlotv ancl

the perrod so specified or allav,ecÌ hcs expired." In the prese't case, the Biil

was introduced in Parliarrent befoie both houses had complete

the Statr-rtoryResolution purportedly noved in respect of obtaining the viervs

of both houses of Parliament (exercising power.s of the State Legislature).

PP. BEC./IUSE, as a ¡esult of ti:e Bill and staftrte¡y resolLrtionsbeing

infi'oduced in secrecy and haste-' it was i'rpossible for any 'reaningf,l clelibelation io take place on the Brll in the Rajya sabha. lt ìs respectfull1,

submitted that rneaningful clelil:e¡ation is the plank on whrch the

presuni;iion of constitutionality cri luru, ,.rrr, anci rn tite absence of

neaningf.l deliberation, ìt is respec:Ír-rlly subrnitted that no presr-rmption of

oonstitutionality can attach to the 8i11.

Qa tsECAUSE errideuce of the sec:ecy a'cl haste i' introdnci'g the Bill

lies iri the violation of the follor¡'rng n-rles:

a) the Bill u,as passed in vioration of RLrlç 33, Rules of procedn¡e

and Conduct of Business in Rajya Sabha (her-einafter, ,,RLrles of

Procedule") as per '"r,hich the Busrness Aclvisor.y Comrnittee rlusi

recornmend allocation of iil'e for clebate in ol'Brlls whicli 'espect

\À/as not clone tn tile p¡esent casQ. >)/1 {-- r b) üe Bìil vrasdiscnssecl ,in violation of Rule 37 of lìLLles of

Procedule as pel r4tich lc r¿ariation in Allocation of Tìrne Or.der

can be rnacle except if the Chainlan makes snch variation alter

' taking the sense of the Co..rncil that there is general ageernent for

such variation, as no such sense of the Council.was taken.

c) .the Bill was not placecl in the List of BLrsiness bLrt placecl in the

Suppleinentari, List of Busuress q4rich rvas circulatecl onÌy after

the introcluction of tile Brti

d) the bill irself circnlare- onìy after its jntroduction. Assurning

but not conceding that the Chaiman, undçr Rlrlç 69 of the Rules ol

Procedlre rçad with Directron 208 of the Directions of

Ra.¡va Sabha thereinafre:'. Direcrions of Chairrnan"), .o,,1¿ ¡uu.

waived the requirer.nent of a rnllirnurn hvo clay per.iocl between ' introduction ancl considsration of a bill, but he could haræ done so

onl1' ç11.. the Blll 1,\/as cll.c.ùlated. The aforementioned nrle does

not provide tite Chainlan rvrtil the power to rvaive the requir.ement

of p.ior circnlation altoieLne. Sirnilarly, the rÇsrdr-rary power uucler

Rule 226 rvould not appl1r as circularion is specifically dealt with

in the Rules of Procedure reaci th the Directions of Charu¡an. As

, à result of this violation, \..lcmber-s of pa¡liament voted for the

introduction ofa Bili ihat thev had not evetì seen.

it 1s submitted that aìi of'these vrolaticas, arrorlg others, macle rt impossible

for any rneaningful deliberation io place on tliç Bill in the Rajya Sabha

and as a resLrlt, no presLrmption of co;tslitutionality can attach to thc Bill

Rlì. BìÌCAUSE, a stnrctrìral readilg of the constitution makes clear that the constitution specifically provides Íbr functions and pewers that can be iustance, resohrtiQns Çxerçised by Parliament by u,ay oi .R.esolutions. For the vice- lray be moved fot the impeachmenl i-.f thc President, removal of

disappr oval of ?resident, reuroval of the Deputl' Cirairman of Rajya Sabha, rvith orclinances prornuigated by ihe Presldent, legislation by Parliarnent i respect to lratters ennmerated rn the State List, crqation of All-lndia

servìcçs, approval of Proclamatron oi Energency, Proclamation in casç of

failLire of constitutional machir:erf in a State, and Proclarnairon in case of

Financtal Emergency. Il contrast, ¡h; Constitution do¡ls not envisage that

an], action specifically required to be taken by the State Leglslature under

A¡ticle 3, be irlstead done b¡' rvay cf a stahrtory resolution bv the Parliament

during President's rn1e, The need icr the expr ession of views by the state

r¡'ithin the Legislatur-e ís based on the principìe cf ffreaningful deliberation lederal Lrnit and cannot be replaced by statutory resolntions unilaterall-v passed bv Pariiament in rriolation of Ccnstinrtional procedrtres

SS BECAUSE tbllowing the 'provisions ttncler Article 3 of the

Constitution in letter and spirit is an essential safeguarcl of Inclia's feclçr'al cha¡acter ancl the principle of feddralisr¡, a basiç featnre of the constitution,

' and has clearly not been followed in ti:e present case

TT BECAUSE in view of the abo1e, the llrpLrgned Act is liable to be struck dowr as unconstitr"rtional for treing in violation of Aticle 3 read with

Pæt iII of the Constitntion of Inciia

Wll). THE IMPVGNED CONSTTTUTI,QN ORDERS C'O' 27? and c.o. zr3 aND CoNSìtOUÐNr 4CT@IIQN oF TI{E BASIC }'C."\'tr'URE OF F}:)lRÂLllxl J" UU. BECAUSE the fedelai baÌa.nce lnust be uphelcl iir the fecleral

reiationship of all states to the unicn There is no ore size fits all fèderalism.

,Ser,çral states have Lrnique federai r-elationships to the IJnion Govenunent as

in Artìcle 3i1A- 37lL federal relationship of sach such State with the

Union of Indía is at a fecleral balancç, whicir can be amended but not : dcrmaged or d.estro)ted, as part of ¡jte basic shucture of the Constltution.

T'ltis asymrnetric federal balance colfèr's powers oÌ1 the presiclent to issLre

olciels as per the condrtions and linitJ laid dowr in the specìäl provisions in

371 through3TlI. For instance, the por.i ers to issue presidential olders rurder

Article 370 are similar to powers u:rder snbsequent articles which are as

follor¡'s: a) Article 371 - porver to issle P¡esidential Order qua the states of

Nlallarashtra and GL¡alat conferring speclal powers and responsibilj ties on

the governor io¡ certail specific plrîloses, b) Article 3718 - Power to issue

PO in respect of State of Assarn colcerning a Çolnmittee of rnernbers of

legislative assembll, of the state from tribal areas; c) 371C - Power te issrLe

PO in respect of State of Manipur co.,:cerning a committee of rnembers of

legisiative assembll, of the state fiora 1:i11 areas; d) 371D- power to'iss¡e PO

in respect of States of AP ancl Telatgata in matters of edncation and public

errployurent; e) 3i1J - Power to issire POs i,r lespect of State of l{arnataka entrusting special iesponsibility to tite governor for the developnent of ceftain areas r.r,ithin the State - namel1, the H¡rdg¡¿þ¿4-Kanataka r-egior-r.

These Presidential Orders can onl., be issued in respect of tire subject rratters,, identified in the above proirisiotrs and çannot be issLred for. nnconnecteci and extiaueous purposes oi to abrogate those special provisious /-Ò )Ò ,J¡V BÐCAUSE this Court held ir; State Bonlc of India v. Santhosh Gupta

(2AI7)2 SCC 538 that the State oiJamrnu anci.I(asirrnir is part of the quasi-

federai structure of tlie Indian Consii¡ution, witl.r the following diffe¡ences:

a) Article 370(i)(cl) read with Arricle 368 as applied to Siate of

.lammu and I(ashrnir permrtted it to decide if the Constitution of

Inciia's amencLnents qua ÌnCia will apply to it, unlike regrÌlar states

whicb do not have the pcu,er to decide if the Constitntion of

India's arlendments will atr_rply to thern,

, b) Parlìament has ljrnitei powers over Janmu and l(ashmir

ncluding tn the realil of loreign Affai¡s, Defence and

Cornrnunication, as weli as other po\4/ers Hsted in 1954 O¡der. , State of Jarnrlu anci T(ashilir retaineri the rest of thetn. c) Residuarv legtsiative lrower rernains wrth the Staté of .Ialnnu

and l(ashmir.

W\Ãi BÐCAUSìI these differe'ces ccnstitute the u'ique federai balance in

the relationship between.iamr¡u ancì i(aslmir and the Union of India.

XX. BECAUSE the essential fea¡u¡e of arricle 370(1)(b) and 370(i)(ci) is

that the State of Jarnrnu and l(ashmrr las the constitutional rigirt to consent

to presidential orde¡s. The State of ianmn and I(ashrnrr is entitled to decide

rvho wiil consent on its behaif as'heid'oy a constitution Bench of this court

in Mohd Maqbool l)antnoo v, State,of ,Iamnttt and Kashmir 1972 SCR (2)

1014 Therefore, the application of. all the provisions of the Indlan

constitLitron to Janmu and I(ashrlir. il a lnanne¡ that cloes not account for the participation and conseut ofthe pecple ofJarnrnu and l(ashrnir, destroys the federai balance, which is the conterrt of fedcralis¡n that is recognisecl as bas.ic st¡uctLlle of the Constttunon. sq VY BECAUSE, as this Hon'ble Court lias held on muitiple occasions,

federalism is a basic featr.u'e of the Indian ConstitLttion. It is respectfully

. strbmitted that the rnodel of federalis:n followed by our Nation is sui generis

(Dnrga Das Bast¡ ConstÍution of i¡to,i.a,9th ed., vol. I,p.622) il the sense of

being a pluralistic Jèderation, rvhere different constituent units of the

federation can have a different ,.tutionrhip rvith the Union, based upon tÌreir

tenns of accession, historical, sociai, poLitical, and cultural circrunstances

(R.C. Poudyal v Union of India,1994 SLrpp 1 SCC 324) Tliis rs reflected in

'.¡iil Añicles 371..31 lA to 371J, rvhrch rrovide a special status - in different

respects - to the states of Nagalald, Mizorarl, Manipur, Maharashtra,


of pltrralistic federalisr¡ would be Set at nought if one of the two parties to

the federal reiationsirip (i,e., the Ulica) can unilaterally amend the terms ef

their relationship, without even passir:g thror"rgh the rigours of the amending

pr¡cess Lrncler Allicle .ì68.

ZZ. BÐCAL,SE the Constrtutio:r cf Jammn and I(ashmir ìs a legal

docur¡ent thar establishes the frarne*'ork of govemrnent at tlle state level.

The constitution r,vas adopted on 17'l' Novernber 1956 ancl came rnto effect

on 2ó'r'January 1957 The special siatirs to the state of Jarluru and l(ashrnir'

flowing frorn the Jammu and l(ashmir Constitution is a soler¡¡ pu.i lr.t*.en

the union ald the state which cannoi be unrlaterally alterecl.

A.rA,r{ BECAUSB the ilght of participation of the State ef JarnmrL and

Kashmir in the question of revocatiol of Atlicle 370, is not rnerely a right to

consent but a rrght to recornmenci. Thus, a proactive recornrnendation

initia¡ed b,v tile State of .Jamrlu and Kashrnrr- is necessary uncler this

lrovlsì0r1, lrG,Noorani iu his book "Arlicle 370. A conslittuittna! Hisrot'y of I 6o

. ,Iotnmu and,Kashmir" writes thar é,rrrcle 370 of the Constitution ernbodies ó

special provisions fo¡ the state oi.larnmu and Kasllni¡ rvilerern the 6tl'

, feature is tirat A.rtlcle 370(3) emrorvers the Piesident to make,an o¡der.

abrogating or anending u. Horvevs¡ this reclLrires that 'recolnmenclation, of

the state's Constituent Assernbi,v ;hall be rìecessary beforc the president

issues snch a notification.

BBB. BECAUSE tlie proactive recclrmendation of the Stats rvas a choicç

made by the fi'amers of rhe Indian ConstitLnion. N Gopalaswamy Avyangar

r,r'liile debat;ng Article 370 on l7'ì,October 1949 expor,tndecl,,.Wc have also

agreed that the will of the people, through the mstt"tnnent of a con'ÌitrenÍ.

assentbly, wiÌ/ detertnine te con.stuution of the State as u,ell as rhe sphere o.f

' tlte union juTisdiction over rhe .\^taie..., Yatt wiÌl rententber thctr several o/

these c/ause.s pravicle Jòr th¿ carctr 'ence of rhe GovernntenÍ of ,/amnttt anc)

Kash.ntir state. No14) these relaÍe particltÌc.trly ,o ,riorrrß are not

mentioned in Íhe instruntent af acces:rcn, and i.t is on.e of our cotj1tl1¡ltnen L.t

ra the people and Governntent of äa.:;hntir thaÍ no such aclclitions shottld be

ntude r:,rcepl. vtirh Lhe consetll of the ConsÍitt¿ent As.rembly ntay lte

collerJ in the state Jor the pzLrpos¿ oJ ./raming its Cot¡stitzttioir.,' l'his

exposition is sufficient enough to rerterate the fact that the fraurer.s of the

constitutlon with respect to Articie 370 were ver¡r clear in giving the people

of the statç of Jarnrnu and I(ashrnir right to be consuÌtecl in all matters falhng h'orr Article 370, FLrrther'.rhe constitLLtion (Application to -Iainmll and l(ashrnir) orcler of 1954. \4a.v 1.1 iltrcdLrced a proviso to A¡ticle 3 of the corstitution tltat- "nr¡ bil/ protiding'Jor inxreasing ot.clininÌshing rhe area af the sÍate oJ',IcunntzL an t:^1. Kttshnur o, tlterutg the nante or boun.t|ctry o/ that "6\ 1^

consent of the legislature ,stute shctll he intraduced nt Parliatnen¡ wifhottt the

q{that stale. '

noted as CCC BECAUSE the ptovisrou ur:cler A¡ticle 370 tirough perl¡anent pror;ision terrrporary in the marginal notes iras been hçld to be a

v' b,v tlre Hon'ble Snpretne Court in iir3 case of KtLntari ,Vyctyalaxmt 'lhrt i:n t)nion of India. Fot instance, .Tristrce AS Anand in his book the

Constitution of Jammn and I(ashrnir has rvritten that:

"thetemporarynatureoftheArticiearisesn'terelybecausethepowerto íhe con*¡tut¡onal relailonshic between the state and the union of .ifl 'lnclia|äàtitt conslituent ,'ìti: had been specif cølL¡; vesteri tu the ,Iamnul and Kashntir conventng A.ssentbl¡t. The C^onst¡n¡¡o'n of htciia clearly envi'sa6¡ed the also pKtvi.des cr¡nst.iruínt assentbl¡t ./òr the,lantntzt cmd. (.ashntir stdte crnd that ntight beconte Íhol whatever ntoclifi ccr l.rotts, at¡tettd¡t:ents or exceptiotls the¿tion of nicessat4, either to article.3TA or h oriy other article i, )uere subJect to Indi'r. i'tl theu. application to the,JcLm¡l'ltl and Kctshmir staÍe does not. the deci..çion o/'ihal assentlsly. There¡ore the Íentporary ¡trovision or replaced ntean tltal tlti cuticle is cap'able of t:eing abrogated' ntodÌfed tut i latua II ;;." (PP 1 05-1 06)

Frrrtirer jn Siate Bank of In'cli'a ,¡' Siantosh. Gupta, tltis Ilon'ble CoLtrt


,,7''rstthi.ngthatisnoti'ced-inArticle3Ta¡sthqtthenlarginalnotestatç5. of and thal ¡t i.s ct lenxparoryl provision vlti respeat to the State 'Ianttnu lemporor)/ provision Kashmir. Llotuever, u' Arttcle -159 v¡hich is also a of this li¡n¡iietl ìn po¡yt o.f t¡nle to frve ;''ears front the ^contn'tencen'tenlthe rh1t Con,trintioi, i'o sr-ch lintit ¡s ¡o beior,t;td ¡n Article 370. Despite laü claltse (3) of Article it is, thereþre. statecl ltt be lentporaryt in nattLre' sLIb- be operarive onbt 37A nzakei Lt clear that this Art¡.cte shalL ceclse to fi'o.n1 And tÌtis such date as the Presidetxl tl1ct)) by public notification declare (3) t'mless there is a ,i,oiorot b, tÌ.one tùder the to ArticLe 370 to do " ìecontntenclation of the Consiit''Lent Assenthllt of the Stare so

DDD BECAUSF rno¡ecver.. tìre por.rlation oi the tenitorl, of Laclal


protected b1' their ou,n r-inique cr,tltnral and traditiol:a1 identit¡' Ladakh is not

354 and A¡ticle ar¡, otl.Ler. provisron rurder the Indial constitution. Article I^ /^l b /--'

jrO ol itre Cónsrirurion were rhe o::!i safegLrarcling provisions for the people

of this region. Ladakh \,vas grantecL divisìonal statr'ls o1'l 8th Feb 2019 to

onsure eqr,ral stake and developrneut ¡n|suits i1l the.State. The abrogation of

Anicle 370 denies the opportuníl:'i of development in the regiotl b)¡

clisintegrating it Ê'om the State irr ihe early stages of its divisional


\¡I(2) THE IMIUGNEDIQBDE4S Ç.O. 272 +nd C'o' 2.7.3 A'ND



EEE BECAUSE all porvels exerclsable by the Presiclent of India' the

GovetÏor of the State of Jarnmu and l(ashmir', the Parltar¡rent and the

Legislative Assembly of .Tat]1rntt and l(ashrnir are circr-unscriberl by express

provisions of the ConstitLrtron of India, Constitution of India as Applicable

to the State of Jammu and i(ashrnir, and the Jatnmu and l(ashrnìr

Constitr"rtion; ar.rd are further subject tc implied lirritations therefronl.

FFF. BECAUSE tire historv oi constituttoir-uraking both Lurder the

Constiturion oí Inclìa ancl the Consiit'ittion of .Iatntnu and I(ashrnir, anci the

practìce tilat is establisilecl follorvrng the corning into force of thç

constttutions deinonsü ate that the preserrration of autonotny of the Statc of

.Iainmu ancl I(ashrnir even as it is an rntegral part of the Iirdian Union is an

essential a¡d fundallentai lsature o1'tie constltutional relationship betr,veen

the state and the I]nion,

ì. b)l,t tiCC npC¡.1¡SÐ the mLrltiple leyeÌs of checl

inrlia and the Jammn ancl Kasllri| ConstiuLtion are to fortify this essential

fèatr-rre cf autonorn-v jn the constttittional ¡elatlonship 6etween tÌle state ancl

' tlie Unron and clemonstrate abttnc'iant caution adopted b)' thç constitution

makers against any erosion of that esseutial feature, which have all been

brazenly violated in the present case.

HFIH. BECAUSE the provisions cl .Anicle 370 read with the provisions ol'

A¡ticles 368 anci 356 of the constitution as applicable to the state ttuder the

i 9 54 Orcler, and the provisions of ihe Jamrnu and l(ashmir Constitution,

together constitute the said check agailst any alteration of this relationship

in general. and against affecting autonomy in particular.

lll BECAUSE the \¡ery fact of the State of Jamrnu and l(ash;:nir having a

separate constitution clistinct ÍÌor tÌ'te 'Constitution of India ancl tlte

recognition of the same uncler tile CorsiitLrtion of inclia and the 19521 Order

dernonstlates a protnise of ar-rtonot:l-v to the State which has received

constitutionai recognition and conseq..rently, all state entities, inclLrding the

Presideitt and Parliaurent liave a basic dltt-r, of rlot only guaranteeing and protecting r..i$hts flowrng frorr the såiC Constitutiou of .Jamtnrt and l(ashmir,

but also prornotirlg ancl fLrlfilììng ihose fights. This recognition is furtller ieilforcecl rn the recognitio¡ of the tel'iìtorial rntegrity Of the state of Jatlmu ancì l(ashrni¡ and the protections to us perrranent resicients vide the 195.4

Ordel and the .Tatlmtt an

J.lj BECAUSE the Constitutìon of .Iamnlu ancl T{ashmi¡ inhelits the values of socialisrl, secnlat isur, denocracy and lepublicanism fi'ol¡ the prearnble of the Constitution of Inclia inasmuch as it gives a preambr-tiar recognition of the fuct of the State'-. accession to the Indian Union, un¿ A t)1/\r

flmther expressly reiterates the vairies ol liberty, equality ancl fraternit)' irl its

prearnble, identical to tire preanbie of the Constitution of India

FiLrlheurore, all ¡çsidents of the siate are gltaranteed the fttndamental ligltts

r-urcler Part IIi of ihe ConstitLrtion cl irdia.

KKK BBCAUSE the pnnciples cf iivrng çonstitutionalistl, basic stmcture

and essential vahres of the rights r:ndel Pa¡t III traceable fiorn tllç pt'earnble,

the directive 'principles and a aolistic ar.rd a synoptic reading of the

prcvisions of the Constitution that irforrn the reading ald trTrderstanding of

the ConstitLrtion of 'India, also applíes to the reading of the Çonstitntion ol'

inclia as appiied to the state of Jaurn.r and I(aslmir under the 1954 Order, as

well as the Constitntion of Jat¡tnu anC I{ashrnirl

l,l-1, EÐCAUSE such essentìal i,alues rnformtng the .ights ur. o,

eniorceable as the rights thernsqlves as. held by the nine ¡udge bench of this

Hon'ble Court in IR Coellrc v) Sta,z of Tamit Nadu(2007) 2 SCC I bottr

under the Constihrtion of Lidra and lhe Constitution of India as applied to

the state of Jamrnu ancl I(ashtnir ¡.rnder the 1954 Order. Frtrthermore, any

exercise ofpower ofany nature, coÌts:iiuellt, legislative or execntir¡e shall be

iub.iect to the implied linirtations oiil^Ìe test of the basic structure

MN4l\4 EBCAUSE under Ar¡ic-e .12 of the Constitution of Indra as

appiieci tc the State of Jamnru and l(-ashrnir, thç fundarnental rights of the

, ¡esidents enÍblceable thelennde¡ are tc be read and unclet'stood 'synoptically'

try leaciing all the provisions of Palt III, the other plovisions ol the .i9i4 constitLrtion of India under rhe Or<1ç¡ anci tire plovisions of the

Constitutiou of .Tammu ancl I(asirnir and the Prearnbles of both the

constitntion. (See generally, Coelho(.s:tpra) and Indira Gandhi tt. Raj Narctin

(i975 SCC (2) r59) 6 5 NNN.BBCAUSBtheautonoûyoflrestateofJarnmuarrdl(ashmjris pr.oteetedasaiightflowinglrotlasltchasynopticreadrrrgoftlre i4,19 constitution, particularly Part III anC rnore particularly under Articles

arcl 2I of the ,Constitul.jon enf'orceable Lrncler Artiçlç 32 of tile CorlStiiLrtion

of India and as such an)' exercise ol ille porver by any of'the state actors - be

32 it corlstituent or iegisiative, is sr-rbj ect to jLrdicial re.,i.'i ,-tnd.. Articie of (Inion ' the Constitntion of l*c1ia. (See llatÌrctr Bar t'. of lndia, (2014)

amenable to 1O SCC 1 at page t89). Consequenill,. the Inpugnecl orders äre

a basic feature of the ¡Lrclicial review under Arlicle 32, r'-'hiçh is also

constitution as held by this Hon'ble coufi on several occasions. (see for

exarnple, I'.Ch.anclrqkuntarv (Jttion o.f htdia(1991) 3 SÇC 261)

ooo BECAUSE the Impugned order co 272 has been issLred rvithout due

cleliberaliori and applicatíon of r¡inci as to the effect of appl¡ri¡g e¿t¡

provision to the constitution of l4clia and without due regard to the existing

rnoclifications qua the State of Janrnn ancl I(asl]]nir and particular1)' Afticles

35A ancl 3 and is therefore rnaníiestly arbitrary anct vioiative of the

f''damsntai prernrse of t¡e relaticts.ìp b.t*.e,' tl-Le State of Jatnnn and

fecleralism i(ashnir an

ol rhe Indian Constitution.

pPP BECAUSE the irnpugnecl crdels by revoking the legal status and

pr.otection aicor-decl to Permanent Rlsrdents of Jammu and l(ashlnir, arnolLnt

to a unilateral erasure of historical prcto-citizenship rights vested in ali State

across the SLrb¡ects of tire elsnvhile Princely State of Jammu and Ifushmir',

provisional rnternational bounclat1' Ìiire (LoC), inch"rding those presentl)/

resident in Pal

at an disa.clvantage vrs a vls other Staie Subjects l^lr ln UU QQQ BECAUSE i'sofar as trre effect of the Impug'ecl orclers a'cl the ,o hnpugnecl Act ailows for a co'rpiete and a wholesale sr¡rersession of thç jtLrtion ,Const of Jaruuu and liasLnir ç\i en to the extent of .Jarlmu ancl

I(ashtnir ceasûrg to be State, as demonstratecl b¡r 1¡s passage of the Janmu

and l(ashmir Reorganii;ation Bill,201g in parliament, is in clear violation of

thrs d-sht ro anionorny of the StaLe '¡hat inber-e in its residents, parr lll rights

and dest¡uctive of the basic strLrcr.rre of the constitution as applieci to the

state of .laminu and l(ashrni¡, sans constitutional Morality, á'nd a¡e the¡efore

liable to be held to be void ancl inope.ativç nnder Articlç 13, by this Hon,ble

L OUft.

RRR, BECAUSB tno¡eover, fu rhe Çase of L,adak\.t, u4lich is alr Ecologrcaliy sensiti'e zone recogrrsed by tire Mi'istry of Forest and

Ciirnaté Change, the applicabilit¡, of Ariicle 35A was the one safeguar.d fhat

ensurecl the prevention of its uniq,,re -nrrirorrrrrantul characte¡ aud tite issr-res

arising therefrom and the rlanifest.i¡, arbitrary ancl unreasonable removal of

tlrat safegua'd vide the Lrp.gned o: jêr c.o 272 is clearly in violation of

Article 14 read with Article 21 of tlte Constihrtion of India

sss. BECAUSE in rigrrt of trre abc.¡e, the hnpugned orders are clearri, i¡ r¡rolation of the prrncipres and tir¿ natu'e of feder.arisr¡ ancr federai

democracy rvhich is a basic feature oi the constitution of Inclia as appiied to

Ja',¡u and I(ashlni. a'd are iiable t,¡ be struck down as uilconstitutional- ther efore.

79.The Petitioners crave liberty to urge otirer gror-urds i' adclitron to the grcuncis above at a later stage of the proceeclings as appropriate. I ),- 19 I

petition before this Hon'ble 80.The Petitioners have not hted ar-v other

on the subject matter Coufi or any gther coull rvithin the le'rritory oflndia

for herein of the instant Petition and io¡ ìhe ¡e1ieß prayed


iate In the premises, this Hon,ble corm may be pleasecl to issue appropr ¡ below: cleclarations, writs, orclers and directí as set ortt

(a) A writ in the nature of manCamus, or any other writ' orrler or

President's Rule direction, declanng that Pa¡a (cxii) oi the Proclamation of


fron.r 03 07 2019 lo ' and extendecl vicle, Cabinet Approvai ihereto wlth effect

and therefore vtrll be ulra vires A¡ticles 14, 19 and2i ¡e¿i'l u'ith Article 356

ab initio and inoPerative:

(b) Awrit in the nature of certiorari, orany other wdt' order or direction'

No 2 State enabling setting asìde the concurrence given b1; the Responclent (Application to the the President of Inclia to issue the Constirution of hdia

in violation of inter alia State of Jammu ancl Kashmir). O¡cl¿r 2019 for being

Articles 14 artd l9 ofthe Constihrtion cflndia'

(c) A writ in tl.ìe naru¡e of nwn:íamus, or any other writ' order or to the State of direction, declaring that the Constitution oflndia (Application 272' dated Jammu and Kashmir), Otder 2A19 . numbered C O' No the Constitution' 05.08.2019 as ultra t'ires Articles i4, 19 and 2I of

unconstitutional, void and inoperative ';otd ab initio and inoperative'

I /a: (ró

or any other writ' order or (c1) A u'rit in the nafllre af ma'ntí't'mus ' 370(3) Of thç Dgclararion l'Inder Article direction,

ancl rnoPerarive' or any other writ' order or (e) A rvrit in the nâüre of mandannts ' 370(3) Of the - Declaratiqn Under Article direction, declanng that the vires No 2l3 dated 06 08'2019 as Tlltra Constihttìcn numbered C O 356 of the the ¡ead with Article 37Q and Articles 14, 19 and 21 of ab initio therein' unconsti ttlionaL' void Constirution and other provisions

and inoPerative or any other writ' order or (Ð A wnt in the nature of nicnldatnu\'

di¡ectiondeclaiingtheJammuandK-ashmi¡ReorganisationAct,2019as 370 and 356 of ol the read with Articles 3' ultrct viresArticles l4' 19 and2l roi'; and inoperative' the Consritution. unconstitrnional' AS THE PETITIONERS SHALI'' AND FOR THIS ACT OF KINDNESS'


DRAWIi ON: 13 08'2019

FILED ON: 19 08 2019 DRAW}IBY: Singh; Garttan.t Malavir¡¿ Prasad; Jayavardhan 'g'h*iR"p^fiPrasan¡a S; AakaLsh Kam¡a' Samuel: et al lAdvocalssl

( w i trr Tnputs o g : $låli.ii" Tl,Verma, Samtt)lîí::::,"#åï:!'l;;,'#î?å 1Adv..¡, Maansi , FILED BY: on Record) AAK,ARSH KAMRr{ (Advocate 1r ¡\PPE\DIX


Articìe 3 of the Constitution

Forrnation of new States and alteraiicn of areas, boundaries or natnes of existing States: Pa¡l.iameú may b1' law;

(a) form a new State by separatron ci territory from any State oI by unitrng

two or. rrore Siåtes or parts of States cr by ruritr¡g a¡y territorv to a part of

ar..,v State;

tb) ì the are¿r of any State; (c) ciirrìnisJr the a¡ea of anr, State'

(cl) aÌtel the borurdalies of an¡' State

(e) alter the nane of any State; Pl ovide,:l that no Bill for the purpose shali be introcluced in elther -llouse of Parlianent excellt o11 the recotnmendation of

the llresident and rurless, wire|e the prc;rosal contained rn the Bill affects the

area, boutid¿rries or llalne of an¡r of tl.ìe States, the Bill has been letèr'red by

the President to the Legislature ofthat State fbr expressing its viervs tirereon wrthin such pe|iod as rnay be specifìecl h the retèrence or rvitirin such tìn-ther perioci as the Presiclent ma\i allow and the period sc.r specified or

alìovr'ed has: expirecl.

Explai1aÏioll ] Ln this ârticle, iû claÙses (a) to (e), State includes a ljnion telriioly, biLt in the ploviso, St¿te clol:s rlol include a Unioll telrìtor¡' li.*rplanzriiol II The pou,el conlèn-ecl ori Pariianent by clåuse (a) irrciudes the I.lniorl terrtiory b1' ruriting a palt of any State Fovreí to fotnl a ttc'w state ol '(Jnic''n or terrítory to an¡' other State or Jniou telritory.

2" å¡J¡cl_q3!ó

Provisions ín case of fàiiurc of co¡stituticnal rlacJriuery in State; o;' ( I ) ií the Pr esiclen'¡, oii receipt of reÊ'cr'¡ Û om the Goveruor of the State oii:or¡'ise" is satisfieil tiral. a situatio¡ h¿s arisen in r¡4lich the gOvelrlrnerlt of ?b thô State cannot be carried ou in a.cçordance rvith he provisions of this

Constitution, the President ma1, be Proclamation (a) assurle tc hiinself ali or any oi tite funçtions of the Government of the

State and a1l or an1, of the polvers vested in or exercisable by the Governor

or an1' þed¡r or authority in the State cther than the Legislature of State;

(b) declare that the porvers ofthe Legislature ofthe State shall be exercisable

by ol r,urder the autholity of Pariiarneri; '(c) mal

presrdent to be necessar-v or desirable for giving effect to the ob-iects of the

Proclariation. including plovisìons fcr sr-rspencling in whole.,or rn part the opelation of any provisions of this constitLrtion relating to an1' bod.v or

aLrthority in the State Provlded thai:rcthurg in this claLrse shall authonse the P¡esident to assume to himself any ol Ìhe porvers vested in or exercisable by a High Coufi, or to snspend in rvl-role or in part the operatir:rn of any

provision of tlis Constitution relating lo High Cor-rrts (2) Any such Proclamatron rna-v be revoked or varied by a subsequent Proclarnatron

(3) Evely Proclamation issLred tmcler this article except where lt is a Proclanation revoking a previous Prcclarnation, cease to operate at the

expilation of tr¡,o months lrniess befoio the expilation of that period it has approved Par-liarnent been by resolutions of botll 'llouse.s of Provided that if ij anj/ such Proclamation (not being a Proclamation levoking a previous t. Proclamation) is ìssued at a tiine u4rer. the House of the People is clìssolveci or the dissohrtion of the llouse of the People takes place during the period of trvo montirs refe¡red to in this c1a,"Lse, and if a resolution approvrng the

Proclamatìon has béen passeci by tìie Cor¡ncil of States, b¡.rt no ¡çsolution

with respect to Such Proclamation l:as been Þassed b5, the House of the People befole'tire expiration of that period, the Proclamation Shali cease to operate af the expiration of thirty davs irorl tlie date on which the Ilouse of

the People fìrst sits after its reconstitLr¡icn nnless before the expiration of the

said perrod o1'rbirty da-r,s 'r ¡esohrt on approving the Proclauration has been

also passed b,v'tJre l{oLrse of the Peopie. +)-

(4) A Proclamation so approrred shall. unless revoked, cease to operate on the expu.ation of a per iocl of six qr,inths. Íiotn the date of rssLre of the Pr.oclarnation: Provided that if and sc ¡ften as a resoiution approving the iontrnuance ìn force of such a Procle1nation is passed by both FIouSes of Parliarnent, the Proclamatlon shall, unlQss levoked, çontinue in force for a furtlrer period of six rronths fror¡ iila datC on which under this Cianse it rvould otherrvise iravç ceasecl to operalrng, bnt no sLlch Proclamatior.r shall in

aDy case remajn in force for tllore tilai1 three years: Provided fu¡ther that if the drssolLrtìon of thç House of ¡he Påople takes place clr-rring any such period of six rnonths and a resoitttion appro:'ing the coirtinuance in force of such Procianation has been passed bi,' ihe Councrl o I' States, but no resolution \ r,r,lth respect to tjte continuance ín 1ì¡rce of such P¡oclal¡atlon has been said period, the Proclamation passeci by the JJoLrse of the People dü.ing the shall cease to operate at the expi|ation cf thirty days frorn date on which the House of the Peopie first sits aÍÌe¡ its reconstitution unless before the expiration of thc said period of thi:ry days a rÇsolution approving the

continuance in force of tire Proclarnaticn has been also passecl by the Hottse Õt llle f eollle. ( 4 a resolution with 1S; Xotwlthstaading arrything contaiDe I in clause ), respect to the continuance in force oÌ" er Ploclamation approved under cialtse datç of issue ( 3 ) íor an1' period beyond the expr:'atlon of one year from the proclamation shall not be paisecl by either Housç of Parliarnent Ìi.i.: . of such :,¿./ unless (a) A Ploclarratior-r of Emergenc."' is in operatioll, in the u'hole of India or, as

rhe case rnay be, in the whole or any part of the state, at the tirne of the

passing of such resoitttion, and (b) the Election Commission certifies that tirc continuance in forcç of the Ëroclamation approved nn¿er clause í 3 ) during the period specified i' suçh resolntion is necessar¡, on accotrnt oi ctlfficLrlties rn holding general elections

to the Legislative Assembly of the S:ate concernecl: Provlcleci that in the case , of tite Pr oolamation issued uncer clause ( 1 ) on the ó th day of october. , 1985 u,ith respect to the State of PLrnlar, the refe¡ence ìn this clause to an¡'

perìod beyond lhe erpiratron of trvo l¡ea:'s. '+d----'ì Ó\ i. ni¡¿cls-J¡Z issued uncler Artisle 3 56. Exercrse of legislative porvers under Pioclamation 356' it iras (1) Whereby a P¡ocianation issued under clause ( 1 ) of Article shall be been declarecl that the powers of t-:e Legislature of the State be competent exercisable by or undei the authoritl.' ci Parliarnent, it shall of (a) for Parliarnent to confer on the ?resident the power of the LegislatLrre subject tcl the State to mal

imposition of dLrties, Lrpon the lJnior.l ci ofÏicers and authol'ities thereof; (c)folthePresiderrttoarrthoriser.,,lrentlreFlouseoftlrePeopleisnotin pendir.rg the session expenditr-re frour the consciidated Frurcl of tire State

sanctiolt of such expendítur e b1' Par lìareent (2) fu¡' law rnade in exe¡cise of the power of the Legislatn¡e of the State by (a) Parliarnent or the President or other authority ¡efened to in sub clause of ar-rthoritJ' r¡'ould claLise ( I ) which Parliarnent or the P:esident or such other not, but for 'Jre issue of a Proclallation under Article 356, have bgen competent to make shall, after the Proclamation has ceased to operate' repealed or ariended by a conpetent

4. Artþle léE ' '

porver of Parliament to arnend the Çonstitution and procedure theref'or (Q.Notu'ithstanding an1'thing in this Constitution, Parliarnent may in exerctse of its constituent po\4'er atnt:nd by way of aclciition' varia¡lotl or repeal an}, provision of this Constitutton in accordancÇ r,vith the plocedtlre

laìd down in thrs al ticle ?q be initiatecl onl¡' b'v the p) An arnenciment of this Constitution rnay eitirer House of Parliarnent' and introdLtction of a Bill for the purpcse in cf the total mer.nbership wiren the Biii is passed in eacir House by a ma¡orrty presented to the President wiro of that llouse present and voting, ir siall bç the Constitution sha11 stand shall give his assent to tlie Bill and thereupon of' the Bìll: Provided tirat if sLrcli amended in accordance with tire 'reúns amendment seeks to make any change Lr1;

Article 241' or (a) Article 54. Article 55, Articie 73, lirlrcie 162 or I of Part XI' or (b)'ChapteL IV of Part V, Chapter V oiPart VI' or Cliapter or (c) an¡r ofthe Lists in the Seventh Schcdulç' (d) tire representatìon of States rn Pa¡Lament' or shall also require to be (e) tire provisions of this article- d1€ atnenclnent half of the States b1' ratified b¡' the Legislatnre of nci less than one r.esohriiontotlrateffectpassedbi,,tircseLegislattrresbeforetheBillrrraking President for assent provrsion for sltch amendment is prosenteci tç the amendment made under this (3) Nothrrrg in.Article 13 sirall appl1" to any alticle (4)NoarrrenclnrentofthíSCorrstrtutíoll(includingtheprovisionsofPartlll) madeolpur.por.tingtolrirvebeenmaceurderthisarticlewlretherbefol.eot. aftelthecolllmenceìnenrofsectiolj5oftlreCtrrrstitution(Fortysecorrcl cluestion in any colrt on any AniencLnent) Act, [976 shall be ca1''ed in ground that there sirall be no (5) For the retnoval of clonbts, it rs ì'lereby declared limltationwhateverontheconstitlrentpou'.erofParliarnenttoamen

Jammu and Ternporar,v provisious with I espect to the State of


li ) \Ìotwithstarrding anythiug rr: iiris ConstitLrtion'- apply in t'elation to tile State (a) the frovisions of artlcle 23¿t sh¿rll not ol' J¡lnnu ancl l{asllrnir: ./ Eb o for the said State shall be i (b) the power of Pa¡liarnent tc nake laws limitecl to- the Concttrrent List whiclt' ttl Lhose matters in the Ulllon List and btatc' ar e declared. by the consuitatron with the Governrle"'t of the in the Inst¡umçnt of President to con espond to mati3rs specif,red the State to. Dominion of Acçession governing tire accession of tire Dominion Legislature India as the rnatters rvith respect io which

ma,v make larvs for that State; anc

as' with the concurrence of tire (ii) such other matters in the said Lists rnay by order speòify' Governtnent ofthe State, the President

the purposes ci this artlcle' the Government of Explanation . -For the Statelneânstirepet.solrfortheiiilebeirrgrecognisedby.tlreP¡esiciellt acting on the advice of the as the Mahara¡ a of Jammit ancl I(ashrni¡ in office qnder the Mahara-ja's coLLncii of Ministers for the time being 1948; Proclamation clatecl the fifth day cf March'

shal1 apply iLr relation (c) tire pror'ìsions of article 1 and of this alticle

ro tirat State;

sha11 apply in (d) such of the other provisions of this Constiftrtion and modifications as relation io that State subject to such exceptions the President rnay by order specil-\':

to the matters specrfied in Provicled that no sucli orcle¡ rn¡hlch rçlates refenecl to in paragraph (i) of the lnstnunent of Accession of the Statc consultation rvith the sub-clause (b) shail be issue; except irì Government of the State:

to lratters other than Provided ftulher that no sucir orcer u4rich relates proviso sliall be issued except those refert'ecl to in the last preceding rirtlt the collcl.llrençe oIrhai Ccr :rlrlnellt'

-T1IUE COPY- '- - :'---:------::-:=------:::==:==:=::::::===:' PI - -- I,IINISTRYOFHOT'IÐ,\FT;NìS AruXT-XT;RE

(Dcpâr-tmcnt of Jrtt¡nrtr ¡ntl K st¡mir '\f[rits) ' OI I roTtf lc'A'Tl() i öt 2018 Nerv Delhi tbe 19th Decenber' pul-'lishecl fbr: genetaL Proci3lraLii)¡1 ir)- tLre Presidert ìs G.S 1ì' 1223(E)'-'fhe tìrllcrwing infot maiion:-- ol the oi lr'dia ilave ¡sççir'çd ir lePolt irom the Govetrrot \À¡hereas- [. iìa¡n Nath Kcviud' Presldeni by me I arr Lhe reporl eLìd othÇr ¡nfoimation received Jammu an<ì Kashmi¡ ,i uti". Stare of "onri¿".ing that Stale cannot be carried on in accoLiartce fro, ln îfrlî'iirl-êä;"inment of sarisfied úat a sitLrarion .riiäi 'oi (hereinaftel relèued to as "the rn¿in' o' uppl.i::9lt to úLaL Staie \\,irh the þrovisions nr tn. coi'l"'t't"ttun to âs '\hc State l"r.u àn¿'Ki:shr:rir (herei'aîter rcfer¡ed Constituriou,.) :rnd of the Cårï,iì"ììä"- "i Constitùtion") ; Now,|het.efofe,ilexer.ciseofthepowel.scoL]1et]'ecl'b]''al'licÌe356olrheConstiltrtion.andofallotltet. ploclÂìm 'rb0t. I:- pn*"r, .nuUting ul" in ihat bchalf' I hcreby (¿L)assu .letorniselfâsP!-esìdentollnCia'aLlth':lìnctionsoltlìeGovernmentofthesíridState ihe coverrol of that state uuae¡ the constìturion an,r po*t"ï"tiài ì;;;;;t;;i-ttbl; b! . "n rìld lhc Stâte Constilu lioll: I or r-rndeL lltc oilire said$iale sha.ll be exercisable b) (b) ieclare ihat thc Powers oI the Legisiaiule aurhorit,v ol ?a¡iiâment; and ':,c,nt¡ketltcfolloqilrginciJentll:trltiioni:ce'¡l:irlo¡ovisionsq'hich:rpperiLoillctobc eif:ct :o 'n¡ttt' àl thi' Prochnratiolt nantely:- '- ' neccsslrv or ciesirrbLc for giving 't to myself by viltue of clause (a) of of the fil nctions and. por"ers. assumed ' (i) i'.' th" of India to act to t¡i' plloã^ìt''tlãn'o;""e"i'" ;r'"t";iJ' i¡ sl''ail be Lawful for me as Presìdent of tlte saicl State; ' as i rhirlk fit rhLough tbe Gt-'ve¡not 'u"h "*tä of ¡he Constitùtion and of the State (ii) the oPera¡ion of the follo\\'ing D"or 'siots Constitution is hereby suspended' laareiy:- ls relates to the ¡efcrence thc filst proviso to lr..lcl' I the Constitution "So nluch of allicie; so oi ll'e ^oi and the secorrcl ploviso to úat r''y *'e e'l-'ìã"nl lo rhe LegisLatLrr'¿ 'S:ale bcfore ihe oí,il; Ccrlstituiiorr as reiares to the la},itlg rn,.n #.ij."!i'cil äi;;:ì;l;i and s'ibmilled to ihe Govclnot by the ColnpÌtoller Legisiature of tbe 'Slate of:he iepo!'' . Audilor-Cerlcral oi hÌdia: allocaiior) so ¡¡uch of sectioLì 43 as ¡elates to the sectiolìs 35 to 4l (both inciusive)' of the Stale' section 44 sub- ¿nto"* t* lìi"iutì:'-oi il't" t'u'i"" ci Lhe Govelnment ' 53' sectious 54' 55' 5ó a¡rd 57' (l) anri clause (a) of sub-secii"n 12) of section sectiou 59' section ó0' tis tt¿ ¡" ¡""' rhe|eto sectiorr c'tt''-' ;i;' iì lttìo' """i'o to ' r'l in tl"utt ¡c) of' and lhe f rsl Poviso sul'-secrion'i':ì 12) ôf seclion sc fei -c :€l''t' '*tt'oo'sö'"*'';ì;tii"'ì6":iì':""':oaol'llrndT::sectionsT4'75rrrrì76' much ' rl7 ois"'tion -- s"t'à"s-8S to 83 (both ittclusiveT and so strb-s:ctjons {3;:'nd before tÌle '";';ùu"' to tit r"'.nt of the repor with a nernoranclurn "f '"";:;"ì'i; of lhe Siale constitution": '-,i. L"i"iotut" ot tft" State' .(iiL)anyreferenceiLrtheConsti:utionen(:trireStateCotlslitutiontotheCoYernorshall'in 'Iel"'i""';;';t'^;;tiJ*"'l'"t""'t''"tlasatefeLeucetoihePresident'aodanvLegislaRìre oi the Slate âL1d ihe Staie Constiiution to the reference in the Constitutíon thereof' i's ii r;lates to tbe functions ancl-powers ' or the Houses thereof shaLf il so lal 0"""":i,]J,;b;ìn".1ã,'i"-.othe!'Í,iseleoLli]es,rsarefel'etrcetoPiìÌ, "p^n*"ì"i'.i."'"r.ì1"*i"secriongiofrhåsrateconstilutiontotheGol,crnot'alrd Ll--sLi '1(r)] ri r ñ CAZEI"IE OÌj iN DIA : t.)i IRAORDINAR Y [P,\Rr ==-Æ -:---- as [Jîî:îå]i:ïï,'i;:i:iî:îfÏl;;lïåî1'::ffiìJii[:;.::'î'""ïd 'lcferenccs' 8u of sub-seÇtion ( I ) of sectiolr 26' Provided that Íìothjng hereìn sl'lall affecr the provisions 143 and paragraph I ¡o I (ìroth sec¡io.s 27 ro 3t (b;h ir:clusive). se:rion lã2, secrion the PiÐsident i"li"rl".j oI the òeco¡ci ScheCtrie l; úe State Constilttion or Prevent as lìe tbinks fit thioLtgit fiom ac¡ìng rtndeL srLb-clanse (l) ci:iTis clause to such exteût the Govêì rioi oî the said Siate; 10 Acts or laws of' ot' (ìv) any refetence in tlte Conslitr.rlior] or irl ihe State Colìstitutìoll referetrce Lo U:' ,ft. Legislature of the Sia''¿ shall be const¡red as including a -í¿" the Legislature of the Stale by Acts ¡>1: laws mide, in exercise oí lhe powers of ¡;'ìl^;*;;, bl' ui,tr" of ¡his P¡ocl¡i:¡adon, or bv the Presiclent or othcr authoritv Constiiutior and the reîened to in'sulr-ciause (a) of ¿iause (1) of article 35? of lh€ JamnruauclKashnrilGene¡alClÂuSeSAcl.l977(Actno.X)(of1977)atldsonruchof laws' shall have effect the Gen"lnl Clairses Act, 189? (10 oi 189?) as applies to State of úe State ìn Lelation to any such Ac! or law xs ii it were aÌ Act of tbe Legislaiure


. tF. No l1d12/03/2018-K-il RAJIV GAUBA' Hone SecY


;rå ffi tS È.12a, 2A18 :ìr+ e-'ñTfilfl fta'r , {fT.õ'r'ft' 1224(q) .-'r'qñ m ffiÊa ÛÊ¡Ì q=r-;n à Rq 'mr i:-- t--^ q-lrr à ëiÍàenc à rr-r4ìq 356 à ¿reîî ìt ql 1q È€'r4r, 2018 1-'+"1tr ïti Ì rm.r'TT t Ei-.- (E) +; 3,r-¡js (ìià 3r1ïl"r ii, Ì qaErtr ?àrr àm E *{ t 1*:dFSTt--t1 i'Ã"Í1 TïT1":I:T 14:'72 7 , ìíttt -a".¡= ..i-'rFî r¡i i-¡+¡:¡a à ;'-Î= -; '1-;; ii:¡= ÈT 'çìtrr à trg :'ì;"-l ri -rrz.¡a ; ffì¡ T Trã ãr{i 7a1a1at a''¡ '"fr. fr ri-7fi a :a ¡diq; iã) "- aala-''l'. ÊàsT? ¿t:- }1=- - i--;i;q -ã i <-:+= a=t i' ;q-¿{ q';Tq i¡::T l, "T.-=1Ë ñ a-r'' =tt -z:-;t eâq-.rarfrt ¡¡¡ ;¡¡r¡ 4'jfr'7 .G 'ac:*¡, ifBqñ È.+Ìa: 19 fl;itq7,2g1g

tEr, 1-i. 11012/03/201s-à -! qrar, qÈa rfra Ta- j- ¡ rL- ; __:::--!'Tì?.1 ?ll!-l: : -,ì:' :_ --- --= --_- -:a:.=--:=---==-=::=='=:=-*:---, . orrDEIì - g3 Nerv Delhi the lgrh Dece¡nber' 2018

G..S'R.1224(Ð)._Thefollowingor'dernadebythePr:esidentispLlb-Lishedfôt'generalinfofmatjon:_ .inpuisuanceolsub-clause(i)olclause(c)oiLheProclamatíorlissueclonthisthel9thdayoiI hereby direct that all rhe ttlnctiols oi 2018. o,t' me ul'Jer arljcle 3';6 of the Co¡rsiìLr:iior: ol India' I Dece¡loer, b)' lhe ;;; 3'r"" ¡""',,n,, an¿ l(ashr¡ir ¿llcl a1i the powers vested ilì or exercisable the Co'b¡Lrment "i Go\,elnoroflhatstur",..ndel'theConsrinltiotrandtlreCollsij:..rtionofJammuandKashmitot.rtndetaltyiawitt"f virltl€ of clause (a) of the said Proclam¿r¡iorl fbrce in that S:eLe, ,rhrch'rr,p.iin,"n1:l"nce. have been assuned by ihe Pres:ieiìl by be €xe¡cisable also by th. shall, sÙbjec o rt," dì¡ecLiól aLti cou¡¡l ol Lhe Plesjden!, , Covernor of the saìd State RAIVI NATH I(O\¡IND _\-E\\, l)ELHI: PRESIDENT The Lgth December, 20.18.

[F. No. L i012/03/2013-Kl] RAJIV GAURA, Home SecY.

r,, )il

_e" Ne$ f, *I. or o". ot pt,nlinx ¡L Corc|rr¡errl if Trdis l Rirg Ro¡d' \4alapt |i ¡nrl P, l:l'hed ¡i tne C.rrt-ol ero'. ica:ior:" Dehi-l1005¿


Press Inftlrmation ]lrl¡eau Goverllrn.ent ol I¡rditr {laìrinet

fronì d ,J"rll', 20ì9 lìulc in (br:;ir ¡ronths \rilh effcct 'l¡ tlabinct ap¡:rl;r'cs crtcnsion ot PríÌsidcñI's 'ló¡li l{)r'thcillÌling I}lrrliaÌlltn( \(ssi()n Rcsolutiirn ¡1¡ 1¡¿ ¡¡lrvcrJ iu thc

(jilbirrct. j'i ..]i..'jQvclt,to:- of Jet¡¡rrLt ancl Klrsh:rtìr, tllc l,!lir¡n l t]ì. Siiltc âs si¡lod il¡ illc ïc.i0 Rure ìn ra'rmu and Kashrnir ror a l;îilJll ÏJr,ì::i:;,i.:::i.:'..¿ \{ocri has a¡:pr:ovccì ihe e;<,ersic¡ orp,esident's the ConstilÙtion Ùf lndia l 9 undeÏ ar:ticle -15 6(4) of rÛi th effect ftom 3'dJuly 20 firr tlr eI pËLioci of s ix n'ionlhs '



has recommended that the Presìdent expiling on 2nd Jr.:ly, 2019ald the Govelror The pÌesent tern'ì of Plesidelìl's Rule is 3Ld July' 20 l9' lor fultìreï period ofsjx l¡ol]ths \i"ith effect frol11 ßule i:r the Slate:ìr3] l'c e\teLld¡C a

lmDlententiì'I tir)n;

Ar.esolillionscel s ess io:1 ¡

, Ijl}:. lrutd:

Tlrecover.noL.o[:fanrmu&I(ashtrlirissuedallt'oclatlalionon20'5'i018ur:detsectiong2oftheConstitionofJaltiLnuandallçl hirrrself tlre functions of rlre Govcnrl¡cnt of Tnclia, thereby eLss]'111]ing to Kas]u¡ir rr,itlr lLre concur¡ence of tlìe Pleside]Ìt LegislatLLreoithestâteandlnakingsor¡etncicleLlialandconseo..leriiâ.Lpt'ovisions'TheStateAssembl)',iuitiallykeptilr Goverlol on 21 11 2018 siriencied anirnarion rlas clissoli'ed by the ..,Îovemoron20.6'2013ceaseijo¡]9.12.2018âfterSiXn]¡Sectic¡l92o1thc of such procranario' airer sìx monrhs :::i:ï:ï:illi;ì::,;l.i:il,,,, rhere is no p,ovisro' ror iu,:r,er co,,ti*ìarion T'Ience.otltlìelecomnendatjonofGovenrorantilravingregardæ'hepre\,ai]ingsjtuarionintheState'Presidcnlìssucda IÌ2!vsit¿/PrinrReleâse ÂsDx ..!::-''. and in the pi:ssed in the Lok Sabha on 28 122018 P:oclamation by President was Resolutiotl the srbject "ppl'ouing RajyaSabhaon3l2019'


- IL-!e/PLiìrtRcle¿se ils?x A r..i¡; e xun¿. /}

2 TI.IE.--.------i-----=: CAZÊTTE OF INDIÂ: IXTi..t J(D:-\.\RY TP^NT II-SE' i,,I 86 :; F iÈÈ- à a¡Èz;;¡ A ;q+ ì Gl : :;+gftgî {r-; ã;l r-ãrm ¡,,i. 3f..-at .¿:. ' '¡Fq d Èfi ìiri' ' cêl EÌq4Ì l, '

Tlq rÌ?ì 6Ìl.r<,

ï-qcñ )

¡¡1.F. t9(2 )/2019-fesr'¡â il

. BÌ. !î. l.liDi {.a t]_¡ù,r

MIMSTRY ()F L¡\IV AND ,IUSTICE (l-cgis¡ari\,e Depârtnlertl L,:;i|,,.:a \OTI¡'lCA'l'lo\

ew Delhi, iì)c 5ih ALìLìrs:. 2i1,9 , G.S.l( ,5-rl(1..).- ìhe iìrlJowjng C¡dei ¡¡adc l)! rhe Presi(lcrrr rs 1,...;bllsheclíor oene¡al jnfo¡matjor):, 'TFIE CO¡"S1'IîUTIOi\' (APPLIC¡\TION . TO.IAJ\{I,fU A\D I(.\STI1,I IP. ) ORDIìIÌ, ]019 , c.o. l7l l¡ exercjse oi the porver.s conferred bv claùs(j j?C (l) of Âr.iicìe of ihe Cons!irlrtjon, !he presjdcxt. \viLil rt,rr aoncurrcnce cf the Gover¡men¡ of St¡ie ol Jantm,J eDd l(asl)r¡ir., is pie¡s¿aj :o ¡ìekç !hc foìlowir,g Order:_ i. (?)'Ihìs Order ma¡ becalled rhe Consrit0Licn (^pplic¡lion to là:¡:,:ru êncj Kashnrj¡) Oicter,20j9. {2) Il shall colle iDlo iorce âr once, an¿ sh¡ll rhe¡eupor: supe.sed. û:e Consrjrurion (Appìjc¿rjon ro Jnmn,u ni,j K:lsi:¡::, O¡rjcr. J95.t :, :rot: tIrjc ro ri::ìL-.

L All thq provisrons of ihe Consutution, ¿s al¡endeC f¡onr iin:e ¡c rlr].ta, shall apply in ¡elatiou ro ¡he Si¡Lie ol Janmu and I(ashmir'¿nd rlìe exceprions and moiificaijo", ,,.,irj;., ,u ,;j,i.;ì ,f;"f shall so appl¡, shall bq as foljows:__ To â ic¡e 3ó7, the.e shelì be aclcled dìe fqllowirìg cì¿!rsc. nznrcly:_- "(y') Foi the plrrposes ofthis c.rrìsritu0on ¡s ir.rppries iri|eJ-.r: 1: :o irre staÍe ofJam¡ru ând Kashn',ir- (a) lel¡lellcès lo thjs cons¡iLulìorr or to the pÌcvisic¡s l:¿reoí shall b¿ consrrùed as references or rhe plcvisiolLs r r rhi: .Consriiu{iorì thereo!.¿É Âpplied ¡n ..1r,;o,i ,r, 1.,. ìojc s,r,", 'I .1. rJlci.- :-.::.r lhc lat.(on-Io- j.j\):. tl.L.,llre rcii j r-. :.¡:.rc lrc.i.ltrl Oti ri c iulotìi.:c.:J:it).... l:lL Lrgr..l.,::r . .. : .-\.i,- ":'i .r or tlìe S_l.rr :.s r:re S¡¡1.-i:ir¡s-r: ..,i,n,, . . ..n K.t,hntir. .,cr'1,: r:. ¡hj Jd\ j jJ . . ìì.. rh.: oi -\,liristcrs o1 r'ne SraÌc i0i: i¡e tintù ...t:,:..:t.,::rC i.l,:!,,: l¡e consr¡uei as rufel.cìces to :l:c Cc , e::r^: K:.1ìrl:ri "f,"..'s:ruil

{t) Io ihe Governmenr ol thc sâjd s!¿rc 'eierc¡'es siì¡ì11 5e ccnsrrued âs inclLrding |eierenaes ro rlrc ' Cover¡o! ot Jemnlu ¿1nd Kashrì.lj¡ acti¡g o¡ ,lr. u¿r;"" oi¡i, ä"u.1:l-ol :t,ljnisrets: aocl íll1 irr pigr'ìso :o clarse-(3)- of alicle ol r¡is -170 ccDs¡i¡!¡,,rn, ri,e exprcssLoa '.consrituenr Asscnlbry ric Stìle refefred ro in claurc (2),.shaìl ..l,egisìaiive ., oi read Asse.,:,,,, ,¡" Sr^u,,, "i RAìvl Ì\ A'ill l(ovtNI) Preside¡r

fF. No. I9(2)/20t 9_i-de.ll


..:s.:e.j -) oacj, Ma¡'apuli, NeLv Delhi-l l00d ..::.i i''¡ ::c Cor:r^.Jer )i ?r:b.i.-:¡:o., rìcihi.rroo54 ALoK ;;îrtr;i¿il1. KUMAR iiäåi''.îti:

'l r- È\Nt.x!ßLP4'.: 8Î 2 I TI.IE GAZETTE OF INDJA : EXTRAORDJNARY IPART II-SEC. 3(i)] MIMSTRY O¡'I,A\1¡ ÀND ,]USTICI (I-egislu tjve DcPaÌlment) -_----.- NOTIFICATION , New Dclhi, ihe 6to August.2Ù1i

G,S,R , 562(E).- The iollotving Declartio. inade by rlìe P¡es:.j¿n: !s notìtjecl ior ge$erâl inforrrarLcn:- DECLARATION UNDEIì ARTICLE 370(3) OF TFjE CONSTITLTTIOT- 'c.0.273'

lil Èxercise c,i rlìe Dowe)s conièùed by clause (3) of article 3lC ¡teC rvitb clause (l) oi arricie 370 oi !he C,orìs{ILrlion di lrdi¡, ¡he PresiCe¡r,'or lhe leconrr:reNd¡rrior) ol P3rli.:::re.:. is pìeased !o declare rh¿t, as from the 6lh August, 2tri9,.ril cl¿,,ìses oi ihe saicl arricle 370 shall ceese ro be op3r.rì,'e except lhe Jollowing wlrich shall read as under', nairelv r- ''370. AìlLprovisions oi il:is Consdtliio¡, as aûran(led iion rime to ij:1j, v,,i:hour âny r¡odrficaLioùs qr excepuorÌs, shaì1 appiy to [h¿ S:are of JaÐÍù ¿l,ld Kashrnir ¡otlvitlìsLaniìng al¡':hing conüaÌy conleinecl ir] a¡úcle Ì52 or a¡ucle 318 oi àny olher arícle oi this Coûstìtulion or ¿¡y other' Þ!.vision o[ the Co¡stitution oi Jam,'¡u aod , .;;,i Kashrnir or a:¡, ìà!v, docomert, juigement, ordinence, or.ìer, by-lav,, ru:e, iegularion, norification, cùstom or usâge "-,, ìlavrng the folce of la!r' i¡ the ¡e¡rirory of I¡dia, o¡ ¿lny otber ì!s¡:ir¡.rt:1t. reâry o( ag¡eeqlent as envis..ged un¿e¡ ar[iclé 363 oÌ oiherwise." RAM NATH KOVIND,


[F, No. l9(3)/2019-l-eg. ]l D¡. C. NARAYA.N."\ R.\JU, SÈcy.

Uploaded bJ- D¡e. oi Pr-inling ar Govem¡neut cf Ìrìdi^ Press, Ring Ro:lcì, Mal,apurr, Ne*¡" ,äiÙOSi ¿rC Pubiisl:ed br the Cônrraller ofPub:ic"tion., ):.-ri-- 100.<4 A Itñ Ntexu(s ' P5 8B

$d i. .+,. {ir.-(\¡)04i ooù?/2003-le RITGISTEREÛ ri' Dl-:ll{ì4nlI1':gq=.! '*.ffii¡'-'BÉÀ,u'

ï.-il.[i ffitr',ffiffiw,wffi ffir*e {ffimæ, æÈ.t * ef ffi,*.{ðer ga'lq'].{q EXl'RAORDIN'UìY

stpÌ tI _ìi1g 1 ' Il'l' Il - Seclion 1 !T^¡rl-61( à rõlÎ13 , PUBLISFIED ì]Y AIJTHORII'I' :-:::::_-:l::.::-..:-ì:":::=----:::-:--:=:::::--::'::--:.._:j:::.::=:=:-=::::j i. -r3l rs içriÌ, gøtt, q'rRr 9, 20I9l ãlq'q tt, tnot ,t-, ,rk. 531 \IìW DIìI,III, FnID.dY, 9, 2019/srllì'$t1N/l 18, .1941 (S^iC1) ^I-;GUST -ô ¡ï ¡; '+.r i ila.¡e rier sr ÈÈr*È 'rt;=rqi'"¡¡¡ È ¡r ì ¡o; ¡d- , Sepârntt p¡ging is givcn to tlìis l),ìrt in or'dcr thât i! ñay bê iilcd trs â sep¡rate conlpiìaljon'

MINISTRY OF I,¡.W ÀND JL'STI CE (Legisla tivc DePartme n f)

Ner,' Dcthi, thc 9t11/\Lq!lst,2A"rlSirciono I8' l9al (-S.?t.r) 'fhc iolio\\,irì! ¡,cl ol PÂrliar¡eltt feccive(l lhe ¿sserl ¡f Ìhc !!gsidcn{ on lhe ' 9thAL,gust.20r9.:ritcl is heleb)'ÞLilliisilecl lorgeneraì inicr¡l¿:iio::;--

, I.iïE J /T.\,1À4iJ AND I(ASIìIIIR REORGA\"ISA:.ICN ACT' 20 Ì 9 No. 34 of, 20 i9 i9th l\tt|úst, Z019.: Al Ai:t to ¡:r'ovide fbr lhe reorganisarion of the exìslìng Siate of Jan¡mu and '; Iiasì]r)lìr and ibr mattets connected therelvjth oI :nciclental thereto. ' R,. ir c¡.Li:!e.i h! Parliarnenl in lhe Seventieth Yeù of lhe R9t::blic of lndia ¿s tblbwsl..- PAtl'-l PRÊLiñlr\aRY

r 1- lhi\Âcinrl\ be cíllied dre Jarr rrìLì arld Kashm ir lleorgliìrjaticn Act, 2019. S)ar tiil.. . 2. Ir iìlìs Act, urlìess the contex¡ otherwjse requires,- Lar "sppoinied c,ry" neans the dey .vhich llle C¿.::al Goventmetlt n:;iy, by notifìcation in rhe Oi,'icial 6azerte, appointl J : rircle ' rrerrs :.n lrticle oi lhe Cors:i:uricr: ,., ' ¡\semblJ conslitLìenc]"' and 'ltarl iarn en tar,'- co.ili!iÌency" have the stmc iqjrr ¡ nìerrìllì!\¡sr¡i¡eReDresent¿ l950{-ioí195{))l (¿1) EÌecrit)¡¡ Col,-lmiss ìo ¡" r¡eans rhe Electicn C¡¡'r¡ission appoified by Ihe Plesice:ll !ìnde¡ a.ricle 324: ¡ ' (¿) exisling Starc ofJammr¡ ancl Kashm ir" rneans Ée Si¡Ìe oi]anlmlL and Kâshn ir as existing ìmri':ediatel¡, befoÌe the appoìnterl clay, ccirprisjng the te(itory which 8q


imi¡ediarely bel'oie ti'le comnte¡cernent of ihe Consiìiii:ior oi I¡rjjr irl lhe Indj¡n Stale ..1::r:¡lt . .:¡i K.. r'rri . ' rir"ì¿\! rilclucesanvenâcirnent,ordil1Âncc regi:lrtl'n' orjel: bvelâw' nlÌe'schenle' | ,,.l,lrc¡:r¡n,rorh.:r':¡snrrrrentìrring.irrrterìuter).'j: .':l:j.rl)l:.,intedd.r),lhclhrc' oí laß, in rhe whole or ìn eny p¡irt of lhe exisiin-q Staii ci lsmnu ¿ìnd K{ìshmifi (!) 'Legisi¿tivcAsserÌìbly'rneansI-egislÂ!iveÂ'!selnblyofUnionieÍritorvof . : :r: nì]r:ì I Klsl'l:lr": t,lt\, L ilLllei¡¡t CoYcinQf rìlcllrls ilìc AiJ'liriliilÚl of ihc {,Jllorì lc ltorY ¡ ,ri)ì:roiiìì.d ll) lllc i)lesi(leni Ll¡(]el aricle 239; 1i) notifieclror(lei'rnerrìs rn oúeI püblishe'i lr: i::e Oii'ìci¡i G¿z¿iiel tl) populÂl;on r¡Llìo', ìn rcl¿ìtroll !o thÈ l,inÌon l'f':tol) oiJamnu ¿rllC K¡shnlir' a|l( I.,:trOl] ie itory ol Laclakil lea0s the r¡¡iiO as ief 2ii I I CetSLrS; 1i/ 'schedlLlcd Caslcs' l'l reli¡lion to ihe Uilin:: igiaiiory rlìc¿ns sllch castefi'

irnder ilfiìcle 341 Io be Scìledulecl Castes in iel¿ljolì lo :rlâi Union ter'riro|yì

(1) "Sched!ìied Trjbcs" in .eiation io dle Unìcn ierrilcly neâns stlch ribes or , I:ibrl.ofl unitiesorÞarßolofgrollÞs\\'ithinsLìchlfibescrifil¡alcominLrnitiesasarc dcgr¡ed nndei alticle 342 lo be.Schçciùled lì ibes in rclailo¡1 !o !h¿rt Ulr ion telritory; l/r)"si!!ing meJ¡bel", in feialion io ci leilfous3ci:ililjame¡lorofdleLegislalllle oiihÈ exisÌing 51Âle of iernmLl aìld Kashmiì, mcan¡ Â te'sorr rvilo imllediately before lie lppoi¡ted ci¿l)', is ¿ tnenlbe| r:¡f th¡lt liouseì (.r) Linìon ierri!ory", in relation o the ex;sii!13 S:aie cf J¡mm'J ¿nd Kashmjr, Ineejts ihe Union ler¡iiory of Jarnñtr and l(ashmir or Ûnron 'er|itory ofLildakh' as lhc ¡¿sJ 1i\ be: ¡r) Â.st¡rred re.rirory" J¡eâns rhe rcftitcr], rrlricir on the êppciord d¿y js (i¿rìsl¡1r'c(l 1J'orn t¡e ex isting Stere of JatÌtmu Ârd i(¿sln:i ¡o Uñioll tcrritct ies formeci rîde| seclrons i and 4 oI this Act: and l/r) ûDy reie|encc !o ¡ disi¡'Íct. lehsil of olher ler-rrìl)rìa: division of the cxjstin.!l SiateoiJ¿r¡muandl(ashmirshaìl becons¡. ed âs ! feicrence to the âreâ aorÌlprised \,irllin that territorìâl Civision on the ÍÌÐpointed dâ),. . PAIìTII _ REoR6,\¡jrs'\TroN oFTHE ST^TE o¡'J^MMU Å.-o KAsHÌ'rlR .-l'lrorio¡¡: 3,Or¿r¡dilollr the âtpoinre(l dry, ll]ers sh¿ Ibeío:r:e.: a nerv L'nion Lerrilory to bc u¡iÐi known as ille U¡ion lerrito¡y ofLôciakll cor¡prisjng the icila\r:¡g territo.Ìes ol the exìsiing Lcúiror\ o ,...,i,' St¿te of J¿mmu and Kasnm ir. nJ lnel) :-- \liiholL 'Kargìl a¡rd Leh distrícis , Leer{inr\irc. ' and ihe|eLrDcn the said tefritories shâll cease to i'orrì pâr't ci i¡e exisÌing Stale ol Janmu and . Kæhmìr. Fornar:ol oi 4. On anclilo¡n the appoinled díry, tl'lere shall be foii:ei a new Llnion teffitory to be ul:i @'rltorl krown as rhe Union te(itory ofJammu and Kashmir cornpris!n! Lhe terrjtories ofthe existing ôf lennìú ¿.C - - , ;;i;.;i",;ii; St.lteoll:;¡nLr ¡nd Kash ll) ir other tlran those speciiied ir s:c,jon L Lcgjsl¿1urc. coverno¡ oi 5. Oir ¿ind ilom rlle âDpoinred (lay, ¡he Covel roa o: iire aristing State of J¿ûr¡ù and Kashfiir sh¿ll De the Lìeurenanr Cover¡oc fo| t¡e Union te,: jrcr., oi.l¿mnLr and Kashnrir, Ând ôf h :nC , K";;,;ì; ," :" Union :er:jtolv ol I-¡Crk¡ io. such perio(l âs ûrry be deterrr¡e.j by ilre President. 1t?

sEc 1r rry!lzE11qll:Dlrl$5519l?-ï1ll

'l eppointed dÂy. in tlle Fì$l Sctedulè io ;¡e Constitlltion' rrrrder the 6. On ¡nd fro the ol^$efdmc't Firsi heading-"Ì. TH: STATES",- schc(rrrc io n cnrü 15 sh3ìl bcciele¡ccl Ë"""., "- iil 23' {b) enrries lrom l6 lo 29 shall be rerurìrbcred al li lc) under the heÂding -"ll UÑON TERIìlîOIlilì-ç" -- allef entry i, the following ent¡ ies shall be 1+re:ieC. namcly:'- '''8. J.rnrrnt ano l(ashrnir i Tnê lcfr ilor'::s iPc':fic'l ianìr¡Lr ancl l(tshmir Reor-s¡nizaiìon Aci' 2'-ìl 9'

"9. Lir.lakhr 'lhe lerrilo|ies speciiieì in .ectìcll 3 of llle Jarìmtl and Kashnl ir Reoi'ganizâtion Acl. 2019"' T.NoihtIi]ginthefore-qoingprovisirrnsofLh:sPârlshaÌ] 5e ilee:tled to âflecl i.he po!\cr siì'ì¡g poNcb l¡mnLl K¡sirn1ir. to aliel' tfte| llìc ,' '.,:, of tbe Govern¡nent of ,u""ãrroiilninn lerritory oi irc å:;Xì" r*|rj' appointedda),.ihename,areaorboLrndariesofan¡,clìsrrìctoroiherte.riloriti,lrvrsronlntlÌ"t"iu.,"""",, Unjcn leirirory j:i,ì::;i; KashmiÌ. PART IIi


Ai'¡endme¡r B. x,ìcr r,onl iii'ii"n""'' rc rre constirurion' in the o,, ,r".rr",,,,":l/:';::: 'ii 'rhlìr*- ::,:"::-,1. consrlrurion , (d) cnlJ'y 21 shell be deleled; (r) entries 22 ro 3i shaìl berenumberecl âs enlrìes 2 lc 30' resPectí\'el)'l

l¡r) í!Íle|e¡t¡y'30, i¡e lollowìigenhy shall be inse|ie'1, rlar¡elyi-- "31.JÀ'nrnllândK¡shrnir'. -.... ,'- 4"

9. (/) Cn ani frofì rì'le appoi¡red C¿y, loÛrsitjng rile.ìbs¡s oilheCorlncil ofStâtes rilioc¡,Lonri t'tl'n8 . I,epresejtìtnglheexisiingstateoijanlmLtândKashmiishall oedegnle.l iohâveùeenelecled t'"'"" . rol.illLheserisailoËecltothcUlion¡e!rircryofJarirmuanCK:sl1ir.l:. lisPecrfLcdrntheFirrr SuheJtrler':¡i ,\-l , (2)Tlrelerlrofofficcofsucllsitling'nembersshÂllrefi¡Ìiì!i¡âllered

10. On and i'rorì1 ùe âpDoinied dny. there shell be aLlocliei :ì!e seaß to the successor' Represenlario ' and Kashni¡ Ând one seal to Ulì:cÌ lerri:ot1 of Lrchkh, in the i¡ lìoLrrc,oi Union rerritoly of Jarnmrt t"" rtop¡ ¡3 ol 195ô. House of the People, and ihe Fìßt SchedL'le to the RepreseìÌ:aiicr o: ihePeople 1950 ^ci, - (43 of ì950) shall be deeme(l to lle amescle(i ¿rccorriingly

Deti¡ni(rrion 11, (l) On ând from ùe appoimed dêy, dleDelirnjlation o:?¡rliarneì]tuy Constituencies Dclirniration oi O¡der', lgi6shall stâJrcl anendedasdi.ectedinlheSecondSciìe.ll::eoliìrisAct . P.rl,:-''c¡:rry :líarrr'ìÎenr¡r)' - cons!itucncics (2) The Elecrion CornmÌss ion may condùct rlreelecrions !o lle:jo.rseofihePeoplefor the constiìucncics orde¡ l9r'6 UDion ren itcD,oíJemnu ancKashmirÂnd U¡rion terhory oflâiai(lì:s j-'er iheallocadonofseats . spe¿ìfiecl¡n the Delimitation ofPallìamenta.1'Consiìtrre¡cies Order, ,176 as arnended by thisAct. . 11. (.11 Êlery sirring member oi ihe Ho¡se oi tl:e Peori¿ ie?¡qtenting a conslitueûcy Proljsion as ' which, on the aDpointed Cay by viftLre of the provisions olsec-!io1 10, stands allolted, \\/ìth ro sini¡8 nìcrì0cr\ or without alteratiot ofbounda¡ies, to the sttccessorUnion tef¡iig:-\ ciJammu ilnd l(¡shmir I oi Unron ter:':rory ol Ladrkh, as the c¡se rnay be, sll¡li be deemed ic hâ\'e been elected to the Finrr¡e :f Lhe People by th¿t constit ercr ls ço xl (::e¿.

íi) T¡e reì rx of oifìce ol s!rch s iil ¡g men'lber's slì¿ii rerr:Irn -,rt:ierei qt

4 TrlE CAZË'I-TE OF I\DiA llx fR.,.OiìDiNARy Ip,\¡rr Ìl_. :=:==:=::=::=:=:::-i::::

l-he Lictttcnont Gave¡t¡or andTltc LqisLatirc ;sæn1i)lJ of LJnion rc,)r¡o,1, oi .lammu ãnd Kasl)t:it.

Appllcabiriry 13. O¡ ¿nd lrorn the âppoi¡ted cjay, the pl.ovisjc.s ca¡tai¡ed in artjcle 239A, lvhich âre "Unron puduche|r;- ,, ..Union :l;)i :i: appirc.ri'le.r.r rerritor'¡, of shâlt ¡ìs.r eppìv to rhe rerritory of - Jfl¡1ì|. tilo .(¡snmr_ Lcsisl¡r,vc ' ll.l/)'i'heleshâllbeín^ClninrstfatofrppoilreCL,r:rj¿r¿iiicIe2igofÌ¡eConstitutron * oflndia for¡ire uirjo¡ teûiror'-vofJâlnrrLrancir(¿shr¡,: åiì1::1" âIl.rshirlbsdesignâredasLie{rLenânr ûo\ e..\ r u, (he s.r:d Union (cffirory. T",,;;;, ", j:i(J 2 \ There shait be a Legislative Assemìrly rhe i,îtr io. U¡].¡ ren iiory of Janr mLì and Kashm ir. i$ I (-?) The rola: number of seats in rhe Legìslarjy¿ Assembly co'lposrrion. of rhe Unìon terrjtory of Ja.nmu ¿od Kashmjr to be i.illed by persons chãsen t¡.r dìrecr election shall be l07. '),.,,. i4) NowilhslandiJrgí*ìyrhingcon¡ainedins!lb-s-.i:or(-J),Ltntiltl.ìeereaoftheUDjon j te¡¡iror'! of i¿rixì¡u and r(¡shrnir ' unde¡ t¡e occupaiio¡ ci?akisran ceiìses ro be so occLìpie(f and ibe peotjc resjdìng i¡ thiÌi ârex elcci rheii,.c¡resc¡ií:::res__

k,ì ryeÍy forìi seâß in rhe Leg jsiaii,, e.{sser¡,jy of , -, Union terriroly of Jammu r and Kasirmir shajl IernÍlin vec¿ot and shall ¡or be ¡ak¿n i!to acco!ìnt for reckoninq" rhe lc!¿l mernbership¡of i¡e Asselnbly; and (ól *re saìd are¡ and setrs shali be ex.i:ríi.i i, deli,ti.n! lhe ter'toriJl consrilren.ies as provicleci uncle| pART V df rLlts é -. (.j) On ancl û.cJ¡ ùe appoi¡¡eC day, rhe DcjiJrji:¡:j¡ cí Assentbly Corìstitrìencies Order. i99-5. as apolicable to Union terrìtory oíJanrrntj ¡|d i(ashmir, sb¡ìll stand amencled rs , ii.ecicrl ir: ihc l-hircJ Scheilrtc of this ¡.t. (ó) se.ris s¡¿ìrJ be reserveci fol rhe scheduicri ces:es :ni r]ìe scheduied ¡ribes in rrìe LegisÌâilva Assembiv oi ihe Uûio¡ ieüito j.,y oi r,n¡n:ir i:tìa ü¡siìrìt jf. (7) The nLrnlher or seats reser'ved rbr ihe sciìeiuier cnsies ard the schedr red rrrbcs in lhe L c-gisl;lilve Assetlbly of lhe Un(rn re|rjtory r)i.lxrrrìrtr itrrì i(¿shmrr ùrder sub-section (ó) shêJi Òear, as ¡early as may be, the same proltortìo:ì ic :re loial n ,nber oÍ sears in tile Assernbl}'- as rhe popì.Llation of rhe SchedÙled Castes ltì ih¿ Unjon ierflior.y of JamrnLt and Kashn:iI or oi ihe -SchedLrìed Tribes in thc ljnion ler¡ìrol, ci.-a¡¡¡rLr and K¡sh,nir, jn rvhìcl respect oi sc¿rs ar'e so lese¡ygl, oe¡is :¡ thc lotel ¡:r,¡Lll:.,''.:¡eUntonterl¡roryof.lanlrÌl!l and Kashrnir

E:¡tlanatiott: In this sLlb_section, ,,¡t:la¡jo|].. thcexpressiol means rhe population as ascert¡ined ar rhe Ias! Dieceding census ,.', oflviici tle reievarr iilures have been pubiìsLred: P¡ovided that ùe reference ilt this Explârâiion tc ihe llst ,receding censris of which the ¡elevan! have been pLrb,iished sirilJ, rLr:iiÌ :he :.e.e. ar: frgLr;es ior the fì¡st cens.s taken airer the 2A26 have ,\et been published, ire cons¡.,.rcc n, ?1r"f"."n"" b rhe ?0jl

(8) Norlvithstancing ân)trìing in suìl-seclion (ó), . ihe reservaiion of sears fbr rhe Sched!rtec^ câsres o'Scheduted Tribe; in the L"eir",ir;;ir;;;;i;ufìr," unio,, terrirnry Jañm¡.r ând or l

(r) enuìes J r

i GAZE n E OF INDIAEXTIIAÕRDI\AiìY SEc. ll T¡lE ::-::- --:a:=:::::====:-:-:==::|:::- '':!::':::t:::==:=:::-:: l950 rn(le|the 4l ol i950 ilr) lnihesecondSchedulelolhclìep:csenlali(rnoíillr:|:opleAct' heading i-"ll Union Ter¡itories" (,,) ,,r,ï ."u:t'r',1'" r"il1Y]lc-"g:t tld|!]:ltîÏj::Tl'-_ _- - ;21¡j{)i '-_'-__,--. ,ig!a'i"j9l9la'l 1 -t--- -Lt-- ¡le--4..-'-L_ !¡rrs¡i¡irtion oi Indi¡' shûll tll) The prcvisrons olallicles:j24 Io3?7 ¿rr1'l 329 oi Leg isiÂtive íl'rld rpply jn iele¡ion !o the union renrory oilrmntLLr:rt! K.ashrrr' il ^ssem¡l)' thereof as they rpply irrrelrtiorllotSt'rt¿'th-'l-r!-ì'at¡'eAssenrblyofaSrate tìre members j26 ,eference rn a|t,cl:. illld i29 f) "âppropriale and rhe n,ìetnbeis thereofr"çectìuely: anctcny I Legislature sb¿ll be deemed to be a I efe¡pncç Io Parljal¡elìL ihe LieLrlenînl Govefrìor ' 15' No!!viths!anding anytfÌing in srb'seclion (J/ of seilrcrr '4 l¡erìbers to !he oflhe stlccessorUnion ter¡ltoly oilantnrL' ¡nd Kasirlni¡ lnät lcl1inã!erwo wonen are not Assembly to give represenratìon to rt'orn"n' in h:s opinictt' .t: Legislallve 't i, aoeqLtate¡' Ieptese¡ted in the l-e8islative Assenlbl)' ue c[osen io iill ¿ seti ]n tlìc l-e!:islalive Assenìlly Qualificârion 16' A iletson shail nol be qualified to tLniess ire- nr,:mbetshííi so¡neperson authorised oí L,r¿ìsii.rir. (¡r) is ¡cilizenollndie and l¡akes ânclsubscribes'oei¡re to the fcr'ì the Cornmission ¡n oath cr ¡ii:rrlratio:r accordi¡g . i¡ th¡l b;hall by Eleclion cl'this Acli sel o t ior the P'Jrpose in llÌe Fourti Schedtrle '' i' lrol lcsi llìJn 1\\'cn1\'':ive yetr ): 'llul r: _ ibc'Ì i¡ th¡l hchall b\ QI lr) Possesses slrch o¡heI qtrhlilicatìons as rra)' ir' ?f:sc¡ rirrdc: ¡rì!' ia\\' ln¡de by thePafli¡ì:¡enl IcoíìtiÒlc fQr live)'eals Dr¡lrrorì(' 17.Tìre L.eglslalivc r\ssenlhly, irnìess socncl ciissol.-cC 'qiìí: exPi¡atiorl of lhe said L'sirlx( lro¡r tl:e ria:,: r'p1ìoinæ,:i foI its fi|sì :rreering arcl no iortgii' :iil'r Ìlre " '\\rÈ::ìblÌ rerìo(i i)i li'/. ycârs shaii opef¿le ¡s ¡,ilssoi'rio" o¡¡¡e icgisl:':i'reAsscnrLrly: oi Enlergency ìrjsueC Providcci lhat ¡he said Periocl riay, L!hile ¡ì Prcci¿íalicn President by order lor rindcr clarLse ( /) of artìcle 352 ìs rn operation. be exterìded iry llie cese beyond â a pefiod ¡ot exceeding one yeâr al â lime ând not exieniìîg in any period oi six Âitel the Proclamation llas ceased :o operaie' 'nonths sessìons oi 18. (l)'îhe Lieulenâr)i Goverlor sllall. frol¡ rine lc ii¡:¿' srr¡lt¡ott the Legisìative LcgisiÂtì!Ù .{ssemblyioûleela!suchtrmeanclplaceaslìethinksfit,bu:siri:lcnÙsshall noiinlervene iis ii|st sitiilg in ,ft. betrveen ìis lasr sirrìng ir¡ore session und rh" dare oppoimeC ¡!r- ".., iìi;lT,',"" sess irl r.. dissoLurici (2) The l-ieùienatt Covel nor i¡a), from timeto time,---

,, r' fruroÈue lhe Hotlse: (b) dissolve the Legislative Assembl-! spe¡kcr rn(l 19. (l) i-egislative Assern6ly shltl, Âs soorl ¿s nley be, cìocse lwo membels of lhe there.l and, so ofter as the offi"" Assembly ro be ãspectively Speaker ancl DepÙty SFeaker 3""i"¿ ofspeake|oIDepr.rtySpeakerbecomesvacanl,iheAssembiysll¿ilc¡coseanothernrembe'tieìt;.-". ", ic be Speaker'or Deputy Speaker, âs lhe case may be .As\enbly

(2) A rn¿rÌìber holdjrlg oifice as SDeaker o¡ Deprrty Sperk::r c: :he,\ssembl-v--- (r¡) sh¡ll vacate his oifice ii he cea-"es io be â r¡.n|'-r ol ihe Assen'1])l) (r) ind)' ai any ti¡.¡e by !\'rilìng ùnder llis hand addressed, il'such rnember is the Speaker'. to the Depllty Speaker', and il srch rne¡¡be. ls Ìhe DePUty Spc¡ker. lo llrg Speal

(.J mey be reinoved fronr h is olfice b¡' a tesolLri or ff l¡e Assembly passed b)' â mâjority oi all the !hen members ù¡ the Assembly: qg

il-- 6 TllE CAZETTE OF INDL'\ I:XTIìA-ORIIN:LP'Y iP^RÌ ------,-----=---==, ---*--- -- ' Provided lhel no resoltrlion ibr tlì3 purÞcs' cí cÌause (c) sÌrâll ile ilove' to l¡ove lhe tirrìess el le¿st j:oulleen dâys rlotice has been g!ve' of ùe ìnlentiol'l Ics0lliLioll: ' Provi.ied iul1her th^I, $'heneveÌ' the AsseEbl"v ls dissolved' thc Speaket of tlre . shell---- not \r¿cete his office untii irn;recliaiely ¡"cre the lirst mecting Assembl)' ôfler the dissolÙtion' bc by (,1) \'Vhiie the office of Speaker is lacant, the cLìlies ci !lì' cüic€ shaìl lerfcrmed js aìsc !ec¿nl' by s(rch merìber ol tlìe lhe Dep.rry Speaker oL,-ii the oiÏrce of Deprrty SPeakel Assernbly' Legisìtll\€ ¡\ssenbly es rna)' l)e dete|r¡i;ed by the r'!rìes oi trc'edLrre of the ' Assembly' (4) ÐLl|ing lhe absence of the Speaker iron an¡' siiiing cí ihe Legislâtive b¡'therules the l)ep!ìty Speeker, or. ií he is also abse¡t srch personas r:ry bedeterrnined person âs rìray be of procedite oi Lhe i\ssembly, or, if no sLrcli perso:t is presenl stch olller '' deterrnined by !he LegjslaliveAssembl]', shall acl as SPeaker' anc Dcpt':, S¡reaker of the LegLslative \:!, ' é) There sball be Þaid ro the Speekcr -the Legislalive Assembly. slrch salaries:rnd allo*ancis as may råspectivei be fixed by tbe provision in hal Àiserr'ol¡- of rne uo,on territory of Jarnnlu a0d K¿ìshmi¡ by lâw end' Lrntil may' by order behâlf is so macle. srrch salaries anC aìlowances as rhe Liellteiant Governor - deterñine I resolLltion faf tlle reÍlo\'¿i sp"or"',,,1. 20, (,r) At ûny silliilg oi the LegisliÌlive Asse¡lhly' wì:j:e r¡)' !vh;le any rcsolution for 1.p.," oi" the SDeake| irot¡ his cffice is und;r consrder'¿ìtìo¡, ihe St¿.rÌer, ci se:Îirr ro lhe Depuly ÎÎ] rhc re:uo.¡l ol the Deputy SireÂkçr, frorrl his olii.e is ir¡i¿¡ consicje|atiolt, ofsrLb-secrion 14) iJ::ìli;l spcnier..Ir:i nor' thoLigh he is Þ:es(rni, pleside ;rno the i--r'r:visions 'i l:," sitrinB ;ì; ;;;;;'l sectìor l9 s¡aÌlapply iirclatìorr io cvery strch sining as iiei aDpiy rn relarion ro a lron .l'[c,: i¡ fior¡ vi,hich ihe Speaker or, âs rlre case rnay bc, lhe l)epu!)' Sl.'eâk3r, is abse¡t jn right to slleirk ill, l¡il ¡ihe:'wise ro !âkc part lhe ".^,:¡"*ti"". ' ii) llìe Spe¿ker shall have tlle '.proc.ecingscî,ihel-egislativeAssembly$'h;leâ¡yresol!riìÐi:iclhis'enovalfromofiiceis 25' be i,¡ce, coniiCeratk,n ilì !he Assembly ailc shâll, lìot\\'ilhsl¿iìc'lg anythilg in section any m¡lter c(lring enti!lecl to vole only in lhe iirst illst¿jì'e olì sLlch resolLlti!i ll on olhe' sLIch l|cceeclings bui ncl in the c¡se ol ân equ¿li¡y oi loi¿s ¿iiel eacìl electicn¿a the socciêì addlcss 21 (/) ¡\t tl)e comrnencemenl ol Llre iirsl session Senemi o) L,eurenànr l-esislê!t!eÀssenblyandaiÌlÌecom¡!r)¡ce¡nentoithefirsisess:c¡oleachyear,ihel-,ìetl€nant shsì1 iir i' I Fl ihe J-egislar ive Assenrbly f:J,:ï;:;J" Go'r'ernor sh¡ ll ¿Ccl¡ess rhe Legislarive Assemblt, a¡d ,,i.-¡:, oi the c¡LI.e'o::ls Sll:]llrons (2) Pro!ision shâli be ínâde by the rules ¡egui¡ting i:'e !!ccedure of he Leglslalive 2ddress Asserr,bly for the allotnrern oi'time foa the dìscussion oi na'!ers reieirçcl to in such 22. Everl' \'ltnìsre| and tlìe AdVocate-CellerrLi i-o. lir¿ Ì- ricn ierritory oi Jammrt lncl l:rve the r'rgì:L to sæak in' rrrcl o:h.::r" isc ::rfie lÂl t iil the procecdings ol' the Kashr¡jr shiill 'o Legisjilll\,a allcl to speal< in, ar.tlothe¡\'"ì\e tc t¿l(¿ i:l'i in tiìe p!oceedings ol' ¡J' l¡e coÃrn inee oi^sseinbì)', the l.egislÂirve Âssembìy oi !vhlch he rÌl¡y r2l:led r lnelnbel, blrt shall noi b'r vil'tue oi this scction be entitled lo !otc.

23. i/)'Ilìe Lieulenenl Governo. may ¡ddress Ihe Leg;slaiiv€ Assernbly and rray for thât püipcse r'ecluire ihe attendance of uernbeis 1?l 'fhe l-ieutena¡! Governoi tnl)/ aisr¡;e¡¡l messr,se'. ro i¡e Legìslêlive AsselllbllJ lvh.rhei v.llh respect to a Bill úen pd¡diDg irl the Legisl:it:v'; Assen]bl)' o. other!"ise' and lvhen r r¡ess¡rse so serìt, lhe Legislâtive Assernbly shall with ail convenient desp¿tch c"nsider a:r¡'' nraller |cquired b)'lhe rressage to be taken i¡io consiaie:.'.iìoí'l "qq

- - Iif-9:)1-T!,9-il\?1-EIi'-Ri9t?ll.llll ---'-- -:-::::.::':::-::::-i-::-':-'-:: =::l-=-,-,= :'1 E!e.y ncrÌìber or llrcLegisLâtiveÀs:;eml-'1¡'shall'beioreul:nglrLssc¡t r¡tOttlU or sol¡e subscliire belore ihe Lìeutenant Go'ernor oí !he said U1)iorl Ler: lol\" Þelson "orìli.l]-,"",,';':;;;;" the forrÌ sct oLri for lhe appointed ìrl th¿t behelf by hirn, an oath or ¿íii|m¡tion accoidirg ic pucpose in the Fotl!th SchedLrle of lhrs Acr' voring.rrr 25. (.1) Save as otherlvise proviied in ihis Ac!, al: c'res'icns ¿t any siliing of thê LegislativeAssembIyshallbedetel'minedbya¡nâjori!yofvolesoithglne'nbersplesentandA5smbly' person oiting tt'ch voting, other than the SPeâker or "' |Ìi"i;i ," vcre ii dre fij sr inslance btrt shrll (:) The Speakei', o¡ Derson âc!jng as s(rclì, shall ¡ol låi*,nro"u,", jn have âncÌ exercise a castiDg vote the case ofan eqrìalily ci vaiies. ,i*,*t"" *,1' iloi!viilrsiândi¡g ¡ny vaca¡ìc\r q!0rrriì1 {J) The Legislâ!jve AsseÍlìlll} sllaLl have ilower !o ac: /e shaìl be valid in the membe$hip thereoi, anrl any 2roceedings ir the Legislatj '{ssembiy who was llol entitled notwilhs!ânclij1g thaL i¡ is discovered s!rbseqrrently iha! sccle persoa so to do. sal oi voled o. olherlvlse Look pac in lhe proceedì'gs shalì bc ten \ .:,. t?) Tlle aLru.lrm io consLi¡Lr¡e e meeting of lhe Legisiellve '\ssembly rvhich ."ti,eru ol' onel tenth of the total nLlmÕer of members of tie Leglslative Assembly' evei is gleafer' ¡ (i)IÍ aianyijJ¡eduringanleerìngoftheLegisiativer\sse'nblythereisnoquoruln'it shall be the dLrîy of the SDeaker. ot person acting as such, ejille: lo ad.iolìrn Ìhe l'cgislative ' Asserrbiy or lo sllspend lhe meeting llnlil (here is ¡ clllof |,ì'ì v¡cIr:on 26,(/)NopersonshallLrea¡le¡¡L,.er'[mtholPe i¿rlÌ]enl¿ni.,llhiiLegislâliveAssenrbJy. ol ancjjf¡Dclsonischosenan]emberbothoiPalliÂlnenlânici!:lc]]Assembly'tlìen.ât||ìeietìls. expiration ol'sLlch period as r¡¿)' be steciíiecJ in lhe ¡rlles ãrade by the Prcsident' llìât p",,,,n'r r"o, jn Parliarnent sh¿li beco¡Ìle vacait' irnless he lrâs rievioL:sly rcsigned his seat in lhe Legjslâ'li!e Assembl)' of the said Union lerritc¡y

(2) Ií ¿ì member of lhe Legjslative Assembly- . (.0 becomes strbject ro enl'c"l isqlr¿lif;c¿iion meiriic¡ei ìn seclioir 2T o' scctign l8 for nembership oí lhe Legislative Assembly; o'

(b) resrgns his seal by writìng Lrnder h is hand adi'essed tc úe speaker' and his resignation is accepled by dre Speaker.

his seal shall L'le.elÌpon becoille vac¿lll (¡') li ior a period oi sixty days a metnber of ùe Legisiiijve Assembly is without permjssion cf the Assdmbly abseni fronl Âll meetings ihereoi lhe Assembly may declare his .. seal vacani: .1t,i ' Piovided ùar in compLriing the said perioC oisixli e¿)/s, no accotr¡t shail be lûle¡ oi ¿ny pe.iod dLlring lviìicll the Asse¡¡bly is ProicSrL!¿ or is a'jioLtr¡ed ioI moi'e , Lhan four consecùliv€ days. 27,U)^personshali bedisquaiified for beins.hosen ¿s, ¡nd icrbeing,âmemberal DisquiÌilìc¿ror' 1or ' the l-c::slr''c.{'s¡m¡l\-}.,.i (¿r) ii he holds any office oÎ p|ofrt rrrtcer lhe Ccterri¡ent ol lndia or the Ooucr'¡menr of an!3tate or the Cover¡ment ol Union tefiirory of JarÌlr¡Lr and Kashr¡ ir or ihe Covernmenl or administrâtio¡ of any- other Uiliol lerriiory or other than an ollìce declared by law made Lry Parliament or by tìle l¿gislative Asser:rbly not to . disqLr¡lily iß holder; or . (b) if he is for ihe time being disqLraiilieC ior being :loser as, and ior being, a member cf ejther Hoùse of ParliÂment unl:ler the pro!isicrs ci sub-clarse (ô), sLIb- clause (¿) or sLrb-clalÌse (d) of claùse (/) of allìcle 102 cr cf ¿ny iaw made in pursuance ' of rhât ariicle. ' (2) For the plrrposes ofthìs sectjon, a pe.son shaÌl nol be dee.ned to hold ao office of . profì! Lrncje¡ ihe Government of India o¡ Cle Govern¡¡ent of ¿l¡1-\' Siâie o¡ lhe Governmenl of q I

OF INDIA EXTRAORDI\')'ÎV lly i1: !----'==-==r-.=.-,,Æ:-.'----'--=-.-;==':=:---=-==-:=::t=:==-:--=:=rHlj G¡\ZETTE r'he Governí¡e¡i of any othe| Uûion Union l'erritor)' of Jamm"L and Kashmir or either for tlìe Unicl cr-for srÌch staie or Union terrirory by reescn only th;; h"';; ; üiltt;t* ' terlitory AssembLy becomes qllestion arises as lo whether a menìber of lhe L+iia!ive (J) If any (2)' the the ol slÞ-ieclions (1) and subject to any of disqLraiifrcairon Llnder Provisions Ço"'er icr ênd his decision shall be refer"oiå']inJ""ìtù" ¡;"t'1g¡¡n¡ qLrestion sh¿ll "t '¡" befinal qlrestioo' ùe ]-ie"l¡etlant Governor shÂll ' (4) BefbE giving âny decision on e¡y sllch ani shall act ¿cccr:din-s to such opinian' the opilion tn" È1*¡0" ð"'"*tission . obtain "t !o the Constjtli:iorr shall' subject io the Disquîì;iìcario:1 28. The provjsrons of rhe ienth Scheclule {or constrÙilg ieíerences therein !o the on gÌolnd of mcdiflca¡ro* fù"1ì'ilæ modiíicaiions necessary ""ttlta as references' deiecriori I êoicl.rive.t*".¡lt oi o'lioì"' tgs' arricle 194 ari aliicle 212 hci's l 'or ::::':ii.i''ì;';;;J"i,"ì,*ì,r"',r'lv rerritorv o:iâ:'nmlr and Kashr¡ir' as the ..-¡ b c: ' "runion relatioll to the tttt¡on 5O of tlìis Ac!) to ¿ìnd in case Lrìay be. r'e'lron 2¿, t"i'ion :ó o"¿ "tnli¡ teriroly ofJannl i:nd Ii¡shrilir as tbey âpply \.-- rnembers oa th¿ Legislâl'""'rt'*rnt'ly ofUnlon Assembl)- oi i slate. ancl accoLdingly,-- ro anc in relaiìon !o rhe rn"rú"rr oii¡" r-"girrÂrì!e iit3in3d io iorln Pari of th is (¿rl ihe said Teil''h Schedtlle as so r¡od lÍLcd sllalì ìr' A'l: an(l ¿ oi the Legislalive Assçmbly (á) â pqrson shaìl be clisqualified ior beirìg me¡¡b¿r SchedL¡le as sc rroiilìeci ' ii he is so clisqLralified under ihe saicl Tenth lhe Legislarir': Assernbly beio¡e he has 29. lí a Derson sils or votes as ¡ member of or whe{'ì he kìcws ihat he is not qualifieci or sruing and *tori"ã *¡i¡î" t"q"irements ol section 24 äii'i"ìt ci'ri,'"ii'ãior,,'"-u""r'ip tr'"t"o'' or rlìÂi he is prchi'titec ironr doing so bv the making oal¡ of the Union lerritory nrnrlrinn, nf nnu luru tacle by Parii¡ment or the i-egislaiiveAss3'110ì)' Slitìt-r., ,,¡,",r.hesli.rlibel¡hleinresPe'l ierchc-' c '.i:cr.irÚ.(orir5or\o'es :re JicLJriJnllrlilory cualified or : I arl."rìrt", nt.r""drec:upee'roLler':corele;:'¡Llcbtc

iisq,ieliiied and standing orders 30. (l) SLìtÌec! to lhe provisions ol lhìs Acr a¡d to lhe:rles be i'eedom of speech in the privil!gei, ,"grr"i.eìi" ptlJ"¿,'re of Lhå Legislalire Assembly' rhere shali L3gisl3:i! e,A jsemblY io e''y proceedings in any (2) No mem'oer oi lhe LegìsLaiive Assembly shall be liâ¡le any commiltee i. ,"rp""t oi onylhrng said or any vote gì!en bt him in ihe Asser'bly or the ";;;;;"i ;;l'"" pcrion'sieìì be so iieble in respect of the ir''rtlìcâiion by o' rìrr'le' à,Ìthority .oi slLch Assenrbly cf âni' lepori, paper, \'oLes o' llrcte':iiltgs (i)lnollerrespects,lheporvecs,privilegesaårjrrnnlunir:::c'-heLeSrsl¡tNeAssembly ls a:e lo' the time beìng on,j oi,h" ,t,".ba,i and the iommirees ihe'eof sh¡ìl be s-';l iloLrse of lhe People anc ìrs nrembers ¿nd co¡nÌliees' ,enjoyecl l-.y the (2) (J) shl lt:rDi) in relâtion io persoûs ll) Th. ¡,o!isìons oislrb-secíìois (i). ¡rrd pârl ìn illc .'r,l,o 5¡ ui,r," of i¡is r\cl have Lhe Iight to soeôk rll. ani o'):rwlse io takc or any coinmiitee l:efeof as they apply in relation ¡7rol""e,n5, . t. ,tt" L"gislriLr e Âsseml'iy io n,a¡¡oat* n, Lrc I-egiiitlL' e A'semlrL. shalL be errllìei ro ¡eceive such salaries sêlÂrics sc 31. NlemDe.s of the Legislative Assenbly Assernbly by law aÌLow¿.ces ot and allowances as rnay fiom riÃe to rinre be deterrì1ined b)' tÌìe Legislâ:ive members saleries ani liicwârces as the Lieutenant and, '.rntil pLovisron in Lhat behalî is so made, such . Governor mu¡. by order deterrnìne provis ions of this Act, tl)e Legislaiive Assembly may mâke laws Er ren r ol 32. (1) Subject to the wjth Iespect to any ol legìstarive for the who le or any part of ihe Union territory of Jammll and Keslìrì]il and 2' Power' rhe marters .numerated in ihe state Lisl except ihe sllbjecls Ferlioned at entries I nanely..Pirlrlicolder''and..Police''tespectivelyord]ecc!]ci]lrenlLislintheseventh qt"

CA7-ËTTE olì IÑ)lÀ E\ r:ì \olìD:\' i .:: tl c--. , HE ::---==--' !::r--.-=-- ,=--=--.--- ],r,---" -'- :-=-==t:=- -=-----=----- = :::- =' ---;- s :tplicable in relalion to - Indla in so f¡r ts a¡ì\ s cìl míì:leL Schedule lo lhe Co stitLltion oi ùe Union territo! ies . Pailiament fro m tlrepo!\ e:i on (2) Nothing in sub-seclion (l ) shalL derogate 'cnfër'red 'i¡ ion lerritory of Ja mmtr pcc t å an¡ n'r'rer fci i:' i ' by the conslitlilio" t" ' 'tJ;;"t "'i* ' "s ânC I(âshmi' or ¡rlY Part dìêreof E\cnlrton of Âs Pi'lfiiârìê rif'r\ c!i¡wolher\vise 33'l'hej)ropcllyoilheUnionshaii slLveinsol¡f fl'11;l'"r rtc:rarì) 1.,¡-:-'¡' rhcLcgi'l¡ti"e \c <\:1rl'ecl t'";"i ;t^;' o: - trovrj3 "ì¡'""",ii",.ei¡rr:cuni¡nrer'r:c '' çciJ¡r¡muencll(ashmi. r,oo,""n"on' Assembl.v or,oy or,,rnd" ;;;ì;;;;;t' ul,l!il i)l'l]iì:¡eili r)' la!v otllefrvjsa Provitled úat ¡othing i0 this sectiofl shxli' itnclKashnir l-¡or¡r ptnt'0"' p'"u"n' ony'i"i"i'ty *itrt'" trtt ut rìn Ie: rrtor) \hrch sr'r-1ìDFe'ly--:jLrìlrÌ')u rvas imn'iediately o"y to" on onfproperty of Lhe Uniort ro t""y'ng lortg as that ct¡"stittttion liÂble of t:eele'i ¿s iiàble so i¡eic're the comrnen-celnenrïi rit (hat [-]nion terfiroìy ,:ic l¿lx co¡li¡rues ro be leviecl in !-'ìl: rlrnLy in relirlion rrr l¡r'ii(to¡ -ì4.(/)-i-tìcprovision,ìoi^r'ticie2sar,rÌ.ticie2tjr-xn¡¿rrrìcl(l::3¡'L'r: l"'u by ilìe l-eqisl¡lrrle cí a State rvith o**"t¡¡v rrir (hose alticles * apù i" oìntion tt' tt"y Ptssed " ''"1' " Iespect !o lirose rrirllers ::ìïl; ì¡o(liiicatiolìs' appìy in ñârr'r' (2)'1he provistots ol ¡rticle 304 shall witb the nebessa:y Asser¡bly with Íe'Ðe:: to any of !he mâîters rçlation to eny i^u p*'"jùy t-"gislatÌve 'ìt" âny la''\' passe'l 'c!' Ìhe LcgìslatrÌre of  lhai ertrcl" *ìi"y in relalion ro reiÞrred lo in "¿orl' Stele LvitÌl feslect to those ñat¡erc' lo nlalters l'ìconsislencv is l¡tiye Asse||c !\r::lì resÞecL 35 lf¿ny provision of law made by the Leg s"¡ã¡"r" io the con-iruiron "'"- eùùmeíaied i" s*'" ;l;; ;; ;"ït"'n'i : 1".liiîï":: i"Jiii 'h" . ¿¡yprovisionofalarvmarÌeúyPatlì¿Lments'ith.respectlodratr:r¿:te'çi'etherp¡sseobelore "fl 'men' orafierihel¿\'madebytiel-egislatiueÁ'ts"mbÌy'o:'ifanyt':r'i:''i:tit'l]tÌ:T:|"::l:l:;1.:;ìiìi:uolìtrrrqrL Assembly with respect to anv mâlier en"lmerate'crt^i': "'"' "' "'" Legislati\'e l¡w' ^*"t¡lt' repugnant to an)' p'ovisic: lis:ly c¿flier olher Sevendl ScheclÌle to the ConstitLrrion is !vrth respect !o tili :rjilt3l' then' in eiùe' case' l¡.!v .nade by thef-"gi'fttiu" than a 'q'ts"t'úiy' jhail lhe law *ay be' such earlier l¿\\ prevaiL and the law macle by Parliat"it' l'' * t¡t ttt" territor] shaLl' to i¡e ixtelrlof lhe repLÌgnancy' maie by ihe Legislative'lssárirbÌy of the Union be voi(ll Ass¿n]bly has been tesefved Provideci !hat if such law r¡ede by !he Legisiaiive hac ilrs asselìi sllch lÂw shfìll lb|- rlt" tnu''¿"'"r¡on ni the PresicÌenia¡ci 'eceived ¿¿ l<:"n:rir i ¡.rat a: :'tlcUniorlc:ilcrr oiJ¡n:!¡rr Parìi¡¡¡ent fro¡l lr.lviclecl |Lt he]'thal noihing ii rhìs seclion sli¡lì l:er,ei:¡ sal'-le nailci lrÌciLld:iìg a larv addin-g to' ¿llactlnu ai lny tlme lnv law rviLh I especl lo Lhe b)' lhe i'e8:tlatrÌ'e Assembly :1nrendirÌsì, virfyirìg o' lecealing lhe ìau'so m¡(ie 36.(l),\BilloramendmenlshÂil¡ctLrcinrroCÙcedinto'c''ì!\'d"lt:t",S':lïl'::;lilll;"","- l'ìeutênani Clrerrcr' ii sLrch Bill or '";r Assenbiy ercept on tl'ìe re'omrnendíÌtion ol the '; malte's' llerelyl- Eillr' Amen.iment Inakes provisio'ì fol Âlly oi the followirìg of i!n)' tax; ' (¿) ùe itrlpositior, Âbolii()n' remissior' aitelaiion or i3gtìliilion oÐligÂtions Lrndenaken (ú) the amendment ofÛìe lÂw wiLl'l respeci to any firenclxL ter'ìia:y; ' cr io be underlaksl by the GovernrÌlent of the Union the Union . (c) the approprialìon of moneys oLìi of the Consoijc ¡ted Frrnd of territort: charged on the (¿1) tiìe decle'ing of an)'exPendirlrre !o be extei:diliÌ¡e ci lh€ amount of any sr'tch Consolrd¿ted Ftrnd of tli" Union t'"itor.y ot the i¡çreasirg exPendiiurc; 01+

iP'rnr il-- 10 rtüG¡vETTEoFINDIAE{'rR19l!5lY::=' ::-::-- - - -=.:====-=::=:;== ::-"t=-' _ -- Ftrnd oi rÌ:e Union (¿) ihe receiPt of money on ¡cco"rnt Ùi ilÌç Consoli'aled - or ihe ! siody or issue of such territor;- o. ttte publìc:acco L¡ni o f the Union re'rirory - itor-v: ton"y ot' rt," n,idit of tlle âccotÌnt of the Urìio¡l ¡ert i:rcer rhis sub-section for Provicled tlíat no tecomr¡end¿tìon shtli be reqii:ei - of Âny tnaking provisio¡ì for the or abolition the moving ol an ame¡cìmetlt 'edi'iclion . tax. lc ntake plc'iisìon for any ol the matters (:) A Bill o¡Anle0dmeni shall no! be deemed the ìmeositron¡i lines ot other pecuni:rry aibresa¡d by Ieâson onli;;ar ir pr:ovides for ' :¡e; ior services rendereC' o¡ pei'lallies olibr'lllede'nunJnr'¡'uym"nlofitesforl'encesc: re'niss ç':r ''lieiation or rçgulation oi . by teason drut irpl.o"i¿t' iJt t¡ãìitfosition' 'rucilrion pLrrposes any tax h¡- rn¡'local etrthorriy or bod)¡ for )ocal }\'¡rrlo involve expenditlLrc t'l) A ts:lj which, iFen¡cted and bjorght ìnlo oDerâ:ìor' lloL ce passei b¡ ihel-':gislaliveAssemLriy t', or¡ tiìc Co¡solirlatecl FLrnJol Urlion lertilorlishali lo llle the LieLrrcnani (ìo'efnor ¡as te:r::-ir'lrctl¡jed 'r\ssenrbi! ,r-:'' i,r' LLnless "i,i"'lì,",t'à"""'tthe consìdelaîÌorl oi lhe Bill sh:!:' : r.i lefrse bY re¿son of tlìe p,o."i"- o, 37. (,') À Biiì pending in lhe Lcgisl:rtive r\ssernbl)' ", prorogrrion oi the Legisl¡tive Assembl) f,,l:f,'.= I li.Ìlse o¡ dissolLrtìô¡ of (2) A Bill \\'hich is pending in thc Legìsletive r\ssernbli rì: I ' the Legislâtive Assembly' ii shail be pr¿serlted to 38. When a Biìl hls b¡en ptssed b) lhe l-e3islrliYe Ass:::i -v' Asren: io ' io Co\ errìor sh¡ lì iejl! e- eithei that he assents ;ill".. tìre Li., rtenÂni Gover¡or ¿nJ rbe LieLtten¡nt or th¡r he reserves rhe B i:l lor the considerâtion the Billor ihai he $,irhholcls assenr thercfron oí the Presiient: possible af(el the Piovided tha! lhe LieLìtenânï Governol r¡ay' ¿s so!n ¿s il is rot  Mcney B iÌi together p.esentation of rhe B ili ro him íor assenr, retrrn the Bill ii \\'llll a rÌlessage thtl thc Àssel)1bl) '\ill reco15:i:rib¿Billoranyspecified 'eques!lng any pioiisiorrs ihlr'eof, attd, ii panicrrlr':' u'iil consrder lhe Je¡i -bilj:y of in$odtroing js message ancl' a B ill so retLrrned' sLìch a¡rencÍents as he rlay recolnnend in his 'vher . theAsieùblywrllreconsicjlrlhellilìaccorclingly'andifr'retsiii isl)assed¡gainwiihor the Lieulenaol ' witlioLrt Âmelldmenl and D;esented to lhe Lieutenanl GoveLtoI ior Âssent' for ' GoYer¡o¡shalldecÌareeitherthâihe¡ssenlstolheBilloitlì1iheleselvestheBill the cr¡¡siderÂtion cf ihe Piesidenii |,.(l\,i.l9df|ifthe|'rhattheLieltien¡ntGoverno!'jji]a1]noiÂsscntto,bLltsh¿il I rc,ierle ioj the cöÍlsicieletioìl oi ihe Pìesicerll iì¡y Bill \i'lri'Ìr'- ihc Lieutenônl Goverrlci !ìôLrld' ìF it becÂrìe law' so . Ì' !a) ln the oPinioì oi rvhicli (jcr{)gilte ilom thà porven oi Llle I'lìgh CoLlrL ¿s to eL":'llngcr the otlsitio¡ illa! CoLrrI is. b)' the Constiltltion dssigned to iili; rl (r) reìales to any ol lhe rnatters specifiecì in tl¿'lse ('/) cl iÌrlicìe 3 lA; or . (c) lllePiesidentrn¡y. by order' clûectto Llereserlec íorhis considelâtion , EryLatlatiolt --Fot l\e purDoses oi tìlis sectìor ¡nij !'cllon 39' a Bill shall be with all or Âny of lhe ' dce!¡ed to be a Money Brll 1f ir conrains olÌly provisions 'le:liog to any of . mâlte.s sDecified i¡ sÙb-section (-1) ofsectìon 36 ol ary r:arier i¡cidenlal ' ihos" rlr"tters ¡nd. in eithea cese, tbere is enCorced llle¡¿cn ihe certiiicale of dìe Speakef cí the Legislalive Assenìbiy srgne(l 'oy hirn ihar: il i¡ a lvloney B rll lhe coxside'etion (f the B: s ¡eseived 39, Wlìen ¿ Bill is reservecl by l-ietrtenanl Governc| iol ior ptesìdent, le pfesidenr shall decl¿re eitìer tllat he ¿ssents Io ilì. Biii o. that he witlìholds ( (.cr¿:ior ro:r ¡SSet: :here:ro:n:

Pfovidecl thet where lhe BiJl is not a Mo¡e)'Biì1, ùe P|esident may direc! the Lieutenant Goveinor io retLrrn the Bill lo the Legislalivi Asse$bl! logelher widì such a rnessiÌ8e as is olentio0ed in the first proviso io secl;c¡ 13 ¡nC' when a Biìl is so q8

I I ! TlE GAZETTE OF II'DI,{EXTRAOR'i'\ NRY SEC, II -:::.:::=::=:.:-:=---

L'llh:rr aneliod of sir ¡¡onths . reiLl.rìe.j, illeAssembj.v shail reconsicler ir ¡cccrdingly by the Assemþly ¡ro* t¡" ¿"t" ot rei-eip,"oilu.rl r",rng" -d, if Ìr is again rassed ¡Sa]n :o lhe Presiden! îor hts , u,ith o]. $,ithoul Â;;;d;ent' ii sIìâLì Le plesenled I consideralion ¡o ¡roris:': 1.anv such Acl' 40. No Acr oí tlre l-egrsla¡ive AsscmLrì] ¡r'l :1111^:: liÏ Ï1""'l; J: :ecorn:l ::lc ::o: req"'r.q u) . inralid 5\ _e-.sOr. r nl) th¡r pr'cr'icLrs srn::i 'n lr|î: ai( , ' "on:c Corelnlt or' on Delng w¡s i.ol glve: ii issenl :o :hat lcr ',as gi\en o) :he Lic,:<::: ;.";;"or';,;t';;;;on'c'ou"'no'lo,'tt'-"tonsiJerationoitl¿P::sicenl'byllrePrcsident IJTÏiiiï lv 'r yÙârc¡rrsctobc jj ,iì ilr. ì-ìcLrleniriìl (iovcr|o: shrrLi ìrrrcspeclo'ev¿:! l:lr¡n'ìili ¿! \iatei¡ent U'ìicn Lc|r'iLor'y oi ja:rlr:r on{l i

-*- t*"' tu*'*t ------P-^d-; \f--+--- =.ou-a "n " the Lieutenant on ùe recci'n]e :ccaiionoi -t-==-= sLlallbe maCeexcepl ('l) No ieñand ior a g[an! Governoi g"nt'-' '\:- ¡oon r' n¡r) be ;ftct ;9t] 13 L /; '1t* ll^': : 'tl:ì"t*lÏtio'"tJ"lli tl."'*il'ut!¡"inuotl"te'{l: : ï:\":": ñeer- lprror:i¡Li¡n , of aìll'Ì nonel s ::c :i:o Br": "",rü".'",'"ìoìt of the union teritorv if" iåìiåìi¡"'"¿ rt';¿ ¡î'i by the l-eglsìa!rve AssernU)' ('r) the graûls so rnade gllllf]lliiï:-;i..Ï:i::-T:::'î:ï:Ï":i :^'* r:: ilser:r( '1f: ''"""i1dK:)::nirì'rtncte'e:ei:r¿ "^o'i'i'il'"'*-n n*tl,t iilc '\ssr: li-'l) ,t"t:itt"t't 'tlt' ;"::l'ltl-ì, ì:::l .^n'., ;',';.:.'i,"'"Ïi :l'l"l; t -:ii'Ïïl:"#fi madeoror I'a¡vìnsrhe'i"""'"É"õ'"tttt1ìì::':ì".'ii;il.;:'iìi'iîtì''"'"*'*'",':j ), ,. ,-,. . unior :sr., :t,.liìrl'å",jiiij., ,rì,'.,,r,_,".,;"- s,",: ., r trom thc ' ai ameûdr'rer': '"":" riru','e' be \\'irhclf¡$ - 't of (hÌs Acr' ro 'leil rrr j) !o theorher'ilii;ri'r;;;;^::: rrar'le bv la\r pssscd r subject ";;'t'"tis ;;der rppr' -: -:ion Ftrnd of ll Coiìsoliclaled dìis sectr''rn ;t"#;;;" *ìtlt th" ptouitìons of . shall- r14' (/) TIìe Lieutenarlt õovernor ,r*,".",t*', an¡ liLrr rrace n;'jî::|,.;îifiÏflìi:::i: âddìrioner o. r"t ir,n".;¿,'"ì^",n"risecJbv ir'r a ptrúclLi¡r'"l"ilü1. fr="'* nl ,".,ìln o: io ¡. ,, ,* has a, isen durìng "*""" "^pendedlor the pLrrposes crL "- "'"".ã nelv ì0r.,n¿,o p;¡5¡1¡lrient '''""1' ,^o"n,litlrreupon sone for srropiementa-' '^: r'''c c iinancir'l vear ;lll;_ ä i''i";;t;;t; ' 'rren: in r'he:LnnììrL rrLr¡"' ' - ' ' t' n¡_ :ontenpllleJ in excess '"e j""' n^''*" rg a firìaÌrcial vear (.,,) '""i"'' 'pÌ"t ""lti iti::i:ìt:Ï"t : :lr3: \::i rm¡.-lt g'lnteå fo'thtt'ett'cc "iIl:e ïl,ü,ìli c¿L se $ bc,",,"t;::lllll;x;:ll,;lnti;,ii;ìi,:Jîîllå'ii ;:îïï.:IiTHïi:i;* ;ïìiri::ü[.ï, {:) i'h' llovrsl( i=, *,".,:,,'', *,*,il,r, or de nù'¿ .l:t:-t:.:1ì ji.,cn lammu.ud suremei, r.¡ i e\rendi-.,re 'i'l ..l rerriroq of

ru:ilÏlx.;ï:?ii:jii :ji::trl" :: I'x'*:*i:"LE[.;""ii:'; ;i*tl*x' stttement rird oi r''.oùeys in relaiior ro rrre annl;i'fLnanciûl .:1ï,:.:;:" t9 bt r:l:l:^::]t:l;Ï;" "pp'opriariot a g'ant a"d the la'u "f ro meet slrcll der)1Ând fo' ll':]t ,,: ji L 'r" L nion :er:rt':r ' lit ii *JCiisolicarecl l'Lrn¡ oi tlìe '"ii^tfi*r. ' "'*Ï:ï;'i:i*,:.1:rî-":,^i::i,,,";¿|ji1ll", v.,es.¡ to rrJnt !'¡¡¡ î::i::î:::i;Hi:iiil: '-e9 \:{embiv chal: hl\e no$er i-' conn etion oi rhe proccdtrre ;':;;" s:l::\e iin¡nc;'r;) elr penc:- j ' ' tt""t'"'tJ ttot"ai'u; ror ¡r ptn olany i;; i" "l:;';ith; ';ttd""* îìï:*tÏüir;¡ -1::[ s iliiH*:',".,..', and K¡sìlmi: io: tile .mmi.¡ rí the l'rio¡ ""'to'" '"rnu n¡ade t;:"1 2:hc ':li,'isiorr: o: secr"..' ,i;iî,rl'l:::î:il1i:l /) cr to"'-'li:'-:Ì:l;ï.I rn¡ lr\ L: r 'q"' ¡n) Jr-nl (Ì1dcr 5Ll!(P:rion .rr,, menriorecl.n rhe n3ñin, cr tst""r)lli;'j-ti ""pencli,r':e . hâ\e::::i.r errl;r. r.1 . .,. ,¡oriro,ion of çlllerÍet' ûnc:n: ÌJ\! ¡rld"lpropü¡uon Kc:lrr¡l; L' :ie rrl" t 'r'_rcr:r' : 1- : ¡l l:¡¡:lnt 1,.' ttt L'n' lic':ec FLrlo o: ::c L: ,li, ' ' lneei sLlch cifenditlÌr¿ , . loo


pro\lsrons rllay make rules for srrbiec! lo lhe 46. (/) The l-egrslâriveÂssembly 'egulaliirg' ils bLlsinessi cf tlÌis Act. Ils procedu'e aûd the conducf of aíter'ccrsLlìlaiion with !he Speakcr PIov idecl lhat lhe Lietìtenâllt Covernor shall' ly' make mles-- ¡ ol rhe l-egis ll\tive Assemìl b'"Ìsinessi . (d) for secìrrinB dle tinìely conlDielioll oi fi''arcial ¡llsiness iIì lhe (ó) tÔI reglrlâting tlle p'ocedulc oi-' ind th¿ :crIlLLct of iinrncta :el oI io ani'Bill foI lhc l-egislarive Ass-ernbly in |el i''r: Ic rn¡ .^li --' n- of ilre Union lerl rlory oi: ' Âpp'op'iotiun åi'nã"'eys uul oi lhe Colisolicjlled Jammu and Kashmir; ?f queslions on any , (c) for prohibiiìng the discrrssion oi' or the ¿skllg ille LìeuteÙartt Governor ¡natter wh¡ct¡¡ aÍiects thJ

^ssemblY. lol

PJ TI tlr a .'zl:t1EOFI\DL\EXT3\OR::\' .r- ._:-_ _------::== ==-- --====-=-J]!-== - --=-;--- t''t thall not lre Çâìle(l Âny pr oceedings rn rhe t"Sllil'^ï; ( / The valìd ily of l)' "t coùrrrnoLto 50 ) oi proce" :' rr,ir.rj ::!) to""r:t.lcLrerIUtì.- Ircgrotrndcfrnyalleßed:fegLllirril\ !c\\sJnrblvi: \"' ti"":.:::i " ',,i*:";."''0.,',,'n"ì*r'u'i procedLrre, or the-c::'.'::t.".i"1Ì: ;::;,";i;' unaer ìlr is ncr ic,r' r'egtLliìt,ns iii',; "ilî:;.1i;ì,iì;'jii.l:iou, i rn ,",p".i nr *," . sh:lLLbe\ lDjccr' ( Lr Lr" * "';' r the Leg,5.:,: \c 4ssernl'l) exercìse b)'hir¡ ol those Powels seplrate sec:e:a¡i¡t slail l'egisl¿live Assemìlìy shâìi ha'e¡ se.retariÍ ol 51' {/) l3s re.j ll¡Je¡l)er:::' lilri t ¡núliìccon'rrtiù''\ (hc:€gqarrre (2,Tl,cLe!isl.rr,te,\.,emb:) nrx) i) 'Asscmr') ofser\i:eo: lersons apiá'ntti tJti"""ti"t¡:irlir¿ifolrl:e'-e-::slrri!e'\slemblv (r) u"tiL p,'oui';on i' :'" 'f lf:.::iì:iï ::Ï::î"'J:,':1ï;Ïîi'llï'i1';ili Lìeu(enantGovernolma\,.Âfiercon5tll!ílIlo:l or s:: rìrú !' recrtritment' rnd the co¡cjirions it^Là]tJJt qo^mlde J"täittfi¡"tt t" t¡" "gt'rti"g '¡e and anr nlles i::a: the sec'e|l: irl sìtff cI the '\ssembl\ ''"* mâde Liider lhe saìd sub-sÈctroiì Ul' i,"''o'""t "t ^"t po$e: o; s,.,/ ,f .r,.rny:,ï:i;iï:i:ìiïrïïl:':.ì,îl,i:,llïil?:,:Ïi;:'ìl;i"[ to o"rinon"" n'' appeaL b;ì":ï;iì" :"ïïÏJJ;::.].ì"i';:'ï:; ;"ï;ì;;;'oh ':" 'iicrtmstances hi:n LÕ reqL,i:i: b'iJïl:."J: shaLi extend xn ordinince r::ì.i3i lhis sectio11 duing L'cess provided rher !l'le polver of ¡lraking e À'semblv h¡s p0'Àer to or ,'"t';cn T-'gi"' Les,.,ar.\c onr\ ro:hose,".;::iì1il;r;;;ì;u 'he A.,5eroL!. t ' Î1ie 'L\L '3ii:e sânle force and effect plomr'rigaterl lrntlet tl;rs seet'on 5hí_i :¡ {i) O'clin¡lnce bLrl every sLrch '\rr ìtt"'"ø b) the LieLrteil:r Gcvernor an ;\ct oi l-"g;tl*liiai'J"ìLtît as '1" OI dìnance- to oper¿lle ¡t lhe i-eglsl¡li\' \\scr''i: I slìiìlLce¿Lsc lô)Shall be leld be'ore '3:'l .,,i::,,'"r ";,:,. :; ; ;'1: :,^,:::i:''j,":'li beloie''" lhe exPrríiijiii'j;ti"; :l: ::Ñ Legisl^rile Asse bly: and by the Lie!tieian: Gcvetnc¡ (i') Ma'v be wilhCrâ1'' n at an'v Iime terrtoÔ' cf lamtt'tL aù Kasltntir ' Councit of i4inisøs iot tlte [Jnion percen! consisir:g noL mole lhan ten l-'e â Council ol Minrsters co,,""il ol 53 {l) Tìlere shÂll " chief lvlinrster ar the Minis,ers. of rhe iorâr ¡umber or 1tt1i91¡,¡'"^ '" 'ìre relaiion to "*"'":'il;;i;i"ii"" in the exercise ci his f'rnctions in head lo aid and advise tf't"'lì"tìLnon'Co*t"or ¿ny laq' to inì! t" in his dis-eric¡ or'¡-v or under far as he *q"'*t oii-lì'"o"ì ""' ^"f nctions ' anyjudìcial'' or cr'rasi-judìcial "x""is" li:rctions' ¡ct irl his discrction Governor shajl' Ín the exercise Qfllìs 1z) 1Ìle l-ieurenani in  'îaltei: :enÈlred on Iìre l-egislative (i) which l'alis otrtsìcie the prtr!ierc ol-tlle DoÑers AsseÌ¡bly; or ìar r a:: in his discretion or !o (¡¡) in wiìich he is reqrtirecl b¡'ot LLn

, (.ì) The quesiioll wheùer âny, end il so rvhal, ¡dlice w¡s iendered by Ministçrs to the LieLrtc.ilrìt Go\,e|nof shall not be ìnqrrired inio in i:ny coitl-l

5,1. i1) The Chiel'\,lìnisrer shall be apooìnrerl by lle Lìetìten¿nt Governo| and thc cr¡", on Ìhe advìce oi lhe chiei , olhel'!!i¡islel's shajll]e appoìniÊd b}. the Lieuten¿Lnl Goveil,:ìr ï:ì;;T":lì Minislel

(:) The i\4inìsters sìralì ho)cì ofiice during ihe Dleasrlr¿ or'!h¿ I-ielitenanl Governo' (-i) 'fhe Co ncil of l'liniste.s shrll Lre collecÌi!el, :e torsible to ille i-egislative ' Assernl'l. slìilll Àcimiiìister , (.4 ¡ Before ¿ \1inisie. enlers lpon h is ofíice, ihe l-ielrle¡¡l: Governor ' purpose ro him rhe óa¡hs oi office and of secrecy according ro the Íor¡l'ìs set oLtt lor the in the FoLrrth S.5eiLrl, the | (j) A Mrrisleí who for any Period ol six conseculive :¡o¡lths is not â member of , .: l-eglsl¿tire.\ssernbly shali at the exPitation ol that teriod c93se to be a Minister' (ó The selerles ând allowances of Millis¡ers shall be sucl as the Legisl¿iive AssembLy may irom linre to tìme by lâw cletelmille, aod Lì¡iil !he I-egls a'rve Assembly 5o delermines' ' shell be detefl¡ined b)' the Lielltenanl Governor: S5. íi ) The Lieurenan! Covernor shall make r'trles o¡ Ì:le advice ol the Co!ìnciÌ ol Con


AD\4lNIs'"R^rlcN oi' UNioN'1'[rlìrlo]{Y ol' L':'\Kìl Appornr¡.lcnt 58 {/)TheUniontelrrloi)'olLadaklìwillbe¡Llni:lis!e'¿iÞyihePlesidenlxclinli'to r-ietltenanl aptoìnlcd Lry l"iilÌ undel oíLi""t"r"", such gxte¡ì! as he thinks fìr, rhróLtgh " Govcrnq. io ¡. Coverncr of anl¡]e239. Unìo¡ 'errirory ol (2)ThePl'esidenimâymakeregulaiionsforth¿peace,p:ogjess¡ndgoodgovr:rnmcnl the of India Lacakh oi rhe Lnion ren itory of I.adakh !nce¡ at tìcle 240 of Co!ìs!lÌrì:ìÔn -\cl _r¿de PârLieme t or ¿ny (ii) A¡y reg!ìlatìon so lnxde mû, rcpc¿l or amcnd r y by ier. lorv of i'adakh and' when othei larr which is fol the tinre being ippiic¡ble to thc Únìor- ¿s Âilr'\ctot'Pâ'lial¡e'lt ; promulgot"d by the Presidelrl, shallha'¡e thesame iorce ancl eä'3'! which appÌies to the Union leiritory ot'LadÂkll apPoinled by lhe (4) The Lieütenânl Governor shall be assisled by advisc:ls) :o lle r:,,.:,'{rr' Ce¡lralCovernment PARTV

DgLtvti¡lro¡ o t' Co¡s-r¡î! Eh-ciEJ Der'iiìrìons 59. IrllllsP¡ri llnless Ìììg coniexl olher\tise Ieqllires- (¡/) tssocitle rÌlenlber" i eans a nlerrlber associ'lie(l \tith the Delimitalion Col¡:rission rnder section 60: to Lre (1r) "Delimilaliorl Comrnissiorr" meâns lhe DeiliririnLion Conmission ì'y an)' law co¡siitLrled Ìlnder seçtion 3 of lhe Delilrit¿l;oil Acl' 21"12: ¡nc iìrereâf{er nacJe b) lhe Parliarneni iJy the (cl Eiec¡ion CoIlìnissioil" ¡¡cans il;c IlJecllon Ca¡::iritsi()n ¡ppoinled Preskieni Llllde. article 324 of the ÇonstitLriion ofln'lial (d "lâtesl ceflsus iigllres" ¡nean úe ccns(ìs''ig'':flj'ì âscerilinci ¡l the l¡lesl census ol u'hich llle fìnally PUblisiled figures Âre av¿iiâbl3; by law for the ' (¿) "ParliameniÂry Collsli!Ùenc) " lneins a const :l::: ry p'ovidecl HoLrse of the People [r on Ur:lln lerritoiy ol Janrmtr and i'rtrlpose of elections to ihe . l(asbÍril ând Union t¿rrrtory olÌ-'l'lâkh for the l, Assembl) Consrittrency" metns iL constLlLe:ci provided by law ' ptlrpose of elections to the Legisl¿tive Assenrlrly noflberof DcL;riretìon-.., 60. (1) witilout prejLrdice to sub-sÈctions (J) oiseciicr i4oí:hisAct'the searsinrheLêsisl¿liveÀ*enrblyofUnionrerriloryofJaf]InLLânil<âshnlirshallbeincreased -:'ri'Lrcncies i,o,n:o;roli4,¡ncicelinlitationollheconstrtueiciesmayi-'e'ieterminedbytheElection Cornnisslorl in ¡he manner hereinafter' plovided- the Scheduled . (aJ the nurnbe!-olseaLs to be lcserved ior lhe Scheclijec c¿s¡es and -lfitùes the ìrl tlle Legislative Asser¡bìy, hâving legard io iie:elevant provisions of ' con,t i,'tion iefflto¡y shall be dìvided' . 1r) rhe assembly constittlencìes into \?lìich the L nìc1 shall be reserved ' ihe exrenr of each oí iuch co¡stituencies and in whiclì oi iien seats for åe Schedûled Castes or fcr úe Schedtlei Tribesì a¡i the of the , ic) tlle adjrLstments in lhe bcLÌndaries and desc¡ii-'iion oi extent expedient' p¿¡lìâi¡erìlâry- constitllencies in e¿ch Unlolr rerri!oly th¿i l-rei' be necessary ol (/) the (2) In delermining the malters referred lo in (ó) an¡i (c) of srlb-sectio¡ 'JaL¡ses Eleclion Commìssion shall have regard lo the fol)o!ving pio'/isi'r:ls' n¿mely:-- íd) ¿ll lhe constittlencies shrll be singie-mer¡be| cc'siil:rencies: (1r) all constitlrencies shall, as fa-r as practicable' be geographlcall)' cornpact ur"or, on,l in delinritlng thern. reg¿Íd thcll be h¡C'io ¡ilysical feamres' existing .

I l0q

ânci c0nvenlerlces to bournri¿ries oí aCm inistr âtive ! nils, facili!ies of conlmÙn¡c¡lion ' the PLrblic; and the (c) consliiuencjes in yhich sears are reserved Fol Ìhi scheduled Castes alrd where the DroPoltion ScherjLrieclTribes shall, as far âs p'acticâble L'e locate¡ i¡ lreas , of their popllLatlon lo ihe total populâtìon is the inrges'' il in tl)e perform¿nce of . (J) The Êlecrion Conimissio¡ shall, for the irLrrpose of ess;s:r¡g members' fotìr persons ils functìons under sub-section (-7)' Âssociate wiih itself as assccìâle persorls whc are the melnbers of the ' âs the Centr'¡l Government may by orcìer spec ify, being or foLrr membe¡s of ihe Legislariu" as"'nlrty of llre U;io; te'ritory oI Jammu ¿od Kashrlìr ald Kai;htn ir: Hoirse of the Peopie rePresenting the Union terlitory of Jamnl vole to sign xny ' irrovìded iha! none of rhe associate menlbers shall ha,re a :jght lo o! de.ision of l¡e Election Comnlission rncnlbe¡ falls vacanl' i( (i) ií. o,! ing io dea!h or t esignation, the office of an assccia¡e prqv:sions ('1)' .-.. sh¡ll he irllej ,,, ål' as practicable, in ¡ìccordence !vith the of sLlb-section ' (-5) The Electjon Coln.nìssion shâli- $'ith the . (d) DUI)Iish rts proposâls for the delimitâlior oicc:1silluencies together pLrblication lhereof rlisserrring p,oposals, iiany, ofaly associate rnembe| rvho desires may consicler fit, in the official Gazette ani in such other manner âs the cor¡mission p¡oPosals loget¡er witll a nolice i¡viting objections and suggestro¡s in reiation to the I considereC by il: nni speciíving a cìate on or alìel which the proposals \vril te íìrither l)y i! {rÌ consiCer alÌ objeciions Ând suggesiio's !\'hicl' rÌì:J- h¿vè been receiv(:'i 'cefore the daie so specjfied; and ' (.) after consider;ng âll obieclions ¿nd suggesirons *'hìch rnay hlve been tile ' receiveC by ir before the d¿te so specifie'I, delermire l--l o¡e or more orders ptlblished i0 lhe , de]rmrtirtion of consrillrencies âlld câùse such orCer cf oriers lo be crcer or orclers sirall have the ' ofii.,..,i Crzetre, ¡nd thefe upon such pLìbiication, lhe . firll ío|ce of law ani shall trot De calied in quesiior' ìn lr,r' ;c''rrÌ (ó) As soon 3s rnay be aftel such 2LlSlicttion, eveiy srcì ciCel reiating lo ¿ssembly constittÌeociesshallbelaidbefblethel,egislativeAssembìyciiheU'Ionte|ritoryoiJaùmL! and Kashrnitt

' '1 Lry notif ic ario¡ iî :he Oíf i'i¿ | Gazelte'- 61. ( ,i) le Eleclion Comm ìss io rl may ËËil":' ' ld)correclanyDriniingmisiakesinanyorie'maderlilde's¿ciion60oranyefror commirsio¡ jip a|is ir g therein frcm inedvellent s or o m issìon: ?r.ncl , ;"il i:il , t.l-i lrl $,ilete ¡he Llolndaries ot narire oi rny lelritoriai 'l \islon Inentioned in any orrlers up-ro dxic' s|¿h ¡ldet ol orcjels ìs ot are ilitered, makc silch ameni:liei'lts es appeal lo iÎ lo be ¡ecess¡ly or erpeCierlt fol blinging sLrcil oldel lLp-to-ii:le (2) Eve|y r,otiiicatìon trider lllis section relâting to an assenbiv constituency shall be r''lsembiy' ' leid. as scon as ñ¡y be afiel iI is issLled, Lrefoie the l-egislÂli\'e ó2i (l) On and iiom tlle apPointecl da¡', ncLrvrthstaniìrg ihe pul,iic¿ltion oi orders sircci¡l ljoi200z. ùndersüb-sec!ion(/)ofsectionl0ofiireDelir¡itationA.!,20C:or!rir),!brngcoitaineCìn ir|orr\ìo¡ 'ì\ sLìb'seclion (2) or sub-section (4) oi the saii section. ihe DeÌi¡rlitatìon Act, 2002 shall be )f"n,,.,,-." ' dee¡¡ed lo have be¿o amended as provided belo\\'. oÍ (d) iD section 2(r, lhe u'ords "brìt docs lot inclrrd: th: St¡te of l¡mmtr ""d :"'J"iÏ"i;ìlt Kashnrir" shall be omiiled; and Consrrrucrcies (ô)forthe purposeofdelir ilation olAsserbly anc Pa.liament¡ry cnnstiruencies, ï"ii:lì:ìt the q,oids and figùre "censLls held in the yeÂr 2001", '¡¡efever occLlrring, shall be constiLred as words anC flgttte "cecsus held in the¡ yeai 20: 1". lo(

.IIJE 18 GAZE'TTE OIJ iNDIA EXTIìAORD]\ÂRY IP¡¡:' II'-- _ _=__==__-___=_;a:_:=_

(2) Iìeâdjusr.nent oí lhe constilrrencies as prov ided uôdef s:ction 60 in lhe stlccessor Union te¡rito! y oi Jammu atd Kâshmir inio Assen'lb ly Consiiiret.ies, sì'ìaLl be carried by llìe Delinitaiìojl Comnrission, tc be constihlted Llnder tire Deli.niialior.Act, 2002 âs amended by this Act, and shall take effect frorn stlch dÂte as lhe Cen!.¿i Glverlrment me)', by oider' published in theOîficiai Gazette, specify, (-?) ReacljLrsrment of rilc consttttlencies a! frrl\ iCed Llnde: eciiol'l I I in the sÙccessor ' Union ter¡itory ofJammu ancJI(ashmi¡ inio Palliamentary CcrstilL:encies, shallbe can ìed by the Delimitation Commission, to be constittìied tlnde| the Delin:ti::ior Ac!, 2002 as âmended by this Act, and shall take efiect fiom slrch da(e as ihe Cenu ai Covernment may, by order, published in the Officìal Gazette, speçiiy. spec;ei 63, Not!vithstanclrng anything conlained ìn sections 59 !o 61, rntil the relevarrt figùres prolis'o¡is ¿r iol lhe fiist censùs iaken after the year 2026 have been publislle'J, ir shall not be necessary to rexi Lrsl ihe di\ i$;on ol sLlccessor Union territory of JaËrmu arlJ :

proccdLre ås 64. The pfccedure as provided in the Iaw made bP P¡.rlìemer:1, shalÌ aPPly, in relation to ro lhe delimitation ofPaJliamentary and Assernbly co¡srituencies uraer th is PaJ t as they apply irì delimirÂtion ¡elelio11to recJelimita¡jonofPärliamenttryandAsse'nblyco¡siil:r€lciesunderlh¡tla\\'. . PARI'VI

Scricouuo C¡srcs ¡ro Scl¿nu¡-¡d Tli¡:. o ÂppticebìLìr) 65. Or ân¿ ffo m the appo inted day, the Conslillrtron ian:¡ i: Ând I(ashmir (ScherJüled alll'j,:"'' olscheauied castes) order. I95ti, shallsrand appliec lo theUniori Ìerrì1o.J,!i T¡m:rLr 3¡d l(¡shrnirano a.,.'., c¿srer oriÈr iìiì,1ì"'"r unionterrirc:yoil-adakh orcèr, t9ió. *' Appricabìlir) 66. On ¡ncl ftom rhe âppoinred dry, rhe Constitutron JaîìrnLr ¡ni Iirshmr lScheduled ]l'"1"" ;: :::":]::: fribes , Olce:. 1q89. slÌill si3ncl aptlied to lhe U n:o n teü itor\ o a :m rr. -r -nd l(¡shmrJ rnd ]!:;.il:, r,r., Union lejriior! ofj-rdtkh. ordcr, 1989. PArLTVll MiscgLLANEous ¡xo Tn¡¡rstto"_¡L Pnov:stc:¡s coisoiìdered 67, (/) On end from rhe appoìnreC day, alì reveûues receiyei it the Union teffilory of FJ¡d ci rhe Jârnrnu ânci Kâshtnir bv rhe Covernmenr ol Inclir or rhe Lie :e:1a.,.! Governor of the Union Lrioi ,:. ;:;;:, rcn itor'¡ of.l ur':rmrL rnd Kâshmìr in relation !o any matter w rth respeci io wh ich the Legislârive ¡.., 0"." Asseñ'.1\ , i ine L'nio.n ìel|ito|y of Jarn¡¡u and Kâshmir¡,Âs i-:c!rer.o mal

-----4s.. :- THIC,\ZI:T1ÊOF:\DÍ A:XTRAORÐ'_\ 1) - -- -'------.--'l flom and Kâsh:Ììj and !h¿ ''!llhdrawal ol rnoneys Accoonls oi tlle Union terrlt(n'y of Jâmmü o' trl ie : le ¿loresaìd matlers shall ' such accoun' ot¡"t tält"ì' Ministers ""¿ "Lr "Inni"oãiltrlt^t covernor "nti on the ¡i., i:: of council of be regulated by iuLes møt ty ì¡i i-i*it" contrngencv ' 69'(l)ThereshallbeestablishedaContingencyFurldinihetalrreofanimprçsttobe ter-ritcry of Jarn',n'r ând Kashmir-',rnto wl):: entitled'1he continge"";;;;il;u"i"" :ilil;iî" oitheUi,ion ier|itor) ot Jammtr ano J¡n-u'ìnd ,a"ììi" p"i,, lfom;d qlftolrhe consolklalecl Fu|ld b: rm i:red h-l macle bv úe Legislative Kashmi'' such sLLms as nr^y ì'"äìiá" ät' t"' Kashmir 'def ll: :aid ¡und shall be held by t"l'r'ito' y oi Jonttu nr)d KÂshnir'l ênd Assembly oí ihe Union "ie Ftrnd' 10 be made ìry hi'" of such the l,ielLten¿ìnl Covernot io no**"t 'r!ìr "îáui" of Cor':tingetcy F'rni of lhe Union territory (2) No ¡civances shall l¡e made o'rt of the expenditrrre pending -Jy'iiJo"t"s of Jam,'n!r ¿nc 1(¡shmir À' 'rcer-ing ''inforeseen made "^""ntîìlf* r-"gislarìr'e Assenh,ly Lìrdef aPpropriaÌions authorisariofr ot such e-p"ì,c i.,.i ' bY l¿w (¡ L e¡!e:Tlî:J,:;î,îlil"":ïi:ïi;T:"",'Ji::;:Tilïï;ål'l¡::i!;: .i,,:: 'ìe rslLitory of ih1'ï:ï;'lÌ;:ii;li'or,'f,on.r, rl'ar¡, rhe con¡insency r,,",, oirr.," Únion

"".-:".iì::;"c. :r:e L n,o ì (,,,o \-e\:i l r ie ;,e$e, o. ìr-.9::,î:: )I:: llï l,;""1.;'' secLrrityoitheConsolicìateciFundoftheUnionterritoryoiJetnî!l'n':!(aslìmlr\'lthlnsucn':','" limits'iíanv'asmav'fr"åìi-ì¡nìl'""'ù"t'"edbvLégislati'e-assembll'bvlaw¡ndtorhe:ini;''tt:i"¡ ii aûv' as rrray be so fixe'l gi;in; or gtit'^""* * ithir such limits' :ìll;!'Xi"' chil¡€ed Ôll pL'j'osc of nrokrnS:,J_:_rnLc: shril be l""' 2).irìy s.llns requiacJ for lhe "n¿ rJ' o f J¡r¡ n'ltr anci He Í ir" Karh::r;r' . ¡¡e Consol;¿Áe¿ pLrnd ol ihe Un ion teirito 'h af ârÌd Kashmlf shall be kept in stlch Fo¡m 7L TIìe accoÙnls of tile Union terl'itor'y oí Jamtnu n**"''no' , . cí ijre co.r prroller ¡n,l Aud,to- Lt",.,,",,0n, c*"liJ.'å"0¡,,'oü.ì:"út"i^,"g for¡l as ihe rLtles "a "i"e Gener¿lof In'ira' Prescribeb¡' ;ï';iÏt I r"'r'l' ¡il tlia relating to the accounts Audìr rcpôr(s 7?, The rePorts ol lhe Colnptrolìer tncl Àtrdiio¡Cener¡l olUnionlelriloryoiJa'"'*LtJ'rc"tnrnitf"txn)pericdstlbs¡cuerilothedarereferredtoin lo ihe Liell!e'eJìl Sovernol $'ho shâll caÙse ' stl'o-seclion (l) oi section Oi shalì be sobmittecl them io be laìd belbre the Legislalive Assembly lrom ihe Ll.L.r:en¿ìnl Governor ol unioñ . 7s: fl rhe pr.esiclenÌ, on receipr oi a repofr :j:Jìiï i,i" '¿shmil' is terrilO v O: l:lminLr iìno¡N or otilei!\'ise' s¡lisliçcj'-- oi ...;., (¡r)rhatasìnrationhasariseninwhicl,rlìeadminisiiaiicnoitheun'"ll:1:':"'l:"::ìil"::::l'"''..''',',. t . oí]ar¡lLlanclKashmilcânnoibecÂlrie(lonina.coic¡¡.e.¡lt]]iheplo!islonsottllls Act. ol' ¿ìndKashmir iL (ô) lhelfot!heprcPe: ad inistfiltir)nol Ulr'orlteiii:ciroi;:lnlmtl ' ìs necessar¡'or exPeclient so lo do' operiÌtion oi all or ar¡ c: the p|ovis ions of ljlis Acl ' ¡he Presiderìt nley, by orcler' suspend tlle such incidentai ai:d co:rsequential plovisions as for sLrch period as ne rhinks fil ând rnake Union terrilory of ."t ì"0;", o t',in' t i'" n"t"t'o'y rrl expeclieni ior admi'isle'lng lhe ' .luÁtl''iuc Kashmj¡ irì accorclance t'ith the provisions of ti:ìs Aci iis iLì..iicning as sllch AsselTÌbly A-u!horisrliorì ?4. \\'here lhe Legisl¿!ive Assembly is clissoìved, or t3' ìÌ sh¿li be comp€tenr for remeins sospendecl, on *toìtni oi^" otátt u"del sectÍon :i: ;;i,::LilT" is no! in sessjcn e\ ltrlre Ìrom tne President to eLllholize, when !he Houlje of the People Pelld ancl l(asilrir pending the sanction of consolidÂtecJ Fund of the union lerrirory of iamrn| such exPend iture bY Parlianrent tl+

¡ iP ItI II-_ ZA TT ] GAZETTE OF INDIAEXTRACRD.INA.I! ------=--:---.:==-=:====:: , ------= PART\¡TI HlcH Co!Rr

Hìsh court of 15, ( /) On and frcrn lhe aPpoinLed day,- and I(¿shmir shal: b¿ ihe co mìnon Fiigh Coutt for '¡l1itr ll: 1 t ) rhe lligh Cour of Jamrnu Un ior re"itory of l-adakh; :i;;l;;;;; ^. ' ihe u r',ion ierritðry of iamnrr ancl Kashni' ¡d CoL¡1. of Jalnrnu Ânci Ì(esbmir for !he existirg State of { /r.) tlre J tìcges ol the High CoÙrt day shall becorne i¿rrmLrancl Kashmir holding;fíice ìrnmedialely ìrefc'e tire aDDolntecl on inai rlay lhe JrLclgcs of the ccrm¡xon l{igh Collfi of the common (l) Tire expenditure in respect oi s¿laries ân(i ¿rllow¿l'es cl thc iÙdges anci l(asll¡rìr' a¡clUniort High òolrt slrâ11'be allocatecl amongst thc Ullion iel filoi)' o¡j''r'rllLr te,iitor¡, of Liìdakh on tlle b¿sis of poPulation ratio'

SDec'ìrl 76.(/)OnândfÌomdledâtereiþr|edloirsLib-sectionir')i-ìisectionT-5'i¡theAdvocates li.t :96 i. i\ ion Àc!. :;61 . i seciron 3, ir c,rL' seclror" / ,.-- (o '{j-,ins BaI (lelered in) in claùse (¿Ð, !he wo.ds "Jamntì ân(l Kasirrir" shell be (1r) eíterclaLlse (Ð, the foliowingclause shall lle ii:seitecì' namely-- territory of ' (3) - ior the Union lerrilor-v of JarnmLl a¡d li4hm i¡ and Llnion ând ]-âdakh I-a

2! E OF INDIA EXTRAORÐIN]'RY SÉc. ll TilE CAZET'I ' --"".=- - - +' .====-t--==;;= - - PART L\

Atlr'oc'tt!-GÈ¡len'rl ol' UNIcN TERRlroRr oF J'\\'i11! rrlD l(^SHMlrl lvra ls oLr'rlifiec lo.l)eappoiilel ?9 i/)The Lierrtena¡l GovernorshllilÂppoinl aPerson å:;:;ìtì31 ¡l fcr tire U¡i¡r ierrilory ol l¡nrmiì a Jtrdge oi the High Corrrt. tc be AdvocaÍe-Gener "lto ¡;i;'' Kashrnll l€rrìtory of â'vice to the Government of (2) Il slrall be ùe dur) oisrch Advocate - Ger'erai togi!e fliü'i''d oJrer dÙties of a lçgal ' LrDo; such legal maltefs ancì to.peiforn. s''ìciÌ ,u.h ù;1;ì, ,;;,;t)' 'oy or assiSned tc \ì'r the said Goverlrment' aitoroat"r, ,, ,nty '-t ¡ime to timã be refcr¡ei him by or uncei ihè CoûstitnLion or âny othel ' ;;¡ ro diicharge ttre fi'ncrìcns conferred on ìa$' l'or Ihe lirìle being irl lÌ)icc t (ìrrlles' Ihe shall havc Lbe rlght of r-l) ln Ìhe Períormal)ce of hìs ^dvocaie-Gerre'aiand K:-'ì:¡rìr' eudierìce ìn all co'''ns in,!he Unioû terriiory ol- iarilmrr dLrtrng :Ìre of tìre i-re¡tenant '.,ll i4i lhc Advocai;-General shâll hol(l oilice ':ieasrrr''l Cc!e: nol ntay cietermìrre' *- Cor"rno, ,"a.i* ,Lrclì remuneration ars tÌìe Lielriellelri "nã PART X

F RÊVEN U ES ' AurHoRls'\]rcN oí' Ex PE¡_D li u A ND D lsf R iS !'ilc\ i 'lE E0 ThcGovernorolèxistinqStirleoíJâmmÌr¡ÌndK¿shrìii:xx]'rt¡nyriÎlebtf"t:tttt l)'":l:ÏJll;L ¡Lrni o' tlÌe tJ nro¡ terrrioly aPpoinied dey' aLrthorlse such exPenditu¡ e f¡om ihe ConsoliC'r'i ài u'i'"" peiii--i rot more lhÂn six months ol ' oi.lon'',",, ¿nd l(ashnlir a-t ile deerns necessa'y lor any r- 'iro-v oi.sLì.1ì e\ c D), rhe I-egisiâ(ì\ e JrìnìDìu ¡ld ru appoirìÎed day pe0d¡ng rhe s¡nciìcir ie¡diiri úeginr:ilr3 iLh rhe K¡shñ r' Assembly ol lhe t-;nion nf.Inti.¡u nrli Kashinili '""lto''u Kâsbrnir rnay' ' ,,,ttideal lhal ¡he 1-ielìtenaiìt Govefnor oí Unìon lelritol'


DisrrbLrlion oi 83.{/)TheawardnaclebyrheFoLrrteenthFinanceCon;rissicniotheexistingStareoi Jammlr end l(asilnlir shall be apportioned belweeil ùe sLrccesjof Union !e itoryolJamm!ì end Ì(ash¡¡it; Ând Unio¡ lerrilory ol I-iÌdakh by ilìe Ce¡iiÂl GovernmÈnt on rhe basis of . populalio¡ ratio aûC othei iíìratlétersl I Provided lhtt on tire appointed tlay, the Presideni srail ÍÂke ! reference lo úe tliìion .'l'rerrir0r'i¿sÌìinanceCån1jllissìontotataeìnioaccolLnttheresc.Ì:cesâvâilâbletoùesuccessoa Urìon rertìtot1' of l,adekh and make separale alv¿rd io: ilìe sllccessor Unio¡ tgnitor¡r of | ' Ladâkh:

Pro' icietl lhar on tlte appoinÌed d¿y, rhe Presiienr si)elì !ì1¡ ¿ rcierence to the Fifleenth . Finance Com;:rissìon to iDcillde l,!nion teiiito:y of Jer:nl: lnd I(¡shtrir ilt its Tenls r)i Reíe¡ence anrj ¡¡ake a!valC for the sLìçcessol Ullon lerJ iÌoly I'i.l¡1mìl ¡ncl Kashn'lir' (2) Nctwithstandirg anything irì stìb-sec!ion (/), :he Ce rlral Covernmenl nìa)' having " rre.qarcìoiieresoiraces.:r'ailabJeiorh¡successorLcjonle¡r:ol.rcfl-aCakhrnakeappr'opliate erlsì.lrc thti acleq!Läie l¡eneíiis lncl i¡:c¿¡lives ìn the ioirn of special t gi3nl. :r1C llso Cera:nrme!.: f-.kage l:e grve: Io llì( b¡ck\vlr'l l-e-i'a:: :::i)¡ PARTXJ

,\t¡oRlto\Mr r. r oF .\çi:ls .'¡'D ;.., ::: .

,\p?lic¿r;on of 84. {,/) TI)e p¡ovisìons of this P:rit shall apPly in relâricÌì ic rhe aoportionment oi the lhi5 Pari asses anci liebiliries of ihe exisrìng Stir¡e of Jammù and I(as¡rnirr i¡nùìediatejy before the appoinied diry, Lrerween dle successor ì.irìon terlitcry oí Jit:rn:,-r anC l(ashmlr ar)d sLlccessor Union ter'.itory oiLadakh. (:) The âpportionmenl of the âssctì and liebiljties oi:l1e exisling Stale of Jamnu and KashrriI shail be sLrbjecl rcl tire recoÌ¡ìm3ldaiio¡5 oÍ a corìT iÌiiiee ccnstittrted by ¡he Ce¡1tfal Covcr'¡nenl.

(-Ì)-1'hc process oi aPi)o|tionmerri sìrlll i)e ccmpleteð r!ili:ln a nerrod of t\veJve rnonths lrorn the ¿ppornted d¿y. l,/rR'Ì')cl

PRovlslo¡i.5 as lo CERT IÑ col'oR.lTIoNs,\ND rNY )iteR M,{n-€Rs Advisory 85, (/) The Central Gove¡nment rrey by otder, esiariish one or more Advisory Com'¡iL¡ee(s). Comfitittees withjn a period of90 days froÌ the aDpoi¡ied dal,, iof lhe purposes of I _lghts ll) ¡Dpor'iio¡¡nent ol ilssels. i)¡d J::Lirliiiìes of the colllpallies ailcl corDorâtions constjLuied fot dre existirg State of Janmrl :LnC i(ashmir l]etween Union - , ()i ]i: terri¡o1'oi J¡r¡ nlLl ¡nd Kashm¡r anclii rion te|riloiy i-nC0kh i (r) isslres r'elating to ContinLiar(e ol a.renger¡elris in regarcl to generation and suppl¡, of electric power and strpply oi \varerl (c) issues related ro Jam u and llashmìr State Finincial Corpo¡âtjon;

(d) issues related 1o Cornpanie, lonsritlrted for ihe ¿xrsiing state olJammu and Kâshrnit regarding the divislon of th l rnteresrs and a¡d reconstitrìlion of Board .'n rF..'."ç

lr,) issLres related io faciliiicl r:r çen:irn Stale .::r:: riions; and

(/) issLres |el¿re¡l io any othei i¡¡tters ¡ot ccverec !ndel ihis section. (2) The commiltees so appoinr¿,:l unde¡ sub-sectÌor (1) oí this section, shall submìt theìr reports wiùin six months lo the Lieu¡enant Cc,,error oi Uníon terrìtory of Jamanu and I{âslnnir, who shall aci Ðn the recomr¡endations aí sllch comi¡itfees \\,ilhin â peÌiod of 30 days irorn rhe Cate of ieceiving sLrch ieports. llo

s,i rr ..:- I|=j1-.Ili9llì99?ì]Ig'ëY-:=.:,="-=-----='--'?') a-:::::- :::::::--.,.-... -::al ' '- '------Tcmp0ra¡! conlarned rn\ect:ur E)oltheMotorVehiclesAct' 59 ol 1988. 86. (i ) No!wilhs¡andrng an)thing l988.apeÌmìtgranteduyilJStoit.!tin'pn'tAlithcrityoitire-rxrsriíìgSËteoíJammuald:I""'""'" inrh¡tsixfeshîl .ich permit rvas, immediately co.rinu"'cc Kashn ir.or any Regionolrrrnrpìn Àutnoriil .i jn r'nv ¡rer' j' the rransfened terrirory' be oí c¿ruin . belore dìe aÞpojnted d";,-;;il;;¡ period c\r'rilc rôrd "iitátlu" i:r :l¡t :re: :::l l)ill olv till iis of oeemed l¡ (cnlinlre to be valicl ¡nd effcc:ive the tir¡e beìng Ln lorce in thrt area: al]l validiry subject io the p'"'i'ì"'* îiì";i ¡"t iof "s b('c:!:]Ìe:c gr:r: o) lhe TI¡tsporl Artlìorrry ""fil:' it shãll :ror .e recess¡r¡ iuttn¡ ttoft ¡"trn:' 'o 't : l\eiern l.l r¡e ptrrpo5e ol ' of 1n) ô¡ U::i''ll lerillor) cr 't"1 nejionrt :ri_lç¡ '\1r": i vâlidaling ll i'or use in su'h areâ: lc lll1end of vÂry llìe conclitions P|ovided lhat lhe l'ieùtenÂnl Go!e or mly aicl b) lvhich ihe )'jini! $'es glanled . atiached to cìe pert-nil by tne ALlthority r:Ì:!Ìie sh¿lì be ìevied afte' lhe (2) \o tolls, entûnce iÞes or oiher cha'ges oi a l'ìke ' for its cperations in e'ny of the successor oppoi'ìãJooy in reSpecL oí any transpori.veh icle r'ehicÌe was' im¡r,)edi¿Ìtely before thât dây' 't;i: I;nion Terrilories unde, ony pt'àit' if sucl: '*n orìre¡ charges for its opçretrons j" . ;"ä;, ;;;;;p"-"nt åi onv iutt. tott' t'xrance iees r: in tlìe ifâ¡sierred territor)': constLltation lvith the Provicled that tlle Cenllal Goverlrnen¡ Íìr¿i'' nTler ' ol ihe administration of Union Gou"r'ntent oi Union'i""ilo'y ofto'nntt' onci Kash¡nì' ihe levv oi any strch toll' ent'ance ieirirory of LacJakh' as the case nral' be' ¿lltho:'ise ' t're; iees ol othel chalges' ¿ls the case may sLrb-seciio¡ shali not be applicable Provided f¡'ther that the Provisions ol ¡his iike nattlrc are leviable lor the *¡"t." ony tut¡ i'""t ot ottt"' tl1ârges.o¡: 'oiù''o' "niiuntt de\eicPed for commercial prtrpose ,'s. oi any or icige which is consiruclecl or 'oad State Cc ternl¡ent' ajoint undertaking by th" State Goue'rleít' an tlncle¡tating of t¡e or iile t:iva¡ç seclo( ' i,i which the Steie Governmelli is a shâreholder . oa rny bodi co!po|ete calrying o'l 1,,:in-*tt 37. $rhere rhe assets, r.ighrs and li¡,bilìries :l-ïl:l^.. ¡',. p"u' Io eny cliter''oodies corporÂie whrch after' ?ro\r':or1 are, Lin.ler ùe pì-ovisio"t-t'f tñis ltansferre


and IJnion ter ìtoty oiLâdakh, as referrenl to in sub-sectic:: lj'' sìrall be such as t Lieu!enant o1'Union terri¡ory ôfJa¡nmu and Kashmir n1Âl-. by -rdef, delerrnine br âfter the Governo. i day. appoioted i (4) The mernbels of each of ihe said servìces, cillie:lliy bc'r3 on ¡he lálnmu 3nd Kashmir cad¡e immedrately before the appoinreci ciay shali b: íinalÌy ailocated between lhe | ,u.""rro. Union terrilory of JemmLl an.l i(Âshmi! aDd Unicr terrìtory of Ladakl" ill such may' grder' manne¡ ancl wiih effecr flom sLlch date or clâtes as tlle CelltiÂl Govemment by and specif¡' on the recomme0ciation of Lieuter'tnt Coverno¡s ci Unicn territoD' of Jamtrl! Kashrnj: ìald Union terrìtory oíLadakh, within t¡¿se ' (:) The Oificers so aLlocated lo both the Union Ter:iro¡les shall iunction Govetnment . Union Terito ries, in accotd anca rv ith lerules íramed by llle tenlral ' , (4 In iuture, the All India Selvice officers to be posieti tc linion terriory of Jammti and KÂslìi'nil or Uniot'l ter.ilo.y ofl-â'lakh, ¿'s the case may be' :rhall be borne on tlteArunachal cÂd¡e :.. Goa Mizo¡am Uniot Territory cedre, aûd necessary modiii::tions in corresponding t.-, . aLlocÂIions iules mey be made accoriingly, by-dre centL¡l Ccv¿rnlnenl provìsionr 89, (/) Every person who inmediately beiore iire ÂpPoinied dây is serving on rel¿rjng ro substeniive basis in connection with the affaìrs of the exlsling. State of Jammu and $ashntir oL¡e! selvic¿s shílll, or ¿fld irorn ihât dey provisrotìally continLìe n seíve i: coxnection with the aflairs Qi geùerâl ' the !-nion ier.ilory oljammu and Kashrtir and Ulìion le'¡liory oi Ladâkh' by o¡ specìal order of lhe Lìelllenânt Covernor of Union territory ci Jammtl and Kashmir:

P|ovidecl that eve¡y ditectlon Llnder this sub-sec¡ion lss¡ed airer the expiry of a period of one year ffoL'l the appointed day sh¿ll be issued wilh ihe consLlltalion of the Gover¡ment or AôJ¡inistarlion of tile successor {-Ìnion Territories, as iile tsse flÍìy be and (:) As sooll as may be afier tbe appoinrecl clay, ¡he Lieulena¡i Governot ofJammrr Kashrrilshall,bygenerlrlorspeciaìorder,clele¡n]inell'les¡c'esso¡Uiììonter¡itorytol\'hich eveD' person ¡efer¡ed to id sub-seclion U) sh¿ll be iira:ly aLlotled for se¡vice' after q'itll considèrarion of option received by seeking opljon fronr i're ¿mployees' and thç da!e efiectf¡orowhichsrtchellormentshalLtekeeiieclorbeceerr3dtohavetakeneifçcti tha¡ even after the allocaiio0 lìas bser Llgutenant Govelnor of Provided 'raie, Union teffi(ory of Jarnmu and Keshmlr may in oide¡ lo meet any deficiency in the ter:ilc')'to ¡he otb€rUnion territory' se 'ice, depLl¡e officers from one successorUnion (2) (J) E ery person wlìo Is fiûally allotted unCer lhe prc'¡isio:1s of sub-seclion to a succeslor l-,'nion territory shall, if he is not âlready serving I'herein' be made Âvailable for tlpon úe ... serving ìn lhe srlccessoÌ Union erritory frorn such date as mêy b9 agreed between ta, Governmen! of rhe sLrccessor Union territory of Jâmmu and Kasl,mi¡ and AdrninÌsuâtion of .l'i Union rerritory of Ladakh, or, in defaLrlt of sLìch agreenleiri, as may be determined by the Centra.i Covernmenti Provided lha{ the Ceotfal Governmenl shall !ave ihe power to review any of its or¿eis issued uncer this sectìon the olher 90. (/) Norhing in this section or !n sectìon 8'9 ihalL oe cieer¡erl to affect, on or afler i"";ii"* apnointed Cal, rhe operation oi rire provisio¡s oi Chapler : o: Pêrl XIV of the Constirulion 'reietLng ro ,n ìelarion rq determinatjon oi the conditions of service ci persons serving in conneclion affairs of the Ulion or any union territory: 'servìces wirh the , Provided tbat the conditions ol servrce aPplicable in¡¡ed?ately before the appointed day in the case of any person deemed to have been allocâ:ed ic lhe Union terlitory ofJammLt end Kashmir or Union ter¡itory of Ladakh under seclicn 39 shali not be varied to his disadva!':rage exceÞ! with lhe previoLrs Âpprov¿l of ihe Lle!ienÂrl Governor' (2) All services prior lo llle appointed day rendere{ì bl"'a pe!'son,-

(a) if he is deemed to have been allocaled lo any lhion lerrìtory under se4tion 89, , shallbe deemed rc have bee¡ rcncered in connecrio¡ wì:h ire afíairs ofthât Union teÍltol]; ffu

2s SEc. ll TriE GAZEÏ|L OF INÐIA EXTRAOÌì]INARY __------_----_::+-_-_=:-¡::=-_-::::

(D) ii he is deemed to hâve been alloclted tc lhe Jllion in conneclion wilh the adminisrarioû of lhe successor Union territory, shâil be deemed to have been rendered inconnectionwiththeaffai$oltheUnion,fo¡theP!Ì!pcsesofthertìles¡egulatinghis conditions of se.rice. ' (J) The p¡ovis ions of s€ction 89 shell not epply in relelio it tc nembers of any All-lndia . Servìce. 91, Ever), person who, immedi¿reiy before lhe app¿in!e¿ da),ois hoìding or discharging Provisions as to ùeduriesofanyposLorofficeinconnectionlviththeaff¿i¡soítheexistingStaleofJammtl - and Kashnir inany area which on úat dey faLis wi:irin oce çi lbe sLìccessor Union terrilory :::il:Ï; shalì conrinue to hold the same post or office in that s!¡ccessc. Union territory, and shall be .0.. po*. deemed; on ¿nd from (hei Cây, to have been iuly aPPolriea lo :he post or oFfice by lhe Governn:reni of, o. other aDÞlopriate Âuthorily in. t¡at sLrcces-ror Union ter! itory i

Proyicled thaÌ nothing in this section sh eil be deemed lo trevenl a compelent ar¡tho¡ity, i:. : on and i¡om the appointed day, from passing in relalion lc sli¿il pe¡son any order affecting \j' úe contiru¿nce in such post or office.

92. On end frot¡ rhe âppointed day, the empÌoyees of Si¿i¿ Public Sector Undertakings, Provìsion lor corpor¡t:ons Jn,l other:uronomoLrs bodies shlll continL¡e:J - rnction in such ttnden¡king,\.d corporaiion or aulooo|rìoLrs bodies for a period oí one yea: anC during ihis period ,h" ;:Ìl::,Ì;:j:l corporare body concerned shall determine the r¡odâliries icr iistrìbuting lhe personnel erc. between the s!ccessot Union Tel.ritories. ' 93, (,,)ThePLrl¡licServiceConrmjssion tbrrheexìs!iIlg Sialeof Jammu a¡id Ifushmi¡ Pro"isio¡s âs ro Plblìc on ând from the appointecl clay, be Lhe Public Se:r'ice Co'¡¡¡ission for the Union slare ' ;,;i;t"iiamm,¡andKæhmi..shall, ::i::,, ", (2) The Union Public Se¡vice Commiss¡on, with lhe apt.oval of the President, shâll serve lhe needs of the Union territoÐ ofLadakh. . (J) The peßons holding oífice immediâtely befo¡e tire aliJointed day as the Chai¡man or ot¡er rnembe¡ of t¡e Pùblic Service Commission for ihe :xisllng State of Janlmu and Kashtnù shall, âs from.the appointed day, be the Chailman or, ¡s the case may Lre, the other member oF ¡he Pùblic Service Comrnission for:he Union teíiitoiy ofJammu and Kashmir.

(4) Every pe¡son who becomes the Chairman or othef rrember of the Public Service Cornmission Íbr the Unicn lerlitory oiJammu and l(ashmi: o¡ rhe appointed day under sub- ' secrion (J) shall be entided to receive from the Governr¡eni cf :he Union terntory of Jammu . and Kashmir, conditions of se¡vice not less favoiìrable t¡âj1 ilose to which he was entitled Llnder the provisions appllcablê to hirr. ::,:. , (i) The report .l:ì..- . of the Jammu and K¿shmir Publ ic Sefvice Co nrmiss ion as ro the work done by the Com'Ìission in respecr ol ary period prior to rhe ¿ppcinied day shall be presenred ro theLieLllefl¡nt CovernoroítheState oÍJammLl¿:rd Kashnrir. ênd:heLieutenant Governor , of the Unìon rer' rkfy of ia¡¡mLr anC l(ashmi| shâlj, on receil¡ ol s¡.tch rçport, cause â copJ/ thereof together \Ã,ith a memoranCLrm explaining as far as pcssr'ole, as respec¡s the cases, if eny, whe¡e the advice oi ihe Commissiou u,as noi accepiei, lhe reasons for such non- acceptance ro be I¿id beiore the Legislalllreoj the Lnion re¡¡i¡c:v oí JamrnLr ¡nci Kashmir.

Lec¡L ¡xo MccelL¡r.rEous Pno\,'Js¡or_s 94. On ând lronì ùe appointed day, in section l5 oî,:h. Stâies Reorganisation Acr, AmendìÌìe¡r . 1956, in claLrse (a), for the wQrds "Jammu ¿¡d Kash¡¡ir" the wc¡ds "Unlon territory ofJammu olsecrion 15 ' oi Acl 3? ol and Kash¡nir and Union tetritorv oi l.adakh" shal{ be subsrì¡uted. t95ó jaws 95. (/) Ali Cenr¡al in Table - I of rhe Fìith Schedl:le !o rhìs Act, on a¡rd f¡om the Territoriai appoìnted dâ),, shali âpply ìn the mânner as proviied ihe.eii to rhÇ Union rerl-irory of Jam¡¡u and Kashmirand Union territorJ, ofLarjakh. l11


(2)All oùer laws in Fifth Schedule, appljcable to exis:jng State ofJâmmu and Kashmir ' im,nediately beforc the appointed day, shail âpply in tJre:ranner as provided úerein, to rhe Union terrjtory of JammLr and l(ashmi¡ and Unìon terrirory cíLadakh.

Posc¡ !o Þ6. For the purpose of facilltatiog the appiìcâtio. l. ¡elâ!ìon !o rhe sucçessor Union 'adapr laws. Terriloiies, ol any law ¡¡ade before the appointed dalr', as detailed in Fifth Schedüle, the Cen'.r¿l Government may, b€fo¡e the expirationofone yee¡ irgm tlta!day, by orde6 makesuch adaptations and modifications of the law, wherher by w¿y oirep€alor amendme¡!, as rnay be necessary or expedient, and lhereupon every such law jball have effect subject to the . adapta(ions and modifications so made Llnril ahered, repealed or amended by a conrpetent Legislature or ot¡er competent authority.

'Porùer to 97, Noiwithsrandijrg that no provjsion or insLtfficienl ,rovision has been made Luder consrr!e lâs's section 96 fbl tbe adaprarjon of a lau, made before the apco:nred cÌay, any cotÌn, tribunai or I aulhoriry. I ecûired or emporvered ro enfolce sLrch J¿w ma.v, irr ti:e prìrpose of facilitatjng its I appjic¿tion rn relalion ro the Union territory ofjarnmu a¡c Kash¡ni¡ or Union teffitory of ",,r Ladak¡, conslÍue the law in sLrch rranne¡ rvirhqur ¿fiecting the substance, as nray be necessery or proper in regard to rhe matter belore the coLt¡t, .¡jbunal or aurhority. Pou,er ro 98. 'lhe Lieutenant Governor, as ¡espects tlìe concerned terIitory may, by notificatjon l",iå,,,,._ in rhe.Olficial Gszerte. specify rhearìrlroriry, officerorpersor who, on orafierihe appqinted ¡".- clay, shallbecornpetent to€xercÌsesl¡ch functjons exerclsâbieunde¡ânylaw in forceonthat ",".. eierci,ing' 4ay es nì¡) be inentioned in that notification ând sLlch ia., sirall have effecr accordingly. slalLrl0ry

Lefår . 99. Where, immediately bei.ore the appoìnteci d¿], llc exìsiing State of Jâmmu aûd P¡oceedrngs' Kashmi¡ is ¿ par ty ¡o an¡r legal proceedings wi¿h ¡espect ro ¿ry property, ¡ights or Iiabilities subjec! to appo.rìoomenf among dte successor Unjon Teri¡.rìes under tllis Act, the Union , ter¡i¡oty of Jammu and Kashmj¡ o¡ the Unìon ¡errito¡y ol Ladakh which srìcceeds to, or acqui¡es a sha¡e in, tha! p¡opefty or those ¡ights or liebiij¡jes '- by vi¡tue of any p¡ovision of rhis Acr shar be deemed to be sLrbstituted for rhe existing sinié of Jammlì and Kashmir or as a to those proceedings, and the proceedings . Ladded llar¡y ..ay conrinue acco¡dingly. ,oeac:i 10ú. { /) Every proceeding pending Il:lìj:, "t immectiarety rhe appoinred clay before a co.¡r 1oL\er rhan High CcrrÐ, rrib'na l, authoriry o' 3:J$å , offìcei in ary area which on thár day falls wlrhrn ", the Stlte oiJammu ¿nci Kashr¡i¡ shall, if it is a crcceecing relarjng exclusively to the ierfitoiy, lvhicÌl as from rhat day are the territories of a¡ly Unic:r territory, stancj r¡ansfeÍed to the corresponCing coun, tribullai, aLÌthority or ofiicer of thar !nìcn rerriror¡,. (2) Ii any oLrestion ar.ises as io whether any proceecl:ng should srand transferred under sLrb-sectio:r (/), ,' itshar be¡eferied ro rhecornmonliìgh ioLLirofJammr ¿Jìd Kashmir ,:, and the decìsion ol lhar FÌieh Cou( shali be fi¡rl (.?) ln ritis section_

(d) proceeding inclldes any suit, cirse or appeai: ::rd (r) coffesponding co!ìl't, ribünat ar]ihoriry o¡ ciíì.er in any of ljnion territory means_

I Q the cour!, tnbunal. ¡Uthority or officer :: which, or before whom, the proceeding would .oeen have I¡id if ir haci i¡¡:lt.-t:!d ailer the appointed day; or (l¡) i¡ì case of doubt, such coL!rt. tribL):laj, authority, or offrcer in thar Lnìon rerrirory, as may be determjned ai¡er:he appointed cjay by the Government or administralion of that Urio. terri!ory, o. the- Central Cove¡nment. as the case ma) be. or.b€for.e :he ¡ppointed day by the . Covernnìentôf úe existing Srare of Jemnru rni Ka"imi¡ to be the corr"rponAing curt, rribunat, aurhoriry or officer : ,o llT

Sec, ll

j-_-----:_ 2'1 _:::__ _ 101. Any person who, irnrnediatel) before dle appojn.ed day, is effolled as a pleade¡ Righr enrirted to practise in:ï.Ìlr_b::dlna¡: co;; of ;;-;;1i;;"i,"re of .;ar¡mLÌ and preadeß ro shall, ¡o¡ r period of one year Kashmi¡ frorìì lh¡t d¡y. conrinr. :o-ìJ jn pracrise in couns, norwirhsranding td pracrjse ¡hose d.Ìa! the whore or any pm oio. ,..,.ãri","nrirled cena,n casej. Lhose couris *t,;t;,í;lui1}å#:; has been iransferred . -y;aiËüJio;,;;;;ì;;ii.r. 102. The prgvisions ofthis Act shall have eífecr io¡wittsia:.rd jng therewith jn any,illng ln"onrir,"n, contained any other faw. ei¡.", or proYôlons oÍ i::.i:1,,"", wirh o¡hcr 101. (/) tf any Cifficutry ¡rises in giring presidenr e.ffecr :o r.:e þ-¡o!isjons o¡ rl¡ii ecr, ¡¡3y. by orde: do anyrtring n"i th" l:.,," ,i""^.i,""ìi,,i i..."; pro"trion, which . ro him ro be necessary o¡ expeãi""ri*,¡" appears .,reñovc p;rpï," äi."ïoii, dirncurrjes. pro\ 0,rr"",,r, ided thar no s;uch ,, ordershall be m¿de after the,expL¡' "" q.,., rhe appoiored day. efa perìod offive yearJ from (2) Every orde¡ m¡cie trnder rhis secrion shtll Oe iaid ¡eic¡e iach House ofp¿rliamcnt. tì (


' The First Schcdule

(S¿¿ Section 9)

Union territory ofJammu and Käshmir Membe¡s of Couniil olStai!

S.No. Name of the sitting Member

. 1. Fayaz lfjr Mohâmmad I1/02D0r5 þ ta/a?12021 Lawaysh¡iNazirAhmed ,-..,,2 \ 6/02120 | 5 tol 5 /021202) (',1'3, Manhas Sh¡i Shamsher Singh I l0u20l5 to 10l1?n021 4. ChLrl¡rn Nabi.r.z¡Ll . I6/02n0t5 to IsnAZCzt

'l'heSecond Schedule

[Se¿ Section 11(1)] Amendments I tc rhe Delimitarion ofparliamenrary Ccrs tjlue¡.rcies Order, 1976 . Un¡on territory ofJammu and Kashmir

parli¡mentary Constituencies

th. c"ïl,jy:_":I L::\::...-. - -.. _ì_*" :r E*î:!:i99::_rÏy:t:t . B¿¡ar¡ull¿ I. BaramLrllaDrstt ict !,t c-:-^^^.- or¡¡'da¿r Srinâgat DÌstIicr 3. Anenrnao An¿ntnag DlstÍict 4. Udhampur Udhamplrr, Doda and KathLìa Disrjcts 5. Jammrr Jammu, Rajouri an? Poonch Dist¡icrs

Union territory of Ladâkh

Parliâmcntåry Constituenc]

S.No. Na." ofth" Constit,r.,rcy

I Ladakh Ladakh Disrricr

Noie (i) Any ¡eierence;n úis Scheduie lc adìst¡ictshallbeuken - ro ¡ree¡ iil e erea comprised wi¡hin rhat dis trjct on t¡e lst day ofAugusr, 1975.

(iÐ As per deiails included i¡ Delimitatjon of Parliamenrary a¡d Assembiy constiruencres orde¡ 1976 under Arrcles 8 1 & 82 of the constitLrlion of India as applied to the sla:e of Jamm u and Kashmir uy trr"co"siit,,t,on (Application ro J&K) Order I 954 (C.O. 48). l\b


'Ihe Third Scicdu¡c

Amendmenrs ro rhe Derimì:::j;:ï:ff1'."n,i!ruencies order. r ee5 . IID¡on terri¿or7 of Jammu and !fushmir Á.ssembly ConsIitucncies

s. Name of theA.ssenlbly ai{ten¿ Nc Constituency

I(,?WARA DISTRICT L Karnah AllpÇs oflèhsil Kar¡ah;pC Kerar oiTehsiìKupwara. p_Cs 2. Kuprvara I g-Sulakot, 2o-Radabug,22_ts ul]1llarna , 23-DnrgmLrlla, 25-Gush i,26-Ba¡etgam, 27-Dadikoor, 30-Gu1gam, 3 i-!{ar¿i, 32ljr) en, ::_fr.¡S"r, 3a-Aì,;ìär;, ;-räiilrr, , j6_Guzeryat. :s-p"nzg"m, ä9_lø""1r"ì,-oö-l¡"ilä.", 41 -Dardihairi_Kharagu-37-Cundizona-Resrj, , nd, 42_Ku;rwa¡a and pC. SS-Vonrgu,n ini"lr H;;;;^ i. Loiab pC_s l-Iiarduring, 2-Chontiwêri,,3_ÌvfÂchjl.4-Kala¡och, 5-Kh L¡mrayaj, 7-wawoora, 6-Kanrhpora, 8-MaÌdanpora, 9_Kh¡¡¡ama, t0-warnow, i i_¡{rj;;- i;:sää, li:?arapora, t4-Latporâ, ¡5,Chan¿ig¿m, l6_Tekipora,,Z_n"*.r-f"ã"r"U,,g, I9-Manigah, 29,Haihanra, +s_Darda"po:iir ¿. Kup*ura Tånsit. I{and,!¿'¡ afqlt:B-Tr¿r¡ron..:¡m. jGl-ilar¡. i!a"U|.:ylld: * 3I .Dur jporr j2_ODz¡*aor, ir\ lasi::1, .ió_Jagarpora. ;i l::i:t::1. iiÌiripo.¿_, 3e,Behripora, oo_hajporr, À\¡rd¡,ii.Í:"":,-01",o1_ru"dder.43_Turk:p:¡,j4_Ch¡njimulla.45_WáOtoora,¿O-ijnlti ç/_D¡¡¡Kool,,tu,5¡ariô.-ì .íg,warjpo¡a Gonipora, 50.Nuianoosa, 5l -l(andikhis, 52-Hrndwrrc; 53-')ia.-ra, 54_punc¡atoor in^iJsii i."¿ïrr., .ï¿ 2 I -Kegam, 28-Nogrimalpora, 24-NajatÐo¡a iìl Tehsil KLrpwara. 5. Langare pcs l_ Lang¡re, 2_Unüsu, J_poh!ûperh_ 4_cl,.rra, 5- Martgam, 9-\ougrm, 6_Hanga, 7-Shanoo, iO-Mawar, lt Qalami:ai<..r. i2_ÀcjLrra, t3_tìa¡jt. t.-;;;;;:;;;; À-agri. l5-Udipor¡, -_l lf)- Krat¡gLìnd, kipom, lg_I( ;.¡lo O..ioorr.l ò"_fi"t",..,.- :0_pandiipore. 2 l_super_Naga:n ::-Às1rporx, ji_Sråìp*_-,2" "r_ "

in Þhsil Handwara

B¡.RÄiIft,]LL4. DISTRICT 6. un '; o","*o lï:;::::l:;:,'.adiha,,,3.shì!,cc l5-Biner ' âncl ' Kahdoora in TehsrlBa¡anìtllla; p-Cs Kalan, g-warergar. .. .5_Nowpora )-Ficjarpora, lO-Handipor¡, l l-yarbus. ì 2_Riban_Ramh¡,'â, j_t r do'", i;_ñ;",=, ts_ch:¿å.q täùlî;ä ir_r#ìjil Crrrdabat, ì g_ Sailkoot, t9-Balhama-Tiakanæ.i ZO C]r".ori,_ãì.;;;;#;:: 22-Rawacha,23_¡.f¿rdLrchanam, 24-B¿kshrpora_batupo,", ZS-Zlùui,ã6-;;d;ä, . 37,Chirlore, 3g- Achabai in Tehsil Sc;or¿ 8. . Sopore p '":t,flC. warapcn-. j_ Är¿mpora. 4- Danserpora, ,1_r"ll:l"j: -2- 6- waratab. ----- ll?

30 '_ THE GAZETTE OF INDI,{EXTRÀORDINARY _ _r_-_-*-____-___ [pAmII_ 'l - 2 3

9. Gru ez AII PCs in TehsilCLrez. - t0. Bandipora pC All PCs rn Tehsil Bândipoia: all. 1- Ajas ofTehsil Sonawari. I i. SonawaJi AllPCs in Tehsil Sonarva¡Ì exclrÌCing pC I_Ajas. 12. Sangrama " PCs l6-Kreeri, t?-wizar, .g-ArÌthora, lg,Shalakawara, 2o-Nowpora-Jagjr 2l-Wagoora, 22-Kachurnlraam, 24- Manigam, 25_Kalanrara_Ba lla, 26 - Dandmoh, 27- Sùltanpora-Kandi rnTehsilBôra.nulla; and ?-Tatzoo, 26-Hygam, 27_Seer-Jagir, 28-B ulagam, 29-Sa ngrama, i0-Krank-Shjvan, 3l -WagLrb . in Tehsil Sopore. li. Barahulla PCs,l- Laridora, 2, H3elvan, l0 lr{alapora, 4-Kich-Hama, 50_Ushkarâ, 6_Khanpora with NAC, 7-l(haja-B Âgh, B-T¿k:-SLrltan, 9_Kha iranga n, ¡ o-Detina, I4-Kans jpora, 23- Chandoosa in Tehsìl BareruÌì¡.

14. Gulmarg \ti A¡l PCs in Teshit cuimarg; êi.t 2-W¿iloo Kralpora, 8_S¡iwa¡pora, g_Chokar, l0- Wâripora-Bangil, l2- M¿rlrnc¡, 13- Nowl¿¡i, t 6-yal in Tehsil pait¿n. I5. Pattan Tehsil Pattal exclùdi¡g 2-We ijoc,(relpora, g-sriwuapora, 9-Chokar, l0-Waripora Brngil, 1,2-\falnoh. I j-Nowlaj::: : l6.yal. SRII\-ÂGAR DISTRICT

r6. Kangan AIIPCs ofTehsil Kangan; and ¡Cs -M¿nigañ,2-Wailoo, 3_Nuna¡ in Tehsil Ganderwat. t1. Ga¡de¡bal 'lehsiIGe¡derl¡¿lexciLrding i-MalrÌSarn, 2-Wailoo, 3,NLtn¿l and pC. Haran ín Srinagar Tehsil.

Hozratbai f/ard I 6 in Srinagar Munjcipalìry i¿xchding Municipal areas not falling ìn Srinagar Tehsii bur ialling in Gande¡bai pC Teþsil) and 9_Bachpora in Tehsil Çiqde¡bal an¿ Wa¡ds 17 and 12 excepr the ioliowing Mohallas of Wa¡d 12 ; À4ugal MohalìÂ, Surateng, Khawjapora, I(ocha \iCan, Zindashah and boat populaiol of rhese wards.

Zadi6eI lva¡ds l4 anC I-5 in Srlnagar.ì4,r oicoalìiy and boar population ofAnchâr ând of rhe ghats of ihese warCs.

Idgah \\/ards 8 and lt in SrÍnagar Mr:eìcrpaliry pC. and 3g-palpora end 4i_Sangâm in Srinaga¡Tehsil.

ÌQra ¡¡,e¡ w-ards t0-13 of Sri¡agar Munìci:ality and the following nohallas of Ward :2,Mugal Moh¿lla, Sirareng, K¡alrjapora, Zin<ìshah and Kocha Nidan ancl boar populalion of these u,ards. 'zz. llabbakadal Wards 7 and 9 in Srinagar M,,uìicipaÌity Ând boat poprìlation of wards 6, 7 and 9. 23. Anr i-.akad al Wards 3 ana 4 in Srinaga-.MunicÌr¡l::y exclLrding (i) Narinora]rural), (ii) RawalporÀ (rural), (iìì) Hyderpola (rLrrai) ;

and ercluding A¡emwari, ,l.ehsil Gun¿ Ciandal, Stirgoo, Sì.rtho Kirrher Bagh in Chadoora and l#ardoor, Galwa¡por¿ L¿lco rûd Sbesgam Bagh ;" f"f,iil S^,;., anC popularron bof,r of rhese w::is :¡d of Ward 5. Sonawar Wards I ând I in SriilÂg¿¡ Mrlntciraiity and Badamibagh CantonmeDt and pC, 2 i -Chirrahama, l9Сa, zq-K¡Lrnn¡, gd-Bath"ro, 3l_ze;u;;i;;tË;ö,",,r,, bo3t popu:rticn ol gh¡ts :n ¡hes: r,, _rcls. 25 Batamaloo wa¡ ds 5 and 6 in Sri¡ae¿rMunicireli¡,,, pcs i anC 6_À,Iujgu nd, 42_B¿chrpora Tengpora in Srinagar TehsiÌ ll8

SEc. fl , ..-E CAZEfiEOFI\Ð:AEXTR.iORÐt\A-Ry -- r 1' 2

BLDGAMDISTRIgT 26, Chadoo¡¿ The fcllowing patwar Circles oiTersil Chadoo¡a, l6-Chadoora, 24-Chatrcrgam 25-Wagora,26-Wathù¡a. 27-Kha¡da, :B_Bugam fur,ryora, Ze-X.ufpoìa ¡O-¡I"y*po" 3t-PohÌoo, 32-Rakh shatir¡a, 33_Ð_ga:ikenipora, ¡q_N""gi;, jl-Krì,h"r.. 36-Daulaçora, 38-Natipora rr.rrai a¡ea ourside S¡inagar M_iiç"j i^io ¡i'irri 4-and 39-Lasjan andA.amwarj, . CLìrd, Cha¡daj Srengoo, Sutfro"li Jifr.r*Uogl o",j 40-KLrrsLr Paishahibagh. 21 Badgam PCs I-SoibLrgh, 2-DhrmÂna. 3"lV¡¡a¡ro¡¿, 4_Afth, 5-Wadlvan, 6-8emina, 7-pallar, 8-Ga¡¡rend Kalan,9-Sholìora. iC_N¡isar,uJlah_pora, f l_¡¡".", ü_W",.,.lvonl, 30-ornpo_r¡ iI,Narkara,¡z_sumrrar¡a,lì-ii"*ö.øu. ro-uuno_òälttu,il lll:i.:r?:tl1r:l j /_lchakoot, jg_lclìg¿ì.n, 33_Rawalpora (nùal), 34_Hyderyora (rlrral) in Badgum lehsil. Bee¡wajr PCs..l,SÙzeth-Goo¡ipo ra, 2-Ka,rocsa :

30 Ctua¡-i,Sherief P.' I -GogJ iP.¡thari, 2-B:injan, 3-Hi:ioc 3t:¡pora. 4_B ranawa¡, 5-SurasvaJ. 6_Dada- umpar¡. 7-Haniur¡. 8-Nowoora. Ç-p:kha:pora, l O l¡"r¿ì ô"¡""iiì*iirr^ Il-leelsa¡ah, Il-Chr¡r-i-Sha¡ief. t3-\r'-:kaloo. l4-Daraw¿n ì\owgam,¡n, I ?-NaBam, I 8-Badjpora, I 9-yalikaja¡ jrora Namtihal', 2l-Kani¡ 22-Ranger' 23-Sogam, 37-Nowhâ, in r"¡rit cl.,u¿ooilRo PUI-WA.I\4A DISTRICT ' 3l T¡al All PCs rn Tehsil f¡¿il. . t.'32 Pampore i.:"f- All PCs in Tehsit pam,rore and parwll \:: l :_j:t:s 26-AwanÌipora, 2l_parLgampora, 29-Lilh¡r, 4GNjbrm¡. 47-K¡k¡pora in Te: jil pulwaft Ã. 33. PLrlwamå PCs llnder, 2-Gangoo, 5_pulwam¿ wit¡..NAC, 9-Rrtnjpora, lO-pahoo, I l-Trich, l2-Koil, l3 pinglina, t4_Nerwa. :i. zo.oog,rpo,o, iì inì,îi^;:;;:;;._ ìi j::i:liï: ;:.ij/"ï.lrl,ijlli:lï, 28-Lajoora, 40-pal¡pora, çj_Newa., :¿-"3g:rPa¡iganì, -sg-H¡krilor¡inTehsilpL:lwam: a9-Tumchi NoJporu, v. Rajpora PCs 3-K¿r'jm¿b¿d, 4_Moran,.6_I(¿¡e S-Gosoo. l5'Bonaralì. l6.r¡ichar, 3o.Ramoo. ;i-r;;;ü;;,;;i -t-lvthibLr8h 1,r+¡1",,".,:1.ì.,ì";, :,"_ffi ;:Hï_ i;"ï:?:ä;li;i )naa rpor¿. 42-Ac:.r¡n, 43-Chandigam. r_äi;ii #:"å'# 4c_-?¿jpsra in Tehsil pulwama. i-5. Wâchi v.rlitgund. 9-Nadiga:l, -D¡nge¡pora, ff¡.8-KatroorJ-Lr3porr. l t2_Tu¡ka wans¡m I 4-Ha¡dLr-H¡ndow, l5-,J.-¡:;. ,r,]"í*6-ch¡k'chow¿¡d' -,^i..lj'l^i _".i"ts",^' :s-oangam.:c-chJon:ii;;;-; .l I 7-Kairan ;;t-l"ic 25-chjtragam" 27'Hef, 28-srìgan, 29-Awner¡, --l(.nii-ullar' zcpøtartì¡ 30- acr:: Ii cgìar' 32-zinapor; ano:e-alrowiorJ sheikhpora in TehsilShooirn tt61

32 "lHE GAZETTEOFINDIAEXTRACRDINARY tpaRr It-. ---_-_------:=:-

36. Shopìan PCs l-Saidapora, 2-Meemacdar, 3-A¡hama, 4-Pinjoo¡a, 5-Canowpora Arish, GBemnipora, T-Iìarapora, I0-T¡e¡2. 18-Vehilchal-Awatoo, 22-Selew, 23-Ram Nagri, 33-DiyâJoo,34-Ba¡rhipora,35-Dâf¿mdoora,36-Zoora-Baderhama,37-Na¡apora, 38-Keega¡ÌÌ, 40-Kelier Maslpcra, 41-Pahlipora, 42-S¡ndhu-Shrimal, 43-Shopian, 44-Devipora (forest block) in Tchsjl Shopian. ANANTNAG DISTRICT

31 Noorabad. PCs 5-Malwan, 6, P¡hloo, 7-Akì¿1,23- Gudder,34-Brinal Lâmbe¡, 46-Dâmhâl- Hanjipora, 47- Aimad¡-Abad. 48- Yaroo,49 . Hardu-Mandagori, 5l . Manzgam, 52-Asnoor, i3-Wanoo, 54-Avil, 55-K:ruri-llatapom, 56-Nagam, 57-Dal]ow-Kandimarg, 58-Bdi.Jehalan, 59-Chimar. 6C-Qas.ia KiLrt, 6j-Nandimarg jn Tehsit,Kutgam.

Kulgarn PCs l-l(r"rlgam wirh NAC, 2-llar¿d-Chawalgam, 3-Amnoo, 4-Charnabagund, \i! ,. 1I-Ashmuji, l9-Mirhama, 20-A^ke¡,'., 2 i-P ativr^n,22-Chehla,24-Areh, 25-B ihib¿gh, 26-Gopalpora, 38-BLrgam, 39-Ta¡ig¿m-Devsar,43-yamroch,44-Mùnand-Guffan, 4 5-Katersoo, 50-LargLrrhâ ma ìn T¿hs ii Kulgam,

Home-Shalibugh PCs 8-Uranhal, g-Tuli-Nowpora, i0-KLùat l2-Reclwan¡, l3-l,r.wani, I4-Frisal, l5-Jablipora, l6-Wãnpora, t7,¡jÂss4npora Tâvela, I 8-Khandi-phari, 4o-Tarigam_ Devibugh, 4l -Matibugh, 42-Honshalibugh in Tehsit Kulgam.

Anantnag PCs l-Qasba Bhagat, 2-Khanabal, 3-Roohqo, 4-Kamar, s-Anchidoo¡a, 6-Hardu- Chjchan, l0-Ranbi¡po¡a in TebsiÌ A.enrnag.

Devsa¡ PCs 27-Devsar, 28-Bona Devs¿r, 29-Kijam-Buzgam, 3O.Hâblishj, 3 I -N irþt432_L¿trañ- Ganipor¿, 33-Chowgam, 35-Râzloc. 36-lVaitengu, 37-Sopat Tengpora, 62-Oral in TehsìlKLrlgen't ;and

PCs i 8-v'esoo, t 9-Nâsoo-Bada¡gLnd, 2o-panzerh, Z 1-l(Lrrigarn, 23- QazigLìnd wjrh NAC r¡l DorLr Tehsji.

Dor-Lr PCs 1- Doru, 2-Bcagam, 3-Oibanicorh, 4-Mantpora, 5-Larkipora, 6_Hakir¡a. - Badasgam, 7-Bargrìnd, S,Verina8, 9-S¿diwara, lO-Mu ndah, I l -Hiller, I 2_Now,ga rrr Shahabad, l3-Rain-Chowgund, i4-ThÂrn¿nkoot, ls-eamar, l6-HalsÍdar, l7-Ka¡rron, 22- Wangund in'lèhsil Doru. çJ. ¡roKernag PCs 28-Saagam,29-Bider4iayaÞorê, 30-Bhai, 3l-Akingam, 3z-Nagam, 33-Soof-Shati, 34-PÂnzga.îr, 35-Bindo,ãrlangam, 3ú¡evdgam, 37-Nalla-SLr¡d_Brari, 3g_l¡ha¡_Sa¡zj, 39-Ab lan-C¿dol. 40J

Kishtwar' PCs I -Marghi, 2-lnshan, 3,yerlrdir, r+-Rer¡ i, 5 -Nowprch i, 6-Clìanjer, ?-e¿der¿na, 8-Deharana,9-Lopua, iO-I-oha¡nâ, ii-soundhar, l9_palma¡, 30-Trigám, 3liishrwa¡, 32-Matta, 33-Poochal, 34-Dooi, 35-Blagnah, 36"calarbahta, 37_ltholi, 38-Sohat, 39-lshtia¡i, 40-Culabgarh, -Mass.r, .,j2-Kìshtw¿r 4I NAC, 4!Foresr Block in ]èhsii Kishrwar.

Inderwal PCs Ì2-Chingam, 13-inderwat. l4-Cirârroo. l5_Sigdi, l6-Moolch¡irer, t7-Drubeet, I 8-Kochal, 2UFiller; 2 t -pâkhalan, 22-I(eshwan, 23_Shandri, 24_Sang n¿,ZS-pa¡nazt, tvo


26-Jawalapur, 27-LorÌndri, 28-Ba:hal and 29-Karool in Tehsil Kishtwar ; pCs l-Jakyas in Tehsil Bhalesa (Garr:oi) and foLlowing PCs ofTehsilThalh¡j :--

I-Jangalrvar, 3-!Ialanoo, 4-K¿ nsir, I 0-Kândore.

49. Doda AIJ PCs oi lèbsiì Dode exceci E Dessa,9-Dh¿ndal, l()-Kastjgaù, l1-Shamti, i2-ChakeKundi, l3-Ass¡r, l4-Ctaiore.

' 50. Bhadervah AIi PCs ofTehs il Bi¡adenv¿h ani PCs 2-B odhli, 3-Ch rltj, 4-Drawani, 5-Kahai Jugasar, g-Kharengal, 6-8udwar, 7-Chanisar, 8-K ilotfan, I 0-Gandoh in Tehs il B halesa ; an

PCs 2-Jora,5-Bhaja, 6-8h¿l1â, 7-JÂgiti, 8-Bhallùi, 9-Rokali. I l-Pamshayee in'Iehsil Thathri. (SC) Ramban All PCs ofTehsil Ramban exceli í,sarbagni and pCs of 8-Dessa, 9-Dhandhal, 10-KastigÂrb, I l-Shamtì, l2-Chaka, i3-Assar, l4-CharroraofTehsilDoda.

Banihai ¡\ll PCs oiTehsil Banihai a¡rC i-Seøngni ir Tehsil Ranrban. UDTIAI\{PL]IT DISTRICT

úulaDSarh PCs 2-Mahote, 2-Sarh, 3-Dewal. ¿-Crlabgarh, 5-Chasote, 6,Bagankote, 7-SLergarh i, 8-Shika¡i, 9-Kanthi, lO-Tulibane, lS"Shajroo in Tehsit Gulabgarh and pC l6_Jij jn TehsilReasi.

Reasi lehsil Reas i except followìng PCs:-

l.Salal, l5-Chinkah, 16-Jij, 17-Thak¿iore and following pcs ofTehsit Udhampur;_ l3-Panjat 1a-Lali, L5-LadÂh, l7-Diâriu, t8-Jhandawa,32-Badhotaand l9-Suhal. Go¡lAÌnas Follorvìng PCs ofTehsjl Cool CLrlabs¡rh:- jl-Thunr, ì2,Bhùdhan, I4-Kanlh¡, lj-jLrdcla, 16,Ðhano!À,, l?-Kalír\4asra, lE.Gool, 1g-Tharharke,2o-Sangatdan, 2l,Fores¡ 3jock i and I -Salal, ls_Chink¿h, i ?_Thakakore in TehsilReasi, UdhampLrr All PCs oiTehsil Udhampu exceDl i¡e following pcs :_

l3-Panjar, l4l-ali, 1s-Lâdha, l7-Dhaidl:, I B-Jiandawa, l9-Suhal,2O-LLrdh4 2l.Balian, 27-Sunol, 29-Meer, 30-Kathi, 32-B adhcra.

Chenani(SC) All PCs ofTehsil Chenani and íoÌlcwr¡g pcs ofTehsil Udhampur:_ 2o-Ladha, 2t-Batian, 2?-S nai, 29_¡{eer, 30-t(arhi ¿nd following pcs ol Tehsiì lìarnnaga¡:

l0-Drìdu, I I-Lani, 3l-chordi, 33-IlaÌiÂ.ran, 34-Dandal, 35-Barmeen, 36_Na a Choran. Ramnagar AllPCs of Tehsil Ramo¿gar except ij1¿ ioliowing r_ lo-DLrdu, I 1-l2ni, 31-Ghord i, 33-¡iar.¡¡rar,3,i_Dhandal,35-Bqrrneen, 36-Nala Ghora¡. K\'ffIUA DÌSTRÍCT

Bani PCs I4-Bani, 15-B aryat, l6,Farehpuf, i7_S¡.ndroon, l8-Ro1ka, l9-BLrggah, 2Glowane, : I -Kanrhal. 2:-Surjan. z3-Dhanggar. l-_Ko¡i, 25-Fo¡est Btock in öirii¡r"o¡fi :-u00uflri. t{r-Bdnota, Il_N,lach:i:,2 _M¿lharinlehsilBillawar. ""i 60 Basohli ,; t"*.:tpur. J-L_akh:n: ::. 4-i{erti, 7_T¡jdwan, 36_Laktranpr¡r f"a:ry-ljeÍfr¡n l-ll:1": NAc, rnd 30_Sorlixn inTehs:. {:Lhlìâ and pcs t_Sasohli, t-¡_BæåiìliNnè l-Sxndhâr.3-Hurr.a-Bhoond,5-S¡:i¿:. 6_Dh¡rJankar, ?_DharMJ;;; ;-;;ì;' ::P:ijr, l0: S,¡ber, I I-p¡rri. t2-Ati..i).. .. t3_\4ahanprrr i" T"hsit Brs";i; ,;; ;¡; 2 i-Dhar Digno, 22-Hu tta.. 23-Dambjê i:r îehs il B illawar. Pl


PCs 5-Dilrvan, 6-Maha, 8-(}rarole, 9-Târaf À,Ianj iii, 10-Taraf Tajrval, I I -l(arian l2"T¿reíBajw¡1, i3-Changran, i4,Govi¡dsa¡, ls-Chak Soon Noopa, 16-Khakhyal, i7-Mirpu¡ Iìafn, l8-TarafB aÌl¿, 20-(atìrarian ,21-I angla€,z1-Loagare, 23-Jakh ber, 24-Airwan, 26,Chak Sakra, 27-tsLrd)1r, 28-Nanan, 3l-Barwal, 32-Jherhere, 33-KathLia Forcs! Block, 34-Kethua NAC . 35-?eriain and 25-Folote ifl Tehsil KathLra.

62 Bilìaw¿r PCs i I -Ka tii, I 7-B bây¡, 2 l-D¿ngr Anr b, 23,Dh¿ma t, 25-Mangloor, 26-Chela kh, 27-Salain in Tehsil Ijiranagar aird ?Cs 1-Rarnkot, 2-Makwal, 3-Salora, 4-Rajwlra, 5-Danjisdha.r, 6-Thara Kalwaì, 7-K¡LÌyaì, 3-ïranthoo, l2-Kohag, l3-Malti, Ì4-Durang, l5-Dharan Kcre, i6-8haddu, 17-Biìlaw¿,, t8-BillawarNAC, l9-Buggan, ?4-parnata, 25 -Pallan ìn Tehsil B iìlâ\i,ai a¡d PC t 9-.Ìuthana in Tehsil KarhLra.

63. Hìranagù'(SC) l-J¿trval, 2-Nonath, 3-Ghagwpj. 4-S¿raih, 5-Bhatyari Kotlan, 6-sanoor¿¡, ?-,Vfiìlva, g-Chachwai,, t0-SaÍiKe:a¡. l2-ChakDulma, l3-Joncji, l4-I_ondi, t5-Ra.¡pura, I6-Kootah, l8-Gumh ìvta¡lìien, I g-3 a,/ja,2o-KaralBr¡mana, 24-Hami,?rù; 2g_Chhan Rorian, z9-tr4arheen, 22-S¿iswar. 3C-Khenpur, 3l-Hiranagar, 32-Hiramgar NAC, 33-Pans¿t 34-Kore Pùnu, 35-Chak Deva, 36-Çhak Bhagwana, 37-Chai Kahna, 38-Chadwai, 39-Forcsr Block in Tehsil Ëirenaga¡.


, ó4.. Semba(SC) PCs Ì -NAC Samba, 2-Semba Kbês, 3-là¡oor, 4-Ar i, 5-Dudn, 6-Karli, 7-Ram Nagar, 8-Pingdore, l1-Sunian, i0-Sarna, 1Z-BhÂngarh, l3-Su¡an, 14-Go¡an, l5-Balhre¡, ,. I?-Katwalta, l8-I(harah Madena, 21-tsaghore, 2?-pLÍmar,dal,24,Mohår Garh, 25-BJdh¡ri. 26.Kard in Tehsil Sa ir; lnC pC 28-Ch¿ di in J¡rnmu Tehsil. Vija],pur 65. PCs 9-K¡anpur, 20-V¡jaypu., 23-Cur:h Salarhien, ?S-Harmander, 29_Chak.Satariâ¡, 30-Nanga,3l -Logwal, 32-Keso lvla¡hâsan, 3-3-Ramgarh, 34-Gho-Brahmana, 35 Çhak Chataka, 36-Chann Fârwal, 37,A.biaÌ, 38-,Swankha, 39,Mahal Shan. 40_Rarr ¿ I -SIn¿ ilprìr. 27-B i¡prÌll 42-Taror€. -:.3 agh.44,Gandlvâl in Tehsii SêrnbJ. 66. Nagrota PCs 39-Rar¡an, 40-Sarore, 4l -Jancirat :12-Gord¿, 44_Nagrota, 45,Dansal, 46-JhaJar Kodi,47-Thâra,48-Baml,al, 49-Kaial Beral, 5O-Shiba,5 t -Jagri, 52_Ji¡d rah, 53{anyalâ, 54{otha¡,55-K¡aÍe,56-Dhen, 57-So.gcon,58^ponthal, 59_SLr¡insar ìn Tehsil JaÁmu a¡d PCs I 6-8aio B¿jalrâ, I 9-Airhan in Tehsil Samba. Gandhinâgar '61. \\àrd-16 (câÐdhinâgâr), Ward-li (ì\aibasri), WÊrd-22 (Chhani Rama), Ward-23 (Bahu), 24-D igian4 26-8ahLr, 2?-SLrr,jr.,.an, 29-Gadigarh, 3O_satwari in TehsilJam¡¡u,

6.8. itunmu EasL Wards I ro6.9. 10. i2and t-5. . t9. Ja¡nmu Wesi Þ'ards j,4, 7, 3, I I , t 3, 18, 19, 20 and 2 ì . 10. Bishnah -All PCs in Tehsil Bishnah and 25-r*augran ìn Tehsil Jammu. (SC) 7l R, S, Pura PCs 2-Rathana, 3-KandÌihe., ¿-Khoù¡, pLìra -l-Salhal; s-Kalyana, l4-R. S. wit¡ NAC, ì5-1(hasGigian, I 6-Choballa, l9-Ki?irC, 20_KotLiShah DLrla,25_Ma¡lja, 24_Da$oprr, 35-condl in Tehsil R. S. p.rra. 'l?. Suçhetgarh PCs 6-Dabliher, 7-Magowali, 8-pa¡lah, !_Chak Baz¿, l0-r.Nekowaj, I I _Je!rch, 12_Saje Kalan, l3-Cìa k Mulo, l7-Badyal Brahnana, ì 8_Jssore, 2l _ChakAgra, ZZiatefl¡,, B ralìm-atìa, 25-Samka, 26,Baspu¡ 27-RangoLrr Malana, 2g_suchetia¡.,, Zç_C¡r,l¿" Chak, 30-Sa¡owali, 3I Crala ne, 32-ts elyâl Qazian, 33_Ab

PCs 60-Prehaladp!r, 61-Mendât, 62-Sr.rll, 65_GhoManhasan, 66_sohanjana, 67_ThLrb, 63-Sah¡an, ó9-RarhÌu. 70-Chanore, 71,\{ak!\,a1, 72_Gool, 74_Gajansoo,i5{;r,;oìo-l ?óJ(ahnach¿k, 77-Marh, 78,Cengoc ahrk. 79,Ka¡rup, ¡OlOf,r,.rV.t, í-üoìo Nagbanì in 1èhsil JammLr. l"v

SEc. ]] T¡IE GAZETTE oF INDIAEXIÌI.AORDINARY :_- 35 1 2 ' /4. RalpLuD0î¡i¡ (SC) PCs 3l-Paioura, 32-Mu,thi, panditan, --__--r 3j-Barr. 34-Siri 35_Gharota, 36_Raìpur Domana, 37J(or Bhalwat, 38-Arnb, 43-K¿ ixk, 53-ijakkaJ, 64_Khandwal,73-BhadJ, gñ""1"^ inTehsilJammu. pc-s ,t, Akhnoor f-Chowki,2_Choura, 3_Ka!ha¡, 4_Mandariar, g-Narri, I g_Gande¡w¡n, 6_AmbaÉn, 7_Barui, l0_Mrnd¡, lj_,{kr.rror l(has, l2_Sungal, f:-pangai¡i, iì_O;: r.. Ì5_Chak Ki¡palprìr; I6_Jadh, 17_M!ihj \,fûira, I g-R¡kh Dhake, lS--Sutì0,". i0_¿¡", Majoor, 2 I_Mawa Brahrnâna, 22_Leheriân in TehsilAkhnoor 16 Chhamb(sc) p-cs,g-Ma*oo, 24-Gurarr Manhasar,25-safwal,23-pargwal,26-Bhalw¿r Maru, :-_HrmirpLr¡ 2g_Brkore, lq_CiÉi \. i.rt. i0.Derian, 3 i .Sar¡i¡h, j¿-t(o¡ ¡Z-C is"r,oi ¡3_¡ti,"-.. Mer'¡. l5-prtJnw¡n. i6_iCr::-h. i7_)iaúal. ¡S- Ooo.i. ¡S_ôfit;;iñ,;;;;;, | 4O_SamLìan, 4l _Chakla in Tehsiì Akircor. - , n¡.loljTr.l Dlsrtucf Nowshera All Pcs of lehsil Nolvsi¡ara pcs , ", excepL i i -Nariarì and all of Tehsìl suoderb¿ nj. pcs.ofrehsjr TS Derrar A Budhar excep:3-4hawas, 6-Kote chalwar and forjou/ing pcr; of Tehs il Thanamandi r- _Darhal, 6.Chowdian, 7-Nadian, 8_ilhan and pC,+_ltagrora 19. ; in TehsiiRajou¡i. RajoLuì FollorvingpCs ofTehsìlRajouri :_ .-C¡mbir À:¡rglan, 2-Denr-Jlì_r - tsa:hoooi, g-Saroh 9_sôh¡n.r tô_n^^^ Brahmana, r I-i(ata ,n,l, ru n.,J ò.ro,.,'ri.;;;;";,;,i.]c"ffii:il j i.i:riil 7-Bâgla, l9.Ril,.rrpur !vith NAC Rajoc¡i lvirh following pCs r"ìì ií'' "¡ifr.á.""it B alla, 2-Sa¿j, 3-shahda¡a S¡a¡ief, 4_¡losplote, l0-,l.hanamanCl with NAC and'-Doclasan 9-Bharoe, 80. Kalakore AII pcs ofTehsil Kalakore and íoilolv;lg pcs ofTehsil Rajolr¡i :-- 2-Dalhari, 3-Dhangri, 6-potl)a G¡iara. j6_Khanpur Chingus, I g_Bh¿doon and pC I l-liarian ofTehsil Nowshe¡.a : ani

l-Khaskote Chalwal oiB udhal Te¡srl POONCH DISTRICT

8 L Surankote All pcs io Surankote pcs Tehsil and i 2_lìeir 2I-Shindra' 22-Seri-Khawja ir:.:r, Tehsil. "plri' ìnPoonch ì. 81. Mendhâr AII pcs ofTehsjl .\4endhar, 83. Poonch pCs H¿veli A ofTehsil poonch excepi l:_ R¡: rur, I I _shjndr¡, 22-Sheri l(h¡wia. Nore.-An¡ refererce in rhjs !xbler""'1, p^;;ã;1p.ffi to mean the area comprised w ithin rhat Tehs il, pnt*a, C¡r"1., NotifiJ Àäo ò'oäiu". o. vrurd as on I _4_ 1995. I ?.1


TheFourlh Schcclulc

(Seø Scctions 16, 24 ancl 54)


FOR\4 CF OA-III OI{ AF!'IRI,{.{TION TO BE T4ADE B YACAMIDAIE ELFCTION TO THE I-ECISi-ATNE ASSE\4BLY OF TTG LTMON 1ER.R]TORY OF J A:\ir,fu'OR AND I(ASIIMIR "1. 4.8., having been norninared ês a candidate to liìl a seâr in rbe Legtsla.ive Assembly of ___do the nÂme of God/ solemnly affirm thâi I r ill bear tr ùe fâith ând ÂlÌegiance to the Constirurion ol India as by law and that I will uphold rhe scvereignty and integrity of India.,, _.. rTtablislled v¡II FOII.\I OF OATII OR A*FFII{MATION TO BE I4ADE BYAIGì!ßER CF l¡€ LEGISLATMASSEIV{BLy OFT¡¡E 1IIìION TERRITORY OF JAVL\{UA\Ð KAS:IMIR "I,4.8,, having (or been elected nominatecì) a member ol the Legislê!i,.,¿ Assembly of-__--- do swea? in the ûâme of Cod/ soje.nJ]ij, alfirû thât I lvjÌl beâr true íajrh ând allegiance to rn¿ Conslirltrioo oflndia as by larv establishea, thar I will uphold the sovereignty and il']tegt ity ol'Indìa ancl that I wiÍl iajrh:L¡ity dìscharge the ciLrry Lrpon which I am aboLrt to enter. "


FORM OF O,{IH OF OF¡ICË FOR A MEMBER OF ThE COUNCIL OF \,I]\ISTERS OFTI,IE UMONTER,I{TORY OF JAMMU A\D K.\S¡I\IIR ' 1,4.8., do sweâr in the narne ofGoc/ solemnly afi:¡.n .het I will bear tr.e faith and alìegiance io the Constitution oflndia as by law established, tha! I will uphold rhe sovercìg¡iy erd integriry of india, thar I will fã'irhfullyanj cbnscientioLìsly dìscharge my duties as a Minìsler fo¡ rhe Union rerriro¡y cf ¿nd rhat I will do righrio alj m¿nner people -=:_, of ìn accor.iance with,lhe Constì!ùtion ancl rhe law wirhout iea: ?ûd fâvolrr, affection o¡ ilJ-will.', v FORM OF OAîH- OFSECRECY FORANÍBNßER OF T¡IE COL}ÌCü- OF VJ\]S1ERS OFTHE T]IIION TERRITORY OF AMN4U ¡,r\D KAS}T\4IR

Ï, A B , do swea¡ i¡ the name of Cod,i solerrrnly affirn tha: I wìll not directly o¡ indi¡ectly corìlmunicate 'r: rereâ any person or Dersons any mírtrer which shall be broug¡iuJ", ,ryì".,td*"rion or shall become known !o me Mjnisre¡ lor--- the Union.tcrriiory .De i r,rr oi , except as may recrìrecl Ícr the due dischorg" of J,,,ies;, such Mi¡ister." ,t tvl


The Fifth Schedule

(S¿s Sections 95 and 96)

T.4.BLE . 1 CENTR{L LAWS IßDE APPLICABLE To TITE L]NIoN TBRzuTÛRY oF JAù4I4U ÄND KASHMIR; AND T]MON TERRITORY OF LADAI+I S.ñ-o. . Name of the.{ct Scctio Amcndments TheAad¡e¡ (Ta¡ge¡ed ,,exce¡t Delivery of In su secltor (2) of sectìon 1, words, the State Financial and other subsi.iìes, benefits ofJamrnu e¡d Kashmir" sh¿ll be omitted. and se¡vices) Acr, 2016. i. .r I The Administrarive Tribunaj Act, 1985. Clause (b) oasrtÞsection (2) ofsecrion I shall be omìüed.

J. TheAnand M¿rriageAct, I 95L In sub-section (2) ofsection I, words,',except theStare oi'.lammLr ari Kashmi¡" shall beomitted. The Arbitrarion and concrriarion Act, prcvìso 1996. rc sub-seciìon (2) o f secrion l sh¡lr be om iuec. 5, theBenamiríansacrions(Ploh'|birion)Acr,'rrr:?jiHi:ffii?ilìi:iil i;lïlîì;"å.!ceprrhesrare The Cha¡irabie EndowméniAcr, g9O. I In sûb-sec¡jcn a2) ofsection l, words, "eÀcept theSrate . ofJ¿mmLÌ ÂÌld (ashmi¡" shall be omitted. ,7 The Chir Funds Acr. 1982 ln sub.secrion {2) oísec¡ion l, words,,'excepr rhestate , i I.rm.rìu 3.i - :Jshîir'' shall he omir¡ecl. 8 The Code of Civii P¡ccedure, 1908. CÌause (a) oisItr-sectìon (3) ofseciion j shall beomilted. 9. The Code ofCrim inal ProcedLLre, 1973. In sLìb-secrio¡r 11.)ofsection l, words, "except theslale ofJarnmu âid i:ashmir" sltall be o¡nrtted. 10, ^:^t ne Lommerc13l Cou¡1s Aci,2015. ,'except .ln sub-sectjor 12) oi section l, wo¡ds, rhe State olJaminLt ¿xc Keshmìr" shall be ornitted. The Commission fo.Protection of In sub-secuon (2) oisection 1, words, ',except thg Stare Child's RightsAcr, 2006. ofJammu ard Kâshrxir" shall be omitted. .. .12. Tbe Conrnjss ion of Inou iry Acr, 1952, Provisc to s!Õ-s¿ction (2) of sectjon I .- shall be omrfied 13. The ConsLrmer Prorectìon Acr, 1986. ln sub-ser:tìcl (2) oi section l, words, ',except the State olJê:nmu :-.i K:.:l:n:i Sh¡ll be omitted 14. the Contempt oíCouns Act, lg7l. Prcviso to siÌb-s.,ction (2) ofsec[ion I sh¿li be omirtecj. 15. TheDelmirarion Acr, 2002. Sectìon 2(ll siìâjl be omirred. 16 The Ðissoluriorì oi Muslim Nl¿ffiâge Act. ig39 ,,except In sub-sectjon (2) oasection l, words, the SÞre ofjammu ano Ktshr¡ìC' shaÌl be omilted. The D is rur bed (Spec Areas ial CoLrrts) Act, I 9?6. I n sÛb_Þecticn (21 ,,excepr of section I . wofds, the Star€ of JammrÌ and K¿shr:rir" shall be omirted, The Dowry Prohibirion Acr, Jg6 j. In ,'e,rceor sub-sectioa (2) of section I, words, rhe Srare of -'arnmU ¡r j .(- i¡ll ji sh¿ll be omi!¡ed. The Drugs rnd Magic Remedies fObjecrioorble In sgþ-sectior (2) ,,except of sectio¡ 1, wo¡ds, rhe S¡ate Advertisemenr) Acr, 1954. ofJammu ani K: hmir" shall be omiÍed TheEasemens Act, 18b1. '24' Extended as rvi'oi¿. Pt


Name S,No, oftheAct Sectior¡/Amendments 2L The Eleciricrry Act, 2003. In rub_r.",,"n (2) of lo-j*-llã,d,,[*õ,rhlloã oi Jammù ê¡d Kashmir,' shall be omitred. The Employees Provjdent Funds ,,excepr ancj ln sub_secrlcn (2) ofsecijon I, woràs, ùe Sra¡e MiscellaneoLìs Prov is .oe ions Act, 1952. of Jam mÌ ard Kâshm ir,, shall omitled. 23, The Employmenr of Manu3l Sc¡vengers ând Ertindeo as whole. Const¡uction of Dry Larrines (prohibi¡ionJ Acr, 1993.

The Enemy P¡operty Act, Ì 96g. ,,except In sub_sec¡icn (2) of secrion l, wo¡ds, the State ofJammuarCKashmir,'shall beomitted.,, z5 The Energy Conservation Act, 200 ,,except L ln sub_secljoi (2) of secrjon 1, words, lhe Stare ofJammü and Kashmi¡,' shall be omitted. 'i3 , 26 The Family Cou¡rs Acr, 1984. sltb_sectior (2) ,,excepr in of sectjon I , words, llle Stale ofJanmr a¡c Rashmir,, shall be omited. 2'7 The Farâl AcciCenrs Acr. I 855. ,,excepr In su b_seqric¡ (2) of seclion I , words, rhe Stâte . ofJammtì Ânc Kashmi¡,, shall be omitte¡. (Conse¡vatio¡) The Forest Act, 1980. In sùb-seclicr (2) ofsecrion l, words,,,exceDr rhe Sure ofJammù :n. Ktshmir" shall be om¡rred. 29. The General Ctalses g97. I Acr, t Extended as ,,r,hole. 30. The dovernors (Emolumenrs, Allowances & In sub-se.l¡cil (2) o, section l, wo¡ds, ,,except Privileges) Ac!. 1982. rhe Sr¿te of.tamml! ê¡d i(ashmir,, shall be omjtted. The Gmm ¡Íyâyajâyas Acr,2009. In ,,except sùb_sectjon i2) ofsecrjon 1, wo¡ds, t¡e S¡âte ofJamrnrì a¡c. (ashmi¡,, shâiÌ be omirred. The Guardìa. Warcjs g9O_ & Act, I I r sub_sec:i: ,,excepr I ..¿/ cf secljon I , words, the Siare oiJamrnr: :¡d rrshmir,, sh¡ll be omitted. 33. The Hrndu Adoprions anC Maintenance ln sub_sect;o, ,,except {Z) o¡ secrion l, wo¡ds, the Stale ofJamrnu anC Kashmir, shall beomitted. 31. The Hindu D ispos ition of Propeny Acr. j 960. In sub_secriolr ,,except {2) oi section l, wo¡ds, rhe State ofJammu and ilashmir,, shall be omirted, The Hindu Ma.¡iage Acr, I 955. In sub_sectioir ,,excepr í2) of section I , words, rhe State oîJ¿r¡mu and Kash¡¡ir,, shall b€ omifted, JO The Hìndu MinoriLy & G\lerdianshi' Ac¡, 1956. in su b_s€ctior (2) ,,except oí sectìon I , words, the Stare of .fammLì âlrd ¡:ashflir" sha ll be omitred. ihe Hindu Successjon Ac¡, j956. insub_sectio¡(2)ofsecrionl,words,,,exceprùesrere ofJarnmu ard Kâshmit,' shall be omitrecl 38 The ldentifìcation oi p.isoners Act, l92O Extended as Èhaie, 39. The Indecent Represenution of Women I r sLrb-sectio: qords, (Prohibirion)Acr, í2 of 5ecLion I, exceprlheState I 986. ol .l¡mmu ¡rC K. shû.;r" shall be omitled. {¡. The Indian Boile¡sAct, t923. ln sub-sectjoi: ,: ,,except cf sectjon l. words. the State ol Jammu ard Krshmir' shajlbeomirred. The lndian Ch¡is¡ia¡ M arîiage Aci, jg.l2. In sub-sec¡ic:. of s:c ,,excepr I riàn I , words, Lhe Sate orJanmU anl :(_ihrnir" shall be omitred, The lodian ContrrcrAct, lg?2. In sub-sec¡ioi 2 ofsection l. words.,,except ihe SIare ot J ammu and (¡shmir,, shall be omirred. Pú

.SEc. I] T¡]E GAZETI.E oF Iì\ÐIAEXTRAORDINARY . _,______-__;____:i-_::=: 39 ----___-_=:__:

S.No. Nâme oftheAct Section/Amendments 43. The Indran Easements Acr, t882. EÀtenC:i r wl-ole. 1.4. ThelndianE\idenceAcr, :872. ''except in sub-section (2) of section I , words, the S rate of Jemr¡'.i a¡d Kashmir" shall be om'itted.

45. The indian FcresrAcr, 1927. ExtendeC as whoìe. ,46. The Indian Nursing CouncilAc¡, 1947 In sub-secuor (?) ofsection l, words, "except the State olJîmll1ri -.ri Kashmir" shall be omi ed. 41. Tìrelndia¡PartoershipAc¡,1932. ,,excepr ln sub-secrion (2) of segtion 1, wo¡ds, the Srate of Jam¡",u a¡d K¿shmir" shaÌl be omìtred. 48. The l¡dian Penal Code, l8ó0. In section i. words, "except the St¿te oi,Jammu ãnd I(ashfiii" sh¿ll be ot¡litted. 49. The Indian Siamp Acr, 1899. .'except ln sLrb-sec:jor (2) oi section I, words, rhe Stare of JammLt ê¡o Kashmir" shall be omìtted The Indian 50. Succession Acr, 1925. Ex tendsd äs '.vhole. 51. ' The Indian Tj rsr Act, 1882. In section l, words, "except the State of Jarnmu and Kashmir' sh¿ll be omitted. the Indian Vere¡.ina¡.y .52. Councit Act, 19g4. .ru b-sect:crÌ (2) j ,,excepl h of secrion , words, üle S € te oíJammr I ¿nc l(ashmir" shall beomitred. 5j. TheJudgesrlro(ecr.onJAcr, :9g5. ,,except In sub-secticr (2) ofsectio¡ I, words, the Srate ofJamrnu arc Kashmir" shalì be omitted. TheJudicjal Officers (pro¡ectjon) Acr, lg5O. In sub-secîjo¡ (2) ofsectjon l, words, ',except the Stare ofJamrnir ¡::d Kasìrmir' shall be omitted. protection 55. The Juvenjle Jusiice (Care & oi In sL;b-secricn {2) ofsection l, words,,'excepi the Srare . Children)Acr,20 i5. ofJannmu anc Kashmi¡,' shall be o¡nitted. 56, The Legal Services Aurlìbrjlies Ac!, t9g7. In sub-secijor i:2) ofsection I, wo¡ds, "exceptthe Stare oi JammI _ a¡o:


S,No. Name oftheAct Section/Amcndments 6. The N'atjonal Çcr¡m jssion íor Women ,,except Aci 1990. In sub-secrlcn (2) ofsecrion l, e/o¡cls, rhe Srale ofJamrnu a¡d Kashmir" shall be omirted. 67 The Narional councir for Teache! Educarion rn sob,secr:cn (2) ofsecrion r, wo¡ds; "excepr the stare Act. 1993. of Jamnìr aiìd Kashmi¡,, shall be omiíed. O-A Nariona) secl .iry Acr, 1980 ,,excepf. ln s u b-secr:ln (2) of sËction l, werds, the Stare . ofJarulu end Kashmir., shall be omirted. 68. The Narioiral Trusr for lvelfare ofpersons ,,excep! wit¡ Io sub_secljc¡ (2) ofsecrion l, wo¡ds, rhe Staþ Aurism cerebrurParsy, MentarRetârdation and oiJanmu ard Kash mi¡" shair be omirted. MuJriple Disabilirjes Acr, t999.

îhe O¿rhs Act. 1969 In sub-sec¡icr (2) ofsection l, lvords, "except the State ,...:. cf Jamtr],J and Kashmi¡', shãlj be omittçd. (titO partìrion The Acr, I 893. ,,excepr In s Lrd,seciior (2) oí section I , words, rhe Stâre oíJâmmLr atii Kashmir" shall be omit€d. 1i. thepharmacyAcr, i94S. in sLrb_seciìcl (2)ofseÇrìon I, words,,,excepr rheStare oiJâmmli a¡cl Keshmir,, shall be omitted, ,12. The Powers ofAtrorney Ac¡, lg82, In.sècdon ,,excepl L wcrds, the State of Jarnmu and K¿shmir ' shêil be omirtçd. ' 13 The Preconceptìon and pre-natel Djagnostic ,,except ln sub-sectÌor (2) ofsectíon I, words, the Sute ' Techniques (P¡oh ibitjon of sex Selection) of Jamr¡t anr: Kashrn ir,, shalJ be omitted. 4c1,1994.

71. The prevenrion of B lackmarkeiing & In sÙ (2) ,,except b_sectjor of secrion l, words, the Slare Mainrenance of Suppiies of Essential of¡amrnu airJiæ¡rni¡,, shall be omilred. Commodiries Acr, t9gb.

'15, the P¡eventioo of Corruption Act, l ggg. In sub_sectio¡ (2) ,,excepi . of secdon I , words, rhe Srare of Jammu end ..<âshmir,, shall be omitteci. '76 The PÌëventior of crireliy to anim¿ls Acr, I ln sub-secljon ,:2) ,,exceDt 960. cf sectjon I , wo¡ds, rhe stâre ofJrmmu _:l :<¡sl:mir,,shall be omirted. 7'1. Preveniion o i pu proJ)eft), Damage to blic In sub_section i2) ,,excepl ]he oi sectio n i, lvords, the Srâre ofJammLÌ ¡nC ¡íashmi.,, shâll be omitre¿. ' 76 The P¡rsoners ¡cr. t900. _".-,,uc.,.\8.,--,r-,^^...-- .. \';: Jle. /9. The Prisuns Aci. I994.. Exte¡dåd as wl:oje. 80. The Private Securil), Agencies (Regu lÂtìon) In sub_sectior ,,except . Act,200-i. í2) oi section l, wotds, rhe Srâle ofJalnmLt and íashmll,, shall be omitted. prize 8 r ' The ch irs and Money ci'cuiâtion sç¡ elne in s u b-section {2) oi secrion l, wofds, . (Banning) Ac!, 197g. "excepr rhe s tare o I Jammu âni Kashmir,, shall be om itted. 82. The p¡obarion of Ofiende.s Ac!, I95 g. ln sLìb-sectjo¡ (:.) ,,except . oi seçtron l, !\,ords, lhe Slare oiJarrtmLr eli_ hishnìr,,shail be omitred. 83. The p¡oìì ibition of Chitd Nf.lrriage Act, 2007. In sub-secdcr (2) ,,exceDt oa secrion I , wo¡ds, Lhe Sþre of J¡mmu ¡nl K.:shnir, sha Il be omitred. 84 The Prohjbirion ofEmploymenl In sub-section 1¿) of sectjon l, words, "excepr thc scavensers a¡d ¡heir¡hehRehabiritarion R"n,r,,',";åiYiltTl, AcL 10r3. ;tä;ilil s tare n, " Kr,ïiìl:iiii;lilÍil"i . i::;;:î".nofchjrc,renFromsex;;;"".* ;ä;::;;:ï;,:",iiï::,i^""prr,,esrare of JammLt and Kâshm if' ,¡all ¡e onritt"J l2g

SEc. I] THE GAæTTE __-____-___-_-_i_ OFINDIAEXTRAORDIN,A.RY 4I = \rame ofthcAct Scction/Ame ûdments 86. TheProtçction ofHuman Rights Act, 1994 Proviso ro sùb-sectioD (2) ofsecrion 1 shall be omitterj. 8't. The PÌotection of V/omen f¡om Domestjc ,,except In süb-sectjc! (2) ofsecrion 1, words, rhe Stare VioÌence Acr, 2005. ofJammu anc Kashmir" shall beomíited. ' 88. The j Public camblingAc!, 867. Extended Âs ,rhole.

89, The Public Records Act,l993, Exte¡dea ¿s,}/hoie, Ð. TheRegisrfarion Act, Ié08. In sub-sectior (2) cfsec!ion l, words,,'exceDt ihe Stale ot lJm:nr. ::i:: Ktshmir'shall be omirted. QI TheReligious EndowmentsAc!. I 863. Êxtended as !''hole. 92. The Relìgious lnstitLrtions (Prevention oF In sub-sectior (2) olsection I, words, ',"*.Jp,,h. Srn," MÍsLrse) Acr, 1988. Àl of Jam¡nu a¡d (ashmjr" shajl be omirted. \..l' i9i. The Right of Chiidren ro Free and ComprLsory lnsub-sec¡lo¡12)ofsectionl,rvords,,,exceprrheslar€ Education Act, 2009. of Jammu ¿ncj Kashm it, shall ;e om irred. 94.. The Righr to Fair Cornpensarion and ,,exceot , In sub-section i2) cfsection l, lvords. the St¿te Transpaency in Land Acquisiiion, -:cl ::as:.mir'rsh¡ll be omrtred. Rehabilitatio! and Resertlement Acr, 20i3. The Represenrat¡on 944, ofpeople Acr, t951. In Sec¡ion i2),

1il In sub-sct:i-:r /IJ Cl3use ¡d) llte words orher tir¡n rhe Stare oí a¡d Kashmi¡,' shall be onjtted; and {ii) Sub-seqljcr .5) shâll be omir¡ed. 95. . The Rrght ro inibrmarjon Acr,2005. ,'except l¡i süb-seci::r, 2j oisecrjon l. words, the St¡te olJ¡mrnu ¿rC Kashmir', shail þe omirrcd. 96. The Sale of coods Acr, t930. Lr sLìb-scctjc¡ (:) ol section i, words, "excepr the Slare ofJammlì arC K¡shmir', shall be omitteci. 97. The Scheduled fribes and Other T¡adjrjonal I ln sub-section (?) ofsection l, wofds, ',excepr rhe Forest Dwellers S$te , ß.ecognition of Forests Rights) of Jammtì ani Kashrni¡" shallbeomitted. Act,2AA'7.

98. The Scheduied Casre and ¡he Scheduted Trìbes in.sLtb-sec¡lan (lìofsectjon l, words, 'except theStare ' (Prevenr;on i)i At,.o.ities) Aci, j9g9. olJ¡mrnu a¡d Krsh¡nìt" shall be omited. 'r.j TheS¡ec.,rl l.1r::rilge,\Jt, loj¿ in sub-section ,,excepr , i2) ofsection l, wotds, the State ol.i¿m¡nu and i{:sìrnif' rhall be om ined. 100. The Specific RetiefAc!, tôó3 ln rub-secrio: .excerrjhe : of sictron I . rvo|ds, Sr¡re .ciJrmmLt ani :{,. .nnir' shJll be omrtred. 101. The Suits ValuaiionAct, 18S7. Extended as whole. IA2. The Transtþr of properry AcL 18g2. Exte¡ded as whct¿. 103. The T¡anspla¡tation of Human O¡gans Ând Exiended as whcie. Tissues Act, 1994, lO4. TheWakfAcr, I995. In sLrb-section :, tfsection l, wotds. ',except the State ot J¡mmu 3ci \r i::mi:' shall be omitted. 105. The WÏistle B lowers prorecrion Acr, 20 14. In sLrb-se¿don (2) ,excepr cfsectjoo l, words, rhe Stare oiJ¿mmu ani K" ùn.r" shall lte omitted. '¡he l(-)5. Wild . p:otecr¡onJ,Lcr, _iÍe lq72 I¡srrb-sectioi: :t :sc:tion l,\tords, except thes¡:t( ol Jaminu ânC Krs.t¡1ir" shall be onri¡ted. Pq




.$,No. Year - Short tìtlc Ànrencìments

12 3 +5

Svt l9?7 X1-lj The Trånsier ol Propen)' Acr .Sec¡icn i39 and seclion 140 shall be omitled. ( r 920 ÀD)

Svt 1995 'V The Jammu and l',ashnlìr Seclicn :i and section 4-A shall be omined: (1938 AD) Alienarion of Land Act \< Svt 2007 XVn TheJammu and Kashmir Big Secrìol1 20,4 shall be onr itted. (1950AD) Landed Estares Abolition Acr .

t9& XIX\4I] The Jammlr and l(ashrnirLand A. Prcrisos to sub-section I of section 4 shall be G¡Ânts Acr om::r:.i.:rC B. Ciarse (i) of suþ-section 2 of secrjon 4 shall be omifeC.

lEi6 XW TheJammu and Kashmi¡ Sec¡ir: I siall be omi:red. Agrârian Reforms Acr 1989 Theiammu a.d l(ashmi. SLrb-Cia:rse (ii) of cla se (a) of sub-secrjon (l) of Cooperâtiie Societìes Act secricr ll shall be omit¡ed.

2UA XV The J¡mmLr end l(ashmir A. ln sec:ion 2 afte. clause (g), the following claÛse Reservation Acr shall be irserted narnely:-- "(ga'r "economically rveaker sections" means such catego:ìes as may be ootified by the Government 'froñ '.:re to rime, on the basis of family rncome cnJ otler ndicilors of economic disadvanl¡ge, other tharì úre cl¿sses or caregories defined ln clauses (m), (nl ¡nr (ol ; ll. In seclion 3, in sub-section (l),-- ii) i. cialrse (a), rhe word "and" occurring at the end shall be omitted; íii) i., clâùse (b), for rhe words "bnckward classes:", ihe uo¡ds "backwald classes: and" sltall be s'.rbsri:ûteC:

(;ii) ¿fte: clause (b), the following ciause shali be inserted, nânely:- ' ic) economically rveaker sectionsj"; ,'rhe ' (iv) :¡ the fìr'sr proviso, for the lvords total percenlage of reservatioo", úe words, brackets anC Ietlers the iotal percent¿ge of reservation provided in.lâLìses (â) and (b)" shall be subsriruted; (v) il thç second proviso, for the words "provjded fùÍhe¡ ihar", the following shall be substituted, nanrei),r- l?o



"Pr.cvlied further that the reservetion in at:c:.lur.enrs in favour of the persons belcnging to ecç¡crnically weaker sections shall be in additiotl io ile eristing reservatiod as provided in lhis sub- 'sectici ¿nd shâil be subject to a max imum of ren pe| te: . :l :he posrs in ercl: crtegor'1: l"l\.:-- :r:sr rh¡"'. C. lr . rJ.:or o. rn sub.section ¡ lJ,- (i) ¡Ð. the portion beginning tvirh "shall reserve" axd erding with "from time to rime;':,,the following shall bç subsritu¡ed, nan'ielyt- "sbâtl ¡eserve seats in the Professional InstitLrtions fo. 3¿rCid¡tes beÌonging ro,- (a) rese¡\,ed catago¡ies and such othe¡ :lasses or ca¡ego¡ies as may be notifìed irom itme to tjme;and (b) economicâlly weaker sections j"; (ii) l¡ the proviso, for rhe words "the totâl percec;age of reservatjon", the words, bracke¡s and lettef "the total parcentage ef reservarion provided in c:aLrre (¡)'shall be subsrituted; (i'¡).:re. dre proviso, dle follorvine proviso shall "'he irrê-rP¡-- .-'.'..','".J ñ.ñôl', ''Piovided fu.ther that the resefverion in rhe P:cfessionaj lns¡itLttions in favour ol the persons belonging to economiçally \\,eaker s. t:or, sh:ll 5e .n .tdditiol :o tic e\rstinS reservation as provided in this sub-section and shall be subject ro a maxi¡num of €n per cent, , o¡ r"he seats in each category,"

i:r' 17¡


srArE LA\l,s rNcr.rr'DrNc co\¡l,*nou,, oaiï,,Tat*, nou o.o,*ruo tN u¡¡oN .t ERr¡rroRy oF . JÀÌ\ß,ru AND KASIIÀ4IR| AND LT,IION TEzuìITORY OF L¡lDÄKH

_ Ð9.__-_.- __ __I3jyl!9A.r *__,_ Acyordtnancc No. ¡ l. ' The J¿i¡¡:1r. ¿nd Kashmf.\ccounrxbijj:\ Commi...on ncL. -, ------*-"ln"f ,qrr- 2. The Jarnmrì and Kashmir Advocares WÞlfare Fund Acr, t997. )OÕ¡l of 1997 "X;üof196Z 3, ' TheJammu and Kashmìr Agrjcu ltrrral l¡come Tax Ac| 1962.

l, , ,.4. The Jarnmu and Kashm ir Jsratel Agrjcultural ProdLrce lviarkeiiag Reguiarion )CCX\4 of 1997 ì'., - Act.I99'1. 5. The Jan'rmu and Kashmj¡ Anaûd MaffrageAc!, 1954. IXof2oll 6. The Jammlrand Kashmr Anjr¡al Drseases (Conh ol) Acl. 1g49. XVof2o06 ?. The Jamrnu and i(¿shmir ApâCrnent Oq,nershipAct, i989. Ioflggg

' 8. The Jam¡'ru and KashmirArbirration aod Concili¿rio¡Ì Act, 1997. )O(XVof 199?

The Jam¡.¡ Lr and l(ash (v¿ 9. m ir Arya Samaj isr Mar¡jages Jida L¡or) A.t, jg4L. III of Svr. I 99g ThçJammlrând 10. Kashm ir Ay!¡rved ic illld Unanípracritioners.a-ct 1959. Xî(Wof 1959 Il. The Jâmmu and Kashñi¡ Banker's Books Evidence Act, I920. Woftgij

12, The JarÌm u end Kashmir Benami T¡ans¿¡crions (prohibition) Acr. 2010. V of2o i0 13. The Jâm¡ÌLrand l(¿shrnir Boilers Acr, Señvâr, 1991. IVofsvr.lggl 11. Buddhisr.s Poiyandrols Marrìages prohlbìrionAcr, ì941. IIoflggg 15. The Jammlr ancJ l(ashmjr Câttle | Trespass Act, 1920. \.flal 19.t.7

16 TlìeJamnru and i(àshm ir Charjtaltje Êndowmen¡s Acr, ;9g9. Xlvof lggg

I The Jammu ?. and Kashmir Chrt Furìds Act, 20 I 6. Xl of2o t6 The Jar¡,'nL¡ 18. and Kashmir Ckistian Marriage aod DivoIc.eAcr, I 9j7. tof 1g5j TheJamñu and Kashmjr cinematog¡aplì i,,,,ig Acq t933, Ðlvof I9g9 Code of Civjl ProceCue, Samvar 1977. XofSvL 1977 '21. Code ofc¡jminal procedure, Samvat lggg. r XXIüof Svt, l9g9 ' 72. The Jarrmu âr)d l(âshm ir Co llecrion of Stetisr jçs Acr, 20 i 0. *tr, orro, O 23, The lamm¡r and l{ashmjr Com mjss ion Women j,99 [State] for Ac¡, _ . V of I999 24. 'IheJâmnÌLrandlGshrnirCoinmissionoflnquirl,Acr,:962. X).XIIofl962 25. The Jammù and protection Kashmf Consumer Acr, t9g7. K\4ofl9B? 26. The Jammu and l(ashmir C.ìircrnpÌ of Courrs Acr, 1g97. Xxvoflgg? 27 'fhe Jarnñu â¡d l{ashrnir Côntingency Fund Acr, t957. )OfiVofl957 The 28. Janmu ancl Kashm ir Co|tract Acr, Samvat I 9?7. IX of Svt. I 977 29 TheJanrrira¡cJl(ashrni¡CoLr|rFcesÂci,Ser¡var l9?7 Vllofsv{ i9r7 jr i0. The Jam r¡ u and Keslìm Corlrr of WerCs Acr, Samvat 1g77. I-ilofSvr. I97? llz,,


S,No. Nâme of the Àct AclOrdinanct No.

3 i. The Jâmmù and Kashñir Crirn inal Law Amendment Act. S vi I 993. I of Svt. l99l

o5 The j¿.mr¡ t. K¿sh m r CriminJl L¿\\'Arìenclment nct, . c Ìllof I958 32. 'nJ . 33. TheJanrn! and Kashmir Çfiminal l-aw Arnendmenr Acr. 1933. Xoi 1983

I The JammLrand Kashmir Custonrs AÇi, Sv¿ I958. VIll ol' Sv(. 1958

3.5. The Jammu a nd Kashm i¡ DehiAdaials, 20ì 3. XV of2013

36. TheJamnrLr and IQshm ir Destruction ofRecordsAcr, 1920, Xnof 19'1'7

37. The Jamn]lr ancl Kashm ir D ¡splaced Perscns (Permanent Setileteni) Ac!, I 97 L X of 1971

38, The Jamrnu aÌìd Kâshm i¡ Disso[n jon of Mus lim Ma.¡iages Ac:. ! 942. X of Svt.l999

39. TheJammLra¡d KashrnirDowry RestlaintAcr, 1960. . X)g!l of 1960 40. The Jamm! and Kashmir Easements Act, I920. Kvof Svt.l977

41. The JammLr a¡d Kashmir Electiicity Acr, 2010. )oII of 2010

42. The Ja¡nmu and Kashmir Elect¡jciy (DLì ty) Acr, 1963. )oof 1963 43, TheJammlr and Kàshm ir Er¡ ployees Providen¡ Funds (A¡d) iliscellaneous XVof196l Provisìons Acr. t961.

44. The Jamm u and Kashmi¡ Enlpjoyment of Manual Scavengers aad Çons¡¡Ltctjon of Dry Larrines (Prohibitign) Acr, 20 t 0. )OX of20l0

45. The.lam m LL and I(ash ¡¡ i¡ Energy Conservat ion Acr, 20 I L XIVor20ll

46, TIìeJarnmu and Kashm ir Epìdem ic Dìseases Acr, Ì920. )¡,/l of 1977

4'7. (State) EvacLrees (Admjnistration ofPropett),) (Validation¡s, proceedings IVof 1958 . andAcß)Acr, 1958. 18. The l(¿shmir J¡mmLr¡nd EvidenceAcr, Samv¡r l9;7(1920^.) . XIII çf Svt,1977

'49. The Jar¿mu and Kashmir Fatal Accicieurs Act, S¿r¡val I 97t. XVIIof S!t.1977 . 50. The Jam,.ru and Kashmi¡ Fores! Act. Samvat 1987. ll of Svr.l98?

51. The Jammu and Kashmir ForeJt (Conservatjon) Acr, 1997. )qX of I997

52. The Jammu ancl Kaslmjr Forest (Sale ofTrmber) Ac r, Sa ¡nv¿r :937. Iü of Svt.l987 .

53. The JamlIlu anci Kashrd ir General Clausss Act, Samvat I 9?7. XXof Svr. 1977 prjsoners 54. The Jarnmu and Kashm ir Good Conducr (Temporarl, Releese)Act, 1979. \4Iof 1978

55. Government Servanrs rHelJ in Derentionl ect, t956. XV of 1956 The 56. Jammu ¿nc l(ashmi¡ G.ant of Peûn ii fo¡ Reserrlement in (or ?ermanent Xof 1982 ' Return ro) rhe SreteAcl, 1982.

51. Tbe Ja mmu anë Kashmir Guardians and Wârds Act, Sâmvar lç?t. XIXof Svr.l977 The Ja¡nmu 58. and Kashrn¡¡Hindu Adoptions and lvlainrena nce ê,cr. 1960. IIof 1960 59. The I Jammu an¿ Kashmir Hindu Dispoijiljon ofproperry Acr, Sarvâr t997. XVI of S\r. I997 (î. The Jarn r¡ u and Kashm if Hindu tnheri(ance (Rerìro js¡ vnl oí D b iJlt ies) Acr. XVIII cf Svr. 1997 Samvar 1997. 61. TheJarì,'Ìr.rrncjKashmirHindu!laJri3geAcr.19g0. IV of 1980 62. The iammu and Kashmtu (Validarro proceedi:rgs) Hrndu Maüiage n of _Acr, t 963. X\4 of 1963 l?t 46 THEC,AæTTE OF INDTA EXTRAORÐi\¡ARY ¡rnnrri_

S.No. * ,t"t "f __ _-_ - _t19g,ssll. Ur, TheJârnmu end IeshrnirHindu-N"." . Miroriry ancl Cuard ianshìp ;ict, 1957. VlÌoft957 &. The Janr-qlr anC Kashmir Hindu Success ion Aci, f956. . )OCÕ¡l[ of ]956 ' 65 TheJam¡nLrand Kashmi¡ Hindu widows Remarrìege propÈfy and Acr, samvar lggg, x){)( of svr. rggg Th€ jí *, Jammu and Ieshm Homeopafh ic pr acri¡ione¡ Ac , t, 20C3 \{I of 2003 61.t The J¡mrnr¡ :nd Keshmj¡ tdeo.ifica rjon ofp¡ìsoners Ac!, Sain /at I990, ru of Svt. I gg4 68. TheJammLland Kashmil InfantMarfiages preventionAc!, Sâ¡.,,,et 1985. I ofSvt. lgB5 69. InstrLrments (Çontrol o f Noises) Acr, 1959. VJlofl95g 74, JudicialOfficersp¡otecrionAc!,1971. 'J|., TheJammu ancl l(ashr¡ ir JLrven ile Jus rice (Care and prorecrrcr '72. ci Children) Acr,2013. !1lJoí 2AI3 ' TheJaûtmu ar'rd Kashtni¡ Juvenile Smoking Acr, Sanval I98ó. l.l of Svr. I986 73.. Land Acq!isi¡ion Act, Samvat 1990, X of Svr, t 990 prac 74. Legal rltìoneLs (Fees) Acr, Samvar l9gg. \41 of Svr. t988 75. The JammLì a¡d Kashmjr Legal Representatrves , S [its Act, Sa¡j../el lg.Ì1. XXII of Svt. I977 76. The Jammu and Kæhmjr Legaì Servrces Au rhorities Act. I 99i X)Cûn of i997 i'¡. Th€ Jamm! ând ifushmir.Limiiatron Acr, Samvâr Jg95. IX of .Svr. 1995 78. 'l'he Jamft]u and Kashm il Livesiock ImprovemeD¡ Ac t, Sam,,,êr L96. XXIII of Svr.1996 'lhe i9. Lr Jar¡ r¡ and Kashm ì¡ Loca l Au thorit ies Loans Aci, Sam ?et i 997. \¡I of Svt, I997 80. TheJañmu and I(ashmir Lu nacy Act, Sarllvar 197?. XXV of Svt, t997 8l . The J¿mmu ¿ nd Kashmir Mâjnreoaùce parents end Welfare of ¿r:d XVIo'î2014 Senio¡CirìzensAct, 2014,

82. The Janunu and Kashmir Majority Act, Samvat 197?. XXVI ofSvr. I9?7 83. The Jammu a¡d Kasltmir Medical Registrarion Ac!, Sanrvar g9g_ i IV of Sv!. l99S ó4. The JammLÌ a¡d Kashmir Medìcal Termination pregnanc)¡ g74. of Act, I XXIÍor ß74 85, The Janrmu and KashmiùMus jim DowcrAct, Samvar 1977. XLIV ,::! ef 5u1. ¡ 97t 86. The Jam'nLr a¡rd Kashnlir Muslin persoDall-aw (Sharja0 '' Appli.ario n A-ct,2AO,l Tv of 2@7 87. The JammU ¿nd Kashlnir \4r¡slim Specified Wakafs and Spec:fi:c ,Vak¡f Ì,ropertles (Il¡n¡dement Vm of 2004 and Reguliìtionr Acl. 2OO4 8B The JemmLr acd KashmirNa¡jonaliz¿tioo of Forest WorkingAct lrg7. VTof 1987 89. (S!ate) Newsp¿pers (lncirenûnß !o Offences) Act, Svr 1971. VIV of Svr. 1971 m. The Jam¡nu and Kashmi,- Nursing CoLrncil Act, 20 I . 2.. N of 2012 9r. The J¡rnmlr ¿rJ K¡shlnir \ursrng Home\ 3nd Crlnical EsÌabl:.. :crrs I (elrst: )Ofilx of t96i Jt(,¡.r¡J LrceDs;nS) -\cl. l 961. . 92. Officiel Secrers A.t, Sarnva¡ 1977. XIIII of Svr. J977 93. Oplun SmokingAct, Samvat 20l L )C(Xû ofSv¡.Z0tl 94- Essentìa J Serv ìces (À4aìnrenance) Ordinance, Samvar20Ol, . IX ofSvt. 2001 95. Hoardi¡g and Pfofiteerjng preventio Cr.jinance, SÂmvat 20OC XIX of Svr.zCOO t'ul

SEc. il ____._... CAZETTE OF tNDrA ]]XTRACRDINAI{Y 41 ---'-- ...... _._Il!g

Name ol the Act AcUO¡dinanceNo, . Police E0hatcel Penaltie,s Ordinance, S¡mvat 2005 III of Svr,2005 9'Ì. Preventicn of Corruptjon Ordinance, 2001, , IV of Svt,200t 98. T¡e Jammu and Kashmi¡public Servants properry T¡ansfer of immovabie XXX of Svt.2004 ß.est¡iction) O¡dinance, 2004,

Ð. TheJammuând Kashmi¡ partition Acr, Samvâr 1977. XX)i of Svt. t977 tm. The Jarirm u and Kashmir parroershjp Act, Samvat I99d. V of Svr. t996 101. The Jammu a nd Kashmi¡ permanent Residenrs Cerriiicate (p.o.edl¡e) Acr, I963. )OII of I963 tù2. TheJarnrnu and Kashmir pharmacy,\cr, Samvar20l L LIll óf Svr,20t I 103. poisons TireJammu and Kashmir Act, Samvat 1977. "t )OOCV ofsw 1977 ' :r' lø The Jamrno and Kashmir preconceptjon prenaþl ¡nd Sex SE:e_ r:01 XX)c ol 2002 fProhibrticn ¡nd RepLrlatiorì ) Act. 2002. t05. (Stare) Press and Publications Act, Svt 19g9. I of Svt, 1989 t06. The Jamrnr. lnd Kashmir Pre\ ention of Black NI:rkering ;ri i. .ainrenrnce XXvoi 1988 of Supplies of Essenrial Commodiries Act, I 9gg. to1. The Jamr¡!L Ând Kashmii prevention ofCornrptlon Aç!, Sernvai 2006. Xlil of Svr,2006 r08. The JamrnLr and Kashmit preventton of Cruelry to Anjrnals Äct, Samv¿¡ 1990. XIII of Svr. I990 jamm tæ. The u and Kashmir Preventjon of Defacernen t ofproperty Act, I9gS, )QXof 1985 r t0. The Jammtr a¡d Kashmir P¡evention of lllicit Traffic in Narco¡ìc Dnrgs and X)Cll of t 988 Psychotroprc SL¡bslances,Àct, l9gg. 1i p¡evention . l. The Jañmu and KÂshfiir oflnsult ro S¡âte HoroLr: A-.t, 1979. Xof 1979 p¡isoners ll2. TheJarn¡nlì ¿nd Kashmir Act. Svl 197?. )CCflI of Slr 1977 1 The Jammu p¡isons 13, and Kashmi¡ Act, Svt i 9?7. X)CXI of Svr. I 977 I14. TheJammLr and Kashniírp¡ivate Seclìrjty Agencies (Reguìar icx) Acr, 2015. IX of20l5 prize I15. theJamnu and Kashmir Competition Act, 1956. )oIof 1956 probation ll6. TheJammLl anci Kashm ir ofOffendersAct, I966. . )CO(l.[of 1966 I prorecrìon , )-l.. The Ja rnm tL o nd l(ash m ir of Human Rights Act, I997. >N oî t997 ì I8. The J¿mmu prorectio¡ ancl Kashm i¡ of Women frorn Ðomestic Vioiente Act, 201 O )l ol20l0 t 19. The Jamnr u and providen Kashmir r Funds Acr. S vr 199g. XXII of Svr i 998 120. , TheJammu a¡d KeshmLr public GamblingAc!, Svt J 977. XVIII ofsvr. t97? , l2l . The Jam m u and I(ashmir publ;c property lpreve ntio n of Damaget \c!, I 9g5, XX of I985 i22. TheJ¿mmLrrn(jKashmirpLrbl:cSer\¿ors(lnqririe\rAct,S\r 9-- )C


S.No. Name cftheAct ¡\clOrdinancr No.

128, Registration ofDeeds (Validaring) . Acr, 1968, X)OCn oí 1968 \29. Registrarion ofDeeds rvaljdarion) Acr, t976. ..Iot1916 | 130, Regist¡ation of Deeds (VatìdaÌÍon) Acr, 1985, . IX of 1985 13 t. The Jammir and KashmirReligious Endowments Act, Svr I97î. L of Svt,1977 132. The JammLrand KashmirRepresentatjonof rhepeopleAc:, .9:7. IV of 1957 r33, The Jamrnu a¡d Kash¡¡r ir Requisirioning and AcqLrisitjon cf IÌri¡ovable )CGv of 1968 Propefly Acr. 1968.

I34. The Jarnmu and Kashmi¡ Righr ro lnformarion Ac; 2009. VItr of 2009 r35. The Jarr]rnu a¡d Kâshmir.Sale ofCoods Acr, Svr 1996. Ilof 1996 :''.'.': :1. rJö. Sepa¡ation oí Jud icial anC Execùrive Funciions Acr, I 966. )c- of 1966 t3't. The Jammur and Kashmi¡ S mall CaLrse¡ CoLrn Act. S v! I 968

138. Socieries Regisl atìon Act, Svt 1998. VI of Svr. t998 t39. Theiammu and I(ash.nir.Specific . ReljeiAc!, Svr 1977 TXXVII of .S\a t977

i40. The Jammu and Kashrni¡ Standa¡ds oflveights ând MeasLìfes r:lnforcemgnt) >COÕaû o¡ 1 99? Acr, 1997.

141. TheJammu and Kashmir Success ion CedificateAct. Svr l9?i. )CCq of S'"r 1977

142. Succession @roperty P.oiectro¡) Ac¡, I g77, Svt )q)C'l of S,,r lt7 TheJammu and KashmirSuits Vakì¿rìon Acr, Svt 1977. )CC{\4i of Svt IØ7 i44. The Jammu and Kashmi¡ Suppressjon oílndecenr Adveniser¡errs Acr. .Svr 2003 . IX of Svr.2003 145. Tite Jammli and Kashm ir Tfansfer p.operty of Acr, S vr 1977. )o-Il of Svt. l9?7 146. The Jam mu and Kashmi. Transplantation of I{u man Organs Act. :997. IIl of 1997 I The JammLr and Kashrni¡ Trusts Ac[, Svr 1977. )C-I of Svt. t 9?7 148. The Jâmmu and Kashftrr Venereal Diseases Act. Svt 2000. XXI of Svr.2000 149. Ve¡erinary Counc¡l Act, 200 l. X)Cof200t .. 150. Theia¡nmu and Kashmjr Village paüoi lsiatel and Town Acr, 1959. )OOvof r959 '::: - 'l: l5l. TheJamr¡uand Kashmir Vilìage Saniution Act, Svt ì990. V of Svr. I990 1,s2. The Jammu ¡inrl Kashmir Wâkafs Acr, 2001 . ill of200l 153. The iamm u ¿nci Kashm ir Wìldlife (protecrjon) Ac!, I 978. VIII of 1978 t3b

Governor'sActNo. Nâme of the t'tin' õèieb'at VI of 2018 Acr' 18' Pelsy. Me¡ral Retardation and \4ultiple Dìsabilities l¡ (O't jeclìanable \¡lIl of 2018 the Jammu Âild l(ashmir DrLìgs ancl Magic Remedies AdveI!isements) Act, 20 I 8 and X of 2018 The Jammu and Kashmir Single Window (lndl¡stria! lÊ\'ejiment Business Faciliþtioi) Act, 20 I8. 2018 Courts Act, 20 L8 XIU of 4. The Jammu and I(æht¡ir Commelcial Xl{V of 2018 The Jamnru ancl Kashmi¡ Family Colrús 4c1,2018' (lhrgeteci Delivér)ì cíFrna¡cial and other XÐcv of 2018 6. The Jtmr¡u ancl Kashrnir Aa

'i 15?"


-IABLE- 4 STATE ACTS INCLUDING.G-OVÌIìNOR,S . ACTS TTTAT SHÄLL REMAIN ;N FORCE IN I]N]ON TERRITORY OF JA}4 {U AND K{SH!trR; ,{\Ð LùõÑ,BNNI.ONV S,No. QF LADAIG,I - ffi-=-=-....".- .--- *"t* The Jamnj u and KashÌr i:.Ag¡arìan Reforms Acr, 1976 XVII of 1976 3. Âgrjculiu¡str,, IìeiíefÁcr, Svr. lgg3 lofsvt. I9g3 4. The Jami¡ r ancl l(¿sh m ir Gor. e¡nmenl A ìd to Agricu lruris ¡s ¡;:i La¡d V' ofSvL. t9i¡ :i;:.'. , Acr, Svt i993 \,, '¡p¡ovemenr J. TheJamrnr ûnd Kashmirsra¡eAid ro Indosrrjes Acr t96l X,\lIof t96l 'Ihe 6. Jam m u and l(ashmir AÌienarion of Land Acl, S !r. l99i Vofsvr. 1995 7. " TheJ¿mnru and Kash¡ni¡Anatomy Ac!, lg59 8. The Jamm! and r(ashrn . , ;";,, p¡eser.varion Acr, svt. r9?7 #"i1T;1 ' The ^;.;r;;, 9. Jammû and Kashmir Baba Ohulam Sh ah B adshah Universj:y Acr, 200? X\¡l of2002 The Jamrn -, 3¡d Krsh:¡ ir B ig Landed Esri li res Aboljrion A c I S!.20:l llTIofSlr.2007 I 1., The Jarnmù and Kashm jì.Board profess of iona I Ent¡ance Exar. jon i.Ât Acr, 200 2 ñN of 2(Ð2 i2. The Jamm u and Kashmir. B oa¡d ofschooÍ Educatjon Ac¡, I 975 )O(VItr of 1g?5 i3. The Jammn and Kashmj¡ Sraie l]oard ofGchnical Educarjojr Act. 2C02 )fiIV of2OO2 14. TheJammuandKashmirBrjcklíns(Regulârron)Acr,20i0 XVnoi20tO ii.' çamDins and l,loori¡g S rres Ac !, Svr. 2004 XüofSvt.2004 i6. The Jamm! ajrd Kashå)jr Chowkidan Act, 19-56 XXXVII of 1956 The Jamm Ù êrd K¿rs hm ir. Civic l_aws (S peci¡i piovisions) ,,r., Ac¡, ?C ì 4 ülof20l4 18 TheJam¡nLr¡nrl K¿shm ir Civii CoL[rs Acl, Svr. i9j7 laVIofsvr.]9t7' The Jar¡m' and Kâsh m ìr c iv ir servìces (Decenka rizarion ani Rec.u æ,,11 irmenr) Ac' 20 r o >¡/Iof20l0 \: ZU. TheJamrnLr ¿nd Ksshmir CivilServices (Speciatprovisions),¡,c,.,:,Jj0 )OVof20j0 21 TbeSrtnaga ancJammLlClLrsrerUniversiûesAct,20tó. , IIIof2Ol6 22, The Jar¡mù and Kashnì ir S¡are Comr¡ iss ion for Backwârd j C lasses åct, 997 Xn oi lg97 23. The Jammu ancj Kashmj¡ Common Lancjs!ìlarion) Acr, 1956 XX1V ol1956 24. The Jammu and Kashmir Co¡solidation of ¡loldjngsAc!, 1962 vofj962 25. The JammLì and Kash mir Cootrol of B u ild i¡rg Opera rìons Act, I9gE XV of 19gg 26. The Jammu and Kashmù Cooperarive Socjetjes Act, j9g9. Xof l9g9 2'Ì. TheJammu and KashmirDebtors RetieíAcr, 1976 Kv of 19.76 28. The Jammrì ani K¿shmir DeJivery ofBooks anf, Newspapers (pu i:irc I_jb¡a¡ies) )qII of l96l

The Jamr¡u and l(ashrlir DepLrty Miristers' sararies a ncÌ Alrorv¡¡cej Acr, r 957 VÌ of 1957 13s


Namc of the¡\ct AclOrdinanct No. 30, The Jammù and Kashrnir Deputy Speaker's and Depury C¡aj.¡ner s (Emoluments) X)cI of 1956 Act, i956 jammu 31, The erd Kashmir DevelopmemAcr, 1970 )AXof1970

32. The Jammu and Kâshmir Egress anci Internaì Movemenr (Ccr:rol) Ordinance, V ofsvr.2005 Svr.2005,

33. The Jam m ¡ ancJ ìr Kash m Enemy ,{gents Ord inance, Svr_lc3j. VIII ofSvr.Zoo5 34. The Jamm u ¿Ìnd l(ashm ir Stâte gcncy g60 Eme¡ Relief Flrnd Ac!, I XÍll of I 9(ú 35. The Jai¡rnu and Kashmir Excise Act, Sarnv¡!t ì95g

36. The Jammu and Kashmir Ex rraqion o I Res in Ac r, I988. lXof IéSS .-1: . 3'7 Tbe Jammlì and Kashm jnis ir St¿te Evaçuees (Adm trarjol.: ca ?.operti,) Act, \4 of Svr. 2006 ( Sanrvat 2006 1949 A.D). , Jó, l'heJammu a¡d lQshmii.Ferry Boats ControlAcr, 1971. XMII of l97l

39. The J¿ mrnLr ancj Kashr¡ ir S¡are Fj¡ance Comrn iss io n Acr, 2006 XV[l of20o6 40. The Jammu and Kashm i¡ Finance pancha,vars Conìm iss ion for ancJ MLì n ic ipalitres X.Vl of2o I I Act,201 I

41 TheJarnmu and Kashm ir Frre Force Acr, 1967. X)üof 1967 The Janrmr¡ a¡d Kashmìr Fiscal Respons ibilit), and B udgei ì{¡.age.nenr Act, 200ó. lfj of2006 43. Thejammrì ând Kashm ir Fisheries Act, 2018. ' . Xvlof2olg

44. The JarnÍu U ând Kashm plâin ir Flood Zonss (Reguietion a¡i D.velop¡nenÐ Act, 2005. XVII of2@5 45. The Jam mu a¡d Kashm ir Srate Forest Corporation Ac I, I 97g. )CI of lgTg 4ß. The JammLr a¡d K¿shmirFores! (prorection) ¡ìrceAct,200l \¡t of200l The Jammu and Kashmir Fruir (Licens NLrrseries ¡ng) Ac¡, lgg7. X)ûj ol I987

The Jammu and I(âshm ir C Ìlt Goods (U nlawfu I pcssess ion) .r,cl, I 963. )C_ ol I g6t 19. The iar¡ mLr and K¿sh mir Colf Developínent and ManÂgeÍtent.q ùihorjty Act, 20 ì 3. VIII of2o l3 50. TheJar¡m! and l(ashmjr Coods and Se|vices Tax Acr,20l?. Vof2olT 5: The Jar¡ñLr and K¿sh r¡ ir Govern¡¡enr atazetre Act, S vr. ig¿_i. XÌj oi S vt. j g45 j¿mmu 51. The and Keshmir vcr Co nor's Specral Securjty Fo¡ce Acl, 201 g Governors Act No.XLûof20l8 53 The JammLr and Kashmi¡ Habiru¿ I Offenders (Co n trol and Reicln) Acr, I 95ó. Xl of I 956 54. TheJ¿ryìnrì ¿nd Kashmir Handicrafts (QLrality Conr¡ol)Acr, t97S. IVofIgTg .55. The Jamml¡ anC Kashm ir ¡leritage preservelrcr Conservarìon and Ac!, 20 10. XV ol20l0 56. The Jammu and iGshmir Highways Acr, Svr. 2007. Ð(\[ of Svr.2OO7 5'7. TheJarnmu and Kashmir Honîe CuardsAct, Svt. 2006. III ofsvt.2006 'l]]e Jammu and Kash¡nit?loLìsi¡rg Board Aci 1976. \/IIof 1976 59. The Jammu a nd Kashm ir Indûsrrial Establishmenß (Netionai êrd Festival) )eII of 1974 Hoiiciays Act, 1974. (fr. The Jar¡m u a¡d Kashm ir Inspecto¡ prjsons jr General of (Change Des ignation) )üIl of200l tgtl


S.No, A-ame of the Àcl Äct/Ordina.nce No, . 6l . The Ja¡nnLì and Kashmir Islamic Univers iry of Science a:ld Ttchnology Kashmi¡ XVI of2005 Act,2005.

. 62. TheJammu ¿nd Kashmir Kahcha¡aiAcr, Svt.201l. XVIIIofSvt.20ll . 63. Kashmir and Jammu Uûiveßit¡esAct, 1969. )OgV of 1969 KashmÌr Sllk P¡olection Act, Ì964.

65. g65. The JammLr anci Kashñ;ir Khadi ân.l VillÂge I ndlrsn ies B oal d A c!. I Xvl oF I 965 (Á. L¿dekh Au¡onomo s Hi1ì Developmerr CoLrncilAcr, 1997. XXXI of I997 6'l. Ladakh BLìdhists Succession to Properry Acr. Svr. 2000. XVfllÕfSvr.2000

68. The Jammu and I(ashmi¡ Lambarda¡i Acr, 1972. Xof 19'72 The Jammu and ,.. .,a. l(ashmir i,¿ nd brants .{ct, i 960. )oÖY\¡In of I 960 ít0. The Jarnmu anC Kashm rI Land Improvement Schemes Act, :9i2. KXIV of I 97: . '7 t, . The Jammu and Kashmir Lând RevenueAct, Svt. 1996. XII ofSvr. I996 7?. , The Jamml¡ and Kashm ir Legislâtìve Assembly Speaker,s EncliÌmerìts Aff, I 956. IV of 1956 The JammLt and Kashmir l-egisiative CoLrncil Chairman's @noiLrment s) /\cl, 1962. );$ryÌof 1962 . pension 74. The JanrnLr and I(ashm if State Legjsiatu¡e Mem be¡s, A.!, I 9g¿i. üof 1984 '75. The Jammu and I(¿shmù Legjslarure (prevenrion ofDisqLraliÍìcation) AcÌ,1962. X\Tof 1962 i6. The Jammu and Kashmjr State LegislatLt¡e proceedings (proteclio¡ ofpublication) X)ã\41 of 1 960 Act, 1960.

11. ' Levy ol'lb.1. Acr. Svr. t995. Vltr ofsvr. I 995 7¡i. The Jammu ancl prope.,,y Kashmir Migranr Immovable (preservriion, prorectjon XVIof 1997 and Res¡rainL on Disrress Sales) Act, 1997. '79. The JarnnÌr ¿ncj Ka.shmir (Srây p¡oceed:ngrj) j99j. I Migranrs of Acr, XVII of I99 ¡ 80. The Jammu and Kash mir Ministers and Ministers of Staie S¿iaries Acr, 1956. Vl of 1956 81. The Jamm,J presjd ancl Kashrnir Ministers and ing Offjcers lyiedir¡l Faciliries XXII of I975 Act. 1975

c2 The Ja¡nmu ¿nd Kashmir Monev Lenders and A.ccrecjited Lcal] F:oviders Act, 2010. XÀiIl of20l0 83. , TheJammu eid Kashmì¡ Moto¡spirir and D iesel Oil (T¿xation oi S¿ies) Acr, S vt. 2005, VofSvt.2005 84 The Jam¡¡u and Kashml¡ Moror Vehicles 'Iaxaiion Ac!, 1957. XXV] of 1957 85. The Jammu ¿ni Kasl'm ir lvltllberry protection Act, Svr. 2006. X ofSvr. 2006 a 86. ' The Jamrnu a¡d Kashmir Mun icipal Acr, 2000. XX of 2@0 87. The Jammrr ancl Kashm ir M,"¡nicipal Corpo.arion Acr, 2000. krrorzooo TheJarnmu and i(ashnrir !lLìrìicipal Ombudsman Acr, 2010. )trof 2010 89, The JamrnLì ¿nd publjc Kashmrr MtÌnjcipaliries Disclosure Aci, 2C10. )O(IV of20l0 90. the Jamm( and I(âshmir Muslin] Marriages Registration Acr, l9g. X)cÌ of 1981 9r. The Jamm! ¿nd K¿sh rñ ir- Nanrcìha eualiry Conrr.ol,Act. Svt. 2C lt. VI ofSvt.2010 92 Natio¡aj DeÍènce Fund Doniuion ploperry ofhlrtovâble (Exeflp:icn f.o m V of 1963 Stamp DL¡¡y ¿nd lìegistration) Ac¡, 1963. lqo


Name oftlÌeAct Acuerdina¡ceNo. The Jan'rmu and 93. Kash rn ir Nalura I caÌam ities Destroyed A-.eai Imp¡ovement Ac!, )ccflnof s\aæl I .Svt.201 I

94. The Jam mr and Kashmjr Non-B iodegrâdable Material (lvlara3emenr) Handling -'X of2007 and DisposÂl Acr. 2007.

The Jammri 95. and Kashmif Obsolete Laws (Repeat) Ac r, 20 I 0. Xxvll of20 t0 panch¡.yats tr, , The Jannr¡ and Kashmir O mìluds¡nan for Aci, 2C t4 Vof20l¡ The Jammu ¿nd 97. Kashmi. Pânchayatitìaj Act, I989. IXof 1989

98. The Jarnnu anC Kashmir P¿ramedìcal Co Lr¡crì Acl 2014. VII 0i2014 99. The Jammu irnd Kashmi¡ passengers Taxaûon Acr, 1963. xllofi963 100. The Jammu and l(¡shm if Plant Disease and pesN Acr, 1973 )lvof l9?j 101. Plyboard IndLrsrries (AcqLìis'rion ofshares ând ofthe inciLrs¡r.:el Uncìerrakings) Vlol19g7 Act. 198?.

taz. .Police Acr, Svr. 1983. llofsvr. 1983 r03. The Jammu and Kashrnir Preservation of Specjfted Tt ees Ac¡, I 969 V of 1969 ì01. the Jammu and Kashm i¡ Prevenlion of Beggary Act, 1960. ¡f, of 1960 'fhe r05. JaÌ¡mu and l(ashm i¡ Prevent jon jon jtural o¡ Fragme nta I of Ag¡i.x Holdings )O(V of 1960 Act. I960.

I û5. Prevenrion ol Ìl ibbon Developmenr Acr, Sv!. 2007. XXVI ofsvt. 2007 P¡evenrionoflìumRasrûìAct,Svr. 107. 1997. Iofsvt. 1997 ì08. 'lhe Janrmu and Kâshnr p¡evenrion ir and suppression of s:ìaoiâges Activiries X)fi of 1965 Ac¡, i965.

!09. The Jammu end p¡evention Kashmì¡ of Unfair Means Exa¡ni.a iìc n Act, lgg7. XX of l9g7

I The m Lr ¿ pfivate 10. Jam ncr Kash nr ir co|eges (RegN lârio n ând cc r'or) Acr, 2002 )(xr of20o2 1lì. Probare and Adrxi istrârior Act, o Svr. 1977. ' XXlXofSvt. 1977

1 12. The Jammu ancj Kashmlr professions, Trâdes, CalÌings aod E.¡D,oyr¡eot T¿¡ D( 012005 Ac!,2005.

1 l3 The Jamnu anc l(ashmir proh . ibition on conversion of Land arc ALienation oi vrtr of r975 urcnxfosAct. t9 /5.

t14. The Jammu and Kashñi¡ proh jbirion oiì MânU facrrìre of Specrji:C CoppeI )(tr of2006 Utensils (By M¿chine) Aû, 2006.

I 15, 'Ihe Jammu ¿ nd Kas hm ir pr-ohibirion of Ragging Acr, 20 i I . Vl of20 t I I16 the Jem m ù aNd K¿sh,¡ ri Srarç p¡oh ibition of Smoking (Cireir¿! rrd XvllI of Svr.20O9 Thear¡e Halls) Acr, Svt. 2009.

I l'1. The.lammu and t(ashmir prohib jt jon of Srnokjng and No¡r_S,,nok¿rs He¿lrh )q of 1997 pU Proæcrion ìn blic SeIv ice Vehicles Act. I 99?. Ì t8. The Jam m u a¡d Kâshm ir properry Righrs j ro Sllrm Dwelle¡s Aci. 2rJ 2 . XJ a.f 2On H9. The Jam mu and Kashrni. propeny Tax Ìloard j. Acr, 20I )( ofzo 13 )?0. Ihe iamm u ancl l(ashmir pratection of inþresi of Depositcrs (r it at na ncial XII of20l g Establishmenrs) Act. 201 I lql


S,No. Namc o[ the,.\ct Aclordi¡ranc€ No

l2l. The JâmmLr and Kâshmir Public Men and PLrì:lic Sçrva¡ts Decla¡a¡ion of V of 1983 Assets anC Other Provisions Ac!, I983,

|r22. TheJâmnìLr a¡d Kashmir?rbllc Plernises aEviction ol Un a,-ìr¡c.ise(l XV'll of 1988 Occupanrs) Acr. 1938.

123. The Jamm Lr and Kæhmir Publíc Safèty Acr, 1978. vl of 1978

124. The JammLr and Kaslimir PLrblic Servicæ GLrarânree Act, 20 ! l IXof 201 I

. r25. The JammLr and I(ashmir Regis tratioÙ o i Con tracto rs ¡\cr, 1956. XMof 1956 . t26. The Jarnmr ¿nd Kashm ir Registration o ITourìsr Tmde Aci, i 9 i8. lXof ,1978 ' 121. The Jammu and Kashmir i{egIlâtion of Accorinrs Act, Svr. 20C:. )CVofSvr.2001 ,, 1)e Tbe JammLr and Kashrnir Reservarion Acr. 2004. )(Vof 2ûla

'- 129. TheJammLr and Kashmi¡ Resjdenrial and ComrÌe¡c iâl Tenancy åci, 20 12. v oî2012

t30. The Jammui and Kashm ir Restinrtion of Mortgaged Propert:es Act, I 976. )Ív of 1976

l3l. The J¿n-rmu and Kashm ir Righl of Prio¡ Purchase Aci, S vr, I 99i. Il ofSvt. 1993 , 132. The Jammü and Kashm ir Road Safery Council Aci 20l 8. Vof2018

The Jâmmu â¡C Kashr¡ir S¡ffi on Acr, 2007. Y of 2ffi7

i3,1. SaJaries an¿ AllowÂncqs of Members ciJammri and l(ashnìr Stere l-egislature XÌXof l96Q Acr, 1960.

t35. Sala¡ies anrj AÌlowa¡ces of LeÂder of Opposirion in the Sla¡e Le.3ìsletlrre Acr, l9g5 XvlofJ98.5

, t3ó TheSÂpphireAcr Svr. 1989. XVLJfSvL. 1989

Ì37. The J¿mmu and l(ashmir School Edrìcatìon Act. 2002. XX of2002

ì38. The Jam¡nu ancl Kashmir Self.Reliant Coopera!i./es Acr, 1999. Xof 1999 producls t39. The Jamrnu ânC Kashûljr State Shee9 a¡d Sheep Deveiopínent Board IXoi 1979 A.L,l9'79.

]40.. Sher-j-Kashr¡i¡ Universjry ofAgriculrural Scrences and Tecixclcgl, Act, 19g2. \4I ol I982 14t. Sher- i-Kashm i¡ lnstitLrte ol Mèdicaì Sciences (Graqt of Degrees) A.ct, L9g3. )Ol of 1983

,;. ]L42. The Jammu end Kashmir Shri Amarnaih Ji Sh¡ineAcr, 2000. XVm 0i2000 ,i:, t+:. The Jammu and Kashrnìr ShriMÂta Sukhrala DeviJi and Shri\4ata Bala Sunda¡i trI of2013 ShrilreAcr, 201:1. I The Jammu and l(ashr¡i¡ Shr¡lvlata Veishno DeviSh.ineAct. 19S8. Xvlof 1988

t45. The Jamml and I(ashm ir I Shi ìvfata Vaislìno Dev i Ul ivers I ry Acr, ) 999, )CI of 1999

The Janr r¡r.r ,146. ¿nd Kashmir ShriShiv KhoriShrineAcr. 2008. IV of2008 t47. The Jâmmu and I(¿s hm ir S ikh Curdwâras and Relig ious Encìorvrrents AcL, I 973. XVol1973

, I48. Tì¡e Jamrru ancl I(ashrì ìr S (Developîtenr pr ggg. ilk Ând orecrion) Äc:, I XXVIII of 1988 149. TheJanrmLr ard l(ashnlir Specìal Secùrity Group Act, 2000. VIof20@ 150. TheJammu and Kashmir Special TribLrnal Act, 19g8. XIXof 1988 t5 L St.nrñ \., a.,r :al?ì XL ofSvt. 1977

152. The Jamrn u arirl Kashm ir Tenancy .Sv Act, t. i9B0 Il ofSvt 1980 ìua 55 i... rl THE GAZETTT OF INDIAEXTRAOIìDL\ARY A"uodh"nt"No' S,\o,r Ncme o{ thc Act .------. l53.TheJammuanciKashmirTenancy(stayofEjeclmentProceedi!'rgs)Actl966xl'(mofi966 1963 Pian ning Act' I961 XXol 151. The J¿rn mu lncl Kashrnrr Smte To\\'n 155. TheJamnu a¡d KashmrTreasurç TroYe Act' Svt l954 lloiRighÌsof fvoi20l4 156. . TheJamrnLi andKashmìrUndergrounti))trblicLililrlics(Accrr;i! UJer rn L¿¡rl) Act 2014 df 2002 'fax (Repeal aûd Savins)Act' 20C2 Ðo"lII l5i. Urban ImmolabLe Properly Govemor'sAct 1-\o ofLsdtkhAct 20ìS '158. ' The'Jniueisi:) LVIof20l8

197 I (Ceiling) Acl' 197 I ' 'Xll of r59. The Jammu ancj Kashmir Urban ProPe(y )C\4I ofSvt, I977 l977 lii r 60, Usu¡ious Loans Act, Svt ofLandsAcL SY! 2010' IX ofSvt.2010 -- i6l. Jhe.Iaìnmu end Kashmir Ulilìzalion XXI of 1967 I 967' l6?.. The JalnmLr and Kashmir VaccinationAct' Acl. Svl 2009 XU olSvt.2009 163ì The Jamnu ¿Lnd l(ashmir \¡egeüble SeeCs Act' 20 i f of20ì I t&. The Jañnìu a¡d I(ashmir Stâte ViSilance CommissÌon (ResÙlation aíìd ì!h¡¡ge'nenl) Acl' 2010 XXI of20l0 ' 165. The Jamm( and Kash¡ìlil \\/ater Resources \-lo'':ment) Act' 2 Xvl of 2lÐ0 1ú. Ihe Jarnniu and l(ashmìr willow (Prohibition on Export and

DR, Ç. NARAYANA R.\IU, Sccretary lo the Govt Ql lndia.



.-_ Èw Þelxr_lloooz AND ?UBLISHED BY THE COTITROLLER OF PIJBL]CÅ-I:CNS' DELIJI'IICO54 eÑ i'!ftiÅ NTGTPTvRND-26o1Gr(s3)-os-c8-2ors Biål' Ë,is;

.( - .:i --f .t

lr rì :ij I tii Aruxexçre,E -Py' tsY q'Og'Eqt The Texicíthe 1846 Treaty oí Lalrcreiecjtl å

Treaty between,¡he tsrjtish Govei'nnreni and ihe State of Lahore'-



'Wherdas the treaiy of amity a:d cor::;i, which was ccnciuded to

between tne tsrilisir govÊrnmcnt anC ;,1; raie Maharajah Runjeei

Sinqh.the ¡uler of i-ahore, in 1809, vras ¡rcken by the unprovoked

aggression on the British Provinces, oÍ:rre Sikh army, in December-..1

lasi; and whereas, on that ccÇasion, bi' ihe proclamaiion, dated

13r' Decepber, ,:re ierriior;es then ' :ne occupaiion oi the

lr4aharajah oí Lahoie, cn ihe left oi' Sritjsr oank of thé river Suilej,

y,,ere coniisÇatecj and annexed to the tsiiilsh Provinces; and'since

that iime hosiile operatioqs ha're been prcsecuied by the two

Govçrnn'ierts, the þnç against ihe other", r,';hiclr have resulied in thç

cccu,paiÍon oí Lahore by ihe Britislr t¡ocpsi and whereas ii has l been deierminecj thai, upon cei'tain ccndltions, peace shall be re'

i, . established b¿jlween the tv,¡o Governrneni;, ihe following treaty aí

peace between ihe Honourable Easi lndia Company eng

.ii4aharajah Dhuleep Sing Bahadocr, anc his çhilclren, heirs and

sucôesso:s, nab been Çoncluded on ihe part of the Honourable

ComÞany by Frede:i:k Cunie, Esc.:ir'ç ;"li Srevet-Major Henry

'¡ !fsl Monigomery l-avrrenc'e, by virtue oí iir powei's to that effect vesied

in thëiRight i-ion'blç Sir l-ienry Hardinge, G.C.B., one of ''; her Briiannic Majesty's Mosi Hon''ble Privy Council, Governor'

' General, appoinied by the Honoui-acle Company to .direct and

: ccntroi all their'aífairs in the East Ineies, and Çn the parl oí Hìs :¡t Highness ivlaharajah Dhulegp Sing,by 3haee Ram Sing, Rajah Lal

, i.- | Sing, Sircar ïej Sing Sirdar Chuiiur Sing Atiareewalla, Sirdar "'Fal(eer . Runjore Sing tulajeethia, Dewan ') eena Naih and i¡ Ncc¡oodden, vested vrith íull powers and authoi'ity on the part oi \ ¡ His Highness.

Article 1, There shall be perpetual peece and friendship between

1 the Briiish Governn'leni on ihe onê pai and Maharaiah Dhuleep

Sing, his heirs anC successors on ihe crher.

Article 2. The Mahqrajah oí Lahore renounces.,for himsplf his

heirs and sLrcoessors, all claim to, cr ccrnection with, the territories

iying to ihe soutìr of the River Sutiej ard engages never to have

any ccncern wiih those ierritories or the lnhabìiants thereof.

,Articie 3. The Maharajah cedes tc lhe Hon'ble Company, in

perpetüal sover-reignty, all hÌs fods, ter'¡i:ories and rÍghts ìn the Doaþ 1 or coun:ry, hill and plain, situated beiv.reen the Rivers Beas and

Sl'leivv vl , ,l Article 4. The 'British Government having demandeel from the

Lahore $iate, as indemniíicaiicn ior the expenses of ihe war, in

)' ll ' . ''.' .. .t. " , . ' j, '

6 acjditÍQn ¡o ihe cessionI oiierrÌtory' des;riped in Ariir:ie 6 PaYmént or lS

bne and haif crore oí Rupees' and Ìh¡ Lahorç Government being

unabie to oay thç whole ci rh,s suir :: this time, or io give security

payment, satisfectory to the Briri.qh Governmeri íoi' iis eventual the

Mahariaiah cedes to ine Honouraoie Company, in perpetual

sovereignty, asi equivalent ior Qne cr;;'e oi Rupees, all his foriE,

terri¡o:ies, righis and ínteres:s ir :Ì'a hìll countries, which are

situatqd between the Rivers Bees and lndus, including the

¡r \;r :¡ Provinces oí Çashmere and Haza'ah, ,' Articlê S, fire.tvlal"rarajah will pay io the British Goriernment the ,,i;, sum of 6C'lallhs Qf Rupees on o¡ ¡eforä ihe ratification of ihiç

r reary, 'i troops ,A.rticle,6, The Maharajah'engages tc crsband the mu.tinous

oi the Lahore ,Army taking frcm ther.'i täeir arms and His Highness

agree$ io reorganize ihe RegrJlar or Äeçn Regiments of Iníantry

upon the.sysfem, and acccrding to ihe Regulations as to pay and

allowances, observed in the time ci tre late Maharajah Runjeet to tlre Sing. Thb Maharajah further engages ;o pay up all arrears

soldiers that are discharged, unCer r.he :rcvisions 9í this Anicle'

Article 7, The Regular Army oi ihe r.aroi'e State shall hencefpfih ,ù be ìimited io 25 Balialions oí Ìníantr,v, ;cnsisting of 800 bayonqts

each wiih twelve thor¡sand Çavalry - ih:s number at no time to be

.*.uådè¡ wiihout the concurrence oi ihç British Government' IrT

Shoçld ii i:e neceçsary at any time ' icr any special cause that this

íorce shoulci be increased, the cause s¡alì be fully explaineo'to the

shail have , Brjtish Govei'nment,'and when the slecial necessity passeo, the regular troops shail be agairi reduced to the çtandard ¡ speciíied in ihe former Clause ci ihis Ariicie.

Article 8, The Mahai'ajah will sLrrrence: io the Briiish Govei'nment 'all tlìç \gu'ns ., ,ihiny-six in nurnber - v'¡hich have been pointed lr' againsi the British troops and which, having been placed 'on the

' right Bani( oÍ the River Sçtlej, were rlt captured at the battle of


Article 9; The control QÍ the Rive:s 3eas and $utlej, ùith the

of the latter river cbmrnc:iy called the Gharrah and continuations .ì rhe, to :he cciíluence cí:ie i J;:s at ltliihunkote and the

conti'cl oi the lnCus írcnr lrliihunkçie tc tie borders,oí Beloochistan,

shall, in respect to tolls and íerries rest with the British t. : Governmeni. The pi'ovìsions oÍ this Anl:le shall not inteÉere urlth

:ii+l Governnrent on the ,r' the passage of boats belonging to ihe '-ahore '.1. öaid rivers, íor iile pufpose af '¡aíí:c ci' .ihe con'veyange of

passengers uF ,and down iheir ccuiso ReçJarding the íenies

between t¡e two countrles respeciivel;r' at ihe several ghais of the '!. saiC rivers, ti is agreeç rhai ihe Biitish Glvernmeni, aíiei'defraying

all,rhe QXp?nse$ oi rnanagement and esiablishnrents, shall acco!nt

to the LaholerGoVerqnrent for one'haji:he net profits tof the ierry

, ,j', i , _'; ¡ lsß Çollections ïhe'p"ovisions r't¡ls Ani;: '-'ave nQ reference to the

íerries cn rhat pai'l of ihe River Sutlej wirlch iorrirs the boundary oí

Bhawulpore and' Lahoi'e respeciively.

Artiåle 10, lf the British Government shc.:ld, at any iime, desirq to

pass troops through ihe terriioríes oí l-iis ilighness the Maharajah,

or thosQ of Allies' íor ihe prolection,oí the Briiish ie¡riio::es, ,their

ihe Briiish trbo¡rs slrall on such speciei c':çasion, due,notice"being

given, be allowçC ic pass through the Lahore terriiories. ln such

r¡iii íacilities in providing .casç ihe oííicer.ç,of the Lahore Staie aíicrd

and the British ,suppiies and boais for the passagÊ ci t'lvers,

GQvernnrent will pay ihe íull príce oíai s-'ch'provisions and boats,

and will make fair' compensation íor aii pi'ivate property that may

be ciamaged. The BritÌsh Gouernmeni v'i'll' hroreover' abserye all

due gonsideration io the religious ieelin¡¡s of tht: inhabitants of

those ti'acts through which the army may pass, I in his i,:l_: Article 11, The Maharajah erLgpges never to take or to retain

l:,. ¡ service any British subject -nor the sl:cjact 9f any European or

Arnerican Statel without ihe consent cf the British Çovernment' t, jered Articlq 1r2. l;r 'consioe:ation cf the se:¡ :es renc bY Rajah

procuring the Golab Sing cí Junrmco to the Lahore Slale, towards

restoratio,n oÍ the.relaiìcns oí amiiy betv.recn the Lahore and Brìiish

Governments, ihc lv4aharajah hereby agrees to recognize ihe

.i -;-" ,t I l (-. tscl lno'epenceni sovereigniy oí Raiah Gclab Sing in such ierritories

and Cisil'icts Ín the hills as niay be naie over io the said Rajah ,. Goiaþ Sing, by separaie Agreemen: :'e:.veen hjmself and the

.4 Briiish Government r¡;ith the depe¡cercies thereof, which may

have been. in the Ràjah's possession sìnce the tirne of the late

MahTrajah Khu,rruck Sing, and the Brliish Government, in

consiÊ'eraiion cf the goftd conciuct oi Rajah Golaþ Sittg, also t:¡ . agrees iQ recognize nis independence ;il such ierritories, ancj to admit him ic thp privileges oÍ a separ¿.e Treaty with the British


difference arising Article 13. in the .event of any disc.::e or 1,, betwçen ihe Lahore Staie and Rajah Gciab Sing, the same shall

þe referied io the arbiiraiion of tne tsrítiSr Governnrent, and by Ìts

decision the Maharajah engages io abice,

lArticie '14. The,iitl'iits cÍ ihe Lancre te;r;lcries shall noi be, at any

time, changecj without the concurience cí:he BriiÌsh GovernffiPnt,,

.,Article 15: The British Govei'nment wiil not exercise ariy

interference in the internai administratiorr cí the Lahore Staie but

in all cases, or questiclns which may be i'eferi'ed to the Bi'itish þl ' Governmeni, jhe Gcvernor'-Generai wiii g,ve ihe aid ol his advicç

and good oíÍices.ior ihe Íui-iherance ol iL'; interests oi the Lahore

^^,,^.^-^-¡\.:tuvct .Igi , r,, ',1, lb0 lrticle 1õ, The subjects cf eiihei Siaie shafl, on visiting the I most ierritorìes oi the other, þe on the Íooiing oi itre subiects of the

laVoured naiion, '' , i This Treaty'conri.ting oí sixieen ariicles. lras been this day settled

hy Frederrck Curiie, Esquire, and BrÊveþ\'iajcr Henry Montgomery

Lar,vrence aciÍng ìuncier the'dirçctions cf ihe Right Hon'ble $ir l"lenry

Hardinge, G.C'8., Gcverno¡Generaì, cn lhe part oí the Bliiish

Governmeni, and by Bhaee Rani Sing Rajah Lal Sìnç, Sírdar Tej

Sing, Siro'ar Chuttur Sing Aitareewalia' Sirdar Runjore Sing

Majeetiria, Dewan Deena Nath, and Faqueer NJoorÇoddeen, on the

pan of the Maheraiah Dhuleep Sing ancÍ t¡e said Treaiy has been

this day ratífied by ihe seal oí tirç Right Hon'ble Sir l'lenry 'Hardmge, G,C.B., Govefnor,'General, anc ny thai of His Highness ,¡

Maharajah DhuleeP Sing. ì

Done at Lahore, this ninih day of March, ir year of Our Lord one ri

c thQusand eighi hundred and fony'six; ccrresponding with the,tenth \\ I ciay oÍ Rrìcbee-ool-awul, 1262 Hiiree, anl ratiíied on the .samç


(Sd.) - H. Hai'riingc (L.s : ) ,l .. (Sd.) Maharajah,Dhuleep Si¡g (L'S.l lj

Bhaee Ranr Sing (L,S ) ,'11 Re1ah -ar Srrìg il- ù i \\ Sirdar'lej Sing (i-.S')' løl (L'S') Sirdâr Chuttur Sing Atiareewaila (L'S') Sirdar Ruijoie Sing \4aiee : :a .:,. Dewan Deena Nath (L.S ) Faqueer Nooi'cocidcen (L'$') :t, i' '

(True Copy) Axrr.rrxuRs- pg

1"),i i1. l:w_gåKg$Æ lau }far*h 16, J.946

Legal Ðocument No 1

The rreaty, betv;ee:: I irç Bijtish Ggvernnent on the

one parl and ivfaharajah Grla,b Singh of Jammu o:r ihe other concluCed on ii:e par,, oitl:e Brilish Government ,t- 0v r'¡eder:ck Cu:.:::, ls: ano B¡ever_Majo: äe:¡.

Montgo¡:ery , Larvrence, acl::g under the ¡riers of the R- nuj1,ll¡¡ qi- u.-*, ^1, Ò1r neili,...iard:ng0, G,Ç,8,, one of her

Briiannic Majesf' s nos: ïcro:able prirry Councjl,

Gover:: o:- Ger-e:al oi :;:e .:: s s:ssious oi ¡he Ðas; Ii.iia

Cor:rpany, io cjireci ard co¡:¡¡rj ajl rhe alfajrs in.the Ðast .''. ìnd:es ar:cj b¡'ìvtairarala-h C;i;.; Singh in person _'1g16.,

Article I

T::e Goverlr::.- 3;irisl r ::a:r5íers and rnake S Over .

loi ever in incìef:cl:dçr:i ;,i":,;ss:ssion to Maharajah Gr"rlab

Singh and rhe heirs maie c: ris body all the hilly o¡

monntainous country rvith its clepenciencies situated to

ine oasi\Ãrarc o: tÌle lirver ini;s end the west\À'ard Oíthr: .^. .Rrver Ra'¡t inclucting Cha'nba and excjucjjng Lanol,

being pari of the te¡riro¡ies ceded to the Britiçh

) .'

.t ¡ , 'lbg

GQvernmçnt by rhe Lahçrç g¡41s aðcording to the pravjsiçns cí Ariicie IV oí ihe Treary of Lahore, clatecj

9th March, 1846. tl I A¡tic1e 2 l ; t,

The çasie.rn boundaiy of ¡he traci tra¡rsferred by

rnc to:eEorng a:.i::le io \fa:a:a.;a.h Gu-ab Singh shall be do{vn by the Co::irssiorers iì , 'laid appointeC,, by the

British Gor'ernmer.t and Maharajah Gulab Singh

re.spectlvely , íor iha¡ pitr?ose ani sj:ail be defined.rn a

separetÊ e:gagemeni aire: s.;::-e¡,.

: ''¿.rticle s

'li conside:ario: cí ¡he ;:ansfer macie to hinr ancl

his heìrs by lhe proi/isions oí the loregçing article

l'{qharajah' Çulab Singir wr:l pay ,io the British

Gbverndçnt the s¡:m of sevent¡z-íive Lal

(Nanukshahee), fiíty lakhs tc b,: paiä on or befçre rhe

lsr OctoÞer oi the current yea:. .À,D,, i84ó,

l Article 4 , .

The limirs of terriiorjes oi Maharajah Gulab Singh

shall nci be at any time cha::gei wi¡hout concurrence gí

ihe B¡itish Governnent. r ,t ' .lrtrc.te Þ ¡6r{ Àr-L rTré.r1

arbitration af the Bri¡isi: Government any cíisputes or I 'reiween .qllgstion that ma1, a::se himselí a¡:C ,ti:e

'Government of Laho¡e or â-:1J¡ other neiþhbbring State,

and r¡,ill abicle 'oy 'ti:: dçcjsion of the Brit¡sh ê ¡'.-* .. -- vvv9:irr--91,1L, ' .t

',li , .,Artiele6 , :i Mahara;ah Gulab Sir:gh engages for hir¡çelÍ and

to hei;s ioi::., ',r,:th ¡:re ivi::-: ci his Militay Forces, the

B:iush rroops q'hen e:::plcr-e: withi¡.1 the hiHs or jn the

:err:¡ories aC.jcining i::s oos sess:o;:s.

:. Article 7 '

.uÇ Ma-harajali GuÌab Singh -engages never take to

retajn in his service any Billl$h sr:bject nor the subjeci

oí any European or Ameripan State wit!:out the consent

of the Briiish Govçrnmeni.

'Jt.fElcre ð \\l

Ma"haraj:-a Gulab S1::gr. engages to respe'ct in

. rega:d to the ;erritory ira-ns:i-'::: m him, the provisions

.l of Articles Il Engagernent betwæn ihe lbf r,¡rc .t âll0r€ Durbar, dated

Article 9

The tsrjiish Gove)rnnient will give its aiC to lvlaharajah Gtriab Sjng: _: protecting his teritorjes : from external enemies. l:''i: ij... A¡ticle I0

Maha¡ajah Gulab Singh , aclcnowjedges tl:e suprenacy oí tire Br:;is.l't jl .e¡.rrnen' and ivill jn tol

.t' 'r-t ' r r:s 1rga;..y' oi te:r a:.::c_es has . been tÌ:is cia¡, sett.led by Frecle¡ick Currie, , .isq. a¡d Brever_ Majoy Henry;Moi:tgome:y Lawrenca, â.ting under directions oi the Rt. Hon. Sjr l{enry l{arcijn gr, eaverner_GençraJ; ç¡ the'parr of the Brjtish Gover::::n: a::a ¡¡liVa¡a¡aJah

Guìãb.'slrrgh in_ perçon, and ¡he sa:d Treaty has b¡en

I I .. ,,.: l6t Ur$ rday raiiíi€C b¡r the seai oí thc Rt, Hon. Sir Henry

Hardi.+ge, Governor- General,

Donç at Arnrjtsa¡ ihe síxteenth d.ay of March, in

ihç ,vs¿¡ oí oui Lçrd one ihcusand eight hundred a*nd

íOrty-six, corre,sponfling u¡iÌl: rhe sevqn!çenth't day of ,¡ Rub èe.ul-Awa'- (!262 n!j:'.).

{Signed) H. Hardinge fseai) ì...j,

'\5 (signed) F, Currie

(signed) H, M, Lawre:rpe

\ iàile uþtj i '. z1th April, 1.927 16?

Legal Docunteni No 4c"

:.v.IÌn '-l..¡.; /.e¿ _- 1L. ; :^..,r- s^!:.-:1.- .terrr v_, _:-€ r9-:c r::g- Cell.nihon .of ¡he 'Staie Subject" has been san;ïoned by his Highnèss the

:We.t1era-ia 3ahadU: ¡':ce ?::.are Secrerary,s let¡er: ñ0,

2354, Cated thç 31si jâi:ria¡', Ig2T ta the Rovenue

\{ember of Çcuncil) a-qd is hereby lroaulgated for generaj iníornation,

,r. te¡m State Su¡:e1t *""ræ and includebrl

Ulass i. - Aìl persons bc:n and resjding u¡ithjn the

S¡ate beic¡e tile com¡::ence:le::: oí the reign oí ills j

Highness the late lvlal:aiaja Ghi:laì: Sir.igh Sahib

Ëahadur', and aiso perso4s ,¡i:o settled the rein beforc

¡he cor:nencenent o: sai:::.'a: s'ea: 7942, ¿¿¡ld have

slnce been penranently res;c:::;:::erein. I

' Qlass II, -"Ali persons'cther ihan those belonging

io Class I who seitlqci withjn tj:c S¡are befçre Lhe closc oí samvat yea¡ 1968', and have s:nce permanently lesided and acquired immbvabie propeiij/ therein.

'; ,'-: Class Ií1, - All perso::s, cther than those belonging t68 Ciasses Ì Ii residine withjn ,to and ne:ia:-endy the S,raie, who have ac:ul:ec ':::ier a rà¡ratnama any

j¡::movabie property ¡l:ersjn ar W\{Q may hereaiter

acquire such.,properry unie: a:: ijazatnar.á anci may

exeçu.tç a rayatnama ai;e: ten years ,cQntjnrtous

residence therein.


Class IV, " Compa:ries r -r:oh have beer: registered \¡,:, as such rvithin the State ani which, bcinß co:upanie,s h

which the GÇvernnrent are íinancially jntereste'J,or as tQ

,l the écononic beneñt to tl:e State or lo the fina¡:cial

stabiìity ofrvhich;the Çovè¡nn:eni are satished, have by

a special çrder oí His HigL::ess been deciared;to be

State suþ.1:ects,

1 l{cte L - Li natteis rí g::ants oí the State

scholarships Siate lanis ícr agricultural and housç

buildir:g uì-rrposes a:rd iec:u:';:nent to Statç. ser¡ice, :, State subjects oi Class I should receive pleferençç QVer . '

odler'classes and those oí Crass 11, over Class ill,

subject, irorvever, to ihç order daicci 31st ianuary, L927

oí hi.s tiighness ihe Mahar;ja Bahaciur regardlng enpio_vnrenr cf hered:;¿,:-.. S:are Su,ojects jn Government

¡ cavrri¡ u,1 ùç: v tce,

t ,' 1 l{ote _ Il. The desoendants of the persons v,ho ë .,i, : , have secured Lh.e stat,;s òi a.y class oí the Stare .::con:e : Subjects wi.ì be e::ui:ei :; the State Subjecr of

the sanre class, For exa:::rle, l.---'J if A is declarerj a State

Subjecr oÍ Ciass ll his s:::s ancf gra..rdsons rvjll jpso

' íactc ,:!.., acQuire the siatus c: iiie same Class (ll) {!.' and rlot cf t w¡d,ùù^i^ ^^ 1. ,' ;

rYr 1\0te^l^*- - Thc lll wjfe or a widow of a State Subject of any plass shall acqúire ¡j:e sratus of hçr husband as

State Subjecr of ¡he same Cless as,her husband, so long as she resides in the Slale'ancl does not leave Lhe Srate

íor perrjlanerr :esicjetce o;:- i:Ce ¡he $tare.

' {o¡e'lV, - For the pllfpÕse of the interpretation oí

tire term State Subject' either rvjth iefeience to any iaw

:c:,the,dne beíng in ícrce :: o:l:elv,ise, rhe deänitior

given in rhis Notifícarion as r:ç¿:d.ed up ta clate shaJl be ji reai as such amendei ceii:ition existeci in rhis

1\otrll.cailon as originall¡r jssuec.

ill .t

' Itl L¡ I J¡ ll-,.1À.t lUir

- ,1 , lþ ' (lssuecl by orciei oí l-iis iligl:ness thÇ ltlaharaja

tsähadur ciated, Slinaga;, :t-e 27lh June 1932, (L4th

!iar, 198Ç, ¡'eiblisl:eC i:: Govern:::eut Gazslte dated 24uh

u",itt4J ¡t/v¿1. cr.qo r

No,13L/1989, - Wherøas it is, nqcesçary to

Ceterinine the statns oí ,ie-,-n¡¡ü and Kashnrir" State .,....11 Subjects in foreign terriio::;s and to inforn: the

Governn:enl ol Foreign States as io the position of their

nutlc*i' in this slate, ii is ':ereby c'ommandeci and

:lacjijed ic: pu'oüc inforr:adc: .s :ollows: r\ 1l^a":11 p'*ig-e..ts lro= ::e ,Jammu anC Kash:ni:

Staie tq íorçign teriitorÍes s:,.-- be considered'Sia¡e

Subjegfs anrl also the desce::ia::ts oí these emigrants ) 'born aÞoa¡c IQf i\4¡o generaiic'-s Provideci ihat,'ihese

naiionals oí the Ja¡irnu and !(ash¡:nir Stare shali not be

enirtiec to cLaitn ine r:rteinal rigi:ts granted to subieets

oí this State by the laws, ;aless they iulíiii the

condjtions laid ciown by.those la'¡'s and ruies f9r the

specifi': purposes n:elliioned the:'ei:r'

:i rì ìi

::l rl !ì

'rl ;. ' .ì TIre/.:-v f¡rejørr:v: v-6:. n:rìenais :' the Sta'tå'ct l"t Jammu and I(ashmrr shall noi âcciuire.the nationaJity of

ihe Jaml::u anC i(ash:rir Sta;e :-:n',.i] after the age of 18

on purchasing immcvable Þioi:ert5'uncÌer permission çf

an ljazatrama and on obtaining a rayatnana after ten

years coniinuous residenoe in ihç rJanmu and Kashrnir

State as laic down in Notjficarc:-i No,-l-L, of 1984, daied

I' ) 1t:h A,¡t'il 1 Q)7

''. l

,Certifieaies of natiopdii;,' oí the Jammu ,'ancl

Kash¡rir State n:ay, on appl:caltioa, be Sranred by the

.,r¡finisier-in Çharge oí ii:ç Pcliiical in ,;,f .Ðçpattment ,öcordan e wi¡h ¡he provìs:c:: of sectjop I of this ;l ¡:^ri¡;^x,:^.t 1\ U --1tÇCLiulr,

_t" -lt'-


I A*¡cr xú(E ËO

[26 çro. 5,] Gouern;mcít o¡ ;ndiø /-ct, 193ó.

i1. le

OILAPT¡]P, 2. Á¡ Àoi to ¡:aiie furibor piovisiol .'oi lire ¡.p. rg¡s. goverrrceni cf Inclia. i2ncl Lug':st i935.] ìfiE ir onaoüoi b.¡ tbe llins's rrosi .Exoe:-::: Majesty, frtr bv ¿nd with ihe ¿dyice-a:rC conse:t ci :bo lo¡Cs ..,i?... ':l-s .'¿,fÈ Siritisl ¿nd î'cnpo¡øÌ, ¿nd Conr:c::s, L1 -::esent Pãrlia¡oon¡ asse¡obied, and bJ' tbe. auùboiii'J; oi !.bÊ s&rao, ì':r:,r ¡s io-lows :-

!-{-.t1,I .1. i!.\.-?ROlitCÎ0Fls. i, lLis llci'may be citei as lhe Gcre::rroeni of s¡o$ ùitle' indi¿.,\r!;193õ. 2..--n\ A) ¡ish;s, outl-o¡iiv a¡:ci -iuisd:c;j::r Lg:oto' G-owo¡¡aen: fo:¿ belon'ú: to ñs lfejesty tbé itng, En¡e::: of hdio, 11,f"ÖÛ io :!e nf -L:c: or ole inciden:al ¿ro:-r:r:er!j ðí";,". ihc te::iìõries"p5stíuin ln Indi¿ io¡ tle lice belr5 ì-¿-s:: :;: -brø' a.ì.1 ighïs, a:r"Lority and. j"::iaúclion exe::lsebJe by anC jr- i=1:: ot Ë ¡qia:içn io ãny olLer ie::.iio:jes I::ü4, ¿¡e ¡y.Èt'Yrejcs;y. evce¡¡ ::. so ia: er ::r5' bo otie:r¡iso"]tî.i*.i:" ¡:ðo.J:i by or urcìe¡ rì:s -{ct, :: :-- r::y be by tis Majesty: othewise ãireoiei . P:orided tha¡ ¿ny porvors connecíeC wiib iie exe¡cise juno¡io"t irs ¡elaiions r'iih Indjan F r_'1 of i,hu oi lhe'C¡orvn in t,.1. St*... i!"U n inJa, il r-c: oxe¡c:sei by I{ís ì1:;es:.r,. bs acd:rg u::de: Ë*à..:r"C o:Jy by, or b¡r -rersons :-: a;;to' :::v c:, ãjs Ma¡esiy's Rep:escltei:r'e r0r i3c l::è:clse ol trôse :'unc:iors cf ihe CÌoïT. l Geo 5 tîa A1 Go|ernntø,t of Ind,iø i20 " ') AoL7935'

ooj*,-^,..!'213,::+;*'l'l;irålÏi,l'¡ift.1 iå?:],,.i'i"'i lqt ''år".t;;'d;it in I¡dta 'pËr. ;*Ï.ä';üj'åi'ìå ::=::r:ios tt -cpt\t, |,î:-i¡î Sã.i""t; cf ìiote, the Seo:e:rry 9f.i:1lt ó,."!iir,ïÈã"ø".å.ilää:lt,;t{,::,tä""';ff anY uo :lti in Counoiì, o: 01¡e¡çrsç' ;;.;i;îi ãeiegttion from Eis Mojesi;" ap-goinred the Go¡'emor'GeÊe:¿l oi-l:ca is 1'be coesr. 3.-(l) '¿:rie: :ie Ro¡ ol ¡o:.Gene¡h) bl His Majes¡y -"öå=tiiti"i ''Sign oí l¡ìie ""¡Íenual anC bss-"y i;' j";'j#",."i:liiÏåd " ü$.i'j.r'i€ Þ:9S3Ìlllt. ".'l:::5':ïi:Tj :i'Ä a¡ ('o\,|,.h otLet powers of-;;t IÍs .Ï¿'esty' :o'úìa- '"' ïi*"ii-.ìí"'¡i;;ä the !:eircise of'þgul thb i;"iåX'- -fr¡¡ctÍons oi the cholyû in i:i :ele'llons 'or'r storps. I¡dÍen utotes, ¿s ILi )Ia¡est'r :--oy be pleasod to assþ io him' (2)Eisvaias.:r'111g1;'i,:.tY"Î";i;-:'ît1å'iï'å"'i a'J'r J'¡'q tbe iuáctio¡s of the C¡o"v:n In rt's Jel&trro:sj"-i1:-T"Yå'""d Ëiltåîil"îpî.i":i'jã-u!'il'-ri"l.'tr''l "conreç:ion *iti 6jù hâs suoh oo*t'* oiå Aîiti L!: fu¡á¡ions (rot being pc=*' 0r--duf:ès Jiå.ìäìi'*ti-t ' ol,tbe confeued c. i¡opoteã"'tî òr- u¡de:"tlis' '{ot' äi";åi'il'ei-Jõil-nï'Rl1 ¡toj's:v Ê¿v be !:oa6sd to assiøn to,hi¡n. '""''iäiliã"1 bo lowful fb¡- Ifi-s M¿iesìv io a¡point 0,," ùãitã" tã 5u bo¡¡ the saii oËces' 5ielì- be a Comn¿ncie:'= 'CEioJ of Hie Ths co=' ¿. ù¡ttu fa=:¿¡:j u'rde: tbo !êander-þ- l1¿íestv's Foroes r.n lnCia appoìrted by Cbief L:1 "Sia! Ioci¡ Rníol ]fá,Ðr:al. PAR'T IL , ,THT TEDÐhATiON OT iT}Iå' ol{ÀPÎlf I. Ðsr¡¡¡¡sE¡rpxr or la4o¡ut:oN I'NÐ åcoDssfoN 0¡l IsPr¿s Sr¡lgs' an x ì \ 'ri sh¿lÌ be le'rvíìlÌ ior IIs ì--ajesiy'- if Èi; -i ;ãËor-¡"t been preser::ei..tÎ iii lv Ï:itf" anC the beÌem- iãi"*tr* ;;oo"dcry;JÏ'tt¿' }fouse-="-rniti.a of P¿¡lismeni Ï '.orf-!onj:001èrx&tl0n ãii'ji". äiå is ssris6ed,:o ieolsÀe :l' irt"ï *"i"ä :¡t ¿"r't*ãié¡ n¡:oirr:ei' :he:e shalÌ be 2 2'l í26 G¡o. 5.1- Gou-entmø"t of Inl'ia ''C:t' ì ac!. 1935.

a.!. 190õ. urltecì i¡ a Ied.era;io:r unier ibe *cpn, .'11' ::e n&¡oe of the Fede¡açbn of Indi¿,-.'- l?rf crlJcd l:we¡nors' (ø) ile Provi¡ces -he¡eineftcr -conJ P¡ovlrces; anC (b) the'*-"*"r-,.i Indian. S¿ates vbicb h¿ve ecceiec o: rÊey '-' o..ede ¡c lbe Ieceratior: ; and !: tle jedo¡a:io:: so es;abllsheci ''hero s:el:'!g in' cluded tie ho"i¡ces Lç¡ei¡afte¡ called cl- i: vom' æj.ssione¡s' hovi¡.9es. (2) The condi',ion ¡efþred !o is ih¿t S'"¿ies- (a) tbe Rulers whe¡oof w'Jì,- :: ¿Jco:ÈTrco" -Í;h thé l¡orisio:ls cont¿i¡eo In .yer; i- o: [oe idsË $obedule !r'this ¡-c!, be c''-:içlod to- \ ' ã¡ìãtu not Iess iþan if;y'tro =e:b:rs of 'i \ thc Council þf State; ¿nC qlo¡eci' lh\ 'lolnáã'i"Lbe zzr¡.es.a'"e popul¿tior r's ¿sce:- '-' ä.oott¿i¿ç rriih tbc seid :::isions, 'leasi one -balf of :¡e tot¿l ffi.:à ü;;;; ìo al the States as so ascertained, .:ir;i populotio¡ of h¿ve ecceleC ¡o;he Fode:¿:lon 'oe (f 6 A S:¿is shaLl deemed t: Save ac:eCed to '{o'ossiorr -rl) t¿"¡isty has signiûed hls a : : op:an ce tie Fiät¿íi.i i¡-dii -*""1{odian Oi ar- fr.o:¡r.¡:¿ent òf Accessio-n exccuied þ]- :r:3 $'Jie¡ ¡¡ç¡66i n'hereby the Rule¡ :for Limsel:; o]s :i:¡s ¿nd suc0essors* Le accecies üo tLe Fede¡a-rion as . ia\'*' Cecla¡es'.t"r¡,is¡e¿ lbat qiih u::der;his 'åc¡' ihe i'--:'::: thsi ifiag, lì:e of lfi" lüÈt-"y'the" t¡" -Í'cgìsla;u:e,-Gorer"ro:'Ge::e¡al I::ùa, noCe:al 'ùe Seier¿l ô;;; *î ¿nY ot¡e: !õde:al a,u:ho:ii;' cs;ab' |I üsheC fo¡ ¡bì-pu¡pose! of iho.loCe:¿:jc: sholl' r ;iltti; l"*onr*r òi -{cc:ssio:, bui u{Uieãiãi*oy."i-¡1. to ihe ier¡s ihereof' arà ior íÞe Ðumoses oniv of ¡he Iedoraiion' e-Ye:lrs: In í"ì"ii* i¡- ¡i". Sãie such f':nciions a: :a;' bo #iø Yesred i¡ tlem b¡'or unde:;ì:is 'act; ;:c l¡l assÌ=es tbe o'¡Iig¿iic:r of ensurhg tha: :-r: e5ect ' -, "1 îãå Çii¡j.: bis s:e:e to ih-e.proisrons of rÈ6 r'-ct ao fa¡ ¿s fboy ore appìjcable ;ie:ein by ' ei:tue of L:s fnsir':ner'" 0Ï 'liccessl0'-'; 3 ,,.:.,'.'r. '



I Ga,Lernmenl oJ htiia [26 Gno' 5,] Aat, \935.

I A.Ð. r935 P¡ov'ided th¿ç an Inst¡ ci åcoession iooy bc exe'cr:ied concütiorelìy on iì:o es::blbLment of the r¡ä n. oaso t?l IeCe¡oiio:r on o¡ bojo;a a soeciûod cai:, a::d i¡ th&t -.-¡"or.!, ;he St¿ie shelì no! be deêned to :-c:-o eccc

. (q) It sh¿ll bo a torro of eyery I¡s::r.:=on: qf Accos- sion th¡,t tho. prcvisions of ihis .Aci 3€:.!ìonocl i¡ tb; )econd. òc¡ecr:1o tbe¡c¡o lc¿y, rntþo:l cseotinø tho-"i 1. å.ccession of tbe Statc, be ¿meíded (:t.. ¡y .i ¡i"iiuììit" -"aÉa,¡a-ont, tut :ro sì:oL ¿nend¡eent sla_, wless ii is ¿ocelted bl' tb.e Rule: tn o suppìorro::i-: Ë¿;;;";: i?c oarstrued es extcn

The Gott ernor ' Gene;al' of th:; F''o;r::'-"-:' 7.-(1) Subiec¡ i-o .lbe*provisions '-c!' 'thg u*..úoì. jloÈe'ilv,oi¡"'å:içl,:å.ï:,i::#iiiå!i:ïi:* git Majesty- oY the 1 on ¡ehaf ol :j:r' Du: ãi'"".;ln o; :hror:gh oiñcdrs suhorcinole tc Ï"t"li^Ë ir ,èEtion sbalJ preve:r ihe Fei::a Logis' ry "ritïå.råirbg fu:rctioñs upon subo:üa: : - iliïã'T'iä Governc: -autho¡rr-orâ'l ;;;;:;= lrt dee¡eeè ìo t¡¿rsfe¡ tó tt-e lii"å.iìriã"i'"'ül'i.råa irv exist=s India:.-law on "ov o JJl,

Dr' 26 io'\1q+ Jnstrurnent of Accêsslarn ofJ¡rnr¡ri ¡nd l(¡chmir

,' 1 Wherças 1Þe lndian I¡dep€ndenc. \ct, 1947, irrovides that zs iram ùe Íifteen day afAugusq i ì947, lhere lw sha¡l be set Llp ¿s Iûdcpcrde¡¡ Ðominio¡Ì. {nown as Indi a¡d th¿! the

covernment of fndia\Äci, 1935, shall, wìth such o¡issl¡n, addilions, eCaptstions ând

¡¡9diiiòations as ¡he Govenor- General may by orCer s?ecìi:/ be aÞplicable io the Do¡tlinion o:'hCi¿ l

AND\fliEREAS, the Go,\,ernme!! of India Acl, l9J J as sc :c:pr€d b), lhe CovelnoÈOenoral

praviccs thn( an iiiiefr Statg nì¿y eccede iJ the Dornirjoi ri l¡disn by an insrumo'nl of

Accerisìon exeouted by the Ruler theigoli

ìrìorv Thercfo¡e

L l, Sirìnanlnderlvlahend¡¡R¿jrajeshrv¡iMalrara;aiì;:jgi¡iÌ.rarisingh Ji, Ruler oi

Jarûr¡u and Ì(ash¡nlt ;¡ Ìhe cxerçise of my soverl:l-q:ty in a¡d over my ssid SGle

Þo hereby gxecule this nylnsi¡Lìmenl ofAccessior, ¿¡d

I. I [,eréby ¡iecí¿re th¿i lacçcde . to thc Dorxinion ofJôCieryL:i the¡ntent th¿t the Oove;sr. Gener¡l of lnCie. the Donjnior Legislarure, th€FeCer¿l Cc'.rr ard any otlcr Þornínio¡

aulhorliy est¿blished for thcpurposes of the Dominion shali. by iitìie of Ihis my ¡nstrument

oiÀccession, bLrt subject always to ihe te¡ms thcrafo¡e ec. í9r llìe purposcqnly of the 't- Doni¡ion, exercise i¡ .elation to the Sl¿te cfjamnu rrcii(rshmi" (heieirlôtler ref€Íed to rs , i 'this SlêLe") such funclions lnay bgvested in theì¡ by of undei i|. Gove¡nrrent of lndis Act,

1935¿siÌrlorceintheDcminic¡oflndìaonthel5,hÐayof,i"g;sr,i94?(whiohAot¿ssoi¡ ) :,.\ - - -) l0r0c^ r\neil n¡l:er releil:d t0 rs "ihe Acl ). rîÞ, .ili.r'"i Þ,

?. I hereby assur¡e the obligeiion oíensuring thai i,J? eiieçi js:tjveh to the provisjon gfthe Áct wiihl¡ this Sl¿:e 3s ihey e¡e applicabie therein by vi::ue ol this my fnstírnr€n! of Þe

3, l?cccpt lhe neliers speç¡fìsC in th9 sçh€dules hqie ro ¿s th?iì1î:ieis v/ith respect ro whiclì

:5: Do¡r¡i:ioi l-eg:sla$r3 n¿),n¿ke lJws fc::¡ìs Srete.

,1. I he|eiy declare ihai I accede ìo tlte Doìniniol'| of Ì¡ii¡ l:r thaassurajtce that if ¿t

egreeme¡l is made bel!/een the Cover¡.,0t-Geneia; and the li::r cf lh s State tvhere Ufr

iunciicns in rclarjons to the airni¡i¡¡r¡lion i¡ t¡js Stare 9i e¡y l¿w of the Dominion

LogislaiLrre shall be exercised by the Ruier oî Ihjs Sr3re, i.r€r ..jt;/ 5u!h agreemenr shall

beCær¡Ld ro iorn.par oirhis l¡slru¡¡snt ¿nC sh¡ll bc Ço;¡rùea ena h¿vgeffcct accordjngly,

5, The Iþrnrs oi rhis my l¡slrumenr ciAcccssio¡ shell ro! be v¡.1c. by eny snçndlnent af tho i _'- .r fiî AÇt or ¡t rhc lDdi¿n lndeÞcndcncc Ac1, 1947, !¡lçsssuch ânoó¡nren: is eaceptcd by r¡o by

ar lnstrunent supplerneÐtary tg- Ihis l:lstrumeni.

ó. Nc:hi¡g:n !his Insirur¡eir shajl e:¡?c,.ver rhe D9ñirion Lcgisi:lr.l.e ¡o make ¿¡y l¿w ior

l thk Staíe erlhorÌzing t¡ç compulsory ¿.qu;siiícil of iani fo. nr)- purpcsç, but .l hcreby

u¡d9ltake t¡3t shquld ihè Ðominion for thc puqrose of Doñinior larv which applies in this

Stale deånr rt necessary lo acqujrg Eny la¡d I will at thcir raqlesr r.cuire the lonC at iheir

expeììse o. itihc iand bclongs io ne tr¡nsfe¡ it io them cn si¡dh:ei¡s ås may be agrecd or in

iefh,JIi oiûgrecmcnr deterfiredby ¡n aibitrato¡ to be ¿ppointed by ih3 CÌriei'Justice ofindia,

7. Not|ing in thìs i;stÍincnl shall be decmcd to be e'coñrìliilï¿nj in nny rva), rìs to

¿cia.l:1ra^ ò: ¿ìì11 futurl Ccrsirx:ior oj l¡rji:. or '^ :cr-e- i: .. sc::::cl tc entFr into iiitir\ ,::.::he '!:'::l lr':¡r;:n:-: Ccverrrer:s:l'r¿.. lrjc:¡.-I s1:ii fu::::: l: ':i:t::lo:r. ', 1.

8. Nothing in tiris Inslt!r1r;n: effccis the contin!ênce 0fñy scv¿lojgnty in and ovef this State,

or s¿ve ¿s provided by or under thìs InsFume¡t i¡e exeicìse.1a¡y powers, 0uthorily and I7"1

.ights ì1ow enjoyed by ñe ûs iì.uier oíthis Stete or lho vaiirily ¡iâny Iêw at lresent i¡l force

in this St¿te,

any 9. I he.eby declaie tiral I execu:e ihis'lnsiruiììini on b¿hai: ci ihis State a¡d thal

r.fercic. jiì Lhis lnstruÍrerl !o me cr lo Ìhe Ruler oi ihis Si¿ie i; to bç cdnslrued as including

.1 rele¡eice ro nìy heírs âid sùccessors

Gìven !n¿er my haid !his 26rrisy oí October ni¡¿!e3n fcly seven

' Sd/' Hari Singh

, Mal¿rej? D:iraj cfJamrnu erlC Kesimir

. $t::, Ì io hereb,v ¿ocept tììis :nstruÍcr! of.4cccssion

seve¡ D¿reC ihis lrverty seYenliì dây ofOclober, Nineteen lìu¡Cre.i ald ioiiy

-sii trlo'Jnlab¿tten Of Brìrña

Govemor Ge¡e¡el of India


2!r' October, 1917


liien¿nsrswlhrgspecltowhichl¡c¡'ñi¡ionl¡qisia¡rre\m3:/r¡kelawsioilheSt¿le' ffiÀ Á, Ðcfelcç 4n

ì. Îñe ievâ1, r¡ilìlaD, ard aii aorçes o:- thc dcminion ¿:¿ otiìer ¿Fngd force rais¿d ôr maìntaìnei b¡'th: Doninion; $ly omed ibrces, i;rchrdi¡l icrces raiseçi or naintaìned by en lßo acceding S!are, which âre aitached to, or opeiaiìng with i¡9 ê:in9C fcrces ofthe Do,linion.

2. Naval, Miìitiry and Air lo¡çe rvorks,.¿dminist¿iio¡ cic¡¡icrnenr areas

i. Arns, Iìrga:msi aÍñuni!:on. ,-t,


B, Exre¡n¡l ¿ff¿irs

1.. Exten¿l Affoirs, ihe implcrncntj¡g of lrÊaties and agiee¡ents wilh other ccunlries,

extraditìÁn, inol,.rdìng the surrende¡ ofc¡imi¡als a¡d accuse( re¡scns ic p¿n, ài Hi, Muirr,y', (ìii,r6.iil Dc¡iniolr ouisrde l¡die,

2. Acriissior inio, ani Èr¡igr¿tio¡ eni cxpirJsion lrol¡, irdia. h..!lii¡g i¡ r!lalion th€rilo lh.

regL;ìetióJr c,'ife môvemenis in Incia oî perscns who ¡re ¡o! 5'ilish sLrbjects do¡icjled in

i¡diê oisubjeo6 ofany acgeding St¿t3; piÌgrins lo !ieccs be!'cri !rdia.

L N¿turalisetion,

I ' C, Communicrttions

I ì. Pcsls ard Tcleg'rÂphs inlluding leÌ.Phcngs, \vi¡cless, broåi.ns:ing ¡nd o(hcr lil(e fb¡rns of


ffi,k. 2, Feier¡i Railslys; lhe regùlÀtion ofaìl raììways o:her ijìê1 :nl:ror railways in respecl of .. '!",! i- .- safcty, naxin'.tlt, and n)ininun rales a¡d far€s, siatìol alC leilice terminâl ch¿rges,. :,t ì, interchenge of ireiÍic ¿nC lha respansibìliiy bf ihe ¡dminislralic-r oí sLlch on râilwÂys ss


l- de

ca¡riers cí goods ¿¡d pass€ngcrs, reguldting ol mincr r¡i:¡'a)s i' iespect of safery, the

leslonsibiiity oi ïhe ¿dñ'nisli¿tion ofsuch ¡aiilveys as cariiers ci goods and passengçrs. lgl ' I i\4aritime shipling arcl nevigation, ircìudìig shipping airi rrvigaiion on iidel waters:


4. PoÍ quarôr!ioe,

5. MajcryaÊt, th¡t is !q say, the dcÇlaration ord drìiñir?iior of such poris, and thç

qcnstitutian end pgweß ai Porl ,A,rì'ùorities the¡ein, '

6. AirÇni and ajt-nayigation; ihe provìsio[ ofaerodrornes; regLilation and arganiz¿tiòn qfair

tre:-iìç sid aeroCromes,,

I 7, l,ight ho'Jse, iiclüCi¡g light ships, be¿cons and orher provisions 3¡ the safoty ofihìpping

ônC ¡iacie:ì. i''::.::tt.,€.lfrJ

L C¿riate cflpassengeis and g¡od þy $ea ôr þy air.

9. Exleirsiorì oithe Dowcis ârld j,JiisCiciio¡ oine¡5ers oi"thc p,rì::e ío;ce belo¡gi¡$o ¡ny

rn:t :o :¡i:\!:) ¿roe c.ltsi¿e r:i::.

D. Ancìlìar1

l. EleÇtions lo thc Dornì:rìon LegisÌaiurc, snbjeci io ihg picvìsicrs cÎ'ìe Ati a¡d of any order

ñade thcro under,

L Oifencls¿;¿ir:s: :rws qit.: ::s2:c::o :;¡ oi: e rJ.d ::::eIs.

. ¡.r:, i, Ìrquìrìes rnd satìstics ioi thc pr.tçoses olany ofthe aic;esaiC ncl'l¿:s, \:-Í, 1', 'I 4. Jurisditlion and powers o;l alì cou;ts viith respect lc ¿ny oi lTe 3ícresaid netters b!¡,

exccpl rliiir co¡s¡ni of the ruler of lhe AcccCi:rg St1te,. not so .s :c :c:ir ;ry jrrrisdictiän or powsrs l]pon any cours oihe¡ ùen cour'ls ordiìrarily exelcjsing jr:irjicilon in ol in roÌation I0

lhai Siaíe, l8L' "

i:t:ìti ,¡¿¡n È.ì,; r4tz




I @ . t" ,,1 |' I, l\4aharaja's Accçssion OÍfer to lndía s L, ' Legal Documeni No 1i2 1 oc!>ò, ìqq+


,,1 - . tli , . [4aharaja of Jammu and Kashmir io Lord Mountbattçn the Governor-General of lndia.

My deai -ord Mounib'atten, ,rpÀ l iJii.$4¿' ;{;¡: . I have to iníorm your ExcellenlY thal ü grave emergency has ',: ' immeiiate assistance oÍ'yQur ¡risen Ín 'mv ' 'J Siaiç-'"'7 ano i'equesi

I | ê^r ¡o rn n^.:ni ' \7Jvç] , ¡' I'çllt.

A,s yoLrr ËxcelJency is av,'aiç the State ci Ja.'ilmu aÉd Kashmir has

, not accecled io the Dominlon ci rricia or to Pakistan'

'$l^¡ Geograprically nry State is ccniiguoils :c noih the Dominipns lt t '' has vital econohical end culturai links ',','li: ooth cí ihem' Besìdes !tì "w- "- t7-' my State has a commQn boundary i,viin:he Soviçt Repuþiic and

of lndia and .,.i, . China. ln their externaì relaiions anc lcminion pakisian cannçt ignore this fact. ,

" I r¡;antecj lc take tinrq to Cecide io which Dcnrinion I sirould acceCe, , cr r¡rheiher it is noi Ìn ilie cesi lnterests cí pcih the Þomlnìoiis anc

my Stale tg siena independeni, oi course i'rith íriendly and còrdial

,.f ution. v¡iih both.


ìi ri

ìi ; ' ' l4 ! 'l'8 ';' "@ j , 'accorCingiy approachecJ tne Dominicns of lndia an'd pakistan to

enter ;n:o Sta¡asiiil Agreement wiih ,ny State. The pakistan

Governnrent accept'ed this ,Agi.eeme:ri. îne Þominion oi indja

desirec ír,:rther discussicns with iepresentaiives of my

Governmçni, I couiçl nct arrange this ir vle,,v 9i the ddvelopmpnts

indicaiecj bçlow. ln íaci the Pakisian G¡,rei'nment are operating

PoSt anci Telegraph system inside the Sia:e.

ïhough rve have gct a .stancsrill'Ag.eenent with irhe pakistan

",,iv Governmeni permitted steady ancl incr;asing strangulation oi

supplies iike fpocj, sali ano,petroi tC my Siate.

Afridiç, soldiers,in piain clo¡hes, and Ces.peradoes with mgdern

v/efipons have been aliowed to inÍlator i¡tc the State at first in

Pocnç1,' ani then in Sialkoi and Íinally rr r-,''lasç area adjoíning é llazâra Disirici on ihe Ramkot side. Thc ¡esuli has been that ihe

,nnreo ru:rbrlr oi i:oops a.:he cis:csa tí:,:e State hacj io be

çlii;pcrsed and thL;s haC io í¿cc the,ene¡ry at ihe se¡,,erai points

'siiriuiia¡ecusly, ihaÍ it iias beccnre CiÍíioLtit io stop the wantç¡ ': -'l dçstr$ciÌrir oi ìiÍe and propeñy.and ioc:i:¡;. -i-he [/0hara power-

house r¡¡irici'r sr:pplies tlie eleciric cu¡-reni i¡ il¡e vlhole of grinagei'

he s been burnt.'The nur¡rber oí r,vo,'nen v;nc have been kidnapped

and ra$ec and','makes my heai-i bieed.'ï¡:e wjld forces thus let

loose on ¡ne siate are rnarching cn .wlii the aim cÍ capturing t0r @s Srïnagar, the sunnmer Capital oÍ niry Gc',rernment, as first step io

over running ','he whole Statç: '

The mass infijtràtion tribesman drawn f:cnr ihe distant areas çf thç .l:, North-M/eçt Froniier coming i'egulari'.' r¡ moicr trucks using

Mans'ehla-Muzaííarabad Road and íuiiy armecj with'up-to-rjate , *jtoon. Çannot possiblv be oole wiihcut the knowing oi the Provinciäl Governrreni c: the Nonn-Wes: ::crl:ier Provinçe and the

. Governmeni cï pat

I oui a sicry ihat a Provisionai Governrrlent has been sei up in

'Kashmír The lrçople ol my State.both iiie Muslinrs generally have

taken no Pa¡t at all. @r Wiih ihç conditions cbiaining at preseni ii nry State and io'great

.,¿ einergency of the situaiion as it exisis, ì ray: no opiion but io ask ij ," .íor,help fronr the Indian Dominion. Nqlu;r-aiiy ihqy cennot send the

't':.]Ì.irelpas}iec1Íorbyme:.withOUtmyStateacceciingtotheDominatio.n'. , çí India. I havóiaccorditrgly decided'io ca so and l-attaçh the .l ' lnstrumênt of Adcessicn for; acceptance t:" youi' Government' The

othcr aliernaiiver,,i3 lo lçave my Siate and :r,v people to feç-booters'

On this basis nc:civìlizes Governnreni car' :xist or be r/aintained.

îhe alternaiive I will never allow to happe:r as long as I am Ruler of tl the State and I have life io deÍend my ÇQtin::y' ì rij I

: 'I J'


.' r i .t

1 I ls¿

@ I rhav also infQrm youl' Excellency's Gevernment ihat it is my 'i ask inþniion at Qnçe to set up an interinr Gçvernment and 'Sheikh

,Abduila¡ to carry ihe responsibiiities ir iris emergency wiih rny

Prrrne fulinisier

Ií my bt.te t,ts io be saved immecla:e assistanbe must be

arrailaþje aisrinagar. lvlr, tujencn is iirii,l,a,:rare of the situation and

he will çxplain io you if fLrrther explanaticn is needed

krnqest regards M\. ln.haste and wiih 'r14 '.f:lï]i

Yours SìncerelY

,l i-lair slngn

ïhe Palace, Jamri:u

,26th Oriobur, l'947 ' o

-a,c- Axr*EXUr(Ê P32 ffil(Dz i

\. tr,

Repìy írorn LorcJ Mounibaiten to Maharajali Sir Hari Singh

27 Ociaber 19.47

Legal Document No'1 15

My dear lviaharajan $ahib,

Yoirr frÌghness'S letter, datcd ihe 25ih Ociobers has been delÌvered

;':',:,"1 to me cy Mr V.P lvienon. ln the speciai circumstances rnentioned

by Your äighness, i'ny Governnrent ha're cecided io acoepi the


with thèjr policVr that in ihe case of an¡r $iate where the issue of u"orrrio. has: þeen ihe suhject oi :lspuie, the question ot 9f - ^tcession shouid ce cjecicled in accoriar.ce wiih ihe wisheslof the ; as soan :'\ì} people oí the Siaie, ii is my Go\ierninenl'ç wìsh'that' ?s ,iiiL cleared ìaw anC Qi'dçr har"'e been restorei in Kasnmir and her soil

of the invaier, ihe quesiion of the Sta::'s accession shoulc 0e 'f. resporise to seiilecj 'oy a'reference to ihe pe:ple ll;an"vhile; in

yo!r l-'ighness',$ appeal Ícr military aid, action has been taken

yQur tocJay'.'0 sencl ti-ocps cí the inclian Ai'ri,v ic Kashnrir to heip

pi'oieci lir'Qs, property own ÍQì'Çes io deíencl your territory anC io the

ancJ honour of Ycur oeoPle, wffilråMßV

has lr,4y Government ano I note v,tith satisíactic¡ thai your l-iighness t" decided to ihvite $heikh Abdulfah to ;orm ar interim Governmeni to

wcrk with ),ourPrime'Minister.

.ì' , ' Yours sincerel¡i, , , (SC¡-,'h4ountbatten'oÍ Burma

(irue Copy) 46J

' D.elbiAqsslr$LUg

I The main feaLr¡es ofthis agreement are;. take iF ny thç Jemmu and (i).In view of ¡he unifor¡n and consistent stanC t8q in âÌj ñalleÌs othe¡ than those I(ashnir Consiit',¡ent Assembly iha¡ soverçignry cantinues tb r?sicrin:he State' tlle speèified in lhe InstÌlmenr of Accession while Lhe ¡çsiduary iro"fi:s cf-legisla$re . Govsrnment of Indie' eg¡ee4'!hei, in stâles other then JaÍrl:lr ano Iiæhmir' vested in çi19 CentÍe in reslecr oí all

the case ollhe Ìafsr they veslecí in th9 Sraie lßelí; witb Arricle iwo Govemments that in acco:darce .,i) it wæ agreod beÐ!Çgn tha have their CcniciÌe in Jarnmu and 5 of the Indian Coîstitution, persons who Indía' but the Siîte legìslaturQ was I(æhmir shail be regarCeci as citizens of riehrs ¿¡d privìleees given po\aer !o nake l¿lvs for conferlins s¡ecial Notiäaatioas :;! \92i a¡d)9i2' 'State subjeoß' i¡ viçw oí the 'St4!€ Suhiect with ¡lotificarìon No' (Norífication )Jo l'L"/84, daled' ^"/u'ir April' 1927 read S;e:e Legisiatu¡e wîs e:so ernpow'erec ro *Ð.i 13i L, dateci 27th June, 1932); tbe Slate who tio'tt::,]:-ï::-:" nrako larç [0f ihe'State SuLìects' ut tt":': "t*t ii,iuttt"ces of :94:" j-' lhe eveìl: cÍ cnel: rerrri: ç '\:òrrLLi!' "o*"1u"nì respecr il i:1e Siaie âs ho does (iji)¿s the hesidert of Incìja cornman

l:es:cie:.: c; l:di::

the should hev¿ fl-aÊ 'n (iv) the Unjon Goverineni ag;eeri that SlatÇ '¡ -o!\'n the Stete Gc'reiill'citi i¡at'the ' ''iition tq ¡he Lrnion flag, but ii was agreed by that the the Unìon Í1ag; it was also recognised .\ra'te Fiag wouid rot be e rival of as and position in Jan¡i': arcl KàsLinir @ \jnìon ilag should liavc tle seme s"aius ffi :

rvi¡l: the f¡eedorn in the resi oi InCio, but fo¡ hisrolical !easons ccnl1?ci'c i:ag was'recqgni!ed; struggle in :he Sæ:e, :he reed;c¡ conlj¡trance ofthe Siale

io ih€ oflhe Sadar'i' (v) therç was complere agr€emell! willl Íagefc tOsilion fQo - b'r :ìe State Ledislâhr¡e' Riyesai; 'åougil ihe Sadar-i-Riyasal was to'De clecied before his insiailaiion as sucir; he haci to be iecogniseei'by the President oflndia q,as eppointei ì';**re-Preside¡t and in oriie¡ lndian states rhe H¿d oi thç siate as lie¿¡' had to be a vras as suoh his nominee but the Þerscn to'ue äooointec ie i Staie Ìic person who is not person lcceptable io ihe CoveÍrment oí ib" on lhe Sl2le as the HeaC Thè ecceptablc to ih€ Stale Gove:n¡ngni car be ¡hrusi will difîe:enie i:r ihc of I(eslimir lies onìy in tha fecl ;he: Sadar-i'Rivasal -cese, insread of being a in the lirsi place-be èleoted Þy ihe State Legislature iiseìi wirh regard-l lhe ncn:neq oj tie Govem::1enl a:rcl cl:e ?resident of l:-= powersanrifunctionsofthe'sâiar-j.Riyasaiihcfçllcwingârguñeniwas

mr-ttualiy agreed uoqi::

ll:e President ofthç (a) the liead of the Stete shalL be e pcr'ron Lecogniseci i) ' í'i- cf tlre Sia:e; . Ur,iorr on iic reco¡:lme:rclalions cf thc Legislar'¡¡e 't (b) i:cshaii hoicl oif,coJuring ihe p leasuie o I th e Presicleri;

resign;his un

ierr¡r' corltinue ihat he shall, t'ono"n"ondtn, ihe çxpiraiicr cihjs (e) -uLoviCecl upcn h:s ofice'l ic hoÌC tlie oiÏice irrrlil his successoi cnt'eis 'ç¡sic pri:ci¡ie-s agreci .-\\,i)vrjih ic!:eii ',c lhe ¡.lnC3rieiial righis' soÍre lha: iil' o-ectìe oí lhe StatÇ tfil irci,¡,'rîr ihî pirilies ur9r,9. îìL'aLìâic(l; ii rv¡s accerte'd ìn vierv ol ihe pecrìir:" posìiioa iit wìrich '"vet e io h¡,vc i,:r'rcltmtinlal rigllisì'Ilul *-f i'

Rights'ofthe lhe Stete rvas ¡iaced, d:e whole chaPier rçiadng io 'Furd¿:l:e¡rlal Iidian Cousritruion coulcl not be rnade aoplicaþ!e ¡o :l:eState, rhe question

which rernained 1o be determjned was rvhetrer lhe cha?iei on fi¡nd¿nental c¡ 0f i¡Ê to¡stitution of india lqt rìgìrrs shouli forr 6p@$ t:re State Consijtution

as applicabie:c :he State;'

(vji)wiih regârd to me jurjsdiction of the Suprerne Co'Jlt cí lncie, it vJes ofJu¡licial accepted that for the tim€ being, owing to the Ëðistencç cf;ie Boarcl

Aclvjse¡s in úe Staie, which resthe hillre. judicial au:l:c:iiy in the Sia¡e, the Suprer¡e Cqult shouli he!i only etpellar'.,¿'trisiiclion;

. (viji) ll:ere wes a g¡eât dçal oI discussion With regerd i9 the "Emcrsency ' Powers"i the Govcrinrent of India insisted on the app.iication of Artic¡e 352' 'empoqering'the P¡æÍdent io proclaint a general emergency in the Stâte; the sri" àoìrn*.n, thet in exe¡cise of its pcwers :ve: defçnce (llenl I on "rguQd . lhe Union List), in the ev€t¡ ofwar cr exteinai ¿ggressic¡, ihe Covemfient Qf indjá wo.:ld ievè ñ¡ll aùihoriry lo tal(e steps and ¡roclain em€rgency but the . ., .{oa¡ ':::'21í! the pqwer to Sta:e delegal:on was, hcwevçr. avçrse to th€ President exercisi::g

prcclaim à ge:'ìeial energency on accoì']nt Qf interxal disturblrce

'fn -

¿ñ vtq

--.t..-..-l ^ [)ltr /hv¡vsulls'


A¡lD KASfiMTR) ÀPP:üDIX i 569iTäE CONrS?fTUTIOÀ- (A??L:CÀTiCN !O JAMMU lqL OR--ER, 195 ¡- c.o- 4E (i) Ôf articie 3?C dl rn exê:cise oi l--he pc'''e's con:er'eo bl¡ cLeuse. -Lhê ccncurrence cf tile --ie cc.s!iiuiicir, ?;t;iã;"'' '''r:¡ 'he t'iìe s-!a!e ard ?iasr:¡':¡' rs pleaseC to nake' cover.i.êÌ'ì.- oi Lhe ";-':;;;" f ): orr.îr::ie::- nav be cêi1ei :ire (Applicatron tc l. (1) Tiris oide. 'casillulion J¿runu è.d lashnjr) Orde:, 1954 ccne 1n'o iorce o' i¡e ioi:':eenih dèy of MaV' 1954 and (2) ia sìal.l- (ÀppIiÇetiÔn i:o Jami0u aÊd sha1.l :hê:eupoi supe¡sedê iltt Ct,n"titt-tt :'n -dã-ehmi r ) clder, 195C. lÔrce cn the 20th s'i||2. 'rhe ptovislons o¡ Lne Co¡st:r::j-on as in b-v :ire conslitution tNineleenth ãav ci .june,-"oå !964 a.-d a"-"I¡ttCãA Ac-¿' iåår¿i=".i -',- téàe, tne-cånscitutià: iiwe¡tv-fi'st ÀmendmenE) ê^^:;^n q fhê Cãrsci-.u¿io¡ (1tie¡:y-th:rC Amendrnent) Aci' ^a ?:r'endr'èni) ig'ii' section 2 iiï;', Ìi!"åãt..i."ito. ìt'-ãnl"-ro'r¿h ^cL' l91I' !!:e of ¿he cc¡si1¿ution ti"rè:rlf'-¡:¡;rt-er"erd¡rerl) ¡-ireidlnent) Ac1:' (?',¡ertv-slx:h :lc'' 1gl1' the Constiiut:on Coirstiau;ion 2^ of l he constitu'!1oì1 (1:::'"ie:b Àmenciìe:ì-.) ¡-".!,-í!-t-,' !')i2 ' sec:r:.on (Tirr:t!,-ii¡sÉ ànenine¡t) igll' sec:!or 2^of the constitut:cn szc'rct's 5' 6 aod '7 of tììe (Tl:r¡r!-:hirc À¡¡,encner E ) ;-;;; \g'11' ^2' rÀne¡]drent) ¡c:/'-<)i5, :¡e Const::utron (¡o¡Llerl'l ti¡i:.'.,-ii¡ih ''o..,^ 'i;1¿, consiiLutro.l ì;;;1.¿.;) .".!i'n" 2, I ;'d 6 ai i-he tgAS a'': :ie CÔnstl:uiro!1 {six'!-¡i:si (ij f:1-sèco¡C Àireîdr'.e.'t) -'c 1ãnd a:itrcÌe 3lc' À;;;;;t;.) Àcr, 198E ^.]-",it aCi:':cr ar!icIe "n'"¡, cc ¡he S¡a¡¿ -rânrÜ end Kâsnßj ¡ en'ì ti:e shêh Ì ¿jÞpì-v''.,4ã iìì l:elaiion 'i l so- êrjPly ã.."0a,rãi! ,.,oai:ic¿; j c¡s sub-1-ec-' 'c r'lìrch t¡.ev ahal i:l¿ll ae .:3 íolicirs: -

{.i ) !li: ¡'3.a4¡{B!E . i2) :,À?.r' '!. Tcarticle3,lilereshêÌl.beêdced¿he:'llca"lngÍuriherprov:sl' nar,--lv i - ol: Ciri¡isìl¡lq "P::cvrce,:i :L:ri:ìer -"het nc 31ll fr:ov1dl:9 ío: increasinq ci Janr¡ àrc (âs¡nìr cr a':er:lng ihe ¡Ìarre Ql :¡.- ..å" of lhe Stete wr.thcut ihe ¡.""4.=t'- .i t¡u= state shaii ],å t"Ltocut"d in Pa!-1:ament consea:- ci j:he Legislêiure of rhat S'a:e " '

(3) ?ART I:. be Ceer'ed r-o iave lleei êppllceb1e in relaiion to (a) Thrs ?e¡t shôfL 19:rC Lhe -91êre ci .lânn'.ì a¡c xashml¡ as f :cn t':'e 261'¡' day o: 'r-enuary' ' fìlrthe¡ p¡ov.!so' 1b) ?o ar.!cle l, there shall be adCec :ie foii-o'u''ing lanely: - appiy io a "Pr.cvrced fu::he: :hat :ro:hrng l' :¡_1s al:icle shaì1 reside4: ol -LÌre stâte ói it"tnt a:c I(¿sh:¡i: who' aiter: irav:¡rg '';''"r;;r;;;. ;r;;;.;J-;o-.n. .u.'i'-otv r'rorn' lnc:!a:d 11 ?akistan' returns to tie pern:t Ícr rese:tlêtnènt in thât Sce'e ¿erri!o-fy ôt -!hêi s:aiê '.rnCår a ret'lrn iss''Lecl by o.r;under :Ììe aut'horiiy ot any iãw nêde ".--"..i:linun.-l;;i"luij.,i. -:ha. s-Lete, eitr eve:v suci PersoÌì shall be ;; i;; "l deened tc be a ciiizen o1 ii,dia "' (4) ?rj.t! lli. , o (a) I. ê.!icle 13, ¡eierences ic !h€ cc1¡ence'nent of ihe constiiulion lq3 slel-f ae ccnsrruea as ¡eierealies -.o !ie ccnriìencer¡enl of th!s Orcìer' j5 71* : ::. :¿uie (: o: Ã. -.:c:e ió, --|.e jr-9._:::e --c 'r:e ScaLe s:al- hi: consa::ueC as ;'loL ilìcluding ê ¡efel:e:ae ac t¡e S:e;e oi 'la:nmu ênd i(â sl'lmi: , (âri¡è:r:i,clelt.i,lareperiodc:-512i-513[iwen--y-five]yearslf¡:on :lie cc:ri¡rincement oi !his o¡der:_ (i) in ciêuses (3) a¡d (4), e::er --he 1..-ds "jì1 :he interests cí"' t:1e worcs "the secusi--y ot l:Jle slaae cr" s'_:ll be inser."edt (if) in clause (5), for lhe rdords "c:. fcr: :he protecEion oi th9 inr.r""a" oi eny sched\ìled Tribê", tÌìê îc¡ds "qr in the int,eiests at ihe secu¡iili o¡ ¡he State" shel! be suÌ:s::luied; end (iii) :he foilo'ri¡g :levt ciause shafl be èdied, narneiy:- '(i) The i,rotCs ".eâsonabfe ::esrriå;rors'Ä ocÇuLring in cLauses 12) ' (3), (4) anC (5) sha.ll be cons:riled ¿s nealinçr s';ch resErictions ¿s '.: !ie app:cpr:iaie -!eglsLeture deer¡s !eas"c:'âb1e'' (e) in clauses (4) à¡C (7) c: êl¿icle 22, ío: ibe !!ord "?arfia:re¡i"' 'rhe ldorCs "the ;egi.slature of ihe s:e¿e" shai: be substitLr¿ed' (f) .In ¿.tjcle 3i, clêus'es t,3), (4) enc Í5) shê11 be omltiec; and Íor cìaìrse (5), i,be:e shel.l' be sibsr-iiutei:¡e iollowing clause' nemelyì- " (5) N-c!:r1:rg in cÌeLrse (2) shal. efiecr- (e) i:ìê p:cvisiors ci ânl,/ e>:is:ì rçi l¿',¡; c: (jr) :ìe Ð:cvisic¡s oi aiìy law ir'nici :ie S-'ete iìey hêrêei'eL neì(e- (i) io.:he p'rtp... ci rnpcsing .t 4.."',.., e:v tex o¡.Þenalty; or c: to lri) ¡o: :he proinc.lon of Pubiìc heeiL.: o.:¡e 9l:evenlion 'le'lgel: fife o: p:operll/; or. (ilj.) wirh iespec! -Lc p:cpe:-:y declajei by lew to be evacuee prcpe:ry. " . .Lì-re alld is) I:, e¡.rcie '11À, p::owjso ro c:âus: (1) shaiÌ be c¡¡ii-.eC; fár sub cÌausg, (e) oi clêuse t,2) , i1. fcr-owing sub-ciause sÌleil be,;.-ed, iramelY : - '/:r êc.!¡iér r¡âll mêån .Land !.¡h1ch is cccu,Þied or has been let ior âgri-cult.:ael pur-Ðoses or fc¡ Purposes s!,servienr¿ to agricultu'e' cr íor .a:;i'.:re, ênai :¡ciudes- (r) si':es of bu.rldilgs e:1d o¡he: st:uc:l¡:s c:l sì:ch land; (:.'.) :r:ees saeliing on si:ch lè:ìi; (i: j ) :cres-! -iano a¡C Ì^'oocleC r'3s!e; 1iv) ar:€e cove¡ecl by ci íle.ids iioatinc c-,'e:: tuàte::; (!') sraes ôi landaÌ:s ¿¡d gha¡aas, j-¡n1ìar (vi) èry lagrr!, lnain, îu¿::i cL mi-lkarra:1 ,L cther s g!:er'È, but jo?-: :. : L ::c.l lde- (r) th-- si-"e cf any b'ìildjng in enl':.1:rì, or. low¡ erea or vjllaqe lø19 èbâii o! any .Leri eppur¡êneni ;o any sl]ci bìlildr'ng a: site;

(r.1) e:'r'."' Leid whicn is occ'.rplê.-ì ð.s -.ììe si:.e oi e t-owr o¡ vrlÌaqe; c' L:: :r ã:.y -!e¡i jese:vei jo: 3ui-iia.c - L --:oses in ¿ :nu:_:c_PaIity ôi ac¿iiieC areê or cantoniìelt or :ol"Ìn êiee ol: any erea for which e to!''n Þf e¡r n i].,g scheine is sanciic¡led.' Ãra r,;\ rñ '--r.15 li cieuse (3) shell :te cni¿ced.I ' (r) Jn êrir cte :!- /r r -ôi3¡êñêê< r-ô fhê co:nmence:ne:ì: ci -Çhe ConFtitulion shell be co¡s-"ruec es aefetences io the col¡lneacêne.i c¡.tili6 older; (r.rl ir cleuse (a) (l), ihe q'ords, brackeis ând figures "clause L3) o: ar--rcie i6, cieuse (3) of âftrcie 32" sha.l be oinlcted; un3 (rir) eí:e. cLe,rse (e), ;he fcÌio',ing cla-rse shal.Ì be added, neÍe-y:-

" (a) rlc law iniir respeci ic Þrevê._::ve detentr.on c¡aCe by ihe legisie¡!:e cf :he S-.a.e o: ;ainrn! ani iiêsi:¡:r, beio!e cr âft-o' rhé conillencer"era oi the consi-lau!io:: iÀpp1:cè:ion to Janmu and î-;êr -.'¿ s.-.a:.l :e vo:: '.-. tf.e g:cund r'he: it is .!¡cc:Ìsisaera wit¡ âay cj !:.e pro,_ls:o:-: :: c.1:s perl, but e¡l¡ such I3" shâi:, '-g the ex--eal cf sì-ich irccas:sr-el-c-v, ceêse io hêve effect c¡ :lìe ex.l:.:i--ion a'! \¡e'-rsr i¡on ti'1e cc¡''Íe¡c-onert atl -,he s:.d C¡der,-5i51.-t16lt'"'ef':y-¡:r'31 exc'ep: as :especas :j:i¡9s dcJìe c: or'lLLed Lc be cairg be:c!e the ex,Ð:ia-.Ì,)n lhereci. " ¡:\ ¡irê- 2-iìl.1ê 1a. --he :oflo,{inc :::i¡ âitlc:Le shalI be adCei, ìe¡,:e I v: _

"35À. Savrng cf I â_,'_s 1t.!:h respecC tc ?e!nãneni residents êncl iheì: righls.- Nciuiths:èidíilij ânl'Lhìng ccn'ei'ec ln :his constatuIion' nQ e*is-lrng Ìa',ù ir ¡orce i.:r lhe slaie oí Je:Ì'lrìi ãnd (ashmir, end lo law enecled by lhe legisle!ure of :]-re Sr-ate, .ìre¡eei-,er: (a) deíi:ri¡g ¿he classes ci ?elscns wh. âre, c¡ shãll be pe:1]ãr'e¡l: reslCen!s oi Ehe S--aie cf Jênm'J and lash1.::r; c: önd , (n) coníe¡r:ing o:ì such petnene¡-- res:cÌeats êny specdal rj-ghts o:rivileges or ir' lipoiì c:ìer ?e:scns anl' resit!criors es l:eSPec-!S- --' S:¿:e :o_.¡e:'_ne:.: ¿,: (ri) ecq¿rs!::o^ oÍ iîLLoveble p¡cpe¡-!l¡ :1 :he S.âLe;

_ Lê S _-¿ Le,. o: .rv/ ttcl--. cc Jc._.o-¿rsh-Ps e:.d sJc: l--.a. :orns o-' aid as ihe StaEe Gcre.n¡ì'Ìea-: r,a\, PLovide, shèil be voicì on the gro,.r.i :he¡- :r j.s :ac!¡lsistenE r''lth o¡ .lakes êi"'ey o.r' ebridEes e.y r:gh:s conie¡Led cil i-he ca:le¡ c:tìzens of inc'ì14 by eny Ðrovi sic., cf this Pali."

¡qt )lÞ1 i._ 5l7i(e) ncr tìe pur.poses ci ar:ic.Ie 55, --1e populatian o: c¡e State ãf .lam¡nr: êad (ashr¡rr shali be dee¡leC lc be si-x.I¡-th:ee:èkhs, (c) :n ¿r!jcle 81, ion c1'¡uses (2) ¿rd i-?), :ie following c:auses sìe1Ì iJe sribsaiauteo, ne¡ìel]¡: - tqt

(-'!) L" (2) lcr Lhê pì]19cses o¡ siìb-claus3 (ê) . cleuse ' - (a) Lne!e s:leii be aÌlotted :o lhe Sraie :ix sea-'s !n the fiouse of the

(bl t.:,e SLate shèlì be Crv.ldeC ì111c single nenìber cerrltor:al ccnsai--uenc:es by :he Deliniie:lcn Cc:":rlssicn corsiiiuteC ilnder -.he oeli¡ri:acion ¡c:, 19'72', il acco::ia¡ce i''i!il such p-rocedu::e as r:e corunission ney deen il t; (c) ;he to¡s--lluencies sha1.i, as ;â: es pia-calcabìe, be gecgraph-:-caÌi-v Ëaao*aa al:ees, enc rn cìeliniting iher,, :êqe::ç shei'l_ be had tÔ physical fea¡u¡es, existing boundèrles of ecl-r,i1.!s--¡ative r:n_irs, fac!lities o: conÍi:-:l:-.:o: ¿:lo Þu5::a :on.,¡e:lience; ¿: i (d) the co¡sti:uencies in:o which ihe 3¿åte is dividêd shell not co¡¡prise trìe area uader :he occupa'Ëioa oí ?akista¡' (3) Noch:Lng i¡ cIèuse (2) shê-ll aiÍLcc :ì:e :epresentetion oi lhe state ii tn" ¡io,.ri. of ihe People u.til -.he Cisscl,r:ion of ¿he House existing ^r: -,.^ri-:-ìon ln -.Ì!e Gaze::e oi Indla oí the íinel order or c¡ce¡s of !h; Deìin:ta.ion ccnir,:ss:o. !eÌe-.irì9 to the deli¡nltation oí parLiêäìenrarj/ corstlr'.lencies l¡der ahe DeÌiiritario¡ Act' 1912' ',1) (¿) ?he Deliini.ei]icn Conni-5sion slâ:i ¿ssociete lvjth rtseif l:he p,]rpose oi essfstrnq l: in :is duriês i¡ì respect of the state'"at fi-,re perso,ts uhc shê1i be nenbers ci l¡e l'iol-ìse of the People repr:esen-;i:lg rhe S!a!e , o (b) The pe¡so:ls to be sc associêted i:rÔî lhe S¿ete shell be ncrnirlated by' !I]e èpeaker of ;he Ëouse ci Lhe Pqcp]e ¡aving due regald ro the compositio: oi the jlouse. (c) The fr,rsÈ rom,ira.iorìs .o be raCe Ù.ier: sub-clause (b) shali be n¿debvtjÌeSpêeke:ofbheiiouseci--¡eteopleltithintworno¡thsfrom a¡. of tàe conslitulfc. (A--Ðpllcat j'cn to Jannu ano Kashnrr)"oi""n"."en¡ SeconC Àne¡Cne'L-- Otaet' i914' (a) ¡ione of -"he èsscc:ete ínenbeis shêll he-ve ô righL -"o vote oi fo srgJl en-v iecisic. ci :he Deliniiê-uloa Colnissicî' r'. ¡ì,.,i ñã rô .lô¡ih ôr ¡eslg¡aiior, -¡'e of:ice of ai1 associaie ,n"nbe.íallsvace:ì¡,i.tshallbe:iÌ1€desscorasneybeprêcticabl'e b!, :he SpeèkFr ôi t.he Hcuse of :he'?ecpr€ eìd in accoriance Lrith t¡e piovisiors oí sub-cieuses (a) ãnC (b) " 1 5l6l(c) lr etErcle i"-13, aÍte! ciause i1), c¡e ioÌIowing clause shaiì :^ . ^-^---; .:-ål u - (lA) i¡,e P.ovisio.s ci seciion 3 ci :'e Consti:ution {Tilrrtlet'h ¿:-r¡e¡iroer: ) ic;, 19i2, shêi1 âpp1-\' in ::e-a-'ion to the Stare oi .jeminu and Kâshnir subjecc :o ¡ne ¡roà1Íica:ic' -'heL reie¡ences Lherei'¡l to ,'ihis Ãct", ',-,he connenceinent ci this Àc!", "this Act had not been passec" a¡à "es a:ne¡ded by rhis ¿\cL". sha:l be co¡st¡ued respectively ã"--i";"t"n"o" io "che Co:rstitu¡ion (¿ppl:ca--ion lc 'iârnmu and Kashm!r) Àã"oná ¡"ertdtne¡-. c¡Cer/ 1914", "lte' cc::rr'etcement oi tbe seid Order"' "ihe seid O:adel: hed rca been mede'' al' "ås it stends eite¡ -'he ccmriencement oi :l'le said O¡der" ' ' . j 5?9 | (C) I In a!::cle 131, clause (2) , .:ler l:he words "Parlier'ent rãi¿" ""n :he :eques: ci Lhe -e91sÌa''r'te of the stete" s¡eii be"at;;';fe inse lî-"ed. Arric.les 135 a:d i39 si;ll be cniited' ,5191t,e) I -56C'*' NL

582 [ j ].l -DÀ?¡ V:. 583t(è) Àliicles a53 I"a 2i'1 , a¡ticle 219, ât!icLe 221' at--íc\es 223' 2iq,'izttl' and 225 and as.icles 22'1 -"c 23' shel] be onitced l (b) ln ê¡!ic1e 220, references to -!he cclnencenent of the Constltr-:tio' shaIl be coiìsi¡ueC âs :e:erences -¿a !'ile cor"ne¡cer'en¿ oí f,1e ðoui...u.ion (¡.ppLiceiiol] !o .jâninu a:i (âshälir) Anendment 0rder' 1960' 5841(cl Ín a!'.icÌe 222, a=¡-e: clêuse .-1, :he foÌlowing nelt cla\:se ã5¿--:e::rse::ec r.:r e:Y: - r/1Àì ti¡êrv sì:.h i¡ans¡e¡ Íroin ihe ri:ga:ourt of .]a¡ and Kashnir cr uo -!hat äigh Court :;relì be nede ai'er consÙÌLatio¡ with Lhe GCVera):. . I l {6) ?AR! XÌ. 246, for :he ,;oris, tr:eckets ãnd frgÌjres "ciauses 5¿5t(ê) 1ô aLticle -,rord, t¡' /r\ ^.^':rr:ñd ir clerse lli, --ae brackets and flgure 'ìclause (2)" sh¿iì be ;ubsr:tì.rLed, en.i -'ie t¡ords, b¡ðckets ani figure "Noilni:hslênding e¡ythl¡g :. cÌ¿use (i ,' :cc'j!r'rng ln cl-ause (2) eri :he ohoie of cleuses (3) a¡d (4) s¡31i be círrtted l ' 5s6l 58ii (b) lol erirc]e 218, .he í ¿!t:'cÌe shall be ãubs i-fru -.eC, neme.l-Y: - "248. ?esidualy po\,/ers of .legj,sletlci. - ?arfiament has excLusive Ðowe: :o nake a:y ia,L ,,/:_-: respec! to-' P¡eveniio.! o: activilies invol-,'ing cerro!jst ãc¿s direc-eed -5881(â)towa¡ds overawrnei ihe Governinent as bl' : a',i estabf:shed or sErik:ng :e!.o¡ i¡ Ehe pecPle o¡ any 'section ci rnê peoPIe or alien¿tj'nq anl¡ seciio. cf the People o: adversel-y ã:i=.tiilg t-l1e halmo¡y a:notqst diiieren: seclions of :he PecPle; l 589 i (âa) I of o--he¡ ãcr:'.'i:.iesl dir'êc¿ed ãrsciar*.rE, -590lP¡evention-quesiioring o: dis:upË::rg iîe se1'e¡efgnty and terrltor:aÌ'owards 1ûieg.liy oi India or brlrg:.E ¿b:'j: cessior. o: a petl af the rerr:ítcrl oi l:ìd1a cr secession of a pâ:! oi the -le¡rltory of rnciia f¡on :hã Union or caus:ng i.s'Jit ac -".e ].dian NalioneL lleg' Ehe I¡dìan N.'ai-!ona.L -àn!hem a¡i ¡îls Cors-"ii:!loa, and

(a :¿Íes f¡- ¡

. :C jè:l: L:¿- e: ^./ Sè=- ): ¿: j;

,ri, !.ì:.ì .ir r-t\tø1 : 'i:. :--. _.Àè-s/ p:o:.og:â:rs !-L) !J5rc- -rêc. -..--eq-.-! aic :eleg¡e¡rs. ".l ,_,591 lExpia;ìa!rcìì. -:n ';hts e.!:cle, ":e::3::.s: ac:" neans ary act cr riring by usr:ìg bonbs,, dynar.i-.e cr: g.¡31: explosive substances cr inflafnebLe subsiances c¡ flrea::r¡s c¡ c:¡:el ler'al n¡eapo¡ls oÌ: _Þo:sons o: noxicus gases cr otÌìe! che!Ììicels o¡ ânv cther substences (!.'re:he¡ :.!:-oq::ê. or ) --: e:i.: s e ) c:::.ezâ:doj._:.¿:.::e.

_!9l . ro: ;i e::-::e 24i, l:l aleJse - :): c:e !"ro:ds "ê:.y r¿:ì:e: ã¡u¡ne::aced in t:1e Saece iis¡ specii:ec :: tae :esolurion", the wolds "a.y itê.ie. speciiied in :he ¡eso.Ìuc.lor, being a lnac¿er w:l:'ch .ls not eDumera¿ed in rhe Un:-o.r Lisi cr i¡ '--1e :o:lcu::enb List" shall be c,,',ìcrir,-ô^ I ì lû,7 Ln ¡Jl In-^---: a¡:i.cle 2'ta, fav :ile Lícitds ''--o ê'ly o: :he ma-"ers enuneretec 1 :'¡e SLdu: !rrL ìini.f]l:,:5!." sha1l lle sub s -' !iì""ed

-593' be êdieci' (e) To âr.licle 253, :'¡e iollcirl::9 9'o1¡lso shail

(À'opl":cation "":":: .,". :h>r ¡¿-,er ijle connen.emeni-ðlà"1, ci 'ie ccnstirutiån L.o 1.954, nc decisÌon aifec:inq :he .lan,:.-: un¿

-59¡r. o:":-'--ed' ,.39ai (','tl .".i.icle 255 sh¡l'r"De be re-¡u:r¡eiei es clause (1) of thet 595 | (q) : Àrticle 256 shaÌi nanely:- ¿iÌi tâe ;oifo'utn! nu* ciause sialì be added there:o' t:i1:: ã::ticle, S:l 1¡ê q-:-ê ôf ,rårìrnrl ând Kêsbni¡ 5'all 9o exe¡cise its executlve and power ês r--c iec:l-r:ate tilà-att"Lttq" ]]\¡ :¡e Unío¡l of its du¿ies -"he ccns¡iiicran r'' :eLeii-cn Lo ihåt stace; .ãiãã".iãtli.t." '"n¿nt ihe union, anc jiì .he s._ut" shell, ri so .required by --ãi--i.q"r'"-rtt""_oa¡ticüìer, "ulãpiãp"iLv cn be¡aìí^and et.-t-he expecs-o of r¡:e åää,,r.. to the 'ùnjor, or ii ihe p¡cpel:ly telonqs'ic :ìe S:â:e' ;rensfe: it be agieed' tj'l¿ of agreement' as Onio. o. such te:¡ns es na7 iustice of ¡nay be de.erm.iñed by an a::bicracor èppoi'-:ed by tre Chief lnc,Iê. .

'596* 59?i(h)I fn c.Ieuse (2) oJ article 261' t:''e '-ords "nade by Pa¡liement" ;iìêìl be cmi L."ed.

(7 ) P.qRi' Xi r .

_5 95, 26'i ¿r--.cle 213 clause Q) a'- 599 i (e ) I Cl ause (2) ci ar:::icìe ' ' .'g: ia:ìc ¿ir:ticre 29cl slâll ie cn:.ied ::;:i:ì. -ecc 266, 282, 284, 292, 299 and-30C' refer:ences io 599t'j,'.." tb)': In a:a:c1es to .;; cr sìa1l bê cors':iei ês no-' incLudi¡g refe:eilces :ne'j.¿:c o: ;1nrr '-.1 3¿sì:li: ' ai 599i(c) I In ar-.:c1ês 2i'i ar)d 295, re¡eteaces to :he conmencenert es ic the conr¡encer'ent "a¡a-'âon"att"tio¡ sbeli be ccnst¡uec 'efe'ences c1= :iis orde¡. (8) t.!iT XIII. '"ie re:cs "by viitue Qi any entry 6CL**air cLause (1) of er:ìcfe lC3, j'rì ;ãi.,..i -'o :rade e:i ccninerce 1n e'ì" l;i :âe Lists i:he seventh ic: eiu-. ' siè-.1 1e :1 '-===)

(9) ?ARî KJV, 6C2li. ar.icfe 3i2, afie: che r'¡c:ds "::re Sj--ates"' the brackels ancÌ ;;;;i-;; fr..l"¿i.tq --he steie oi Jer¡inu 3'i :(âs¡rir) " sh¿1i be inserbed i

6031 (10) PART XV. lq? (ê) iir clâuse 1i) o: aii.icie 324, '¿?'') :e-ierence :o the Cansl:tur'j-o'l electicns :c e::l¿: ]]cuse oi rhe Leg:sletu:e oj Jn.ll, i. :eLei-icir i-c cf iem,li,u eiìi Kashirìr, be ccnslauei as ê :e:e:ence to the Ccnsi!iuilon ieminù ând (ashnir.

6C1l (b) In a¡.ic1es 325, ã¡ali â co¡s--ue.ì as 4c! e¡i <ãshni.r. (c) Àr::r.cLe jze t¡ul.l cÊ oiir c¡€i . l (d) I:l â!!1cle 329, .he n'or.,ls e:]ê :-q!:es "ol eiiic:e 328" s¡lail be

Ír ar:icie 329À, í;.i.luses (11 ê-i: i5) sÌ1êlI be o|nitteC l --6C5 i le)

( 11. ) ?ÀRi XV.L

ct o (¡-)l ¡-.ircìe$ 33i, 332, 333, a!ìc 3371 shêlI be oin:lted -6Cli --60âi3:6 60-ilib) I i¡ ¿¡:-icres 334 ard 335, :e:eretces ic lhe state o! ¿ie si-.;; .n.Lt b. ccnstiued as:oi i¡c--j:nq :eierences to the state of ;ar,.,:: i e¡i Kasbr:i 609i(c) In c1âuse (1) oi altjcle 339, ;he n¡o'ds "ti':e aCminrsl¡etio¡ ãf Li-re .rchedulei ¡-¡eas e:C" sbafi be orir:cÊC'l (12 ) ?ART XVII. appll' :¡ì so iar as ì:hel¡ r:e-ieËe The .ûrcì:sio¡s c: tile P3:. shäl-1 'rly io- 1i) !Ìrê oiriclê.I ianguage oí tì1e 'rriìio:,' (ii) LÌre oiflciei languege io! cor¡lÌìu::câ'-'ion between onê StêLe anci Stèie a¡d 'Úîlcri ând ¿ncirhe!, oa bêt!,Jee¡ a 'he cf :hil i" Siìprene Çou¡1--' (l:i) .le lèrì9üege 9l:oceecitng" "n

(¿l Tc êr:icie 152, .he ít1 oîi:g:e¡:-=;se sra-L ' l:e addecl' rameìY:- ,' n'ade on grounds only o- ì:l::- 6fC i (6I I Nc P.cciana:-,icn c: ¿i¡ìcy lñ.ã.n.r--atstut:bance ci i¡'.,inine¡l' da¡ìge' !hereoi sÞe1i have ei¡eci rn aataaroa ¿o :he S'.ete c: ;ânrnu anC Kairl:::: lexcept as respeci:s erticle 354 ) _6i11.1¡iess- (e) i: ¡,s ineie ê-! :ile :equest ol ìt: -!il the cojlcur¡eDce cí tbe Governne.i of thau S:aie, o: by- tile (b) r,,1e:e .: !' has nc! been sc nade, li :s âpglied subsequenlly ¡¡esiie.! !o Eha! S--aËe ar '"he reques' c: i'i:h ihe concurrénce oi t¡e Gove¡nnert oi --hê: staËe. I "; a ;- .- I :. , :n c-l¿:se ::l c,: e:::c-e 3:i -::e:e:lces Eo p:ovis__ons o: ã=."ia."-, of th:s Co:lsLit'iL.io11 sha]l-, j-::.re1a.ion Lo Lhe State oí iãÃnu- .na Kêshni., be construec e.s :ncì.;lirg references tc pr¡vjsjor-s o: ,crc,;rs:rcn cÍ .h€ Coas::auiic. c: Je:ltî' â'cì lasl:¡-"-: ' (4) er-!lcle 3aô, .î'-"t Lhe second picvisc' i'e ' 6'!'ji \tb) i¡ .jle!ise o! ?r:lio'.,'-rr:g c¡oviso shâ.1.i ile¡!ed, nar:e 1y: - tqq :ss¿ed "?rovtieC alsc ¡hea lr :he case of ie ?¡cclametlon..o 'lrlier .i.;=; (i) on ir¡e igth da-v ci Ju-iy, 199i n:-h resPec¿ ¡he sr-¿ï-e o: reierence 1n the :::s; provisQ to this clause ula¡¡mu a¡d Keshmj:, ¡he Lo iã' ì;a¡..* ;;;.;' she.l-l be consllued es: reierence -6:-4i"seven :,'ee: s " I .l (c) -à:-Lrcie 360 shell be onit.ei i í] 1) PÀRT XIX.

67 i'


\, (a) refet:ences to ahis CÔ¡lsti-.u-"iol1 c::-g:ile pLovisiÔns t¡ereo: s¡aL: l¡e co:rs-'=ued as !eierences ao tbe Co's:i_';1:lon o: ¿iie provisions reia--lcn ;o sã1â S'eie'' :heaeof es êIrpired i¡ 'he ól.9ilea)i i:eie¡elces tc the pe¡son ioj:'e :ime being recognised bI¡ i1.,"-p="i-rå."¡ on the reconnen¡àtion oí lhe Legisfa--!ve Asserirbly oÍ tÌ:e ðl"au as ahe Sada¡-i-!{iyasa¿ oi Jann! ë:1d Kashmir' acting on t¡re ãã"i"" .¡ -"he ccuncii of ùiin.rsters cí r'1e s:aEe for ihe tir¡e being in o:ilce, shalL be co4slr'.1ed as :efeLe'ces :g the Governor oi Jarninu anci Xa s h¡¡.i.r ;



.+. the per:r'ale'r :eslien-'s of the saiC Staie 621i (ci) I :efere¡ces tc j-he ;¡.ii ¡å consirued as mean:..g 9e:soá's :';ro¿ beiore com'nencer¡ent of rhe co¡s-.i:,ut-ior (APpL:ca:1oÁ to ;ann; âri Kêshnj'r) Order' 1954 üere as Sta'.e subjeccs uêcer:he. jer{s ln fo::ce ia t'he State c¡ aaaognt"a" -!1ê as i,¡ho ê-..e .ecog¡lseC b}' ary l-a"t r'1ede by !ê9isla'Ùre of the Staie Þerinâne:ìt Lesiie!lL5 oi llle Sca;9,_ a:ld 622ile) raeÍe¡ellces ao ä GoveLl-]o: s¡èl_ l¡clude l:eieLences io "'ìe dc"'e:-.o: ): .:ar:i.- ¿: d : e9: _rr: perigC ihe loth day of Aprll' ?.rovioei:¡a! in :esPec-. of e¡r\¡ '¡:l¡ 'o iéãs, s:ch ::eier:ercås she-rl be co:1s-!!uei as reie:ênces to the perscn .""áq"a..c ¡v -.iìe ?resiien: as !ìe Sada'-i-Riyasài of JaniÌlu and :eieie¡ces ;' ê1v person recognised by t:* i.;;i;ii e¡.: as irciudr.:g i:le ¡ao.'".a"u"t- âs belag ccälpeÌ-'e:L :o eli':clse the PoNe!s c: Sêde j-r-l-: j/ase! l "

(i5) ?'¡!?.1 )lX.

623't la) c.'Lausê i2)"'Ði a:i:ci- iolÌo''ri'iJ Ðlovisa -ô24lTo '58'), 'i\e s he 1.1 oe edCei, nai¡el.v:- e0ô ':ProvideC furcher :hel nc such erendir:er'i silaii heve eifect !n rela¡ioll -io ihe S'.e¿e o.i Jemnu anC Kas\nir u:leds appLied by order' of fie P¡eêide.. under cìâuse (1) oí e¡:rcje 310 "' 62al('t) ¡^fter cfeuse (3) of er:icle l¡u, t¡tt iolìowing claì-:se shaìi ãe ¿ddec, :ienelv: - "{41 No ì¿'"r ¡nêde by the. -!egisla:u!e o:-:1e Sleie Ôf Janinu a¡)d Kashn:r -.o r:rake anlz chenge l¡ cr i¡ -!he eíiect 9f any provision oi t'he co:lsir:uiion"""ki-"g of Jam¡ru end Kashinl: !ela::i.g :o- (a) eppolnLñ,ent, po'"','ets / iunctions, i'l:1es, emÔlLlnents, allowances' p:ivi1àges gr imr,u:l:ai-es ci .he Goverrc:; c.r (b) super:r¡tede¡ìce¡ direcbic:r and co.t:c-i c: efections by the ilectior in eleC¿oiai ccmrissior oi l:lcìle, eI:Eibiiit)' fo¡ !:ìcl!s-1cn iÌìe 'oils wi;hcÌ:-, çtiqcrir,:,:rario:l/ a(]utt stli:lrâge anci coinposition oi cl19 LegisfaEjve iouncr.l, r.atlers spec--f:e'ì ln sectjons L38, 139, )'¿'A .nã 5O oi rhe ccrs-.i:uij-cn of .Ïê.¡.nu e!ìi (ês¡¡nrr, shal-L hâve eny eiieca '.:Ìll.ess sucb ì¿'"J i'ês, âí-'er' hêvlng been r'eserved fo¡ cl':e cor.sidà¡a:ior of the P!esidenl, :ecêived his asseñ!'"'l

(16) ?À¡ì] XX-!.

(a) è.r:rrcies 369, 311, ,626i3'/12".1 , 3?3, clauses 11) ' 12), (5) 374 end -62::.3:2?'.1, 376 ro 378À and 3921 i:l a.i .of arrrcle -628iar-:c.Les sha l'i be ôia,,'.a!ec. (Þ) li) tr:lc-Le i¡z- (r) cLâ!ìses (2) ari (3) sbeil be or,i:ted; {ri) :eie!e¡ces to ihê r: íorcê ia;:le te5r:io:y of Iild:¿ sraìf rncii-iie ¡ejerences ¿o h.idaye-''s, ¿lla:ls, :::_-ihârs, circulars' robkars, irshads,. yadashls, S.a!e Councl: ?.estl.:;-iors, R-osclutions of thi Co:rs-:i-,ue¡: .\sse¡ibly, ê:ld ctiler i¡strunêil:s 1êv]ng tae :orce oí le''r in -,ire ----!¡i:oiv oi i-:le Srar-e oi ieä.nu â¡d lieehrl!; eic (rj.i) ieiêrerices ic t¡ìe cci¡tne:cere¡: c: t:e Ccnsticu--j-on snall be coisarìJed â5 references i:o the coral,eicelê:ì: c: !¡is Ordet' (c) Ir cleuse (4) of ¿r:crcle 3'74t .:\. r=:e:e¡.ce :o the auchorii!' iunc:ionirg as tne ?ri\.y Ccunci.l of e S;ate shef .i be ccnstrueci as a refe¡ence to the Àdv:so:y tsoard co¡s:::tl:ed Lrnder the Janmu and lashnlr Ccnstitu;io.Ì !,cl-, !996 ¿nd rei:j:.'-:e.s to ;he co(rnencenent oi -.he Côa,s-.itu..ion 5hâ11 be coûstrled ¿s' ::je:e¡ces tc the Çan¡nence¡neni o: :-1rs J: oer.

( 1l ) P?-i'ìT XXr I . Àr.iicLes 394 ard 395 s¡êl.l be oini.-.ei.

(i 9l s!iìctiD scaEDJLE. - _t"2 9 120) T,LiiRì SCH¡D'J-:. I iorrns \¡, VI, V1I ènd VI¡i sheìl be oä

(.:1 ' f)Lf::: SC:iE:l':Ë. 2rol _63t) t, t,22) SEVENT:1 SC!EDijL¿ . la) Ir, i..e Ún1oI-ì !1sr-- 5iìaLl (r) ío: ea.!ty 3, -"he enry "3 À3ni::s:1ê:lcn of cen:onine¡lls,'' be substi.utei,' eni t';'e (1j.) entries 8, g 6'?2 ie¡i 34ll e-lt:.v 19' '631f eirr:¡' -:_-6]3]]-. snãli be o:nlitec; l lror3s " Il:er-Sia:e :rtgra"oñ" ìi "c * -634 -"o Slates shâ]1 be 635 i (ira) !n e¡::y ttt ihe retêielcê :he ão¡ s --:ued, - o¡ (a) Lo aPpeals to ihe SuPre:¡e Co'¡rt fxor any decis:cn in refairon and Kashmi¡ rnade in an orde! of the lligh cot-ttt o¡ ine-un sta¿e- o: 'iãn¡rru p".ilió" eìec!ic:1 ei:'-her House oÍ the ãiJãar""- "r"'"ttúv 'c as incfud:ng ê Leqisl-er'l:e of :hèi S:a¿e has bee¡ cêLlec li ques:iorl' of lar'crri ènC Kas-:-:; ¡'ì .Ài"=".t" :1 !he s:èie 'i1.í no: ::cluCing a !eference ic that (b) 1n relaiicn to o:¡ler rneti'e:s ' as S Lê-tê I ; _636lanCl be subsritutei' ,"3.1 t t,!.¡) ict e.r:-v 97, .he íc-l.o'"riaçl ¿rìr::y s:ef i ie-m-^ly : -

t'- 633i9,- . irrevetLlci c: êcl-:"/i':ies- Govetn.neilt Í¿) -rtìv.lviaq ¿er¡oì.:s: ¿:c's cli:e9:ed ;'"'¿fds oveieluing !he ,o" ..", eórab.Ì:sÌ:ec or st¡ik-1rìg !err.a: 1n Lì^.e peopl e o¡ aDv sectLon :;^, .i.-";.;;i;-;;-oiiun.':"q ônv-secirc:r peaple or adver:serv tltii"ten! s"-':ors': '¡e of the people; êffêc-.i.q .he ha¡ncnv "oo"gti- (b) dr:ec.ed -.o-,^.-rds ilsclairni'g, q'res::cninq or dj'srupli:lg ¿he tlltásttt'';' or briìrsing ebau¿ ;;;.t;;;;¿!' an¿ :er:ito¡ril -njla cf a pa:t o: cessio¡ óf a paiL or a¡" !"ttttory-oi :rile o¡ secession ia.ì.ie lrcr¡ L-he l;iicn ¡: :ãusi19 i'sult' 1¡i:an ihe '.:eaii!cly of L'nis "o:hecojìsLj rut-ioì1; i-ir.".l--ii"ô, a.. ¡"¿tt-¡l ruuiic¡::ul A¡:i:¡ ã'

â'd c¡l :axes ciì fc!elgn a¡avef by see cL e::' i'lend êir '"ravei "....i"i.., 'i'' and -'elegriains ' rå"a.r :rciudrni nonelr ol:de:s¡ Phonograns re¿rinq ixpl.-tatic..- In th:s en'-rl', ''ter5o::s-' ãc'" hes Elle s¿ne as- 1ìr :Ì1e Explanatiol.r !o ârticle 248')" ) (b) The Sie-ue Last slleI.l be cniLtei' i (c) Itr i--Ìle Co¡c.rr¡ert !isi- _639 . . followinq ei::\' shall be srìbstll-uted' i (i) íat er:.! 1, 'h-' -510nêmeÌy: - tc ¿''v "1. Ct:irt.raì lev; (excLudr-q of:enaei li:-'s: Ìër-rs íri:ì: respec! 1; ,ìr;- .t. ;ts¡ l'a i -xcluiing i:he use oi naval' "."i.i. ""..1¡Leiicrces ol any oi:het aj'i¡ec íc¡ces ci :he lln:on ln aid '':lrlii:e¡y ol: ear io cÍferces ä;--,i,u å.ur:, l:or":er) i¡ sc far: es s'.lcb c.1i:1¡a: let/ 'eiaEes uõ.in"a lâ-,rs tiii-h r:esPect to any oi'l-1e net're!s spec!fleC iî the

e) ior entr:\' 2, the iciio'¡::rg erì-ry shal' be sLrbst-rturecì' narhe:I/:-641,1'642i\ - C¡i¡rinal pLoceduÌ:e (ircludinq p:eÛe¡ticn c; offences and þaþ ccnsa:--!:iio; eri crqan:saalc¡ cí crl:1lnè- courts/ except the Supreme co)r: ând -he :iig¡ court) l' so la¡rês:: ¡eìa:es to'- (i) of¡ences aEaiIlst .La,rs t''irb :_o eny ilê't'ers bej-ng neL'¿q¡5 i."9..t .o ,u¡i". Pa!ì1eîenL has'especr- pcrrre: ''c nake laws; elr'i "ii''r, (ii) êdninisttetion c: óaths and teking c: a:fidavits by drplonatic a:ìd consuia¡ officers !n any iolergn coun:r'i/'"; (!b) for enl:.y 12, t-he Íc.l.1ow1ng entry shå'li be sub$tituted' narneLy:- '72. :./adence, ani oeths lll so fê: ats :he:to¡efaie ;o'_ (Ì) adr¡.r¡!straticr óf oe--hs end .akiIlg"of eii:Cavlts by d:'pio]'iìatlc and ccrsuia¡ ofiicers in anl' Íc:e:gil ccu'tl::/; e:lo 1ii.) ê¡y o:he¡ naaters belng ¡".'a-"ters wr": :espect ¿c lrhich¡'?a'iianellr: .-.¿i _acre: --c nakì -airs. " I ; (icJ fcr: er!r:/ 13, :he ei1..rl/ "i3' ci!':l 9¡ocequre i¡ so :ar as it] ;;t;..; r-o adi¡rrisrr:atio¡ åf o¿tis ¿ii :eking oi êff:dàv:--s bv ii¡' ,iipiá.u.i" a¡d ccnsulal oiiicer's in e'Ï fcLelgn counEry " shaLi be suils:f,iu_.-.d; l

._64: " 64t)i ô151t,\í) j fci e.irlr -10, :ne e.Li:r "3! viiêl scatisirc's i¡ sc ;^. tei:z:,e -.,. i:-:_.:ls ani ¿eâ¡'1s :rclùdl'g regiscrat'ion o¡ cirt¡s ^.-t:¡arte¡d iåa--hs." shãii be subsiici:tei;

_.6 4 5* 64'7i(.!!!) en-liy 3, en:l::es 5 to 1C (bc:i l::cluslve), entr'res 14' 15' ¡t, )0, z:,21,, i,s, 29, 37, 32, 3't, 38, j: ¿rd 14 sh-]1 be orl!!ed; (!ij.¿) io¡ e\-.ty 42, ihe eicry "42' ¡cqj:sì;lon and lequisitfonjng oi Âcquìsi'ic:l all' properLy cove:ed by p:cpêr:y, .o !ut ês ]:ege¡ds '¡ Lnriy ei oi Lisf i or enl--rv 4C of List -:: at cí any humen !'rc¡k of a¡t rçhich has ai:lstic o¡ aes:¡ietic value. r' shãil be subsiituted; andl

648 (.rr,) :'r er¿!-v 45, iôr' :he -";ol:ds âIìC ::Jures "Lrsi Il or i':-st 1ii"' lÌ:e ¡o:r:ss ".h:s Llst" shell be sìlbsiitii;êcì l 123) E;Gt?!l SCjIEDUT-a:

(,24) . _649î, ì,iiì'iTll scäEDUtl _550i(â)l Àite. entry 64, '.he ¡oÌfcwrig e:t-i:es shali be added' ne¡¡efy: - The Janmu ano leshiìlli stèle (u:h ¡çi (llo I o: svt' -651i61À.17914 ) . (No. 198C) ,.551i64ts, i The ,'annu and Tashirl:LÌ: !erênc!' ric: II of Svt ' (No. V _65fi64C.1 TÌre ,jarlrìu ailcl Keshlnir Afrellà!lon of La¡d Ac¿ o: l\'li 9: :

- 652* 653 1641,1 ?he Jenr¡u and -(ashni¡ ts.rg :,ended ¿sËaces Abofition Àct (Nc' i'. :: ¡: st-.. 2'.c-'. 553164E,I Oider No. 6-ri o; 1951, cå--Êd lhe 10¿h March, 1951, regariing Resur¡piio:r ci jagirs ând othe:. ¿ssign¡nents of land revenue/ 1-o3

.6541641 . The J¿¡nr¡u end (ashril: ¡esai!1.:!ic: oi Mortgaged Pl:ope!ties À-- 'o-: l-L vlV -: -C:¿). 64c, 'l¡e iarinu end :lesh¡:¡i: Deb:ors' ieilei. Ac¿, 19?6 (Aci: XV oí ':3- ô) , 655i(b) aiElies 8? to 124, lnse.¡ed b-, :he Cojls!iEution (Thi-¡ty-nin!h Áme¡drnen-.) A-ci, i-9'i5, shal1 be !e.-J.t:re:ec âs eni!Les 63 ío !42 !c>!,<--! vcrl.l .qat tì\ Eñ-riêÊ i25 '.o i88 shêf .I be :eiurbered as entries 103 :o 156 respectiveiy. j

65'7 I (25) TENTË SCiIEDÙLE ,., fci: :he brackeis. i'ords ènd ::' '' [À¡ticles /102 (2) and 19!12)1", irle brêckets, r.,o::d and ¡rgujes ":Ar:icle 102(2)1" s1¿li be subs.::,..ìreC; iir: (b) ia cÌe¿se lè) oi pê:âg¡eph j, al',9 üolros "Qr Ehe Legis.iarlve AsseribÌl/ c.r, es ane cêse ray ae, e1:Ìl:a io-!se of :he i,egislar!:¡e c: ¿ S:â Ì-e " shaiL bê ciriL:--c1;

:. ,.1 ô:,¡^r.^h ì - (è) .r., sub-pè¡êg¡e.ÐÌì (1), rn sub-c-iãì:s: iir) oÍ clause (b) o¡ tre lxplene:io., the r,/c:Cs ê.d íigr:es "c., ês the cese ney be, a:t:c1e 18¿" shail be cinii::ei; (rj :n suo _cè:e;re-ph ¡ , :he lvoids ¡: : f :ures "or, ès Eie '-¿se riev be, er!icle 143" sreli bç c¡ni.t:eC; (i,rj.) r. sùb-Þarãgreph (4), :he ¡'e:e:e.ce tc the co;nn'ence!¡ent of the co¡s-"iiu:.rôn (Fr:ty-seconcl Àf.1e¡cnen-.) .:-¿¡, 1985 sheiÌ be co:ìst:ued as e refe:ence io ihe comnercemên: cí iie :9ns-.itution (Appl:cation to jãl¡¡.: ârìd lashrnl:) ÀneaCrLe.i: c¡d'^j, 19¿9; (i) :i !a¡ag:aph 5, :he wc:ds "o: ¡he îì:a::¡an c! '"1'le Ðepuiy Chaixnen of ihe leg.isLa:1ve CourcrÌ o{ a S¡ete c. tle Speake: cj c:ìe !eplrry cnê:râr.i r¡ê :.ê.is; â:,',¡e .\ssenbly o: a :.a:-r:" shår-! be onitteq,' (¡:) L¡r srb-pe¡êgraoh (2) ci ? 6, :l:e'nc:ds and figures "o:, ari -. I s:¿EË l.¡: Chii r:._ i¡eêni¡9 oi ariicfe 212" shall be on1:i-ed;

(f) in sl,ib-pêrag'raph (3) oÍ 9êrag¡apÌ: E, ¡-ìê ",¡o:ds and figur:es "o., es i¡e cese rney be, a¡iicle 194," s¡êlf be crl!:ed.l

- \'r- /t . r\t. i-i I f;f ¡ itt¡- l-ß The lfushniir Accord

I November 13, 19?4

Agreed conclusions which led to Sheikli IqioLa'rrrad Abdullah's¿ *,?ô\

N4r's. Inclira Gancihi, Prirlie Mínister, and his s,,'i:sequent assumption of office .,

as Cirief \{inister iir Februar'1, 1975;

'i . Tire State of Jamrnr: and l(ashmir u'hicþ, is a constitlleut udit of tþ.e th:ion of Inclia. shall, ìn i¡s relatjol u'ith the'Urro.t, contitruç to be governecl bi' .\rriclc 371 of the ConstitLttion ol ln$a.

2. The resiclu¿u'y pov,¡ers of iegisìatiori sha.l r.::lain rvith tl're State; hovvevcr, Parliamenl will continue to have pov¡er to Inai<¡ lau,s reltting tc the prevention ,.1 '11::t: (1. of actii,ities clirectecì tor'r,arcìs <ìisclaiuririg, :tr+er; or riisr-uptirtg r.!ie

sovereignt¡, ¿¡nd te|r'itoriai i togrity of ludia o: bringing aborit secession of â

part of Lhe territor¡, of India fi'ou tLre Unior ¡r caLtsing insult 1o iÌle li:cll¿ll

National .Flag, tÌre Indian Nationai Authetu an.i the Cotstittrlio¡.

3 \Ã. here an1, provision of Constit'.rtioir oi lndia had been applied tc the

State of .iarr r¡u alld l(ashnlir u'ith aclaptarrcns ¡,ncl noclificatio¡ts, st¡ch adaptatìons and.rnodifications can be alteled ¡I'repealed by zrl orrler of the Presideut under A¡ticle 370, each individual ploposaì in tiris beìr:rÌf bei;rg,

consicieleci on ìts rnerits; but provisions oi ¡he Constiù"r1.ion ol 1:lL1ia alre;i-,'

applied to tile Siate of Jammu and Iiashmil ivir- oLrt adaptaiion orlrtoclificaliou

are Lrnalterab le.

4. With a vie\.v to assuring íÌeerlorn to the Staie of Jar¡tnn and I(-ashrnir to have i¡s own legislation on matters likE r,veifa¡e measures aultual mai,tel's, social securitl,. personal ialv and procedural lar"'s. in a rranner suited to the

special conditions in the State, it rs agree

revieu' the larvs nade b1, Parüament or ex¡endecl to the State atte¡ 1953 on

any mattel lelatable to the ConcnÍent List and may deoide u'hich of úrem, in

its opinion, needs amenclment or lepeal. Tirer-eaíÌei, appropliate steps may be


essent to sLrch legislatiou r¡,onld be sirr¡p¿¡ilg,'1raliy considereLl. 'f'h¡; ;al^,:: apprnach rvould be acloptecì in regarJ to ìaris rl ':e uratle by Irarliamenr ir

lutnre undei the Prnviso to clause 2 of thg A¡rici¿. 'iite State Govemi':lenl shall law to the State and the be consultedìt g the application of a:r¡'such tl-'¿ flillest consideration vie{vs of the State Government shail receive -

been provided under Article 368' 5. As an arangement reciprocal to what has "oy to the State should bç made a suitable rnodification of that Article as applied by the Legislature of the' by Presrdential orcler to the effect that no larv made change in or in the effect State of Jamr¡u and Kashmir, seeking to mak¿ a-ny ofanyprovisìonofConstitrrtionoftlreStateciJatnrnuancll(ashr¡ir.relating the Bill, havìng to any of he under rlentioneci matters, shall Íake effect unless beerrt.eservedíortlrecorrsicleratiolroftileP¡Ôsldsnt,receir,esìrisasserlt.tlre tnatters are.

ancl imuunities of (a) the appotntmeni, powers, functions, duties, privileges tlie Governor, antl

(b)thefbllo\\'inglîattersrelatingto'Electioirsnauel¡',thesuperintendelrce' India, clirectjon and oontrol of Electrons b.rr ths Flssllg¡ colnmission of eligibilrty fbr inclusion in the electoral roils withoLrt discrinination, adult specified suffrage ancl coÍrposttion of the legislative corurcil, being rnatters in seciions 138, i39 140 ard 50 0f the constitürton of the State of Jammu ¿ind i(aslmlir.

6. No agreernent ll'as possible on iite ci:'lss¡lon of nomenclaun e r¡f the GoveLnor and the chief Minister and the nai:er is therefol'e, r'emitted to the Principais.

Mirza Mohamrnad Afzal Beg G. Partìrasarathi New DeÌhr, Novetnber Ii,19'14

(Source: http://r,i'ww.j aratlu-kashrnir. conr, doouments/kashmiracco¡d.ìrtl¡.1 ,


(Under t Article i2 of the Constitution of trndia) !.ì'¡ ': /") ,i:.5 ::i/. w.P.(C) No._ OF 2019 i!, .. :l;1 flr IPUBLIC INTEREST LITIGATIOh*] !r.l i¡ti .'; tli: tä iraj ß DR. SHAHFAESAL & ORS. ...PETITICNERS ili

tt::. Ve¡sus .,1. it T]N{ON OF ANR. INDIA & ...RESPO¡-DENTS - i¡¡i i1'1 tl i:: i:i: \\TTH !l; . ì:;1 l:i ii¿ IA No of 2079: Application for Directions and Interin sta; !:ìË i:; t:2 AND il ii:ì i,:ì iANo of 2019: Application for Pennission to file ierigthy lisi oÍ I'i Itrì

,. dates and synopsis r: , fil ,ii :. iill voL-il , i i,: PAPERBOOK iìi

(FOR Ir'tDEX PI-EASE SEE Ir.ISIDlr) .ì' t1! (re6-rrrü i,i

:l :i

]ì i:i .. ir fj iì


ANN.EXURE-P16 A l true and correct copy o: :he; l Interiocutors l report in 20i2" t-- i )¿u iAT\NEåURE-PI7 I A tmc and cor¡ect copy of úe Dudget sesstoil 20i 6.,ì

question No. 97 raised b1' !,,{¡

Usrnan Abdul N4ajid regarcltng the clialogue process. ANNËXURE:P:1,8 A true and correct copy of the quest¡on raised by Dr. Raina De Nag and its Reply By Sh. PP Clraudhry on 29.03.20i7 r ANNFXURE-P19 A true and.correct copy of the

question No. 449 raised : z ì ìSh. Ashwini Kumar and ¡ts i

A tri"re and correct copy of tir.e questiop raised by Sh. prabhai Iha on26.06.2019


A tnre and corec;t cop¡r of the question raised b¡r Srnt. Chhaya

of the question No 1309 raised b:' Sir. l{ay Pratap Singh iiared i 03 07 2019

A true and i:> correct coplr of tire question raised by Sh. p¡abhat ]Rai on 10 07 2019. IANNEXURE-P25

l A tnre aud cor¡ect copv o _' :l:e

qLrestion sheet rarsed by the 3h Iai P¡al

ANNEXURE P2JT :. i:,t: The Supplerlentarv list of business i in the Rajyasabha di. jos.os.zoro. ANNEXUBE-PZB

I The Sr,rpplemeniary list Cf

brrsiness in the Lol

32 iANNEXURE-Pt9 i 4O!-4O4

1 The Revised list of business ln r l

tire Loksabha dt 06.08.2019. i 'ANNEXURE-P3q A true altcl correct copy of ihe ,i:. :'¿'. .lil

\f':' ,iÌi : tl i

iil ijl '11

i1 ii SO. 2889 (E) ,:Í notíflcation tl !i dated 09.08.2019 issued by ii the Respondent No.1. 2^ IA NO OF 2019 'j Application for Direcuoäs 4n6 -4oj

'i, and interím stay . j. 35 IA NO_OF 2019 Application for permissio::: to A-tu - AJt h1e lengthy list of dates and


Filing Memo

Vaka-iatnarna with memo +tL-'



ì Amruuna Pi$

GR*UP tF INTÐRL'*cu'''tRs 24 FûR ul&,K

A l'fEW CCIIWF,åCT WÏTH TLfE rÐÛPî,Ð ÛF .iAI\4lvt {,r AhlI} K.4 S F{lwr{ï.

ti'tNAt_ t

'll,{Dti;\ ttIlÀ4,Arì " N4.i\4. ÂNS¡\t{i

l)ll.lfl rf) i) \l )( i,,\O\1i,4 Iì ( ('l i,,\ I I( i\i;\ \ ; 2þ7 CJON'TENTS

Iirecu tÍr'e S u nl rn â r')'

Cha¡rter I : I¡rtï0{lucfion

I Mârd¡ te lln¡l lVIis..'^ion It

Iltpoli Structurc:tntl À pprolch 14 Siturrtiun o¡r rhc (jror¡nri Octobcr'l0lt.l: 5r )Icnìt'cr 201I r5

l .'t L,essons L,crrnt lronr Pcncc Initiativcs I99t-2009 72

t.5 IìclLerlll oJ Pr:acc lnitìutir c-,i ;\ugus{ 2{)!0-rugust 2011 79

r.6 {lo¡rclu.siols 37

Cha¡:ter 2: Iror ¿ì Ne\y Com¡lircf rvitl¡ .í&.1(

2.1 Ccnr re-S t¿¡l¿ iìclationsh i p 39 )1 lìcgionaIDcvr¡lr¡tion oJ Porv cr 5i

Cha¡:ier 3: Cultural äil{i ldecìi¿l Cor*ponents of 60 fhe I'Jelv Comp;lct

Cli*pte r"{: llcr:nc¡nlic *:iti Social Cornponant of tTlcr I -ve lv Coll'lit¿rct d. I Go¡,crn:rncr lrrd 0evclo¡r¡lcnr 0i: thc Sfllt¿:"Rc¿cnt ïrritiltives (r4 .l.l Ir'r¡no¡r:ir: l¡lcl i"inancill l)epcnclcricô of rhr Stsre l, I

J.3 I nrplemenrlìtiorr of Irl¿rgship Pro.!¡r*nrnte". 69

J..l I Súrrrtcgic l)olic¡ Ì.)iunning lor Iìconomic Scli Ðcpcndcucc 75 ('rilnnonr:nl; '1.5 S'cirrl Iìnrpo'c'otcnt rhr0utll Hur:ran ì)cvelopntc't B4 Chapter 5: Road-Ma¡: "oQ Credibilit-r'of the l) i:rlogu e Ploctlss 90 : ot :)--^ the recomrne ntlations of this lìeport ^: C:lnf ing lb rrv:l rcl \1 L-flNls )4

: 5.4 Sccu riry ¡\r¡'1r u ge nl cn ts' 9t)

I 5,5 lìc con cil i ¿¡ ti on r07 1 :_ : jj on a St-tlulion 105 -r.0 ¡lìlildìng Cotrscnstrs

Chrpte r 6: Hl¡'n¡onizing Rel:rtions .4.cross ihc' Line of Control 110



M:ittcrs in thc Union List rtottconncctçtl tvif {r Ðefcncc, t20 lix tcrnrt I Aflt¡irs and Cont uru¡riur tio n

It (l o:-lihl¡l:rn C .,\greomen t 111

C Iìco no ruic Bacligroun

I- i:r t of Iìeco ril rn en d u fir)ns 13s

IÌ Lis( of. ûd-irJfjrì tic.n:; l''{r:t 153

Iì ite¡ns T¡:rnsfr:rred T0 tlìù C ilgit-llaltistarr l,cgislative 110 ¡\ssc¡nblr' ¿n

Exuci-'rtvu SuMi\,f ,\Ry

,I Tìre contents of this repor.t ale l;rimarily the outcon.te of thc Gr.ou¡t,s inier¿rc¡ior).s r.r'i dt more rha¡r 70û tielegafiOn.s helcl i¡ al] th" no,cnfy r,,vO districts ol'Jam.un ancr r(asr,ri. anci the thrce ronnd-tabre confel eilccs (lìTCs) u'e organized since orÌ1. agrointnreut 13 I -. on Octobcr, 2010. T.he delegations represe'ted political at tite t ;:arties Stare ¿rucl locaj levels; civil ')r sociery gl'or,tps ji ''i;' engaged in tire p;.clection of. human r.igirts, cleveloprnent a,ci good governancei str.ìde¡rr Lrodies: the acaãemìo fi.ater.nirv: association.s oi Ìauyels, journa.iisrs aìrcì businessrucn; tradc unioni; religio's establish;'enrs; com'unity organizations of specifìc eth'ic groups people and fi'on: trreir homes due ro \\,¿r. or encrel'ic violenoe; neu,ly-elected'prooted panclu¡ a:s nrembers, the iteacls of tbe police, the pa;'anrililan, lol cc.s and lhe Arnt¡,. T¡e three RTCs _ t\\/o concjucted irr Srìnagar ancl _ one in .Iamnlu brousht iogether rvonretr, schoìars/actir.,ist_s anci culturai lvorJ

Se., cral thousand or.clinar¡, citizens etso turned up-rvide at fhlee mass nreetitlgs r.r,e ¿ttencled to cxltl.clìjj iheì1. r.ji,,¡,s on a r.ange oi- isstre..;. l;u riir erntorr:. *,c'rct niliiants ant! sio,elrelters locigecl in the .I¿l;l iii srìnagar-. ancÌ ¡lre l,ire fiu,iiies oí of ilcgecr rruuiau r.igJrts abuscs. 'icti's

Tirc¡ loì:o.t iai(crì inro accoLrnr rhe \'âsr rirel'atur.c o'J¿u,'ru and r(asr,rrir.: scholarly srudies jounralistic ancl ril)ortagcs; p.oposals for. a poiiricai seltlernenr colt¿rined in documents isiuecl !y n-init..*, an,C ofÊsû.eam pribrications rjolitjt'rJ .iouìlationsl or ¡hinri trLnks; reforts of varìous L.o nlrssÌon:ì and rvor.lcing groups esiabìishecl by tlre Centtal or the S¡ate g,ovcinu.ieltl ovcr-tj;c ltesl se\/eral iecitcJes; ancl oÍfìcjal cjoctunenls relaled to and constil.utionâl lrolitical cieveloj:rne'ts since.lanmu anci l(ashlnir,s accessit¡n to the lndian Union.


Thl iroÌítical scLtlejnent \ì,e iropose reties it.ìro fìlll account the deep senst: ol ri;rir¡hooLl pre\¿lejìt in iir-, I(e.,.r.::.i af1.. ft-ruraj" cjeserrr,s ln ìrc acidlesscd rvith great sensiLir irr. .,.: ::c sarne,.,".-;rr; ìiso r.roiJ:he jn. souqhi to nirfrrlls o: vicrr iire rnr:.i .t issues t',ederììingìËrììäti",. the p'ism of any ore..gioni,. erh¡i: c.-:.eìigioLLs ;;;r,rì,ì;:,;, Out' illteractions revealed a rvì¡ls-5,. ---. -¡ desire ofpeople to ìeaC a l.if.e of dignirv and honout.. Tirel.soughr, ir: ¡ti...Licuiar, ' '-- .lir

lì. il li ;ii it, :,\ ii li' ,i ?t0

- Freedonr û'om ail ic¡ces of reJigious ex[remism, etÌtnic 0r legional cJrauvrnism and urajotirarian conceits that dis¡r"rrb co'mrnun¿rl and iniei-regional harmony; - Freedorn from an opaclue and unaccountable administtation; - Freedom from e:onomic structures, policies and program¡t.ìes that li1ìsir:ate effot.ts to pr.omote jncjusive econotnic growlll ânC i:alancecl clevelopment of all par-ts of

¡!.::: - Freedom rìiìi; fì'om soclal and policiøs that are cietrimental to disacl antagecl social gtoups, l¡inot.ities and \,vomen; ' Freedom from Iiar-sh lau,s, or. .laws harshiy appiied, and judicial delays fliat cur'b the space for legitimate dissenr; Freedom fi'onr the k:nci oi intimiclation and violence th¿rr oourl:e1 people ro fie¿:ireil hal¡itar: Fleedom t'ol¡ rhrea:s to rfle r.eligioLrs, linguistìc anci culn:ial iden ¡ify ol al.l ies; Freedom from pressures on the media and on media persons. Rl'I acrivists, civil r.igl:ts group and culhrral orgalizaiions,


We believe tlìal a irroacl conseusÌtj trjs:s on rìre tbllorving points:

- A political settlenleni in Jann:u and Kashmir must be achieved only drror-rgìt dialogue berne:n all stake-holcler.s, inclr.rding those rvho ate not pafi of tlte nainst eam. Theif commitment ro clel¡ocracl, ancl piuralisnt milsi be above boarcl. - Jammu ancl l(ashmir shoulrj:r¡ntinue to function as a single entity within the Indian Union. -. The Srate's distincrive statlrs gLìaranteed by Arlicle 370 r¡ust l¡e LrpheJd. 'erosion, .rhe lts ovel Cecades mr-rst te r.e_appraised to vest it witll such Ìrowers as the Stale needs to pr.ornote thlu,elfa¡e of the people on its own ter¡rs. - People rnust be abie to exetcise their. dento cratic rights lvithout the strajns and stresses pasi. of the both as State subjejs anci as Inclian citizens. Transllarent ancl ¿:icountable gou",iloua" cannol bc ensured odrer\\/isc. Nor. ca:1. freedonrs aricl rhe safeguar.

2 iì ?ll

fì.ancial and adminisiratil,e ernpowerment of elected bocries at the . level l! oÍ' rhe region. ihe dist¡icr, úe blocÌ< a-nd the Panchayat/Municipal i rr,. p:.omole - To the Stare's e:olomic self_reliance, a fresh financial a'.angeÌret]t beLwecil iire Cenrr-e and the Sl¿rte is required, 1.his would include 'i a specia.l iispensation for hilly, backwa¡d ancl lemote ,I areas and for socia__v disadvalttâgcd groLlps. - A hassle-free t1 movernent ci people, goocìs eLnd s-ervices across the Line of Contr.oì and the In¡el.¡rational ) €1' Bor.cle¡ mus,t be swiftly ensured ieading : to instit¡iionalised cooperation between the tr.r,á pal'ts of the e¡strvhire pr:i'cely state in afi areas of rnr-ltìial interesf ancl concern. l - This lvould [¡e best ac¡ieved if instinrtions of clemocl.atic go\/ernance are establisþe

IV To l¡uild on this consensus $,,? recommencl that a Constitt¡tional (CCl l¡.e sct up to ¡evi.!\¡ !onrn¡irt9e all Central arÀ o,ra Arrìcles of ¡ire Lonsrrrurrol] of Jndra exter.ìded io the State aftel. the signing ol tlte 195?- AgreerÌ]ent. it shou.ld be headed b¡, an eminent p"rrorîlir!,rho .n;oys the.esreerr-r of the people of Jan¡.-u ancl I(ashmir unã^ãf ,r.," peopÌe of India as a rvhole, lt shoulci inc.luie. ,,, i* n._1r..., u'ho enjoy tire confidence all na jo:: "onritutionul "*p..t, ol .t"t"¡.f a".r. li, cenclnsiorls, ro be r.eached u,irhìn sjx, r.r,i1ì ;e Uinaing o,., oit o¡ ilr.r.,, The CC shail l¡e l¡audateci to condrìct its re'ierv o'.the lollorvi'g basis pr opose'd by

It r,vill bear in mind dual charact:¡ of Jammu and l(ashr¡i¡, viz. that ir is a constituenr'nir of rhe Indiar, -Jrr:on ,,,d ,lr^ì ì;";j;;; a speciai sratr,rs ir ihe sirid IJnion, enshr.ircct iu .\_.: ¡ìc J?0 ;ilr; öi,"i,in,,,o" of I'ctìa, of rhe peoiri:: of rtrc lL.-"J:: i::li.:,]1rrrcici .sr.r", ;,;; rtrey arc rrorh ,J,L:,r. sr.*rt..iis it'ct tl.lrtt:l' crtlzens. Tl¡e "¿ t.e,¡ierv *,ill, the¡eJbre, ht'e to riclc'mir:e,¡r,ÌieLhcr.- ¡urd ro rvhai cr -.i._,h. ¿",r,;;i;;;ard Ar.ricles ol ùc Cc¡'stitur:ior-r ol exrendcc ,ulr¡ u,. ,ulrlro.-,i o,ìì.ìr¿nr"n, ,n ,r," Stafe, have clented,ramr¡ri'rdia. and I(ashr-,ir.,s.p""i^irì"irr'""a S.tate governnrent's abr.idged the porvers ro cater m ¡be welfar.e "iii, lr."pr. The C onstitutional Comm.irtee shor:ic be futul.e_o¡iented conctucr in that it shoulcl its r.evieu, sotely on rtre l¡asjs "l,lr.;;;;';;;.i,åi",""a, ,o lolÞ


'i. 1ì âd{iress the poÌiticaj, econon .t, c- socìal altd cr.tlir,tral interestsr cotlcçtrs, .qLievances ancÌ aspir.atìons of :he peopìe in all the thtee legions cli the S¡ate .lanlmu, I(asìrrnir. * - an¿ L:.rJakh ancl all it5 sub_regions ar:c1 co;¡rr.rnìties- Iu tr.ris con¡rectior. cre committee rvìll also neeJto re'."r on th€ qiannlnr of legis,atite. fìnancial ancl arir¡i¡rist¡arir. ;;.,;;';r;; rhe srare Gove'rlrne,t srrourcr cìeìegate to the rctions at a.U re'ers oí goveruance rhe r.egional, districl panch - and ayat,A4unicipalitt .

The Constitutional Comnittee,s recomrnendat.ions musb, be reachecl th:'orrgh conscnsrrs so rhaL they., are acceptab.le to all stakc-holcler.s represerÌted jn thc Slale Assentbt¡, artri iu Þar.liarrenc, fl:e ne;

Ouce this. process is ovcr, Clausc-s (ì ; alcl (3) ol.Arricle 370 shall cease to Lre operari'e and'o o¡dex srrail be'':raio bf î;; i';;;;ñ,--^-- hereafrer uncic¡ t.he said cJauses as fiom date of rle nnuí or¿".. '\

To iacilirate thc rvorr< oI the cons¡i*: lio:''¿ll corrr'rittee, uie jist bero\r, oLrr o ',r'n su_qqes ¡ions.

We seek, e, Neu, Contpacl u,ith J¿,-ir .tü artd l(ashmir., It rangcr ofissues " çov¿¡.5 ¿ ¡,i¿j¿ - politi:al, econo.rnic. ,o.iut o,rJ ...4i, "uiLr.ut. t'oli¡ic¡l Cornponcnt: Ccntrc_Stlrr

\Ä¡c i¡elj¡¡e rl.,at. r.ciäining ntany oÍ. lìr,: l*r,n ilì(. si¿rc o'cr.rjl.: .L,1" applicable io p:rst six clccades ,.o'.,rJ ,ro, g;r,.^.ìiË'ro olrjeerions. l'hei,nrust a,ry,;lrong l¡e seen ro be i'r.i at rhe1, zrrJ: ìi;,.liììnn rhar irar¡e o.uou, ,n, beer benefìciar Lo Ltre srà¡c " State ro ro inter.narionaì ",ri'iìrTr."ìi"'",1¿'oì',r"¿,t," stuutlar.cls, ;;;" il îågulotinn.r, l.n. 1o opi.'"' p"" :|ii:::,ii:ì'ì#latcd "'à ';r"*;;i'il;;;or(s, pavn,enr

FLìlihc-r. lve l¡elieve that the national jüterest will not be adversely atfecrr:d iJ' cer-rain suirjecrs fro,r Lisr Ill of rhe S;;",;;; SchedLr.le are ! h'ansferecl to the State. Detaileci suqgss1jel15 ìn tiris lesJect ar.e conlainecl in the Chapter on the Poljtical Coi:lrcnents of the Nerv Conipact.

indeecl. lhe lfu tule-oricntecl appioaci u,e have suggestccl * one tl]ar tal(es into ÍìLll accor-lnl thc stl'âtegi!:, pol:t;:ai. ccononiic and cultural changes in ¡jie S¡atel in India as a whole, iü ihc SoLrth-Asian r.e¡¡ion and belro¡j, ¿¡; 3 lesult of globalization - shoulc e;r¡,ble all stakeho.lder.s to t.each ll rapiii ¿ìgleÐnlçnl on the Afiicles of tltc Constinrtion of I[dia extenrlccl to tjrc ì,! S tare,

OLlr lecom¡¡endations on certain iss:ies of courention ar.e as fbilo.¡,s;

.¡ Delete tjre u,ord 'Tcrnporarl," ir-om the heading of Article 370 ani Jìom the title of Parl XXI of lhe Constjnrtion, Replace it u,ir:h rhe rvolcl 'Spccial' as it has been r:.sed for other States under arricle 371 (Ilaharashtra and GLrjaral); Arricle 371A (i\agalanci); 37liJ (.Assam); 371C (lvlanìpirr):' 3t jD ancl E (Andhr.a prarlesh); 3711: (Silcliinr); 3i1G (.Mizoranl); 37 jI-I (Ar.unachal pradesh); 37lI (Goa). " On the Govet uot: the Sta¡e Governlnent, alter consultatìoj.ts with Opposition par.ties, sirall sui:utit a list of iluee names to the Presiclent. The Plesid¿nt can ¿sk for. more suggestions if rcquir.ecl. The pre" Govcrnol r,vill be appoinlt:ri bv the d ót and holcl office at the pleasule of tlle Plesiden¡., . ArticJe 356: thc acrion ol ljtr: Gov!r.nor is norv.jLrsticiatrje in rhe Supleure Court. I'he proselji a.l*lìgelltent sboultj colìtjnue u,ith Lhr: Pro\/iso tLìa1 rhe GoYernor \\,irì t(eep the State legislatur.e under s'spencied anirríìtion and IloÌri iresh elections rvithin tirree:rronths. Arrìcle " i l2: l he propor.tio' r.l'¡fäcer-r; i.r.ont lhe All India Servìces should bc !-lraduall), reducerL n livolu.ol offlcers fì-om the Srare civil scr.vicc rvithout cru.biug ti:.ltinist¡.ativc ef.fìcienc1,. o Thc. nonrc:rclatur.cs it.l Engiisi: oi the ancl th¿ Chìef Minister slior¡lcl conlinue as Er¡uivalenl il onlerìc ialrtres il !¡l_U nla;'bc us;ed u4rije reier:rinq ro the,ir¡,o olfices in Urdu. . rl:rec.Regionrì ('oLnci.s 9t"1.. one errch for.J:Lmrnu, l(:rJär.:ind La0¿ríì. ( I lle ratter \\,ourd uo ìolger l¡e a crivision of I(ashmir.). I)evolve ce:.tain legisiatìve, execuiive ancl financial powers to them. A flur.lher clevr¡lurio¡i cf execurit,e nn,l finorl"ial pow.el.s to Pzurchaya[i _ Raj institurions at dre leve] of.a ¿istrici. a village pancha¡'at..a mLinicipaliry or a corporation _ woulcl be parl of tirq overall pacicage. AU these rrodie-s wilr tre erecteã. pLovisions wi be made for. represenrarion wonen, ol SC/ST. b;ck;a;d clans ancl

) I t


I j i ?l\

minorities (See part VI). Mi-As will be ex-officio members wjth voting rigirts.

Pa¡ rvill mal

Anrong tìre subjects fiom List III :r.alsfen.ecl to tlie State LegislaRrre, rhe Srate Legislat're courd co'side. deieqaiing somç of those sibjects ,A, ,8, to tlie Regional Councils,l' sui:jects Iis,r.ed in and of the agreement re¿ched otr Gor'ldlaland can Lre ccrsicierecl.

Meanrvhile, the fìr.ra'ciai a'ci ad:'i;-l:stratir¡e poìáers to be delegated to Panchayati Ra.i insritLrtio's u,i.ll be on the lines of the 73rcl on,t Z+th amendnìents of the ConstitLrtio¡ ol Inclia.

vt) B. Cultu ral CllX,Is

ln,orde¡ to pronìore reintegrarion oi¡lt¿ ¡ ¡egions of the State, take iile foliou,ing cnltural steps: Initiate a¡ it.,re.-anci intra_l(ashmir. diaiog,,re. establish erchange progranì''tes of s:_ude'ts, r.vriters, ar.tists ancl cr.afts persons. create appropÌiate iufrastruciì,ue for arts, clel,elop cLruicula,, provide h.anslatìon serrices to the Siate,s ,l'any .longuag"r, reviralize the State's .f,oll< t¡aditions, ei.rcor.rrage ctorr_fõð tou¡ism and open ladio and television proþramrlles rn rhe Siate,s lung*g", ?\( VIII

C. Bconomic and Social CBMs

Aclopt the best irlactices of other llciiaL.: States fol the promotior of socit¡- econor¡ic actil,ities uucler the morie oi public-pri\¡ate parlnel sitip.s; ctcate SEZs for'the pror.notion of inclttsirl'. u'il jcir shor:ld l¡e extencled financial and fiscal rncentlves on the pâttcrn ol'ihe Norih Easlein States: plovicie ariraciive exporr incentives fcrr'¡rrontrlìon ofJ(ashrniri iTanclìciafis; cxtentì ;i!i ¡echnical ancl financial support lor lnrploving prodr:ctivity and,prodlrction ol horticnltule induslry; preseta/e n;w ecoioe¡, and bìo-clivelsity of the State; ensule e¿Lrl)' r,acation oi r;rdusrrial eslabii$htnenls ancl othcl' buildings occupieci by secLrrity iorccs: explote cxploitation of urinerals anci other deposits of nat¡-u al resoL::ces; operatiotralizc alr Inlcl-nâijt)r141 Airport in Slinagal tc ¿ttlacting ro'.::-jsls from ìlttern¿rt.ion al destiuatiotis; expeCjte tl.ìe conlplet¡on oi all in lì as rlLrcnr:'e plojecrs iuch"rriìn¡r r'¡il linlc:; anci sulfäce loacfs connecting diflèl-crr legions of the S¡ate and ¿ìcloss the bordels; transfel Ceu[ral sector poì',er gelÌeraiilìg projccts to the Stare: anci declare hilli,, ::enrote ancl bac.k''vard areas as Spec.ial Developnrent Zones. Neerj lor an ovelaii educational pclic¡,; effective implementation of heairh scJremes; implementation oi flagship prograrnmerres tbrougb Panchayati llaj institutions. IX &o¿d-U¡:i'

Tire Roadmap leadjng to these poiitical, econo:lic ancl cultulal fì ecclor¡s depencls on tlirr credibility of rhe cii:ilcsue pr.oces.s, inrplernenta rion o1- i

'r!ì: .Iudging lì'o:rr the sitLLation gl-cr-r;rd ', ti, on the and the Iessons lealnecl fi.ol¡ prevìous peace initiatil,es, rhe follor¡,ing CBMs will help establish a cr edìble diaìogue for resolutjon:

(a) Speeding U¡r Iìunerr R:g.ris rnrl Rule of Lelr lìeloms

This inclúdes the releasc ol all remaining ,.stone_pelter.s,' ancl poLiticai pr.isoner.s a-gainst rvhont ther.e are no scrious cìrar¡4es, r'",ithclrawal oi FIRs against those of thcll tirat ale IilsL-ilmels or u:i:lol- oäe:deis, anllest)/ for.militants rvho reuoutlce violence anci ihei:. rehabilttation, thc rehabilitation of all victirns of viclelce, recluction of the intrusive . pt'esence of securitl, l'or.ces, constant revietv of' the implenrentation ofvarions Acts meant to countgr mílitancy :] t i ,ùb

¿ìnd, not least, the ref.:t¡ of the Kashmirì Panclits. ancl Jammu anrl l(argìl rrlìgranrs to theil honres tc¡ ieaii:r life oi secltrit-v, honour atld clglrit)" adequate compensation lor rnigrants. lronl Pakisial-adminis releri Kasl'Lmir and the lecognition of lheir s¡a¡iis ¿ìs Slatc sul)j,jcts.

(b) Arnendment of the PSÂ ¡ncl Reviçrv of tìle ÐA anC ¡\liSP/r: (c) Impr-ovemi:nt of po lice-cctmnunit.v reiarions (ð,) ä¿lro¡alisation of sccr-¡:'!tv ìnsi¿lìl¿iioiis lirrottgii ieclucirlr jìl iìicir sprca

(e) Fast-¡rack itnp lcmettta:!i:n of the lìccotltnenCaljo¡rs ol tìre Plimc Miristc¡':; Wotl<ìi,E Group oii CIlMs, irl ¡rarticular;

.. Mal

. Providing l¡etter lr,iief and l'ehabìlitation fot' wiclor¡'.'; and orphans ol i'iolence in lhe State, includìng r¡,idou,s and otphals of militurts; and . " Faciiitating tile l:eir:tn of l(ashr.rtirìs str¿urded actoss the I.oC, man-r' ci r.i'hom lraci cLossecl over fot Llaining Lut nor¡, ¡ lsh io relunl ¡reacefully. (ù I'-¿rst-rrack implernentaticl ol the reconurend ations of tl',c Pl-ir¡e lvfinister''s Wo:'lii.'.g Groul; on Relations across.the LoC. This rvill anchor ei'iorrs to build consensus for a solution and shoLrid incl::de opening all routes across the LoC. and easy tlade ard travel through mLrlliple-entry nelr¡ìts/Vis¿rs

(g) Esràblish a .ludicial Courinission to iool< into the unmarkecl g::aves, r",ith an eurphasis on iclentiflcation of rrrissing/ d is:rppc;r'cd pcrsons

Many of rhese CBMs o:rly been parriaily implemenred. ln order to elìsure beil¿r' irnplementation, the Gr.oup recomrnencìs lhe estabiisruneut oI an emporvered gr.oup Lo nronitol CBI4s ryw

Dialogrre Proce5s :

In order to talie the;-.oliiical dialogue fo¡rvard. Group

fecollt nends I

(a) Resumç the GOi-Flurril,ar dralogue âr the eal.jiesr opportunit.,. This clialogr:e shouJcl 1,r:1d vì-sible ontcomes ancl lte r¡¿rdrr uninterruptible..

í;iil. ( t') Elcourage Pakistan anC Pal

cii¡ lo: r¡e . Agreenrcnr Lrenve¿n Intii¿:rnd i)ai

X . lla rnr o¡¡iz:rtion oÍ Rclatio;ls .,lcross the LoC

A large nurnber of t.he delegarions iiter rve met l¡eÌieve that perrnaite ol lasring soìutjon can be achieveci 'o 'Í ir applies also to the thosÉ: llat,ts the'rnceÌ¡' partiscani ':i Statc thar eic.rcier aclnrinisrl-a.iio.. S'¡r:rr a posìlion is also in conson¿tnce r,,.,::h the 1994 parìiamcni {lesolurioll, u,iric)i sougìrt a settLerleÌlt lor the nltcle of tho f'orrne:. princely S¡ate. Tltc Palristan-adminis [ered palts^ ho*'er,¿i . rra'e beer arter.ed i' the sigrifìcant r,r,avs. -administerecl Pai-istan Jaml::r: aucl I(asÌmir. is curentl), divldecj i:rto r-r.r,o par.ts, cacÌr u,ith a cljlfereni polrijcal stahls. The demographl,6f the State has also been alrered in s:gnificant ways, througiì migration lronl oth el Palcistani pr.ovinces.

'Àny arrençr ol' ha.nloniz-ation ä1'cc,:tl'e-statt Rerations and crevor.tìon of pou'ers ar panchayav tire r.egional, districi atcl \4unicipality leveis actctss lhe LoC, therelòre, u,ill ngcessitate r.vicle_ranging constitulional cl.ran.qe tn Pai

,1 Tiris Group recolrmends that iiese issues be cliscr¡ssed with the J concerned representatives otì the',ctber side of the LoC.

.i ïi a

Finally, this Group recommen,i, ,lro, tl't" seårch for solution should not be made contingen! on India-Palcistan iâllis. If lhe stakelloiders in Jamrnu & 4t;l l(ashmir are u'illing to entre into ¿ se¡tlement, the door can flways be kept open lol Pakìstan,ro.join.

'l-he iccy oLrjecLive is, as P;:ilne Mu.iister Manmohan Singh has explesseci, luralte the LoC inelevant. IL shorilô become a svlrbol of Concord antl Cooperaiion. ?"\t

CH,,\prER i i INrRoDUcrrori

1.1 Mandatc and Mission

1. The Gr.oup of trnterlocutoLs \\.a-i appointed on October 13, 201C, follor¡'ing tlie All-Par.t1, Parlianien iar.1, Delegatio¡,s uisit to'jammu anj I( fi'om September 2A-22. 2010 anri rhe I{ome Minister,s arulouncetrent of September. 25,2A ).A.

2. The tÌtallciate given ro ihe Gr.oup was to ilolcl wide_r.anging discussions rvith all sections ol'opr:r;o' in .ram'lr¡ and r(asrrrni' in crr.dcr. to iderltif), Lhe politÌcai contours ci:.: solution and the roaclmap tor.var.cls it. In to lL¡1fi11 this rna'crate. rhe cro'p was rasr

3. We have visite<.Ì the State e.,,er-\, l.nonth for eleven months norrr- heid consirltatioirs clistric¡ bl. clist:'ic: in all olits t\À,erh-trvo

iL 'ryùi,a

1. The bulk the of menoranda tltar we have l.çceived (arouncì.75 r-re r cent) deal with conlìcferce Buiicing (cBrvrs) andror.issues'f governance. from hurnan righis to icvelopment. FIuman ancl denlocrlrie rigl.rts are ìrighest o. the list of l.eicrn:s sought (rule of law,.ir-rstíce, encl to cur'1'eu,s, checks. hartals and oihet iltpositions, iuclutiing minoriÐ, ancj secroral righis); the¡, ¿1.. iollcr¡,:cl closely by dernancl.s for cquitable distlibution of econor¡ic t.cs. ur.ces anrl jobs, rJevelopmelt of infì'astructure, au end to corrlufticn u,rcl a ,¡o.e open and, kansparent decision-making i' process. While tlia me¿rsures they, recommenc.l constitute a substantive part of the cor.ttoLlrs fot a resolntion, there are also arouncl 25 pel cent of me;noranda rvirl: prolrcsaìs for specifically political rneasrres thar a.e cliscussed in rhe chapter an poriticar contponent,s ofthe ì.eu ('orn pacL.

'l-itese rvritten 5. lneuro¡ancla cio roi. b¡,and large, lncJude inputs liorn rüssident or separ.atìsL groups, e):cept 1ir a tiny minorirl, of rhcl¡. ilowevel. mcmolancla al.e oirlv on: oí. the inputs have useil loi or.l¡ ìeport; our chief source has been the people thenrselves. Verbal consultacions have ¡¡ss,.t the nraiustav of our worl<, ancl we harre brought Lrp the politicaì contours ancl roacn¡a:¡ issues in each of our distrìcr rreetinge as well as rvith poÌìricai'ieacie¡s. Adclitionaily, rhe rou'r1 lables we organíz.ed canvassed t.l: e r.rervs of lcey civil såciefy constirr,rencs \\,olnen, intellige'rsia - anc.l _ on the political colttouls and roadrnap.

As far. as ciissident and separatist opinion is concerned, our rnecljngs clilfer.ent gr.ourrs, -,¡alÌey, ii¡ ,with esuecially youth in the the proposals and statements of the All ìrar ries, I_lur.r.iyat Confer.ence (ApI_lC) fäctions, bc¡th À4ìr.rvaìz (LI) and GeeÌani (G), un.l tl.,e Ja,rr_u Kashrnìr. l.iberation Fronr (JKI_F), incluclng,.,.,"_b". orgunirutionr, ìnfontraJ discussions with sor¡c of thern, such as the fornrer ApHC chairt,an Abbas Ansari. a'd/or thcir su¡)porÌ.l-s, and crìstr.ict brarcrres of such organizarions as the Bar.Associaiio:. providecl Lrs wìrh ijluminatin_q if srerl( inputs. especial)' rol ke¡. cB\,rs. politicar eÌerlenrs and ro:icìnrap issLles. Severaj inter.esting idea.s r.vere. u.loreover.. sent thror"rgh Faceirgoi<.

i2' ær Finally- we harre also err¿nsively used otlrer q,r'itcen maferials in ploch.rcìng tirìs lepolr, such a-.. r'eports of various corrrl¡ìssions a.:rd u oll

t.2 Rcport S tru ctu rc and ;\pproach

'i . A lllu'ìrber olrel)orts have b¿el \À,r-itten ot.ì the political conrours ol'a sointion for Jammu and I(ashl¡ii. l:rost of them clwelling on the histcÐ, of agreements made and violatec, Soth allegedly and in fact. We have uot lepeated these hìstorical acco nts because they already provicìe reacil. relerence poinls. and becaLlse thère are nerv realities to be factored in. s,lticlt irnpact on the foÌ'mulations of an ea: iie;: age. To thìs exter.ìt, we have triec{ ',c get au'ay fr'onr the baggage of histor-v rvÌrile deaiing liih its iole issucs. cou:_o::.;ìi:q the aspilations of tlre people 9i Jamr¡u and l(¿shn:ir.

8. These aspilations are a corlplex r¡ixlure of desires for t.edr.essal oi . the pasl, including a sense olhisior-r:aì gr.ìevance.s, and anger af current daiJy Jile Ila¡assnìents, combinecl n,::h ¡he longing ro envision a futut.e tllai connects them io the opporiLrr:ilies of a globalizing u,orjd ancl a ' liberalizing India. Separatiug the elsl.tclls of this complex mixtlu e has noL been an easy task: some of lÌte gr-teva.nces inclicate thc need for furrher retlaining of secur-ìty forces ro respecr hr:man rights and democr-atic fieeclo'rs, othe's rcra¡e to of c^'il go'c'rnrent selïices, ill 'e'itariziLtrar parlicular agaìnst corruption and ior-iieliver.y; and then ihere are issues of noral ahd social clegr-aclatìon, rvhicl.r neecl to be addressed ì:y civil sociery, especialìy clerics ancl r.r' groups, in partnership rvìth the State's accountabìliq' 6.tun1r-,,ons. AII of these, however, are tiecl in public perception to the poììiìcar issue of .lamm' ancr l(asrrmiL.,s stârrìs and to rhe india:r U'ion, r,vith ',ip many, if not alr, faiir-,.es of the Statc adminisrration Lreing Jaici a, Neu,Delhi,s door.

\\¡hile 9. st; uggli:r¡_r u,irh rhis lerhal rhe Group iras ar all times bor' i' :'ì'd rhe need 'ri:i. to cotrrbi'e an emphasrs on clemocl¿rfic fieedoms rvith tire neu, oppor:tlrnities that Inclia offers i'a. globalizing u,orlcl, i'or.cler to outline the conslr-r-rctìr,e steps thar ¡lt: Government can take to ¡ealizc tlle aspìrations lhat have been vcicecl befot.e us.

11 >\3

10. Taking the aspiratÌons of lhe people of .lammu and i(ashrlir ancl 2l.r cenirrryr realities into accounr, ,,r ¿ have proposecl A New Compact for ,Jar¡tmt.t r¿nd Kashmir, whose elemeuts are outlined in tite chapters on poiitical, .tutt!ù.at?tv. the visidl.:.ãhõ t cullural and eçouomic freecloms Klslt!:iilii o! ic¡ llhe Stale. These 1sÞt !,,,1,,¡gyiqlp 4g1 fi'eedo;¡s can.only be ex;:elieucecl if thc leaders and peopJe of g l:r-ia and Ja:nntu alrd l(ashn-lir join in i cclrlnlon enterprise to mal(e thenì hairperl. In tlle Roachrap that conclucles this ì ejtcl-i. tve h¿rvc di¡.u,lt lessons l oll-, Ìto,.r, nr'ìor- peace jni¡iatives hai,e ..volkeci. riiscr.rsseci hor.v the¡Joms ourline,l irr the chaprels on ,4 Net,v Contpact ,1.,r .Iatntnlt a¡tLl J?shmir can be a.gleecl anci ìnrplernented, and identifietj ke-., 9g¡4, that I,jll heip pave the rver¡,,

1.3 Situation on the Ground, Octcb er 201O_August 201I

\4¡e werle appointed ai ¿. r,.r.,. udlç:n rhe situatjoj.ì u,as .higìrly inflamed. 104 young people ìracJ beeu rragìcally kilÌed in cÌasires l¡efir¡een stone-peitilìg prorestot.s and poÌice r-orces in the i(ashurir Valicy, lpubJic all8er was \/eÐ, s¡lot1g aud vrides¡rr-taci. Much ol it rvas directect agaillst ì'Jerv Delhi, though a substaniial Þari u,as also dil.ected âgainst the State p.0\rerrlrììeL.ìL.'fhere q,as a high:::s1<:,raL Jammu and I(ashrlit.righr otrce ag,:rir: sìip irto enclcrrio i,iolencc, *'i,h L.e adcleci risk of rhe gun ren*.uirÌg to dollinale.

ì?. Iitr: tjiurljo;i has giudualll, it,.t :r.o r,,":cl olci iltc l)as;t cjr_\.u ,r,n,,11.,,,. ¡n.d thc'r'e iccol d pilglirn .i..jrc 'va'; . a:rc iniìr¡.¡, in .[u'c ancr .iLrrr.. ¡r'i;uar--v flrctot. in thìs i¡,es thc rl,ill of tlu pccplc: iro one r¡,;antecl thc ',,iolence a,d shutdorvrs oÍ. 2010 lo l.eLu.l. Other. criticai iactors incir;de: iessons leamecl b1, the govemment, fasttracl< poiice Ír-aiiring and eouipment, better coo'cíi.e,rio, betr¡,een the centrar governnrenLs. Stare ancl r.hc Armv,s hea:.¡s ¡.nd ,rrin¿s potily, å mention but a íeu, c.l'ilie niost ir¡Þ ortan¡.

'92 dilecrly, l2 indìrecriy, inclucìing 4 peopJe accidently killed whçn anìnìutì¡tton rhey set a polic€ depot on fire, rleaths due ¡o s¡arnDe¡r, etc. (Janmu & Kashmir police fìgures). i5 2þY i3. White it is impossible to qlrantifl, its conlril¡ution one faclot in intp:'ovement of the sinr¡Lrion was irle lronthll' and district visits' by the Groqr, which enablecl ou tire grouird interacliou u'ith the cotlmunity and ofïcers. and constant engagemen¡ ¡,ith the State government. 'lhLough tÌrese intçractions we acted as a no b_rlagrjer,Snclcc ll as r¡,ell as a chatrnel bei.rl,ecrì the people ancl tire Ccr',.ttail govemtnent, ¿tnd lhclctrj, as con ll clence boostc¡s. ii., l4- Given the severity ol' the concjilions in u,irich tlre ãru*p *',,s appoiuted. our fir'st focus l,as ori ju:ureCiale ClSl/fs thai u'or-lld cstrblislr conducivc conditions lol c1ìalogue. ,--special11, t'ollo\\,Lrp on the.41Ì-l'alt¡ Pa::ìiamentaiy DeJegaLion's re:c n:i¡endations and the Ce;rt¡a.l (ìove:nrnent's 8-Point ploglanure òL piomotion of lhe rule of'lar.r, ancl Lrr-lnau lights in r:ooperalion ''';iil': the Siate gol,eirlment anci

e ìr coLr ra{lenlelit olcolicctive ¿rctii'itjc,¡ sr:cir iLs slrolls ttnrj cì.rlturai cvents,

15. The Limeline q,e had hoped í¡i..vas: by the end of .lanuarv 201i. hr.r:nan rights and rLrle of la\ / ìiîpi-ovements, such as ending/limitiug curferr,, release of ¡,outh ancl political detelrus rvith nrinor chiuges, spating irsc of ihe P,rblic Safcty Act (PSA) ¿Lndlor its anrendmcnt, anC dealine ''¡,ìti tìre backlog ol passports, esl:ciall¡, lbr I{aj; ancl fiom Aprìi io ScL¡trcl¡lber' 201 i. a pletlror'Í,, ol slìolis, oducarional and cuÌtLìr:âi cvet'tts uihicir u,oulcl lerìLrce isoJation ancl rave iì.,. ,uoy I'ol discussion of ihe lifÌìng oÍ the I)isturberl Areas Ordcl iÐA) ancl ihe Arrned For.ces Sncci¿rl;'s Act (AFSPA).

1(;. Sonrc ol Lhcso lclb;ms ¿Lnrl CjlM:; clid henpen wiiiliu tiie linte fi'arrie. albeì¡ p¿lrtially. yöurll u'ere r.eleased on boncls an¿l tÌre dlill, cur'lèu's declinecl. llte restoraricl oi SMS i'¿rcilities ',ç¿! ryiciely weÌcomed. albeit it is still limited. l'.I:e PSA is Lreing r:seci lcss fì.equenLir,, a lalge nunrber of the bunl

15 uLr were tile r/outll releases, which rvere ilrst suggested by the Home Minisfe¡ and the All-Party Parliamenrary Dei¿eation anci then lvorkecl on by us.

11. gimiLar'ìy. rvhile the Srate 'gc.,'ernment aÌìd the have in the past app.eared to iiave been at cross p,-ìrposss on the DA and AFSPA. inciucling troops recleployment, rhe i.imy's dgci.sion to emphasizr: human rìghts anC a ìrr:aling touch have helpecl bridge a gap. Pr-orlpt action alter a )'o'.rth !\'¿ts ntistaì

18. ln ¡ sante vein, the prongi ?ction to investigare an

19. The suggestions r-egarding spcr-: e,,ients yver.e sluggish to tal

20' culrulal activities r¡,'eLe arso ei'lcc,lragecr, thougrr they took prace in a sr.naller rvay, Ther.e have,beeu a s¿ries of collcel.ts ìu Srinagar rhis sLtnli¡er anti anttrmn, including an ìuiernational peace conce¡t, and a series of Iiterary and thsatr.e Èvents âr-e expectecl in the aatunu, alongside ),cuth lesiiva ls.

it- >1.b

2l Tlre extL'etnely snccessful Ì'ia'lito panchai'al e lectiot.ts' u'hiçlr saq' a 76 per cenl turnout. $'e1e a hallmar.:< of this year. If these local bodies are Iuil-v empower-ed, the,v shor.rlcl b¿ abLe ¡o soh'e a large nltmì¡er of govçrnance problems. The Stale go"ret'nurent has issued the mles and regulatlo'ns for the panchal'ats, and lire t,inion Ministry for Pancha¡'ati iìa-i ís u,orking with the .ìammtt a¡d I{ashmil Ministry lor Rulal A11a;rs on tlaining progranrmes, brtt pl'ogress ;s slo\v given tlrat tlle illstiilllion thÍìL be the nodal agcncy renlait.ts i"eak '.4:-,: could

22. Sonre nenrbcrs of Lhe I(asilr:llli l)anclit conlntuniÐ' I'ìave st¿lrled i0 reluln lo. Lhe Valley uncier iLle }l.lll:e ì\4inister's Recousttttctiou Plall. The¡, ¿¡" p¡ovided leasonabll'goci accommodation, ì:ut onl.v as a shorl- term tlansit measure, anri they are rlot allol4'ed to bling tlteir falnilies Moleover. conrnut.ti[y-basecl r-einrcgration progrâlnn.Ìes art )/ct to i)e initiated, lt is hopeci that these clr.rissions wiil soon l¡e rectihed. Tlie fact tfiat the plar.r, r¡'hich r¡,as first ploposecl in the eally years of lhis decatle. is lior¡'fiLrally taking off is a sign oigccd lntent.

23. \\¡e also noted the expansion oicivil sociery activitiçs in the State as a positive sign. Faceboolt pages ilci Pandit-Muslinl and intra-I(ashnliri diaiogue- a series of nerv youth iorr"::ns, and culturai discttssion on social nelworking sites, ale small but er-,ðo'",r'a,ging in

24. I-laving saíd thrs, it musrbe ccnfessed that sone oioul suggeslions Íbr CBMs fèil throush gaps. The Mìnislr-,v lor Human Resources had promised to fi¡nd summer fìeld-siud¡, progranmtes fbr 15,000 Jamnru and i:Ì i(ashr¡ir students this sumn'ìer, bu¡ lhe offer got stuck somewherc in dre State bureauc¡acy. Similarly. sugges:ìons for çultural festivals cluring the surrmel coulcl not be implen:nted in the tinre frame. The rccommendarion lor a revieq, oilhe ilRs against youth, and dr.opping the mino¡ or firsr-tiure of'fences, has jrsi been taicen Lrp as an Eid-t.elatecl CBM (it $'as made at Lhe beginnrr:g oi ihis year). fìre anendment ol the PSA, a nreasure su¡¡gcstcd by the ?t.ime Minister.,s Wor.king Gr.oup on CBMs and lollorved up by rhe G¡oilir. r,hich was later introdl.rced as a prìvate rnernber"s bill, u'as not cìisc-,.lssed in tlle 201 1 burlget or. autumlr sessjons ol the Assenrbl1,,. Mor.ecvei the Slare govellme.nt apparently cioes not tntend to )egislatio:r gtvilg panchayats the same substance

ia ú7 as '.he 7j'" and 74"' anendmel.its cf ihe Constitution of India, 01. t¡ore. because the Members of the Ja::lr:'ü encl Krshmir Legislative Assembly (MI-As) are opposed Lo any iiì'.:tion o{- ¡heir ou'n pou,ers. Filrally, âlrpoirìinler'lts to tire.lnf'ormatìon ani A ccor-ln tab ilìty Conrrnissiolts, .,,',1:ìcir

tìre Group raised ìn its firs1 \,isir, r..,c¡c ûnally nade in S elttetrrber./O c,,c L' c r 201 1, almost a ),eer later.

-l'hus, 25. despìre son'le Dlogless cil CBMs, jt q,or:ld I;e loolish ro de¡lv that rhe situafion remaius verJ voìarile. Alienation lr-tns vr:ry deep in the Valìey,. anger still bLll¡bles'ro lhe surface, and thc rish oi'violencc .breal

26. The contlovetsy surro.oniurg tìre Statc I-Jur¡an iìigltrr;' Comr¡ission's investigátion into "urmarkecl gr.aves,, highlights anothef problerr lhar r,ve have noted, viz. ih:Ll i

21 . Tite aÌiinarìon of ,'-outh ì,1 ¡a,:t;cula, q,as underli¡etl by üre contjrì-LtoÙfì protests atrd tragic ci:ai::s last yeat., and jt is stl.otlgest i11 Slinagar citr'. Sopor.., and parts ci pr.rhvama, Baramulla, I(upvvara. Anantnag ancl shopian. l.rterestingrl'. it is aìso strong a'lo'gsr Kasrrmiri stldcnrs srudyill.q in olirer part.s oi Ìrdia, incluciiug Delhi; tiris is not a suip'isurg de,reloprlc L g^'e'thc srspicion l'ith rvhich l(ash¡nirìs ar.e vicrved a'd ireated in ulosl pa.rrs oí'iiì- cc''rr1,. \\¡hile alie'ation olyr'rh is linited in the dìstricts of .larn'¡r: ard Ladal

' 19 8Í nepotisn.ì are the lwo colnnlon conl.riaints ol all yor-rth jn lhe Sratc. ln ¡Liis context, u,e noted a deep leat in i¿..¡rnlt and Laclaldt that the bulk of tlìi) job cleation initiatir,¿s u,o'uld be co¡centratr:cl in I(asjrn¡il, lcarirt3 trttt unenrpìoyed )/L\uth ill Jamrnu ani i.,¡rdajil.r.

28. Il sho'¡ld also be notecl thi,t co;¡-mu;ral polarizaiion has gonc quire lar i;r Jarnmu ancl Ladakh, botl: ur ielation to rhe Valiey ancl ben¡'ccn parrs ol the hvo legions. Each oi t}c tlÌree l'egíons feels it is,,helci irostagu i.i,r b)' the othe¡(s), and this lucls vola:ility. Eacir of thc tht'ee r-egions also leels ci.isc;'ij]rinated againsL by lire State governnlent in tells oi' the aik¡caLjon of iìrnds,.jobs, seì anil plomoli<.)lrs. Thi,, pcrc;ptio:r reiìrels cor¡rlunal tensions. rvìtir ¿r: ir:¡acr rvjllrin ihc regions as t'eil as 'l-he bOts'cen lhenr. Muslim ancí i{rrc1.r rrajority clistrrcts of i:'urmu, fbr' exanrple, a-ie sLvadily clras,ing a:¡a:'r rather ihan coming iogethcr: sin.riìarly, ¡he Muslinl and Budcll:i.rt clist¡icts oi' Ladakh aL'e incleasingly clistant, cven acrimoiri<;ls; indeeci, the trvo Au{onorlous I-{ill Dovelopment Councils have not helii a siuglc.joinr rneeting, though each rvoLrlcl benefit fi'om cooperative planling.

-l 29. ltele is a generaì sentimeri i:t J¿Lnrr¡r.r ¿rntj l-adalrjt tjtrt th.:1, ire¿o Lo be ever' inors strident in t)rrì; cxplessiou in orcle:¡ to h¡r'c ,,hr.jl gljevances and aspirations heard Siate and Union govelllnents llr .Iamml:, aciclirionall¡,, rhe cumuiaLivi impact of rnigr.ation, especialìv ol Pandits. has cont¡ibnted to political ::iicaliza.tion. Thìs is ccrntblnerl u,ith the lnck ol lecognirion of lacr tlta¡ .lantmu itas ratl.itionall¡, opened ils cl()ol-s to lefrrgees and migrants, inc:udìng cir-rring ¡:oubles oi 2010, r,'aìle.v wheu over 25,000 stLrdents from iþe went to.lalrrmu to stucl,v.

30. Many, especially in Kash:¡i:-- i.'elieve that ân event in orre rcgìr-rrr could lrigger h'ouble, if not vioìence, ul others, There are daily rulnours in both .Iànlmu and rhe Valley ineiting fears - including fears about what ou' repori might contain - fed b¡, :;range ìeaks and mist¡uths \.vlìich appeâr'ro be cieliìrerately intended i0 create apprehension. Ther.e is, and has long been, a ìrighly politically- èh;{ atmospl.rere in the State.

3 1 . In this contexl, \\,e Ìrave nore ¿" ritat govel.nnlel]t progratrnle s llìat intencl to br:ing relief to specific sectrons of the comlnÌlnit). can end up causing fiictio.. Two instances in 2iri0-11 are rese^,atio,s for Gujjars

2D U-êl that causecl hearrburn anlongsl Ìairaris, rvho have the same socro- economic ¿rncl cnltural conditions, and the Dogra ceúificate l-crv, The latler l¡ecame so poli¡icall)/ heateci that the Centlal govemment had io intervene.

32. We irave also notçcl tha¡ l'rvairieS be[ween rhe State's politicaì parties contribute to the voiatiìiû,'cn the ground. T.he 2008 lcgisladve lesulted in a patchrvor'.1< oi politìcal parties sharing porvet. district b¡, district. and the 2011 l:anchayat elections have increased ¡he patcl'ì1\,ork in many djstricts, whele ihe MLAs and MLCs rnìglrt belong to one p¿u'ty ¿rnd/ol coalilion b,,rt the pancÌrayal leorescntatives beione to tllc opirosition. This means ritat the por.ver-shar'ìng equatíon wjll liave to appll,righr down to the iocal level. in this situatíon, need 1br parties io r.vork logethel is stlonger tirr.l ever; withonl tlleil. cooper-ation ,.,e: -qo\'Ðfna¡ 0c \\,iii rctllain r.veali ol' e ì¡e fi.¡t.thel rveakened.

33. l'he roìe of the media, too, iras been complex, combining positive peace support lvith tli-struths that uuleu¡ine peace iuitiatives. a si¡ali handlirl ol anchors and lepor:er.s, the national uredia l:ave uncler.- repor'lecl odnflict areas ancl re:tc.l ro i. cLt.s on r¡onlcnts oi violence allcl./ot: reciiminalion. The local nedia, bv contrâst, have given lar more altentiolì tQ peace process clevelopnenis, []ut - as occurs ror.rtinely !n conflict situations - there are solre anlotlgsl tilem who a¡e selective in u¡hat tirey report a'cl l¡iasecl ln fa'o',rr- of one or a'other pol.itical posirion. jnventiug  liu,cvcli go âs e.,,enLs and quotes for stot.ies. To these fì:',. .iou'niriis'i âpperrs to bc a pclJ;rcal garle ratheL. than rhe pursuit of iact.'l'he negâti'e lailout Iì.onl tÌlis liruri of .iolLr.nalis' is that if acß.as a b.aiie o' peacerralce's; rvrro s'isrr Lo.'ro\/e forward fr.onr stated positions, cs¡reciallv alì'longst the dissident gr.ours. .Laa

1.4 Lessons Learned from Peace Initiatives, 1999-7A09

34. B), anci large, it is insufflciertly recognizecl tira[ there have be,:n consistent effo¡ts to fincl a peacefui solntion since I999. There is thus a considerable bocly of expet'ience an"', .consequently receivetl wisdotn, ou the str-ucture, tt:acks and ke1' ;t..,., cl a sustainable and results-orienred peace process for Janmu and Rasl.inir. Important lessons fror¡1 this body ol expelieuce include:

35. First, both the Governnent of irdia and the stakeholders in Jalnmlr and I(ashmìr' have repeatedly silc ¡ n theil committ¡ent to â peace process, insofar as the¡r h¿vg sougìl¡ to revive it after each lr-4:tr.rre. Tltis point is leinfbrcecì b1, the facr tllai il,ele were at least eight rnajor tuptules in a period often lears rn the India-Fakistan dialogue: the i(argil invasion of' 1999, tþe Agra sumurit's fa.illue arc.l ihe rise of violencç iir Jamr¡u a¡ci .l(ashr¡il in 2000. thc .Ianuiu anC .iashr¡ir Assembly and tilc Indiair Palliarnenr anacks in 2001. ¡ nunt'el of scarterecl terrorist attacks in 2002-4, the Varanasi ancl Deihj boncings ìn 2005, the N4Lunbai l¡lasts in 2006. the Sarnjhar-rta attacl( jn 2007, the Mumbai anaél

36, Seconcl, there has been policy continuit), rvithin successive Indìan aiministlations on the ai:.¡rroach lo a peace process in Jatntnu and I{ashmir. The ovel'all policy. of rvcrking in tandem on the Jammu ancl i(ashrnir ancl Pallstan tracl$, js il line u,ith the 1994 parlianent i-e solu¡ion seeJ

31. Phase I (1999-2002) u''as'irar.ì<:d by prirne Minister Vajpayee,s intritive understanding of se'¡ime'¡s iil the state; his attempts to broker a

!¿ e-31 ceâsefire !\,itli armed groups (aji cî rvhich ended in violçnce): a¡cj the initiatjon oi' tluee tracks o1' diaìog,,re: InCia-Pakistan. New Delhj-APIIÇ (M), and inter-l(ashnri¡i. i.e., acloss the I-OC.

38. The most impoltant conrr.ibúucr of this ¡rhase was to coordinate initiatives to end the armed coníìic¡. Thus, the \Ìetçran separatist leader o I the People's Conference, Abdu: Ghani Lonc, went to pakist¿n- 'eit administered Jammu ancl I(asJlmi¡ io ask the armed groups to enter a Ìleace process. the 2002-5 Coali¡ion go\¡ernment in Jammu and l(ashmir, heacled bl. Mufti Mohamr¡ad Sa,vce.:Ì, launohcd a "healing touch policy,,, ¡\nd fol thc fi::st tim{) tlle Pak¡slani gover:runent aci

39. I{ouiever, tlrjs u,as also a pha-se i:- r,bich spoilers c}ih.acted ¿ vs11, þloil cos¡ in terlns of lives lost in .lan:iu a.nd l(ashurir. More than 13.00û people diecì ciuring the lour yeais oi lg99-2002 (see Chalt ì below.). ' inciudin-q AbclLll Ghani L-o'c, vr hc:se assassinatìon causccl sÌlocr.r,avcs through the StaLe. fogethet- rvjLlr. ¡rre assassination of Majicl Dar.. the I{izbui \4Lrja.hedeen commandel, ir,l:o rvas a icey fìgur.e in the 2000 ceaselie.egoliar,ious, the r,,vo killt;:gs sent â llowerful signaJ Lhat cr.oss_ bc¡rder amred groups ancl their. ira¡cller.s \\,ere nol yet l.e¿ì(ìy lo aliorv Kashmir:i initiativcs lor peace,

4a As agai'sr thrs, Phase II (20c3-:').,r',s r.ira'r

4 L ,¡| visible outcome of the inter_l(âslmrri dialòguç was the clectsiorr Lcr talçe the Baglihar pr.ojcct to the Worjd Banl< fol ar.bitr.ation l,n, Ì.dus waters 1ì ea$,. 1'he pakista¡i -q0\¡eülme'I was at iÌrst reluctanr to

23 úY seeì( World Bal < ar-bitlatiou, li,.l: Pl'esidenL Mushanaf zrgleei aiìc:

poJitical leaders fi'onr P al<ìs tan -actn: i:ristered .Ial:lnu ancl I(ashnri¡. rvho haci been a;;all of tlrt:Î1'acl< II ciiailgue, appealec! to hirir Lo let rire issLrç '1'hè be re.soh,ed. In'20A7, the arbitla¡ol riecided in I¡rdia's tàvoul. saure albiiratior procedure is nor.v being fcllou,ed for the I(ishenganga dam.

42. Per'haps the nlosl irrportant acllievernent of'Phase lI rvas rhe openi g ?i: ofback cha:rnel talks l¡etrveen Inclían anrl Pakisiani cnr.o)'s. T l¡,e tu,o sicles !:t:-/ nau'o*,ed clivergences ancl focuseci cn convertence t0 the pojnl thal'úc.v

canre close to a fi'amcu'or'l< agreement lor : csolution, compl'isinr¡ :;c l.t'- qovernemee. pbased rlemilitalization cn l¡oth sides o1'tle LOC ancl. ovi:r iirLre. joiut d*,clopn.reni ûlsLitiuioit:, i:o¡ rhc fii'st lilne, rhc Iiallisiiili, Í.iovei-l-llrent begzur to Iccognizc eÌr:cr,:rì 1:oliticzrl iepics¿tì,;ativcs i¡r.iair.,n:li ¿no Iiashmir, ciranging a ìcrr.q-lrcii :osition tirar rhe,zrPliúls airrj ;l;rr.rc' jn:L_- .qroups were fhc soie representarir. e: oi' the neople. ¡\.t t.he sarlc L thcre u,ere sevel al louncls oi Ncrr, Ðeliri-,llPiIc (¡l) a¡d irrtcr-.1(aslrnrìr'i ciiaìr:¡¡¡ig. ¡.rnd lìve \tr/o¡lcing Groups lo pl.opose rva)/s to r.esoir¡e ii:; çonÍìiot rvelc set up bl Pli:le I,iinisler Singlt. 1'llr:ir nreLnbcrsi,i¡t corlprìsecÌ aJÌ the poiiLicai ¡;ar-tìes jn .la;lmu and i{ashnrri., arrri a sprinltlìng of civil societlr actcrs j:r ihe State. Four. ol .iìr,e cl rhe \áo.lri.g G.oups deait r.r,itlt i¡rte.nal 1ss'.ies, a'cl .ne clealt rvirli c¡.ss_i-OC ielarious. ,ln othcr worcls, rhe iltentll ancl external tracks vr,,oulc1 iravc dovetailed il dre framc\.vork. agreenert betl,een lndja and pakist¿rn hacl

el:s:rcd as enr isege,.f .

43, It u'as also in this phase that pr.esiiient Mushallaf pi",lg",l to p."u"rrr c.oss-borde. terro.isi attacks, and Lire inciia-pakìsta' Joint'i llcoilanisnl \r¡as sct up. Tho.gir neiritcL the pledge nor the niechanisr¡ u,;ts scr-.ionsi;, o¡ io.alizecì. a'rec: conflict begau to rlecline Ph¿rse JI. steacliJy ar fìr'st ancr Iatei ai ílri accere'atecr pace, Trris dcr:rì;lc ì;e.q¿1i 1f i¡1.' the 2003 ceasefiie. gainec :torncnfuirr r¡4-. en tilc L.,acir cllan.e l *,as initiared, anri c.:rtinuecl in pacc * tir Þrogress in tire lìarne*,0¡h tall,,s (sce Chart ì belorv).

i.Jn rbrtLrnateÌr', 41 tìrc e''iprosion uï r io.:nc: within parçistan lecr presicient N4ushanaf'to rcquest in 2AAj tjtat tlle l¿¿ll

24 2-73

rLrerefore, rvas on the New DelÌri-Jar¡r¡u and J(asllnir ll'acl< aloue. Though the Government of Indra began security reforms, transferling policing dutíes to the Jamnru and i(ashmir police and the CIIPF. and pressing 1Ìre scculit.v lolces to take s:ringenl steps to prmish hunran rigirts vioiations, tÌre Ncrv Delhi.APFIC (!:i) rack, r.vhich jr¿rci wolked rvhile the Inclia-Palcistal.r tlack cushioLied ii. becan co u,ither.

45. Phase III was rnarkecl by man¡' :ropeiìrl signs. ]'he 2008 Asse¡rbl;r i trl \+'. elections in Jammu and l(ashmir sa\,\' the gria¡est voler particiFarion sjircc 1978 (70 pe¡ cent), ancl thel'bror,rght in ¿ì )¡oL'r'.' Chief À¡finis¡er'. Or':rar AbdLllÌah. I)caths due to arr:rei cont-lict feli below 400 a ¡,car fbl tile iìrst liire in iu'entlr' )'cars. ând iite:e were a series oisecurit',,r'efor.lur. Cross-i..OC trrclc incrcasccl s här-p i¡,.

Togcthel lhcsc factors ;rr,l;..,.,1 ¡ilat Phase LIi rr¡rrcsenLccl a : i1;..: nloment for movin.{ lorvarcìs ¿r resoi¡,:iion. But ìt also.sarv u,arning sr¡¡;rs of tr-ouble r.rndet- tl.ìe surface. Tile Al1'la.l:nath la.nd rou, a,urÌ agitation sho.,r'ed that .lanturu ancl the Vaiìe1' l,ere alar.ningll, polarizecl, ìn ìncleasingll' co:.n:lun¿rl terrns. In ¡l':¿ Valley, pÌ"otesrs against the I¿uicI lorv r;uickl¡' snos,b¿rlled irrto p:-oresi,r rgaìitst ihc i;ecnrir.1; forces. rvith ihc cnler,qeilce o1' a :rerv lorn': of l.ciìilì agìtatìon, stolre-pelting, lvilicll . cr¡ntinucd into 2009, aud ber:ame cloninar:¡ ìn 20 10.

16. This ner¡, folm of protest arose âs ¿rmed conflict cleclined in Jan-,rnLr and J(ashmir, The declir-re ciicl uor signal dlat rriolencc lvas no longer.useci to r-rndellnine or contlol peace in.itia.,tves in or-clet. to maxilìize sp0ì.ief le\:eÌ'agc.

4i. \¡¡hllc tire loci¡s has bcen o'deail:s rn tl.rc v¿rllcr', ir is oiìe, ftir.gorteir Lir¡Ìt a large nn'rbc' of them rvere fì'o;' the bord¿r. el.e¿Ls of jarrr¡u. I)¿11ä collccted 1ì>r fataljties year by 1,eal. ircm 1999-2009, in fact, presel.rrs ¿ì cl picture. Irr Jammu ancl l(asl.rr:::r., 'rixe latalities escaiatecl lio'l 1999. peaking jn ar over 4,500 200ì, began ro decrease in 2003, plateaued ìn 2005 and clecÌined as¡ain i'rom 200ó crr. The deciine conti¡ruecr steacJìl¡,. Jal'eel¡' beoaLrse rhe a.necl inslrrgenc¡' rras armosr endecr, Fr.o'.i Jaruan,- Septen ber201 I the . figure fbr faiali¡ies rvas just abovc 1 50.

2S 2-1 q

chart 1: Fatal¡ties Due îo Violence in Jl(/ 1999'2009





25C0 ìltr':l 2DAA

15DC \- 100c '-\\ ) --< -..-*-.- s00 j 0 1999 IOAC læ1 2oA2 2aC-J 2CO1 2OO5 2a06 2(n7 2(n8 ' ?(ß9

Sourcei Souih Asia Terrorism Portal

chart 2: Major Terrorist Atiêcks in Rest of lndia 1999-2009"

Source; Miursuy of FIonre Affairs.

i0 'fhe nvo cl.ìarls allove srì-qgest ille iollowing points:

(a) Iu Phase I. there q'ere two ccnrasting trigget's of Violence: one, lailure ol breakdown oi talks (for example, a¡med attacks

26 .'bf spiraled after the lailure oi the Agla sunmit); and the seconC, to ple-errÐt blealtthrougirs in:aiks (fol exaurple, the 2000 ceasefire r'regolrations ',1'ere abruprl.v er.rcled b¡, a stling 0f lelrorist attacl(s. inclucling the killing oi ove¡ a hundred urigrant laborers).

(b) Ilowever, alter the ceasefiL¿ betr"'een India and Paliistan in 2C0i, leading to the peace p:'ocess ol 2004-8 (PlLase II), the steady ciecre¿Lse ln ÍÌrt¿llties in.ia¡:urri ¿rncl I(ashmir s.hou'ed,thai cnce a ',il:i. .,r.i. peâce progess begil]s ro ia]t: ìrokl, it is lil

(c) Complicating martem, 0l rhe other hancl, ùere ri.às a corresponding jnclease ir ;enol'ist aftacks in the rest ol Jnclia, which targeled the ludja-?aÌ

49. In other u,o¡cls. the guirl, rou,1. rn Jalrmu and Kashmir q,ere lost, in peace ;xocess ternts, by the botnb$g.s in the rest of India. Similar.l¡,, r,r,as r¡4lile there a sharp decline, t:r vio.lence against civiìians ancl/o:. secr.rritl, fbrces jn the Srate, thjs clecline did nor appìy Lo r¿u.gcre(l ¿rssassinations. New Dellli-APHC lì'1) atten4rLs at dialogue c()nrirìLre(l ro be ILrptLrred ì:1, targeted assassi'arion. Whìle rhe 2000-1 I

50. Tc slul up, the peace inltiarives iror:l 1999_2009 nracle some imi:ressive achie'emenLs against i'o'niclable obsiacles. I'policy terms, the evolutio' lvas as lb lÌor,r,s:

)_7 ret;

Phase I: " lieel

Pìras e II:

. Jn d ia-Fakis ian r:e¿tsefire. o Institutionaiìza tion oÍ clìalog,.l: airci sr"4lpor''L lcr lìaclt IJt " ORçning Slinagar'-VIu:rafÍbraSaC aud Poonch-R¡¡vial

['h as e III: " Arirly in balracìcs, . Transfer olall civilian sec'lrit;r'd'.itìes to the police; . Continuir.rg decline in violence in the State; . Sharp incrcase in closs-bor::: rr';de; . Quiet Diplomacy.

)1. Overall, ciue to tl.ìe peace irili¿tjves of 1999-2009, violenoç has gr-arJuaJl¡, ce ased to be a lrrelin e'.1 r;t'e ans of rlìe seftlement of the iss¡-re :

Lhc lndia-Pal

52. FÌorver¡er, c¡oss-borcler tero¡ìsr ariacr(s in other parts of Llclia, ancr ta.geted assassi.aiions .i' Janmu aud l(ashrnir, continìJe to be major. obstac.les io a r.esult-o¡ienteci peace ¡rocess

23 úT 1.5 Renerval ofPeace Initiative:, August 2C1O-August 2011 .

)3. Begiming rvith Flc¡me Ministe:: I Chldambaram,s ALrgust 5 speecli in ,,unique the l{aj1,a Sabha stating tiiaL Janlli: ani Kashnir had a problen.: rei¡riring a unicluc solLitiol", an AlÌ-Party pzirlianrentar;, Dejeqlrticn r,isítcd rhc Sraic fi-or¡ Scptonrbei ?A-?2, ?A1A, anci rilllijc ; s,lj"jc:; ol- buntan righrs rcconlnleucjations .o lle Govcr.unrenr ol lnrji¿i. l-he p.:açc proces's lhar Lhen Lllfblcled brrilL or sonre of the elemçnts tir¡rr hilcl l;ce' dt- cl¿r,eloped b¡, ¡''ccecling initi¿rtlves allcl added ,.,.ru ,i,r"r. lt combincL.Ì CB\4s such as cr.oss-l_C)C tl.ade ''rth peace bL:ilr.Íing, especialiy policr: .et-r'air';tng linrì rcr,'ilalizatio' o1' gcr e:.ancc irtstitr.tticns. e*rl a ri,irie_ rangir':g pLrbiic tiiiriogr,re lLc:-oss :l,e iSiate ihr.cugh ilr i: Gr.cri¡: oí, Intel locutor':;.

54- This lvas nol an easy combinariolr^ ancr ít sufÍèr'ed iiol¡ riiífi<:urties or coo¡dinatior: berween cBJVfs, peare buìrcring actio's anci cìialogLrc, Nevertheless. it did help to br.ins tÌre Valle¡, bacl< the brin]< and estab I ish ed some conciitions lo¡ for.l,a¡cl mo\/eltlgnt.

'T'he 55. for.r of the clialoguc rhar L.:-errr betr.r.een Nerv Delhi anci the people oi- Ja',ru a'd I(ashnrir in Oc,:ol¡er.2010 u,as ancl its sr.r,er:¡r lousetl hope.s 'erv, tllat a more sustainai¡le peace process u,as undenvay, The dialogue becarne symbolio ol'Ne* Delhj,s comrr-ritmeni Ltr cltange in -lammu and liashmi¡. An earÌv l>reaiitirr.ough in this context v/as the j,000 sùong nteeting ìn l_,angate, ar u4ricii pafticipants took a pledge ro sJÌin Violer'ìt or clarna_qing protests (i¿r. exautpie. b¡, stone_pclting) il.strìngeni r'ìreiìsules lve.e rakcr: to avoid or ì,ilÌ r:-er'¡nt h,r¡an rigrrts rrìoiario's. Snc-h a fespor)se rrad not bee' seeir i' tire vaÌiey since yasín rvfarir< of rhe JI(LF clecla;-ed his çonver.sìon to non-r,ioldnce in the 1990s.

56, As a lesult, r¡or.c MLAs were gah,ia!ized to support and pLrsh the rener,r'al of the peace process than iacl i:een l¡eioLe, ,¡,itn, also, a larger. ìnvolver.nenr of t,omcn. Once agai.:t_ ¡he fielci \Ã/âs b¡oadened fot an inclLt.sive process, lleace to the extenr ll1a,r alÍnost all the rnajor.p0iiricâl corsrituencies iu Iaimlr' and I(ashnrii legal.ì rO fèer Lhat their aspiratio's lvoul

57. Perhaps the most important del''elopment in this period uras the move b)i members ol the APHC (M) ard ?eopÌe's Confetence to breal< tlte silence on mìlitant lcillings, rvhicb gatheled steant after'the assassination of Maulana Shorvkat Shah of the .iaqiar Ahli I{acleeth. A joint cor.nLr':iitee ol ùe nvo APIIC factions. JiSF a¡d Jarnaat-e-lslami, amoLrgst otlrets, rr,as set ul) bv the .famiat .\iili Ha¡leeLir to ¡robe the assassination, anci they got the Pal

58. ifcalried lorrvald, this iieveio¡mcnt is a potential ganrc-cirangei. [t ¡estores rnola.l aurirority ro iìre orssrcienl groups, signals ii decisive iurn away fi'om amrecl conflict anci targ¿tecl assassinations in the State, and jndicates that it may be possible ro lring the anned grou¡s on boald the peace pro,Qess. However, these are rper.rings tllat âre yet to be explored, and ihele are man1, .irnponderables, l"''hich suggest that the road aheacl u'ili contir'rue to be rocl(y.

59. Finally-, the renerval ol tire hiia-Pakistan dialogue in sprin_rr 201 l, and the regular llteetings held sincs, also inrpacted favourably in Janinu 'fhe and i(ashmir. agleement to in,;rove facìlities for c::oss-LOC rracie. an'ived at betrveen the Foreìgn Secretaries of lndia and Pal

The State govemment's offe:: cf a programme for retum of former r¡ilitants who crossecl ove'to Pakisran-ad'rinistered I(ashmir durirìg the past two decades, too, is a follow-uÞ of lire recomnrendation of the prime Ministe¡'s Worl

3C .Þt q

-l'o 60 sum up. the achievemenis ci initiatives in 2010-11 were

Creation of an inchrsii¿ Ciai'rgue; Impletlrentatron ol some ¡ í the Plirne Minister's \\/orlcing Groups' recommendatious: InstitLrtion of some in:cr. Cirte human rights and secLu.iiy reforms; A far-reaching tluih .iniiia¡:r¡¡ by the APHC (M) ancl ffLF; Re-engagernent of Pakisten.

6 Ì. As against tlte-se achieve:nents, rlie:.e wer.e fo¡uridable obstacles. Angei. and instability rve'e Ìrigh i'ihe lìl-st ierv ancl remain L'der.rhe 'ontJrs, surface today. 1'hey can be easill ;rr¡ilized again if the renewecl peace plocess cioes rrot sho.',v steacly r.esults.

62. I-astly, a rnajor gap in our ri.lssjon, as pointed out by poiitical and the rneclia, *,as cu; iailure 'epresenratives to open ¿.r dialogr-re vririr rhe APHCs. and JKIF associatecl groLips. We accept that this weal

63 I'Ìou'evcl, it shourd Lre recog.izcd that the ApHC rras never h¿rcr a lo.mol dìaingue rvìth a'y oi the ,;:re',,rous Interlocutors, the iirfla.recl cotidiiions maCe it r.ìslt,v- for ther¡ to enbarl< on talks, alld the shadqw of li:c utin irengs over'¿u'ry steps trrey ¡al

3i rl 'l i I ?\4o i i.6 Conclr¡sions j ri i 64. In conchrsion, the situaìion :n lire g::onncl sugliesrs the lÌrllor,."ing h1,potheses:

(a) Many of thç acute ploblemi r:r Janìrnu and I(ashnrir, that lccl ro the anger ancl frustration we ..^attnessed in 20 j 0, ster¡r tom the misnlaloh of responses to a cranging grouúc{ siiuation, Within the

Sfate, ¡hr: alrtreci confljct lta-c¡ost endecl. AiÌer. tq,enty-tu,g 1,s¿1¡5 of stagrating under. conflicr, public expectation of admìnistrntiorl and mle of law is high, bui lie existing instìtutions, r.vhich havr: been grealll' degradeci due tc conflict, âlç not as yet caþabie oi 1'Lr lfi llin c rhcir promises.

(b) 1'he'e ìs a t¡elief ìn ,thc Srate that tlieit. problerns sren: froirr uñrcsoh,ecl ìssucs olpoìitical s:alLrs ¿urci Ceìrtre_Staie l.elatic¡ns. Thìs belie.l'is not unjLrstifìed: the ve:r.s ofconlìici have brec{ i.stìLi:r;or:¡l clepencieucy aurl incrLlcateC cìeriìabiiity aulongsr both its politit:a1 eiites and tile aclininìst¡ation. Moreover, the ambigr,riry coÍt¿Lincd ,,Tenrporary,,) in Artioie 37t) (the rvorcl has aide<Ì borh colmrurai and political polar.izatìon berr.veeir ancl v¡ithin rhe r.egions.of rhe SLerg.

(c) I-astl¡', as far as politica.l co1.ìro,Lrrs ar.e concernecl, ther.e is greal¡r. unanimity on cBMs eacl: i' re3ìou ancl ress on rhe eienrerrs of a lasting solntion. Thjs is not a major obstacle as the leaclership ievei djscu.ssion betu,een political pâì.:ies about areas of conve¡gence on political contours is r;ei to be_qin. Horvever, it cloes intrgcluce a notç: o I c¿Lutioir. 1L^ t¡ ?rql Ctr;rrtrtt 2: Fotì NDw Cot\,lp.,.,cr \yrrH J.{Mivtu ,rNn l(¡sr¡;r, tt ^

Ì 'fl:e jl. year.n . oeople o1'Jaut;nl ;,ni Kashm for a ¡:emranênr e rcl to [i]e conflict that has dcr¡inate(l theit lives i'or twenty_tì.vo lo g J/ears, ard for a pcacefuj resoìution of its root causes. 'fhe), ,À,¿tnt al'med violence to cease for;r,er, tire rniasma of feat that shaciows theil lives to lift. and the L:!1y practiccs thät have b,een brec{ by 'at):¿ '1.:rjr: conflict to vanish. Ttey ,;o¡rÌcl like the line thai divicles the ,,becolÌle erstw-hile prilrcely siate t,J invjsit¡lc,,, and for theír boncls of i¡luralisnr and tolcranca io i¡e restored. 1)re1, rv¿¡. ,'1.,. opporlunities and nobilitv tar the 2lst ccnfuiy olfers: in li u,orld rvith fe,.ver anii fewer borier-s. i¡ is intolerable that they are helcl hostage by borclers of rvar.ani isolatíon. Above ali, they lohg f.or I life of dìsnitv ancl honout.. c:. democr.atìc l¡eedoms and the t.ule o{. Iau'. a lile in rvhich tllev are Ìr¿rsrers of their.own destiilv.

2. Any resolution mus¡ ite i¡asecl on the r,ìsion fòr a futll.e tÌrat has emerged f¡on onr interac:jons r¡,ith more than 700 deiegations ciuring otu visit to tlte tu¡eiìt-v-:\,o distt.icts of tl.lestate o\/er tl.ìç past clêr,en months. Such a ilir:lr.e rvoulcl see the Slate acring as a bridge betrveen pakis¡a.:r India, and Asia; rvith its heritage of sl..ncrelic philosopr:ical. religior-rs ancl linguistic pr.acrict: t'estored: its children Laì

This calls, in the 1Ìrs¡ pìace, for Lrpholding the dis¡rnctivç status of .larnmu and i(ashuir _ enshrined in .Aiticf e 3 70 of the Constitution of lndia_ in le¡ier- ,fhe and spirir. State must be at l3 üqz''

iiberty to acquirÈ such power-ç as it needs to promote the u'ellale ol' its people on its owr.r tenns, Poìitical space must be provided to all stalceiroldels to finesse Jamm'.: at:d l(ashmir's Çodstitutionâl bollCs rvifh the Inciia.n Union that find aention in both ttre Constittltion of India and the Jarnm',1 and Kashmir Constitution, It stands lo leasc¡n lhat such an exercise \\,ould fu no way cornprorrise India's inte|nal and exte¡nal seouritv r-eoui"e ,.r'nts.


I FuÍhennore, 1o g¡ve subsiance to its distinctivJ starus ancl I ftrlfill tlre diverse aspirations cf all regions, this Netu Contpact I ploposes to simultaneonsl.v establish a multi-layered grid of 1 cievolved instih¡tions ol detricoralic govelnance across the Slate. This alone rvill go a long u'av ro arrest and gladualll' diminisir the sense of viÇtiutìood tilat griÐ: every regìon anci even, r'cligious, ethnic, linguistir: and soc.ial.l),-Lrisaclvantaged cotnrnuuity. incluciil¿3 people uprooted fiom tl:eil iromes duç to wars ancl çndemic Violence, r¡,.ilhout ha¡ming ilie unit¡, and integlity of the Srarc or

undermini:rg ì ls chal'¿rc:cl'.

6. The sense ol victir¡l.rooci t.s articulated in the most intense emotlonal te¡ms in ihe l(ashqu:: Vallel'. The r.easons a¡e all too cornpelling, FIere, for over'srr: ciecadçs, people have experiencecl rvhat, in their eyes, cousrit .es a systematic denia.l of thei¡ dçmoc¡atic rights. fìtey have L.een $ritness !o rigged elections, the dismissal ol elected goveul.leuis and iustallation of pliant ones, tlre arr ests of their popular leacier-s, the choking of dissenting voices .ijli through .harsh laws, the cleterliiot of political prisoner.s without the due,.plocess of lar.v; tl:e faiirl.e ¡o to book those gLrilt,v of violating hr:man rights; and, l:oi least. vìolelrce pelpetratecl by militants ar.rd b¡, ¡hs securiq' iorces. That tjrese allegecl violations ol hLtnan iigh¡s - i¡cludlng the rìeaths of I (J4 r,o¡fl.r i¡ the s¡.r:¡nrçr of'2010 -,ctid nc't adequarell-, iìg*re either ìn the lndian nleclìa or jn Parliamen¡ is seen. righiiy.. as Inclia,s lack of concer¡ lor. tlte sL;ll'erings of rÌre l(ashnrir.ì pco:;1:.

Add .,viciesprear . to fhis the aÌlegaiions of rnis-gor, er.nance, pen'asive cornptìon arnong il:e oolitical and bureaucratic elites,

i4 l rq3 lack of quality educatioti a;ri public health services; poor ph,vsical infrastructure and s'oefuil-v l:a

' ìd enriLl . l,tt. .:t' 8. This accoLlnrs fbr politiral denands ranging fiom '¡\zacil a;ici the establishment of a,n Isìanic State to autonomy, .sclf-tuie. achievable nationhoocl anri slrch other alternatives, At Lhe heart of aìi these clilges, l.tou'evcr, is :ire senlìmelrt that tlle wr.'es of f(ashnil ore due to :he c¡:asculatiou .rf ',]ire substarle oiÎ irs distincti',,i sLâir.:- ' cnsh:inci in Articli'.l7ij'ol:i:- fcnsiitiltio;: o1ÌÌnCia.

9 The concelÌs, inrere.sts, qrievances and aspirations of Jiunr¡,u I and Lad¿Lkh are of'auothc¡ or-iel-. Pe ople in regions str.ongìy ' belicve that tìre Valley poìiiicians havc: given [heni a. r:rrv dr;ai lalgell'dLre ro an initlr-iitoüs clclinritation ol' cons Lituencies. Indeerl. ' the¡e is a strong selltimeì.li rn iroth regions that ihe Centrc itas . ireglectecl their. gt.ievances becausc oi their ¡obust pro_In(iiil ' I incliuation.s. It has raken il:e 1;copie of Jamt'u ancJ Laciakl lor grantecl and. to rì.ìake nle.tÌJrs \,\,crse, col'tsisltntiy ciìoscll t0 '.palnper' 'Dì:_ , ' tite politicul iìnd ea|tcratic elltçs of the Va.ilcy. SLrch parnpering', tirey aiiege, acccunts lor thc seutinunts of rage and .lilc ' íl.ustration. par.ticlrlarly ¿¡n,r"r- the of tlte iu,o :.egions. 'ilutÌ. l!.1 ¡,outh have r:rprcssed tircir se:,ti^le'is ì' a peaceftrl ruanner gr¡ far. j:: BLr: il o::llr a rì)iìfLci ,.rf ii:::-. l¡,,tol.e iilrj i)r0rc.sfS t:rlic:rri LrgJi.rLrIr, .s (hc\/ h¡rre the Valler, _ - i' Lrnless the gr.iet,anoÇs ar.c aclãt es.s,.:cÌ ()ìì ¿llt ì and sustaitrec.ì b¡,sts.

r0 l'hc ¿uti-va'e)' ièerings .a*e wiciene. tìre regio'ar crivide in the sra.te. pr.ticura'r¡, betr¡:ee¡r liasr.unir a'cr J¿ml¡u. orr cer.tain lssues - stich as lhe esLablishrlent of lacilities lor thc ¡\ma'larll pirgiirns porarization - has t¿r

is l.rrï

IL The denand for Urjon Territory, (UT) statr,rs is neai unaninlous in Leh, cr-r:r:r:_1 across rlot onlv but also cornmunitl, liles (inciucling the sulaÌl Musliur corru¡unìry. ibr 'fher.e whom however lJ'1'rvas the least bad of opiions). is ¿rlso a demaud fbr Ladaklì to be nade a ;rrovince, ou flte grounds of its çonsiclel'able ier¡itor.ial size. Iucleed, tet.l.itotial size is a irot issue in [,eh. l]he inrmediate grìevarce is fìnancial. that the,irr.inciple of Srate budgetary allocations Jjt populatjon basis is b), its naLurc biased in a region whìcìl is rçr.ritor.ially ìarge but sp::r-r;eI,,, poprilated. The cleveloptneni ol infrastmcture suffers seve;-elv as ¿r a'cl tirer.e is ìittie cioiÌii 'esult. thal fbr.iníi¿shrrcrrre de'eioplnc,i ellocations nce¿l to ì:e rnade ,:.,n reritor.iai r.equir.entents r.a.thel th¿r;i o:l ihe basjs of lirc noprrlaL.l::.

12- Wilhit thesc rcgions. lroi-..evel., sonlc con.l nìÌìt.lities havc theil ou,n sct of grict'anccs rcotei i;r fèar.s a,i:olll clìsc::iutinat.iou b¡, -fhe anothel cornmunity. f;rlc \4rrsllnt-nlajor.i4, ¡lj5¡1.;s,." of..lar.:t.iru direci their ire at lhose llind.,:,ancl Muslim .Iammuites in Janmu ciL¡, jainl¡Lr *,ìro scel( statoltoocl ibr- province, mucir like thc Shia_ rlominatecl jn distrjct l(argil is war\/ of B ucìclhist_dominate d l_eh which seel

13. Denrocratjc govct-nance ih:.ough appropr.iate r.egionaì at:

36 ?rtf f 14. The response to the afrrementionecì ol¡servations is to be founcl in Prime lvliniste¡ Manlr,ol.:an Singh's comprehensive vision - plesentecl at the first meeiln¿ of his Rouncl Tablç Çonlerence in 2006 - to free the people of tbe State from physical, psychologicai, economic, social ald cttltural tnsecltrity. Ll specific !et'ms, thìs

lll ean¡s :

Freedonr 1ì'om all fot':¡Ts of intintidatior.r. oppression ancl ti violence periretrated b,r, 3ru,. anci uo:r-Slate ¿tctors to cnable pecpie to exercise lheír ilcnrocraLjc rights theit' i:or,i¡.¡¡ aild digniiy intact; Frcetlom from all iorces ¡f reiigious exrremisnl. cfhllic oi regiorraì chauvinjsnr :rncl . r:t:olitarian conceils ',hrt .-omnrun:rl anci in ter'-r'e¿io:r. Lrrt'mon¡ :' Fl'eedom flom an opaque ani r:naccountable aclminisratiou: ' Freedom from ecouo¡lic sir'r:cÌLìrcs. policies and progrelnmes that fnrstrate elforts to prcr'rote inclusive ecouomic gror'r,th artC balanced developmenr oiail eails of the State; Freedom from sooiai s.trlrcti:¡es and poiicies that are detrimental io clisadvantagecl socìal glitruos, minorities ancl r'vornen; Frcecloil fìonr hal-sìr lau¡s hLrrshll, applle{, and iudicial iieiavs thirl cLu b tire space 1ir: lc¡1i'.iuraLc disscnt; fì¡ee¿jon': fi-olr thr: ]

15. 'fhe process to cieter-ntine ihe pou.ers that ne.ã to i:e vestecl iu institutions of democratic governance at evety level has to be rundertaken bearing in nrind Lhe ,Jr"r¿!l cllar.acler of the State and the duaÌ starus olrts peopie. Tite iislinctiveness of the SLate nlust be ernphasized along rvith its colstitì.ttional linl(s with tlie Indian iJnion. By thai .sarre token, ihe people of the State should be able

3/- L\b ro exercìse theil lights as octh srate subjects and as citizens ol lndra

A revierv of all Cenr¡al .rcts ancl Articles oithe Constitution "6.of lnclia extended to the Stat¿ ¡r'er ancl beyond what u'as stipulated in the lnstntment ol Accesslol r¡'a-ç co:.tiir-tctccl thlice in the þast .' undel the Chief Ministersl:ip of Sheildr Abdullah, G.ìv'[. Shah and Farooq AbctLrllah. The¡' r'eacirecl djflcrenL. e\/etl, collttaiy, conclL:sions aborrt lvhethel- ol r'rot tlte extetlsir:n Ìlaci belle;fìteo tile people, lt is. therefore, jncur¡lent on all stakefiolcle¡s lo evoive a consensus o¡t the recon:menrarions oi ilie Ciroult liste<1 jü LÌle Chaptel on Centle-SLate telaticns, (Fo:- cìetails see ncxl Secticll. Centre' St:te Rel¡rions,.

17 . Progress on the resolutior. of outsianding issucs betrveen Inciia and Pakistan rvill hugely iàcilitate the r¡lrlti-track deliber¿rtions. Tire establishment of a similh¡, nulti-l4yered gricl of institutìons of democratic governance in the r,rea.s of .Iarnmu a¡cl I(ashmir under Pal

18. An lnclia-Pal

19. TÌre overu4telming rrajoli:y of the citizens ol Jammr¡ and

I(ashr¡il would lilce to see the Line of Control oonverted into a Line of Concord anii Cooperalion (See Chapter 6, Ilarmanizittg Rel.ations Across the LoC).

38 2.7. Centre-StateRelations V\T

i, F,ver¡, seminal document tllai ìtas shape<ì the relationship bet.reetl the Centle ancl Jammu and l(asllnir is cotrtestecl try one section oÍ opinion.ol the olher.u'ithin the Stäre a¡d beyoncl it. Tire recrinlilratious are rooted irr divergenl hlstoricar ;re;:lories, icleoìogies. polìticaì rJicLates ancl nationalisms. \\¡hat fi-iels the..t are chatges oi' berrayal,,ol. soierrr:i promises ancl tile rvillíùl neglect ci ¡lie democr.atjc rights of tJre peoplc. especiaiìy. thougl.r not exclusivel].. .l:r: iirndamental rlghr to realize thçir political aspirations in full ireasul.e.

'I'hus. 2. dte tr,vo lactions oi th¿ ApIJC and other separatisf outfits chaiìenge the very .legitimacy ol rire Insttr¡t¡ent of Accession that À4aharaja liarí Singh execurecl on 25 October i94.7. LIe signecl ir, rhe argrnì1ent runs, al the pojltl of a bayclei. ThE fact thar I(as.irmir,s ta]lest Ieadel, Sheilch Abdullah, 1y¿5 p¡iy¡: rc dtis acr ieaves the separatist section of opinion cold.

3. I-Iou,ever, even when lÌiey i1o not contebt the legitimacy of the Accession, the separatisr elements rnsist thal it was lrovisional ìn nature. It hacl to be ratifiecl by ief:r.ence to rhe r¡,ill of t1.," p"opl.. Acco.ding to úìs schoor of thou-qh:. rhe readership at the centre. spea'headed by prìme Ministe¡. Ja.tvaiarlal Neilru, had tilre and again accepted this crucial conditjon.. Ìnceeci. the Governmçnt of India îa_s p¿'r). i.o resoiìrtions of ¡he UX Secur.ity Council that called for. clererrnining the u,ill of the peoltle oí Lhe State to ar.rive at a pernanenl poiitical settlement of t.he issue. The scrncÌ arguments aclvancecì t

4. Mainstream opirLion js in the S¡a¡e also rjivicjecl dn the the.issue of impor.t of Ar.ticle 370 of rhe Çe¡51;1¡11ion of India. The National

39 z\8 Conference wa.nts to re\¡ert to the ongÌnarl Alticlc uncier u'hich the S¡ate cedecl to lhe Cen'rre pou'ers reJated to Defence, External Affairs, Communications and cettailr anci.ìr.r' s':bjects and morè specilicailv to 'Pcople's ¡he Delhi Agt'eemenr of 1952. fhe Democratic Paú)'wairt3 iû [¡Llrlci on it by tetailtirlg ceri¿i¡ Í-cailti:s iiltl'cdilccd in tl:c:11|istit''c h|ticir: j1 aiter I953 and acLding to it ¿r 'Gle¿it:t Kashnril'' Cimcnsion cie !àr:to noi cic jule. Sir¡.ja,j i-onc's ':Achiev¡i:Ìe \iütir;nilot'ci" goes severül stctrs furfhe:' as legarcis botlt the internai a:rd the exietllal climensi¡l'ls oi tLle ri. Kashn.rii'issue.

5. A¡ rhe heart o{'(his debate is :ir: cir:estion of deiermitling vvhetlrer- the spaie oi Centlal lau,s aud Arilries of lìlo Co¡rstitutjoll of India extcncieri to Jarnmu au¡j I(ashnljr sllc: Ì 953 - and dr-rly incol'poratetì itr lhc State's Ccrnstirulion eithe;: in toio or rvitlt nloc{ifìcalious - rvcl i: constitution¿ri or rìot and whcthet thef irer:cfited the Sla'tc and its people.

6. 1't'o revieu,s co¡rdncted to se:¡ie this question can:e to difiÞrent, indeed contlary, conclusiols. The :ìrs¡ one, pt epat eC by Mr. Ð.D, Thalir-u' duling the Chiel l\{inistelsirrr oi Sheikh Abdull¿th, conclu

r eport. Neither of them was laìcì c.':: iiie rabie of the l{ouse. .l-he djlfèrences u,ere esierrtiall¡r o\/el i',\,o issues: rvhether lhe ¡rl gper plocecl'.rle ¡o obtain ¡he St¿rte's corlcuiience rvas obtained ancl whctì':er rhe I:rus u:rd provisions r'j'rhe Co:sr rrLrion extencletl aftcl thc St¿rte s ¡. Constitì.ìent Asserrblv L:ad ceased ro exist in November 1956 wele -i¡ consriLr-rLionall¡ ten¿rbie. fhe :ìrgu jt:c.lts mecle lgaìnst or in làvoui tlf [hese cor]tentious rrâtters have uot been sqttlecl tili this day par.tly, no doubt. because of Sireil¡h Abdull¿rh's constiturionally contr.orrersial c{ismissal an¿l anest on 8 Augr.rst 1953. '

'Ihrce 7. cases that caûte np befo:c ¡he Suprene Cout dicl not sètrle the iss¡:e cither. in Plemnatb Kautr--.Sl4!q !f Janlmu arì4 l(aqhmìr. L195 9) a Constitr-rtion Ber.ìch took tire r¡ierv thal the last u'ord on the lelatÌonship betrveen the Centre ai:d tire Stare beionged to the State's Constìruent Assembly, In I968, l:orvever. ânotlìer Benciì in $gqrp14

4C z\rq So Praliash v The Siate oi Jammu anÊ l(ashrnir ruleC to the cont¡ary did tlie third Bench in Mohamma'c Madbool D awn-q!--v-t!c-St4ts ¡i starld ì11 Jamnru and I(ashr¡ir. However. tilÊsq contrary Lulings did not iv ,vay of ihe In

ii. To search for a permaneni, i;oÌjtical settlemonl in J4¡nmu and ::::. .:,i Kashmir against the bacltchop oi' so mauy sel ious' indeeci even fundarirenr¿il. difiþl.cuces ol] e\/of] [:ajor clocttrnetii |clatccÌ lo defirling the relatlonship betwecn thc Centle ard the State lrlay seel'lì lil

Tbe principles arc as fòllorv:;

(i) 'it shoulcl be centeled ot: ierrtocracy, equity arrd rule oflarv: (ii) V.iolence of all lcinds shculd be escheu'ed, including hate speech; : (iii) lt should take into accoiÌni the ciiversity ancl pluralism oÍ Janlnru, I(ashmir and LaiaiJr: (iu) I(ey stal

10. Moreover, a carelìrl penrsirl . 1' proposals uratle lry Lhe S[ate poÌitical paÍies indicates a r'vide ac:orcl on the e.leme¡rts of such a settlement. For, thror.rgh ail these dccuri:ents the core idea ol a special lelationship remains constant ihough challenged by certain seçtions of opinion irr Jarnrnu and L.adai

llistorically, Special Stanrs ha.s betil rhe kcy issue betr,i,een JalrunLr ¡ncl I(ashrnir ancl Inclia (ìeaving'asicle the pakistan c¡uestion fol.the tjme being). The Constitu¿ion of lndi¿r js flexible enough to permir malr; variatiolrs of relationship between tite Union a'ci the States. Article 370 gave Jamrnu and Kashmir sovereigrtv o\/Et. all issups excepting def.encç, fbleign affait: and communicai.icrs, Subsequent ag¡eements betr¡,een .ìiirri the jndia irji,l Govemr¡ent of and rhe i(ashr¡íri 1eader.ship alsä puf selÊ go\ ernance ,lt the corc.

Most of current .the proposals ior :ì seitlement take úç existing legal docunrenTs, sucir as ,the lnstruixert oi Accession, the 1952 .Deliri Agleenrerlr, A¡ricle 3 70 of ihc ConstitLrrion of lndia. ancl the Consiinr¡io:r o1'JailmLr ancl J(ashru:1. as starting poillrs.

Tite key featL:res ofthese legai rjocnmeuts are: (i\ Indian Parli:rnlerlt \1.o_j- llavc no rcsiduary Þorre¡r'o, .lammu and I(aslrrnir.; :ir: .Tami¡u l,n,l Kasilnlì, Asselirl.rl", lr,ould _... be soJely r.espousibte for legisìative acts. (ii) The Head of Sfúe, Sad'-l_Riyøsa7, r.vor.rlcl be electe,l by Lire JannrLr a¡cl l(ashmir Asse:lb11,^ not nontinated b), tite P:.esident ol ludia, bül rvoulcl sell/e at the pl.esidenf ,s pleasure. 'I'here u,or¡lo be ¿t prir¡e Minister, In/azir_e_Azant, not a Chief Minister, (iii) The State Assenrbly ciirkl confbr specìal rights and privileges ,State on sub.le:is' ìn vieu, of the State Sutlject Notifìcation¡; of 1927 ard .,932. (iv) The Presiclent of Inclia sculd grant reprieves, pal.dons and l'sr¡ission of seurcnces i,: .,,-:nnru and I(åshmi, ' (r) o: .'rCja .uoul¿ ,lT..,l:O,leme,Cour.r tlnu.^-onty appeliaîe Jurlsotciton ln Jttì.lntLt :r:" .,rshl,llir. (vì) Ârricle 352 of the Consirlurjon of lnciia, empou, rhe Presìdent to proclaim. a general emerge;ct in t1.,, Stute, wolld apply in the ëiercrse ol the CJnn àis fo*"., ou.r delencc (Item on -ü:r.:n l tlre f_isq, UuL Ltr. f r*iii.nt *,out¿ only proclaim a geneiaì .,,.,..g",láy ,,at on o."ouoi'lr intarnot disturbance the requÞs: ,¡titi or the cotrcurrence of the . ... Governnent ofthe State .irricie :sà (r'ii) Jamm. and l(ashmir q.oL:ic.ira'e ",""ijïå,ipply. i;. ;r",, n;;,^;; iloitlon ,o rhe lndian flag.

42 .þçl

1 L Before rve proceed, l'e r.voi:li iil

ir{I,; qom nro!alities,and rV qlggn!_9!j vl_]' P _.' ) 2. t his is \À,hat thc NC and PDP ploposals shar.e in common;

, At ¡he symbolic ìevel. the), srrçss the need for Jamlnu ancl I(ashr¡il to contiuue io have its orvn lìag ancl ils orvrr Constitution. Botir also seek lhe resroration of the pre-1953 a.ppellations of the Govelnol arri the Chief Minister., . At the substantìve level, the¡- ¿ìgt ee on an elected Governol. ancj llniration of tlie Pleside;rt's a'lihorìty to irnpose Govemor.s rLtle. " Cont¡ol orrel economic reso',ìt ce.! and fiscal powers alQ l"rrthcl. ,,Achievable common points, '"vÌrich Sa.jad ì,one,s Nationllood,' sr.rpports. . I{oiling ì:acl< Article 3l2 (Ali india Sen,ices) ancl the Al.l_Inrlia

Seryices Act, .l 95I . . Mal


j iJ,. 3. \\¡hile one set of proposals lìcuses on fuìJ irnplementation ol A'ticie 370, the other suggests .erenrioa of the authoritv of the Eiection ep¡:¡:.1¡¡tql-and Supreme _lCe!11. cn ¡he grouncls tl ot tt .r. T. inclep¿ndent lnsrrtutions and ir rvoulC :al

¿a ?gv 14. Tirere are Lwo otller rra.lor. divergences betu,eeu the NC a¡ti PDP proposals. Thc first is rha¡ lie PDP envisages a soiutioir that r.vill appì1, on borh sicles of the I-OC whilc rhe NC is locusi<1 oir lelations with India.

15, The second najol clii,clgcnle is that sorne proposals euljsage

a forn of elobal cqlno¡ric inæw,lion, s'ith tbe Sttite acting as ;r connectol bet'"r.'eeo india and Cenual Asia. I-ad¿kh's poiític-rl ieaclers '."t aclC China. Not oniy s,ould tlle Stalc plosper, so wonld rnainiand lnclia and the countries thro'.rgh whicl.r ria,le wo'.rlcl tlansit, they:-u.gue, 'llbc coiìcept .has tlacLion at thi:; tinre 'vvh:n lhe r'*viv¿l of tl-re Sili< Iìoute is ':r'olioteci b,r' Iìulopr: :rnd Chil¿: ¿rlii has bcen pul ¿tL tlre heat.[ of econon:ìc revi vai ili 4ïþhanir-iiLn.

1 6. In f'ormLtlatitrg our t'e corì1¡ ti:ll C¡.¡jons oli these jssues tve lt::r,; aridr esscd ilre lolÍou irL¡ qui.jlirì15i

' WìlLt pou,els ciocs the Stare r:ce¡l ro asseñ its specìar1 sLarus'.' .,\nti rvh¡a t is ii r-eady to sulrcnô¿l io the Centt.e tLr asscl-t its consrìtltionai bonds u'ith rhe Iniiian Unìon? ' Secondly, *,oLrld autonomous insri¡utions of the countlv, suoli as tire Nationa.l l{unran Rìgì:is Corrnrìssion, \faLional SC/S f Commission, Naljonaj Cou.u¡tssion lìr 4inor.ities, N¿itionai . ComtlLission t-ol.Won.rer.L, ei.. Ilenefil the pcopie _ ilt tliei¡ capacity ¡rs lndian cirizens i;'l 1u1l neasui.e?

We beiieve rl.ìaL ans\\,e:s !o tlìes; questions tnust bc sought in the context of the vastl-v changeC siiilarion in the rvorl

', ,1 . ln ilìis contexL. vve be licve tit::r r.eraining r.nany of the Central lau's nL¿Lc.le appirczrbÌe t,l Lhc SlijLc ...:: iìrc i;asr srx clel:acles sjroril

44 vll agrjcrìiture produce (iyading and rllarÌiing); drugs and Çosmetics; the De:rtist's Act; NÇC; employees insurance; banking companies; chaltered accountants; tbe indian Scandards Institution (certjfication rnarks); the Cinernatograph Act (lirrited application); çornmissions of encluiry; stanclards of weigirts ancl r:leasnres; sr.ql¡lressiotr of iminoral traffic i:r r.r'ornen; FIa.i Committee,

18. In the exet'cise to fine-tune Article 370, we further believe that )l:,' ,, thc interests of dlo State and tire r:a;ion alikc r'v.ilt be sen'ecl"ìf ce¡tairr ":i1. suljects frorn list III of. the Sevoniit Schedrile are lransferred to the State These rvoulci include:

Erltn/ 6 Tl'ansfe1. of picpeti¡' llntry i3 Civil i:rooedule äntr1, ì4 Conter¡pt of Cc¡r";. IìntL1. i 5 Vaglat.icl'. nomaiic and ruigraloÌ)1 tl'illes Enl:'y 1ó Lunacy and meniai Cefìciencl, Entr-y i 7 Prevention of cliteìt1, ¡o animals Ently 17ts Protection olu'ild anjmals and birds Entry I 8 Adulceration of io,-:dstulfs ErìtÌ y 20 Econonric and socral plamring Entiy 204 Population conircl ¿rnd family plamring hntr\ l- r Il(le UIUOIìS EriLLy 23 Social sccur'ìc¡, ¿n,ll social insulance; employment ancì unerlplo¡'ilenl Ently 25 Education, subjeci to certain exceptions Entry 27 Relief and lehabrli;a.tion ofpersolls displacecl iìnlr'¡ 30 VitrLl statisrics Lìnn-r' 36 F actories

lln tl'-rt 40 Alchaeoioqical sit:s :Lnd r emains v¡ith certair.r rìxccptions F,ntr1' 42 Acqr.ri5l¡1on anci I e¡¡,.1is itioning of ¡:ropcrty Ently 43 Recoven, of claints iu tespect oftaxes etc Entry 45 lirquiries and staijs,ics

'fhese at e :'e iatively minor r:lat¡ers rvhiçh r¡'e ne eded to _qet out of the lvay in ol de¡ to tbcus r¡n the substanrive issues r.egarding Jammu ancl Kashmir's distincrive status.

45 .-lq Ontions on su hsf¡ n livn isqrrpq:

On ¿lrticle 3 70 E Retain the rvord 'telnpol alv' Lrsed in relation to Ar.ticle 370 .even ryhjle revami:irg jnstiiutions ofgovernance to j¡al(e thenì efficient, trausparent an<1 accor.rntable; or ,Special, E Repiace the u,old 'Tei:rpçr¡¿¡1,' with the word lo assert the unique status olrlte State, The',vord applìes to other. ,;:ttl Slates as rvell uudet. articìe 37i; or E Use any othel q'orci r.vhich q¡ill :noie appr.opriately,e sratus of ¡lre State; or.

É r\blogate Article 3 70.

Ott tlte appoitztnt¿nt oJ'Íhc Got'cruor.

& Iìetain the presenl pori,i"n r..,,a.r.lry the Gover.nor i.s appointecl b¡, the Presidenr aüel. consr:,iaijon rvith the SLate qot,ernntent and ¡enains in olÍìce ar titc ¡ltasure of the pr.esìd.,ut; or E The Pl'esident selects the (icve¡nor. a panel of nanrcs of both Stâre and non-State sub;ects subrliltecl by the State legislatr-rre and holds the o¡äce at the pleasure of the presicleut; or E! The State Iegislan.u.e elecls lle govel.nor ancl is appointed by lhc Plesiclenl, and l.¡. A:.:ic.: 15611) of rhc Consrirurion ot. Iuclia, hokls office at the ¡:leasure oithe presiclent.

On tlrc powers of lhe Governor

lE 'fhe powcl-s ol the Governor to clismiss an eleclecl govefl.ìu.ìent itr casc of the failure ol. ¡he ílorstitLl tional machinerl ilt Lhe Statc is norr sLrbject jurl:-..:t. ro ierv b1 the

4Þ ?sç

M 'fire Ciovelnor bas nc poweÌs lo disn-riss an electecl goverr]ment. Arlicle 35ó ciihe Constifr.rtion of Inclia does not a¡rpl; to Jarninu and l(a:l:r: í:.

On AII-Indiq Services

tr Retain the relevanr prcvision o1'the Constitution of lndia r¡'hereby ontry ìnto the Lrdian Administrative Service (IAS) rii:ì !ìii, and lndian Police Sen,ìce ilPS)and alliecl servìces ìs iy cÍireci e;

On no ntrznc/atures

Þl Retain llìc prescnt ito¡ncn: l¿ltLrre of Governor ancl ClLicf Minìstel I,o ássert the Sra¡;'s consiitr.ttional linhs u,ith tbe Indjan Uiìon; or H Restore the nomenclatul-es ol Saù,-e-Riyasat and Wazir-e- tlzant, pro..tided that there is conselts¡.rs on this isstre be';rveen all stai

On extentling llte writ o.f ofher uu!7t1olnous and s.ltúulorJ) itlsl¡tutiotls

ã Srrengfi,telt existiug Stare insltruLions set up to protnote huûìar.ì lights and t.ighls of rvonien aircl encou.age tl.anspaLel.ìcv u.l go\/el:nance lFhrntan Righls Con¡lission and Women,s Commission, Infomatjcn Corlmission, Accountability Con.rnlission, Vigilance Co:l,,irission. elc.).

¿J vfb Create nerv instinrtions l0 proleat minor:ity interests and oilcr equaìirv oloppolruniq ro :.jl ;irizens. ¡\ll auionornous Nationei Comnrissions cnlagecf in these âctivjties r'vill have.jr,rrisciìcrjcn over State Commissions.

,.l:ì t: !üj, Iìecommendations:

i9. These r.ecommendations are rootqcl in the conviction that they n'ill :¡eet the polrtical aspiiaiions ol. al1 the people of Janinlr anrl 'rvithout Kashnlilto a great exrollt. if no: jn frlll r¡easur.e, ha.rmìng ¡henational inter.est:

DsJetc ¡hc r¡.ol.d ' " l'ern1ror-.: i.., iiont rhc 1te.dìn¿ o{. Ar.ticic i 7(,, a;tri t"tl r iicnr the tirle ot'p¿r'r XXi cJ rrre consrit'ti.n. {.i-epract i¡ i.i,irb lì., ,it:i.: 'Specjal, rvord as usec iì,-i other Stales r¡nrjel. Articlc j7l (Maharashtr a and Gu jar:u): j A;.rjcle / 1 ¡\ (Nagalanil): -ì ,rl ì.) (Assanr): 37lC (l\4¿r:ripur-): l- lD end l: (,^ndirra lracìcsh), 3liÌì: (SiJ

49 ?fg municjpality or a corporetjon - u¡ould bc par.t of tire overall package. (See Chapter on Regional Devolucion.of pou,er.). Palliarnent mai

2A. I'he ¡eal ol peiceived disc::l rrination feìt by Jamlr"i ancl Ladaklt vis-à-vis the Valiey accounls fol the ;ampaign that the Buddhist-nra jor';i¡' population of Lel: has rvaged since :948 Lo¡ a Union Tel'ritorl stanis fì:r Ladakh, it also accoutlts lor the clen-rancl voiccd lìour tilne to tilÌle irì ilie I Iinclu-ma'iol'ity al'eas o1'J¿ulruu fo: a sepalate State. Both oitherll seci( close integl'alion with the lndìan Uiii.ll. ,:::* ,::,' 'fhe 2 i. need io adclress ihe cir.orsril' oi iilteL'c-qls. oontcrlis. .qiicr ¡.llct-s ancl aspir-ations in lhc Statc has bcel ::rliculate(l by the tallest llatiollal ancl State leaders. As early as 24.1r-rly i952. Prime lriinìstel Jav¡aharlal lrrehrü. acldrcssing a pLess iir :he prescnce of Sheildl r\bciullair, amrorinced thal "Lhe Statc govs:ltnenr rvas consicle:'ing rcilional autor'ìomies \\,ithin lhe Jarger Slate". The Sheildl hímself statccl tlìit[ "thc Consritr:Lion o1' tlie State. wl:en courplerud. l'oulci givc lcgionell aur()norìry. particuì¿ìrlj, in cuitu|ai ¿fiìi¡s, fc Jarnni'-¡ ancl l,ad¿llcÌ1." in a broadcasr fiom lìacijo Ka.shmir on I 7 ÄLrgr.rst 1953, he renlarl

72. A suL¡-comri:iftee ol' the -Çtate Constituent Assemblv ulso ¡:ecomr:rendecl "a slrbstantial nreaij:rì c r-.f aLttonor.ny for. cach regìon .,rith pcu,er oftaxatìon and legislation", \4luy ìntluenttal voìccs in thrr V¡ìlc]' - inolr,Lcling I)r'em Nath Bazaz. Siranirn Ahmed Shaniim and I(hwz¡a ì\4ubalak Shah - a n'iinister in Sheiliir Abdullah's Cabinet befo;-e 1953 - endorsed the idea of autonorn¡, lbt ihe t'egion.

?-3. So cjid Lhree Comntissions r ri-:at d5:liber.aLed on the issue - the Gajenclraga

Slate rrere sarìslìed. Ju facr... the :uain cause cf ¡n,l [,.,r.tsior*s is the feeling of poìitical neglec{ ind discrinl in¿tion. rearl ot intagircd' firrnl r^¡hicl¡ cercain regiotrs of tbe S:-¿rte sLlffcr."

2.1 Tile Sil'ri Conlnrissiorr ,,',,.,,i. a.t'.,ni rccoll''rnerldaii1)ns íìrÌ 'ille redressing regìonal imbalances. R'rt jt c{id not lbclts on politic¿ri aspirations o1' the i'egions. The $, ¿izir Comn'lission recommeltcled tltc c¡eation ol'nerv clis¡ icts and tel:sils but cleclincd to acldiess,rhe iss'-te cf

,¿ I egional and sub-r'egional politic¿ri espirations.

2.:t. lViean¡r'hile, in1'ìucntiaì ;;e:.s oi: al ities fi orl'i oLrtside thc ijtat"e wìro n'elc sympllìretic ro Slteil

.l:tllr:r': .

Irr. lr l')6fì. ¡r .lunr'nir .rri .i;:.i.::trir Pco¡:Jc,,' ( on, c'rrti''n. Jiirlr(!e(l b¡, leacling pelsonaliLies fi'onl *'iii.i::r anct outside the State. incluciin¡,1 tìlreil

21 . SÌreikir ALrClrllah continuec! rc sjrcal< aì:oui rr:giunal aLrronolr'ì\' or'ì s¡'e¡al occasions in rhc ve¿ thal rbllou,ed. It figiLrr:s irr ihe politicaJ r':sclutions lnd clecrir-)lls manifg.Lo.. oi thc NC :lnci in ¡he rcptrrls of r,¿rrìoris Conlulissions that hacl been e,.iablisheci to cxailine ihe issue,

,18. Iu tirc carlpaign lbr tile irssenlbi-r¡ ;lec¡ions itr 1996, Irr".rooq Al¡dullah aud dte NC chaupionc'.J il¿ c;tuss of regirtnal nutorrttr.l'r;r ioi Jamrnu and Ladaldt auii sub-a,uLcnorly fìx etluljc iincl r.cìì¡¡iirus -li¡¿ cct¡urunities in these regìons. \C receir'.'C rrassir'; su|r;or.t in all

52 +tl

the regions of ! State. Bur ei'er u,rtil its trvo-rhird uralority ìn ihe FioLrse,.lhe promise lvas not kepi. It Cid ser up a Rogronai Aul:r)r.ìon.j\ Cornnittee (RAC) rvhich, )'et aga:r,'iailed ro acldress thè diverse poliricai aspilations of ihe regions in a,como;.,:hens jve manuer.

29. Tbis r:eporr. lìor¡,ever, \ì,is rct tì.te cne cjrafterj by lhc or.ìginat i{AC. Iis r','oritirg frrst Chaìr.*¿rn. i}aìr.erj puri, publisher.l rire orìgi'aI in 1999. lt represenfs dle nlost col:¡¡ehensive cloÇlrment by, flar. on ail aspecis 'political. cultur:aj ancj financial _ of t.egional auronom-v. Its detailed l'ecomt¡en datiorls $,ere ¡ever considered bv lhe Stat.: Gor''emntent.

-i-¡e i0. NC- iniriatecl r.eport ôn Srate autonorlr1, (June 2000) ìs .síìent 'ire on the issrìe of Regional ccirrcirs. sr-it-rLrre¡e*'orl< of irle pDI) (October 200tÌ), on the otirer hancl, er:rpjrasizes the neecl fbr sub_r.egionaÌ politícal ancl econornic empo$.er.meni. Like 13alra.j puri, it pr.oposes the constitution of Regional Corincils arci strengthening of panchayati l{aj insri.rrions sai.iad Ì-,one. in "Achre'',aì;re Nationhoocr", fbcuses o. ihe ctirnìc asþirerions of ùe rrrajoritl, g;onp in a particulal_ r.egior.r. sceì

53 a'ltv


The tecomtlenc.ìations Lhat foliorv iaj

,,_ I. Jrntmu and I(ashmir shali c¡ittirrue to be a single unit. Thìs ¡u1es orlt separate Statehood for.Iarnmu anil unio' Ter.ritory status for LadakJl_

2. The State shall have t1l-e: dìsfinct regìons enjoying eqLraÌ constitutioual status: Jamrlu, l(ashnir. ¿urd L,aclalch. Each one sllall be endou'ed with a Regional Councji. djsrr.ìc! counciis ancf panchayats. (In Ladalch. the l-lill Developnent Cou¡cjjs q,ilJ i¡e the Djstricr Councjis).

3. The Governor, the Chiei l\.,11¡rjsrer ancl his Cabinet. ihe Sraie Assen.rbly, the Srar€ Legìslarìve CåunciJ. rhe jucJìciary und rhe Srar. ca,l, e of se^,ices shall deal with all s'b.iecis iitat neecl a unifornr polìcy lor Lhe Srate as a u'hoie, subjects tliat involve expendjntre beyond the capacitv ol the regions. subjecrs whose Lrenefiis ¡ianscencl the r.egion as a rvhole. sulrjects that deaj with inter.-regionaÌ ptoblems ancl, overall, subject.s that ale r.iot delegated to the,

4. The Legislative Co'ncil snajj, hou,e'er, shall have a fairer. :'epreseuratiou ol the three regions. ideaìly, it should have an.equal nr¡rnbel' of memt:ers - eleven each _ 1o be elected by the Regional Councils. But that nright jLrrl. be a big l iol Ladaidt from its pr.esent quota ßvs rif ms¡rþg¡s. A via nredia need.s io be for¡nci.

'l'iie 5. subjecrs allocated to the r.:giors sl¡ould be al

5!, '1.63

(r. In adclition ¡o execlÌti\¡e anci ,ìr':ancial porvers alìotted lo Lìrel¡ oll Iines of po$,ers ntacle available .) Au[ol]onìous Disirict Cjounciis on lhe basis of the 6'r' Schedule ol rhe Constitution of India, the Regional Councils.slrall be ernpowered by the Staie Assembly to pass subordinate, enabling legisiation. Thìs r.l'ou lcl enal¡le the Regìonal Councils to efïectively irllplement.the State Assembly,s basic Iegislatìon by taking into âccount the specifìc econontic, sccial ancl othcr neecls o€,the peoplc ofthe'egion. 1-he rnembership ofthe State,s public Sçrvice Coi'urissìo¡ rvi I I also lefleci Jan.i¡tn. and I{a'-shr¡ì r..s iegion al p l,,rralis m.

7. The cornposition, eiectjol.r. ::c_, iver.s ancl fllucrior:s of rite Ììcg,ionir) Councils shall l¡e based on tire poì;:rs ol conver.gence of thc proposals -l'he'aricLis thai làr,our ûhe establislinrellr of such councils. St¿i¡e Consriintion should be arnencjed âcc)t dingij, to pr.oviclc tbr. Re.gìonä1 coLrrcils a;rcl c¿rrr ìrci',rtlc a s¡:cci^ì ìrr'cJ.'isìon -. o' ihe ¡iíres of ¡¡.r-¡icle ri¡: ol the C.'onsli¡r:tlon ol' Inclla - lit cnable tite State Goventi.rÌcnl r() lecotntrenri to úe Go\/emor ¡hat i¡ s:totild tal(e over tire lì¡nclions ol:r Regional Council if it does not sholijc:r.its responsibiiities according Lo the letter aÌtd,spirit of tile Constilu¡ion oithe State.

8. The Panchayati Ra.j instit,.rtror-;s at the level of the disrricts ancl panchayats shall -;. rd Lre eurpou,et-ecl on ihe basis of the sul:sta.ce of the /-) ancl 74':' amencLments of the ConstiturÌol of lnclia,

9. À4embers olthc lìegional Cou:rciis and those of the panchayatr Ra¡ iustitutions shall be electecl, Ìjcrvever. repl.escnt¿tion lvoulil l¡e ¡sr;urcci lor rvonien, SCs, STs, OBCIs aril tÌisplaced conin_iunities thr.ougll oi an n1;propriate l,i seats. 'r:scrr.alio' 'unrbe:. The GoYernot shall l¡e ;ruthor ìzeci 1c lippcint r.nenrbels ol conrn,.rnirir:s r.vho ar.c noi acìeclrrerely rcpr.esciited in the Council. fÌreir. ¡lr.inrber shalì not excce

10. Alì r.esour.ces gene:.atecl l¡,iiltin the State wìll be equitabì;r apÞortioned to the regjons bearing in m:uC their pop,rlation size ancl the topograpily. This appiies for. riie bLrdgei ¿,s a whole, '55 ?,6 T

: L Grants made by rhe Ccntral Goi,emment shall br: on condition that specifiecl anlorutts are cievoh,ed to lhe r-egio's wirhout cleiay. fil.: Srate Finance Colm¡ission's ar.nbit or Ðorvel.s and r.esponsibilitics sha jj be expanded accordingly.

The I2. cuirural component of regíonai empowgrncnr, should include the setting ull of âutonomons institLttions :t:i., for the protnotion,,of various \'- Ianguages in the State - Urclu, äiLrcji, I(ashmir.i. Baltì, Dogri, Gojr.i, Paha'i. P'.jabi. 13oclhi, Shec,na. Bharic:*.ahi, etc. and various ar_t i'cludin,q music, dance, thealre, la.i::,iìngs anri h¿ndicr afts. Tc ensnre cultirral gi'e-ard-take, thesc ¿rurc.or1.ìous instiiutions sho*lci ais. Lrncierralte rhe trallsrarions ofliierarLìre Íì'on: e'ery lug.age i¡i ¡hç st:rt.(, ¡o arioiher in different sclrpls. (This shculcj te r.ead akrrrg \\,1.!lì ¡i sLrjr:i:ri1l Ch¿iprcr in rhis :.eport on ¿r,-ri Media Cnnrpone^ts of.the Ncrv Corr:1tacL;.

13. lo ca;¡, lbnvarcÌ ¡he reco r.Ìr jol.r ' r.ì.1en clat s ma¿iç in tlte ltrer, secriolr (Ce'tr:e-.Stare .clario'shiu) a::ll in this un. ,". .,,r;g.r, ilr., cstablishruenl of ¿ Con:;tìtufiouai Corr¡¡Litree to r.cvierv all C¿ Aci¡; anci A'ticles oi the corstit'¡ion of'i;rrii¡ extended 10 the statc o1. J¿irn*ri alcl liaslrntii i,,f.ter. signing rtt. rhe i)eÌhi Agrecmenr oi. i 9 j2,r.fl.ìjs Agt, aÌon.g rvith the f nstl.unúnt of Accession and Article 370 of. the constitutio¡r, rras br:en adopted parliarnent b.., rhe Inclian anri rhe Consriuent Assemb11, of Jall;nu anci i(r,sh¡nir.

The constitutioraì corninifree *'i, be ire¿ideci a cristing.ishccr l iro en_joys estcenì and t.espect in tlre '.v Stâte ancl in the rqst cf the count¡r... its nrember.s ,1.,r¿.. u,ill l¡e constìLuLional ._],".,, tio,n ,i,.";;;. resr äì,; o f Indial' I hejr ch oice u,r ll have Lo be zLcceptable to all stake_holcjers.

l;r the exercise ol ìts nlandaÌe. the Cons:ìturional Conrlìttee r,,,iij bcar in ,1,,:, ch¿xacfer.olJanrnru anc i(rishmir, ]]]]:U-T: r,iz_ that ir is ¿r coìrsrrlirie{rL (¡¡,,,. u¡ rrr€ lnoran tJl.ìlon and úat it en;oys a specìal stahls Union, itl the said enshr.inecl in Ar.¡icle 370 of th: Consrirurån ,;ir"O;. ir u,rI also ?_fo Ce(c, 9,í cf thc 97 ertlics in rhc ljnion Jisl h¡ve blje:l xirpirsalfo the Co,ìcu.ien¿ Lisl. ti norr rrj¡h State- as". h¿v{.'. 26 et]lrics ln thc nrocliiicariors {for clelíìi:s s3r.1,?arr;,; ;:,.;

56 r¡

¿ t ji



j l1 Tbf

have ro bear in I mind the ciual character of the people of the StÍrte, viz ¡hat thel, are..both State subjects ano india¡ cjtizç:rs. The revieu, u,ijJ, ¡heref'ore. have ¡o derer.rnine ivheil::r._ ancl fo whar extent _ ¡he Acrs ancl Articles of trre consrit'.rtion of India, extenireci r¡,ith or withour anlenclment to the Stâte, have clenrecl Jallmu ancl Kashmir,s special status and abridge

The constirutìonar conrrnitree srrorici be future-o¡iç.ted i' tllat it shouic co;rduct its revielv solely on basis of the pou,ers that the State r¿cec1.s ¡o address dre polirìcal. eqonomic, sltcjal ancl crrltr¡ interQsts. concerns. qlieval¡ces ancl aspii.ations o1'rlle i;ecpje ìn all Lhe ,,r,=" .._*,o,r, oi',i" State J(ashmil. ancl i_¿lcaÌ

'lì,. r,.1, r li ison. . s lìn Lr¡r 6 PLrblic Health and s:initation lintry 9 Re.lief ol ihe dìsable ci anC urernployable En lr:;' 1 0 BuriaJs an cl bLrrial gr ounds Entr1. 13 Communications, ¡jìat is to sa_\,, I.oads, þridges, gc tnlt\ l\ Piesctvrtion. pro:-J.:olt a;rd ìrnpr.or clrcnf ,=f sroal rnd lllevenrion o1 rr.:r¡al clìscases L.ntry 16 Pounos

r:nlry I I Fishe¡ies l:rnnf, f ö Maritets and fair.s nntry : O jng Monev-leirti au.: : :oney_lender.s lrllll'v 1 J .Ìllt'ts and rnn_l

51 nLb

Entry 52 Taxes on the eltr, cf goocls jnio a local area for consLtnlpt )n Iìntry 57 Taxes on vehicles Entr'1,53 Taxes on anin¿ijs and boa¡cls Entr¡' j9 Tolls

Ancl among the subjects Lisl IÌI transfelred Lo the State Legislatule, the State Legislature could consicler delegating some those.subjects .liii. of to the Ilegìonaì Counciis.

15. In tltis contexi, the receur âgreernent on Gor.khalancl shoulcì aisr; l¡e consìdered, Ìlxr'acts f.our this ilg'eeurent ¡clatecl io the 59 subjeci.s tl'lar are io be transfe'r'ed to the Go¡ì

'fhe 16. Constitutiollal Co¡lmiriee should be requestecl to completg its r¡'olk rvjthin sìx uronlhs. Its r.ecomfu.:ndatlons must be r.eachecl through conserlsLrs so rìlat rhey ¿u.e acceptârrre io air stai

Thc Group of lntct.locutor.s does not reccrnr¡end a pure and return to thg pre-1953 situation. Tliìs rvorijcl "r.ut" o ,lu,rgerous constitutìonal vaccu:r in the Centre_State reÌatiorislti;_-. -J.he clocl< cannot be set back. What ii does recom¡rend is a case_bv_cise levierv of ¿rll Central .larvs ancl

53 I 4 f j:l i !,



ì I i úv r¡ I Articles the rj of Constitutjon oiIqdia extencleci to the State after rhe Jul;,- '|: 1952 Dèlhi Agreement tita[ ta]

: State. - ln thìs regar-d, primary the ioc._is shouid be ot1 )/outh, especiall¡, in the Vaìley, and on wonren. - It is the fitture that shonlcl rlattei; not tlte past, burclenecl r,vlth a highly contentìous historical baggage.

\\¡e believe that po\.ver-shari,g beF,r,een lite constitì.lent units of .[amr¡u ancf l(ashmir at rhe r.egional, district ald panchayat levels will strengtllen, not rveaken, the bonds betu,een.thern. Indeed, adjoining ciistricts thãt fall vr.itirin rhe jLtri.scliction of separate regìons, must be free to forge coolldrati\/e linliages ì. culturai, t:.a.¡, tourisru ancl en'ironmental a;:eas oÊ i¡r¡e¡esl, flte Gr.orç of lltterlocutot.s u,ould lilie lo stress that the e'olution o Í- thç Constitution of India ovel the past _ .six cieoacles fiottr tire lòrnlatit_rn oj. rhe lingLristic States in the micl_1950s to tlìe ¡ecent agleement ol.l Go¡Jchaland- c1ear.l1, clemonstrate ihâr ii is flexible enough to responci to urgcs oittre pcopte, Sr:c,r :,]:.::1,.:,i'. f.texibility can be i.ought ro bear 3:: rc.qards the people of Jammu an0 K:.rhnljr ns r.leli. Fiuall¡'. u,e rccomnrentj thar once i:ì:3nlaj de\/oluiion is in place, ancl RegionaJ Councils begin to Iilnction. :rie ¡ractice ririliirrg rire fi-om Srinagar to Jaurmu and back to "f sr:nagar rlr""rå u.'^Trraoned. Tirìs will render aclministration of tire S¡ate ,rrãr" iii* ,ubrrunuotty recluce the burclen on lhc "A¿"uu. excìrequel.. B:sicÌes, a r.elic of tlte pasi State,s fèudal wili be consignecl to tire aì.chiv__s __rvhere it shouij remain for all ti;Ttes to cOnte.

59 zLtS

C¡le¡rrn 3: CULTURAL ¡,IEDrA CoMpoNENTs oF THE NÐ\ì, Co ir,tp,rcr ^ND

1. Cul¡ural inleryention lvill gc a long wa¡r in bringi¡tg al¡out h¿nnoliv u,ìthin and befween the r.egions. Flou'errer, there is a nesd to :icc(Ìtit iiìc 1äcr ihât even within the.egions a lor needs ro be r]orre ro r-c-i,.'',¿,Èiiie ílticrcolllntunjtv relationship:s l¡c¡ìl : o¡ u'htic a¡;;:r.o:lcltìnl_l i\¡ irir,_.i.- r"::i. :::,i tf i:rielrsivns.

j.lote 2. llusi bc tei.,c;r ¡rj,¡11c lìtii ihat culLrÌral ()ri:iiìj:.âl;f)iÌs jLlrrlj.:i:l the Dogri Sansrhan have Cone a g:.:a.t cieal Lo mjiigalc rhe coul¡¡¿il polarization betrvec' Jalnnu a,ci lhe Vaiiey, Bettr:r intei¿rcrion bcc.,r,ectr culil'al organizations i' trre rliilèr'ett r:-rf the sratc rviÌ[ firrthc¡ r]-.c 'egi,r:s; goaìs oî p.lurzrlism and divetsit),. S:urilarly, note rrrì.lst iakcn of. iiic broad consen.srrs thai has been witlessecl in l(¡out lhe r.eti¡¡t of. PandjLs. Il has bcen enciorsed on ali sicles of the ¡roltticai clivide, tlroug.h on úe ground progress is slor¡,. Th:s :¡usr be carrjed f.urther outsicic thc scope of govenìment pr.oposals. Tl.:e repair. of.ancicnt ternples b,v thir Pandi¡ comn:¡rnit)'.is .fhc a \.vclco1¡c slca:l this regarci. ,lrnnnga,r",l, uf the tenllries rnLrst be in tìreir hancls.

3 To pr'ónrote js ¡rlularisnr ir tìre Srate, it nccessan, thar a conrmLlnities i;\,e togerl.ter as rhe\.. cÌirl belore rhe onset of ntilìta:tcr,. \4ìg:anLs intcnrli^g Lo ietlr.l should þe cncour.agerl to lii,c alonr *,iLh it,c conmunity insreacl separaie of in ìtemie?s, c,.ritr:ral and .,rnlnl,,,., ¡,, activities rvill help reassure migLanLs rí tjieir r,velconte fry tir. ,lr-n¡.,,,, There should be an unitrtermptecl inter-con,tmunitv clìalogue

4. ll.tcotn¡t¿c¡¡tln:ion¡^: llitiate through jnstitrìtionalize"i " rmr¡s an ilr tr.a_l(as]r lrrir.i ciìaiogue betlveen cornnrunily representarìvr:s of alJ regions. " Exchanqe prosranlntes sl,.:dsnls, of u,1.ite;.s. artists ancl cr.afts per.sons and NGOs ard civil sociery memLrers to cfler their" str.engtirs in aJl the fegions will help i,r.."o*..tirrg onct ; einte.qr-ating ìreal.ts and minds o in all rhe thr.ce reeions, Tirere should be ìnter._regioiraÌ cjalce anC theau:á competitions ancl cuituraj tall

be nlacle available in schoois ac lacilitatc exrÍange of culh.u'ai ,;thcs anci valtLes, o l'he la:'ger issue of auplop:ia : infrastluctuLe lol plontotior: ol arts ' ìrr tlre r-egions i.ras to be adciressed in light earnesr. Except for sc,rn,: prohiìlitivel;, cxpensivc pubirc sc1',ools, t¡eie are no [aciiities lor a.i e¡luiatiou. o IncÌucie in eclucational l¡atêr-ìals the reacilíngs and concepts oì'LaÌ Decl. SheìJar.ate ¿li,;ision:i iì;r. each of rhe Alts. Bolh .Tanll.:u alrd LaCaldl shoulC havc trrai,iclies of tlre Acaclem¡,. An arI gaìJer;, r.:eeCs to bc established in Srinagar. SpeciaJ atter.rtion should ì;e';n to tllc coltscrvation oi¿gc sites ln Lhe State. Ftinding lo i,r.g¿ln iz¿iLions lil

61 %+ö

lives in histolical nremory. The State needs to cultivate and bt:ild on this trust frrrther'. In tnis context. Pashmina forLns rhe idenLiLl, of Kashmili culture but i:s salc fronr Ladakh ro I(esl¡mi;. r.r,as

banned in 1 989. This t¡ade sttould be resrored. . I-i,ltervise, stcp.s shoiìld bc iati:n to l)[ou']crte cxcÌ1tn.,1,:s acr'Oss the i-OC'. LOC t:-ai¿ iras cr.eated a degree oj,interaclìo:.r befweeÌì the tl'o sicles bLl¡ :¡ u'il1 not irave mucli ìmpzLct unlcss cultulal telations. especiailr ii: .Jlnlnlu and I,adaltl (Kargil), ar.e eslablished on a people- ro-leople basis. Gojr:ì ancl Pahar.i are s¡roi

Radio and televisioir prograrlr:tes in all major lar.rguages spoken in thc- State tlusI be encoLlraøeci iirror:gh tire govemment nrcclia.

Medi¡r: Recommen d a tions:

- Pnblishers have allegecÌ that re,ñs.paper.s that clo not toe the line are deniecl Governrnent advelitis¿nlents, On Che othet. hand, ¡he Governnenr alleges ¡haL certai:rçrs publish u.rjsu bstantiated storìes and engage ir-r a viÌification campaign. Boti.r Lhese ,:1!ê n.ranei:s nced ro be invesLigated by a body ljl

Newspapel edito¡s iu the Sie,re should be encouragecl to par.tìcip¡.t,:

in the actirrities of the Editors Guild of lnclia and other nario¡ral ¿rn cl South Asian profèssional bddies, . Local nervspape: editors siroulC be rotìtiuely included in tire press; palties that accotnpany the Preiìdent ancl the príme Mìnistel. clur.ìng their trips abroacl.

Journalists fi-olr rhe State silo::ld be pr.ovidecl slìolt-terrrl h.aining in institutes of mass colunultcation in or.der to irnl¡rcvc lheir iil;'i, reporting and u,r.iring skilìs. More national media houses should be encouraged to publish Jar,¡r¡u and Kasltmir.edìtions. I_oca1 television ancl r.aCio channels loo shoLrld be persLtadecl ,i0 e:lter into rvin-rvin collabor.ative agieeÌrìerìts rvith national ancl regional channels in the rest c,f thç c.'ì.¡Ìltr). Crrlbs on Inlernet and mobrÌe::ìepitone usage need to be ur.gently ler'íewed. d?ry

Crr¡pTen 4: Eco¡qclyrc .txo Socl,rl. CoMpoNtiNTs oF rl.ln NIru, COMP,{C'I'

4.1 Governanco anC Ðevcloprnent of the Statc: Itccc¡t Initiativcs3

J. Realizing the gr.avity of the piclongeri hrrmoil iri the Srlitc-. ¡ila¡ ler.j lo r:.risgovernance. cconomic lir-lsLi.¿lion anci aiiçnlitioll amol3 pcoDle, par-ticuì tiie 1,9¡1¡',, ihc Cc:.1::.:.i ijor'çr,,n,"nr L¡ndertooÌ< sr:vcr.¿ì diagnostic ald presctiptive sud.ies. On the basis of rcsea¡ch fircling:;, tìrese stLrdies have tried t0 design poìicies ancì suegest ini?lenlentatlon of slf¿rrÉÌgies Lo redress the grierrances of the peo;rie ar.rd lo Ja! a srronJÌ ItrundaLìon of jnliaslructur.e t-or fasrer ec,.rnomic gt.ou4h.

The studjes, tÌìat ale al. various stages .:í. iuiplententation,'a,-e as under.:

[. Report of the Task i;orce on Dt,eÌopment c-i J¿nnnu at¡L! ]kt;;itn¡tr, under tlte Chaitntanship oiDr. C. Ììangarajan, Noventber 2006. Repori II. of the Working Grouls c;t Economic De.t,elopntent. iutcle¡. Íhe Chairmanship of Dr. C. Ran,qarajan, j¡4arch 20A7. lIL Report o/' lhe ll'orkirtg Gral.lp on Ensuring, Gooc;Ì Gove.rnctnce ttnd¿r tite Chairntanshi1t oJ'Shn \ C. Saxena, 2()07. Il/. of the Speciat .Ileport Ta.s.k For:e on the De\teloptnental jyeetls t4 Ladakh rtnt:l !G.:hntir) uncler tlte Chairntanship of I)r. Narendrn ,Jadlmy, .Janttct¡.¡, 2û I j. v Report òf the speciat rask Fotce rc E:cantine Íhe .Det eroltntenraÌ Needs o/ Jammu Region of the S:ate of Jammu antl Kashnir, under the Cltairntanshtp ofDr. ,,f bhijìt _ien, Febructrt¡ 2()l ]. Yl- Rr.:pr:;; t ol the SÍ¡tte lìinance Co¡¡r,|ss[on ru,r)r, ¡h" Chai,tta,.tltip ti Dt .l¡[ehntooti-ut . - Rehntan, Govt. of Janmu attl,rl., .Yoventber l0 10. l4l. Report of the Experl Gloup c, Employmenl in Jantntzt atul /(ashntir, tinder the Chairntait.:hip qf Dr C. .Rangarajüt1, February201t. ¡11

- Fc¡ ¡eiaiis prcgress of on the eccnor¡ic ¡ni sociêl g¿ckgrounder ifajì:s, see ln Annerure,C

6¿ ri ..


,'1 { i:

il { A.'?1 ri j 2. l'hus. in ihe lasL five .r.,snrr alc:te. û'o;¡ 2006 to 2011, at ieast severr

I contprehensive research and rc ì:cv-orientccl stuclies have: be¡n i accornplished by the teams of expeÍjs r.vho have thoroLrghly exaulined tl'ìe entire gamì.rt of issues pertainlng tr' thesocio-econo¡nic deveiopment of t the State. ì -1. In p¿rticular. the str.ldies ha'"p tbc,.rsed aftention on (i) assessing the i- socio-cconornic colditions of peoirl3 in differenr rcgions; (ii) \À/a)¡s ¿u.l rl i:léiìsì.rres for- layìng e stlong lounclarrcn ibr. cleveloprlent of in fi.¿rslLur_.rrric lo cirsure long-tcrm susrainablc ccolomic growth; (iij) ideririiyirr,r potcr'rtial sectors ['or ìncon:c r:rci ernployrnenf Lqc]ìcratl()jt: lìr'1 empowernrent of peopJe, partror.rlari.v r.'ieaì

¿1. Duriug dre lnteractions wítl: sclior offtcìals of thc State and ar thc cent.e. the G'ou¡r Jras been gi'en to,.li:derstancl that tlle rerlonlîrendetions ol the exper-t gro'ps are at I'atiol,:s slages of inpleme'tation. But relial¡le evidence on llìe extent of impierneniar:on of variolls suggr:stions maclc in rhe R lacl

5. ln the absencc of complete and :omplehensjvc ATIìs u,irlt resirecî to each r:ÌIi Reporf ot the l.ecol¡men claiìous nade therein, the Group is r-rnable to gain an ìdea al¡out the extenr ci. the irrplementatjon of r;arious s,-ig.r-ìcs tion s.

ú'; i'hc G'oup has ror hacr ihe tinre l:,r .esources either.Lo undertar

7. We, thetÈfore, suggest tirat: ri jj ll

1) ìl 2'7q

. An enìpou,ered groltp consisirng of officjals at Lhe Ceutre anrl in lhe State shouid be entl.tìsrer-l \À/ith the task of ovel.seeins rhe inlplemeutation of various r;conlnendations ol lhe R.pc;rt-s, ,rs identifìed al¡ove. The outcolire of. each plannerl efforr shoulcl be put in public clomaìn so âs to allow people ro scrutini2e rhe eçonomic gains, if an)/. ft \1'oulcl also ensure aÇcountabíliti, ol impleruenting agencies and de,ral.tlnents. . Adequate Lesources, col¡mensrrate r.vith the task of effective inrpJementalion of accepteci pcìicies, should be urade available to the Srate ¿ncl the utilizatipn oi F¡nds shoulC be properl), :lonitored. The ¡re:rd in non-utilization ot. inefficient use of funcls bc levelsec! througl, deÌiberate efio::rs to improve governance in ihe State. Laxrt1., in ir.nplernentalioi: of aporovecl schel:res shoulC rlot bc roleralecl; and lor this. nlecha::jsms of seeking âccoilnfabilii.\; (ri p.r'olic aLtthori iies should be gtjreneri.

66 e.1{ 4.2 Economic and Financial Depencience of the State

8. l'Jre topogì.aphy of ¡ire Sraie is such thar itharcliy alìows fcrr iaising resoutces - physical and ¡ìiratrciai * for adeqnate invesrllient in inliasrructure ¡ncl other socioeccno'ric activities. Besicies, the ìlnlorlunate developmen.ts in tJre r.egrcn leading to lreqLrcnr wars ot.j the bordel and pro)onged militancl, ha¡.,e ciestroyec{ the pote¡tial fo:. expìoring ancl exploiring natuÌai ì.esour.ces for pr.omotioi' of such activi¡ies as business ancl corltaerce, lndr-rs[r1., and agricui Lrrr.c.

9. More tì.ran 70 per oi r1.,. leople ""n, of thc Statc are engagerÌ in ag'icuJru'e. rhe ),er agricul[ural secror.cort¡ibures to iess than ùi. the 'rrre SLate's income. Slate ìs ìrear.iJ), clepende'r o, iml:ir't of agricuJtural poultry and proclucts l"i-o:it ofl:ei Stares. Lil:ervise, tilr: bar;e,rf. rroduction oi indusrr.ial an.C nranuiàc¡,.u.ed goocls is narrorv; Lhe S¡are requi::es considerabie external suÞpor: ir.r the fornr¿s anfl sçl.r,iccs as rl'cll as iìnancial rcsol¡rccs.

i0, AL leasL tÌvo,Llìir.cls jl¡¿irtces ol'Sfa¡e ar.e nret 1r.oru LJenlral grants, rvhicLr ¿il'e Iìbe:'aìiy exrendcd on the er.L:unri rhât rhù Íitare is cbar-acterizeci as a 'Special Categorl, Statc.. Ìn aCrLitior:, fìnauciaì sr-rnport fìrr. s¡reciiÌcr pLttlloses .ploviclcd is fr.ont time ro l,it.ì.1e to r.ectifli dçi;91.,raj", .n infi-astntcture devclopntent and redress g-r.ievances of thc peopìe ancl celtain grðups oi col¡l¡unities u,ho at.e afièded clue to rnilitancy ancl natlr¡¿Lì caianrities. Bi,an¡' r-ecìto'ilig. ::re ûnanciai lieaith of. the StaLe is precalioLrs. Consjdcr rire lolì

(') ,Iaulntu aud l(ashnljr has :t c.jeÍìcit of aì:our ì0 per. cent oi. State incomc. This poses a ;rajor. challenge of econonliáins ex¡:cnditurc as rvell as r.;rìsing ics:r::.ccs fi.nn., uñ.rnorir. r;;,.;;;';; orcler to enhance the level oi Ìnrresrnlent ìn tlì, Sr,.,",1¡. stlcngthenìÌlg cconomic infi'¡¡su:u:trÌre. ,s Besides, the state dcb¡ bLlrden is as high as ir¡,o_thir.cìs oi t¡s ciomestìc O*Or.i (:it I hc pJan ,s rssisi:u:c: s:ep¡red l.,,; ;, pel'cent ;;; I.0," or. I0 rcu per J/ear whjch is inad:quale to neutra,lize úç t.ise in price.s. At the same tinre, the plan outÌa¡, fro, U..,-¡li,ffy in any 'fnis. "0, uriiizecl of rile -vears examinecl r:y i:s. may ia aonr,rl',ra, ,o

67 +?b rìtean tltat iuvestlrents in real ler;Is or af ccnstant prices Ìtarre not jncteasecl. appreciably . (iii)' 11.r* Finance Comn.iissior awards for stiengthening anci plomoting local governance (panchayats) have not bcen fìrjl,v utilized clue ìar.gely ro inoiciinate dela1, 1¡ boicling pancha¡,at clection:l ancl .ma1<ìng |henr 1ì¡nctjonal. EventLtally, the Statc js a lc,se¡ i'ue b the St¿rtc,s ìac1< L:1. r.e.;pou s ìv erìcss Lo cotTlllìunity necds. (ì,') Under. tire \¡lilister,s Reconstnl*ion ii:-ù Flan. cve¡ I{s.32,000 clore har.,e been a¡rrroveri since 2004, but till n or,r, o¡11,,, aliout one-thjrd of the rotal grants have heen utilized. ¡.. r, ,"ruú the people of the Starehave r:ot bee' able to reap the ber:cfiis of inll.aslr.r¡cturc develi o gra (ìs jt,l Ì,,,1, an cr o rh e, acrir¡i Lr e.s r", r,ij]:ii; :iî: ï:.åil fi (v) The ç¡.edif.del;osìt r¿r¡jo . rìrr the Sfate_ at about 47 pel cent __ is r¡ne of re jorvest jndicates in ritr, êountry. whicll that the investuleûf environment rn tire t.egion is not concíucive fb,¡ l¡usiness and comme¡cial activities. FIei_d saved r.noney by people in the banl

I I Arr in ;rlr. rhc srarc' is nor oul_r r : ar,ìry clepen

68 -tTy

4,3 lmplementation of Flagship prcgranrrnes

12. Thele are as rÌlanv as stïleeÍì CentLally Sponsored Scheulcs (CSS). u,hich are entjt.ejy or, in sonr: cases largeJ¡,, lìr:rclccl by úle CclLr.:. Th'oLrgh Lhese sche'res, a u,ide r-:rir¡¡e of set'ices ar.e pr.o'iclccl ri,iLh viel, a ro alleviating all iornls cí ooverty ¿utd fot. basic in l-rastt ucture suppor.t 1'or iniltr.ovi:rg :ire cruaìiiy oi lìlc.

i3. 1hc itnpìcilen tatìot] of ¡ejer,¿.,nt. schelles fbr. I,iral et:rpìo;;it.;crit. health ca.e, :rutlition suppori. drirli(lr? *'ate¡ aud sanitation, eiuçation rtr. aJl, rvate:' managenlent anri prodr.icri.,,l ty in the agriculfiu.aÌ sector. jrar,e Ìrelped ro l educe illìtel.acl, and the ihc:dence of povert;v.

14. lìotvevet., an assçssll.ìenT ol rlre ¡rrogr.anlntes¡eaì tlìal lnos( schemes have not been fìrìÌ¡, irrp.ler:relrec1. as.judge

i5. Clenlli,, þ¿¡l Lhe avaij¿ble âurrjs I.¡een efïectively usecj ¡hroLurh a concer'¡e¿l effo¡t, tire haidships face¿l br ihe poor could have been grea[l]. allevi:Lrecl. h is. rher.efore. ,,.g.n, ,n ,r,., ::r plrcc n rronitor.inq nle.heriisn, lor eflècLjve implenrenratio:r oi Cen ,.r (l:...,, Schemes so that genuine benefits; \:,rì:¡ accì1te to the people. Utilization of Funds under Various Schemes: An Assessment

Table I : MNREGA (Ruraì E::rplo¡,menr Scheme) Rs-Cror.e Year Total Expenditure tJ tt ti j Excess H.FI. jComptetcrl Availability l ,I)emanrl for worlts as %, 1 ) . Employ- ,, r,gc nf rv6¡¡;5 't'à

Source; Computed on the basis oi Cara containeci in ,, Two year,s of RuraÌ developntenl anrl pnnchttyati Raj Departnten¡,, Gove¡nlnent of Jantmu and Kashrrìr., 201 I

Note: Colunln 5 shows Lhe iiäc:.ence betrveen lhe demand for emplo),rrenr and those provicietì b.,, irrplententing agencies. aggrcgare Ttrese figures hìde in¡er_ciis rr.ìci ari inir.a clist, iciaifièr"nces ¿rc'oss the Srate.

Llajor Highligl.tts: l. On an a\¡etagaj. at Ìeast oile thjrd ol available gr.auts cou.kJ urìlizcd (Co1. not be 4), even though rjrcr.e ,,vas .*""rs ã",rìo,rO by the rural poor. (Col. 5). 2. in all rhe yeirrs rhe u' d errak en, was mis s e d lä il, :ï: :îï:I ffiï.:l.iJî; per.formance than expected. ",,'::.,

7A Table 2: indira Ar¡.as Yojna (lAY) : Rs. Crore

Sor¡ rce: As in Table-l

Ì\4cLior T-lighlightr. ' l. Undel ille sche;re of lAY. financial suppori is pr:oviLied to the poor lor construction of houses. L': ihe1,s¿¡5 2001 to 2011, on an âverage, only 65 pel cent of lhe ,,otal available luncl was utilized. Year to yea: break-up is.indicatei abovc, 'l'he 2. results cle¡lonslrate.tlrat v\rcre titc funcls ll.rlly LrLilizccl nol were the fixed tal'gets achleVed, r.i,hich reflect jnefficicncl, ill thc intpicntcn laLir¡n of ¡he sclter:le.

lYojnr Table 3: Snarnjavrnli Gra,n Srur.ozo, lSGS),) Rs. Cr.ore Year _l 344{ry i¡tl*rartr* ,fUnu"tt"" ("/") 2047-48 I 13.53 9.-: , OS¿l

| ¿|49-1t) lll.TlJ '? tr ,i{ lo .:010-Ji rUp ro , tO.Eì Crj -TqJ? ; Vay''- -20ll) "¿ -_l Source: As in l'able- I -;-

71 'L9o

ll(ajor Highlights; , 1. The scheme of SGSY rs desigr:ed to prorride financial suppôrt to . self-help groups and self empioved inciivicluals'r.v)ro rnal be c'ngagecj in i ¡l'iotts econtrmic l :. r iiies. 2. ,4 majo;: chun.k of Cenlral gtants has lapsecl clue to non-utilrzatjon ol availal:le funds in all úre yeais, as above. 3. Dr.rring the last threc and a hali )/ee;s, i.e. 2007 b 2Al ), on an avaage, oniy 48 per cenr of availa'oie funds could be uriliz.:d. 4. Ás a lesult. the l¡eneficiarres cor.:id not reap lhe bene{ìts assur'¿d to ther'n under this scheme.

Tablc .l: Plinle Vf inister's Gr-¿ureen Sailak Yo.inti (F¡,,ÍGSY), 2009-i 0 _' - - ¡'*tr¡"r lÑ-or-¡.r1'l oi ,r,' a-ilr¡rc l.ii;"dif iitilt'iti,;- R-;;-lirñ I of roarls , Roacìs I Funcls ; .ire of funds i ion t,f '. tîl(cn uprcom¡rlcted C'r'o|e) t :r C|orc) tÂrg;cr 1(ln t(?.ô) , in Pl¡rse I ]('rn) , I:rnd I Il i i i I i ' ------n- , '' --¡---|" _ .r s42t---sl:, S ou rcc; As in Taì¡le-l ---J'" Major flighligttts Undel PMGSY, at least 15 percenr ,:î available funcls coultl not 'bc utilized in 2010-1 i. The reâlization oi the talget hxed for the ycar. u'as accorclingì.v Iou'el, r¡,hich rìemonsiraies that the dcsirecì etforls ro inrpienrent the scheme for pror,ìcling rcid lÌnks í.o vrllages \,vele r'ìoi rna Ce in acicqlrcte nleasure.

Tablc 5: District Rulal Developn:enr Agencl,(DRDA) Rs Crolc

t4.t2 1l8r i52.9 2078 i9.3r 144,80 rygl

-\, [a i o r H ig I t I i gh r.r. L The DRD,,\ schenÌe rir¡s î- . rre:lgthenin-e the iocal aclr jlistr.arion paucha;,,ars. a:td empou'erinø i;¡, providirrg technical arrj ¡;rofessionaÌ supì)orriot. ejiectivc impJer-rteni.aLion ol .,,:rr.jc;ls ¡t r.o _zr.arrr m és . 2. Thç centlal granLs avaìlabie i¡rrder trre sche¡ne ha.,,e not,been fLiììi, i¿Ltr utilized, as evjdent fiotr Tarle 5. wh jcli silot¡rs thai et l(Ì¿:s.t j (l perccnt oftotal avaìlatrje reso.,trccs col¡lcì not bc Lrtilized.

Baclcvard lìegion Cranl Funrì IBIiGF) 8É' Anlor-utt .sanctio:red./¡eieasecl ir 2009-I û: ììs.40.7g crot,: rT l-oral Expcndilur.e; R.s.36.:jj cr.::.e (g9.-ìg pcr cclt) Iä CIc:arly, cniÌr c ar.ail¿¡Lrie r.csoil: ju:ì cor_lftJ rLot bc utilizcci

Intcgrated \À/atc¡si:cri Dcr.eloprnent ì?rograrnn:erne (I\laDp) [Ë Sanclionecl pr.ojects: .,r,hich 37, o1. 5 have becn complctcC. 2 suspeucled ancl i0 pro.lecrs g arc â! differeni srages of'co'rlretìon. Av¿rilal¡ilily olli:ncìs : Rs.43.71 crorc ( Tiil Ma¡,201 I) Fi Uriijzarion Iìs.j5.gtj : cr.ore (3 i.90 per cenr ) Ë ,At leasr J8 percent c1'rile to¡ai ¡:r,aii¿¡bre Jirnis co'rcl nor br- r¡rir;zcc ior leasons l

Totai Sanitatio¡r Campirign (T.SCJ ir: itural Are¿¡s Ol the rotal availab¡e " tìrnds r:r-Rs.B3.i6 crore, Rs. 75.17 c¡or.c 100..i1 pcr cctìrJ. \\ts Lni;izcd::.. \rrventber lû10, " l-he achievelnenl. levels rlf .dliiirenr actir,ìries covÈl.ed unC(lr lhe scher¡c q'e:.e lçss than 50 pe:_ce;tr, ildioating less thant'ir. a"ri."ìi level of . 1:elfor.mance uncler.the scìleme. Clearl¡,, ¿11 assessnlent of the 'of *riii)¿::ion funds anci l.ealizatior of targets reveals unsatisûtctory lllogress ever siuce 1he launch of the flagship prograrl.,,.,.,.r, nnn,.iy Naiion¿rl Rural Flealth lvìissìon, Sarvtr Shiksha Abhi1,ar. JN Natio'at L.r.r¡;:r: lieni*.al X;;;;;",;,^ anct praclhan N'fantrì, Gramee¡l SacJalt yojna. Tlre ::..rr* ,..o.u".i proi,ìding -,., tb, socio-econoÍìlic erl,ices lteue no,a, il, unu

73 financial year.. Erren the gua:.aåLeeC entjtlenlçnts for grant of pens¡(jns *'idorvs, to old ancr prrysica y charlenged perso's harre r.,"ot rr..n exter)dc(i to gr.oups. Such :Ï:n_: "U:t|,. ,beneficiary a tacJ

.1":'t {:t:l Ts3

4.4. Strategic Policy Planning fbr Econo¡ric Selff)ependenca

16. Economic poiicy for.rlìe Srâie should be designeci or.r rhe basi.s of avàilable 1ì'ancìzil,.irr-rrr¿rn ¡,ncl n:aterial -- ''esou¡ôes - and the felL r.reecls of the peopJe. Due to a iong spell oi conflict, u,hicir ha.s disturìrec! peal:e anci social h¿rmonv jn tlte Srate. iltlr.e ar.e major. constraints.,of polìc¡, pìannirrg 1.or e'tbarki'g o' làstel-ecor,ou.:ic gro\À41r. agriculrur.e anci allied sectoru suffer fi'onr lorver procir:cti'ity due t' r.vhioh empìoynrent anci ilico¡rre generatjorl have nol beel aciequatell, augrnenteci. potcniial sectols o1' dei,eloplrent, tlanrely hor.rri;ulti:rq, handicr.afts, mìnerals, water resources. inlemalibnal tourisrn, hale ;1oI heen paid due affenticin ir1 'I'he lormrrlating sit'ategic ecor:o'ric pl:1,s. existing r.eso'rccs Jlar c ili*c1ite,or bcc'optrì1aliy crpÌoìler;. Seconrl, cn'ir.orrlcni lor ini'e.s'Lr'ìlcrl ¡. pallicr¡larl), tlrroLrgh rrr-' r:-ocics of pLrbric-private par.tncrsiìij). ', is conducive for boosting i¡rcjr:strìal activi:ies. oveËaìJ govcnl;ìncc. incluciìng 'oeen fìscal managerlent, has no¡ cluì1, responsive to thc socio- econonric needs and aspit.ation ol flte i_.ì6¡ls.

In o.der''io cit.sure l'asler., ntor-e inciLlsir,: ancl sustainable grorvlh, ther.e is a ticed to idçn1if'cr.itical areas \\{.ìere d.ìe exisring poiicies a'cl pr.ogramme.s neecl to l¡e stl,englhelled or e\/en resLi::cLLuecl. l.he challenge of raising produotivit¡- of resources acr.oss socìo_econornic sectors, crearing .job opporfunitics. rìl¿ìnaging pou,et aliì water rcsolu.ces, impr.oving g0\,ci'iiìllcc aurl cieli'eÐ' ol essentiaì -lhe s,:r.r,ices ar.e Iil

i7. r!1atr

75 ?tq

IPP lbr ado¡:iton in the State s0 that a Ì area of socio-economjc actjvìijes ìs opened up to attract the p-:.jy¿¡"..",0r.

18. Create Special Econo¡nic anrj Incìr¡strial Zones: Neeclless to say. ìL may be_ necessatl/ to dÈsign suilable policies for prot,iding Iow_cost financial support at Iil¡ interpsr retes, and a host of fiscal incentives. Thi's .nderlines tire neecr fb. clecia::i'g ce.tain areas of trre statç as special Economic and Indusrrial Zones (SEZs) which should be provided rvith requisite infiastructure. ' SpecificalÌ1,r. lrre lollorving r:lay be considerecl fo:. rralring the State eoononicalÌy and Íìlanciall¡, seìf_dependent.

19, Pachage of'Inceutives on the Ðattent of North_Easter.n 'l-he Stirtes: IJnion gove'11.ì1e't has been pro,,,iiling a ¡racì

20. In11nl1vcs for llandicrafts . . Exporrs: I(ashnrjr hanclicr.afts have tra.dìrionally ;:r.oviclcd strength 1,o the ecoiromy ol the State and have enjo1,ec1 an appr-eçial¡le share of u,.,,r,,,n1 .*portr, of sjlk carpeis and pashmina/r.u ffÌ e shau4s. .ihe expor.t figure had o.ossecl Rs.1200 cror-c in the vear 20ú_Ag i¡L¡¡ il ci_ashed ,f r,i,lg ,h" periocf of giobill melt-<1on.n. The Govc:.;rrrcni, q4rìch ,:à'guto,". .^pur, ro suirably rnodìS ]:..-.]lrl"", :*Os Lirc ooi"r.l*u. ro p.o",td. rnrpetLls to the pt.oduction "*0o., ¿nd exporl oiIíashnrir ctafts.

21. Operationalize re Intern:rtion¿ì j A,il.pot.t in Srinagar-: of the ln vieli, high potenliaj oI the tour.isl¡ sectol fo ,rgn,",r,"nu". i.ol: slrppor'ting the local ecolon r artracrins rourisrs jnre,.natì oiar ¿.r,i"^iø*,i",;il', Ji::ï':rt rì or¡

76 arg(

Sri,agar Ai'por.i ivas notifìecl as ai Inlernational Airport o'er irvo yeal.s ago, incìia Ail operated a fèrv fligbrs lo rhe Mìddle Eas¡ and lhen sio¡;pecl tirenr. .l(irrgfìsher-Aì¡iines haci earljer-issnecl an offìcial st.tement that th r.:v u,ere r.villing to r.un rlaily llishts äcnl St.inagar to'arious intcrnational destinarions but rver.e not alloweci rc io so,

With im.provemerìt in fhe lalv ari or.Jer sitnaiion, to rjst â,l.¡ivâl has inc¡eased, Ah.eacly a beginning has i:een ruade by western countries i¡r r,'locìil\,ing thcjr ach,isorics agaìnsl i.isiii:rg I(a-shntir.. Ne¿u,l_v 7 jal

22' Expediic Iìnirrvay projccr Linc t0 co'ncct I(¿¡shmir vriley and othcr Iìo:rrì I_,illits: 'fhc pr (in J(a.srr;'ir.) ,,, ,,;'.':;,,:;-:::,"i:,ïJi:lî]iirï1.1ïifÌ ,{-r:lzreLrncr ,îl]3 ts expecLctl lo boust dorriec.ic ioLrlis:.: .:Ir] cco onlic acrivjties aa, ait ,,, strúr.ìgthen the el.notional bonäs .fhe a::cr.g rh: people, pr.o.ject shoulcl thelel'or-e be experìitio Lrs ly completeC. 'l-o eud the depencience of Ka.shn:il_ anci Laclal


l7 -ü$"

23. Prolnote Horticulture and Food/ fruit proccssing industries: In view of rlre higlr gr.ora,th ptospecrs of .jr;s scctor, tller.e is a treed for higher prodLrction ancl producli'itv ol cel-l¿ti:t ¡rrodr"rcts like high valr.le f¡r¡il.s. saffion, spìces anci othct cash ciolrs. l-liis r.voi.rkl r.equire tire usc 01'\,,. fànn tecJrnoJogies, includins agricuìrural inputs sr-rch as high yìt:icling seeds, lertilizers, pesticides. etc, The ltest practìces ol'Stat¿s like punjab and I{iuraoh¿¡l Pradesh cor.rld Lre adqpred. :ì, ::ii

ValLLe ¡dcÌiticn by lrocessing lou,e¡ gt.acle fruits ìocaiJy ani;iir,, ¡lo1Ìlzrbiiir_r,brv aclopting ner¡, rnal.l

\\¡hile the Statç Government is ait ea<íy impìementing a nunr.uer of J)i¿l¡r Schernes, Sponsorecl Scheihes. R"i(Vy, I.echnoJog;, ldission, a pro-actjve processin¿¡, role oÍ' the Miuìst|y oi' F.ood Ministr.t, oj, ¡\s.icrJru'e. NaLiorur FIo¡'ricrrrru'e - ,.ì cropnrurri L3oarrl r\|[Dlil :rrrc1 -fJrese Aì']llDA u,oulC provide a brtosr io ll:is indusrrl,, organizali,:its sltoiricl Lre asi

24. I'he ecolog¡, of'Janr¡nu and I(ashnlir ntust I-re protectec.l er ail c.srs. l'he baclçbore o1- touristlt is tL.:e rtealllr, 0f the {hree of the slâr'e: irs lofiy rno.ntains. ral

78 iÌr


JI I :ii ,il ri +

: 1l


.: tì ?tgY 25, i Bxploitation of rniner.als ¡esourccs/ locrrl skiìls: i:ì The Cenrre's investment in the S¡aie ihr.ough the CpSIJs is negì.igibìc. Onì¡' rwo s¡nalì unir.s (HMT \\raicir Facro,.y t) and i;¡1", iri.iir^. IndLrsrr1,,l.s' fclep'one Assenibìy Unll) itaci beell establishi:cl :] Io'g ago arrcl botlr o. ihe:r Ìiacr crccicrecl 'r'he :i rti crcisc crorv'. .'M,- ir watch Iãcrory is !l li:nning i',irh a ;luch cleplelerì capacili, or the basjs of.a sral, clclel. lssur::l ir¡.' tirc Cou'r on peti{ion fìlecl bt, ¡tte e¡r.plo'ccs, l¿,¿rshn:ir. \/all¿v ii:r:r appreciabro depôsirs of rignire. c-cr:i I ,r"1,,o.rì,. ,,." ru" n¡ K";;;,"';, ,| "j .la:nl¡Li I)ivision. These cle¡rosits oi':Liural resoir.ce.s c¿Lruot be expi, ¡ ''virhout lhc activc.sLrppo't of ¡he c:¡Lr-ar agerrcies ¿s ¡h¿ St¿lic ha,r a .l Ii'ri¡ed rìranr,iai capacitl, anci inacrecl¡are rechJcal i

: 1 Tlie other. epnreciabic ;.esc¡i es j;1.¡c:;tolre, ol ri::rei.aÌs ¿i¡; gyps,.rnr i:i:ii granir.':. l(asirnrir is also r.r,ell i

26, I'o*,rr and \1./atei. Resor¡rces; The Rantar.,jan Cot¡mittee lras recot:i r:._eridetl the t¡ansler oï DLrl il¿:sti Fl.vde Ì pro.ject firnr NIIPC ro ¡irc Siare c;.;;;;r, jor leco liirilenclatio¡l Tiris ma has bcen lLuit ecl clou.:r .r-v.,NlìIrCì.

Anorher gr.ouse is thar Ner,v l)elhj h;,t-r i-.i,i .ij.lowu Lhe requisìtr iap, tiic rcsôl\1j ir b¡,c|o-eiecrlrciq, potcn¡ial ir 1:e Siare. ,il;' acJd.esserl. [he ,il; ;:. ar.g,nre't ru's. .Iairr::,.1 ancl l(¡rsiimit,s dcpenrlcrrcc ec,-rrìoÌ¡ic oi.l lhc Centì.c rvoul

s h o u r c1, b e .,,,,,, r.,', o *.ì. ; ;ä iJ:l: :,,, j cau l;,,::î:, ï :.::.;ff rirai

79 eß8

Iu the meantlne, hou,ever, our Group calls fb¡ tire speedy implernentatìon of the ¡ecommendations of the prine Minister.'s Wor.king Grolip ou econornic development of JammLl and Kashmir l.elated io power. and

!\r âr lcÌt..

of Lhc Lotal L'srlnrated rrvcrlo porver- 1r¡,:cnrjar of'the State, less than ì5 pr:;- cent has been explorcd so iär. A :irajoI sltal.e t;1:;:;;),,:...,. of h¡,dro potentìal rs exploited undel the central Sector, oi rvirich 20 per cent is sharecr rvitl: . rhe state as royalty, Generation oi por'er, u,ithin the installecr caþacìt1, trnder rhe state secror, has snffe¡ed ciue to such factors as trre hrd,s pak:stan. waters Treaty betq'een Indìa and This reaves verv rirtle warer. for the State, particular.l.r, dur ing tlle li,t:lieì., The high costs olgeneration of porüe:- and the paucit¡, of State resources pose a iòrmidable challenge io augireìrt dre capaciry for the ge'eration and ciist¡ibntion of power.

While rhe increase in, suppl| l.,os :.ìot matched the g¡owing clernancí, . the losses on account oft'ansmissio' aud distrib'tion of power.has rise' to the extent per . of 61 cent of rhe lo,ial ltower gener.alion. Due lo such financial Iosses. thè capacitl, orthe strte ro'senerate adcritionar sources Lhr.oLrgh clfìcìcnr tecirnological anci aili.::inist:.aìir. ,rr,r,r.r.,.,.,",r, oifo.,u.,. pr.jcç¡5 is seeniingJv rinrited. ft ìs .rìegecr thal ìnacrequate realizatìon or ' *ser.charges ìs dlre nrainly to such lacLots es powet thefts, Iow tarilß and ineffìcienc1, Ín collectiotì of r.evenues rhe Lrser.s, .

The, Ex¡crt Glor-rps on economic ceve Ìopment :...u, of the Stare have ciLrly ì' eurphrsizeci tlle .eed I'or. in'est'ren¡ ti: po*,et. pr.cjects. The progress . n1ade, llou,ever, seents to be tatdy for. ct...ièl.ent reasons, inclucÌing lacl< of ¿ì strong poliricaÌ il,ill to acI on the. ac:epted rçcommendations of the ExpeÌts- .i view of trre cl'iticar rore oi .,r".gy and power for accelerating pr.ogress . and improving quaiil_r, oil.ife of people, it lr rugg..t_ã :,:.1orrìct1r¿11:

(j) A corlcerted eff'orr siloLllcl b: l¡ade io ìmpleurent the leconrmendations of D¡.. C. Riutg:rra-:rr.: Commjttee to ensure the avai I abi I iri, otì àdequate pou,er for. rh e S rale.

8C .þs1

(ìi) Since availal¡ility of porvel is critical to the task of strengtherljng irrt-rsinlctur-e lol expeditiug rrogress. rlre arru,rga,na',, "anno,i.,- ¡:r'esent of harnessing porvel u;rcler the Cenr:al Seclol should be reviervid in

f avo'.u- ol' Jar¡nru and I(ashurìr'. ln cil:ct. seneration of D0,"rrel' Llnilc¡ ijrc CenLral Seciol should be tr anslerrccl io the State fol irs e;

(iíi) The Rajiv Gandhi Glaneen 1./r i;.'utikaran Yojana (RGGVy), a CSS, should be effectively irnpleqrerred to supply electricity to all the vilJages at the ear'liest;

(i.') Por,r'e¡ thefts shouÌd be checkecl. All the usèr's of faoili¡ies oughr to Ì)a\/ "-d coutlibutc to leco\/eìJ of ccsts lailing u'hich power pr.o.jeðts canuol bc nrade finaucially viable loi priblìc oI private sectors. All a.spe crs ol'nranagenrcnt of tr.a irs mjs;s io:i and clistribution o.l pou,er shor.:lcl l¡c nracie trânspal ent ancl accoun¡able: ¿l:rl

(r') .Â.Ìtr:r-narjve sor-rrce-s of an"rg_,, such ",,d ltorl,er as sol¿rr ener.qv u'irich Iras ltuge rrotential in tlle S t¿.rtcr sitculd [re haruessecl.

77. \/acation cf public/ pri'rate properiies b5, thc Sccurif Forces/ :::il Arlned Fo¡ccs: A nurnber o1 r'i,rstl.ial .nits, looatecl within i:: ancl or.r¡sicie tire indlrst¡ial estates, as rveil as other pLiblic pr.operties liÌ

" 81 2-qa

lolces lo enable the people to enjc¡, iìeedoll of'novement rn Duqrndss

and r-esidenliel areas and to utiiize rlte buildings Íor canying otrt varic Lrs s oc itrcco nq;¡ ic âctiv iiies.

28. Constitution of'an llxpert Con;mittee of Senior {}ffìcills ¿:: State Fin¡nces:'fhe fìnancial heaiLjr ri rh¿ Staic is not sor.urC eirorrsl: 1o proÞcl and pronlote politicaì ancÌ eaonomic lrcecjonls ol ihc State. .¡r mzrjor shlre of Siale lesour.ces is c.levired !o :ron-plan non-

l\¡hile u,ays a.nd shouid bc cxplorecl fol minirlizing non_ prodrrclì\,e expe;rcliture * .at.'elv salelr:es ancl pensio.s __ r.evenues fiom inlelnal soLrrces couicl be rnobilizecj by ìevi,ing 1:rogressive rates ofuser chargcs jtents on sucli as cotrsutn¡ttion cf eÌeclr.icity ancl pou,er, oÍ lhe I icll ale the mzLjor beneficiarl,

Likerv;se. the high worth propet.lies orr.necl br¡ thc l.ich shc,ulcl also bc raxed. And, revenue.s thus raised shoLlld le plor-:g.hed back for investment and Ilovertv l.eductiorì.

Tlrc l-,x pclt Comrlittee may rcview ihe Stâte's tìnarlccs and indicaic.Llie

29. I nrplenren ta rÍo plrur n of Job of Rangare.jan Conl¡rritrèc, Violencc in Jammu and l(ashlnir has ¡es,;lted in ttr"e alsruption;;il;l firnctioning of cJetlocratic as weli ¿:s economic .**U""^i institutio's, The i,o¡,¡¡ of Jar¡l¡n aLtci ""0 Krsil:¡ir is neìther.a'le to secui.e jobs ìn tlie tul.tnoii-tom econol¡l/ llor aie ite.v able to move to job rnar.hets in tite ¡est of the cour.rtry. rvhich is higbl¡; competitiu.. Errlpo,r.rnl*nt i, the ì

82 "rql srone-pe,ting ï::i:,::i'',1.i: rt i:î designed a.nd ilnPletlettrcu".1:::::,:i:iï:1.:"::l ïîîix oi CelelopmenL holC"er irl the pt ocess

an fixpert Croup r'tttt'c': In Liris backcìrop' l-ì'i-r'r;,.""îilÏï:iî;:t3t;ì ru r '"' r as constil'':ied to prepÎre '-'' n"ng-araJa.n elapsed- rn ii'np lci.nenltng tnnn nro"tL" ìt"t t Vlore In'Justl'v I(asirnì;' )'outh "iit' ¿rsllects as i) Special ihe recollmenclation'' 'uti't lot' Jailtluu 'ut.'itn "îìoud EL'apcrvct'ment ii) Skiil, t''npto'uirlãt ona Iniiiative" S:hçmo' ;:;'i;';';., enr:l iii; speciat Sclrolarsiril: rrr -hc:t'::î:t]:.]ì;tl'jt'rì;:]' ncopÌe ir;trc l¡eneLitcc ': Ilr)$ :.:.Lny ¡c'r:trg sr irtf,ot'ra::c:: ':Ì tìÌc rss"re i,'',, ,ì,.ì.1';'.., .itg¡..,.1 thrrt publi;. .1,5. Social Component: ErrporverurettI through I-Ittmtrr Development

30. Development of hur¡an resolÌ1-cis through ed'.rcation, training anrl heaith care ís both a rneans lor en.hancLng the qrLaiity of lifè and an end in itsell. in the last tu'enty yeals of mlnoil. the functìoning of denioclatic institutions as u.ell as otlrer bodies ies)onsibie Íbr providing services lilie ecincarion and healtil caLe have bee:t jeopardizeci. II is not surprising, t.-:l/ rherefor-e, tlral lJre quality and quar:lity of senices rendeled.b), such instit'¡tions have beeir rnuch.belol ile ievels obraining in most othcr' States ol India s4lich ale reÌatìr,ei). rnore peacefir.l than Jammu anri I(ashr¡ir.

Noq, Lhat [he secì-lt'itv scerrar io has glarlualJv irn¡;l'orred ciue io perceptil;ie clecline iri insurgency and nlilil¿rn;r,. ii i-ç nrgcnt to injtìate sucn ¡roiicl' r'r'leasLu cs as ar-e ct-itical loi nlorriciii:g col.t'llleteltt manpo\\rel i'o: r¿risinq Ðroducljvrt), o1'resources. ln ¡llis cl)l1tü\t. the cclu¿atio:.i ¿lrtrf jt,.'¿lJ¡it seclors lequire ro be slrengthenerl.

B. Education ,Scctor Refornr Given tlie lacl< ol teachel.s' tr.:rin,rig. deficiency in educational ìnfi'astructure, and lack of utilizarion of lCT-enableci sen,ices for leerching and lcar:ring, there is consjcleral¡le :n:s-uratch beßr'een eclucation anC jobs. Thís is er.ident from sitnuiraneous existence of unempio),ment among educated .voLrth and shortagçs of technically and professionaily qualìfìed l-rranDo\l/er íbr l¡usiness anil ir:.just|y. Itrefficieut fllnctioning of SiLnrr: cntcrpriscs ¡rd iou,off-tar

ìve. thercl'ore, sug.rlcst that the stat'e sho'lcl co'.stitute an Ecrucation Cornmission which should be r¡anrlat¿c1 to cvolve a compr.ehensive poJìcy on de\/elopn.t e!.ìÌ ol. edlrcation. inlture, gnnres and sports that should rleer the personal and profess.ti::rl aspir.ations of the ¡tcople ancl make them an inregral par.r ol tire globaì econoury which js increasingì_v l<:lowledge-intensive.

84 .TÅ3

In the rreantime, the following rer:leili a I mea.sures sirould initiatecl on .be urgent basis: o The vocatio¡lal and technical ?:rainitlg re]ated activitie.s slrggestgd by Dr'. C. Rangarajan Cor¡;:'rittee lbr skil.l developrnent ancl entl'epreneur.iaì tlainû.rg siloulc lre nn deltal

s I Lr clcn ts o i' ili fl'e¡ ent clhn i c glc.,ir ls an d re¡¡ions.

. l-he yourh of .lamnru and Kashrair shoulcl be proviclecl reser v,-iiio:.1 ol seats i¡r technic;al and proièssìoraì higher. ìnstitutiofrs, on tirÈ sanle basìs as extended to al,fected cornl¡un;ties in tjrc resl of the countÐ/. Tn làct, people of the border. regions clo have qlear disadvantagcs r,r,hìch cught to be compensalerl thr:ough tlre polic¡r on resetl¡arioÌ.t il ;cbs and eciucational institutions. Collaboratìons at irÌsritutjonal ler..els can help r.esolve the problems of edì.tçation and tr.aining iu lhe sjrort-run. o Ìv{ost unernpltrl,s¡l ¡,outh'oeiong ic ed,.rca,.ionall¡, and econornicajh baclirvarrl areas and cor¡rnuniiies. As per.tJre national policy to nt¿insiLeanr these groults, firatcial support on merit_çunt_means ìrasìs. iLrclLrciing eciucarion¿rr rolrs ou rjr¡eral, sÌloLrrd bc l..r'.r.,icleti ic enable the str-rdelli:; i¡ a'aii of echrcatio:rai laciliries ì' i)lc illsti¡uticns of theil choic,:. Alj tjre r.elevanr schel¡es fdr flnancial rssistarrcc i-.r'olidìlig to iteecJy str.lclellts shoLllc.l be rcvieu,ed and stluclul.eci to :ìì:.i,.: lltel¡ f.ocused to câtet. to tlìe inllediate treecls of 1,or-rtìr, inci,.rd:rg the stone pelters. o Sludenls have conrplainecl Ìhar litey are not easily able to access lerted accolnlrodario¡ oLltsicje ahe StâLe. The¡, are aJlegt:cllv discliminated agairrst. As a resuii, Lhey al.e unable io eitirer pur.sne their studies in insL.inrtìons oursjde thr State o¡ secrlre and retaitl jobs in the piivare sector.. In oi¡¡ assessnlent of the social ancl

85 .tÅY

0ultu|al eilvironn.ìent. particulat l), jn the bacl

C. Hcalth Care Facilitics

Mol'e than sçvent)/ iler cent of .lantnti¡ a¡C l(ashnlir. 1rr:pulation iives ìr.r Ilr¿,,i and far flung aleas, u,hich are nlt easily accesslble b), ro:Lcl duc io 'lhe jssues; the iopography oi'the Stal:e. pr.obÌ:r':rs antl pertail ing rcl a h r¡¡i

inlànt nrorlalily. lack of làcjlities iol r'.lne;t and chilcj devej0prtL,nt, ete .. li¿lrc bcen duly identifìecl b¡ rlie ::.:rci:onaries trf the heaith se:ctor. Molcover', clue to nriliranc¡, and aÌleged hunran r.ights violations, pcouje also suífe'fionr r,ental c{iso¡cre:s ar:11 o,her crisabrrities, .ln this bacl

Ð, Ðlt.suring Ðffecti¡'c Local Go¡'c¡'nailcc lbr Ðelivcn, ol Services: Roie ol Puchal ats end Civil Sociery The ovcr"rvhelming pcopre's response i'ci es¡ablishurent of panchayatì Raj Instinrtions (PR-ls) and the .significarce of an effecti'e local selÈ govenlâ ce shoulcì thercfìlre be vier.r,ecl ir.onr deVeloi¡ment persÐeclr\cs.

Iìi¡'s{, rilc rcgions anci strb-regio*s bl ¡he Joml'u ancl l(ashm:r Sla¡c rviclçl;" geo-clirnatic c'l1i' i' co'cliti.:r-s. resources arra ethnicìtr, of resi(ients. 'fhese variation.s have sig:.iìcant o' their politìco_ econol¡jc a¡d aspirations. Fqr instance,'earing the distriirs ol Leh, I(atgil, Iiatl'ra, Bal.amull;r ol.Do<ìa ar.e :otally clifièrenr fronl ea"h otller as rvell as fronr the olher Districm of ¿l:e State. Therelbre, lhe socio_ to

8o 7q{

econorlic needs and lleople's expectetìi)ns fronr the sewice proviclers also di f::r.

Sccond, tllere are u,icle v¿r'iations u.,lu,o ¡lr. regions and districts in terllls ol levels of.incomc, po\'erty. literac¡' alrì other ltatatnetets olt qualit,r' 6f life, Tire border ancl ltilly areas and ¡il{rse that are afflicled bv militancr', ale the worst suffèrcr:s in tenns of the provisions of basic services like suppl)¡ of iood grains, water, eleciricily and provisions for',shelter, ii, scl'nnis and health care lacilìties.

With a,,'ier,r,to e:rsuring efiective ex¡-.lciratio'n and efficient utiìizârion of' resources, tÌte iocal sell-goi,et-nait':e mechanistl-'s olfcr alttplc opportr.rnilies fbl tlre people lc.r plan anj executç sche;res in ¿Lçco:'danc: u,iù rhe requirelnents of the ìocai comnt,,rnit¡', who orvn the responsibiliry .of'chartjng the path for builclìng the ñìture of the regions they iive in. Tire rnandate for' local sell'-gov ernance. with l¡assive stÌppoÍ of all the stakclroldçrs, ìs to be tl'ied lor rile fir'si iiire in Jamnru and Kashlnir'. Thele is no :c:Lson rçilr it rroLtld nôr sl:ccL'c,.:.

The Sta¡e gbvernment has alreadl, naisiìr¡ed the por.vels fbr carr¡,ing or.u the socìo-econouríc activilies b),rhe l'¿urchayats. It is hoped that fìnancial po\\'er-s. comnìensulate with the requireuents of the tasl( of carryjng out rhe lesponsibiiities of ¡he Panchavat.s, r'.,culd also be c.levolvecl as pel the law. It nìust bc pointed oul dral a l¡isü¿tch Lretu,een the socio-ccollotric functions of the Panchayats and devol:-rtion o1'financjal pou,ers u'ould prove m be.counler'-productive. Il ilre leople's expecta'Lions fiïnr tire locai selÊgo\/ernance systen: ale l¡elied dne to inellÌcient functioninq or' rii:,i;' inadecprate financial pou'er ancl ârìtcr'lolìt-v, tire lesulting !-corì(rn)ic fn-rs'.l atiou of'an alrcad.v lliena.ted socrei,v and ree,iorrs rvoul<ì dcritjl tìrr: pcacL^ i)rocùss uudaLrvay, It is ibr Lhìs ieason tllat utost of the centftri schenles wjrich ilake a clirect assauìi o:l povert,v rnusl be managed by iocai [¡odies rvhich receivc direcl cenLr'¡t tìrndins.

l'heieiòr'c. tl.:is c¿rlls íbr cap:Lcit1, orli.:ing and ìnfiast¡Lrcrure support facilitics lo local l¡odies s,r as to enable lì:enr to carry the huge bu¡clen o'f people's expectations to effectively delit'et ser"vices. courparable Lo the

81 #t( levels eniôyed by the residents of otl:er States, which implemented PRls fi f¡1, 1r¿¿¡s ¿o6.

All the eleoted representatj\ies c1- Pancha)rats should therefore be provìded suffiçient exposure ancì lrailing to enhânce their tecÌrnical alrrl professiollal capacities to enable rieln to carrJ orìt fhe manclatory ob.jecti'-,es.

-!a:. . É't;i IÍ. is. hor¡,ever', certain that the Panchayais jn the .larnr¡r_l an<.I l(¿:shrnil rvoulcl eflecrively i*rplenre't all r[:e Clnhal flagsirip schertes ir'rlre lur¡cLs allocaled Lo thenì are routecì th: or-rgh parìrcbayafs. 'l-he ellocrlio' L.;l.1it¡:is fcr' the Central schernes is ùot onl;., íìexíbie to nrovi¿le f'or en o,,r _o.h cusbionir.rg ol financial requiremenLs b,.:t also earnrarl

Civil society can play a ura.jor.r.ole in il-::s regar.d. First, tr¿r.rsltarency ancl accounrabiliñ, in rlie p¿litçhayats fturr:iiouing 0f have to bc assured. lor r¡,hich ir nta)i be necessary to put pfessure on the functionaries rhro;rgh the use of rhe Righr to I'i'o.marion. seconri. the aLrdit of accoLlnts of. i)a;rcha-r'ais ilo nor cor¡e uncle' iire r;1,. ler¡, oi. cornptr.oller. anrr .,\irditr¡r. (CAG) of india, l-her.c can. i:tlr.clor.e, bc lealtages irr ,,rtiliz¿t;on of ñlnds allocated to thenr, in rrllich casc rl:e expectecl brluefits ol pr.

E. \Vo¡:cn The nlail poìnt rnade b¡,the v,6i.¡¿¡ lì.crn Jamnu. I{ashmir and l_adalch was ro ùrgc the cenrral and ^Sta¡e gover¡ments to rake imrnediate ì'neasules to guarantee the physical, p,s¡-cÌrological, sociai, economic ancl

88 %qr

cì-lllurai securit)/ of women in ¡lie Sta¡:. especially in i(ashmil rvhich has borne the bmnt of violence ovel tl.Ìe pail tu'o decades' In particu Iar- t)rey lecotntnencled:

A special tasl< lotce, cou'tprise:l oi elninellt rvomçn frollr all thc tìrree regìons, shot¡ld be set up io acìcÛ-ess thc prolo)etls of woltrcr, victìnrs oi'r,iolence, sucll as rli¡lou,s, "halÈr.vidou,s" ancl orplialls. inclucling relieffor'llre parents oiihe disappealed. ,, 'l'hese iìi.:t,, An urgent requiremeni is 1òl l'alrma cor.rnseling centres. should be speedìly set up, espec:aìiy in ru¡al ¿reas. Man¡, ¡¡ fhe u,omen present itr:de:'1ined the neec lor recÌepLoymeni oi troops out of l'esidentj4l. erreas and [he remov¿Ll of securit¡r ins rallalions in re.sidentiaÌ aleas. Our attention rvas also drarvn lo tlre continuing anest of ¡'otlih artci the indiscriminate usc oI PSA agzrinsl tlient. i'ìrough rnosr of iherl are speedily leleased the-y havc FlRs against them. 'fhe l-e¡lislartive Assembly could considel u'Lre¡hi:r'anrencl:rents io rcsLrjct tlte Ltse of the PSA are leouired, -i-i:ere u'as a locused cliscussio:l ci tllc irroblems of nrigr¿urt wonìÐn. cspecrally I(ashmìr'r PanclÍts. ,\ r,alnable suggestion u,as that !vc)li1er'r caÍì ¡r:'o,,,itlc a briclge lÌrr'l(asirntìri PalldiLs to rerr:oncile r,vi[]r llieir co-citize:rs ìn the ValJe;'. ¿rá r.r,e rvoulcl reconrmend fturding

ior-such an iniriative lo be rai

,\ .o,'t."r,",j eflbrt to ,l"rign .,,,' ìrnplcnrent illc lcle\,¿ùìî lic)li.iic.j .,:l zrncl prograrnnres u,oLrld n¿rlrs¡b:-:u the State's econorrl)/ l'ron: its h;.t¡h finarciai cicpendenct, on Ccr:lral aqencies to a seh'reliant alid econor.nicaÌiv l)rosperous one, '2.19 CHAPTER 5: Rorpl,rll

5.1. Credibility ofthe Diaiogue Proccss

i jr ,.,,,ent, ir¡espective o cliflcrent . . Eu"ryrvhere tl.ìe -!3'or,ì I aspiratiorls. oue quesLion \\res lsi(ecl b), all: "Wh¡t lcas0n do tvc llave Lo believc [hat vor-ìr' ¡L.lis.iou r,i'ill 'oc l'csLtll-otìenteci'l Wll¿rl lrapnened rvitÌr tLle P¡irle llinìsl¿r"s Worì<ìng Gloup-s?'' \,hìie it is |rot i|Lre thaî the \\iori(ìng ürcups' ;ecor: men dations :irnpl-" gathercd clust, they lia.¡e been ¿ìi best partially ìrrplementcci, al a vert, slou,pace. Moreover, ihese small steps at in.rpìemen l;ti r..rn har¡e not l¡eeu lìed ¡o a peecs 1:iocess, eìther to lay condrtcive ôonditron,s for polìtica! clialog,,r: or to give the ongoing diaJogue a momentui'n, Any llext steD.s to cciÌle should, thelefore, be plo_jected as clialogLre inputs and/ol o',:t-or¡es, s() írs to give tl:c plceess credibilill'.

2. We have noted f,rrth!¡ lirar rhe credibility gap cioes nor apll¡, o:rly to Ce¡rt¡e-State reiârioÌts: :r also applies lo Staie-rogion St¡ìtc-disrt'íct Icla.tions, as ri'cli ¿i:; io poÌirical r.epresen tativ e-peo¡rle reiations. As rve wele tolcl re;:ea:ecì1r,, the trust deficil ìret\À,ecn the Siate's pc'ople and their polirical representatives is as il'not glc.LÞr'tha.r'l the trust deÍicit u'iil: Nes'Dèlhi (the eqr:ation ìs rathcr. cìitieren¡ in Pakistan-acimin isLe:ecl .lanilnLl anci I(ashmir., ivllet.c fstis of clossinq the red li;:es dlarvn by tìre miliLar1, ,lorninnte). 1'lris dcficit. i¡s statctl in the l:lr.oductìon. is partlv due to the rrnìbiq¡j1¡, ovel. Ja:lrl'.1 and l(il:;ir¡i¡ 's polirrcal status, üncl palrl-y dLre to ¡he exigencies of L.trnni:tq al aclurinistration during a per.rocl ol contiic¡.

3, As fär as.lânunu anci l( concerned, ther.efore, there are trvo credibiiity gaps to be ijlled: Centre-State ancl State_people. This ir:djcales tilat issues that are ar;parentll,rurreJatccl do intcr.locl< strlctnrally - for example, nlucit iras becn said in tire St¿rtc abour politicaì and govern¿lrlce issues beÌng distinct eacl.r other. as incleed tire-v at'e, But it is also ¿r iact thal neither.cau be tacklecl in isolatiou from the other. Eve:r ìi the question of Jammu ancl

9¡ øq1 I(ashmir's stan¡s is ¡esoh¡ed ai tlìe politicai ievel, ng resolution rvill l¡e lelt o:r the ground r*,-iitout irnprovement in governance. Conversely, improvements in gorrernance are stymiåd by the lacl< oi'polìtrcal rcsoÌution because rr-rorale r,vithin the services is a:tcl $,jll l'en'lain lou, as long as iÌtc:.e is anrbiguìty on lhe State's r.eJ¿rtion to the Union. Moreover'. as potrted orÌl ill thc Chapter on llc¡-rrionli,: ¿Ùltì j Socj¿r Components o1' ll.:e Nei.v Compact, the 1te|funr:ol_r irnpiemenlation of Cenr¡al der. elopment ancl r.ehabilìtatjon,6chetres has aiso contributed to the cr.edibility gap. with many in Januru. the Valiey and l-acjai

4. While poljtical statLrs a¡d governance do, thus, neecl to be ti-eatecl as two distinct issr-res, tirey need to be tackled in iairclem. Ilpoìitical status ìs J

From r¡ur eleven t.nonri:i :ri cous'rltaliotts, lhreé l

lhe cole of our report, lh,,is, complises recommendatìons that will, if âgreecl and implel¡tnteri, advance tl.rese fieedoms. Agreernent and implementation of each. lìowever, reqtlires ciiflerent levels of action ancí ccr.lbiaations ol actors, auci can be broaclly dividecl into CBMs airé ,'esolntion issues. CBMs can be put in place b), lhe gover-nrl:.nLs Çoncenìeci, pleferably in consultatìon rvith key sral

'fhjs rs not an easy lasl<. Cl tire face of it, the volatilit-v ol' lhe siluation, ar,d fiesl¡ness ot- Í ollf rr ,-,unds ilr thc Vrlle-'.. sug!:s' r?l' thal the best coulse rvould be ro irnplemenr CBVs fiisr, and ill:r' proceed to the political djalogL:e ou resoiulioll. Tirere is l.i¡r1e ,doubt ,¡.that tlte refbrms ihat irave becn rniti¿tted iol'olorecrion- of 'li',,:.iiì!ii.ëi:r.,.:;,'.:.f:' httman riqhls and rLrle 'o¡ 1,.* ltiÈ neecl to l¡e str engthenecÌ ancì i:epene<1, as the ApIlCs ancl associated groups reiterate. Ne.¡ CBMs, especiaill, loí improving cross-LOC tt avel and trade, r.v:Ìi aiso cl.eate conclucive condilions ior stal

92 301 l0 I{owever, Lhe lragic vi¡lence of sumtller 201 0, and ihe Gloup's consultations front 2010-ll. made it evideri¡ tlìat therc i:'; both yealning anci Ìmpaiiencc lbi- a resolLltion aÇIoss iamlnu and I(ashrnjr'. Pr,rlting the political riaìogtie on bold tlntii Clllvls are iurplerrenred could add to tìre ¿lienation thai is i'elt clifferentlf in

d iftelen t parLs of'tire St^te,

I] There js a selious tirrrt3 problcm herc. r\s noteci in tlle Intloducrion. lhe pLrìl ol CBlls is up agaìnst rhc pusir for lesoÌution. aud, as a corts e.lLtet.l ce, issues that beiong ìn the lesolution basiiet are sulfacing !:r ao ad hoc nlanÌter as stand-¿Llonc issues. 1'his developurent mak¿s ;t cliifìcLrlt io¡ tho i)eace process to gnin the I1ìo lrei'ltulr'r Iirat sl"ead\' ¿rncl incrgmeirtal ptogtcss rvoLtlcì give iL. One \\'e,v to dnsure iic¿td)' progless is fot' CBMs anrl politicai dialogLìc to procced ir ¡ar-alLel, so that discLrs.siorì lak*; placeon the rvhole l¡aslcei oi" resolutioll isstresas interlccicing elements of a settlcment. in an arrnc'.sphele of glou,ing tmst, Whilc ihis u'ilì requile a c¿relul tagg:rg cf CBMs and politicaì iialo¡rr.rcr. ìt is eurinon"l¡, doable. (CBÌ![s) 3ov 5.3: Confìd ence-Builrl ing Mcasrrres

q'e -llar"i: t2 in the eleven montlls ca the Group's missìon, lecomtnended CIIMs in each oi oltr monthly repolts. Some ol lose lout have been distl'ict and,/or conirtt'.iniry-spec ifi c. others ilavr': becrr pave r'vay lor a lasting solution. -+ fr:I1 -qeneric ones thal \À,ouìd iìle list of the Gloltp's t'ecommeitcia¡ions is given at A¡tnen'Lre 'D" !'tt tìris Roádmap, the locus is on i|ose CBNIs that u'ill carÐi,forward dre peace process in the shot't.:redium and long-teun and iacilitare inplementation of the detailecj I ecolunendations on the political, econornic, cultltrai. and sociaÌ ireedoms elaboratcd in the precccling C-hapters oi this Repot r. t3 judging fr-oru lite si[i-ra¡io:t on rhe grourld. tilq l'equesls rhat the GloLrp ìrave reccir.ccl íioil ¿lli ovi:l thc St¿ltc, ¿lnr.l Lhe icss'rlls ..vjil ìearned fi-on¡ previous ¡:eace i:t;liatives, the fcllou¡ing CBlls heìp pave dle,"r'ay towards a ÌesoIiltiot.t:

('¡) Human Rights and the R:rle of Law

The most olien-r'equestec CBMs rvere on the issues o1' -i'hey huurarr lights anci the rule oi 1a'.r'. inclucle: the release of all :enaining "stone-peltels" ani poìiucal prisoirers against rvhont [Ìrere are no serious charges, w'il.i-,dra,wal of FIRs against those ofì thern lhat are firstlimers or iniuor offenders, amnesty for nrililanis r¡,ho renoLince vlcÌence arcl their lehabilitation. inclL:ding â consislent and ariequaLe policy lor surlenderecj ¡riijtanLs phasing oui tìr,; 1Sþecìal Opelations Gtoup, the lehabiliiation of all vicLim's oÍ' r,iolence, the recluction of dre ìnnrsive pleselìce of seculitl iclces, it constant revieu' of tìre implernentarion of various .{cis illeant to çoLmter rnilitano,u.,, tÌte return ol'migrants to theil hor¡es :o lead a lile ofsecuritll, honolu and dignitr' (ìncluding compensaLìoii and/or lchabilitation in iicu of t'eturtr l'or colur¡unities sucìt:r-r Sil

94 jo3

and last bu[ not least. fi'ee¡lonr of ]au'fir I ¿.-ssembly zrnd passltor'l r-ights lor aì1. incìuding reìativcs oirnilitants.

Man.v of these CBMs l':a'''e been suggestecl by the APIICs (M) and (G), as rvelL as b1, cther clissiclent ancl cj.¡ii soci':l) eloups. fheìr furthel irnp icn:eltarìon wilì, Thorcii'l'c, est¿LÍ¡lish conducive conditions Íbr til¿ ciissrclenl gloups Lo open a dialogr.te.

:lii ¡:irt IinalJy. rve have notg.j i-jr:li nlanv o1'thc hurnan ,lgttt, una rule of lar.r' CBMs listed abÒ\'e âr'e also felt needs in Pakistan- admjnistelecl Jar¡nru and l(ashurir. especialiy in Gilgiri3altìstan. Their appiìcation in these legio::s sirould. therelore, i:e cliscr-issexi u'ith tlie replesentatives concelnicl at the ear'1iL:st oppõr'tunity,

(b) Ámcnrlment of the PSÄ=

-l-ìre rvide use ofrhe l)S;\ by Lì:e Sirrie govelnrncnt r',,as criLicj:¿cci i;r nost of the delegirtìons tll¿ìi \1'e Ìllet. Wlltle ifs use ii¿.¡, bsen considerably reduced ;tos,, Ute A.ct's s\veeping powels ;rrake ir open to ririsuse, and should I¡e ¿nenCed accoldingly.

The main problems u'itli the PSA ale under. Chal¡ter lV (Power to mahe ordels cietaii.L:ng certain persons), Section 8 (Dctentìon ofcettailt persons). Ti:is section provicies a vast number of l'e¿Lsons i'or cletentìon, rangjr-_q i¡onr "plor.r.roting, propagxtiug, or attempting to create, leelings orì e:llit)/ oÌ lìah'ed or dishar.m,:ny on glourrc{s ol leli.qion, iace. casre, cornrnunity, or r.egio¡r" to incitelrreni, ìnstigalion, flbetn].11i a:rcl aclual col:I.l.ljssion ol srLch ,1cis. and leaves it to DistrjcL Coilecior-s or.Distl.jct Magistfates to riccr(ic. glvlng a tu'eì\ e-da), pel.iccl rvithìn r.vhich tire Governrreut ha-s ro approve the detention. period for approval should be no n rolc Lhan l'oLtl cìa¡s.

Secondìy, the PS,A cloes::cr. alstrlrguisn bent ee;t ofièr.ices *'he:r it comes to the detentioir ¡_.e:.iod. It allows cjetentio:r for.up ¡o

ihe DA a¡C AFSPA a¡e ¡iiscussóci in ilte seciror oti Secutit\).lrt.ongenlents

95 301

years f'or acttotls one year for disturbance of publ:o ordel, ancl tláo fact that "prejudicial to the securitl' oi the State" Given tire acts' the disturbance of public orcler can iange fiom minor to mãjor offences to cletention perioci should ra.nge I-jûm one lveek for uiinor one tllonth for l]]ajor offencei, ì:ut ¡ro longer" Assuming ll:ac actions "plejuclicial ro the seciu-it.v of the StatÈ" corlstitute fal' graver offences, three monilts' detention should be ample for' proceeding to trial. Juveniles sllould not be held under the.!SA at

!tÌ1,, a ll.

(.) Iiast-Tl'aci< Implemeniai:otr of the Reco¡nnlendations of the Prir¡e Minister's \Áicilliing Group on CBll[s

The Prime Minister's ì\"orking Group on CBÀ4s had lccon¡menderi three l

" Making the letu!r.r of l(ashr¡i¡i Pandits a part of State polic);

I'roviding bettel relieÍ ard rehabilitation for widorvs and o¡phans of violence in ¡he State. inclr-rding wiclows ancl orphans of militants; anci

iraciiitating the t eturn of I{eshmiris stranded across the LOC. man.v of u4rom hacl crosse¡i over fot arms training but ,d,nl q'ished to reflrrn peaceiuii¡'.

\\,'hile some s,ork has been clore on the retum of l(ashnliri Panclits uncLer the Plime Minister's Reconstrlcti'on Plan, the Stâte qo\;crrlrrent is yet to fulfill its ;:ir:-r. Most inlportant. a poìici' needS Lo be developed f'or the reintesiition of returling Pandits into rhe courmuuìt,u-' Lhrougìr proglar'r':'ì.s sponsolccl b¡ locll ancì community leaders. One iniporianç CBM could be for the State govedlmeut .to repair some o1' the Pandjt village cluster s tÌrat reurain, fol example in Puh,r,arna, as moclel heritage villages. 3ol Thor-rgh the State Govelnmenl's Ministrl' for Sociai V'/ellarc is anxious to w'ork on be¡iel reiief and rehabilitation for victims of ',,'iolence, ll,jciou,s and orÐi-tar: r of milicarlts arc still relati\/el)' negìected. As they cannot be rlcluded in pension schetnes, since their' .relatives could harrìì;.' i¡e classilied as Government depenclerrts,. rhe emplo,vtrent arlå vocatjonal sclrenres tllat al(: culrently being prepared ihöu1c include them

a':t:, ì,:ìì,' As l'al as tire retum of Kaslimiris stt'andecl tcross the i.Oa ,:; I concerned, the State go\rejllttent has lecejved ovel l,000 applications ft¡r retuu, btti iL appeats that tl.rr: (lovern¡nctrt rli' Pai

(d) Fast-Tracl< Implementaiicn of the Recommçndations ol thcPrinre Minister's Wo:'l

The Pi í lvlinister's lVrrking Gtoup on Relatiors Across til¿ LOC haC recommended o¡ening rlew routes, increasing the fìequency of bus services, si;npliling ttavel ptocedures, and -liJ' encouragir.rg closs-l,OC trade or: a olioriq, 1¡¿.1.. ln particLrlar', thev suggestecÌ:

n Opening six nro:'e rollies acloss tlle LOC; o Relaxation o1'restlicticls on rvho cor¡ld travel to include pìlglinrs. lnedical patrenLs and tourisrs. if necessar-¡.',, by Inclia: ari . Creation of a free trá.cie uea on l¡oth sides of the LOC.

9i- a


In acldition to lhese ::ecot.nrrendaLions, there is orle otilct' issue ¡hat has gained saliei:ce in recent titres The resurge;rce t-'f militant groups and theit l¡uiiCü¡ ilr the Neelam \/âlley of Pâl(ist;'.iì- administered Jaml'nu anci I( it', en route to infiitrating across the LOC, ìras been a cause ci collcel'll to 1ôc¿l r:gsiclenls Lhere, rvho r-ecently stagecl several pr-oies: d etrrons tt at.ions asl<ìng fol th.eir oùster'. l'hese voices rieed i¡ be giveu Cue ¿rtÌetìtion, as thc curtaiiing and eventual clis Lri,.ii:nent of r¡ìlitant groups r'i,oç,ld be a $9 major CBÌ\4 for State subjecis cìr both sicles of the I-Oaj.

(c) trntra-KashmiriÐialogac'

In or'

Á.n irltra-l(ashlniri dialogLre u,il, aiso lTelp miLigate s'.rspicion ancl bLrild public conser)sLrs in far.o¡:i of'the politicai, eÇonomìc alrri cLrliurål l'eeclorns tlllrt ¡re leco::t .'.cnded in rìLis Recolr.

'li¡,. 3vT 5,4. SecuritY Arrangements:

1,4. The Alrn¡, had tci tah: on a very difficult sinration in Iiashn.rir in the 1990s, ani peribrued undcr stress with gallantry. 'l-he-v irar'¿ also tt'ansiblrLed iilemseh,es ovilr time, engagin.e. in irnpoitanl peace-building ¿letivíties und'er Lhe Sadbhavana progÌamn.le. It is paltl,r, beca,-;sc of their elforts. and morg,largeì1 cÌue to liasl.lrriri socretl', tiral nlìiitanc¡' is al an all-tìme l(ì\\' At ihe s.ìnlÇ tinle, irec¡ruse;rìlilano)'is at an alJ-tinlt: lou', it is necc-'s:t¡','ti; re'.'iev¡ Li.ìcr security arra:'lgen:,)l.lts. tllat rvere required dluing ìhc: peai< perioci.of ¿umed conl'liot. BLrilcling upon lhe clta,nge lÌlaf has occur¡ecl rvill also create icnLlitions for morq desiled changc lo coll.l e.

'l-he 15. goaÌ is Lo arrír,e ¿:i a sill.lation in u,iticlt tiocps u'ììl be depioyed o¡h,611 ¡hs l¡orclels. .\ step-by-step nrcccss *'oukl uri¡h the -A.rm1, remaining in b¿r:-¿:ol

1 6. One ploblem that arose in 20'I ii r¡,as tllal the JarÌxltì.t ¿rnrl Kashniir' police u'ere not trained or equippecl to hancile rhe t¡arrsfer o1'dut.res, Curient iniiiaiives ât reil'aining. cspeciall¡, in cr;nrurunitç pojicing, as rvelì as lhe l'evisr:d Opciaiir:e \,{¿rnual- shr¡ulcl help Ll.irlr¿e titc

eap. b,,rr '"-.oli¡:c-courur,,l;ritv lei¿r¡ioils ie:lain volelije, cs¡;cciaJ1,r' tr.i rlre Lriìt¿rn rleas. zt:r

I1 . Given that tire frrsl srep ic,r'ards security reforms has aheacf¡, been tal

99 3oB

is to revies' miiitary tleployments and I(aslnnir police, the next stef: be rationalized through to", securit,r' installa:ions can locations ánd creating redr.rcing their spread lo a iev srr:ategic r¡obìletrnìtsfor.rapidlespol]se.Theclesireforrecieploynrenlol from tlre rutal areas ,t,ì1ita,1'a,rcl/o'' securil)' forces ald instaliations that ullites the regi0nâl of Jammu and l(ashmir is a hea;rlèlt desire (The refereuce is io polìtical parties ancl clissidenl gLoups operatiqtls' and installatìons created as pai of counter-insurgency ii; Aglili' given the large reC'uction ia not to pr-iol cantonmerlts) . and/ot strate-eic rni litancy-related vlolence, -lotne thinning j5 lt is clifficult' co'centr-arìon of instaliatio¡s r'"orth considering maintaining thlee caûlps' fol exaurple, to see a prÇsent larionale for with each other' as belonging to different' cheek-by-jowl is the case in ShoPian'

ledeployment is tl, at armecl grot-tps I 8. One of the obstacles rc disbandment' ìrave not fornally commi¡ted Lo a cea-'sefire and/or reforms mrtch Certainly, such a colllnìt:ne:rt t'c*ld nrake security Wolking easiet to irnplemeut ln this coili¿xt' the l)rime lr4inister''s dialogue" Gronp on CBMs hacl sr:ggesteci lhat an "unconditional rvith alured gloups be initìar¿i Sorne steps were tal(el1 in this Yusuf direction during tile "Quìet D:piomacy" of 2008-9, r'vhen came Shah (a.k.a. Syed Salaìruddin) oi the United Jihad Council enter:ìng the clclse lo sttppor[ing elections and. alLegecli¡" considered fiav hinseLl, Sirlce then. Llori'er':1. lhe isstle llas not 00lnc Lrp a¡::ritl' anci íb needs to be put back on tile agencìa

19. In the absence of cor.t.:llitneuts fi'om al t.ued grotlps to ceasefit e, disarm and demobiirze. such refotms as ale possible stiÌl need to be col.rsiclered. While fi.qures for arlned rnilitants plesenl in the State vary accordiug to degíees of infiltration, it is known that the curpnt number:; aLe around 350, with bases in disüicts such as Sopore, ancl infìltration allempts have risen this year'. A significant lìûding, in this regard, is dra¡ ail tire delegations that we n'ìet were explicit in their view tllat trocis should be concentrated on the borcle¡s ancl LOC to prevenl ililltration, and the focus was.on ¿ 1i ll i i

,l g01

intemâl redeolovmelÌt alone. i.e.. a pirased \Ã'ithdrawal of ttoops fi'om residential and/or agricuhural areas.

20. 1-his issue has been on tlìe agencla lbr the Unìfiecl Corntnand to ciecide'fol several urorrlirs irori'. rviiÌr the em]rhasis on Iede;llo¡'meni fi'onr llnciistu¡bed areas b,u- rernor'ìng the DA designatìon fìolil ther¡. The Prime Minister's ìijorl

21 . The Gror-rp's irnpressior: :s tirat AITSPA is nrore the symboJ o1'a problenr ihan its cause. Br,rt syrnbols ale inrportant for peace proccsses, and tllLrs the Ministl¡'of Detènce needs to considel holv to lcs¡rond positìvely ¡o ihis issue rather than negativel-v. The

Am¡,'5 6lic' of a Court \tlarrìai in ihe Maccl¡il case. rvhjcìl rvill Lr.- ccnrpleted u'ithin six r¡ontÌrs. ìs an exiunplc ol posìLivc rc.sponse that lias, unloúunatel1, been sta¡ei oy the civrl cour-t ploceedings b,: (ri'itich' have irl n.u'n ìreen sla1.:ci by the Army's appeai). If riris t:i a bureaucratic sta.ieniatr is enceri- as it can be wlth the courl's pelmission, a speedy ancl tlansparent Court Marlial would inl nlense CB-V.

22. Finally, a slerv of militaiy io military CBMs had been agreed behl¡een tl.te Goveffunents oi bCia and Pakistan, sucir as hotlines berween the cornmande¡s of boriel security forces. Implementation ofthese CBMs needs to be revierved and any rernaining gaps fillecl. ,11 ,ji ril


1jj llr ttl jto rij iir li a 5.5. Reconciliation

23 There al'e two aspects ol rile issne of leconciliâtion. the fìrst regarchng communal. sectariat and tegionai polalization lrithirr .iarrrnru and l(ashllrir, ¿ind the sei-'otlci oi ilttlrl¿tll lights abLtsts tl,llirrrl iir c i-.:iiotl r;i'ililuc¡l cLrnilic',

21 As rlescrii:ed in tÌrL: í-haptcr irit lloiiticai LottloLus oi ;ìlc 1\el' 'ue -.-1 -,tr; i. i! Compact. regional :rntl local iroializatio¡r carr dissipatcci ihi:oirsh the ¡.;olitical uechanìsms r.; l' clevcrlufìorL. M,¡r¿cr,':,t-. ill: recornmended in the CBMs scction cl ihis Rr:adrnilp, all i:lt: a- ìiashmiris clialognc u'ilÌ heip oricige rirc gt or"'ing gap belvvci:n Jammu and Iiashnrir's lhree : llt.LL ',"'ltel e ct;nI'lici llas lL:C io internai diqrlercenrent, intc::::cinr: iiillìngs ¿¡ril co;-npctili¡

r. jctimhtrorl, reinte glatìon cairn0t bc accornp.lishoci rvithoilt r-'colrtiliatio:r.

2-5 Mo¡e iban tu'o decade.s ci conflict have Ìc:ft a large nuntbct' ofgloss iruinan rights vioÌalieils b¡r ¡ v¿¡iely ol grlul>r;, irrchrCir:g rllrrrder, tor|r]iÇ anil mìssìng peisons, T'lte issue has alna.vl treen irotcnt in Janrmu and T(ashmir. but lras gained sa]ien,,:e rl'ith th,¡ rnitía¡ion inr¡estigations illio irnmal n1¿rr'rr.., r,r,l:ieìr of ' kei: -qr¿rvcs, t¡f ccintain l¡odies of nljli¡aurs Ìiìiicll i.l counter'-insu rgenr:;v and so:rc .;1 ',rlrich :ri-e aJlcgcd Lo l'c oi:r-sÄi:r; pvlr,ons. fJori i-; tlris tr':r,::. lrislory to I¡e cLealL u itlrl

::-: 26. The St¿'.te I-lunran Rigitts Corrr¡issjorì has recoumenciecl t.:: DNA testing to iclenti! the bories tliat a:e bulied in u:rnia.rkeil graves, ancl the Cirief Minis¡el has promisecl. to implement this recomÌnenclation. Identificario:t. ¡oNever, is not a sirnple marler that DNA tcsring will soh¡e.As s',ated above, a large nurnber of lhe irodiee l¡Lu.iecl in these graves are :hose of rnilitants, some ol.lvirom crossed ovcr fì'orn Jammu a:li i(ashlnir and otirers who q,ere nativc.s c-t- Pakistan-aclmin istel.ecl ]aulmu and I(ashlnìr and evcn of i)aì(istân nl-ouer'. Given the cxil.cntely con.rplicatecl r.elationshi¡r Lretrve en tile Pa.kis¡ani authol:i¡ies and the ar.mecl gr oups that )rave sanctuary there, it u,ill not be easv lor lhe Government ofipal<ìstan 4n

to cooperate by plovìciing ¡he DNA of the families of missing persons/rnilitants fiom across ihe LOC' Nevertheless, the issr'rc needs to be put on the lndia-Paitisran talì

27. .ln rhe lnte¡ilr. rhe G:'c'tp recommen<ìs rhaL a ludicitri best i;.ì; Commission be ser up ro estabiish and supervise thc proceclures for iclentification oilne bodies burìecl ìn tl"'e unt¡arl'cd g.o.,"r.'il.t" first step lor the -luCicial Comtnission \vould be to set aside lhose unmarlted grav0s ihai are identified by tireir lärniiies as having cliecl ol natur al causes (illaL'lcing of gravcs is not a turiversll practice in i(ashrnir). The nexi.';te1l u'ould bç Lo sec whether any of the bocltcs lnatch thc DNA oi- cir'sapileared persons, as repoLlccl bi' Ll.reir fàurìlies. The lìnal step, u'hich n'ouid be lo tr.v to identiiy all ihe ìrodies l¡ul'ied jn tlie ultlnal'i

78. In thrs context Chiel \4ili-ltel Omar Abdullah has proposeci -l-lrth ¿r and i{econcilìation Cor:::riission (TRC) Even if .iLlstice cannot bÇ p;:ovided for all 'vicÌins of violence, ìf sorne trf those . gLrilty of hr"rman rights abuses, inclitding militauts, u'ere to ask .lblgiveness liom the Íàniilies oi their victims. it rvottld plot'idc closure fbl many. The spir:ir oi uth ancl reconcilíarion has a powerfirl resonarlce in Jarnr;lu ancl l(aslllir, and shouJd by exre:rs;ioll have lhc s¿ìrne resonåncÈ in Indi¿. Ilorvever, sr.rcll a meciranism has never been tr'.icci rl India, ancl it icmains to be see¡.r u'hether iL r¡,ould be acceptable. i-iitlc has a:i yet been done, too, to sec whether arnred groups anci suL'renclered militants woulcl aglee ro palticipâte in a'l'RC. rhough -rrch a meciranisrn coulcl aôtr.relly s¡ccci up their lciuteglation. i:inally. a TRC rvould also have a Ìalgo irrpact in Paliislan. aÌier::lg lhe "l(ashmìr in -nalratirre" änclament¿rl r,rrays.

ic3 3tv

justice ìs also a pou'erful rleed' especiâ11'/ 79 On other hanC, j"rtlicial instiltltlons of the in ¡elation to 11Ìle of law t'efoi:üs' The with jüdges ecLing State have snffered the most selÛfe casltaities' poiarized cven 0ver so turclel intir nicl¿rtioll atlci Bai ¡\ssLrciaiioÌ1s ¡LIe ì:asrc J,'igìrr as tire right to ie-s:'i clef€nsc 'lucliciai Left)r¡.:ls by the peoplc zinrl ciearly an l,tt1ror,oll, req'liietlie:rt' :o i"e cliscussed I authorities of the State.

t; 3t3

5.6. Building Consensus on * Solution

rosolntior' ar¡ 30. \4ar,.v olthe conclitÌons lb:'plogress lo\Àiâlrds a 'ìthele alread-r'ir, place. is a cÍecisive turn âway tì'ot¡ violellce in entirel;' Jammu and I(ashmir, lìrough lhe suÌr has not clisappeared The public dialogue beNveen :ire Govelnnlent of lndia and thc people cf Jamr¡u ancl I(ashni:- il:ai u'as initiated b.v the Group iras shown tire potential to aci as lile âncilor lbt a peace process' the Pai

rlpe 3I . These facto;'s ì:y thenrserves suggest that tl.ìis :s a lnoment for moving torl'arcls ¿r poiitical l esolution There are also js othet'. less rosy, reasons lor sr:ch a ilush The loremost of these a tì'la1 we,¡ave been iurplemeuting '¡'hat shouÌd be the elenlents of settLenlent as acl hoc CBNls. lhe peace dir'ìdend has zLlrcacl.r' beconre a Lneaus ol pr:oiougiiig i:ìe status qLro, with ierss anci less accountabilit¡'. As more l cIIiÉs opel'l, tire "invisible L'OC" suggested by. Pr:ime Mit.risrer S:ngh as the core element of a settlement, will come into being u itholrt a setllenlent

32. As against these faclol:s lÌ1 lavour of ír resolution, there are folmidable obstacles. The ¡ole oi' Pal

a3altrst eligagement r'vitir P¿rli ìs1ai.r 33 Thìs is not an arllumell' rÇsolution ImPlics on Janlmu ancl l(ashlnii. The Ì994 Pariiament rrdrole of'the iormer tirat a solutior.r treccls ro be four'd ibl the \\'a)/ i0 r'l1ovÈ princely State. ancl er.rgaging Pal

I o11s ri'ould l'ct citeu havc bçgttl.: ^.^.', ¡i,ri¡ r,lv sìorv the Ðl"ostÌcl ìt hatl ir. noI i¡een fol talks 'l'r¡'o 20 i I 34 1¿tlç5 urith Pal

,i) It woulcl be ideal ii the lu'o iracks oi an India-Pakistan ani and Kashmir lesolutiolr lveüi iu tatlclem, but failing that, the lrìole progress there is in clialogu': ¡orvards a resoltttiotr in lalnmu and l{ashmir, ti.ìe lllore it rviil pLrsh Pal

'ürese 36 and olher rdeas n:ed to ì:e debated b¡' political' qoverrmen{al and civil societl' gl-cr-:ps on both sides oi'the LOC ii a sustaiiral¡lc soÌution is to be l'oL:r':d, asi'eil as by theil lndian and Pakistani eqnivalents, The Goverument of lnclia-APHc (M) dialogue that u¡as cliscnssed il1 lÌle Introduction is 1'et to resulne. The TracJ< II lnter''l(ashnir i dìa'ogue peteted oì-rt in 2008, and

146 jt{

of the LOC A l

on a Fìnaìl¡r, it shouid be ìrci'3d. ihat whiio consultations l- of In¡lia iucl solution havc been ongoing bcLr'''

,'.,-:: 3tt"

Recornmenda tions

38. ln olcler to lake the ¡clitical cliaìogue forrvard' builcl key consenslrs on a solution ancl an¡hor the clialogue process in CBMs, the GrouP recommends:

(l) A Consdrutional Com¡,lit:ees sirould be sei up to examtne on political :.:) horv t ecol¡tlendatio:rs of this lìeporl components of the ÀI¿',r' Contpact can be incorpor¿rtecl into the Constitutions of Indra ancl Jammu and Kashlnir' Tire Comlnittee coltltl compiele its u'orl( ìn six tnor-rlhs' arid present its fìnclings to iìre llrilian Parlja'ment ancl ihe Stalc I-,egislatr:Ie

(2) At the sante titne, cr)its.ljt¡iioirs betrveen scalieholtlers.on ¡hc recotr-rtuenclatior.ts oi thjs iìeport should not be held up tilì such time as the Comnti¡lec conlpletes lts wotk, but should begin intme diateli'

. (3) The New DeLhi-APllC i'r"i)

(4)'ì'he Govelnment of Ìitilisian and Pakistan-adurilristet ecl Jarnnli and I( sitclrlci be etlcouragecl to cnter illlo dìalogLre o:r the iecorl¡ t.iieldatìons ot this Re¡rott as lìne- ' Luned bl the legislatot's ancì points enrerging fi-our ihe Governrnent of India-A PilC(M) dìalogue.

(5)lndia aud Paliistan aglee to cncoulage aìl civil sociery and 'û'ack II interactions ior the Jaunlu ancl l(ashmir peace process, >tT

(6) In ordel to.anchor these :racks ofdialogue, thete shouid i¡e lhis fast-tt'ack implementatior-r ol the CBMs outlined in Roadmap as rvell as those iisted in the Chápter on che Economic, Soctal ani Cultulal Components ol the Ne"v Compact. Au eurpoweléi gloltp c¿lll be sçt up to monitor ímplementation of CBìvls aucl recolnnlendations of this Report as u,ell ¿s prior repoits ot.ì Ja:rmu ancl l(ashnir' jiflt (7) Sccurity arrangements, :specially in relation to the DA on designation, need to ire I evies'ed and a decision taken AFSPA. The PSA shr¡r:lC i:e amenclerl

(8) A Judicial Commjssíon should be established to lool< itl Lo the nnmarkecl graves,

(9)Finally, this Group rccornuencls thal agteenletrt on a politicaì settJement shor:id nol be made contingÙilt on rvhether- Pal

oF CoNTROI- CnÄpr¡tlì 6: II¿nt¡ôNlzlxç RE I-,r.r-l c'ls ÂcRoss rHE LINE

The denand to slrengLireu l'eia¡ious betweel thc trvo sides of lhe is argued' LOC is voicecl ilr evely part of the Sia¡e' Sltch a mo\'e' it woulcl have i:.nmense [renefits fo| lhe peop]e lt ìr'ould boosl two-way be'i$'een trâde, creale ellploj'l'ûenI oirpoltul: iii:s, i]ronìote uuderstanding ¿thr:::. ¡eolrle l-elon¡irrg io cli[telen: ..N. sotne scrt oJ....!inl.cges heltc,4t .ingrristic nnd leligior:s qlollfs. Jàrnntnt antl l{ashniir-¿t..lI(/GB at u,t¿ u1, !l:e ioste: cooperation betu'een tlte l\ ¡ t,9.t1...914 lüdici .a.ß 1.4!i!,1ù1.. :re4y!1!è 19 Úyr1t,,13:e.11i-.el'"'*''3' sides on a lrost of issues of comrnon ':{,:í'i,ì';l'i"filJ';,i;ì2i, concern and interests, trot least. ";'i:,:::it':;h: 'sh¿utd bring divicled fatnilies togethcr rnd d¡i,etis¡b¡ not bà nisse¿l ar a!! tllus rcdt:ce and elenturlll encl tl:l :cst.t itzputfi:Ltn ÅÌK psychoiogìcal trauna tÌley have ' exirelienced lor over six decaclcs

2 firele ale drree aspects to the l'ìa-illonizatir¡n of lelations acloss ¡:he I-OLì: ensuring that tlle same quantui¡ cf political, econor¡ic and :ultural fieedoms ob¡ains in all palLs of ¡he ibrrner princely State: expansiou of uade ancì travel; an ci lesoluiion. of tite ¡,r,atçt' issLre. The first is eiserllill fol ar lasting ancl cotnpreheusive t'esoir-:iìon, the second can begin as a CIBñf ¿nd becor.tle au elenreni itl lesoìution; and the thilci is aiso ar' eiemenL iu tesolution (disconnting L¡:.nourer alLd euerg¡' issues that arc cliscrrssed in the Chapter an Eco¡tc¡tttic :tt"d Social Contpottenls r',[ thc trtet', Compact).

A. Ensuring the Same Quantum of Flecdonrs Across the LOC

As lar as political, cconolnic ¿rid cultural tieeclor¡s are conÇemed, rhe situation acloss the I-,OC is rathel ciiffe¡ent from that in JaLnmu and I(ashmir. The relationship be¡ween Pa-kistan-administered Janmu and I(asirmir (PAJI() and Pakistan is dele mined by the Karachi Agreenrentof lg4g,jwhich tlivided PAJK into tu'o Lrarts, one ironìcally namecl "Azad

'The legal ralicliw of the I(arachi Asreemerìt is ioirbtful given that it was sígned by an

r ¡ e lec:¡ l :::r'tr.

i1c 3t1

Jammu and I(ashmir" (AJK) and ¡he othet tlte Nor¡hem Aleas. The Norther¡ Areas w'ere ceded to direct r.'tie b)'Pakistan, and the powels ol rhe ÄJI( administration rvete severell' restricted Pakistan rvould cotltir'¡cl defencc. lbreign af1àils, relugee affails. 'publìcity" aucl negotìatiotrs witir rhe tjN. '.Ì-he AJI( acinrìnist¡ation u'oLrlil I.uerely prepare poÌic1' for the achnin isi:-alìon of AJI( rerritorl' anci ü o;:Ìcl supetvise the deveìo¡rrlent oÍ irs ¿conomic lesolu'ces (excluding iis ',\'â[er tesout'ces) Subsequentiy. Pal

-fhe few por.vels that the AJK aiministralion retained u'ele fùrther' restricfcd urdel lhe AJI( Interm Const'''jition of 1974,'*irich expandccí the areas under Pakistan's direct. conlrol to include tl'ade, investment, taxes, education, anrl tlie civil"rdicial s)'.stetns, and iaid down that:

. AII election canditlates would her'¿ to tal(e an oatit of allegiance to iar¡mr: ancl I(ashmir's accessio:r ¡c Pa.i

. All AJI( govenlment employees ,,.',:,,-' ld l.tnu" to tal

. No person or political part,v rr AJK rvould be perrnitted to propagate against, or take par: ln actir¡ities ptejudicial to,tltt: ideologl of Pakistan.

The 1974 lnterirn Constiiutìon aiso cLeaiecl atr ¡\.lI( Cotncii. to be chajred by Lhe Prime Minister of Paiii-.'ar (trnder miiitary rulc it Vas chaiiecl by [he Presiden¡ of Paì

6. ljntil a l/ear ago, the situatìon iiras even molÇ lestrictive itl the Northem Ar eas, which were t'uled direcLl¡' þ1' rhe Ministry of I(ashmìr' Alfairs. l{ere, dissident and separatis: groitps, st'lch as the Balawarjstan National Front, \4'ere regularlf implisor;ed In his submission to the iiÌ'ì lT riran IìiehLs Corrncil (15'r' Scssior:l ort Sc¡rterntrer 23' ?0l0 the ( ÌlrrilrrI:IIr r¡f thL: ìrloni illl!l{.tì th¡i sc',all ll()litical pt isoricls harj ìrcen rrr.rllri eri !ti ¿lcilillirtrl antl ¿itioil'icl iri r: :l llÍc itltpt isotinlcilt

7. I hc clc íitcro scpil atio;l ol ti'; c \c rihct'n A¡cas Íìom rt'l f . lttga" Ln Lre chailcn-!.ecl in Lhe 1990s. ln 1993, ll¡ A.II( l'ligh CourL l¿rid dou'n lh¿rl thc Nor'lircrn ,'\r'eas rr,ctc.¡:a:t oJ'¡\.jii. irìsror:icalll' arid r:onslitulionall)', buL in 1994 Lhe AJK St:prenlo ColuL oi'¡riuinçti this ticcision. si¿lLir]8 lhal ihe Noltheln Ateas tvele parL oi Lhe SLal: oi'Jamnru and I(ashl¡ir bilt not oi r'.Ji{. ILi 1999. ¡hc Suprctrc Cottrt r.¡i Paltistan affi¡med this

' 8. Betu,een 2004-06, when lhere u'¡': a flourishing Track II dialogue be¡rveell the various parts of lhe fonler rrincely State, represeutatives of AJi( ancj the Nolthem Aterrs l.roped tÌl¿ll;ile process wouid allor¡' lhem to gain some political and econoti.lic ccnc:ssjol'ts floln the Govetrrlnent of Pak islan. AJK u,anted its Assemb[1" llid rcitninistl'ation to lre l]loie liìan a mbbel sLamp fol Paltistan's ìr'linisLr'¡ c1'l{aslimir Affairs; the Norlhcr-n A:'eas u,airred a naure clrange, au elec¡eii Assembly. ancl - Iii

9. l'Ìre cìr'iiian Government of P¿lcis¡an tl'ìat came to poweL in 2008 gave the Norther¡ Areas a poiitical aeri economic pacJ

anc.Ì I(ashmil than in .AJI(), To ied,.ice the r ole of the Pakistan govelnment's Ministrl ol I(ashmil Aäails, aGilgirBa.ltistan Council has been fblmcd r.r'ith equal t'epres eutatioìl l: ¡ur !he region aud the Nationai Assenrbly of Pal

r1,2 3þt Councii is modeled on the AII( Cor:rcjÌ ancl is he¿rded by'tìrc Prirrc Mins¡el ol Pakisran. Lil

10. \4an1 ìn Giìgii-B aitistan comi-.rii I that lhe pacìtage is tc;o littjc lr'.'rr lr'te. In<]eed. the list of items thai i iii uncler Lhe julisdicrion oì' the LegisiaLive,\ssernbi¡' ¿ncl Co,.rnçji i-. ai<:n tc SchcdLrles II ancì lll of Article i70. ancl are of the nlinor ord¿r' :iiscussecl ìn the previous, Cha¡rter' oit Politiccti C'r'tntpcnettt.s oj the i'it., (Jotnpact (Paragrapir i 8). I l:,:r' in clu cle:

1. Public order (but uot iilcludirlg iire use of N¿rval, Military, Air l:orcc, ol any other armeci i'cr:es ol tlre Fecleration i¡l aici of rite oivil pou'er'). 2. Pleventivi: detcntion 1'ol r.ea:ous in conrccfion u'ith lhe nlaintenance o1' public orriei, Þcrsons :ir-rbjectecJ tr-r sucir detentior'ì. 3. Prisons, r'efblllatorie.s, bols,¿ll ìnstìrLriions ancl othçr jnstitutions of a lil

1i3 3?'þ

13. F ishelies.

1 4. lnns and inn-l

1 5. Or"phanr.ges ancl poor' houses. ì6. I-',rnac1, and r.ncntal delìcienc-' inc1r"rdíng places 1'o r rccepiior'l of'tteaillìeì.ri of Iun¿r(ics anc! r'n:nizllìy ciefic jent. 17. lrsiale I),.rty in respecl o1'zigl'icirlL,.:ral inr.rC.

1 8. 'Iaxes. I9. Iì-elief of poor; un-empioyneni. 20. Cesses on ihe cntry oi goods into ¿r local ale¿l f'or' conslìnptiorì, use oI saie ther cr-:. 2 i . fhe ,salaries, allora ances ¡. jì -l privilegr-s ol thc Speaker', Deputy Speaker, Chief Min js¡er. Ministers ar-rd Menlbels oi the Asser.lbly, 22. Management of Gilgit- Baliisian Consolidated Iuncl. 23. llnvironmer:ìtal poliutìon ani ecology. 24. Popuìaiion planning and soci¿,1 welfare. 25. Regrilzrrion oi labouL' ¡.1cl saietr, ilr miltcs ancl îLctories. -)' 26. racle unions: inclnstrial atrci labour clisprites. 27. Gilgì L--Il altis l¿Ìn public scl'-,.rces auci Public Íjcl.vic,., Co:.nlnission. 2tÌ. Gi i¡:ir-B altistan pensions, tha'L rs io sa¡,, per:sion pa,r'zrblc out of Gilgit-Baltisran Consolicia¡ei Ììund. 29. Aciministrative Courts for suj:;ects r','ithin the purvieu, c1. Giìgit*Baltistan Legislative Ass'embly.

A iìrll list is altachcci at,4nner'.tr,: F'.

ln othe¡ u'ords, none oi'the pou,ers offel.ed uncle¡ ,¡\r¡icle 370 ar.c offered in the rcfon¡s pacì

'i:een l1 Despite tiiese refornrs. therc itar': u,iclespt.eacl complainrs abo'r the conciuct ol the elections ro 1iìe r\¡,o I-eeislativc'As'e'lirlies or' 2009 Polirical dissiclenrs r'ere .oLr'deri up ar:rl inurrìsoneci Io prevcnr

1i4 3ùt

them tiom contestiìrg or canpaignir:g in ihe eleclions. They incluCerl meirbcrs of rhe Àll-l)arl.ics' Na¡ior:ai Âiliancrr (/\l'i\i^'). Llii: 0ì1¡;i' 'l'hilllt,:i,;' ilalti:L¿rl DcLlocraiic Âlliancc í(ì3r,,^, ) lirc (ìilgriL ilalti:;i¿ur . [:urnl i(ìlJI]), Lhc l\.ll(- JÌ(L-l . a;r..r tl:c ì(¿ir alior.r.rn Natioit¡i ],1(r\:(:llrejìl (\\ 1\

i2. I;ufther, äor¡ 1930 onr¡,aro: :nany outsicÌers, especial.l;r frorir Pakistan's Khyber-Pal

12. Similarly, *4liie the property oi t:tose who fled Jar¡mil and I(asirnljl' duling ì948-49 has been protected b1, the State govetnlnent, no st¡ch systri-rl exists in AJI(, r¡'l¡ele the ¡tropet-:¡' ol those rvho fled to Jarrmr.t anci Kasirmir'has been assigned to rni.sraris ancl/ol displaced persons. 'l'hus. u'hi1e nriglairts and/ol cLsplaced lte¡sous fionr A.II( c¿ru clainl theii' origìnal 1-.,r'opelties in .laurmu and i{a:llmrr, mìgi auts and/oi displaceci pcl sons iront .Íamrnu and¡il c¡¡::iol claínr their original propertics in AJK.

13. Irinallv, bo{.h AJI{ a¡rcl Gi igir-R a,iris ian have been us!-d to proviCc sanctr-lary zuld rraining giounds lor arn:d groLrps fightìng in Jammu and Kashr¡ir'. and a h'equently expreiie¡:i :iesir:e by civil society is to have these glr:uus disbanded ancl gtorinds clcsecí.

14. !-: ol¡ the bl ief account above. ii'is clear that a large number of iegai and constitutional refor.rns anci changes on the ground will be r.equ.irèd if the same political, economic and cui:ìrai fi.ceclolns are to be offered across the [,OC. Nevertheless, tÌle 2009 Gilgic-Baltistan reforms package brings PAJK a step closer tor.vards harnoälziug r.elarions acr.oss lhe LOC.

B. Iìasing l'rade and Travel

12. One issue that has neal.-u. i'et.sal :uppo:r in all parts of.the h,.n,,er lr ìtrceÌ1' State is lhat of ìnre r'-l(asl,,r:.i irade a'cl tra'e.I. The prrmc

ir5 't>q

Minister''s Woll

lini( the t\Àlo sides of tÌle LOC, U¡i-MLrzafí¿rabad and Poonch-Rau,i¿rkote . ' These lwo connect Jammu and the vaiie]'to Mirpr-u.ancl Muzaffaral¡ad. No Ladakh-Gilgit-Baitistan route l.Ìas âs ),et been opened, thor.rgh ìt iras been denlanded by the people of Kârgii anri Balii.stan lbr many years.

.nber I 3 \4ol eover, lve have leceived a!" t-iil ol' rlemorancla fì-om lrader.s, associaLioins anci fr-om tr.arrilers o11 ihe bureaucratic clìfficulties in p].onl0tit.lg t¡acie ancl/or h'arrel. fhe perr',.rit pr ocednres are extr.ernely cuntbersonte. so iilrrch so that buses ci¡e:t itu.r ât l0-20 per cent capacit¡,. Trade has lemained on a primitivc bar-ier. basis, ironically in a ç,orld lihere nronev tt avels mole easily than Ìr€cple or goods.

1ìre lcey lequirements idenrified ir these l¡emoranda include;

(a) Opening all routes across tlie I-OC. such as J.hangani-Mirpur, Menclhar-I(otli,Jammu-Sialkot.Sl< r:d.l-Kargi J.'furLxk-Kllapulir, Chamb-Nonian to Mirpur (acioss M'.rnau,ar-Tarvi), Gur.ez_Astoor_ Gilgit and Titwal-Chilham (across rhe Neeiam Valley).

(b) Apart irom divided families, people u,ho want to vìsir places cLf. religious and tourist ìnteresl, businessrle:.:, jourrralìsts, sntdents, at-tists and people in need olrnedical assisrance should also be pro'idecl wtth iacilitics lor tr.avel, aud trar.,ei procetlures shoulci be easeci.

ùlea.sules to ease rravel u,olrld inclucle tlte follou,inø:

(i) lssue the rlavel on the srr::r,.:lt of rhe perrrarreut Resident Certifìcate; (ii) Complere the securi¡, cleal.ance..r,ilhin a maximr¡rr perìocl ol 30 worl

:tó jv{ -

(ui) Pen¡jt relaiives to see off ol reccitr,e travelers at the ì¡ordet' post.

(c) In order to ease trade. lairs shciliil be organizecl iu towns closesi lo Lhe l-OC on both siCes. Amrual o: i:ir¡rual Hctats (narl

lrar-rel s.vslenr done au,ay witìr. .

(df CusLonr checl

(e) Consultative Committees of rle nl¡e¡s fì.om eacl: Iegislatrrr.e on both sides, along vi,itl.r expeirs tn the areas concer.neci, shoLrld be set up to làcilitate activitìes in tÌre iollou,ìng ar.eas:

ti] agriculture,irorticulflrre,flo¡icuii',rre; (ii) protection of environmenr; [iii) rourisnr; (jv) exchange visìrs ofstudenrs; , (u] exchange visits of schoìar s; ("iJ cxc,hange visìts olcuìtural troupes: (viiJ exchange visits of pro.fess jonali sucir as law1,ers, joutralìsLs, scientists, engiìteers etc.;

(viiil reliefmeasures during epidemics ard natural clisaster ancl; [ixj Llcrease the nleetings ofsecurit-r, ¡er.sonnel on both siCes to Checl< infilrra¡ion of unclesir.a.blå persots including militants. smugglels, drug pecldler-s, harl,ala i¿iÇl(eteers, etc.

1i.7 jvL

C. The Waters Issue

14. There is similar potential"ior colvergence on the water issr¡e. though at fll st sight it is a clivisive cne. As fal as tbe water 155¡¡9 uritii ' Pakistan is.concernecl, even ìnfomeri opinion in the State is convinced that the lndia-Pakistân Indìis wateì's ¡reaty has had a griel'ousl1r a¡hrs15s ir¡pact on tlÌe Siare. Tire 1ìmitations i:nposeå t,r'the'iìelty on enharìciilg ater storage capacities on the rivers ot¡ 'ihe Indial side has cuþed both !,i.¡l the hycilo-pou'er. genelation capacir¡. ci the State as r'¡cll as srJ,:'ilicci efioÌ'ls lol' irrigating lancl, Tili:se îacrois, in turn, harr: faiieci ti-, ath¿icl . in\¡estl]rent in the State.'

i 5. L onrcall¡,, little attention has treer: paid both in .lamtru anrì íias;hn:ir' ancl in ¡he ¡est ol the collnlÌ-v- tû ii:: sìgnificance of iivel r',,air:¡s :ir

laliistar's i(.a.sÌiuriI polic¡,, fakis''air : r)et c¿llljta $,at¿r' avaiiabiijt_r' It¿L:. d;clinrd ttorrt 5600 cubic nìelel-s l:1, ì9.i7 to alituucl i000 cr',Li:ic rncrr::,,; tor!a¡.-l-he countll/'s glouud r,r'arei tab:e is ciepÌeLìng in rvclJ 0l,'iìi li¡ì j{ ol . ih€ ca;ral commands. So i.s tlie wâlc: -iioragc ca¡racìi¡, dl"te to tllç Le¿i1,). silt-ìoad carried b), ¡he lndLrs. TÌlat i._r ',i¡hr¡ it is of the Lttlrost impoì.taiìc!Ì for Pakistan to acquire ne\À/ sources of Àater in a:.eas r,vhe¡e clams cau be . consu-ucrecl. Titese sources can only be found in the Ì(ashmir Valle¡,anci 'ihe i' ¡rar[s of Jamr'u_ physicai conrr:c] oi the Cire'ab,s basin alone carr meel Pâldslaìt's u'ater r.equiremecis. it Ues at the cote of various p:oposals kr Iesc¡ive ¡he l(aslimil' issrr ill¿it Pakistan has llcralecl since 1999 rir.oLrgh rracrr-rI dipio'racy. Nerv f erhi is j.stìfiably war¡r of triem,

16, In rhe meanrime. pakistan is :lso bLrilding dams in pai

t'. I-ìte ans* ', er lo titc u,ater.s issua ,ì.,ar"iì,r" does nol lie in thr: ' abrogalion of irre Inr{us wât!ìrs Treâi}.- a cierla'd trr¿rt is sol.etir'es i' Jamr¡u and r(asr''¡ir'. 'rreaty. 'aised u'cre¡ ile of the Incria is du¡.5olrnd to comply rvith certain obligations as an upper riparian State. Mo¡çover', . legaliv spealting, ir js l¡r: ro ìtnþossible to unilater.aÌlv ablogate ' thp Treaty. It plovides lo¡ no exit clanse as sLich. The orly *,ry the T'eaty pakistan ca' be nu'ifi¡:d is if both irdi¿r a¡cl og.e" to áo ,0,

I 11t 3?"ï -l-his rbor-rght has t1o[ crossecí lnincis i¡l Pakistan e\/ell at the peal< of their' hostility torvarcls India,

18, To rencle¡ Tleaty move elïecli.'e reqtlìres a holistio approach tfiat woulcl adclress lire neecls of India aud ?¿ikistan and, above all, tire peopìe of Jamnru and l(ashmir. Several p::opcsaÌs to this effect ate oll tile tabie. 1'hey call fol an integrated developrnelii plan for the couservatjon of tirc: Indus Ilasin. Il lvould take.into Julj account the lirlkages betrl¡eçn \Ã'atÈl', land. tìle usei's;, the environtnent anC ii:e ìnfiastntcture. It rvonld liave io locus on better- rnanagetrenr olshalei rva:er resources. Vast amounts of fi:rarcial anci iechnical resoulces r.r,oulc be neecled to attain lJrese goaÌs - rn adclitiou of coul'se lo tlre irolit;cai l':il ofali stakehoiciels

114 3ùs

Annextu'e A

Articles of the Constitution of I¡dia extended to Jammu and Kashmir

Arlicle 248: Residr-rary porvers of Lesislarion

Article 249: Power of Parliament to Legislate rvith respect to a mafier in .::ii the Stare List in the nâtional interest. !'.'' Article 250: Power of Pa¡ljalrenl to leg,slate \.\'ill.ì respect to any nralter in lire State Ìist if a proclamatiou of emersencv is in operation.

Arricle 251: Dealing u,ith incon'sis.;ency I¡etlveen Iarvs macle b;; Par'liament under AÉicle 219 and 250 ancl laws made by Legìslatr.u.e ol S: ates.

Arricle 254: Dealing with lar.r's made L-.y ParÌiament and La\À,s made by the Legislalures of S tates. ' Alticlc 262: Adjudica.rion of Cìspirtes r.eJating ro waters if jnter._State livels ot rìver Valleys

Article 263: Inter Srate rlouncil.

Alricle 355: Duty oi the Union ,io ilrotecr Stares against extemai aggressiof and intenra[ ¡listurb ance.

A¡ticle 356: P¡oyisions in Case of fail¡-re of the Constitutional machinerv in States. Anjcle 35f : Exercise of Legìslative r:c,,ver.s unde¡ procìamation issued I in cler Article 3 5 6.

pr-ovisions Article 358:.Suspension of ci.,\r-iicìe I9 clLrring entergÈnc)es. Alricle 359: Suspension of enforcemeni cithe rights confened by part III cl'.:r'ing eme::gencies,

Ar-tlcie 360: Provisions as to financial emeÍgency, Article 72 (t) C: power Prçsidential io pa:-don Sentences of Death. Ariicle 72 (9_3): Saving clause for sen*nce of death exer.cisable by .re Gor.e:.lror of S ratc.

Arricle l^33-136: Appellate, Federal Coil-r ancl Special leave petrtiôn powers ofthe Supreme Cou¡t oflndia.

!2A nÅ

Al'ticle l3 8 i'Enlargemeul of Jurisdictlon oithe Suprente Court' Article 145 (l) C: Supreme Cout'i's ?ower to make rules as to the proceedings in the Court fo¡ the EnÈrcement of any of the rigltts conferlecl by Part III Ar'¡icle l5l (2): Audit Repolts b1' the Ccnptrollel and Auditor-Gerreral of lndìa ro relaiing to the Accounls r:f ilie State to be laid b.v the Goveittol' beible Lhe Iegrs lu tures.

ArlicLel4g: Duties ancl Pou'ers of ihe Cc rtpliollci ancÌ A Lrd i(or-öeneral

Anicle 150: Fo¡m ofAccounts of the Ur:cn ancl ofthc States

Arricie I 51 : Audlt Reports.

Article 218: Itnpeacirment of FJigh Courl J'"tciges. Ãrticle 220: Restriction on prattice a;:el being a Perlranent judge of High Courl.

ArLicl,e 222: f rausfe;: ola.ludge t'om o:r.: Iìigh Cou-t ro al'lother.

Arricle 226: Por¡'e¡ ofFligh Coûrts to issne certain writs,

Ar'..icle i38: National Commission of S:. edLrled Castes.

Article 339: Control of the Union over' ;ire arltninistration of Schedulecl a.Leas and the u'elfare ofScheclules tlibes.

.{nicte 340: Appointrnent of a Comu:issÌon to investigate the cónciìtiorrs ol dre baclçrvard classes.

AL-trcle 341 : Scheduled Castes.

Aliicle 342: Scheduted'fril¡es.

CLaLrse (4) ArLjcle 368: Amendr¡ents r.n¿Lde under Alticle 3(r8 not to be calÌed in qr"ieslion on anJ,'corìrt in an.v-' gl-c'rrncl.


'I I I


IþO ¡lnnexure "]J "

Itxtracts fì'o m the Memorar¡ch:ru of Agrcement Between Govcrn¡r;eni of India, Gover¡rnrent of Wcst Bengal and Gorkha Janmultti lVlorcha fol creating ân:lutononrous Body to be Called Gorl

" Â-glicirìLure. incl,.rclirrg agiic,.l::iiiil e¡luL;¿tioi: ¡nd r',:s,cali:t; '',i;t' ¡rrolectlnl rrgtrìIst ¡rest a:rri ,:re.,;enl.ioir ol ¡lu tis ilisrjllì¿s:. horiicul iul e, 11or icullurc ¿nd fo oc g. o Lrrocessin lr.ninral husl;andry an(l veteri ¡rl'. tâi i!, ic, :ìù)", iii..sùr.i/._riiu;,, plotection ilnd imploventcnl oí siocic arcl prrì\rci.liiolt ;i :u,illa I C.iseases. r,etctilraiy tlaìning ¿:lcj ntacticc:r. dJltlr: i.jarìrja; i. d¡tilì, develo¡rrlen L; o (looj¡el ation; " Inf.olr¡¿rtioil ancl Cuitulal AffÌtils . School educalion, including ,rlj¡lar.t, educ¿tio¡, seÈondar!, e

l: ood ¡n ci c,ivi l s,.rppiies: co;rsu;ler' :t1iai r.s; ùlana-genent of'an), fbtcsí, nor'i:eirg rer;er.r,cd tò;-esr; or_" 'Lcsr:¡r,::cl IL.,xpianarr - for.est' shall mean a ieselvecl folcs;t as cousiiruicd utidel. l¡:tli¡r:r l:olcsr ,\ct lg27 (16 oî IÐ_7 j: Cottagc ûnd sllall .scale industr-v inclucJûrg sericulture, handloonr an c1 textiles, handicr¿1Ìs ancl Khacii and Village inciustries; Cjnchona planlâtloÌr and seltlene;:¡ of land iu possession of rhe Pla'tation i'habitants; uranagemenr of rease oi ci.chona. ra'ds. c¡ -'.. u:ldei il: Wonren iurcl Child Del.elopnenr a;rd Social Wejfàrel Drsrlict Sainiìç Boar.d:

122 jîl

. llealth inclutling Public Healtl: and fanrily welfare" inoluding hospitals., clistriensar ies, healtll centres ancl sanatoritìlns' estaì:lishing a NLtrse Training Schrlol; . Intoxicating lìquors, opiunr derit'¿i'.ives subject to tìle ptovision's of Ently 84 ot fitt t of tire Sevenil: Schedule; djstil'lerics - c0nt1'01 an<Í règulation. Bonclecl Élouse aLri raising oIrevenlle; . Ilrigaiiori: " Water lesources iuvestigatìon ¿ill cl ::rillor irrigat.ion; L:rbor¡r' ancl Eurploynterr; " o' ru' .. l,ancl & l-ancl Reventle Ìnch-rdin3 allotil.lent' oaaupnuon' '-'"' settirlg a lrart ol land other tha.lì :and and reservecl f'or'çsr fb| the purposes of agtic:tlltul e or glazin¿ ol' tìx lesidçntia'l or othel Iron- àgricultural purposes t0 promote ll:e intel'est of the people; e Librar), scrvices (fìnanced l2-:and confrolled by the State Govetnment); " Lotteries (srìbject to the provisior:s of the Ently 40 olthc l-ist t.oi ¡J1¿ gsrrendr Scheduie); , Theatre. dran:atic perforinances and cinelnas (sub.iect to drc lI ot,isioüs of the Entll' 60 of l-:s: oi Sevenlh Schedule); Sports, enteltainmenl attcl atlttsellents ; Mar:l

J) iar.rning and l)e velo.pmci.Lt:

PlinLih-e and Stationer¡ : P¡-rbìic Health Engineering; Public Worl

123 j3v

. Sericuhure; . Small, cottage and rura.l indusr::y subject to the provisions of Il.nt¡ies 7 ancl -52 of List of the Seventh scheclule: . Social \\/elfale. includrnc par-l ri SC & S'l- Dei'e lopr.t'lclt and Finance Corpolzrlion l¡ncler GTA ar'ee: * Soil conservalion l . Sports ar.rcl )/outh Welfale:

. S tatistics; . fourisrn: fonrisrn inft'astruct.rre v,'itilrn thejurisdiction of the G I'A '.,i'tì ì. ill;,, câteling to the al'ea of G1'.4 iioulcl be transferred to GTA. Llou,evei, G1-A may seL rqt its ô.' iL \ì:ing ol Touris:n Developnenr Corpolatiou fol ti¡e area undel iis ¡,irisdiclion; . 'l'ransport (roads. blidges, tl'!es aud othet' means ol comlnunicatiou not speclfred in :-ist I of dle Seventh Schedr¡lc, municipal trâmways, ropeu/a)/s, inland rvaten¡'a)'s and traffic thereon, sr.tbject to the provision or" Entry 40 of the List I aucl i-ìst III of the Seventh Schedule rvrù regard to sùch $/ateru'ays, veirjc.les and other mechanicalll p¡cpeiled velricles); r l'he Statc Goveulnlent rvill constcl¿r opetìing art RTO olûce ul thc Gl'¡\ alea hor,r'errel, pou'ets vester. r.vith the DÌt4 ar plesettt rvould :'cnra,in rvitb Ìrinr o:rlr': " ]'ribal içsearch institr"ttions .contt'oiÌed aud flnanced by the StaLe Gorrernment; lJlbar.r development - torvn ancl coinir l' planriitig; Weights and measures subiect io the plovisions of Entry 50 of I of the Seveuth schedule: ' o Wellàr'e of plaiu lribes anc[ bac]sr,ard classes su[:ject lo the alea beìng nndel GTA onJy; \Vclfale olthe Scheduled Castes a:rrl SchedLrlecl Tribes and Othcr backuard Classes. \Ä¡eliàr'e of \4inorities; Mânâgement and settlemenl ol Ìanri rncluding marltets ancl mali

i,24 333

. Ì\4anagement of l¡urial grounds an,3 crelllatioll grounds; n Regulatìon of Cabte cirannels: lû lhe extent lhe porvers ol Certtral Aci. i.e. ihe Cable Teler'ìsion Nelu'or k (RegLrlation) Amendlreni ' .{cr. 2001. r csts rr'ìtll tl:c St¿Le C ' "::;lll:'l}t

:rÌ:ìit jrl

Ann e'rtu't¿ "(-"

Econolnic and Social Components of the Ner¡' C-ompact: Bacligt or:ndcr ; ^ A levierr o1'.socio-econornic lrogress:

The peopie of Jamlnit ancl Kashmir have been clenied peac-e nn,l å.ono,l-,i" securitr,. rvhich theil counterparis i¡ lhe,'esl of the countrl, enjoyed in the lâst two clecades. The extemalll' st-tppo::le<1 insurgencl'ancÌ rnilitancy have r'lot orlly jeopardized i)te functioning of ciemoçratic institutiols but alscr clisrupted l¡ornial lile and erocled goì,eirlance s),stems, incluciing delively ol csscntial scrviccs to thc inten¿leii i;oneficialies. Trl ovelconle lJre econolric iriu clship:; [acecl tr¡, tirt n.:cnlc, thc Cenll'ç ancÌ ihe St¡te (iovq::rìnrents have ovel Lirìrd ialiell \,a!r'r0us iniliaLives, the outcotì'lrl1; ol' rvhich may be gauged fìolr Lhc i:rDrovemert in indicalols; of- deveiol¡me¡rt.

. In 20i0-l 1, lhe gross stete dori:ìesiic pLodLrct (GSDP) at constant pr:ices L'ecoldecl a grou'th nte c'l 5.61%0, rvhich was one of the ìrigl:est in the ¡ecent year-s. lncicelce ofpoverly i.e. percentage of ¡reople belor.r, the defìnecl po',,blq' line, has also declinecl fi'c'nr 41 per cent in 1973-74 to 2-1 per cal.rt in 2007-08, which demonstrates significant improvement in qLralìt1 of life oi'the people, At least 98 pel celrt households in tþe Stale orvn a house, which is higher th¡ril rhe national avcrage of 66 Þer cent 0t so. .i'¡, , J'he or,elall ljLrracy raie ha.s risr:i: ro" 68% as ¡rer 20ìl census, zrgainsi 559/o in 2001. L,iteracl, i¿t¡c continr¡es lo be nrar.qinaliy jn.lammu hìqhel Division as ooil¡ared to I(ashmir Vallel, ¿¡¿ L-adaL(lr lJrvrsr orì

r l-J6urs1,,s¡, au âccoLlÌrt of ;ret.for;t:ance ofschool education, pr.orrided in the Report on Econonic Srl-ve;.r 201 0- i 1 , presents a nuauced Ii.l Lll c: "Enrolmenl:

1,26 ?'.îr

The gross enrolntertt ralios til primar¡' antl ntidd!e l¿vels nre 79.13% and 62% respectittel¡. îite net enrolnunt ratit¡ is ti4':% ond 4 /.1)/"/ô otlh'.

O ua lin¡. o ( Ii d uís!:!!2!!: ,4s per NCERT Report 2003 ot! r.¿ssessmenl of Çlass ,/ sttdellt achievenxenls, I.eàrning fichiertnlent itt ttttthenu¿lics and ítt language ìn primar¡ classes ¡tl .I&I( is 36.3% an¿l 49.696, respeclively ãs dgúìr1s| llte na¡ionol at,ernge of 46.5fi in malhs and 58.57% in langr.tagc. Onllt /5 peï cent of printart sclnol te¿circrs i¡7 Ílle stale ar( Írainetl us againsl lIrc nutionhl sveroSe 0.f 89 ¡ter cuú Írained leaclt ers. " " Access to secondâry and post-scclnriary educaliorl in the St¿lc as u,ell as gross enlohnent ratio (GER) is lou'e¡ al every stagc of eclucatior: thar tlìe natìonai ar'ertge, for instance, lhc GEIì of hìs.hel education is only il) pei cer¡ ¿rs agajnst the national avetilge oÎ 1212q| cent. l:or difi"elent Ielscns, quality oleclucation is r¡irch to be desireci as eviclent from lacl< of accreditation of programlres and instìtutions by any credible agcncrv, ' The Statc cconom)/ suffÈrs í::crn sinrultaneous existe:rce ol shortage ol , prof'essionall.v quaÌrfiecl staff and abunclance of uneurployable educated graC'rai':s. This indicates lack of pleparedness ol r¡ocarjonal anii ¡ecirnical institutas to supplv nlanpower required by rhe ltroivledge ancl technology intensive (ÌconoÍly, The progress nlade fbr proviciing quaiit)¡ health ca¡e seruices also nrcsents a pictnrc of light ancl sirade. While the life expectanc-v at bìr¡h lbl men and rvomen is vei_v iiose to national average of 65 ar:cl 68 1,ear-s lespectivelv. in 2Cii.,. the child sex-ratio at 859, in 201 I , is one of dre lowelt in riie :o'rntry rvhich çalls for. paving speciaì atrention to stlengtilen il:e u,elfare llrogrammcs on chilcl arrc rvoulen developmenr. In Íäc'i. iircrLalit;u late has substantiali¡, clecl!necl. though the State is fàl bcriilcl rn t-ealizing rhe iarqer jixecl lol the cun'ent XI PIan.

Ol late, thel'e are a large nurnbel o1'reporled cases oi. lrçntal hca llh rlìsordels, victirns ofdrug abuse ari domestic violence, rvhich are attlibuted ¡o conllicrl'ela¡ed t¡aLil:ia. ln order. to ¿Ldd¡ess these

':27 336

probleìrls, adequate ìnfrasrltc¡:t'e support, ÇommensuratQ with requiretnents of the tlauma and Lnenral health cal'e centres, to deal rvirh all such cases rvottlcl be :'ec.r::ed. . An ovo::all assessment of socic-economic intlicators t'eveals thal perceptible itnprovemer:l in quality of lifè ofpeople. Thìs is c{espite the lact th¿It the topog::api:y of the State and tire political mrmoil due to insurgency anc l:lilitancy has adr'çr'sel)' affecteci Lhe deVelopnrent process. As a result of which the ¡ocord of pelformance of the State ín eni.rz:ncing the qualitl, of life thlough a oledible peace ¡rlocess anC ersagçlnçnt of peoplc in I'aríotls iriociuctive,I activitios has been io,r'cl than tìrc p;ogress b¡'rite nrajori;y of Lrdiarì stales. An at:;m'tt is nrade belo'¡' to crttline [ht: rneasures ior expe

2.'l'rcnd in Plan lìxperrliture and it'-r lmpact on Ðeveloprne¡t

Ja.r.nilu and I(aslrmil StaLe is chalacl¿r-ized b), aiÌ l

In Lhe course of intel.action rvirh a lar.g: lllnbe¡ of r.epresentatives Lì.om diilerent legions ancl social cate!cries. the group noted, anloug otl.ìel. thìngs. that the people lrorn Jami::u and Laciakh alleged jon cliscr-ininat iìr res,ecr ofboth lack,oi polìticaJ represeuration on all the elected boclies and ìnaclequate allocaÍioir ol fi-lncis, resulting in economic dispariries ac¡oss the regions. An arielrpt is made belorl. to gain an

i28 33"

ìnsight into the allocation and utilizaijcn cffunds as r,r'ell as to assess lll? exient of socio-economic disparitìes in development across the regions. l'he parrern ol plan expencliture clr:r'irg 8'l' (1992-97) throi.rgh lltr' Plan (2007 -12) shows that of the tota¡ al1o,:ation of fi,rnds, 6l per cent v'as spent in the l(ashmir legion q,hile the remaining 39 per cent u,as incun'ed

in Jarmru region. Thete a¡e year ic -r,ear fluctuations in the utilization of the totai avaiiable funds. Of ¡he ten cÖiirÐletqd fìr'e years plans, at least in five plans, available funds to the exten: of 10 to 25 per cent could not Lre ,,1', utilizecl.

Trble-1: Grorlth of Five-Yeal i'ian Outlay and Actual U¡ilization o1'Resôulces s,ith P;'irlities fi'om 1950-51 þ 2A02-0-l Rs. In crores Priolity Sectors

, 0l l96l-6 III 75.15 i h.rigation, Sen,iccs ] 82.i. I Social . . ] lnd Apricnlture I 04 1969-74 IV 153.40 t0:.8 _ lrr.igarion, Porver, Sociat I ' I I ] l Sen 1ì.anspor.r ancl , I I ice. I i05 1971-79 i6i..t0 76.,,: ,lrr.igarion. ancl 080-85 _ Soci:rl Sclr ice lAr . 9a0.()0 l0:.' : Social Scn:ice. lrrigar:on.- \l ¡ pou,cr.¡nd rl __,____T , i 07 9s5-90 i ì6 ì400i0 9. .ç,c.ñt s.*.ie I",g;r,c,;. i ! .:_,! ----rrrle;ij*,,l)owcr'"r,, {g¡Sfl-,-':._ _* 0s-- i992-91 r i i - 44000'00 lJll--- Þ*lai--;*i I

1-29 33s

Porver', R&8, Education and Agriculture and

oufce: L,omp1 nd anC 4th live Yeal Plans, J&I( Econotnic Revieu, 2006-07, Directorate of Eccnomics ancl Statistics, Planniñg Depar:tment;.l&K GovemmeuL, Annr:ai Plan 2008-09

The Annual PLan allocation, as nncier. sho*'s tirat Lruclgetary prcv'isions have been stepped up at tl'r e l'ate ci 10% pe: r'ear, And th'e entire ,:;i1( allocation of funcis has not been ütilizeC b," the State for various leasons, inclucling harsh climate in lalge pzili ¡i ihe slate duling Novembel to March due to which many activities siou' clov¡n, Iacl< of submission ol' Lrtjlization certifica[es b), the state- delays in Central gorretntrenl

approvals ol plan oullays. ¿L:r cl release cf {ìlrrds in the last month of a f,rnancial year',

Table 2: Utilization of lìunds under lleventh Fivc-Year Plan (2007- i2)

Year I Plan Outhys

Sor.uce: Compiled and compulerizeC bi' :he Group

ln aclciitron, an allocation ol over Rs.i2389,/- clole has been approvecl lunder Pr'ínre rhc \4ini¡;ter''s Recoirs i:-iction Plan lor accornpiishinq spccìlìc lzisl

Ii cntelges ír'ont llle loregoing thaÌ ilì\/estÌnent of resources for. infì'ash r"rcture developrnent has npr kept pace with lhe rise ìn prices, which may be interpreted to n'lean tha: investment in real has

13C 311

oveltime declined in the Slate. The s¡¿p 'up o[ merely len per cel'ìt pel tire erosion of resouíces crìe to ),car is not adequate enough to neutralize inflationary pressure. Nor lTas the ro¡al alÌocation been fliily utilized, let alone the reallzatíon ofphysical targels lt is not surprising, therefore, that economic opporlr'rnities for etnplcl':r'ieut and incotne genelation have sii¡unk, This it¿ts contrillllte(i to rrargl:.ralization and alienation of the poor. 'fhe irlpacL of iortg-term pulrlic cxpencliture is reflecied in ovclajÌ liir,. beio'uv gain region-wise l:i, cievelopmenr index, rvhich is çreser:'ed lo ,-. f,!,- JPr!- -.-r;. r, \ rr.-"

Tablc 3: Region Rani

hnrir IC.i481 |I l(:. r.lnir I0.4349

L)r' the basis of the above findings, the Siate Finance Commission has oì:sen ecl lhat:

5.96; Tltt: retûtirc ratc of itn¡:lro,.etrient chtrittg the periocl tuzC-er ,"[crc','i," ha.s l¡ecn al a lov; ¡;at: !:: ol liic Kashmit'¡'eqit:n ancl Jàster inJantn¡u and Ladakh regions. There does nol see x lo bc built -i.n discrin'Ltna;cry tendencies in processes to bring abou.t ù1eqllir) itt developntent levels be^,ìeen tl"-.--;^,,"

,i.97; lt/hile tlte Jantnnt ,iegio,t i¡n;rotecl irs developtnent activities by 42.65 per cent bef;aeen I9BA-8i tc 2006-A7, the Kashmir region improved jztst by 25.22 per cetzt a.tC Ladakh by 38.74 per cerú in

131 3vo terms,.of ind-ex values during ihe period under in1)estigation. Therefore, tlte pace of deveiopneni activities as mentÌoned above seenT îo be faster ì¡t the Jar':r¡Lt region in compàrison to the Kashntir regio;t and Ladakh d:r;,ing the period under reference, I'ïe cait exa¡nine arnong the se:lors the pace of developnenl to ltnoyv as which sectors have ¡srr:gressed well duritag I 98A-8I to 10A6-47 and u¡hich otrcs hc',.e gro,,ûn ot a slov¡ pace o/

det,e lopn e nt. .ii,t ,4s ¡ter the index value o.i' s:ctor.i, il 'í.r lhe -çactor, agricultural sector and de¡,elopr,tzn.t sector yuhich have grown fast lhereby ntoving lhe regtoneì û3gregate developntertt inr,lex of Jammu on higher ,side.

The relative .positions of major clisr.ic¡s à, e shorvn in the tables 4.

Tabìe 4: Äggregate D.uotop-"rrt of I¡rilex Valucs ol tlis tri cts/regio ns For 1980-El and 2û06-07

i 980-8 r Index rRank Ðis tricr 0.3619 .lan:lnu

-þ¡;:Lr,,r-e___Q.]¡5t;___ _._4 _.(l:.:Lll:i{¿r I 0.11620.,1 BuiltiLnr 0.i193 5 B_:..:anl I04:5]

Lelr )0.2187 il ll)oda 4 I)oca I(ashmir 0.348I ( l(ashnir i 0.4349(36.07) on Janlntu 03 9(34.0 ) Ja¡¡ 0.4333(3s Resion Ladal

132 j\l

The puq:ose of this discl'lssiot.i is lc demonstrate that : (i) duc tr> riifièrences in Iratttral r¿source ¿ncìorvment of the different u'idel1' vary; (ìi) the unìt d is tli cts/iegion, the cievelopment inclices rnay ccrsts of ecot.lot¡ic setvices tlay clìf:e: across tlte iegiotrs cln¿ to Lllt: Lopograph)/ of the State and, thereibl'e absolute anlount of ì:.icome or' allegeci expenclintt'e ¡:nâ\J nol reflect the quaiiLl of iilè ol determine ihc discri¡ninalion il'l govelnlner.ìt's alloc¿¡icn offunds lbr developrnent; (iii) is t::. iìte pzLce ol irrprovellcnt in deveiol-'L:lcnt inciex ibr ail the clistrict alnlost unifbrm, cjue to r'r'hiçh relative r-¿rking-s have lemajnecl unchangcci for' i¡'tlii¡''l or¡er- tlte lasr ?5 I'ea¡s o;- so; ancl (ir') ::ldlces crf dcvelopment and l(ashmtr regiorr ate voq/ close å'llcì e're comparabìe, '¡¿irirù Cispl'ove the aìleged neglect o¡ disctimination :rgainst the Jatnnru t'egioti ls a u'hole. There is moreover conside¡al¡le in!er'-ðìsir'ìct¡r in income' litel ac'v ancl other parâneters of qLraliq' oi ìif'c Sinoe ¿Lllocation ol' plen expeuclitule ¿rncl its effìcient utilizâ:icn are inrportant ilìdicatol:j of deveJopmenl o1- clj.stricts. it is sugg¡rsl:d that thc districts rvhicir arc categol'ized as bacl

..:t:.. Sttv

Ta l¡le 5:District-wise Indicato¡s of Ðeveioptnent


Sculce: Cor:rpiled tÌonr Econor.nic Su¡'rer 2C ì j, Covt, olJ&l(

134 ?Yry

Annexut'e r D )


'iilr: .,i'" FIRST WSIT: OCTOBEIT 2010:

(A) Iic'rhnit' Reiated recontn¡ e ndal i'ot'ts

l. Iìelease ail nililancy-relaLecl priso:rels rvho havc not been chargecl *,i[h cor¡mitting heinous crimes Begin the prÒcess u'itìr stone lhiou'ers and u'-ell-lalown clissiielts such as Shabi¡ Sirah' Asiya Andrabi, Mian Qartoom among otlicl sl

people 2. Tal<Ê l¡easures to provide -iob-o:'rented sl

l. ll¡rsÌtre thaL militarlts irho h:u.: ;'.::': :rcì:red ¿r'e lehabili¡aled'

4. (-ìet Lire courts to expe<.1ite'tlìe oase of Lrncler-trials iuvolvçd ìn miiitant activities. Allos' visiting rights, especially to wolÎell ' detenus,

i. Ensure speedy pì.t;islìnìent oi li:cse'accLtsecl of hr-ttnan tights violations. The urechauistls in pìace lor: purpose, r.:specialiy '!he Staiç I'lrruran Rights Ccnli.uis:;ion, lnust bo rvirìrout dela¡'. Flauclnlent colnjliejuLs need to be pr-ùlicl.v exposecl.

6. Secr,rrity lotccs mt¡st bc.qivcn -spe:íaì hninin.g tc) iespect the clig,nit.v oI cicizerrs. A l.rainhanded appioach ro tile ver iflcation ol lI) çarcls anci ro liisJ

7. Peaceful protcsts mlrst be ¿LlloÏucd. Tilc fcal that tl1e,v carì degenerate into violence cannot Ìi3 clismissed out of hanci. Yet there is nolhing ro prevent Lhe se:ur'ìt1, lorces f¡om seelting t)re cooperation of senior menlbers oi ihe comlnrLnit), to ensitt-e thaL

135 3Ttt

ilas agents pro\¡ocaterlrs do not breacil ùe peace Such Çooperation bãen trìed ortt witll great success in sevel'al liot-affeoleci palis o1 'tlte cottnLti;. 8. l'he ostentatiotts presence of the se:r:rity forces lnust be |eclucecl to a minimum even u'hile ¡h¿li they can be rushecì to an] spol lo qLrell trouble lt short uotjce 9. Mass protests should be contro'lÌeci in u'a,vs ihat clo not Ìead to loss of life, grievoLrs ir¡uL1' anci damag: Îo propel:ty Special cale must be taken to protecl. childlen, $'omer' and elderly. is r-ugent to establish recrealìcnal facilities, especially sports fàcilities, for the henefit of yor'rng paople, . I l.Expert advice needs to be soughl rc allou' SMS selices to function evãn rvhile ensuring that these al'e not used to spread inflammatory rumotu's. i 2. Govelnr¡ent-contlollecl nrass nleci¿i t¡'.lst be used to higlrlight iocal cnitures, higLr-light the acirievclllellis of l(ashnlû'is in the country ¿Lnd abload, cltawu atLeutiou Lo thc strides lndia has tal

1 T.Lnplernent ali the provisions of ¡1:e I{TI acl to mal(e govel'nance as trrnsparent and accountabld as possible. iS.incrcase uronetary allocations lc :riÌilanc1.r'elatecl rvidor¡'s aud olpha.ns. TaÌ

136 3Yt-

22. The GroLrp u'as tolcl 11'ìal goleiìil.Ìl3i'ìl ¿rdvet iisenlent in tire iocai 'Greatel pless ìs selectìr'e. It has beetl ::cduced in thç cause of jn i(ashmir'' ancl'Rising Kashnir'bui not 'l(ashmjr Tjmes"'vhich is ntore pro-'utovenl¿n t' lhall llle j'eârs This practice' if ¡¡¡¡c' nceds ro encl.

ttn¿l non-Kttshmiri Ì'"[u'vLi¡ns (Ð Recomlnertclatiotts regarcì-ing 'Si):i¡-

ì Some 73,000 Sikhs nr. io lre i-r--ni in I J(r vilìages locatêd in B clishicts of l(ashmir. Militanc¡ jras folced rriosi of Íbem io migtate the r,:aving behind tlreÍr i'gricultural . ¡o r-llban cenlres iu "'aller', lancl. orcharcls ancì homcs. 1'ìtei:- ríemiurcls, ''vhich reqilito r:rgçnt ancl syrnpaLhetic corlsiderations at': as ioliot's : (a) issrrance of statc: sub.ject ccrtttìcates: (b) llan'r:ng o1' minor'ìty statLls: (.c) col'upensarìon íbr the lcsses ino'-tl':ctl b.v Siklrs in ntral a|eas r¡vcr- Ll:e past tt,o clecacles; (d) beneiìrs or.l Ì witil I{^ashmil i Pancjits in IcLIrls tlf housin.q coltlllies- frec ellucatìon, rcLra'oilitatioll lllcasllrcs (lr'i::e:r:1"', and ¡lteièrentiaL cl'lìpl{))'rìltiill 'sorne 7000 etlircarsci S'ilçh vouths a: e tlnem¡rlo¡'eci Tì.tcr :;ra,v bc considerçcl Íbr' .jol-''s irr central go\¡crnrnerlt ins¡iii;iiorls sucil ¿ì5 banl

Q Recon'¡rnenda on regarclitzg other SrotLps;

l. "[Ìre Kashmìr! Pandits Iiving in cr::n:petJ quarlcr's in cui:rps orr tirç outsl

131 3$c


the buleauc¡ac',,, bçttei ed r"rcati onai iacilities, .j ob opportuo iries ano guarantees that land is plovic{e . theil not '-rsi:rped to space for, say, a police station, Our Gro..ç suggests that development projects anci private sectol units be set up in Siiia-çoncentrated localities.

3. N'iigrants flom Pol( rvho have setrled in Jammu from 1 947-48 'fhcir onrva.r'd.s ¿ilso sr"r iler iiom a feeÌìl,q oi neglecr. entitle¡ncn¡s arc uor,vheLc on pal r,r'ith rhosc,eljo-r,cd by the l(ashmit.i Pandirs. 'í'hey'also demand the issuancc oi state sul¡ecL cel'tificates ancl ìurplorrenrent in the: living cr¡nditiors in 39 czunps r.r,here thev iravc lesidecl lol decades. Our Grou¡r sn¡jorses these dcnrancls,

FinalÌr,. oul Group fr,rily supports rlìe ie comt¡endations macle bv rhc Worliing (iro'.lp on strcirgthening relario:rs ecross Llle LoC. Opcniite up of ncr.r' L¡us routes, incrcasìug the fi-erl,lerc.v of lrus sen,ices, simplif i¡s rlar,cl piocedürres, etroouraging closs-l-oC iL.acle and exchanges ol c:ll.llu¡aj and acariernìc groups rieserve attenrion cn a p¡iorit), basis,


i. Ër'eryone wants a con.rpr el.iensive alil lasting polltjcal sstllonlelì[ to tìre issr"re 01'.1&I( state to be achievel sooner.tiian latci. 2. ÌVIosL people aglec rhat such a sei:ìeitlent u,iil ;rot b¿ ¡chievable rviLhout change oir gr-ouncÌ ',hat rvo-itlcl enatrle a clialogLre rvith hey sral


L i'ear of lltctitnizatiott ntust be /^ba¡ed;

A majori{ of yourll in the \/alley sufÍèr ùonr Ièar of victir¡ization b¡, botìr the secr-rlig, folces/police ând the sei,.¿iraiist groups. The¡,, ¡¡.,..¡0,.¿,

138 3w

- reflraìn fronl coll.lil.lg olll openl)¡, lest the¡i should be identified' to share tlieir perspectives on the plesent tut'moil ar,d the ¡rlos¡rects of defir-sing tensions in the Stale. Sor¡e people, ma!r:i¡'studerlts, sor.rght safèr places to r.neel the Group so that they.couid l-lol l¡een seen and idenrified by poli:e or sepalatists. fhe tr'¿iclers ancl business communi'L-r', .r, ho t eluctatitly iesponti to ancì a fear ,vield io calls fol llaftals or closure of siltps, similal'ly sltfTer fiom psychosis. Most people in the Valle-v rtated that the,v are va¡iously harassecl by police as rvell as separatisl gl.oups And, thercfore, ti.rey ale unable to effectivell. ere¡cise fi'eedon :i expression and mobilitv in pru'su i1 of social goals.

Wich a vierv, to empou,ering the peolie !o o\¡elcome tireir feai. the firllor¡,ìng con fi clence-building nreasrtlcs rray 1;e coni;ide:'etì;

L A closel r'vor'l

139 3qs

jrave 4. It appears lhat iti some G¿lses, police also intelrupteci ls exants to alrest wanted stone leltels, apparentl)/ becausç this the only time they sntface f¡onr ttndergronnd \\4lile the police reqLtirements are understanclable, such actions filrlher coutribute to the fear psychosis and. slto'-:ld be resorted to only f'or tlte raresl of rîre cases. 5. Ullclet' the overall st-pen'isicn and guidance of the Mohalla Comrrittee, cornptising locaL c ltn:runity and poiice' as statcd above. all the lemainirig buriÌ

(B) LIse ofNon-Lethal nteÍhads to !itt2¡::'ess i/toleni Activities '

The Gloup have l.rad an opporturiÛ' oi vierving a nrttnbe¡ of'vicleo olippìrrg i ol eucoLtnters l¡etr¡'een seculii,r' forces anC stone pelters' DLir-ir:g Lhe jnteraùtior1 u'ith ¡lle senicr oÍlìcjaìs of secur-ity t'orces, it u'as no¡ccl tl'ra¡ tÌle forces ciicl not tlse te¿lr gas or rvater shells to dispeise thc rnobs anrl 1o dclirse tensions. Not' is ih:re an,v evidence of scaring the rnobs th|ough tìle use of air fir'ings, r'ubbe:: l¡ullets ol' resolting to frrillg beloq, the waìst. I-lad thc forces ltsed non-ietlial urethods of contlolling have been avoided. The ',,ioienr activi,ties, loss oÊ lives of )'o''rtl'l :o''lld consequent bacl

L We v.'cicor¡e rhc Jl( polìce's plart lo ìssutr an SOI' r'egat'ding ltse c' l' non-lethal nrcLhods ol cloq'cl coult'oi, ¿t:ril hopc thai Lhc-v vii11 cnsr'uc sulficicnt supplics trf sr.rch urate¡ìals art lìlir llretl by this sprili-t

2, Wi: aìso hope governntent is enqturing intc tho quality of maulLlàclulc of such rnaterials, given lhat Tufail Manoo u,¿s i

L1C ?\q

eúerrpts to disperse ctou'cl tluougli tl^,e use of other avai)aLrle rneans, as stated above unless, of course, tire:'e is a threat of lynching of secru it.v pelsonnel or a tlueat ofsetting police r ehrcles, ivith people inside, on fìr'e

4. We are aware that security forces face I a serioui tirleat in the rnonths of unlesl. Tltet'e are, we believe, some 3000 injuled security men irl hospital. Better protectìve gear lor tliem, aloug ivith ample suppìies.of non-lelìral weapolls, r.r'ili also minímize Ih3 rhreat to drem,

(q Re-deoloytntint,:.f Llnemployable Ycttth.

' I)uring the interaclion rvith ¿r cross-sectic:.r oipeol>le, arL irnpres;ìorl tltll the Group has formed is lhat most ci tir¿ stone-pelters, includin¡¡ thcsc have l¡een lecently icilled, belong to erìr.:cationaìly a;rd econorrtica)i¡" baclcwald families a:ld thal they ate large':1 school drop-ortts. IJecart"sc cf the limired econornic opportunjties i:r rire Val.ley ancl iaclc of lcchlicai sltilis, ¡he you¡h in the age group ci 15 to 25 years ol so ale r-ureniplol'¿þle in the local job marÌ

The rvages ofi'erecl to the poor. Rs.ll0 :o i00 days in u yËur. unclel the Rural Employment Scheme of MNREGA is much less tl.ran the rnarl

1. fhc aspilant job seel

at rl.ìe least cost, since the cos: of keeping them unti'ained an

In vier,¡ of lhe folegoing. rhe Gr:ollp srlongl.v lecJs that uncrnplol,cci J'oì.rlh \riilo rcsporicì lo the caÌls ùl han¿lls, pârLiÇipete ili ', ioíeui actil ities and vitjate the armospltel:: olpeacc. should be cle¡rloyed on prodnctirre acrivitjes lhlor:gh at.Jeqr.iate alrcl relevant lec:b.njcal trainìng schemes. The cent|e i:t¿_r' p|orride both tcChnical ancl financiaì supporl.

ó. Apari tionr unerrplovecl ¡,ò1,¡h. :rere is aÌso a rvicler pl.oLrJenr of' isôlalion rltat all vor.rng face, rvhich has been exaceiL:¿rted by thc sr.rspicior-ts iL-:atlììeul thel, gcr i:r hitslcls and l:otels rvhcLr they vìsit the r-esi of Ìi.le country. Tlle jio¡re \4inisLry could consicler issuju:: an ach,ìsor.y tlrr.ougìr p,tìicc: .s'"¿rtions acloss the counll-r'. th¿tl Ì( yor,ilh shotilcl loi ite singÌed out I'or police reportire but shoLrid get tlle sâÍìe tre¿rtment as other in rhe l,orìih ccuu'iry, l

7. Moreover, ¡rs an immecljals measur.c. governrncnl eoLild consider a r¡assive field/stuCl, Fiogtam for university srudelts this,runniei, uncler r.vhich the,v- coulcl go to un instirutions/professional organizar,ions for. a ruonth/two mo1ltli,s 'lh str.rd.v u ip during their . summer br.eak, js coillcl break the isolation ploblent in the shorl-ier.n

!42 jfl

Govt (D) En,suring Greater 7-ransparenc\" in Funclionirtg o¡ l)epartlneta-t-1: ''

The cn'il society o¡ganizations, g4lich u'o:.k îor promotiotl and protection ol social intere;ß oi different groups in i&K, have stated and asserted in dleii rcprçsentations tlìat tllere is relnpanl cot'rnption or iLlega) manipuLaiion in mátters relatìng t0 r!cmiti-rlcnt ptocess, arvard of contracts. aìlocation of resor¡rces acloss Iegions/sr.rb-regior'1s, ctc. 'lhey alJeged that the benefits ol huile central lunding halcìly pcrr,colaie ì.,' dou'n to rleselling pool people

I;r the al;sence of adec¡r.rate ¿Lnd televar',i data and infoirnatio¡', il is. cliffìcuìt ro ascefiain the tftrth. This alsc provides a ferlile gror,urd for' floaling rnntours anrl ¡lromoling llr is ìríblnlation that sltils vested inLc: ests.

jssrtes Jn ol'del to promore inforrneci clisçussìo:ls :-ircl dialogtre otl of polìcy clecision, ancl to ettcortrage piopJe's partici¡ration in democratic gove¡na,nce. il is imperatil'e to ensure tor¡-i tlânsparency in frurctioning o1' valioLrs goVetninent deilarlìlì.ìel1Ls.

i. AII the govel'nrl1enI depârlrì1ents siloLriri tLrereí'or.e be acivisecl to put iu the public riomain all the reie"'ant clelail¡; aboilr t'ecrLtitnlent . prooess ancl public expenditr.tre ol sccioeconoruic plojects so as to enable the oitizens to sc¡uti;lize the public actioll and thus contriLrLrte to a bealth-v

iiìliì\r¿ul detâìis oi !.oi.ìl lrille nt actilities shtlild bc 2. Âli rhc 'l-Lrìs rlis¡llayer.l on tire lespective rveb:siles cf thc dcpartntcnis excl-(:ise silould Lre cornplete d ¿ìs i)eì llle pt-or'ìsions of the R-f-A Aci t'ithin ihiee ulonlhs. preletzrbl-v bf ihe encl of \4arch'2011 so tìlaL tlìe lacts ar.rd lìguies ar:e rvidel-v- sil:tl:d bv all the stakcholcìers.

TÌris u,ould thus create a health¡r condllion for.. fruilful dialogr-rc anc.l discussion for both good governance as ',vell ¿s effective resolution:of poliLicrl con flicts.

(E) Promole scc¿tlar values among )nu/h, including uni'ersity .studenl.ç, tvlø l:end ro view Kashnttr L.sue from comntunal angle

It is thc youtìr of J&l( u'ho can shape tbe ¡olitical fittlre of thc State, In contrâst to the olcler genelation, wìlo has tinquestionabie faith in ¡:r'orroting ìrannoujous co-existence oi ail the ethnic ancl reìigious 3çL

ccnìr.nunìties, the younget' genel ation percoive tlte ploblems of J&l( fronl ccmrrunal and legional perspectives lhe ¡'¡¡¡¡, rnainiy the College snrdents of the lhree regions --Jamnu' ,(ashmjl and Laclakh - rvidely ciìffer in their approach to the resolutic:l ol I(ashrrir ptoblem, ou'ìng rnajul' to regionái ancl colnmunal o\¡eilo*is. There is lra.cll¡'a',v poi't ol ugraaÁlant a-nong chenr oll sùcll vitai ;ss'tes as tlle statg adlninistratìon, lLlnclins ntechanisrns and politìcal staL''r.s oiiire cliflcl'cn1 l'esious'

'1-he lìving- 1,outh sirould imbibe seortÌat- ar'.cì Cemocratic values ol:,, togetúcr s,ith all the et¡nic cou'ru,iiics, ÌraviLrg laith tn b'ighter fìtu'e ol' thã country. and promoting ttrlitv and integrit,l of che country ln vieu' of this. it is sr"rggested that:

I. All the Universitiesi Colleges of the State shoulcl mai

4 The cpntral and State govel-nrtelr-ls r.ì1â)¡ advise che concernecl depa¡h'ìents to lespon<.Ì to the represenLaticns we have required to clarify their legal and policy dimensions. The repiesenlalivçs may tre invited to trreet tÌle rclevant offi cials.

5 On a continuoLrs l.¡asis local and n¿iioiral media must be infomed oi' so\'¿rnment dccision. So must those \{Ps u,ho \\/ere palt of the All- Par'lies dclesaiion ihat visitccl the state.

5 We ,"vould iil

i14 jç3

rvav tàctir':.r of the NC (ANC) and Sa'ijacl Conlèrence, ¡he PDP, bteal< i;;;. îh;' iúj""riu" u'ould be to enumerate both the points of leade's asì

(F) I4loprcn in.,!&I(:

oi.t tl't"i' 1. Ovelali, 1lÌost \\'ol.Ìje11 tall< al¡ouL iile iLlpact of coLrfìict rvllicir lras 1i.,., - in partícular, rhe loll talten by violelce- This is an issr-re '0."n"t"d over the past two áecades families rvho have lost their compelìsation' rrl ,r.,.n l,a.Ã receivecl litle help other' ¡h;l:' a one-tinle of 7 rvidows ;;,;" ;*.t as little as a lakh ln"rri, wenret a family attack 'l'hey q,llose hLrsL,ancls hac{ aÌl l¡een lcillecl irl a sÌngie milirant ,'"..;r,.¿Rs,llakl¡eachbutafierthai:roirelpirlfrndingjobso^r'in .,rìpirittt", lol thcil chilcl'en, u'ho l:ave lol beeu. able to benelìt fi ul ih.'p,ot;tion ÍbL jobs 1òr rrilìralc1' aiÈcted families beczruse the5e pert;in onL,v to rhosè living in the vicinil'v ri the J'oC'

2. 'fhis is an issue r.r4rich tequires ai¡eltiot.t but govemlnent agencies nla.v not be the besi to halrdÌe rehabilitarlon for r'vidows and olphans' ouáitutrl. scheures ueecl su'iit implenientation anci .rouitorir.rg by renlain respeclecl NGOs. preferabiy locai ones iiirirout [his the charlces higi rlrar rnan,v aiiecicd r'r'omi:tl ivìli be ic1'l out of thc ìoop' 'fhis 3. Empìoyment is anothet clirical issr:e is a statc ìn rvlijch .to'r"n háu" ì.uditio'ally wo'kecl, botli in lire fields ancÌ in the cities Tire Iìangali¡an Comr¡ittee coltld considel' sirecial prol'ision for women's smplo-vrlent.

¡1. Worncn ar-c r'.lso etctive in l;oìiLics. ihe PDP anci lhe rnuÇh srnallet ANC ar,J Sccralist P:rrt¡ lie ¿Lll tlll'c': Lleadecl b,v lvomen li tLtere piirclìi{\ írL clc'rriorts ruitl ii rvotneu cantlici:iie:; tre fieLtlecl, t¡ey ir.c iikeì1' ro clo wcli. Yet fèw oi tlle mainsueâir: Þarties have *'on¡.en's wings - thoLrgir rhe Jammat-e-lslal¡i anrì the l.ralC-llne sgpal'atists do (Duldttaran- e-Millat). This is a gap oul poliricaL parti"s ueed to look irrJo as a Ìnatter of pliorit,r,.

5. At a l¡roaclel' level. the tole oi' ri ornen irl peacemalcirlg - ancl especialll, in ¡-reacc-br-rilding * is no..i recognized as colrtlibutiug significantly 1o a nreaningful .¡reace 1;roctss- Tht oLrgh won.len arc aclivi- i:r various sLrpporllve r.r'ays in Jattlmlt ani i(ashllil', thev have not been

'!45 'j9l

The¡r oor"lkl ¡ sulTlcìen{l.v invclvecì b)' p.ovel'nilrent in "lrre heaiing lçucir" t'itirout n.if r.ehabiJiLa,tiorr fir.r",iclor.r,s anij or;_.hans ¿¡1.1 ",i,f, wOllle,l S i'rnl) loYll-,cll I

6. in [.eh. we rvere very impressed b¡'iire Mahila Congless deiegation th¿rL canre to lìleet Lìs. ltheir principal cJ!ìcerns r'vere entploytncnt lor' ill gilLs ,,r,h o at'e glachrating ûtm cliiÈretli courscs, especiali)' iur a Gi'l lìcouts 1l¡igade rvàs ihar:r.raceu'ricals arul n,-rrsi,rg fhe cler¡ali r[l ì t'i': sr:i tntl Cescrr e; ;l] llrlelllclì(il tiol:

7. Frnally, ì've propose to organize a rn''o¡nen's nleeling in Srinagal in 'll':;lg lalc FebrLtary, ai it'irich lvc hope Lo tcgsthcr wilnlen Tì otn lll cllsrr.i s oJ' J&l( as u,eil as Tionr grou1,.s r]!oil

h elp).

FOURTþI I4SIT: J.'!ùtLr'4RY 201!;

(A) Cerla¡n comman fealures etnergecì jrom the disctis'sions ot't ct

p^!ir:tal ' ¿¡tlene '1t -l'lle ' L sctLienent must treât Jan:.lll ¿lnd i(ashnrir as a srngle r-rnit. ' Therc shoulcl be no bilulcatic¡.r oi t¡ilulc¿Liìorr of the Stlle (on thii; sub-jc-ct. di.f ièlent voices rilc hearcfin l,eh); 2. Tire specilLl :;tal:us cr[' .liltt'.lttr it:d l(ash:ltir gltarantr:ecl b¡' ':::.11 . ;\r'ticie 3'l0 lrlíst not be clistuibe'.i- \iìi' :i. fì1'lì)rts slioulcl ire ì'ìlade io \.,esi ¡lìr sjl¿ilc's corìsti[Lìcni Lurit-c rvili] :;ucl.r ¡:ou,elr; iirât lllay bc iec¡ülicd Lo atldless thc polttical, . ccono;rlic, social and culllu al a:;¡:ri:atìon:; of the peoplc; 4. Porvers rrust be devolved to the constituent rurits in a multi- laycled man.ner leaching clou,n lc the Panchayat levçi to allorv ' Jbr'çffcctive. cicrrocratic parricipa;iou on clçvelopment; 'firc 5. exchange ofpeople. goocls a:rcì ide¿rs aoross the T-oC-'n.rust be f'acilitatcd thloup,h hassle-üee lioce

.v5 :

', jr{

(B) ll.igltts of Gat)di anrl Sipi Tt'il:es lrnplen''ent lleservation Polit:¡'

l. Ì:nqLrile into lhe causes ci ncn-itrp lementatiorr of the ,eserlaiiorr policy for the saici Sf comi¡Lttlities so es r0 avoid sucir lapseJ ti.t¿t lamish rhe clsdibility ernC image of the Ç6r'eriirlert fS; 2. Extencl the socio-ecotlolllic L¡enei-lls lo thess colllllltllritics as ller' rhe'relevant reservation policil 3. Suitably compensale the saicl communities fbr the l,pss of benefiLs clue lo iapses on the parL cf tlie implementing agencies'

(C') Prontote l1''acli antl Gtuntnod¡tog \i'stiiutions and KVIC Schentes as Ln l¡rort:lt East States;

L Givi:u signitìcant potential oi i{hadi and Viilage Industries for pr omoiing e inployt.neut atrcl l:lco:rte ger.relati:rg ¿lclivities' KVIC and the Ministri' of Smail and Mcdium Ðnterpl ijss i¡a) he aclvised to clesign. develo'o alld itrplelttetlt ¡'rt'ogtammes lol' promotion of i(h adi lnslimtions: 2. To consicìei estri¡iishttr¿nt oi' a Ï'rcol B¿rni<' location of i(VIC's stâte olfice in Srinagar. inciusiar: of l(ashlllil ernbroicìer-r' Ìrr ÌvfDA progr:amrnes ol I(\¡lC arlci :iscal incenLi'''es on fhe pâlLerli of Nor-th-East states;

(D). llationalizalion of subsidies anci, Ji:;ca! incentives for Indusn'iaL Deve lopntent'

l. ln or

i47 jf6

(E¡. Iì.elease of Selatie'ç, Incenti:¡es:

1. Anears of pa-v on account oi erl"ancecl salaries as ¡ret LLre recommenditions o1' lhe VI Pal Conlnlission to be : eleased lolthwith; 2, lf necessaly. the Centre ma¡ extetld fìnancial support at reasonable terlns t0 Llle state io 01 Ìl'conÌe the clisis'


'(.1;; (Á., Sectu'ity - relatecl recotttntendal io¡t¡ - l. 1'o end lhe intil¡idation ancl herassurent of citi'zens by the poiìce, the para-nlìlitar¡'and ihÐ arm,v; 2 To release the stoncllellet's ani l:olì¡ical cietaineqs not chalged rr itll serious oflettccs; 3. 'io speecl up the trâil of mìliiants languishing in.jall tbr :larly )'Çars by setting up fast-t|ack cou|is: 4. 'l-o culb lhe rndisçl'inl ìn ale ltsc oi':ile PSA: -fo 5. bling to bool< lLrose iesponsil-'ic Ib: l:unlall liglits vio)alior;s; 6. 'l-o re-cieplo1'the aruy ro thc borce:'s ancl ¡rlace sçvere lil¡ils on r,rc use oIspecia.l pouels tesrer] l: lLictnl 7. 'fo ensure that passports tbL lla¡ pilgrimage are delivered ()n tine; : 8. To stop the cliscrimination of falni l-v nembeLs \\41o happen to be le llted to nl ilit¡rlts.


.¡.. 1. l'olitical settlement will emelge from a sustained, serious, 'l' .siucere aud i.nclnsive ¡rrocess oi ciialogue rvith all stakeJrolders , (inclr-rding sepalatists), civii socieli' etc , 2. No poìicical oulÍìt, u4rether of ¡he lllainstrear'ìl or lhe off-strea:n, could claim to be sole spokeslna:'r of.rlre peopìe of the Valle¡r: iei alone oltile state as a rvhole. 3. Unity and telriLorial integrity u'!11":ave to be pt'esen'ed. . 4. Speciâl slatLls of the sta¡e in the in'jialr Union 5. Necd 'ro shate legislatìve, exectttive, financial ancl administraiive power:s belweert tite tht'ee legions, although ' political aspirations in the stare arc cliverse and clivergent,

i48 318

\\roln:r-ll- especialì¡' tLt'': 5. Aridressing the probiems oi lriSrants NGC; l(ashrni:'i Þandirs. nraybe throu3': :::spccLed r'' that,' in ¡ernal'devolution O. ip..loi,,on'. forJ&Ii, and alor:g ith ac levels is a urltsl: oi tlr" r'egional level' clistrict anij ¡: rrlcita¡ status witil Political séttlement could be in t-"vo slages : special 7. q'ith as and iili;; to be lollowcd b)' an agreement Pal

VISIT: APRII' 2011 \t,it.l'(.rlil SEVENTH

PainÍs oí agt eetne;tt thal emerged tclritorial 1. l-he al¡soìute impelative to nlailrtai:l the unily arrrl u'o"rid speìl ,',rreglitl' ol J&l( Division ¿rion! comn.utnal lines l;t: lortncJ irl ir:osi itar'õc ibl the sLìbstanti¡'l :rrino¡i¡:¡s tll¿tt ¿ltt to rlistrìots t[ neecls iil'rcié¡ 2-. fhe statc must be Vesreci u'irh s:ici'r polve:-s as at.ticle3T0ofthelncliallCc;ns,litlrliotir,r,hiclrnrrtstf;eirlentifìer] ihree Lhrougir intensive consullations i'ithin ancl betrveen the |egions ofthe state, including the separatists; 3. I'lilalisr¡ ol political, soiial ¿nd econonric and cr'rltr':ral collcerns, interests ancl aspìt'aiìcrs of rhe people of the state nìust bs t'ecognized and addlessec!; ¡!. Open all roãds connecting ]ctli to PoK lo el'r d the state's isolatict;t; 5. Political ¿,utonom.v of the staie \rculd be incomplete u'ithout a strong econouric conieut; 6. Relea'sc of stone-pehel s ancl rniiiizLnts, arrestecl uudet' PSÀ anct' AFSPA, againsl rvhom there ¿Ìie nÕ serious charges; 7. process betrveen India arld Pakistan should contìnue'

I|IGIIT l/tSI1': Ìt{/l' 2011:

f'ol!ontíng ¡ttai¡i i.sst'rcs emerged f'on: tlie discussions with vcu'iotts groups.

L Therc has to be r¡isible c'hnnge on the ground legatding tlte presence and conrlucl of the polic:, pala-miJitary lorces ancl the afllìy; 2. Tlte appLicatioti ol PS.'\ and, o¡her related acts neeiìs to ìre thorotgjtlY t-evier¡'ed;

150 jf¿t

3. Special needs to be paìd to )'crth, especially regarding their employment; 4, lt is important ro engage q,ith dle separatists; 5. A politicaì settlelnent nlLlsi er'1.ìerge Íìorll rvithin the State itself.

NINTI'I \4SIT: .IUNE 2011:

I . Payment of honorarium/salaries to P¿-nches and Sarpanohes ; . 2. Sarpanches and panches demaufl l'ansfer of adlninistratir;e ancl ¡i., Íinaneial powers, as under 73'd and 74'i' ainenclmeuts; lì. Stud¡z tours to selected pancha),ats, fot' example, I{ir:rachal Pradesli, Goa and Ra.jasthan; 4, NIIL:]GA tc give nrarl(ct rates;


l)ttring tÌte |v,o-.iay coníërence in Jar¡t¡¡tu, oti "Pl¿tralì.sut", lhe follo.,t,ut,t re co¡i¡ n¿endatio¡ts v,ere evolved.

Brìng together r.vliters, poets. ¡rerfor;lin¡t a:tists, painters. alcltitects, ìreritagc expcris 1ì or.r: ail the thlee regions on the szime plalform in ali majr,rl to\\, ¿ir1C cjties lroth in the stare anci jn the l'est of the countr¡': Talie steps [o l]Lriture all )alg'-iages spoken in thc State, especially thlough srate l.nedia: Cleate institutions along ti'ie lires ¡iAcademies jr.r Delhi and in the othcr states; Promote cultulal t:xchatges bert'e¿rl J&l( anci the r.egions of the Strl.- und cr¡en's a cìmin isr:::. c n; A^llolv exchange of ner,vspapels, per-.icclicals and bool


L Tire Panches and Sarpanches empirasised on the need to strengthen Panchayali Raj in Lhe Slate so thal the.v can fuÌfìll che promise they have made lo the votel's. 2, The powers they soLlglrt are dle ones ptorrided to their counlerpat'ts in oiher states undet the 7i'd and l4'1' alnendment of the Indian Constitution. Tirey also wanted ierllLlne¡ation to be plovicled to the;m along t.he lines providecl lo tllt othel electecl tepresenþtives o1' the people. 3. Sarpanches ancl Panches suggested io ameljorate rlle lot ofpeople alorrg the boldet areas artd thdse livit'rg in renrote, lorested areas, 4. 'ihe¡, proposed to intprove go\¡et'il¿Ltlce ¿lt Lhe local le\'el ancl- in p¿ulicular, highiighled the need io: criteria lo prol'ide eurployment opporntnittes lor yoilth: 5. Specifìc issues concerninq the vlelfarÊ of people, includìng rnìgrants, ancl

152 361

Ann ex ure "E"


rllii -VIeetin: rr: lr Yusuf Tarigami, ù[l-n. KtrlSa.rrl J Meetinc r'. :..r,\ir. R.aslliC, MI-,A. I-lanCua::i Meetilg rvi:h Mufti lr4cl. Syed, Ms. \4erhbooi;a

lr4ufti- l Visit to Sr':nagar i-îi

& Chai:-mr:: J&I( PSC

DeÌegadon oi' i-lindu-Muslir¡ Ekta Peacg Foundation. lcd bl, Chairman. Mr. Umar

Deìegaticu oi the Displaced Vy'elearr: 'rì j C on r r n i n e :. r4,,,Lll]!!]]lp.lloq gllqsrjlLll-.-_ __, Delegatìon oi the AII Pafiies Sikh I

Round çcv

Visit to nerr ted Round Table rv ion of ìtational rf*" I L-Jelegxtlor' c I l'LJl' 8".^,r* n"_-Tp!r "g^ti""lilólU,li:t¡-- D¿le grLic,:. . r' \enlbaltiars I oi-T;an'sptt",t4SÐgl{iq'l _,.1 ._ __. _ _ Qg,..gitir,r - -- , )c L" rrLt io:r .: S ikh.

;:j, --j --I-D-.]!es!!!-sl"sse$tri- - - I I Round l;.:-.: \\'itil .lllclllbÉ'rr--- oi tìr'r Ii:ri ' ] ^Da¡rln3g .Associario:.r- I'olitical Parties. Cornrnrinii-v ì 'lCÙ i Orgrnizr',ir: s. Youth Âsscciations t 7; i iPeoPle) RonnclRouncl Tabìel atl with Intellcgentia ( l)it Bzrrrclipora' I @ I I neoolc)0 ciraii:tlcì', aì ied bt' N4l,A Nizanrucldin tshat I ara -'+- Public nee:ing r.r'itb Ì-.anf¿ate or'Sanized b)'I H""i,'*-ll\llrl"Handu ;"¡.i 1q ( (@_3_tQ0 (Langate) I MIA'Ab.MI-A'Ab. RrshiclR.shicl pgE]Ð---- r i DelesationDelesat!il or .NC.ÀC-.lD!,-a¡lfg¡"s1------i S-, I G-ll9.11Tolr'n lÌail neei.,.:-,* olganizecl by lr4inisteL Ta.Ì li+ Lar.vyers,Larvyers, | I1 ì\4ohiLrcliir-.ìt4ohiLrdciìr: i @150@150 people inciuding rneclia, :lreìligcntsia. l'olìLir:rl ¡raltics j lr:sr\,=-I ¡oLLr.r. ,u-t a iff"l*r""^" lU.rl"lr-'e Bl,att, \,{,i-¡l-'tc1t'it* I I Cc,lumn isL -Eil*riu;l', ; l).1,¡,ii* i l' P*p l" ñ; R.,,r.'.;1,

]_A_qt9!Url,rÈÈr'¡l4!.-\,1{,t'r'l ____ _. , ] oJ Srin;rge Lùl.t_:.i'I \!,lt'llr ''i. "_lLl!þnts .. IISlgql_Sf .-S _11l!la: i ììorunr ____ _ Delegatior ci the Jat¡ntt & KashLnil Yor.ttl': j Fo¡-u]i ______,__ _j_ _ _ _. __ _ _l - lv{eerioe t,::h statc Women's Comrnission

rvith Wo:¡en's Developnrent I l

I rvitir Statc llu¡nan Righis ] Comn.risior: i - Delegation Presicien¡, j

I embers oi.i l)eleqation oi the J&I( Awami National ÇoltuEn.. _ ')13

Int"t*ti* ,"..ting ra'ith Vice-Cltanccilot ' I .n.oJ.,,tt a,rJ Studenti at Kashn:il i

t&t<.Þ*: ;J-- - -__ -r' l"r'g* I',-* :ltî--ittß tgt:- --

President. Ail J&K Gui.jars Conference

OJ Lìil l,-- -+. 164 LvLCC'-ltrY rr.rtL ¡/ i i(:tshmil Li .v::'sit' l-- I .L er'iìno lo ù,\ .jamm Dr I A :-{,'imal, VC- I3aba Ghulatrl Shâh I

Meeti-ng ..r'itir tire t¡embcrs lecl bv \4r Sr:lil Sethi I{eeting rvlrh Mr- Satish GLrpta, Genelal Secretarl'- J¿tnnu Chatnbe:: of Commerce aud Indushv anil others 9cq

i7r )

L l !- -,i,---- \72

Cornmittee Delegation ol All &l( Gaddt Welfale Associaii Delegz'.tio:t t: ;"d w.ll"*l Forum

Boald Ì S1'ed Musrall Bul

Do clols Deie galio:r by Dl Mehlaj-Lrd-Din Bhat dents N4ember.J&K

J&K, led by Shri Silorvi

K i'e"ple. Ìnitalntic Front. Shri Bhtrsh¿rr

\{¡ciiLrr Dc rl:' ,,16 , J&K Yc rrl: Wel ale Orga nization ' I i'r'csidenL^ll DeLe-øation l.d l>], Plcsìdent. lJeopar l'' -R,,ì*oi- l i_____ i Poonch Raiouli OI the Gurttclu'ara Plabandhal< i lçe l Corrmittee D^ rl i&ra -þfuiin,-l

tion r¡r-rhe

bv lv4 L

C;ro'.,p lerL 'r1' ìvltl A N'l \'íir. IlÐ. j

ML llhatai Bhushan and aqbool Qazi. Plesidcntl 'le: ror¡ists Af fected 106 Delegation ¡i ){GO, Sangharsh, lecÌ b1' Nllt l \¡ilira¡t Sirën:a _*- -=---- -l l0? À4r A I( SzLrvhney. Plesidenl, .lanlmLr

Nervspzrper-s ûuild ] dre Congress------* Committee, 108 Janilatr Srtnagat. Delegation c- lock i ' l0l l Uc.lh:unput. i Jammu

,,ti *t, ruf nAigi,,,.t-Car,tp ] Coordinacìcn""il¿ Comutitteo, Mishriv'ala Citrtt¡t

L57 jt6

tion of ihe AnrarnatLì Yatl'a Sarrghalsir i '.-.-\ + i i Pco¡-,ie'ss ' I I l9 DelegatiollJr;lccall.'):: ofJ.' .Iamnru.flnljllll Provincei'ro\ llìcc l'cofjiü ---llryiui:-à\alþ!Elsru]l-&!d-Js1si-, ni.t.ia tong...t Ct"tttiû.."--T.rdñ";* I

represented Ìry' \4r Anil Pachial¿r. \¡r/orl

Kisl':an Chancler Bhagat, Mernber', .i&K Ì i- l i L¡ els iat Li e. ,ssernl¡l

Teacirers iì'rm Jar¡nru tlnivelsity. ìed by i\4r I Dalip Singb Jaisrval _ _'--_ ] Delegation írom Youth Democratic Flont, j

tion o l I(ashmiri Pandit. tidha 'Rc¡resent:.t: es of' rhc PJrwood Industries, I Worltels ljr::on. lg,o¿o¡g______] Iìcprcs:r:t::: cs of rhe .l&l( State Cenrlal : . l.aboLìr L ::C ì l-oeLegãrt.', ,' l:ìlãã; c,,:,'i""ìi*rl:ãg i ederâtioÌì. l¡d ov Mr M A Ourcshi. Secretan,¡els cf the Jarnmu State Morcha (P;'ogressiteì. led bv Rosiran LaJ G,.rpta. General S e cl.:r¿ur. l Dr. I( C S;,¡o- õ1-,.0,gar. Ui.ta,"-. .Scrci.rr I 3cv -:;r I)elegalro;t J trr-e. ¡,s.soc-iatecl õn^'t¿-l* Ì*l by iv{r Cor¡r mei'Qe & Industrles, Uclhar:rpLlr, l Ashoi l. General Secret ( D* Kotrval of lrtrzerìs i | )- Shri ;-'"" Advì ouncii, [Jdha haukeen SIìal'l l3i iaz &. A J&K l'iatic:lal nthels ar'ly, i'i'ft Bal*'n¡.r I34 | 1!18-! Itf 01,.o,," -----:=- -i

Ïilrgii :nc LsdalolJt I Iì o l a llll9l lr ¿!!III'l::llLj:-'l :l**i .1"'U tvirh othei Celcgrtes. t42 Febrtan, Srinap,ar..-l Viña:it ;;i I ' i irom SoS i:rter¡ratiorraì I ::f::: ] =- J1Ðll!--i-ntræo¡"*i-por niø"*¿ p""ã'''' rt toi i.ä'üi:ï.. ii"cr' çl& --= @ 'Ài"i oriters---'-.------"t cieìegaies Èom' s Lolum

-Jt¡U¡:4'SfseÊfJ'LChat'Ì""' Sheil


__-:-- l\,Iovenreni. lcd by ML Sunii Dìq - --l\4' ChandeL, Individuai on behail' of I ( rlìllÍll_S AÌlil ÕA1iUI \4itls

159 j6e

DeJegat:Ìon I(ashmi¡i .Panclit Amity Councill. l¿d Delegatiol i:om J&K Watan bv Mr Khal:d Tufail M¡ Ghulan Mohanrmad Wani, N4enbet RCM National aÌong r.vith oiher delegates fiom l Union Posral ElrÞloyees Gr-ou iegation lrom Valle-v Yor-rth X.-pressions lcd Asir¡af I(ilan I57 I Del,.garior: :io::r Peacc

roî L.'dr:. I{¡slriC SIL:lrrl o"¿ Cr.-\;":'l

EX-mr rl[an:s -in0 0Üìers

Ml Rao Ai:. . nrralisr l

160 jc1

Gror"q: p:rsons Ied l¡y Rl.J Activtst Muza het i e:nbers of ihe I-{an dic Associatiolr

riter'-.[ndividua õ-"pã-t E lecl by N4r Nazu' Ahnad "f'titit'"ttt n o;'1tt.¡átu. of Crf¡lliþglg: Gr'oup of

W"qi'Boarrl, led b¡' "grtr"" "l-,1,ril&l( Maulana SÌrcu'l

\,i-r Shuri;.u iìild ous, Cirairper:son, Wornell's .--_]-_--.-'-- CorlnrissioLr 187l - ll.'t':ei riÑ :.:om tire \\/rtrtn Parast (NGO)' lecj _____:::- ---- ondrLctei \' ùlttcll'r; Mecring in Siinnga:' jl.

] -f'r.v,r-lì:¡v r rqo . ¡*ì-nl--- I (,.in¡orr I ir¡r¡racfive Conlèl en

of MLAs led bv Shri G M Sa Delegation oiihe Cougress Party, led by Shri i Ghúlan: Iias.san Mû' 7þ

egation oi'úe ona I Conielertce, lecl bY ìri S A i(ìcrloo l)elesation c.i the PDP. led bY legation c i ihe Bji', lcd by

Delegation ci tho s Paty, lt:d by Mr' Anil Parihar -_-i BSP þd 1Ð, Cup-t Dëw*

K isl:liyilt Ahmad, Iman, Jana Masjid, ___ -. _l Delegalion oithe f-Iill Development Council, i i i lei bv Shli N -.ol Flussarn Malik Delegation c: rhe SC Senior Citizen Ilettl I i i

Residence cl )achhan led lry LIaji GhttlaLrt ] Iiussain l Tracle Associriiion. I(islrtrvar, led by Shri i 3g!S! G.;',._ ¡: ì:ir Delegaiion or'tLre Vì¡;hva I-li¡rdu Parishaci, l :iì.i,\<;r¡


Delegation o: ihe.Ail Party Action Comr¡i(tec for Chenai;

2IA ) legatiou c; the Chcnab Valley Coalition _l Civil Socie a1ì elesation of ihe Doda Wellàre Socictv -t------ior-r ci tÌ.re llairuian Samai Pi tion ot lhe All india Backward Classes

L52 7"t

Delegarior: o¡tirè fGtlt,.uãi SocioCu --l Forum. Krshtç,ar'

Group oipersons flom fhe Vishwa Shanti i l,\cql,Y:l.- \4r'KhLusheei Ahma4.4!yg..t.r($!y¿_ I De legation led by MI M Yl-one, Social i .\cti'ist- I ¡c¿--'-----.---::-_---..- ] Deiegaiíor: ¡he oi All Incìia l:luman lì.ights i I lior-r. Jam¡ru i

ofpeople fionr Bhacielr¡,ah i

.L ra¡.¡¡!r I LUU5g :: _ , L0nlerence c. :h: lreace ---Foundation aL SKICC

:i4 l l N4r' Ghula¡t I.ì¿:;a¡ IJar

À4r' AslioJ< r\ clvc catés '7lv ilth \ilu,o.rddin Bhut nrræ"ïa;¡¡t ¡¡¡tt"ttiva Gujjar Maha Sabha. Ied l:Y \4r Posrval ' - lam Nabi Rat PamPore, Ied alahai ããi õñ.itt"e, Sh¡i Mailooir, General Secreta Mohamnra Ashra Sa. or,'¡ Clut, lecl bY Bh YoLltìr \\'¡.-ir': : Socictr' Prnlr'toLt' ì:: .-\rr'rltti;roril' Kal(apolr: lj Shalì Rejpor':r. iecl L -\ f o h¡'mrned. !]U]i-- - lec' b¡ ì\4r Moìran õiir Soci.rr - ornrlìitee

Hrndu Wel egatlon s{ lry Mr 4l( 1< arpor: .------i auci otiret' oã1.c.ïio'-. o,KVÐ Associarion i lecl bv Ali Moharnnad l*nJf o'-.o,t.o"ietions i


Mr Moti I al Bhat Delegatiot, ci Studetlt mr:r.runityof Universrt-v al SI(lCC fare 'At S rin:Lgat legatron o l(ashmil People Olganizatioll Meetins r¡'it r Genelal Police Delegation oi the Sa rowers Association lecì l¡y J:tr ¡:i .\ltnad

1b¡i Zrt

Delegation oÍ th e West Palcistãni lìcl

Delegatron ci the Block Congress Commiltee, ] I ??I



Dãiegation ci the Distr ict Rufugee People led l by Mr \{oir:ndeL Prakash --.-_--.'1 for Peace iìrr l-Iurlan lÙghts Natior.ral ì:clun I led b)' ìvír \/ivek Gupr¿l'---___ j Deleglticr .'f rhe Prh:ui Ctrltural antl ü:ellàre rl. .\lc'anr J(lian fg!fff!!-_$a9lf . Affectecl DeJcg:rrior: :f the'l'cn'olists People 1 Fr ont iecl b.. Mr SI ---'lI elegalion f,'orn S andarslt il"a rry Vt Suresh Kuma¡ -- ¡4¿:__-<' j?r


cf tiie Paha¡ 309 Delegatior.r Forrm led bv Shri Tilak ----l the Retired I iels led b¡' Shri 3 r0 legatlor.r cl Rattan Shat::ra _,___) Associalion. Delega¡1on oI I o V*rttg V.n's i j Raiouri, lei b¡, S halcool Ahrned Mil D"Ëd;tl ll"cie Association, Ied b-r' "ltl* i 9q44:-¡ls!q----..--; -; . -i Dciegatio:: 'f ihe }luslinl Navlasanrttc led lrr

Mcmbcls ol thç Civil Society namandi bv Khur-shic1 Bisrnal Mern'oels o: the Muslim Cc.,i:lmittc¿. -ed by AbdL CiOs Lror urt't I har' O" .rl tf't. nt,"tstint fãrìih FLont led'oy Zaltoo

-_::::::-:=--Hanif I(aias :------:----:---- lJciep-a:jor: :'th'' P¡ess Cotrllcil. Rsiol-u'l lcd i))' 6r;,r¿5¡.Jx, rrl ilr"e.nti*-oiDelegation ¡i tlt.the pultor:iÞorpl.iPahat'j ----=]l¿oroiti.t l

led l¡r'Shabrz l(han I !---L-r-----l; Members oiBLD Ttust i(otelrl(aoterr.rl

167 _._=--- 125


qL9!4r- - Delee:ìlior of lhe Panth('rs l'affy led 0y Ilalr,rlan Sr: çh. Disrrict-_----- PLgrL4g} -,.iÈ Association led by Viiar Ñ.ctt'Ñi B¡: ] Sh¡:'ir¡...r.itocate =-_-=-..*')----., O"1".*¡-,., u.ilt. Migrunrs Forurl led ['¡ Briuìrr S ----,:- .-1-.---^ V.'*,,-,= .-td'" T*,1.r's'-,-.--.-...- Assocìatioll led tr¡ i Joclh Sin - Culture Ol'ganizatlort Vemt ãts of ¡i,* ert & i le

a¡d t1 or: of the Panthers' .: iegalott Internationalist Dentoclatlc 3 4 I Par Delcgatio: of thc Shri Amar l(shtriYa lìajput

S abha {:l DeLegatior cf the oples' Forunr of Hutnan Valu¿s oÍ the Bhaniya J

of the National Confe

346 I I rc Cot.l of ¡he ieshq,at' De olP rches and S nch es Dt iior oi the ess Par ricr of the National !ct.49-!gf._ôr- : j++

': i rhe \þiional Con-tf9'199-- rú'r S.nrÑh.V P"*llq¡l:!Ð------orum I D"legatior oi Pahqri.! =-*-- - - jw



[See Articlc t7(2) (a)l 'ì Post a.d ieleliapl's, ìnclr':cir.rg reiel)lìclìes' v'ir-eless' b'road-t;asting ancl othel ljke fonns of courniunicalions; Post Office Saving Banl<' 2. Public rlebt of tlie Council, inci''rdirlg llte i:otrorving of trone¡' otl Llìc securiÐ' oJ'th€ Councii Consolicatecl irnncl i. Clouncil public seivices enci Cc;uilciÌ lrubljc Selvice 1'6¡¡¡1¡;5¡rìon 4. C,ouncil pensions, llìat is lo siL¡'. pc,rsion's paya'oic bi' thc Council or 0'-lr o1'1.he Courroil Cousoliclalcc i:ünr'1. 5. A tim il ristr'âtì\/c ccurls 1.or Coui¡ci1 s''lbjects. 6. Cotucii agettcies; a.nd Ìnsiimtions icl folior'i'ing pllrpÔse, I'i1aL is to sa-r,, for reseatcl.r, lor plofessìo¡¿rl ol lechnical tlairling, or'lrll the prornotiou of sPecial snrclics. 7. Nnclear enelgy, inclLrding.- (a) r:rinetal te¡;onrces necessea' ibr the getret'ation of irrtclear c:lt (ìrg),; ('D) tir,: proc{nctìorl of nuclc¡t' iners iri:d thc fienr'ration and use ofl nnclcirt ct'ret'gy; aud (c) ionizingradiatlons. {ì. ,Ailc¡aft tnci air- navigatio:.i, il:: ¡iovision of aerodt'oues; ìd-:ft le1¡r:lations end organizatiorr of ail tlalfÌc ¿tud of lerodrome. !1. Ì.I:¿rcons and other provisìons (ir sai¡ty of airclafi. I0. C:Lrliagc of ¡:assengers and gooCs'01.air'. i ï . ColrylighL, ini¡enlions, designs. :l ariemarks arrd metcirandise rllLrli s, I L Opiu;n so fär' as legards sale ior cr¡-.'.;1 ¡. ' ll Ììanl

!7A in the il"ltp'?tu'i:l-,llguiation and Colporations, that is to say¡ i6.r u including l1l,t¡e' insurance *ì,ìãi"ã it ;r t'naing ot' "o'poåiio'sfuI not i::cluding goqgrltions orvned and hnancial Gilgit-Baltistan ancl u,u"on'otuuon" tn" l'ouìiì'åiir'ðãì'å|""ì"u""f cont|olled and of corporations' ou business, ;;-;;tt;it't""'", ;ociq'tics' carryi.g r:ot corrfinecl to the Gi)git- u,hetiler tladitlg or' ,toil *íut ttt goftiuton, inclr"rding universiries but nõt planning and 17. pianning i¡. ..nno,oii'".är ¿in.rion, inclucling ."î.äì"i,i"" and tec::r' lo;ical Le'511\ ol thc^ Cilgit-BiL'itistrn continuing"rtcientjfic tcyond rl:: ;rr:ior1 :inj, I'ol S. I{iøhrva¡ s, ro be .-;i,':ì;i";.;t ¿ttit'Itií î'I'¡' io'¿rnì'ent of Paliist*r ancl cor'r'cil ie Ë:iÏ:ii'iori:t|l"''"'t..'oiL.rg geoicgical sr-rr-vevs izr t ìon s It:elec,::logical ol ean ci the nu äitg'""tsred in' or in the possession 2A Wor'ì

111 38ø

and' the ôovernment and tire witl'l mattel:s concerning the CouLrcii or^tbe extension to policJtbrce lor rha: pr.:r'pose'p-olice äii.îr"ì."i "¡ lorce e'stablishe d ;ää;lgì;:lj;i;ttin of tt',e j'rildictrc r'of of óflences committed in in Pal

772 j8l

any of tllg matters 52. Inquilies and statistics lor tlle :urpose ol enumerated in thìs list coulpetellce i3 Matters rvhich under the Act ai'e ii'itiin the legislatit'e of the Council or I elates to the GÔrncil' enumerated in Matte, incidental or ancillary io any of the matters lhis list.


i¡èir.. i!i,' 19v


l. Public order lbut not inclr-rcìing the r"rsç of Naval. Ì\4ilìtary, z\jr Folce, or any other almecl iolces of the Ft:dcration in . aid of thc civil power). ?. Prer¡enlive detention for' -.eascns il'ì cor.urection r¡¡ìth tht: lnainlenance of publrc orclell i.relsons sub-iecterl ro sLir:i.l cletenlion. 3. PL'ìsons, rÇlormaior'ìes. bors:¿rl instítution anci ùtilrir' inslitutions of a like natúrc ¿ind persons detaine

174 ?s3 15. fheaters; ciirenas; spofls; en¡Êrtainments and amusements 16. Pl¡blic health and sanitatiol.t; l:cspirals and dispensarics' 17. Iìegistration of birtl-rs aird deat:rs' 18. BLliials anci bnrial g,n'-lnisl cremations atld cremation glounds. 19. lìelief of tire clisabled and r:n-cürployecl' 20, intoxicating liquors, tl-ral :s to sa;v, the producrion, manufactuLe, possession, lraìlsport, purchase arrcl s¿r1e oÍ' ir.rloxicating liquols anci otÌle: iraicotic clrtlgs' ,¡tl;¡. 2 ì, Ma'kcts ,rnã iài.r. , 22. \,Ionc), lending ancl t:rone.vleuders; reÌicf of indeìr,r¿,_r".., )3. Proter:iio:r of wild animais arl'.1 birds :4. Prcr,'eniion cf'crrreìty :o airi:::-..s 25. Adulteratrorr of lboci-stufi anc other goods' 26. Betting ancl gambling. : /. .t'l snerlcs. 2.3. r'ofessions. 29. Tnns and in-keepers. ' o 30. Orphanages and poor holtscs. -i-axe.s :ì l. on agrioultural illccne ¿rud on tl-te r¡alr-tc oJ' :igricuitut al Jn:ril. 32. Lunacy anC rnental ciciicr¿ncf includiu¡3 plaoi:s L:r ¡qeg:ptior-r t;1'tlcatme t of' Iunalics aucL t¡ental ciciìi;icnL. I)trtic's in rospct:t of succes:;icl ¡c agricr-ritulal lalld. lìstatr: I)uty in rcspcct ol tg.ric'r1i'-rlal iand. 'fa;ie.,; on lands ¿rnd buildinss. '' "- r 'l:) .r,ìr'-:; iiict:lcr:.. i ',,rxL:s oir ¡¡ootis iirr tì liil:;.-\t)tlùis ci.rrt ictl ily l'triÌd or oll ììr líur 11 \;,,'ai e i\\'ay s. -l ¿rxes çlr yehicies, rvþ,etlic: lcchanicaJ.l¡, propellCcL or noL. .suitabl* lo¡ use on ¿Ì r'oad; o-l.,. boars, laurtches anil stealLrers .;r: inl:rnd u-:rter; on i: írnr .j¡:--i. 39. l-axes on lnirnlls and l)trrL-¡. 40. Tolls. CapitrLion lexcs. 42. 1'axgs on .luxltries. iucl'':ciing elt Lertainmeut.s and antLlsem e:r ts. Taxes. ¿13. l'axes

175 787 a local area tbr 4'7. Cesses on the ently of *qocds into ÇonsutnPtion, use or sale th¿rein. 43.Tlresalalies,a]lor'l'arrcesanÕ.]fivi]egesoftlre'Speaker,and |lenrber-q òip,iÐj'îp.ïk"r; Chì ef N4rnisrer' Ministers of the AssemblY' ied ol-l roads oi inland 49. Dues ot'l passeng,el's and goocs cal't \À/ater-wavs. 50, llunàg"ni*t of Gilgit - B altisran Consolidated [runci and ecology 5 i. Envir'ãnmentai pollutiorr 'til i. p,.,.,.rlalion planrriLrg a.:rci socla. r elhl e' 'iY,' tr. :'ì''"";;,i',''{ i'p oia crtr'¡ i'g o: .l' lauottr, t-t]]i:i:': .'-t-tployt""ti infolnation bttieaus and tl'¿rinlllg È-slablishlll ents. factories' 51 Resulation of labour' :rncì sefery in nlines a:rd SS. Tråã" rutio,rsr indrtstrial and Ìabcul disputes' ;¿ cìlgit-Baltisian public selvr:es and Public Service comtnission th¿t is to sa)/' penslo n payable 51 . Gilgit-l3altistan pensions, *tif Citgit-ealiistan Cor.rsoliàa¡ed Fund' 5S.AclrrrinistrativeCoultsfot.subje:tsn,itlrìnpurviçu'ofGilgit Ral tistan Legislative Asscr:rbiy' - following 59. G;lgit-Baltistân agencies ar-rd for the p'o,io.", that is to se¡', lbr' fcsci[clL' for professionaÌ or i""¡r-ti"ui tlair-ring, ot fó'i the lcrlc'tion ofspecill stuclies' ot-ìLur ill'¿ìtecl in this li:;t' 60, Fe es; in t'espect tÍ arry ol the ll:alters but not inclr"lding fees takell ir' i't-l)' c t'"'.t i1' lesl;ect to ;'ìny rÌi fjì. .il-ltisCiciion allcL powels oi¿lil fìouits r'vìiJr the matters enumerated ilr lhis llsi'

-...-t.-_. a,tW l/ ) il I 'ås#'t Lesislative Asçemþl.e EuÈeqt Session ?016-17 \EGARDINC: DèLogsq uoçÊst 3W stzrred A'Q. No. 97 : M¡- usman Abc'r ìvfajid, llon'ble MLA, will rhe Govemmqnt please state:-

a) Vhether it is a that a). The á,genda of Alliance beweén J& in Agenda of Alliance it had PDP ¡¡d BJP, which läys dorvn a guiding

Gover¡¡nent will facilìatc and help i¡itÌate a sustai¡ed and meaningful dialogue with all s&¡s irrespective of their ideological views ard predilections. This conrmitment was 'w:rb made an aim at bLrildi:rg a b¡oad based consensus on resolutio:¡ of all outstanding iss¡res oi'J&K.

The st'*ps taken so far include kking confidence building measures, such ai enhancilg !Èople to people contact on both sides oí the LoC, encouraging oivil society exchanges, taking travel, çoÍÌmercer ta

b). The reasons for the b&c), The killing of rå¡ee l{lvf militants o; escalation violence in in the 08,072A16 tiggered violent prorests and larv & o¡dei disturbances in various pafcs of the ethe¡ it is a a fact Kashmir Valley. The sih¡ation was exploited by þ16 i[i 9:* was.complete i oloo b¡eakdown during includirg social medía, I 1"-o J to sroke pasiíons ancl presenr uuest I m the state as ] insrigai: viorence by spreading maricjous and j has not been ¡estored till date, j U^.t-es; informari'on. Howéver, due ro if so. the reasons thereof, and j penisienr ¿ffo¡ts ¡ of security For*.æ"ri* rrã , Civil dn:inistration, I ¡ the situation has Shown I j improvement, ",lu' ì"*f"r.î;.-rä l declining progressivel¡ anrl day-to-day activities gradually retumir:rg to norrnalcy. d). The total number of g) Ðuringtheyeat2016upto-6t1î0t1, mílitants killed and ¡àe details Sgcuritl Personnei (inctuding Army/ BSF7 j of securif pexon¡el !l rvho laid CRIF/ SSBÆolice Persomel) laid down thcir j down rheír lives fo¡ the ¡ration lives ior rhe nation and 150 militants were i du¡ins 201 6? killed duing rhe said period. ir ;l,aì sd/- Minister-In-Charge (l{ome)




AùIEND\,IENT OF ARTICLÐ 3]O " .,,tuge . lR. RA]NA DE 0\rAG) , :). WjLl the Miriste¡ of LAW AND JUSTICE be pleased to srate:

(a) rvbetì',cl Llie CovclnmcnL proposes to 'Amend or Renole aric.e i70' reiated to Jamntu & KasÌr¡lir in lhe near fiLLr.r¡e. (b), tJre detaiis tÌrereof, (c) ifnot, the reasors lherelor; arld (d) ,"vhetl:e¡ rhis rvilì help in provìdíng equitable justice lo ll, c pec:le cf lhe State and if so, the details tirereof:



(a): At prcsent. Lherc rs no such proposal u¡rdeI consicie¡ation ofrìrû Gove¡nment

(b) to (d): Do noL arise


{',:e c'?v Ar'.n øx, (E PB



TO BE ANSWËRED ON THE 27-rß MARC¡{, ?t18 /CFtfiÍTRA 5, 1g40 {$.AKJ¡.J


*449, sHR{ ASFtWtñit KUMAi?r

Will the tr,línisÉer I.iOlltE ,,.. of if FFAIRS be pf eased to Gf äte: \--;, (a) whefher the Government is committù'c! to scrap¡iing Årtícre 'constitution 370 of the which g¡ves spec¡al status to iht¡ slate pf Jarnnru a'd . Kashmir; and (b) . if so, the detairs incruding the present status thereof arong with the procedure laid down íor such scrapping?


(l)r . stateme la) | t is taid on the tabte of the House. , 9x1 STATEMENT tN REPLY TO LOK SABH TARRED QUESTTOT'r_Nq -:14-q FOR ANSWER ON 27.03,201B

-¡---.=-i=----_ (a): There is currently no such proposal under consideiatíor¡ oí 'lhe

I Government,

(b): Does not arise in view of (a) above.

-(we GVY Aw¡rrxunr yrl0

(;{)\ I'RN}{E}T OF I.\DI.-1. }{Ii\ ISl'IìY OII HOME AFFAIIlS R,,t.]Iî SÂBII,.\ QIjESTI()¡* ¡i() 497 .{NSwÈ,R.Lr) Ot 26.06.2t 19 ü1o,

Sp-e--c.íê.I-sÊa,(t¡t-1q,la¡¡u¡ri¡¡d li¡¡!¡li,l¡¡¡ieré¡lsþi7,t

491 . Shd Prabhar Jha

\¡/ill the .Ìvliuisre¡ of I{OME AFFAIRS be pleased ro stare :- (a) rvirerhei Article 370 of Constitution of lndia gives speciai statls to Jarnmu aucì I(ashmii unler rvhj':.h. Centlal Governmenr has to take the approval ofstate Gove¡:rmçnt to dispose off all the rvo(fexcept Defence Sector, Exremal Affair.s, Financial maters and Communicacion;

(b) iî so, the cletails Lire:eof:

(c) whcther A¡ticle 370 is a hurdle in ¡he all-round and suitable rievelopment of Jâmmu and Kashmir and also â perletìlâl rhreat to the uniry ând integritv of tle country; and

(d) il so. rvìrether Governmerìt is initiarìng to take necessarv srei r¡ reinlinate special starLrs given ¡o Jammr anci Kashmir uncl¿¡ AnicÌe 370?



(a) (d): js to At presenr, Arr.icle 370 èbntâined as â rempora¡y piovrsion wirh respect ro the srare of Jammu and Kashmi:' i:r Pan XXI (Temporary, Transitionai aid soecial p¡ovisions) of rhe Indian Consiiturion. In ie|mç of artjcle 370, the provisions of arricle .r and articre 370 s::¿ill appry iÌr relation to tlÌe s¡¿te jr. of "minu and Kashr¡ lvirh regards ro matrer-s rclating to the Ins:¡Ll èni of Accession, presid.ent ol r,1(1ia r.çsue can orders iD consultation \.vìth tlre staie Gove|n,.ie:.:t, rvher.eas ibr applying other. provìsions of rhe const.rlution of India, w.ith such exceptions aro nociilìcations as tÀe-p¡ãsident may by drder specify, the concurrence of the Starc Gove¡nment is ;equired, ''jiì

cuØ '1nu

i i C{)\iIiRN},I[\T ()F.INDI,{ -\iri\ lsl-rì\' otr tttI\iE AFFAIRS R,\,/Y.\ S,\ Iì I l..1 l{)\.' N() 485 3ql QiJt,Sl A. \s\,\'r. tì!.[) ()\ 26.06.2t1S


485 Smr. Cltha-r',a Velma

'\. Sul

WiÌl fhe Ministe¡ of IIOI4E AFFAIRS be pleased to sratc :-

:.' (a)\LJ;viewþoint of Govemment regarciing Articles 370 anci 354 ir r:espect of Jammu ancì Kashlnir:

(b) the policy Govemmenr is working on to coûlroÌ the tÈr¡orisr activities in Jammu and Kashr:tìr; an (l c) the cleta il s'therepf?


(a) At present., ArLicle 170 is oa¡t of Constirutioll of Lrcii¿l ùndei i:",1e Tempoiaiy provisions rvith respect to the Staie of J¡,m;ru anC l(ashmir" anc! A¡Licle 354 is colrtainecl in The ConsLÌtutjoD (Applìcarión Lo Jamslu and l(ashmir) Orcler, 1954 issueci b¡' iìre i)¡esìdeur ol ludìa under Anicle 310. (l¡) & (c): The Govemme¡it has adopted a policy of zero tole¡a¡,ce tolvards ierrorism. Effective r€sponse is givon b)' ihe securily forces to Çounter terforist ¿ciiiiijes iD the Sratç of Janrmu and I(. ìmir. In orde¡ to combai activiiies of terrorists, several s:¿ps have been taken incìuding strengthening operational gr'ìd, euhaucing coordinaiion aiìionnsr security agencies, effective retaliation of teffor acrs, sr¡engthenjng of ROP to protec'L convc)i s. erc.

.lirjl :

tl,y, C)8'/ A**oo tJp,E tz

{ì(i\ !!ilN}1iì\'l l}ir ir\l}i.\ \IIìçiS1 Iìì'(}I; iIO IJ'ìE AFFAIiìS R-T.I)/.\ SA BII.\ Qtlliò^Tlo: ){) 1309 3qþ ,.1\S1l t lll.i) Lir" 83.07.2û:f.I

{!2¡ogation oi é,¡tíclq 3-iè

1309 Shri Ajay Pratap Singh

Will the Minisrer of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to stâte ;- . .

¡a) r¡,",¡ther Covernmenl js contemplating on abrogaring Anicle 35A of the Constirution; ! (b) if so', rvhether two-rhird vo¡e of majority of all Members of rhe .Couse is requìrecl for this pLrr'¡rose; ancì

(c) rf not, by ,,vhen a tlcc:sjon rvili be taken in tiris regalcl?



(a) to (c) At present, Aricle:l5A:ìs contajned jn The Cons¡in¡i,:n (AnpJìcatìoD to Ja¡¡¡.nu ancl Kashniir) Order', 1954 isstreC b), the President of Ildia uncler Arricle -170 of Consiitutjon oflndia. +11;:r *

"-r* e {'ø!"v ÀNNfxvr.L?8 jli0u20r9Ì (;OVIiRNI:llì}T {)F lNDL\ \IINIST}IY OII HOI'JIÉ AFFAIRS R,.\ .IY A S ,,\ B [I À QIrlÌsi¡lo\ \() 1948 3a$ ,.\. \swl.lìttÐ oN Lo.c7.2019

¿¡¡1c l¡¡¡{rr1-¡.pil¿rdi¡ii-cigr.li0-i:¿À354

f94S . Shlr S:rn.;rv Seth

\\¡ill the Ì\,linister ol HOME AFFAIRS be pieased tÒ state :- (a) whetber ir is a fâct th¿tt (iovernment ìs going ro repeal ArtlcLes 370 and 35,A;

1l'\ir1-rrr. lh: reason¡ tl¿r'eiL,t:

(c) u,hetiter repeel of these Alticles in :ury rva¡, \.iolatc an)' Unitei Naiions teguÌaLion or any internatronal qbÌigation of Lire corrntry; and

(d) ifso. how r¡,ili the same be nìitigated?



(a) to (d) : At present, Ar.¡icle 370 is contaìned âs â tenrporar! provision u'ilh respect lo the State of Jrnmlr anC Kashnir jlL P:r-:XXI iTemporar¡. Transition¿l ;,::-i i:ec.ial Protisions) of ùelndian C, ns:iiLrtiorr. ¡o At pre'scnt, -{¡ticle -ìi.l rs con¡ained iÌl the Constitì"ltion (Applicaiicn to Jammû and Kashmir) Order, 1954 rvhich çr'¿rs aclcleci through the CoDstituiio¡ O¡de¡ ¡:suecl by dre Presideot oi India ur. r Arricle i 70.

Jaml¡u ¿,nd Kashmir is an i:legral part of India. Matters reiaiing to ¡he Cons¡i¡.rtion of lnciia are internai ancl entircly iol the lncljan Parliamenl to deal lvith. No íoÌeign govemmenl ol organisation j'.rs -. locrrs ir3nCi ln tie nliìfLer.

J>'ø Gw ANñexuts P)\

.2 tr 2019 t: G O\¡ liIlNi'{liÑ* 1' O F INI} I Å ' MINI"Li?J'iÎi-''.lFFArR5

1971 )qq ' QUESTIONN() ÅNSWEIìIIID Ol''l 1E'Ð7'?-O39

Dual citizcnship-LL!rtJoAXle3.9-3?0

1971 Shri Prabhat Jha

Wìll the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleaseci to state :- (a) !vherher â cjtizen of Jammu ancl l(ashnlir has cluai ciiìzershi¡r dt¡e to Article 370 of the Consritution and rvhethe¡ Pakistani citizens living in i(ashnil aìso get Indian citizenshlp; ,,:, f., ';f ro, rvlierlie¡ Govelnntenr is n'ìal(ing any lenreciial elfo¡ts in tiìis rÇgard ancl if not, the details thereof;

(c) whérher. abrogation of Article 370 of the Constilution cai'l prove to be an effective step for prevelltior'ì of terrorist activitiesl and

(d)if so, the efforts being macle by Governmeru in this rega:-d?


(a) to (b): No Sir. No citizen of lndia, i;rclLicìing those belongìng lo the State of .lamtntt and liashnlir', is elìgible fol duaì citizenship Lrnder the provis:rns of the Indran Consritution or the Constìtution of J¡mnru artd I(ashnlìr'.

(c) ro (d): At present, erticle 370 is containecl as a tomporâr)" provision with respect to the Statç of Jar¡nru arrcl Kash:rr:r'in Pan XXI rTer'nporiìry, Tlansicic'ni. .rnC SpcciaJ Provisions I of the Irrdian lonsritt.:ion.


-f>.e c?/ AurExunr, f25






.l AFFAIRS be plessec to state: t.\ú Will the Minister of ÍIOMF (a) whether it is a fact that the Gcvernrnent is contemplating tc res:'-;v'i: sdction 370 ancl 354 of the Gonstitution relâtlng to Jamnlu and Kashrnãr;

(b) if so, the time by which likely to be done; and

(c) if not, the reasons therefor?


MIN¡STER OF STATË IN THE MINISTRY OF FIOME AFFAIRS (SHRI G. KISHAIN REÐDY) 'l 1á¡ to (c¡: At present, Article 370 is contâined as a tempor¿ry provî$ion

, with respect to the SÉate of Jamn¡u and Kashmir ¡n ParÉ XXI (Ten-tpc'rary'

Transit¡onal and Spec¡al Èrovisions) of the ¡ndian ConstitutÍon.

¡ r . At present, Article 354 is contained ín The Const¡ttttion (Applicatiort

to Jammu and Kashmir) Order, 1954 V{hich was adèd through the

Const¡t(rtion Order issued by the President oí India under Article 370"

1íu"atv Arurue¡une P-26


FiaVe no information about any p oiitir"l,r?rl €.ing planned on J&i(: Govemor Maiik I Greater Kashmir

0i.08.2019 |

The Goveruor Satya Pal Malik Saturdarv said he has no.information about anv "n.rajol poiltical urove" being pìarnccl on .Tammu and'I(ashmir'.

"Jþçr present situation jn l(ashmi¡ is nonnai, Rumol mongerir:g is going

on and that's normal here. If you -çneeze at LalChowk it becomes an explosion, Unnecessat'y rnl'nols ale beiirg spread bir sorne vçstecl inte¡ests

and -some political parlies to create panic." the Govemor told a group of media persons at Raj Bhawan l.rele.

He said as of now there w,as no infonnaiion with him fi'om the Centre that "anything big is going to happen", "I don't know anything a.bout

tomotl'ow. bul as of today tltere is notllir:_e to u'orry," he saici.

"Nothing dlastic is going to take place as làr as I am privy to the Cent::e. Peopìe need not to wory," thç Govelrrol reiterate d.

".., as of toda),, thele js no infortnation about the rumours likç (abrogation) Alticle 354 or trif'urcatiår of'the State. I have spoken to many peoirle in Deiili but nobocly contïmed to me about any politÍcal

clecision, neíther the Prilne Minister' 11or t-1e Home Minister,"he said. ii,:. To a question about itis meeting rvit.h ¡w-o separate delegations 1ed by National Conference vir:e presicient Curar Abclullail and PDP chief Mehbooba Mufti, the Governor said botit ihe

"I also issued a stateinent. I har¡e no int'ormation liom the Centre anci the inÍòrmatic.rr I arr privy to, nothìng is goilg to happen. I don't know about t.Jûror'r:ov/, Ìrr-rt toclay tbele is nothiug to wotïy about," he reiterateci.

About the advisories issued b1, the State hon:e department a.sking pilgriurs

4nd tourists to cut she¡t their stay rn i{ash¡nir. anci leave as soon as possìble, tire Governor saici the Covemment could have done without issuing the advisory.

7Ti{iiE TYPED CCPY¡ 3qþ "But the General offrcer Cornmandipg of 15 Corps (Lt General I(JS lo Dhiilon) has clisplayed the weapons recovered en-route (Arnamath) cave

shrine, so the steps was taken to protecî iile pilgrims and tourists," he said,

The.Govemor said there was "credìble infomation" tlmt large number of militants were u'aiting across the LoC tc infiltrate to this side of Kasllmir.

To a separate question about the advisorlr issuecl by solne. countries, asking its citizens not to visit l(ashmir, the Governor said, "What can rve dð in this (case) if they have issued the aclvisory?"





' , ì,,rnn,.^-..-,,.-=usl5,2019 rl *; -{ , c 97V


SHRI AMIT SHAH to move the ioilorving Resolutions:-

(i) "'That this House leconne¡ds the follorung public notification to be issued c".' lhe President of india under Altjcle 370 (3):

'In exercise of rhe por';ers confe¡red by Clause (3) of arhcie 370 read u'ilh :lause (1) of article 370 of the Constitution of Incia. the President, on the reconrmenCarion cf .:e Prrliament. is ¡leesed to decl:rre thc¡, $ lron ) ' ol- Augusl. 2019, ofl claLrses of illil lhe said articie 370 sh:ril cease to be operati\/e axcept clause (1) 'rhe¡eof ..r'hich shall read as under, name\';-

"Alì pror,ìsions oi dris Constitution, as amended from rinre to iìme. lvithout ary modificâtions or exceptions, shail a¡ply ro the State of Jammu and I(ashmjr noÌ\r'rfirslânciing À'rything contra.ry contained in anlcje 152 or article 308 or arry other article of this Consritution or anv othel Provision ol'tl'ìe Constitution of Jammu and l(ashmir or a:r¡, larv, document, juigement, ordinance, order, ìry e- lau', rule, regulâtior, notification, custom or usage having the force ci laiv i n the temtory of India, or âny oiller i:rstri:nent, trealy or agreement as envìsaged r,urde¡ aricle 363 or otherrvise."'

(ii) "Thàt the Presiclent of In¿ia has referrecl the Jammu ancl Ifushmir Reorganisation 3ill, 2019 to this House unde¡ the proviso to aficle 3 of the Constitution of India for its vier.vs æ this Houte is l,ested with the porvers of the Stote Legislrrure of J;:mu and l(æhmrr, as per procllmation of rhe P-:sident ol Tndia dated I9"'

I o be drscussed togeiilef s To Lre raken up irnmediately afrcr il-!e disposa: oa rhe iten Listed ai SL. No. Ì uncie¡ dre headìrg 'LEGISLATIVE BUSINËSS' ì¡ tocja)'s i-:s¡ olBusiness. 26: Decembe¡, 20i8. This House resolves to express the vie\\, 10 accept dre Jai.nn:u and i{ashmír Reorga¡isation Bill. 2019."


B ¡ ll for nt| o o.í.tcl i otx

L SHRi AMIT SHAH-to nole fo¡ leariÇ to introduce a " .1 ne Jatntnlr anct Bill to provicle for the reorga-ni'zat: x ol rhe existing State of Kashmir Jammu a¡d l(æhmìr and for mâ1.|ers connected therewith or Reorgan¡satio¡1 incidental thereto. BiÌ1. 2019.

AI-SO to irrt¡oduce rl:e Biil.

Bill for coitsiderat!or ancÌ. passing

"&The 2. SHRI AÌ\4IT SI{AH ro i:1ove that the Bill to provide Jantmtt cmcl lor the reorganization of the existing Srate of Jammu a¡d Kashmir Ka:hmir ud for rnatlers connected theretrtl': cr incidental thereto, be taiién Reorgqnisa!¡otl \-- rnto consrde¡ation BilL 2At 9. ALSO to moye thât the Bill be passed.

NEW DELFII; DESH DEEPAI( VERMA. August .5,2019 Secretary-General

@ To ìr" tuk"n up immedi¡tel,v afte¡ the dis?ose1 nî ihe item listed at Sl. No. I under rLle heeding 'LEGISLATÌVE BUSINESS'in todav's Ljsi ofBLìsiness. Tc bc di.cussed rogeùer. ^ 'To be râken up togetlìer !Àirll the ìter¡ Ìisre'd at Sl No.2 urlde¡ the Lìeadiûg 'LEGISLATIVE BUSINISS' jn Lotlavls List ofBùsiless. 266

l- ¿ G?Y ùrurt fXu K'ç.?-78 l_oK sAE*i,4

i SUPPLEMENTARY I-95? OF BUSINESS \oa Monday, August 5t 2Ot9 / Shnavana t4r t94L (Saka)

R.ESOLUTT'.]N . SF¡RÏ AMIT SHAH to move the fcilbwing Resoluilon:- "That the Presicjent of India häs referred the Jammu and Kashmir . Reorganisation Bill, 2019 to this Hcuse under the proviso to article I 3 of the Constitution of India for iis views as this House is vested

with the powers of the State Legisiature of Jammu and Kashmir, as per proclamation President dated . ri:, , of the of lnöia 19th December, 2018. This House resolves to express the view to ¡ n accept ihe Jammu and Kashnrir Rec;-ganisation Bill, 2019."

t\tËtô/ ÐE!_[{I; SNEHLATA SHRIVASTAVA Auqust 5-2919 Secretary General Shravana f.4, L941(Saka)

-Tt E UÐY LOK SABhIA ('zJ ff)dflok'c-

REVISED LIST OF BUSINESS i Tuesday, August 6,zOLg/ Slrravana LSr Lg4L(Saka) \ Ot ilA"M.


Following Ministers to lay papers cn the Table:-

.!.. 5l-¡IìIMATI SMR.ITI ZUBIiu rRqzuI for Ministry of Textites; z. SFIR.I MUKHTAR ABBAS ruÅQVI for Ministry of MinoriÇ AflaÌrs;

3, Sl'lRI SHRIPAD YESSO NAÏK for Ministry of AYUSH; iJi SFIRI HARDEEP SIIUGII PIJR.I for Ministry of Commerce and .Industry;

SHRI ASHWINI KUMAR CI-IOUBEY for Ministry of Heatth and Family \,Â/elfare; SHRI AR¡UN RAM MEGFTWAL for Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises;

SFiRI Í(R.ISHAh¡ PAL for Ivlinistry of Social Justice ancj Enrpowerment; a Sh¡Rf PABSI{OTTAM RUPA¡-A for lvlinisrry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare; 6 S¡4R.ï NITYANAI\¡D RAI for Plinistry of Home Affairs; and

¿ \r. SF{RI KAILASH CHOUDI{ARY ¡or tt4inistry of Agricutture and Farmers Welfare. (Printed on a Separate list) ir.. r**, or".outîïåi .-rrri,l'-0" r,.*'"Y,'& .l (Hindi and English versions) (i) ccri'ecting the reply to Starred

.Question No. 397 given on 19th Julv, 2019 asked by Dr, Subhash Ranlrao Bhamre and Dr. Heena Gavii, MPs regarding 'Blood Banks' and (ii) giving reasons for delay in carrecting the reply.


*1.2, SFIRI AMIT SHAH to move the foilowing Resoiution:- '"That this House recommends the ibllowing public notifìcation to

:.i be issued by the President of InCia under Article 370 (3): | 'In exercise of the powers ccrferred by Clause (3) of article 370 read with clause (1) of a{icle 370 of the Constitution of India, the President, on 'the recommendation of the ' , Parliament, is pleased to declare that, as from the date on which ihe president of Inc'ia signs the Declaration and it ls published in the Official Gazette, all clauses of the said ' article 370 shall cease to be operative exðept clause (1) , thereof which shall read as under, namely:- "All provisions of ihis Ccnstitution, as amended from time to time, without an'7 modifications or exceptions, shall apply to the State of Jammu and Kashmir notwithstandìng anything contrary contained in article 152 or article 308 or any other article of this

x ltem nos. 12 to 14 to be taken up together. -. Constitution or any other provision of the Constitution of Jamr¡u and l(ashmir or any law, QoJ document, judgement, ordinance, order, byçlaw, rule, regulation, notification, custom or usage having the force of law in the ierritory of India, or any other instrument, treaty or agreement as envisaged under article 363 or otherwlse."'

LEGISLATIVE BUSINËSS Bi/ls fot considefa1en_angþas1,hq

Tlte Jaøøu_anpl *13. SHR.I AMTT SHAH to move that the Bill to Kashmir provide for the recrganisation of the existing State of Reorga4lsatlpn i r.'f- l E,? Bill. 20t9. Jammu and Kashmir and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto, as passed by Rajya Sabha, be taken intp consideration,

ALSO to nrove that the Bili be passed.

The Jammu and xL4. SHRI AMIT SHAH to move that the Bill Kashrytf further to amend the Jammu and Kashmír ßeservaftpn 6eep!4 Reservation Acl,'2004, as passed by RajyarSabha, be Amendment) taken into considei-ation. 811,2!12 ALSO to r,r:ve that the Bill be passed.' x lter¡ r¡os, 14 to be taken up together. 4

ftte-Çþtlfan!,as 15. SI-¡RIMATT NIRMALA SITHARAMAN to (Amendment) move that the Bili iurther to amend the Chit Funds +Ì--Bi//. 2019. Act, 1.982, be take¡ ìnto consideration. Qnl ALSO to move that the Bill be passed,

The DNA 16. DR.. I-IARSFü VARDHAN to move that the Bill TechnpþgyJAse to provide for the regulation of use and applicatìon and Application.) Regulation Bil/, of Deoxyribcnucleic Acid (DNA) technology for the 2n1Q púrposes of estallishing the identity of certain categories of Þ€rsons including the victims, offenders, suspecls, undeftrials, missing persons and unknown c1eceased persons and for " matters connected therewith or incidental thereto, be taken

into consideration. . ()

ALSO to mcve that the Bill be passed.

FIEW ÐEI-!.IT; SNEHLATA SHRIVAST,AVA Auqust 5, ?019 Secretary. General . Shravana 14, 194f.(Saka)

i;ì:l .:it

'-f>'e a-Þ?Y illi¡tf

L.-3j00¿/2 ;ft L\.iìl a Nlo, Vo8æ(Ð REGD. Io. D. w#w'vo,-ffi Ar.¡rurxuBrp?@ WWæ ffiæze.ttæ {11 3 erd{e vl ll Ìt. k ËX¡RAORDINARY Hli( :r-[ k l\i]3-niìq k ívl(ijl I'ART Il-Section i-S'rb-secl;o. (ii) ifldlf lsdi{k


I ê 26301 uünV il ' l4blil vxLr 91 201@ lo k 181 1s41 No 26i01 NEw DþLHI, FRÌDAY. AUGUS'¡ 9, 20i 9/SÌj.R-1.V.{NA 18, l94l \|====::-=::- :.. T{ F+rca (qp{-ø¡#< ÊqrìTl qÈf's-¡T Tá Ê?í', I rFrr, 2019 2889(q).-s'I-ñerfil T{'d¿î !dF"¡È{c, 2C1'9 (201ç r;1 34) fi e¡ra z à rje (4) dIIl c..<"d ,rr -fi q-4,Ê-fi 3r+-{qa, 2019 ,Ê' a Ê¡ à rffi rùq erà er-' .'-'åq rc+n \rTárïi à eìç¡r?l 31 '¡-'f ¡'q i -11?lÕ <¡(a1 Fl

lc,f . i. i 1 o I 4 I O 5 I 20 1 4 -Ei -Il

[F. No. I l0l4/05/201a1(-l] RAJIV GAUBA. Secv.

4 Gt/20t9 UploadcJ by 01 PrjÍting a! Govor¡n)erìl 01 Ìndr3 Press, Ri¡g i{oêd, Mayapun, -l ¡nd Published by Ihe Controjler of Prrl.lications, ): I:i- l 1005¿.

rle &ÐY :; {06 IN THE SUPRÐI\'Tfl COURT OF iNDiA


IA NO. OF 2019

W.P.(C) No. oF 2019 il'l TI{L MATTEI{ OF:






i Tire Petitioners are citizetis of - lclia and Peltnanent Resi

snbjects of the State of .lamrnu ard l(ashrnir u4ro have preferrecl this

Petition LurcÌer Article 32 0f tire constitLltion in the natule of Public

Interest Litrgation praying inter c.lia from this I{on'ble coul t f'or an

approprlate rvltt. orcler or drrection declaring Para (c)(ii) of the

president,s Proclarnation uncler -A.rricle 356 0f the constitution clt.

19.ì2.2018 (hereruafter, "lrrpLrgnecl Prociarnation"; to be

unconstitutional and voi<1; for an applopriate writ, orcler or direction

cleclaring the Constitution Order bearing GSR 551(EXCO 272)

clated 5 August 20i9 (irereinai-ter, "Impugncd Orcler CO 272")"

Constitution Olcler bearrng GSiì. -<62(E) (C A 2T) clatecl ó ALrgLrst

and 2Cr jl (her

which received the President's assent on 09.08.2019 on to be and

nltra vires the provisìons of tjte oonstitution of Inclia. TIle Pçtitioners

herein also challenge the Proclanation issued on 19.i2.201S, ttndcr

Article 356 of the Constitutiou ¡romulgatlng thç ,President's Rule in

the State of JammLr and l(asirmir to the extent tirat it suspencls the

operation of the proviso to Anicle 3 in the State of Jatlmu and

Kashrnir (hereinafter "Impugned Pr.oclamatìon" ) anci' the extensiou

thereof as applovecl b1,' Cabrnet r'.'.e.f 03 07 2019 (inclLLded r'vithirl the

expression "Lnpugned Ploclarnatiotl"), inter alia on the grotlnd that it

violates Article 14 lòr har,ing no iational nexus with the objects of the

proclarnation, fol being maniftstii' arbitrary and for being in violation

of the basic feature of federalisr¡. That the facts of the present petitiorr

are not being repeated irerein for ihe sake of brevity and this Hon'ble

Cor-rt rnay be pJeasecl to treat this application as part and parcel of the

' accompanying wrli Petition,

2. That tl.rere is a Prirna Facie case in the present Petition sinçe the

' ìmpLrgned otdels ancl the Act ofl 2019 have been passecl in violation

of the principles of the Constit',rtion, the Constrtntion of Inclia as

applicable to tite state of Jamlltr I(ashlli¡ and catena of .iudgrnents

passecl b1, this lloll'ble Corrt.

3. That in case the irnpugned orcler-. and the Act of 2019 is allowecl to

operate an in'eparable loss shall be caused to the people of Jamlnu and

I{ashmil and the federai structure rf the Union of India. 9ot i 4. Thai the present application is,rreingtade bona ficle ancl the balance

of convenience lies with the Petiti¡ners.

D-) \.7-rD ^

' ln light of the above nentioned facts.and circurnstances it is rnost

respectftrlly prayed before this l{on'ble Cor-rrt maybe pleased to:

a. order o¡ direction palling for the ¡ecords pertainrng to tire

inaterial basecl on u'hrch concrrrence or consent given by the

Respondent No.2, pr"rsnant lo which Consdnrtion (Applicatron to

Jamnu and I(ashrrir) Order, 2019("C.O.272") has been issuecl;

b. Pass an order or direction ior supplication ofcopies of the records

pertaining to the material based on which concur¡ence er Çonsent

given by the Respondent Nc.2, pu¡sr-rant to which Constitution

(Application to Jamrnu and i(ashrnir) Order, 2019("C O 272")has

been issued, to tire Petitioners,

c. Gr arrt an ad interim stay on ihe operation of Para (c)(ii) of the

] Proclamation issued by dre President under Article 356 vrde

Gazetfe Notification No. GSR i223E dated. 19.12.2018;

d Grant ut ad interitn siay on ihe operatìon of the hnpugned order

dated August 5, 2019, Cons¡i¡,rtion (Applìcation to Janrnu and

Kashrnrr) Ordei, 2019("C.A 2i2");

e, Grant an ad interim stay on ihe operation of the hnpugned order

datecl August 5, 2019, Consritution (Application to .Tamrnu and

I(ashmir) Orcter, 20 1 9("C .O 212"). vol Grant an acl interim stay on ¡l1e Qperation of the Impugned order

dated August 6, 2llg,.Constitution (Application to 'Tammn and

I(ashrnir) Order,2019("C O 273")

Grant an ad interim stay ol the operation of the Jarrmu and

I(aslrrrir Reorganization Act 2C 19 .

Pass any other order or direct:on as this Hon'ble Court rnay deern

liL to do so in Lhe interest of.iii .:íce

l,;iiì NEWDELH]

r 9.08 2019 FTLED BY:


