IN TIIE SUPREME COURT OF INÐTA CryI L ORIGINAI, JURISDICTION wRrT PETTTION (CTVIL) (Under Article 32 oÍ the Constitution of nnclia) w.P.(C) No.lefgr_ oF 20te w::: 1$. IPUBLTC TNTEREST r,ìrrc,+uox¡ ,4 DR. SIIAH FAESAL & ORS. ...PETITiONERS Versus TNION OF INDIA & ANR. .. RTSPO\D -\TS V/ITH IA No._of 2,019: Application for Directions and Inter.i;r stay ANT) IANo. o12019:.Application for Permission to äle iengthy list of clates and sl,nopsis VOL-I PATIER BOOK (FOR INDEX PLEASE SEE INSIDE) fqr*'â"?os) ADVOCATE FOR THE PETITICì\ERS: AAKITRSI{ KAMRA RECORD O; PRCCEEDINGS Date of Proceedings INÐEX \iÐL.I Pa rticulars of documents Page no. of part to ,¡¿hich it belongs Parti lPartII 1 i Court Fees 2 I Listing proforma Cover Page of Paper book : 4 , lndex of record of p roceeo rn9 s B-NN i l ANNEXURE:PLA tnre of the Impugned Order C.C No. 272 clated 05.08,20i9 ANNEXURE-P4 A tnte c0py of the LnPugned Order L.rJ. No, 273 dated 06 08.2019 ANNEXURE-P5 88-142 A true coPY of the Jamn':r I(ashmir Reorganizatiorl A: L' 2019 dated 09.08.2019 A true and correct coPY of tle profile of the PetitÍoners. ANNEXURE-P7 A true and correct coPY of the i i Treaty of Lahore dated I l 09.03.1846 I ANNEX-!JE-E:P& i 762'166 A true and correct coPY of the j ) Treaty of Amritsar dated r 16.03,1846 12 iANNEÀ{JBE-=e9 A true and correct coPY of tre I notificatJon dated 20.04'L927' ANNEXURE-P1O L72-176 A True and correct coPY oi Section 5 and 6 of tre I Government of India Á:t A true and correct coPY of the I nstru ment of Accession oi the staie of Jammu and Kashmir daled 26'I0.L947 rtr ANNEX¡"JRE-P12 I L87-188 I A true and correct coPY of the reply by Lord Mountb¿tier dated 27.70.7947. A true and correct coPY Delhi Agreement 1952' ANNEXURE.Pl4 A true and correct coPY of the Presidential Order datei L4.05.i954 ANNEXURE-P15 A True and Correct coPY of the Kashmir Accord 7975 dated 13.11.1974 CONTINTJ.ED IN VOLIJ},4E II (Pg Nc 206-a25) ,A '+- The case pertains to (P1ease tick/check the correct box): Central Act (Titlc) : (1) Constitr-rtion of Inclia Seclion Articles 14, i.9,2I, 32, 356, 367, 368, 37Q f, Central Rule (Title) N/A : Rr-rle No(s) N/A *r Staie Act ( Title) N/A :- Section N/A ;r staie Rule (Titlfl N/A ,: Rule No(s) r.{/A lì Impugned InLerim Order N/A (Daie) ii Impugned Final N/A (Date) t l"' Order/Decree High Cotrrt (Name) .-l Name s of Judges N/A . Tribunal/Authority (Na-ale) N/A i. Natule of matter writ Petjtion (Civil) 2.(a) Petitioner/Appellalt |ic. 1 DR. SHAH FAÐSAi. (b) e-mail ID i ¡;h¿ h ine:sailü.ì ir 11 i;.ri ì io,il ' ic) Mobile phone number ' +91 94190801t 1 3. ia) Responclent No. 1 UNION OF INDIA .THROUGH SBCRETARY.MiNISTRY OF HO¡iIÐ AFFAIRS to.l e-mail ID N/A ril (c) Ìúobile phone number N/A \lain caregoly classilica:,c:r 08 ib) Sub classif,cation 08 12 (Letter Petrtron & PILs) (Others) 5. i\ ot to be listed belo¡e 6. (a) Simila¡ l)isposed cf N/A Matter with Ci1-ation if Arv anrl Case D etails (b) Si¡ailal Pending Matter w.P(c) 1013 OF 201e wjt}r Citation if ,Any and Case Manohar Lal Sha¡ma v Details Union of India Crinrínal Matters: fuL (a) Whet-her accnsed/col-L'';ict N/A has surretrdere<1 {h) FIR No. Date .N/A ii) Police Station N/,A (d) Senience Arvard.ed rv/A (e) Sentence Undergone N/A L Land Acquisition Matters: (a) Date of Section 4 NotificaCon N/A (b) Date of Section 6 Notifica'.:on l\r/A ic) Date of Section 17 N/A Notifrcation Tax Matters: State the tax efÏect l.J/A 10 Special Category (first t Senior Citþen > 65 Yea¡s Petitioner /AppeLlant oni"v; N SC/ST ! Woman/Child ! Disabled N/A ' il Legal Aid Case iJ In custody Vehicie Number (in case oí N/A Motor Accicle nt Cia1m matters) AOR FOR PETITIONER(S) AAKARSFI KAMRA NE\¡ bLLRT Advocate on Record 11 .o8.)o l1 Code: 2599 Phone:9650659748 rl, jy\oPsrs "/' fhe Statç of .larnrnn'-l-' and l(aslmi¡ is an integral part of India, i The Fetitioners he¡ein are citizens of India and a¡e recognrsed as Pennaneri Residents of the State cf .Tamrnu and I(ashmir. The petitioners have prellerred this Wnt Petitio¡ i:r the natlre of pLrblic inte¡est litigation , . irlpugning a'se¡tes of actions by :he Respondeuts r¡¿hicir not bnly Lurilaterally altr:r the reìationship of the unioir u'ith the state of Jarmlu and I{ashmil' rviïhout paltictpatio n i.nrer ali.a of ¡he instttntions of tlre State of .Iar¡.lnu ',ire ¿n¡i i'*ashmì¡ in srLcir clecision r¡ai<i,r-q: rvhich is i.psa .làcro urlcorlst jtutiollal; 'uut a.iso constitute a ÍÌontal attaci( o1r the values of 'f'ederalislt', 'ciemocr.acv, anci 'the rlile of law', protectecl and guaranteecl lrncler the provisions ol the CorrstitLltion oílndi¿, inclucling its Pa¡t III and enforceable under Article 32 of the Constitntion. Express provisiols of the coåsliiutional text, as also the pri;rciples of cierloclac-r' anci fecleralrstn rnancla.t: titat the relationship between the Union loaserJ o I lnclia. and the state of Jarrrn,-r ar¡i l(ashrnir shall be on a l-Lrutnal i espect for each otirer's institutions a¡td abole all, the consenf ancl consensus of lÌre people of Jammu and l(ashrnìr The Petitioners approach this llon,ble court to enfo¡ce tiris constitutìonai .rranclate in respect of State of Jamlnu and I(ashmir by playing f'or q,asirìi g/setting aside the impugned actions that, ur effect, are an ernploymen¡ of a se¡ies of clevices under thç constitution of Inciia to rjefeai its substantive provisions, ancl constitntional vahies. PÐTITíONÐR.S' R.EASON IìOIì ;rpplìOACHING THIS HON'BLI] r-f)T'Þ-Í' \_-,.r I Tire Petitíoners recognize ¡irai the sitLlatlon prevailìng in the State of .Ianmu and Kashmil, particuiarll, the I(ashmir valiey, and owing in part to , the railitancy, required an effecr,ive political , solution. However, the irnprigneci actions hereìn, tha¡ 'rrnclermine the cherishecl vahres of 'federalisn-r'. 'democracy' ancl 'tl.re .ul. nf lau,', cio not ancl c¿unot offer such a solution. Pçtrtioners seek this Hon'ble Court's inte¡vention in orde¡ to ensure rneasrlres taken fol the progress of the State of Jamrnu and Kashmir are courpa.tible with the Constitu¡ior of India, ancl as a rdsLrit, lasting and ileaningful.îhe Petiiioners upp.o-n this FIon'bie CoLut with a vier.r, not only to get the irnpugned actions set-aside, but in the hope that this litigation presellts an opportunìt¡' for a consrrLrctive solution to emerge that envisrons and guarantee3 justice, peace and picsperity for the peopie of the State bf Jarnmn and i(ashurir, u'hile respectir:g and protecting the civil and political lights of all the residents of Jarnrnu and I(ashrnlr * as guaranteed Lrnder the L orstltutron of -lndla. The fede¡al polity as provrcled for ard practiced under the ConsþitLrtion of lnc1ia is sui.-generi.s - for it takes into accormt the special needs and histories of clifferent States. Accordìngiy, specrál provisions were made ir.r respect of many States. A¡ticle 370 represents cne such special relationship betweer.r India ancl the people of tire State oi Jalrrnu and I(ashmir. This I{on'ble Court has eallier decisrons noted that the framervork provided for under A¡ticle 370 has nea¡ pen.nar1ellce. Changes to the relationship between India and the State bf Jammn ancl I(asirmìr within the flarnework'of Article 370 thus necessariiv required the coÍrsent cithe people ofthe State, as expresseci b,v a pooniariy elocted governrlent, eitrrer by wa1, of .a recont nten dal ton from Ð Ithe State Constituent Assembl.v or by way Qf Çoncuruence of the Goverruneni of the Stale. CI{RO\OI,OGI OF IMPT'G}{LL ACTIONS (a) On December 19, 2018, tire President of I¡c1ia issuecl a proclamation nncJel Article 356 of the Cons'itution prornulgating Presiclent's lule in the Slate ol -laurmu ancl i(ashmir. The Prociarnation (helejnafter, "lrnptgnecl Proclalnation") in:er ali.ø suspendecl the proviso to Artiçle 3 of the Constitution as it appljed in relation to the State of JarnurLr and I(ashmir. The pro r.'iso to ê¡trcle 3laid clown that alteratjons to the bounclaries of the State can cniy be done prrsr,rant to a reqrlest fìom or u'itir the consent of legisianrie rf the State; (b) With effect fiom .iuly 03, 20\9, the proclanation rssued on 19 12.2018 rvas extendecl íor a ftrñher period of six tnonths (also heleinaÍÌer inclLrded u'ithin the :xpression "InpLrgnecl Proclamation"); (c) On August 05, 2019 Constrtutron (Applìcation to Jarrmlr ancl I(aslrmir) Older, 2019 ("C.O. 212") was issued purporteclly under Alticle 370(1) of the Constit'¡tion seeking to apply al1 pr-ovisions of the Indian Constitution to the State of Jammu and I(ashmir. Thereafter 'll1e on tlre same date, it was tui¿ ¡rfor.
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