Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIII (2002) 1148.pdf

M-: Searching for Weak Silicate Features on Potentially Differentiated Objects. P.S. Hardersen1,2, M.J. Gaffey1,2 and P.A. Abell1, 1Department of Earth and Environmental Science, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York 12180; 2Current Affiliation: Space Studies Department, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, North Dakota 58202 ([email protected], [email protected], [email protected]).

Introduction: The detection of weak mafic sili- zero in other specimens from silicate-bearing me- cate features in the near-infrared spectra (NIR, ~0.8 to teorite types [8]. The major mineral phases in silicate 2.5 µm) of M-type asteroids can help to constrain the inclusions are generally olivine ± clinopyroxene ± likely mineralogies and petrologic histories of this orthopyroxene [7], but other silicate inclusions are group of asteroids. The absence of spectral features poor in silicates and are dominantly composed of vary- can also help to constrain potential surface composi- ing amount of minerals such as schreibersite, troilite, tions. A subset of the M-type asteroids was observed graphite, metal and different phosphates [11]. Silicate in April and May 2001 using the SpeX [1] instrument inclusions also tend to be Fe-poor (


spectrum from Clark et al. [20] does not show any the April/May 2001 observing run will be presented. A absorption feature and displays a featureless, reddened key focus of this effort is to develop methodologies spectrum at longer wavelengths. The results from the and calibrations for analysis of “featureless” asteroid present observing run should be able to determine if spectra that can provide diagnostic information about one, or both, spectra of Hesperia are accurate and if the the histories and meteorite affinities of these asteroids. two disparate spectra are caused by surface heteroge- Integration of asteroid data obtained in different wave- neities or other effects. length intervals is needed to derive consistent, rigorous 110 Lydia: This asteroid has a rotation period of compositional interpretations, increasing the confi- 10.9 hours [22], an IRAS albedo of 0.18, and an effec- dence in our understanding of the nature of any given tive IRAS diameter of 86 km. Lydia was observed as asteroid. High quality spectra of M-type asteroids in a part of the 24-color survey [19] and some research the 10 µm region could detect the presence of silicates, suggests that some silicates are present on the surface and potentially identify the mineral type. This would of Lydia [29]. Work by Rivkin et al. [24] place Lydia be critical to identifying M-type asteroids composed of in their W class of asteroids based on their detection of assemblages. absorption features in the 3 µm region of the spectrum. Accomplishing these objectives can greatly expand Although these authors consider Lydia to be a hy- our understanding of the asteroids and the complex drated assemblage, they also calculate the equivalent conditions they experienced in the early solar system. water content on the asteroid’s surface to range from Acknowledgements: Various aspects of this work 0.14-0.27 wt% [24]. The calculated wt% of water on were supported by NASA Planetary Geology and Geo- Lydia is not reconcilable with its interpretation as a physics Program Grant NAG5-10345 and NASA Exo- true hydrated (e.g., phyllosilicate-rich) assemblage. biology Program Grant NAG5-7598 (NSCORT: New Results from the recent observing run, with nearly full York Center for Studies on the Origin of Life). rotational coverage of Lydia, should provide additional References: [1] Rayner J.T. et al. (1998) Proc. constraints on the nature of this asteroid. SPIE, 3354, 468-479. [2] Tholen D.J. (1984) PhD 201 Penelope: This asteroid has an effective IRAS Thesis. [3] Burbine T.H. (1991), Master’s Thesis. [4] diameter of 68 km, a rotation period of 3.75 hours Gaffey M.J. (1976) JGR, 81, 905-920. [5] Cloutis E. [22], and an IRAS albedo of 0.16. It has been previ- A. et al. (1990) JGR, 95, 281-293. [6] Hardersen P.S. ously investigated by Rivkin et al. [25] and Busarev and Gaffey M.J. (2001) LPSC XXXII, Abst. 1103. [7] [26]. In Rivkin et al. [25], 201 Penelope, which they Bunch T.E. (1970) Contr. Mineral. And Petrol., 25, place in their W class, was found to display an absorp- 297-340. [8] Prinz M. et al. (1982) LPSC XIII, 632- tion feature ~5% deep in the 3 µm region correspond- 633. [9] Prinz M. et al. (1991) LPSC XXII, 1101. [10] ing to a calculated water content ranging from 0.13- Prinz M. et al. (1984) Meteoritics, 19, 291-292. [11] 0.15 wt%. Busarev [26] obtained 0.34-0.76 µm spec- McCoy T.J. (1993) Meteoritics, 28, 552-560. [12] tra of Penelope over ~20% of its rotational period. Prinz M. et al. (1983) LPSC XIV, 616-617. [13] These data were interpreted to indicate some combina- McCoy T.J. et al. (1996) Meteoritics & Planet. Sci., tion of metals, mafic silicates and phyllosilicate miner- 31, 419-422. [14] Olsen E.J. and Schwade J. (1998) als. New data will be presented that will further con- Meteoritics & Planet. Sci., 33, 153-155. [15] Weis- strain the nature of this asteroid. berg M.K. et al. (1990) Meteoritics, 25, 269-279. [16] 216 Kleopatra: This well studied asteroid has Veverka, J. et al. (2001) Science, 292, 484-488. [17] been observed as a part of the 24-color survey [19] and Veverka, J. et al. (2001) Nature, 413, 390-393. [18] by the radar observations of Mitchell et al. [27] and Zellner B. et al. (1985) Icarus, 61, 355-416. [19] Ostro et al. [28]. 216 Kleopatra has a rotation period Chapman C.R. and Gaffey M.J. (1979) Asteroids, 655- of 5.4 hours, an IRAS albedo of 0.12, and an effective 687. [20] Clark B.E. et al. (1995) Icarus, 113, 387- IRAS diameter of 135 km. The radar shape model for 402. [21] Bell J.F. et al. (1988) LPSC XIX, 57-58. 216 Kleopatra gives dimensions of 217 x 94 x 81 km [22] Lagerkvist, C.I. et al. (1989) Asteroids II, 1162- [28]. The very high derived radar albedos (0.44 and 1179. [23] Gaffey M.J. et al. (1993) Meteoritics, 28, 0.7) [27,28] led to interpretations of a mostly metallic 161-187. [24] Rivkin A.S. et al. (2000) Icarus, 145, composition for 216 Kleopatra. Additional work by 351-368. [25] Rivkin A.S. et al. (1995) Icarus, 117, Rivkin et al. [25] did not detect any 3 µm absorption 90-100. [26] Busarev V.V. (1998) Icarus, 131, 32-40. features and is not considered to be hydrated. Existing [27] Mitchell D.L. et al. (1995) Icarus, 118, 105-131. spectra are inadequate to detect a weak 1 µm feature. [28] Ostro S.J. et al. (2000) Science, 288, 836-839. Conclusion: This observing program is designed [29] Lupishko D.F. and Belskaya I.N. (1989) Icarus, to search for weak near-infrared silicate spectral fea- 78, 395-401. tures in selected M-type asteroids. The results from