Quake III Arena Game Structures D. Stefyn∗, A.L. Cricenti, P.A. Branch Centre for Advanced Internet Architectures, Technical Report 110209A Swinburne University of Technology Melbourne, Australia
[email protected],
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[email protected] Abstract—This report presents results from the analysis FPS games has spurned a lot of research into the network of the Quake III Arena source code in order to gain traffic produced by these games. insights into how the packets flowing between server and A number of research projects have analysed the traffic client are constructed. The server to client packets contain produced by Quake III Arena [5], [6] and some other game state information that is based on the aggregation of FPS games that are based on the same engine [7]. This the changes in state of the individual game entities in the vicinity of the player, whilst the client to server packets report aims to provide researchers with a quick orienta- contain information of the changes in the individual play- tion to the Quake III Arena source code, particularly as it ers’ state. Ultimately the information sent affects the size relates to the information that the game engine transmits of the packet and may be used as a basis for determining across the network. By having a structured introduction network performance characteristics of the game or for to these game aspects, these characteristics can also creating modifications to the source code. Quake III Arena be extrapolated for comparing the network performance is seen to employ both delta states to incrementally updates of other FPS games, whether they are open or closed changes in the game from an initial baseline and Huffman source.