1912. Congressional Reoord--Senate
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1912. CONGRESSIONAL REOORD--SENATE. 10259 the judiciary ; to the Commrtte.e on Interstate and Foreigp SENATE. Commerce. By Mr. LI:NDSAY :· Memorial: of Regufar Colored· Demoeratic 'FuESDAY, August 6~ 191E. Association, of Brooklyn, N. Y., favoring passage of Senate bill The Senate met at 10 o'clock a.. m. No. 180 relative to celebration of fiftieth anniversary of the free- Prayer by the Chaplain:, Rev. Ulysses G. B. Pierce, D. D. ing of the negro ; to the Committee on Industrial Arts and Ex- Mr: BACON took the chair as President pro tempore under positions. the previous order of the Sena-te . .Also, memorial of board of managers of the New York Pto- The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's duce Exchange, favoring passagl' of House bill 25572, to amend. proceedings, wben, on request of Mr. SM-OOT and by unaoimous the laws relating to the judiciary; to the Committee en Inter.- consent, the further reading was dispensed with and the Journal state and Foreign. Commerce. was approved. Also, memorial of American Association of Dairy, Food, and l\Ir. OVERl\IAN. l\lr. President, I suggest the absence of a Drug Officials, favoring passag-e of the Gouid weight and quorum: · measure bill; ta the Committee on Interstate and Foreign. Cbm- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Sen.a.tor from North merce. · Carolina suggests the absence of a quorum. The Secretary will By .!\Ir. 1\IcCOY: Petition of Order of Railway Conductors of proceed to eall the roll. America, Division No. 175, against passage of employers' liatiil·· The Secretary called th{\ p>11, and the folk>wing s~na.tars ity :md workmen's compensation act; to the: Committee on the answered te their names: V J'udiciary. Ashurst Culberson Mart!-n·, Va:. Smith, ..!.riz. Also, memorial of Hebrew Vetemns of the War with Spain, B~on Cullo~ Martine, N. J. Smith, s. C. · · tin · · ti to th C Bailey Cummms Massey Smoot against passage o f bills restr1c g mumgra on ;. e om-· · Bankhead Gallinger Myers. Sutherland mittee on Immigration and Naturalization. · Borah Gronna :Nelson Thornton . fii Bourne J-0hnston, .Ala.. Overman. Townselld By Mr. McDERMOTT: Memorial of freight tra c com- Brandegee Jones Page Warren mittee of the Chicago Association of Commerce, faToning_ :ons- Bristow Kenyon. Perkins Works sage of House bill 25572, to amend the laws relating to the· Bu~nham Kern Reed judiciary; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Oom- ~~gg;: ~f~igtimber - ~f~~e~ merce. l\Ir. THORNTON. I desire to rumounce the necessary ab- By Mr. PARRAN: Memorial of F. D. Pastoritis Council, N-0. sence of my colleague [Ur. FosTER]. I. ask that this unnounce- 1, and Greb1e Council, No, 13, Order Independent Americans, of ment may stand for the day. Philadelphia, Pa., favoring passage of House bill 2530-9, relative l\lr. BOURNE. r desire to announce that my colleague [Mr. to di playing fl..::tg of United States on llghth-0uses, etc.; to the· CHAMBERLAIN] is unavoidably detained on a con:feren-ee, and Committee on Interstat-e and Foreign Commerce. that' he has a general {>air with the junior Senator from Penn- By Mr. PATTEN of New York: Pettpon of Inventors' Guild sylvania [l\1r. OLLVER]. I will let this announcement stand for of New York City, relative to changeS-in patent laws; to the the day. Committee on. Patents. The PRESIDE.NT pro tempore. On the call of the rcll of the ATuo, memorial of Inven:tors' Guild of New York City, rela- Senate, 41 Senators ha-ve answered to thei:u names. A quorum of tive to change in patent law; to the Committee on Patents. the Senate is not present. Also, memorial of the National Association or Thlking-l\fu- Mr. WARREN I ask that the names of the absentees be· chine Jobber , Pittsburgh, Pa., against pllilsage of House bill called. 23417,. known_ as the Oldfield bill, relati've to change in patent The PRESIDE.NT pro tempore. Withou-~ objection, the Sec- law; to the Committee on Patents. retary will call the names of absent Senators. .Also, mem-0rial of the St. Augustine Board of Trade, of St. The Secretary called the names of the absent Sena.tors, and Augustine, Fla., favoring passage of bill providing for use as a Mr. SMITH of Michigan answered to his name when called. park for city of St. Augustine of the powder-house Iot ;· to the .Mr. CLAPP and Mr. CHAMBERLAIN entered the Chamber Committee on Military .Affairs. and answered t<> their names. Also, memorial of New York Produce Exchange, of N-ew York Mr. JONES. I desire to state that my col1eague [Mr. Porn- City, favoring passage of House bill 25572, to amener laws re- DEXTER] is out of t,b..e city on important business. I will let this la ting to the judiciary; to the Committee on Interstate and . announcement stand for the day. Foreign. Commerce. .!\Ir: SUITH of Georgia entered the Chamber and answered By l\1r. RAINEY: Petition. of citizens of East St. Louis, Ill, t-0 his name. favoring passage of the excise-tax bill with amendment relative l\Ir. LODGE. If there is no quorum as yet, I move that the to domestic building and. loan associations; to the Committee Sergeant- at Arms be directed to request the attendance of on Ways and l\lean . absent" Senators. Also, petition of Herman Engleba.~h and others, of Arenzville, The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Chair has not yet a.scer- Ill., against passage of a parcel-post. \aw; to the Committee on. tained whether there is a quorum and can not make the an- the Post Office and Post Roads. n.ouncement until the Secretary reports. By l\IT. RAKER: Memorial of Chamber of Commerce of Sac- Mr. BAILEY. I thought the Senator from Massachusetts ramento, Cal., favoring passage of House bill 357, relative t:o desired to submit some motion. investigation o:f foreign and domestic fire insurance companies; Mr. LODGEl. I did; that the Sergeant at Arms be directed to to the Committee on Interstate a.nd Foreign Commerce. request the attendance of absent Senators. Mr. BAILEY. That requii;es a motion. By l\fr. SULZER: Memorial of Regular Colored Democratic Mr. LODGE. r make that motion. Association of Brooklyn, N. Y., favoring passage of Senate bill Mr. BAILEY. I did not under.stand that the Chair put the 1 O, for exposition to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the motion. freeing of the negro; to the Committee on Industrfal Arts and Mr. LODGE. No; the. Chair has not made the formal an- Expositions. noun cement. Also, memorial of' New York Produce Exchange, of New York The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Upon the call of the roll-- City;. favoring passage of Hous~ bill 25572, to amend the laws Mr. POMERENE entered the Chamber and answered to his relating to the judiciary; to the Committee on Interstate [..Il.d name. Foreign Commerce. The PRESIDE:t-.TT pro tempore. Forty-six Senators only are .Also, petition of J . .1\I. Johnson, of New York City, favoring pTesent, including the name of the Senator just called.. interua.tional conference on the cost of living; to the Com- Mr. LODGE. Then I move- mittee on Foreign Affairs. Mr. BAILEY. This is what comes of trying to meet at 10 By Mr. UNDERHILL: Petition of Inventors' Guild of New o'clock, before Senators can attend to their correspondence. and York City, favoring commission to consider change in -patent department work.' If the Senate wants to proceed. with due laws; to the Committee on Patents. dispatch it will revoke the order about meeting at 10 o'clock Also, memorial of the St. Augustine Board of Trade, of St. and meet at 12 and have a night session. Then we wm be able Augustine, Fla., fa. Yoring passage of bill providing that powder- to put in 9 or 10 hours a day. house lot be used as· :i park by tile· city of St. Augustine; to the The :eR.ESIDENT pro tempore. The Senator from Massa- Oommittee on Military Affairs. chu.setts moves that the Sergeant at Arms be directed to request A.Jso, memorial of Nation.al Association of Talking Machine- the presence of absent Senators. The question is on the motion Jobbers, of Pitt burgh, Pa., against _passage of House bill 23417,, · of tile Senator from l\Iassa~usetts. known as the Oldfield bill; to the Committee on Patects. The motion was.. agreed to. 10260 OONGRESSION AL RECORD-SENATE. AUGUST 6, The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The order of the Senate will the adoption of certain amendments to the bill (S. 5173) to be executed by the Sergeant at Arms. promote the efficiency of the Life-Sa v:ing Service, and ( S. 7061) l\lr. CRAWFORD and Mr. McLEAN entered the Chamber to create the coast guard by combining therein the existing Life and answered to their names. saving Service and Revenue-Cutter Service, which was referrfd The PRESIDENT pro tempore (at 10 o'clock and 20 min to the Committee on Commerce. utes a. m.). Upon the call of the roll of the Senate 48 Senators HISTORY OF THE FEDERAL ELECTIONS. have responded to their names. A quorum of the Senate is Mr. BORAH, from the Committee on Education and Labor, to pre ent. · .,.,_ - ~~· _ which was referred the amendment submitted by Mr. CULLOM l\Ir. LODGE. I move that the order dfrecting the Sergeant on the 25th ultimo, proposing to appropriate $6,250 to purchase at Arms to request the attendance of absent Senators be re-.