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IRISH SPIRIT the St 20 thAnniversary Special Edition IRISH SPIRIT The St. Patrick Society Quad Cities, USA Phone (563) 324-5000 • Visit our website: Winter 2005 Letter from the President The first St. Patrick Day Parade our family marched in was in St. Paul, MN in 1984 and we thought it was so neat. You can imagine how excited we were when Jeff Collins, Frank Pat Burke Coyle, Jerry McCabe, Tom McGinn, Dan Reardon and Denny Walsh founded the St Patrick Society in 1985. We marched in the first Grand Parade in 1986 and haven't missed one since. Bonnie and I volunteered early on for the Society events and over the last 20 years, we have served as Board Members and Officers. We have stayed involved because of all the great, wonderful people we have met and worked with along the way. The time we have at the Gathering of the Clan Luncheon, Mass at St. Mary's, The Grand Parade, Col Bash, Irish Heritage Day and Erin Feis always has our family looking forward to the next event. The St Patrick Society was founded to pro- mote, cultivate and maintain community awareness of Irish Heritage. The continuation and growth of all the Society events, scholar- ships, charitable donations and partnerships with the Mullane Irish Dance Academy, St. Ambrose University Irish Studies Program, Quad City Ceili Club and others, has far exceeded the expectations of the Founders. We thank all those who have served and helped out along the way and look forward to many more years of celebrating all things Irish in the Quad Cities. r A note from the 20th Kathy Conway. It has been a privilege to com- we'd have to agree. We thank all those who Anniversary Committee memorate two decades of great memories, sto- kindly shared their reflections with us and hope ries, friendships and camaraderie. It's been the tidbits contained herein will make your Irish Chaired by Silia Smiley, with Larry Rafferty, John said that Ireland's greatest export is her people, eyes smile. r Scally, Joe Dooley, Leo Kilfoy, Sara Brewster, and and judging by the caliber of our members, Jeffery Charles Collins Francis Joseph Coyle, Jr. Jerald Matt McCabe Thomas Joseph McGinn Daniel Patrick Reardon Dennis Michael Walsh The Founders When these Irish dreamers, namely: Jeffery Davenport. We'd have the power company Charles Collins, Francis Joseph Coyle Jr., Jerald truck and a load of cops who’d start about Salute to Matt McCabe, Thomas Joseph McGinn, Daniel midnight and end about 5 am. We'd hang 40- Patrick Reardon and Dennis Michael Walsh got foot handmade Irish flags over the street. It Society Leaders together at Mac's Tavern, they wanted one sim- was a heck of a lot of work, but a lot of fun. Presidents (Taoiseachs) ple thing: to show their Irish pride and put on Our volunteers were great - we always tried to Leadership success takes skill, commit- the finest St. Patrick's Day Parade the Quad treat them well.” ment, dedication, inspiration and a bit of Cities had ever seen. ’em, Irish diplomacy. The Irish lads here The influence of Dan Reardon was a strong certainly had all the right stuff. Sláinte. Jerry McCabe says, “Reardon, Collins and I one. “He was my best friend and a funny guy • Daniel Patrick Reardon (1944-1999) would be out on St. Patrick's Day every year - a real character,” says Jerry. “He really served 1987-1988 and we always said we should have a parade. pushed the Parade and worked diligently.” • Joseph Bronson Dooley (1920-2003) We said it for five years and finally realized it served 1988-1989 was time to stop talking and start doing. We Frank continues, "Dan was our first elected • John Edward Scally served 1989-1991 talked to the St. Patrick Society of Peoria and leader and was instrumental in getting people • Lawrence Patrick Rafferty they ended up telling us what served 1991-1995 NOT to do - little things, like • Patrick Thomas Burke 1995 to present don't tie up with taverns or Leaders are visionaries with a name things after people,” he “Nil neart go cur le ceile” — There is no laughs. “poorly developed sense of fear and strength until we work together. The Society has thrived for two decades With the know-how shared by no concept of the odds against because of the collective talents of many the Peoria crew, Coyle, dedicated individuals. Our gratitude to all McGinn and Walsh joined the — Robert Jarvik past Officers, Board Members, and com- circle and real plans for a them. mittee chairs. In addition to the Founders parade and a Quad City Irish ” and Presidents listed, we thank the current Society — equally represented on both sides involved. His “right hand” was Denny Walsh. board members: Kathleen Douglas, Lynne of the River — took shape. Denny, as Parade Security Chairman and offi- Wamsley, Victor Quinn, John Ahern, Sara cial Keeper of the Float that seemed to get per- Brewster, Thomas Cleary, Kathleen Conway, Our resident esquire, Frank Coyle, remembers petually lost, always kept things light and Kevin Day, Joseph P. Dooley, Ryan Dye, Janet that first parade. “We didn't know what we brought a lot of humor. They both did whatev- Foley, Kim Holtam, Leroy Levis, Shelley were in for -- since the Irish can't even organ- er needed to be done. We miss their input and Sheehy, Michael Scannell, Thomas Schulte, ize an island, we didn't give thought to a Grand we're indebted to them." Silia Smiley, and Matthew Wissing. r Parade II, let alone XX! We were afraid the first parade would end up the six of us leading Since the early days, the Society has experi- a duck. However, when we turned the corner enced its share of growing pains, while enrich- In Tribute & Memory out of Rock Island, got to the bridge, turned ing the community with its annual events, char- To all those Society founders, leaders, down and saw that crowd on 3rd Street, it was itable contributions and scholarships. The dedicated members and volunteers who a thrill. McGinn always liked to say, ‘If it had- essence of what these gents envisioned howev- have left us for God's palm, who shared n’t been for the luncheon, there wouldn't be a er, the expression and celebration of our Irish their special talents on our behalf, your parade.’ I don't think any one us would've traditions, has remained constant and has been pride and dedication to all things Irish will imagined that we'd be here 20 years.” preserved for future generations. not be forgotten. Jerry recalls, “We always tried to have fun - If you're lucky enough to be Irish, you're “Good night and joy be with you all.” r like painting a green line down 3rd Street in lucky enough. r 2 What’s in a Name? In December 1985, under Marjean O'Brien's encompasses all things that the Irish are, their capable direction, the first Irish Spirit unique mystique centering on human spirit, newsletter was published. Here is an article the old values and tranquility of life... described that explains the origin of this fitting name. by John F. Kennedy, “that remarkable “In trying to come up with a name for our combination of hope, confidence and communique´, we tossed around quite a few imagination.” We thank all the Editors, guest words and phrases. The trouble was, we contributors and committee members who have wanted it to mean more than it said... We were passed on this spirit, including, Marjean O'Brien, Our Signature lucky that Michael John Kinney was there that Jill Renihan, John Dooley, Susan Russell, Kathleen A special image that expresses our purpose evening, for he gave us “The Irish Spirit.” It Callahan, Kathy Douglas and Sara Brewster. r and identity — our St. Patrick Society logo. Our unique signature was designed by the in the District of Rock Island, raised money late Terry Baumann, who also created the How do you say to fund the St. Patrick's Day Grand Parade. first several Grand Parade posters. Salute This family festival was first chaired by and gratitude to Terry, a “brilliant gent.” r Feis anyway? Founder Jeff Collins, “The Idea Guy.” Jeff “Our grand summer event, Erin Feis, is wrote, “The first Feis was a success in spite enjoyable we all agree. But just exactly how of the rain, which dampened the evening's Mass at St. Mary’s do we pronounce the potential. The crowd was esti- Grand Parade Day begins with a beautiful name? “Erin” seems to mated between 2,500-3,000. celebration of the Mass at St. Mary’s Church be safe and secure and 134 new members were signed located near the beginning of the parade route. universally stated as “Air up! The St. Patrick Society of St. Mary Pastors and Associates celebrate the IN”. Now, the disagree- the Quad Cities is on the move mass and have been assisted at times by Grand ment, “Feis”. Well there's for the big day - March 17, Marshals, Fr. Conroy and Fr. Lee. The Rock Fice, Fess, Fesh and in 1986. We're proud our com- Island Knights of Columbus provide the honor Morrocco, they say “fez”, mittee could add a small part guard for the present and past Grand Marshals (but that's another story.) to its success.” and Irish Mothers, Founders, Officers and Recent extensive research Through the years, Erin Feis Board Members. Music is provided by the St. by Darwin and Huxley and Hall have conclu- has hosted 29 different musical acts, with Mary’s Choir and always includes the hymn to sively proven that Feis is pronounced Fesh.

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