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Thehe Marshall Islands Swim Federation competed in the Micronesian Games held in Palau Pala AAug.ug. 11-10.-10. TThehe 1133 ccompetingompeting sswimmerswimmers ffromrom tthehe MMarshallarshall IIslandsslands bbroughtrought hhomeome 3300 mmedalsedals tthishis yyear.ear. PPicturedictured llefteft toto rright,ight, ttopop ttoo bbottom,ottom, aarere RRyanyan DDeCoster,eCoster, JJenniferennifer Hibberts,Hibberts, JJohnohn SSholar,holar, GGiordaniordan HHarris,arris, DDaneane BBishopishop aandnd JJulieulie AAlves.lves. FForor mmore,ore, sseeee ppageage 44.. PPhotoshotos ccourtesyourtesy ooff JJimim aandnd JJenniferennifer CCosseyossey Saturday, August 21, 2010 www.smdc.army.mil/KWAJ/Hourglass/hourglass.html The Kwajalein Hourglass Commentary I sent my oldest daughter, Kelly, off had to have one. After graduation she to college six years ago to get smart. I picked up a beautiful blue model with had no idea what my return would be a white racing stripe down the middle on this investment. Let me explain. from the local BMW dealer. We came to Kwajalein during her She even let me drive it once. It was senior year in high school and when a few days before her wedding and I she wanted to attend Colorado State was allowed to drive it to a detailer so we discovered that she just barely it could be all spiffed up and used for qualifi ed for in-state tuition with one the reception getaway car. Also, I was caveat – if for any reason she paused allowed to pay for the detailing (by her education or even transferred to the way, I’ve never had my own car that would be a cool car.” My second another Colorado school, she would detailed). thought was, “Wait a minute, I already start paying the exorbitant rate of out- And now, the rest of the story. bought that car once! Kelly would get of-state tuition. Kathy Ann bought a Honda Fit upon the car AND the money.” So, I made a deal with her. I said, her return to Colorado and she sug- Kelly is offering me the privilege of “Kelly, if you remain in school and gradu- gested I start thinking about a car. buying the same car twice. I knew that ate from CSU, I’ll buy you a car.” She Then, Kelly called and said, “Mom, a college education would make her very did, so I did. What kind of car, you ask? Mini Cooper is not a very child friendly smart. Now, she is the marketing direc- In her senior year of college, she saw car. I want to sell it before I have kids. tor for a law fi rm in Denver. I should the movie, The Italian Job in which Maybe Dad would want to buy it.” send them a note of congratulations Charlize Theron whips around LA in a Kathy Ann relayed this great deal to that they hired one sharp lady. I should sporty Mini Cooper. That was it. Kelly me and my fi rst thought was, “Wow, also tell them not to buy her a car. So, my advice to any parents sending kids off to college this summer is this: Buckminster and Friends by Sabrina Mumma Caution! Do not make a deal with your child. Part of their education experience is discovering even more clever ways to extract money from you. In terms of an investment, you are better off buying a boat. The deadline to submit a For Sale, Pati o Sale, Wanted, Lost, Found or Community Noti ce is Wednesday at noon to make it into that Saturday’s paper. Ads must be 50 words or less. One ad per person is allowed per issue. Ads and announcements will run for two weeks and can be E-mailed to hourglass@smc dk.smdc.army.mil or forms can be picked up in the AFN offi ce in building 805. Any questi ons, please call 52114. TThehe KKwajaleinwajalein HHourglassourglass The Kwajalein Hourglass is named for the offi cial views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Gov- E-mail: [email protected] insignia of the U.S. Army 7th Infantry Division, ernment, Department of Defense, Department of which liberated the island from the forces of the Army or USAKA. It is published Saturdays in Commanding Offi cer........COL Joseph Gaines Imperial Japan on Feb. 4, 1944. accordance with Army Regulation 360-1 and us- The Kwajalein Hourglass is an authorized ing a network printer by Kwajalein Range Services Sergeant Major............................SGM Hohn Wolf publication for military personnel, federal em- editorial staff. Acting Public Affairs Offi cer ...........Mike Sakaio ployees, contractor workers and their families CMR #701 P.O. Box 23, APO AP 96555 Managing Editor......................Sheila Bigelow assigned to U.S. Army Kwajalein Atoll. Con- Phone: Defense Switching Network 254-3539; Associate Editor...................Hannah Fronzak tents of The Hourglass are not necessarily Local phone: 53539 Printed circulation:1,200 The Kwajalein Hourglass 2 Saturday, August 21, 2010 Property staff achievements recognized By Sheila Bigelow Managing Editor e used to get little gold star stick- ers to recognize our achievements Wthrough grade school. Now that we’re all grown up, we can do without the stickers but a little recognition every now and then doesn’t hurt. Personnel in the Kwajalein Range Services Property department have been busy furthering their education in their fi eld and three individuals have achieved levels of certifi cation in property management. Reni Langrine has worked in the Property de- partment on Kwajalein for almost nine years. Recently, he has taken the initiative to become a Certifi ed Professional Property Specialist through the National Property Management Association certifi cation program. Langrine is the fi rst known native Marshallese citizen to earn a CPPS designation. Along with Langrine, Leilani Hubshman has Photo by Sheila Bigelow also worked to achieve her CPPS. She and Lan- Reni Langrine is the first known native Marshallese to earn a grine studied and worked together to prepare Certified Professional Property Specialist designation through the for the certifi cation exam and on July 29 they National Property Management Association certification program. both passed with fl ying colors, each earning NPMA course to prepare. Studying for the certifi - their CPPS designation. cation took countless hours and dedication over Malcolm Gowans has reached even further, the past six to nine months and will surely pay working to become a Certifi ed Professional off once applied to their individual job areas. Property Administrator. This is the second With their CPPS certifi cation, Langrine and level of the NPMA certifi cation program. In Hubshman will have a much greater understand- order to reach this designation one must have ing of the regulations, the requirements and worked in property for at least three years and industry standards that are driving each of the have a variety of work experience in at least decision-making processes in their area. Now seven functional areas of property manage- when they come across alternatives, decisions ment. Gowans successfully completed the or applications of property procedures, they will additional testing necessary and satisfi ed all have more knowledge of what the requirements experience requirements to elevate his certifi - and industry practices are. cation level to CPPA. The NPMA certifi cation program is recognized The NPMA certifi cation program is designed as the industry standard for property manage- to elevate professional standards and enhance ment professionals who work in government individual performance. It has three progres- agencies and as contractors, and is therefore sive levels of achievement. Langrine and Hub- promoted and valued by KRS, its parent com- shman are now certifi ed at the fi rst level of panies as well as customers. CPPS while Gowans has taken the next step to There is hope that all of the recent certifi ca- level two, a CPPA. tions will act as inspiration to other project Langrine and Hubshman were prompted to personnel to pursue their own professional cer- take the certifi cation exam by their previous tifi cation both in property and other areas. and current Property managers. Langrine says he was also positively infl uenced by Romeo Al- fred who used to work in Human Resources. Langrine and Hubshman studied and trained Has someone in your department with various co-workers in order to prepare for the certifi cation exam. Cherie O’Brien, Mission gone above and beyond or made a n Support Coordinator, was one of the most in- achievement worth mentioning? Send fl uential and helpful people that assisted them. Together they would mostly read from the study in their name and information to the material and do practice problems to prepare Hourglass so we may recognize them! for the exam. They also both took an online Saturday, August 21, 2010 3 The Kwajalein Hourglass Photos by Jim and Jennifer Cossey The Marshall Islands Swim Federation competes in the 2010 Micronesian Games in Palau Aug. 1-10. The team earned 30 medals in the competition; six gold, 13 silver and 11 bronze. By Sheila Bigelow Field and Volleyball teams in their off-time. Managing Editor While the other sporting events in the Micro Games were exciting and fun to watch, what the MISF team s if competing in the World Championships was really hyped about was their chance to compete in Rome, Italy last year wasn’t impressive in over 30 swimming events. After island-hopping from enough, the Marshall Islands Swim Federation Kwajalein to Palau, the swimmers were ready to get their just returned home with incredibly impres- feet wet. The athletes began practicing at 8:30 a.m. the siveA results from their competition in the Micronesian morning after arriving. They had only that morning to Games held in Palau Aug.