
Dec. 26, 1939. M. MALLORY 2,184,357 INTERNAL Filed May 4, 1938


2a 27

SHQ: mmá Patented Dec. 26, 1939 ,i357

' vUNITED STATES PATENT QFFICE 2,184,357 INTERNAL coMBUs'rroN ENGINE Marion Mallory, Detroit, Micli. Application May 4, 1938, Serial No. 206,052

` _ 10 Claims. (Cl. 12B-32) This invention relates to vnew and useful im the engine cylinders and showing the charge provements in an internal combustion engine of~ forming devices partly in'section and partly in the type which comprises a primary firing pocket elevation. 7 from which an electrically ignited charge is pro Fig. 2 is an enlarged section .taken on the line jected into the main combustion chamber at the 2-2 of Fig. 1. Y 6 upper end of the to ignite the charge Fig. 3 is an enlarged detail view of the therein. Thus a low grade fuel may be used for valves, showing their positions with relation to the main charge with the assurance that it will leach other. be properly ignited. This main fuel charge is Fig. 4 is a section along the line 4-4 of Fig. 1. 10 usually injected in liquid-form when the The drawing shows one of the engine cylinders l@ is near the end of its compression . 5, in which a piston 6 is reciprocable by means of In o'f this type as heretofore con- Y a piston rod 'I connected with a shaft 3 structed, the outlet from the firing Apocket ter operating in the usual manner in a crank case 9. minates at the wall surface ofthe main com It is to be understood that the engine may have bustion chamber or in a recess of said chamber. any desired number of such cylinders. The main The main fuel charge, especially if it is injected, combustion chamber 50 is directly above the pis is apt to condense around the surface of the com >ton 6 and a primary ñring pocket I Ucommunicates bustion chamber and piston head, so that it is too therewith through a restricted nozzle` I I, which rich to be readily ignited and burned, and I have ' projects into the main combustion chamber and 20 found that if the projected flame emerges at a terminates near the center thereof. The main point adjacent to such surfaces, the ignition is combustion chamber and the iiring'pocket are very erratic, the explosion is not smoothv and the provided with spark plugs I2 and I3 respectively. detonation is bad. ‘ Fuel mixture is supplied to the primary firing` One object of the invention is to eliminate this pocket I0 from a I4 through an'in- I 25 diiiiculty by extending the outlet nozzle from the take passage I5, the admission of such mixture firing pocket to a point near the center of the to the pocket being controlled by an valve main combustion chamber. Thus the combustion I6. The main _combustion chamber 50 is provided ~ of the main charge begins at the center, at a with an air intake I'I controlled by an intake point where there are no cold surfaces to cause -, valve I8, and under certain operating conditions, 30 condensation, and ­progresses in all directions. as hereinafter explained, this intake also may de This insures _complete and uniform combustion. liver a carburetted mixture.v It will be under- « It is a further object of the invention to pre stood that the main combustion chamber is ex vent condensationagainst the walls of the igni hausted inthe conventional manner, but it is not tion pocket by providing a restriction or venturi necessary to provide an exhaust port for the 35 between the inlet valve and the spark gap, there pocket I0 because the residual gases left therein 63 by directing the atomized charge toward the cen» will be a negligible factor in the operation of ter of the pocket. ’ the engine. _ . ' . At further object of the invention is to provide The intake valves ISand IB are held normally means whereby the engine'idles onran- atomized closed by springs I9 and 20 respectively and are 40 charge drawn directly from the carburetor into adapted to be opened simultaneously by a rocker 4o the main combustion chamber, and when the arm 2l, which is operated in the usual manner. throttle .is opened, air alone is drawn into said It has been found that the valve I6 tends to de chamber and supplemented by an injection of fuel iiect the fuel mixture against the walls of the oil. > ' i“ pocket I0, and this might at times cause conden 45 A still further object of the invention is to ar sation. It is desirable, therefore, to provide a re- 4 . range the throttle valves so as to delay the open striction or small venturi 22 between the /valve ing of the air inlet to the main combustion cham I6 and the I3. .This deñects the mix ber, when lthe throttle is opened, thus maintain ture back toward the center of the pocket and ing suction through the inlet to the firing pocket speeds up its flow, thus producing better atomiza 50 to aid acceleration. ~ ‘ " A tion of the primaryiiring charge in the vicinity 50 The above and other objects of the invention of the spark plug and a, consequent improvement and ‘the means by which they are attained will be in ignition. more fully explained in connection with the ac The mixture passage I5 leading to the ignition companying drawing, .in which pocket I0 has an air intake 23. A fuel conduit 55 Fig. 1 is a section taken centrally of one of 24 leading from the bowl of the carburetor I4 ter 2 2,184,357 minates in a nozzle 25 within a venturi 26 with pletelyburn the rich mixture contiguous to the which the passage I5 is provided. A throttle metal surfaces. By terminating the outlet from valve 21 secured to a shaft 28 is located within the firing chamber at or near thev center of the the passage I5 on the engine side of the ven main charge and away from metal surfaces, mis-~ turi 26. ñring and smoking are eliminated. The com The passage I1 has an air intake 29 and a bustion is complete and this also eliminates> dilu throttle valve 30 within this-passage 'is secured to tion of the engine lubrication. ~ the shaft 28. Thus both valves 21 and 38 are se At this point it may be noted that if the rota cured to the same shaft. As shown particularly tion of the crank shaft is clockwise, as shown 10 in Fig. 3, these valves are so disposed that the in Fig. l, the cylinder is offset to the left of the 10 opening of the valve 30 will not be as much, crank shaft center.« As a result, the increase in _ measured in degrees, as that of the valve 21, for volume of the combustion chamber will be more a purpose hereinafter explained. A fuel tube 3I rapid at the beginning o-f the downward stroke, opens into the passage I1 just below the valve 30 but not so rapid toward the end of the stroke. 15 and has an intake 32 from the carburetor bowl This is especially desirable for high compression and an air bleed 33, so that fuel mixture, rather engines using flame for ignition, which causes than air alone, may be supplied directly to the rapid expansion, because the rapid movement of main combustion chamber when the throttle is set , the piston immediately after combustion starts, for idling or very low speed. expands the combustion chamber and this pre For high speed or power operation, a charge of vents undue rise in pressure which would cause , liquid fuel is supplied to the main combustion detonation. l chamber through an injector 34 from a pump 35 For idling, both valves 21 and 30 are substan and the quantity injected is controlled by i a tially closed and the fuel mixture charge islsup metering pin 36. _The throttle valve shaft 2B is plied through the idle jet 3| to the intake pas provided with an actuating arm 31 and also with sage I1 on the engine side of the throttle valve 30. an arm 38 which carries a depending dog 39 ' The spark plug I2 is mainly for the purpose of having a lip 40 disposed beneath a corresponding igniting this charge. In closing the throttle, the lip 4I on the upper end of the metering pin. It valves 21 and 30 and the metering pin 36 all move will be understood, therefore, that the injection in'unison until thev metering pin is completely 30 metering pin is normally closed until the throttle closed, after which the valves have some _further 80 is opened to a predetermined extent. Then, as movement. Injection for idling has never been _ they throttle is opened wider, the metering pin satisfactory because of difficulties in'making the begins to open. The metering pin also closes in pump delicate enough. If the holes in the in advance of the throttle. jector were made large enough to admit fuel for In the operation of this engine, both throttle full power, fuel for idling would'` be admitted at 35 valves 21 and 30 and the metering pin 36 are such low velocity that it would not be atomized. moved in unison except at the beginning'of the This would cause smoking. poor combustion and throttle opening; that is, each of these elements many disadvantages resulting therefrom. always has a deñnite relation to the others. ' With It is also unsatisfactory-to use a fuel mixture the throttle partly or wholly open, air alone is charge _in the pocket I8 for idling, while nothing drawn into the cylinder through the passage I1 but air is. supplied through the intake to the main Aand the metering pin is positioned to deliver a combustion chamber. 'Under such conditions the proportional amount of fuel through the injector mixture in the pocket must be rather rich and 34. At the same time, a ñring charge of fuel because of its substantial segregation from the mixture is delivered through the passage I5 to air in the main combustion chamber, a great deal the firing pocket I0. As above explained, the of carbon monoxide comes out of the exhaust. small venturi 22 is very useful in perfecting the It will be noted that the orifice of the idle jet atomization of the firing charge in the vicinity of 3| is: immediately below the throttle valve on o the spark plug I3. `the side opposite to its location in the usual It is well known that fuel, especially heavy fuel, carburetor. In other words, it is located so that regardless of how well itis atomized by carbure it will be on the atmospheric side of the throttle tion or injection, immediately condenses when it valve as soon as the latter is opened slightly. contacts with the surfaces of piston heads, cyl This causes a rapid fade-out of the idling charge inder heads or cylinder walls, and I have found I as an increasing charge of fuel mixture is drawn4 that if the ignition chamber outlet terminates through the venturi 26 into the firing pocket close to these metal surfaces, where the mixture and the flame therefrom used to ignite the mix is rich and diliicult to ignite, the ignition is ture formed by injection in the main combustion very erratic. The engine will miss some explo chamber. As stated above, the metering pin on sions, causing excessive smoke and dilution of the injector pump starts to open only after the engine lubrication. I have also found that even throttle valves are partly open and closes before if it were possible to eliminate misflring, the they­ close. ' In other words, the injector is in combustion would be very poor if it were started operative at idle and, controlled by the metering at a point close to metal surfaces where con pin, functions as a power jet when the throttle is densation takes place, because the combustion moved away from idling position. starts in a rich mixture, burns through a lean As the throttle is opened and fuel ceases to flow mixture and finishes up in a rich mixture. from the idling jet 3 I, the injection into the main I have overcome these difficulties by terminating the outlet of the ignition pocket at or near the combustion chamber begins and fuel then starts center of the main charge', so that the combustion to flow out of the nozzle 25 into the pocket I0. 10 of the latter starts at or near the ­center'. there Due to the fact that the valve 21 is set at a dif 70 of and burns toward the metal surfaces or areas ferent angle from that of valve 30, valve 21 opens having a rich_ mixture. The combustion, then, is its passage more quickly than valve 30 when started where the mixture is more uniform and accelerating. ~This maintains a vacuum in the not too rich. Naturally, the heat generated by cylinder, which in turn increases the air flow4 75 the burning of ­the uniform mixture will com through the venturi 26, thereby insuring acon-l 16 2,184,357 s 3 tinuous and smooth change from idling to power supplying carburetted mixture through the in operation. y ' ' take passage to said chamber when its throttle While I have explained in detail one embodi valve is in idling position and supplying air alone ment of the invention, it is to be understood that for other throttle positions, means for supplying I do not desire to limit the invention to injection. only a carburetted mixture through the intake In other words, the extension of the outlet from passage to said pocket, a liquid fuel injector for ` _the ñring pocket is very desirable when carbu said combustion chamber, a metering pin for said retted mixtures are used. injector, and a lost motion connection between

I claim: , _ . the valves and the metering p_in permitting the 10 1. An internal combustion engine comprising a valves to open slightly while the metering pin cylinder with a main combustion chamber, remains closed and causing the metering pin to means for supplying a combustible charge to said open in synchronism with a further opening of chamber, a primary ñring pocket provided'with the valves. ~ . _, electric ignition, means for supplying` a carbu . 6. An internal combustion engine comprising 15 retted charge to said pocket, and a restricted out- ' a cylinder with a main combustion chamber, a , let from said pocket into the main combustion primary firing pocket having a restricted outlet chamber including a nozzle projecting `beyond into said chamber, said pocket and chamber each ì the wall of said chamber toward the center there having an intake'passage with a throttle valve of, whereby ignition in the pocket projects a flame therein, said valves being connected to each other into said chamber causing combustion of the for simultaneous operation, an idle jet supplying >main charge to begin near the center of said a carburetted idling charge to the passage leading chamber. to said chamber when the throttle valves are in 2. An internal combustion engine comprising a idling position, said idle jet becoming­ inoperative cylinder with a main combustion chamber, means when the throttle valvesare opened, aninjector for supplying a combustible charge to said cham to supply fuel to said chamber, and means to ber, a primary firing pocket provided With a supply carburetted mixture to said pocket, said spark plug and having an intakeiport, means for injector and the last mentioned means being supplying a carburetted charge through said in operative only when the throttle >valves are open. take port to th'e ñring pocket, a venturi between 7. An internal combustion engine comprising said intake port and the spark plug to direct a cylinder with a main combustion chamber, a the carburetted charge toward said plug, and a primary firing pocket having a restricted outlet restricted outlet from said pocket into the main into said chamber, a passage leading to said combustion chamber, whereby the flame resulting chamber and having an air intake, a throttle from the primary ignition ignites the main valve in said passage, an idle jet opening into said

35 charge. ' ‘ passage on Athe engine side of said valve when the . 3. An internal combustion engine comprising a latter is closed and adjacent the valve sector` cylinder with a main combustion chamber, a pri which moves 'inwardly when the throttle is mary ñring pocket having a‘restricted outlet into opened, thus quickly putting the idle jet on the ' said chamber, separate intake passages for said atmospheric side to cause quick fade-out and a 4.0 chamber and pocket respectively, a throttle valve supply of air alone to the main combustion in each intake passage, means for supplying c/ar chamber, a liquid fuel injector for the main com buretted mixture through the’intake passage to bustion chamber, an intake passage to the firing said chamber when its throttle valve is in idling pocket, and means for supplying fuel through the position and supplying airalone for other throttle injector and carburetted mixture to the pocket, positions, means for supplying only a carburetted both in proportion to the throttle opening as the mixture through the intake ' passage to said idle jet fades out. pocket, a liquid fuel injector for said combustion 8. An internal combustion engine comprising-a chamber, a metering pin for said injector, and cylinder with a main combustion chamber, a synchronized means for opening the metering pin primary firing pocket having a restricted outlet and the two throttle valves. into said chamber, an intake passage to said 4. A'n internal combustion engine comprising pocket having an air inlet and a venturi with a a cylinder with a main combustion chamber, a fuel inlet, a throttle valve on lthe engine side of primary firing pocket having a restricted outlet said venturi, an air supply passage for the main into said` chamber, separate intake passages for combustion chamber having a throttle valve 55 said chamber and pocket respectively, athrottle therein and an idle jet on the engine side there valve in each intake passage, means for supplying of to supply an idling charge to said chamber carburetted mixture through the intake passage when the throttle valves are closed, said valves to said chamber when its throttle valve is in ­being connected for simultaneous operation with idling position and supplying air alone for other the throttle Valve to the main combustion cham 60 throttle positions, means for supplying only a ber always open less than the other valve, where carburetted mixture through the intake passage A by to maintain the suction through the pocket to said pocket, a liquid fuel injector for said and to supply mixture thereto as the idle jet fades combustion chamber, a metering pin for said in put, and an injector supplying liquid fuel to the jector, and means for first opening the two main combustion chamber only when the throttle 65 throttle valves slightly while the metering pin valves are opened for partial or full power. remains closed and thereafter opening the meter 9. An internal combustion engine comprising a ‘mg pin and the two valves in proportionate 'de cylinder with a main combustion chamber, means gree. ‘ for supplying a combustible charge of fluid to 5. An internal combustion engine comprising y said chamber, a primary ñring pocket provided 70 a cylinder with a main combustion chamber, a with ignition means, means for supplying a com primary firing pocket having a restricted outlet bustible charge of fluid to said pocket, and a into said chamber, separate intake passages for restricted outlet from said pocket into said main said chamber and pocket respectively, a throttle combustion chamber including a nozzle project valve in each intake passage, said valves being ing a substantial distance into the chamber and rigidly connected to a. common shaft, means for having its outlet directed toward the center ofy the ' 4 2,184,357 chamber whereby upon ignition of the combus ing a combustible 'charge of fluid to said pocket. tible charge in the pocket a iiame is projected and a restricted outlet from the said pocket into by the nozzle into the center of the combustion the main combustion chamber including a nozzle chamber where the better combustible mixture is projecting a substantial distance into the cham present causing combustion to begin near the ber and having its outlet directed toward the 5 center of the said main combustion chamber. center of the chamber, said projecting nozzle be 10. An internal combustion engine comprising ing spaced from the injector nozzle and the air a cylinder with a main combustion chamber, a inlet port whereby the air 'and liquid fuel is mixed valve controlled port through which air is sup preparatory to meeting and being ignited by the 10 plied to the combustion chamber, means includ flame projected from the nozzle into the center 10 ing a nozzle for injecting liquid fuel into the main of the combustible charge in the main combustion

combustion chamber, a primary ñring pocket chamber. ` 1 ­ provided with ignition means, means for supply MARION MALLORY.