RHOSSILI COUNCIL Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 14 August 2012 approved on 11 Sept 2012 1. Attendance : Steve Walmsley (SW) (Chair), David Cann (DC) (Vice Chair), Ian Button (IB), Jeff Higgins (JH), Caroline Johnson (CJ) (Clerk); Residents – June Thomas, Anne Morse Jones, Carl Johnson. 2. Apologies : Steve Campbell Kelly (SCK), Sally Thomas (ST), Anna Orton (NT). 3. Declaration of interests: None. 4. Minutes of the last meeting : Approved. 5. Matters arising : B/Fwd Burying cables from Worms Head to Village. Jo Scott has advised that it may be possible to apply for a RDP Village & Small Town grant. Clerk to ask Jo to pursue the grant application. C/Fwd. B/Fwd Council welcomed Jeff Higgins as new councillor. JH signed acceptance forms. Nicola Rees to complete Nil expense form, C/Fwd. B/Fwd Diamond Jubilee commemoration - infill saplings. IB to involve Roger Button in land permissions. Prepare to plant in Sept/Oct. Include report in Christmas newsletter. 6. : AO sent extract from NT response to Atlantic Array consultation. 7. Footpaths : B/Fwd: Talgarth’s Well and Ramsgrove signage (pending SP). C/Fwd. 8. Highways: B/Fwd Bus Stop sign for Middleton – in progress. C/Fwd. IB will have the official bus timetable in the tourist centre at Pitton Cross Caravan Park. 9. Village Hall: B/Fwd Facilities for children. Clerk to arrange sub-committee meeting in September. C/Fwd. B/Fwd Defibrillator training for July was cancelled. First Responder training – work in progress (SCK). SW asked JH to take responsibility for reporting updates between RCC and RVH committee, JH agreed. IB offered to put a poster about RVH activities into tourist centre of PCCP. 10. Rhossili Youth Club: SW reported that RYC has a stay of execution until December, meanwhile a range of recruiting and publicising activities are ongoing. Clerk to talk to ST about the feasibility of using part of her adjoining field for RYC and RVH activities. 11. Broadband: Early bird offers closed on 10 August. Most Rhossili properties have applied for a grant. First batch of community applications have gone to Welsh Government. Spectrum will start working on site from September. 12. Atlantic Array wind farm: Amended Section 48 notice received from RWE, clarifying paragraph 3.1. The AA sub-committee has met, a petition has started, 270 signatures were collected at the Gower Show, will now be extended to the National Trust shop, Worm’s Head, Lookout, etc. A car park flyer is being distributed – could be used more generally as a public information leaflet. Carl Johnson circulated a report from the small working group which is preparing a template for residents to use for response to the consultation, and is actively researching the RWE’s draft Environmental Statement and issues arising. Website space has been provided on www.gowermatters.org for Rhossili working group materials. SW to draft the RCC response and circulate for input and approval. South Gower Sports Club carnival on 25 August could include a display about AA. Council agreed funding of £100 for printing of distribution materials. A letter has been sent to RCC by Graham Down (Chepstow) asking what he could do to support opposition, Clerk to reply. 13. Planning: No planning applications this month. Notification from C&C concerning public consultation of Local Development Plan from 23 July to 12 October and inviting comments. See http://www.swansea.gov.uk/ldpvoso . Individual Ward Profiles are also available to view http://www.swansea.gov.uk/ldpwardprofiles . Councillors to review before the next meeting. Council to consolidate a response at the next meeting. B/Fwd Council again discussed irregularities of caravans in Rhossili. A resident has emailed to RCC photos and details concerning additional camping at Pilton Livery. Clerk to prepare complaints to Swansea Planning and finalise with SW. Clerk to write to Head of Planning, John Lock, concerning the enforcement process. 14. Finance: Clerk drew attention to potential online banking process changes for Councils. Other business was carried forward to next meeting. 15. Correspondence: A list of correspondence is attached. Concerning village security, police have recently launched Rural Watch. There has been a noticeable police presence on Gower during the summer; Clerk to write to thank Inspector Andy Reed in the autumn. IB advised that caravan alarms are available from PCCP shop for £5, can be used as basic security in many situations including sheds, etc. Clerk to print Councillors Code of Conduct training presentations for next meeting. 16. Items for the next meeting: 17. Next meeting: Tuesday 11 September 2012 Rhossili Village Hall 7.15pm.

Correspondence received by 14 August 2012 1) Good Councillor’s Guide 2012 – 8 copies. 2) Posters for noticeboards about insensitive disposal of waste in Gower environment. 3) Invitation from Bishopston School to Amnesty International Youth Group tea party16 July. 4) Swansea Rural Development News Issue 13, providing updates on grant funded projects in and around Swansea. 5) Kompan Playgrounds magazine. 6) Play for issue 37. 7) Request from Dyslexia Wales for donation (declined). 8) Newsletter and request from Shelter Cymru for donation (declined). 9) Notification from Welsh Government that consultation has started concerning legislation governing the making of payments by community council, aiming to remove the current provision requiring all cheques and other orders for the payment of money to be signed by two members. Respond by 11 September. 10) Notification from announcing the Community Safety Volunteer of the Year Award 2012, nomination forms and guidance. 11) Copy of Code of Conduct training presentation given at the Community Town Councils Forum on 10 July 2012. 12) Invitation to Incredible Edible Todmorden from Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens. 13) Invitation from Inside Government to attend ‘Community Learning: Enriching Individuals, Strengthening Communities’ on Wednesday the 3rd of October 2012, Central London. 14) Note from Richard Lewis advising that children’s bus passes have not been issued for the summer. 15) Letter requesting support to publicise a book called “A century of Promises” which celebrates the last 100 years of Girl Guiding in West . 16) Notification of an ICCM Deed Transfer training course in Barry in November 2012 concerning the Granting, Exercising and Transferring Exclusive Rights of Burial. 17) Invitation to make representations about a draft report: Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales Draft Annual Report before publication in December 2012. 18) Letter from Swansea C&C letter concerning the review of the City and County of Swansea’s Gambling Policy under the Gambling Act 2005. Comments by 28 September 2012. 19) OVW legal topic note concerning community councils’ application of the Equality Act 2010, for use in determining actions needed to comply with the requirements of the legislation.