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CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS VOLUME 40, NUMBER 32 JUNE 16, 1938 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY The Ideal Summer Prep School OF CORNELL ALUMNI SHORT JULY 11 -AUGUST 23 ITHACA CERTAIN Not absolutely sure but relatively so LANG'S GARAGE GREEN STREET NEAR TIOGA CONVENIENT Credentials in August Regents Ithaca's Oldest, Largest, and Best Examinations Storage, Washing, Lubrication, Expert Repairs AGREEABLE Small Classes in a cool building in a ERNEST D. BUTTON '99 JOHN L. BUTTON '25 grand little city INEXPENSIVE Class tuition $35.00 and up NEW YORK AND VICINITY COMPLETE Year courses in all college subjects THE BALLOU PRESS We welcome yovr inquiries and often can make Printers to Lawyers suggestions of importance CHAS. A. BALLOU, JR., '21 69 Beekman St. Tel. Beekman 3-8785 CASCADILLA SCHOOLS ITHACA, N. Y. CLARENCE M. DOYLE CORNELL '02 HENRY M. DEVEREUX, M.E. '33 2014 Headmaster YACHT DESIGNER 295 CITY ISLAND AVE. CITY ISLAND, N. Y. I BALTIMORE, MD. 9 WHITMAN, REQUARDT & SMITH Water Supply, Sewerage, Structural, Valuations of Public Utilities, Reports, Plans, and General Consulting Practice. EZRA B. WHITMAN, C.E. '01 G. J. REQUARDT, C.E. '09 B. L SMITH, C.E. Ί4 West Biddle Street at Charles DISTANC1 E gained in property insurance is so flexible that KENOSHA, WIS. D a relay race means you can protect what you have nothing unless it is held. And against practically every conceiv- material gains made in the game able hazard. The North America MACWHYTE COMPANY of life .. home, furnishings, auto- Agent in your section will be glacl Manufacturers of Wire and Wire Rope, Braided Wire Rope Sling, Aircraft Tie Rods, Strand and Cord. mobile, business . should be to analyze your insurance require- Literature furnished on request held, too. But they can be taken ments and tell you just which JESSEL S. WHYTE, M.E. Ί3, PRES. & GEN. MGR. policies you should have. Consult from you at any moment of any day R. B. WHYTE, M.E. "13, GEN. SUPT. ... by fire, windstorm, explosion, him as you would your doctor accident, theft, etc. Fortunately, or lawyer. Insurance Company of WASHINGTON, D. C THEODORE K. BRYANT North America LLB. '97—LL.M. '98 PHILADELPHIA Master Patent Law, G.W.U. '08 FOUNDED 1792 Patents and Trade Marks Exclusively and its affiliated companies write -practically every form of insurance except life 309-314 Victor Building CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS Subscription price $4 per year. Entered as second class matter, Ithaca, N. Y. Published weekly during the college year and monthly in July and August VOL. XL, NO. 32. ITHACA, NEW YORK, JUNE l6, 1938 PRICE, 15 CENTS UNIVERSITY EXHIBITS REUNION FEATURE Visitors See Seventy Years of Academic Progress Memories of early days will be revived scape Architecture to come to a Cornel- Professors William A. Anthony and and the newest developments at the lian. Feature of the exhibit is an oil George S. Moler '75, and the camera University shown in the seventieth anni- painting of Professor Charles Babcock, used by Professor Floyd K. Richtmyer versary exhibits arranged as a feature of who designed many University buildings '04 on the solar eclipse expedition to Class reunions next week end in Ithaca. and was the founder of the College of Canton Island in June, 1937, with pic- Alumni who register in the Drill Hall Architecture. tures taken there. Chemistry Department Friday and Saturday will find along the In the booth devoted to the College pictures the buildings in which it has north wall graphic and pictorial repre- of Arts and Sciences the Physics Depart- been housed, with scenes of the Morse sentation of the University from its ear- ment demonstrates radio-activity with Hall fire, dedication of Baker Laboratory, liest days, under a giant banner proclaim- newly-perfected apparatus which changes and pictures and charts showing the ing "Seventy Years of Cornell." This silver into cadmium. Here also is the first growth of the Department. The Univer- Drill Hall exhibit will be supplemented .dynamo built in the United States, by sity Theatre and Department of Public with an "academic panorama," for Speaking exhibits posters, programs, which each College will open its build- REUNION HIGHLIGHTS and photographs showing the develop- ings and laboratories Friday afternoon ment of dramatics, with pictures of stu- FRIDAY, JUNE 17 to visits by all alumni as part of the Registration and Seventieth Anniver- dent actors now famous. reunion program. sary Exhibits, Drill Hall, all day Alumni-Faculty luncheon, Drill Hall, All Colleges Represented Old and New In Drill Hall 12.-2. Engineering College shows in pictures, Centering the Drill Hall exhibits is a Academic Panorama, in all Colleges, student work, and publications of Fac- 1-5:3o large booth containing many photo- Federation of Cornell Women's Clubs, an- ulty and students, the instruction and graphs of the Campus, of the Founder and nual meeting Willard Straight Hall, 2. research in each of its four schools, of Presidents, of athletic teams of early Federation tea for Senior-Alumnae scho- Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineer- days, and charts showing growth of the lars and Senior women and their Cor- ing, Electrical Engineering, and Chemi- nell mothers, Willard Straight, 4:30 University, in enrolment, number of the Organ recital, Professor Luther M. cal Engineering. Apparatus demonstrates Faculty, endowment, and number of Noss, Sage Chapel, 5 the photo-elastic testing of materials degrees given. Here also is a display of Senior-alumni singing, Goldwin Smith under strain, testing for soil porosity, books published by the University Press portico, 7 and a cathode ray oscilloscope translates Musical Clubs' show, "No Red in the human voice into visible waves. and exhibits by the Cornellian Council, Hell," Bailey Hall, 8:45 the Alumni Office, and the ALUMNI Dramatic Club presents "First Lady," Photographs taken in classrooms and NEWS. A scale model of the present Cam- Willard Straight Theatre, 8:45 laboratories show the growth of the pus is shown, and University buildings Class of '13 bonfire and songfest, west College of Home Economics from its are charted in order of completion, with of War Memorial, 10:30 first quarters in Morrill Hall to its pres- SATURDAY, JUNE 18 dates. High on the wall above is a huge Registration and Seventieth Anniver- ent building, Martha Van Rensselaer map, ten by sixteen feet, showing distri- sary Exhibits, Drill Hall, until 3 Hail. Charts show the increase in student bution of alumni over the world. Alumnae breakfast, Willard Straight, enrolment and the vocations in which At either side of this central display, 7:3° alumnae are engaged. Civil Engineering breakfast, Sibley, booths devoted to the separate Colleges 8-10:30 Department of Hotel Administration show the development of each and some Architecture breakfast, White, 8:30-11 illustrates graphically its growth and of their interesting work. Cornellian Council annual meeting, the vocations, geographical distribution, Bailey Hall, 9:30 and earnings of its alumni, with photo- College of Agriculture exhibits early Cornell Alumni Corporation annual publications of the College and Experi- meeting, President Day and Alumni graphs of students, Faculty, and their ment Stations, with pictures of the Deans Trustee election results, Bailey Hall, activities, and an exhibit of an actual and Directors, and mementoes of early 10:15 hotel problem. Alumni-Faculty-Senior luncheon, Drill From Myron Taylor Hall the Law days, including the first DSc diploma, Hall, 12.^2. granted in 1886 to Joseph C. Arthur, Crew races with University of Califor- School brings to the Drill Hall photo- now professor emeritus at Purdue, the nia, Cayuga Lake, 3:3o graphs of early graduating classes and pen used by Governor Charles E. Hughes Class dinners, as announced, 6 Faculty, with those of later years, photo- Dramatic Club presents "First Lady," graphs of the building which houses it, to sign the Act authorizing the beginning Willard Straight Theatre, 8:15 of the Extension Service in the State, Reunion rally, Bailey Hall, 9:30 and a display of trial evidence used in and the famous "Deans' high hat" SUNDAY, JUNE 19 famous criminal trials, propaganda pic- passed on from Roberts to Bailey to Quill and Dagger breakfast, Terrace tures used before the World War, and Galloway to Mann to Ladd. An air Room, Willard Straight Hall, 9 specimen lie-detector records. Sphinx Head meeting, Society building, photograph of the College today is 10:30 Photographs in the booth devoted to shown, and a display of current bulletins Baccalaureate sermon, Dr. John R. the Medical College picture its various for the garden, farm, and home, which Mott '88, Bailey Hall, 4 homes in New York City, including the visitors may order mailed to them. Class Day and Senior singing, Goldwin present Medical Center in which it is Smith portico, 7 Architecture shows student drawings Women's Senior singing, Balch Court, affiliated with New York Hospital; the representing work in the seven decades 8:15 three Deans of the College; and some of of the University's history, including MONDAY, JUNE 10 the work of its students. Charts show those of Professor Edward Lawson '13 Seventieth Commencement, Drill Hall, distribution of alumni and students. which won the first Rome Prize in Land- The Veterinary College, in pictures 434 CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS and charts, depicts its growth from the of the Schools of Mechanical, Civil, Elec- row three miles, an hour later, with the earliest days of the University; where its trical, and Chemical Engineering have four-mile Varsity race scheduled for graduates are; and the development of the newer apparatus labelled and in 4:45 p.m. instruction and requirements for admis- operation, with special demonstrations, Coach Harrison Sanford has shifted sion and graduation. tests, and exhibits in Sibley, Rand Hall, the Varsity and Junior Varsity eights in Committee in charge of the seventieth Lincoln Hall, the Hydraulics Laboratory, recent practices.