AHIMSA TIMES - JULY 2009 ISSUE - www.jainsamaj.org Page 1 of 29 Vol. No. 109 Print "Ahimsa Times " July, 2009 www.jainsamaj.org Board of Trustees Circulation + 80000 Copies( Jains Only ) Email: Ahimsa Foundation
[email protected] New Matrimonial New Members Business Directory SAINTS NAMING NUCLEAR SUBMARINE AS INS ARIHANT IS IN BLATANT DISREGARD TO JAIN RELIGION SAYS MUNI SHRI TARUN SAGAR JI Jain Muni Shri Tarun Sagarji Maharaj, presently holding his chaturmas at Nagpur, has recently expressed his deep sense of concern and displeasure, to a group of media correspondents on learning that the nuclear sub-marine recently developed indigenously, has been named as INS ARIHANT. Prime Minister, Shri Manmohan Singh had announced the name at the inauguration ceremony held on the 27th July, 2009. He mentioned that 'Arihant' is the most revered and respected word for the entire Jain community, which denotes the elimination of all sort of 'internal' enemies, like pride, anger, violence, attachment, emotions etc. According to Jain philosophy, Arihantha has been the propagator of "Live and let live" and non-violence concepts, meant not only Jain community but by the entire humanity. A submarine, which is used only for mass destruction just cannot be called as 'Arihant'. It would be entirely incorrect and ridiculous to do so. ANAND RISH MAHARAJ JAYANTI AND SURENDRA MUNI JANMDIWAS CELEBRATED AT ASHOK VIHAR, DELHI Sthankwasi Jain Sabha, Ashok Vihar, Delhi celebrated Acharaya Anand Rishi Maharaj jayanti and Sri Surendra Muni janmdiwas on 26th July 2009 at Ashok Vihar Jain Sthanak. Upadhyaya Ramesh Muni & Uppravartak Rajendra Muni addressed the gathering of over 300 community members from Delhi & other cities.