Advances in Anthropology, 2015, 5, 183-204 Published Online November 2015 in SciRes. The Ero Vili and the Atlantic Wall G. Tomezzoli, Y. Marzin European Patent Office, Munich, Germany Email:
[email protected],
[email protected] Received 17 August 2015; accepted 12 October 2015; published 15 October 2015 Copyright © 2015 by authors and Scientific Research Publishing Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). Abstract In this article the events concerning the south portion of the Audierne Bay in the department of Finistère (France) during the 2nd World War are analyzed. The role of the Ero Vili and the Camp Todt in the construction of the Atlantic Wall fortification and the state of preservation of the mili- tary and logistic constructions of this portion of the Audierne Bay are presented in order to sti- mulate further studies by experts and amateurs. Keywords 2nd World War, Atlantic Wall, Fortification, Bunkers, Audierne, France, Ero Vili 1. Introduction Located in the department of Finistère (France), at the west of Quimper, the Audierne Bay (47˚55'46''N, 4˚23'24''W) extends itself between the Point of Raz and the Point of Penmarch. Its south portion, low and sandy, between the Point of Penhors and the Point de la Torche, named beach of Tronoën, played, during the 2nd World War, a role of primary importance in the construction of the Atlantic Wall (Dupont & Peyle, 1994; Chazette, Destouches, & Paich, 1995; Duquesne, 1976; Lippmann, 1995; Rolf, 1988; Doaré & Le Berre, 2006).