Malabar Rural Development Foundationffi for Socio - Economic Development of Milk Ptoducers

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Malabar Rural Development Foundationffi for Socio - Economic Development of Milk Ptoducers Malabar Rural Development Foundationffi For Socio - Economic Development of Milk Ptoducers MRDF: CFM: TMR Mix: 20I9-2Ol 09.01.2020 Terms & Conditions for NCDFI e-Auction System MRDF invites bids for eAuctions floated through NCDFI eMarket for supply of Cattle Feed Ingredients for cattle feed production as per the details given below. Bidders, who are interested to participate in the eAuctions are requested to offer their competitive rate as per the requirement mentioned to TMR plant, Mooppankulam, Pattanchery P O, Palakkad. PART A: General Conditiqns 1. The price quoted should be on FOR TMR plant, Mooppankulam, Pattanchery P O, Palakkad. o The order arising out of this enquiry shall be governed by the laws of Indian Unions and the courts in Kozhikode shall have the jurisdiction. 3. MRDF reserves the right to accept or reject any bid or to annul the bidding process and reject all bids, at any time prior to award of contract without assigning any reason whatsoever and without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders on the grounds for the buyer's action. 4. The bid should be valid for 02 working days from the date of e Auction. 5. EMD: 2o/o EMD as per terms of NCDFI eMarket is payable at the time of participation in e Auctions. 6. Before bidding 2oh EMD need to be deposited by seller to NCDFI e Market Escrow account. 7. Based on confirmation regarding receipt of Soh security deposit from initial invoice payment, 2oh EMD will be refunded to selier after deduction of applicable transaction charges of NCDFI eMarket. B. In case of default, available EMD will be transferred to MRDF by NCDFI eMarket after deducting transaction charges. 9. Prices: The concluded prices are inclusive of all GST/taxes/duties, transportation and unloading upto TMR Feed Plant, Pattanchery (Net weight) and are not subject to any conditions whatsoever. MRDF is founded by Milma, Malabar Milk Union and. registered under the Indian Trusts Act 7BB2 (No. 368/2000) MRDF,7/236, Ayyappan Paramb, Peringolam, Kunnamangalam P.O, Kozhikode - 673 571,, Kerala, In{ia ffi O+ES 2BO1BBB, I2O75BO1.BB,g2O7680788 M MrdfClt@gMAiI,COM GSTNO: 32AAATM94BB}123 PAN:AAATM94BBJ t, Biddine Part B (1) - Terms and Conditions for 1. Thebiddingsystemisinaninternetplatform.Thesitecanbe maintained' by National accessed/hrough CooperativeDairyFederationoflndiaLtd(NCDFI)withthetechnical supportofNCDEXe-MarketsLimited(NeML)whichwillbethevenue for online bid submission' NCDFI eMarket are eligible to A11 the registered members of the 2. or debarred vendors are not participate in the bidding. The disqualified have to undergo usual allowed to participate. The new- vendors registration/approvalprocedurestipulatedbyNCDFleMarket. be given to all the prior intimation regarding the e-procurement will 3. time by email / members at least 72 his. prior to the closing registered for any delay in whatsApp alerts. MRDF will not be responsible Communicationinthisregardonaccountofexternalreasonsand the specific website periodically' therefore vendors are requested to visit system shall be based on the time 4. A11 the timings of the new eAuction platform' indicated by the server, hosting the bidding 5. Theitemspecified,fortheprocurementisaSperusualspecificationset the registered members' Any by MRDF which has already intimated to prior to the submission of doubts in this regard have to be clarified bid will be entertained' The Bid offer. No dispute after the finali zation of QuantitywillbefixedbyMRDFandbiddersneedtoquoteforentire quantitY. against each item' The Anticipated delivery schedule has mentioned 6. the same in their mind' bidders should provide their offers keeping is of the discretion of MRDF However, finalization of delivery schedule depending upon the situation and offer' for one or more item against each e- 7. The bidders shall provide offer Auction notification' for Per Quintal, FoR TMR The quoted rates should be in Ind,ian Rupees 8. expenses including plant specified above, inclusive of all taxes and lransportation charges and unloading charges' 3 days from the timing of bid opening 9. The bid should remain valid till excluding holidays, if any, in between' shall not make the vendors eligible to 10. Participation or lowest bidding awardorders.Thedecisionwithregardstothepurchaseofmaterial, orders are subjected to the finalization of quantity and placement of place order against discretion of management and, do not compulsorily offersreceived,withoutspecifyingthereasonwhatsoever' brokers) 11. Bidders should confirm the suppliers (in the case of bids by and quantity within 24hrs. After the affirmation of purchase requirement by MRDF. Any delay in such confirmation or deviation or violation of confirmation may invite penal action as decided by MRDF' Part B (2) - Terms and Conditions for Supplv 1. Goods must be accomplished by Delivery Notes and Invoices in triplicate. 2. purchase Order Number' shouid be clearly indicated in all the invoices to facilitate as to settle invoices quickly' 3. All consignments shall be accompanied with original invoices. No consignment will be accepted without original invoices. 4. The goods have to be sent in sound gunny I PP bags and should be properlY stitched. 5. The weighment at our factory lauthorized nearest weigh bridge dealer nearby our factory at Vandithavalam, in the presence of the supplier, or his representative or lorry driver is final and binding on supplier (payment for outside weighment shall be borne by the supplier) and the net weight will be after reduction of weight of the empty bags' only 5% of excess or shortage of the ordered quantity or 10MT whichever is minimum shall be accePted. 6. The payment will be made for Net weight and the gunnies/PP bags are non- returnable. Z. The unit weight of each bag should not exceed 50 Kg net weight. The bags mouth should not be closed using plastic threads, otherwise the material is liable to be rejected' 8. The bag weight that will be deducted for gunnies is 7oOgm/per bag and in the case of PP bags, deduction will be 200 gm perbag. g. In case of failure of supplier to execute the order or to supply the material in stipulated delivery period, MRDF may make aiternate arrangements of the material and cancel the contract for failure of supplier to execute the contract & such cancellation sha11 be subject to imposition of penalty of the difference in cost & other incidental expenditures, if any, incurred by MRDF' 10. The quality of the incoming raw material will be analyzed by MRDF based on random sampling and the same will be the base for rejection/applying the rebate system' does not conform to specification r 11. If the quality of the material below will be made applicable' If mentioned., the rebate system annexed is having the right to the quality is below the acceptance level, MRDF or to reject the material' If accept the material with additional penalty rancidity' insect- the material is found to have aflatoxin, discoloration' infestationorun-agreeableod.our,itwillbesummarilyrejected. matter impending the t2. The supply of material containing extraneous animal health shall hold the operation of the plant and deleterious to to the MRDF' supplier responsible for the payment of damages PartC-(Generalterms MRDFishavingalltherighttomodify,addand/ordeleteanyorallthe 1. intimated to the approved points, terms and conditions which shall be registered vendors. shall be made within the Delivery: The delivery of the consignment 2. material ordered' as per stipulated period'.'"The timely delivery of However' regular and schedule(s) shall be the essence of contract' the delivery period' In case continuous supply has to be ensured during transportation/ shifting of shifting of material due to irregular supply, supplier shall have to ensure charges will be at the suppliers cost. The the respective units on that, the entire quantity ordered is delivered to or before the scheduled date' 3. onlythevehiclereachingbeforeo5.0OP.M.shallbeconsideredfor happens to be a holiday, the unloading onthe Same day. If the last day materialshallbeunloadedonnextworkingdaybeforelo.00AM. However,suppliershallensurethat,thevehicleshouldarriveatthe & entry should be got made plant before 05.00 P.M on the specified date atthesecurity.otherwis",'"*.workingdayshallbeconsideredasthe plant' date of arrival of consignment at the TMR 7'00 AM to 05'00 PM' unloading shall be done on working days between 4. Rs. 25ol- per MT' The supptier srralip"v tfr. Un-loadiig @ the Furchase"ir"rg." Order' 5. O"ilrr"fir^p"tioa' es mentioned in the late supplies up to 10 days' after 6. MRDF reserves the right to accept lOth day, order stands cancelled' 7. Incaseoffailureofsuppliertoexecutetheorderwithinthestipulated other remedies under the period., MRDF shall without prejudices to its material and deduct the contract make alternate u.rr.rrgl*ents of the expenditures if any' from the difference of cost and the other incidental unpaid biIls, towards liquidated damages liquidated 8. Any amount due from the supplier towards penalty or future damage shall be recovered from any of the claim pending or payments due to supplier relating to present or any other contract for any materials. plant g. The consignment shall be booked on FOR destination to the TMR on Freight Paidbasis. provided with valid 10. The vehicle carrying material shall have to be document like Delivery challan / Bill duly indicating the purchase shall order / contracts reference, also the statutory documents' MRDF not take responsibility for detention of vehicles anywhere for any lapses by the supPlier or transPorter. per prescribed 11. If the consignment is not dispatched/delivered as delivery Schedule, MRDF reserves the right to accept lreject the material by enforcing the Penal clause. good of any losses in L2. It shall be responsibility of supplier to make transit & the supplier shall have to take up with Railways / Transports for settlement of Such claims that may arise' Gunnies 13. packinq: The material shall be packed in sound standatdized penalty of Or In PP Bags. For the material packed in torn out gunnies a Rs.2/-and for the material packed in HDPE Bags pena]ty of Rs.4/- per 50kg' bag will be charged.
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