Friedrich Ebert House

... A MUSEUM THAT MAKES HISTORY COME ALIVE A museum that makes you experience history – Friedrich Ebert House in Heidelberg

A tailor’s son from Heidelberg, Friedrich Ebert was the first democrat- ically elected head of state in German history. In Friedrich Ebert House, the building in the middle of the old town district of Heidel - berg that houses the flat where he was born, people can discover and experience history. The permanent exhibition “From Workers’ Leader to President – Friedrich Ebert (1871–1925)“ retraces the steps that ultimately led him to the highest office in the land and offers a biographical perspective of the tumultuous German history from the time of the Germa n Empire to the Republic created in 1918/19. Why not join us on this journey through time, and experi - ence German history in a place that is genuinely authentic and that attracts more than 60,000 visitors a year?

Special exhibitions and numerous events together with a wide range of didactic aids offered by the museum invite you to delve deeper into the German history of .

Opening times: From Tuesdays to Sundays from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM (on Thursdays until 8:00 PM). Entrance is free; the Memorial is a barrier-free environment. Free guided group tours of the permanent exhibition by prior arrangement; the audio guide is available in German, English, French, Spanish and Italian.

President Friedrich Ebert Foundation Memorial Museum: Pfaffengasse 18 Offices: Untere Str. 27 D – 69117 Heidelberg Phone 0049 (0) 6221-91070 Fax 0049 (0) 6221-910710 [email protected] Responsible for content: Dr. Walter Mühlhausen