
STATEMENT of INTERESTS by Alun Michael, South Police and Crime Commissioner

1. Paid employments including directorships, partnerships, self• employment and fee-earning consultancies


Note: include any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation carried out for profit or gain.

2. Unpaid Directorships

Member of the Board of Headland Link, a Registered Charity and Company Limited by Guarantee Member of the Board (National Executive Member representing Wales) of the Co- Operative Party, which is registered as an Industrial and Provident Society

Note: include any organisations where you hold a position of general control or management

3. All land and property owned (freehold or leasehold) or rented

My home (owned Freehold)

Note: the definition of 'pecuniary interest' refers to beneficial interest in land or a license (above or jointly with others) to occupy land

4. Sponsorship

I was selected to stand for election to the role of Police and Crime Commissioner by both and the Co-Operative Party in accordance with their electoral agreement who supported me in the election process, as did the GMB Union of which I am a long standing member. No personal gain. Note: this includes any payment or provision of any other financial benefit (other than from the relevant authority) made or provided within the relevant period in respect of any expenses incurred by you in carrying out your duties as Commissioner. This includes any payment or financial benefit from a trade union within the meaning of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992.

5. Shareholdings


Note: list the names of companies in which you have an interest greater than £25,000 or one per cent of the issued share capital.

6. Organisations

I am a member of a variety of organisations, none of which involve personal or financial benefit, including:-  GMB Union, Christian Socialism Movement (Christians on the Left), and a variety of other organisations in the Labour movement  Officer of the Order of St John  Church in Wales (All Saints Church, Penarth)  RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of arts manufacture and commerce), Bevan Foundation, Institute of Welsh Affairs, National Trust, Canal & River Trust, Friends of Welsh National Opera, Socialist Health Association, Socialist Education Association, Cardiff and Vale Credit Union, Friends of St Augustine Penarth  The Co-Operative Group, (a retail co-operative, owned by its members)

Note: list the names of any societies and organisations of which you are a member including, for example, Co-operative and other friendly societies, religious and secular organisations (including, Masonic, Orange Lodges, knights of Colonia).

Signed: Date: 04/04/2019