This is to certify that the management system of: Certificate Number: QMS-1120-4 Initial Certification Date: BlackBerry Limited 09 May 2005 Main Site: 2200 University Ave. E, Date of Certification Decision: 08 August 2019 Waterloo, Ontario, N2K 0A2, Canada Issuing Date: See appendix for additional sites and additional site scopes. 08 August 2019 has been registered by Intertek as conforming to the requirements of: Valid Until: 09 June 2022 ISO 9001:2015 The management system is applicable to: Design, development and support of cybersecurity, enterprise and mobility software, solutions and services; Design, development and support of transportation asset management solutions and services; Design, development, maintenance and operation of the BlackBerry network and associated infrastructure; Licensing and support of wireless devices. Calin Moldovean President Business Assurance Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. dba Intertek 900 Chelmsford Street, Lowell, MA, USA In the issuance of this certificate, Intertek assumes no liability to any party other than to the Client, and then only in accordance with the agreed upon Certification Agreement. This certificate’s validity is subject to the organization maintaining their system in accordance with Intertek’s requirements for systems certification. Validity may be confirmed via email at
[email protected] or by scanning the code to the right with a smartphone. The certificate remains the property of Intertek, to whom it must be returned upon request CT-ISO 9001:2015-ANAB-EN-LT-P-13.sep18 This appendix identifies the locations by the management system of BlackBerry Limited This appendix is linked to the Main Certificate # QMS-1120-4 and cannot be shown nor reproduced without it.