______HOPE HAVEN ______CAMPAIGNS 2015 Helping Hands

Plan Book 2015 Helping Hands Passion. Commitment. Achievement.

At Intuition PR we are committed to providing our client with the necessary tools to create strong, positive and lasting bonds within the community.

We make each of our client’s passion our own because we realize their passion helps us achieve ours.

With Passion and Commitment comes Achievment.

2 Professor Tulika Varma

Campaign Director Dell Robinson

Account Executive Jillian Washington Media Planners Michael McAdams Account Directors Kayla Nasr Celia Glassman Dell Robinson Event Coordinators Nichole Vanderpool Alexandra Smith Steven Geissler Writers & Editors Frankie Gross Budget Jennifer Butler Patrick Harrington Leslie Priddy Creatives Eli Rae Wilson Research & Strategy Intuition PR Team Kennerly Cotton Alicia Chirino

3 Letter From the Director

On behalf of the Intuition PR team, I would like to thank Executive Director Anne Wall and the entire staff of Hope Haven Children’s Clinic and Family Center for providing us with the opportunity to create a strong public rela- tions campaign. We appreciate their willingness to work with us throughout the semester.

Intuition PR is a group of fifteen hard-working and enthusiastic University of North Florida students who worked to create an effective campaign for friends at Hope Haven Children’s Clinic and Family Center.

Through interviews and visits with the staff members and volunteers of Hope Haven, our team saw the dedication and passion that exuded from the Hope Haven family. We worked hard to construct a successful campaign while applying our learned knowledge of public relations and advertising.

Not only have we benefitted from this experience, but we sincerely believe that Hope Haven will be able to take our ideas and apply them to their own helping to expand their reach, resources, and ultimately better serve their children.

All the best, Dell Robinson Dell Robinson

4 Executive Summary

Our aim is to grow Hope Haven in the Northeast Florida region to become the region’s number one organization for children and families with special needs. Our plan focuses on building awareness in the community, increasing funds and engaging the community on current programs.

We will utilize social media outlets to capitalize on symmetrical communication. We will organize new events and improve existing events, build community relationships, and expand the annual Hope Haven budget. We want to make it easy to increase volunteer opportunities and become a Helping Hand to Hope Haven.

5 Table of Contents

Research Background...... 8 Hope Haven Staff...... 10 Orginization History...... 12 Client Services...... 14 Competitors...... 15 Financial Financial Position...... 16 Financial Figures...... 17 Survey Analysis...... 18 Key Findings...... 20 Stakeholder Analysis Primary Publics...... 22 Secondary Publics...... 23 Psychographics...... 24 Demographics...... 25 Problem Statement...... 26 SWOT...... 28 6 Table of Contents

Goals & Objectives...... 30 Campaign Tagline...... 31 Goal 1 Objectives and Tactics...... 32 Goal 2 Objectives and Tactics...... 44 Goal 3 Objective and Tactic...... 49 Budget...... 50 Campaign Timeline...... 52 Evaluation...... 56 Recommendation...... 60 Appendix...... 62

7 Client Background

Hope Haven Children’s Clinic and Family Center is a nonprofit organization that serves the community of Jacksonville, offering affordable specialty services to families with young or adult children with educational, developmental and mental challenges. For the past 80 years, Hope Haven continues to respond to the needs and challenges of today’s generation as it serves over 5,000 families each year.

8 9 The Dedicated Staff of Hope Haven

Hope Haven employs Joanne M. A. 55 full time and 35 part-time employees. Robertson Currently, Hope Have serves as chief has 20 volunteers, executive officer although that number of Hope Haven varies to more than 100 Children’s Clinic and when special events Family Center since take place or summer December 2013. camps are available.

Anne Wall Director of Development of Hope Haven, for the past 18 years, oversees the communication efforts for Hope Haven.

10 Barbara Brutschy Director of Intake Services, has worked with Hope Haven for the past 20 years. Her role includes determining the client’s need and matching them to the appropriate services Hope Haven offers.

Jenny Kobin Hope Haven board member and Vice President of Investor Relations specializes in strategic investor relations, media relations and corporate communications.

11 Organization History 1939 Hope Haven constructed a The new Hope Haven 20,000-square-foot facility at Children’s Hospital 4600 Beach Blvd. opened on Atlantic 1970s 1989 LATE 1800s Boulevard. Hope Haven Association Dr. Richard Skinner expanded goals was formed through and objectives of Hope Haven the efforts of the Duval Hospital to include diagnostic and County Tuberculosis As- treatment services to children with sociation. developmental, psychological, be- havioral and academic problems.


The original Hope Haven Nemours Foundation pur- Children’s Hospital was chased Hope Haven Chil- established as a “preven- dren’s Hospital’s inpatient torium” for nutritionally services. Hope Haven be- and medically deprived gan focus on outpatient children. care. 1950

1926 Hope Haven expanded its 1991 facility to accommodate Renamed Hope Haven Chil- general care and treat- dren’s Clinic and Family Cen- ment of children. ter to incorporate expanded services into its mission. 12 Hope Haven’s Project Search began as an adult educa- 1996 tion and job training pro- The Down Syndrome Center gram. The inaugural class graduated in June 2009. opened at Hope Haven. 2005

Applied Behavioral Anal- AUGUST 2008 Children First in Divorce ysis (ABA) added to sup- (CFID) offered for port clients diagnosed divorcing and separat- with autism spectrum and ing parents. behavioral disorders.


2002 MID 1990s The first Hope Haven Florida Alliance for Assistive Tech- Autism Spectrum Dis- nology and Services (FAAST), order (ASD) evaluation 2007 Technology Based Training for was administered. Independence (TBTI) – later re- Capital campaign raised named Hope Academy, Business $5 million to build a new and Employment Services Team 5,000-square-foot building (B.E.S.T.) were established. to accommodate growing needs for the community.

13 Client Services

Learning Services Individual Academic Achievement Strategies Group and Individualized Tutoring Enrichment Activities/Academic Support

Developmental (Evaluations, Individual Plans and Therapy) Occupational Therapy--- Play, Self-Care and School-Readiness Skills Physical Therapy Speech and Language Assistive Technology Behavioral Analysis

Special Services Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Mental Health Autism Professional Counseling Down Syndrome Children First in Divorce Young Adult with Challenges

**Although Hope Haven is recognized for its excellent services and support it provides to its client, few people know of its existence 14 beyond the niche community it serves. Competitors

15 Financial Position

The primary source of funding comes from contributions from donors, government grants and fundraising events. It is not expected that program service fees should be the primary source of revenue because Hope Haven is a nonprofit organization. Patient fees are marked at a low rate, which also includes Medicaid waivers. Unfortunately, for the past four years, Hope Haven’s expenditures exceed its revenue by approximately $360,000.

16 Expenses Salaries & Benefits $2,666,345.46 75% Travel $73,779.42 2% Insurance $56,313.29 2% Contract Services $204,221.34 6% Taxes/Licenses/Other $28,403.81 1% Other $37,300.82 1% Office Expense/Prof. Supplies $200,184.65 6% Occupancy $121,329.26 3% Depreciation $154,721.36 4% ______Total Expenses 2014 $3,542,599.41

Revenue Public Support $562,772.00 18% Grants $768,133.00 24% Client Fees $738,834.00 23% Private Foundation/Corp Contribution $150,848.00 5% Hope Haven Foundation $776,208.00 24% Other $186,063.00 6% ______Total Income 2014 $3,182,858.00

17 Survey Results An online survey was conducted for the campaign. The goal of the online survey was to understand how to communicate with the target audience.

Online Survey

The online survey was built on Qualtrics. Each question was tested and reviewed to avoid leading questions or bias. The survey method was chosen because of the effectiveness, administration and the ability to reach a large amount of people.

Survey Results

The online survey has 17 questions. The first five questions were based upon demographics and the rest were based on how the target audience selected various services for their children and how they preferred to communicate.

There were a total of 72 participants and 69 completed the survey.

18 Age/Demographics

- 46 percent of participants were between the ages of 26-45. - 35 percent were between the ages of 46-60. - 9 percent were 25 or younger. - 9 percent were 61 or older. - 83 percent were female. - 89 percent were Caucasian. - 6 percent were Hispanic. - Participants were asked what county they lived in so we had a better understanding of what regions in Jacksonville to focus on. Duval County had the most participants.

19 Key Findings

Specialized Family Care Services

- Majority of our participants receive specialized services from Hope Haven. The next favored organization was Nemours, followed by UF. - 59 percent of participants sought out speech therapist. - 57 percent occupational therapists. - 45 percent sought out physical therapist.

Key Factors for Selection

- 67 percent based selection reputation. - 63 percent based upon location. - 63 percent based upon cost.

Key Factors for information

- Majority of participants gathered additional information via the Internet. - Doctors and peers were their second choice. - 63 percent prefer to receive information from family and friends. - 50 percent prefer email or website. - 43 percent prefer from health care providers. 20 Social Media to Receive Information Preferred Media Outlets - 63 percent use Facebook. - Online is the preferred media outlet. - 34 percent use blogs. - 30 percent use the Florida Times Union. - 30 percent use mail. - 30 percent use First Coast News. - 23 percent use WJCT.

Community Events

- 68 percent participate in family friendly public events. - 56 percent participate cause-related events. - 44 percent attend concerts. - 44 percent attend charity events.

How most participants learned about Hope Haven

- 48 percent learned about Hope Haven from family and friends. - 30 percent learned from other. - 16 percent learned from occupational therapist.

21 Stakeholder Analysis

Primary Publics

Parents of children who have - learning challenges - dyslexia, ADHD - developmental needs - autism, Down syndrome - mental health issues - depression, anxiety

Donors - Corporate and Individual

Media - Traditional and Social

22 Secondary Publics

Local pediatricians

Guidance counselors in Duval, Clay, St. Johns, Baker and Nassau county schools

Schools with special education programs in Jacksonville • Sandalwood High School • Paxon School for Advanced Studies • LaVilla School of the Arts No 267 • Douglas Anderson School of The Arts • North Florida School of Special Education

23 Demographics

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, as of 2004, as many as 1.5 million Americans are believed to have some form of autism. The disorder is four times more prevalent in boys than girls and is not associated with any specific racial or ethnic background. Family income, lifestyle and educational levels also do not affect the chance of the disorders’ occurrence.

Eight and a half percent of children under the age of 15 years have some form of disability, according to the 2010 Americans with Disabilities Report. That equals to 5.2 million American children. Fifty percent of those have severe disabilities, which include developmental delay or difficulties in moving their body parts.

24 Psychographics

Findings from a nationally representative survey of almost 62,000 mothers of school-aged children, including 364 mothers of children with autism revealed that mothers of children with autism were just as likely as other mothers to report having a close relationship with their child and five times as likely to do so as mothers of children who had oth- er developmental problems (not including autism). Studies into the coping skills of mothers of children with au- tism confirm that they are more likely to report “poor or fair” emotional and mental health than other moms, but they are also more likely to show remarkable strengths.

25 Problem Statement

Hope Haven’s resources are spread thin because of the broad focus on the variety of services it offers, such as mental, developmental, physical and academic. Hope Haven needs to bolster its community awareness, address the lack of focus in its social media presence, and establish a continual donation resource. A lack of advertising and social media presence hinders Hope Haven’s visibility to its publics. Hope Haven is also experiencing a deficit in its funding.

26 every child is a different kind of flower and all together make this world a beautiful garden. - Unknown

27 SWOT Analysis

• Established in Jacksonville for 80 years • Provides a diversity of services • Passionate caregivers • Adaptable to the changing needs of the community • Has space to expand services • Growing reputation STRENGTHS

• Social Media - Facebook needs to be organized better for maximum impact - Social media not updated on a regular basis • Lacks name recognition • Promotional efforts are not cohesive or consistent • Shortage of funding • Signature event, “Family Fun Day,” does not generate income or create awareness among target publics • Public Relations staff member is a part-time employee OPPORTUNITIES

28 • Reach out to schools in Northeast Florida who have WEAKNESSES Exceptional Student Education programs

- Alice B. Landrum Middle School and Durbin Creek Elementary in St Johns County - Mandarin Elementary School in Duval County - Westside Elementary School in Baker County - Oakleaf Jr. High School in Clay County - Yulee Primary School in Nassau County

• Shortage of funding THREATS • Year-long wait list for evaluation and services to clients leads to attrition of clients • There is another nonprofit who has a similar name, which is “Haven Hospice.” It’s not a direct competitor. However, donations get mixed up between the two.

29 Goals & Objectives


Our first campaign goal is to increase Hope Haven’s awareness among parents and donors through various forms of media and community GOAL #2 engagement that will also reinforce its reputation within the community. Our second campaign goal is to increase Hope Haven’s funding from donors by growing recognition throughout the community by the use of controlled media, and community tools and events.


Our last campaign goal is to promote Hope Haven’s Fourth Annual Family Fun Day in April 2016.

30 Helping Hands for Hope Haven

The campaign tagline is simple, memorable and a call to action. Hope Haven can always use hands, whether it be volunteers, donors, partnerships, or just getting the word out.

31 Goal #1

Our campaign goal is to increase Hope Haven’s awareness among parents and donors through various forms of media and community engagement that will also reinforce its reputation within the community.

Objective 1 To raise awareness by 20 percent among parents with special needs children by April 15, 2016.


Our research says 91 percent of moms use social media on a regular basis, according to Marketing Pilgrim. Twenty percent of moms are more likely to use social media than the general public. Facebook is used primarily. However, 25 percent of mothers between 18-34 years old use Twitter for breaking news. It is essential that Hope Haven collaborates with online communities because it is a free marketing tool that helps build strategic relationships in the 21st century by its interactive component. According to CBS News, Web 2.0 craves engagement and participation from its users. Web 2.0 is all about creating online communities that inspire, collaborate and promote information, according to Fundraising123.org. In creating a website, Mashable.com says one of the top ten elements a website needs is an FAQ. 32 Communication Tactics Goal 1 Objective 1

Blogs Communication Tactic A Write articles for “Jacksonville Moms Blog” and “Circle of Moms,” about Autism, Down Syndrome, services offered by Hope Haven, and other relevant and informative information that includes stories of families who have gone through Hope Haven’s services or a reminder of its history in Jacksonville. Posts should be at least once a month. (See Appendices)

perfect spot for a Hope haven post!

33 Communication Tactics Goal 1 Objective 1 Twitter Communication Tactic B tweet

• Utilize the existing hashtag: Using #hopehavenjax is essential for the brand. However, when using two hashtags, it increases the chance of other people finding you. • When tweeting use #hopehavenjax, and include additional hashtag such as #mentalhealth, #ADHD, #downsyndrome, #dyslexia, #aspergers, #autismawareness or #autism to promote Hope Haven’s services and new advances in the field of developmental, mental and educational disorders. • For Family Fun Day, use #hhfamilyfunday2015 to collect photos and posts from supporters and followers. Engage with followers by retweeting photos from the event. • Find and follow sponsors, donors, parents and families, and other nonprofits that reflect the same goals. Follow all supporters of the organization, especially those who follow you because Twitter is about conversation and participation, which is essential and very easy. • Engage on Twitter. Have a deliberate intention that gives followers something to talk about. Retweet newsworthy articles, quotes, blogs, even other nonprofit organizations that align with your mission to let your audience know what is important to the organization. Create a buzz. • Create Hootsuite account to manage Facebook, Twitter and YouTube accounts. Hootsuite allows all social media to be managed under one account. Postings can be prearranged on Hootsuite’s calendar. This allows ease and flexibility in scheduling. 34 Communication Tactics Goal 1 Objective 1 Facebook Communication Tactic C

• Fill out form on Facebook to verify page. This process will create an “official” page. • Link the Website to Talk about Curing Autism (TACA), National Autism Alliance (NAA), Autism Hope Alliance (AHA) and Generation Rescue, a Jenny McCarthy Foundation. • Once a month, post highlights of the month showcasing a student’s achievement or a teacher’s/volunteer’s profile.

it’s so tiny!

Website Communication Tactic D

• Create a Wordpress. It’s cost effective and UNF interns know how to maintain and update the website. • Modernize the appearance. • Include a testimonial page with comments from families who have received services from Hope Haven such as satisfied and happy parents talking about their experiences at Hope Haven. • Create an easy and appealing segue for donations to be made on the site rather than just having a link that says “Donate” at the top of the site. • Post a FAQ section on the website. (See Appendix) 35 Communication Tactics Goal 1 Objective 1 Develop a Recipe/Cookbook by Hope Haven’s Community Communication Tactic E

According to heritagecookbook.com, the estimated cost of printing cookbooks are as follows: • 75 cookbooks • 30 black and white pages with 20 color pages • Cost per book is $8.71 • Total cost for all books is $653.30 Heritagecookbook.com would like to help if you are fundraising by giving out free memberships

• Families, teachers and administrators will submit their favorite family recipes. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and fun snacks for meals and parties. • Within the cookbook, include pages of information about the organization placed among the recipes. Information will include the history of the organization, photos of the school grounds and fun facts. •Unique quotes will be displayed on pages with short recipes such as “If you trust, you don’t worry; if you worry, you don’t trust.” -the Amish • Display samples of the cookbook on Hope Haven’s website, which will draw family, friends and other individuals who are interested in cooking for a child who requires a specialty diet. Recipes should include gluten-free and casein- 36 free foods. Communication Tactics Goal 1 Objective 1

Brochures Communication Tactic F Create and distribute 500 tri-fold (brochures) both online and hard copies to pediatric offices throughout Northeast Florida.

Promotional Coloring Books Communication Tactic G Create and distribute coloring books that provide information about Hope Haven to pediatric health care facilities and community libraries.

37 Communication Tactics Goal 1 Objective 1

Attend Conferences and Conventions About Special Needs Issues Communication Tactic H

• Attend these conferences:

National Autism Association’s National Autism Conference St. Pete Beach, FL Nov. 5-8, 2015 *EARLY BIRD registration ends end of July **last chance ends Nov. 7

Center for Autism and Related Disabilities Conference USF January 16-18

• Opportunities to interact directly with attendees from across the nation. Of the 400– 500 attendees at this three-day event, 30 percent are parents. Hope Haven can build their network through face-to-face interaction.

38 Goal #1

Our campaign goal is to increase Hope Haven’s awareness among parents and donors through various forms of media and community engagement that will also reinforce its reputation within the community.

Objective 2 To distribute 500 fliers to doctor’s offices, schools and agencies that already refer to Hope Haven by May 8, 2016.


A prior relationship with current businesses and partners will equip and engage conversations through word-of-mouth marketing. Interaction, face-to-face, will allow Hope Haven to fortify the relationships and offer the resources to fit their needs. According to Nielson, 92 percent of the targeted market believes family and friends when recommending businesses.

39 Communication Tactics Goal 1 Objective 2 Create and distribute fliers to the following locations Tactic A

Doctors School o Carithers Pediatrics o Baptist Primary Care o Bolles o Jacksonville Pediatrics o Episcopal o 24-7 Pediatric Center o University Christian o Starfish Pediatrics o Greenwood o Family Care Partners o Jacksonville Country Day o Dr. Mary Soha o Providence o Rockwell III Hilleary MD o Bishop Kenny o Progressive Pediatrics o Englewood High School o North Florida

Agencies Referring to Hope Haven

o Child Guidance o MHRC o Daniel o North West Behavioral o Kids First o Nassau County Schools ESE o St. Johns County Schools ESE o Wolfson, Baptist, Nemours

40 Goal #1

Our campaign goal is to increase Hope Haven’s awareness among parents and donors through various forms of media and community engagement that will also reinforce its reputation within the community.

Objective 3 To raise awareness of Hope Haven to 25 local pediatricians in Duval, Clay, St. Johns, Nassau and Baker County by April 15, 2016.


Person-to-person contact bridges Hope Haven with Northeast Florida pediatricians. In Jacksonvillem there are 424 pediatric offices, and of those, 164 are in Hope Haven’s zip code area, according to the White Pages. Pediatricians have access to the targeted audience, which are moms of disabled children. In Jacksonville, Fla., 5.8 percent of school-aged children are disabled. When local pediatricians are informed about Hope Haven’s affordable services, they can refer their patients to Hope Haven. Referrals from pediatricians will not only help to raise awareness about Hope Haven’s programs and services, but also fortify Hope Haven’s reputation.

41 Communication Tactics Goal 1 Objective 3

One-On-One Communication Tactic A Set up one-on-one meetings with pediatricians to promote the benefits of Hope Haven through cold calls and emails.

Tour Communication Tactic B

Organize a tour of Hope Haven’s Children’s Clinic in January and July with experts in the field of educational, developmental, and mental health disorders where parents, families, pediatricians and donors are invited to attend.

42 Goal #1 Our campaign goal is to increase Hope Haven’s awareness among parents and donors through various forms of media and community engagement that will also reinforce its reputation within the community.

Objective 4 To raise awareness in 20 schools with ESE programs located in Duval, Clay, St. Johns, Nassau and Baker County by April 15, 2016


In our research, we found ESE programs throughout the school district. Because schools have limitations to promote any company that offers services to students, face-to-face promotion with public and private schools must take place. When schools are in constant contact with staff of Hope Haven, they will more likely be inclined to refer to Hope Haven and hand out its brochures to families in need of its services.

Tri-Folds Communication Tactic A Distribute tri-fold brochures to guidance counselors in schools in NE Florida to raise awareness about Hope Haven’s services. These tri-folds can be handed to parents when they meet with the guidance counselors. (See appendix)

43 Goal #2

Our campaign goal is to increase Hope Haven’s funding from donors by growing recognition throughout the community by the use of controlled me- dia, and community tools and events.

Objective 1 To retain 150 donors by April 15, 2016 to commit gifts over $60 individually on an annual basis.


According to Guidestar, it is easier to retain donors rather than seek for new ones. There is a two percent success rate in convincing new donors. However, there is a 60 to 70 percent chance of receiving additional gifts from current donors of the organization. The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) found that nonprofits that accept online donations are 24 percent more likely to have increased fundraising revenue since the prior year.

44 Communication Tactics Goal 2 Objective 1

Fundraising Letter Communication Tactic A

Create a fundraising letter that seeks a one-time or monthly contribution that includes excerpts from parents of how Hope Haven has served as a “haven” for them and their families. (See Appendix)

Postcards Communication Tactic B

Use the available donor list to snail mail post-card size reminders for donors to go online and make their annual donations. The post-cards should have a picture of a child and a blurb about how Hope Haven has impacted their life. (See Appendix) • The postcards should give examples of how Hope Haven has an impact on the lives of its students. Four different postcard stories give variety and avoid the hassle of creating a story about each child at Hope Haven. • These postcards can then be mailed out to potential and current donors as reminders of the nonprofit organization. It shows that the donations are greatly appreciated and directly contribute to a child’s life. The postcards should connect to donors emotionally. • There should be four different postcards and alternately sent out to donors. • Upload the postcard to all social media accounts.

45 Communication Tactics Goal 2 Objective 1

Spirit Night Communication Tactic C

Organize a spirit night throughout the year with the following local restaurants to raise funds

46 Communication Tactics Goal 2 Objective 1 Gala Communication Tactic D Organize a gala dinner event that honors and appreciates donors who RSVP. Host a gala in Hope Haven’s basketball court. This allows donors to see the facility first hand and give them a sense of where their donations are being spent. All proceeds will go toward Hope Haven’s Children’s Clinic and Family Center.

Silent Auction Communication Tactic E Organize a silent auction. This will take place before and during the gala event. Ask current donors, board of directors and local businesses to donate a valuable item of $100 value that can be auctioned off in a silent auction. Search for community businesses that would like to donate an item to the silent auction. These businesses can be anyone from: o Restaurants and Pubs o Hotels o Jewelers o Museums and Parks o Salons and Spas o Sports Teams o Personal Boutiques

• Write a letter that explains what Hope Haven does for the community, and how their donation will be used for the silent auction and explain why the event is important. • Send it to previous, current and future donors. • Host the silent auction at the University Center at the University of North Florida campus because it is free to use for nonprofit organizations.

47 Communication Tactics Goal 2 Objective 1

Grants Communication Tactic F Contact three grants that total at least $5,000 individually.

• The Rescue Family Grant to date has more than 700 participants. This grant provides financial support for families in need of Autism treatment. The grant is up to $5,000. You have to pay $200 to apply, but they give you back $100 after you apply.

• The RGK Foundation awards grants for nonprofit organizations in the areas of education, community and health/medicine. The average foundation grant is $25,000. Write an inquiry letter prior to receiving the application. http://www.rgkfoundation.org/public/history

• The Gladys Foundation makes grants to nonprofit organizations in 17 states including Florida. The grants range from $50,000-$100,000. http://www.gladysbrooksfoundation.org/guidelines.html

• Jaguars Foundation serves economically and socially disadvantaged youth. The open period to receive funds by January 2016 begins July 31, 2016. New applicants must fill out a Letter of Inquiry form online. http://www.jaguars.com/foundation-community/foundation/grantmaking.html

• Wells Fargo issues grants to organizations that provide health services and education. https://www.wellsfargo.com/about/charitable/fl_guidelines

• Cisco offers a Global Impact Cash Grant. Organizations must be a 501(c)(3) and focus on programs such as economic empowerment, critical human needs or access to education. The organization’s overhead is not to exceed 25 percent. The maximum request first-time grant recipients in the U.S. is $75,000. http://csr.cisco.com/pages/global-impact-grants---grantmaking-criteria 48 Goal #3

To Promote Hope Haven’s Fourth Annual Family Fun Day in April 2016.

Objective 1 To distribute six news releases to local news stations by April 1, 2016.


Earned media coverage is free. However, it is a guaranteed tactic. One must have a viable reason to distribute a press release

Press Release Communication Tactic A Pitch a story or a press release. Send it out to local media. Refer to media list in the Appendices for media deadlines.

49 Budget

50 Intuition PR was given a budget of $1,800 from Hope Haven. Since the budget was limited we focused on social media and print media. The use of social media is a cost effective way to help increase awareness of Hope Haven. The print media on brochures and postcards are being used to bring Hope Haven an updated and modern look to a fast and changing environment. On page 34 we mentioned attending the National Autism Conference in St.Pete Beach, FL. The conference and conventions are accounted for in the pre-existing travel expense budget.

51 Campaign Timeline April 2015

- Submit News Release *Weekly Social Media - Autism Awareness Month should vary the focus - Family Fun Day weekly on child, - Create and combine Facebook/Twitter/Blog: Hoot teacher, technology suite (weekly) and upcoming - Resources into website (focus on main page and events. donation area) * Weekly social media updates *

May 2015 - Create Media Kits - Write articles for Jacksonville Moms Blog and Circle of Moms: recipes for special needs children - Distribute tri-fold brochures and coloring books to guidance counselors in NE Florida * Weekly social media updates*

June 2015 - Distribute tri-fold brochures and coloring books to local pediatrician’s offices, occupational therapists offices, speech therapist offices and community libraries. - Create fundraising letter - Mail out postcards - Resources into website - Organize spirit night 52 * Weekly social media updates* July 2015 - Send out News Release for Open Clinic - Write articles for Jacksonville Moms Blog and Circle of Moms: Playground safety with your special needs child - Open Clinic * Weekly social media updates* August 2015 - Write articles for Jacksonville Moms Blog and Circle of Moms: new therapy techniques, advances in medical science - Distribute Controlled Media * Weekly social media updates*

September 2015 - Write articles for Jacksonville Moms Blog and Circle of Moms: Did you know facts? - Resources into website - Mail out postcards - Create invites for Gala event * Weekly social media updates* October 2015 - Send out News Release (Down Syndrome Awareness Month) - Write articles for Jacksonville Moms Blog and Circle of Moms: Focus on Down Syndrome - Begin Coordinating with local bussinesses for silent auction - Mail invites for the Gala - Organize spirit night - Down Syndrome Awareness Month * Weekly social media updates* 53 November 2015 - Write articles for Jacksonville Moms Blog and Circle of Moms: specialized *Weekly Social Media diets for special needs should vary the focus - Attend National Autism Alliance AA’s weekly on child, National Autism Conference Nov 5-8 teacher, technology - Continue coordination with local and upcoming bussinesses for silent auction events. * Weekly social media updates*

December 2015 - Write articles for Jacksonville Moms Blog and Circle of Moms: Inspiring stories about special needs children overcoming the odds. - Mail out postcards - Gala Night Event * Weekly social media updates*

January 2016 - Send out News Release for Open Clinic - Attend the USF annual CARD conference - Write articles for Jacksonville Moms Blog and Circle of Moms: Career success stories - Open Clinic - Distribute Controlled Media * Weekly social media updates* 54 February 2016 - Write articles for Jacksonville Moms Blog and Circle of Moms: Spotlight a teacher - Organize a spirit night * Weekly social media updates*

March 2016 - Write articles for Jacksonville Moms Blog and Circle of Moms: Upcoming Family Fun Day - Mail out postcards * Weekly social media updates*

April 2016 - April 1 - Send out press releases to the media. - April 15 - End of goal evaluation. Raise awareness by 20 percent among parents with special needs children. - April 15 - End of goal evaluation. Raise awareness by 25 percent among local pediatricians in Duval, Clay, St. Johns, Nassau and Baker County. - April 15 - End of goal evaluation. Raise awareness in 20 schools located in Duval, Clay, St. Johns, Nassau and Baker County with ESE programs. * Weekly social media updates*

55 Evaluation

Goal 1 Objective 1 To raise awareness by 20 percent among parents with special needs children by April 15, 2016.

Blogs will be evaluated by determining the number of visitors to the blog, the comments made to the post, reblogs, or any shares via Facebook and Twitter. Hope Haven’s website will be evaluated by using Google analytics. Google analytics is a free website service that tracks and reports website traffic. Analytics show the number of page views, revisits made to the site, and the location of the users visiting the site. Reviewing the progress of the social media performance by comparing the results of the beginning to the end using Hootsuite’s Enhanced Analytics Reports is how Hootsuite will be evaluated. At the end, if our comparisons exceed 20 percent then we know we have reached our objective.

Goal 1 Objective 2 To distribute 500 fliers to doctor’s offices, schools and agencies that already refer to Hope Haven by May 8, 2016.

Count the number of fliers distributed by volunteers to see if 500 fliers have been distributed to doctor’s offices, schools and agencies.

56 Goal 1 Objective 3 To raise awareness of Hope Haven to 25 local pediatricians in Duval, Clay, St. Johns, Nassau and Baker county by April 15, 2016.

Distribute a three-question short survey to 25 pediatricians who have not been contacted before to see if they are aware of Hope Haven. If 25 pediatricians mention that they know about Hope Haven then the objective has been achieved

Goal 1 Objective 4 To raise awareness in 20 schools with ESE programs located in Duval, Clay, St. Johns, Nassau and Baker County by April 15, 2016.

Distribute the same three question short survey to 20 guidance counselors in schools with ESE programs located in Duval, Clay, St. Johns, Nassau and Baker Counties. If the survey results indicate that 20 guidance counselors know about Hope Haven, then the objective has been met.

57 Evaluation

Goal 2 Objective 1 To retain 150 donors by April 15, 2016 to commit gifts over $60 individually on an annual basis.

Check with the fundraising department to see if 150 donors have signed–up or enrolled for a monthly deduction. To evaluate the gala event, we will account for all silent auction donations and the profit. We will subtract the cost of the event from money received and that will serve as a gauge. As far as evaluating the success of the Spirit Nights with local restaurants, the total funds raised will be the biggest indicator. Attendance should try to be taken at the Spirit Night in order to track the amount of attendees, and the check that is presented to Hope Haven after the event will indicate if the fundraising was worth the time taken to plan and execute it. Contact should be kept with the manager in charge of each restaurant. To evaluate sending out postcards and the fundraising letter we will monitor the online giving by determining if there is an increase in funds.

58 Goal 3 Objective 1 To distribute six news releases to local news stations by April 1, 2016.

Count the number of news releases and news pitches send out to local news media. Additionally, count the number of news stories and feature stories generated through these news releases and news pitches. News and story clippings would be a good way to keep track of this.

59 Recommendations

• Hire communication interns each semester from UNF. Interns will assist the Director of Communication with the workload and time constraints of handling social media. Interns are available all year round from the Communication department and the cost is the gift of experience (free).

• Hope Haven needs to create a contingency plan in the event of an emergency. Passwords and contacts should be documented and secured in case of a crisis for the sake of communication purposes.

60 • Set up a booth at One Spark, ArtWalk, and other citywide initiatives. Nonprofit organizations leverage these events for their own benefit. If Hope Haven can reserve a spot at these events, they can use the opportunity to sell items to fundraise and spread awareness of Hope Haven.

• Leverage support from Web.com

• Hire a professional website developer to redesign Hope Haven’s current website.

61 Appendices

Social Media Monthly Blogs

62 Survey

You are invited to take part in a project that is part of my requirements for the Public Relation Campaigns class at the University of North Florida. My instructor, Dr. Varma, will supervise this class project. The purpose of this class project is to help me learn more about the information seeking process of parents who have children with special needs and the factors they consider when selecting a facility that offers specialized services. The information I collect will not be used for academic research, publication, or presentation at professional meetings. Furthermore, information gathered for this project will not be presented outside of my classroom. If you take part in my project, you will fill out a simple online survey. We expect that participation in this project will take about 10 minutes of your time. Your responses will be anonymous. No one other than my instructor and I will see your responses. As a participant, there are no benefits or compensation for taking part in this project. Additionally, there are no foreseeable risks for taking part in this project. Participation is voluntary. There are no penalties for choosing not to participate, responding to a question or for ceasing participation.

⏭ Yes, I agree to these terms ⏭ No, I do not agree to these terms If No, I do not agree to these... Is Selected, Then Skip To End of Survey

2 Gender ⏭ Male ⏭ Female ⏭ Prefer not to answer

3 Age ⏭ 25 years and younger ⏭ 26-45 ⏭ 46-60 ⏭ 61 years and older

63 4 Where do you reside currently? ⏭ Duval County ⏭ Clay County ⏭ Nassau County ⏭ St. John’s County ⏭ Baker County ⏭ Downtown Jacksonville ⏭ Other, please specify ______

5 Ethnicity ⏭ Caucasian ⏭ Hispanic ⏭ Asian ⏭ African American ⏭ American Indian or Alaskan Native ⏭ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander ⏭ More than one race ⏭ Other, please specify ______⏭ Choose not to specify

6 Annual household income ⏭ < $25,000 ⏭ $26,000-$50,000 ⏭ $51,000-$75,000 ⏭ $76,000-$100,00 ⏭ $101,000-$150,000 ⏭ >$151,000 ⏭ Choose not to specify

7 Do you have a child who has been identified with educational, developmental, or mental health needs such as Dyslexia, ADHD, Autism, Down syndrome, or Depression? ⏭ Yes ⏭ No 64

8 Where do you take your child to receive specialized care?

9 What types of specialized care or services do you seek from a facility offering services to parents and their children with special needs? For example, services of a/an OR ⏭ Occupational Therapist ⏭ Speech Therapist ⏭ Physical Therapist ⏭ Psychologist ⏭ Developmental Pediatrician ⏭ Counseling Support ⏭ Parent Training and Education ⏭ Workshops ⏭ Parent, Family and Sibling Support Groups ⏭ Separation and Divorce Support ⏭ Others, please specify ______

10 What factors do you consider when selecting specialized services for your child? Select all that apply. ⏭ Location ⏭ Urgency ⏭ Cost ⏭ Duration ⏭ Personalized Care ⏭ Reputation ⏭ Flexibility i.e., scheduling care sessions ⏭ Other, please specify ______

11 When searching for new or additional information regarding your child’s health, where do you typically go to get this information?

65 12 How do you prefer to receive information about special care directed toward children’s developmental, educational, or mental health needs? Check all that applies. ⏭ Offices of Health-care providers ⏭ Referral from friend/family ⏭ Brochures ⏭ In Mail ⏭ Email ⏭ Website, Please specify ______⏭ Social media ⏭ Other, please specify ______

13 If you selected social media in your previous answer as a means to receive information about special care directed toward children’s developmental, educational, or mental health needs, what types of social media do you prefer? Check all that apply. ⏭ Blogs ⏭ Facebook ⏭ Twitter ⏭ YouTube ⏭ Instagram ⏭ Pinterest ⏭ Others, please specify ______

14 What forms of media do you use on a regular basis? (Check all that apply) ⏭ Florida-Times Union ⏭ Business Journal ⏭ Folio Weekly ⏭ WJXT ⏭ FOX30/CBS ⏭ First Coast News

66 ⏭ WJCT ⏭ 101.5 ⏭ 102.5 ⏭ 96.1 ⏭ 99.9 ⏭ WJAX (Action News) ⏭ Online ⏭ Others, please specify ______

15 What types of local community events do you attend? ⏭ Family-friendly public events ⏭ 5k walk/run ⏭ Concerts ⏭ Cause-related events ⏭ Charity ⏭ Others, please specify ______

16 Are you aware of Hope Haven Children’s Clinic & Family Center? ⏭ Yes ⏭ No

17 How did you learn about Hope Haven Children’s Clinic? Choose all that apply. ⏭ Family and Friends ⏭ School ⏭ Pediatrician ⏭ Occupational Therapist ⏭ Online ⏭ Speech Therapist ⏭ Physical Therapist ⏭ Community Event ⏭ Other, please specify ______

67 Media List

Media&Name& Contact&Name& Title& Phone Email Website 1.#The#Florida#Times#Union# 1.&Matt&Soergel& 1.#News#Reporter 1)#904.359.4082 1.#[email protected] 2.#The#Florida#Times#Union# 2.&David&Crumpler 2.#Lifestyle#News#Reporter 2)#904.359.4164 2.#[email protected] 3.#Jacksonville#Magazine# 3.&Joseph&White& 3.#Publisher/Editor 3)#904.389.3622 3.#[email protected] 3.#Jacksonvillemag.com1.#Jacksonville.com 4.#Family!#Magazine 4.&Eric&West 4.#General#Sales#Manager 4)#904.296.1304 4.#[email protected] 4.#Familyfirstcoast.com2.#Jacksonville.com 5.#WJXT#TV#News#4#Jax# 5.&Kumasi&Aaron 5.#News#Reporter/Journalist 5) 904.393.9844 5.#[email protected] 5.#News4Jax.xom 6.#WJCT#Radio#FM#89.9#(NPR) 6. Karen Feagins 6.#Vice#President,#Content#and#Operations 6) 904.358.6347 6.#kfeagins@.org 6.WJCT.org/radio# 7.WJCT#TV#Channel#7#(PBS#affiliated) 7.&Jessica&Palombo 7.#WJCT#News#Director 7)#904.353.7770 7.#[email protected] 8.#Jacksonville#Moms#Blog 8.&Vicky&Lane&and&Megan&Killis 8.#Co\founders 8)#n/a 8.#[email protected],#[email protected] 9.#Ponte#Vedra#Recorder# 9.&Susan&Griffin& 9.#Publisher/Sales#Manager 9)#904.686.3938 9.#[email protected] 9.#Pontevedrarecorder.com7.#WJCT.org 10.#Ponte#Vedra#Recorder 10.&Kelly&Hould& 10.#Editor 10)#904.686.3943 10.#[email protected] 10.#Pontevedrarecorder.com8.#Jaxmomsblog.com 11.#Autism#Spectrum#Quarterly 11.&Liane&Holliday&Willey,&Ed.D. 11.#Senior#Editor 11)#877.782.7347#ext.#3 11.#[email protected],#[email protected] 11.#ASQuarterly.com 12.#Autism#Spectrum#Quarterly 12.&Kim&R.&Newgass 12.#Advertising#Director#/#Managing#Editor 12)#877.782.7347#ext.#3 12.#[email protected] 12.#ASQuarterly.com 13.#First#Coast#Magazine 13.&AJ&Beson& 13.#Publisher 13)#904.992.9945 13.#[email protected] 13.#Firstcoastmagazine.com 14.#First#Coast#Magazine 14.&Joy&Bell 14.#Marketing#Consultant 14)#904.992.9945 14.#[email protected] 14.#Firstcoastmagazine.com 15.#Visit#Jacksonville# 15.&Bob&Meyer 15.#Director#of#Sales#and#Services 15)#904.421.9183 15.#[email protected] 15.#Visitjacksonville.com 16.#Beaches#Leader/Ponte#Vedra#Leader 16.&Kathleen&Feindt&Bailey 16.#Senior#Editor 16)#904.249.9033 16.#[email protected] 16.#Beachesleader.com 17.#Beaches#Leader/Ponte#Vedra#Leader 17.&Joanne&Jund 17.#Advertising#Sales#Manager 17)#904.249.9033 17.#[email protected],#[email protected] 17.#Beachesleader.com 18.#WJXX#TV#Channel#25#First#Coast#News 18.&Ken&Amaro& 18.#Reporter 18)#904.633.8825# 18.#[email protected] 18.#Firstcoastnews.com 19.#WJXX#TV#Channel#25#First#Coast#News# 19.&Pam&Barrett 19.#Local#Sales#Manager# 19)#904.633.2423 #19.#[email protected] 19.#Firstcoastnews.com 20.#Autism#Today# 20.&Karen&Simmons 20.#CEO#and#Founder 20)#808.753.8223# 20.#[email protected] 20.#Autismtoday.com 21.#Folio#Weekly# 21.&Sam&Taylor& 21.#Publisher# 21)#904.260.9770 21.#[email protected] 21.#Folioweekly.com 22.#Folio#Weekly# 22.&C.J.&Allen 22.#Senior#Account#Manager# 22)#904.260.9770#ext.120 22.#[email protected] 22.#Folioweekly.com 23.#Folio#Weekly# 23.&Lee&Ann&Thornton 23.#Account#Manager# 23)#904.260.9770#ext.127 23.#[email protected] 23.#Folioweekly.com 24.#Folio#Weekly# 24.&Ro&Espinosa 24.#Account#Manager# 24)#904.260.9770#ext.129 24.#[email protected] 24.#Folioweekly.com 25.#Folio#Weekly# 25.&Kathrin&Lancelle 25.#Account#Manager# 25)#904.260.9770#ext.124 25.#[email protected] 25.#Folioweekly.com 26.#Jaxevents.com 26.&Alex&Alston 26.#Director#of#Sales#&#Marketing 26)#904.630.4055 26.#[email protected] 26.#Jaxevents.com 27.#95.1#WAPE 27.&Eric&Lauer 27.#General#Sales#Manager 27)#904.245.8500 27.#[email protected] 27.#WAPE.com 28.#Jax4Kids 28.&Angie&King& 28.#Content#Manager,#Jax4Kids#Events 28)#904.710.2020 28.#n/a 28.#jax4kids.com 29.#Jax4Kids 29.&Donna&Paunetto 29.#Advertising#Sales# 29)#904.710.2020 29.#n/a 29.#jax4kids.com

Twitter Facebook& Beat& Type&of&Media Deadline 1.#Handle:#@jaxdotcom# 1.#Lifestyle,#Local 1.&Newspaper 1.#Two#weeks#prior#to#desired#publication#date.# 2.#Handle:#@jaxdotcom# 2.#Lifestyle,#Local# 2.&Newspaper 2.#Two#weeks#prior#to#desired#publication#date.# 3.#Handle:#@JacksonvilleMag 3.#facebook.com/jacksonvillemagazine1.#facebook.com/FLTimesUnion 3.#News#Pitches,#Events,#Local 3.&Magazine 3.#One#month#prior#to#latest#issue.# 4.#Handle:#@FamilyFirstC 4.#facebook.com/pages/Family\Magazine\First\Coast2.#facebook.com/FLTimesUnion 4.#Advertising,#Marketing,#Pitches,#Event#Coverage 4.&Magazine 4.#One#month#prior#to#latest#issue.# 5.#Handle:#@WJXTKumasi 5. facebook.com/Wjxt4KumasiAaron 5.#Local,#Events 5.&Television 5.#None 6.#Handle:#@karenfeagins 6.#facebook.com/WJCTJax 6.#Public#broadcasting,#local 6.&Radio& 6.#One#week.# 7.#Handle:#JessicaPubRadio 7.#facebook.com/WJCTJax 7.&Television,&Radio 7.#One#week.# 8.#Handle:#@Jaxmomsblog 8.#Parenting 8.#Online#Blog# 8.#None 9.#Handle:#@PonteVedraNews 9.#facebook.com/ThePVRecorder 9.#Advertising,#Marketing7.#News#Submissions,#Media#Releases,#Event#Coverage 9.&Newspaper 9.#Two#weeks#prior#to#desired#publication#date.# 10.#Handle:#@PonteVedraNews 10.#facebook.com/ThePVRecorder8.#facebook.com/JacksonvilleMomsBlog 10.#Local,#Media#Releases 10.&Newspaper 10.#Two#weeks#prior#to#desired#publication#date.# 11.#n/a 11.#facebook.com/pages/Autism\Spectrum\Quarterly\Magazine 11.#Parenting,#Autism#News,#Pitches 11.&Magazine 11.#One#month#prior#to#latest#issue.# 12.#n/a 12.#facebook.com/pages/Autism\Spectrum\Quarterly\Magazine 12.#Advertising,#Marketing 12.&Magazine 12.#One#month#prior#to#latest#issue.# 13.#Handle:#firstcoastmag 13.#facebook.com/FirstCoastMag 13.#News#Pitches,#Events,#Local 13.&Magazine 13.#One#month#prior#to#latest#issue.# 14.#Handle:#firstcoastmag 14.#facebook.com/FirstCoastMag 14.#Advertising,#Marketing 14.&Magazine 14.#One#month#prior#to#latest#issue.# 15.#Handle:#@visit_jax 15.#facebook.com/visitjacksonville 15.#Lifestyle,#Local,#Events,#Advertsing,#Marketing,#Location 15.&Website 15.#None 16.#n/a 16.#facebook.com/TheBeachesLeader 16.#News#Pitches,#Events,#Local 16.&Magazine 16.#One#month#prior#to#latest#issue.# 17.#n/a 17.#facebook.com/TheBeachesLeader 17.#Advertising,#Marketing 17.&Magazine 17.#One#month#prior#to#latest#issue.# 18.#Handle:#@fcn2go 18.#facebook.com/FirstCoastNews 18.#News#Pitches,#Media#Releases,#News#Submissions,# 18.&Television 18.#One#week.# 19.#Handle:#@fcn2go 19.#facebook.com/FirstCoastNews 19.#Advertising,#Marketing 19.&Television,&Online& 19.#One#week.# 20.#Handle:#@autismtoday 20.#facebook.com/AutismTodayPage 20.#Autism,#Article/Story#Submissions# 20.&Website 20.#None 21.#Handle:#@folioweekly 21.#facebook.com/thefolioweekly 21.#News#Pitches,#Media#Releases,#News#Submissions,# 21.&Newspaper 21.#Two#weeks#prior#to#desired#publication#date.# 22.#Handle:#@folioweekly 22.#facebook.com/thefolioweekly 22.#Advertising,#Marketing 22.&Newspaper 22.#Two#weeks#prior#to#desired#publication#date.# 23.#Handle:#@folioweekly 23.#facebook.com/thefolioweekly 23.#Advertising,#Marketing 23.&Newspaper 23.#Two#weeks#prior#to#desired#publication#date.# 24.#Handle:#@folioweekly 24.#facebook.com/thefolioweekly 24.#Advertising,#Marketing 24.&Newspaper 24.#Two#weeks#prior#to#desired#publication#date.# 25.#Handle:#@folioweekly 25.#facebook.com/thefolioweekly 25.#Advertising,#Marketing 25.&Newspaper 25.#Two#weeks#prior#to#desired#publication#date.# 26.#Handle:#@jaxevents 26.#facebook.com/jaxevents 26.#Advertising,#Marketing 26.&Website 26.#None 27.#Handle:#@951wape 27.#facebook.com/951wape 27.#Advertising,#Marketing 27.&Radio 27.#One#week.# 28.#Handle:#@jax4kids 28.#facebook.com/Jax4kids 28.#Local,#Events 28.&Website 28.#Two#weeks.# 29.#Handle:#@jax4kids 29.#facebook.com/Jax4kids 29.#Advertising,#Marketing 29.&Website 29.#One#month.# 68 Pitch/ Press Release

Hope Havens Children Clinic and Family Center 4600 Beach Blvd. Jacksonville, FL 32207 Phone:(904) 346-­‐5100/ Fax: (904) 346-­‐5411 For Immediate Release

Anne Wall, Director of Development Contact: WJXT TV News 4 Jax anew@hope-­‐haven.org or (904) 346-­‐5100 x250 Kumasi Aaron, News Reporter/Journalist TO: 904.393.9844 [email protected]

Dear Ms. Aaron, For immediate release As you know, it’s most women’s dream to get married, have children, and live happily. But what happens when you and your spouse face the realization that you now have a child with special needs such as autism or down syndrome? A survey by the Health Resources and Services Administration, part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, found 10.2 million U.S. children in the have special healthcare Beth Cravey Contact person: Anne Wall needs, or 14 percent of all U.S. children. More than one-fifth of U.S. households with children have at least Florida Times Union Director of Development one child with special needs. The two most prevalent disabilities in children are autism and Down 1 Riverside Avenue Telephone number:904-346-5100 ext. 250 syndrome. Many Americans are unaware of the truths concerning these disabilities, so here are some fast facts: Jacksonville, Fla. 32202 Fax number:904-326-5111 904-359-4109 Email address: [email protected] • Autism is the fastest-growing serious developmental disability in the U.S. [email protected] Website address:www.hope-haven.org • Autism costs a family $60,000 a year on average • There are over 400,000 people living with down syndrome • 30% – 50% of the individuals with Down syndrome have heart defects and 8% – 12% have gastrointestinal tract abnormalities present at birth. Most of these defects are now correctable by surgery. Hope Haven Seeking Volunteers for

What is the one thing that people must learn about disabilities? It is that the children’s abilities outweigh the disabilities. Many children with autism and Down syndrome are looked at as poor souls, but many Their 3rd Annual Family Fun Day children grow up to become highly functional adults. How can they do these wonderful things? With the help of children’s clinics and behavioral centers like Hope Haven. JACKSONVILLE, Fla., (April 10, 2015) — Hope Haven Children’s Clinic and Family Center seeking volunteers for their third annual Family Fun Day event to be held on Saturday, Hope Haven Children’s Clinic and Family Center is a nonprofit organization that serves children, young adults and families with a variety of educational, developmental and mental health needs. April 18, at Losco Park from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Hope Haven provides care to a wide range of clients, including those with: • Learning challenges and disabilities, such as dyslexia and attention deficit/ hyperactivity Hope Haven focuses on working with families with special needs children and therefore, disorder; they have assembled this event to be open to the public including children with • Developmental needs, such as those related to autism, Down syndrome and other challenges; disabilities as well as non-special needs children. Hope Haven is seeking volunteers to • Mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety or repercussions of divorce. help staff their event. Admission is completely free. Hope Haven wants families to be able to come together and have a great time and focus on living a healthy At Hope Haven, they believe every child can learn... and they can prove it. lifestyle. The event will have train rides, bungee jump, bounce houses, arts and crafts,

The purpose of this news pitch is to raise awareness for Hope Haven Children’s Clinic, and to spread the healthy snacks, Berry Good Farms food truck and musical performances. There will be word about educating the public about conditions such as autism and Down syndrome. a small charge for rides and food. Volunteers and donations are welcomed.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Hope Haven Children’s Clinic and Family Center is a nonprofit organization that serves

children, young adults and families with a variety of educational, developmental and Sincerely, mental health needs. They have become a haven of hope by serving local Jacksonville Anne Wall families for over 80 years. Their main focus is on the positives of what kids can do, Hope Haven Children’s Clinic and Family Center (www.hope-­‐haven.org), a not-­‐for-­‐profit instead of what they cannot do. organization, serves children, young adults and families with a variety of educational, developmental and mental health needs. Hope Haven Children’s Clinic and Family Center, a nonprofit organization serving Jacksonville’s children and families since 1926, offers an expert team of psychologists, pediatricians, educational specialists, speech pathologists, occupational and physical therapists, and tutors who work together to increase each child’s success in the classroom, on the playground and in family life. Areas of specialization include children with Down syndrome, autism spectrum disorders, dyslexia, depression, anxiety, attention deficit hyperactivity disorders and other learning challenges. For information, visit www.hope- haven.org, find us on Facebook or call (904) 346-5100, ###

69 Fundraising Letter

“Dear Contributor,

For over 80 years, Hope Haven has been a non-profit organization that serves the community of Jacksonville, offering affordable specialty services to families with young or adult children with mental, physical, or educational challenges.

For Hope Haven, the most popular growing service is applied behavior analysis. To address problem behavior, we use functional assessment, a research-based set of strategies designed to determine why a child is engaging in a problem be- havior. Consultation involves detailed analysis of the situation, definition of the de- sired change, and application of well-researched techniques and interventions. Behaviors we address include, but are not limited to, aggression (hitting, kicking, biting), property destruction, pica (eating inedible items), non-compliance and tantrums.

Because Hope Haven is a non-profit organization, we are always looking for donors to lend a helping hand and keep our organization functional. In order to keep our promises made to the families we serve in Jacksonville, we rely on the generosity of individuals and businesses for support. Without the assistance of community-minded individuals like yourself, we would not be able to provide our clients with the best service.

Your gift is noticed, and will make all the difference in our community. Whether you decide to be a one-time donor, or a lifetime donor, we appreciate your sup- port.

Thank you,

Hope Haven” 70 FAQ

What is autism? What kind of educational services? What kind of special academic support programs do you have throughout the year? What is occupational therapy? What is the difference between physical therapy and occupational therapy? What are your programs regarding speech therapy? What do you offer for adults with disability? Do you offer workshops or training for adult children? What kind of research-based strategies do you offer? Do you offer professional counseling services for the family? What is attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder? What is Down syndrome? What kind of programs do you have for young adults with challenges?

71 Brochure


Fees and reimbursements cover only half of the FRONT / outside cost of services provided by Hope Haven. The remainder of the cost is covered by private con-

Jacksonville, FloridaJacksonville, 32207 4600 Beach Boulevard Haven Hope tributions from foundations, and corporations and donors like you. Every bit counts.

“Hope Haven works with each child 4600 Beach Boulevard to increase his or her success in the Jacksonville, Florida 32207 classroom, on the playground and in family life.” Phone: 904-346-5100 Fax: 904-346-5111 www.hope-haven.org ______

GENERAL SERVICES ( ) Please ) ( Send Registration Me Materials Please ) ( Call Further With Me Information Pleaseoneof the following: check E ______Phone:(home) ______(work) ______Address: Your ______Name: 4600 Jacksonville, Beach FL Boulevard, 32207 Please and mail to thisHope Haven complete Clinic form and Family Children’s Center,

Learning Services - mail: ______ Educational Services

 Tutoring

 Special Academic Support

Developmental Services

 Occupational Therapy

 Physical Therapy

 Speech and Language OVERVIEW

 Assistive Technology

Hope Haven is a nonprofit clinic that serves  Applied Behavioral Analysis

children, young

Mental Health adults and

 Evaluation and Counseling Back / inside families with a variety of  Children First in Divorce educational, SPECIAL SERVICES developmental

Hope Haven evaluates, tests, treats and mental health and works with children who have: needs.  Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Today, Hope Disorder (ADHD) Haven is recognized as one of the community’s

 Autism

leading nonprofit providers of specialized ______services for children and their families, and has  Down Syndrome

earned the highest respect from its peers. It  And Are Young Adults With serves more than 5,000 families each year. Challenges

72 Family Fun Day Flyers

‘s Choosen Flyer Annual

*A special thanks to our sponsors HUGH & GLENDA HARRIS

James Robertson Back / inside Alternate Flyer

73 Postcard



74 Intern Application Form

75 Intern Application Form (Cont.)

76 References http://www.keystonebehavioral.com www.arcjacksonville.org/day-programs-and-services https://www.facebook.com/hopehavenjax http://greatnonprofits.org/org/hope-haven-childrens-clinic-and-family- center http://www.chronicleofphilanthropy.com http://www.jaxmomsblog.com/ http://www.hope-haven.org/Downloads/Hopelines_Fall_2013.pdf http://www.fldoe.org https://www.spingo.com/submit?AffiliateID=913&AffiliateID=913 http://philanthropy.com/factfile/gifts/1?DonorDisplayName_ cu=&Category=any&GiftRecipients_RecipOrgDateline_c=&GiftRecipients_ RecipStateFull=Florida&GiftDonors_SourceWealth_cu=&GiftDonors_ aStateFull=Florida&GiftYear=any http://www.duvalschools.org/site/default.aspx?PageID=1 http://www.jaxmomsblog.com/calendar-events/community/add http://www.census.gov/prod/2012pubs/p70-131.pdf https://www.census.gov/prod/2011pubs/acsbr10-12.pdf http://www.webmd.com/brain/autism/parenting-child-with-autism-special- challenges) http://www.fundraising123.org/article/10-twitter-tips-nonprofit- organizations#.VSQ8_vnF_d0 http://www.cbsnews.com/news/what-is-web-20/ http://www.healautismnow.org/grants_apply.html https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/teen-angst/201401/2014- awareness-calendar https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/356341591197702 http://www.rgkfoundation.org http://csr.cisco.com/pages/global-impact-grants---how-to-apply http://cisco.cybergrants.com/pls/cybergrants/ao_survey.form?x_gm_ id=1484&x_section_id=12028&x_quiz_survey_id=5198 77