HIRAM of TYRE and SOLOMON Edward Lipiński University Of
HIRAM OF TYRE AND SOLOMON Edward Lipiński University of Leuven Josephus Flavius took a particular interest in the relations between Hiram, king of Tyre, and Solomon. Describing their friendly relation- ship, maintained on a basis of equality, Josephus undoubtedly aimed at underscoring the importance of Solomon in the eyes of his non- Jewish readers, he was addressing in Jewish Antiquities, followed soon by Against Apion. 1. Josephus and His Sources The sources of Josephus were not only the biblical Books of Kings and the Books of the Chronicles, but also some Hellenistic historiogra- phers of the 2nd c. BCE, like Menander of Ephesus, Dius, and Eupo- lemus. Menander and Dius quote translated extracts from the Tyrian annals, while Eupolemus’ work contains letters allegedly exchanged between Hiram and Solomon. Although the writings of Menander and Dius were no primary sources, they were works independent from the Bible and, in consequence, had more appeal for the heathen readers of Josephus. They are unfortunately lost, and the quotations from both authors preserved by Josephus have most likely been excerpted from the History of Phoenicia compiled ca. 70–60 BCE by Alexander Polyhistor,1 who had copied large passages from his predecessors’ writ- ings. Josephus stresses the importance of the Hiram-Solomon relation- ship in his Jewish Antiquities and in the somewhat later booklet Against 1 Alexander Polyhistor, a native of Miletus, an ancient city on the Anatolian shore of the Aegean Sea, compiled excerpts from several Hellenistic historiographers, related to Phoenicia. Preserved fragments of his work have been collected by F. Jacoby (ed.), Fragmente der griechischen Historiker IIIA (Berlin: Weidmann, 1940) 96–121, with a commentary F.
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