Cinque Port Town of New Romney

Town Clerk’s Office Town Hall New Romney TN28 8BT

Tel: New Romney 01797 362348 Mrs C. Newcombe Town Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer

Ref: CN/3005 25th June 2020

A MEETING OF NEW ROMNEY TOWN COUNCIL WILL BE HELD REMOTELY ON MONDAY 29TH JUNE 2020 AT 6.45 PM. (NB: This meeting has been re-scheduled from Wednesday 24th June 2020)

Members of the public are welcome to follow this meeting live.


C Newcombe

Mrs. Catherine Newcombe Town Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer

Email: [email protected]

PLEASE NOTE: The afore-mentioned meeting will be held remotely and will commence at 6.45pm. Members of Public are welcome to join this Zoom Meeting live using the following link:

Meeting ID: 986 8445 2152 Password: 485426



1. APOLOGIES: To receive the apologies of Councillors unable to attend and approve reasons for absence.

2. DISPENSATION TO PARTICIPATE: To receive and note any applications granted by the Town Clerk, on behalf of the Town Council, for dispensation to participate in Meetings of New Romney Town Council.

3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: Councillors to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or Other Significant or Personal Interests they may have in items on the agenda this evening.

4. MINUTES (Encs- See Pages 5-14*): (i) To approve the minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on 11th March 2020 (enclosed herewith*).

(ii) To approve the minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on 18th March 2020 (enclosed herewith*).

5. TOWN CLERK’S REPORT : To receive and note the Town Clerk’s report, if available.

6. STANDING ORDER No.14: The Mayor to consider any questions raised by Councillors, of which proper notice has been given (three working days minimum).

7. STANDING COMMITTEES (Encs – See Pages 15-17*): To receive and note the minutes of the following Standing Committee meetings and resolutions detailed therein and to ratify any recommendations also detailed therein, if required:

(i) Personnel Panel Meeting held on 4th March 2020 (Enclosed herewith*).

P a g e | 2 8. TOWN CLERK’S FINANCIAL REPORTS FOR 2019-2020 (Encs – See Pages 18-25*): To consider final payments and receipts and bank reconciliations for February and March 2020. (Reports attached hereto*)

9. COUNCIL LEADERSHIP To confirm status quo in terms of Council Leadership until May 2021 Annual Meeting of the Council for reason of continuity in light of Coronavirus pandemic and in accordance with current legislation.

10. REVIEW OF STANDING ORDERS AND APPENDICES (Encs – See Pages 26-27*): (i) To approve amendments to Town Council Standing Orders and Financial Regulations*, as circulated to all Councillors. (Report attached hereto*.)

(ii) To approve amendments to Policy Documents* Appended to Standing Orders, as circulated to all Councillors. (Report attached hereto*)

(iii) To formally approve the following specific Policy Documents (Report attached hereto*): (a) Schedule of payments approved in advance for financial year 2020-21 (b) Annual Investment Strategy and Investment Plan 2020-21

11. REVIEW OF ACTIONS UNDERTAKEN IN LIGHT OF INTERNAL AUDITOR’S 2019 REPORT (Encs – See Page 28*): To receive and note the Clerk’s report regarding actions undertaken in light of recommendations made within the 2019 report prepared by the Town Council’s appointed Internal Auditor, if appropriate.

12. EXCLUSION OF PUBLIC AND PRESS: To consider exclusion of public and press in accordance with Standing Order No.34 (a), which states that ‘in view of the special and confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, it is advisable in the public interest that the public and press be temporarily excluded [from the meeting] and they are instructed to withdraw’ due to the fact that the following agenda items relate to legal matters.

P a g e | 3 13. ON-GOING MATTERS: To consider any updates or additional information and/or progress on any on-going legal matters (Confidential report to follow if appropriate) and to take any action thereon as may be deemed necessary:

14. PERSONNEL MATTERS: To receive and note any report regarding Personnel Matters (Confidential report to follow if appropriate) and take any such action as may be deemed necessary thereon.

15. LAND AND TENANCY MATTERS: To consider matters pertaining to Town Council Land and Tenancies (confidential report to follow if appropriate) and take any such action as may be deemed necessary thereon.

16. CONCLUSION OF PRIVATE SESSION: To consider concluding private session, if appropriate.

NB: Reports or notes of the Personnel Panel will be considered as Private & Confidential as they concern staff matters; and all legal information, documents, agreements or reports may be considered likewise. Other items may be considered as private and confidential if the Town Council deems that it is in the public interest to do so.

Town Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer – 16th June 2020

P a g e | 4 AGENDA ITEM 4


MINUTES of A Meeting of New Romney Town Council Held on Wednesday 11th March 2020 In the Assembly Rooms, New Romney Commencing at 6.45pm

PRESENT: The Right Worshipful the Mayor of New Romney, Councillor Paul Thomas

Town Ward: Councillors: A Rodriguez, Rev Cn S McLachlan, J Rivers, Mrs B Lonbay Kapoor and J Phipps

Coast Ward: Councillors: Mrs P Metcalfe, Miss J Hiscock, J Picco, R Tillson and P Coe

In Attendance: Deputy Town Clerk - Mrs C T Morris KCC Councillor - Cllr A Hills Facilities & PR Clerk - Mrs J Ruffhead (Observer) Members of Public - 3 Mayor’s Chaplain

IN THE CHAIR The Mayor – Councillor P Thomas

PRAYERS The Mayor’s Chaplain led the Council in prayer.

The business of the Council commenced @ 6.47PM.

@6.48PM The Mayor’s Chaplain left the meeting.

658/2019-20 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received and noted, as follows:

Councillor Wimble - who was attending another meeting Councillor Ms Nevard - who was unwell Councillor Mrs Rolfe - due to work commitments Councillor Hardy - due to work commitments

It was:

PROPOSED BY: Councillor Miss Hiscock SECONDED BY: Councillor Rev Cn McLachlan

RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY – that reasons for absence, as detailed above, be approved.

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659/2019-20 DISPENSATION TO PARTICIPATE No new applications for Dispensation to Participate had been received by the Town Clerk.

660/2019-20 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST @ 6.50PM Councillor Rev Cn McLachlan declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in respect of residential development related to the Community Hall and Sports Pavilion project due to the close proximity to her home address, advising that she has been granted Dispensation to Participate and Vote in respect of this matter. (Minute Ref: 669/2019-20 refers.)

Councillor Miss Hiscock declared a personal interest in respect of payments made to contractors, should this arise, since she personally employs a contractor that is also employed by the Town Council. (Minute Ref: 672/2019- 20 refers.)

Councillor Mrs Metcalfe declared an Other Significant Interest in respect of New Romney Day Centre as she is a Trustee of the afore-mentioned organisation. (Minute Ref: 668/2019-20 refers). Councillor Mrs Metcalfe further declared a declared a personal interest in any matters pertaining to St Nicholas Church due to her membership of the PCC (Minute Ref: 676/2019- 20(ii) refers) and New Romney in Bloom due to her participation in their meetings (Minute Ref: 673/2019-20 refers).

Councillor Thomas declared a personal interest in any matters pertaining to New Romney in Bloom due to his participation in their meetings (Minute Ref: 673/2019-20 refers).

661/2019-20 REPORT OF KENT COUNTY COUNCILLOR Councillor Hills’ report, which referred to a range of local matters, including an update in respect of pothole repairs, as well as sea defences, New Romney Day Centre and shingle extraction, was duly received and noted with any questions first having been put and answered.

662/2019-20 REPORTS OF THE & HYTHE DISTRICT COUNCILLORS In the absence of both District Councillors, no written report had been received on this occasion.

663/2018-19 ADJOURNMENT OF MEETING @7.10PM it was:

PROPOSED BY: Councillor Mrs Lonbay Kapoor SECONDED BY: Councillor Phipps

RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY – that the meeting be hereby adjourned to accommodate a public session.

The business of the Council was thereby suspended.

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664/2019-20 PUBLIC QUESTIONS Following formal adjournment of the meeting, one member of public addressed the Council via the Chairman. A number of points were put and duly received and noted. . 665/2019-20 RE-CONVENING OF MEETING @7.17PM it was:

PROPOSED BY: Councillor Tillson SECONDED BY: Councillor Rivers

RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY – that the meeting be hereby re-convened.

The business of the Council was thereby resumed.

666/2019-20 MINUTES The Chairman presented the minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 12th February 2020, copies of which had been previously circulated to all Councillors.

Having duly considered the afore-mentioned minutes, it was:

PROPOSED BY: Councillor Coe SECONDED BY: Councillor Mrs Metcalfe

RESOLVED – that the minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 12th February 2020 be approved and signed as a true and correct record.

NB: Councillors Phipps Mrs Lonbay Kapoor and Rivers abstained from voting as they had not been present at the afore-mentioned meeting.

The Chairman signed the afore-mentioned minutes.

667/2019-20 MAYOR’S REPORT AND COMMUNICATIONS (i) The Mayor’s report, detailing the variety of civic events attended since the last meeting of Full Council, was duly received and noted. (ii) No significant communications had been received.

668/2019-20 TOWN CLERK’S REPORT The Town Clerk’s report was received and noted and read as under:


Actions completed since the Full Council meeting held on 12th February 2020

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1) Initial meetings of four Full Council-appointed Working Parties have now taken place in accordance with the schedule circulated to all Councillors. Resulting progress reports from the afore-mentioned Working Parties are listed as an agenda item for this meeting.

2) A general letter of support is currently being drafted for the Day Centre, as per the Town Council’s instruction.

NB: Any other actions not detailed above are either on-going or listed as Agenda Items, as appropriate.

Other Matters of Report:

1) Confirmation was received that the ditch clearance project at Station Road Sports Field now had confirmed funding and was due to commence on 21st February 2020. Work was to include flailing of all bramble to allow access to the ditch, removing the majority of self-seeded willows and pollarding remaining trees, clearance of all litter and household waste from the ditch and delivery of wood chippings to the Church Lane Allotment Gardens and Romney Warren Visitor Site for gardening use.

This concludes the Town Clerk’s report.

Town Clerk 2nd March 2020

Further Items of Report: There were no further items of report.

669/2019-20 CAPITAL PROJECTS REPORT The Chairman provided a brief verbal report, confirming that the planning submission was still going through the District Council planning system and that no further expenditure had been incurred. The report was duly received and noted by those present.

670/2019-20 STANDING ORDER NO14 No questions had been raised under Standing Order no.14.

671/2019-20 STANDING COMMITTEES (i) Councillor Thomas presented the minutes of the Planning and Environment Committee meeting held on 19th February 2020, which were duly received and noted.

672/2019-20 TOWN CLERK’S FINANCIAL REPORTS FOR 2019-20 The Clerk presented final payments and receipts and a final bank reconciliation for the month of January 2020.

Having duly considered the afore-mentioned Financial Reports, it was:

PROPOSED BY: Councillor Mrs Metcalfe SECONDED BY: Councillor Mrs Lonbay Kapoor

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RESOLVED – that the Town Clerk’s Financial Reports for January 2020 be received and approved.

Payments and receipts for the month of January 2020 being in the amounts as detailed below:

January 2020 Payments: £14,116.21 Receipts: £2,247.24

673/2019-20 COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES’ REPORTS Councillor Thomas reported that he, along with Councillor Rivers, had attended the recent KALC (Kent Association of Local Councils) Health and Well-Being conference advising that he and Councillor Rivers both sit on the Advisory Group and of which Councillor Rivers is the Chairman.

Councillor Thomas reported that he had also attended the recent KALC (Kent Association of Local Councils) Area Committee Workshop at which a variety of matters had been discussed including EU Digital Accessibility Regulations/GDPR, policing and partnership working.

Councillor Mrs Metcalfe reported that she, along with a number of other Councillors and residents had attended the recent inaugural meeting of ‘New Romney in Bloom’ at which a number a number of residents had signed up as volunteers. She further advised that this had been followed by a second meeting at which a number of Committee Members/Officers had been appointed and a Constitution agreed.

Councillor Miss Hiscock reported her attendance, along with Councillor Mrs Metcalfe, at the recent meeting of the Romney Marsh Forum at which local healthcare and the Speedwatch scheme had been the key topics of discussion.

674/2019-20 FULL COUNCIL WORKING PARTIES (i) Climate Change Working Party The progress report from the Climate Change Working Party was received and noted. (ii) Dementia Awareness Working Party The progress report from the Dementia Awareness Working Party was received and noted. (iii) New Romney Litter Strategy Working Party The progress report from the New Romney Litter Srategy Working Party was received and noted. (iv) Accessibility Working Party The progress report from the Accessibility Working Party was received and noted.

675/2019-20 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING DATES 2020-21 Having duly considered the draft schedule of Town Council meeting dates for the 2020-21Civic Year, it was:

PROPOSED BY: Councillor Rivers SECONDED BY: Councillor Phipps

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RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY– that the draft schedule of Meeting Dates for the 2020-21Civic Year be hereby approved and duly published.

676/2019-20 VE DAY 75 YEAR COMMEMORATIONS (i) The minutes of the RBL VE Day Commemorations Meeting held on 6th February 2020 were received and noted.

(ii) Due consideration was given to the cost of sundry items which the Town Council is being requested to fund.

It was:

PROPOSED BY: Councillor Tillson SECONDED BY: Councillor Rodriguez


(i) a budget be approved in the sum of £1,500.00, to be funded from Admin & Miscellaneous, to cover the cost of:

 Purchase of advertising banner(s)  Printing of service sheets and posters  Purchase of refreshments for reception in Church

(ii) the Clerk be authorised to progress the project and to settle all invoices, when received, first having ascertained all is in order.

@8.42PM Councillor Phipps left the meeting.

677/2019-20 EXCLUSION OF PUBLIC AND PRESS The Clerk advised that there were no matters which required consideration under routine agenda items 21 to 23 and it was not necessary, therefore, to consider exclusion of public and press.

678/2019-20 ON-GOING MATTERS The Clerk had advised that there was nothing for consideration at this time.

679/2019-20 PERSONNEL MATTERS The Clerk had advised that there was nothing for consideration at this time.

680/2019-20 LAND AND TENANCY MATTERS The Clerk had advised that there was nothing for consideration at this time.

681/2019-20 CONCLUSION OF PRIVATE SESSION Not applicable.

@8.45PM Councillor Phipps returned to the meeting.

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The Chairman thanked the Clerk and Councillors for their attendance and the meeting then concluded @8.46PM.

NB: All documents referred to herein are available at the Town Hall for perusal on request, except for those documents of a sensitive / legal nature discussed in private session, including documents relating to staff matters which remain Private and Confidential in accordance with Data Protection legislation.

Minutes prepared by the Deputy Town Clerk

P a g e | 11 266

MINUTES of An Especial Meeting of New Romney Town Council Held on Wednesday 18th March 2020 In the Assembly Rooms, New Romney Commencing at 10.30am

PRESENT: The Right Worshipful the Mayor of New Romney, Councillor Paul Thomas

Town Ward: Councillors: Rev Cn S McLachlan, J Rivers and Mrs B Lonbay Kapoor

Coast Ward: Councillors: Miss J Hiscock and M Hardy

In Attendance: Deputy Town Clerk - Mrs C T Morris

IN THE CHAIR The Mayor – Councillor P Thomas

The business of the Council commenced @ 10.30AM

682/2019-20 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Due to the current advice from the Government a blanket apology from all Councillors not present was received and noted.

It was:

PROPOSED BY: Councillor Rev Cn McLachlan SECONDED BY: Councillor Rivers

RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY – that reasons for absence, as detailed above, be approved.

683/2019-20 DISPENSATION TO PARTICIPATE No new applications for Dispensation to Participate had been received by the Town Clerk.

684/2019-20 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST @ 10.32AM Councillor Rivers declared a personal interest in matters pertaining to KALC due to his position as president of the organisation.

685/2019-20 CORONAVIRUS EMERGENCY Having duly considered emergency measures to ensure the continuation of Town Council services and business during the current coronavirus pandemic and to support local residents through establishing the Town Council as a single point of reference, it was:

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PROPOSED BY: Councillor Thomas SECONDED BY: Councillor Miss Hiscock

RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY – that New Romney Town Council shall take the following emergency measures for an initial period of 6 months to end of September 2020 and, thereafter, to be reviewed:

 Formal temporary waiving of any Standing Orders that would prevent the Town Clerk (Proper Officer) and / or Deputy Town Clerk taking any action necessary, in consultation with the Chairman and / or Vice Chairman of the Council, to ensure the Council’s on-going ability to function and to support local residents, including those relating to current routine spending limits that would otherwise prevent the Clerk / Deputy Clerk from authorising expenditure necessary for the purchase of goods, equipment or services deemed necessary to retain Council services and / or support local residents, subject to increased maximum limits of [£5,000.00] in respect of any single transaction and all expenditure being then formally allocated to an appropriate budgetary cost centre / reserve fund at the next available Full Council meeting.  Any expenditure authorised by the Proper Officer in accordance with extended emergency delegated powers and associated increased spending limits as above (ie over the routine £1,000 spending limit in respect of any single transaction as detailed in Standing Orders) will be reported to Councillors, where possible, via email.  Formal temporary extending of delegated authority for the Town Clerk (Proper Officer) and Deputy Town Clerk to take any such decision, in consultation with the Chairman and/ or Vice Chairman of the Council, that is made in good faith and in the best interests of the Council and / or local residents, to ensure the Council’s on-going ability to function and to support the local community during the coronavirus emergency.  Formally approve the rescheduling of Full Council meetings to two monthly and rescheduling of the Annual Statutory meeting to 27th May 2020.  Formally approve the suspension of all St Martin’s Field Charity meetings.  Formally approve the temporary convening of remote Town Council and Committee meetings.  Formally approve the temporary suspension of all non-urgent Town Council business in order that the Council can focus on its support of the local community whilst ensuring all business required in legislation and relevant regulations can continue to be effected in a timely manner.  To delegate authority to the Town Clerk (Proper Officer) and / or the Deputy Town Clerk or acting Proper Officer, in consultation with the Chairman and / or the Vice Chairman of the Council to review the afore-mentioned emergency measures following the approved initial period and extend said measures for a further period – to be conveyed to all Council Members – if deemed necessary by the Proper Officer in consultation with the Chairman and / or Vice Chairman of the Council. Any extension

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period to then be further reviewed and, if necessary, further extended in the same way until such time as the coronavirus emergency is deemed by the government to have passed.  Formally approve additional named bank signatories to the maximum number permitted by the banking provider. Approved additional bank signatories are, therefore, as follows: Councillor P D Thomas, Councillor J Rivers and Councillor Mrs B Lonbay-Kapoor.  Formally approve automatic temporary delegation of the role of Proper Officer to the next most senior clerical staff member (in respect of length of service) still fit and available to work either from the Town Hall or remotely in such circumstance as both the Town Clerk and Deputy Town Clerk should become unwell, resulting in no longer being able to authorise actions or expenditure and /or make emergency decisions on behalf of the Town Council.  Formally approve the purchase of laptops, software, smart phones and mass storage devices to enable Council Officers to work remotely and to authorise the re-imbursement of any telephone costs incurred.

The Chairman thanked the Clerk and Councillors for their attendance and the meeting then concluded @10.59AM

NB: Approved bank signatories are, therefore, as follows:

Officers: Mrs C Newcombe – Town Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer Mrs C T Morris – Deputy Town Clerk and Finance Clerk

Councillors P J Coe Miss J M Hiscock Mrs C M A Metcalfe P Thomas J Rivers Mrs B Lonbay-Kapoor

NB: All documents referred to herein are available at the Town Hall for perusal on request, except for those documents of a sensitive / legal nature discussed in private session, including documents relating to staff matters which remain Private and Confidential in accordance with Data Protection legislation.

Minutes prepared by the Deputy Town Clerk

P a g e | 14 AGENDA ITEM 7


MINUTES Of A Meeting of New Romney Town Council’s Personnel panel held on Wednesday 4th March 2020 In the Council Chamber, Town Hall, New Romney Commencing at 10.00am

PRESENT: Councillors P Thomas, Mrs P Metcalfe, Miss J Hiscock, R Tillson and J Phipps

In the Chair: Councillor Mrs P Metcalfe

In Attendance: Town Clerk - Mrs C Newcombe


651/2019-20 DISPENSATION TO PARTICIPATE No new requests for Dispensation to Participate had been processed by the Town Clerk.

652/2019-20 MINUTES Having duly considered the minutes of the Personnel Panel meeting held on 24th January 2020, copies of which had been previously circulated to Members of the Personnel Panel, it was:

PROPOSED BY: Councillor Thomas SECONDED BY: Councillor Phipps

RESOLVED – that the minutes of the Personnel Panel meeting held on 24th January 2020 be signed as a true and correct record.

Councillor Tillson abstained from voting as he had been absent from the afore-mentioned meeting.

653/2019-20 FINANCIAL MATTERS The Budget Comparison Report 2019-20 relating to the personnel budget was duly received and noted. A projected staffing underspend was also noted, as was the need to re-allocate a substantial element of the afore-mentioned underspend into the appropriate staffing reserve fund in the light of the potential need to employ a facilities caretaker at some point within the forthcoming financial year.

654/2019-20 CLERK’S REPORT The Clerk provided a brief verbal report, which was duly received and noted by those present.

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655/2019-20 EXCLUSION OF PUBLIC AND PRESS @10.26AM Having considered the nature of matters to be discussed under Agenda Items 8 and 9 and in view of the fact that sensitive personal information that may identify one or more individuals was to be discussed, it was, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, it was:

PROPOSED BY: Councillor Thomas SECONDED BY: Councillor Miss Hiscock

RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY – that ‘in view of the special and confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, it is advisable in the public interest that the Public and Press be temporarily excluded and they are now instructed to withdraw.’

NB: There were no members of press or public present at that time.

656/2019-20 STAFF MATTERS (i) Grievance Procedure Councillor Thomas provided a brief verbal update, advising that a current local investigation was still on-going.

(ii) Councillor / Staff Protocols The Clerk advised that there was nothing to report under this agenda item at the current time.

(iii) Review of Staff Absences The Clerk’s annual report on staff absences was duly received and noted. It was reported that two more lengthy staff absences had both been covered by ‘return to work’ plans, which had now been concluded. Formal thanks to the staff team were conveyed to the Clerk in recognition of their contribution to the work of the Council and excellent attendance record.

(iv) Staff Appraisal Process (a) A report of the recent Staff Appraisal Process, detailing recommendations resulting from the afore-mentioned process, was duly received and noted. Having considered the afore-mentioned report, it was:

PROPOSED BY: Councillor Phipps SECONDED BY: Councillor Miss Hiscock

RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY – that all recommendations of the Appraisal Panel, as presented within the confidential report to Personnel Panel Members, be duly implemented.

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(b) Having duly noted the contents of the confidential appraisal report, as presented to Personnel Panel Members, it was then also:

PROPOSED BY: Councillor Tillson SECONDED BY: Councillor Phipps

RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY – that payment of annual staff salary increments for 2020-21 be approved in all applicable* cases.

*ie. Whereby the relevant staff member has not yet reached the top of the salary scale relating to his/her post.

657/2019-20 CONCLUSION OF PRIVATE SESSION @11.11AM it was:

PROPOSED BY: Councillor Thomas SECONDED BY: Councillor Tillson

RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY – that the private and confidential session be hereby concluded.

The Chairman thanked those present for their attendance and participation and the meeting then concluded @11.12AM.

NB: All documents referred to herein are available for perusal on request, except for those documents of a sensitive / legal nature discussed in private session, including documents relating to staff matters which remain Private and Confidential in accordance with Data Protection legislation.

Minutes prepared by the Town Clerk

P a g e | 17 AGENDA ITEM 8 New Romney Town Council Final

Bank Reconciliation as at 29th February 2020 Amount (£)

Opening Balance as at 1 April 2019 883,398.11

Add Receipts to 29th February 2020 365,059.69

Sub Total 1,248,457.80

Subtract Payments to 29th February 2020 211,792.24

Closing Balance as at 29th February 2020 1,036,665.56

Met By: National savings Income Bond 651,453.00 Nat West Treasury Reserve 45,000.00 Nat West Business Reserve Account Balance at 29th February 2020 237,943.50 Lloyds Bank Business Account Balance at 29th February 2020 33,446.17 Unity Trust Account Balance at 29th February 2020 74,672.40 Nat West Current Account Balance at 29th February 2020 500.00 Less Outstanding Cheques/Transfers 6,349.51 Plus Outstanding Credits/Lodgements 0.00 -5,849.51 Total Bank Balance as at 29th February 2020 1,036,665.56 Outstanding Cheques/Transfers: Chq No Amount (£) Difference 0.00 9547 30.00 9652 26.00 Outstanding Lodgements: 9690 76.00 Amount (£) 9693 496.46 9694 50.00 9698 105.00 9699 80.17 9706 226.00 9708 121.26 9709 3,900.00 9710 164.93 9711 70.00 Total 0.00 9712 200.00 9713 144.00 9714 330.57 9715 129.12 117 200.00 Total 6,349.51

Prepared by: Tracy Morris BSc (Hons) MAAT 5th April 2020

P a g e | 18 New Romney Town Council List of Receipts (inc. VAT) - February 2020 Final

0.00 5.9.19 National Westminster T/fr 0.00 Book entry - Re-allocation of bank interest income 9.9.19 National Westminster T/fr 0.00 Book entry - Re-allocation of bank interest income 30.9.19 National Westminster T/fr 0.00 Book entry - Re-allocation of bank interest income 5.11.19 National Westminster T/fr 0.00 Book entry - Re-allocation of bank interest income 11.11.19 National Westminster T/fr 0.00 Book entry - Re-allocation of bank interest income 29.11.19 National Westminster T/fr 0.00 Book entry - Re-allocation of bank interest income 20.2.20 Firmagers 70761 68.00 Assembly Rooms - Hire fees 20.2.20 Thoros 70769 104.00 Assembly Rooms - Hire fees 3.2.20 MPFA 456 100.00 Maude Pavilion & Sports Fee - Rental income 3.2.20 Baby Seashells 456 550.00 Community Hall - Rental income 11.2.20 Shaw Rabson 457 579.80 Town Hall House - Net rental income 6.2.20 Lloyds Bank 41 347.57 Admin & Misc - Bank charges refund 6.2.20 Lloyds Bank 41 23.15 Bank & Investment Interest 5.2.20 Business Reserve Account - NSIB 429 636.28 Cap Proj Incidental Expns Reserve Fund/Bank Inv Int Rcvd 13.2.20 Business Reserve Account - TRO 429 7.64 Bank & Investment Interest Received 28.2.20 Business Reserve Account - GRS 429 36.89 Bank & Investment Interest Received

Total 2453.33

Prepared By: C T Morris BSc (Hons) MAAT 12th March 2020

New Romney Town Council Final Summary of Receipts (exc. VAT) - February 2020

Precept 0.00 Bank & Investment Interest 214.57 Town Hall House - Net Rent 579.80 Grant Funding 0.00 Use of Town Hall & Admin 0.00 Misc - Donation 347.57 Reserve Funds - Allotment Gardens Deposits, Cap Proj Inc Exps 623.55 Sports Field & Maude Pavilion 100.00 Allotments - Rent 0.00 Contra 0.00 The Greens - Funfair 0.00 The Greens - TS Veteran Sea Cadets 0.00 Hut & Winch - Rent 0.00 Assembly Rooms 172.00 Community Hall 550.00 Wayleaves 0.00 Grant Funding - Amenities 0.00 Coney Banks - Grazing Fees 0.00

VAT -134.16

Total 2453.33

Prepared By: C T Morris BSc (Hons) MAAT 12th March 2020

P a g e | 19 New Romney Town Council Final List of Payments (inc. VAT) - February 2020

7.2.20 Printform Direct Ltd 9687 79.20 Printing & Stationery 7.2.20 Affinity for Business 9688 48.23 Town Hall - Water supply 7.2.20 Commercial Services Trading Ltd 9689 3697.46 Precept Reserve Fund - Play/gym equip repairs 7.2.20 Town Mayor's Account () 9690 76.00 Mayor's Allowance - Civic/charity event 7.2.20 Chris's Windows 9691 160.00 Town Hall/Assembly Rooms - Window cleaning 7.2.20 Rolfes DIY LLP 9692 128.50 Office Equipment & Maintenance Materials 7.2.20 M Coleman Arboricultural Services 9693 496.46 Grounds Maintenance 7.2.20 Mayor's Charity Appeal (Bexley) 9694 50.00 Mayor's Allowance - Civic/charity event 7.2.20 Veolia ES (UK) Ltd 9695 62.83 Town Hall - Waste 7.2.20 S H Bureau Ltd 9696 273.60 Admin & Misc - Payroll outsourcing 12.2.20 HM Revenue & Customs - M10 F/P 1156.71 Personnel Budget - Payroll deductions/contributions 12.2.20 KCC re: Kent Pension Fund F/P 1667.59 Personnel - Pension deductions/contributions 13.2.20 Affinity for Business 9697 86.68 Assembly Rooms - Water supply 13.2.20 Action with Communities in Rural Kent 9698 105.00 Admin & Misc - Subscriptions 13.2.20 Commercial Services Trading Ltd 9699 80.17 Fairfield Rd Rec/The Greens - Inspections 13.2.20 Cheque cancelled (spoiled) 9700 0.00 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 13.2.20 Business Stream 9701 125.59 Assembly Rooms - Waste water 13.2.20 The East Kent Glass & Mirror Co Ltd 9702 45.00 Maude Pavilion - Repairs & maintenance 18.2.20 Business Stream D/D 7.98 Town Hall - Wastewater 19.2.20 Cheque cancelled (spoiled) 9703 0.00 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 19.2.20 Allotment Tenant 9704 110.00 Allotment Gardens Deposits Reserve Fund - 4A 19.2.20 British Telecommunication plc 9705 203.52 Admin & Misc - Phone/internet 19.2.20 Swale Heating Ltd 9706 226.00 Assembly Rooms - Boiler inspection/service contract 19.2.20 B E Ames Ltd 9707 751.20 Roof & Rainwater Goods Inspections/Repairs 26.6.19 Allocation adjustment 9526 0.00 Book entry 27.2.20 The Sign Shed 9708 121.26 Allotment Gardens - Signage 27.2.20 M Coleman Arboricultural Services 9709 3900.00 Sports Field/Contingency - Tree works 27.2.20 Affinity for Business 9710 164.93 Allotment Gardens - Water 27.2.20 Borough Council 9711 70.00 Mayor's Allowance - Civic/charity event 27.2.20 Parish Council 9712 200.00 Grants/Donations 27.2.20 KALC 9713 144.00 Planning/Recruitment & Training Reserve - Conference 27.2.20 EDF Energy Customers Ltd 9714 330.57 Town Hall - Electricity 27.2.20 Town Council 9715 129.12 Admin & Misc - Subscriptions (Marsh Forum) 14.2.20 Salaries F/P 1426.85 Personnel Budget - Salaries - M11 14.2.20 Salaries F/P 1083.79 Personnel Budget - Salaries - M11 14.2.20 Salaries F/P 575.19 Personnel Budget - Salaries - M11 14.2.20 Salaries F/P 409.55 Personnel Budget - Salaries - M11 14.2.20 Salaries F/P 106.85 Personnel Budget - Salaries - M11 14.2.20 Salaries F/P 1293.43 Personnel Budget - Salaries - M11 27.2.20 Cheque cancelled (spoiled) 9716 0.00 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 27.2.20 Cash 117 200.00 Petty Cash & Postage - Stamps pre price increase 0.00 Total 19793.26

Prepared By: C T Morris BSc (Hons) MAAT - 5th April 2020

P a g e | 20 New Romney Town Council Final Summary of Payments (exc. VAT) - February 2020

Admin Salaries 3471.08 Caretaking Salaries 1279.03 Paye, NI & Student Loan 1156.71 Personnel Misc & Pensions 1737.09 Town Hall 565.90 Town Hall House 0.00 Mayor's Allowance 196.00 Printing & Stationery 66.00 Petty Cash 200.00 Office Equipment 73.33 Admin & Misc 3984.71 Reserve Funds - Precept, Recruitment & Training Allotment Garden Deposits 2909.28 Sports Field & Maude Pavilion 711.00 Fairfield Road Recreation Ground 151.41 Allotments 314.21 The Greens 198.40 Flagstaff 55.00 Assembly Rooms 685.85 Community Hall 296.00 Amenities Misc 0.00 Planning 0.00

VAT 1742.26

Total 19793.26

Prepared By: C T Morris BSc (Hons) MAAT - 5th April 2020

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New Romney Town Council Final

Bank Reconciliation as at 31st March 2020 Amount (£)

Opening Balance as at 1 April 2019 883,398.11

Add Receipts to 31st March 2020 397,821.58

Sub Total 1,281,219.69

Subtract Payments to 31st March 2020 245,629.45

Closing Balance as at 31st March 2020 1,035,590.24

Met By: National savings Income Bond 651,453.00 Nat West Treasury Reserve 45,000.00 Nat West Business Reserve Account Balance at 31st March 2020 244,508.82 Lloyds Bank Business Account Balance at 31st March 2020 20,865.55 Unity Trust Account Balance at 31st March 2020 74,256.43 Nat West Current Account Balance at 31st March 2020 500.00 Less Outstanding Cheques/Transfers 993.56 Plus Outstanding Credits/Lodgements 0.00 -493.56 Total Bank Balance as at 31st March 2020 1,035,590.24 Outstanding Cheques/Transfers: Chq No Amount (£) Difference 0.00 9694 50.00 9713 144.00 Outstanding Lodgements: 9728 204.75 Amount (£) 9729 463.80 9732 5.00 9736 26.01 9737 100.00 Total 0.00 Total 993.56

Prepared by: Tracy Morris BSc (Hons) MAAT 9th April 2020

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New Romney Town Council List of Receipts (inc. VAT) - March 2020 Final

2.3.20 MPFA 460 100.00 Sports Field & Maude Pavilion - Net rent 3.3.20 KCC 460 24.00 Assembly Rooms - Hire income 4.3.20 HMR&C 460 30711.05 VAT reclaimed 5.3.20 Baby Seahells 460 550.00 Community Hall (Nursery) - Rental income 5.3.20 Cllr Thomas CSH 48.00 Misc Income - Corporate scarves/ties 10.3.20 Shaw Rabson 461 579.80 Town Hall House - Net rent 10.3.20 KCC 461 24.00 Assembly Rooms - Hire income 27.3.20 Allotment Hirer 45 54.00 Allotment Garden - Rent 5.3.20 Business Reserve Account - NSIB 431 595.23 Cap Proj Incidental Expns Reserve Fund/Bank Inv Int Rcvd 13.3.20 Business Reserve Account - TRO 431 7.15 Bank & Investment Interest Received 31.3.20 Business Reserve Account - GRS 431 44.66 Bank & Investment Interest Received 9.3.20 RMDC 43 24.00 Assembly Rooms - Hire income

Total 32761.89

Prepared By: C T Morris BSc (Hons) MAAT 9th April 2020

New Romney Town Council Final Summary of Receipts (exc. VAT) - March 2020

Precept 0.00 Bank & Investment Interest 63.71 Town Hall House - Net Rent 579.80 Grant Funding 0.00 Use of Town Hall & Admin 0.00 Misc - Donation 48.00 Reserve Funds - Allotment Gardens Deposits, Cap Proj Inc Exps 583.33 Sports Field & Maude Pavilion 100.00 Allotments - Rent 54.00 Contra 0.00 The Greens - Funfair 0.00 The Greens - TS Veteran Sea Cadets 0.00 Hut & Winch - Rent 0.00 Assembly Rooms 72.00 Community Hall 550.00 Wayleaves 0.00 Grant Funding - Amenities 0.00 Coney Banks - Grazing Fees 0.00

VAT 30711.05

Total 32761.89

Prepared By: C T Morris BSc (Hons) MAAT 9th April 2020

P a g e | 23 New Romney Town Council Final List of Payments (inc. VAT March 2020

2.3.20 Veolia ES (UK) Ltd 9717 62.83 Town Hall - Waste 2.3.20 The Looker Newspaper Ltd 9718 662.40 Admin & Misc - Advertising 2.3.20 Cheque cancelled 9719 0.00 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2.3.20 Zurich Municipal 9720 7082.46 Admin & Misc - Insurance 2.3.20 EDF Energy Customers Ltd 9721 189.89 Assembly Rooms - Electricity 2.3.20 Chris's Window Cleaning Services 9722 70.00 Assembly Rooms/Town Hall - Window cleaning 2.3.20 M Coleman Arboricultural Services 9723 992.92 Grounds maintenance 2.3.20 Cheque cancelled 9724 0.00 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2.3.20 Cash 118 200.00 Petty cash & postage 10.3.20 HMR&C F/P 311.95 Personnel Budget - Payroll deductions/contributions 10.3.20 KCC re: Kent Pension Fund F/P 2289.92 Personnel - Pension deductions/contributions 10.3.20 Rolfes DIY LLP 300003 107.97 Maintenance materials 10.3.20 Mayoress of Folkestone's Charity 300004 40.00 Mayor's Allowance - Civic/charity event 10.3.20 Halo Training 300005 250.00 Recruitment & Training Reserve Fund - First aid 11.3.20 Salaries F/P 409.49 Salaries - M12 11.3.20 Salaries PAY 1190.79 Salaries - M12 11.3.20 Salaries PAY 1395.14 Salaries - M12 11.3.20 Salaries PAY 517.39 Salaries - M12 11.3.20 Salaries F/P 582.65 Salaries - M12 11.3.20 Salaries F/P 1275.82 Salaries - M12 11.3.20 Cash 119 200.00 Petty Cash & Postage - Purchase of stamps prior to increase 27.2.20 KALC - Allocation adj 9713 0.00 Transfer from Admin & Misc to Planning 7.2.20 Cheque cancelled (lost) 9693 -496.46 Grounds maintenance 23.3.20 Cheque cancelled (spoiled) 9725 0.00 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 23.3.20 British Telecommunication Plc 9726 203.52 Admin & Misc - Phone & internet 23.3.20 Argos 9727 599.70 Office Equipment - Covid-19 - 6 x Smartphones 23.3.20 K&S Catering 9728 204.75 Mayor's Allowance - Commonwealth Day reception 23.3.20 Printform Direct Ltd 9729 463.80 Printing & Stationery 23.3.20 Cheque cancelled (spoiled) 9730 0.00 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 23.3.20 Kent County Council 9731 130.90 Office Equipment - Printer/copier 23.3.20 Allotment Hirer 9732 5.00 Allotment Deposits Reserve - Refund 23.3.20 Commercial Services Trading Ltd 9733 80.17 Fairfield Rd Rec/The Greens - Inspections 23.3.20 Amazon 9734 201.30 Office Equipment - Shredder 23.3.20 Romney Marsh Day Centre 9735 10000.00 General Reserve - Covid-19 - RMCSH funding 25.3.20 Cash 120 200.00 Petty Cash & Postage - COVID 19 contingency provision 26.3.20 KCC re: Kent Pension Fund M12 F/P 1800.45 Personnel - Pension deductions/contributions 26.3.20 HMR&C M12 F/P 1019.03 Personnel Budget - Payroll deductions/contributions 26.3.20 Reimbursement re: COVID-19 121 165.99 Office Equipment - Covid-19 - A phone,sims & top ups 26.3.20 The Computer Lady 122 900.00 Office Equipment - Covid-19 - Laptops 31.3.20 EDF Energy Customers Ltd 9736 26.01 The Greens - Electricity 31.3.20 Allotment Hirer 9737 100.00 Allotment Deposits Reserve - Refund 31.3.20 Cheque cancelled 9738 0.00 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 31.3.20 National Westminster Bank 464 75.00 Admin & Misc - Bank charges 22.7.19 The Mayor's Fund () CxD 9547 -30.00 Mayor's Allowance - Civic/charity event 31.3.20 Unity Trust Bank 039 18.00 Admin & Misc - Bank charges 31.3.20 British Gas Business 464 338.43 Town Hall - Gas 0.00 Total 33837.21

Prepared By: C T Morris BSc (Hons) MAAT 9th April 2020

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New Romney Town Council Final Summary of Payments (exc. VAT) - March 2020

Admin Salaries 4086.28 Caretaking Salaries 1261.42 Paye, NI & Student Loan (M11) 1330.98 Personnel Misc & Pensions (M11) 4090.37 Town Hall 424.68 Town Hall House 38.58 Mayor's Allowance 214.75 Printing & Stationery 386.50 Petty Cash 600.00 Office Equipment 1706.57 Admin & Misc 7937.79 Reserve Funds - Recruitment & Training General / Allotment Deposits 10355.00 Sports Field & Maude Pavilion 0.00 Fairfield Road Recreation Ground 195.29 Allotments 75.72 The Greens 223.17 Flagstaff 55.00 Assembly Rooms 208.35 Community Hall 0.00 Amenities Misc 0.00 Planning 60.00

VAT 586.76

Total 33837.21

Prepared By: C T Morris BSc (Hons) MAAT 9th April 2020

P a g e | 25 AGENDA ITEM 10

Full Council Meeting – Wednesday 24TH June 2020 Review of Standing orders

Standing Orders / Financial Regulations The Standing Orders and Financial Regulations have been substantially overhauled and updated over the past two or three years and are, therefore, such that they meet the requirements of the Council and relevant legislation. There is currently no legislative reason for further updating or amending of Standing orders. In light of recent Model Financial Regulations, some minor amendments to the Town Council’s Financial Regulations are presented for approval to bring them into line with NALC recommendations. The Internal Auditor has recommended re-numbering the Financial Regulations so that they have a separate numbering system to the Standing Orders. Therefore, the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations Document has been circulated to Members in full.

Amendments to Standing Orders / Financial Regulations as presented to Members are as follows: 1) Table of Contents re-numbered and additional Financial Regulations inserted into table 2) Amendments made to bring Financial Regulations in line with NALC Model Financial Regulations and/or due to updates and/or changes in legislation are as follows:  FR3 c  FR7 a  FR7 f - NEW  FR12 d,e,f – reduced wording re thresholds and deletion of specific detail regarding utilities – not relevant to the Town Council and no longer required to be included)  FR15 b  FR18 b - NEW  FR19 (numbering only)  FR20 a,b - NEW

Review of Appended Policy Documents All appended Policy Documents have been checked and amended as required. As per Standing Orders and Financial Regulations, all of the Council’s Policy Documents have been either substantially overhauled to meet the needs of the Council and any legislative requirements or have been very recently developed. For that reason, there are very few amendments required of any Policy Documents – those that are required, in general, relate to changes of title, contact details, fees and / or charges or previous very minor omissions.

P a g e | 26 General Policy Document Amendments / Updates as presented to Members are as follows: 1) Schedule of Appendices Updated to include Recent Additional Policy Documents 2) Appendix 1(vi)(a) Councillor and Officer Authorities 3) Addendum to Appendix 1 (xii) Out of Hours Emergency Contact Numbers 4) Appendix 1(xvii) CCTV Policy 5) Appendix 2(ii)(d) Fire Risk Assessment Statement for Assembly Rooms 6) Appendix 2(ii)(e) Health and Safety Policy Statement 7) Appendix 2(vii) Capital Spending Plan 8) Appendix 3(iii) Allotment Gardens Additional Rules of Tenancy 9) Appendix 5(vi) Staff Appraisal Policy 10)Appendix 5(xiv) Amenities Committee Area Monitors – TO BE WITHDRAWN 11)Appendix 6(i) Civic Attendance Schedule

Policy Documents expressly specified on the Agenda for this meeting for review are as follows: 1) Appendix 2(iii) Schedule of Payments Approved in Advance (Rolling Contracts etc) 2) Appendix 2(vi) Investment Strategy

All other Appendices to Standing Orders require no amendment or update at this time.

Town Clerk 16/06/20

P a g e | 27 AGENDA ITEM 11



Action Point 1: Update DPIs on Town Council Website Following 2019 Election The Town Council recently commissioned the development of a new website through Vision ICT and this new website has now gone live. All DPIs are published on the new website. Action Point 2: Banking Arrangements At the time of reporting, it was stated that arrangements for a corporate bank card with spending limits applied were in place. However, subsequently, signed paperwork was misplaced or not received by Unity Trust Bank and the arrangements for a corporate card were not, therefore, completed – particularly in light of subsequent extended staff absences during 2019. In light of increasing bank closures and increasing need for payment by card, it will now be necessary to re-apply for this facility as soon as possible. Action Point 3: GDPR The issue of Councillor laptops / netbooks and corporate email accounts has now been completed.

Summary All current and previous action points have been dealt with in full, except as detailed below:  Setting up of Unity Trust Corporate Card with Spending Limits Applied – to be completed during the 2020-21 financial year

Town Clerk 16th June 2020

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