Foods That Help Boost Your Immune System

In a time of self-isolation and social distancing, you may be feeling like there’s little you have control of right now. However, one thing you can take control of is the food you eat! Certain foods have been clinically proven to boost your immune system and fight the symptoms of illnesses that cause inflammation in the body, so we thought we’d share some facts about which foods can help keep you healthy while you’re staying at home.


Raw garlic does more than keep the vampires away, it can also help fight off viruses and reduce inflammation. In fact, garlic has been shown to fight against diseases like influenza, HIV, HSV-1, viral pneumonia, and rhinovirus in laboratory experiments. This makes the humble bulb seem much more powerful than we often give it credit for! Next time you’re considering how much garlic to add to your meal, think about the amazing anti-viral properties it contains.


Ginger is recognized for its powerful medicinal properties around the world. It’s shown to be effective against flu, RSV, and FCV which is similar to the human norovirus that causes stomach flu. In addition, ginger is anti-inflammatory, so even if it doesn’t fight the particular illness you’re suffering from, it can help mitigate the symptoms that make your feel so bad.

Natural Yogurt

You probably know that natural yogurt is full of probiotics, but what does this really mean? It means they create a favorable environment for bacteria such asLactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei, and Bifidus to grow in your gut, helping your body break down food more effectively and therefore benefit from what it has to offer. Just a few spoons of probiotic yogurt every day is enough to keep your stomach in peak condition, ready to strip food of its vital nutrients to arm your immune system.

Fermented foods

In addition to yogurt, fermented food such as sauerkraut and kimchi are great sources of probiotics. They help balance stomach bacteria while also releasing enzymes that improve the digestive process. If you’re not a fan of natural yogurt, try getting a daily dose of fermented foods. They make a great side dish to almost any meal! Oily fish

Immune cells are complex. They require a wide variety of molecule types to function—which is why it’s so important to eat a balanced diet. One nutrient that is often overlooked is omega-3 fatty acids. This super nutrient, which is found in oily fish such as salmon and mackerel, helps enhance immune cells making them more responsive to invasive viruses. As the immune response is one of the critical factors in successfully fighting off a disease caused by a virus, they should be your first line of defense against disease-causing viruses.

The strength of our immune system is a key factor in fighting off any disease, so it’s important to ensure your body is armed with everything it needs just in case it’s called into action during a time when there is an outbreak of a disease. While you’re staying at home, why not try making some delicious meals that focus on the ingredients mentioned above? It’s a great way to help keep your immune system strong while also learning how to cook some new and exciting meals. At NetCost Market, we’ve got everything you need to keep yourself and your family strong during this difficult time, so head to our store and stock up on virus-fighting foods!

March 21st is National Healthy Fats Day!

March 21st marks national Healthy Fats Day—a day completely dedicated to celebrating one of the most important and misunderstood vital nutrients of them all—fats! For decades, fats were simply seen as bad for humans and to be avoided at all costs, but recent studies have shown that fats are much more complicated than was once thought. Rather than simply being divided into saturated and unsaturated fats, they are made up of a whole range of important types that are integral to ensuring our bodies stay healthy. It’s these healthy fats that this special day celebrates. Here at NetCost Market, we thought it would be silly to let Health Fats Day go unnoticed, so we’ve put together some impressive healthy fats recipes, all of which use ingredients from our NetCost Market Weekly Specials!

Smoked salmon gratin

Many types of fish contain one of the most important fats of them all—omega-3 fatty acids. This essential fat is vital for keeping the brain functioning at optimal capacity and has been proven to reduce the risk of dementia in later life. Salmon contains plenty of omega-3 fatty acids, so this tasty recipe using both fresh and smoked salmon is a perfect way to give your brain the boost it needs! Right now, Haifa cold-smoked Nova salmon is part of our exclusive weekly specials.


Ingredients: 1 lb. fresh salmon fillet, ½ lb. Haifa cold- smoked Nova salmon, 2 lbs. potatoes—peeled, 2 cups cream, 2/3 cup soured cream, 1/3 cup milk, 1 lb. cooked beets, butter, dill, salt, pepper.


Cut the fresh salmon into slices about a ¼ inch thick. Then tear the smoked salmon into small pieces. Cut the potatoes into thin slices. Set your to 350F, and then put in a tray to heat up. In a large saucepan, mix the creams and milk, and bring to just under the boil. Then, add the potatoes and cook for 5 minutes on low heat. Carefully turn the potatoes when needed. While the potatoes are cooking, cut the beets into thin slices. Season the potatoes and cream with salt and pepper, and then butter a 9 x 12-inch (or similar) baking dish. Spread half of the potatoes out on the dish, and then put half of the beets on top, and then half of the fish on top of the beets. Season with salt and pepper and top with chopped dill. Now add the rest of the beets and fish, and then season and add the rest of the dill. Layer the top with the remaining potatoes. Bake for 1 hour and serve with a side salad.

Coconut and vegetable curry soup Coconut milk is full of healthy fats and this Thai-inspired coconut and vegetable curry soup is perfect for getting your fill of vegetable-based fats. It’s full of rich and aromatic flavors but is also surprisingly light. It uses a whole can of coconut milk. Brad’s organic coconut milk is currently part of our Weekly Specials, so this is the perfect recipe to make for Healthy Fats Day!


Ingredients: 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, 2 celery sticks—chopped, 2 carrots—chopped, 6 cloves garlic—minced, 1 tbsp. finely chopped ginger root, 2 tsp. curry powder, ½ tsp. ground turmeric, 1 can vegetable broth, 1 can of Brad’s organic coconut milk, 1 medium potato—peeled and diced, ½ tsp. salt, 1 pack of brown rice, lime wedges. Method:

Heat the vegetable oil in a large saucepan on medium heat, and then add the celery and carrots. Cook for 7 minutes, and add the garlic, ginger root, curry powder, and turmeric, and cook for 1 minute. Add the broth, coconut milk, potato, and the salt, and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and then cook uncovered for about 15 minutes until the potato is tender. While the soup is cooking, cook the rice to the directions on the packaging. Stir the rice into the soup, and then serve with lime wedges.

Broccoli with

Feta cheese is full of healthy dairy fats, and it’s also one of the most versatile out there—it can be eaten raw or cooked along with meat or vegetables. Right now, Athenos feta cheese is part of our weekly specials, so there’s no better time to make the most of this brilliant cheese which is full of healthy fats.


Ingredients: 2 large heads of broccoli, 2 green onions, 2 tbsp. olive oil, ½ tsp. salt, ½ tsp. ground black pepper, 3 tbsp. Athenos feta cheese—chopped.


Chop the broccoli into florets and then slice the green onions. Place a skillet over medium heat and then heat the olive oil. Once hot, add the broccoli florets and sauté for 5 minutes. Add the green onions and season well with salt and pepper. Cook for another 3 minutes, stirring regularly. Add the feta cheese, stir, and then serve!

For this year’s Healthy Fats Day, why not make something healthy and tasty? There are lots of great ideas to celebrate one of the most important macronutrients in our diet, so it’s time to get creative! Right now, there are lots of brilliant healthy fat options as part ofNetCost Market’s Weekly Specials, so check out our website or head in-store now to find the ingredients for your ideal Healthy Fats Day recipe!

Quick and Easy Midweek Comfort Meals from NetCost Market’s Weekly Specials

When you come home after a long day at work, there’s nothing you want to do more than chill out and take it easy. That’s why having quick and easy meals that you can turn to is always a must-have for anyone with a busy schedule. Today, we’ll be giving you some great recipes that are quick, tasty, and oh so easy!—exactly what you want after a long day at the office! All of these recipes use ingredients from NetCost Market’s Weekly Specials, so you’ll be saving money in the process.

Trout with lemon, garlic, and herb sauce

When cooked correctly, trout is one of the tastiest fish out there. And luckily, the best way to cook it is to simply fry it in a skillet which is so quick and easy that anyone can do it! Right now, we have some amazing offers on trout as part of our Weekly Specials, so head in-store to make the most of this wonderful fish.


Ingredients: 2 large fillets of trout, 2 tbsp. olive oil, 1 tbsp. Italian seasoning, ¼ tsp. salt, 4 cloves garlic, 3 tbsp. lemon juice, 2 tbsp. white wine, 2 tbsp. softened butter, 2 tbsp. chopped parsley.


1. Season each of the fish fillets well with the Italian herb seasoning and salt. 2. Heat 2 tbsp. of oil in the skillet on medium heat and place the fish skin-side up. Cook for about 4 minutes until lightly browned, and then flip them over so they are skin-side down. Cook for another 2 to 3 minutes. 3. Remove from the heat and put the lid on the skillet, letting the fish sit for about 10 minutes. 4. Once the fish is cooked through, use a spatula to move the fillet to serving plates and the skin off the fillet. If there is any skin stuck to the bottom of the pan, remove this with a spatula. 5. Add the diced garlic, lemon juice, and white wine to the pan and cook on medium heat for about 1 minute until the garlic softens. Remove this from the heat and then add the chopped parsley and butter, stirring until the butter melts and forms a creamy sauce. 6. Serve by drizzling the sauce over the fish fillets.

Polish pasta bake This recipe is a quick make-and-bake style recipe that’s brilliant for when you have less time on your hands but need a tasty meal for the whole family. It’s comfort food at its finest, but also at its simplest! What’s more, two of the main ingredients—Loefflers Kielbasa Domova and Finlandia Lacy Swiss Cheese—are part of our current Weekly Specials.


Ingredients: 4 cups uncooked penne pasta, 1 ½ lb. Loefflers Kielbasa Domova–cut into ½-inch slices, 2 cans condensed cream of mushroom soup, 1 1/3 cups of milk, 1 jar sauerkraut—drained well, 3 cups shredded Finlandia Lacy Swiss Cheese, 4 green onions—chopped, 2 tbsp. Dijon mustard, 4 clove of garlic—minced.


1. Preheat oven to 350F. Cook pasta according to the instructions and then drain and transfer to a large mixing bowl. Stir in the Loefflers Kielbasa Domova, mushroom soup, sauerkraut, 2 cups of the cheese, milk, onions, mustard, and garlic. 2. Spoon the mixture into 2 greased 8-in squared baking dishes and sprinkle with remaining cheese. Bake until the top is golden brown and bubbling. This should be able 50 minutes. 3. Serve immediately.

Baked brinza and tomatoes Brinza, sometimes spelled bryndza is a type of cheese that is popular in eastern Europe. It’s not too dissimilar from feta cheese in taste and texture. This recipe infuses the salty and creamy flavor of brinza with the sweetness of ripe tomatoes. Right now, we have Somerdale Romanian Brinza as part of our Weekly Specials, so you can make this super simple recipe for even less!

Ingredients: 10oz Somerdale Romanian Brinza cheese, 20oz fresh mixed tomatoes, 1 handful black kalamata olives, 8oz (or similar good quality bread), ½ bunch fresh basil, olive oil.


1. Preheat your oven to 350F. Crumble the Somerdale Romanian Brinza into large chunks, chop the tomatoes roughly, and destone the olives if needed. 2. Break the bread into chunks and then pick the basil leaves off the stems. 3. Combine the Brinza, tomatoes, olives, bread, and a generous splash of olive oil in a baking tray. 4. Season well with salt and place in the oven for 30 minutes until the tomatoes are cooked and tender and the feta is starting to brown. 5. Sprinkle the basil leaves over the top and serve immediately.

Cooking great comfort food doesn’t need to be difficult and time-consuming. Try some of these quick and easy recipes to give yourself more time to relax after a long day at work. Right now, we have some fantastic offers as part of NetCost Market’s Weekly Specials, so there’s no better time to get head in-store and try some of these amazing comfort food recipes! Belarusian Culture and Cuisine at NetCost Market

NetCost Market World of Foods celebration continues! After successfully spotlighting , Georgia, and Russia, we journey to the country of Belarus. For the first two weeks of February, NetCost Market stores will feature hot and cold Belarusian and regional cuisines freshly prepared daily from our chefs’ kitchens. We will honor the traditions and the culture of Belarus through traditional music, national foods, flags, souvenirs, and factual highlights posters. Enjoy our unique spotlight on Belarus and the continuation of our celebration of international foods.

The Republic of Belarus is a landlocked country nestled between Russia, Ukraine, , Lithuania, and Latvia. Its wild and rugged landscape is home to one of the largest populations of the once virtually extinct European Bison.

Here at NetCost Market, we’re celebrating this astonishing country’s remarkable cuisine during ourBelarusian weeks weekly specials so you can enjoy some of the brilliant food this wild country has to offer.

Draniki A Belarusian classic is draniki—a type of fried pancake made from grated potato and onion. These simple yet delicious crispy treats can be found at street food stalls around the country’s capital, Minsk, and are usually served alongside a large serving of tasty sour cream.

Zhurek Zhurek dates back from the times when much of Belarus was part of the Commonwealth of Poland. For this reason, it’s also enjoyed over the border on the eastern side of Poland. It’s a type of sour bread soup that is made by fermenting , bread, garlic, and water in a jar, and then cooking it slowly for a long time. Sausage, potatoes, ham, and boiled eggs are often added, and it can sometimes be found served inside a whole hollowed-out loaf of bread which doubles as a bowl! Although it sounds strange, it’s actually very tasty and is usually enjoyed at easter.

Borscht If the last two dishes seemed a little unfamiliar, you must recognize this eastern European classic. Borscht is eaten all over eastern Europe and in parts of Russia. Like all borscht, Belarusian borscht is made using beets but also contains meat, cabbage, potatoes, and carrots. It’s not as spiced as with other regional variations and in the summer it is sometimes served cold much like Italian gazpacho.

Shkvarki Have you ever thought straight-up fried bacon would be the perfect snack? Well, in Belarus they have something similar to this called shkvarki. This everyday snack is essentially fried pork fat or fatty pork bits that are not too dissimilar to thick-cut bacon. It’s served alongside beers in bars and is a favorite for sharing with friends, much like some chips or nut here in the US.

Spring Salad To balance out all that meat, Belarusians do sometimes eat salads. A favorite is Belarusianspring salad which is made by mixing together tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, and bell peppers and is then topped with dill, sour cream, and a drizzle of olive oil. It’s quick, simple, and fresh—perfect for the long hot days in the Belarusian spring and summer!

Belarus is a fascinating country with a rich culinary history. The diverse flavors and vibrant colors of the food are exactly why we’re celebrating Belarusian cuisine here at NetCost Market. Visit us during our Belarusian weeks weekly specials to get great deals on some of the products that make this country’s food so unique and discover it for yourself! Tasty Winter Classics Recipes from NetCost Market

Christmas is over but winter is well and truly in full swing. If you haven’t already broken your New Year’s resolution, this set of recipes may tempt you, especially as they all use ingredients that are part of our Weekly Specials! This means you can make these classic winter warmers for a fraction of their usual price. We bet you won’t be able to resist…

Perfect bottom round beef roast Recipe

There’s nothing better than a perfectly cooked, melt-in-your- mouth cut of beef. Luckily for you, that’s exactly what we have for you right here at NetCost Market! We’re currently offering almost half-price cuts of Bottom Round Beef that are perfect for slow roasting on a cold winter day. Ingredients: 4-6 lb. cut of Bottom Round Beef Roast, ½ cup olive oil, 6 cloves garlic, 2 tbsp. sea salt, 2 tbsp. dried rosemary, 1 tbsp. dried thyme, 1 tbsp. cracked pepper, 2 tbsp. onion flakes.


Set your bottom round beef roast on a roasting pan and pre-heat your oven to 450F. In a pestle and mortar, grind together the garlic cloves, sea salt, rosemary, thyme, pepper, and onion flakes. Gradually add the olive oil so a paste is formed. Smear the paste all over the beef, and then make sure the cut is fat-side up before placing in the oven for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, reduce the temperature to 325F and roast for a further 1 ½ to 2 hours, depending on the size of the roast. Once done, let the meat rest for 15 minutes before serving. Perfect Roasted Potatoes

Roasted potatoes, or “roasties” as they are also known, is a revered side dish in Great Britain and one of the must-haves to any type of roasted meat, but it hasn’t quite taken off on this side of the Atlantic. However, there’s no doubt that roasted potatoes are pretty incredible! So, we thought, what better to pair with our perfect roast beef than perfect roast potatoes!? Right now, we have Yukon Potatoes for an incredible price here at NetCost Market, so it’s the perfect time to make this Great British classic!


Ingredients: 5 lbs. Yukon potatoes, 1 cup olive oil, 2 tbsp. plain flour, 2 sticks fresh rosemary, salt, pepper. Method

1. Start by peeling the potatoes and cutting them into 2 by 2-inch sized pieces. Place them in a large pot of cold, well-salted water. 2. Put the pot on a medium heat with the lid on. 3. Bring the potatoes to a boil, and then turn the heat off once they have boiled. Allow them to soak in the hot water for 2 minutes. 4. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 400F. 5. Drain the potatoes using a colander, and then place them back in the pot. Using a dishcloth, hold the lid of the pot on securely, and then shake the potatoes so they fluff up and break around the edges slightly. You can also use a large spoon to do this but be careful not to break the potatoes too much. 6. Take off the lid and sprinkle over the plain flour and salt, turning the potatoes with a spoon so it coats them all equally with a small dusting. 7. Pour the potatoes out onto a baking tray and then pour on the olive oil. Turn all the potatoes so they are well-coated in the oil. Place the two stems of rosemary under the potatoes. 8. Place the tray in the oven for 15 minutes, and then turn down to 325F for 30 – 40 minutes, ensuring you turn the potatoes every 10 minutes so they don’t burn or cook unevenly. 9. They should be golden brown and crispy on the outside and soft and fluffy on the inside when serving!

Bacon and lentil winter warmer soup

This winter warmer soup is perfect for lunch on a cold day or as a starter for a hearty dinner if you are having friends over. It’s not only easy and relatively quick to make but is also healthy as it contains vitamin-packed lentils! Right now, European and American Canadian back bacon is on offer here at NetCost Market, and so are a variety of hearty including Family Zlota Trading Borodinsky Bread, Back Shop Farmervesper Bread, and Mantinga Hungarian Bread — all of which are the perfect accompaniment to this great soup!


Ingredients: 8 thick-cut strips of European and American Canadian back bacon, 1 cup diced onion, 1 cup sliced carrots, 1 cup chopped celery, 4 cloves minced garlic, 2 tsp. dried oregano, ½ tsp. dried thyme, 64 oz. vegetable stock, 30 oz. canned tomatoes, 1 lb. dried lentils – rinsed and drained, ½ tsp. salt, 1 bay leaf, ½ tsp. black pepper.


Cook the strips of bacon in a large cast-iron pot until crispy, and then transfer to a plate leaving the fat in the pan.

Set the heat to medium and then add the onion, carrots, and celery, and cook for 5 minutes, stirring often. Add the garlic, oregano, and thyme, and cook for 1 minute.

Add vegetable stock, tomatoes, lentils, bay leaf, salt, pepper, and then crumble the cooked bacon into the pot. Bring to a boil and simmer for about 1 to 1 ½ hours. Make sure to taste and season before it is served. Serve with tasty, crusty bread or simply by itself!

Just because the holiday season is over, it doesn’t mean you need to stick to bland food! There are plenty of great winter warmers out there that will keep your spirits up through the coldest months of the year and aren’t all that bad for your waistline. Check out NetCost Market’s Weekly Specials to see all the great products we currently have at an amazing value to get you through the toughest time of the year!

Being Savvy about What You Eat

Become 100 percent committed to finding the most beneficial food for your health.

Some foods can trigger allergies other foods can heal. Focus on the food that nourishes, nurtures and heals.

Create a clean food plan that helps prevent any discomfort and makes you feel healthy. When it comes to food – be food savvy, eat clean. Eating clean is a simple concept that revolves around eating whole food nutrition, minimize processed and refined foods. The ultimate goal is to choose whole, preferably organic fruits, vegetables, grass-fed meat, wild-caught fish and healthy fats from nuts, seeds, avocado, and coconut.

Organic foods have little or no chemicals. Choose higher quality food as possible. The food you eat should make you feel satisfied and energized. Eat what’s right for you, go organic and natural if you wish. Natural products promote health and wellness. Organic produce simply tastes better. You need a spectrum of nutrients and vitamins to feed the body well. When you care about your health, eating clean becomes a way of life and assists you with overall vitality.

Instead of wasting time reading food labels start eating real food. Eat more food that nature produces. Fresh is best for getting natural digestives and enzymes to speed metabolism and promote overall health. Check out an organic section at a supermarket and see for yourself. Develop savvy shopping strategies. Whether you purchase food for home preparation or eat out, make sure you get the most beneficial food you can find. Take interest in eating clean. Make your eating habit organic. Experiment and find your way of buying food for optimum health. When you eat clean and organic , it feels awesome. I always try to find a happy place when choosing between foods labeled “clean,” “natural” and “organic.” Stick to lean meats, fish, eggs, whole grains, lots of dark green leafy vegetables, fruits, etc. It will give the body natural nutrients. Eat a well-balanced diet rich in whole, unprocessed, nutritious, delicious foods and fiber. Drink plenty of water. Create a condition for radiant health.

Select food based on how it nourishes, nurtures and heals every cell in the body. Choosing healthy foods is the greatest investment that you can make in yourself and your future health. Keep the main focus on your precious well-being.

Discover a completely new approach to healthy living, the healing power of knowing what to eat. Look for natural and organic.

Be proactive about your health and take loving care of yourself.

When you feed yourself with the most beneficial foods (healing foods) and exercise your body regularly. It becomes a passion project. Your passion project for life which will motivate, support and excite you. Eat well, know your fitness level and stand for it.

Leona S.