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NG Report 2014.Pub Resource Assessment Service New Germany Lake Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Survey 2014 Report of Survey Activity and Results December 2014 Prepared For Maryland Department of Natural Resources Maryland Park Service Prepared by J. Brooke Landry, Maryland Department of Natural Resources Table of Contents Summary and Recommendations………………………………………….……….……………. 1 Introduction…………………………………………….…………………….………………… 2 Methods Field………………………………………………………………….…………………. 2 Analysis………………………………………………….……………………………… 3 Results…………………………………………………….…………………………………….. 3 Discussion………………………………………………….…………………………………… 5 Recommendations…………………………………………...………...……………………..….. 7 Appendix A: New Germany Lake SAV Plant Guide Appendix B: New Germany Lake SAV Data Summary Table Appendix C: Deep Creek Lake Hydrilla verticillata fact sheet SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS The Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Resource Assessment Service (RAS) initiated a submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) survey in New Germany Lake during summer 2011, and repeated this survey in summers 2012, 2013, and 2014. The goal of the SAV surveys was to define the distribution and relative abundance of SAV species present within the lake and monitor changes in species composition and distribution over time. Several species of Naiads (Najas spp.) and Pondweeds (Potamogeton spp.) are present in New Germany Lake, as well as other vascular plants of the genera Isoetes, Utricularia, and Myriophyllum. Two species of macroalgae, Chara vulgaris and Nitella flexillis, are also commonly observed. In 2011, biodiversity was high relative to the size of the lake, but high plant density was considered an impediment to recreation. During the 2011-2012 winter season, a near total drawdown of the lake water level was completed in an attempt to decrease the standing plant biomass the following summer. It appears this method of control was counter-productive. During the summer 2012 SAV surveys, it was observed that biodiversity decreased substantially while the invasive Najas minor (Brittle naiad) was observed in high densities throughout the lake at the detriment of native species. Water level drawdown did not take place again during the 2012-2013 winter season, and the summer 2013 SAV survey results indicated that in the absence of that control measure, the native plants were able to out-compete N. minor. During the single summer 2014 SAV survey that took place in August, native Naiads, Pondweeds, and macroalgae were recorded at relatively high densities, and no N. minor was observed. At this time, we are optimistic that Najas minor abundance in New Germany Lake is under control. DNR recommends at least one SAV survey during the summer 2015 growing season to confirm that N. minor has not increased in abundance again, and will continue to be a non-threat to the native plants and overall biodiversity. RAS biologists recommend that throughout the summer 2015 season, all swimmers and boaters be alerted to the invasive nature of N. minor and other exotic species such as Hydrilla verticillata. Hydrilla is a highly invasive species that was recently identified in nearby Deep Creek Lake. Specific action to combat the spread of invasive species may include fact sheets for distribution throughout the park and informational signage at the boat ramp, beach/swim area, and in the clubhouse. We encourage park staff to speak directly with visitors to alert them of the problem and provide information regarding the cleaning of any swim or boating gear before and after entering the lake. Further information about preventing the spread of invasive species should be made available on the park’s website. Page 1 INTRODUCTION watershed. Fueled by the incoming nutrients and The Maryland Department of Natural Resources increased water temperatures, SAV begins growing Resource Assessment Service (RAS) initiated a throughout the lake beginning in late spring. Submerged Aquatic Vegetations (SAV) survey in Similar to their terrestrial counterparts, SAV are New Germany Lake in summer 2011 and has underwater grasses which provide a myriad of repeated this survey each summer since. The goal important ecological functions. Through the of the SAV surveys is to define the distribution process of photosynthesis, SAV produces oxygen and relative abundance of SAV species present which is vital to the survival of all lake organisms. within the lake and monitor changes in species It provides food, habitat and nursery grounds for composition and distribution over time. many species of fish and invertebrates. It absorbs nutrients which decreases the likelihood of algal blooms and also improves water clarity by Background reducing turbulence which allows suspended solids to settle to the bottom and get incorporated into Located in New Germany State Park in western plant root systems. SAV also reduces shoreline Maryland, New Germany Lake is a 13 acre lake erosion and is a major food source for waterfowl. surrounded by forests. Prior to 1837, it was a 9-15 Healthy native aquatic plant communities also help foot channelized stream called Poplar Lick Run. In prevent the establishment of invasive plants like 1837 the Swauger Mill Dam was constructed, Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) and creating a 9 acre lake. Lake size increased to 13 Waterthyme (Hydrilla verticillata). acres in 1933 when the current dam was constructed two feet higher with a concrete spillway at the same site as Swauger Mill Dam. METHODS Field Today the lake is the State Park’s center of In 2011, 2012, and 2013, three SAV surveys were summertime activity. Non-motorized small boats conducted each summer in June, August, and are available to rent; fisherman enjoy the September. In 2014, only one survey was largemouth bass, catfish, bluegill, and trout; and conducted and this survey took place on August swimming is available from the “east beach” 11. Using SCUBA and snorkel gear, natural within a guarded swimming area. Snorkelers are resource biologists sampled thirty-seven 0.25 m2 likely to get a glimpse of the many salamanders quadrats placed systematically but haphazardly that hide within and among the SAV and throughout the lake. Exact quadrat locations submerged tree limbs, and possibly even a (latitude and longitude) were recorded using a Hellbender, a species of giant salamander endemic Garmin handheld GPS device. Within each to North America. Hellbenders are becoming quadrat, total SAV percent cover was estimated, exceedingly rare and although they normally which included all vascular plants and macroalgae, inhabit areas with large rocks and swiftly moving as well as the percent cover of each individual water, one was seen several years ago in New species present. Chara vulgaris and Nitella flexilis, the Germany Lake. two species of macroalgae observed, were not differentiated but recorded simply as ‘macroalgae’. Because the lake is stream-fed, it receives nutrient and sediment run-off from the surrounding Page 2 Data Analysis Average percent cover and frequency of occurrence values were calculated for total SAV, total Macroalgae, total Najas spp., total Potamogeton spp., total Other, and for each individual plant species observed using the following formulas: Frequency of Occurrence = # of quadrats where observed /total # of quadrats surveyed Boat Ramp Average Percent Cover = sum of % cover values/ total # of quadrats surveyed Interpolated Lake Depth Average percent cover and frequency of occurrence graphs were created to show macrophyte density and “patchiness” change over time. To show trends in the distribution and density of each macrophyte group throughout the DA lake, interpolated grid surface maps were created M Swimming Beach in ArcGIS using the default settings of the Inverse Figure 1. Interpolated water depth (m) in Distance Weighted (IDW) function in the Spatial New Germany Lake, measured during Analyst Extension. Total SAV, total Macroalgae, summer 2012 SAV surveys. total Najas, total Potamogeton, and total Other were interpolated and mapped. Total Other generally includes Utricularia vulgaris, Isoetes sp., and both were observed. The Najas included N. flexilis, N. Myriophyllum heterophyllum and M. sibiricum, but in gracillima, and N. guadalupensis. Najas minor, an 2014 none of these were observed. exotic invasive that threatened the lake’s biodiversity in 2012, was not observed at all. The three species of Potamogeton observed included P. Depth data were collected during the 2012 SAV pusillus, P. vaseyi, and P. diversifolius. The macroalgae surveys. These values were interpolated and Chara vulgaris and Nitella flexilis were both present, mapped using the same method as the SAV but these were not differentiated while recording interpolation. Depth data was not collected again observations. See Table 1 for a list of species that in 2013 or 2014. New Germany Lake is relatively have been observed in the lake since 2011, their shallow (0.5 m to ~ 2.2 m) with the deepest area common names, and abbreviations used in figures. near the dam (Figure 1). Descriptions of each species or genus are given in Appendix A. RESULTS During the summer 2014 New Germany Lake Average percent cover values and frequencies of SAV surveys, three species of Najas, three species occurrence for all sampling events are given in of Potamogeton, and both two species of macroalgae Appendix B. The data for each macrophyte group Page 3 100%, the same as the previous August, meaning that SAV continued to be found throughout the lake, but not in such high densities. Najas dominated
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