Law of Georgia on the Legal Status of Aliens and Stateless Persons
Law of Georgia on the Legal Status of Aliens and Stateless Persons Section I General Provisions Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 - Aims, objectives, and scope of the Law 1. Under the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution of Georgia, as well as universally recognised principles and norms of international law, this Law is intended to: a) establish legal guarantees for aliens and stateless persons in Georgia according to universally recognised human rights and freedoms, and in line with state interests; b) protect universally recognised rights of aliens and stateless persons irrespective of race, colour, language, gender, religion, political, and other views, nationality, ethnic and social belonging, origin, property status and rank; c) promote the development of relations between Georgia and foreign states in economy, culture, education, and science; d) strengthen the rights of free movement and free choice of residence, as well as the free choice of activity and profession as guaranteed by the Constitution of Georgia; e) strengthen the conformity of Georgian legislation governing the legal status of aliens and of persons having the status of stateless person in Georgia, with universally recognised standards of international law and international agreements of Georgia; f) support international cooperation in preventing illegal migration; avoid spontaneous and unorganised migration; ensure the implementation of a targeted migration policy. 2. This Law regulates the legal basis and mechanisms for entry, stay, transit, and departure of aliens into/in/through/from Georgia; defines the rights and obligations of aliens and stateless persons, the types and procedures for removal of aliens staying in Georgia, and the scope of competence and responsibility of state institutions involved in the process of removal.
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