“Sister to Courage: stories from the world of Viola Desmond…” written by Violaʼs sister Wanda Robson of North Sydney Published by Ronald Caplan

Viola Desmond, a brief intro to her story…

For a woman who died in 1965, the past two years have been a busy time for Viola Desmond.

More and more people know Viola Desmond as an icon for social justice who in 1946 refused to give up her seat in the “whites only” section of a movie theatre in New Glasgow. Most Nova Scotians now know that her car broke down on Nov 8, 1946; that she had to stay the night and decided to take in a movie; that because of poor eyesight she happened to sit in what the theatre management had designated as a “whites only” section; that when she was told that black people had to sit in the balcony she refused to give up her seat—and that she ended up being carried out of the theater by a policeman and the manager, jailed for the night, tried next morning without a lawyer and found guilty of cheating the government out of one penny—thatʼs correct, one cent—in amusement tax. Fined $20 and costs, she later appealed the judgment unsuccessfully, losing on a technicality. But one supreme court justice went on record to say that the case was never about the amusement tax and always about race.

Meaty stuff in Canadaʼs story of social justice.

Around the Viola Desmond case, galvanized efforts to end segregation in Nova Scotia and led to fundamental changes in the law.

But there is more to the Viola Desmond story, and we do her an injustice if we forget the person she was. It is important to remember, for example, that Viola Desmond did not enter the Roseland movie theatre with the intention of fighting segregation. Quite unlike the bus incident nine years later in Mississippi when she refused to give her seat to a white man—a protest which was planned and supported by the NAACP—the events in New Glasgow were thrust upon Viola Desmond. She was a businesswoman on the road serving her customers. Given a rare moment to relax, she ran headlong into the theatreʼs racist practices. Violaʼs actions are an example of an individual taking a spontaneous defiant stand.

It took over 60 years before recognition and honours came to Viola Desmond. In 2010, Premier Dexter on behalf of Nova Scotia formally apologized to Viola Desmond and her family, and Lt.-Governor Mayanne Francis signed a Royal Pardon that said that Viola had committed no crime, that there had been a miscarriage of justice. The Town of New Glasgow held celebrations turning a negative moment in its history into a lasting heritage teaching opportunity. A scholarship and the Viola Desmond Research Chair in Social Justice were established at Cape Breton University. A book by Violaʼs sister, Wanda Robson, called SISTER TO COURAGE heads into third printing, while a childrenʼs book called VIOLA DESMOND WOULD NOT BUDGED has become a cross-Canada success. Violaʼs story is taught in many Nova Scotia classrooms, she has been honoured by the Nova Scotia Mass Choir, the Firebrand Theatre produced the “Other People's Heaven: The Viola Desmond Story.” And on February 1 will issue the Viola Desmond postage stamp.

In 2010, Tory MLA Alfie MacLeod put forward an Act to establish Nov 8 —the day Viola refused to give up her seat—as “Viola Desmond Day.” While there might be debate as to the best date, the day itself has few detractors. A Cape Breton Post editorial declared its support for “Viola Desmond Day,” as did the Mayor of New Glasgow in a letter to Premier Dexter and Minister Paris. There have been several articles in favour of establishing a Viola Desmond Day.

The Act to establish Viola Desmond Day passed second reading. Then, for reasons undisclosed, the Dexter Government through Minister Paris of African Nova Scotian Affairs made every effort to see to it that Viola Desmond does not receive this honour. Minister Paris stalled the act with the promise that the question would be taken to the black community. Meetings were held but the question presented was this: “How to establish a lasting form of recognition that would honour the contributions and experiences of African Nova Scotians.” Viola Desmond or “Viola Desmond Day” was never mentioned.

It is difficult to explain why Premier Dexter and Minister Paris seem determined to make an end run around “Viola Desmond Day” and deny her the honour that many others consider useful in the future teaching of social justice in Nova Scotia, but appearances suggest that by removing her name from the discussion the Office of African Nova Scotian Affairs has inflicted yet another injustice on Viola Desmond. This, despite their having received from Violaʼs sister, Wanda Robson, a letter encouraging Viola Desmond Day and explaining that “Naming a day after a popular and iconic figure does not lessen the larger ambitions of creating such a day… In fact they give the day an identity and create an entry point into an issue that otherwise may be ignored with a more generic title.”

Perhaps it would encourage government to establish Viola Desmond Day if more was known about Violaʼs accomplishments before the encounter in the Roseland Theatre. In fact, it would be another injustice to insist on remembering Viola Desmond only for the events that were thrust upon her that day, failing to remember achievements that were her real goals, what she worked toward and where she actually succeeded.

Because Viola Desmond was a radical beautician, an educator and a pioneer black female entrepreneur.

At a time when a black woman could not get her hair cut in Halifax, Viola Desmond decided to provide high quality beauty care for black women. Inspired by the success of Madame C. J. Walker—a beautician, activist, and the first female millionaire in the United States—Viola studied beauty care in New York and , supporting herself working as a cigarette girl in nightclubs. She learned how to make wigs and to style black hair and to create cosmetic creams for black skin tones. Then she opened a popular beauty parlour in Halifax that was filled with gossip and laughter and Violaʼs down-to-earth advice. That success encouraged her to create the Desmond School of Beauty Care, to send trained beauticians into the world offering a distinctive service black women were denied. As a bold entrepreneur, Viola made forays into the world of franchising, supplying beauty parlours with her own creams and lotions. In fact, she was enroute to Sydney to deliver her products, when her dreams were side-tracked in that movie theatre in New Glasgow, when she was told “you people” canʼt sit here and she refused to give up her seat.

All of which gives even more to discuss and to use for inspiration on Viola Desmond Day—monumental achievements such as success in the business of her choice, opening doors for beauty care and inspiring other black women to start their own businesses, leaving an overall portrait of a dignified, devoted and powerful woman who made lasting contributions to Canadian social justice. Not to take anything from the moment when she stood her ground and refused to slink up to the balcony, Viola should also be remembered for her struggle to become a black female business success in Nova Scotia, in the world of beauty care from which black women were barred.

It was for these pioneer business achievements that Viola Desmond was recently declared “A Hero In Our Midst” by the Black Business Initiative.

Viola Desmond did not set out to fight racial inequality in the legal world. That battle was thrust upon her and she fought back. But she chose to take on the challenges and responsibilities of the business world. Her role as a black female entrepreneur was groundbreaking, and her success was based on goals that she set for herself. It is in this light as well as well as in the light of the movie theatre incident that she remains a valuable model for young people today, an essential and singular icon for social justice.

the 44 min video called Long Road to Justice - The Viola Desmond Story (Full Documentary) is now available on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yI00i9BtsQ8