The impacts of bushfires on coastal and marine environments A review and recommendations for change





Executive Summary 4

Key Findings 6

Recommendations 8

The Australian Coast Up in Flames 10

Existing Catchment, Coastal and Marine Research on Bushfire Impacts 14

Current and Future Impacts of the Bushfires on Oceans and Coasts 20

Conclusions and Recommendations 28 MARINECONSERVATION SOCIETY AUSTRALIA References 31

Appendix 1 38 MARINE CONSERVATION SOCIETY AUSTRALIA Tables Australian Marine Conservation Society Table 1 State by state breakdown of fire impacts Table 2 The impacts of major bushfires in Australia’s past Phone: +61 (07) 3846 6777MARINE CONSERVATION SOCIETY AUSTRALIA Freecall: 1800 066 299 Email: [email protected] PO Box 5815 West End QLD 410

Author: Chris Smyth CONSERVATION SOCIETY AUSTRALIA Coordinator: Darren Kindleysides © Australian Marine Conservation Society, February 2020

This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of the Australian Marine Conservation Society (AMCS) by Chris Smyth of Chris Smyth Consulting. The report must only be used by AMCS, or with the explicit permission of AMCS. The matters covered in the report are those agreed to between AMCS and the author. The report does not purport to consider exhaustively all issues related to the impacts of bushfires on coasts and oceans. The author does not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation, compensatory, direct, indirect, or consequential damages and claims of third parties that may be caused directly or indirectly through the use of, reliance upon or interpretation of the contents of the report

Cover photo Brothers stand together on the beach during 2019/20 Bushfire Crisis. Forster, . © Martin Von Stoll 1. Executive summary

When the NSW Rural Fire Season announced environments, in the short and longer term, and rich coastal habitats, and moving away from If the recommendations of this report, and that the 2019–2020 bushfire season was to help with planning for future bushfire events. the use and export of coal, oil and gas. those of other organisations concerned about begin one month early in September 2019, it did bushfire impacts on coastal and marine The increasing scale, frequency and intensity of The Australian, state and territory governments so because of ‘extreme drought conditions, a environments are acted upon by all levels of bushfires in Australia, and the extensive media should also work together to develop an forecast of hot, dry weather’ and fires already government, then Australia can minimise the coverage of the current season, is causing the integrated, comprehensive and consistent burning in August. environmental, cultural, social and economic community to be more aware that coastal and monitoring program for coastal and marine costs and start recovering and restoring the The announcement marked the beginning of a marine environments are also impacted. Ocean environments. It can be used as an early health of our coastal waterways. bushfire season that would be unprecedented. and coastal environments are already struggling warning system for environmental changes that Thousands of fires engulfed all states and against development, pollution, overfishing may occur after bushfires and other pollution This report reviews academic literature, media territories, with some burning down to the and global warming. They now face the added events, and enable swift action to address them. reports and various websites to summarise shorelines of estuaries and beaches. The burden of escalating bushfire impacts. It will also help build a better understanding of what we know, what we don’t know and season was a stark piece of evidence that the bushfire impacts and how they can be avoided what we need to know and do about bushfire Research has shown that when the nutrients, scale, intensity and frequency of Australia’s or minimised. The program should involve impacts on marine and coastal environments. ash, debris, sediments and metals released bushfires were increasing, exacerbated by the government agencies, research institutions, It begins by reviewing existing catchment and by bushfires are washed into waterways, they effects of escalating climate change. citizen scientists and community organisations. coastal research on bushfire impacts, describes can remove the feeding and breeding areas some of the impacts of the current bushfire The immediate bushfire impacts were clear. Lives of aquatic animals, clog the gills of fish, and Finally, the declining health of estuaries needs to season, and considers a number of restoration were lost, homes and infrastructure destroyed, undermine the breathing of filter feeding animals be reversed by governments supporting existing projects that can help bushfire recovery. The access into and out of towns cut, smoke and such as mussels. The contaminated sediment restoration programs and the development of report ends with a comprehensive listing of ash turning day into night, power blackouts and slug can slowly work its way downstream to the new ones. This will help mitigate the impacts references and an appendix that describes the food and water shortages. Images emerged of coast, harming aquatic life along the way. of bushfires and also maintain nature based scale of the 2019–2020 bushfire season. dead, dying and injured wildlife, blackened and tourism and commercial and recreational Metals such as copper, zinc, lead and mercury, charred coastal dunes and cliffs, and suffocating fisheries and the economic and social benefits and other contaminants released by the fish in rivers and estuaries. they bring to coastal communities. bushfire, could change the physiology and The economic costs of the bushfire season behaviours of marine animals and work their can be measured in terms of insurance claims way up the food chain. Harmful algal blooms and lost income to businesses and tourism, caused by nutrient enrichment can kill fish and Figure 1: Sea water turned black by ash from wildfires laps onto a beach the social costs, sadly, in terms of lost lives and contaminate oyster farms. near Eden, NSW in January, 2020. damaged communities. The destruction of Coastal and marine habitats, such as seagrass terrestrial habitats can be measured in terms meadows and mangroves, are already under of the habitat area burned and the number of considerable stress, and the water quality animals killed and injured. However, the costs of major estuaries has been in accelerating for marine and coastal environments are far decline, the impacts of bushfires are adding more difficult to estimate due to limited data further pressure. This will likely worsen as the on coastal and marine plants, animals and scale, intensity and frequency of bushfires habitats, and the small amount of research on increase as a result of global warming. how they are impacted by bushfires. To mitigate the impacts of bushfires, which are This report is the first to focus on bushfire impacts an increasing problem in many parts of the on coastal and marine environments. In its world, all governments, including Australia, preparation, the available marine and coastal must work together to cut carbon emissions to research has been reviewed, along with a net zero quickly and effectively. The pathways larger body of research into bushfire impacts in to achieve this are well known and include catchments away from the coast. In combination, replacing the use of fossil fuels by renewable these two sources of data provide an insight energy sources, electrifying transport, stopping into what bushfire impacts can be expected deforestation, regenerating forests and carbon- in estuaries and other coastal and marine © Mark Graham/Bloomberg via Getty Images

4 5 Key findings

Intensifying bushfires The sediment and nutrient slugs formed by Economic, social and cultural impacts of Recovery and restoration programs bushfire debris can move many kilometres bushfires on coastal and marine users The 2019–2020 bushfire season is The pollutants, ash and debris washed into downstream, impacting aquatic life along the way. unprecedented in Australian bushfire history, When ash and debris enter estuaries and waterways during and after bushfires has put at fuelled by record-breaking hot and dry Smoke and ash from fires contain contaminants other coastal waterways, they reduce water risk the survival of many threatened freshwater conditions exacerbated by global warming. such as copper, zinc, lead and mercury that quality and can harm seagrass meadows and fish species. could change the physiology and behaviours of mangroves, threatening the future of commercial The scale, frequency and intensity of Australian Rescue, recovery and restoration programs will marine animals and work their way up aquatic and recreational fishing (and related tourism) bushfires is increasing and, as leading scientists, be essential to minimise bushfires impacts on and terrestrial food chains. and aquaculture. Damage to these habitats meteorologists and fire and rescue chiefs threatened species and coastal and marine habitats. would also reduce their potential for storing blue agree, the changes are directly linked to global The ash and debris entering waterways during carbon, with implications for global warming. The restoration of estuaries, already required due warming. bushfires and after rain can remove the feeding to their long-term decline in health, could also and breeding areas of aquatic animals, clog the The impacts on fisheries of bushfire-related The window for hazard reduction burning is help them recover from bushfire impacts, benefit gills of fish, and undermine the breathing of filter water pollution may resemble those caused narrowing as the climate changes, while the fisheries production and provide economic feeding animals such as mussels. by catchment clearing, coastal development effectiveness of the practice is diminished under benefits to communities dependent on fishing and draining. These latter impacts may provide increasingly extreme bushfire conditions. Smoke and ash from fires increase the levels and associated tourism. a sense of scale for the potential losses to of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus Consequently, there is a greater need to economically and culturally important fisheries The monitoring and analysis of the impacts of in waterways and can lead to the growth of understand and manage the impacts of and ecosystem functions caused by bushfires. bushfires on marine and coastal environments phytoplankton and harmful algal blooms. bushfires on coastal and marine environments. needs urgent expansion and should be ongoing Cost estimates for bushfires often focus on the Seagrass meadows, mangrove forests and rocky if adaptation is considered a primary strategy to financial costs that can be measured in dollars and Research on bushfire impacts and coral reefs are already under increasing manage increasing bushfire weather. largely ignore the costs to environmental, social pressure from climate change, coastal development, A growing body of research exists on the effects and cultural values. of bushfires on inland catchments, freshwater overfishing and declining water quality. Ash, smoke The 2019–2020 bushfires are likely to damage fish and the quality of water in rivers, creeks, and debris are an added burden and one that could coastal and marine sacred sites of Indigenous streams and potable water supplies. However, worsen over time as Australia’s bushfires increase in culture. there is insufficient research on the impacts of scale, intensity and severity. airborne and waterborne particulates, nutrients, Fire retardants used in fire suppression activities ash, debris, sediments and metals on coastal can be harmful to aquatic animals when when waterways, beaches and nearshore and directly or indirectly applied to waterways. open waters. Even so, it identifies past impacts Increased or repeated hazard reduction and potential issues, and catchment bushfire burning could cause local impacts on coastal research can provide some indication as to what Figure 2: Burnt out waterway in northeastern New South Wales, January 2020. environments, such as increased erosion and could occur in coastal and marine habitats. longer recovery times.

Bushfire impacts on coastal and The bushfire impacts on estuaries and other marine environments coastal waterways could take months or longer to materialise, making it imperative to establish The 2019–2020 bushfire season has devastated comprehensive and ongoing monitoring coastal habitats in many locations, led to fish programs as soon as practicable. kills in estuaries and forced the closure of oyster farms in New South Wales estuaries. Bushfire impacts on coastal and marine environments stem from habitat destruction, water pollution from ash and other bushfire debris, and the emergence of harmful algal blooms.

© Jo Sparks

6 7 Recommendations

The following recommendations, if acted 6. Establish ongoing water quality monitoring Recovery and restoration Protection and Mitigation upon, would improve our understanding and programs for phytoplankton, bacteria, 14. Identify the coastal and marine species and 19. Strengthen nature conservation and enable Australia to effectively respond to and nutrients and metals to provide early-warning populations at risk from the current and environmental laws to protect and build the better mitigate bushfire impacts on our coastal systems for poor water quality in coastal future bushfires and develop and implement resilience of communities and ecosystems and marine environments. It is imperative waterways. protection, recovery and restoration vulnerable to bushfire impacts. that the Australian, state and territory programs. 7. Identify key indicators for water quality and 20. Reduce domestic carbon emissions to net governments work together to deliver these ecological health and ensure that they are 15. Re-establish riparian vegetation along coastal zero swiftly and effectively, and show strong recommendations. consistently monitored nationally across waterways flowing into estuaries, lagoons, leadership in supporting and encouraging coastal waterways and nearshore waters Research lakes and nearshore waters to reduce water other nations to reduce emissions. using best-practice technologies and temperatures and to restrict the entry of 1. Establish a comprehensive research program methodologies. sediment loads. All riparian vegetation should to address serious knowledge shortfalls of the 8. Ensure monitoring programs gather data on be fenced, where necessary, to prevent access impacts of bushfires on coastal and marine seagrass meadows, seaweeds, mangroves, by livestock. environments to enable adaptation and as well as on fish, including key commercial mitigation to be effective. 16. Install sediment barriers and other erosion and recreational fish species, birds, mammals, control measures to reduce the runoff of ash 2. Ensure continued and adequate funding to the shellfish and other invertebrates reliant on and bushfire debris into coastal waterways. Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC. Additional healthy coastal and marine environments in 17. Support, promote and resource the various funding should be granted to enable the fire-prone regions. widespread use of the CRC’s Value Tool which projects initiated by academic institutions, allows managers to estimate the value of Management government agencies and community groups intangibles, such as biodiversity protection, that are restoring, seagrass meadows, oyster 9. Ensure that national and state agencies when making management decisions. reefs, underwater forests of seaweed and charged with assessing and responding to other coastal and marine habitats. Some of 3. Map the extent and severity of the bushfires the bushfire impacts on wildlife, habitats the organisations have the expertise but not along the coast to determine the nature and and ecosystems are tasked with and necessarily the capacity – greater investment extent of the damage to their natural values. sufficiently resourced to include marine and in their efforts should be a priority. coastal plants, animals and habitats in their 4. Identify and map areas and catchments most assessments and responses. 18. Increase the allocated funds to the Bushfire at risk from bushfire runoff, and where impacts recovery package for wildlife and their habitat are likely to be highest, to assist in the targeting 10. Ensure coastal environmental management to include the restoration and protection of of revegetation and sediment control. plans, such as local government or agency damaged coastal and marine environments. plans, work to reduce the runoff from Monitoring agriculture and coastal development entering coastal waterways. 5. Immediately develop an integrated, comprehensive and consistent monitoring 11 Ensure coastal aquaculture operations are program for coastal and marine environments adaptive and resilient to the increasing scale, to build an understanding of bushfire impacts frequency and intensity of bushfires. and how they can be avoided or minimised. 12. Ensure management of inshore fisheries is This should engage local governments, adaptive to account for the reduced or altered citizen scientists, research institutions and stocks of targeted fish after bushfires and that government agencies in a nationally funded the increased frequency, scale and intensity of program to enable accurate and consistent bushfires is factored into long-term fisheries measurement of environmental change from management plans. bushfires and other impacts. 13. Establish protected buffer zones around burnt and impacted coastal areas to provide refuge for surviving coastal and marine wildlife.

8 9 2. The Australian coast goes up in flames

An unprecedented bushfire season cut off, smoke and ash turned day into night, and The increasing scale, frequency and intensity struggling against development, pollution, there were also power blackouts and food and of bushfires in Australia, and the extensive overfishing and climate change, will face the Black Saturday. Black Sunday. Black Tuesday. water shortages. Images emerged of dead, dying media coverage, is making the community added burden of bushfires and their impacts. Red Tuesday. Ash Wednesday. Black Friday. Black and injured wildlife, vegetation on coastal dunes more aware that bushfires impact coastal and Christmas. These are the names given to major This report reviews academic literature, media and cliffs blackened and charred, and suffocating marine environments. Although there is very bushfires from Australia’s past. Each devastated reports and various websites to summarise what fish in rivers and estuaries. little scientific information to build community the regions they burnt. However, as their names we know, what we don’t know and what we understanding, inland and catchment research imply, they reached their peak on a particular Australia’s marine and coastal environments are need to know and do about bushfire impacts on can provide helpful insight on what to expect day. The unprecedented 2019–2020 bushfire where many Australians choose to live or spend marine and coastal environments. It begins by now and in the future. Australians will have to get season demonstrates that the fires are increasing their holidays. Seagrass meadows, mangrove reviewing the scale, intensity, extent and cause of used to longer fire seasons disrupting their lives, in scale, intensity, frequency – and longevity. forests and rocky and coral reefs provide many the 2019-2020 bushfire season. while ocean and coastal environments, already ecosystem services such as nutrient cycling, On the first day of September 2019, the NSW shoreline protection and food and shelter for Rural Fire Service repeated what it had done many fish species targeted by commercial and for only the first time in September 2018, and recreational fishers. These are habitats that are called the official start of the bushfire season already under increasing pressure from climate one month early. It did so because of ‘extreme change, coastal development, land clearing, drought conditions and a forecast of hot, dry overfishing and declining water quality. Ash, weather ahead’1; firefighters had already been smoke and debris are an added burden and fighting fires in August. And it ushered in an one that could increase over time as Australia’s unprecedented bushfire season that would bushfires increase in scale, intensity and severity. engulf all states and territories. The stark images of bushfire impacts beamed Figure 3: Aerial view of New South Wales mid north coast, Summer 2019. Thousands of fires burnt across Australia during around the world on news websites and social the 2019–2020 bushfire season, some down to media are compelling – bushfires do impact the shores of estuaries and the ocean. On 15 coastal and marine environments – but the November, Port Macquarie, about 400 kms north evidence is mostly anecdotal. A growing body of Sydney, was recorded as having the world’s of research does exist on the effects of bushfires worst air pollution with an Air Quality Index on inland catchments, freshwater fish and reading of 1739. On the same day New Delhi was the quality of water in rivers, creeks, streams 817, Lahore 549 and Beijing 192. An index reading and potable water supplies. However, there is of 200 is considered hazardous. School closures, little research on the impacts of airborne and airport cancellations and delays, and increased waterborne particulates, nutrients, ash, debris, admissions to hospitals for asthma and breathing sediments and metals on coastal waterways, problems were further signs of the bushfire beaches and nearshore and open waters. season’s social impacts2. Australia remains in the grip of the 2019–2020 The bushfires have devastated coastal towns, their bushfire season. Although recent rains have residents and visitors. During what was planned to dowsed many of the blazes and allowed be a pleasant summer holiday break, they became firefighters to get others under control, the bushfire refugees, evacuated from their homes and official fire season has weeks to run through the camp sites, huddled on beaches, and cut off from typically hot months of February and March. It their every-day worlds. The immediate bushfire will then be followed by the 2020–2021 season impacts were clear. Lives were lost, homes and beginning in September or October. infrastructure destroyed, access in and out of towns

1. NSW Rural Fire Service 2019, ‘2019-20 fire season starts early; Fire permit suspended’, NSW Rural Fire Service, 1 September 2019, . 2. Rubbo L and Wellauer K 2019, ‘Waves of ash wash up on NSW beaches, Port Macquarie records world’s dirtiest air as bushfires burn’,ABC Mid North Thousands of fires burnt across Australia during the 2019–2020 bushfire season, some down to the shores Coast, 16 November 2019, . of estuaries and the ocean. © Ash Hogan

10 11 Figure 4: (top and bottom): Burrum he warned “the moment of crisis” has arrived’3. As Rising greenhouse gas pollution from the There has been no other bushfire Coast near Bundaberg, . to the claim that arson was the driving cause of burning of coal, oil and gas is worsening extreme season like this one: November 2019. 6 the fires, ABC News reported on 18 January that weather and putting people in danger’ . • there have been many fires burning just 1% of NSW fires had been deliberately lit, in According to the Australian Bureau of at the same time and across a the figure was lower, and in Queensland Meteorology: ‘The combination of prolonged broad area; it was 3% and zero4. record heat and drought led to record fire • there has been an absence of the Scientists, former fire and rescue chiefs and the weather over large areas throughout the year, El Nino conditions usually Australian Meteorological Bureau have all drawn with destructive bushfires affecting all states, associated with severe fires; the clear link between the current bushfires and and multiple states at once in the final week of climate change. the year. Many fires were difficult to contain in • individual fires have covered vast regions where drought has been severe, such areas and, in once case along the More than 440 Australian and international as northern NSW and southeast Queensland, Victorian NSW border, joined to climate, weather and fire scientists on 7 February or where below average rainfall has been create what has been dubbed a 2020 released ‘An open letter on the scientific persistent, such as southeast Australia. The Forest ‘megafire’; basis for the links between climate change and Fire Danger Index, a measure of fire weather bushfires in Australia’. The letter stated that: • habitats have burned that usually severity, was the highest on record for December ‘Scientific evidence unequivocally links human- don’t burn, including rainforests and 2019, and the highest for any month when caused climate change to the increasing risk of wet eucalypt forests; averaged over the whole of Australia7. frequent and severe bushfires in the Australian • capital cities have been shrouded in landscape. That same science tells us these Climate change has exacerbated the conditions smoke for days on end. extreme events will only grow worse in the future that have driven the 2019–2020 bushfire season without genuine concerted action to reduce – 2019 was the hottest and driest year on record8. global emissions of greenhouse gases. Further Australia’s annual mean temperature was 1.52o Bushfires burn to the coast during the 2019-2020 lengthening of the fire season and more frequent C above the 1961-90 average of 21.8�C — well bushfire season. © Michael Harwood and more extreme fire-weather are expected above the previous hottest year (2013) at 1.33�C. into the future due to ongoing human-caused The national area average rainfall was the climate change’5. lowest on record going all the way back to 19009. Former Australian fire and rescue chiefs The cause of the bushfire crisis established Emergency Leaders for Climate Australia’s catastrophic 2019–2020 bushfire Action in early 2019. One of its members, former season has sparked debate about whether NSW fire and rescue commissioner, Greg Mullins, the increasing scale, frequency and intensity told in April 2019 that ‘emergency of fires have any link to climate change. Some services are on the frontline of climate change commentators have blamed arsonists, while and are witnessing devastating consequences others have said that Australia has had major first-hand’. He added that those ‘emergency fires in the past and the 2019–2020 bushfire services are facing an escalating crisis. In the last season is little different. year we’ve seen unseasonal fires in , Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland and Sir David Attenborough said ‘it is “palpable , floods and twin cyclones nonsense” to suggest that Australia’s bushfire in parts of northern Australia, longer bushfire crisis has nothing to do with climate change as danger periods and fires burning in rainforests.

6. Bedo S 2019, ‘Former fire chiefs warn of more catastrophic weather events’,, 10 April 2019, < 3. Taylor J 2020, ‘David Attenborough calls Australia’s bushfires “the moment of crisis” to address climate change’,The Guardian, 17 January 2020, .>. 7. Jones D, Braganza K and Tobin S 2020, ‘Weather bureau says hottest, driest year on record led to extreme bushfire season’,The Conversation, 9 January 4. Nguyen N et al. 2020, ‘The truth about Australia’s fires – arsonists aren’t responsible for many this season’, ABC News, 18 January 2020, .>. 8. Jones D, Braganza K and Tobin S 2020. 5. Australian Bushfires and Climate Change 2020, ‘An open letter on the scientific basis for the links between climate change and bushfires in Australia’, 9. Doyle K 2020, ‘2019 was Australia’s hottest and driest year on record’, ABC Weather, 2 January 2020, . was-australias-hottest-and-driest-year-on-record/11837312>.

12 13 3. Existing catchment, coastal and marine research on bushfire impacts

Primary scientific research on the impacts of After January 2020 rains fell in bushfire-hit areas In a study of bushfire impacts on East Gippsland killed off local populations of brook trout and bushfires on marine and coastal environments of the Murray-Darling, there were numerous waterways, Bruce Chessman sampled five river rainbow trout, while aquatic macroinvertebrate is limited, both in Australia and in other parts reports of fish kills after ash and charcoal basins in East Gippsland, including the Cann and densities ‘declined to near zero within a month of the world where wildfires are prevalent. The washed into the river system and reduced Genoa rivers, during drought and after extensive after the fire, recovered to only 25–30% of prefire available literature is reviewed in this section, oxygen levels. Red alerts were sounded across fires. The burnt proportions of the Cann and density in two of the streams 1 year later, and along with examples drawn from a much the basin warning of blue-green algal blooms10. Genoa rivers catchments were higher than the continued to fluctuate postfire’16. Also in the larger body of research on bushfire impacts in Bushfire ash contains nutrients such as carbon, other sampled basins and had higher peak US, ash-laden runoff after heavy rainfall was catchments away from the coast. The inland nitrogen and phosphorous, as well as metals turbidity, suspended solids and phosphorus. reported to have suffocated 80% of the fish in catchment research analyses the impacts that that include copper, mercury and zinc, and Chessman noted that the samples taken from Colorado’s Animas River in June 201817. the pollutants, ash and debris released by the two rivers ‘indicated high sediment yields synthetic and manufactured materials. In areas Ash and debris washed into rivers and streams bushfires have on rivers and streams and their and moderate to high phosphorus yields … by where houses have been destroyed, the ash can form sediment slugs that can travel great aquatic life including fish and invertebrates. comparison with other Australian data’14. could contain asbestos and other carcinogens, distances downstream, affecting aquatic life along Similar impacts including eutrophication and as well as the remnants of cars, couches and Unprecedented algal blooms developed in the the way. Sediment slugs fill the river and seabed harmful algal blooms can occur in coastal building materials. Gippsland Lakes after fires in 2003 and 2006– habitats of invertebrates and fish, clog fish gills waterways polluted by bushfire ash and debris. 2007 that respectively burned 9% and 32% of the and damage or destroy the breathing apparatus Together, the inland and coastal research Scientist Erin Kelly was studying mercury levels in 11 catchment. Intense rainfall and floods in June of filter feeders such as mussels, sponges, and provides some insight into what the future holds lakes near Jasper, Canada, in 2000 . She found and July 2007 led to ‘large increases in loads of corals. Avoidance behaviour, if possible, could for marine and coastal environments impacted that after fires, the nitrogen levels in the lakes suspended sediment, nitrogen and phosphorus take animals away from their preferred feeding by bushfires. doubled and phosphorous levels increased four-fold, along with a five-fold increase in from background levels’, with the actual loads of and breeding grounds into areas where they are phosphorus and nitrogen the ‘highest of any year outcompeted by the existing wildlife. Water pollution from bushfire ash and debris mercury in the fish. Mercury had been released where measurements were available (over 30 from soils and moved up the food chain, first In 2008, Jarod Lyon and JP O’Connor reported Bushfires destroy riparian vegetation, reducing years)15. The researchers also noted that climate to macroinvertebrates, then rainbow trout and that a sediment slug following the 2003 fires shade and increasing water temperatures. The change could lead to an increase in the severity of finally to lake trout, the top predator. In response in Australia’s alpine region travelled 200 km18. bushfire debris washed into rivers and streams fire weather and of the Forest Fire Danger Index to Erin Kelly’s findings, a government health As the slug moved downstream and passed contains ash, leaves, trees, rocks and soil that (a function of relative humidity, air temperature, warning was issued on the consumption of fish monitoring sites in the upper reaches, fish increase turbidity and can reduce the ability wind speed and a drought factor – the number from the lakes12. abundance fell between 95 and 100%. Twelve of aquatic plants to photosynthesise. Bushfire of days since rain and evapotranspiration) and months later fish numbers were still depressed debris can also change the shape of the river Australian bushfire smoke may contain lead this could increase the risk of ‘severe water quality and signs of recovery did not appear until 24 bed, fill holes that are preferred fish habitats and from legacy deposits of leaded petrol. In a events’ in the Gippsland Lakes. months after the slug had passed. The scientists close gaps between pebbles where fish lay eggs study of bushfires sites near Sydney, Hobart Iraima Verkaik and others reported in 2013 suggested that for the long-term survival of and where water bugs find food. The stream’s and Adelaide during the 2012-2013 fire season, that the richness, composition, function, and threatened species in these circumstances, course could also be altered by landslides that Liqin Wu, Mark Taylor and Heather Handley resilience of aquatic macroinvertebrates, which translocation may be required. may follow heavy rains. found historic lead from petrol representing up include midges, black flies, stone flies and caddis to 73% of the lead in ash. They concluded that Fires in 2006 and 2007 wiped out 45% of the The sludge formed by the debris can clog the flies, declined after fires in northern Victoria. A the ‘remobilisation of legacy industrial Pb [lead] population of the barred galaxias, a nationally gills of fish. It will also contain contaminants that similar study of three streams in the US by John depositions by wildfires in ash results in it being endangered freshwater fish endemic to the may work their way up the food chain. Increased Rinne found that the 1990 Dude Fire in Arizona a persistent and problematic contaminant in Goulburn River in north-central Victoria. Those nutrients can encourage the growth of bacteria contemporary environmental systems because and algae that consume oxygen and lead to 13 of its known toxicity’ . 14. Chessman B 1986, ‘Impact of the 1983 wildfires on river water quality in East Gippsland, Victoria’,Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, the suffocation of fish and aquatic invertebrates. 37(3) 399–420. 15. Cook P, Holland D and Longmore A 2008, Interactions between phytoplankton dynamics, nutrient loads and the biogeochemistry of the Gippsland Lakes, 10. Murray Darling Basin Authority 2020, ‘Relief of rain brings expected water quality challenges’, Media Release, 30 January 2020, Murray Darling Basin A report prepared for the Gippsland Lakes Taskforce, Water Studies Centre, Monash University, Clayton. Authority, Canberra. 16. Rinne J 1996, ‘Short-term effects of wildfire on fishes and aquatic macroinvertebrates in the South Western United States’,North American Journal of 11. Struzik E 2018, ‘How wildfires are polluting rivers and threatening water supplies’,Yale e360, 2 October 2018, . 17. Kim A 2019, ‘A wildfire killed 80% of fish in a Colorado river’,CNN , 24 September 2019, . 13. Wu L, Taylor M and Handley H 2017, ‘Remobilisation of industrial lead depositions in ash during Australian wildfires’, Science of the Total Environment, 599- 18. Lyon J and O’Connor J, 2008, ‘Smoke on the water: Can riverine fish populations recover following a catastrophic fire-related sediment slug?’,Austral 600, 1233-1240, . Ecology (2008) 33, 794–806.

14 15 that remained were again affected by fire in scheduled to monitor sea otters off the coast of followed by rainfalls results in soil particles and Figure 5: Smoke billows from the 2009. Daniel Stroessel, Renae Ayres and Tarmo Big Sur in California when the Basin Complex ashes being dragged to the sea and impacting Kangaroo Island bushfire and out Raadik found that fire-affected streams ‘suffer Fire struck in 200821. Thirty-nine sea otters were on the marine ecosystems’. The ‘maritime wildlife across the ocean. from sedimentation and infilling, causing fish captured in 2008 (27) and 2009 (12), respectively (especially the mussels and clams) is affected death, reduced fish recruitment by reducing three months and 15 months after the fire was and the local economies depending on these available spawning habitat, and killing eggs’19. brought under control. Gene sampling of the resources suffer important losses’27. However, the 2008 otters revealed ‘reactions to organic ‘focus usually is on suppressing fires, while little is Students from the University of California Santa exposure, malignant transformation, and said about the post-fire scenarios and restoration Barbara used their scheduled mid-December decreased ability to respond to pathogens’22. dynamics’28. 2017 research voyage in the Santa Barbara Samples from the 2009 group suggested that Channel to gather data on the marine impacts Runoff from burnt areas can also impact the otters were detoxifying, which can be costly of ash from the Thomas Fire. The fire began on 4 beaches. In Malibu, California, the Woolsey Fire in physiological terms because nutrients and December 2017, burnt for 40 days and destroyed in 2018 caused a sharp decline in water quality energy have to be reallocated. This could reduce more than 1000 buildings. The students sampled at beaches in Malibu. Researchers reported that: their reproductive capacity and make them more the ash for its chemical components and the ‘Major wildfires have a significant effect on water susceptible to disease. The scientists concluded water for phytoplankton and bacteria on Day quality because the blazes damage sewage © NASA Earth Observatory. that although ‘the long-term population 10 of the fire. The trace metals from the fire infrastructure and increase the amount of runoff level effects of exposure to fire generated had little effect on concentrations in the water into the ocean because of vegetation loss, hydrocarbon products remain to be seen, because background levels were already high20. especially when they burn along the coast’29. evidence exists for continued altered immune However, the researchers believed that were the states in affected sea otters’23. the head of the school of earth, atmosphere and aerosols to reach the open waters of the Pacific Bushfire haze and smoke environment at Monash University, to predict that Ocean, and the less nutrient-dense waters to the Using a lab-based experiment, Gabriel Gonino Zeehan Jaafar and Tse-Lynn Loh have warned it could lead to a 20–30% increase in glacial melt, south, then phytoplankton booms or busts could and others found that bushfire ash could change that haze from bushfires fires could decrease already receding due to climate change33. The result. The metal concentrations they measured the feeding and resting behaviour of the Iberian sunlight and undermine photosynthesis in marine accumulating ash reduces the reflection of heat were more than 10 times those found in the barbel, a freshwater fish, and lead to a decline ecosystems, including coral reefs, mangroves from the ice, encouraging more absorption. Such Pacific Ocean. in fish health24. In another study, Gonino and and seagrasses.30 Smoke particles may also a connection was found by Yongwon Kim and others found that the ash from the burning of The results of the students’ research were limited make droughts worse. In 2005, Yongqiang Liu others when modelling the potential effects of sugarcane caused liver damage and death in because sampling occurred on only one day in found smoke particles from bushfires absorbed ash from boreal wildfires on Alaska’s Arctic and native fish populations in Brazil’s Parana River the early progress of the Thomas Fire. Rachel solar radiation, led to reduced rainfall and glacial landscapes, surmising that it could lead to basin25 and would likely lead to their replacement Kelly, one of the researchers said that ‘looking enhanced drought in the US31. reduced albedo and an increase in the summer by introduced fish species. back, I would have loved to sample the Santa melt of glaciers34. Increased glacial melt has By mid-January, smoke from the Australian Barbara Basin a week to a month after the fire. I Roi Durano-Medrano and others report that implications for the rate of sea level rise. bushfires had circumnavigated the globe32. think it is very important for future studies that are the movement of ash downstream has affected New Zealand glaciers turned brown with ash similar to ours to sample consistently after a burn marine ecosystems along the Galacia coast that had blown in from the Australian bushfires, event to see how the coastal marine community in Spain, where mussels, hake and clams are prompting Professor Andrew Mackintosh, may respond’ (Rachel Kelly pers. comm.). landed by the fishing fleet26 . They noted that ‘soil erosion in burnt areas close to the coast Lizabeth Bowen and other scientists were

19. Stoessel D, Ayres R and Raadik T 2012, Improving spawning success for barred galaxias (Galaxias fuscus) in streams affected by bushfire – an aid to 27. Duran-Medrano R 2017. recovery, Black Saturday Victoria 2009 - Natural Values Fire Recovery Program, Department of Sustainability and Environment, Heidelberg, Victoria. 28. Duran-Medrano R 2017. 20. These had been sourced from the atmosphere, river discharges, upwellings from the continental shelf and in coastal currents. 29. Fry H 2019, ‘Beach pollution surges after massive wildfires and heavy rains, report finds’,LA Times, 26 June 2019, . 22. Bowen L et al. 2015. 30. Zeehan Jaafar and Tse-Lynn Loh 2014, ‘Linking land, air and sea: potential impacts of biomass burning and the resultant haze on marine ecosystems of 23. Bowen L et al. 2015. Southeast Asia’, Global Change Biology, 2014; DOI: 10.1111/gcb.12539. 24. Gonino G et al. 2019b, ‘Short-term effects of wildfire ash exposure on behaviour and hepatosomatic condition of a potamodromous cyprinid fish, the 31. Liu Y 2005, ‘Enhancement of the 1988 northern US drought due to wildfires’,Geophysical Research Letters, vol.32, L10806, doi:10.1029, 2005GL022411, 2005. Iberian barbel Luciobarbus bocagei (Steindachner, 1864), Science of the Total Environment, 665 (2019) 226–234. 32. The Weather Channel, ‘Australian bushfire smoke circumnavigates the Earth’, The Weather Channel, 15 January 2020, . Science of the Total Environment, 664 (2019) 215–221. 33. Roy E 2020, ‘New Zealand glaciers turn brown from Australian bushfires’ smoke, ash and dust’,The Guardian, 2 January 2020, . Economics, 71 (2017) 88–95. 34. Kim Y et al. 2005, ‘Possible effect of boreal wildfire soot on Arctic sea ice and Alaska glaciers’,Atmospheric Environment, 39 (2005) 3513–3520.

16 17 Water pollution and seagrasses, mangroves analysing nutrients in the 1997 Indonesian fires. Hazard reduction burning: and coral reefs The smoke released almost 11,000 tonnes of impacts and effectiveness Abbie Rogers and others from the University of iron into the atmosphere, which fertilised the Seagrasses meadows and mangrove forests Increased hazard reduction burning is being Western Australia and the Bushfire and Natural phytoplankton and the algal bloom. The reef provide very important ecosystem services in seen by some as the solution for preventing Hazards CRC stress the importance of measuring system was suffocated across an area equivalent Australia’s estuaries including nutrient cycling, future fires of the magnitude of the 2019–2020 the intangible values, ‘often neglected in decision to 25% of the Great Barrier Reef38. sediment stabilisation, shoreline protection bushfire season. Although Mitch Tulau and Sally making’, that may be impacted by bushfire and shelter and food for many fish species McInnes-Clarke found very little literature on the mitigation strategies such as hazard reduction Potential impacts of fire retardants targeted by commercial and recreational fishers. impacts of hazard reduction burning, there were burning. They have developed a ‘Value Tool’ However, they are highly vulnerable to poor The use of fire retardants, often dropped from cases where nutrient loss and reduced rates of that ‘identifies the types of intangible values that water quality, which will be worsened by bushfire large low-flying aircraft, has become a highly nutrient cycling could occur, along with increased might be affected by bushfires or their mitigation, debris washed down coastal rivers and streams. visible feature of fire suppression operations in runoff and erosion42. They also reported on in terms of health, environmental and social Australia and other parts of the world. Houses, overseas research that suggested the cumulative effects’46. The tool could be used by a bushfire Robert Orth and others in 2006 described a cars, roads and vegetation can be stained pink impacts of repeated hazard reduction burning manager to ‘identify the types of intangible global crisis for seagrass ecosystems that is driven after the aircraft has flown past. Although the may lead to longer recovery times, while values that might be affected by a prescribed by climate change, declining regional water use of retardants has increased, there has been surmising that any reductions in water flows burning plan, such as protecting wildlife and quality and the ‘more localised impacts due to little analysis of their environmental impacts, could be compounded by climate change.43. minimising distress to local communities, and find increased loading of sediment, contaminants, especially in waterways and on fish and other dollar estimates for each of these values’47. and nutrients’35. They found that in ‘all regions, When interviewed by ABC News, the head aquatic life. the environmental effects of excess nutrients or of the NSW Rural Fire Service said that there

sediments are the most common and significant was a ‘shrinking window of opportunity’ Fire retardants contain fertilisers as well as causes of seagrass decline, and result in small to for hazard reduction burning and that it is corrosion inhibitors and ammonia. Toxicity tests very large areas of seagrass being lost’36. ‘absolutely an important factor when it comes have shown that where fire retardants are to fire management and managing fire in the Mangroves rely on pneumatophores or directly applied to streams containing rainbow landscape but it is not the panacea. When you’re breathing roots to extract oxygen from the air to trout, they need to be diluted in the range of running fires under severe, extreme or worse survive in muddy shorelines. Climate change and 100–1750 times to avoid fish death39. conditions, hazard reduction has very little effect coastal development are their major threats but Fish have also been shown to avoid areas of at all on fire spread’44. they can also be impacted by the smothering of fire retardant, which could ‘affect the habitat their roots by increased sediments, algal blooms In their open letter on bushfires on climate negatively, altering aquatic ecosystems and and seagrass wrack37, all of which could increase change, 446 scientists said that ‘Fire causing significant biological and economic after bushfires in the catchment. management measures such as hazard injury to natural resources’40. According to a reduction burning are of diminishing When ash and the other smoke particles settle review by Kostas Kalabokidis, fire retardants effectiveness under extreme wildfire conditions. on the surface of inshore and offshore waters, can also lead to eutrophication and fish kills if The future availability of suitable hazard they can impact coral reefs. Australian National applied incorrectly41. The use of retardants also reduction burning days is highly uncertain’45. University researchers discovered that smoke increases the amount of smoke and airborne from ‘fires raging through tropical forests near particulates, although these are relatively small coastal reefs can cause an algal bloom capable when compared to the smoke generated by the of killing virtually all coral and fish for hundreds fire itself. of kilometres’. They made the discovery when

35. Orth R et al. 2006, ‘A global crisis for seagrass ecosystems’, BioScience, December 2006, DOI: 10.1641/0006-3568(2006)56[987:AGCFSE]2.0.CO;2. 42. Tulau M and McInnes-Clarke S 2015, Fire and soils. A review of the potential impacts of different fire regimes on soil erosion and sedimentation, nutrient 36. Orth et al. 2006. and carbon cycling, and impacts on water quantity and quality, NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, Sydney. 37. OzCoasts, ‘Changes in mangrove areas’, . 43. Tulau M and McInnes-Clarke S 2015. 38. Fresh Science 2003, ‘Fire: The new threat to coral reefs’, Fresh Science, . 44. AAP 2020. 39. Gimenez A et al. 2004, ‘Long-term forest fire retardants: A review of quality, effectiveness, application and environmental considerations’,International 45. Australian Bushfires and Climate Change 2020. Journal of Wildland Fire, 2004, 13, 1-15. 46. Rogers A et al. 2017, ‘Including the intangible benefits of bushfire mitigation in economic analyses: a “value tool” for informed decision making’, In M. 40. Gimenez A et al. 2004. Rumsewicz (ed.), Research Forum 2017: proceedings from the Research Forum at the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC & AFAC Conference. Melbourne: 41. Kalabokidis K 2000, ‘Effects of wildfire suppression chemicals on people and the environment – A review’,Global Nest Journal, vol. 2, No 2, pp 129-137, Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, Melbourne. 2000. 47. Rogers A et al. 2017.

18 19 4. Current and future impacts of the bushfires on oceans and coasts

Without a comprehensive monitoring program Heavy rains and thunderstorms in late January Figure 6: Forecasters accurately predicted extreme fire conditions in southeastern in place, identification of the current and future 2020 washed large volumes of ash and debris Australia for the weekend of January 4–5, 2020, when this satellite image was impacts of bushfires for coastal and marine into the Tambo River, killing eels. The Tambo River captured. It shows the east Australian coastline from Wollongong on the NSW coast, environments is largely based on anecdotal flows into the Gippsland Lakes, where there are south to the Corner Inlet in Victoria. evidence from the current and past fires, and concerns that the depleted stocks of black beam the results of bushfire research conducted on will also be impacted49. Eels live in freshwater, but inland waterways and catchments. This section in one of the world’s great migration stories, they summarises some of the impacts of the 2019– leave the rivers and travel uvp the east coast to the 2020 bushfire season on Australia’s marine Coral Sea where they spawn and likely die. If eels and coastal environments, as well as projects were to be lost in large numbers, as many coastal seeking to mitigate or minimise those impacts. rivers and streams have been affected by fires, the annual spawning migration could be impacted. Water pollution from bushfire ash and debris In early February 2020, heavy rains along the Smoke and ash may have long-term impacts east coast were a welcome relief for firefighters on marine life when the particulates and and communities in the bushfire areas but also contaminants descend into coastal and nearshore generated warnings of flash flooding, falling waters or when smoke haze persists. For example, trees, water contamination by ash and silt and smoke haze could reduce sunlight and undermine ‘possible land slips in areas near fire grounds photosynthesis in marine habitats. cleared of vegetation’50. Byron Bay received In a recent statement on bushfire impacts from the 280mm in 24 hours that caused flooding and a Sydney Institute of Marine Science (SIMS), Shauna mudslide. The NSW government’s Beachwatch Murray, team leader of the Marine Microbial program gave every Sydney beach the highest 51 Biotoxins Facility, said that an ‘ash layer might (worst) pollution grade . shade the water column, and lead to an inability of In NSW, the fish kills website of the Department phytoplankton to access sunlight. This might lead to of Primary Industries reported that coastal lakes die offs of phytoplankton, which in turn might lead and lagoons are ‘likely to experience fish kills this to a low level of oxygen in the water. A low level of summer with increasing water temperatures, oxygen can lead to the deaths of marine life, i.e. fish, stratification and no or low flow’52. The website © NASA Earth Observatory as they basically suffocate. The addition of ash might reported fire-affected fish kills in coastal lead to a large nutrient input to the water column. catchments upstream of Moruya, at Tilba Lake This could lead to greatly increased growth of certain and Sportsmans Creek (on the Clarence River). ‘weed’ microalgal species. This is called a “harmful At Tilba Lake one witness estimated there were dead along a 70-kilometre stretch of the impacts of an event such as this: major bushfires algal bloom” (HAB), and they are increasingly approximately 2000 dead flathead and bream, Macleay River upstream from Kempsey in in 1939 had caused ash to run into the Lachlan 53 common around the world. Some HABs are directly 100 mullet and also tens of eels and crabs . mid-January 2020, after rain washed in ash and River, and “the fish never recovered”’56. caused by nutrient inputs, i.e. fertilisers. An addition of 54 Hundreds of thousands of fish were reported debris and reduced oxygen levels. Australian 48 The affected section of the Macleay River is ash might have this same effect’ . bass, freshwater mullet and eel-tailed catfish popular with recreational fishers. Assisted by were the main species killed55. Freshwater flooding rains, the sediment could potentially 48. Sydney Institute of Marine Science 2020, ‘Potential impacts of bushfires on our marine environment: Potential impacts of bushfire smoke and ash to ecologist Lee Baumgartner has said ‘there was Sydney and surrounds’, . move downstream and discharge into the a precedent for understanding the long-term 49. McNaughton J 2020, ‘Bushfire debris turns Gippsland’s Tambo River to sludge, suffocating eels’,ABC Gippsland, 23 January 2020, . 50. Chappell B 2020, ‘Australia’s east gets drenched by rain and flood warnings replace fire alerts’,NPR , 7 February 2020, . 54. Redfearn G 2020, ‘Hundreds of thousands of fish dead in NSW as bushfire ash washed into river’,The Guardian, 18 January 2020, .>. 55. Hannam P 2020, ‘Revealed: Widespread species devastation following “unprecedented” fires’,Sydney Morning Herald, 18 January 2020, .>. 53. Barnzey 2020, posted 13 January 2020 on Fish Raider, . 56. Redfearn G 2020.

20 21 Figure 7: Fires burnt down to the shoreline and estuaries to further impact already drought-stressed In response to the bushfire impacts in NSW along many of our coasts and waterways. coastal ecosystems and lead to major fish kills in estuaries, the NSW Minister for Local Government ‘blackwater’ events. He said that ‘urgent action announced a $5million grants program to is required to restore high priority acidic sites to ‘mitigate the effects of the recent bushfires on reduce acid generation, limit acid discharges sensitive estuary ecosystems’64. The Minister said and recreate intertidal ecosystems that sequester at the time that the ‘effects of the bushfires have carbon’60. the potential to degrade coastal waterways by impacting water quality and coastal ecosystems Members of the SIMS Postdoctoral Group said which in turn has the potential to impact estuary in the statement that should a reduction in ‘light environments and local industries such as availability be prolonged this could impact tourism and aquaculture’65. important sub-tidal habitats including seagrass and kelp beds, which provide refuge and nursery Oyster farms in estuaries closed due to water habitats for commercially and recreationally quality concerns important species, improve water quality and provide protection to coastal zones from The plight of south coast NSW oyster farmers erosion’61. during the 2019–2020 bushfire season has highlighted the environmental as well as the Jason Alexandra from RMIT and Max Finlayson economic costs of bushfires along the coast. from Charles Sturt University, in a January 2020 Some of the estuaries have been closed to oyster paper, warned that ‘exposed, ash enriched harvesting due to concerns that bushfire debris Aerial view of NSW mid north coast, Summer 2019. © Ash Hogan soils are highly erodible, especially on steeper could contaminate oysters and pose a threat to slopes’62. They urged that the ‘protection and human health. Road closures kept tourists away restoration of catchments and waterways’ be and prevented the farmers from getting their a priority in bushfire recovery programs, that product to the market during what is usually their monitoring be increased and that agencies busiest sales period. They also prevented farmers identify ‘important habitat areas and at-risk Emma Johnston, from the University of New Program said ‘bushfires remove vegetation at Wonboyn from getting their required weekly populations of threatened species of fish that South Wales, said in an interview with National which increases soil mobilisation and so we’d water quality measurements to government could be protected through catchment treatment Geographic that the unprecedented fires and expect more soil runoff into waterways resulting agencies and, as a result, their farms had to be or sustained through a captive breeding images of ash-laden waves along beaches in murkier waters. This increased sediment load closed (Shauna Murray, UTS, pers. comm.). program, until stream water quality stabilises’63. ‘indicate that there is a very high density in the and reduced light in the water column could water column, so that is likely to have localised have impacts on productivity. Similarly metals in effects in those areas’57. She also said that high concentrations can impact on marine life ‘while few studies have looked at the impact by causing death through toxicity or affecting of charcoal and ash on marine organisms reproduction and growth rates’59. and possible toxins generated by bushfires, it’s William Glamore from the SIMS Scientific certainly possible they could be detrimental, and Advisory Committee said in the statement that the influx of nutrients into the ocean may also acidic groundwater, caused by the drainage of cause algal blooms there’58. coastal floodplains in the 1960s and 1970s and In the SIMS statement about bushfire impacts worsened by drought, could leach into coastal on marine environments, Katherine Dafforn, ecosystems. After rains the acidic water will 60. Sydney Institute of Marine Science 2020, ‘Potential impacts of bushfires on our marine environment: Drought and fire impacts in estuaries’, . Deputy Director of its Sydney Harbour Research combine with ash, toxic metals and high turbidity 61. Sydney Institute of Marine Science 2020, ‘Potential impacts of bushfires on our marine environment: Unprecedented fires require crucial research for future monitoring of coastal environments’, . 62. Alexandra J and Finlayson C 2020, ‘Floods after bushfires: rapid responses for reducing impacts of sediment, ash, and nutrient slugs’, Australasian Journal 57. Pickrell J 2020a, ‘Australia’s raging fires will create big problems for fresh drinking water’,National Geographic, 10 January 2020, .>. 63. Alexandra J and Finlayson C 2020. 58. Pickrell J 2020. 64. NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment 2020, $5 million for bushfire affected coastal waterways’, . ecosystems’, . 65. NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment 2020.

22 23 Oyster harvesting has also been closed in Commercial fisheries: the added bushfire Given the critical nature of these habitats to tourism has been huge. Acknowledging the The Shoalhaven, Clyde River, Tuross Lake and burden of habitat loss and water pollution fisheries, and their sensitivity to water pollution, importance of recreational fishing to regional Narooma estuaries due to high readings of the bushfires could have a significant impact on economies, which has been estimated at The most immediate and dramatic impact algae and other contaminants66. As of February them and should be monitored. $600million each year in north-eastern Victoria of the 2019-2020 bushfire season on fisheries 2020, it was a waiting game for the 80 oyster and Gippsland74, the Victorian Government has was the destruction of the Mallacoota Abalone farms between The Shoalhaven and the Victorian Recreational fisheries: the social and released tagged fish into the state’s waterways. Cooperative buildings and processing facilities, border to see whether ash and debris flows economic costs of bushfires If a tagged fish is caught, the lucky fisher could the main employer in the town. Coastal lakes, down the rivers into the estuaries, causes algal win up to $10,000. Tagged black bream, dusky estuaries lagoons and seagrass meadows are East Gippsland and the south coast of NSW blooms that suck oxygen from the water and flathead and king george whiting have been spawning grounds for economically important are summer holiday playgrounds for many suffocate oysters67. released in East Gippsland, and murray cod, fish including flathead, whiting, bream, mulloway, Australians. But this summer the bushfires brown trout and rainbow trout in the state’s north Andrew Myers from Ocean Watch was prawns and shellfish. have caused forced evacuations and holiday east. The government hopes that recreational concerned that ‘the impact on water quality may cancellations, with estimates of losses for the Although the direct bushfire impacts on marine fishers will return to coastal and inland towns take months/years to play out. In the short term, tourism industry ranging from hundreds of and coastal environments are poorly described, affected by the fires, including Mallacoota, Cann slowly flushed estuaries could see algal blooms millions of dollars71 to more than $4 billion72 if the the negative local impacts on fishery production River, Marlo, Lakes Entrance and Lake Tyers. ... whereas in the mid/long term following rain loss of international tourists is included. from water pollution caused by agricultural and we could see run-off impacts including low coastal development have had serious effects For many Australians, summer is the time to go Rescue, recovery and restoration after pH, heavy metals, low DO [dissolved oxygen], on the fisheries. Bushfire-related runoff and its fishing and they patronise tackle shops, petrol bushfires suspended sediments, and more organic loading pollutants, ash and debris would exacerbate stations, charter fishing operators and camping leading to more algal blooms. Each estuary Threatened species, already struggling with the these impacts. grounds. The impacts forecast for commercial is going to respond differently and depend loss of habitat, reduced numbers and restricted fisheries will also be felt by the many recreational on rainfall patterns, soil chemistry & structure, Colin Creighton and others in 2015 reported range, were hard hit by the fires. University of fisheries that catch the same species. On its flushing rates etc’68 that more than ‘75% of commercial fish catch in Queensland researcher, Michelle Ward, used . website, the recreational fishing organisation Australia, and in some regions up to 90% of all NASA satellite images and range maps for The Food Agility CRC, NSW Department of OzFish, has highlighted the ‘record numbers recreational angling catch, spend part of their threatened species to estimate that 70 species Primary Industry and the University of Technology 69 of fish kills, widespread habitat loss plus poor life cycle within estuaries and inshore wetlands’ . had lost more than half their known habitat. In Sydney have been regularly monitoring water water quality. There are also still places with little They went on to state that reduced fish total, 272 threatened plant, bird, mammal, reptile quality in 13 of the estuaries where oysters are to no water where many precious native fish populations are ‘likely to be due first to limitations and fish species lost habitat, including 25 that are grown, with an emphasis on phytoplankton and have simply suffocated. The situation is getting to recruitment, growth and productivity due to loss critically endangered75. algal blooms. This will allow them to identify referred to as the ‘triple whammy’ in media of habitat and changes in tidal and freshwater any changes to estuary health caused by the reports. We’ve seen one of our worst droughts The federal Environment Minister has established flow regimes. Second massive water quality- bushfires. on record, devastating bushfires and now severe the Wildlife and Threatened Species Bushfire induced kills are likely to have had an effect on rain events. This will impact our fish like never Recovery Expert Panel. It has identified the At least 10 estuaries have been affected (Shauna total biomass, the almost total loss of some species before’73. following priority activities to guide immediate Murray, pers. comm.). In the longer term, there (e.g. Sydney rock oysters and mud oysters, Ostrea recovery activities: could be a slow drip-feed of nutrients into the angasi, from many NSW floodplain estuaries) and The economic loss to local businesses due to estuaries over months and years, and this could possibly overall species composition of estuary fish the absence of recreational fishers is yet to be lead to harmful algal blooms that are toxic to populations. Much of the water-quality decline quantified but the overall impact on coastal marine life. … is due to the draining of the critical estuarine habitats, the floodplain wetlands, salt marshes and accompanying sea-grass-lined channels’70.

71. Butler B and Wahlquist C 2020, ‘Australian bushfire crisis predicted to cost tourism industry hundreds of millions’,The Guardian, 3 January 2020, . 72. SBS News 2020, ‘Tourism strategy promised after bushfires cost the industry $4.5 billion’,SBS News, 17 January 2020, . south-coast-oyster-harvests-suspended-due-to-bushfires-20200110-h1kyk0>. 73. OzFish, ‘The current triple whammy on our native fish’,OzFish , 13 February 2020, . 68. Myers A 2020, Ocean Watch Facebook page, 10 January 2020 74. Victorian Government 2020, ‘Golden tags to lure fishers back to fire affected areas’, Victorian Government Media Release, 5 February 2020, . Research, 66(6), 493-507. 75. Deacon B and Carbonell R 2020, ‘Inside the race to protect 250 threatened species hit by bushfire’,ABC News, 20 January 2020, .

24 25 • protecting unburnt areas within or adjacent to DELWP has identified 35 potential species for The restoration of estuaries, already required due Traditional Owners have lived in their sea recently burnt ground that provide refuges; possible extraction, including 12 species of to their long-term decline in health, could also country for thousands of years and established freshwater fish. Macquarie perch were extracted help them recover from bushfire impacts, benefit an intimate connection with marine and coastal • feral predator and herbivore control to from the Buffalo River79 and will be returned fisheries production and provide economic environments. According to Kelvin Johnson, reduce the pressure on native species where once water quality improves. In NSW, breeding benefits to communities dependent on fishing a senior land manager with the Darkinjung, appropriate; programs are being established for the stocky and associated tourism. There are a number of ‘Australia’s Indigenous peoples use sacred • emergency salvage of plant and animal galaxias and the Macquarie perch, nine of which organisations already dedicated to the recovery songlines—a complex mix of celestial references, species for ex-situ conservation or wild-to- rescued from the Mannus Creek in southern of coastal and marine habitats and their expertise songs, oral history, and physical and cultural wild translocation; NSW80. It is part of the ‘biggest fish rescue project should be used to assist in the recovery of marine landmarks—to navigate terrestrial and aquatic • rapid on-ground assessment for species and the NSW government has ever attempted’81. and coastal habitats in fire-affected areas. routes. Though it’s too early to know the extent communities of concern; Unfortunately, on returning to rescue more of the damage, if the fires harm oysters, Macquarie perch a week later, the rescuers were Bushfire impacts on Indigenous culture crustaceans, flathead, or mullet, that would mark • supplementary shelter, food, and water for confronted by the water having turned ‘to a river a loss of these cultural touchstones84. animals where appropriate76. Coastal and marine environments are sea of black porridge’. country to Indigenous communities who have The images of wildlife rescuers combing burnt Estuary and other marine habitat restoration been part of the response to the bushfires and areas for surviving animals have featured heavily projects could also help mitigate the impacts of their aftermath in catchments and coastal areas. in the Australian and international media. At the bushfires. In 2015, Colin Creighton and others For example: ‘When the rain began in the Central same time, wildlife agencies and community detailed the decline in the health of Australia’s Coast region of New South Wales, members of organisations are initiating rescue and estuaries, and as a result, the decline of fish the Darkinjung, a local Aboriginal land council, translocations of species. This could become a populations targeted by commercial and set up barriers to keep the deluge of silt- and feature of threatened species in bushfire seasons. recreational fishers82. They argued the need for ash-filled water out of the region’s rivers, lakes, James Todd from the Victorian Department major restoration projects in Australia’s estuaries, and estuaries’83. of Environment, Land, Water and Planning which will become even more imperative after (DELWP) said that there were ‘some native fish the bushfires, and listed five key repair themes or in Gippsland whose entire range had burned estuaries: in the fires and after heavy rain there could be 1. restore connectivity by removing obstructions fish kills’77. ‘One of the key actions that we need such as barrages and causeways; to look at for a range of species, including those fishes, [is] whether we need to pull those fish and 2. rehabilitate coastal floodplains; other species out and salvage them until their 3. re-establish mussel and oyster reefs; habitat is suitable for them to return’78. 4. protect and re-establish seagrass meadows; 5. maintain adequate freshwater flows into the estuaries.

76. Legge S et al. 2020, ‘Rapid analysis of impacts of the 2019-20 fires on animal species, and prioritisation of species for management response – preliminary report’, Report prepared for the Wildlife and Threatened Species Bushfire Recovery Expert Panel, 9 February 2020, . 77. Deacon B and Carbonell R 2020. 78. Deacon B and Carbonell R 2020 79. Eddie R 2020. 80. Gorman N 2020, ‘Native fish rescued after bushfires, rainfall and predators threaten their survival’,ABC Riverina, 12 February 2020, . 81. Redfearn G 2020, ‘ “A moment of complete despair”: last population of Macquarie perch wiped out in NSW river carnage’, The Guardian, 15 February 2020, . 83. Fox A 2020, ‘Australia’s marine ecosystems imperiled by fires’,The Hill, . Research, 84. Johnson D 2020.

26 27 5. Conclusions and recommendations

In the preparation of this report, the available Research Monitoring Management marine and coastal research has been 1. Establish a comprehensive research program 5. Immediately develop an integrated, 9. Ensure that national and state agencies reviewed, along with a larger body of research to address serious knowledge shortfalls of the comprehensive and consistent monitoring charged with assessing and responding to into bushfire impacts in catchments away from impacts of bushfires on coastal and marine program for coastal and marine environments the bushfire impacts on wildlife, habitats the coast. In combination, these two sources of environments to enable adaptation and to build an understanding of bushfire impacts and ecosystems are tasked with and data provide a guide to what bushfire impacts mitigation to be effective. and how they can be avoided or minimised. sufficiently resourced to include marine and can be expected in estuaries and other coastal This should engage local governments, coastal plants, animals and habitats in their 2. Ensure continued and adequate funding to the and marine environments in the short and citizen scientists, research institutions and assessments and responses. Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC. Additional longer term. However, the full consequences of government agencies in a nationally funded funding should be granted to enable the 10. Ensure coastal environmental management the current bushfire season remain to be seen. program to enable accurate and consistent widespread use of the CRC’s Value Tool which plans, such as local government or agency Australians will experience longer fire seasons measurement of environmental change from allows managers to estimate the value of plans, work to reduce the runoff from disrupting their lives, while coastal and marine bushfires and other impacts. intangibles, such as biodiversity protection, agriculture and coastal development entering environments, already struggling against when making management decisions. 6. Establish ongoing water quality monitoring coastal waterways. development, pollution, overfishing and programs for phytoplankton, bacteria, nutrients 3. Map the extent and severity of the bushfires 11 Ensure coastal aquaculture operations are climate change, will face the added burden and metals to provide early-warning systems along the coast to determine the nature and adaptive and resilient to the increasing scale, of bushfires and their impacts. The following for poor water quality in coastal waterways. frequency and intensity of bushfires. recommendations, if acted upon, would improve extent of the damage to their natural values. 7. Identify key indicators for water quality and our understanding and enable Australia to 4. Identify and map areas and catchments 12. Ensure management of inshore fisheries is ecological health and ensure that they are effectively respond to and better mitigate most at risk from bushfire runoff, and where adaptive to account for the reduced or altered consistently monitored nationally across bushfire impacts on our coastal and marine impacts are likely to be highest, to assist in stocks of targeted fish after bushfires and that coastal waterways and nearshore waters environments. It is imperative that the Australian, the targeting of revegetation and sediment the increased frequency, scale and intensity of using best-practice technologies and state and territory governments work together to control. bushfires is factored into long-term fisheries methodologies. deliver these recommendations. management plans. 8. Ensure monitoring programs gather data on 13. Establish protected buffer zones around burnt seagrass meadows, seaweeds, mangroves, and impacted coastal areas to provide refuge as well as on fish, including key commercial for surviving coastal and marine wildlife. Figure 8 and recreational fish species, birds, mammals, shellfish and other invertebrates reliant on healthy coastal and marine environments in fire-prone regions.

Aerial view of NSW mid north coast, Summer 2019. © Ash Hogan

28 29 Recovery and restoration Protection and Mitigation 6. References 14. Identify the coastal and marine species and 19. Strengthen nature conservation and populations at risk from the current and environmental laws to protect and build the future bushfires and develop and implement resilience of communities and ecosystems Research papers protection, recovery and restoration vulnerable to bushfire impacts. Abram N et al 2003, ‘Coral reef death during the 1997 Indian Ocean Dipole linked to Indonesian wildfires’, programs. 20. Reduce domestic carbon emissions to net Science, vol. 301, 15 August 2003, pp.952-955. 15. 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Bowen L et al. 2015, ‘Effects of wildfire on sea otter (Enhydra lutris) gene transcript profiles’,Marine Mammal 16. Install sediment barriers and other erosion Science, 31(1): 191–210 (January 2015). control measures to reduce the runoff of ash Chessman B 1986, ‘Impact of the 1983 wildfires on river water quality in East Gippsland, Victoria’,Australian and bushfire debris into coastal waterways. Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 37(3) 399–420. Creighton C et al. 2015, ‘Repairing Australia’s estuaries for improved fisheries production – what benefits, at 17. 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Gonino G 2019a, ‘Fire increases the productivity of sugarcane, but it also generates ashes that negatively affect native fish species in aquatic systems’, Science of the Total Environment, 664 (2019) 215–221. 18. Increase the allocated funds to the Bushfire Gonino G et al. 2019b, ‘Short-term effects of wildfire ash exposure on behaviour and hepatosomatic condition recovery package for wildlife and their habitat of a potamodromous cyprinid fish, the Iberian barbelLuciobarbus bocagei (Steindachner, 1864), Science of to include the restoration and protection of the Total Environment, 665 (2019) 226–234. damaged coastal and marine environments. Jaafar Z and Loh T-L 2014, ‘Linking land, air and sea: potential impacts of biomass burning and the resultant haze on marine ecosystems of Southeast Asia’, Global Change Biology, 2014; DOI: 10.1111/gcb.12539. Kalabokidis K 2000, ‘Effects of wildfire suppression chemicals on people and the environment – A review’, Global Nest Journal, vol. 2, No 2, pp 129-137, 2000. Kelly R 2018, ‘Thomas Fire: Analysis of metals in aerosols, coastal waters, and flood waters’, University of Southern California, Poster. Kelly R et al (working manuscript), ‘Thomas Fire: Analysis of metals in aerosols, coastal waters, and flood waters’. Kim Y et al. 2005, ‘Possible effect of boreal wildfire soot on Arctic sea ice and Alaska glaciers’,Atmospheric Environment, 39 (2005) 3513–3520. Liu Y 2005, ‘Enhancement of the 1988 northern US drought due to wildfires’,Geophysical Research Letters, vol.32, L10806, doi:10.1029, 2005GL022411, 2005. Lyon J and O’Connor J, 2008, ‘Smoke on the water: Can riverine fish populations recover following a catastrophic fire-related sediment slug?’,Austral Ecology (2008) 33, 794–806. 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30 31 Rinne J 1996, ‘Short-term effects of wildfire on fishes and aquatic macroinvertebrates in the South Western Tulau M and McInnes-Clarke S 2015, Fire and soils. A review of the potential impacts of different fire regimes United States’, North American Journal of Fisheries Management 16: 653-658, 1996. on soil erosion and sedimentation, nutrient and carbon cycling, and impacts on water quantity and quality, Rogers A et al. 2017, ‘Including the intangible benefits of bushfire mitigation in economic analyses: a “value NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, Sydney. tool” for informed decision making’, In M. Rumsewicz (ed.), Research Forum 2017: proceedings from the Research Forum at the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC & AFAC Conference. Melbourne: Bushfire and University websites Natural Hazards CRC, Melbourne. Jones N 2017, ‘Stark evidence: A warmer world is sparking more and bigger wildfires’,Yale e360, 2 October 2017, Thompson M et al 2017, ‘A review of challenges to determining and demonstrating efficiency of large fire . management’, International Journal of Wildland Fire 2017, 26, 562–573 Struzik E 2018, ‘How wildfires are polluting rivers and threatening water supplies’,Yale e360, 2 October 2018, Turetsky M et al 2006, ‘Wildfires threaten mercury stocks in northern soils’,Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 33, . L16403, doi:10.1029/2005GL025595, 2006. Sydney Institute of Marine Science 2020, ‘Potential impacts of bushfires on our marine environment: Potential Verkaik I 2013, ‘Effects of bushfire on macroinvertebrate communities in south-east Australian streams affected impacts of bushfire smoke and ash to Sydney and surrounds’, . Wu L, Taylor M and Handley H 2017, ‘Remobilisation of industrial lead depositions in ash during Australian Sydney Institute of Marine Science 2020, ‘Potential impacts of bushfires on our marine environment: Drought wildfires’,Science of the Total Environment, 599–600 (2017) 1233–1240. and fire impacts in estuaries’, . Sydney Institute of Marine Science 2020, ‘Potential impacts of bushfires on our marine environment: Government agency websites and reports Contaminants and toxic effects of ash to marine ecosystems’, . impact-statement>. California Department of Fish and Wildlife, ‘Science: Wildfire Impacts Overview’, . Unprecedented fires require crucial research for future monitoring of coastal environments’, . CoastAdapt 2017, ‘Coastline a refuge for threatened animals’, . University of New South Wales 2020, ‘More than one billion animals killed in Australian bushfires’, UNSW website, 8 January 2020, . the biogeochemistry of the Gippsland Lakes, A report prepared for the Gippsland Lakes Taskforce, Water Studies Centre, Monash University, Clayton. Community Department of Primary Industry, ‘Fish kills in NSW’, Australian Bushfires and Climate Change 2020, ‘An open letter on the scientific basis for the links between Food Agility, ‘Food safety in the NSW Oyster industry’, Food Agility, climate change and bushfires in Australia’, Australian Bushfires and Climate Change, 4 February 2020, . Legge S et al. 2020, Rapid analysis of impacts of the 2019–20 fires on animal species, and prioritisation of Barnzey 2020, posted 13 January 2020 on Fish Raider, . Species Bushfire Recovery Expert Panel, 9 February 2020, bushfire-recovery/research-and-resources. Boat Sales 2020, ‘Victoria calls in army to save bushfire-hit fish’,Boat Sales, 24 January 2020, . Liu Y 2005, ‘Enhancement of the 1988 northern US drought due to wildfires’, Geophysical Research Letters, vol.32, L10806, doi:10.1029,2005GL022411, 2005. Centre for Disaster Philanthropy 2020, ‘2019-2020 Australian Bushfires’, February 4, 2020’, . Murray Darling Basin Authority 2020, ‘Relief of rain brings expected water quality channels’, Media Release, 30 January 2020, Murray Darling Basin Authority, Canberra. Environmental Investigation Agency 2019, ‘Watching the world burn – fires threaten the planet’s tropical forests and millions of people’, EIA, 18 September 2019, . waterways’, NSW Government, 28 January 2020, bushfire-affected-coastal-waterways?fbclid=IwAR0yCGWGwtmA4GMdKJJERSHaTUQClHiRH0b4Xlcr3PjcqCn Myers A 2020, Ocean Watch Facebook page, 10 January 2020. NRcbldJCzHOs Operation Crayweed, Restoring Sydney’s underwater forests’, . NSW Department of Primary Industries 2020, ‘Bushfire impacts on native fish’, NSW DPI, https://www.dpi.nsw. Operation Posidonia, ‘Restoring underwater meadows’, . Ozfish, ‘Fishers for coastal habitat’, . NSW Rural Fire Service 2019, ‘2019–20 fire season starts early; Fire permit suspended’, NSW RFS, 1 September Recfishwest 2019, ‘Creating seagrass pastures anew for Cockburn Sound’, Recfishwest, 28 November 2019, 2019, . early-fire-permit-suspended The Nature Conservancy, ‘Rebuilding Australia’s lost shellfish reefs’, . Program, Department of Sustainability and Environment, Heidelberg, Victoria.

32 33 Media Doyle K 2020, ‘2019 was Australia’s hottest and driest year on record’, ABC Weather, 2 January 2020, . January 2020, . change’, ABC Weather, 20 December 2019, < Abram S 2017, ‘Are Southern California wildfires a threat to local marine life? Scientists aim to find out’,Daily climate-change-as-heatwave-smashes-records/11817884>. News, 26 December 2017, . news/rural/2013-01-18/oyster-farmers-struggle-with-bushfires/6298078>. Bolton C 2018, ‘The sky is falling’, Hakai Magazine, 26 February 2017, . . Fresh Science 2003, ‘Fire: The new threat to coral reefs’, Fresh Science, . the-new-threat-to-coral-reefs>. Brewer P 2020, ‘Anxious wait as Moruya prepares for possible firefront’,Canberra Times, 8 January 2020, Fry H 2019, ‘Beach pollution surges after massive wildfires and heavy rains, report finds’,LA Times, 26 June 2019, . firefront>. Fox A 2020, ‘Australia’s marine ecosystems imperiled by fires’,The Hill, . Morning Herald, 7 February, 2020, . Riverina, 12 February 2020, . millions’, The Guardian, 3 January 2020, . 10 January 2020, . January 2020, . Herald, 18 January 2020, . 2020, . Sydney Morning Herald, 8 February 2020, . January 2020, . Herbert L 2020, ‘Oyster bounty from South Coast waters unlikely to be affected by ash’,About Regional, 10 Chappell B 2020, ‘Australia’s east gets drenched by rain and flood warnings replace fire alerts’,NPR , 7 January 2020, . flood-warnings-replace-fire-alerts>. Heyden D 2017, ‘California wildfires are impacting the ocean and a team of researchers want to study it’,The CNN 2020, ‘Australia’s deadly wildfires are showing no signs of stopping. Here’s what you need to know’,CNN, Inertia, 21 December 2017, . html>. Jansen H 2019, ‘5 unexpected ways that wildfires affect wildlife, ecosystems of forests’,Accuweather , 6 July Cox L 2020, ‘ “Massive relief”: torrential rain douses bushfires across parts of Australia’,The Guardian, 7 2019, . bushfires-across-parts-of-australia>. Johnson D 2020, ‘Australia’s marine animals will be the fires’ unseen victims’,Hakai Magazine, 22 January 2020, Dawes S and Thorne L 2020, ‘Bushfire contamination of waterways may lead to fish deaths and algal blooms, . CSIRO warns’, ABC Mildura-Swan Hill, 25 January 2020, . Conversation, 7 March 2019, . News, 20 January 2020, . bushfire season’,The Conversation, 9 January 2020, .

34 35 Khalil Shaimaa 2020, ‘Australia fires: “Apocalypse” comes to Kangaroo Island’,BBC News, 17 January 2020, Rubbo L and Wellauer K 2019, ‘Waves of ash wash up on NSW beaches, Port Macquarie records world’s dirtiest . air as bushfires burn’,ABC Mid North Coast, 16 November 2019, . Leahy S 2016, ‘Canada wildfire - what are the environmental impacts?’,The Guardian, 11 May 2016, . 2020, . McDermott A, 2017, ‘Wildfires aren’t just a land thing. Smoke and ash can choke the ocean too’,Oceana , 9 October 2017, . The Guardian, 1 January 2020, . McInerney P, Rees, G and Joehnk H 20120, ‘The sweet relief of rain after bushfires threatens disaster for our rivers’, The Conversation, 13 January 2020, . change’, The Guardian, 17 January 2020, . McKenzie B 2019, ‘Water catchments are covered in bushfire ash, what will happen when it rains?’,ABC North Coast, 6 December 2019, . News, 16 January 2020, . McNaughton J 2020, ‘Bushfire debris turns Gippsland’s Tambo River to sludge, suffocating eels’,ABC Gippsland, 23 January 2020, . January 2020, . Martin P 2020, ‘In fact, there’s plenty we can do to make future fires less likely’,The Conversation, 8 January 2020, . Towell N and Millar R 2020, ‘Fish stocks now threatened by bushfire run-off’,The Age, 20 January, 2020, Morton A 2019, ‘Yes, Australia has always had bushfires: but 2019 is like nothing we’ve seen before’,The . australias-monster-2019-bushfires-are-unprecedented>. Wiggins N 2020, ‘Hundreds of people in the New South Wales coastal town of Eden have faced the choice of Nguyen N et al. 2020, ‘The truth about Australia’s fires – arsonists aren’t responsible for many this season’,ABC defending their homes or fleeing as authorities warn a massive fire is moving towards the area’,ABC News, 5 News, 18 January 2020, . blaze-poses-imminent-risk/11841864>. Offer K 2019, ‘4000 forced into ocean in darkness as fire hits Victorian holiday town’,Australian Financial Woodward A, ‘Australia’s fires are 46% bigger than last year’s Brazilian Amazon blazes. There are at least 2 Review, 31 December 2019, . australia-fires-burned-twice-land-area-as-2019-amazon-fires-2020-1/amp/?r=US&IR=T>. Pickrell J 2020a, ‘Australia’s raging fires will create big problems for fresh drinking water’,National Geographic, Zaczek Z 2020,’The bay engulfed by fire: Devastating photos taken hours apart show how a picturesque 10 January 2020, . news/australia/the-bay-engulfed-by-fire-devastating-photos-taken-hours-apart-show-how-a-picturesque- national-park-has-been-destroyed-by-bushfires/ar-BBWzT2M>. Pickrell J 2020b, ‘Australian fires have incinerated the habitats of up to 100 threatened species’,Science News, 13 January 2020, .>. Read P and Dennis R 2020, ‘With costs approaching $100 billion, the fires are Australia’s costliest natural disaster’, The Conversation, 7 January 2020, . Redfearn G 2020, ‘Hundreds of thousands of fish dead in NSW as bushfire ash washed into river’,The Guardian, 18 January 2020, . Resnick B, Irfan U and Samuel S 2020, ‘8 things everyone should know about Australia’s wildfire disaster’, Vox, 22 January 2020, . Roy E 2020, ‘New Zealand glaciers turn brown from Australian bushfires’ smoke, ash and dust’,The Guardian, 2 January 2020, .

36 37 Appendix 1. The Australian 2019–2020 bushfire crisis: an overview

The loss of life and properties, the social and Chris Dickman estimate that 800 million animals Table 1 State by state breakdown of fire impacts economic impacts and the impacts on wildlife had been killed in NSW, and nationally one State 5.26million Lives lost Homes lost dominated the media. As at 4 February 2020, billion87. But this number does not include bats, 2176 (plus 200 facilities the 2019–2020 bushfire statistics were: frogs or invertebrates (95% of species). The NSW 5.26million 25 and 3744 outbuildings number of invertebrate loss could be in the • Estimated insurance cost (at 16 January): South Australia 485,600 3 151 trillions88. In Victoria, government documents $1.34billion; 396 and 400 other leaked in early January showed that ‘31 per cent Victoria 1.5million 5 buildings • Total cost estimated by economists: $3.5billion; of the state’s rainforests had already gone up in Queensland 2.5million 0 48 • Area burnt (ha): 18.6million ha; flames, as well as 24 per cent of wet or damp Western Australia 2.2million 0 1 and 12 structures forests, and 34 per cent of lowland forests. Of • Lives lost: 36; Australian Capital Territory 35,800 1 n/a more concern was the increasing severity and Tasmania 36,000 0 2 • Wildlife lost: 1billion animals (this does not regularity of fire seasons, with many of the areas 6.8million 0 5 include insects etc, that could number in the that have already burnt or which are predicted trillions); to burn in 2020 being ravaged as recently as Source: Centre for Disaster Philanthropy 2020, ‘2019-2020 Australian Bushfires’, February 4, 2020’, . 89 • Homes lost: 3000 (plus several thousand other 2014’ . buildings); All Australian states and territories have been Table 2 The impacts of major bushfires in Australia’s past impacted by the 2019–2020 bushfire season. • Estimated charitable fundraising (at 31 Fire Area burnt (ha) Lives lost Homes lost January): $157.7million85. Table 1 summarises the area burnt, lives lost and 5 mill acres homes destroyed in each state and territory since Black Thursday, 1851 (Victoria) 12 n/a The above cost estimates only include the September 2019 and up until 4 February 2020. (1/ 4 Victoria) financial costs to tangible assets, not social, Table 2 provides a snapshot of the historical Red Tuesday, 1898 (Victoria) 260,000 ha 12 2000 buildings environmental and health costs, which for the impacts of fires in Australia since 1851. Black Sunday, 1926 400,000ha 60 1000 buildings Ash Wednesday fires were estimated to be 9% (Victoria but fires also in NSW, ACT and Qld) of the total losses and 71% for the 2005-2006 Black Friday 1939 (Victoria) 2million ha 71 1000 Grampians fires. Paul Read and Richard Dennis Black Sunday 1955 (South Australia) 40,000ha 2 have said that the ‘cost of intangibles can peak Black Tuesday 1967 (Tasmania) 264,270ha 62 1293 years after a disaster and continue to take tolls Australia 1974-75 summer 117million ha 3 n/a for decades, if not generations. Deloitte put the Ash Wednesday 1983 150,000 (VIC) tangible costs of the Black Saturday fires at A$3.1 75 1000s (Victoria and South Australia) 160,000ha (SA) billion in 2015 dollars and the intangible costs at Black Christmas, 2001 (NSW and ACT) 753,314ha 0 109 more than that again: A$3.9 billion, producing a total of A$7 billion, which would be A$7.6 billion in Canberra 2003 160,000ha 4 488 today’s dollars’86. Black Saturday 2009 (Victoria) 450,000ha 173 3000 Source: Chang C 2020, ‘Forever fires’: How the Australia bushfires compare to other disasters’, New Zealand Herald, 7 January 2020, https://www.nzherald.; ; .

85. Centre for Disaster Philanthropy 2020, ‘2019-2020 Australian Bushfires’, February 4, 2020’, . 86. Read P and Dennis R 2020, ‘With costs approaching $100 billion, the fires are Australia’s costliest natural disaster’, The Conversation, 7 January 2020, <>. 87. University of New South Wales 2020, ‘More than one billion animals killed in Australian bushfires’, UNSW website, 8 January 2020, . 88. Pickrell J 2020b, ‘Australian fires have incinerated the habitats of up to 100 threatened species’,Science News, 13 January 2020, . 89. Hall B and Hannam P 2020, ‘Leaked report lays bare environmental devastation of Victorian fires’, The Age, 10 January 2020,

38 39 Bushfire comparisons Figure 9 Figure 11: World map of fire hotspots: 1 December 2019 to 11 February 2020 The extent of the fires led to comparisons with those that have burnt overseas and in Australia’s past. Figure 7 reveals the stark difference between the current Australian bushfire season with recent Californian, Siberian, and Amazon fires, and Victoria’s 2009 Black Saturday fires (Note that the area burnt

in Australia’ s current fire Source: Global Forest Watch 2020. season has almost doubled to 18.6million ha since this graphic NASA satellite map on 22 January 2020, showing fires over previous seven days. Source: Resnick B, Irfan U and Samuel S 2020, ‘8 things everyone was created). And like here in should know about Australia’s wildfire disaster’, Vox, 22 January 2020, Australia, bushfire characteristics . of the globe. In California the size and intensity of fires have Figure 10: Bushfire scales compared also increased and 15 of the ‘20 largest wildfires in California history have occurred since 2000, and ten of the most costly and destructive fires to life and property in the state have occurred since 2015’90. In 2017, Greenland was experiencing significant fires, Siberia its worst in 10,000 years, and fire regimes are changing in Alaska, Canada and the Mediterranean91. See Figure 8 for the widespread Source: Chang C 2020. nature of fire across the globe.

90. California Department of Fish and Wildlife, ‘Science: Wildfire impacts overview’, . 91. Jones N 2017, ‘Stark Evidence: A Warmer World Is Sparking More and Bigger Wildfires’, Yale e360, 2 October 2017, .

40 41 Figure 12: Burnt leaves and debris washed up on Bar Beach, Narooma, NSW. Figure 13: Wytaliba North, eastern NSW

© Jo Sparks.

© Cat Leach, Catfish Creative.

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