This is where I write other things I'm going to do to be someone as wise as Baloo

Answers: Letter spaghetti on page 59: laugh, help, share, play and talk.

[ 69 ] These are words I have learned:

middle truthful finger somebody index finger ring finger who always says the truth. little thumb finger or pinkie slothful lazy, idle, someone that doesn't like to do much.

John and Peter want to be bakers. Every day they go to Mr Taylor's bakery to learn how. John and Peter are baker's apprentices.

Find out and write the meaning of other words you don't know:

[ 70 ] Now we're going to tell you more things about life in the pack Like any people, the pack needs a place of its own. It doesn't need to be very big. All you need is a place to meet and to keep important things, like camp souvenirs, equipment, books and trophies. This place is called a den and it is the pack's home, so keep it clean and tidy! Draw your pack's den. If it doesn't have one, imagine how you would like it to be.

[ 71 ] The bee buzzes over the daisies. The frog croaks for his heart is broke. The cat mews to get into the house. The lion roars and the grizzly bear snores. The horse neighs and the hound bays. The wolf howls and licks his jowls. All animals have a sound only they make. The noise a wolf makes is called howling, and wolves howl to gather the pack together and find all its members after they have been out hunting. Wolves also howl as if to express their "joy at being alive". Cubs also have a special way of showing they are happy to be part of the pack and keep the law in their lives. This is called the . How do they do the grand howl in your pack?

[ 72 ] Yellow is a special colour for cubs Try repeating "yellow lorry" as fast as you can It's difficult, isn't it! Do you know why the colour yellow identifies Cub Scouts in almost all the countries in the world? When the scouts had only just been created, their badges were embroidered in yellow thread on green cloth. And that's why in many countries in the world, green is used for the Intermediate Sections, that is the scouts. A few years later, when the first packs were created, the colour yellow was chosen for them because it was already one of the colours which made people think of .

Draw and paint your pack's flag.

[ 73 ] The council rock When the Pack needs to deal with important business it gathers at the council rock. This is a meeting for the leaders and all the cubs in the pack, even those who have only just arrived and have not made their promise yet.

This is because everyone has to give their opinion when important business is being talked about. For example, at the council rock everyone helps decide on the plan which the leaders present for the weeks to come, in which the activities that the pack chose a short time before are organised.

[ 74 ] Faithful and affectionate like Rikki-tikki-tavi Rikki tikki tavi, the mongoose, am I. My fur and tail are like those of a small cat, but my head and my habits are more like those of a weasel. I will be curled up on your shoulder, even if you can't see me. At night time I'll sleep by your bed and watch over you as you sleep. Every so often, I'll be coming to see how you've got on.

11 13 14 10 12 15 9 16 8 4 17 5 6 3 18 7 19 2 1 20 21


23 24



40 27 36 38 39 34 35 37 28

33 29 A long time ago I 32 31 30 saved the life of a friend and his family. When you need my help you won't have to ask, because I'll be there before you even realise. Join numbers 1 to 40 and you will see me appear. Paint me as you like to make me the most handsome.

[ 75 ] During the rains of a summer in India, an avalanche of mud and stones washed me up bedraggled and stunned in the tangled garden of a small house where Teddy and his parents lived.

They felt sorry for me and took such good care of me that I soon became part of the family. I remember that, as soon as I got my strength back, I took a huge leap and landed on Teddy's shoulder.

What great friends we have been ever since!

I was very fond of my friend and his family and also very grateful to them, for I would have died without their help.

Once I was able to show them how much I cared about them, when I saved them from the attack of Nag, the evil cobra, and his dangerous wife Nagaina.

[ 76 ] You see, I was in Teddy's garden having a quiet conversation with Darzee, the tailor-bird, and his kind wife Darzeena, when I heard a hiss in the thick grass. I jumped back quickly and I saw two cobras' heads rising out of the grass, their hoods spread.

Those cobras thought that I would be filled with terror just to see them. But they forgot that mongooses are not easily frightened. What's more, as my mother taught me, a mongoose's business in life is to fight dangerous snakes. Some time I'll tell you all about what happened.

This little mongoose with the complicated name, whose eyes burn with worry whenever a friend has a bad moment, wants to be loyal and affectionate to all cubs, and he is ready to help whenever he's needed.

[ 77 ] It does us all good to be kind!

What about you... what do you do to be a kind person?

On the pages to come we'll talk about lots of things that will help you to be a kind person and a friend to others.

[ 78 ] All of us have things that make us feel happy or sad I try not to hide the things I like and dislike, the things I am afraid of and when I am feeling happy or sad

People can always tell when we are happy. We also cry about things that cause us pain. It does us good to be like that. Both boys and girls have these feelings. Let me tell you how Mowgli learned about sadness and tears.

he first time that Mowgli cried was when he was already a young man and he had to leave the jungle to go and live with humans. He was very startled, because he didn't know what was happening to him. Bagheera explained that these were tears of sadness and that all humans sometimes shed them. "Let them fall," said Bagheera. And so Mowgli sat down and cried unconsolably. Then he went to say goodbye to mother wolf and, hugging, he cried again while his brother and sister wolves howled in grief.

[ 79 ] I don't mind leaving my family when I go camping with the pack

So many fun things can happen in camp!

This page is for you to write the things that happened to you at your first camp.

We went camping to The most fun thing

What scared me most What I liked best

The most What I missed most difficult thing about home

[ 80 ] What are you like with other people? I accept what my friends think, even if I think something different

As you know, the sixes suggest activities to do and the pack chooses the ones they like most.

Tell us about the last game you played to choose activities:

What activity did you What activity proposed by propose in your six? your six did the pack choose?

If it didn't choose any, What did you think of the how did you feel about that? activities that were chosen?

[ 81 ] I am kind to the other children in the pack and I like them to be kind to me

Giving gifts is a way of showing kindness! This is an idea for a simple gift, you can make for your six 1. Take a piece of coloured card and draw or trace this seal 6 times. You can use a different shape as long as it is about the same size. Then cut out all six.

2. Glue each figure to a wooden clothes-peg, the kind that are used to hang clothes out to dry.

3. When you get together with your six, give your gift to each of your friends.

It'll look really nice if the whole six show off your gift on their shirts!

Even better, suggest to your six that they make more to give to the whole pack.

[ 82 ] I like to make new friends

Family and friends are the ones who love each other most and who have the best time together. Whenever you make new friends, write their names here.

These are my new friends His or her name is This is how we met

[ 83 ] Are you interested in other people? I talk to and spend time with everyone

It is wonderful to feel that other people like you as you are and they don't leave you out for reasons that you can't do anything about. Do you know who Anne Frank was?

Anne was just a child when the Second World War started. She and her family had to flee from Germany to Holand, because they were Jewish, and they hid in an attic in Amsterdam. When Anne was there, she kept a diary in which she wrote about her sorrows and hopes. When the war was almost over and Anne was 15, the family was discovered. Anne was taken prisoner and sent to a concentration camp, where she died.

Have you ever felt that you have been left out because of what you look like, because of what you think, because your parents are not rich, because of your race or the colour of your skin? Have you ever, maybe even without realising, left other people out?

[ 84 ] I help new cubs to feel happy in the pack

Hi ! Do you We have I'm a great want to What's Joel ! be in your name? time here! my six? Come and see the den!

"A smile is a secret key that opens many hearts" (Robert Baden-Powell)

[ 85 ] What do you know about men and women? I know the differences between men and women and I don't make fun of them

As you know, men and women have the same organs in our bodies. You already know some, like the heart, the lungs and the brain. We also have sexual organs, which are different depending on whether we are boys or girls. This does not matter much now that you are small. But later, when you become an adult, these differences are what let you form a couple and have children.

Write the names of the external sexual organs of a man and a woman on the diagrams. If you don't know, ask your parents or your leaders.

[ 86 ] I ask my parents when there is something I don't know about sexual things and I listen carefully to their answers

Do you know how you were born? Who better than your parents to tell you! If you don't have your parents near, you can ask the older people who you live with or your leaders to explain how children are born.

I play and join in activities with boys and girls just the same

Some people think that there are things that only men can do, and others think that there are things that only women should do. But both boys and girls can play, study, have fun and do the same things, together or separately.

Did you know?

It was only in 1934, In 1963, that the judges at Valentina Tereshkova, Wimbledon allowed was the first woman women to wear to travel in space. to play tennis.

[ 87 ] I am affectionate with my parents and the rest of my family Do you have brothers and sisters or cousins your age?

Stick a photo in which you appear with one of them here

I am affectionate with my brothers and sisters, I do lots of things with them and I try not to fight with them

What do you do with your brothers and sisters?

What would you like to do with them?

[ 88 ] This is where I write other things I'm going to do to be kinder, more affectionate and friendly with everyone

[ 89 ] These are words I have learned:

I am a . I like to go out at weasel

and hunt for to eat. avalanche a huge mass of tangled snow, water or mud which rushes down mountains, making lots of noise and destroying things in its path.

Find out and write down the meaning of other words you don't know:

[ 90 ] All of us who take part in Scouting are one big family You are beginning your journey through the jungle. And your pack keeps you company along the way. My pack is called

Ask your leaders why it has that name and you will learn part of its story. Just like the Seeonee pack, people have leaders to guide them and find the best for them. The free people has Akela and in your pack you have your leaders. They are like older brothers and sisters who are kind to you and keep you company. The leaders of my pack are called

To make it easier to organise games and other activities, the pack is divided into sixes made up of six cubs. Each six has a colour which identifies it. The colours of the sixes are the same as those of the fur of the wolves, so there are white, grey, brown and black sixes.

[ 91 ] In Scouting there are youngsters of different ages, grouped in different sections. You already know that those who are between 7 and 11 are called Cub Scouts and together they form a pack. What are the other sections called? Ask your leaders or the older scouts.

Those from 11 to 15 are called and they form a

Those from 15 to 17 are called and they form a

Some countries have members from 17 to 21 . and they form a They are called

All the different sections together form a Group My group is called

and my national association is called

Did you There are more than 28 million scouts in the know...? world. All this great big family is part of the World Organization of the Scout Movement, which is based in Geneva, Switzerland.

[ 92 ] Generous like Kotick

I'm so happy to meet you!

I am Kotick, the white seal. Are you surprised at my colour? I bet you are. At first I didn't like the colour of my fur, it made me feel different and I wanted to be the same as all the other seals. But in time I discovered that we are all different and that what is important is not what we look like, but what we are like inside.

That's what I want to ask you to do! To learn about other people, to help them, be with them and share with them. You'll see how much fun it can be. And, since we're going to be friends, I'd like to tell you part of my story so you'll know what made me fight for my people.

[ 93 ] I, Kotick, was born on a beach called Novastoshnah, where thousands of seals used to gather to spend the summer, along with my parents Matkah and Sea Catch.

Just like any other seal pup, I had to learn many things before I was able to "swim with my own flippers", as we seals say. I had some great friends. Together we learned to eat fish, splash in the water and not be afraid of the waves.

Once, I was so adventurous that I dived into a wave too big for me. I got a terrible fright and, in passing, a ticking-off from my parents!

When I got bigger something happened that changed my life: I discovered humans.

We young seals were playing on the beach when they arrived. They watched us calmly and then took some of us away as if they were our owners. Not me, because they were afraid of my colour.

[ 94 ] I decided to follow them. From the distance I saw them arrive at a place they call the killing-gounds, where there were more hunters. They all had clubs with iron tips and they began to hit my friends. The young seals could not move or defend themselves.

When I told the other seals what I had seen, all they said was that if I didn't want to see any others die I shouldn't go near the killing-grounds.

I didn't understand why they thought that way, so I decided to look for a safe place for my people, a place where no hunter would ever be able to reach them. I had to swim from the North to the South of the Pacific Ocean several times, have lots of adventures and learn things I didn't know before I met the sea cows, who I will tell you about another time.

For example, I learned that not everyone is the same, and the same things don't all happen to us. But we all want to be happy! I have learned that you are much happier when you make others happy. And that is what I want to teach you cubs. It's so easy! Why don't you give it a try?

[ 95 ] What are these children doing for others?

What about you?... What do you do to be generous and useful?

On the pages to come I'll show you more things you can do to help others.

[ 96 ] Do you care about others? I share what I have with the other boys and girls in the pack

Game time! Share the mangoes out among these children. No-one must be left without a mango, so give each child the one nearest them. Draw an arrow from a mango to a child and so on until everyone has theirs. If you make a mistake, someone will be left without their fruit. Did you make them go round? (Answer on page 111)

I carry out the duties I am asked to in the pack

These are the things that I have had to do in the pack

[ 97 ] I take part in games and activities on the rights of the child

These are our rights!

Boys and girls are people above all else. It doesn't matter where we were born or who our parents are, we all have a right to:

Have a home to live in, eat well and receive medical attention. This helps us grow up healthy and strong.

[ 98 ] Have a name and be from a country.

To have our parents, our family and everyone love us and understand us.

Go to school and grow up to be responsible and useful people.

Be given special treatment if we have any kind of handicap.

[ 99 ] Grow up in a world of peace, solidarity and understanding between peoples. That way we learn to live in peace.

Be the first to be given help in emergencies.

To be protected always. We must not be mistreated, hit, beaten, abandoned or forced to work.

Say what we think, rest and play.

All older and grown-up people must respect our rights! [ 100 ] Do you understand that there are people who have authority over you? I know why I have to respect the decisions that grown-ups make

I have to respect them because

I help the other children when they have to organise something at school or in the pack

This orchestra conductor has lost his baton. Can you help him find it? It has to be somewhere on this page!

(Answer on page 111)

[ 101 ] All of us, children and grown-ups, have to learn to live together I keep the rules in my house, at school and in the pack

These are some of the rules I have to keep

In my house At school

Don't ever let anybody hit you or hurt you in any way. It doesn't matter if they are children or grown-ups, or whether you know them or not. You mustn't hurt anybody either. We are all equal, and we all deserve respect.

[ 102 ] Are you helpful? I know where the fire station, the police station, the hospital and some other public services are in the area where I live

In the case of an emergency, we have to contact the nearest public services quickly. Find out and write down their addresses and telephone numbers. Your parents or other grown-ups can give your other addresses that it would be good to have on your "emergency list". Address

Fire station



Mum's work

Dad's work

My school

Other numbers I might need

[ 103 ] I help as soon as I am asked at home

Your home is an important place. Everyone who lives there should help to take care of it so that it is always nice to be in. Can you think of some things that you can do?

I help as much as I can in campaigns to help the needy

If you give away toys or clothes to help needy families, make sure that they are clean and in good condition. Being generous means giving useful things, not things you would otherwise throw away.

[ 104 ] Do you love your country? I know the symbols of my country, such as the flag and the national anthem

I respect the symbols of my country

Draw and paint our flag

Find out and write down what its colours mean

The of is our National Day.

On that date we remember

[ 105 ] I take part respectfully and enthusiastically in my country's national celebrations

Draw how we celebrate our National Day

[ 106 ] Are you interested in other people?

I know the different units in my and what their names are

Ask your leaders to help you complete this page My scout group is called and it belongs to the District These are the units in my group Name of the unit Name of their leader

[ 107 ] I take part in activities with other units in my group

Sometimes, like a big family, the whole scout group gets together to celebrate. At these times, each unit presents artistic numbers. If you have already taken part in a celebration with the whole group, tell us about it...

What did your pack do?

What role did you get to play?

How did it turn out?

I know the countries of the American Continent and AGUAJL NCUCOBVPGSASA the Caribbean OBOLGRENADAMTAS XNOSCSTLUCIAALERL CHAITICUPUIVMAV UUAYMDZHJCSCAAE RARMEBERMUDAUD There are ten American and ECANADARBATO Caribbean countries hidden SVENEZUELAZ in this letter spaghetti. ARGLDES Can you find them?

(Answer on page 111)

[ 108 ] Do you look after nature and animals? I know the main trees, plants, animals, fish and birds in the area where I live

“The orange sun was sinking beneath an orange sea, an evening wind was blowing across the lonely quay, I stood and watched the sea-birds now flying in to rest, 'twas sunset in the Indies, the Indies of the West”. Extract from a poem by Michael Anthony Trinidad & Tobago

I take care of the plants in my house

These are the plants in my house

The one I like most is because [ 109 ] I have grown at least one plant from a seed and looked after it on my own

I grew this plant! • Stick 3 matchsticks into an avocado seed, like in the picture. You can also replace the seed with a potato or a yucca. • Fill a glass with water and place the seed so that half of it is under water. • Put the glass in a place with plenty of air and light. • Make sure that the glass always has enough water. •

If you are patient, after a few weeks you will see roots and little green leaves sprouting from your avocado seed.

Finally, you can take your plant out of its hiding place and use it to brighten up your room.

Riddle me ree! Do you know what other names are given to the seed of a fruit? (Answer on the next page)

[ 110 ] Here I write other things I'm going to do to be a generous and friendly person who looks after nature

Answers: This is how the fruit is shared out on page 97: On page 101, the baton the conductor lost is in the supermarket trolley. The ten countries in the letter spaghetti on page 108 are: Belize, Bermuda, , Cayman, Cuba, Grenada, Haiti, Jamaica, St. Lucia, Venezuela. Page 110: the seed of a fruit is sometimes called "stone" when it is very big, like an avocado, or "pip" when it is very small, like an orange.

[ 111 ] These are words I have learned:


solidarity is caring about other people and acting like you care too. It means taking an interest in how they are, noticing when something is troubling them and seeing what you can do to help.

environment is the air, water, landscape, plants and animals. In general, This girl is everything around us. generous Find out and write down the meaning of other words you don't know:

[ 112 ] We are all from a country This is the map of my country!

(draw it, paint it or paste it) My country is called Its capital is I live in The place I like most in my country is

I would like to go to

We all have the right to have a native country

[ 113 ] Riddle me ree! What country are we from?

My country is known as the Isle of Spice.

I'm from .

Our capitals are also known as "Sugar City" and "Queen City"

We're from .

In my country you'll find the Blue Mountains.

I'm from .

We have the second largest barrier reef in the world.

We're from .

[ 114 ] Our country has over 700 islands and 2400 islets. We're from


In our country you'll In my country, you can go to a see the amazing different beach every day of the .Kaieteur Falls. year - we have 365 of them!

We're from I'm from . . Our three islands are Volcanos keep erupting in famous for the sea turtles. my country.

We're from I'm from . .

[ 115 ] We're from two different countries, but they're both on the same island! We're from , and .

My country is known as the land of the "Flying Fish". My country developed the calypso and invented the steel band. I'm from I'm from . . Nature Island of the Two beautiful twin mountains Caribbean, showing the overlook the bay of one of deepest greens ever seen. my country's main cities.

I'm from I'm from . .

[ 116 ] Did you know? In the world there are more than 5,000 million people living in over 180 countries. In China, the country with the most people, there are million people. In India, Mowgli's country, there are million. In my country there are million/thousand people. Languages are what enable all the people in one country to understand Mein Schatz! each other. In some countries only one language is spoken and in others there are several. How many languages are spoken in your country? How many languages do you speak?

All the words below mean the same thing. Do you know what language they are from? bandera

flag bandeira drapeau flaga

[ 117 ] Each country has things of its own: crafts, music, dances, food, ways of speaking. All these things are part of a people's culture. These are things from my country One of the typical foods is

The traditional dance is We have crafts made of

Draw people from our country wearing traditional dress

All the people who live in the same country should have the same opportunities to grow, work, have a family and be happy.

[ 118 ] Friends of God like What a pleasure to meet you! I'm Francis Francis

I was born in Italy, in a small town called Assisi. That's why they call me Francis of Assisi. Although eight centuries have passed since then, people still remember me. Maybe because I tried to live at peace with everyone, with nature, with the poor and with those who suffer. That was how I discovered a Friend who taught me the real value of things. So that we can get to know each other better, I'm going to tell you my story and about my Friend.

[ 119 ] I was born in very different times to the ones you live in, but I was pretty much like some young people today. My father was a cloth trader, so money was never short in my house. I had all I could wish for and spent my time having fun with my many cheerful friends. My father wished me to be a trader like him and, although I wasn't really sure what I wanted, I did know that I didn't like trading. I was quite a spoiled child, I didn't study very hard and in fact I didn't do much at all.

When I grew up, I became a soldier, which was the fashion, and I went to war with my friends. I wasn't good at fighting and ended up a prisoner for a whole year! It was a very difficult time because I got sick too. I was sick and a prisoner alone, and I had a lot of time to think. I felt sad and unlucky. I thought that I hadn't done anything important with my life and I didn't feel happy. At last I was able to return to Assisi. Back with my family, I began to feel better. When I got my strength back, I realised that I had changed a lot. It was as if someone had given me new eyes to see through.

[ 120 ] I had learned to see the beautiful things around me. I saw the sun, the flowers, the moon, the birds and the springs. All these things I saw with my new eyes and they gladdened my heart. I could have danced for joy! And so I began to give thanks. Thanks for the earth and for life. Thanks for the good people around me. Thanks to God. I had discovered that God was my Friend! I also discovered that there were people who were very poor and who suffered a great deal. So much that they had no eyes to see the things that I saw. Not even to see God. That's why I devoted my life to being a friend to all of them. I also want to be a friend to cubs, to help them learn about God. So they, like me, can discover the joy of having a friend like God.

[ 121 ] What are these children doing to be friends of God?

What about you? What do you do to be a friend of God?

Let's talk about lots of other things that will help you to get to know God and love Him

[ 122 ] Do you know how you can get to know God? I like nature and life in the outdoors very much

Francis of Assisi felt that all living things in nature were part of one big family. For example, he called the sun "brother sun" and the moon, "sister moon". Francis learned that nature shows us God. Have you ever stopped to notice how perfect a bird's flight is?

I take notice of the other cubs' good turns and I appreciate them

Like you, cubs make a special effort to do a good turn every day to make others happy. Is there a good turn one of your friends did that you would like to copy? Why?

[ 123 ] Is your faith a part of your everyday life? I am interested in learning more about God and my religion

Every religion has a different way of holding celebrations and sometimes a different name for God. But all of them have the most important thing in common: they teach us to love God and all people, just like God does.

My religion is And for me, God is

I take part with my family in the celebrations of my religion

Write down the most important celebrations of your faith. If you are not very sure, ask your parents or someone from your Church.

[ 124 ] I take part in the religious celebrations that are held in the pack

When you have a party, you ask your family to help you prepare it so that your friends have a good time. The same thing happens with religious celebrations. They need to be prepared, and you can help with that, cleaning the place they will be held, decorating, suggesting a prayer or preparing the songs. And most important of all, taking part in everything that happens in the celebration itself. Have you ever participated in a religious celebration with your pack? Do a drawing or stick a photo here to show what it was like

[ 125 ] Do you know how you can talk to God? I take part in the prayers we say in the pack

Praying is talking with God. It is telling Him what is happening to us, asking Him to help us, thanking Him for being our Friend. A Friend who is always with us, who never abandons us and who loves us, no matter how we behave. I know the main prayers of the pack

I like it when we pray in the pack because

One way of praying is to sing. And a special moment for praying is when we thank God for the day we have had. "Stay with me, Jesus, oh Lord, now the day is beginning to die. Stay with me, Jesus, and please keep me safe in your arms all night through".

Do you know this song? It's called "Stay with me". Ask your leaders to teach you the other verses!

[ 126 ] I take part when we say prayers together as a family

It is good to pray as a family. It makes us more united and happy. Also, when we are sad about something or one of us is sick, we all ask God together to help us. If you don't all pray together in your family, you can suggest to your parents or your brothers and sisters that you try it. Sometimes it's difficult to get all the family together to pray. But you can pray for them. Dear Lord, Bless my parents and all those who love me, and care for me. Make me affectionate, cheerful and obedient with my family, and teach me to help and be kind to everyone.

[ 127 ] God wants us to love each other!

I know the story of some poeple who have been true to their faith

The best way of loving God is to love all the people around us, especially those who, for different reasons, are suffering.

Find out why these people are so well-loved and known all over the world

Martin Luther King Mother Theresa of Calcutta

[ 128 ] I understand that the things I learn about my religion have to show in the way that I behave with my family These are things I have learned about my religion

Being a friend of God means never forgetting about Him and remembering that He is with us in all that we do. When you do what your parents tell you, when you try not to fight with your brothers and sisters, when you say something kind or are generous, God is present in every one of these things. It makes Him very happy to see you act this way

[ 129 ] Everybody deserves to be respected, no matter what their religion is I know that there are people who are very good and who do not have the same religion as I h a v e There are people who devote their life to serving God. Do you know what the ministers of the different religions are called?

Pope Imam Bonze In the in the in Buddhism Orthodox Church Muslim religion

Minister or Pastor Priest Rabbi in the evangelical in the in the churches Catholic Curch Jewish religion Do you know anyone who has a different religion to yours?

[ 130 ] Here I write other things I'm going to do to be a good friend to God like Francis

[ 131 ] These are words I have learned

spoiled badly brought up. Child who is allowed to do century what he or she wants to. 24 hours are 1 day 30 days are 1 month 12 months are 1 year 100 years are 1 century

springs are places where pure water flows out of the earth

Find out and write down the meaning of other words you don't know

[ 132 ] A very important part of life in the pack are camps and hikes or hunts To make sure that you have great outings and nothing bad happens, you need to know how to take care of yourself, look after your things and protect nature.

Every morning, remember to air and clean the tent you have slept in.

Use a torch to light the tent when you are inside it at night. Never use candles or gas or kerosene lamps, because these can start a fire.

We want to tell you something else, but we want to say it "in code". Do you know how to write in code? The "vowel code", for example, consists of replacing the vowels by numbers: a = 1 e = 2 i = 3 o = 4 u = 5 So DEN, in code, is D 2 N

Now you can read what we wanted to tell you:

1LW1YS BR5SH Y45R T22TH WH2N Y45 G2T 5P 1ND 1FT2R 21T3NG

[ 133 ] Do you know what the different parts of a tent are called?

Join the different parts to the names that go with them

ridge awning or flysheet

guys or bracing ropes

groundsheet wall

stakes poles roof or uprights or pegs

When you are camping, you have to be careful of insects, which look for damp places to hide in. This means that before you put your shoes on in the morning, it is a good idea to tap them on the ground first. If there is an insect inside, it will be frightened out. It's not very nice to find a "visitor" when you put your shoes on! To stop insects coming into the tent, keep food in a safe place outside it.

[ 134 ] Insects like to protect themselves by hiding under rocks. So when you need to pick one up, roll it over with your foot or with a stick first, to make sure that there are no dangerous creatures hiding underneath.

When the outing or the camp is over, help the other cubs to clean-up the place. Remember, you have to leave it better than you found it!

Since you have joined the pack only recently, you might not have to put the tent up or take it down, but you can help keep it clean and make sure that you don't leave any of your things behind.

[ 135 ] To keep things tidy in camp, and in the den too, you need to build some things Scouts are famous for knowing how to build things with knots. There are many very useful knots. Little by little you will learn almost all of them. For now, why not practise a few? Your leaders will show you how to do them. This knot is called This knot is called and it's used for and it's used for

This knot is called a clove hitch. It's easy to do and undo, but it's strong and doesn't slip. That's why it's often used to start off when you are building things. Your leaders will show you what you can use it for.

[ 136 ] Look how much you've grown! You set yourself goals and you've reached a lot of them

In this Booklet you met different friends who invited you to try harder and set yourself your own challenges. So you set yourself goals which helped you to grow.

Every so often, after a talk with your leaders, you put a sticker beside each of the goals you reached. Each sticker reminds you that you have grown a little more And now you're finishing your tender-pad wolf stage Congratulations! Keep this Booklet as a reminder of what you were capable of doing

[ 137 ] You still haven't reached all of these goals, so you need to keep trying to get there! There's something that will be very useful - your new

Leaping Wolf Stage Booklet

When you change Booklet, your leaders will give you stickers to put in the new one, in the spaces for the goals you have already reached in this stage.

And keep going! Because as we cubs always say...

[ 138 ] Addresses and telephone numbers of my friends in the pack and the scout group Name Address

[ 139 ] This Booklet was prepared for you by

Drafting Loreto González Francisca Palacios Loreto Jansana

English version Sally Shaw

Revision of contents and text (Spanish original) Héctor Carrer, Argentina Manuel Isidro Romero, El Salvador Jorge Fuentes, Bolivia Rosa Segura, Peru Osny Câmara Fagundes, Brazil Alberto Del Brutto and Felipe Fantini, Oscar Calderón, Costa Rica Interamerican Scout Office

Revision of contents and text (English version) Arthur Taylor, Bahamas Louise Williams and Sonia Johnson, Jamaica Hilberto Riverol, Martha Sosa Cheryl Lewis, Trinidad and Tobago and Cynthia Henkins, Belize Alberto Del Brutto, Ronald Richardson and Winston Hayle, Cayman Islands Loreto González, Interamerican Scout Office

Contributions Carolina Carrasco Emilio Martin Mariana Del Brutto

Illustrations Mariano Ramos

Design and layout Maritza Pelz

Printing Morgan S.A., Santiago, Chile

Production Interamerican Scout Office

Editing and directing Loreto González, Alberto Del Brutto and Gerardo González

Our special thanks to the children and leaders of the Scout Groups in the Caribbean Associations who helped us try out this Booklet. This publication is a joint effort in benefit of the English-speaking scout associations of the Interamerican Region of the Bahamas Barbados Boy Scouts Association The Scout Association of Belize The Scout Association of Dominica The Scout Association of Grenada The Scout Association of Guyana The Scout Association of Jamaica The Saint Lucia Scout Association The Scout Association of Saint Vincent and The Grenadines The Scout Association of Trinidad and Tobago Boy Scouts of America (United States of America)

Branches of The Scout Association (): The Scout Association of Anguilla Antigua and Barbuda Branch of The Scout Association The Scout Association of Bermuda The Scout Association of British Virgin Islands The Scout Association of Cayman Islands The Scout Association of Montserrat The Scout Association of Saint Kitts and Nevis The Scout Association of Turk and Caicos

This Booklet is part of the publications programme envisaged in the Regional Plan for developing Method for Creation and Continuous Macpro at the level Updating of the of the Junior Section. Youth Programme World Organization of the Scout Movement Interamerican Scout Office