No. 14



1 The Assembly met at 10.30 a.m., pursuant to adjournment. The Speaker (Mr Cornwell) took the Chair and asked Members to stand in silence and pray or reflect on their responsibilities to the people of the Australian Capital Territory.

2 PETITIONS The Clerk announced that the following Members had lodged petitions for presentation: Mr Rugendyke, from 1,829 residents, requesting that the Assembly direct the Minister for Education to consult with the Hawker community, in accordance with the consultation protocol, about any current and future plans for the Hawker preschool and grounds. Ms Carnell, from 64 residents, requesting that the Assembly reverse the decision to cut $1.6 million to the Institute of the Arts so that it can continue to provide a worthwhile resource within .

3 HALL/KINLYSIDE RURAL RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT - STATEMENT BY MINISTER Ms Carnell (Chief Minister), by leave, made a statement concerning the Hall/Kinlyside rural residential development.

4 HALL/KINLYSIDE RURAL RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT - STATEMENT BY MINISTER Mr Humphries (Attorney-General), by leave, made a statement concerning the Hall/Kinlyside rural residential development.

5 CHIEF MINISTER AND DEPUTY CHIEF MINISTER - MOTION OF CENSURE Mr Stanhope (Leader of the Opposition), by leave, moved - That this Assembly censures the Chief Minister and the Deputy Chief Minister for deliberately or recklessly misleading the Assembly in relation to the Hall/Kinlyside development. Mr Stanhope, by leave, was granted an extension of time. Mr Stanhope, by leave, was granted a further extension of time. Mr Stanhope, by leave, was granted a further extension of time. Papers: Mr Stanhope, by leave, presented the following papers: 110 No. 14 - 25 August 1998

Hall/Kinlyside rural residential development - Copies of - Letters from: Derek Whitcombe, Managing Director, Leader Real Estate Pty Ltd to Mr Roger Gain, The Director, Don Fox Planning, dated 19 June 1997 (unsigned). Derek Whitcombe, Managing Director to Mr Gary Prattley, Executive Director, Planning and Land Management, dated 27 June 1997. Derek Whitcombe, Managing Director, Leader Real Estate Pty Ltd to Mr Mick Lilley, Executive Director of the Office of Financial Management, dated 3 June 1997. , MLA, Chief Minister to Mr Gary Humphries, MLA, Minister for Planning, dated 26 June 1997. Gary Humphries, MLA, Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning, to The Hon Warwick Smith, MP, Minister for Sport, Territories and Local Government, dated 30 June 1997. Gary Humphries, MLA, Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning to Mrs Kate Carnell, MLA, Chief Minister, dated 30 June 1997. Gary Humphries, MLA, Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning to Mr Derek Whitcombe, Managing Director, Leader Real Estate Pty Ltd, dated 30 June 1997. Allan J Golding, Allan Golding Pty Ltd to Mr Bill Kearney, President of the Hall and District Progress Association, dated 16 July 1997. Roger Gain, Director, Don Fox Planning Pty Limited to Mr Derek Whitcombe, Leader Real Estate, dated 18 July 1997. Derek Whitcombe, Leader Real Estate Pty Ltd to Mr Mick Lilley, Executive Director of the Office of Financial Management, dated 18 July 1997. Derek Whitcombe, Managing Director, Leader Real Estate Pty Ltd to Mrs Kate Carnell, MLA, Chief Minister for the ACT, dated 6 April 1998. Discussion notes on the proposal from Leigh Osborne, dated 25 August 1997. E-mail from Tony Carmichael to Lyn Grant, dated 17 September 1997, together with minutes of meeting held on 2 September 1997. Minutes from: Barbara Norman, Director, Metropolitan Planning and Land Supply, Department of Urban Services to the Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning, dated 18 September 1997. Lyn Grant, dated 17 September 1997 attaching minutes of meeting on 2 September 1997 between Planning and Land Management and the Hall Progress Association. Annabelle Pegrum, Executive Director, Office of Asset Management, Chief Minister’s Department to Mr Lincoln Hawkins, Executive Director, Planning and Land Management, dated 7 May 1998. Helen McKeown for Manager, Rural and Lease Services Section, Department of Urban Services to Manager, Metropolitan Policy and Programming Section, dated 4 May 1998. Lincoln Hawkins, Executive Director, Planning and Land Management to Minister for Urban Services, dated 29 April 1998. No. 14 - 25 August 1998 111

Annabelle Pegrum, Executive Director, Office of Asset Management, Chief Minister’s Department to Chief Minister and Treasurer, dated 18 May 1998. Notes of meeting with Derek Whitcombe, dated 7 August 1997. Notes of meetings on 27 November 1997, 4 and 10 December 1997. Recommendation from Barbara Norman, Director Metropolitan Planning and Land Supply, dated 12 September 1997. Statement relating to negotiations being undertaken by Derek Whitcombe on behalf of Ashley Bolton, Kevin Bolton, Peter Bolton, Brian Bolton, Wayne Bolton and Jenny Bolton, dated 19 May 1997. Debate continued. Ms Carnell (Chief Minister), by leave, was granted an extension of time. Ms Carnell, by leave, was granted a further extension of time. Ms Carnell, by leave, was granted a further extension of time. Debate continued. Mr Quinlan, by leave, was granted an extension of time. Debate continued. Mr Humphries (Deputy Chief Minister), by leave, moved - That the debate on this motion be adjourned and the resumption of the debate be made an order of the day for a later hour this day and have precedence of other notices and orders of the day. Question - put and passed.

6 QUESTIONS Questions without notice being asked - Paper: Mr Humphries (Minister for Justice and Community Safety) presented the following paper: Prison sites in the ACT - Statutory declaration by Michael Foyat Keenan, Ministerial Adviser, dated 9 July 1998. Questions continued.

7 PRISON SITES IN THE ACT - VALLEY VIEW ARTICLE - COMMENTS BY MR HARGREAVES - STATEMENTS BY MINISTER AND MEMBERS Mr Hargreaves having made a personal explanation in relation to an article in “The Valley View” on possible prison sites in the ACT - Mr Osborne, Mr Humphries (Minister for Justice and Community Safety) and Mr Hargreaves, by leave, made statements in relation to the matter.

8 QUESTION ON NOTICE NO. 30 - ANSWER - EXPLANATION Ms Tucker, pursuant to standing order 118A, asked Mr Smyth (Minister for Urban Services) for an explanation concerning the answer to question on notice No. 30. Mr Smyth gave an explanation.

9 PRESENTATION OF PAPERS The Speaker presented the following papers: 112 No. 14 - 25 August 1998

Study trips - Reports by - Mr Hird, MLA - - 30 July 1998. Mr Quinlan, MLA - Sydney - 17 June 1998. Ms Tucker, MLA - Melbourne - November 1997. Legislative Assembly (Broadcasting of Proceedings) Act - Authority to broadcast proceedings, pursuant to subsections 4 (3) and 8 (4), concerning: Authorisation of broadcasting of committee proceedings to Government offices, dated 20 July 1998. Proceedings of the Select Committee on Estimates 1998-99 for the periods 20 to 24 July and 3 to 7 August 1998, dated 19 July 1998 and for 18 August 1998, dated 18 August 1998. Presentation of the Report of the Select Committee on Estimates 1998-99 for today, 25 August 1998, dated 25 August 1998. The Ministerial Statement on the very fast train project for today, 25 August 1998, dated 25 August 1998. No. 14 - 25 August 1998 113

Statutory Appointments Act, pursuant to subparagraph 4 (1) (a) (i) - Instrument of nomination, dated 4 June 1998. Administration (Interstate Agreements) Act, pursuant to paragraph 7 (a) - Instrument of nomination, dated 20 July 1998. Authorisation for the Tendering of Extract from Tabled Papers to Supreme Court in Manuka Business Association Incorporation & Ors v ACT & Anor, dated 14 July 1998.

10 LEGISLATION PROGRAM - SPRING 1998 SITTINGS - PAPER AND STATEMENT BY MINISTER Ms Carnell (Chief Minister) presented the following paper: Legislation Program - Spring 1998 sittings - and, by leave, made a statement in relation to the paper.

11 PRESENTATION OF PAPER Ms Carnell (Chief Minister) presented the following paper: Cultural Facilities Corporation Act, pursuant to subsection 29 (3) - Cultural Facilities Corporation - Second quarterly report (for the period 1 January to 31 March 1998).

12 PRESENTATION OF PAPERS Mr Humphries (Manager of Government Business) presented the following papers:

Subordinate Legislation (including explanatory statements) and commencement provisions ACT Education Services for Overseas Students (Registration and Regulation of Providers) Act. See “Education Services for Overseas Students (Registration and Regulation of Providers) Act”. Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act and Tenancy Tribunal Act - Determination of fees and charges - No. 97 of 1998 (No. 24, dated 17 June 1998). Adoption Act - Determination of fees - No. 149 of 1998 (S173, dated 1 July 1998). Ambulance Service Levy Act - Determination of fees - No. 154 of 1998 (S174, dated 1 July 1998). Animal Diseases Act - Determination of fees - No. 139 of 1998 (S167, dated 29 June 1998). Animal Welfare Act - Determination of fees - No. 140 of 1998 (S167, dated 29 June 1998). Architects Act - Determination of fees - No. 161 of 1998 (S175, dated 9 July 1998). Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act - Determinations of fees - No. 116 of 1998 (S159, dated 18 June 1998). No. 151 of 1998 (S173, dated 1 July 1998). Board of Senior Secondary Studies Act - Instruments of appointment to the Board of Senior Secondary Studies until 31 December 2000 - Nos 156 - 159 of 1998 (No. 27, dated 8 July 1998). Building Act - Appendix to the Building Code of - No. 177 of 1998 (No. 29, dated 22 July 1998). Determination of fees - No. 162 of 1998 (S175, dated 9 July 1998). 114 No. 14 - 25 August 1998

Revocation and adoption of Building Code of Australia - No. 176 of 1998 (No. 29, dated 22 July 1998). Building and Services Act - Determination of fees - No. 127 of 1998 (S167, dated 29 June 1998). Bushfire Act - Bushfire Regulations (Amendment) - Subordinate Law No. 8 of 1998 (S92, dated 6 March 1998) (without explanatory statement). Canberra Institute of Technology Act - Instrument of appointment to the Canberra Institute of Technology Advisory Council until 31 December 2000 - No. 160 of 1998 (No. 27, dated 8 July 1998). Cemeteries Act - Canberra Public Cemeteries Regulations (Amendment) - Subordinate Law No. 18 of 1998 (S147, dated 28 May 1998, amended by No. 32, dated 12 August 1998). Determination of fees - No. 126 of 1998 (S167, dated 29 June 1998). Chiropractors and Osteopaths Act - Determination of fees - No. 188 of 1998 (S184, dated 10 August 1998). Coroners Act. See “Magistrates Court Act”. Dangerous Goods Act - Dangerous Goods (Exemption) Regulations (Amendment) - Subordinate Law No. 14 of 1998 (S134, dated 21 May 1998). Dentists Act. See “Health Professions Boards (Procedures) Act”. Dog Control Act - Determination of fees - No. 138 of 1998 (S167, dated 29 June 1998). Domestic Violence Act - Instrument of appointment as a Domestic Violence Project Coordinator - No. 182 of 1998 (S178, dated 30 July 1998). Instrument of appointment as a Member of the Domestic Violence Prevention Council - No. 183 of 1998 (S178, dated 30 July 1998). Drugs of Dependence Act - Drugs of Dependence Regulations (Amendment) - Subordinate Law No. 20 of 1998 (No. 24, dated 17 June 1998). Education Services for Overseas Students (Registration and Regulation of Providers) Act - Determination of fees - No. 148 of 1998 (S173, dated 1 July 1998). Electricity Act - Determination of fees - No. 163 of 1998 (S175, dated 9 July 1998). Energy and Water Act - Determination of fees - No. 164 of 1998 (S175, dated 9 July 1998). Fair Trading Act - Fair Trading Regulations (Amendment) - Subordinate Law No. 3 of 1998 (S48, dated 16 January 1998) - Codes of practice and explanatory memoranda for : Bodyguard Industry; Cash Transit Industry; Guard and Patrol Services Industry. Firearms Act - Firearms Regulations (Amendment) - Subordinate Law No. 5 of 1998 (S74, dated 18 February 1998). Gaming Machine Act - Requirement to display warning notices on gaming machines and in gaming machine areas - No. 179 of 1998 (No. 30, dated 29 July 1998). No. 14 - 25 August 1998 115

Gas Pipelines Access Act 1998 - Notice of commencement (1 July 1998) of remaining provisions other than subsection 8 (2) (S174, dated 1 July 1998). Gas Supply Act 1998 - Notice of commencement (1 July 1998) of remaining provisions (S174, dated 1 July 1998). Hawkers Act - Determination of fees - No. 125 of 1998 (S167, dated 29 June 1998). 116 No. 14 - 25 August 1998

Health Professions Boards (Procedures) Act - Dentists Act - Instruments of appointment of Chairperson and members of the Dental Board of the ACT - Nos 98 - 101 of 1998 (No. 24, dated 17 June 1998). Pharmacy Act - Instruments of appointment of Chairperson and members of the Pharmacy Board - Nos. 112 - 115 of 1998 (No. 24, dated 17 June 1998). Physiotherapists Act - Instruments of appointment of Chairperson and members of the Physiotherapists Board of the Act - Nos 143 - 146 of 1998 (No. 26, dated 1 July 1998). Podiatrists Act - Instruments of appointment of Chairperson and members of the Podiatrists Board of the ACT - Nos 108 - 111 of 1998 (No. 24, dated 17 June 1998). Psychologists Act - Instruments of appointment of Chairperson and members of the Psychologists Board of the ACT - Nos 102 - 107 of 1998 (No. 24, dated 17 June 1998). Health Records (Privacy and Access) Act - Determination of fees and charges - No. 122 of 1998 (S167, dated 29 June 1998). Housing Assistance Act - Variation to public rental housing assistance program - No. 155 of 1998 (S174, dated 1 July 1998). Independent Pricing and Regulatory Commission Act - Declaration of a regulated industry - No. 119 of 1998 (correction of S162, dated 25 June 1998) (S169, dated 29 June 1998). Lakes Act - Determination of fees - No. 124 of 1998 (S167, dated 29 June 1998). Land (Planning and Environment) Act - Determination of fees - No. 165 of 1998 (S175, dated 9 July 1998). Legislative Assembly (Members’ Staff) Act - Arrangements made under section 10 (2) to amend staff salary allocations to Members to employ staff from 27 April 1998 until the end of the 1997-98 financial year - No. 79 of 1998 (S132, dated 20 May 1998). Arrangements made under section 10 (2) to provide staff salary allocations to Members to employ staff in the 1998-99 financial year - No. 189 of 1998 (S185, dated 13 August 1998). Arrangements made under section 5 (2) to provide staff salary allocations for the Speaker to employ staff in the 1998-99 financial year - No. 190 of 1998 (S185, dated 13 August 1998). Liquor Act - Determination of fees - No. 152 of 1998 (S173, dated 1 July 1998). Magistrates Court Act and Coroners Act - Determination of fees and charges - No. 95 of 1998 (No. 24, dated 17 June 1998). Magistrates Court (Civil Jurisdiction) Act - Magistrates Court (Civil Jurisdiction) (Solicitors’ Costs) Regulations (Amendment) - Subordinate Law No. 2 of 1998 (S46, dated 16 January 1998). Meat Act - Determination of fees and charges - No. 121 of 1998 (S167, dated 29 June 1998). Medical Practitioners Act - Determination of fees - No. 178 of 1998 (S176, dated 20 July 1998). Motor Traffic Act - Administrative charge for parking and traffic infringements - No. 134 of 1998 (S167, dated 29 June 1998). Determination of parking charges - No. 123 of 1998 (S167, dated 29 June 1998). Determination of registration fees - No. 14 - 25 August 1998 117

No. 180 of 1998 (S177, dated 24 July 1998). No. 184 of 1998 (S179, dated 31 July 1998). Determination of taxi fares - No. 118 of 1998 (correction of S162, dated 25 June 1998) (S169, dated 29 June 1998). Drivers’ licences - No. 132 of 1998 (S167, dated 29 June 1998). Motor Traffic Regulations - Declaration of declared holiday period - No. 89 of 1998 (S148, dated 29 May 1998). Motor Traffic Regulations (Amendment) - Subordinate Law No. 16 of 1998 (S136, dated 22 May 1998). Subordinate Law No. 27 of 1998 (S177, dated 24 July 1998). Motor Vehicle (Third Party Insurance) Regulations (Amendment) - Subordinate Law No. 22 of 1998 (S145, dated 16 June 1998). Number plates - No. 135 of 1998 (S167, dated 29 June 1998). Parking charges - No. 130 of 1998 (S167, dated 29 June 1998). No. 181 of 1998 (S179, dated 31 July 1998). Parking labels - No. 131 of 1998 (S167, dated 29 June 1998). Parking meter fees - No. 129 of 1998 (S167, dated 29 June 1998). Vehicle Inspection Manual - No. 83 of 1998 (S143, dated 27 May 1998). Vehicle licences and permits - No. 133 of 1998 (S167, dated 29 June 1998). Motor Vehicles (Dimensions and Mass) Act - Dimensions and mass fees - No. 128 of 1998 (S167, dated 29 June 1998). Nature Conservation Act - Action plans - Nos 7, 8 and 9 - No. 191 of 1998 (No. 33, dated 19 August 1998). Declaration of species - No. 192 of 1998 (No. 33, dated 19 August 1998). Determination of fees - No. 136 of 1998 (S167, dated 29 June 1998). Pharmacy Act. See “Health Professions Boards (Procedures) Act”. Physiotherapists Act. See “Health Professions Boards (Procedures) Act”. Plumbers, Drainers and Gasfitters Board Act - Determination of fees - No. 166 of 1998 (S175, dated 9 July 1998). Podiatrists Act. See “Health Professions Boards (Procedures) Act”. Pounds Act - Determination of fees - No. 137 of 1998 (S167, dated 29 June 1998). Psychologists Act. See “Health Professions Boards (Procedures) Act”. Public Health Act - Determination of fees and charges - No. 120 of 1998 (S167, dated 29 June 1998). Public Health (Infectious and Notifiable Diseases) Regulations (Amendment) - Subordinate Law No. 6 of 1998 (S75, dated 18 February 1998). 118 No. 14 - 25 August 1998

Public Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1997 - Notice of commencement (13 August 1998) of Part III, Part VII and section 43 (S185, dated 13 August 1998) (revokes S181, dated 3 August 1998). Public Place Names Act - Determinations of street nomenclatures in the Divisions of - Gordon - No. 87 of 1998 (S144, dated 28 May 1998). Greenway - Amending Commonwealth Gazette No. P25 of 31 August 1998 by omitting Scollay Street - No. 88 of 1998 (S144, dated 28 May 1998). Gungahlin - No. 141 of 1998 (S171, dated 30 June 1998). Gungahlin - No. 174 of 1998 (No. 28, dated 15 July 1998). Nicholls - No. 84 of 1998 (S144, dated 28 May 1998). Nicholls - No. 85 of 1998 (S144, dated 28 May 1998). Nicholls - No. 86 of 1998 (S144, dated 28 May 1998). Phillip - No. 90 of 1998 (S153, dated 10 June 1998). Determination of park name in the Division of Holder - No. 170 of 1998 (No. 29, dated 22 July 1998). Determination of rural road name in the District of Tuggeranong - No. 175 of 1998 (No. 29, dated 22 July 1998). Public Sector Management Act - Management standards - No. 1 of 1998 (No. 24, dated 17 June 1998). No. 2 of 1998 (No. 24, dated 17 June 1998). Rates and Land Rent (Relief) Act - Notice fixing rates of interest - No. 173 of 1998 (No. 28, dated 15 July 1998). Rates and Land Rent (Relief) Regulations (Amendment) - Subordinate Law No. 25 of 1998 (No. 27, dated 8 July 1998). Rates and Land Tax Act - Notice of interest rates - No. 172 of 1998 (No. 28, dated 15 July 1998). Residential Tenancies Act - Determination of fees under - Section 135 - No. 81 of 1998 (S141, dated 26 May 1998). Section 134 - No. 82 of 1998 (S141, dated 26 May 1998). Residential Tenancies Regulations - Subordinate Law No. 17 of 1998 (S146, dated 28 May 1998). Roads and Public Places Act - Determination of fees - No. 167 of 1998 (S175, dated 9 July 1998). Road opening fees - No. 153 of 1998 (S174, dated 1 July 1998). Stamp Duties and Taxes Act. See “Taxation (Administration) Act”. Supreme Court Act - Determination of fees and charges - No. 96 of 1998 (No. 24, dated 17 June 1998). No. 14 - 25 August 1998 119

Supreme Court (Admission of Legal Practitioners) Rules - Subordinate Law No. 15 of 1998 (S135, dated 22 May 1998). Surveyors Act - Determination of fees - No. 168 of 1998 (S175, dated 9 July 1998). Taxation (Administration) Act and Stamp Duties and Taxes Act - Determination to increase the rate of tax payable on the sale of motor vehicles - No. 142 of 1998 (S171, dated 30 June 1998). Taxation (Administration) Act - Determination that the interest rate for the purposes of section 31 of the Act is 16.8% per annum - No. 91 of 1998 (S154, dated 10 June 1998). Determination that the interest rate for the purposes of subsection 35 (1) of the Act is 5.0% per annum - No. 150 of 1998 (S173, dated 1 July 1998). Tenancy Tribunal Act. See “Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act”. Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Act - Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition (Temporary Exemptions) Regulations - Subordinate Law No. 4 of 1998 (S62, dated 10 February 1998). Unit Titles Act - Determination of fees - No. 169 of 1998 (S175, dated 9 July 1998). Vocational Education and Training Act - Determination of fees - No. 147 of 1998 (S173, dated 1 July 1998). Vocational Education and Training Regulations - Subordinate Law No. 26 of 1998 (No. 30, dated 29 July 1998). Departmental performance reports Financial Management Act, pursuant to section 25A, June 1998 Quarter Departmental Performance Reports for: Attorney-General’s Department, including the Director of Public Prosecutions and the Emergency Services Bureau. Chief Minister’s Department. Department of Education and Community Services. Minister for Health and Community Care. Minister for Housing. Minister for Regulatory Reform, Industrial Relations and Tourism. Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning.

13 PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT - STANDING COMMITTEE (THIRD ASSEMBLY) - REPORT NO. 38 - OUTDOOR LIGHTING IN THE ACT - GOVERNMENT RESPONSE - MOTION TO TAKE NOTE OF PAPER Mr Smyth (Minister for Urban Services) presented the following paper: Planning and Environment - Standing Committee (Third Assembly) - Report No. 38 - The provision of quality outdoor lighting in the ACT (presented 4 December 1997) - Government response - and moved - That the Assembly takes note of the paper. Debate adjourned (Mr Hargreaves) and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting. 120 No. 14 - 25 August 1998

14 HEALTH AND COMMUNITY CARE - DIRECTIONS - PAPER - PAPER NOTED Mr Moore (Minister for Health and Community Care) presented the following paper: Health and Community Care in the ACT - “Setting the agenda - ‘A healthy community’ - Directions for Health and Community Care in the ACT”, dated August 1998 - and moved - That the Assembly takes note of the paper. Debate ensued. Question - put and passed.

15 SPEEDRAIL - CANBERRA—SYDNEY VHST SERVICE - MINISTERIAL STATEMENT - PAPER NOTED Ms Carnell (Chief Minister), by leave, made a ministerial statement concerning the announcement of Speedrail as the preferred proponent for the Canberra-Sydney VHST service and presented the following paper: Governments announce speedrail as the preferred proponent for the Canberra—Sydney VHST service - Ministerial statement, 25 August 1998 - and moved - That the Assembly takes note of the paper. Debate ensued. Question - put and passed.

16 CHIEF MINISTER AND DEPUTY CHIEF MINISTER - MOTION OF CENSURE The order of the day having been read for the resumption of the debate on the motion of Mr Stanhope (Leader of the Opposition) - That this Assembly censures the Chief Minister and the Deputy Chief Minister for deliberately or recklessly misleading the Assembly in relation to the Hall/Kinlyside development - Debate resumed. Mr Wood addressing the Assembly - ______

Adjournment negatived: It being 5 p.m. - The question was proposed - That the Assembly do now adjourn. Mr Smyth (Minister for Urban Services) requiring the question to be put forthwith without debate - Question - put and negatived. ______Debate continued. Ordered - That Mr Wood be granted an extension of time. Debate continued. Mr Humphries (Deputy Chief Minister), by leave, was granted an extension of time for 15 minutes. Mr Corbell, by leave, again addressed the Assembly. Paper: Mr Corbell, by leave, presented the following paper: Hall/Kinlyside - Facsimile copy of ACTMAP - Rural blocks surrounding Hall, dated 4 August 1997. No. 14 - 25 August 1998 121

Mr Corbell, by leave, was granted an extension of time. Paper: Mr Corbell, by leave, presented the following paper: Hall/Kinlyside - “Development issues in the Hall district of the ACT” - Copy of letter from President of the Hall and District Progress Association for and on behalf of the District Community to Mr Gary Humphries, Deputy Chief Minister, Minister for the Arts & Heritage and Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning, dated 27 July 1997. Mrs Carnell (Chief Minister), by leave, again addressed the Assembly. Mrs Carnell, by leave, was granted an extension of time. Debate continued. Mr Stanhope (Leader of the Opposition), by leave, was granted an extension of time. Question - That the motion be agreed to - put. The Assembly voted - Ayes, 8 Noes, 9 Mr Berry Mr Stanhope Ms Carnell Mr Osborne Mr Corbell Ms Tucker Mr Cornwell Mr Rugendyke Mr Hargreaves Mr Wood Mr Hird Mr Smyth Mr Kaine Mr Humphries Mr Stefaniak Mr Quinlan Mr Moore And so it was negatived.

17 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY (BROADCASTING OF PROCEEDINGS) ACT - CENSURE MOTION DEBATE - NON-AUTHORISATION BY SPEAKER AS LANDMARK DEBATE Mr Berry, by leave, moved - That this Assembly dissents from the decision of the Speaker to not authorise the debate on the censure motion this day as a landmark debate. Debate ensued. Question - put and passed.

18 STAMP DUTIES AND TAXES (AMENDMENT) BILL 1998 Ms Carnell (Treasurer), by leave, presented a Bill for an Act to amend the Stamp Duties and Taxes Act 1987. Paper: Ms Carnell presented an explanatory memorandum to the Bill. Title read by Clerk. Ms Carnell moved - That this Bill be agreed to in principle. Debate adjourned (Mr Quinlan) and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting.

19 ADJOURNMENT Mr Stefaniak (Minister for Education) moved - That the Assembly do now adjourn. Debate ensued. Question - put and passed. 122 No. 14 - 25 August 1998

And then the Assembly, at 7.09 p.m., adjourned until tomorrow at 10.30 a.m. ______

MEMBERS' ATTENDANCE: All Members were present at some time during the sitting. ______

M.J. McRAE Clerk of the Legislative Assembly